Honeymoon (2014)

I guess I'm
the first one to do this.
Well, I'm not really sure
what I'm supposed to say.
I'm now a wife.
wedding video.
Let me introduce you
to our delicious food.
We got veggie korma,
lamb curry, samosas.
Oh, I am sitting
inside a tent of sorts,
because it is inside a tent
similar to this one
where you proposed.
For our first date,
Bea chose an Indian restaurant,
you know,
one of those little places on Sixth Street
with the colored lights
and the fiber-optic lamps.
Yum, except that
halfway through the meal,
I start feeling
my stomach gurgle
in this horrible
food-poisoning-type way,
and I didn't even
have time to lie to her.
I spend 20 minutes in the
dirty restaurant toilet
and the rest of the night
on Bea's bathroom floor,
because I couldn't make it
to the subway,
let alone Brooklyn.
Well, we'd been planning
on going camping upstate
for weeks,
but, as you know, I got sick,
so we couldn't go.
I thought you were upset,
because you were
acting really weird,
but then you... you built,
like, this tent
over our bed out of blankets,
and we made s'mores
on the stove,
and then inside the fort
on our bed,
you said, "Bea, this was
supposed to be romantic
"and under the stars,
not sheets,
"but you make me the happiest.
Will you marry me?"
And now we're married.
So this, this is our,
"Fuck you, Indian food."
You tried to keep us apart,
but fuck you.
We win.
So we didn't get
a regular wedding cake.
We decided on something that
was special for us instead.
Mm-hmm, special
and cheap.
I think some people
are annoyed by no cake.
Who cares?
It's our wedding,
Before, I was alone,
but now I'm not.
I love you, honeybee.
It's not fancy.
Is it okay?
Do you like it?
Here's what I see...
ot the city,
Mm-hmm. I just want
it to be perfect.
And I just want to be with you.
All right, come on.
So this is the famous
family cottage.
Wait, wait, wait.
What? What? What? What?
Not so fast, okay?
First, the grand tour.
So this is the living room.
Watch your step.
You may notice a slight tilt.
Uh-huh. This is
definitely unsafe.
Oh, yeah?
Well, you're unsafe.
You're unsafe.
You're unsafe.
Here we have a TV
and VCR from 1991.
Well, I mean,
who needs cell service
or Internet
when you can keep busy
watching your favorite VHS tape?
Over here, we have the kitchen,
complete with, yes,
a radioactive microwave
and an oven that probably
still uses hot coals.
You may be noticing a theme.
I want to have sex with you.
Bzz. Change is bad.
Looks like a sign.
No, looks like bad wiring.
This is the bear room.
Very good.
And, uh...
why is it called the bear room?
This is the bathroom.
It's green,
very green.
This is, uh...
This is where you almost
drowned playing submarine.
You're my favorite.
Which one is ours?
Mm, next door.
The woods room...
because it has windows
the woods.
It's dark and scary out there.
It's dark and scary in here.
What's with the ducks?
Ah, they're fake and hollow,
empty inside.
I used to hide things
in 'em with I was little.
What are you hiding under here?
My very superspecial
honeymoon nightgown.
I love you, honeybee.
Mm, bzz.
You are pretty creepo.
I was done sleeping.
Look what I found.
"Dear ducks,
"my name is
Mallard P. Quack.
"I am not a real duck.
Stay away.
Quack, quack..."
Honk, quack,
quack, quack, honk.
Did we get milk?
You put it in here, right?
Yeah, no, it's in the fridge.
Now, then... Hey.
Hey, hey, hey, hey.
Hey, wife...
Oh, how gracious
of you, husband.
After last night,
you deserve to relax.
Rest your womb.
What, my womb?
Why did you say that?
I don't know.
I don't know. I'm...
I didn't mean anything.
I'm gonna make the pancakes now.
It's just...
Well, I don't know.
Just say it. What?
Do you want to have a baby?
Heh. No. What?
No. I don't know
why I said, "Womb."
I was...
I was just teasing
about how hard I fucked you.
What is it?
I don't know.
Okay. Cool.
Wait. I don't know if I'm
ready to have a baby.
I don't know if I'm
ready to have a baby.
We're gonna have
breakfast together
every day for the rest
of our lives.
I know. I know.
