Hooligan Escape The Russian Job (2018)

(electronic music)
(ominious music)
(crowd cheering)
(dramatic music)
Everybody here?
Are they coming or what?
Davie, this is
down to you, mate.
Down to me?
As it is, down to me?
He's just running
off, mate, a bit of DP.
It's bad, isn't it?
Just hold still.
It's fuckin' bad.
Boys, this is an
office with CCTV.
The only way out is
back the way we came.
Well, those Russian fucks
better be ready for us.
Yeah, 'cause that worked
out so fuckin' well before,
didn't it?
Fuck off!
Everyone get
something they can use.
They're not fuckin'
about, are they?
Yeah well, neither
are we, mate.
Boys, here they come.
Vince, come and hold this.
Keep it still.
Come on then!
[Russian] (speaking
in a foreign language)
Well, that don't
sound too friendly.
(dramatic music)
(bat whipping)
(fleshy smacking)
(fits thumping)
(fleshy crunching)
Ed, Ed!
(fleshy sucking)
Come on, get out!
Come on, Vince.
Let's go!
Come on.
Fuck you!
Come on, come on get out.
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
(speaking in a
foreign language)
(dramatic music)
(ominous music)
Who the fucking hell are you
Who the fucking hell are you
Who the fucking
Who the fucking
Who the fucking hell are you
Who the fucking hell are you
[Prisoner] Hey English,
shut the fuck up.
Fuck you, Russian wanker.
Oy Ed, what's Russian for cunt?
I think it's
spelled D, A, V, I, E.
Not sure how you
pronounce it though.
(speaking in a
foreign language)
[Davie] What?
Russian for cunt!
(speaking in a
foreign language)
Oy mate, in the next cell.
You're a (speaking in
a foreign language).
I'm Polish, and I speak
fucking English, you idiot.
(speaking in a foreign language)
(hooligans laughing)
Don't stop you
being a cunt, does it?
Davie mate, shut the fuck
up, or I'll knock you out.
You're getting on my nerves.
You're the main
reason we're in here.
You don't see them
Russians looked at me
in the hotels.
Did you not see that?
What, so anyone who
looks at you funny
that's a fucking reason
to kick off, is it?
Technical, mom gives me that.
What did you fuckin' say?
You fuckin' prick.
(dramatic music)
(speaking in a
foreign language)
(dramatic music)
Agent 58, I need
to speak to Malloy.
Hotel, echo,
November, nine, nine.
Sir, this is not the gulag,
just some drug hangout.
Nothing here but junkies.
(dramatic music)
Yes, sir.
[Boris] (speaking
in a foreign language)
(speaking in a
foreign language)
(dramatic music)
Yes chief, let's have it.
Come to release us?
What'd we do?
What's all that?
Fuck off with your
fucking camera.
What's all that about?
(ominous music)
(speaking in a
foreign language)
(woman crying)
(woman panting)
(woman crying)
(phone buzzing)
(speaking in a
foreign language)
(speaking in a
foreign language)
(ominous music)
(speaking in a
foreign language)
(speaking in a
foreign language)
(speaking in a
foreign language)
(speaking in a
foreign language)
(ominous music)
What's that?
[Davie] What the fuck is this?
(air hissing)
(alarm ringing)
(alarm ringing)
(ominous music)
(speaking in a
foreign language)
(woman crying)
(fleshy sucking)
(woman yelling)
(speaking in a
foreign language)
[Dimitry] (speaking
in a foreign language)
(speaking in a
foreign language)
[Dimitry] (speaking
in a foreign language)
(speaking in a
foreign language)
[Dimitry] (speaking
in a foreign language)
(speaking in a
foreign language)
(ominous music)
(glass shattering)
(speaking in a
foreign language)
(speaking in a
foreign language)
(speaking in a
foreign language)
[Boris] (speaking
in a foreign language)
(speaking in a
foreign language)
(ominous music)
(knee thumping)
(guard grunting)
(ominous music)
(speaking in a
foreign language)
(speaking in a
foreign language)
(speaking in a
foreign language)
(ominous music)
(gate buzzing)
(ominous music)
(high pitched ringing)
[Tom] Yes, mate.
