Hoosiers (1986)

Excuse me. Where is
Cletus Summers' office?
- Up the stairs.
- Thank you.
- You're not the new coach?
- Were you expecting someone different?
- Younger, I guess.
- Sorry to disappoint you.
Cletus said he was hiring someone who
never coached high school before, so I...
I coached in college.
And I hear you're our new history
and civics teacher as well.
- That's part of the job, as I understand it.
- Have any experience teaching?
Tell me something.
Am I being interviewed here?
- I thought I already had the job.
- Straight up.
If everyone is as nice as you, country
hospitality is gonna get an awful name.
What a pleasant thing to say.
- Cletus?
- Hmm?
- What are you doing down there?
- Floatin'.
Norman Dale?
I hardly recognised you.
It's been 20 years.
Buffalo State Teachers College,
spring of '31.
I had a hell of a time tracking you down.
I didn't know you were still in the service.
I'm here now.
You really made good time.
Wasn't it just yesterday or the day before
that we settled this thing?
Well, you said practice started last week.
I figured I'd get here as soon as I could.
It's been a while for you.
- Yeah. I appreciate what you're doing...
- Let's not be repeating ourselves.
Your slate's clean here.
We got a job to do.
So come on, Coach,
let me show you around.
This is where it all happens. Not exactly
what you're used to, but we're proud of it.
During the season we put
800 people in here every Friday night.
- When does practice start?
- Well, we'll practise at noon this week,
cos some of the boys have got to
get ready for threshin' on Saturday.
Jimmy, I want you to meet someone.
- This is Norman Dale, our new coach.
- Hi.
- Real friendly town you got here.
- It can be.
Let's go on back out to the farm.
I got a place fixed up out there for you.
Get you squared away.
That's it. Thank you.
- Say hello to Chester.
- Hello, Chester.
Say goodbye to Chester.
So you say this kid Jimmy wouldn't
play basketball after the coach died?
Well, the coach was
kind of like an old man to him.
Kid never had any family
of his own to speak of.
At least he comes on down to the school
and shoots them buckets.
Aside from that, he's just about
backed away from everything.
I don't know why you're going on so
about this kid being irreplaceable.
It's my experience
that nobody's irreplaceable.
Well, I think there's something
you don't understand.
In over 40 years of looking
at the best this state's ever had,
I've never seen a better ball player
than Jimmy Chitwood. Never.
I'm glad you're here, Norm.
I think it's gonna work out.
Well, it's gotta work out this time
or that's it for good.
The last time you coached
was 12 years ago?
- Yeah, that's right.
- Where?
That was in Ithaca, New York.
What you been doing since?
Well, I've been in the navy for the last
ten years. I was a chief petty officer.
Well, uh...
looks like you're gonna need a little help.
I've been running practices
the last couple of weeks.
I'll help you out till you get your feet wet.
This town doesn't like change,
so we thought we'd get together
and show you how we do things here.
We trust that you're a fine,
upstanding, God-fearing man
with Christian morals and principles
who will set an example and
a standard of leadership for our boys.
Tell me, do you believe in
man-to-man or zone defence?
Zone defence is all we've played, and
it's the only thing that'll work this year.
That's right, George.
For anything else our boys
are too small but, remember,
we were 15 and 10 last year,
and we got all our boys back but one.
Listen, I ain't interested in talking defence
and I don't have a hair of a notion
why we hired someone who's been
in the water for the last ten years.
The main point is we don't get Jimmy
Chitwood back, we don't have a prayer.
He switches over to Terhune,
we're in big trouble.
- He's right, Coach. Jimmy's...
- Gentlemen.
It's been real nice talking to you.
Good night.
Miss Fleener?
Good morning.
I heard the boys weren't
real generous with you last night.
I keep forgetting there are
only 50 people in this town.
- This hick town, you mean?
- I didn't say that.
That's what you're thinking, isn't it?
I thought we were gonna be friends.
- I guess you'll wanna talk about Jimmy.
- Why would I?
You've been told
you can't win without him?
Too many times in the last 24 hours.
What's it to do with you?
I look after him. His mother's sick, his
father passed away and we're neighbours.
He and I decided
it's best for him not to play...
- Fine.
- You hear me? He's not gonna play.
That's fine.
- You'll be convinced to go after him.
- If I am, you will be the first to know, OK?
Good morning. Good morning.
Come on, outside.
Quit throwing the ball around and shoot it!
Move it! That's the shot. Outside.
Get on the board! Good shot.
Gimme two. Gimme two outside. Get it up
there. You can't score if you don't shoot!
Shoot from outside!
Quit throwing it around! Get it in the hole!
Oh, there you are. I thought we'd go
20 minutes on, 10 off and 20 on.
I had a different schedule in mind.
Look, mister, these boys
got a routine they're used to.
You throw a new coach with newfangled
ideas at 'em, might get 'em all confused.
We'll ease into it real slow.
Hell, our first game's
less than two weeks away.
First of all, let's be real friendly here, OK?
My name is Norm.
Secondly, your coaching days are over.