Which means
we got plenty of time
to talk about your womb and
other married-people things.
Right now,
I think we should just
be on our honeymoon.
You ready?
This thing's massive.
Where'd it come from?
My dad.
I didn't realize he
was that kind of hunter.
Well, what kind
of hunter is that?
The kind that kills
giant fucking bears.
You ever killed anything?
Yeah, murder by trap
doesn't count.
I mean with your bare hands.
Oh, with my bare hands?
have you?
No. No.
I mean, just fish.
Mm, I guess a few frogs.
Oh, when I was little.
We'd use 'em as bait,
like little, mini baby ones.
Oh, right. Mm-hmm.
The little baby ones.
Yeah, baby ones.
Is that normal?
Oh, they scream
when you cast them.
Oh, my God.
Who are you?
Come on.
What, should we grab your water wings,
too, Pauly Poo?
I'm really not embarrassed
by wanting a little extra
security on the water.
You tied it, right?
Tied what?
The anchor.
You tied the rope
before you dropped it?
Didn't you just tell me
to drop it in?
You're good at that.
12 years of Girl Scouts.
Last one in the
water's a rotten egg.
What are you talking about?
Well, if you're afraid,
you can just stay
in the boat like a baby.
I'm not
afraid of the lake.
Take off your shirt.
All right.
No. No, this...
Heh. No.
Why not? Come on.
Ah, I'm sorry.
I seem to remember someone saying,
"Oh, and it's gonna
be just before summer,
"so we're totally gonna have
the whole lake to ourselves,
and there'll be
no one around..."
And, uh, oh, shit,
yep. No one around.
Yeah, looks like
no one's around.
Yeah, well,
I-I'll take this under consideration.
Oh, it's so cold.
It's freezing.
I thought
something had snapped...
"Oh, my goodness!"
"Oh, my goodness"?
Oh, my God,
did your womb get cold?
Heh. No,
but it did freeze
my big, giant...
No, Paul.
Oh, no.
No, no, no.
Oh, no.
No, Paul. No, no.
No, no, no!
I really wanted to go
swimming with you.
I really wanted to go
skinny-dipping with you.
I'm hungry.
Oh, weird.
I feel kind of full.
You're a dirty girl.
You are a dirty girl
who deserves...
to be punished.
Paul, stop.
This it?
Catchy name.
Their specialty is food.
Last one there is a rotten egg.
They even open?
They should be.
We're closed.
W-We're closed!
Yeah, okay, buddy.
We got it.
We're leaving.
Trixie, it's me.
It's Will.
My God, I haven't
seen you in forever.
Uh, yeah.
God, you look...
Merci. Merci.
This is my... Paul,
my husband Paul.
I've been building up the
maple beans here for years.
When did you start working here?
Uh, actually, it's my wife,
uh, Annie's family's place.
Annie's family owns it.
Ah. That's great.
Sorry about that before.
Everything's broken around here.
Still wearing
this old thing, huh?
Oh, yeah, despite
Annie's best efforts.
She'll have to pry it
off my cold, dead head.
Will used to be a great hockey player.
Hey, still am.
That's the one with
the ice skates, right?
Well, uh,
let me see if I can rustle us up some grub.
You should leave.
They're leaving.
You should leave.
They're leaving.
Annie's not feeling so well.
Not quite yourself today,
are you, Annie?
Well, let me
go grab those beans,
maybe some cheese curds
for old time's sake.
Can't believe you're here.
There's that smile.
Your husband is waking up early
to catch his wifey
a delicious dinner.
You're not even
gonna question that?
No, I... That sounds great.
I was just thinking.
I don't know.
Your ex-lover.
He wa...
He was a summer friend
when I was a kid.
Oh, really?
a friend?
That woman was just so...
Wait. Are you calling
his wife, "that woman"?
What? She seemed
completely out of it,
like not normal.
probably because that woman has had enough
of the "I can kill a bear
with my bare hands" bullshit.
Well, he's just
a little intense.
Yeah, a little intense,
like a fucking maniac.
Hey, in the five minutes
we were there,
he smashed a lamp...
Yeah, well, he's not
like that. I know him.
And put his wife's arm
in a vise grip.
She obviously
did something awful.
Are you defending him?
Do you miss him?
What, just
'cause he's a little more alpha than you?
You love him.