[Ed] Jeff, come
on man, wake up.
[Vince] All right, fuck off.
It's you I know.
You all right?
(muttering outside)
(muttering outside)
[Davie] Fuck this.
Davie, wait.
What the fuck?
Who are you?
[Jeff] Davie, calm down.
Who the fuck are
you, and where are we?
Davie, stop being a
cunt just for two seconds
till we find out
what's going on.
[Ed] Tom's right.
Why don't you give it a
rest you fuckin' halfwit.
All I see is four of
them and five of us.
And a Beretta, 15
rounds in a clip,
enough to do all of
us and then some.
All right Mr. SA
fuckin' S, why don't you
show us your stones
then, hey grandad, hey!
Go on!
(gun firing)
(speaking in a
foreign language)
Yeah, we don't
speak Ruskie, mate.
There is no way out.
We must wait for
my boss Dimitry.
If you are calm before he
arrives, then no one gets hurt.
If you do not listen,
I will shot not to kill
just to injure so you may
be conscious for Dimitry's
[Jeff] What the fuck
is happening here Ed?
(gun racking)
Some nasty Russian's pointing
a gun at your head, Jeff.
So do as he says.
(ominous music)
Fuck this.
(gun firing)
(ominous music)
(fleshy crunching)
(gun firing)
You, translate.
Let us out.
(speaking in a
foreign language)
Help me.
[Vince] He needs an ambulance!
What are we gonna do?
(speaking in a
foreign language)
Boys, Davie mate,
please stay awake.
(fleshy crunching)
Stay awake, Davie.
Get us out of here.
It's locked from the outside.
No one's getting out
of here, not even us.
We have to wait for Dimitry.
And, who's Dimitry?
[Agent 58] It's the boss.
Your turn.
(fleshy crunching)
[Vince] Ed, what are we doing?
Get him in the van.
Vince mate, we will be
next if we don't hurry.
Vince, we all love Davie,
but we haven't got time
to think about
what's just happened.
He's gone.
He's dead.
Get him in the back of
the van, out of sight.
It's not gonna do you
any good to dwell on it.
This wasn't us.
They did this, and they
will do the same to us.
You think this Dimitry
character is gonna be happy
about what we've
done to his boys?
Tom, help Vince out with Davie.
Can't we just hot wire
this thing and ram it
against the door?
You're gonna need
a stick of dynamite
to get through that thing.
I was a site foreman.
Big fuck off
drill might do it.
I don't see of
those laying about.
Gimmie a hand.
(dramatic music)
Cut me some seat
belts and some wire.
(dramatic music)
What are you going to do now?
Find us a way out.
What are we gonna do, boys?
We're gonna wait for
Ed to do his thing.
(dramatic music)
(electric sparking)
Now you're going to tell
me how my friends and I
can escape this little pickle
we've found ourselves in.
(electric sparking)
What is Russian for exit?
(speaking in a
foreign language)
[Ed] What?
Speak nice and clearly for me.
[Agent 58] (speaking
in a foreign language)
(speaking in a
foreign language)
(Boris laughing)
(electric sparking)
(Boris grunting)
He's been tortured
himself, you know?
Told me one night while
he was out of his nut
on disco biscuits.
This is where we
muse at the efficacy
and morality of torture.
I ain't got a clue
(Boris yelling)
what you just said.
Just be glad he's on our side.
All right.
Boys, I'm not up for this.
I sit at a computer desk all
day staring at spreadsheets.
Vince, we're
fuckin' in it, mate,
whether you like it or not.
(Boris yelling)
(Vince vomiting)
[Ed] (speaking in
a foreign language)
There are three warehouses
all joined together
but no exits.
There are at least
two guards armed
with assault rifles on watchtowers
around the perimeter.
I didn't hear him speak.
[Agent 58] I've seen
it with my own eyes.
