Homesick (2015)

Okay, now it's quiet again.
We have peace at home again.
Go on! Go on!
This way...
Wait, wait, wait.
I can't get the key... ah! Now!
Hold on, we can't get through.
This way!
Just this way!
- Upended!
Yep, thanks!
All right, that's the kitchen.
the music room is straight ahead...
The living room to the left...
That goes into the kitchen,
doesn't it?
Just put it down somewhere.
Wow! Cool wall.
Yeah, we got it like that.
I think it's pretty awesome.
But Jessi considers painting it again.
- Why is that?
Other people have to pay
to get something like that done.
The bathroom is back there, right?
Hey, that wall is awesome!
The whole place is awesome.
All these rooms with high ceilings!
Melli, are you jealous?
- Haha.
A film by JAKOB M. ERWA
Can you hand me my glass of wine?
- There you go.
Thank you for all your help!
- Great flat!
Thank you.
Thank you.
What for?
For everything.
- Yes, good evening, young man!
I know you might have
other habits than we do.
But we can hear your music
very loud in our bedroom.
Oh, is it too loud? I'm sorry.
It's after midnight.
Maybe you consider calling it quits?
My husband has a light sleep.
You know?
Good evening!
- Good evening!
I'm really sorry. Well, um...
We will be quiet now.
Good night!
- Good night!
What was that?
- Hello!
We are your new neighbours
from downstairs.
We want to apologise for
the loud music, once again.
Now that's charming!
That's why you have come here?
I'm Lorenz, hello!
- Hilde Domweber.
- Jessica.
Oh, I have got
something for you as well.
Wait a moment.
A little welcome gift!
Oh, well... Thanks!
Not worth mentioning.
A warm welcome.
Sorry again for yesterday,
that won't happen again.
No hard feelings!
We once were young, too.
In the past, only people of our age
used to live here.
But some couldn't afford the rent
anymore. Others passed away.
The neighbourhood changes.
The house changes. That's how it goes.
Well then! Thanks once again!
If you need anything: ring the bell.
- Thanks!
I'm the inofficial caretaker here,
you know?
Ah! Okay.
Does every new neighbour get this?
Or is it just bad luck?
Come on, let's just put it somewhere
it may accidentally fall down.
Isn't it strange that the neighbours
can look right into our flat?
If they enjoy it.
We've got nothing to hide.
No kidding!
I guess it will be fine once
they found out how boring we are.
If you want we can
put up some curtains tomorrow?
Well, no.
But you promised that the internet
would be ok. So why isn't it working?
That's why I notified
the change of addresses that early...
Yes, I'm holding on.
So please, connect me.
Someone's in a hurry!
- You scared me!
No worries, it's just me.
We will probably meet more often.
Here? - Yes.
Ah! That does me good.
Not too hard, be more gentle.
You can massage yourself
if you're delivering a lecture.
I'll keep quiet.
They want to visit our flat.
Who are "they"?
My parents called.
So they should come and visit.
- But not as such!
Everything should look...
It's not presentable like that.
or is it?
Why not?
We're not a museum.
Hey, they know we just moved in.
Tell them we're inviting them over
for a picnic with moving boxes romance.
Yes, please?
What? Really?
Yes, okay, thank you!
Thank you. You too!
It's me. I will fly!
- Yes!
That's awesome!
I'm so happy!
I'm so happy!
Certainly the right choice.
And so bright!
Thanks, Mum.
these walls will be painted.
No, Dad. They'll stay like this.
Like this?
Yes, we like it like this.
Well, I'm only saying...
one is allowed to ask
if the one is paying half of the rent.
Jessi will be flying to Moscow
next month.
She has been chosen
from all German academies...
to represent Germany in the
"Young Classix Award".
It's an international competition
considered for the elite.
Great, darling!
Well, that sounds alright.
Will they pay the flights
or do I have to pay for this?
Dad, that's a serious thing.
Each country elects only one musician.
I've been working for
such an opportunity for years.
That's not a funny game. It's my chance.
And yes: All costs will be covered.
No worries.
Ha! That's where my tax money goes!
Well, to be serious: I'm happy for you.
I'll support you as long
as you're enjoying it.
Do you think, we should
really paint this wall?
Hey... hey.. Jessi!
What's the matter?
All in all, it has been quite
a nice evening. Huh?
You do know your father.
He doesn't know any better.
Your Mum almost didn't want to leave.
She liked it.
I shouldn't have bothered...
to arrange the whole flat in one day.
He always picks on something!
It took us so long
to find a beautiful place.
Don't let it be ruined.
Is my make-up smudged now?
A little bit.
But you're still cute.
