Honeymoon Killers, The (1970)

- What happened?
- Someone made a little mistake...
and put some chlorine
and ammonia together.
I don't think
she'll do it anymore.
You again, Severns.
Are you all right?
I think so, Miss Beck.
I didn't realize it was the ammonia.
It's a good thing I was here.
She could've been hurt.
What were you doing
in here, Jackson?
Why aren't you on the ward
where you belong?
Ah, now I see
what happened.
I don't give a damn what the two
of you do outside this hospital...
but, in here, you're as bad
as the ammonia and chlorine.
Now get out of here, Jackson!
This is a hospital laboratory,
not a motel room.
I don't wanna see you in here again.
Do you understand me?
I think I do,
Miss Beck.
Everything's all right.
Go back to your stations.
As for you, Severns,
I'll deal with you later.
You've already
kept me overtime.
I want you in my office
first thing tomorrow morning.
I'm sorry, Miss Beck.
You'll be a lot sorrier if you're
ever out of line with me again.
Hi, hon. Jesus,
it's clammy, huh?
And it's only April. I hope you
got some beer in here. You're all out.
I thought you were gonna
keep her at your place.
Well, she said
she wanted to lie down...
so I said, "Why don't you go into my bedroom
and lie down till Martha comes home?"
Then I could
do my housework. But no.
No. She had to lie down
in her own bedroom.
I'm telling you,
she's the queen mother.
Huh. God, she's a pain
in the ass.
She can't help it
if she's getting senile.
- I'm all in.
- Oh, listen.
I'd better give you your mail before
I forget it and walk off with it.
Who sent this?
Who sent this? I never
applied for anything like this.
- What's the matter with you?
- What is it, some kind of April Fools' Day joke?
If it is, it stinks.
I thought you were
goin' on a diet.
What are you eatin' the pretzels
for now? You're gonna have supper soon.
They're full of salt, and then
you start drinkin' like a fish.
- You know how fattenin' that is?
- Leave me alone! I'm hungry! Do you mind!
Jesus, Martha.
I'm sorry.
I never would've sent in your name
if I knew it would upset you like this.
You sent it?
Martha. What's the matter
with my little girl?
Stop it, Mama!
I'm not your little girl.
It isn't some man
you're mixed up with, is it?
- Oh, Mama, please!
- Why don't you leave your daughter alone?
Can't you see
how upset she is?
She's been mean to me
all day long.
Now I'm gonna lie down
in my own bed.
That's a good idea, Mama.
I'll call you when supper's ready.
Thanks for
the April Fools' Day joke.
Aw, come on, Martha.
For Christ's sake, what kind
of a friend do you think I am?
Sure, I sent in
your name.
- What'd you do it for?
- Will you just look at this?
"No more lonely nights
for these two lucky people.
"But was it really luck?
"No, it was Aunt Carrie
who brought them together.
"She can open the door
to exciting new friendships for you.
Why not drop her a line?
It may change your lonely life."
Martha, you just
need a man.
Okay, honey, you're
a little on the heavy side...
but you're not
an old bag, you know?
You could be pretty sexy
with the right man.
Come on. Let's fill it out.
What you got to lose?
- Let's see it.
- Here, before you change your mind.
I'll help you with it.
Where's a pen?
In the cabinet.
- You sure this is all right?
- What you got to lose?
God, what questions.
Do I have to tell the truth?
So, who's puttin' you
on the witness stand?
I suppose
there's no harm in it.
Do you think someone
will really write to me?
Well, there's only
one way to find out.
And someday, you might
even thank me for this.
Dear Martha...
I hope you will
allow me the liberty...
of addressing you
by your Christian name.
To tell you the truth, I don't quite know
how to begin this letter to you.
Because I must confess...
this is the first letter
of this sort I have ever written.
Would you like
to know a little bit about me?
I'm 34, and I've been told
I'm not a bad-looking fellow.
I am in the importing business
from Spain, my mother country.
I live alone here in this apartment...
much too large for a bachelor...
but I hope someday
to share it with a wife.
Why did I choose you
for my debut friendship letter?
Because you are a nurse, and therefore
I know have a full heart...
and a great capacity
for comfort and love.
Your friend,
Raymond Fernandez.
I must confess to you...
your charming letters
have cheered my life.
Dear Raymond,
Thanks for your picture.
You are exactly
as I imagined.
Here is one of me,
though it doesn't do me justice.
I want you to call me Ray.
Only one woman ever did that...
a childhood sweetheart
long ago.
The day I find
a letter from you...
always goes
so much better.
Send me
a lock of your hair.
Dearest, the scarf
was so beautiful!
I will try to come
and see you and Mother.
I can't wait
till you arrive.
I still can't move.
That was
a wonderful dinner.
I made the pecan pie.
Oh, the very best part
of the meal, Mrs. Beck.
- You want another drink, Mama?
- Another drink?
You don't usually let me
have even one.
Well, this is a very special occasion.
What about you, Martha?
You haven't even had your first.
Oh, maybe just a little one.
I'm counting calories.
I'll help you get it.
I'm sorry
Mother's such a nuisance.
I think
she's adorable.
Would you think I was terrible
if I gave her a sleeping pill?
No. I want
to be alone too.
Here, Mama.
You can take your vitamin.
But I already had
my vitamin pill this morning.
You know I forgot
to give it to you this morning.
- This one looks different.
- It's the new kind I got at the hospital.
How she babies me.
Did you find your record,
Mrs. Beck?
Yes, I did. See? This is
the record I found for Raymond.
I want you to play it
because I like him.
He's the nicest beau
you ever had, Martha.
He's the Latin from Manhattan.
Oh, Mama,
that's not funny.
No, I think it's charming...
a record in my honor.
Thank you, bella signora.
Who wants to rumba
with me?
I do.
I do.
Do it yourself. We'll watch.
She's asleep.
Let's put her
in the bedroom.
No. She won't
know a thing.
Give me your hand.
Don't be a shy nurse.
Darling, please don't cry again.
I wouldn't be able
to get on the train.
I can't help it.
I didn't think
you'd be going so soon.
If I'm not home
when those icons come C.O. D...
I'll have lost
hundreds of dollars.
I couldn't even have had today
if it weren't for your loan.
I would have to be back in New York
today before the banks close.
- Yes?
- Special delivery for Miss Beck.
I'm Miss Beck.
Thank you.
Bunny! Bunny!
Bunny, let me in! Bunny!
I don't believe it.
Were the police there?
No, of course you shouldn't
call the police.
You're wonderful,
She can't live
without me?
Can't I talk
to the poor darling?
Oh, no. She doesn't even
know I'm calling.
I'm calling you
from my apartment.
Oh, you don't know
how sick she is from all that gas.
We can thank our lucky stars
that I got to her in time.
What a story
for the newspapers.
Oh, get away from her.
Leave her alone.
Ray? Um... Oh, no.
That was my new little puppy.
