Hoor my Lied (1967)

Lydia, look who's here.
Count to a hundred and I'll be there!
Oh, get lost!
Enjoy it
Come Dad, I'll race you!
- Why you little...
Come on, you're lagging behind!
There's no more nursing for you once we're married
Who says we're getting married?
-Ah but we will.
We first need to go pick mummy's flowers, dear.
Okay, Dad.
"Let me lie on the heath where the roses bloom
Where the bushes and pastures sprout blossoms.
On Sunday you must take me. You and my pasture grew up
at a thousand miles an hour.
You brought me pretty flowers
We laughed at how they'd grown
walking through the heath
where the rose grow
By the shrubs through the pastures
my deep longing for you flies away.
I'm at home on the heath
I'd rather be here
On Sunday you must take me. You and my pasture grew up
at a thousand miles an hour.
You brought me pretty flowers.
We laughed at how they've grown.
Walking through the heath
where the roses grow.
Did Dad carry you about
on his back too much ?
You must look after her well, David.
Whats brought this on, Dear?
You're so small and helpless.
It's Dr. Retief!
Someome. An ambulance- quickly!
He's just lost his wife
and now this disaster.
And he was making his name as a specialist
Dr. how is he?
There's damage to the eyes but its too soon to be certain
Leave me! leave me!
I want to see for myself.
I want to be with her!
- It's not good for you to get worked up.
You will only shock the child further.
She would get a fright if she saw
you like this.
Shock her now or later
what's the difference?
The chances look good and blindness I can overcome.
We can't say anything for certain
and you know that.
We did our best.
I'm sorry Herman.
It's important that you don't
get overexcited, my friend.
You don't know me.
I've brought you flowers.
How do you feel?
-It's my legs.
I'm sorry
Who's that?
-Mornay Pienaar
Do you know him?
-I work for him, hes my bread and butter.
It's my fault, Mornay
-Lydia,they survived -thats whats most important.
How can you be so insensitive?
-No, I'm looking at it objectively.
He loves his daughter
and his daughter lives.
And she's paralysed from the waist down.
You're ungrateful.
Thank God it wasn't worse -one of us could have died.
Forgive me- you're right.
It's too cold to keep the plants here.
I will have to move them.
Why do you want that shift on the fourth floor?
I would like to personally check on Marietjie Retief.
I have a bunch of flowers for her.
But remember nobody is responsible for an accent.
Very well, swap with Sister Versagie.
-Thank you, Matron.
Tomorrow the doctor will let you sit up.
Is that all? Only half a smile?
- When is my daddy visiting?
I'm going to him now
can pass on a message?
Thank you for doing so much, Sister.
It's my pleasure.
- If you're as pretty as your voice...
A voice can be very deceptive.
You know it was always my dream to be a surgeon.
Not I just stare at these black cloths over my eyes.
A blind surgeon!
What a joke!
Please don't
-It's pitch black and I'm stuck here.
Morning Marietjie,
have some orange juice.
Why won't you eat breakfast?
-My father is dead and you're all laughing at me.
Why would we make fun of you?
-Why doesn't he even write me a note?
Because his eyes are bandaged and
he's not allowed to stand up.
He's dead.
Go to the window,
I have a plan.
Marietjie! Marietjie!
It's just a voice
-But is it really? Do you still think we're lying?
It's the song which he and Mother always sang.
''...and the D and the E and the funny F'' (children's nonsense alphabet song)
''...That A in Ape and A in Boss (Baas)'' etc...
''Feet kick and kick and kick...'''
''...Us children want to learn''
Staff- who has their wireless on?
Turn it off!
Lydia, let me handle it.
-That's wonderful.
It will make everyone happier
especially Marietjie.
If there's something you'd especially like
But remember I provide the dresses
and the manequins...
...all we need is some music
Did you know Dr. Retief can sing?
An outstanding plan- ask him!
-Good, I'll ask. I'll wait for the right moment.
Something I've been worried about...
He has no idea I was in the other car.
The head nurse is distracted. Are you available?
I have no other plans.
-You will have to coach the nurses a bit.
Mannequins have been well trained and aren't easily conned
Besides, nurses work long hours.
-Call it your good deed for the year.
Good, I'll do it if that's what you want.
Today is the day. Here is Dr. Brink.
-Yes, its me, David.
Hows your head?
-Well, there's no pain.
It's pitchblack - its dead.
We'll soon find out.
Turn your head a bit
Herman, I can see.