You don't have to prove yourself
all the time.
Is it a him or a her?
And how old are you?
Umm, I don't know.
A few weeks, I guess.
It's a male, his name is Pikachu.
- Pikachu.
Actually, animals are not
allowed here.
But I won't tell anyone!
The management
didn't mention that.
Then it will be fine.
Have a nice day!
As long as it stays clean!
Come on, sweetie!
Well, then stay in there!
He needs time to acclimate.
I'm crawling over the floor for an hour.
He doesn't like me.
He likes everyone who feeds him!
Give him some time!
I gotta go or I'll be late.
Bye, you two!
- Bye!
Good morning, my dear.
- Hello.
Well, don't look so scared!
In the last part you had the courage
to make it more personal.
It's the subtle nuances,
they make the difference.
Very well done.
They are all technically excellent.
Like you are.
Don't worry.
But dare to be more emotional.
That will make the difference.
You can do it.
I know you can.
You just have to believe in yourself.
Yes, thank you.
I'm trying hard, I can do better.
- See you!
In front of whose door is that?
- In front of ours.
It was there when I got home.
- Oh Shit!
Poor thing!
- Yes, very funny. I was so amused.
Who does such a thing?
That's what I'd like to know, too.
I went up to our neighbours.
They didn't even open the door.
Maybe they weren't at home.
- They were. I could hear them inside.
Maybe they didn't
hear the bell or were busy.
Busy? With new surprises?
Lorenz, honestly: I don't know...
If you want.
I head upstairs to talk to them.
They wouldn't open the door anyway.
Told you so.
Yes? How can I help you?
Please excuse the late disturbance...
Well, my girlfriend found a small pile
in front of our door...
Animal faeces...
So we're a bit worried.
Oh my goodness.
How terrible! Poor girl!
But this wouldn't happen here.
It's a clean house.
Yes, of course.
Haven't you seen or heard
anything suspicious?
No, nothing.
Do you know who owns
a dog in this house?
There aren't any
dogs here.
Good night!
Sorry again to disturb you.
Compliments to your girlfriend!
I Will.
She shouldn't worry!
- Hello!
Thank you!
I have a stupid question:
Do you also feel like
certain neighbours
are spying on you?
No, not really.
No, it's nothing.
- Bye!
I've won dog food in a raffle recently.
Do you know who owns a dog here?
As far as I know there aren't any pets.
Ah, put it on eBay!
The buyers will even pick it up.
Good idea.
- Bye! - Bye.
I don't want to keep them
waiting with the brunch.
I guess I'd better practice.
Invite Robert and Orhan for dinner.
Maybe next week?
Must have been an extensive brunch.
You know they always
serve loads.
They wouldn't have let me go
without any gift for you.
We had a little too much wine.
hadn't we?
Me? Never.
Just them.
I see.
The smell comes from passive-drinking?
- Exactly.
Greetings from both of them.
They'd love to see our new flat.
How was your day?
Nothing special.
Where is my tiger?
My big one.
dangerous one!
Don't ask me.
I already looked where
he hid himself yesterday.
He's annoying.
The cat is annoying.
The way he is hiding all the time.
Do you think he doesn't like me?
Bullshit. He's tiny and he's afraid.
That's pretty normal.
Do you think it's stupid
if we return him?
Are you crazy?
Why not?
We won't swap him.
just because he doesn't respond.
Oh! Now look at him!
It will be fine.
Give him some time.
My little tiger.
Whose turn is it?
- Yours!
It's just been her turn.
You're such a smartass!
I'm the winner anyway!
That might be true to some degree.
I got that habit from my ex.
Every game ended with him being offended
and then he locked himself
in the bathroom!
You know him.
He was generally
a denier of intelligence.
Why were you with
that "denier"?
Hold on! Was it that certain ex...?
Now the question is superfluous.
I had a girlfriend who was
the opposite. She always won.
No matter if she knew the game or not.
No need to bring her to a game party,
'cause nobody would play with her.
Well. Lucky at cards...
One, two, three, oh!
Who has got the yellow one?
- Which ex is that?
Sabine. I'm not sure if you met before.
- The violinist.
He has got a weakness for musicians.
- I knew you would say that!
Well, she is rather pretty.
What is she up to now?
Are you still in touch?
Not really.
Maybe a message on birthdays or so.
What is she doing now?
I think she has finished the academy
and plays in an orchestra.
And which orchestra?
Jessi! If you are keen to know
you should meet her one day.
Not a good idea.
That would be a complete flop!
One might just ask.
Which orchestra?
The philharmonic orchestra.
Coffee anyone? Dessert?
I'll have both.