That sounds a health
and safety nightmare.
(speaking in a
foreign language)
There's a service hatch.
It's used for maintenance.
It does not lead to the
outside, but it does lead
to the next warehouse.
This is not good for you.
Dimitry is the only
one that can command
the doors to be opened.
We are all captives here.
Good enough.
Where is this service hatch?
Ask him.
All right Ed, what are
we gonna do about Davie?
Well, we can't take
him with us now, can we?
We can't just leave him here?
Yes, we can just
leave him here.
This is fucked up.
There must be another
way out of this.
Listen to Ed.
I'm good.
Well, let's just stand
around here moping about.
Yeah all right, point taken.
But, why not we just hold on
for just one second, yeah?
Hold on, what Jeff?
Come on.
Follow me.
Listen, can't we just wait
for this Dimitry character
to show up, and when he
opens the door, we just jump
the bastard?
Guards with guns, Jeff.
You saw what happened to Davie.
Yeah, but I don't see
why we should have to run
and hide.
We ain't done fuck all wrong.
I don't think these lot care
too much about that, Jeff.
We've got a corrupt copper
and a Russian mentalist
so far in the middle of
fucking we don't know where.
And, I, for one, don't
fancy using this thing
against a bunch of Russians
with tactical gear.
But, go ahead.
Now this Dimitry has
clearly made this door
a bottle neck, so we're
gonna have to find
another way out.
But, if you want to Butch
and Sundance it, mate,
be my guest.
Come on.
(ominous music)
(speaking in a
foreign language)
(ominous music)
(Boris choking)
(ominous music)
Too soon for a joke?
Why, go on.
It's not about Davie,
may he rest in peace.
He'd have ended up in
prison soon enough anyway.
But, he'd still
be alive at least,
and that would've
been his choice.
We're in this
mess because of him.
[Vince] We're in this
mess because you started
that fight back in France.
What you on about,
you fucking diff?
They ain't the same
fucking Russians.
There's more than one
dickhead bunch of Russians.
You don't know that.
They could be the same.
Shut up you idiots.
So, what's the joke?
What's this tunnel and
Vince's mom got in common?
They've both had four geezers
stuck inside 'em at once.
Again, with the mom jokes.
Give it a rest,
you fucking retard.
That's what she fucking said.
No time for short jokes.
(ominous music)
(speaking in a
foreign language)
(speaking in a
foreign language)
(ominous music)
[Dimitry] (speaking
in a foreign language)
[Guard] (speaking
in a foreign language)
[Dimitry] (speaking
in a foreign language)
(speaking in a
foreign language)
[Dimitry] (speaking
in a foreign language)
[Guard] (speaking
in a foreign language)
(speaking in a
foreign language)
(PA squealing)
[Agent 58] English,
show yourselves.
[Dimitry] (speaking
in a foreign language)
[Agent 58] You
are rats in a maze.
[Dimitry] (speaking
in a foreign language)
[Agent 58] I am the Minotaur.
You are the hunted.
I am the hunter.
I think he's
mixing his metaphors.
I don't think he
gives a fuck mate.
(speaking in a
foreign language)
Two years ago, you
killed my comrade.
Now it is your time to die.
[Vince] So it is the
same fucking Russians.
You're right.
I concede.
That's big for you, Jeff.
(PA squealing)
Someone give us
a hand with this.
(dramatic music)
(ominous music)
(Agent 58 choking)
(speaking in a
foreign language)
(speaking in a
foreign language)
(ominous music)
(speaking in a
foreign language)
If some guy spots us,
it's game over, boys.
(tense music)
(worker grunting)
(tense music)
Get changed.
(tense music)
What do we do now?
We need to split up
and look for an exit.
There must be a way out.
No, I'm not up for this.
What happened to armed
guards, and assault rifles,
and all that?
There has to be
another way out.
If we stay in here, we're dead.
Yeah, but none of us know
where the fuck we're going.
We'll take it in sections.
We'll meet back here
in five minutes.