Well, I can't help it.
His tiny, sexy,
I'm not like him.
You're not like her.
We aren't like them.
I know.
We're the best.
Get it.
I'm gonna
catch you a giant fish...
with my bare hands.
My alarm went off early.
The power
must have gone out.
Are you peeing?
Are you ignoring me?
This isn't funny.
Come on.
Keep hiding.
I'm going back to sleep.
This isn't funny!
Come on!
You okay?
What happened?
I don't know.
What happened?
I'm okay.
Your skin is... is so cold.
I'm fine. I'm okay.
You... You feel so...
I'm fine.
I'm fine.
Where's your...
Where's your nightgown?
Where's your...
Where's your, uh...
Paul, stop.
Come here.
Paul, come here.
I couldn't find you.
Come here.
Please come here.
Please come here.
Come here.
Honey, look.
I mean,
I'm just cold. Shh.
You're okay.
We're okay.
I'm so sorry.
Why? No.
I'm so sorry.
I didn't mean
to scare you. I...
I didn't.
you... you must
have been, uh...
I must be sleepwalking.
Sleepwalking. Okay.
Okay. Um...
It's okay.
I thought...
I thought... I thought
something bad had...
I'm fine.
How's my little zombie face
this morning?
I'm serious.
I'm fine.
What you making?
French toast.
Oh, good.
Obviously not as good as my pancakes,
but good.
What's that smell?
These... These
are burning.
This bread isn't battered.
What are you talking about?
You forgot to batter the bread.
No, I didn't. It...
Yes, you did.
That's the whole point
of... of French toast.
You... You batter the bread.
All right, you okay here?
Yeah. No, I'm f...
I'm just feeling a little funny.
That's all.
Funny? Like how?
I don't know.
We should go into town.
No, no, I'm fine.
Gotta be, like, a doctor or something or...
No, don't be crazy.
We've spent hundreds
of nights together,
and you've never
been a sleepwalker.
I'm just tired.
You've never forgotten
how to make French toast.
I promise.
bit of milk.
That's an egg.
Shut up.
Now for the cinnamon...
Okay, I got it.
I got it.
Got it.
Well, I made the coffee.
Well, I thought today, maybe,
if you're up for it,
we could go out onto the...
What is it?
What are you doing?
Look at this fatty one.
Oh. Oh.
This big, fatty one
is gonna be our dinner.
Why aren't you laughing?
I don't know.
You want to go back?
No. No.
Thought you would
find that funny,
as a frog killer.
Froggy Krueger.
Let's go swimming.
That's funny.
You're funny.
Last one in's a rotten egg!
How's it going?
How's it going with you?
Did you rinse off all
the creepy-crawlies?
Why'd you do that?
You knew the water was cold.
I don't know.
I thought it'd be funny.
I'm sorry.
What's going on with you?
I'm tired.
The drive, the wedding,
stress of everything
is catching up to me.
The wedding?
Oh, I... No,
I was just saying...
You wanted to get married.
Yeah. Yes. Yes.
That's all I want.
I just want to make you happy.
You do.
I promise.
What's this?
What are these?
What is this?
They're mosquito bites.
I know what a fucking
mosquito bite looks like.
W-Way to get me
in the mood.
Okay, I just...
Do you think something
maybe bit you
when you were sleepwalking?
Yeah. Yeah, no,
I think you're right.
I think something bit me.
You do?
Yes, mosquitoes.
Don't get upset.
I'm worried.
I'm tired, okay?
I think I'm just
gonna go take a sleep.
I'm just gonna go take a nap.
I think... Oh, I...
I kind of have a headache.
Oh, I feel like we should...
I feel like we should get
a good night's sleep.
I'm just not really in the mood.
Oh, I don't know.
I took some Advil,
but this hea...
I don't know.
I don't know.
I took some Tylenol,
but this headache won't go away.
I can't help it.
My tummy hurts.
My stomach just feels icky.
Hey there.
Trade you.
Two of a kind.
Some people
might call it a pair.
Hmm. Small straight.
I'll take that as my Chance.
You're my chance.
I want to kiss you.
I want to kiss you.
You're gonna kill me.
What? What is it?
Oh, I kind of have a headache.
Oh, I took some Tylenol,
but this headache won't go away.
Are you mad?
