Hornblower: Loyalty (2003)

It's definitely
the hotspur, sir.
Yes, matthews.
Styles, put a ball close to
her stern, but not too close.
Aye, aye, sir. Close
but not too close it is.
But it's-
It's the hotspur, sir.
for god's sake, man.
Sorry, sir.
Look, sir. Now she
shows her true colors.
I thought something
was wrong.
Well, if the frogs have
taken the hotspur, sir,
It's only proper
we should take it back.
Indeed, matthews.
Lay us alongside. Aye, aye, sir.
Matthews: gunners, stand by!
Contact at the next head!
Matthews: come here! Look at that!
That's their idea
of the cavalry?
Pity the poor bastards.
Why has he
got the flag down?
Where is your captain?
I don't know, sir.
It's to me.
Oh, yes.
And do you surrender?
Well done, sir,
And, uh, i just thought
you ought to know, sir.
There's a cutter
headed this way.
And do you suppose this cutter
to be a threat, matthews?
No, sir.
I don't quite know
what it is, sir.
I just thought
you ought to know, sir.
Look at this, sir.
He served
the victory, sir.
Are you british?
Irish, sir.
And proud
to be, sir.
English rule
is ireland's curse,
And if the french offer
us a hand, we'll take it.
The irish rebellion
was crushed years ago, man.
It's not
finished yet.
Man: ahoy!
Peace, lads!
Different man:
it's peace with france!
It's peace! It's peace,
lads! Lads, it's peace!
Ahoy, the ship!
Can you hear us?
It's peace!
Peace with france!
It's peace?
It's peace!
Leave him, matthews.
Killing one more poor devil
won't change the world.
The war is over, man.
Yeah. Yeah!
The war is over!
The war is over.
Man: lay on your oars!
Homeward a larboard!
Man: all right. Mind
your back. Coming through.
all right, missis.
What can i do
for you today?
Different man:
mr. Hornblower,
You're here to redeem
your gray coat, no doubt.
The weather
is most inclement.
Alas, no.
I can offer you
Alas, mr. Hornblower,
with the peace,
There's little demand
for naval swords.
Watch where
you're headed, man.
Beg your pardon, sir.
Mr. Bush?
It's good to see you.
It's good
to see you, sir.
You needn't call me sir.
Look. No epaulet.
But you're a commander.
You're captain
of the retribution.
I was a commander.
Now that we're at peace,
I'm once again
a mere lieutenant.
Infernal luck.
And what's more,
lieutenant without a ship.
Me, too. Well, it's
cold. Where's your coat?
Why don't we go
to my lodgings?
We can talk there.
I come every month,
collect my half pay,
Stay wherever
it's convenient.
in other words.
Well, why not
lodge with me?
It's cheap here,
i assure you.
Oh, it's you.
Lieutenant bush,
mrs. Mason,
The lady
of the house.
Mr. Bush will be
my guest tonight.
You're very free with your
hospitality, mr. Hornblower,
For someone whose rent
is so far in arrears.
I don't mind paying
in advance, madam.
It'll be a shilling
for the bed.
I can't wash the sheets
for less than that,
Not with soap,
as it is.
And that just leaves mr.
Hornblower's 15 that he owes us.
Oh, uh, sorry, mother.
I forgot.
Mr. Hornblower gave me half a crown
this morning. It's up in my room.
If you spent less time daydreaming...
You're just like your
father- Head in the clouds-
And look where
that got him.
I want that balance
by the end of the week.
This way.
I'll be up
She doesn't mean
to be so hard on you.
I think she does,
And with
good reason.
I'm not a good lodger,
not by any means.
Oh, please don't, sir.
I know you're good for it.
But your mother
will expect to see
This mythical
half crown.
I can handle my mother.
I have something put by
for my teaching,
And you have more need
of the money than me.
You truly are
a good friend, maria.
I thought i had none
left in the world.
I hope i'm more
than that, sir.
Maria, don't pin
your hopes on me.
I'm but a penniless
sailor with few connections
And fewer prospects.
I know you are
a true gentleman,
And a gentleman...
Needs his sword.
Well, thank you.
Please, sir.
You have an admirer-
Your landlady's
I saw the way
she looked at you.
Maria? No.
No, no, no.
How could you
possibly afford
To come here
on half pay?
Follow me,
and i'll show you.
