Hometown Hero (2016)

[upbeat music]
- When she walks
in the room
I know
She s the one
Who s gonna get
my attention
I see your smile
And the world stops for me
As if to say
You re my girl
And if I say
I d give it all just
To hear you say
- Okay, so your date was nuts.
Good kind of nuts
or the bad kind?
- I didn t say he was nuts.
I said he was in nuts.
He sold walnuts wholesale.
- Hmm, so you gonna
see him again?
- Of course not. He was nuts.
- Kelsey, you didn t even
get to know him.
- I got to go, Mom.
I ve got to get ready for work
and get to the office.
Um, see you later?
- Okay. Bye, sweetie.
- All right. Love you.
- I d give it all just
To hear you say
You re my
- And I offered you the house
for half the year.
It s what you said you wanted.
- You gave me September
through February.
You can t use a summer house
if it s not the summer.
- Kara, I know you don t
want to be here.
So why don t we finish this,
here and now,
so you can both disconnect
and be happy?
- Go on.
- What about July
through December for Kara?
She ll get summer months
and the Fourth of July.
Then Mr. Tavares will have
Memorial Day and June.
- That s fine.
- Okay.
- Fantastic. Okay?
Moving on.
- The Tavares are moving forward
with the divorce.
I can t believe it.
You re, like,
the divorce whisperer.
- Well, I just hope
that it catches
the attention of the partners.
- How could it not?
So did Teddy call you?
- Yeah, we are, uh,
dining tonight, actually.
I ve got to get
the list ready.
- Oh, please don t bring
the list.
- Hey, Kelsey, Stacee.
Great job
on the Tavares account.
- Will you tell Jason?
- He already did.
You did great.
- Thank you, Jason.
- Would you like to join Mitch
in the conference room?
- The Ballentines
have it booked.
- Yes, they do.
- You want me
on the Ballentine account?
With Mitch?
- I think you re ready.
Do you?
- Absolutely.
- All right, go and do it, then.
- Looks like it was just
a spider bite.
Just give him these
as prescribed,
and he should be back to normal
in a day or two.
- Thank you so much,
Dr. Curry.
You have no idea
the difference
this little dog s made
in my dad s life.
After my mother passed away,
he was so heartbroken,
he wouldn t even
leave the house.
- I really didn t do anything.
Most people just need
companionship and loyalty.
Pets provide that, Miss Reed.
- Please, call me Jessica.
Thank you.
- Just doing my job.
- Let s move on to vehicles,
shall we?
- Well, I obviously
get the Porsche.
- And why would you
get the Porsche?
- If you would like
to make this difficult,
just give me the jet,
and we ll call it a day.
- [sighs] Fine.
You can have the Porsche.
- Now it s just a matter
of the dog.
- She s mine.
- No, she s mine.
- She s mine.
- So you both want the dog?
- Can you excuse us a second?
Oh, and take the dog.
I don t want her to hear this.
- Take the dog.
[quirky music]
- Uh, wait a second.
Why don t you stay?
I might need a witness.
- You want me to do what?
- It s the only way
to close out this divorce.
- I just didn t think
that my contribution
would be so...hairy.
- Well, it s just temporary.
You do want to be partner of
this firm someday, don t you?
- Of course.
I will take care of the dog.
both: Great.
[dog whining]
- Uh, does it have a name?
- Daisy.
- Daisy.
Hey, Mom.
I could stay.
I mean, I ve yet to even meet
this Teddy guy,
and it could be beneficial
gauging his reaction
to rescheduling the date.
If he flips out,
he could be a lunatic.
- That s what the date s for.
- [sighs]
Will she be all right?
- Oh, honey, I had
six dogs growing up.
I think I m okay
with this one.
How long is this for again?
- Two months.
- Two months?
You need a dog walker.
- Yeah...
- Fine. I ll do it.
- What are you doing?
- Lovishness.
It s a social app for singles.
Ooh, this guy
is a retired firefighter.
We ve been chatting.
- Okay, where s my list?
- No, come on.
You re taking the list?
- I always take the list.
- [sighs]
- Bye.
- Good-bye. Have fun.
Go easy on him.
- [laughs]
- Hey, how s the budget looking?
- Not too good.
Looks like we ll have to ask
for an increased grant
of 8% just to break even.
- There s no way the board
is gonna allow that.
Last year, the change
was a 3% decrease.
What about raising the fees
and general costs
that we charge people?
- Some of our patients
have owners
who can barely afford
the cost as it is.
- Sometimes you re fine
if they don t even pay at all.
- I m gonna rework
the budget proposal,
and if I really stress
all the good
that these animals do,
the board ll have to increase
the grant.
- And if they don t?
That grant is our largest
source of income.
- I m sure they ll approve it.
They have to.
- All right.
[indistinct chatter]
- So how do you know Stacee?
- Oh, uh, we met
at a charity run last year.
- Oh, she does, like,
100 of those a year.
- Well, uh, she told me
to give her my card
if I wanted to meet
the girl of my dreams.
- Stacee said what?
- I gave her my card
cause it sounded intriguing.
- Hmm.
So your eating habits
are normal, good.
And, uh, what was your favorite
baseball team?
- Did you just say
my eating is normal?
- And are you more of an Elvis
or Beatles fan?
- Is this a test?
- No!
- It sounds like you re reading
from a list.
Are you reading from a list?
That s--
- I m trying
to get a sense
of our compatibility.
- Well, that s very, uh...
- No. No.
I mean, you don t have to fit
every category.
- What kind of lawyer
did you say you were again?
- I specialize
in divorce mediation.
- Excuse me?
Yeah, can we get
the check, please?
- Of course.
[bright music]
- Hey.
Still grading papers?
- Yes, I am.
You had a late one?
- Yeah, I know.
I m sorry.
- Well, there s some chicken
in the fridge.
- Being a first-year partner
is a crazy workload.
There s so many clients,
so many people under me,
and then there s
dealing with Jason.
I mean, that guy is a bit--
- A bit strange?
- He thinks outside the box.
- [laughs]
- How s the world s best
history teacher doing?
- Well, I might have to take
a leave of absence
in the near future.
- Why?
- I m pregnant.
- That s fantastic.
- Yeah.
- Okay, so tell me, tell me,
tell me, tell me, tell me.
- Well, technically, it s not
completely official yet.
The pregnancy test was positive,
but I made an appointment
with my doctor to make sure.
[swelling romantic music]
- So how d it go?
- Mm-mm.
Hey, Daisy.
- You have to give her
Here, I brought her
these treats.
She loves em.
- It s a sit.
She doesn t need a treat.
- If she s gonna do something,
she needs to get something.
She knows that.
- Hey, Daisy.
- See?
- Great, so she s gonna
get fat
learning how to sit.
- She can read
your attitude, miss.
- Really?
- Yes. You know what?
You need to make yourself
available for love
before anything can love you.
- Where did you read that?
- Someone Lovished it to me.
- They Lovished it to you?
- Doesn t make it any less true.
- I will take that
under advisement.
[dog groans]
[objects crashing]
What happened?
Daisy! What did you do?
[dog groaning]
Oh, no.
No, no, no, no, no.
- The nearest animal hospital
is Glendale First.
You are seven minutes away.
Turn right
at the next intersection.
[dramatic music]
Oh, no.