No coffee for him though.
Or he'll be unbearable all night.
- Yeah, right.
You can sleep on the sofa, again.
So she's stressed out?
Maybe a little tensed-up
because the competition is close.
she thinks
our neighbours are harassing us.
For real?
Like they do in the movies?
- I can hear you!
It isn't a secret, is it?
Nope, but then better show them
the photos on my mobile!
Oh no!
That was right after we moved in.
Oh, a warm welcome!
- That's disgusting!
Disgusting indeed, cut it out!
That doesn't mean
you get bullied.
Look, how delicious!
Here you are, sweetie.
- Thanks.
I wanna marry you!
May I, darling?
- I have no objections.
Hey, please, say something!
- Do we know the bride price already?
About the neighbours:
I remember.
Back in school, I used to think
all teachers were against me.
Every bad grade felt like an attack.
I'm uptight with new clients very often,
because they might have a problem
with my sexual orientation.
Well, sometimes fantasy takes off!
Hey... relax!
- I don't need to relax!
What about all the stories
about your imaginations!?
Everyone can have a bad day.
That's true.
You've got the talent. We wouldn't
have nominated you, otherwise.
You just have to go on.
Mentally, too. Especially mentally.
Of course.
I'm sorry to...
Thank you, bye!
- See you on Monday!
Focus on the essence.
Focus on how you feel the music.
I Will.
- Hello!
He says it still lacks emotions.
Though I really tried to push
everything aside and...
let myself completely into it but-
Well, maybe it's exactly that:
You shouldn't make such an effort.
- What else then?
Where should I take the feeling from?
- Out of the music.
From inside you.
But the piece is super difficult.
How should I beam myself away...
and be concentrated
completely at the same time?
What if that's all I've got?
What if I can't do it any better?
Hey, Jessi.
You'll make it.
I strongly believe in that.
What is the matter?
I don't want them to hear us.
At least they would know
we're not giving in.
I threw that angel away today.
It was creepy.
That's alright.
We don't have to keep awful gifts.
I know you don't believe me
but this is killing me.
Oh Jessi.
For how long will this go on?
I'm tiring, ain't I?
But since we moved here
you started nagging.
Just because things are going on here!
You're gone all day.
you don't realize it.
No surprise you don't believe me.
Would it be of any help if I stayed
at home with you for two or three days?
Do you really mean it?
I stay with you if it helps.
You're just saying it,
so that I'm willing?
Of course!
- I know you, darling.
Hurry! The bus is coming!
- Bye! - Bye!
As I said: One can feel
when you open up to the music.
As I said: One can feel
when you open up to the music.
What I have heard today,
was one of the best interpretations
I ever heard from students.
I really don't exaggerate.
If today was the competition...
No one could have competed with you!
Pikachu! Have you been waiting?
Why is the door open?
Hey sweetie?
How was your day?
Any more disasters?
Jessi! Hey!
Really, I have no idea.
All I know is I got home
from the academy and felt sick.
Then nothing. A blackout.
You body says: Rest.
You've got to listen
to your body, Jessi.
Where is my little one?
I just wanted to ask:
Have you noticed anything?
No, no. I haven't seen anything.
- Okay, thanks.
- Hello.
Sorry for disturbing you but...
our kitten is missing somehow-
Oh no!
Yes, have you seen him?
I'm afraid no, I'm sorry.
- Okay, though thank you.
Hello Mrs. Domweber.
One question: Our kitten is missing.
I would like to ask if maybe you...
Oh no! Which kitten?
Well, our kitten.
We brought a kitten two weeks ago...
Ah well, yes, that kitten.
Now I remember, pardon me.
No, we haven't seen it.
Though I'll keep my eyes and ears open!
Oh! Wait a moment!
You must have dropped it.
I picked it out of the garbage.
No need to be embarrassed.
Now it's as good as new!
You know, it doesn't fit to us.
I know you wanted
that's very kind but...
I don't know how to say...
Thanks a lot, but you should keep it.
- So?
You gotta go outside!
You can already smell the snow!
It won't be long.
Do you think he is still alive?
The kitten.
Do you think it's alive?
I hope so.
Do you think they are involved?
Jessi, why should any...
Come on!
I just met the Domwebers in the hallway.
They are nice people.
They asked about him.
They are alright.
We should invite them over for dinner.
You can't be serious.
I guess that's often the case:
Misunderstandings occur
because people don't know each other.
What? Misunderstandings?
Are you nuts?
Just consider getting to know them
a bit better...
Lorenz! I don't want to!
I don't want to get to know them better.
I don't want them here.
Well, fine that it has worked out!