Are you trying
to not have sex with me?
Are you avoiding
sleeping with me?
You're acting crazy.
I'm your husband.
And I'm your wife.
We talk to each other.
I know that.
You can tell me if...
My head hurts.
Did something happen
in the woods?
I was sleepwalking.
You feel distant.
Y-You feel
You feel distracted.
I want to make you happy.
Put on your nightgown.
What? What are
you talking about?
Your special
honeymoon nightgown.
I want to see it on you.
Come on. Put it on.
Why not?
Are you really
doing this right now?
It looks sexy.
No, I can't.
Why not?
I put it away.
It's put away
with my dirty laundry.
It's in the box,
the clothes bo...
the suitcase.
It's in the suitcase.
It's in the suitcase
with my dirty laundry.
What, do you really
want me to go get it?
Where'd you go?
I was getting a drink.
Are you staying there?
Where's your glass?
What are you doing?
Went outside.
You can't do that.
We're in the middle of nowhere.
You don't know what's out there.
Someone was out there.
What are you talking about?
Looking in our windows,
playing some little game,
shining some
high-beam flashlight
in your face while you sleep.
I took a walk
in the woods earlier.
What does that have
to do with anything?
Where you were sleepwalking.
Why would you go ba...
Why are you lying to me?
I was sleepwalking.
I'm confused.
I found footprints.
It was muddy.
They weren't ours.
I know someone was
in the woods with you,
and I know someone was just outside,
looking in our windows.
This is me standing here.
Okay? It's me.
I love you.
I love you so much,
but I... I need you
to talk to me.
Did you meet him?
I just want to know
what happened.
I just want you to tell me...
What do you want me to tell you?
I get it.
Maybe he wanted to meet,
and y-you just thought, you know, like...
like, you were kids again.
Please, I know
it's not your fault.
I saw him yelling at his wife.
I saw the way he looked at you.
You don't know what
you're talking about.
Did he do something to you?
Stop it.
Did he hurt you?
Stop it.
I'm worried.
You're acting crazy.
Why are you doing this?
Because I want to protect you.
It wasn't Will!
Okay?! You have to stop!
He was looking in our windows!
You probably saw a boat
or the moon.
It wasn't the fucking moon!
You have to stop.
You're ruining this.
You're ruining
our time together.
What are you doing?
What is this?
Doesn't look like nothing.
What are you doing?
You want some help?
No, I got it.
Why do you do that?
I don't know.
They're just ants.
How are the bug bites?
They don't look better.
They look worse.
Not really like bug bites
at all, in fact.
I was just trying to be nice.
They can live for up
to five minutes underwater.
I want to leave.
What are you talking about?
I want us to leave,
for us to get out of here
and go back to the city.
We're on our honeymoon.
Why would you say that?
Why would you say that?
Nothing's feeling right
out here.
Everything feels different.
I don't want to fight.
I don't want to fight
with you. I just...
Last night was horrible.
Today was horrible.
I don't want to sleep
without you ever again.
I don't want to either.
I need you.
I miss you.
Miss you.
I'm fine.
This is a lot of blood.
This isn't normal.
We need a doctor.
I'm not going to the
doctor for my period.
That's not what this is.
It's not?
I sat there while you
marked the calendar
and counted the days
so we didn't have
to deal with it now.
Enough of this.
O-Of what? Of me?
Y-You've got bruises
on your thighs.
You're bleeding.
Why are you bleeding?
We're not staying here.
Paul, please calm down, okay?
Pack... Pack your bags.
When I come back,
we're leaving, okay?
We're gonna get you help.
Where are you going?
I can't help you if I
don't know what happened.
If you won't tell me,
I'll ask him.
Excuse me. Hi.
I was... I was here the other night.
My wife knows your husband.
I-I'm sorry.
Are you okay?
Let me help you.
My name is Annie.
Right. I-I'm Paul.
My husband is Will.
Yeah. I-Is he around?
Can you get him for me?
Will's not here.
Where is he?
He's hiding.
What happened...
happened to your legs?
How did you get those
marks on your legs?
Did he do this to you?
You should stay away from us.
I can help you.
We're not safe.
We will hurt you.
Paul. Paul,
what are you do...
What the...
What the fuck is going on?
Who are you?
What? Paul...
Who are you?
