Honey 2 (2011)

(WOMAN OVER PA) Rec time
ends in five minutes.
You ever get tired of
getting clowned, girl?
Because I'm
gonna be honest...
GIRL 12 Fight! Yo!
Get her, Maria!
That's the best you got?
GIRL 2: Take it, girl!
You got her, Maria!
Maria Bennett.
It's time to go.
Miss Bennett,
yesterday in court,
you received an order to be
paroled into foster care,
which made you eligible
since you won't
tllm 15 fOl' 3 few fTlofllhS.
Don't "uh-huh" her.
I know you know better.
She knows better.
Okay, now, Mrs. Daniels,
you do understand
that as Maria's
appointed foster parent,
you take full responsibility
of this minor?
Do l ever'.
Okay. That's it.
CONNIE: That's it?
Yes, it is. Just follow the
yellow line down to the exit.
And good luck
Thank you.
Thank you so very much.
Thank you.
I was talking to Maria.
All right, follow me.
Going to come out here,
and we are going to
put you to work.
Lets start
with these.
An right.
And let's set
a couple of rules.
Like what?
Like curfew at 9:00,
and you're not allowed to
hang out with your old crew.
You ain't got to
worry about that.
They ditched me
a while back.
Any more rules?
Well, not a rule,
but I would like you to start
thinking about your future,
Like, what do you
wanna do with your life?
If it was up to me...
It doesnt matter.
What about your dancing?
You used to love that.
Look, I got to get a real job.
It's not like I can make any money dancing,
Excuse me? Honey built this
studio with her dance career.
We all can't be like your
daughter, Mrs. Daniels.
Well, if anybody
could be, it'd be you.
What have you...
Give me that!
This ain't no
mirror cleaning.
Now, see, your problem is,
you are not motivated,
Now, look at that. That is what a
mirror's supposed to look like.
Mr. Kapoor: No, come on.
Please, Maria.
MARIA: Oh, come on.
Maria, please. Please. What?
I don't think you working
here is a good idea.
Why? You want to hear the truth?
I don't trust you
anymore. Okay?
Mr. Kapoor, you know me.
I messed up one time.
One time!
You know what they say.
Once you go bad,
you never go back.
Wait, no. It's...
it's once you go "black,"
you never go back.
But that makes no sense.
How can you go...
Is that what
they really say?
Hmm. I'll try to
remember that.
Besides, Maria, I'm running a
business here, not a charity, okay?
I'd really like to help you,
but I just can't.
All right, maybe not.
But I can help you out.
And how's that?
Put it back.
Put what back?
I ain't got nothing.
How did that
get in there?
I saw you take
the bracelet, too.
Hey! Nobody steals from Kapoor!
Big Lester, grab him!
Grab him!
Big Lester,
did you see him?
It was just her.
Oh, God.
These frigging kids.
Now, tell me, how did you
know she was stealing?
When she walked in, I just had
this feeling something was up.
Mmm. Maybe l could
use you here after all.
So, I got the job?
Yes, but on
a trial basis.
If you screw up...
Whoop! Outside, okay?
Out, yeah.
Thank you.
Can you start today?
I see you ain't
lost your sexy.
Damn it, Luis.
How did you get in here?
The place is locked.
Since when has
that stopped me?
What do you want?
I heard you were here,
and I wanted to see you.
Well, you saw me.
Now leave.
It's like that, huh?
I thought we could
hang out.
Maybe catch up.
That's what you get
for thinking.
You still tripping off
that stuff that happened?
Did you really
just ask me that?
You need to
get out of my face.
What did you
expect me to do, Maria?
It ain't like we
would've shared a cell.
You did juvie.
I would've got real time.
Hell, what l got
felt real to me.
And I wouldn't have even been
there if it wasn't for you.
So, what do you
want me to say?
Look, I'm sorry.
Oh, well.
There it is.
It makes it
all better now.
I didn't come here
to fight.
I got some good news.
You heard about the 718?
What about them?
Well, we won the Dance
Battle Zone competition.
So, I want you to come back
and dance with us.
Yo, we missed you, and we
still got mad love for you.
Yeah, I've had
your kind of love.
And you can keep it.
Look, I've changed.
I ain't caught up in all
that bullshit anymore.
I've been straight since you left.
No hustling or stealing!
I don't believe you.
Then let me
prove it to you.
I know you still want to be a real dancer.
I can make that happen.
You know what?
I think you should leave.
Right now.
I won't push.
But do me a favor,
just think about it.
Goodbye, Luis.
CONNIE: Maria!
What? I'm up!
Maria! Ge! up!
All right!
Damn. Crazy woman.
Is that for me?
Of course!
But don't get used to it.
Now, you may be
living in Bay Ridge now,
but room service is
a one-time only thing.
Thanks, Mrs. Daniels.
You're welcome.
Now, don't you feel bad
for cursing me out?
Oh, I was having
a nightmare,
That's got to be
the finest janitor ever.
Hell, yeah.
And you know what?
I think she needs some of
this pimping right here,
Darnell, don't do
this to yourself, man.
You got no swag and
no chance with that.
(SCOFFS) Come on.
Watch me, kid.
I'm telling you, man...
Excuse me,
All right.
Excuse me, miss?
You are far too fine
to be sweeping these floors.