Look, mister, there's... two kinds of dumb.
A guy that gets naked and runs out in the
snow and barks at the moon, and, uh...
a guy who does the same thing
in my living room.
The first one don't matter, the second one
you're kinda forced to deal with.
That some sort of threat?
I don't know why Cletus
dragged your old bones in here.
He must have owed you something fierce.
The fact is, mister,
you start screwing up this team,
I'll personally hide-strap your ass to a
pine rail and send you up the Monon line.
Leave the ball, will you, George?
Thank you.
Huddle up.
Let's see what kind of hand
I've been dealt here.
Seven players, is that it?
Six, cos I don't really count.
Why is that?
I'm too short and I'm not no good.
I suit up for practice to be a body.
Equipment managing's my trade.
I thought everybody in Indiana
played basketball.
Most do, but not all go out for the team.
We only got 64 boys in the whole school.
It's gonna be a lonely bench. Those of you
who don't know, my name's Norman Dale.
I coached college ball for 10 years,
but it's 12 years since I've blown this.
I'm gonna be learning from you
just like you learn from me.
I'm gonna set up practice
a little differently.
But, as you'll find out,
everything has its reasons.
Basketball is a voluntary activity.
It's not a requirement.
If you don't wanna be on the team,
feel free to leave now.
- Did you hear what I said?
- Me?
- Yes, you.
- I'm just curious to know when we start.
- We start when I say so.
- Would you let me know? I'm tired of...
- All right, out. Right now.
- You're kicking me out?
Yes. Don't come back until you learn
to keep your mouth shut and listen.
You're breakin' my heart.
Come on, Whit, let's fly this chicken coop.
Didn't you say you'd rather be
down at Terhune anyway?
- It's your funeral.
- Let's move, gizzard.
I ain't no gizzard.
Have fun, Coach, trying to win with five...
well, make that four and a half players.
OK, let's get those folding chairs.
Line 'em up right here.
Come on, little man!
- Let's move. Come on, let's move!
- When do we scrimmage?
- We don't scrimmage. No shooting either.
- That ain't no fun!
My practices aren't designed for your
enjoyment. Let's go! Move! Come on!
I've seen you can shoot, but
there's more to the game than shooting!
There's fundamentals and defence.
Come on, palms up. Palms up.
Come on. Pop. Pop!
Get rid of it. Pop. Get rid of it.
Hot potato, hot potato. Hold it.
Hold it! Hold it.
Let's be clear about what we're after here.
Wipe that smile off your face.
This is not funny.
The five players on the floor function as
one single unit. Team, team, team, right?
No one more important than the other.
Pop it. Pop. Get rid of it.
Come on, let's go.
Come on, big guy. Let's go! Switch!
Get rid of it! Get rid of it! Higher!
Come on, let's go!
Come on, come on, come on, come on!
No team of mine will ever run out
of steam before its opponents.
With only five players, we can't afford to.
Go! Let's move! Let's go!
- Can I help you?
- Just checkin' the boys.
We heard you got crazy ways of coachin'.
No shootin'. Practisin' without a ball.
We got some concern
about the way matters are being handled.
We'll do this every day.
You'll be in the best shape of your lives.
- It feels like we're in the army.
- You are. You're in my army.
Every day between three and five.
Listen, guys, practice is closed to
outsiders. I don't want any distractions.
- Outsiders?
- Coach Tidd never closed practices.
That was Coach Tidd.
This is something else.
- Yeah?
- Hi. I'm Rollin Butcher.
My son's got something to say to you.
Sorry, Coach, about walking out. I'd be
obliged if I got myself another chance.
Won't happen again. You're the boss.
OK. There's still an hour
of practice. Get dressed.
My boys get a little mixed up. You get any
trouble from Rade or Whit, let me know.
Coach here says he's closing practice
to outsiders. You ever...
- I'll handle this.
- No, I got this.
This man's got a job to do. He wants you
outta here. You'd better be on your way.
Make two lines facing me.
Let's go. Come on.
Bend your knees, get your butt down.
Left hand up, right hand down.
To your right. Let's go!
To your left. Let's go! Come on, move!
Oh, don't worry about George. He'll be
right with you when you start winning.
Cletus! My friend, my good friend.
Friend of years, friend of tears.
You're looking fit and fiddle.
Wilbur "Shooter" Flatch,
this is Norman Dale, our new coach.
- How are you?
- Coach.
Clete, did you tell him? Sectionals in '33.
One point down.
Five, four, three, two, one...
I let her fly!
In and out. Yeah. Well, I was fouled.
If you had some small change...
The missus and I have had
a parting of the ways.
- Get you something to eat.
- Oh, my friend. My dear fine friend.
Give it up.
- It's only two bits.
- Give it up.
- Sorry, Everett.
- It ain't your fault.
- He's my friend of years.
- I don't wanna hear it, Dad.
Jimmy, I didn't see you in class today.
Any reason you want to tell me about?
You know, in the ten years that I coached,
I never met anybody who
wanted to win as badly as I did.