What are you talking about?
Answer me.
Who are you?
Who are...
My name is Bea.
You know that.
Who am I?
You're the...
Who am I?
My husband.
You are my husband.
What's my name?
Go on.
You just said it.
My husband is Paul.
Go on.
My home is New York.
I live in Brooklyn.
448 Kent Street, Apartment 3B.
My birthday is January 25, 1987.
My favorite color is blue.
I'm allergic to hazelnuts.
"I don't like..."
I don't like...
"the taste of ketchup."
the taste of ketchup.
Why are you writing
these things?
These aren't things
you memorize.
This is you.
This is Bea.
Why are you writing
these things?
I don't know.
I don't know.
Talked to Will's wife.
It's the same thing as this,
the same thing as this,
page after page.
"My name is Annie.
My husband is Will.
This is my home."
Why are you writing
these things?
Please. Please.
Why are you doing the same thing
as a woman you barely know?
Please. Please, stop.
Why do you have...
Why do you have
the same marks...
Stop. Stop.
On your legs?
Stop it.
I just... Stop it.
Why are you both waking up
in the middle of the night?
Who's out there?
Who is shining the light?
Why did you
go back there? Why?
It wasn't Will.
There was blood on Will's hat.
There was blood on Will's hat.
What happened to him?
What did she do to him?
Stop it.
What are you gonna do to me?
I want to protect you.
Where are the car keys?
Where did you put the key?
Where are the keys?!
Open up.
Open up.
Open up, Bea!
Go back to the bedroom.
Bea, honeybee.
You have to to back to the bedroom.
What are you doing?
Go back to the bedroom.
You're bleeding.
Listen to me.
What are you doing?
Listen. Please don't do this to me now.
You're bleeding.
Go back to the bedroom!
Why are you yelling?!
Okay. Okay.
We'll go back together.
What are you talking about?
We'll go back together.
Stop it! Stop it!
Go back to the bedroom.
Stop saying that!
Tell me what's going on!
I don't want to.
I don't want to.
Tell me what's going on!
Talk to me!
Please come here.
Get up!
Please come here.
Tell me what's going on!
Tell me what's going on.
Tell me what's going on.
Why are you...
Why are you hurting yourself?
You're scaring me.
I love you.
I love you, honeybee.
I love you, honeybee.
I love you, honeybee.
What do you say?
Answer me.
I say that, and then
what do you say?
We don't remember.
Why are you saying that?
We don't remember what to say.
Why are you saying that?
What are you talking about?
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
What are you talking about?
I'm sorry.
No! No!
Oh, fuck.
No. Paul!
Paul, no!
Oh, Paul!
What are you doing?
What are you...
Talk to me!
Stop it!
Talk to me!
Stop it!
What are you...
No! No.
Untie me!
What are you doing?
Let me go!
Stop it.
Stop. What are you doing?
Hold... Stop it!
Stop it!
Stop it.
Paul! Stop!
Oh, God.
I don't know...
I don't know what's
happening to you.
I just want things to be normal.
I just want us to be us.
I just want us to be us.
Why... Why aren't
you crying?
My wife cries.
Then if I cry,
will you let me go?
My wife doesn't act like this.
She tells me everything.
She tells me the truth.
Where is my wife?
I need her.
It's me.
I need her back.
I am your wife.
How do I know that?
How do you not know that?
Where did we go
on our first date?
I can't.
I... I don't...
Why not?
Why can't you remember this?
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
We ate it, we... we had it
at the wedding.
We ate it, we had it
at the wedding.
Four days ago.
I'm sorry.
I don't know.
How did I ask you to marry me?
Where did I propose?
Where did I propose?
Tell me.
We went camping.
We made s'mores.
Oh, and there were
so many stars.
We snuggled into our tent,
and you said to me...
you said,
"You make me the happiest.
Will you marry me?"
That's right, right?
Am I right?
But I... I remember.
It was so quiet and cold,
and there were so many stars.
That's what happened.
You were sick.
We were on our bed.
I remember a tent.
I made a tent on our bed.
No, I... I remember
the stars.
What happened to Bea?
No, Paul, I knew...
I know it was on our bed.
Where is she?
Okay, Paul, please,
I knew that's how...
Where is Bea?
It's me.
Where is my wife?
Stop saying that.