[buzzer blaring]
- Can I help you?
- Are you the vet?
- I am.
- I have a-a dog in my car.
She s very sick.
I need help.
- Let s get her
to the exam room.
Yeah, she s definitely bloated.
He breathing s a bit labored.
What happened?
- Um, she got into
some leftovers.
It was an accident.
She s not even my dog.
I m dog-sitting for work.
- Well, seems that she s
just overeaten.
- So...
she s not sick?
- She gorged herself.
Sometimes dogs this young
don t know when to stop eating,
which is why you need
to measure out their food.
Walking is good for her.
- Gotcha.
Thank you so much.
- Harrison. Curry.
- Kelsey. Drummond.
How much do I owe you
for telling me
that she s
an emotional overeater?
- Why don t you bring her back
so I can give her
a full examination,
make sure everything s okay?
We can settle the bill then.
- It would have to be late.
Like, after work?
- That s fine.
- Sounds good.
- Okay. I got you.
- I thought that we were going
to figure out a way
to divide our assets evenly.
So far, I am just getting scraps
from the dinner plate.
- Scraps?
Six months out of the year
in Florida is not scraps.
You don t appreciate anything
I ve done for you.
- I love lakes.
- Oh, no, I m not giving you
Jackson Hole.
End of discussion.
- You give me the lake house,
this ends right here,
right now.
- That house is my happy place.
You don t even like to fish.
- Maybe I ll start.
- Okay.
If--if I give you Jackson Hole,
you ll agree
to the rest of the terms?
- Yes.
- [sighs]
- Ugh!
- Oh.
- [laughs]
- The Ballentines
have six properties
in three countries,
and both of their inheritances
are included
in their assets.
Why don t these people
sign prenups?
- No, no one wants
to think about divorce
before they get married.
It s like acknowledging
the inevitable.
- Houses, cars,
boats, stocks...
These people have more money
and possessions
than I would know
what to do with.
So how s the dog-sitting going?
- Oh, where to start?
Um, Daisy has destroyed
my living room,
and apparently
my most comfortable
pair of shoes
are also the tastiest.
- Mm, that sounds tough.
- Yeah, and dogs are expensive.
I ve already brought her
to the vet for tummy troubles,
and those hours aren t billable.
But Jason gave the task to me,
and I am going to show him
that I am a team player.
- Hey.
Did you get the new
Ballentine terms?
- I just finished them.
- No, no. The new-new one.
- What new-new one?
- Came in about 20 minutes ago.
The husband had a suggestion
on our new stock division.
- I ve just been working
on this last set an hour.
- Check your emails.
[quirky music]
- But this is totally different.
When do you need it?
- First thing.
- Jason.
I told Michelle
I d be home for dinner.
- Try the new Spanish diet.
They don t eat
till midnight.
- But it s not a schedule.
It s a...
- Hey, may I help you?
- Hello, I m Kelsey Drummond.
I m here with Daisy.
- Ah, yes.
We re expecting you.
I m Andre.
- Hi.
- Dr. Curry s just in the back
finishing up on some work.
- Not a worry.
I was just noticing
all of these articles
and awards.
- Yeah, those are all
for Dr. Curry s therapy program.
- Therapy?
- Yeah, he matches patients
with animals to help them
heal and cope
with, well, pretty much
anything that ails them.
- Wow.
- Miss Drummond.
Welcome back.
Hope you haven t
been waiting long.
- Oh, not at all.
I was just admiring
all of your
success stories.
Is that you
with the mayor?
- Oh, yeah.
His brother was a marine
who suffered from PTSD.
Nothing the company of
a Labrador couldn t help with.
Should we head back?
- Yeah, sure.
- All right.
- Come on, Daisy.
- Hey, Daisy.
So is she chipped?
- Chipped?
- Oh, here.
Let s see.
[device beeps]
Oh, there it is.
Looks like she has one.
If she ever gets
lost and found,
any shelter can use this
to contact her owner.
Here. Try this.
- Oh. Thanks.
- Mm-hmm.
So how did Daisy
come into your company?
- I have to watch her for work.
I m a divorce mediator.
- A divorce mediator?
I don t know what that is.
- Mediation is how a couple
can legally settle a divorce
without a judge deciding
who gets what.
- And how does Daisy
come into play?
- It s a client s pet.
I was asked to watch her
until a settlement is reached.
I m hoping that it will
impress my boss.
- The old "dog-sitting
to get ahead in work" tactic.
- So the fate of my career
rests on her furry
little shoulders.
- And she looks great.
She s got a great coat,
great teeth.
You are in great shape,
Miss Daisy.
Here we go.
And she hasn t
eaten anything
she s not supposed to,
has she?
- Oh, nothing besides
my shoes and furniture.
- Yeah, you re probably gonna
need to crate train her
for a while since
she s new to your home.
- I don t know how I m gonna get
through the next two months.
- Well, I do help out with
training and care assistance,
if you re interested.
- I am interested.
- Okay.
Well, then I can meet
this weekend.
If you re available.
- I m available.
- Okay.
- Why are these properties
so important to them?
- They re probably not.
They probably just do it
to make the other suffer.
You know how these couples are.
- Yeah.
Well, we ll just have to get
started on the new terms.
- Oh, there is
one other thing: the dog.
- Does Mrs. Ballentine
want her
to get the house
in Jackson Hole?
- She just wants to make sure
the dog is fine.
She is doing fine, right?
- Oh, yeah, just tell
Mrs. Ballentine
that she is good and healthy.
- All right, well, she d like
to see for herself.
- What, does she want to make
a house call or something?
- [laughs]
You have her information.
Photos and videos
will suffice, so...
All right, let s get back
to these terms.
- Okay.
- Daisy.
You re not so bad.
I don t know what Kelsey s
always complaining about.
You re a good girl.
[computer chiming]
Oh, my goodness.
What do you think?
Should we talk to him
I mean webcam-to-webcam?
[dog barks]
[keyboard key clacks]
- Hello. Finally.
- [laughs]
Hi, Fireman Randy.
- You know, I got to admit,
you took a while
to answer my video request.
I thought maybe
you weren t interested.
- Uh, no, actually,
you are the first person
that I have ever Lovished.
- So now that we ve spoken,
we should probably meet.
I mean, it s kind of hard
to make a connection
through a screen.
- Uh, yeah.
That--that would be lovely.
How about Thursday night?
- Thursday it is.
I know the perfect spot.
- Great.
Email me when and where.
I have a date
with a fireman
[dog barks]
- So she just keeps going.
Should I stop her?
- This is her walk,
so unless you re in a hurry,
she ll let you know when she
wants to stop, Miss Drummond.
- Okay, for starters,
I appreciate you
sharing your expertise,
but you ve got to stop with
the "Miss Drummond" stuff.
[laughs] My name is Kelsey.
- Sorry.
All right, all right,
then please,
feel free to call me Harrison.
- Oh, well, I was going to,
because we re peers,
and it s not the 1800s.
- [laughs]
[cell phone chimes]
- Oh.
- Sorry. Work emails.
- No worries.
- Weekends don t mean much
to my boss.
- Aha, too many broken hearts?
- Most of the time,
our clients
are way past
the broken heart stage.
They re in the, uh,
"How much can I squeeze
out of this?" phase.