He was jumpin' all over Martha.
I was afraid he was gonna wake her up.
Did I say that?
Oh, well, uh...
I'm just so nervous,
I don't know what I'm sayin'.
Oh, no. She's here
in my apartment, in my bed.
Oh, I wouldn't leave her alone.
I don't know what she'd do.
Oh, no. She-She
can't talk to you.
She's unconscious.
Ray. Ray.
I wanna die.
I wanna die.
I can hear her.
Let me talk to her.
Now, Martha.
Martha, look at me.
It's Bunny.
Ray is on the phone.
No, Ray, she won't
come to the phone.
She says you don't love her
and she wants to die.
She says you'll read about it
in the papers when she kills herself.
Tell her I love her.
Wait a minute, Ray.
He says he loves you.
Ray, I think she'll
come to the phone now.
Hello? Ray?
I didn't mean it.
Ray, listen.
You gotta come down here.
If you don't,
I-I'll kill myself. I swear.
Oh, I can't get away
now, sweetheart.
Would you like to come up here
for a little visit?
You crazy little fool.
Now that you know
everything about me...
do you still love me?
You would still
commit suicide for me?
You don't want to call the police?
You don't want to sue me?
I have to go through
with the marriage to the Acker woman.
Wait until after then.
You've got to go back
to Mobile anyway.
You can't leave your mother
with that woman forever.
- Go back to the hospital.
- How can I...
knowing you're with
another woman?
I won't touch her.
I promise.
I'll get everything from her
before the wedding.
There'll be no honeymoon?
I'll dump her
right away.
It's not like this.
Then you'll come back
to Mobile.
Yes. We'll work
our future out together.
I promise.
All right.
After Mrs. Flynn called to say
you'd gone to New York...
I came in here
to find the assignment chart.
I'm afraid you left some of
your rather torrid correspondence...
with a Mr. Fernandez
in New York.
I think you'd better
take it with you.
I don't think our board of directors
would look kindly...
on our supervisor of nurses
involved in a... lonely hearts scandal.
How dare you
go through my desk!
You ought to be
ashamed of yourself.
I'm not so sure
Hitler wasn't right about you people.
Mrs. Beck,
get out of here...
before I forget
I'm a gentleman.
You bet I'm getting
out of here.
And don't make that check
out to Martha Beck.
Make it out to
Mrs. Raymond Fernandez.
What do you
think I am?
I went to New York
to be married.
Two can live
as cheaply as one, darling.
Let me congratulate
the groom.
Hi. This is Bunny, Ray.
What do you mean stealin'
the best friend a girl ever had?
Yeah. Listen, now that you two
have been spliced, I...
Married, Ray.
Uh-huh. Now, don't you
be a stranger, hear?
Okay. Here she is.
- Hi.
- You told her we're married?
Uh-huh. Mama too.
Jesus, Martha! I go to New Jersey
next week to marry Doris Acker.
How am I going to
bring her back here if you're here?
It's impossible. You know
I've got to continue my business.
Don't worry. I'll think of something.
- Now what's the matter?
- Oh, that's Mama.
She doesn't wanna go
to New York.
Martha, that's completely
out of the question.
I mean it.
Look, you say
you love me. Okay.
That you're going to kill yourself
if you can't come up here. Okay.
But you can't bring
the old lady.
What else am I gonna do with her?
Get rid of her! Choke her! I don't care
what the hell you do with her!
But you can't
bring her up here!
You understand?
Yeah, I understand.
I'll wait outside, Mrs. Fernandez,
while you say good-bye to her.
- I have to go now, Mama.
- Go.
I never want
to see you again.
- Mama, don't talk like that.
- You're leavin' me here to die.
Now that you have a husband,
you want to be rid of me.
I told you, Mama, I have to find a job
when I get to New York.
Someone has to
look after you.
Don't worry. As soon as Ray and I
are settled, we'll come back for you.
It's a lie.
It's a lie.
You want to be rid of me.
You're diggin' my grave, because you're
killin' me by leaving me here.
You're killin' me!
Good-bye, Mama.
Martha! Don't go.
I'm sorry for what I said.
Take me with you.
I won't be any trouble. I promise you.
Please don't leave me.
I'm afraid, Martha!
Martha, don't go!
It's too bad
when they get senile.
You can begin billing me at the first
of the month at the New York address.
Goddamn you!
Goddamn you!
I hope you end up
like this!
I hope
someone does this to you!
And so by virtue
of the authority vested in me...
as justice of the peace
of Morris County, New Jersey...
I hereby pronounce you,
Doris Acker...
and you,
Raymond Fer-Fernandez...
man and wife.
You may
kiss the bride.
Aren't you going to
congratulate me too, Mrs. Beck?
- Oh, I think you should call
my sister Martha. - Martha.
Your car drives
very well, Doris.
Our car, darling.
Good-bye, Morristown High School.
See you in the fall.
I can't wait to see
the expression on my kids' faces...
when I tell them.
"Boys and girls,
from now on...
you are to address me
as Mrs. Fernandez."
Did they think you would
stay a spinster forever?
Is there something wrong
with that word, darling?
Oh. My English.
Doesn't that mean "maiden"?
Oh! You are adorable.
I just can't wait
to see our apartment.
O beautiful
For spacious skies
For amber waves
of grain
For purple mountains
Above the fruited plain
America, America
God shed his grace
on thee
And crown thy good
with brotherhood
Ray? Darling?
Where are you?
In the living room,
Bring me a towel,
Are you coming out now?
No. The bride's going
to take a nice soak.
But I miss you, sweetie.
Bring me a towel.
We're married,
you know.
Oh, come on. I've seen it before.
I'll be out
in a little while, lover.
Glory, glory hallelujah
Glory, glory
Glory, glory
His truth
is marching on
Too quick.
Too quick!
- What's too quick? - You shouldn't
have taken her things last night.
You should have left them
to me to do later the way I always do.
And now she wants them back.
She's furious.
Where is she?
In the bedroom.
She's packing.
- Good morning.
- I'm leaving!
Already? That was
a pretty short honeymoon.
Honeymoon? You ought to tell your brother
what's supposed to happen on a honeymoon.
Before I go, I want my rings
and my money belt.
- Your what?
- My two rings...
and my money belt
with the $2,000 in it.
- I don't know what you're talking about.
- Somebody took them.
See here. Do you know what happens
to people who make false accusations?
- They get sued.
- I want my rings and my money!
You lower your voice.
You're not in your classroom now.
You give me back my things,
or I'll make plenty of trouble for you.
How dare you talk
to my brother like that?
And as for trouble, I wonder what
the principal of your school would say...
if he saw some of those letters
you wrote to my brother.
I was shocked to see such things
from a school teacher.
Don't they have
a P.T.A. Out there?
I'm leaving now. I guess I'm lucky
I still have my car keys.
So, who's stopping you?
Why don't you
let your brother talk for himself?