What has happened?
You look like her,
but you're not her.
Please. I just forgot.
You have her toes.
You have her knees.
You have her thighs.
It's me.
You smell the same.
You taste the same.
But you're different.
You're different.
How does this feel?
What does this feel like to you?
It's me.
Please, help me.
Help me.
Take it out, please.
Take it out.
Don't stop. Don't stop.
Don't stop.
Paul, please.
What is this?
Eh, what is this?
I couldn't tell you.
I couldn't.
What is this?
I'm sorry.
Oh, fuck.
Oh, fuck.
That's it.
This is...
What is...
Something bad happened to me.
Something bad happened
to me in the woods.
There was a light.
I couldn't see, but...
I could only see their dark,
the outlines of their bodies,
their dark bodies.
They went inside me.
And then they left, but...
I couldn't see them anymore,
but I could still feel them...
I, uh...
I can still feel them inside.
They're with me,
and I know what they know,
and I know what they want,
and I know what I'm
supposed to do.
I don't understand
what you mean.
I... I wanted to tell you.
I wanted, but...
I'm not allowed.
I knew it was happening,
and there was
nothing I could do,
but I just wanted time.
I just wanted
these last few days.
What are you saying?
I just wanted our honeymoon.
My body is here,
but I'm leaving.
They're taking everything.
they're taking me.
Bea. They're taking Bea.
No, they're not.
We need to get help.
No. No.
We need to leave.
Where did you put the keys?
No. No, you can't leave.
Where are the keys?
Where are the keys?
You don't understand.
Where are the keys?
Okay, you don't understand.
Where are the keys?
You can't leave.
Where did you put the keys?
Paul, you can't leave.
Where did you put the keys?
You can't leave.
You are sick. We need to leave.
We can't leave.
We need to go.
No. No.
No, no, no, no.
No, I remember now.
I remember.
I couldn't before,
but now I remember.
We went for Indian food.
That was our first date.
We're okay.
We're okay.
We're not, okay?
This is not okay.
No. Look, we can...
We can watch.
We can watch on the video.
We can watch it on the video.
We have to fix this.
We can watch it on the video.
We can watch it.
I just want to make things okay.
No, you can't.
Why not?
It'll be all right.
And please just stay with me.
Just stay with me.
What? No.
I just want to be with you.
I want to be with you.
We can't stay here
with you like this.
No. No.
I'm leaving.
I'm getting help.
You can't. You can't.
No, you can't.
No, we know.
You know what we told you.
We don't need you.
You don't have any more time.
They're gonna get rid of you.
No, I have to hide you.
I have to hide you.
I have to hide you
where we won't find you.
We have to go.
I'm not gonna let
anything bad happen.
Nothing bad is gonna happen.
What are we doing?
What are we doing out here?
I'm saving you.
No, I don't need...
We need to go back
to the cottage.
What are we doing?
We need to...
We need to...
Untie me.
Untie me!
I'm gonna hide you
under the water.
They can't reach you there.
They won't find you.
No, no, no, no.
No, you can't.
No, I can't hide in the water.
I can't breathe under the water.
No, you don't understand.
You're confused.
No. No, no, no, no.
No, you have to.
You're confused.
I can't... I can't hide
in the water.
No, I have to hide you.
Stop it.
This isn't hiding!
You have to hide.
This isn't hiding!
This isn't hiding!
Stop it!
Have to!
No, Bea! Stop it!
Stop it! No!
For our first date,
Bea chose an Indian restaurant,
you know,
one of those little places on Sixth Street
with the colored lights
and the fiber-optic lamps.
Yum, except that
halfway through the meal,
I start feeling
my stomach gurgle
in a horrible
food-poisoning-type way,
and I didn't even
have time to lie to her.
I spend 20 minutes in the dirty
restaurant toilet and the rest...
of the night
on Bea's bathroom floor,
because I couldn't make it
to the subway,
let alone Brooklyn.
So this is our,
"Fuck you, Indian food."
You tried to keep us apart,
but fuck you.
We win.
So we didn't get
a regular wedding cake.
We decided on something that
was special for us instead.
Mm-hmm, special
and cheap.
No, I think some people
are annoyed by no cake.
Who cares?
It's our wedding,
I love you, honeybee.
Before, I was alone,
but now I'm not.