What if I told you I could change
your life if you just take my hand?
What? Can't speak?
I'm waiting for
the punch line.
That was a joke, right?
Of course.
Yeah. All jokes.
I'll let you do
what you do.
You are the worst.
What? You couldn't
have did it, man.
CARLA: Hey, boys!
LYRIC: Jump in there!
Whoa, whoa!
Can I help you?
Not you, her.
Pay up.
What? I don't even know...
That's how much you owe for
the stuff you tried to steal,
the mess you caused
and that bracelet.
You better
get out of my face!
What are you going to do?
First, you need to check your tone.
This is my cousin.
And please believe I will break
your little, skinny ass in half.
I wasn't talking to you!
You belief back Off!
Cool it!
I got this chick.
Back Off!
Tina, stop! Stop.
Look, now, I don't
know who you are,
but you can't just roll up
here and harass my crew.
She's a thief.
I caught her shoplifting.
You did that, Tina?
Who are you going to believe?
Me or this janitor?
I'm sure
the janitor has a name.
Who are you?
Don't worry about
who I am.
Just keep your little
hoodrat on a leash.
CARLA: Damn!
I know that chick.
Her name's Maria, She used
to dance with Luis and them.
The 718?
Yeah, okay.
No, Carla's right.
Yo, she was fire.
TINA: Anyway.
I ain't thinking about them.
All right, it's over.
Let's get back to work.
CARLA: Word.
MARIOZ The winning crew could
Win $ 100,000,
go on a world tour
with a major recording artist
and their choreographer
will get a year's internship
with a world-renowned
Three huge prizes.
You don't want to miss this.
So, if your crew thinks
they're the next B-Z champs,
go oniine now
for auditions near you.
And we'll see you
next week on Battle Zone.
Go hard or go home!
I can't believe this show is making
celebrities out of these thugs.
They're the best crew
out right now.
I just wish I had...
Don't wait up.
You stalking me
or something?
Me? Stalking you?
Not hardly.
Damn, I was kidding, gm.
You always
this rude, Maria?
How'd you know my name?
It's on your necklace.
Come on,
you want to dance?
No, thanks.
What, are you scared?
Scared you might like me?
Or scared you can't hang?
I knew you'd
come back to me.
Not even.
Hold up.
The crew is here.
Come hang out with us.
No, thanks.
What's your problem?
Look, I'm just trying to stay
out of trouble. That's all.
We did more than just get
into trouble, remember?
Hey, back off, all right?
I'm here with someone.
I got to go.
Do me a favor.
What's up?
Come on,
dance with me.
You're kidding me, right?
Why you desperate
all of a sudden?
Come on.
He'll be back.
Hey, whatever.
Au right.
All right.
Come on.
Watch and learn this.
There you go.
Go away.
Is everything all right?
I'm fine, yeah.
Just ignore him.
What's wrong?
Can't hang no more?
I can hang.
Let's see.
Why you all up in our business?
Go find your own chick.
That's my girl!
No, I ain't.
This fool.
So, are we
going out tonight?
What? No! Not today, boo.
No, no.
What you mean?
Yo, hey, look,
for real.
Hey, you're wack.
Hey, what the hell
was lhai?
It was tomorrow's schedule
until you made me ruin it.
I'm talking about last night
when you played me.
No, I didn't.
I almost got in a fight over
you with that fool Luis,
and then you bailed on me?
What's up with that?
It's a long story, and I
don't want to talk about it.
That's it?
Pretty much.
You owe me.
I don't owe you anything.
Come with me.
I have to
finish my board!
...And just all up in my
business like, "Who are you?"
Yo, what is she
doing here?
I want you to show them
how you danced last night.
You're kidding me,
No, I'm serious.
Do it.
What's the matter?
Are you afraid to dance?
YOU look scared to me.
Yo, maybe she can
help clean us up.
She can give me
a bath any day,
Just what I thought.
This trick ain't got
nothing but a big mouth.
Au right.
Play the music.
That was the business!
Damn, boo,
you are the truth!
Carla, really, you got to stop
talking like that to people,
What, college boy?
I mean, she knows how I meant it.
Girls can say that to
each other, all right?
Lt'S like when black folks
call each other "my..."
Quit it while you're behind.
Baby, stop.
Now I've never seen a New York
dancer that could turf like that.
Did you live in Cali or something?
I learned it from
this girl I used to know.
You think you can
teach us how to do it?
Really? What happened to, "I'm
going to break your ass in half'?
Yeah, that was before
I saw you dance, though.
Whatever, Lyric.
We don't need her.
I think we do, Tina, because I've
never seen you get down like that.
So, you interested?
No, thanks.
Why not?
You're here all the time.
What you got to lose?
Is cleaning toilets
keeping you busy?
I bet she's going
Crawling back to the 718.
Girl, if I wasn't
on probation..
Ooh! What would you do?
You know what?
I'm just not interested.
Hey, what's going on?
It's the 718.
They're buying everybody slices.
When why?
They always do
stuff like that,
Last time, they handed
out school supplies.
My moms really loved that,
but I'd rather have the pizza.
You're just in time.
For what?
What is all of this?
What does it look like?
We take care of our own, Ma.
I mean, if not us, who will?
So, this is what you meant
when you said you changed?
Yeah, part of it.
