Homeward Bound II: Lost in San Francisco (1996)

I'm gonna win you aII!
I'm the fastest!
My name is Chance. And|this, this is home.
It's been my home for|a coupIe of years now.
And I gotta admit, they have been the|best two years of this dog's Iife,
except for one sIightIy incredibIe|journey over the mountains.
But maybe you aIready know that story.
Like I was sayin', they|treat us pretty good here.
Three square meaIs a day, a|warm pIace to sIeep at night...
and aII the smeIIy sneakers you can eat.
But even in a pIace Iike this, you know,|sometimes a dog can get a IittIe restIess.
And every now and then, I-I wonder if, you know,|maybe there isn't somethin' more out there.
- Hey, there is something more out there. I|can smeII it. - Chance! Have you seen my shoe?
Don't panic. I'm goin' in.
Chance, did you steaI my shoe?
That's Jamie. He's the one who|rescued me from the bad pIace.
And as good as I've got it around here,
Jamie is what makes it home.
So it's my job to protect him.
AII right, trespasser, say your prayers.|You have got a date with the " Chancenator."
I have no choice but to terminate you!
Yeah, you "butter" fIy away!
Okay, the crisis is past.|The perimeter is secure.
Situation is neutraIized! Yep!
It's a thing of beauty|when Chance is on duty.
Speaking of duty, I thought|I smeIIed something. Yuck!
Now what's your probIem? Bad fur day?
I'II teII you what's bad, O|fragrant one. I saw suitcases.
- Why's that bad? - Means|the famiIy's Ieaving.
Though who couId bIame|them, the way you smeII!
AII right. That's it.|Time for kitty soccer!
- Oh. No. No. No. Oh! - Chance|moves the fat cat downfieId!
- Go! Go! Go! - Oh!|Oh! Oh! - Hope! Jamie!
Get your bag downstairs so|we can Ioad up the car.
Car! Car! Did you hear that? He said|car! They're Ieaving! He said car!
Hey, you reaIIy think|there's gonna be a trip?
Oh! Oh! Watch your step!
- Whoa! - Whoa! AvaIanche!
Oh, my. That Iook is you.
Oh, man! Who says cotton breathes?
I'm fine. I'm fine.
- Get it off! Get it off!|- Oh, my poor kitty.
Ooh, Chance. Take it|off. Take it aII off.
HeIp me! Snout snuggy!|Get off my head! Get off--
So, Chance, dear, we're aII so curious.|Do you prefer boxers or briefs?
Ah, wiII you just go get|dipped? I gotta find Jamie.
My gosh, sure is a Iot|happening this morning.
We're goin' to Canada, boy.|We're takin' you with us.
Go? I'd go anywhere with you, Peter.
- Peter, grab those bags for me,|okay? - Yeah. Sure, Dad. No probIem.
Wait! Don't forget this.
I stiII think it's crazy to fIy three|animaIs haIfway across the continent...
for some camping trip.
WeII, if we're going, just Iet|me use the Iitter box first.
- Where's my shoe? - Jamie, Iet's go!
I'II meet you at the|fieId Iater, Stacey!
- Jamie! - Where is it?
Jamie boy! I'm here.
It's your best buddy. Let's have a|IittIe fun. Come on. Uh, no. Wait.
I'm not under there. I'm in|the door. Jamie! Over here.
No, I'm-- I'm not in the cupboard.
And it's a ground baII|out to Ieft fieId.
FieIded niceIy-- Oh, hey,|tasty. Genuine cowhide.
Am I into Ieather.
No, Chance! Not my Barry|Bonds autographed basebaII.
What are you doin'? I was|workin' on my spitbaII!
It's, uh, kind of tough to pIay|with the door cIosed, Jamie.
Jamie? Oh, man. You never|want to pIay anymore.
Hey, what's this? I'm gettin'|somethin' on the oId nose radar.
That smeIIs Iike sugar. Oh, pIease, be|sugar. Be sugar. Be sugar. It is sugar!
It's sugar and, and chocoIate and|dough deep-fried in bubbIing fat!
It is! It's doughnuts! Sweet!
Oh! They'II never give one of these|babies up, unIess, of course, I Iick it.
- Yuck! - Ah, ah, ah, ah! Chance!
You've aIready had your|breakfast. Twice, in fact.
So what? Y-You teIIin' me you never heard|of a IittIe thing caIIed brunch? Huh? Huh?
Oh! Jamie's Ieavin'!
WeII, Ma, Iike you aIways said.|Never pIay on an empty stomach.
We're Ieaving in 20 minutes.|Don't be Iate, Jamie.
Hey! Not so fast! I'm tryin' to digest!
Where are we goin'? Where are we goin'?
No, Chance! Stay! Stay home!
Stay? But I-- I got this|great sugar rush goin'.
Jamie, don't go. Hey, hey! I|thought we were gonna pIay.
I don't get it. Did|I do somethin' wrong?
Hey. Aw, come on. This isn't about the|doughnut, is it? I-I just took one.
I-I-I was weak. It was taunting me.
- Geez. Take a hint aIready. - Huh?|What do you mean, take a hint?
Jamie's gonna send you|back to the bad pIace.
I'II miss you. Bye-bye.
- WeII, I'm reaIIy gonna miss you|too. Bye-bye! - No! No! Don't!
Oh, no! No! I hate these|kinds of rides! Oh, God!
Oh, I just ate! I'm gonna|bIow chow-chow everywhere!
Get me out of here! I hate this!
Dogs ruIe and cats drooI.
Jamie, my man! Wait for me!
Oh, my head. Oh, my head.|Oh, I don't feeI weII.
Oh, just wait untiI I see you again.|Wherever you are, I'm going to--
Just wait 'tiI I-- Oh, I don't|feeI weII. I'm going to hurt you.
- Here you go, infieId. - I got it!
- No, I got it. - That's aII|right. Throw it back here.
- Hi, Stacey! - Hi, Jamie!
Okay, this is gonna be fun.
Jamie! Hey, buddy! I'm here.|You're in Iuck. I'm ready to pIay!
No, game over, kids. Me|and Jamie got a pIay date.
So, you're aII gonna have to am-scray!
A grounder to Seaver. And he|fIips it to first for the out.
Huh? What's this? Who are you guys?
- I'm Sparky MichaeIs.|- I'm Lucky Lasorda.
And I'm Trixie Uecker. And|we're broadcasting here.
Yeah, so move your taiI, buddy.
You're broadcasting the game?
Hmph. Sassy teIIs me to get a Iife?
AII right, here's the pitch.|A hard chopper to Seaver.
He picks it up and fires to first!|Boy, the kid Iooks great this year.
He must have been practicin'|that throw in the off-season.
Yep, and you're Iookin' at the|pooch he's been practicin' with.
That's fascinating. ReaIIy? Now,|get your taiI off the fieId.
You taIkin' to me?|Okay, I guess you are.
Okay, fine, hey, Iisten, I got no probIem.|I'II just go sit in the front row.
- Here it comes again. Right to|ya. - Yep, it doesn't bother me.
-I'II just Iie down here|and hang out... -Hit two.
and watch these kids throw this reaIIy|tasty-Iookin' Ieather baII around.
- Good, good. AII right, right|fieId! - Oh, boy, this is torture.
- PIay deep! PIay deep! -|I can't take this anymore.
Hey! Whoa! I got it! I got it!
What's this? It seems a, a crazed fan...
has run onto the fieId|and taken the baII away.
- Ever see anything Iike it, guys?|- Not me. How about you, Uecker?
Never! And Iet me teII you, it's a|sad day for the sport of basebaII...
and aII of canine kind when|somethin' Iike this happens.
Oh, he's at the 20! He's at the|30! He's at the-- He's outta there!
I am just sickened.
WeII, I know none of us Iikes to hear|the " B" word, but that is one bad dog.
Chance! How many times|do I have to teII ya...
to stay off the fieId?
Get the dog outta here, Seaver.
Hey. Hey, take it easy.
You push my human,|you're pushing me, babe.
- I've seen some pretty dumb|dogs, Seaver. - Excuse me. Dumb?
- Yours is pathetic. -|AII right. That's it!
- Okay, I'II show you|who's pathetic. - Hey!
- Oh, hey, this tastes|pretty good. - Cut it out!
- Give it to me! - Hey, you know,|it's better than a basebaII.
- You stupid dog! - AII|right. I warned you! Yes!
He's going! He couId be--
He might be-- Yes! That|dog is outta here!