Man: ah,
mr. Hornblower.
Are you well, sir?
Admiral pellew, sir.
Yes. Very well, thank you.
You remember lieutenant william bush.
We served together
in the renown.
To great effect, as i
recall. Thank you, sir.
You joining us for cards, mr. Bush?
Mr. Bush is purely a
spectator this evening,
But i shall be
honored, as always.
Then allow me
to introduce
An old acquaintance
to the table.
I think you'll find this
a very stimulating contest.
You earn
your living here?
Well, my winnings usually
outweigh my losses.
Ah, hornblower.
Good evening,
captain hammond.
A humble sloop takes on
two ships of the line. Hmm.
Now, we shall soon see
if that is valor
Or mere foolhardiness.
my nephew jack hammond.
Well, step up, lad.
Step up.
Good evening, gentlemen.
On his first visit to the
fleshpots of portsmouth,
Hoping to be posted
to a ship.
You're in good company.
Some of the navy's
finest captains come here.
Pellew: so, mr. Hammond,
given the choice,
With whom
would you serve?
Though, naturally, i
can make no promises.
Well, come along.
Come along.
You study
the naval gazette.
Well, there is
one man, sir,
But he's not a captain.
I've read much
of your exploits, sir.
What? Horn-
Well, i'm sorry.
I'm in no position
to offer you anything.
Indeed. You should think
more carefully, sir,
Before you nail
your colors to the mast.
Well, if he wishes to go into
battle with mr. Hornblower,
There's always
the card table,
But i warn you,
mr. Hammond.
The lieutenant is an
exceptionally gifted player.
My trick again,
by god.
One more trick,
and the game is ours.
Well, you and your nephew
Have all the luck of the
devil, captain hammond.
Mr. Hornblower, why are
you a lieutenant again
And no longer
a commander?
Because my promotion
was disallowed
When the retribution
was laid up.
The country can't afford
to keep a wartime navy.
Otherwise, we'd be paying this
damned income tax every year.
Let's hope england's
haste to decommission
Does not prove
to be premature.
What do you think,
mr. Bush,
Or do you decline
from speculating
As well as gambling?
I'm equally poor
at both, sir,
But if i were
a gambling man,
I'd wager that this
peace won't last long.
Whatever bony's planning,
We'll be ready for him,
won't we, uncle?
This is hardly
the place to gossip
About military
matters, boy.
It's an officers club.
Even in such illustrious company, sir,
The best part of valor
is discretion.
And for all we know,
mr. Hornblower here
Might be sharing
his berth
With some republican
i'm not, sir.
Oh, no,
not mr. Hornblower.
Unlucky with women.
Unlucky at cards.
Trick and rubber,
i think.
I think not, sir.
So. So we're down
to the last trick, then.
Which, i believe,
is mine, also.
You hold but a 7,
do you not?
I did warn you.
His talent
is quite formidable.
Well, gentlemen,
this evening
Has been quite
an education.
Hmm. A damned expensive
education at that.
Thank you, lieutenant.
I hope you and i-
Hammond: come, jack.
Sir edward.
Here's your winnings.
Use them wisely.
I'll see you
aboard the flagship
Two bells tomorrow
forenoon. Mr. Bush.
What do you think
he wants?
Well, i doubt he wants
to play whist.
No, but you-
You risked everything
on one hand.
My chances had to right
themselves mathematically.
Don't you see?
Of course.
No. No, i don't.
Ha ha!
Good evening,
mrs. Mason.
Oh, it might be
for young rakes
their rent money
On dissipation
and drink.
By the scent
of gin, madam,
It's plain you've had
a head start.
Such insolence...
And those that can't
even pay their reckoning.
If mr. Mason were here,
he'd throw you out!
Please, mother.
You can shut your mouth.
It's because of you i've let
this young spark run on.
There's hardly a shirt
in his chest,
And his chest will be
at the pawnshop, too.
mrs. Mason.
What i owe you plus a week's notice.
A week's?
Please, mr. Hornblower, you can't leave.
Oh, now, sir,
you wouldn't leave us
On account
of a misunderstanding.
No. We understood you very
well, madam. Come on, horatio.
Mr. Hornblower,
don't go,
Not on such terms.
Well, i suppose
it is rather late
To go seeking
new lodgings.
Come, mother,
you should be in bed.
