Hora (The Whore) (2009)

-How much further?
-I don't think we're that far away.
Maybe an hour?
No, it won't take that long.
It's so quiet out here,
it's kinda creepy.
-Why didn't you tell Rikke?
-I don't bother talk to her.
Why do you still blame her for that?
Not one day goes by that I don't
think about what she did to mom.
It wasn't her fault
that they broke up.
If she hadn't told dad,
they would never have broken up.
I don't feel like
discussing this with you.
Hey, did you hear that?
Get down and keep quiet!
Get down!
I didn't mean to be rude before.
Jesus, my Lord
I heed your Word
In through Heaven's gate
Welcome to the telephone directory
What can I help you with?
Hi, I need a phone number for
an electrician in the Dokka area.
-No problem.
-Can you put me through?
-Here you go.
I found you in the police files,
Muhamed Sharif.
The last time you were called in
for questioning was June 21, 2006.
I want you to say..
"I raped that woman."
Thank you.
That was quick.
-What do you want?
-You called for an electrician.
-Meet the electrician.
-Oh, so you're the electrician here.
I don't have any electricity.
None of the lamps work.
-Are you sure they are plugged in?
-I think I blew a fuse.
But I don't know
where the fuse box is.
-Out in the shed.
-How do you know that?
Everybody knows everybody out here.
I remember that your dad
really loved weapons.
-I wonder if he took it all with him.
-I don't know.
-Don't you recognize me?
We used to play together
when we were little.
-I saved things that you gave me.
-From when I was eight?
Were you that young when you moved?
Yeah, dad moved in '94,
and a year later I moved in with him.
-Why did you leave your mom here?
-I don't want to talk about that.
I want to invite you to dinner,
if you are interested.
We're in the country now.
-Nobody will ever know.
-Doesn't everybody know everything?
There are some things
people never find out about.
I'm not like that.
I love my husband.
Are you sure?
Maybe you'd like it.
You should know that some things
just happen out here.
Nobody ever talks about it.
Why the hell did you leave?
-That was many years ago.
-That doesn't change anything.
You still want me.
Hi. I didn't see
that you called before now.
I have been calling all night long.
All you all right?
-What time is it?
-Two. Why haven't you answered?
-I was sleeping.
-I've been calling since 9 o'clock.
I said that we would talk tomorrow.
I turned the sound off.
I know that we said that. But I worry
about you. You understand, right?
Yes, but I'm fine. Can't I call you
if something goes wrong?
We can talk tomorrow.
I have to work.
Work? I thought you said
that you were sleeping?
I was, that's why I have to work now.
Good night, honey.
Meet me at 10 o'clock
by the riverbank tomorrow.
What does Nora do
when her father dies?
"She runs..."
No. "She runs and calls the police."
No, they are on their way.
"She takes the matter into her
own hands." No, that's too stupid.
I don't know what I'm going to say.
-What are you going to say?
-Hush! Here she comes.
What are you doing here?
Can't you just leave me alone?
All the girls have to be test driven,
or broken in, as they say here.
-Did you like the present?
-No! And I want to be left alone!
Why are you such a cunt?
-Can you please leave now?
-Won't you give us a chance?
-You and I...
-There is no "you and I"!
We were 8. I'm a grown woman, and
I have a husband. Can you leave now?
-So where is he now?
-Leave before I call the cops.
The cops!
She wants to call the cops!
Maybe the cops are closer
than you think. - Show her.
Go away!
I think you should eat the chocolate.
Don't throw away the wrapper.
Come on.
-Hi, honey!
-Hi, sweetie!
Sorry about yesterday. I thought
that everything would be so great.
-Aren't you having a nice time?
-Yeah, I'm fine now, but...
There are a couple of guys who
are bothering me. I'm going nuts.
How did you meet them?
It's nothing dangerous, is it?
I doubt it. They're probably
just some idiots who can't get any.
-I could come up, if you want.
-No, don't do that.