-Is the image sharp?
Its fuzzy but I can see.
and now I can see what you look like.
How lovely you are.
-Don't overwork your eyes.
Not for a day or two anyway.
See you tomorrow, Dawid.
Sister, come see
Scarely a mark. As good as new!
Dr. Brink says you need to start slower
You know the way to Marrietjie? Come.
There's something...
I was in the other car.
The other car?
I am responsible for the accident.
It's my fault that your eyes...
...your eyes and Marietjie.
Fellas, shouldn't we leave it?
You scared, van der Merwe?
On your marks, go!
Watch out dude, it's the Grand Prix!
You're in a hospital. Behave yourself!
Put me down!
Dad, you've come!
My darling. Did you miss me?
Tell me, hows it going with your legs?
Tell me, darling. How do they feel?
They are dead.
Don't be scared. I'll make it all alright.
Let's see.
How are they caring for you?
-Sister Lydia does everything for me.
The friendliest nurse in the
whole hospital
What's wrong? Your eyes.
They are 100%. Soon I'll be working again.
And my legs? Will they always
be dead like this?
They will heal, my love.
Not pushing yourself too much are you?
No but recently I've been getting headaches.
I think you need to stretch your legs.
Why don't you get a girlfriend?
Think about it.
Good morning.
Blue Monday's here again
Fully booked for the day.
We should be thankful.
Sorry for the delay.
But like I said it will be a small procedure.
Not to worry
We're ready.
Something wrong?
I have a thumping headache
Take over please.
Tell me, how often does this happen to you?
Not often- only when I get excited.
Is there improvement?
No, not at all.
There must be something we can do.
Relax, David.
Dr. I heard you're hear.
We've put on a show for Marietjjie
Well, its for all the patients.
We need your help.
Would you mind singing for us, doctor?
Maybe not the best time to be bothering the doctor.
-No, I am keen to help out.
Tell me your plan.
Doctor, we're singing carols.
Everyone wants you to join in.
I don't know
But you must.
singing: ''we will forgive those you tresspass against us
as you have forgiven us''
''those who have sinned against us...''
''for thine is the kingdom , the power and the glory...''
...forever and ever Amen.
...forever and ever Amen.
''silent night, holy night''
It's Dad and Cesar and our new car!
My little madam looking grand in her 'easy chair'
How is Sarah?
-You know things are never bad with her.
If life pushes her she pushes back.
Cesar Napoleon Broodrijks- his wife Sarah works for us.
You have an outstanding name.
-Well, my father had great expectations for me.
I've had a few of these attacks now, Herman.
It impedes me work. Can't go on like this.
I know. We'll have to wait a bit longer.
A month or two.
Will you really visit me, Aunt Lydia?
You won't be able to get rid of me.
two chicks have hatched.
And one of the hen's laid eggs
Bring the chair, Cesar.
Come, my dear.
I'm not in the mood, I'll stay here.
Excuse me, I want
to say hello to the old trout.
How do you clean a horse?
-What do you know about horses?
Sorry, I meant another horse.
-Go talk about another horse then, chump
Well, that's a nice horse!
I told you before this horse
cost my mother 1000 Rand.
What if that girl sees him?
You know that girl!
Of course, she can't walk anymore.
Huge tragedy, isn't it?
What is it?
I want that- its the loveliest horse I've ever seen
Lovely. Do you want to ride it?
I can't- you know that.
The doctor can let you ride in front.
-If you'd like that.
I do, Papa.
- Well, then...
Goodness Caesar, are you crying?
-Shut up, I'll knock your teeth out!
Don't you recognise tragedy? You idiotic bumpkin.
Hi, its David.
I wonder if you could help out this morning.
I have an overwhelming headache.
Good, I'll see you before, then.
[nonsense song about a donkey]
-Are the people up yet?
How did you know we're here?
It's your helper
We came to see how Marietjie's doing.
-We can't stay longer I must go to the office
Not today
-Sorry, there's no alternative.
Can't you collect me later?
-Fine, then you must excuse me.
Have a quick coffee
-No thanks.
I see you have a new car. Any problems with the insurance?
Not really I worked out a way to cancel the debt.
Completely right. You were on my side of the road.
You were leaving.
-No, let's talk this out. Put an end to your guilt and self-loathing.
You don't know where the car was. I was distracting you.
Let's agree that we all share some blame.
No, I refuse to accept that.
-It happened and its over.
Forget about it.
-Please Mornay.