I don't need
your ministrations,
Thank you, miss.
You wouldn't really have
left us, would you, sir?
No, maria. I don't
believe i would.
Good night, sir.
Good night.
Pellew: ah, hornblower.
Admiral pellew, sir.
How's your head, man?
You spend the night
celebrating your good fortune?
Alas, no, sir.
I had some debts
to settle.
Do you recognize
that 20-Gun sloop?
Hotspur, sir?
Hmm. Needs a captain.
A man of intelligence
and ability.
I was wondering if you could
suggest anyone suitable.
Well, i, uh...
As you were.
Your promotion to commander
has been confirmed.
You are now captain
of the hotspur.
She must be ready
to sail in two days.
Thank you, sir.
This is not idol favoritism, hornblower.
Well, a little tiny.
I need you to be
my eyes and ears.
No one trusts
our new friend bonaparte.
Ah, captain hornblower,
this is major andre cotard,
Recently secondered
to the admiralty.
Major cotard, it's an
honor to meet you, sir.
This is the captain
of the hotspur?
Major cotard
is of a noble french family,
Who paid dearly for their
opposition to bonaparte.
But i still have many
well-Placed contacts in france.
I have had word
Well, thank god not all
frenchmen worship
That corsican upstart, huh?
May i continue,
Of course.
Carry on.
I have had word
sent to me
That an old and trusted friend of mine
Needs to speak to me
most urgently.
He insists on meeting face to face.
It must be important
to warrant the risk.
In 7 days, he sails
from brest
On a british merchant ship, the eleanor.
Your ship
is to take me
To rendezvous
with him at sea.
No doubt attracting
the attentions
Of the french,
i take it.
Quite so. We don't want to
give bony the satisfaction
That we violated
the peace treaty.
Right. You'll report
to the hotspur in two days
At 3 bells
in the forenoon watch.
Uh, 3 bells?
major cotard.
The major may appear
a little impertinent,
But i have it on good
authority he's a faithful ally,
And i have no reason to question
the veracity of that information.
Men like cotard
have their own agenda.
I understand that,
Remember, hornblower,
there's folly
And foolhardiness
on one side,
Daring and calculation
on the other.
You make
the right choice,
And i'll see you through
any trouble that might ensue,
And remember...
Do nothing
to provoke war
Before war is declared.
Your mission is vital
for england, sir.
Man: lay on your oars.
So what did
the admiral want?
A commander...
For the hotspur.
They couldn't have
chosen a better man.
Thank you.
She's hardly
the renown.
Bush: but she's
a fine ship, sir.
Do you think so?
Yes. I think so.
And do you also think,
mr. Bush,
That a lieutenant
who served in a 74
Might be happy to serve as
a lieutenant in a mere sloop?
If you were captain,
sir, i believe he might.
Then would you do me the honor
of being my first lieutenant?
It is i who would be
honored, sir.
I feared
you wouldn't want to.
I feared
you wouldn't ask.
Well, we have
a ship to rig.
Aye, aye, captain.
Man: lower away.
Handsomely now.
Different man: steer it down a jot.
That's it.
Over here.
That's the last
of the water, sir,
But we're still
waiting on cordage.
Cannot afford to wait,
mr. Prowse.
I'm the master
to the ship, sir,
Not superintendent
of the dock.
Fetch the superintendent
down here.
Sir? He'll answer to me,
Or he'll answer
to the admiral.
It's his choice.
Aye, aye, sir.
Bush: name?
Wolfe, sir.
Thomas wolfe.
Experience? 5 years as coxswain
On the northern
What brings you
to portsmouth?
Uh, a young lady
in leeds, sir,
With a swollen belly
and an angry father.
Sign here, wolfe.
Books are full.
No more men.
Man: oh, not again.
I hear there's an india
one due in next week.
Matthews. Styles.
Captain hornblower,
Good to see you
back in command.
She's a fine ship,
Uh, we can always find
a place for matthews, sir.
Thank you, sir.
You want to add to our
troubles, do you, styles?
Well, i don't have
a steward yet.
I've been working
in kitchens
These last 3 months, sir.
Styles, you never cease
to amaze me.
Thank you, sir.
Very well. I'll take a chance, mr. Bush.
Make your mark, styles.
Aye, aye, sir.