I'm trying to do right,
at least.
Didn't seem like it
last night.
Man, I was just
having some fun.
Hey, did you eat yet?
Then come inside.
Dinner's on me.
Thanks, but no.
I'm just trying to feed you, I
ain't trying to get you pregnant.
Okay. But I'm not staying long.
MARIA: (LAUGHS) Do you remember
your cousin's wedding?
Yo, you got so lit.
I wasn'l too buzzed to
catch the bouquet, though.
Right. After you knocked over the
old lady and the flower girl.
Oh, my gosh, it was an accident!
Nobody got hurt.
The flower girl
lost a tooth, Maria.
It was already loose.
And I gave her the bouquet
to make up for it!
True. True.
Okay, then.
Oh, man. You know, after a
while, the DJ wasn't that bad.
We danced for a while
after everybody left.
It was nice, though.
I thought about
that night a lot
when I was gone.
Have you thought about
coming back to the crew?
I'm so tempted.
You know how much
dancing means to me.
Come dance with us
I know once we get back at it,
it'll be just like old times.
That's what I'm
afraid of.
Hey, you know I got you.
So, this is where
it all goes down.
Let's show her
how we rock the 718.
So, are you ready
to join in?
(lvluslc sToPs)
LUIS: Man, it feels
good to have you back.
It just seems right.
You feel me?
Yeah. It made me realize how
much I miss being with our crew,
Is that all you missed?
You know,
we could have it all now.
I just wish you would've
listened to me back in the day,
Are you blaming me
for what happened?
Don't sweat it.
We can start all over.
Yo, we got company.
Let's go! Let's go!
What are you doing?
Hold this.
What are you doing?
What up, Luis?
What's up, homes?
What you got
for us tonight?
Same thing I got for you every night.
We can play it
that way, too.
I know you got
Nope. He's clean.
We'll get him next time.
The fool is
bound to slip up.
You must have a thing
for losers, huh, baby?
You two have a good night.
Are you okay?
You lied to me!
Listen, you don't understand.
It's just a side hustle!
It's how I'm able
to do the good shit
I do around here
and give back!
Don't you see that?
They don't care about us.
We got to do for ourselves.
Me and you.
Not me.
Not anymore.
I don't want in.
I'll dance with your crew
on one condition.
Yeah, what's that?
We get on Battle Zane
and we beat the 718.
Wait, hold up.
You're trying to use us to get revenge?
That, and part of
the grand prize is that
your choreographer
gets an internship.
That'S the kind
of break I need.
Who said you were going to
take over our choreography?
BRANDON: I mean, we
could use the help.
Right now,
we're just winging it.
Her Stuff could
push us over the top.
Au right,
so can we get started?
No, see,
you're tripping.
Audition is at the end of the month.
Let's do this.
Tina, Lyric.
Part of the grand prize
is $100,000.
I know we could
all use that money,
but with your grandma's medical
expenses, I thought.,
Why you got to
put us on blast?
No, I'm not.
Look, you know I
got your back, always.
And if you really
don't want her in,
just say the word
and I'm down.
But I think we should
do it for Grandma. I do.
And if I say no, I'm
the bad guy, right?
Pretty much.
All right,
Fine, she's in.
CARLA: Yeah!
But if she gets in my face
again, I'm going to cut her.
With what?
Your razor sharp wit?
My what?
I just said yes to you
to get in my crew.
How's she gonna talk to me
like that.
All right. Five, six, seven, eight.
It's one, two, three,
four, five, six
and seven, eight.
One, two, three...
One, two, yep, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight.
You guys got to trust
that the guys have your back.
And you guys need to turn,
and you guys need to know
that they're coming.
Three and four, five and six,
and seven, eight.
One, two, four,
six, eight,
Are you serious?
Get up! Ge! up!
Carla, pay attention!
Oh, my God!
TINA: This is so Stupid.
I'm not into it, right?
Yo, can we just stop arguing
for two seconds and focus?
How are we supposed to know what
we're doing if we can't even see?
That's the whole point.
You guys are using your eyes
and those mirrors as crutches.
You need to learn how to
trust your instincts.
Trust each other.
Think you can do il?
Just turn the damn music on already.
LYRIC: Watch ii! Whoa!
That was dope.
That was amazing, yo!
MARIA: All right,
y'all ready to go full out?
Let's do it..
All right, HD!
That was dope.
I got to hand it to you, girl.
You're really getting us there.
I feel like we might even have
a shot to win this thing.
We'll See! We're going to need to
come a lot stronger than this,
I know that much.
Wow! What is your problem?
I guess I can't
help telling the truth.
My bad.
Hey, I like
what you're doing.
Keep it up, and all the haters
are going to have left is hate.
I appreciate that.
Later, y'all.
Same time tomorrow, B?
Fire me.
Later, D.
You got it, bro.
Don't listen to Tina.
She talks a lot of smack,
but she's a good girl.
Yeah, it's not her smack talk
that pisses me off.
I think
she might be right.
Was Tina right when
she said that you're
trying to win this thing
to get back at Luis?
Not just Luis.
It's like, most of my life, people
told me I'd never be anything.
So, what is it
you wanted to be?
I want to be a dancer.
And I always have.
I think we
should go somewhere.
Okay. Where are we going?
Where are you taking me?
You'll see.