- Ooh, those don t sound
like fun phases.
- No, but...
everyone s got em.
- Well, it seems like
your work has
given you quite the outlook
on relationships.
- Dr. Curry.
Good to see you.
- Oh, hello,
Miss Reed, Scout.
- How have you been?
- Good, good.
I m just here helping out
with some dog training.
- Personal consultation?
I didn t know you did those.
I ll have to make
an appointment.
- Oh, that shouldn t
be necessary.
I don t think Scout
is causing too many problems.
Have a good day.
She s one of my clients.
I was the one who found Scout
for her father.
- Oh, so her father
is another
successful patient
of the program?
- That s right.
- Quite the hero
in these parts.
- I hate that term.
Besides, it s really the animals
who are the heroes.
Isn t that right, Daisy?
They re the ones who are there
for people constantly,
loyal without judgment,
and require nothing in return.
- Except belly rubs
and liver treats.
- That s true.
But that s still more
than you can say
for most people, right?
I m sure your work
has shown you that.
- Oh, yes, plenty of times.
- So it would be helpful
to come by your house
just to see how Daisy is
in a home environment.
- Uh, sure.
- Cool.
- Oh, I almost forgot.
- You documenting
the training?
- Uh, it s for the owner.
- Ah.
- Just to let her know
that everything s fine.
- Ah. Yeah, you re fine.
Everything s fine.
[upbeat music]
- How long do these
blood tests take?
- They re just making sure
they do it right.
- Sorry for the wait.
- It s fine.
- So what s the news?
- Well--
[cell phone rings]
- I m just gonna put that
on vibrate.
- So?
- Well, here are
your blood tests.
It means...you are going
to be parents.
- So it s official?
- Yes, it s official.
- How far along?
- About five weeks.
- So we should expect
the baby in, like...
- 35 weeks.
Pregnancy lasts
40 weeks, Mitch.
- Yeah, yeah,
I didn t know if you--
I knew that.
I knew that.
[cell phone buzzes]
Look, I m sorry, work.
- Maintaining
a good home environment
is the most important aspect
of dog ownership.
After all, it is where they
spend the most time.
So you ll just want to secure
and hide any loose wires
or cables that might be
lying around.
Daisy ll want to chew
right through those.
- I ll take care of that
right away.
- And she s not left alone
for too long during the day,
is she?
Like when you re at work
or out?
Dogs don t really like that,
especially at her age.
- Well, when I m at work,
my mom comes by to check on her,
and aside from the office,
I m pretty much always here.
I don t really have
anywhere else to be.
And saying that out loud
makes my life sound very sad.
- No, no, no.
I-I get it.
I m the same way.
I see you have a crate.
That s good.
It ll help keep Daisy
from destroying things at night.
Do you move it to the bedroom
when you go to bed?
- Uh, no.
Should I?
- Definitely.
Dogs are social animals.
They don t like to sleep alone.
- Hmm.
- Well, for the most part,
your home looks
pretty accommodating for a dog.
Just keep your clothes away
if you don t want them chewed on
and make sure any food
is in a safe place.
Wouldn t want another
cobbler incident.
- Okay, that cobbler
would have gone uneaten
if she didn t always
jump on everything.
When can we train that out?
I feel like every time
she sees me,
she wants to jump on me.
- Well, jumping is actually
an instinctive display
of affection from a dog.
When they re puppies,
they learn
to lick their mother s
face and eyes.
That s why Daisy
jumps on you.
She just wants
to lick your face
because she recognizes you
as her mother.
- That actually sounds
kind of sweet.
- Yeah.
- I know she doesn t look
like a handful,
but I wouldn t be able
to handle this without you.
- It s no problem, really.
Should we head
to the bedroom, then?
- What?
- To move the crate in?
- Oh, right. Yeah.
- Lead the way.
[indistinct chatter]
- Daisy, come here.
Good girl.
Good girl.
Oh, she s such a good girl.
- Okay.
There you go,
Mrs. Ballentine.
[cell phone whooshes]
Why does she respond to you
and not me?
- I don t know.
Maybe dogs can sense
- Great, so I m without that?
- What s up?
You look exhausted.
- Just work, long day.
- Well, it s not over yet.
You need to walk Daisy.
- Why can t you?
- Oh, come on.
What, do you think
I dressed this nice
for you and the dog?
- I do not judge
your fashion choices.
- I have a date.
- A date?
- Yes, and I am late enough
already as it is.
Wish me luck.
- Good luck.
- Thank you.
- Well, it looks like we are
taking a walk, Daisy.
- So I m just really nervous.
- Oh, there s nothing
to be nervous about.
- You would think, after so many
years of meeting people,
that it would get easier, but--
- It doesn t get easier,
does it?
- No, no.
Well, guess that s why
I resorted to online dating.
So how about you?
Why did you join
the Lovishness community?
- [laughs]
Uh, you know,
I guess I just wanted
to find someone
to connect with.
My husband passed away
about ten years ago,
and, you know,
things were okay
when my daughter
was living at home,
but then she grew up.
She moved out,
you know, and...
I don t know. It just--
it gets hard being alone.
- No, I get it.
As a single father,
when my youngest left the nest,
I honestly didn t know
what I was gonna do.
I would--I actually
caught myself
talking to an empty house.
- Well, at least
you always know
what your response
is gonna be, right?
- Hmm?
- Cause you were just talking
to yourself, so you--
Oh, just forget it.
It was a stupid joke.
[clears throat]
Um, so did you, uh--
did you find a way
to help with the loneliness?
- Well, actually,
I got a dalmatian,
and now he s my best friend.
- [laughing] Come on.
- Yeah.
- A fireman with a dalmatian?
That is funny.
- Why is that funny?
- Well, cause the dalmatian.
It s traditionally
the firehouse dog.
- Right, right.
I never made that connection.
[clears throat]
- Easy, girl, easy.
[dog growls]
Daisy, no!
[dog barking]
Okay, um...
[line rings]
- Hi, you ve reached
the voice mail
of Rhonda Drummond,
AKA Rhondagirl at Lovishness.
Leave me a message,
and I ll get back to you
if I find you worthy
of my attention.
- Mom, why aren t you answering?
I need you.
Uh, okay, call me.
[cell phone rings]
- Harrison Curry.
- Harrison, uh, it s--
it s Kelsey.
I was walking Daisy
in my neighborhood,
and she got away from me.
I don t know what to do,
and I didn t know
who else to call.
- Well, don t worry.
I will be right over.
I ll meet you at your place.
- Okay, great.
- No problem.
- Shouldn t we go
to the shelter?
Could we track
the microchip?
- Microchip isn t a GPS.
It ll only identify her
once she s found and turned in,
and then they contact
who she s registered to.
- That s the Ballentines.
They can t know
that I ve lost her.
- Hey, don t worry.
We will find her, okay?
[breathes deeply]
- I just know that I ve lost her
and I have messed everything up.
- You make these claims
like you re so confident
with how things will be.
- Is that bad?
- No, no, no. No.
But you can t always know
how things
are gonna turn out.
Like your clients,
none of them got married
knowing it would end
in divorce.
- Trust me, I have seen
plenty of couples
where divorce
was no surprise.
- Okay, maybe that was
a bad example.
What about Daisy?
- What about her?