(tense music)
(radio crackling)
(tense music)
(speaking in a
foreign language)
[Worker] (speaking
in a foreign language)
(speaking in a
foreign language)
[Worker] (speaking
in a foreign language)
[Dimitry] (speaking
in a foreign language)
[Worker] (speaking
in a foreign language)
(speaking in a
foreign language)
(gun firing)
Where's Tom?
I don't know.
Give him a minute or so.
He might've found something.
Any luck?
Fuck all.
Everywhere's bolted.
It's like a fucking fortress.
Or a prison.
Yeah, right.
(gun firing)
That didn't sound good.
Ed, where the fuck you going?
(speaking in a
foreign language)
(knife clattering)
(ominous music)
Where are your friends?
(speaking in a
foreign language)
Did you kill my
comrade in France?
(ominous music)
[Dimitry] (speaking
in a foreign language)
[Agent 58] That
was my brother.
[Dimitry] (speaking
in a foreign language)
Did you kill my brother?
(Dimitry laughing)
(ominous music)
(speaking in a
foreign language)
Are you a warrior?
[Dimitry] (speaking
in a foreign language)
(gun firing)
(glass shattering)
(guard yelling)
(gun firing)
Tom, on your feet.
Don't fuck about.
[Tom] Come here.
(Agent 58 yelling)
Get off me.
I can help you, or I can
break your arm right now.
[Tom] No, please.
Let him go.
You're empty.
All rounds expended.
What about now?
We need to get out of here.
They're gonna be all over
this place in seconds.
Tom, go and get the others.
We'll be in here.
[Tom] What are you gonna do?
Just quick as you can.
(ominous music)
(Dimitry coughing)
(dramatic music)
(speaking in a
foreign language)
(gun firing)
(speaking in a
foreign language)
(speaking in a
foreign language)
(speaking in a
foreign language)
(speaking in a
foreign language)
(speaking in a
foreign language)
(speaking in a
foreign language)
(speaking in a
foreign language)
(speaking in a
foreign language)
Your boys killed my friend.
And, your lot killed
Dimitry's brother.
So that was a good
fucking move, wasn't it?
I'm guessing he's
talking about two years ago
in self defence.
He was about to kill Jeff.
I should be at the football.
I don't need to explain
to you what's going on here.
You've seen it for yourself.
These people are slaves.
Dimitry runs things.
I am here to put a stop to it.
Yeah, that's
what it looks like.
Well, I'll just get
this computer working.
You can type all that up.
Two years, I've
been working at this.
Boris, I was in with Boris.
All I have to do is get
the location to MI6.
Secret agent, yeah?
It's called an
intelligence officer, Ed.
But, you already know that.
You're not long out
yourself, are you?
Seeing as you're
out of the regiment,
you're back in the shit.
I'd say about three years ago.
What the fuck are
we doing with her?
I can help you.
Yeah, after what
you lot did to Davie?
If it wasn't for you
fuckwits, I could've made
a call by now.
I would've swiped
Dimitry's satellite phone,
called the location into HQ.
Oh yeah, that old chestnut.
Can you find a way out?
It's my first time here.
I know as much about
the layout as you do.
Well then you have
absolutely no fucking use
to us, are ya?
I can still get
close to Dimitry.
I can help you from afar.
We need to get out of here.
Please, he has a satellite
phone before you interrupted...
I just don't get why
he's so pissed off with us.
Apparently, it was
Dimitry's brother we killed
in France.
Technically speaking, you
killed his brother in France.
You and the rest of those
Russians are bad news.
What do you
bring to the party?
I'm an accountant.
And you?
Tap dancer, what's if
fucking got to do with you?
Hello, don't you
want to know what I can
bring to the table?
Ed, what are we gonna do?
Ed, if we let this bitch
go, she is gonna lead
that bastard right to us.
He's gonna find you anyway.
None of us are getting
out of here alive.
Ed, all I have is from Boris.
I found it in the
safe about a week ago.