We're going to get cleaned up.
Yeah, watch, watch.
How did you know
about all those places?
I'm a dance major
at NYU.
And part of our curriculum
is to experience the arts.
My head is just busting
with ideas right now.
All the stuff we could do,
like mixing the stuff we saw.
You know what I mean?
Like, if we go...
Barn! Bam! Bam!
You know?
Thank you!
Do you even realize what you
do with your choreography?
It's like you're telling
this beautiful story.
Yeah, I said it.
What's wrong with that? Nothing.
Just, if that's the way you step to
girls, your game is pretty weak.
You might want to take
some lessons from Darnell.
What? Are you serious? Yeah!
Okay, I would never
do that, first of all.
Second, I bet I do know
what impresses you.
What are you doing?
Yo, yo, what up, Ma?
You dig my swagger now?
Or you still fronting
like you stunting?
I'm just saying, shawty.
What's a brotha got
to do to get with you?
You need to quit.
Quit what?
Quit this?
Oh, ay! Ay!
Uh, uh!
Ooh! Pow!
How you like me now?
No, l liked you
better before,
Just go back to
your college boy ways.
They're starting to
grow on me.
Yes, word.
It's nice.
I still think
you're beautiful.
Whal else?
Okay, you're going to make
me earn this kiss, huh?
Oh, yeah.
Your smile.
I mean, you don't give it up
much, but when I catch one,
I just want to
make you happy.
Now what?
Now, I want you to
look at me
like I'm the only
girl in this world.
I've been doing that
since the first moment
I saw you.
Can I kiss you now?
You really need to
kiss me now.
MALE RJ: It's another beautiful
day here in New York City.
Let''s heat if up just a little
more with Reflejo de Luna.
What are you doing?
The tango!
I know what it's called.
What I want to know
is why are you doing it
when you're
supposed to be working?
Mr. Kapoor, you work too hard.
Do you know what you need?
Yes, an employee who
doesn't tango with brooms.
No, you need to
dance more.
No, thank you. I only dance at
the funerals of people I hate.
Come on!
Stop being so grumpy all the time.
I'm warning you, Maria.
I have bad knees, arthritis
and clogged arteries,
I'll make it easy for you.
Put your hand here.
And keep your
shoulders straight.
One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight.
No, that wasn't good.
That was good!
No, I did shit.
You killed it!
What are you
doing here?
I wasn't expecting to
see you until later.
Wen, l thought maybe we can get a
bite to eat before rehearsals.
Okay. And I wan!
to talk to you about something.
I just found out
they moved my finals
to the same day
as the audition.
You have finala
in dance?
No, I'm a double major.
I got dance, and I got business,
These are
my business exams.
I'm sorry. I hate that I
have to miss it, Maria.
I'm going to be with you
guys every step of the way,
leading up
until the audition.
We can do this.
It's fine.
BRANDON: One, two, three, four,
five and six, seven, eight.
And one, two, three, four,
five and six and seven, eight.
One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight.
Let's do some miming.
You all know what a mime is, right?
Are you kidding?
No, I'm serious.
When l was little,
I saw one in the circus.
One, two,
three and four.
So that's, one,
One, two, three, four.
That looks good.
(SOFTLY) Ballet.
I Can do ballet.
All right, One and two
and three and four.
Yeah, I mean...
When you do it, just loosen up your arms.
Like that.
Relax them.
Who are you shooting?
Relax them.
This is so stupid.
Tina, let's just finish it.
It's not stupid, Tina.
Okay, look,
I studied the show.
All the past winners
are well-rounded.
This will help us.
And with this new style,
it's like we've
been dipped in culture.
That's one thing I know
the 718 doesn't have.
(SOFTLY) Dipped.
Dipped in culture.
I don't think so.
BRANDON: Come on,
it's a good thing.
This stuff will help us.
Come on.
LYRIC: Quit whining.
TINA: Stop.
Pick me!
MAN: That's it!
Let's go now!
I said, "My brothers"!
Break it down.
ALL: Uh!
ALL: A-G-T. Strike step!
ALL: Ah!
ALL: Get down!
ALL: Get down!
ALL: Get down!
ALL; Lets get funky!
ALL; Lets get funky!
Welcome to
the Dance Battle Zone.
Number 542?
That's us, 542.
You're up next.
Come on, guys.
We can do this.
I can't believe they let
Luis sit in on auditions.
Just ignore him.
Let's see.
HD Crew, right?
You're out of
the Honey Daniels Center.
Is that what
the HD stands for?
No, it stands for "High Def."
Like, clear.
In your face.
JONAS: Well, Honey
Daniels is amazing.
Y'all have got some
big, big shoes to fill.
I could tell you righi now,
you're just wasting your time.
JONAS; What, you
know them, Luis?
LUIS: Just her.
She couldn't quite
cut it with our crew,
So l cut her loose.
Why you got to lie?
Yo, can we get this
audition going, or what?
Yes, you can.
I do love
the drama, though.
Let's do it!
All right.
Come on, y'all.
I'm going to
show you.
Thank you,
but it's a "no," kids.
Maybe next year.
You guys are wack.
I tried to tell you, Maria,
You're just not good enough.
And those two new dancers ain't
going to save you either.
Now, beat it.
MAN: Get out of here. Get out.