Hey, Jamie, you catch what I said to|that girI when I yanked her mitt away?
I go, CaII me dumb, wiII ya?
No, Chance! Cut it out!
Okay, that's cooI. You be|me, and I'II be the kids.
Hey, come back. Come back, you dumb dog.|Come on, you crazy mutt. Drop that mitt.
- Honeys, we're home! - Oh, here he is.
Come on, honey. We're|Iate. Let's go. Let's go.
It's Chance's fauIt. We|chased him aII over the park.
Now, come on, Jamie.|Don't be mad at me, paI.
I stiII don't see why we have to go|on a stupid camping trip anyway.
I'm gonna miss the two|most important games.
- Come on, Chance. - Where we goin'?
- Oh, road trip! AII right!|Shotgun! - Here you go.
Or the back. The back is|good. Very cooI. AII right.
WeII, the start of another|fun-fiIIed famiIy vacation.
Watch your nose, Chance.
So, guys, where do you|think they're takin' us?
I don't know about us, but I|know where they're taking you.
WeII, I know this much.|Can't be anypIace bad,
or they wouId have given us|those dumb tranquiIizers.
Hey, Peter, did you give|'em the tranquiIizers?
- Uh-oh! - Uh-oh!
- We're doomed! - CaIm down.
- Nobody's doomed. - Oh, yeah? Then|Iet me ask you something, oId-timer.
Why did they shove those IittIe|green kibbIes down our throats?
- If you're smart Iike me, you'II|get rid of it. - Get rid of it? How?
Easy. You just work up|a nice-sized hair baII,
and you think of something disgusting.
Like a big, fIuffy cat!
How pIeasant.
Hey, I've been Iookin' for that baII.
Ninety-nine cans of dog food on the waII
Ninety-nine cans of dog food, everybody
If one of those cans|shouId happen to faII
Ninety-eight cans of|dog food on the waII
- Cats onIy. - I hate this song!
S-Shadow, they're gonna take ya on|the pIane now. Don't be scared.
Oh, I'm not the pet to worry about.
- Here you go, Sassy. -|Hope, this isn't first cIass.
- Come on. Whoa. Come here. - Let me|go, Pop. I-I got a thing about cages.
- Come on. It's aII right. - Oh, come|on. Come on. You're makin' a scene here.
Uh-oh, man! You know what.|We gotta go back home.
I totaIIy forgot to Iock the|doggy door. Aw, great, Bob.
Thanks for Iistening.|ReaIIy. Thanks a Iot.
A cage! They're treating me Iike|I'm some kind of an animaI.
- ReIax, Chance. You'II Iive. - Hey,|hey. D-Don't I get to caII my Iawyer?
- There you go. - Here.
- Thank you. - Thanks. - Guys, Iook!
They're Ieavin' us. Oh, this can't|be good. This cannot be good!
- Jamie, aren't you gonna say|good-bye to Chance? - See ya Iater.
Jamie? Buddy! Don't|Iet 'em take me away!
I'm sorry I was bad. I'II be good.
Good-bye, Sassy. Good-bye,|Chance. We'II see you in Canada.
Bye, Shadow. This'II be fun.
Jamie! No! Jamie!
Oh, man. Check out those|dogs. They don't Iook so good.
That's gonna be us, if we|don't find a way outta here.
Oh, no! Get a Ioad of those guys!
The uniforms! The heImets! I|recognize them! I know them!
They're takin' us to the bad pIace!
Our humans wouIdn't do that.
I had a feeIing Jamie was mad at me,|but I didn't think he was this mad.
I can't go back to the bad pIace.|I swore I'd never go back.
- Stop it. - You'II never take me aIive!
I'm bustin' outta here!
There's gotta be a, a way out!
- Chance, don't! - Somehow! - Wait!
I'm free!
Where is that nutty mutt going?
Jamie, wait for me! I'm|comin' with ya, paI!
- Sassy, we've got to do|something. - Like what?
- We need to get out.|- You mean Iike this?
HonestIy. Does the cat aIways have|to be the brains of the operation?
Beauty and brains. I never|cease to amaze myseIf.
Good work, Sassy. Let's go!
I'm comin', Jamie boy!
- He went this way. - Why couIdn't|Jamie have gotten a fish?
Hey! Hey! Man, we got Ioose animaIs.
Better caII Security.
Whoa, this is cooI. An obstacIe course!
Chance! Wait for us!
This is fabuIous! Next|year, I pIan the vacation.
Whoa! Look out! Heads|up. Comin' through.
Jamie? Where are ya?|Let's Iick and make up.
Wait! This is crazy.
- Ah, made it. - Chance, pIease.
Jamie? Jamie? Where'd you go?
Oh, gosh, Chance?
Listen, you gotta heIp|me. My boy's run away.
Maybe you've seen him? Short,|brown hair. Answers to Jamie.
You shouIdn't have Ieft your cage.
- Good going, Chance! - I|thought they'd be up here.
WeII, they're not, are they? Look,|there's a nice famiIy. Go with them.
Stop arguing. We've gotta go back.
- My thoughts exactIy. - Come on, Sassy.
Right behind ya, boys, and|I'm not enjoying the view.
- What is this thing? - Just stay caIm.
There's somethin' wrong here. I'm|teIIin' ya. I can feeI it in my bones.
Let's get outta here! I|mean, now! Hey, this way!
I think I see a shortcut.
Chance sIides! And he's gotta there!
Chance, you're gonna kiII me!
Can someone teII me why I keep|foIIowing Dumb and Dumber?
Hey, Dad, do you think|the animaIs are okay?
Son, they're safe and sound|right beIow your feet.
Uh, Shadow, I don't see|'em. Do you see 'em?
They're here somewhere. I can sense it.
They must be on one of those.
Haven't we been here before? Dja mew.
- Which one is it? - Oh, that shouId|be easy. They aII Iook exactIy aIike.
Yeah, weII, we better pick one. Look!
Come on. We need some heIp here.
- Let's do it! - Let's go. Go, go!
Peter? He's in that one.|I just know it. Let's go!
We'II wait here. They'II|be sure to see us.
- I sure hope so! - Don't worry!
- I'm worried. - Ah,|they'II stop. Right, Shadow?
They wouIdn't Ieave without us.
WeII, just to be safe,|I think I'II duck down.
Me too.
- They're not stopping. - HoId tight.
- They're not stopping! - They'II stop!
- They're not stopping! - Oh!
- Peter. - That was terrifying.|AbsoIuteIy terrifying.
I wasn't scared. I wasn't|scared one wee IittIe bit.
- Oh, no! - It's the goon squad!
- Head for the fence!|- Run for your Iives!
Here's an idea. I'II run.|You stay here and get hit.
Start diggin', Shadow! Start diggin'!
Aw, great. Where's a|gopher when you need one?
If we weren't going to|the bad pIace before,
we're definiteIy going there now!
I'm too oId for this stuff!
AImost there. AImost there.
Why does this aIways happen to me?
How come this never happens to Lassie?
- Hurry! Hurry! Here they come! -|Owie! HeIp me! Somebody heIp me!
Amazing. AII those years|of cIimbing up drapes...
I am so stuck.
have finaIIy paid off.
- Dig, Chance! Dig! - I|said I'II never go back!
- You can do it. - Hurry, Chance!
Yes! Yes!
Give my regards to the|bad pIace, suckers!
Shadow, that thing Ieft|without us, and Hope was on it.
- So was Peter. - So now|what are we gonna do?
Let me think. They probabIy|don't even know we're gone.
And guess whose fauIt it is.
Oh, so this is my fauIt? I just|saved us from the bad pIace.
No, you just got us Iost again.
Like it or not, you two, we're gonna|have to find our way back home.
Home? You remember what happened before?
Huge mountains, stinky skunks,|porky-pines. Not me, Pops.
Fine, stay here. I'm going with Shadow.
- On we go. - Go? You're crazy.
They're gonna come back for us. They're,|they're gonna come back right here.
And I'm gonna be waiting! AII by myseIf?
Uh, guys? Guys, fine. I'II come with|ya, but onIy because you insist.
So we waIked and waIked.
And just for a IittIe change|of pace, we waIked some more.
Questions began racing through my mind.
Where were we? How were|we gonna get home?
Who decided a Chihuahua was a dog?
And, most importantIy,|when were we gonna eat?
Shadow, where are we? I|don't Iike this pIace.
Just stay cIose. We'II be fine.
Hey. Hey, hey. Do you smeII|what I smeII? Eureka! Garbage!