I haven't had a chance
to analyse it yet.
(ominous music)
(speaking in a
foreign language)
(speaking in a
foreign language)
(speaking in a
foreign language)
(gun racking)
(bottles clattering)
It wasn't enough for
six to have the layout,
they need the exact location.
I thought that would
show me a way back out,
but this place is
locked up tight.
Shut up.
Ed listen.
The longer we stay in
here, the more we end up
like sitting ducks.
You got that right.
Do you reckon you can
get his phone then,
get us out of here?
I can try.
Well I can't
just sent you back.
Keep him busy.
Hopefully in the chaos,
I can swipe the phone.
You sure about this?
You can't just send me
back without a scratch
it would look suspect.
We need our struggle
to look authentic
like we fought, and
I'm lucky to be alive.
This is fucked.
I'm sorry.
Vince hits harder than that.
His mom does.
Why is it always my mom?
(Agent 58 grunting)
We have to do
whatever it takes.
Hey man, this is dark.
Whatever it takes, Ed.
Let's just hope this works.
It's okay.
It's okay.
(dramatic music)
(tense music)
(speaking in a
foreign language)
(speaking in a
foreign language)
[Dimitry] (speaking
in a foreign language)
(speaking in a
foreign language)
(speaking in a
foreign language)
(speaking in a
foreign language)
(speaking in a
foreign language)
(speaking in a
foreign language)
(speaking in a
foreign language)
Somewhere on this wall is
a way into the next building.
(tense music)
(speaking in a
foreign language)
(speaking in a
foreign language)
(speaking in a
foreign language)
(speaking in a
foreign language)
(PA squealing)
What the fuck?
I think he's forgot
we don't speak Russian.
(dramatic music)
There's the door.
I'm gonna find something
to help open it.
What did he just say?
You die, or we all do.
I just needed more time.
I couldn't get the phone.
I can still do this.
I've come this far.
Just think of all
those people suffering
because of Dimitry.
You do what you
think is right.
All of those people, Ed.
We can all still
get out of this.
You can't trust him
to keep his word.
I'm sorry.
Whatever it takes.
(loud crashing)
(gun firing)
(tense music)
Ed, Ed!
(gun firing)
Stay down.
(gun firing)
Still think he trust you?
He's coming.
How do we get out of this one?
For fuck's sake, Jeff.
(gun firing)
(Jeff grunting)
(guns firing)
Keep pressure on the wound.
Bright ideas?
I need a distraction.
(gun firing)
(tense music)
(knife clattering)
(gun firing)
(tense music)
(gun firing)
(tense music)
(gun firing)
(tense music)
Ed, you all right?
(Jeff panting)
Oh, fuck!
(gun firing)
Oh, fuck!
Shit, move, move.
They're both down.
I have no idea if they're dead.
(gun firing)
(Vince grunting)
Come on.
Quick, quick.
(Jeff grunting)
(Jeff yelling)
You gotta keep
pressure on the wound.
We're go and look for
more medical supplies.
He's losing a lot of blood.
Ed, Ed, listen I know none
of this is your fault, mate.
Shut up talking bollicks.
You'll be fine.
(Jeff moaning)
Jeff, I'm not gonna like
this is gonna hurt like fuck.
[Agent 58] Bite down.
What the fuck
are you doing, Ed?
[Ed] On three.
No, no.
What the fuck are you doing?
Oh fuck.
Ed mate, is there something
you're not telling us about?
Did they feed you funny
pills in the SAS or what?
I'm just doing what needs
to be done to keep us alive,
This building has six floors
probably something to do
with more drug stuff,
something they want to hide.
It'll be dug into the ground
to avoid heat signatures.
Standard evasion
for the thermals
on our surveillance drones.
It means more places for
us to hide though, yeah?
More places for us
to get lost more like.
If it is heat they're
trying to avoid,
there'll be some kind of vent
whether it's a human sized
vent or some other clever
device, we won't know
until we look around.
It could be a machine.
There's literally hundreds
of ways you can expel
heat from underground.