- Well, you didn t think
you d like Daisy,
but now you re worried sick
about her,
and I don t think
it s just because of work.
- Wait a minute.
We re back at my house.
You took us in a circle?
We re supposed to be looking
for Daisy.
- I was just trying
to give it time.
- Give what time?
[gasps] Daisy!
Oh, how did you get back here?
Oh, you re such a good girl!
- See?
Most dogs make their way home.
- Thank you.
I really appreciate it.
- No problem.
Uh, we should probably work
on leash training soon,
make sure this doesn t
happen again.
- Sounds good.
Thanks again.
- Night.
- Night.
Come on.
Come on, Daisy.
Oh, is this cause
you love me, Daisy?
Oh, yeah, that--no,
that s getting a little gross.
- Hey, is everything okay?
I got your calls,
your messages.
Is Daisy okay?
- Oh, she s--she s right here.
She s fine.
- Okay, what happened?
Tell me more.
Tell me more.
- I lost control of Daisy,
and she ran off,
and I didn t know who else
to call, so I called the vet.
We walked around and talked
until we got back here,
and Daisy was waiting for us.
- That s it?
- Well, there s not really
anything else to share.
Why don t you tell me
about your date?
- Oh, sadly,
connecting online
is not the same
as connecting in person.
- Mom, I m sorry.
- Eh, don t worry about it.
I am much more interested
in what happened on your date.
- Okay, it was not a date.
- Oh, come on.
A moonlight walk
around the neighborhood,
talking and getting
to know each other?
- That s just something
two people do.
- It s also what a date is.
It just felt
weirdly natural to you
cause you didn t
take your list.
- Okay, people, the Ballentines
will be back in a few days.
We ll have to produce
something new.
We may need
to start all over again
and get everything in order
to find something
that they will agree on.
Be best to clear
your schedules.
This is gonna take a while.
[cell phone buzzing]
Something more important, Mitch?
- Of course not, sir.
- Good.
Let s get to work, then.
- [sighs]
Oh, no.
Stacee, look, I got to go.
Tell Jason and Kelsey
it was an emergency.
I think there might be
something wr--
Uh, never mind.
Michelle, what are you
doing here?
- I couldn t reach you.
- Look, what happened?
Is everything okay?
- I had a--I felt an intense
abdominal pain earlier,
and it really scared me.
I took a taxi to the doctor
and then here.
- So what is it?
Is the baby okay?
- It was nothing.
The doctor gave me and the baby
a clean bill of health.
- Babe, that is--that s great.
I m glad that you re both okay.
- But I couldn t
reach you, Mitch.
- Now, I know. I know.
And I ve been
in a meeting all day,
and I ve just not had
a chance to respond.
- Things are different
now that we re having a baby.
I need to know I can reach you.
- I m sorry.
You--you are
absolutely right.
I m gonna talk to Jason.
I ll explain to him
my situation,
and he ll understand.
Sweetheart, I will never
miss another call, okay?
Now come here.
Both of you come over here.
Come here.
[soft music]
- [laughs]
It s here.
- Oh, shoot, they mailed it?
- So?
- Well, they only mail bad news.
Good news, you call
and congratulate the person.
Bad news, they send you a letter
and never have
to deal with you again.
- Yeah, but they also mail
checks, so...
- I m not, no.
This is my life s work.
You read it.
- Oh, so you re gonna make me
the bearer of bad news?
- So you think
it s bad news too?
- Fine.
I ll get this over with
if you re gonna be a baby
about it.
- Well?
- So, uh,
they didn t approve
the grant increase.
- But without more money,
we won t be able
to function properly.
- They noticed that too,
which is why they decided
to deny us a grant completely.
- What?
- Yeah, apparently they feel
that if the money
they can provide
isn t enough for our uses,
it d be more helpful elsewhere.
- Ugh.
- I m sorry.
See, that--that s why I didn t
want to be the one to read it.
So what now?
- There are other foundations,
and there are other grants.
We ll figure it out.
This clinic hasn t closed yet,
so right now,
it s business as usual.
- All right, you got it, boss.
- [sighs heavily]
So most dogs
will pull on their leash
because they re full
of excess energy,
so before we start
walking Daisy,
it ll be helpful
to just play some fetch
or let her run around.
[cell phone ringing]
Uh, sorry, I should
probably take this.
- Dr. Curry, it s Ranger.
- Okay, what s wrong?
- I don t know.
He s not himself.
He s acting really strange.
Please hurry.
- Okay. No, I will be
right over.
- Thank you so much.
I appreciate it.
- Bye.
I am really sorry,
but I m gonna have to go.
A military veteran
that s part of my program
is worried about
his therapy dog.
So can we maybe
do this another day?
- Oh, yeah, no problem.
But we did
drive here together.
- Well, would you mind
coming along?
- Of course not.
I mean, if it s an emergency.
- Yeah, thank you.
- Yeah.
- Thank you, and it shouldn t
be too long.
- Come on, Daisy.
[knock at door]
- Come in.
- Hey, Mr. Levy.
This is, uh, Kelsey Drummond
and Daisy.
- Dr. Curry, thank you so much
for coming.
I didn t know
what else to do.
- Not a problem,
not a problem.
Let s take a look
and see how Ranger s doing.
- He just started
coughing today,
and I don t know why.
- Does it happen often?
- Yeah, I think.
I m not that sure.
- Okay, all right,
let s take a listen.
Hey, bud.
Just as I thought.
That cough sounds familiar.
Have you taken him
anywhere recently
where there were other dogs?
- He was at the groomer s
a couple of days ago.
- Okay, sounds like he caught
kennel cough.
It s highly contagious,
but it s very common.
It s not a serious problem
at all.
Has he been eating well
and acting like himself?
- Yeah.
- Okay, then he should
be better in about a week,
but I ll get you
some antibiotics
just in case, all right?
Where s his crate?
- It s in the bedroom.
- Okay, why don t you take him
there to rest,
and I ll be right behind you?
- Okay.
- All right.
Everything okay?
- I m just amazed
to see someone
care so much for their pet.
- Why?
- I ve never been much
of an animal person.
- Well, Mr. Levy suffers
from combat trauma.
Ranger is his calming influence
when Mr. Levy s
anxiety levels increase.
- I get that,
but they are
different species.
They can t communicate.
It s not like they have
anything in common.
- Relationships don t come
from commonality.
I mean, thinking that love would
come out of something like,
I don t know,
a list of interests,
I mean, that would be crazy.
- Oh, yeah, totally crazy.
- Yeah.
- So where do you think
it comes from?
- Oh, I don t know.
Something deeper.
But I m not the right person
to ask about this stuff.
- Why s that?
- Honestly, I-I feel like
I connect with animals more
because they don t hide
who they are or how they feel,
kind of like you.
- So I m like a dog?
- No, I just meant you--
you re straightforward,
easy to understand.
- Doc?
- Uh, yeah.
- Duty calls, hero.
- [clears throat]
[clears throat]
Uh, just give me a minute
and we re good to go.
[soft music]
- This is taking forever.
- You late for something?
- I was just trying to get home
at a decent hour.
I feel like Michelle
feels like
she s without a husband
right now.
- Oh, I m sure she understands
how demanding work s been.
- Yeah, I j--I m just--
I m spent.
I d rather be home
with Michelle.
- We still need
to completely reevaluate
the Ballentine assets.