Beat it!
Sweetie, don't make this
difficult on yourself.
We're doing it again.
Well, well, well.
Now, this just got
more interesting.
Listen, we've decided
that because of your dancing
and the obvious tension between
you and my boy Luis here,
that this should make
for great television.
HD, welcome to
the Battle Zone.
Thank you.
Thank you.
We did it.
That was insane.
It was nuts.
Not just the way
we made the show,
but the way you
stood up to those judges.
I mean, you were like, "Hell no!
Y'all are going to check us out!"
Okay, I just wanted our crew
to have a fair shot.
I give you
mad props for that.
We finally feel like
a real crew, you know?
And that wouldn't have
happened if it wasn't for you.
I respect that.
You're welcome.
You can take that one to them.
I'll get the other one.
Make them save me
a slice, though,
I will.
I'm in.
So, where's Brandon at?
I texted him.
He must still be taking his finals.
Finals? He could've skipped
those to come celebrate, man.
You don't skip finals, bro.
That's why they call them finals,
The boy is trying to
get his edu-macation on.
That don't make him any
different than the rest of us.
We all just want to
dance for a living.
Yeah, but we don't all have
filthy rich parents like he does.
What are you
talking about?
His family owns
half Of Texas.
You didn't know?
His family makes the Hiltons
look like the Hammers.
Can't touch this.
Really Really?
He's good
with kids, too.
He teaches a class
with kids?
Yeah. Once a week.
You didn't know
that either?
What do you know?
Let me ask you
a serious question.
Do y'all actually ever talk or just bone?
She just be like...
Shake it, baby!
Yo, Carla.
Check it out.
CARLAI Oh, uh-uh.
She is about to be
sleeping with the enemy.
Good stuff today.
Thank you.
Watching you move
was amazing.
Stop it.
Hey, I'm serious.
Tina, is he
bothering you?
No, he was just telling me how
much he liked our audition.
No, I said I like
your audition.
You're the one who brings
the heat to this group.
Tina, did he tell you that
you're too good for us
and that you should be
dancing with his crew?
Yeah, he did, but...
Tina, he's trying
to play you.
Hey, calm down.
I told him I would stay with the HDS.
Well, good.
But you act like I ain't even
good enough to dance with them.
I didn't say that.
Sounds like that's
what she's saying to me.
MARIA: You know what?
Stop starting trouble.
Leave our crew alone.
Tina, are you going to
let her dis you like that?
I mean, I know if someone
in my crew called me out,
we'd battle on the spot.
Wow! I am not calling her out.
And if we're going to battle,
we're going to do it as a crew
and take your sorry ass out.
And what's stopping you?
What's stopping you?
See that, Tina?
She's scared.
She's scared!
If you were on the 718, baby,
you wouldn't run from nothing.
Maria, we got to
do this, okay?
We're finally getting some props,
and it's time to back it up.
Tina, are you sure?
Yeah, I'm as sure as you
were in that audition.
That's pretty sure.
Tina's right. If we aren't going to
knock heads, we got to do something.
Hell, yeah!
That's what I'm saying.
Let's battle.
Let's go.
LYRIC: Yeah, they
ain't got shit on us.
GIRL: Yeah, baby!
Come on!
Let's go, HD!
Come on!
Let's see
what you got.
What do you know
about that?
GIRL; That's right!
That's right!
That's it! Let;s go!
What? Yeah, you!
What? You ain't nothing!
You ain't nobody!
And you ain't got no beat!
Yeah, Darnell! What?
Come on!
That's the best
you got?
No way!
Get out of my face!
LUIS: Fall back!
it's over.
Back up.
It's over.
HD, you all suck!
That's it!
MAN 1:
HD, hit the road.
GIRL 2: The 718 killed it!
MAN 2: Yo, HD is wack!
Hit the bricks!
Go home.
Pack it up.
MAN 3:
Go home, HD!
You call this a crew?
Are you serious?
And you actually think you're going
to take us out on Battle Zone?
Tina, when you're
ready to grow up,
come holler at your boy.
Yo, I was wrong.
We ain't no damn crew.
We're just some posers.
Tina, we tried...
But our try wasn't good enough,
ain't never good enough!
We got humiliated!
Nobody is going to
respect us after this.
Wait, Tina!
Leave me alone!
You're late.
Do I have to remind you
what time your curfew is?
I know what time
my curfew is,
You know what?
We made rules
in this house,
and they are going to
have to be followed.
Or what? You're going to
send me back to juvie? Fine.
What is the matter
with you?
I'm just sick of trying.
I try and live by your rules.
I try and stay
out of trouble.
I try and join
a new crew.
And nothing works.
Well, it doesn't mean
you have to give up.
Save it.
I'm going to bed.
Where you been?
Sorry I'm late.
I didn't get much
sleep last night.
What's going on?
Tina quit. She said
she's not coming back.
What the hell?
Do you know what this
does to our choreography?
Of course we do!
But I'm...
Bun nothing!
This screws everything up!
Don't take it out
on Lyric.
I'm not taking it out
on Lyric. I'm pissed!
So, what do we do?
You tell us.
You're the choreographer.
You know what?
I don't need this
right now.
I'm out.
Well, that's messed up.
A street battle?
What were you thinking?
Didn't you know losing
would ruin their confidence?