I wanted to invite you to dinner. It's been a long time.
What about Friday night?
You must forgive us.
You sure Mornay won't mind?
He couldn't make it.
I've made a big decision
It was difficult.
It's about Marietjie
I want to send her abroad
The McArthur Institute in America
specialises in such cases.
They can make her well.
And then to save money
I've decided to stop specialising
and to start a general practice.
You think the money will be better?
-I'm convinced.
I'll need to get a new reception.
Would you be interested?
I just don't know.
Remember we've planned to fly along
the coast when the weather's fine.
I want to see how Durban's fish tastes
I don't know when my next free weekend is.
I've quit the hospital.
Say what?
-I'm going to be Dawid's nurse and receptionist.
It's not a joke, he offered the job
and I accepted.
Looks like if I'm not on my toes
I could surely lose you.
''Nosebags, daisies, parsley
In an Boer's country garden''
''Roses, violets, gardenias
and a real Boer's garden''
''When does the brown turn green?
When is the peach flower dead?
''Because the potplant, the creepers all make
a real Boer's garden.
''So long as the flowers flounder
then the orbs swell.''
''Then the peaches and all the trees.''
''And its curling leaves
and shrinking leaves''
''crumbling leaves and moths.''
''and a real Boer's garden.''
''All thats been burnt will then begin to grow
in a real Boer's garden.''
''cat thorns and string and a real Boer's garden.''
''Finding insects under the grass.
When must one spray the lice?''
''In a real Boer's garden.''
What's wrong?
I was just careless.
I feel dizzy.
Good morning.
-Doctor, what's wrong?
I had my mind on other things
and walked into a tree.
I just have a terrible migraine.
Sorry about my clumsiness,
can I see the patient?
In the bedroom.
And now big man?
What are you doing in bed
on such a lovely day?
Open your eyes wide,
let me see.
Penicillin, sister, 1cc.
Don't pull like that!
See, it was nothing.
Well, goodbye Miss.
That's the last time he puts a foot in my house.
What did I tell you.
Mamie Vosloo thinks he's half asleep on painkillers.
Game and match.
I want to talk to you.
It's about Dawid.
It looks to me as if he's going blind.
Is it so, Doctor?
I'm sorry, but I can't say.
Can we go?
You look bleak, what's wrong?
Lydia, let's get married.
I can't now. There's too many problems.
Problems? Heavens, it would
solve so many problems.
Please, the man's going blind.
He's saving up money for Marietjie
He wants to send her to one of the best
specialists overseas.
I can't leave him in the lurch.
When will he save enough money?
His practice looks hopeless to me.
I don't know- a year?
Do you want to work for him
another year?
This time you've gone too far
Want nothing more to do with it. Sick of this!
Listen, I'm not going to let you go.
I can't wait that long.
I'll give him the money.
-Will you really?
You think I'm joking?
Mornay has a plan!
I hear you want to take Marietjie abroad?
-Yes, that's the idea.
I'm willing to help- financially
How much do you need?
It will be a gift.
Think about it.
It's for Marietjie.
Thanks for the offer.
Actually I never expected it from you.
But I can't accept.
I won't accept gifts from anyone.
Goodness, its for your daughter-think of her!
You want her to spend the rest of her
life in a wheelchair?
What did you do to my daughter, Pienaar?
You why she's like this.
-What do you mean?
You imply I'm guilty?
-I imply nothing, it's a fact!
Don't say things you'll later regret!
Please don't shout at eachother.
We won't get far with such a stubborn mind.
Sorry, Lydia.
It's better if you go for now.
What's wrong with him?
There there, leave him be.
He's not really like that.
He's a proud man, that's all.
This man can sing
why doesn't he do something with his voice?
There's more money in singing
than a run-down practice.
He wants to take Marietjie to America.
I known an agent there.
He can open doors for him.
He's a good doctor but he's going downhill.
Wish I could help him.
-I won't lose you.
How'd you know I was here?
-Stories travel fast.
I heard about the accident.
And your daughter.
Just tell me if I can help at all.
Here or at home, perhaps.
Look here.
It's complete healed!
It was squashed flat under a
slab of concrete.
The doctor set all the bones back together.
You could say like a ''jigsaw puzzle''.
How can I ever thank you?
Goodbye doctor
For a specialist like you
to be an everyday doctor
Well, you must have special reasons.
If I can help, let me know.
Give this to the chemist
and take three times a day.
We're closing for the day.