You act more like a mother
than a sister.
Ray, you haven't said one word.
Are you afraid of her or something?
- Get out of here!
- I'm going!
This isn't the end.
You'll hear from my lawyer!
Get the hell
out of here!
Boy, was she a slob. Took me half
an hour to clean up that bedroom.
I think I'll put this on.
Might be cold on that boat.
Oh, I'm finally gonna
get to see new York.
And a boat ride
is the best way to do it.
- Who's that to?
- A lady from Missouri... Myrtle Young.
Come on. Let's go.
Let's go. Let's go.
What do you want
to write her for?
Because she'll give me
$4,000 to marry her.
- Isn't that a good enough reason?
- Hmm.
Here. You can hold this
while I lock the door.
"Charles Martin"?
Where'd you think of that name?
All she wants is a husband
around when her bambino is born...
so her mother and father
won't disinherit her.
- She's through with men.
- They all say that after they've been knocked up.
- "Knocked up"?
- Pregnant.
- Oh.
- You write her that you'll marry her.
In your next letter,
you better tell her...
that your married sister,
Mrs. Beck, is coming along with you.
Excellent idea,
Mrs. Beck.
Well, this is it, kids.
It's not Tara.
It's not even Little Rock.
- Your parents have a nice place there?
- Oh, you bet.
And if it wasn't for a certain
married son of a bitch down there...
I would be home
right now.
Certainly is
a small apartment.
Well, it's the best
I could do.
I didn't know
you were comin' till last week.
Well, I wish you'd gotten
a place with twin beds.
I don't like sharing
a double bed anyhow.
- Not with a woman.
- Well, you could always sleep in here.
After all, Charles and I are married.
You know, you are much cuter
than your picture.
No, no, no, no, no.
Not cuter.
Let's say, uh, sexier.
I thought you were
through with men.
You sound just like
my mama.
Oh! Say, I think
I will phone Mama and Papa.
Well, now that I can
produce a husband...
I might just as well
start the reconciliation.
- What reconciliation?
- Well, I'll give them the address.
They still don't even
know where I am.
Then I will introduce them
to their new son-in-law...
right on the phone.
My dark and handsome husband.
And little ol' sis,
the nurse...
who has come all the way
from New York...
just to take care of me
while I have my baby.
Wait till tomorrow,
- I'm too tired to charm them.
- Oh.
I think we should all
go to sleep now.
Oh, wait. In that case,
I'll just run down...
and lock up my new, uh,
second-hand car.
I want to fetch up
somethin' for Charles anyway.
I'll be right back,
- Was all the money in the envelope?
- Every cent.
She was as good
as her word.
Well, now we ought to
get out of here.
- Martha, that's not fair.
- Not fair?
Why wait around till she
tells her parents about us?
That wasn't
part of the deal.
I think we ought to get out
of here before something happens.
I'll talk her out of that
in the morning.
Well, I don't like her.
Martha, we are exhausted.
At least let's stay the night.
God, here she comes.
I don't know what
you two people are gonna do...
but I'm gonna
take a bath.
Here, Charles.
I brought you up
your wedding present.
A present?
Oh, that wasn't necessary.
Well, for whatever
the reason, we are married.
All signed, sealed
and legal, right?
Of course, of course.
And I must say...
you did keep your part
of the bargain.
Mm-hmm. Open up your present.
I'm dyin' to see it on you.
- Something to wear?
- Open it up. You'll see.
Oh, darlin',
you look irresistible.
- It's not bad, is it?
- It's all gone.
Hmm. I wonder why
I never thought of that.
What's going on in here?
How do you like your brother
with his new little addition?
- What, a wig?
- It's not a wig.
That is a hairpiece,
I think he looks
divine in it.
Where did you get it?
- I... - I, uh, bought it in New York
just before we left.
I thought it would be amusing
to change my appearance a little.
Well, it doesn't
look too bad.
I'll just have to
get used to it, I guess.
I think we should all
go to bed now.
Myrtle, why don't you
take a nice hot bath?
Well, now what is that
supposed to mean?
- What, do I smell or something?
- No, no, no.
My sister didn't
mean anything.
She's so used to
her hospital routine.
Well, I am going
to make up my bed.
Good night, ladies.
I didn't mean that
the way it sounded.
There's nothing better than a good,
hot soak. It really relaxes you.
- Why don't you try it?
- Well, maybe I will.
I do feel
a little peaked.
She's in the bathtub.
Not now. I'm tired.
She might come in.
You didn't care
with Doris Acker.
We made plenty
of mistakes that night.
Now go to bed.
Keep your hands off her things.
This whole thing must be handled
with a little savoir faire...
and you don't have it.
Do you understand?
Martha, are you up?
Okay, now go to bed, my dear...
and we'll talk
about our marriage in the morning.
- Martha, I told you...
- Who's Martha?
Oh, that's strange.
Why did I call you Martha?
- Go back to bed now.
- I can't sleep. I thought maybe we could talk.
I told you we'll talk
in the morning.
- Okay, let's not talk.
- Uh-uh-uh.
What's wrong?
Can't you see I'm crazy about you?
- My sister's in the other...
- Aw, she's fast asleep.
Oh, come on, baby.
Why don't you explore a little bit?
Oh, come on. Don't be so shy.
Besides, you can't get me
in any more trouble than I'm in...
so let's have some fun.
- Not now.
- Oh, geez!
- You act like a little ol' virgin boy.
- Shh!
That sister of yours
mothers you too much.
You want me to be
your little ol' southern mammy?
Come on, honey baby.
You want some sugar?
That's nice.
Now go to sleep and stay there.
Now promise me
you'll stay there.
- Oh, you are a meanie-weanie.
- Okay?
- Yeah, I promise.
- Okay. Go.
What's the matter?
Can't you sleep? You woke me up.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I guess I'm just restless.
You want a sleeping pill?
I got some.
- You have any other kind?
- What do you mean?
Never mind.
You wouldn't.
You're too square.
You sigh a lot,
don't you?
In nursing school, they taught us
that people who sigh a lot are unstable.
- Is that your problem?
- No.
I was just thinking
about your brother...
and how handsome he looks
in that toupee I gave him.
He lied to you.
I don't believe it.
He never lies to me.
I think he's a little bit
afraid of you.
It's probably why
he never married before.
I bet I'm gonna
have to show him what to do.
You must think you're an authority.
Well, I am pregnant.
Not only are you pregnant,
you are disgusting!
You're the hottest bitch
I've ever seen.
And I don't have
to take that from you.
And let me tell you
I'm in love with your brother, and if we
decide to make a go of this marriage...
which I think we'll do,
and sooner than you think...
we'll get out of here before
you can say Jack Robinson.
We'll go to Little Rock.
Why, as a matter of fact...
I will make all the arrangements
on the phone with my papa tomorrow.
Charles will fit right in with us.
He has style.