Oh fuck.
All right, we're gonna go
look for more medical supplies.
Tom, you stay with
this lot, yeah.
Just in case.
[Tom] What about you?
I'll whim it as always.
It usually works.
You're enjoying
this, aren't you?
[Ed] I'm loving it.
Eat, sleep, buy some guns,
stab your mate with a player.
Happens all the time.
We are going no where
fast unless we find
Dimitry's satellite phone.
I know.
We're gonna have to wait
for him to come to us
and somehow avoid
being butchered.
He's got more firepower
than us, and this is
his domain.
What is this place called?
According to the map,
it's called The Traffic.
I think there's an ebb
and flow of people here.
Boris, he used to joke
about how many women
he fucked when he was
back here like he was
part of their
initiation or something.
He sounds a lovely bloke.
Oh yeah, one of the best.
So guns, drugs, and
people trafficking.
Everything is about money
and control with these people.
Nothing else matters.
So you think there may
be some other people here,
people that could help?
Maybe people who are
scared out of their wits.
Russia is a breeding
ground for sex slaves.
We are in the middle
of fucking nowhere.
Boris drove us out here.
There's nothing for miles.
It's the perfect place
for a hub like this.
All the drugs and the people
are under Dimitry's control.
After all this time and
effort, Dimitry's gonna
kill us all.
If we die, all of
this is for nothing.
Well then we don't die.
We get the phone, we
call it in, save the day.
Poet of your
squadron, were you?
The reality is mostly
drinking tea and fartin'
waiting for something to do.
I got that down to a fine art.
There's no good
tea in Russia, Ed.
(speaking in a
foreign language)
(speaking in a
foreign language)
(chair clattering)
(speaking in a
foreign language)
He's gonna need
some water at least.
Where the fuck are they?
They'll be back
just be patient.
(door squeaking)
Tom, Tom?
Where the fuck you going?
What are you doing?
(voices mumbling)
Buy you some time.
(voices mumbling)
Fuck it.
I'm gonna lead
them a merry dance.
I'll be back for some water.
Be careful.
(dramatic music)
The same in every language.
(speaking in a
foreign language)
I just want to go home.
(speaking in a
foreign language)
(fist smacking)
(woman grunting)
(woman screaming)
Sounds like your girl.
Yeah, I think so.
[Henchman] (speaking
in a foreign language)
Make like you're with Dimitry.
Personally attending
the new batch.
One of these girls
must know a way out.
(fist smacking)
[Henchman] (speaking
in a foreign language)
(woman grunting)
(ominous music)
Fuck it.
(speaking in a
foreign language)
(speaking in a
foreign language)
(speaking in a
foreign language)
(fist smacking)
(tense music)
(fist smacking)
(woman screaming)
(tense music)
Thank you.
You okay?
It's just the look
I was going for.
[Ed] Ed.
My friend is in urgent
need of medicine.
Do you know where
we can find any?
Anything to ease the pain?
[Natalia] Yes,
they drug the girl.
They drug me too.
Two days I have been here.
(woman screaming)
Hey, hey, that's enough.
[Natalia] He has keys.
Get the keys.
Medicine, you know where?
[Natalia] Yes.
What about others?
We'll come back for them.
(dramatic music)
Had to be vodka.
Nothing on the radio
for about 10 minutes.
I don't like this.
Oh well, could be worse.
(dramatic music)
We should get back.
(speaking in a
foreign language)
(ominous music)
(fist smacking)
(fist thumping)
( Tom coughing)
(fist smacking)
(Tom laughing)
(ominous music)
(Tom grunting)
I ain't got not fucking
clue what you're saying, mate
(fleshy crunching)
[Ed] Point the gun
at the floor, Vince.
[Agent 58] Where's Tom?
He went looking for water.
(dramatic music)
Get me out of this.
She's not gonna
bite you, Vince.
(Vince grunting)
Fuck a duck, that hurts.
[Natalia] No time
to fuck ducks, Vince.