I'd do anything I had to do
to increase my advantage.
Anybody who tried to block
the pursuit of that advantage, I'd just...
push 'em out of the way. Didn't matter
who they were or what they were doing.
But that was then.
You have a special talent. A gift.
Not the school's, not the townspeople,
not the team's,
not Myra Fleener's,
not mine.
It's yours... to do with what you choose.
Because that's what I believe,
I can tell you this.
I don't care if you play on the team or not.
Mr Dale, I wanna talk to you.
Leave him alone, all right?
He's a real special kid and
I have high hopes for him, and...
if he works really hard, he can get an
academic scholarship to Wabash College
and can get outta this place.
- You have something against this place?
- For him, yes, I do. He could do better.
You know, if Jimmy's as good
as everybody says he is,
I'd have thought a basketball scholarship
would have made a lot of sense.
Who'd ever see him play?
The only thing that comes into Hickory
is the train, and it's here for five minutes.
Basketball scholarship... A basketball
hero around here is treated like a god.
How could he ever find out
what he could really do?
I don't want this to be the high point of
his life. I've seen 'em. The real sad ones.
They sit around all their lives talking
about the glory days when they were 17.
You know, most people would kill to be
treated like a god, just for a few moments.
Gods come pretty cheap
nowadays, don't they?
You become one by putting
a leather ball in an iron hoop.
I hate to tell you this, but it's only a game.
Why so unfriendly, Miss Fleener?
Well, I know men like you.
You don't know anything about me.
I know you're here.
I know this place doesn't
even appear on most state maps.
A man your age comes
to a place like this, either...
he's running from something
or he has nowhere else to go.
What I'm doing here
has nothing to do with you.
Just stay away from Jimmy.
I don't want him coaching
in Hickory when he's 50.
Now, folks,
let's make him feel welcome.
Our new coach, Norman Dale.
First of all, I'd like to thank those of you
who have made me feel so welcome here.
Thank you.
The boys and I are
getting to know each other,
to see who we are, and, uh...
what we can be.
So far I like what I've seen.
I'm very excited to be part
of Indiana basketball.
This is your team.
Rade Butcher!
Whit Butcher!
Everett Flatch!
Ollie McClellan!
We want Jimmy! We want Jimmy!
We want Jimmy! We want Jimmy!
We want Jimmy! We want Jimmy!
We want Jimmy! We want Jimmy!
We want Jimmy!
I would hope you would support
who we are, not who we are not.
These six individuals
have made a choice to work.
A choice to sacrifice.
To put themselves on the line
23 nights in the next four months.
To represent you, this high school.
That kind of commitment and effort
deserves and demands your respect.
This is your team.
- Coach, you all right?
- Yeah, I'm fine.
Now, remember to discipline your game.
Absolutely no shots until
you've passed off four times.
Set your offensive patterns
before you go to score. All right?
- Is that clear?
- Yes.
How many times are we gonna pass off?
- How many?
- Four.
Let us pray.
Be strong and of good courage.
For the Lord thy God is with thee
whithersoever thou goest.
Lord, bless these boys
and the season before them.
- Amen.
- Amen.
- OK, let's go!
- We can beat these guys!
Hold it.
How long is he gonna go on like this?
I don't know. He'll come
when he's ready, not before.
I hope that'll be sometime before tip-off.
- OK, let's go.
- Let's go!
- How do you feel?
- Like it's my first game.
Well, in a way it is.
I'll be right there with you.
Welcome to Indiana basketball.
Hi. How are you?
Ollie, you get ready. You're gonna play
until Strap gets here. If he ever does.
- I'll go get him.
- No.
OK, guys. A minimum of four passes
before you take a shot. All right?
Get yourselves set before you let go.
Five pistons firing together. All right?
Come on. Come on. Team.
- Thank God.
- Team!
We got spirit, how 'bout you?
We got spirit, yes, we do!
We got spirit, how 'bout you?
We got spirit, yes, we do!
We got spirit, how 'bout you?
Four passes!
Don't just stand there! Move!
Shoot the ball, Rade!
What's wrong with you?!
Work the good shot!
- Put the ball up!
- Shoot it!
Put up your defence!
Hold out the switcher!
Is that what you call coaching?
Four passes! Pass the ball in!
Work it in for the good shot!
Work the good shot!
Strap, come on! Move!
Come on, defence!
Block it out! Block it out!
Come on, set up the offence!
Pass it off! Pass it off!
Four passes!
- Work for the good shot!
- Shoot the ball!
Come on!
I want you to close down those
passing lanes. Your defence is awful!
- What about our offence? We can't win...
- Keep your mouth shut until I tell you.
What kind of wing-nut stunt are you
trying to pull?! Chrissakes, mister...
- Get out of here! Get out!
- It's embarrassing...
Stay out!
I don't want anybody in this locker room
at half-time. Keep them outta here.
Norm, I'm trying hard to believe
that you know what you're doing.
I know what I'm doing.
You've got three fouls.
Guys, remember what we worked on
in practice. I wanna see it on the court!