And you... You can go right back
to that... that hospital of yours...
where you can
boss everybody around.
Now I'm going back
to my husband.
Damn it, Martha. What have you
been saying to Myrtle?
Well, we've been talking
about quite a few things.
- Well, what? - Mostly she's worried about
whether you can screw or not.
She didn't talk about
anything like that.
- She certainly did.
- Goddamn it! Trouble again!
You see? You should
have stayed in New York.
I never should have
let you come.
another woman
carrying on in here!
Christ almighty!
I'm earning my 4,000 tonight.
Now look, this is
the third time she came to me.
If I wanted to screw her,
she would be satisfied by now.
I want her
to go to sleep.
Is that all
you want from her?
That's all,
for Christ's sakes.
Then here.
Give her these.
Tell her that they're the kind
of pills she was asking for.
I... I... I don't feel
any better, Charles.
Oh! Oh, I'm so sick.
As- As soon as I took
all them pills, I...
- Once the bus starts,
you'll go to sleep.
By the time you get to Little Rock,
oh, you'll feel much better.
- Don't worry.
- What-What's the matter with me, Charles?
What's the matter with me? Am I...
Am I gonna die from all those pills?
No. Myrtle, don't be silly.
Relax. You must have
been allergic to them.
Why are you puttin' me
all alone on the bus?
I'm so sick, Charles.
I don't wanna go by myself.
- I told you. Now listen.
- I don't wanna go...
Listen. I'll call
your mother and father...
and tell them
to meet the bus.
And then I'll drive your car down
with all the rest of your things.
Don't bring her along.
I'm afraid of her.
- Don't bring her... - No, no, no.
She's going back to New York.
I'll come all by myself.
Hmm? Just the two of us.
Oh. Oh, I'm so sick,
Oh, I feel...
I feel so terrible.
I... I feel
so terrible, Charles.
Look, it's almost time now.
I gotta go.
Go to sleep, huh?
Go to sleep.
Miss? What's the matter?
Oh, my God.
She's dead!
Hello. Operator?
Yes. I'd like to make
a collect call...
to Miss Evelyn Long...
205 Housatonic Street...
uh, Pittsfield, Massachusetts.
- Be careful. You'll strain yourself.
- Don't be silly.
It's very nice here, but I wish
it was just the two of us.
You told me the picture she sent you
of her was taken 20 years ago.
Yeah. Most of them do that.
How did I know
she was gonna be different?
You didn't tell me I'd have to stay
at a motel all by myself.
Well, I didn't know that her house
was going to be full of guests...
Well, anyway, you're not
gonna marry her. You promised.
We'll go back to New York and find
a nice little house in the suburbs.
- Okay?
- Uh-huh.
You also didn't know, when she
sent you that picture of her mansion...
it was only just
a boarding house, did you?
Okay, Martha!
Well, what the hell
are you complaining about?
People who have houses
in the suburbs...
are supposed to take
summer vacations.
- So, we're having ours.
- What kind of a vacation is it for me?
I'm not going back
to the hot city yet.
Here comes lunch.
I should've let
your brother help me get it.
I didn't realize
it was so heavy.
Well, I'm hot.
I think I'll join Ray.
Will you come?
Here I come, ready or not.
Come on.
It's nice, huh?
Come on.
That was wonderful, Martha.
You should really try it.
Yeah, maybe I will.
Martha, I don't think
you're having a very good time.
since you asked.
I don't like staying
at that motel by myself.
I know, and I do
feel terrible.
But this is the last week of Tanglewood,
and then everybody will go home...
and then I'll have
room for you too.
I was lucky I even had
room enough for Ray.
Well, I have slept
in the same room
with my brother before.
That was long ago when
we were still children.
Well, shall we have
our picnic?
- I'm starved.
- Well, I'm hot.
I think I'll go in
and cool off.
Yeah, good.
Go ahead, Martha.
Evelyn and I
will get the picnic ready.
I'm really sorry. She doesn't seem
to be having a very good time.
- Don't be silly.
- I wish I could do something to please her.
She's moody.
It's not your fault.
See? Hey, she's enjoying
the water.
- You want to know something?
- What?
If you lie down here...
no one can see you.
My, that's a fascinating
piece of information.
What's that
supposed to mean?
Why don't you try it
and find out?
All right, I will.
You promised!
- What is it?
- She saw us. Look.
You promised!
Martha! Come back!
Where's she going?
Ray, make her come back.
Martha! Please come back.
What's the matter with her? Ray,
I can't understand what's the matter with her.
Martha, please!
Please come back!
She's out too far.
She-She doesn't swim that well.
Oh, my God.
What's the matter with my little girl?
- Oh, stop it, Mama.
- He's the Latin from Manhattan.
Get rid of her. Choke her!
I went to New York to be married.
Little ol' sis, the nurse.
Okay, Martha.
I'm not going back to the hot city yet.
Here I come, ready or not.
Here I come, ready or not.
Here I come, ready or not.
Here I come, ready or not.
You crazy little fool.
You crazy fool.
I didn't mean it.
I didn't mean it.
Are you all right?
Are you all right?
Here, hold on to me. Hold on.
You crazy fool.
You crazy fool.
I didn't mean it.
I didn't mean it.
You crazy little fool.
We're in New York State.
Don't be angry with me.
And I'm the one
who should be angry.
Do you realize that,
with your stupid jealousy...
you could have gotten me
into trouble?
Huh? You want me
to go to jail?
I'd rather see you in jail than on that
blanket making love to another woman.
You know,
you'd go to jail too. Hmm.
Knowing that you were locked up
away from other women, I'd go too.
Well, I think we'd better
get you that house in the suburbs.
Hello. Lucy?
Janet. Did I wake you?
I'm so excited. Listen.
I finally got a letter.
No, you don't understand.
The club.
Ah. Charles Martin.
Isn't that cute?
Well, that's the only thing.
He's a little on the young side.
Well, 45, Lucy.
Oh, dear, and I lied
and gave him my age as 56.
But it's such a sweet letter.
Oh, well, now listen, Lucy.
He lives with his sister...
and she picked my name
out of the list.
She told him to write me.
No, dear, his sister.
Oh, no.
They don't live in Albany.
Oh, wait a minute.
Valley Stream,
Long Island.
That's a suburb
of New York City.
He even sent me
a picture of the house.
Yes, well, remember, Lucy...
not a word about all this
to Albert and Sarah.
I promised I'd forget
the Friendship Club...
but there's no harm
in writing to somebody...
who's so gentle and...
and refined...
and whose sister's a nurse.
Yes, don't they
sound wonderful?
Well, of course
I'm going to answer.
This is his first letter
through the club... and to me.
He's so cute.
He calls it his debut letter.
All right.
What's your advice?
Oh, you're right.
I was gonna answer
right away.
You don't think
a week's too long?
I wouldn't want
to hurt his feelings...
not for the world.
- The answer from Fay?
- No. Just bills.