Thank you, sir.
mr. Hornblower.
You're not leaving us so, surely.
My mother's tongue
sometimes runs away with her.
I've been given command
of a ship. I sail tomorrow.
Then let me pack
for you, sir.
That's very kind, but
there's precious little here.
I'm sorry.
I told you not to pin
your hopes on me.
I shall never forget
your kindness.
For a long time now, no
one ashore has cared much
Whether i lived
or died.
I care, horatio.
My heart leaps
When i hear your
footstep on the stair,
And when
i hear your voice-
Please, maria.
I know i shouldn't say
these things, but i must,
For i shall
never see you again.
I'm sorry.
I have my duty.
Man: come on,
you marines.
Get bellied
by the rail there.
Come aboard, sir.
Bush: names?
Charles orrock, sir.
John hammond, sir.
Midshipman, sir.
as midshipmen,
I'll expect you
to know this ship
Like the back
of your hand.
Otherwise, you'll know the back
of mine. Is that understood?
I would like to speak to
the captain, sir, to thank-
You shall speak
to the captain
When you're spoken to,
lad, and not before.
Now go on below, both of
you, and store your dunnage.
Aye, aye, sir.
Aye, aye.
Mr. Hornblower,
i'm sorry.
I'm sorry
for what i said.
There's no need to,
I couldn't bear for us
to part on such terms,
So i...
I made you these, sir.
mr. Hornblower.
A small token that you
might think of me sometimes.
I need no token, maria.
Must get back
to the ship.
mr. Hornblower.
Thank you...
For the gloves.
Good morning, major.
Man: you there!
Sail up and clear
that bunt line!
Different man:
aye, aye, sir!
You are...
William bush,
first lieutenant.
Have my bag
put in my cabin, bush,
And take me
to the captain.
May i see
your orders, sir?
Your captain will not
like to be kept waiting.
Neither do i.
Show me your orders, sir,
and he won't be.
You're a frenchman.
You object?
No, sir.
We all serve the king.
Matthews, have the major's
dunnage stored in my quarters.
Aye, aye, sir.
Man: boat ahoy!
Different man:
coming on, sir.
Very well.
Boatswain's mates.
Side, boys. Lively. Ho!
Man: present. Hut!
God's blood, what has he got in here?
Provisions? Where are we
going, the west indies?
Will that be all, sir?
For the present,
I didn't catch
your name.
Uh, wolfe, sir.
Your coxswain.
Worry about where we're headed
when we get there, wolfe.
Major cotard, captain.
You are welcome
in this ship, major.
Glad to hear it.
That will be all.
Slack water now, sir. First
of the ebb in 10 minutes.
Anchors offshore.
Thank you, mr. Bush. I
shall be up presently.
I was expecting
a somewhat larger vessel.
Don't judge a ship by the
number of its guns, major,
But by the skill
of its crew.
The hotspur is more
than equal to the task.
You will make
your rendezvous.
Stand by there
at the capstan!
Thank you, mr. Prowse.
Mr. Bush will take her out.
aye, aye, sir.
Loose the headsails!
Matthews: loose
the headsails!
Haul away there!
Come on! Put your backs into it!
Stand by to loose
the topsail!
Heave away
at the capstan!
Come on!
Do it now!
Loose the topsail!
Let go!
Mr. Bush, we'll have an
hour's exercise at the guns
As soon as we're out
in the channel.
You never know. One of these
days, we may have to use them.
Aye, aye, sir.
Hands to quarters!
Matthews: hands to quarters!
I'd like some breakfast,
please, styles.
Two fried eggs,
a sausage,
And some black pudding.
Oh, and some coffee.
Coffee, sir?
Yes. Coffee.
You do know
how to make coffee?
Oh, yes, sir.
Bush: cast loose your gun!
Cast loose!
Cast loose.
Cast loose! Come on!
Best bawl your lungs out,
mr. Hammond, sir.
You won't be heard
Ahem. How do you
make coffee?
Ha! Do i look
like a cook?
You and your big mouth.
Run out your gun!
Run out!
[Voice breaking]
run out!
Run out your guns!
Jump to it!
Orrock: run out!
Orrock: cease fire!
Stand by
your guns.
Mr. Orrock,
what are your orders
Regarding lanterns
during a night action?
I'm to wait until mr. Bush
expressly orders them, sir.