- What about
a change of scenery?
- Ooh, I don t know.
Restaurants are dangerous.
The last time we tried
to work at one,
the waiter spilled
kung pao chicken
all over
the financial documents,
and chili peppers
were dropping out of the files
at a meeting a week later.
I m pretty sure that s why
we had the ant problem.
- Yeah, so that s not
what I had in mind.
Um, I was thinking maybe
we could just work
from my house.
- It s okay with me
if it is with Michelle.
- Of course. I ll call her,
give her a heads-up.
I get to spend time
with my lovely wife.
You get a home-cooked meal.
Then we hammer out
the new terms.
- Done.
[door shuts]
Honey, I m home.
- [laughs]
Kelsey, good to see you again.
- You too.
- Let me help you with that.
- Oh, thanks.
- Manners, I m so sorry.
- Good to see you.
- Good to see you.
- Uh, let me take your stuff.
- Sure.
- And I ll be right back.
- So how s work?
Must be busy,
from what I can tell.
- I assume that you ve heard
about our difficult clients?
- I ve been told.
Come on, dinner s almost ready.
- Something smells good.
Well, I m glad
that your students
aren t as rambunctious
as Mitch was when he was a kid.
- Oh, you and me both.
- I was not that bad.
- [laughs]
How about you?
Mitch told me
all about the dog.
How s it been?
- It started out rough,
bad dog pun not intended.
- When do you have
to give her back?
- Soon.
- Is everything all right?
- I guess I m just
getting used
to having her around,
which is weird cause I never
pictured myself with a dog.
- Guess you never know
how life s gonna turn out.
- More coffee?
- I m good.
Um, you re not having any?
- Oh, no, I probably
shouldn t have any.
- Shouldn t?
What, are you pregnant
or something?
Wait, are you?
- We weren t going
to tell anybody
since it s still so soon.
- Oh, congratulations!
- Thank you.
- Wow, so...
work, marriage,
and a kid, huh?
How are your juggling skills?
Sorry, something I said?
- Not at all.
- We should get started.
I already tried
the art collection.
Lucy wanted
the postmodern pieces.
Then it started
this whole debate
over what constituted
- It sounds like late nights
freshman year of college.
- Sounds like
your college experience
was different than mine.
- Are these two gonna find
common ground on anything?
- I think the only thing
they agree on is divorce.
- What if they haven t
agreed on that?
- What do you mean?
- These sessions
are the only thing
that s bringing
these two together.
After this is all over,
they ll be completely out
of each other s lives.
What if Lucy
is turning down every option
because she doesn t
want that to happen?
- So she s unable
to finalize the divorce
cause she doesn t want
to get divorced.
- I mean, they each
have enough money
to replace anything they lose.
These physical objects
and properties
are essentially meaningless.
What if the one thing
that Lucy doesn t want to lose
is her husband?
- After spending
all that time with them,
more than any other client,
do you really believe that?
I think the only thing
they have in common is money.
- Well, relationships
don t come from commonality.
There s an unexplainable
and emotional connection,
an understanding.
- Huh, and where did that
come from?
But listen,
whatever the solution,
I hope you find it.
You know you have
my recommendation for partner,
but Jason s got a lot of stock
riding on this client,
and, um, I don t know
how things will go
if we don t make them happy.
All right, listen,
that s enough for tonight.
It s getting late.
- Sounds good.
I ll show myself out.
- Oh, boy.
I will see you tomorrow.
- Did you figure
everything out?
- We re getting there.
- So it s still going
to be a while
until I get my husband back?
- I don t think you need
to worry about that so much.
Mitch loves you
more than anyone ever.
I don t think I ve met
a more perfect couple
than the two of you,
and I don t think being
overworked changes that.
- Sure gets in the way,
- If anyone can get through it,
it s you and Mitch,
and you are gonna make
amazing parents.
- [laughs]
Oh, thank you.
- Anytime.
Hey, Mom.
- Hey.
- Thanks again
for watching Daisy tonight.
- Oh, not a problem.
- I ll try not to have
another late night like this
so you can go on more
Loverly dates
or whatever they re called.
- Yeah, well,
don t worry about it.
I m not sure how much longer
I m willing to try that.
- Why not?
I thought you were
having fun with it.
- Yeah, I mean, it s fun,
but it is so hard
to find compatibility
through computers.
- I thought that s how those
website and apps worked.
- [laughs]
Yeah, sweetie, but love does not
come from a checklist.
- That is what everyone
keeps telling me.
- I just want to find someone
I have a connection with.
- Um, hello?
Flesh and blood
sitting right next to you.
- Yes, and I love you,
and you know it.
I could not ask
for a better friend,
but you also know that s not
the type I m talking about.
- I know.
- You know,
I never tell you this,
but, um, one of the main reasons
I have no problem
coming and helping you
with Daisy is,
I hate being all alone
in my own place.
- Mom, I didn t know that.
You know that you can
come over here anytime
as long as you call first.
- Ugh.
- Hey, how about
you stick around
and we ll put on a movie?
- Yes.
I will go make popcorn.
- [sighs]
- Mrs. Ballentine.
- Ms. Ballentine.
- Of course, Ms. Ballentine.
- Well, I just came from another
unsuccessful meeting,
and I thought I would just
stop by and ask about Daisy.
The videos you ve been sending
have been great.
- I m glad that you ve
enjoyed them,
and Daisy is doing just fine.
- Good to hear.
- And I know that we ve yet
to come to terms
that everybody can agree on,
but I am still hard at work
figuring it out for you.
- Well, thank you.
- Ms. Ballentine?
I know that it s not my place
to comment on your relationship,
but can I ask you something?
- Sure.
- Are you sure that divorce
is right for you?
- [laughs]
- I mean, I know that your
relationship seems broken,
but is there a reason you can t
agree on how to end it?
Because maybe
you don t want to?
- Well, that is not
what I expected
a divorce mediator to say.
- Well, I ve--
I ve learned a lot recently,
changed my perspective,
and I think, if you re having
doubts about everything,
you should probably
talk to him about it.
He might feel the same way.
- Noted.
Do I owe the firm anything
for this consultation?
- Free of charge.
- Hmm.
[computer chimes]
[phone rings]
- Mitch, this is your reminder
about the appointment
with the doctor.
- Thanks, Stacee.
- Hey, Mitch.
You got a second?
- I m heading out to that
appointment I told you about.
- Of course,
but the partners and I
are gonna have a quick meeting
about the Ballentines
and the possibility
of bringing in a new partner.
- Really?
- Bringing in a new partner
will help lighten up the load.
- I really got
to get going, though.
- I promise it ll be quick.
Come on.
- Hey, how is everything?
- You missed the appointment,
and I had to take
a taxi again.
- Yeah, I know--
- Since my car s
in the shop, remember?
- I know,
and I m--I m so sorry.
But I m--hey, hey.
But I m here now.
Look, I was on my way out
when Jason pulled me
into a meeting to discuss
bringing on a new partner.
This is a good thing.
Bringing on a new partner
will--will give me more time.
- But you promised you wouldn t
miss the appointment.
- Once a new partner is chosen,
I ll never miss
an appointment again.
Look, things will settle down.
- Until they pick back up again.
- Look, babe, that s--that s
just the way work is sometimes.