Please, come in!
Well, fine that it has worked out!
Please, come in!
Our flat is still a bit improvised.
I can imagine.
But it's good as it is now!
We rarely have guests.
May I?
- No thanks, I often feel a bit cold.
The heater is on, young lady.
- Oh, thanks a lot!
Come in!
I take the dusty thing to an expert.
He looks at me with big eyes.
You know what he said?
"That's a repeating pistol...
Collectors would pay a fortune for it."
He made me an offer.
But I said: "No, thanks!".
It might be our old age assurance.
If anything happens I can still sell it.
The value won't decrease.
On the contrary.
You are fooling yourself!
That's the magazine.
Now the action spring is tight.
That has been opened,
the bullets go in here.
Then it's done this way.
the action spring over the bullets.
It stayed here like this
because of the bullets...
And then...
the repeating
mechanism was activated.
Bullets were inside.
The action spring was tight.
Hilde is scared by it!
But I'm always saying:
What could happen?
The thing is a hundred years old.
It won't work anymore.
I see, it doesn't work any more?
- What do you think?
So. Ready?
Erm... may I use your bathroom?
- Next to the kitchen on the right.
- The light switch is outside!
Please, have a seat!
Lorenz, maybe you sit here?
Thank you!
What is your profession?
- I'm a physiotherapist.
You heard that, Helmut?
I think they were three, right?
- Yes, but the oldest had left home.
- You don't want?
I can't handle much alcohol.
- Some more ice cream?
I can get some more if you want.
- Thank you.
I remember what I wanted to ask:
Which nice piece of music
is it you always play?
Can you hear that?
Actually I'm always
playing the quiet cello at home.
No problem.
Sometimes very slightly.
Don't worry. I really love to hear it.
It's Bach.
Suite No. 5.
Bach it is!
The fifth suite. Beautiful.
Very beautiful. And you?
Do you love Bach, too?
Well, to be honest,
only because of Jessi.
How did you get
our kitten's necklace?
I found it in your kitchen.
The one with the tiny bell.
- Jessi!
I don't understand.
What have you been looking for
in our kitchen?
What are you talking about?
That's where you're watching me from,
right? - Jessi!
But you know you're a guest here.
Don't you?
Please excuse!
She can't handle that much alcohol.
And she's very stressed lately
due to the competition in Moscow.
And the thing with our little cat
bothers her, too.
Jessi, I think it's time to leave now.
I'm not drunk.
I want to know
what's going on here.
Why is the necklace
in your kitchen? Where is our cat?
Maybe it's better
you leave now.
No, she should show us
what she has found.
But it was there.
Come on, it's been a long day. Let's go.
What's the matter, Jessi?
Hey, come on.
Lie down again.
Fuck, it's all wet.
I'll get you something, hm?
Back in a second.
I gotta go.
Have a rest, sweetie.
- Morning!
The door downstairs was wide open.
We're here for the pick-up.
First of all: Our sincere condolences
for your painful loss.
Koenig, undertaker Friedenreich.
We got a call.
So, where is the deceased?
Are you sure you got the right address?
Amann and Klug?
And who died?
It's written on here!
Klug. Jessica.
Hello Jessi!
Did you hear what I said?
I said: I called the undertakers.
They said they had no pick-up today.
Yes, please?
It's because of the laundry room.
There's laundry in the
washing machine for days. Is it yours?
Oh, yes, that's...
I forgot... I'm sorry.
What's it about?
- What have you done to my cat?
What did you - Open the fucking door!
Have you gone completely insane?
What's your problem with me?
Yeah, watch this!
The old trout is picking on me
since we moved in!
You know what she did to my cat?
She killed her! In the washing machine!
Hey, Jessi!
She killed our cat!
In the washing machine, Lorenz!
And none of you jerks
have seen anything?
Nobody knows a thing!
She wants to get rid of us
since we moved in!
You know what?
She sent
fucking undertakers after me!
But you can play this
fucking psycho-game all by yourself!
I'm not moving! I swear!
You evil witch!
And you!
You think I'm crazy, right?
Anyone else wants us to move out?
Call out, right now!
And we discuss it.
No one?
We need some quiet again, huh?
I've been thinking.
I guess we better move out.
The flat doesn't do us any good.
You mean, it doesn't do me
any good, right?
No, Jessi.
I'm talking about the two of us.
You want to give up.
I'm not giving up, Jessi.
It's not a...
- What?
They want to wear us down
and you're giving in.
But that isn't a fight, Jessi.
I want to live here.
With you. And at peace.
So why should we let them
bully us out of here?
They should move out!
I won't let myself being defeated.
Don't you see?