Then i send
mr. Hammond.
Where do you go,
mr. Hammond?
For the lanterns?
I... i...
Don't look to mr. Orrock.
Forward, sir?
Yes, mr. Hammond.
Thank you, matthews.
Bush: rest assured, sir,
Mr. Hammond will be warmly
reminded of his duties.
I won't have to speak to you
again, will i, mr. Hammond?
Capitaine hornblower,
If this is a joke,
it is in poor taste.
Sir, only the captain's steward
may enter without knocking.
What's the problem,
major cotard?
Do you seriously
expect me to sleep
In a mildewed
canvas bag
With the common crew?
I thought he was
sharing your berth.
He is.
a filthy curtain.
I have shared a berth with
lieutenant bush, major cotard,
And i consider it
an honor.
The admiral
required you to show-
On this ship,
i am the admiral.
If you are not satisfied
with your quarters,
You have my permission
to sleep on deck.
Your breakfast,
Now, major,
will you join us?
I am not hungry.
Good day
to you, sir.
Sorry about
the delay, sir.
Still finding me way
around the galley.
Bush: styles,
what's this?
Uh, fried eggs, sausage,
and some lovely black pudding.
As ordered, sir.
I'm just boiling
the coffee now, sir.
I'll go fetch it.
But coffee
shouldn't be-
Boiled, william?
I know. I know.
Bush: raise up
that main yard!
You worked in a kitchen
for 3 months.
Yes, sir.
Don't lie to me,
I'll string you up
by your thumbs.
It were a prison
kitchen, sir.
I were doing 3 months
for fraying.
Did you think to make a
fool of the captain, styles?
No, sir.
Learn to cook,
Or i'll cook you.
You understand me?
Were your customers
this fussy in the clink?
Put it this way.
I never got flogged for me cooking
it, if that's what you mean.
Oh, there's worse
than being flogged.
Mr. Bush might
make you eat that...
And then flog you.
Prowse: that sail
is set, sir.
Very good, mr. Prowse.
Again, please.
Again, sir?
Mr. Prowse, how long
have you been at sea?
I respect your experience
and your skills, sir.
In return, i'd like you
to respect mine.
One more exercise
at the headsails,
And then put the ship
abound, please.
Aye, aye, sir.
Strike the headsails!
Aah! Aah! Aah!
God almighty!
Wolfe: get overboard!
Get overboard!
Leave him! Leave him!
Get overboard!
stand fast there!
Major quarters!
Mr. Prowse,
get a team on the pump!
Aye, aye, sir!
Below there, man the pump!
Hold that aside,
mr. Bush!
aye, aye, sir!
Finish pumping!
finish pumping!
The doors
to the stove, sir.
They've been left
wide open.
I secured the range,
sir. I swear, i did.
Then how did hot coals get
scattered all over the deck?
I don't know, sir.
Take him below.
I hope this will not
delay us, captain.
It almost delayed us
permanently, major.
But we are
still afloat.
Let us at least
be grateful for that.
The cook.
He should hang.
That's for the captain
to decide.
All hands
to witness punishment!
Man: this is silly.
It wasn't his fault.
Well, styles,
You have endangered
his majesty's ship
And the lives
of your fellows.
What do you
have to say?
Wasn't me, sir.
Does anyone have anything
to say on his behalf?
Hornblower: if he is found
to have acted maliciously,
The articles of war provide
for only one sentence...
Bush: i believe it may
have been an accident, sir.
He was negligent,
not malicious.
Very well.
Seize him up.
Hats off.
"article 36-
"All other crimes not capital committed
"By any person or persons in the fleet
"Which are not
mentioned in this act
"Or for which
no punishment
"Is hereby directed
to be inflicted
"Shall be punished
according to the laws
And customs
used at sea. "
mr. Matthews.
I've never seen
so much blood.
Bush: 3 dozen, sir.
Take him down,
mr. Bush.
Take him down!
Thank you, mr. Bush.
Dismiss all hands.
All hands dismissed!
I didn't do it, sir.
Man: clear that mizzen
coming in!
Land ho!
There is no sign of
the eleanor, captain.
Is your contact
My contact is the duke of montreuil.
He has always been
a man of his word.
Hornblower: our arrival has been
noted, judging by that semaphore tower.
It was not there
It'll be part
of a chain.