I'm sorry, college boy, I'm not as smart as you.
I didn't know that
Well, you should have.
And you should have told me
you were just some rich kid
slumming it down
here for grades.
Now, what does my family's money
have to do with any of this?
Makes it all
just a game for you.
If things fall apart,
you can just leave,
buf the rest of us are stuck
here to deal with it.
In case you haven't
noticed, I'm still here.
You're the one
that walked out.
Because it's over!
l quit!
We can't win
without Tina!
Fine, If that's the way you
feel, then you should quit.
I'm going to go up there with my
crew, because I believe in us.
Are you okay?
Yeah. why?
Today's your day off.
What can I say?
I'd rather be here than anywhere else.
Oh, Maria.
Let's talk.
Let's talk.
You got to follow
your heart, Maria.
Is there a problem at home
or with your friends?
And this is how you deal with it?
Come to work?
Huh. Good.
Why, because you get
free labor?
Of course.
But I was
thinking, Maria,
instead of getting
yourself into trouble,
you chose to do
something constructive.
I like that.
Well, while I'm
being constructive,
is there anything else
you want me to do?
You go work your register, and
I'll take care of this later,
You said no one works
the register but you,
What, you expect me to take your word
for it that you were going to change?
I had to wait for you to
prove it, and you have.
So, now I trust you.
Thanks, Mr. Kapoor.
That means a lot.
Five, six, seven, eight.
All right.
Try it again.
Five, six, seven, eight.
All right.
So, you're back now?
Why not
I still got to do my community
service here anyway.
Hey, look.
I want to be here,
if that's okay with you.
Yo, is that Tina?
Okay, I'm just going to
go ahead and say it,
She joined up
with the 718.
That's scandalous, man.
How's she going to play us like that?
Because she only thinks about
her damn self, that's how.
BRANDON: We can't sweat
this right now, guys,
MARIA: He's right.
We need to focus on this crew.
So, let's rock this thing,
all right? Bring it in.
Let's get an HD on three,
an right?
One, two, three...
Every season on Battle Zone,
we find Ihe hottest, most
insane crews on the scene,
and last season
was no different.
The 718 set this place on fire
with their off-the-chain routines,
and at the end
of this season,
you're going to
see them perform
the last crew standing.
There's already been some
behind-the-scenes madness
with one crew jacking
another for a dancer,
and we haven't
even started yet.
So, what's
jumping off next?
Stay tuned, because you don't
want to miss Battle Zone.
One of these crews
is going home tonight.
Judges, who will it be?
Well, it's obvious that this
year's talent is amazing,
but, unfortunately,
somebody has to go.
And tonight,
it's Fanny Pak.
Sorry, guys.
Ah! Ah,
I'm sorry to see those guys go.
They were a hot crew.
Yeah, but they
weren't the best.
And you have
got to be the best
if you're gonna go
up against the 718.
MARIO: Enough said.
We'll see you next
week in Battle Zone.
Come on,
we just killed it!
Yeah, we're still in.
We need to talk.
No, we don't.
Look, I know you think you know
what you're doing, but you don't.
You need to stay
away from Luis.
He said you were going to
say something like that.
Trying to get me
back in the crew?
Look, he's right, we need you.
But more importantly,
I don't want to see
you get caught up.
You don't know him
like I do.
I know he's my best chance
at winning that prize money.
Can you
guarantee me that?
Yeah, I didn't
think so,
For what?
I ain't coming
back to your crew.
Then, just be careful.
Can I talk to you
for a second?
What do you want?
It'll only take
a second.
Come on.
Whats up?
Let me take Tina's place.
I mean it.
I'll come dance with you if
you kick Tina off your crew.
What changed your mind
all of a sudden?
I know what I'm getting into with you.
Tina doesn't.
And since when did you become
a teenage crisis counselor?
You know I'm
a better dancer than her,
and I can pretty much
guarantee you another win.
That's true.
There's just one little problem.
What'S that?
Come here.
Come close.
I don't
trust you, witch.
Ever since you got out of juvie,
you've been full of yourself
and treating me like I'm something
you scraped off your shoe.
you see that
little girl over there?
She has stars
in her eyes.
And I can make her
do anything I want.
You're a jerk.
Do you know that?
You used to like it.
You tried to fix it,
didn't you?
You were listening?
I had to make sure
you were okay.
Yeah, I'm good.
I just feel bad.
Tina being with them
is all my fault.
Tina's stubborn.
That's her fault.
But thanks for
trying to protect her.
I just want the crew to go back
to the way it was, you know?
I do, too.
Hey, do me a favor.
Don't be mad at me anymore,
because I'm too tired to fight.
Me too.
BRANDON: Yeah, the movie
was good, but real talk,
could you stop killing
us in rehearsals?
No, I have to.
We've got to make it
to the finals.
We got to be
strong enough to win.
You can hang, can't
you, college boy?
Oh, I can hang.
Okay, then.
So, say my name.
College boy?
Okay, say it.
(LAUGHS) Okay, okay! Brandon!
"Brandon," all right?
Are you happy now?
Very happy-
Do you hear that?
Just wait right here.
Maria, come here.
Tina, are you okay?
MARIA; Hey, what happened?
Did Luis do this
to you?
No, it was his boys.
They beat you up?