Her name has been on that list
for as long as I can remember.
You'd think the old fool would jump
when she finally got a nibble.
You should've let me
write the letter by myself.
Maybe it wasn't
convincing enough.
We haven't paid December
for my mother. They're getting nasty.
Oh, God.
How we could use her 10,000.
She's out of town.
She'll answer.
Eh, maybe.
I'd better get back in touch
with the Downing woman.
No. I'm not going
to Michigan.
- Besides, she's too young.
- What do you mean too young?
- You know what I mean.
- Don't eat candy at 10:00 in the morning.
It's because
you're making me nervous!
You're nervous?
How do you think I feel...
sitting around here
day after day?
Now I've even taken to reading
these stupid magazines of yours!
I thought this is
what you wanted.
What I wanted?
You wanted this house.
You almost
drowned yourself to get it.
I suppose the next thing you'll do
is cut your wrists...
so I'll go out
and get a job.
- Stop it! - Or turn on the gas,
like the first time.
Stop it!
Maybe you want me dead!
Dead? I'm dead!
They call this place Valley Stream.
What a joke.
One little jail
after another...
with 10 feet of grass
between them.
Valley Stream.
I hate it here.
We could go
someplace else.
Where could we go?
We can't even afford to pay
for this rotten little house.
I could go back
to nursing.
How are we
gonna live on that?
Besides, no woman's
going to support me.
No! I have to go
back to work...
and I can't invest everything
in one old lady you choose for me.
I detest old ladies.
I'm going to write
to Delphine Downing today.
Look, I told you.
When we get enough money,
we can get married...
and go someplace
far away from here and settle down.
Someplace nice.
Not Valley Stream.
If you do as I say,
it could be soon.
Maybe Fay
will answer.
Yeah, maybe.
But if not,
we go to Michigan.
If you love me,
you'll do it.
I want to meet her alone
this afternoon.
I don't want to bring you into the picture
until I see how I'm going to work it.
- You understand?
- Yes.
I'll tell her that you're tired
from the trip and that you are resting.
You think of the 10,000
while I'm gone.
That'll help pass the time
more quickly.
And then tonight, we'll celebrate
the New Year. Just the two of us.
We'll go someplace nice,
- What are you doing in there?
- You'll see.
Here I come.
All set.
- How do I look?
- Mm, a little too old for me...
but good enough
to eat.
You know, I think
I will rest. I'm tired.
Wish me luck
and think of that 10,000.
What happened?
First I gotta pee.
I'm dying.
What were you
holding it in for?
Where do you
find a bathroom in a church?
What were you doing in a church?
We went to pray together, and we lit a candle
for the dear departed Mr. Fay...
whose loving spirit
brought us together.
She sounds senile.
She's getting near
that age.
She is at least
10 years older than she said...
sixty-five if she's a day.
- She didn't think you were too young for her?
- Not at all.
I remind her of the late and lamented
Mr. Fay when they were married.
She doesn't seem to realize
how long ago that must have been.
She says we have so much
in common...
that our "little difference of age"
doesn't matter.
You should have
seen her face when I said...
I was also a Catholic.
- You know who she reminds me of?
- Who?
- Your mother!
- My mother's not Catholic!
Well, you'd better be tomorrow
when you meet Janet.
- Tomorrow?
- Yes, we're spending the day with her...
to celebrate the New Year.
What about the 10,000?
She's got it. She can't stop talking
about it. She tells me everything.
It's in cash
and in three banks.
And don't you worry, I'll get it
from the silly old bitch.
- Gotta work fast though.
- Very good!
Who we've gotta watch out for
is the daughter and her husband.
And now, what would you
like to do most...
for the last time
in the old year?
- Guess.
- I'm not too old for you? A man of 45?
No. You're not.
Fifty nurses under your supervision!
Martha, I don't know how you do it.
Isn't she wonderful, Lucy?
So much responsibility and so young.
I should say so!
I don't know how the hospital...
can do without you
for a whole month, Mrs. Beck.
Well, I just had to come up and spend
some time with my successful brother.
When he wrote me about that new house
he was buying, I said to myself...
"I've got to go up there
and talk him out of the idea."
At least if he was married...
He's my older brother,
but he can be impractical.
I guess that's because of your
European upbringing, Charles.
Yes, Janet. My sister was fortunate
being brought up in America...
although the separation
was terrible for us.
Well, I'm glad.
You're so... debonair.
- So, sort of cute
with your little accent!
And even though you
speak differently...
I'd know you were
brother and sister anywhere.
- Wouldn't you, Janet?
- Oh, yes, they're like two peas in a pod.
I'm having such a good time
with these people.
I hate to go. But I know
the three of you have lots to do.
Can I tell her, Charles?
Go ahead.
Lucy, Charles and I
are going to be married.
Janet, that's wonderful!
I can't believe it!
You're the first to know.
Except for Martha, of course.
It's like a dream. I can't believe it.
After all these years.
Well, it's not a dream,
and you're right...
the three of us
have a lot to discuss.
So I'd better run along. Of course,
I'll phone you later this evening.
I won't be here. Tonight I'm taking
Charles and Martha to dinner.
- Oh, how nice!
- Call me early tomorrow morning before Mass.
Good-bye, you two.
It's been a treat meeting you.
And happy New Year.
Well, how did you like
the hat she had on? I made it.
I know, dear.
You wrote me all about them.
Would you like to see a new one
I just made for myself?
- Oh, I'd love to, Janet.
- Yes, indeed.
All right.
I'll model it for you.
Oh, it's beautiful, Janet!
And I made it myself.
Don't you think it's cute?
I do think it's adorable.
Janet, with a talent like that,
you are missing a golden opportunity.
Of course. If you had
a little shop in New York.
It would have to be
in an inexpensive neighborhood.
Where the rent would be reasonable,
like, uh, Valley Stream.
Oh, Janet, what a business you
could have for yourself.
- A business? - Why, she'd just
rake in the money, wouldn't she?
She would indeed. Of course, she would need
some capital to get started.
Mm. How much money do you think
she'd need, Charles?
Oh, I'd say about,
uh, $10,000.
Janet, if you decide to do this,
don't worry about money.
I have a little
savings at home.
What better use could I put it to
than to help you get started.
Oh, Martha, how sweet.
How sweet you are, dear.
But I don't need it.
She doesn't know I have the money,
does she, Charles?
How wonderful, Janet.
Now, you two, just help yourselves
to whatever your hearts desire.
It's my treat.
My! A dollar eighty-five
for a veal cutlet.
I think I'll have a pork chop.
It's a better buy.
Pork chop, please.
But have whatever
you want, Charles.
Don't let me influence you.
You too, Martha.
I'll have
the pork chop also, please.
And don't skimp on his potatoes
like you did on mine.
What will you have,
Martha dear?
I'll have the veal cutlet.
I don't care for pork chops.
Veal cutlet for her.
And go easy on the gravy.