Oh, boy, a burger. Hey, does that mean--
CouId it mean? Oh, that's--|that's fries. Mmm, cockroach.
Why are you dragging that? I|didn't hear anybody shout fetch.
Say heIIo to your home|away from home, Sass.
That? It's fiIthy. My|Iitter box is cIeaner.
And I don't have anything to sIeep in.
- What? No cat's pajamas? -|Oh, you're a riot, Shadow.
Oh, boy, is this fabuIous.
Who wouId have thrown this out, huh?
AII right, Sassy. Time for bed.
Oh! I'II never be abIe to sIeep in here.
DeIicious. You guys missed a great meaI.
I don't eat garbage.|Never have, never wiII.
We're going to sIeep now. Good night.
In there? You're gonna miss out on|aII the great sights, sounds, smeIIs.
You'd be safer in here with us, pup.
Shh. This box smeIIs bad enough aIready.
Safe. Ha. You forget I'm a buIIdog.
I weIcome danger with open paws.
And a constantIy open mouth.
Give it a rest, you two.|We've got a Iong day tomorrow.
- What? - What's that?
Uh, guys? Guys? Look at-- They're big.
- Th-They're huge. They're, they're|comin' to get me! - Here we go!
Hey, move over. Move|over. I'm comin' in.
- Ouch! - It's aII right.|You guys are safe now.
Chance, you put the buII in buIIdog.|Admit it. You're just scared.
Hey, I think the expression is|'fraidy cat, not 'fraidy dog.
Uh, Pops, I don't want to knock your choice|of hoteIs, but I think we got a Ieak here.
And nothing smeIIs worse than wet dogs.
Oh, this is gonna be a Iong night.
No, no. I'm sorry.
- Your attention, pIease.|- Hi. May I heIp you?
We regret to inform you that--
There's been a probIem.
What happened, Dad? Is it Shadow?
They say the animaIs got Ioose|somewhere at the airport.
They're outside in this weather?
Not here. In San Francisco.
We-- We have to go back.|We have to find them.
There's no sense in ruining a|whoIe vacation for everybody.
- I'II fIy back in the morning.|- I wanna go home and find Sassy.
Look, you kids and your mom go|camping. You have a good time.
But, Dad, we won't have fun knowing|the animaIs are Iost in San Francisco.
We shouId aII go back.
Dad, pIease?
Okay. Come on. Let's go.
Just think, Sassy. Soon you'II|be home in Hope's arms.
I don't know how much Ionger|I can take this music.
Yo, I'm Rapmaster Chance|And I'm Iost in the city
With an optimistic dog|and a sarcastic kitty
- Don't bother me when I'm|tryin' to get home - Oh, no!
I was so sure this was the way home.
What? What is it? Can you see|the house from here? Whoa!
That doesn't Iook Iike our backyard.
I can't understand it. We must be|much further away than I thought.
I trusted you to find our home, and|did you find it? No! We're Iost!
CaIm down. Yesterday we crossed a|goIden bridge. That's the way home.
Okay, but can we pIease stop for|breakfast first? What do ya say?
The sooner we get moving,|the faster we reach home.
Okay, fine. But if we don't find|food, I got dibs on the cat.
I hope you didn't pay|money for that haircut.
The nerve.
Good morning, miss.
Hey, nice buzz, cuz. Get in|a fight with a Iawn mower?
Dog, ho!
Pretty puppy. Look at|our pretty IittIe girI.
And Iook at you, fat boy.|What do you want? Oh!
What's wrong with the pretty puppy?
Did you wake up on the|wrong side of the bed?
You are so fat you|expIode your own pants.
Come here, you IittIe mutt.
- Come here. - Oh, no.|Don't you touch me.
- You stay away from me. No.|Let-- Let go of my Ieash. - Jack.
- Jack. Jack! - How dare you!
-Save me from this bIubber|baII! -Hurry! Hurry!
- Oh, you put me down! -|What's the matter, princess?
- HeIp! - Huh? Are we having a bad day?
- Take that, you swine. - Hey!
Oh, I'm saved! Oh!
- Sir, is this your animaI? - Yes.
Why, you ought to be ashamed of yourseIf. Don't|you know that there are scoundreIs out here,
just waiting to steaI a|beautifuI dog Iike this?
Oh, don't kiss me, you fat Grey Poupon.
CouId I have my dog back, pIease?
Au revoir, you miserabIe pig. I Ieave you|a speciaI gift on your extra-Iarge T-shirt.
- Geez! - FIoor it!
Shut up back there!
Man, do I hate dogs!
That mutt peed on me!
I had never seen anything|Iike this pIace before.
It was huge.
I had no idea what to expect, but|something toId me it was gonna be fun.
Shadow kept insisting he|knew where we were going.
But I don't know. It seemed to me Iike|we were just waIking around in circIes,
which, to be honest, was okay with me.
Heck, I was in no hurry.|Why shouId I rush home?
So Jamie couId ignore me? Nah, I|was enjoying the here and the now.
Every now and then you gotta just|stop and sniff the hydrants.
What's this? The oId nose radar is pickin'|up some pretty strong signaIs here.
Mmm, I'm gettin' warm.|Gettin' warmer, warmer.
Whoo! It's a buffet.
I see seafood.
Hey, Shadow, you're a retriever.|Fetch me a Iemon wedge, wouId ya?
Ah, my favorite. Sushi.
Hmm? I think I'II check|out the dessert tray.
Ah, fine. Didn't Iook|fresh to me anyway, crabby.
Oh, canines. The feIine's stiII hungry.
We're aII stiII hungry, Sassy.
Better get used to it, babe. This is|the city. OnIy the strong survive.
- WeII, then, you're a goner.|- WiII you two quit bickering?
Okay, fine. I'II just starve.|Or not. Where there's a cat,
- Hi, Tiger. - there's cat food.
- Stand back, boys, and watch|a pro. - This I gotta see.
- Oh. - First you bound up, acting|Iike you reaIIy wanna see him.
- Then make your|cautious approach. - Hi.
- Yes, isn't my fur Iong|and siIky? - Nice kitty.
- You're a nice kitty. See, it's another|kitty, Iike you. - Cut the mush. Get the grub!
I don't beIieve it. The kid's actuaIIy|buyin' it. Heck, I can do this.
- Hey, kid! I'm a pretty|kitty too. See? - Mom!
- Don't go! - Mom!
- Isn't my fur Iong and siIky? - Mom!
- Bad dog! Go away! - Beat it, moron.
Go away.
Lady, wait!
- I can't beIieve I said that. - Chance.
Whoa. She must reaIIy hate cats.
OnIy the cats that Iook Iike you.
- Way to go, pup. - They|were about to feed me.
Now, just face it. They|didn't buy your act.
He was charmed by me. He was heading|for the can opener, and you bIew it.
Oh, Shadow! AttiIa the Hungry|here has ruined everything.
We'II find food as we go.|We've gotta keep moving.
Yeah, keep movin'. That's what I|was tryin' to teII her, Shadow.
I mean, she-- She's such a time waster.
Me? I'm a time waster? Huh! Who|took haIf a year to paper train?
Oh, that's so funny I forgot to bark.
We have to find that bridge. It|must be around here somewhere.
I don't see why we can't just|stop and ask for directions.
Oh, wiII you Iisten to her?|Listen, Sassy, we're guys, okay?
We don't ask for directions.|We don't need 'em.
We know where we're goin'|every step of the way.
Hey, punk! Watch it.
No offense, dude, but you need a bath.
Hey, boss, what's aII the ruckus?
Yo, Pete, these runts just|trespassed on our turf.
Excuse us. We're not from around here.
That so? They're not from around here.
Where are you from? PIanet Stupid?
Look, they brought their|pretty IittIe kitty too.
-Lunchtime! -Hey, nobody|messes with the cat but me.
- Sassy, run! - Yikes!
- She's mine! - Back off!
- Oh, my. Oh, my. Oh, my.|- Don't Iay a paw on her.
Who's gonna stop me, oId-timer?
Whoa. Hey. Did you know there's a Iong|furry thing growin' outta your butt?
- Huh? - It's your taiI, genius.
- I'm warning you! -|Thanks for the warnin'.
Get him, Shadow!
Stop it. Let go. Hey, that hurts, man.
You got that right, Einstein.
Guys, they've got reinforcements.|It's an ambush. We're dog food!
- Watch this. Decoy duty. -|Yo, boss. It's RiIey's gang.
Hey, fIea bags! Come and get me!|If you think you're dog enough.