It s busy, and then it s not.
- I know how hard you work,
but I need my husband.
- So where are we?
- We re, um, heading home.
[somber music]
- [sighs]
- Hey, Andre.
- Hey, Kelsey.
Where s Daisy?
- At home.
I m actually here
for a different matter.
- Oh, really?
- I would like to look
at your felines, please.
- Hmm, trying to find
a little friend for Daisy, huh?
You know there s this old saying
about dogs and cats.
- The cat actually
isn t for me.
It s a gift for someone
who could use the company.
- Giving someone
a living animal as a gift?
Eh, kind of a risky move.
- I m willing to take that risk.
Hey, Harrison.
- Oh.
- Hello.
How are you?
- I m fine.
- Are you okay?
You seem a bit off.
- No, I m fine.
Just preoccupied.
- Hey, Amy, would you mind
taking Miss Drummond here
to the back
to check out some cats?
- Sure.
- I ll be right there
to help you.
- Okay, sounds good.
- What is with you, man?
- Just a bit distracted.
Been on the phone all day
with foundations about grants
and then trying to see
if there s any way
I can shrink the budget.
- Well, why don t you
talk to her about it?
- We don t need to bother
anybody else with this, okay?
It s gonna be just fine.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- Here you go, kiddo.
[door shuts]
- Hey, Mom.
- Hey.
Oh, what you got there?
[soft music]
- This little man
is for you.
- It s not another fireman,
is it?
- [laughs]
[cat meows]
- Oh, my goodness,
he s adorable.
- After we talked
the other night,
I thought that maybe
you could use a friend,
especially since Daisy s
leaving soon.
- Honey, thank you.
Wait, does this make me
a cat lady?
- It makes you
a lady with a cat?
- Okay, I can live with that.
- I think you need
at least two more
before you can join
the cat lady club.
- Wait, I was lonely,
so you got me a pet?
Does this mean you re starting
to get the beauty
of connecting with something?
- I guess my experience
with Daisy
has changed my perspective.
But don t start
with the "I told you so."
- Oh, please, Kelsey,
I m your mother.
I raised you.
Every minute of your life
is an "I told you so"
moment for me.
Now this little guy and I,
we got to go to the store
and get you some treats,
make you nice and fat,
some little toys,
ooh, some cute little clothes.
- No, no, no, don t do that.
Don t be that person
who buys their pet clothes.
- I m gonna get
matching outfits for myself.
- I have made
a terrible mistake.
- And, Kelsey?
- Yeah, Mom?
- Told you so.
- Hmm.
Hmm. [laughs]
- Oh, come on.
- What, did Kelsey not
write it down correctly?
- After all
we ve been through.
- No, it s correct.
It says Jackson Hole.
- What more do you want from me?
- Wasn t that the agreement?
- Yes, until I saw these.
- Oh.
- Ah, a dating website.
On the hunt already?
- You re the one who wanted
a divorce in the first place.
I m just trying
to move my life forward.
- You are wearing the blue shirt
that I gave you
for your birthday.
- Yeah.
It s a great shirt.
- I always said blue
was your best color.
You do listen to me.
- Of course I do, baby.
You re the most important
person in my life.
- I can t believe you were gonna
give up Jackson Hole.
- I would do anything for you.
You know that.
- Oh, you re so good to me.
I appreciate it.
- So do you want me
to call off the divorce or...
- Call it off.
We are in love.
- We are so in love, baby.
- [laughs]
- Well, if you just give me
some more time to explain
or maybe if you
send somebody down here
to meet with our patients?
- I m afraid not, Dr. Curry.
- That s fine.
I understand.
- Take care.
- Thanks for your time.
- Of course.
[melancholy music]
- That was the last
foundation, huh?
- Yeah.
They all said the same thing.
We either don t qualify,
or we ve missed deadlines.
- So there s no chance
for a grant this year?
- No.
And without
any more money coming in,
we ll probably only be able
to stay open
until the end of the month.
- And we re already pretty far
into this month.
- We re gonna have to start
telling people.
Would you please pull
a contact list
of all of our patients
and clients?
- Sure.
- Thanks, Andre.
- Yeah.
- [sighs]
- Jason?
- Please.
- I take it you heard
about the Ballentines.
- I heard they ended up
calling off the divorce.
- And they terminated
our services.
- Well, because
they don t need us.
I mean, it s not like
we did anything wrong.
- Did you talk
to Mrs. Ballentine
about her personal feelings?
- I offered some advice.
- I will assign you to some
of our low-profile cases.
- Sir, if you ll just
let me explain--
- Kelsey, I admire
your ambition.
I have for the last
couple years.
And you ve been doing great
right where you are.
Maybe that s where you should be
for the time being.
You re still very young.
You will have plenty of
opportunities in your future,
but for now, we ll have to table
our partnership discussion.
- I was just trying to help.
- Kelsey, we re mediators,
not marriage counselors.
Mitch will assign you new cases,
and Mrs. Ballentine
will get in touch with you.
- Why?
- About the dog.
She d like her back.
Now excuse me.
- Well, at least
you ll be rid of the dog.
That s good, right?
- Yeah.
Harrison, what are you
doing here?
- I, uh--I need
to tell you something,
and I wanted to do it
in person.
- What is it?
- The shelter s
lost its funding.
We lost our grant,
and we re gonna need to close
it down by the end of the month.
- That s horrible.
I m--I m so sorry.
What about all of your clients,
everyone s pets?
- Well, they re gonna
have to find
another animal clinic to use.
- Everybody loves you.
And what about
the therapy program?
- Well, no, that s
at least some good news.
I, uh--I have a friend
from school
who knows about my work,
and, uh, he actually
wants me to come
and start up a program
at his hospital.
- Well, that s great.
So then maybe you don t have
to completely shut down.
Your patients can still
visit you at your new place.
- It s in New York.
- What?
- I would have to move
to New York
in order to start
the program.
- So you re leaving?
Just like that?
- Well, my program
helps people,
and, you know,
I could do good elsewhere
by bringing it
to another city.
- But everybody needs you.
They need their hometown hero.
- Yeah, but without any funding,
I can t help anybody.
- So...there s nothing
keeping you here, then?
- I don t know what you mean.
- [sighs]
- What s wrong?
Is everything okay?
- Yeah, I m fine.
I just had a really bad day
at work.
- Well, do you want
to talk about it?
- Oh, no, um--no, no, no,
don t worry about me.
You, um--you ve got your own
problems to figure out.
Take care, Harrison.
- Kelsey, I--
- [sniffles]
- [sighs]
- [sighs]
- Hey, is everything okay?
- Uh, yeah, I m fine.
I just, uh, need
to take Daisy for a walk,
clear my head.
[soft guitar music]
- It s the little things
You left behind
- Okay, Daisy,
you get to run around.
- I can t forget about
- No, I m not in the mood
to run you around.
I ve had a hard day.
So you ll just have
to do it yourself.
[dog barks]
Hey, girl, what s this about?
[dog whining]
You re not that bad,
you know that?
If only you would listen to me,
though, like when I say "sit."
Or "down"?
Good girl.
So now you finally
connect with me, huh?
I hate to break it to you,
but this isn t gonna be
for much longer.
[dog whines and barks]
Yeah, we both just need
to be strong.