How many times are we gonna pass
before we shoot? How many?
Set it up! Set it up!
Rade! Rade! Pass the ball!
Ollie, go in for Rade.
Now! Move! Come on.
Good job, Rade.
- Foul. Number 12.
- Oh, come on!
That's five.
- 25.
- Where are you going?
- In the game.
- Sit down.
What do you mean?
We gotta have five out there.
Sit down! Sit!
Coach, you need one more.
- My team's on the floor.
- OK.
- What are you trying to do?
- He's only got four men.
Those of you on the floor
at the end, I'm proud of you.
You played your guts out.
I'm only gonna say this one time.
All of you have the weekend.
Think about whether or not
you wanna be on this team or not...
under the following condition.
What I say when it comes to
this basketball team is the law,
absolutely and without discussion.
Come on, guys.
Let's listen to what he says.
- Shut up.
- You shut up, Rade.
Hey, Coach, how about a haircut?
- Who cuts your hair?
- Yours truly.
Oh, no.
Hey, gonna play with three next time?
Those aren't bad odds, five against three!
- Let me help you there.
- Oh. Appreciate it.
Opal Fleener.
I been hearing plenty on you.
Mother likes basketball.
- That's the truth, and then some.
- Here.
It's all right. I can do it, thank you.
Mother, it's late. Better get going.
Sun don't shine on
the same dog's ass every day, but...
mister, you ain't seen
a ray of light since you got here.
I believe it's time we had a talk.
I accept.
Coach, tell me about the boys.
You think you can bring 'em around?
Well, there's a lot of talent there.
It's just raw and undisciplined.
What are you gonna do about that?
I'm gonna break 'em down
and then I'm gonna build 'em back up.
- This fire needs more wood.
- I'll get it.
No, you won't.
Every game my brother played was the
most important thing ever in this family.
Mother wouldn't be able
to sleep the night before.
And if they lost, Daddy would
walk the floor until morning.
I never figured out why it meant so much.
Not to that extreme. I don't get it.
Well, what are you doing here,
living in Hickory?
I haven't always been here. I went to
college three years, graduate school...
Graduate school?
Surprised? You sound like my father.
He thought it strange I ever wanted to
leave town. Kept telling me I'd be back.
I guess he was right.
Why'd you come back?
Didn't work out. Daddy died,
Mother got sick. I had to come back.
And you never plan on leaving?
Ever consider getting married? Come on,
you must have had a lot of opportunities.
You know, during all those years away,
there are a few things I missed,
not being here.
I missed knowin' nothing changes, people
never change. It makes you feel real solid.
I also missed knowing that people's
private affairs stay pretty much their own.
OK. I'm sorry.
Hey, Coach.
Ain't it a little late
to be calling on folks?
I wouldn't trust old Rooster neither.
Oh, this is a nice place you got here.
It's a nice night for a fire.
- That's a hell of a team you had there.
- You knew that team?
I know everything there is to know
about the greatest game ever invented.
- Did you know about...
- Now, that don't matter.
A man's got to do what he's got to do.
You're playing Cedar Knob tomorrow.
Ain't nobody knows 'em better than me.
Now, I been watchin'
how you been breakin' the colts.
But, my friend, you cannot play them
all the way man-on-man.
They got no head toppers.
Cedar Knob? A bunch of mites.
Run you off the boards.
You got to squeeze 'em back in the paint.
Make 'em chuck it from the cheap seats.
Watch that purgatory they call a gym.
No drive, 12 foot in.
That'll do.
- How did your father get this job?
- It's our bus.
It doesn't look like a preacher's bus.
Well, after sectional's over, we paint it
white for the summer tent shows, but...
every fall, back to red.
After his revelation.
Well, God told him.
To paint the bus and drive the team?
These guys are like animals. How can
anybody play in this cracker box?
Their boy Nelson, he can't go to his left.
I know that.
- Hey, come on! Leave me alone!
- OK, guys, listen up.
We can run on these guys.
The two guards are never gettin' back.
- Sorry. I can't help my mouth.
- You be sorry on the bench.
Strap, go in for Rade. Buddy,
get the ball between their guards.
Watch for Everett and Merle cutting
to the basket, all right? OK, let's go.
That's a flagrant foul!
That player should be out of the game!
- He didn't do nothing wrong.
- Come on, that's hillbilly justice!
You ain't been here long, have you?
Long enough to recognise
a hometown referee!
Technical foul.
Look, it's bad enough we gotta play
in this cage you call a gym.
- Your players are playing like gorillas!
- Who you calling a gorilla?
You, for one!
Bust off.
Come on, boys. You wanna
stay in this game, go back to the bench.
I don't want to see you again!
Not in this game! You're out!
You're gone, both of you. Out!
Come on, boys.
- You all right?
- Yeah, I'm OK.
You better get outta here.
I'll do the best I can.
Good riddance, you jackass!
- Got him a good one, didn't I, Coach?
- Yeah, you did.
Just a little while, OK?
How you feeling?
They're sayin' my pump's
going bad on me.
Why didn't you tell me?