Yo, Ashcan! Why don't|you chiII, home-fry?
-CooI it, Pete. -Hey, hot|stuff, why don't you butt out?
- Are you Iookin' to get|fixed? - Good one, DeIiIah.
I toId you. Stay off my turf, chump!
- Sassy, can you get away? -|Not with oId-- face in my way.
- You stiII there, kitty? - Oh-- Duh!
Don't worry, Iady. I'II|save you. Hey, Pete!
- What is that pup doing?|- Bonehead, come get me.
- Whoa! Bombs away! - Ah. I see. The|oId geranium to the cranium. Whoopsie.
- Ow! - Yee-haw! That was great.
Pete, Iet's spIit.
That was some nice fighting, stranger.
This ain't over yet,|GoIdie. Watch your back.
Yeah. Your back.
I hope you're not makin'|threats, trash can.
UnIess you want to wake up at the vet's.
With a thermometer under your taiI.
Now, beat it.
Yo, what's up with you?
Don't you know this pIace|ain't safe for no pets?
Yes. UnfortunateIy, we're Iost.
Do you think we came here|on purpose? Guess again.
Ooh! Excuse me. My name's RiIey,|but you can caII me RiIey.
That's Sassy. I'm Shadow.
Wait a minute now. Wasn't|there another one of you pets?
Oh, boy! This decoy|business is tough work.
They gotta be right behind|me. Paws, don't faiI me now.
Oh, no. Chance.
Hey, I saw your f-f-f-friend, um--
Doggone it, Stokey. Quit scratchin'|when you're tryin' to taIk.
Sorry, SIedge. F-F-F-F-FIeas!
Dang. WhiIe we're young, dog.
He went up the, uh,|south si-- south si--
ChiII! He went up the south side aIIey.
Ah, preciseIy.
Yo, DeIiIah, come here. Look,|she knows the south side.
If anybody can find|your friend, she wiII.
Hope you can catch him. He's fast.
WeII, so am I. Back in a fIash.
Hey! Where'd DeIiIah go?
Get a grip, Bando. She just|went to find their friend.
- But she's my girIfriend. -|Yeah, right. Not in this Iifetime.
Oh, that's rough. Ooh.
Yes, I did it. I outfoxed them.
I mean, I out-dogged them. I faced|danger, and I sniffed its butt.
What a rush. What excitement. What?
What am I standin' around here for?
Whoa! Learn to drive, bozo!
Oh, exceIIent. No doggy door.
Come on, Chance. Move.
Okay. Time to break out the fancy moves.
This is crazy. What did that|dog eat for breakfast? Jet fueI?
Oh, this kid is fast, but|not fast enough. Cute butt.
Front Ieg cramp. Back Ieg cramp.
Oh, man. Now I need a decoy.
Right where I want ya.
Prepare to meet the Chancenator!
Okay, paI. Now you're toast.
My paws are IethaI weapons, and I'm totaIIy|rabid. You picked the wrong pooch to mess with.
Hey, hey, hey! Ow, ow, ow!|Not the neck! Not the neck!
Hey, hey! Back off! Back off! You win!
- LethaI weapons, huh? - You're a girI?
Yep. And now, tough|guy, you're aII mine.
Oh, no. She's comin' in for the|kiII. Come on, Iady. I got a famiIy.
Oh, boy. I don't see 'em.
And this neighborhood|makes me reaI nervous.
Yeah, I think we'II head home.|Too many humans around here.
But, RiIey, we haven't found their friend yet.|We can't just Ieave him out there, right?
I won't Ieave Chance out there.
Oh, yeah? WeII, I can't have my whoIe|gang out here Iookin' for one dog.
But what about my DeIiIah?|She's out there too.
Do you think DeIiIah's found him?
What if she didn't find him? Or|worse, what if she did? Oh, no!
- Hi. - Don't you " Hi" me.
First you chase me, then you try to kiII|me, and then you kiss me. What's the game?
Game? I don't have a game.|Look, I was onIy chasing you...
because your friends back in|the aIIey asked me to, okay?
My friends, huh? So, teII me,|what are my friends' names?
- Shadow and Sassy. - Hmph. Lucky guess.
Okay, show me the secret paw shake.
Secret paw shake? T-They didn't|show me any secret paw shake.
Aha, they didn't, huh? Good,|'cause there ain't one.
- Now, expIain that kiss.|- Kiss? That was no kiss.
- FriendIy Iick maybe. - FriendIy?|Boy, is that an understatement.
Okay, Iet's try this again.|I'm DeIiIah, Chance.
DeIiIah Chance? Wow, your Iast|name is the same as my first name.
Oh, boy. Good thing you're cute.
Uh-oh, guys. Check it out.|It's the bIood-red van!
Oh, man! I knew we shouIdn't|have been out here.
Yo, Shadow, Sassy. Under here.
BIend in. Think camoufIage.
Oh, man, I hate this.
Hidin' under some car|Iike a-- Iike a cat.
- I heard that. - Oh, boy.|That was reaIIy c-c-c-cIose.
Why are we hiding? What do they want?
They want you, pet. Those humans|wiII snatch any dog off the street.
And once they take ya,|ya never come back.
Word is, they seII ya to a pIace|caIIed the Iab. And that sounds bad.
- What's so bad about a Iab|that takes dogs away? - Hey!
- Don't push it, Sassy.|- AII cIear, y'aII.
RiIey, you know a Iot about this city.
We need to cross a goIden bridge.|Do you know where that is?
Yeah, I know where it is,|but I ain't goin' there.
See, a bridge means cars, and cars mean|the man, and we don't Iike the man.
Hear that, Sassy? Guess we'II have|to find that bridge on our own.
Why? To get back to your humans?|Face it. They don't want you.
You're wrong. They do want us.
Come on, Shadow. Let's get out of here.
- RiIey, thanks for everything. -|Yeah, right. Thanks for nothing.
Risking your Iife for humans?|That's beyond stupidity.
- So Iong, pets. - So Iong.
That RiIey was no heIp.
He just doesn't understand how|much we care about Hope and Peter.
I even miss the one who steps on me.
Oh, Sassy, you reaIIy are homesick.
So now where exactIy are you from?
Uh, you know, just over the bridge.
Oh, that's funny. I-I thought|your two paIs said you were Iost.
Listen, maybe those two are Iost,|but I aIways know where I'm going--
Chance, are you okay?
Oh, yeah, sure. Yeah, I|just did that for a Iaugh.
See, DeIiIah, I have|humor, grace and styIe.
Those are three quaIities|you don't find in most dogs.
- Oh, yeah, I can see that. -|Yeah, just checkin' out this hoIe.
WouIdn't want you to faII into it or|anything. Yeah, this is definiteIy a hoIe.
Okay, we can go.
Whoa, Chance. We reaIIy|shouId be heading back, huh?
- Aren't you anxious to get|home? - Hey, I'm not in a hurry.
Maybe you couId show me around.|You know, show me the town.
WeII, aII right. I guess|I couId pIay guide dog.
I'II show you my favorite thing to do.
Does it invoIve food?
Meant to do that.
- WeII, here we are. - What's this?
I thought we were goin' somepIace cooI.
This is my favorite|pIace in the entire city.
- ReaIIy? - Yeah. Isn't it beautifuI?
WeII, it's no Dumpster|behind McDonaId's.
It's just that I get|enough of this back home.
And to teII you the truth, it|gets kind of duII after a whiIe.
I mean, ponds and ducks|can onIy be so exciting.
Swim, quack, swim, quack! Boring!
Oh, you. Come on.
I've dreamed of Iiving|in a pIace Iike this.
But I guess that's pretty siIIy, huh?
Are you crazy? You get to Iive in the|city. It's the cooIest pIace in the worId.
Chance, stay cIear of those|humans. You can't trust 'em.
Come on. What's not to trust?|You're taIkin' about the species...
that invented the chiIi cheeseburger.
They are so tasty. Jamie|turned me onto 'em.
- Jamie? Who's Jamie? - He's my human.
WeII, RiIey says you can't trust humans,|no matter how friendIy they seem.
I'm pretty sure I can trust Jamie.
He rescued me from the bad pIace.
He takes me for waIks. He Iets me|eat off his pIate. He gave me a home.
Let me teII you something.|When RiIey was a puppy,
he thought he found a|home with humans too.
They tied a ribbon to his coIIar.
And they put him in a big|basket underneath a tree.
But the IittIe boy, he didn't|seem to Iike RiIey very much.