Luis told them
to walk me home,
and then they smashed a store
window and told me to grab stuff.
And did you?
I was too scared.
There was glass everywhere.
I got all cut up.
I'll take her to my house.
It's okay there.
Come on.
Come on.
I should've listened to you when you
told me to stay away from Luis.
Yeah, well, sometimes you just
got to learn the hard way.
Yeah, you're right.
So, what are you
going to do now?
I'm not messing with Luis no more.
That's for damn sure.
Which means I can't
dance with his crew either.
You think I could
come back to the HDS?
You know that's
not how it works.
Yeah. Hey! Owl
Are you all right?
MARIA: All right.
You guys already
know my vote.
I say we let Tina
back in the crew.
That would be
my vote, too,
MARIA: All right.
Tina's my homegirl, so,
I want her back.
All right. Carla?
Girl, I'm easy.
Ha! We know that.
You don't!
Anyways, my vote is yes.
Not because I think
you deserve it, Tina,
but because l can't
stand Luis and his crew.
Au right.
Well, Tina's crazy.
And you know what they say,
crazy ass is the best ass.
And the best ass
is some crazy ass!
Then that must be
my ass.
Hey, guys,
not the right time.
Yeah. Lyric,
it's on you.
Carla was right,
you don't deserve it.
Every single one
of us had your back.
You basically spit in our faces.
That was messed up.
I didn't mean to.
I don't care
what you meant.
I only care
about what you did.
We were like sisters, Tina.
I would've done anything for you.
Then you leave me, and now you want
to come back like we're all cool?
I'm sorry.
I messed up.
You messed up bad.
You're still family,
and I'll always love you.
But if you want my trust,
you got to earn it,
Just tell me how.
I'll do it.
You can start by getting
back in this crew,
and help us
whoop Luis' ass.
I might need a tissue.
(SOBBING) Damn, I think my
allergies kicking in or something.
I thought someone was
chopping onions up in here,
Besides 718, who else
we got to look out for?
That's hard to say.
I mean, some of the best crews
from last year will be back.
It's not for the weak.
We're going to need
your toughness, Tina.
You mean thal?
You think I'd give you a
compliment if I didn't mean it?
All right. Okay!
Get off me!
That's the business.
You guys, come on.
You got to loosen up.
Those other crews will
smell the fear on you,
especially the 718.
Join us next week,
because you don't want to miss the
semifinals on Dance Battle Zone.
There was this girl when
I was in juvie, Julissa,
and every time
we would battle,
she'd always come up
with something new,
What was she in for?
She tried to
kill her stepdad.
Whoa. why?
She didn't say,
but we all knew.
Was it scary in there?
Not in a way you
could really imagine
or I could really
describe to you.
It's like feeling alone with
hundreds of people around you.
What did they
charge you with?
Breaking and entering.
Luis thought he knew his way
in and out of a pawn shop.
What he didn't know was sometimes
the owner liked to stay late.
Luis heard a noise,
ran out
and left me to deal with a man with
the biggest gun I'd ever seen,
pointed right in my face.
How did you get hooked up with
that guy in the first place?
He used to
come to the center.
He gave me attention.
I didn't really have a lot
of that as a foster kid.
What happened to
your parents?
They died in a car crash.
I was 10.
Can we talk about something else?
No disrespect, but,..
Au right.
Yeah, let's take a break.
I just need to
get outside.
Let's go eat.
You all not coming?
We're going to
stay back.
Don't do anything
I wouldn't do!
What exactly
wouldn't you do?
You see, that's messed up.
I didn't even say nothing,
Why you got to
come at me like that?
You're asking for it
all the time!
I asked you to stay
so we could talk.
I mean, there's still a lot
I don't know about you.
What do you
want to know?
for starters,
a dance and
business major?
What's that about?
My father is the one that's
pressing me into finance.
He just doesn't think that there's
a future for me in dance.
But the way I look at it is,
if we win Battle Zone,
I could go on tour for a year
just doing what I love.
And I can go back to school
with no regrets.
And it's like I gave it that shot.
You know what I mean?
I know.
I know what it's like to have
people not believe in you,
Is that why you
want to win so bad?
It's not even
about that, really.
I mean, the people
that really count,
Mrs. Daniels.
I mean, they've always had my
back, even when I didn't see it.
And whether we win or lose,
I'm going to keep dancing.
It's how I say the
things I want to say.
One of these crews is going home tonight.
You don't want to miss this.
So, everyone, let's
get this party started
on Dance Battle Zone.
(SINGSONG) Uh-huh!
MARIO: That was intense!
Give it up for HD Crew!
MAN: All the way, HD!
Tune in tomorrow to see
who will take on the 718
on Dance Battle Zone!
Maria! Maria!
The studio audience and thejudges'
votes have been tabulated,
and I have
the results right here.
The last crew standing
in the semifinals is
the HD Crew!
What? No, man!
The Battle Zone finale
will consist of the 718
and the HD Crew!
Judges, any predictions?
of yours last season
and trust you guys
do not disappoint,
but the HD Crew
rocks it!
I really could not
put money on this.
I'm going to go 50-50.
Fair enough.
I love the HD Crew!
It's time a new dance crew
wear the dance crown.
And last
but not least, Jonas?
Okay, simply put,
the 718 Crew
is going to
murder the HD Crew.