But it's too early, Dawid.
Doesn't matter- I want out of Tafelberg
I long for Talfelberg
Every time I take this ride
I promise myself its the last time.
Should we get to know the world?
-With you I'll go anywhere.
You're limping.
Oh, its this problem with my eyes.
Keep having strange thoughts.
I wonder how long I'll be able to see these things.
///and my patients.
There's no use worrying over it.
My eyesight is well enough,
it's all the gossip
Why won't you become a singer instead?
You'd make enough to send Marietjie abroad.
Please, for Marietjie's sake.
...and mine
Come, we must go.
Last time we went down the mist came.
Dawid, look
We must go back, Dawid.
The mist has crept up on us.
Lydia, where are you?
I'm falling!
Lydia, what's wrong?
What are you doing here?
How did you get in?
It's I who should be asking the questions.
Please, I'm not in the mood for a row.
You're my fiancee and you spent the whole night with him.
If you and inbetween intimate I could believe
you loved me yesterday and him today. But its not true.
And I don't know you to be like that.
Don't be hasty
Soon Retief will be gone and you'll have time to analyse it.
No, please.
Dr, I'll try do all I can.
What must I do with the cheque?
Send it to me.
That's a loan, at least.
We still have a few days left.
''The A and the B and the big C...''
''And the D and the E and the funny F''
'' The children want to learn''
Now it's your chance for a request.
Dawid, why don't you pick a final one?
I sing something special for you.
Just for you.
This one has always been special to me.
Stop it!
Greetings from Dreamland.
I don't want to go alone.
Don't worry I'll also be there soon.
I got the plane tickets today.
I reserved a seat for you.
-But, David!
I'd like you to come along.
You know Marietjie.
-But its impossible.
I love you, Lydia.
I can go to look after you.
But then don't talk of love until we're back from America.
We both know its as far as it can go.
You must understand.
You surprise me- its impossible.
Think of Marietjie
I promise
So, how did it go?
What is it?
Mornay mentioned an agent.
If only I could remember his name.
-I'm not singing any more.
Dad, you sing the best in the whole world.
-Tell him, Marietjie.
Let's phone him.
Just try it.
You'll have to lie a lot.
Fingers crossed!
We may as well pack our bags.
Find out what the man has to say.
Can you see?
I think my problems are over.
Not had an episode in months.
-I was so worried.
You don't need to worry any more.
I have no trouble seeing how lovely you are.
David, no.
I love you so much, Lydia.
Lets marry right here in New York!
Today, tomorrow, whenever you like.
I wish one day we can live next to such a river.
-Spend all day watching the boats.
With all our money I'll buy you Manhattan.
-No, just get me one of those high buildings.
Come, you must fetch Marietjie.
And I still need to buy sheet music.
I'm so pleased.
Just hear that applause! Everyone's standing!
Now everything's perfect.
I must go back for an encore.
Dawid, what's wrong?
I'm not going,
I'll take her to the hotel.
That's a nice idea.
You go with Uncle Mornay.
Thanks a lot.
The tour isn't bad,
I'll phone often.
What's going on with us?
-What do you mean?
You talk to me but say nothing.
Now you're talking in puzzles.
It's as if a shadow's hanging over us.
Like we're drifting apart.
-It's not that bad.
You've changed.
Don't feel bad.
I'll think it over and when I get
back we'll have a long talk.
Take care.
-Goodbye dear.
Often when I'm in your company I say
''Behave yourself Mornay.
You're thinking deeply.
I can't go on this way.
I love you
No, I'm marrying Dawid.
If you're sure then do what's right.
Think again, please.
-Don't make it harder for me.
I'll wait for you.
Miss me?
Yes, I missed you.
Will you be coming back home soon?
I'll see you just before the concert.
The doctor says you must see him too
when you return.
Call Lydia, I'd like to talk to her.
We could have spent more time together if not
for the traffic.
What about Marietjie? Is it good news?
Physically she's fine but she is disabled
due to mental reasons.
She doesn't want to walk.
-But there must be counsellors.
He said it was the shock.
Let's see if there's something we can do for her.
But Dawid, you can't!
I must try this.
How are you?
-You must sing like never before.
Tonight I'm singing just for you.
Dad, stop walking!
Is it really necessary?
-My career demands too much of me.
You decided that.
I don't need you anymore.
-Dawid this can't be you speaking.
In two years I'll be blind.
I'm coming with you.
Mornay gave me this.
subtitled by shaunx