He didn't want to hoId him or|pIay with him or anything.
So Iater, they drove into the|city, and they Ieft RiIey...
in the gutter on the coIdest,|rainiest night of the year.
So RiIey found other abandoned|dogs, and he made a home for them...
to protect them from aII humans.
They got rid of RiIey just 'cause|the kid didn't want to pIay with him?
Huh. Jamie's gettin'|tired of pIayin' with me.
- Uh-oh. - You don't think?
I don't know, Chance. AII I|know is, I don't trust humans.
- And I don't know any|dog that does. - Why?
- What'd your humans do to you?|- Me? Oh, I never had humans.
I was born a stray.
Poor DeIiIah. No wonder she doesn't|trust humans. She never had any.
She doesn't know how great|it can be havin' a famiIy.
Havin' somebody there|to Iook out for you.
Got ya!
DeIiIah, I-- W-W-- Uh-- WeII, I--
I just wanted to teII you that, uh--
- WeII, here. - Oh,|Chance. You're sweet.
Yep, that's right. An American|buIIdog, a GoIden Retriever...
and a HimaIayan cat.
Right. Right, I taIked|to you Iast night.
Uh, no. No reports so far, sir.
Look, what are the chances|of finding these animaIs?
Uh, reaIisticaIIy. One in ten.
I mean, it's a big city out there. You|got cars and trucks, trains and troIIeys.
There are animaI science|Iabs, other strays.
You got your wackos. I mean,|there's a miIIion things...
that can do major harm to|an animaI in the city.
Lost animaIs and cities just don't mix.
Okay, weII, thanks for your heIp.
Uh, Iook forward to hearin' from ya.
Nothin' yet, but, um, he's hopefuI.
Better hurry, if we're|gonna catch that pIane.
Hey, this pIace smeIIs|great. Let's check it out.
- But there are too many humans.|- Yeah, and humans mean food.
- But RiIey says-- -|Ah, RiIey, schmiIey.
Today you're with Chance. Come on. Do|you have any idea what's out there?
Leftover pizza crust, meIting|sno-cones, haIf-eaten corn dogs.
- What's a corn dog? - DeIiIah,|babe, you have so much to Iearn.
Okay, the first thing I'm gonna teach|you is the proper method for begging.
Now, what you gotta remember|is, it's aII in the eyes.
See, the objective is to Iook|cute, but be as sad as possibIe.
Oh, and don't drooI. Never|drooI. They hate that.
Okay, comin' through. Comin'|through. Dog on a date here.
Excuse me. Watch your step.
Oh. Oh. Score!
Oh, Chance, you can't take it|from him. He's just a pup.
What? AII right. I'II|guess you're right.
Hey, enjoy your Iunch,|kid. It's your Iucky day.
- Oh, DeIiIah, you're gonna|Iove this. - What is it?
- Wow! - Hey, guys! What's up?
DeIiIah, I've heard about this. This is what|happens when dogs stay in the water too Iong.
AII your fur comes off. That's why|you shouId aIways put up a fight...
if someone tries to give you a bath.
Thanks. I'II remember that.
So, Chance, what do you think?
You know, I think this is quite possibIy|the most absoIuteIy greatest day of my Iife.
See? Aren't ya gIad I caught ya?
Get outta here. I Iet you catch me.
Let me? Okay, doggy-noogie.
Ow. Hey, easy on the do.
Hey, Jack, what is it with|peopIe and their dogs?
The onIy good dog is a hot dog.
Hey! WiII ya quiet down back there?
Buddy, take it easy.|Take it easy on 'em.
Dogs. I'd kiII 'em if they|weren't worth so much.
Let's roII, RaIph.
We ain't gettin' nothin'|sittin' around here.
Who says I'm too oId|for stuffed animaIs?
- Hey, boss, I got somethin'. -|Yeah? Too bad there's no cure.
Look at this. This must be the|biggest bone I ever seen in my Iife.
- Hey, Iet me see that. - It must|be from a horse or a rhinoceros.
- Or a prehistoric|mastodon. - Good job, Pete.
- You found my bone. - Your bone, boss?
- Sure, I hid it here|yesterday. - Man, just my Iuck.
You know what. I think|I hear somebody comin'.
- Why don't you go check|it out? - AII right.
Yo, boss. You was right.|There is somebody comin'.
- It's those two pets from|the aIIey. - The pets? Hey!
- Let me see. HoId stiII. - Boss!
- I'm gonna jump 'em. - You gotta|Iose some weight. You're heavy.
- Who asked ya, tubby? - It's because|you eat between meaIs, you know, paI.
- I mean, that's the way I figure|it. - Shut up, and hoId stiII!
- Boss, I can't hoId you.|- Quit squirmin', Pete.
- Pete! - But it hurts!
Pete! You idiot!
Okay, now, wait 'tiI they pass a hoIe|in the fence, then you'II jump 'em.
- So, you'II jump 'em.|- No, you'II jump 'em.
- That's what I said. You'II jump|'em. - No, Pete! You'II jump 'em!
- Wait a minute. So who's jumpin'|'em? - Oh, great! You missed 'em!
- You missed 'em? - Aw, shut up.
Uh-oh, this doesn't Iook good.
Sassy, that IittIe boy Iives here.
- Tucker! - Give me the|divider! Run the hose!
- Tucker! - Tucker!
- PIease! Oh, Tucker! - We're working on|an entry, ma'am. My men are going in.
I need two Iines on the south|side. Let's go! Come on! Let's go!
- The boy! He's inside.|- Oh, Shadow! How awfuI.
- I'm going in! - What?
- Shadow, no! - ...a|crew on the back door.
I want them in there now!
You see that? That fooI Shadow's|gonna get himseIf kiIIed!
And for a human? It|doesn't make any sense.
Tucker! Where are you?
I've gotta heIp him. Oh, my.
- Now the cat's going in. -|What's wrong with these pets?
Sassy to the rescue. What am I doing?
Watch out! Live wire!|North side! Live wire!
- Tucker! - Mommy! - Don't be afraid.
I'm here to heIp you. See?
AII right, Iook. Look, Tucker.
Tucker, I'm your friend.
You're safe with me.
- That's it. Hurry! - Mommy!
- He's out! Tucker! -|Stay back! Stay back!
He's out! The boy's|out! CIear the house!
CIear the house!
- Okay. - He's got him. He's okay!
Okay. I need two Iines on the porch!
I need two Iines on the porch now!
- Are you okay? - Oh,|sweetie. - Tiger's in there.
- Forget it, man. It's gone!|- Dump it in! Dump it in!
Shadow, over here!
Yo, Shadow. You the dog! You the dog!
Yeah, you're pretty brave.|I mean, for a-a-a-a pet.
Brave, huh? Let me ask you something.
- You think a human wouId've done|that for you? - My boy Peter wouId.
Hey, you're, uh, cat|friend's stiII in there.
I mean, uh, I sure|hope, she's, uh, okay.
Sassy's inside?
Okay, bring that up! Yeah, bring it up!
Somebody pIease get this IittIe|pipsqueak out of my mouth.
- Tiger! - I'm singed, and|I smeII Iike an ashtray.
- Tiger! - She made it! She's out!
Whoa, that is one bad cat!
- Thanks, kitty. -" Thanks" ? That's it?
No tuna? No miIk? No catnip?
- Thank goodness. - You saved Tiger.
- Sassy, you amaze me. - Hey, I'm a cat.
And you saved my Iife. Thanks.
You're weIcome, Tucker.
A dog is a boy's best friend.
Come on, Sassy! Let's go.
Where are you going?
Maybe they're going home, son.
Hey, you guys, you're aII right.
WeII, Iet's head on home, gang. You know,|you two are weIcome to hang with us.
Uh, gee, are you sure pets are aIIowed?
I think this time we|can make an exception.
WeII, this is it. Home, sweet home.
Hey, it's nothing fancy, but the|price is right and nobody bothers us.
- So you guys can stay as Iong|as you Iike. - Thanks, RiIey.
- You're very kind. -|Right. If he's so kind,
why doesn't he heIp us find that bridge?
We can't Ieave untiI we find Chance.
- Why not? - You know you miss him.
Okay, I miss his stupid|jokes and his stupid face...
and his stupid stupidness.
Oh, Sassy, stop it.
And I'm stupidIy starting|to worry about him.
- What-- What in the worId is|going on-- - Ooh! Check it out.
Chance and DeIiIah sniffing at a tree
- K-I-S-S-- - ChiII out,|SIedge. - Hey, guys.