No need for that.
I guess the doctor says
you gotta it take easy.
- No more basketball games for a while.
- Yeah.
Well, looks like you're on your own.
Oh, that's fine.
You kinda like being on your own.
I'd kinda like to see you up on your feet.
You can count on it.
Anybody home?
- It's Norm.
- Norm?
- Yeah.
- What you doin' out here?
What happened to my scout?
We're playing Verdi tonight.
Verdi, huh? Well, we'll talk.
This is my domicile here.
Sit yourself down over there
by the fire and warm up.
- This is it, huh?
- Yeah.
It gets pretty rough here
in the winter, but I manage.
- Want a little snort?
- No, thanks.
- Don't mind if I do.
- I got a proposition for you.
Cletus is gonna be laid up for a while,
and I want you to give me a hand.
Well, I can tell you anything
that you need to know.
No, you don't understand.
I want you to be my assistant.
I want you to come to the practices and
sit on the bench with me during games.
Me? You want me?
What do you say?
Under the following conditions.
That you, uh...
clean yourself up and, uh...
you shave.
You show up at the games on time, and
the practices, and wear a shirt and tie.
I got myself a suit, right there. I got a
wingdinger. I was married in that suit.
And that you're sober.
Oh, no.
- My wife sent you.
- No.
My son?
What... what has my drinkin' got to do
with my knowledge about basketball?
You can't drink in front of these boys.
If I smell even a trace of liquor
on your breath, you'll be finished.
I don't have to hear that from you.
You're embarrassing your son.
I don't need to hear that.
I'd... I'd like you to leave.
I'd like you to leave now.
Time-out, ref!
Nice shot, Rade.
Guys, you're playing real well. Real well.
Put more pressure on the ball.
Be real patient on your offence.
What's he doin' here?
Shooter here is gonna be
one of our assistants. Got it?
You got anything you wanna...?
- Coach, you figure on playing ball or not?
- Yeah, we'll be there.
- OK, come on.
- Let's go!
Come on, play ball. Play ball.
- I ain't feelin' real good.
- You'll be fine.
The kids are starting to get it.
I mean, it's really fun.
Progress is electricity,
school consolidation,
church remodelling, second farm tractors,
second farm cars, hay balers...
Corn-pickers, grain combines,
field choppers and indoor plumbing.
All right, you're dismissed.
What's on your mind?
Coach, what you're doing with my dad...
I'm not seeing it.
Why not?
Cos he's a drunk,
he'll do something stupid.
When's the last time
somebody gave him a chance?
He don't deserve a chance.
Go on.
How are you?
I've been asked, as acting principal,
to inform you that
a petition has been issued
requesting a referendum
on your removal as basketball coach.
The vote'll be made
at a town meeting on Saturday.
I guess that gives me until
Friday night's game to prove myself, huh?
I think it goes a lot deeper
than one game, don't you?
Time-out! Time-out!
Technical foul. On the floor
while the game was in progress.
The ball was dead.
I was calling a time-out.
- You're gone.
- What?!
Out. I'm reporting you
to the state commission.
What?! What are you talking about?!
I'm not leaving here!
You're gone!
That ain't fair. It ain't fair what people
in this town are trying to do to you.
You stay in the game.
I need your help. Stay in the game.
Shooter's gonna take you home.
You pay attention.
Hi. Sorry.
It's me. Cletus told me
where I could find you.
I used to play in these fields.
I used to wonder what it would feel like
to start walking and just keep going.
That's tempting.
Aren't you the kind who'd rather
look for a fight than run away?
"Norman Dale, coach of national
champions Ithaca Warriors,
was given a lifetime suspension,
to be honoured by all NCAA signatories,
for physically assaulting his own player
in Ithaca's last season's game."
"This was the latest
in a series of incidents
involving the successful
though highly volatile coach."
"The New York High School Athletic
Association will honour the suspension."
- Where'd you find that article?
- The library in Deerlick.
I was curious.
I wanna tell you that I think your efforts
in regards to Shooter have been noble.
They have, they've been fine.
And I appreciate you staying away
from Jimmy the way you have.
I don't think you'd better be there tonight.
It won't be pleasant.
I've made some mistakes, but they're
mistakes I take full responsibility for.
I was hired to teach the boys the game of
basketball. I did it to the best of my ability.
I apologise for nothing.
You may not be pleased
with the results, but I am.
I'm very proud of these boys.
I, um...
I think, in order to be fair...
I think it would be a big mistake
to let Coach Dale go.
Give him a chance.
Sam and Rollin
will pass out the ballots.
A "yes" vote means he stays, a "no" vote
he goes. Let's do this as quick as we can.
Jimmy, what are you doing here?
- What can I do for you, Jimmy?
- I got something to say.
Son, you better say what you got to say.
I don't know if it'll make any change,
but I figure it's time for me
to start playing ball.
I told you, once we got rid of him!
One other thing.
I play, Coach stays. He goes, I go.
Look, wait. The coach
is dismissed by a vote of 68 to 45.
I think we should vote again!
There's a call for a revote.