It isn't just about the flat,
it's much more.
It's about our attitude towards life:
Always giving up or fighting for once!
It's about us. Don't you get that?
I won't allow them to ruin us.
Jessi, you lost...
- What?
You lost control over it.
- Me?
You're blind.
You don't realize what's going on!
Fine, then I'm blind.
Jessi, I don't feel
like arguing with you.
You rather apologize than speaking
your mind. I'm sick of that, Lorenz.
Otherwise I wouldn't have
any space beside you, Jessi!
Imagine I'd act like you do.
Always head against the wall!
Jessi, this wouldn't work.
And that's okay, really.
I can deal with it.
No problem at all.
I'm here for you, too, Jessi.
But I don't know. I...
I feel like...
I'm losing you.
You're just...
Now you also believe that I'm crazy.
How long do you know me by now?
Have I ever claimed such a thing before?
Who do you believe?
Me or them?
Hey, Jessi, that's...
You're under extreme pressure
at the moment.
I'm trying to help you but...
I don't know anymore...
what do to.
I gotta get out of here, Jessi.
You should come with me. Please.
Where do you want to go?
I don't know.
Back to Philipp's or so,
for the time being.
But I stay.
Don't say that you've slept until now.
I did, somehow.
But you still remember that we wanted
to make some cookies together?
Of course.
- Good.
Another customer came in
and was all confused
because there was no one there...
I'm sorry, I have lots to do.
You have to leave.
I'm sorry for you.
If you want I'll nominate you once more.
Next year, once you... Well-
But for now...
We believe it's not the right time.
That you forgot two appointments.
Well, I think that...
That shows you're are lost
in thoughts at the moment.
You should calm down.
Who will play now instead of me?
I'm sorry.
Helmut! Take the garbage out!
Oh my god! You scared me!
Can't you knock the door?
I'm sorry, I
- It's alright.
What do you want?
Because of last time...
It's very awkward for me,
what I said back then.
I want to apologize...
You know...
I've so many things on my mind lately
and I'm not feeling that well...
It's very awkward, what I said to you.
Forget about it.
We'll talk about it some other time.
Come on.
Take a rest!
Why are you doing that?
That's not very kind.
I made the way up here
to apologize and you kick me out.
That isn't nice.
You should accept my apology.
It isn't easy at all for me, either,
after all that has happened.
I could be upset, too.
Now, are you completely nuts?
Leave! Now!
Not until we have straightened this out.
Let's sit down now and we both
calm down. - No!
Let's sit down for a moment.
Look, the way I see it,
there are three options:
The first one: We give in and move out.
Then you get what you want.
But I don't like that one.
The second one:
You move out and we stay here.
But you wouldn't want that, for sure.
so only the third option is left...
The garbage men slammed
the containers against the wall,
all the tiles fell off.
Ah! There is...
Hello, your wife and I
just sat down together.
Aw, so you haven't...
Would you like some coffee or tea?
She was about to leave.
Yes, that's true but... okay.
Coffee? Or tea?
- Tea, please. Thank you.
So what's it all about?
The three of us will discuss
the problem for good.
May I help you?
- No, no. That's fine.
That's the water for tea.
- Thanks.
Our kettle does only three cups.
So you have to...
That old thing...
Put that into the socket behind you...
And then put it in there...
We haven't got one of these
Nespresso-machines like everyone has.
Coffee is an own form of art
with an own philosophy.
Everyone has different preferences.
And you don't drink any coffee?
- I do.
Not that often.
and only espresso.
So you're ahead
of all these filter coffee people!
The paper filter keeps all these
fine oils, they can't get through,
that are important
for the taste.
All these aromas!
They stick to the paper!
Like a gold filter.
Just learnt something.
Do you know the so-called
"Karlsbader Kanne"?
Many count on it!
I say:
If you have the time, go ahead.
The aroma is really good.
Is it worth the effort?
You have to pour the hot water
little by little over the coffee.
And the coffee has to be coarse ground.
Do you want to try some of my coffee?
Wait a minute, I'll get you a...
- No!
She's leaving now!
I want you to leave.
Right now!
We said we're going
to talk about our problems.
Leave my wife alone!
Come on!
You have to leave my wife alone!
Leave my wife alone!
Help! Please...
Oh no! Now you have
a burn mark in your carpet.
I just came here to apologize.
I wanted to propose a fresh start.
And now this!
Was that necessary?!
You know what?
I think this is never, never,
never, never going to stop.
You won't ever let us alone, will you?
Okay, now it's quiet again.
We have peace at home again.
So hurry, please! Yes, I'll stay here!
May I help you?
For our neighbours