[cell phone ringing]
[melancholy music]
Oh, man.
- Hey, Kelsey.
- Andre, I m so sorry
about this.
- [sighs]
Thanks, but, uh,
I ll get by just fine.
It s the animals and the clients
I m worried about.
We ve had to close so quickly
that almost everybody
had to hear about the situation
through email.
I bet somebody won t even
realize what happened
until they get here
and see the place boarded up.
- Every neighborhood
needs a vet.
- Yeah.
So what are we doing?
- Actually,
we came to say good-bye.
I have to give Daisy back soon.
- Aw!
Ah, gonna miss you, girl.
[dog whimpering]
She s a good one.
- I know.
- Hey, we have some
unopened treats and toys
in the back
that we can t use anymore.
Would you want them?
- Uh, sure.
Maybe Mrs. Ballentine
could use them.
That d be great.
- Okay.
[cell phone chimes]
- Hi, Mrs. Ballentine.
I thought I would give you
an update
in case you were wondering
about Daisy.
She s a good girl,
really a lot smarter
than she lets on.
I guess the trick is,
you need to open up first
before she feels comfortable
doing the same.
Um, she s very well-behaved.
She sits.
She lies down.
She doesn t jump on things
if you don t want her to
It took a little time,
but she gets you.
[dog barks]
See? [laughs]
She doesn t even like the crying
or, apparently,
too much time off-camera.
So, uh, that s it
for this update,
um, last one, I guess.
I ll see you soon.
[cell phone chimes]
- Ah.
With everything
that s happening,
I ve had tears too.
- It s just so awful
that this place has to go.
I mean, you guys have done
so much for so many people.
- Yeah, it s too bad there isn t
somebody to do something for us.
- Do you have
a contact list handy
of all the clients
you ve helped?
- Yeah, of course.
We might be a small operation,
but we re still efficient.
I just need to find--
Wait, wait, wait.
What do you need a copy for?
- I have an idea.
[upbeat music]
- Okay, Smith family
with two golden retrievers
does not answer their phone.
- You left a message, right?
- Yeah.
- Send an email?
- Okay.
- Stacee.
- All right,
what s the emergency?
- I need your fund-raising
skills for a very good cause.
Here, call these people.
- Okay.
How long is this gonna take?
- It could take all night,
but I will provide
the pizza and the wine.
- All the motivation I need.
Let s get to work.
This is the contact list
from the vet s office.
- Yes, it is.
- Okay.
It s for a great cause.
This program has helped so many
people in the community.
- I d be happy to donate.
- Oh, thank you so much.
- You re welcome.
- Don t worry about the amount.
Any little bit helps.
- Perfect. I ll take care
of it right away.
- Ms. Peterson is in
for $250.
- Great.
- So where does that put us?
- Uh...
Still not enough. Hmm.
- But we ve called
almost everybody.
- I guess we have to figure out
a way to go bigger,
reach more people.
- I think I got it.
- What do you need me to do?
- Get more wine and pizza.
- On it.
- Everybody knows there have
been a lot of changes
in this practice
in the last few days.
But that only means
that we have to work harder
and do what we can
to bring in more business.
- Our client lists
are bloated as is.
We need to come up with a way
to even out the workflow.
- Nonsense.
We don t change a thing.
This firm is moving
in the right direction.
- I guess backwards
is definitely a direction.
- We got to keep pushing.
You know what these are?
- More potential clients?
- That s right.
- All of those?
- These are a partnership
that is no longer,
but these people need us,
even though
they might not know it,
because they can t decide
on their own.
They re separated,
they re disconnected,
and they have no type
of support.
And that s where we step in,
because we have to finalize
all these divorces,
which means we have to work
longer hours
and nights and weekends.
We have to do that
for the future of this firm.
What s going on, Mitch?
- Yeah, I think I need to leave.
- But we re in a meeting.
- [sighs]
- Doing okay?
- Yeah.
Got plenty of file boxes,
and I actually think
most of this stuff
can just be thrown out.
- No, man, that--
that s not what I mean.
Are you doing okay?
- Of course.
[clears throat]
Got the new job lined up
and everything, so...
- You know, um, Kelsey
came here the other day.
- I know.
- You didn t come out
of your office.
- I know.
- Well, didn t you want
to talk to her,
tell her about everything,
say good-bye at least?
- I said good-bye.
I tried to talk, but I didn t
want to bother her.
She was upset about work
or something.
- I think you know
why she was upset.
She likes you, Harrison,
and you like her too.
It s obvious.
- [sighs]
You re right.
Do you think she knows
how I feel?
- Of course not.
Look, you have a problem with
that kind of thing, Harrison,
connecting with people,
and usually when someone
has a problem,
it s easier for them to work
around it than to fix it.
That s why you work with animals
and not with people.
But some problems,
you just can t ignore.
You have to work on them.
You have to grow.
You have to change.
- That s what you came in here
to say, isn t it?
- Of course.
I practiced the whole speech
multiple times and everything.
- [laughs]
- Did it come off sincere?
I wanted it to be sincere
but not mean.
- No, it was good.
It was good.
Could have just opened
with it, though,
gotten straight to the point.
You know I prefer that.
- I know. I know. I know.
- Are you gonna be okay?
- Me? Totally.
I got three jobs lined up
at other clinics already, so...
- Really?
- Yeah.
Having the hometown hero
as your boss
really bolsters your rsum.
[somber music]
- Mitch?
- Back here.
- What is all this?
You put the crib together.
- Can t you tell?
It s a nursery.
I, uh--I chose green
cause it seemed like a--
a good neutral color.
I didn t want to do
pink or blue
because we don t know
if it s a boy or a girl yet.
But I know, I know--you don t
buy into gender stereotypes,
so even if we did know,
you probably would have--
you probably would have
wanted to paint it
a different color anyway.
What is it?
- Uh...
- It s the crib, huh?
I know, it looks--
it looks big,
but babies on my side
of the family,
they tend to run
on the large side,
which I realize
is definitely something
you should have
known about before now.
- No, I love it.
I-I love all of it.
What are you even doing here?
- I m here for this.
I realized something at work.
The way Jason was discussing
what happens in bad marriages,
it made it clear to me
that I love what we have.
I love you and our future family
more than anything else,
so I got up, and I walked out.
- You just walked out?
- Yeah.
- What if you lose your job?
- Just as long
as I don t lose you.
- [sighs]
- Both of you.
- We re not going anywhere.
[uplifting music]
- Hello.
- Mrs. Ballentine.
- Oh, you act like
you weren t expecting me.
- No, I-I was.
I just, uh, lost track of time,
but I have all of Daisy s things
ready for you.
- Good, I was hoping it would be
a quick in and out.
Thomas is waiting for us
at home.
You know, I owe you so much
thanks and gratitude
for the advice you gave me.
Without you, my husband and I
wouldn t be working
on our marriage,
so thank you so much.
If there s anything
that I can do--
- Oh, don t worry about it.
I m just glad that you
worked things out.
You know, when you have
a connection
with someone
that you truly love...
You shouldn t let them
get away.
- Well, thanks again--
and for watching Daisy.
Come on, Daisy.
- Oh, don t forget this.
- Ah, thank you.
Take care.
[dog whines]
[melancholy music]
- Jason would like to see you
in the conference room.
- Oh, um, I ll be there
in just a sec.