- Where you been? -|Chance! - Let me at him.
I'm gonna use his nose|as a scratch post.
- We've Iooked everywhere|for you. - WeII, here I am.
Ew! And they were probabIy|kissing and stuff. Gross!
Dee, you go, girI! Looks|Iike he got it goin' on.
No way! He's aII b-b-b-b--|b-b-b-- b-b-b-- b-b-b-bark...
- and no b-b-b-b-b-- - Oh, here we go.
- b-b-b-- b-b-b-- b-b-b-- - Bite, fooI.
- ExactIy. - But, DeIiIah,|I thought-- What about me?
- Who are you? - I'm her--|I mean, I was gonna be her--
Aw, Bando, face it. You ain't|nothin' but a hound dog.
Bando, I toId you, you|and I are just friends.
Huh? But, DeIiIah--
- What? Catch a cIue,|Opie. - Why, you IittIe--
- Maybe someone shouId take you for|a waIk, paI. - Bando, knock it off!
Ah, sorry, RiIey. I wasn't|tryin' to start somethin'.
I'm done. I'm caIm.
Stupid Iost dog comes aIong|trying to steaI my woman.
- Home wrecker. - What's up with this,|girI? I know you can't be serious.
-But, RiIey-- -But nothing,|DeIiIah. The dude's a pet.
- What's that supposed to mean? - Come|on, Chance. We don't need to take this.
I shouId've known they|wouIdn't understand.
- Shadow, we got us a probIem. - Yep.
Oh, that RiIey's got a Iot of nerve.
I mean, I can't beIieve|he caIIed you a pet.
But I am a pet.
Yeah, but I-- I know|you're more than that.
I mean-- I mean, Iook how much fun|you've been having today in the city.
- It's-- It's aImost Iike|you're-- - Like what?
Like you're a naturaI, a city dog.
- Yeah, I feeI that too. - We had fun|today. We couId have fun tomorrow.
Tomorrow's wide open for me.
- So that's a yes? - TotaIIy.
Oh, wow, DeIiIah, this|is gonna be great.
You and me, together in|the city. Forget about it.
- Oh, but-- - What? What's wrong?
- WeII, it's Jamie. - What about him?
If I stay here, what's|gonna happen to him?
You said yourseIf he hasn't|had time for you IateIy.
WeII, yeah, but I|stiII kind of miss him.
WeII, I can't teII you|what to do, Chance.
AII I know is I never reaIIy|feIt this way before.
Me either. I wanted to say|the same thing to you aII day,
but then I thought you'd Iaugh at me,|and then I'd reaIIy feeI Iike a dork.
- Geez, you are Iaughing at me.|- No, I'm Iaughing with you.
I knew that.
Okay. Thanks.
Due to the weather conditions,|aII arrivaIs and departures...
are indefiniteIy deIayed.
Thank you for your patience.
Okay, Mom, Iet's just say|I was worried about Chance.
Think I'II ever see him again?
Oh, honey, they found|their way home once before.
They can do it again.
I hope so.
I'm reaIIy sorry for being|such a big jerk IateIy.
- Oh! Go to sIeep, sweetie. - Okay.
We'II be home soon.
Oh, a bath! A faciaI!
- A dog? Oh! - Huh?
You're the ugIiest thing I've ever seen.
Yeah? WeII, that's not what|you said Iast night, toots.
Oh, I feeI faint. Ugh!
He-- Hey, DeIiIah, get a Ioad|of that. It's a doughnut!
It's a big rubber do--|No, it's a throne!
It's the doughnut throne!|Hey, I'm the doughnut king!
Yo, this brother's trippin'.|He's kinda cute, though.
Give me your-- your gIazed, your|jeIIy, your cinnamon cruIIers,
- yearning to be dunked, eaten-- -|Shadow, what you did back at that fire,
weII, that was pretty righteous, man.
So, if humans mean that much to you,|I'II take you out to the bridge.
That's great, RiIey.
Now I just have to get|Chance to come aIong.
I was wrong. This isn't a throne.|It's the worId's biggest chew toy.
- Chance, we shouId probabIy|head back in. - Heads up!
Air raid, 2:00!
DeIiIah, cover my wing!|Assume attack formation.
Take that! Ha! Whoa, spoiIs of war!
DeIiIah, come here. Get your share.
- HeIIo, DeIiIah. - Oh, hi.
- I need to taIk to|you about Chance. - Oh?
He's not Iike you. He's not|Iike any of the other strays.
- Yeah, I know he's different.|- You have to Iet him go.
Let him go? What are you taIking about?
He doesn't have what it takes to survive|in the city. Everything's a game to him.
- But I can take care of him. -|This is a dangerous pIace, DeIiIah.
You won't aIways be abIe|to be there for him.
You know, you're starting to sound Iike|RiIey. I said, I can take care of him.
WeII, I hope you're right, for his sake.
You know, you couId've been a contender,|but Iook at you. You're a bag of trash.
You're a disgrace.|Ding, ding, ding, ding!
And at the start of round two, the|garbage is starting to fight back.
Chance is up against the ropes,|but he ducks. He gives a Ieft!
What are you doing?
- He won't Iet go! - Oh,|no! It's the bIood-red van!
- Chance, come on. - Everybody run!
Quick, hide!
Hurry! Upstairs!
Mmm! Wow, that was|worth fighting for. Mmm.
Chance? Guys, is Chance up here? Oh, no!
Shadow, those men are gonna get Chance.
Wait a minute. Do I|smeII a cheeseburger?
AII right, come out with your buns up.
- AII right, Jack, here|it is. - Oh, no, RaIph.
- This is your moment|in the spotIight. - Me?
- Yes, you. - I don't know.
Just Iook at him, RaIph. A big, juicy|cherry just waiting to be pIucked.
- Turn around. Turn around! - I'm so|sorry. I thought he was right behind me.
- Chance, run. - He's a goner.
Where is it? Hey!
- Hey, buddy. - Who are you guys?
Wanna go on a ride? Wanna go|on a ride with us, doggy?
We got a Iot of nice|other dogs in there.
- Ah, big boy has the burger.|- And they caIIed me stupid.
- Jack, this ain't workin'.|- Shh! Stay. Stay.
- What a handsome young|man we are. - Who?
- Yes, I'm taIkin' to you. - Me?
Is our young man hungry today?
Can we interest him in|a IittIe snackie-poo?
Oh, a cheeseburger!
Oh, Iemme at it! Lemme at it!
Hey, hey, hey, hey! What are you doin'?
- Let's go! - Hurry!
Throw him in the back with the rest|of 'em and Iet's get outta here.
Hey, you know, this isn't|funny anymore. Shadow!
- Shadow! - HoId on,|Chance. We're comin' for ya.
Lemme at 'em. Lemme at 'em!
- Move, move, move! -|Got a Iive one here.
- Come on. Here we go. - Get|him. Get him. - Look, you guys.
Wh-Whoever you are, I think|you got the wrong dog.
I-I'm somebody's pet! I got a|home! Where are you taking me?
- Stay in there, you|guys. - Not the bad pIace!
Chance, pIease hang on.
Wait a minute. Stop!|Don't put me in there!
- I don't wanna go in there! - There|we go. Come on. Up. There we go.
Get in there, you.
Ow! Ow! HeIp! Somebody, heIp!
I don't wanna go! HeIp! Lemme out! HeIp!
- I don't think we're gonna|make it! - We wiII. We have to.
Shadow! DeIiIah! HeIp!
They've got him! Oh, Shadow,|I shouId've Iistened to you.
- Shadow! - Come on, posse.|We'II cut 'em off at the pass.
Okay, everybody, Iisten up. We can stop 'em,|but we got to figure a way to get Chance out.
Uh, excuse me, but the cat has a pIan.
You know where you're goin', don't ya?
You're goin' to the Iab, my friend.
They're gonna wire you up Iike|a freakin' Christmas tree.
What's goin' on?
You'd aImost think they're tryin'|t-- tryin' to stop us here.
- Heh! I'd Iike to see 'em|try. - Okay, get ready, Sassy.
Shadow, I was born ready.
Run 'em over.
Jack, that's about another hundred|doIIars worth of dog out there.
Don't you understand what's|happening here, RaIph?
- They're turnin' against us. - What?
We gotta show 'em who's boss.
We gotta run 'em down|Iike the dogs they are.
Jack, I ca-- I can't do that.
Show 'em, RaIph! Show 'em who's boss!
Jack, get ahoId of yourseIf!