-I could come up and help you.
-Then the trip would be a waste.
I'm going to a party. Nothing big.
Just some people from work.
Then we'll go out and have
a few beers. It'll be a quiet night.
Well, you know that I don't mind
that you go out and have fun.
Just promise me
that you won't get too drunk.
Of course.
I'll only have a couple of beers.
That's good.
I couldn't stand any more crap.
-I have to get back to work.
-Talk to you later, honey!
Will do, sweetie.
Call me if there are any problems.
-Yes, I promise.
-I love you.
Go away!
-Have you been to my place?
-No, no.
So you don't know anything about that
dead animal that was on my stoop?
"Squirlie"? How in the hell do you
know that if you haven't been there?
He was so cute.
Welcome back to Radio Dokka.
You heard Jay Z and The Holy Waters-
-with "In Through Heaven's Gate,
Part 2". The next band...
-Hi, sweetie pie!
-Are you drunk?
-No, are you? I'm at work.
-What's that noise in the background?
-Just some people at work.
-I can hear that you are drunk.
-You're the one who's a slut.
-By the way, your father called.
-What did he want?
He was wondering if you
had heard from Hilde and Jenny.
They left for Dokka on Monday.
They should have been there already.
-That can't be right.
-What was that? Is someone there?
-No, I'm alone.
-How many have you fucked up there?
Stop it. I'm not going to
talk to you if you keep it up.
So it's my fault
that you drink and screw around?
-Do you have to be like that?
-Is somebody there with you now?
-No, I'm all alone.
-I heard someone.
-You hear voices in your head.
-Don't lie to me, damn it!
I don't want to talk to you
before you're sober.
-Admit that you're not alone.
-I am alone!
-Don't call me a whore!
Come here, Ronny.
Take your pants off.
-Ronny, look here.
Ronny! Look, Ronny.
Take your pants off.
Lie still.
Lie still!
You fucking whore!
Shut up! I said shut up!
Don't you understand Danish?
You better fuck her
before the whole village wakes up.
Shall we try the ass?
It'll hurt for a couple of minutes,
but after that you'll enjoy it.
Is it good? She likes it.
She screams like her sister.
No. Her sister was tighter.
I can't come.
I can't come.
I can't do it.
She's not making any noise.
It feels like
having sex with a corpse.
Was she any good?
You can lie there.
Fucking whore.
The little whore from Dokka.
-He came back.
-He also wanted to get some.
Are you ready for more?
Come here.
Come in, Ronny.
Ronny, come here.
-Come on, Ronny.
I'm gonna go and take a piss.
Are you awake?
What? What did you say?
Do you want to?
She wants you.
Come on, Ronny. Come.
Come on, Ronny.
Take your pants off.
Take your pants off.
It'll be okay. Come.
It'll be okay.
It feels good.
Do you like that?
-Fucking whore. Come on, Ronny!
-Sit down.
What are you doing,
you fucking whore?
You know that I love you, right?
You're so pretty.
You're so pretty.
I love you!
Oh, yeah! Yeah!
You'll look so nice!
Oh, yeah!
So nice!
Come to my place!
Did you call for an electrician?
Is there something wrong
with the electricity?
Have you done something to your hair?
Were we mean to you?
Did you like it?
Come to dinner tonight.
I knew that you liked me.
John said that...
He said that you
actually liked me best.
That was just the way
city people showed it.
Hi, there.
Do you see anything?
I told you to stay in the car.
-It was too boring.
-It's my job, not yours.
Isn't that that cunt
you fucked?
What's wrong with you?
Are you sick?
You fucking whore!
I didn't mean to...
Welcome back to Radio Dokka.
You heard JayZ and the Holy Waters.
The next band is Trollgutta
with "Two pigs and a sex pack".
Missing film reel
Please accept our apology
Don't you recognize me?
PrimeText International AB
We just heard "In Through Heaven's
Gate, Part 2", and now we'll hear...