All those in favour of
the coach staying say "aye".
Those opposed?
Coach stays.
Hey! You listen to me.
I stuck my neck out for you.
Live up to your end of the bargain,
or get in a hospital and dry out.
- I don't think I can cut it.
- You can. I didn't think I could cut it.
But after what Jimmy did, it would take
the Indiana National Guard to get me out.
- My nerves are shot.
- Hey, we're coming together as a team.
With Jimmy, all the pistons are firing.
We got ten games to play, right?
We're gonna be a tough team to beat.
Now you come along for the ride, OK?
But you got to give me your word that
you will not be kicked out of no games.
Scout's honour.
Scout's honour!
That's a foul
on number 21 in the red.
I just wanna discuss this with him.
Just take it easy.
- You got pigeon shit in your eyes?
- Now, relax.
You're pathetic!
You're a disgrace to your profession!
- Kick me out.
- You're putting me on.
No. Kick me out of the game or
I'll start screaming like a mad fool.
You got your reasons. You're outta here!
- What?! Oh, come on!
- No!
Come on! That's ridiculous!
I've done it again.
It's up to you now.
I told him not to.
You reckon number four
will put up their last shot, Dad?
Yeah, probably.
They've been picking low all night.
Rade, let yourself get taken out.
Buddy, you drop down and take his place.
Close that lane.
- All right! OK, team.
- Team!
Come on!
- Time! Time!
- Time-out!
Come over here, come over here.
All right, now listen to me.
This is the last shot that we got. All right?
We're gonna run the picket fence at 'em.
Merle, you're the swingman.
Jimmy, you're solo right.
All right. Merle should be open,
swinging around the end of that fence.
Now, boys, don't get caught
watching the paint dry.
- All right.
- Team!
Yeah! We did it!
You did good, Pop. You did real good.
- You did it, Shooter!
- Good job! Whoo!
- Where's your father?
- He said he wanted to be alone.
Too much pressure.
- You keep in the game. All right?
- Yes, sir.
- Mentally.
- Yes, sir.
Hey, ref! Call it both ways!
Come on!
He's got his hands all over him!
I've got 12, red.
Oh, come on!
What are you talking about?!
Hey! Hey! Whoa!
Hey! Come on! That was no foul!
No. You were out of position to make
a call. He was charging all the way.
- Get him outta here.
- His feet were planted.
He was charging all the way!
- Norm, his feet were planted.
- We know that, we know that.
Get that bozo to wear glasses!
Come on, come on.
It's OK. He's an assistant coach. It's fine.
- That's a technical foul.
- What are you talking about? Wait!
He just wandered out on the floor!
Don't tell me that! Oh, Jesus!
You keep in the game, Everett.
You understand?
Come on, play hard.
He's cut.
Oh, mercy. Let's get him on his feet.
Forfeit that team. My boy can't
even play. He's all racked up.
Hey, if you lose,
then we'll protest. All right?
That's a gutless way to win!
- Get out of my face!
- Let's play ball.
Get the ball! Get the ball!
Boy, a couple of months in here
and you'll be as dry as the Sahara desert.
It's goblin visiting time, eh?
Oh, come on.
We're gonna be here for you.
Yeah. You and the little green monkeys.
- Oh, God. How's my son doing?
- Oh, he's fine.
He had eight stitches but, boy,
he played his heart out. He was just...
The doc says he's gonna be OK
for the regionals in about a week.
- He's a good boy.
- Yeah.
I'm so proud of you, Coach. I am.
Sectional champs?
I know what that means
to these folks around here.
A lot.
I remember what it meant to me.
You're a big part of it.
Coach, I'm freezing.
Yeah, OK.
Could we have a blanket, please?
Goddammit. You know I didn't mean...
I didn't make a lick of difference.
You know that.
You got yourself a shiftless,
no-account drunk.
Oh, God.
I'm so sorry.
Basketball meant so much to me, Coach.
I'm so proud of you.
- I'm so sorry I let you down.
- Come on, Shooter.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
Nurse. I'm so thirsty.
I'm so sorry, Coach.
- You're gonna protect us?
- There's not enough apologising.
- Get the team in the gym.
- I've never seen nothing like this.
I wish they'd wait till after the game.
Does the team feel
they can make it to the finals?
Let's go. Let us through.
There is a, um... tradition
in tournament play
to not talk about the next step until
you've climbed the one in front of you.
Going to the finals is beyond your wildest
dreams, so let's just keep it right there.
Forget about the crowds,
the size of the school,
their fancy uniforms,
and remember what got you here.
Focus on the fundamentals that
we've gone over time and time again
and, most important, don't get caught up
in thinking about winning or losing.
If you put your effort into playing to your
potential, to be the best that you can be,
I don't care what
the scoreboard says at the end,
in my book we're gonna be winners.
All right!
Let's go! Let's go!
Let me hear it!
- Let's go!
- Go! Go!
Ref! He's moving his pivot foot!
He's moving his pivot foot!
Block him out! Block him out!
Block 41 off the baseline!
Come on!