[Vince] It's a
figure of speech.
(speaking in a
foreign language)
They've got Tom.
He said if we don't
face him in 10 minutes,
he's gonna kill him.
He's got Tom?
He said hand to
hand, bare hands,
this warrior thing
he's obsessed with.
Not content with the
speed of a bullet.
Wants it up close
and personal, does he?
What are we gonna do?
Come with me a minute.
(Vince grumbling)
The reason I joined
up in the first place
was because I thought
I had a screw loose.
So I went to war,
fought for my country,
and then watched as
one by one my mates
were killed in front of me.
These boys, these boys have
been here since day one,
school mates, you know?
Always there to pick me
up when it weren't going
so well.
And, I will do anything
to get 'em out of here.
I get like a tunnel
vision, like blind rage,
you understand?
Got it.
[Ed] The kip out diet.
Sorry it's been days.
Where is he?
He said basement
level minus two.
So he's below us knowing
full well that there's
no exit on this
floor or the next.
So now what?
Jump up and down,
hope for asbestos.
I don't fuckin' know, Vince.
Give me a minute.
Let's give up the ghost, mate.
[Ed] All you need
is a sat phone, right?
[Veronika] Yeah.
If we go, we're fucked.
If we stay here,
then they kill Tom,
and then they come looking
for us, and we're fucked.
This is what we're gonna do.
(dramatic music)
(Tom grunting)
You are a cunt
You are a cunt
Nobody likes you
'cause you are a cunt
You are a cunt
You are a cunt
Nobody likes you
'cause you are a cunt
(fist smacking)
(Tom laughing)
(Tom yelling)
(Tom screaming)
You are a cunt
Nobody likes you
'cause you are a cunt
Nobody likes
You are a cunt
(Tom yelling)
Fuck you!
You are a cunt
Nobody likes
(Tom yelling)
You are a cunt
Nobody likes you
'cause you are a cunt
(ominous music)
[Ed] You all right, Tom?
Peachy mate, peachy.
He's been teaching me the
(speaking in a foreign language).
Going well, is it?
Not bad, mate.
(speaking in a
foreign language)
(Vince grunting)
(speaking in a
foreign language)
(ominous music)
He wants to play
Russian roulette.
(ominous music)
(gun clicking)
(Tom yelling)
(ominous music)
No, no!
(gun clicking)
(ominous music)
(gun clicking)
(ominous music)
(gun clicking)
(ominous music)
(speaking in a
foreign language)
Ladies first.
No, no, hold on,
mate, take me first.
(gun firing)
[Vince] Tom, Tom!
(Tom grumbling)
It's like being
bitten by your mom.
Shut up, you cunt.
(blows thumping)
Come on!
You and me.
(Dimitry laughing)
(speaking in a
foreign language)
(fleshy crunching)
(ominous music)
(blows thumping)
Now would be good!
(gun firing)
(Alexai yelling)
(tense music)
(axe blows thumping)
Oh definitely.
(dramatic music)
(Vince grunting)
Agent 58, I need
to speak to Malloy.
Hotel echo,
November, nine, nine.
Have found location.
Repeat, have found location.
Trace this call.
Trace this call.
The old axe in
the heart trick.
Vince mate, you good?
Yeah, I'm good.
You know Natalia,
I meant make the hole
with the axe and
pass the gun through,
not the other way around.
I'm sorry it was
easier for me this way.
You did okay.
So kind.
So what now?
We wait for the cavalry.
How long's that gonna take?
They didn't say.
How long's that sort
of thing normally take?
How long's a piece of
string for fuck's sake.
If anything not friendly
walks through that door,
shoot it.
What am I gonna use?
How long's it take to bleed out?
It depends.
[Ed] Just stop talking, mate.
You'll be fine.
Unless there's another
load of guards on the way.
In which case...
Here, use this.
Cheers, mate.
Do you reckon your mom
will visit me in hospital?
Fuck off.
(group laughing)
(machine rattling)
That didn't sound Russian.
(hard rock music)