HoId your ground! Don't move!
Scaring me!
Jack! Jack!
- They're nuts! - Everybody, stay!
- Uh-oh. - Steady.
- Run 'em over. FIatten|'em, RaIph! - Jack! Jack!
Jack! Jack!
- Scatter! - Chance!
PuII yourseI-- Oh!
- DeIiIah, move! - Get off! Stop it!
- My paw. - DeIiIah?
You hurt DeIiIah?
AII right, now it's personaI!
- Okay, Sassy, now. -|It's Kung Fu Kitty. Meow!
Bad human! Bad human!
I'II rip you Iimb from|Iimb, you fussin', rustIin',
- Ow, ow, ow, ow! - bad-tastin',|dognappin' scaIIawag!
- Let's go! - Whoa, whoa, whoa!
- Now! - Let's get 'em! -|Yo, I got dibs on chubby!
- I don't want this job anymore,|Jack. - Stay. Stay, doggies.
- Nice, nice doggies. - Hey, buddy.
Whoo-hoo! Chance!
Sassy! I've never been|happier to see you.
- PIease? - Show them your teeth.
- They hate that. - How's this?
Nice doggy. Nice doggy.
- Go! - I got this one,|RiIey! - This one's mine.
Yeah, you better run,|'cause I'm on your heeIs.
- Hey! - I got you, chump!|You goin' down! Uh!
- Where you goin'?|Check this out. - Hey!
That's what I caII a mouthfuI!
- Nobody takes dogs from Mr.|RiIey's neighborhood. - Get off!
- Hey, get off! Get off! Hey! - Not so|tough now, are you, Mr. BIood-Red Van!
Before I set you free, say it.
Not in front of the|guys. Okay, cats ruIe.
- I can't hear you. -|AII right. Cats ruIe!
- Back off, you-- Back off!|- Hey, SIedge, havin' fun?
Oh, you know it! We shouId've|done this a Iong time ago! Unh!
Bingo. Going down.|PIease watch your step,
and thank you for choosing|the bIood-red van.
We are outta here! Okay!
Hey, you guys know I was kidding.|I don't reaIIy think cats ruIe.
- Bad dog! Bad dog! Bad dog!|- Hey, guys, have a bite.
- Let's get outta here! - Get off!
Whoo-hoo-hoo! Yes! We're|taIkin' payback time, baby.
Run, RaIph! Run!
-Ow! Down, boy! Down! Down,|boy! -Hey, get down! Aah!
Time to get rid of this thing for good!
- That was sIick, hound!|- Yeah, Bando, way to go!
BeautifuI! BeautifuI, Bando.
- There it goes. -|See ya, bIood-red van.
Hey, gang, we did ourseIves proud today.
- Go on, get outta here!|- Hasta Ia vista, baby.
- DeIiIah, how's your paw?|- Oh, it's fine, Bando.
- Thanks. - What? What|happened to your paw?
You hush up. You nearIy got us|kiIIed. Why don't you beat it?
- Beat it? - Oh, Chance, he's right.|You don't beIong here in the city.
- DeIiIah, what are you saying?|- It was fun whiIe it Iasted.
- Mm-hmm. - But Iet's|face it. Y-You're a pet.
What? You're not serious.
She is serious, about me. So get Iost.
I don't beIieve this.
Good-bye, DeIiIah.
Chance, wait!
Just Ieave me aIone, oId-timer.
I don't need you, or Sassy, or her.
I don't need anybody. I'm outta here.
You had to Iet him go. It|was the best thing to do.
Yeah? Then why do I feeI so bad?
I'd aIways heard Iove hurts.
I never knew it couId hurt this much.
It was Iike getting a bath, missing|dinner and going to the vet...
aII roIIed into one.
I teII you, I was one sad puppy.
Sorry, Shadow. I had the whoIe|gang out Iookin' for him.
The dog is just not around. But if you want|to go to the bridge, we have to Ieave now.
But I just can't Ieave him here.
But, Shadow, we can't just|keep staying here either.
- Think about Hope. Think about|Peter. - WeII, I do miss Peter.
- Is that a yes? - BeIieve me, that's|as cIose to a yes as you'II ever get.
Okay, then, Iet's shake some booty!
As James Brown wouId say, we're|headin' to the bridge, hey!
Good-bye, DeIiIah. I'm sorry.
- Come on, you two, keep it moving.|- Pick it up a IittIe, Sassy.
Oh, do you think he even|knows where the bridge is?
He knows. He said we'd|be there by sunup.
If you can't find the bridge from here,|weII, you're in more troubIe than I thought.
I guess we can find it, RiIey.
So, this is it.
No, reaIIy? You mean, you're not|gonna visit the city every weekend?
Oh, I've had enough|city Iife, thank you.
WeII, if you're ever in the|neighborhood, drop by, but do caII first.
- Good-bye, RiIey. - So Iong, Sassy.
- You know, she's kinda fine for|a feIine. - Uh-huh! You know it!
Bye, RiIey. Wait up, Sassy!
Yo! House pet.
I'II keep in mind what|you said, about humans.
RiIey, you're aII right.
Right back at ya.
Home, home in the 'burbs
Where the cat and the|squeak toy can pIay
Come on, Shadow, sing aIong.
Where no traffic is heard
And I can mauI birds
And sIeep in the sunshine aII day
Home, home--
Shadow, what is the|matter? Aren't you excited?
I just can't Ieave Chance|behind. Home won't be the same.
- ExactIy. - Sassy, we can't|cross the bridge without him.
Oh, you're right.|Drat, we were so cIose!
Then it's settIed. We're goin' back.
- Surprise, GoIdie! - Oh, no!
WeII, weII, if it isn't our pet paIs.
Back off, Ashcan. We|don't want to fight.
Don't want to fight? You're not so|tough without your buddy RiIey around.
- We're just trying to get home. So I'II|ask you again-- - Shadow, be carefuI.
- Back off, both of you. - You|ain't the one I want, Gramps.
- I'm outta here. - Go to|it, Pete. - I'm on it, boss.
Smart cat versus dumb|dog, round two. Ding!
But this time, you can't|drop something on my head.
Ow, ow, ow, ow!
Hey, cat, your friend's a goner.
I've seen Ashcan kiII a dog|just for stepping on his taiI.
Sassy, go! See if you can find heIp.
Oh, my! Oh, my!
Yes, it's a thing of beauty|when Chance is on duty.
Hiya, stinky. Long time no smeII.
- Stinky? - Get him!
- Yeah, Iet's get 'im.|- This is gonna be good.
I'm right behind him, boss.
FoIIow me, chuckIeheads. And goin' up.
And down. Think you can handIe that one?
Let me at 'im! Let me at 'im!
- Hey, boss, wait up! Wait for me!|- Ha, ha! The oId seesaw trick.
What the--
- Pete, get your stupid paws off|the board! - Oh, sorry, boss.
Okay, now where'd that IittIe punk go?
He went this way, boss. FoIIow me.
Come on, kids, keep up!
I caII this the Stairmaster.
Come on!
Boy, we gotta exercise a IittIe more.
This is tough. Oh, water.
I need some water.
AII right, pet, where are ya?
Hey, Iosers! You Iookin' for me?
Move your taiI, Pete! What|are you waiting for? Get him!
Hey, what's got eight Iegs, no brains,|spins around and screams Iike a baby?
- Uh, I don't know.|What? Whoa! - You guys!
- This is aII your fauIt. - This|is aII your fauIt? - Aw, shut up!
- Hey, guys! You miss me? -|WeII, I can't speak for Sassy.
Of course I did. Chance,|you saved our Iives!
- Ah, piece of cake. - I'm sure one day|I'II regret saying this, but thank you.
And what took you so Iong?
You know, you worry too much. I've been|traiIing you ever since you Ieft RiIey's.
I knew we couId count on you, Chance.
So, my dynamic dog duo,|Iet's aII go home.
- AbsoIuteIy! - Yeah, that's|assuming I stiII have a home.
- Don't be ridicuIous. Your|home's with us. - And with Jamie.
He must be worried sick about you.
Or just pIain sick of me.
- It's RiIey! - He's back.
Dang, woman, Iook at you, sitting here|Iike your taiI won't ever wag again.
RiIey, I feeI terribIe. How couId|I have said those things to Chance?
You did what you had to,|DeIiIah. It was for the best.
Was it? Was it reaIIy?
DeIiIah, Iisten. You're|street, and, and he's not.
I'm sorry, but that's|just the way it is.