Everett, stop that pass to the low post.
Rade, you come off your man
and give us some help inside.
Buddy, 41 is killing us.
He's just killing us.
Stick with him.
You can think of chewing gum.
By the end of the game I want
to know what flavour he is. OK?
Great shot! Great shot!
Block him off! Block him off the baseline!
Foul on number 25. Butcher.
That's Butcher's fifth personal foul.
His feet were planted! He was there first!
- The stitches are pulled.
- Patch him up.
- I can't do it.
- Patch him up! Are you out of your mind?
- Hey, you keep blocking out.
- Yes, sir.
- We're gonna win this game.
- Yes, sir.
- Call time-out. Time-out.
- Time-out. White.
- On the bench.
- I wanna play.
Come on, you're on the bench.
Strap, you're gonna play for Everett.
Don't shoot unless you're under the
basket all by yourself. Understand? OK.
We got two minutes
and 15 seconds, all right?
Be patient. Work for the good shot. Got it?
Let's go. Come on.
Let's go, Strap. Let's go.
God wants you on the floor.
Hey, that was a great shot!
Time-out, Hickory.
- What's gotten into you?
- The Lord. I can feel his strength.
Keep his strength in the dribble, all right?
On me?! Oh, no!
- Foul on number 14, white.
- Are you joking?
Come on! Give us a break!
Number 14. Walker.
That's his fifth personal foul.
Good game.
Ollie, we need you.
Ollie, we need you now.
Go get 'em.
It was Dentyne.
Substitution for Hickory -
number 13, McClellan.
Let's go!
Foul him!
Orange 1-0.
- Come on! Let's go!
- Let's go. You can do it.
Come on, let's go, Big Ollie.
I got number 10,
orange. Two shots.
Time-out, ref. Time-out.
It's time-out. Orange.
OK, let's go, guys. All right, listen.
After Ollie makes his second shot -
and you will make your second shot -
get back on defence right away.
There may just be time for them
to throw in a desperation toss.
- All right. Let's go.
- Put 'em in, Ollie.
Make it a good one, Strap.
Didn't know they grew 'em
so small down on the farm.
Don't worry about that.
You just concentrate on what you're doing
and put it in the hole, right? You can do it.
One more. One more and we're going
all the way, all right? Concentrate.
- Ollie!
- Just one more! Just one more!
Pin 'em down. Pin 'em down.
You always garden in the mud?
The Almanac says
it's time to start planting.
Is the Almanac always right?
The farmer's daughter.
- Miller's.
- Miller's.
Your mother cut my hair.
Yeah, I saw your car.
Like to take a walk?
That's pretty.
Yeah. In the late spring those fields
are so green it looks like Ireland.
How I always imagined
Ireland would look.
I've seen it in pictures and postcards.
Would you like to go to Deerlick
some evening? Take in a movie?
"Norman Dale, coach of the Ithaca
Warriors, was suspended for..."
I can't really explain that.
It's been a number of years and it still
kind of goes around in my head. I...
I slow it down. Sometimes
I really think that I can stop my fist
from hitting that boy's jaw.
One second and everything
I'd worked for was just all finished.
Funny thing, too. He was the best kid
that ever played for me.
Tough, stubborn and wilful.
Sounds like someone I know.
I imagined kissing you
ever since I first saw you.
I was just tired of imagining it.
It's been a long time.
For me too.
All right, let's go. Let's go.
- Coach, how did you do it?
- It wasn't me. It was the boys.
...miss that final shot?
- No. I knew I had it all the way.
- Tell you later.
- The team you're against in the final,
South Bend Central, is one of
the power teams in the state.
Their front line is 6'4", 6'5" and 6'5".
- How can your little guys compete?
- I don't know.
- Do you have a scouting report?
- More important to me than that,
my boys only know basketball, farming
and school, probably in that order.
Most of 'em have never seen
a building taller than two storeys.
So taking them to Indianapolis
to play in front of 15,000 people
is kind of like you and me
going to the moon.
Who we play is the least of my concerns.
Will you be back at Hickory next year?
It's a good question.
No school this small has ever been
in the state championship.
I know. I was coach for a while.
I won a big game for 'em.
I coached the last two minutes.
I took 'em right down to the wire. I run
the picket fence on 'em, and we won!
And my son, he's on...
How you doin', Dad?
The conquering hero. I heard the game
right there on that little Philco,
and I heard old Ollie dribble on his foot
and then make that charity shot.
I started bawling, and they bring the white
coats in here and they put a jacket on me.
I was feeling so good
I didn't even mind too much.
You're doing good?
I feel real empty inside and, uh...
I have some bad visions.
- the other night...
- It don't matter, Dad.
You're gonna get better.
In a couple of months, when you get
outta here, we're gonna get a house.
Both of us.
I love you, Dad.
I gotta get back.
Oh, I wish I could be there.
I'll be thinking of you.
Son, kick their butt.
Anyway, I'll tell you one thing.
No school this small has ever been
in the state championship!
Hi, Coach Dale. Coach Butcher.