Make sure you come back
next week to see who wins
the Battle Zone dance competition.
Hey, Maria, wait up.
I'll catch up
with you later.
I can't take that.
You got to give it back to Mr.
Kapoor. Tell him what you did.
I took it back to the
store, and I paid for it.
You did?
Once I got him to
put the bats down,
he let me make
things right between us.
But I want you
to have it.
I'm trying to say thank you, so
just take the damn bracelet.
Au right.
Thank you.
Going in for a hug.
Let's just get this
over with.
Can I come in?
What's on your mind?
I wanted to apologize
for the way I've
been acting,
And I want to
give you these.
What are they?
They're passes to the show.
Everyone's giving them
to their families.
So, I mean,
you're my family.
Thank you.
I'm giving you these, and I
gave a couple to Mr. Kapoor.
I hope you guys
can come.
Oh, I'll be there.
Thank you.
Au right.
I'm really proud of you.
You're my family, too.
Five, six, seven, eight.
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
All right, listen,
I want to say something.
No matter what
happens out there tonight,
we already won,
as far as I'm concerned.
Are you just saying that because
you are scared we might lose,
and you don't want us to feel
like crap if it happens?
Girl, God bless you.
Come here.
RICKY: Hey, if we lose, we lose.
Worst-case scenario, I go
back to trying to find a job.
I don't know what me and
Lyric are going to do.
I mean, we're the only ones our
grandma can really count on,
Look, let's just stop talking
negative, all right?
We didn't
go there to lose.
We're not gonna lose.
We're just not.
Go! HD!
Let's get this
party started.
Tonight, we crown the winners of
the Dance Battle Zone competition.
We had a coin toss backstage
to decide who would go first.
So, give it up
for the 718.
Let's do it!
Yo, go hard!
Somebody call the cops,
because I think those guys just
broke a few laws of physics. Man!
Up next... Well, you already know.
Give it up! HD Crew!
Yeah! Yeah!
That is what
I'm talking about.
HD Crew! Go! Go!
Okay, the studio audience
and the judges' votes
have been tabulated, and I
have the results right here.
This year's winner
of the Dance Battle Zone
competition is...
It's a tie!
Are you kidding me?
Come on!
Well, according to the rules,
the winner will be decided
in a dance-off battle
that we like to
Dance or Die!
So, this is it, y'all Pull out your bag of tricks.
Do whatever you got to do.
In "Dance or Die,"
anything goes,
We are going to be
right back after this break
while our crews
get ready to rock it.
Yo, Maria.
Can I talk to you
for a sec?
What is it, Luis?
I underestimated you
and your crew.
You all got mad heart.
Why do I feel like
there's a "but" coming?
You know me well.
Congrats on
getting here,
but this as
far as it goes.
You know what's funny, is that
you actually think that's true.
Okay, guys, you're on.
One, two, three, HD!
Three, two, one, go!
Come on!
You are wack!
Oh, yeah!
Go hard!
Go hard!
Muah! MARIO: The votes are in.
The decision has been made.
In your face!
All right, that is it!
I am calling the fight.
with a first-round knockout,
the winner
of this year's
Dance Battle Zone is
the HD Crew!
I am so proud of you!
We did it! We did it!
Congratulations, guys.
You nailed it.
BRANDON: Thank you.
Maria, we got to talk,
'cause, you know,
part of the prize is that
you all get to tour
with Alexis Jordan.
I hope you have
some serious luggage,
because you all are
going on a private jet
to meet her in person
at the end of the month.
You know, I could have never done
any of this without you. Right?
That's funny. I was going to
say the exact same thing.
We did it!
Guys, we finally did it!
Yeah, we did.
Oh, my...
You know what
this means, right?
I'm your girlfriend now,
so stop tripping.
Yes, ma'am.
Here we go!
ALL: One, two, three, HD!
Ladies and gentlemen, just back
from a sold-out world tour,
please welcome to the stage,
Alexis Jordan and the HD Crew!
DIRECTOR: And action.
You are such a sweet,
little gangster rat.
Boy, you are so not slick.
Get off of me!
God, I can't have one
(BLEEP) opinion.
LYRIC: Tina.
BRANDON: You can. Hey, I want you
to express that in your dance.
Check it out, y'all, it's
Maria and Justin Timberfake.
Never heard that before.
Mami, what's wrong?
I ain't trying to impregnate you.
LYRIC: You are going to
crack the camera.
We won't lose.
I refuse.
But don't get happy about it, because in...
That was
the shnizzlefizzle-bizzle!
My hizzle with the (BLEEP)
dizzle in your nizzle!
DIRECTOR: And cut.
Arthritis is
really acting up.
You going to go
lie down again?
Oh, God, yes.
Oh, God, yes.
Dipped in culture.
Like, you take us,
and we are little dancers
and you dip us
in other cultures.
You weren't going to hit her
with that bat, were you?
Her? No.
But had it been Big Lester,
I would have gone
Alex Rodriguez on his butt.
Action, Kat!
What are you doing?
Smelling you.
Eww! Get...
Come on!
Maria, what are you doing?
The tango.
I know what
it's called (BLEEP).
Come on,
stop being so grumpy!
DIRECTOR: Wrong way, Kat.
That's the wrong way,
And that's a wrap!