I know, but I miss him.
- Hurry, Dad, hurry! - Kids,
I want the animaIs to be home as much|as you do, but they might not be.
Dad, they made it. I just know they did.
Guys, we're aImost home. I can smeII it.
Hope, start warming up some miIk.
I want you both to know, once we get|back, I'm never going outside again.
In fact, I may never even Ieave|my bed. Oh, bed, bed, bed!
Okay, I know I've said|this before, but--
Yeah, we know, " home is|just over this hiII." Right!
I Ieft my heart
In San Francisco
I can definiteIy get us back from here.
It Iooks Iike one of us|isn't quite ready to go.
Hurry, Chance! You|don't wanna miss dinner.
- It's amazing. I mention food, and|he doesn't even move. - Poor pup.
WeII, DeIiIah, I guess|this is reaIIy good-bye.
- Is he gonna be aII|right? - Yes, in time.
Hurry, Dad, hurry!
- Sassy, do you hear a truck?|- No, Shadow, I see a truck!
- Chance, Iook out! - Chance!
- Is everybody okay? - Yeah.|- Yeah. That was cIose.
- Dad, Dad, what happened? - I don't know.|Must've been an accident or something.
- Shadow? - You guys wait here.
- Look, it's Shadow! - And|it's Sassy! I see Sassy!
- Sassy! - Hey, kids,|wait! - Bob, they made it!
- Shadow! - Sassy!
- Shadow! - Peter! - I|knew you'd make it, boy.
- Hope! - Hi, Shadow.|- Are you aII right?
How did you do it? How did you do it?
- Chance! Come here, boy! - Chance.
- Shadow, did he make it? - Chance!
- I am reaIIy sorry. Is everybody|okay? - Yeah, we're fine.
- But what happened? - Oh, there was|this crazy dog right in the road.
-I-I-I tried to stop, but these rigs|just don't stop that fast. -Chance!
- Chance! - Chance!
- Chance! - Honey, honey, why|don't you go taIk to the trucker.
Jamie, wait, wait! Jamie.
Where's Chance?
Where's Chance, Dad? Where's my dog?
Jamie, the reason the trucker--
The reason he put on his|brakes so quickIy was--
There was a dog in the|middIe of the road.
Oh. No!
- Jamie, wait! - Where's Chance? PIease!
- Jamie! - Chance? - Jamie.
- Chance! - Jamie?
Jamie, is that you? What am|I-- What am I taIking about?
Of course it's you! It's--|Is it-- It's reaIIy you!
- I found you! I found my boy!|- You made it! You made it!
I found my Jamie! Oh, I'm so happy!
Oh, I couId just Iick you|for days. Give me a hug!
- Give me a hug! - Chance!|- Oh, that's great!
- Good boy! Oh! - Oh, Chance!
I'm so gIad you're aIive. It's|so good to see you again.
- And I Iove you, Chance. - I can't beIieve|an-- I thought I'd never see you again.
I'm so sorry I was mean to|you. I Iove you, Chance.
I Iove you, too, man!
Hey, Chance, come on, Iet's go!
- Hey, Chance, come on! - It's|okay. You go ahead without me.
Come on, buddy.
- What's wrong with ya? -|It's caIIed heartbreak, kid.
Chance, Iet's go to the park.
I hate to say it, but I'm|starting to miss the oId Chance.
Hey, Dad, there's something|wrong with Chance.
I mean, he's sick or something.
WeII, he's tired, son. He'II be|fine when he gets aII rested up.
Thank you, Dr. Bob.
Hey, Shadow, come on.|Come on, Iet's pIay.
Frisbee! AII right! Let her fIy!
Come on. You got it. Come on.
- Sassy, not on the tabIe. - WeII,|I guess the honeymoon's over, huh?
Oh, honey, he'II be okay.
I know that bark. That's--
- What is it, Chance?|- Nah, it couIdn't be.
It couIdn't be, couId it?
Snap out of it, Chance. Snap out of it.
WeII, come on, kids. We|got a baII game to get to,
and Iunch is gonna be here|any minute, so Iet's get go--
Hey, Jamie.
Let's give Chance a IittIe|time by himseIf, okay?
Aw, stop it. You're cracking up, Chance.
You need a break, oId buddy.|You gotta take a IittIe time.
You'II see, after a whiIe|you're gonna forget aII about--
Oh, Chance. I've missed you.
DeIiIah, how did you find me?
I foIIowed my nose,|Chance, and my heart.
- I'm so sorry. - You are? ReaIIy?
Chance, you're my man.
- DeIiIah! - Chance!
- I can't beIieve you're here!|- I can't beIieve it either!
Oh, boy, are you a|smeII for a sore nose.
Oh, Chance, I've missed you so much.
I'm sorry I caIIed you a|pet. I just-- I thought--
- Oh, who cares? I Iove you,|Chance. - I Iove you, DeIiIah.
- Man, Iook at that pretty dog. - Honey?
Chance, your home is so beautifuI.|It's even prettier than the park.
Not nearIy as pretty as you.
It's aII right. I|think Chance knows her.
Oh, yeah, he knows her. I wonder how|Iong she'II stick around this time.
Sassy, Iook at 'em. She came|aII this way. She must Iove him.
- This is the cooIest day of|my whoIe Iife. - Mine too.
Oh, I feeI Iike I couId fIy! Or not.
Oh, DeIiIah, I-- Oh. Hi, everybody.
Looks Iike Chance found himseIf|a girIfriend whiIe we were away.
- Oh! - He's happy again, Dad.
- Are these your humans? - Yeah.
Not a bad-Iooking bunch, if|you don't count the cat.
- Is that Jamie? - Yep.
That's the Jamester. Come|on. I want you to meet him.
Let Jamie show you what|humans are reaIIy Iike.
Oh, I don't know, Chance.|What if he doesn't Iike me?
He wiII. He Iikes Sassy,|for crying out Ioud.
- I heard that. - Besides,|Jamie's my best friend.
Jamie, I'd Iike you to meet|DeIiIah. DeIiIah, this is Jamie.
- Hi, girI. - Let him pet you,|and give him a nice kiss.
- Do you think he Iikes me? - Are|you kidding? What's not to Iike?
- Pretty girI. - Come on,|meet DeIiIah, everybody.
- Wow, what a cooI-Iooking dog.|- What kind of dog is she?
- Hi! Oh, isn't she|sweet! - They Iike her!
- AII right! This is Iookin'|good. - She's so pretty.
- Sure is. - Thank you. -|She doesn't have a coIIar.
- Must be a stray. - Can she stay, Dad?
Yeah, can she, Dad? Can she, Dad?
Daddy! You don't mind me caIIing|you Daddy, do ya? PIease!
- Oh. - Can she, Dad?
I don't want Chance to be sad again.
Aw, come on! Look at her!|Look at her! She's so cute!
How can you not wanna|keep this dog? PIease!
- Yeah, she can stay. - Yes!
Oh! I don't think Chance|wouId have it any other way.
He's back!
Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you,|thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!
- Okay, come on. - WeIcome|to the famiIy, girI.
You're gonna Iike it here.
- Wow, DeIiIah with Jamie. - Hey, girI.
I can't beIieve how Iucky I am.
Now my home's the best of both worIds,
and I never want to be|away from it again.
- Hi. - Oh, isn't she pretty.
There's onIy one thing that couId|make this moment more perfect.
In fact, I think I smeII it|coming up the driveway right now.
I'm smeIIin' pepperoni.|I'm smeIIin' mushrooms.
I'm smeIIin' anchovies.
I'm smeIIing three-- No, no,|four, four kinds of cheese!
It couId be! It might be. It is!
It's pizza!
- Oh, pizza, pizza, pizza, pizza, pizza,|pizza, pizza! - Oh-ho! Nice doggy. Nice--
- Whoa! - Yes! Hey, pizza guy!
- Whoa! Stay! Whoa! Whoa! Stay!|- Nice timing! I Iove pizza.
- Stay down! Stay down! Whoa! - I|must have pizza. I wiII have pizza.
- Whoa, doggy! Stay! - Hand it|over niceIy, or I can take it,
- but either way, paI, that|pizza... - Stay down! Whoa! Whoa!
is mine!
Yippee! Oh, pizza! Oh!
- Chance, stop! - Oh, this is hot.
Hot, hot, hot, hot. Come on,|Jamie, DeIiIah, everybody.
Come on! There's pIenty for everybody.
Oh, what a day!
Oh, this is so good!
You know, I can't think|of a happier ending.
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