Welcome to Butler Fieldhouse.
Your practice schedule is from 10 to 12.
The game will be at seven o'clock.
If you need anything, just let me know.
I think this is the most exciting thing
to ever happen to Indiana basketball.
So we're all behind you.
Good luck, and tear 'em up.
- Thank you.
- Good luck, guys.
Hold this under the backboard.
- What is it?
- 15 feet.
15 feet. Strap, put Ollie on your shoulders.
Measure this from the rim.
- How far?
- Ten feet.
Ten feet.
I think you'll find this is the exact same
measurements as our gym in Hickory.
OK, let's get dressed for practice.
It is big.
Welcome, ladies and
gentlemen, to the championship game
of the Indiana State High School
Basketball Tournament.
The most incredible
and improbable confrontation
in the illustrious history of
the Indiana High School Tournament
takes place in tonight's game,
where the pint-sized, hardly-big-enough
for-three-syllables Hickory Huskers,
enrolment 64, take on the
defending state champions,
the mighty Bears of South Bend
Central, with an enrolment of 2800.
Already calling this
the game of the century,
newspeople from all over
the Middle West are here
to witness Hoosierland's
version of the Cinderella story.
? Oh, say does that
star-spangled banner yet wave
? O'er the land of the free
? And the home of the brave?
And now, the starting line-up
for the Huskers.
We've been all over this before.
Their top player is Boyle, number 15.
He, uh... averages
about 20 points a game.
Buddy, you gotta stick right with him.
No inside penetration.
Shut down those passing lanes.
Play tough off those boards
to negate their height advantage.
Hickory, it's time to take the floor.
- I'll get the preacher.
- OK.
Well, we're way past the big-speech time.
I wanna thank you
for the last few months.
It's been very special for me.
Anybody have anything they wanna say?
Let's win this one for all the small schools
that never had a chance to get here.
I wanna win for my dad.
Let's win for Coach, who got us here.
Thank you.
With God of heaven it is all one,
to deliver with a great multitude
or a small company.
For the victory of battle standeth
not in the multitude of host,
but strength cometh from heaven.
And David put his hand in the bag
and took out a stone and slung it,
and struck the Philistine on the head,
and he fell to the ground.
- I love you guys.
- Team!
Call time-out! Time-out!
Time-out, Hickory.
- God, these guys are good.
- This is embarrassing.
I can't stop that guy.
Maybe they were right about us.
Maybe we don't belong up here.
Let's go. Come on!
- Can I say something?
- Yeah!
Jimmy can take the guy
that's guardin' him if we set him up.
What about it, Jimmy?
- All right, let's go. Come on!
- Go!
Get 'em! Come on!
Buddy! Buddy!
Calm them down. Be patient.
Two minutes ten seconds to go.
South Bend Central on top 40-34.
Hickory in possession.
Buddy Walker with the ball.
He passes to Everett Flatch.
He throws to Merle Webb.
Then there's Jimmy Chitwood,
face right, jump shot... Scores!
Back to Willie Long. Then back to Wilber,
who is signalling the play.
Will they release the ball?
Wilber dribbles to his left.
Passes over to Long.
Long holding the basketball.
All right! All right!
Buddy! Full-court press after this shot.
He signals the play
and passes to Jimmy Chitwood.
Chitwood along the right sideline.
Bounce passes to Flatch.
Flatch finds Walker.
Walker's shot. Not good.
Walker comes around the outside.
Steals the ball. Passes to Chitwood.
It's 40 to 38. 33 seconds to go.
Sensational comeback. Earl having
trouble with the advance pass.
Intercepted by Jimmy Chitwood.
It's now 40-40. Hickory have scored
six consecutive points.
Get the ball. Get the ball.
Grab it, grab it, grab it, grab it!
Come on, come on, come on.
All right, listen up.
Here's what we're gonna do.
Jimmy, they'll be expecting you
to take the last shot.
We're gonna use you as a decoy.
Buddy, you get the ball,
give it to Merle on the picket fence.
He's gonna take the last shot.
All right, let's go.
What's the matter with you guys?
What's the matter with you?
I'll make it.
All right. Buddy, get the ball
to Jimmy at the top of the key.
Let's go.
They may be seeing
basketball history here tonight.
A sensational comeback by Hickory.
The score is tied at 40.
There are 19 fateful seconds
remaining in the game.
It'll be inbounded by Hickory
in the backcourt, along the sideline,
passed in by Rade Butcher,
who was responsible for the interception.
It goes in to Buddy Walker.
Take your time. Take your time.
OK, Jimmy!
Be patient. Be patient.
Come on, let's go!
Yes! Yeah!
Jimmy, I want you to meet
someone. Norman Dale, our new coach.
I've seen you guys can shoot, but
there's more to the game than shooting!
There's fundamentals and defence.
The boys and I are getting
to know each other,
to see who we are and what we can be.
Let's be real clear about
what we're after here. All right?
Team, team, team.
The five players on the floor
function as one single unit.
No one more important than the other.
I love you guys.
Abigail Smith and Rob Colling