It looks starchy. Full of flour.
I know this place.
I eat here all the time.
No, that's
not the dessert.
They're over this way.
Come along.
I wish I had known you were
going to sweep me off my feet...
and take me
to New York with you.
- Why, dear? - Oh, because I never
would have paid the hotel for January.
Here it is only the first.
I'll be checking out on Monday.
I think I'll get me
another cup of coffee.
Oh, here, dear,
let me give you the dime.
Forget it, Janet.
I might want something else.
That girl eats too much.
Well, she always
had a healthy appetite.
We could've left
first thing tomorrow...
- but you want to go to Mass.
- Oh, yes.
And then you do want to take your money
out of the banks first thing Monday morning.
You might need some
for a deposit at the hat shop.
And as I told you,
you get a much better interest rate...
at my bank
in Valley Stream.
Yes, of course.
And then we leave
immediately for your new home.
Well, I'm afraid
we're not going to make it...
to Valley Stream
before the banks close.
You see. We shouldn't have stopped
all that time for that big lunch.
Wasn't necessary.
Not at all.
I told you, Janet. I get nauseous
riding on an empty stomach.
- Did you want me to throw up?
- Oh, dear.
Besides, you took
an awfully long time at the bank.
It would've been quicker if you had
taken the money out in cash.
And ride around with $10,000?
That's cute.
Really, Martha, you don't
have as much common sense as I thought.
I want my two best girls
to stop arguing this very minute.
I think I'll look at
my beautiful pictures for a while.
You're sure there's
a nice place for them?
Oh, yes of course.
We'll hang them up this evening.
Good. That's the only thing
in Albany I'll miss.
My lovely church. Everything I have
goes to them, you know.
There's a nice Catholic church in
Valley Stream too. I'm sure you'll like it.
I know I will.
But I'll miss St. Agnes.
And of course I'll miss
Albert and Sarah too.
Do you really think it was right leaving
like this without telling them a word?
Sure. Think of the exciting surprise it
will be tomorrow when you call them...
and tell them, "I am now
Mrs. Charles Martin."
"Mrs. Charles Martin."
Martin's Hat Shop.
Isn't that cute?
There they are, safe and sound
in your new home.
That was
a delicious supper, Martha.
Are you sure I can't help you
now that we have the pictures up?
No, dear. You and Charles
have business to attend to.
Go ahead and use the table if
you like. I'll clean up in the kitchen.
That's a good idea.
Janet, why don't you get your purse?
We can go over
everything together right now.
All right.
Fine. I suggest you deposit it
in one lump sum in my bank.
But you better keep
a thousand in cash...
in case we find
a nice store for you.
They might not
take a check.
Even with your references?
- I don't know everyone in Valley Stream, darling.
- All right.
But the jewelry goes
in a safe-deposit box.
Not until after the wedding.
I want my bride to look
her very loveliest.
Oh, yes. Of course.
Now what are you writing
on those sheets of paper?
I have a marvelous idea.
- "Surprise"? - Just sign your name
at the bottom of the page.
And then what happens?
And then I take them
out tonight and I mail them.
One to your daughter Sarah,
one to Lucy...
and one to Father Nicholas
at St. Agnes.
They get them tomorrow morning.
"What's this from Janet?"
They say.
What does that mean?"
Then they ring each other up
on the telephone.
What's the surprise?"
And then first thing
tomorrow morning...
we print up
some wedding announcements.
Mr. And Mrs. Charles Martin take pleasure
in announcing their marriage...
January 3rd in Valley Stream,
Long Island.
Mrs. Martin is the former
Janet Fay of Albany, New York.
After a wedding trip
to Miami, Florida...
they will make their home
in Valley Stream, Long Island, New York.
A wedding trip...
to Miami, Florida?
I might as well
tell you now.
That was
my surprise for you.
Oh. Oh, Charles!
How wonderful!
What a cute idea!
While you have
your fountain pen in hand...
- why don't you endorse the checks?
- Endorse them tonight?
I have to be out of the house
very early in the morning...
to get the wedding announcements
printed in time.
I could stop at the bank first thing
and put them in for you.
Oh, Charles,
you better hide them.
Oh, yes. I have
a nice secret place in the cellar.
I'll take them down there
this very minute.
And now, why don't you address
the envelopes for the surprise letters...
so I can mail them
when I come back up?
We need another surprise letter
for my nephew in Utica.
Fine. Do a few more.
We can always use
an extra one or two.
Martha, you'd better
come down the cellar with me.
You can help me
hide Janet's checks.
Don't you
want me to help, dear?
No, darling. It's very dark down there.
You might hurt yourself on the stairs.
You finish addressing
your letters while we do it.
All right.
If I didn't see it,
I wouldn't believe it.
What do you mean,
you wouldn't believe it? You saw.
That is what you get for being kind
to a woman and giving her affection.
I bolted the door
from the inside.
Charles, what's the matter?
I can't open the door.
Are you
all right down there?
One minute, Janet.
I'll be right up.
I'll be right back.
The catch slipped.
We're locked in down here.
Oh, dear God. Can't I
open it from this side?
Oh, Janet,
it won't open.
My goodness!
Shall I get help?
No, no. There's an outside entrance
down here from the back yard.
But it's locked, also, and it's gonna
take me some time to get it open, dear.
You might as well
get ready for bed in the meantime.
Oh, poor Martha.
She's so tired.
Oh, she's fine.
Martha doesn't mind a bit.
What's the matter?
Can't you sleep?
No, I'm terribly restless. I guess
I'm not used to a strange bedroom.
- Do you want a sleeping pill?
- No.
No, I never take pills.
Not even aspirin.
That's too bad.
Oh, I'm keeping you up.
I'm sorry.
You must be tired, locked up
in the cellar for over an hour.
Janet, what's worrying you?
Well, the outside
cellar door...
the one you and Charles
got out of...
do you recall whether
you locked that behind you?
We have quite a bit of money here in the house
to be sleeping with a door unlocked.
All the doors
are locked tight.
Now go back to sleep.
You have a big day tomorrow.
I'll try.
Do you think poor Charles is all right
on that little couch in there?
He's fine. Now, do you have any more
questions, or can I go to sleep?
Well, if you
weren't so tired...
I would like to have
a little talk with you.
About what?
Well, about your brother.
And about you too, I suppose.
What about us?
Well, here I am sleeping under the same roof
with you, and I hardly know you.
What do you want
to know about us?
Well, I really know hardly
anything about Charles.
Well, about his past
for instance.
Don't you think 2:00 in the morning
is a little late for family histories?
Well, here I've endorsed
all my checks...
and now I don't
even know where they are.
For God's sakes, Janet. You asked him
to hide them for you in the cellar.
I know. But now I don't even
know where they are.
And you were down there
such a long time.
We were locked in!
I know. But right after you came up,
Charles went out to mail my letters...
and you and I came to bed and nobody
told me where you put them.