You wanted to see me?
- Please.
- I thought that you were--
- Crazy...
after having a breakdown
and storming out?
- I was gonna say on leave.
- Mitch came back here to talk,
and after he apologized,
we had a civilized discussion.
Let me start this discussion
with an apology to you.
Mitch and I talked
about how, recently,
the workflow hasn t been
It made me realize that
taking on lots of accounts
doesn t help when you
lose most of them.
Not to say that certain people
aren t to blame
for certain things--
- Jason.
- Mitch is right.
It s neither here nor there.
But the point is,
we figure out a way
how to manage all our clients.
- How would you like
to make partner?
- Partner?
I wouldn t be replacing
Mitch, would I?
- No, Mitch is gonna stay on
in a diminished capacity.
He s having a baby.
After all, we can t expect him
to be here 24-7.
- Well, I don t know what to say
except yes, of course.
- All right, great.
Well, Lucy came back
for the dog.
Everything is worked out.
Welcome aboard.
- Congratulations...
- I am so happy for you,
- [laughs weakly]
- What?
Honey, what is it?
I thought this is
what you wanted.
- It was.
It--it is.
- It s just not
everything you wanted.
You still haven t made
your goal, huh?
- It s almost there
but not quite.
- Honey, you ve raised
so much.
- Yeah, it s just not enough.
- You emailed everybody?
- Yeah, re-contacted
everyone we could,
and they ve shared it
with everyone they could.
- The numbers are still
going up.
Come on, let s watch my favorite
video one more time.
- Again?
- [laughs]
- Okay.
I was stuck in a rut
professionally, personally,
just stuck.
That s where Daisy came in.
Like many people,
my pet helped me realize
a different kind of joy
I didn t know existed before.
Sounds corny,
and it probably is,
but this dog helped me realize
that the world
won t let you plan
your happiness.
You have to find it
in whatever comes your way.
I wouldn t have learned that
without Daisy
or without a little help.
Glendale First Animal Clinic
is an important part
of this community.
Dr. Harrison Curry s
pet therapy program
has helped countless people
overcome loneliness,
pain, and depression.
But now they need your help.
Without proper funding,
the clinic and the program
will have to shut down.
Dr. Curry and his animals
are heroes,
but they re heroes
in need of rescuing,
so please donate
and share this video.
[melancholy music]
- Oh, come here.
- Hey, hey.
Hey, thanks for coming down
to volunteer.
- Anytime.
- Appreciate you guys.
Hey, that looks great.
Thank you, thank you.
- Sure, Andre.
- Ah.
[touch-tones beeping]
[cell phone ringing]
- Hello?
- Kelsey, it s Andre.
Hey, uh, come down here
to the clinic
as soon as you can, okay?
- Wait, wh--what s going on?
- You don t know?
Just come down here, okay?
- I--
[line beeps]
[upbeat music]
- Good morning,
we are outside
the Glendale First
Animal Clinic today,
where we are hoping to get
as many animals adopted
as possible.
Now, this is
the grand reopening.
[indistinct chatter]
- Cones, yes, uh, cones go
second shelf from the left.
Let s put the heart medicine
on the top shelf.
- No problem.
- Andre, what s going on?
- We re back in business.
That s what s going on.
- But the website,
it never made the goal.
- Oh, no, no, only half of our
funding came from the website.
The other half came
from one donor.
- What?
- Yeah, someone
decided to match
everything that we raised
up to this point.
It s crazy.
- Well, who made the donation?
Mrs. Ballentine.
Daisy, hey, Daisy.
I don t understand.
You saved the shelter?
- I saw the video online,
and since you helped me,
I figured it was only right
for me to help you.
And there s one more thing.
That video made me realize
that I unknowingly broke up
a natural friendship.
- So I can keep her?
- Of course.
I am rich.
I am not a monster.
- Thank you.
- Aww.
Here are Daisy s things.
Thank you.
- This is crazy.
So how are you gonna handle this
all on your own?
- Oh, no, no, no.
I m not alone.
- Kelsey, I--
- Excuse me.
- Come with me, yeah.
I just wanted to say
that it never felt right.
- What?
- Leaving.
I know I didn t express
my feelings to you,
but I want you to know
how I feel.
I didn t want to leave,
but logically, it felt like
what I should do.
I know I don t connect
with people very well
and that I have issues
picking up on their signals,
but that s what I love
about you, Kelsey.
You re so straightforward.
- Love?
- Huh?
- What you love about me?
- That s right.
I love you, Kelsey.
- Harrison...
[upbeat music]
I love you too.
[dog barking]
- Daisy.
- It s okay.
I got this.
Daisy, down.
- You ve gotten good at this.
- What can I say?
I m a dog person.
- And the world stops
for me
As if to say
You re my girl
- So it was a little
touch-and-go there,
but we re just glad the place
has opened back up
and people can
experience the joy
that we ve experienced
for such a long time.
You know, it s mostly
because of Miss Kelsey Drummond
that all this
was made possible.
- Do you know where she is?
- I ve seen her aro--
Matter of fact,
she s right there.
- Oh, Kelsey Drummond?
You re behind the video
that saved the shelter, right?
- Uh, I-I guess
that s right, yes.
- Okay, so you re a hero.
- He s the one
who actually does the work.
He s the real hero.
- Dr. Curry, right?
- Yes.
- Okay, perfect, thanks.
Roll on this.
- What?
- I m with hometown heroes
Kelsey Drummond
and Dr. Harrison Curry
of the Glendale First
Animal Clinic.
Welcome back to business,
Dr. Curry.
- Yes, thank you.
- And we ll have more
with Dr. Curry
coming up
on Channel Three News.
- The wife s the art lover
and the one who built up
their collection,
but he ll probably fight her
for it out of spite,
so we should probably offer him
the apartment in France.
- Got it, apartment in France.
That s why you have this
big new office, partner.
- See the paper today?
- Yes.
- Am I the millionth person
to ask?
- Yes.
- I didn t see the paper.
- It s on the front page.
- You and the cute vet
look good together.
- You know, you can just
call him Harrison.
- All right, hero,
I ll see you two tomorrow.
- Where are you off to so early?
- Appointment with the doctor.
We get our first ultrasound
- Oh, bring back a printout.
- You got it.
- Oh, and say hi to Michelle
for me.
- I will.
- Okay, next item.
Who s a good girl?
Yes, you are.
You re so good.
Yes, you are.
Come here.
Who s that, Daisy?
- Thought I might find
you two here.
You seem to have
quite the bond.
You d think you were
old friends.
- Oh, well, you know,
I did have some help
from a local hero.
- Will you stop with that?
- But you are my hero.
- I could spend the rest
of my life with you.
- Is that a proposal?
- I see your smile
And the world stops for me
As if to say
You re my girl
And if I say
I d give it all just
To hear you say
You re my girl
Ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh, ooh
And I
[romantic guitar music]
- I love your eyes
Staring back at me
Your smile helps me
To believe
And the heart that beats
Between the conversation
Is telling me
Love is all I need
Love is all I need
Can I feel the way
It s supposed to be
Love is all I need
Love is all I need
Like the sand to the ocean
I want to see
Love is all I need
Love is all I need
Can I feel the way
It s supposed to be
And the heart that beats
Between the conversation
Is telling me