- Do you want me to take you down there
and show them to you? - Yes.
I'm not going to. The door from the kitchen
is stuck, or don't you remember?
Maybe Charles isn't
asleep yet. Maybe he'll show them to me.
I wouldn't repeat to my brother
some of the things you just said to me.
I don't think he'd want to marry
a woman who doesn't trust him.
Now you get back into bed...
and go to sleep, and I won't
tell him about this conversation.
I can't sleep.
I'm very upset.
What are you
upset about now?
I should have called Albert and Sarah.
I should have told them what I was doing.
They probably phoned the hotel
and were told I checked out.
They're probably worried to death
about me right this minute.
They'll get the surprise letters
in the morning.
How do you know about the letters?
You weren't even in the room when we did them.
I overheard you
from the kitchen.
Why were you
eavesdropping on us?
Janet, what's the matter with you?
I wish you'd let me give you a sleeping pill.
You're getting yourself
all upset over nothing.
- No. I wanna use the telephone. Where is it?
- What do you want the phone for?
I wanna speak to Albert and Sarah,
tell them where I am.
You can't.
The phone is in the living room...
and you're not gonna
wake my brother.
- You can do it in the morning.
- No. I wanna do it now.
I want Sarah's advice about those checks
I signed over to your brother.
You get back into bed, and we'll settle
it all in the morning.
- Why can't I call her now?
- Because it's late. That's why.
- You'll upset her. - She won't be upset.
She'll be glad to hear from me.
I said you can
call her in the morning.
Now get back into bed.
Janet, I'm going to give you
a few sleeping pills.
No. No pills.
Don't push me like that!
No! I want to call
this minute.
For God's sakes, Ray,
give this woman back her checks.
Take her to the train
and send her back to Albany.
Ray? Ray? Who's Ray?
Who's R... I want
to call my daughter!
She won't let me.
She slapped me.
Why is she
calling you "Ray"?
I'm frightened.
She wants her checks back.
I heard.
Oh, no. I don't
want them back, Charles.
I just want to call Sarah.
I don't want her to worry about me.
That's all. Can't I call her?
Please, Charles,
can't I call her?
I'll call her
and surprise her now, all right?
She's worried about me.
Please, let me call her!
First, let Martha
give you a few pills.
You're very upset.
They'll help calm you down.
And then you can
call your daughter!
No! No pills.
Why do you want to give me pills?
I'm afraid of pills!
Ray, what are
we gonna do with her?
Ray? Ray?
I-I don't want the checks back.
No, I don't want them back.
A-A-And I'm not
going to call Sarah.
All right?
All right, Ray?
I just wanna go for a little walk
by myself to think things over.
I just want to get a little fresh air,
and then I'll be right back.
I don't want the checks. Leave them
in your cellar where you hid them.
Please, go to bed!
I'll be right back.
I'll just take my jewelry
out of this trunk and put it
in my overcoat. That's all.
Where is it?
Oh, where is it?
I can't find it!
It isn't in here!
Somebody took my jewelry.
Where is it?
I can't find it.
It isn't in here.
I don't want it.
- You've got to do it.
- No, I don't want to.
If you love me,
you'll do it.
I won't take anything with me!
Nothing at all! I won't even get dressed.
Hit her again!
Finish her!
Here. Tie it on
and let her have it.
And get her off the rug.
- Here. Use this as a tourniquet.
- Help me.
- Oh, God!
- You're shivering. Do you have a fever?
- What's the matter? - Nothing.
It's just that you're sweating so.
Take off your top. It's wet.
You'll catch a cold.
For God's sake, Martha,
put out the light.
Be calm. Nobody
knows what happened.
Only you and me.
I want to go
lie down for a while.
I need a drink!
Do you want
the light on or off?
Leave it on.
I want to make love.
"Dear Sarah and Albert..."
"By the time you
receive this letter...
"I will be
Mrs. Charles Martin...
"on my way to Florida...
where I will live
with my new husband."
Wait a minute. She always takes these
with her wherever she goes.
Now isn't that cute?
"Dear Charles, Thank you for your
thoughtful Christmas greetings.
"Christmas gives me
an empty, lonely feeling.
"Rainelle finally got
a tricycle for Christmas.
"She just can't wait
for spring to use it.
"She is anxious
to meet her Uncle Charles...
"and was very happy when I told her
that you and Aunt Martha...
were thinking of coming
out here for a visit."
"And so, boys and girls,
on the 15th of April...
"in the year 1865,
Abraham Lincoln...
"the 16th president
of the United Sates of America, died.
"Each year
on February the 12th, his birthday...
a grateful country celebrates
the hero who saved the Union."
"celebrates," Mommy?
Well, "celebrates"
is what we did today for
Lincoln's Birthday, sweetheart.
You stayed home
from nursery school, didn't you?
And we had flags
at the supper table.
And we even had a birthday cake
for President Lincoln.
- Right.
- What a bad man who shot
President Lincoln.
Oh, well, I guess he was
sorry for what he did.
Is Daddy in heaven
a hero like President Lincoln?
Yes, darling. And now
Mommy's gonna put you to bed.
Go kiss Uncle Charles
and Aunt Martha good night.
Why, Rainelle,
what's the matter with you?
She'll never forgive me
for swabbing her throat.
But she had that cold
three weeks ago. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk.
Oh, Rainelle,
and Aunt Martha was going...
to buy you that puppy
that you want so badly.
All right,
young lady, come to bed.
You're overtired,
I guess.
I'll just take her upstairs and put her
to bed. I'll be right down.
Now, Rainelle,
why did you do that?
A birthday party for President Lincoln.
Now I've seen everything.
Shh. She'll hear you.
If we stay here much longer, she'll
have me sewing flags like Betsy Ross.
- Who's Betsy Ross?
- Oh, never mind.
Come into the den
where we can talk.
I'm sick of her
and that goddamn health food.
I'm hungry all the time.
And in more than one way.
We're going to Grand Rapids tomorrow,
hmm, for a shopping trip.
Just you and me.
I'm as hungry
as you, darling.
Be patient
a little while longer.
You've been saying that
for three weeks.
No. She told me this afternoon
she's very close to a deal...
on the property
on Muskegon Street.
I thought you were
her financial adviser.
I am. But, you know,
she's not stupid.
So I've got to take it slow
and easy with her.
Listen, she's got even more
than we thought.
He had plenty
of insurance.
She never wrote me
the half of it.
That's why it's taking time
to turn everything into cash.
- And then?
- Ah, and then...
She thinks we're driving
to New York where I marry her.
But we get rid
of her and the kid on the way.
She's in love with you.
I can tell.
So what?
It's perfect, if you'll just
be patient for a little while longer.
And after that, no more letters
and no more meetings.
No more. I promise.
We get married.
Charles, it's funny you should
always come in here.
Why do you
say that, Delphine?
Well, because John always
preferred coming in here...
instead of sitting
in the living room.
He used to say
it was more cozy.
You know, that is funny.
Because I feel the same way.
Well, guess what we
celebrate day after tomorrow.
- President Washington's Birthday?
- Oh, no, dear.
- That's not until the 22nd.
- Oh.
But at least you got it
in the right month.
Charles is pulling
your leg, Delphine.
As a matter of fact, he just
asked me to drive into Grand Rapids...
tomorrow afternoon to help pick out
your Valentine's Day present.
Oh, Charles.
Oh, that's sweet of you.
I wonder if Rainelle found her puppy.
They should be back by now.
My goodness,
how that child needs a father.
She's really taken to Charles.
Don't you think so?
I suppose so. But if you ask me,
you've spoiled her.
You fuss too much over her.
Like this morning.
She could have gone
to nursery school.
I told you there was nothing
wrong with her stomach.
You got yourself so upset over her
that now you're the one who's sick.
I guess we just didn't want you
to go to Grand Rapids today.
Rainelle wanted Charles
to buy the puppy...
- and I wanted to be here alone with you.
- What for?
I have to talk to you, Martha.
It's important.
- I'm afraid I need your advice.
- What's the matter?
- May I be completely open and frank with you?
- Well, of course. What is it?
I want to marry your brother right away,
before we go to New York.
Why do you want
to do that?
Because I'm pregnant.
That's why.
Martha, Charles and I
really do love each other.
We intended to marry
almost from the start.
I guess we just
got carried away. That's all.
But you see, the thing is, I don't want him
to know about this until after we're married.
I don't want the fact that I'm going to have
his child have anything to do with it.
That's why
I need your help.
Well, after all,
you'll be my sister.
I never had a sister.
What do you want me
to do, Delphine?
I want you to suggest
that we get married here, right away.
On Valentine's Day.
- He promised me.
- Look, I know you're upset.
He wanted to be so sure
that you wouldn't find out...
that there was anything
going on between us.
I think you're wonderful, Martha,
with your old-fashioned values.
Charles does, too, and he's
just frightened to death...
that you'd find out we've been sleeping together
whenever you left the house.
But we love each other so much,
we just couldn't stop ourselves.
You can understand that,
can't you?
Yes, I understand.
Martha, why are you crying?
I'm crying because
I feel so sorry for you.
Sorry for me? W-Why?
Why should you
feel sorry for me?
I'm sorry for you because my brother
will never marry you now. That's why.
- What do you mean?
- You'll find out when you tell him...
he has to marry you
because he's knocked you up.
- You make it sound so awful.
- Well, that's the situation, isn't it?
Well, then you've got to help me,
Martha. He mustn't know.
You want me to lie
to my own brother? Never.
You've ruined everything.
Oh, God.
Oh, what am I gonna do?
You're in quite a spot, aren't you?
Besides losing Charles,
you'll be pregnant without a husband.
All right,
I'll help you.
But you've got to do
exactly as I tell you.
Get into bed.
I'll be right back.
- Here, take these.
- What are they?
They're allergy pills. But if you take
enough of them, they'll abort the baby.
- No, I don't want to do that.
- Delphine, don't be stupid.
You'll have another child after you're married.
This'll solve the problem.
They won't make me sick,
will they?
Would I give them to you if I thought they would?
Now hurry up before I change my mind.
Here, you'll have to take more.
You need more than those.
Uh-oh! I think I have to go
into the bathroom for a minute.
Swallow them!
Swallow them, stupid!
- Here, take some more.
- I don't have to.
It was a false alarm.
Oh, my goodness.
I feel woozy. I think
I'd better get into bed.
Oh! Oh, Martha...
I don't feel good.
Mommy! Mommy!
Look at the puppy!
Shut up, Rainelle!
- Run!
- What the hell's going on here?
Watch her.
I'll be right back.
Help me. Help me.
I put the kid
in the bedroom closet.
- What happened to her?
- She found out everything.
- What! How?
- How the hell do I know, Ray?
She was gonna
call the police.
- You gave her the pills?
- But I couldn't get enough down her.
What are you gonna
do with her?
She keeps a gun
in that drawer. Get it.
While I take care of her, you'd better think
of a way to get rid of that kid.
- How? - How do I know?
Take her to a children's home.
Are you kidding? They'd ask millions
of questions, and she's no baby.
So put a pillow over her face.
Uh, smother her.
I don't care what you do,
but get rid of her.
You might as well
come upstairs.
There's no point
in digging twice.
See, I told you
she wasn't in her bed anymore.
Now take off your coat,
and I'll leave it on the bed.
Mommy's all right now. We were
only playing a game to fool you.
I want my mommy.
I want my mommy.
She's in the cellar
with the nice little puppy...
that Uncle Charles
bought for you.
You remember, she said the puppy would
have to stay in the cellar, didn't she?
Shall we go down to see Mommy playing
with the puppy in the cellar?
Come on, Rainelle.
Hurry up. Go see Mommy.
You can go down now.
Everything's taken care of.
Go upstairs and pack
while I finish up down...
We better
get out of here fast.
Where are we
going now, Ray?
I can arrange a meeting with
a very nice woman in New Orleans.
We can stay there
right through the Mardi Gras.
Wouldn't you like that,
Yes, darling,
I'd like that.
Hold me.
And you won't make love to her?
Do you have to
ask that again?
Didn't I promise?
I didn't touch Delphine, did I?
After a whole month,
I never laid a hand on her.
Don't you trust me?
Yes, I trust you,
my darling.
We'll spend the rest
of the winter in New Orleans.
This one will be
the absolute last. I promise.
And then in the spring...
Get me the police.
Hello, is this the police?
This is a neighbor
of Mrs. Delphine Downing...
3435 Byron Center Road.
wrong over there.
How do I know?
I heard a shot. That's how I know.
And now something peculiar
is going on in the cellar.
That's right.
Never mind who I am.
Just get over there.
Who is it?
Just one of her neighbors,
I expect.
Well, get rid of them!
And finish packing!
You won't need that now.
Besides, I never
liked it on you anyway.
Go downstairs.
I'll take care of everything.
- Hello, Martha.
- Time to go to court?
- Are you nervous?
- Yes.
Well, first day's
the worst.
It's going to be a long trial.
You'll get used to it.
At least I'll see Ray again.
It's been four months now.
They tell me
he still loves me, but...
They've been telling me so many lies,
I don't know who to believe anymore.
Well, then, I have
something nice for you.
It's a letter from him.
They're allowing me to give it to you.
Can I be alone with it, please?
I'll... wait for you
over there by the window.
Dear Martha...
I would like to shout
my love for you to the world.
Perhaps someday
when we are old and gray...
we shall have a little time
to spend together.
But no matter what
happens to us...
I want you
to remember one thing.
You, and you alone...
are the one and only woman
I have ever loved.
You are the one and only woman
I will ever love.
Now and beyond the grave.