By now,
they will know of us
In brest and in paris within the hour,
And that battery
will have been reinforced.
Hold on.
This'll sting.
Hold fast.
Hold fast.
Just vinegar
and brown paper.
It'll help
your wounds heal.
Why are you here?
Nothing cheers me up
Like seeing another
poor bugger in pain.
I didn't do it.
I told them.
Styles, you've served
the crown long enough.
What did you expect?
Sail ho!
Flying on
the larboard bow!
Is it the eleanor?
Mr. Orrock, we'll hoist
our colors, if you please.
Aye, aye, sir.
Should you not
signal to them?
I would, major,
were she a british ship.
She's a french
frigate, sir.
In the very place at the
very time of our rendezvous?
It may be a coincidence.
She's closing fast, sir.
Shall i alter course?
Keep her steady as she goes, mr. Prowse.
for action, sir?
We're at peace with france, mr. Bush.
Or we were
when we left england.
Thank you,
mr. Prowse.
She's have us in range
in two minutes, sir.
Thank you.
You don't trust her,
do you sir?
In range of her broadside
in one minute, sir.
So she has twice our guns,
We must clear for action.
No, mr. Bush.
We will render
passing honors.
Passing honors
to a frenchman, sir?
Hornblower: there's a first
time for everything, mr. Bush.
You do remember
the procedure.
Aye, aye, sir.
All hands man the sides!
Sergeant of marines,
parade your men!
Matthews: all right!
Man the sides!
Jump to it!
Pick those feet up!
Quietly now,
drummer on the right.
Boatswain's mates,
pipe on my command.
Aye, aye, sir.
Bush: toe the line there.
Toe the line.
Heads up. Keep still.
Show these frogs
how a british crew behaves.
Let them have it,
mr. Bush.
Present... arms!
For what we're
about to receive...
Bush: order... arms!
Cotard: the loire.
Well, i'll be damned.
I never thought i'd get
A salute from
a french frigate.
Question is, what was that
french frigate doing here?
And what has happened
to your friend the duke?
Oh, sheer folly.
Hornblower: major cotard was
supposed to meet his contact
On board
a british ship.
Now there's
no sign of either.
Bony is up to something
along this coast,
And we must find out
what it is.
Yes, but i'm not sure
i trust major cotard
To be the one
to investigate it.
Nor me.
Not enough to let him
go alone, anyway.
How do i look?
Like a pale, thin englishman
with a poor tailor.
Sir, if they catch you, you'll be
shot as a spy, peace or no peace.
I know, mr. Bush.
Johnny boat
is ready, sir.
She's rigged with
nets and floats.
She should pass
for a fishing boat.
Thank you.
I'll just
get aboard.
Oh, there's no need.
We'll row ourselves.
your pardon, sir.
Just you
and that frenchman?
Oh, the exercise
will do us good.
Aye, aye, sir.
If i'm not back
by the second dog watch,
You are to sail
to portsmouth
And see that this report
gets to the flagship. Sir...
You are in command,
mr. Bush.
Now take
good care of her.
Aye, aye, sir.
You said the captain
was a clever man.
He is.
Not bloody clever
going ashore
With only that frog
dandy for company.
Better tell him that
when he comes back.
You mean,
if he comes back.
Maybe he'd rather have
a frenchman in front of him
Than an irishman
behind him.
Matthews, half
this navy is irish.
If we were all disloyal, you'd be sunk.
Wasn't so long ago i came across
a paddy serving on a french ship.
Fancied himself
as a rebel.
Hope you won't tar all irishmen
with the same brush, matthews.
Sir, no, sir.
Sorry, sir.
No offense.
Carry on.
All this coastland used to
belong to the duke of montreuil.
I spent my childhood
playing here.
This must be a bitter homecoming.
It breaks my heart
to see a noble nation
Debase itself before
a man like bonaparte.
You find it strange that
i should love my country
And still
fight against it?
As long as you fight
against it, major,
That's all
that concerns me.
Bonaparte has been busy
during the peace.
This camp is for an
invasion force, major.
We must get word
to admiral pellew.
For god's sakes,
you wait here.
Half an hour into the
second dog watch, sir.
I can tell the time,
mr. Prowse.
Now is not the time
to make a stand, major!
Damn semaphore has
started up again.
Man: deck there! Sail ho!
Where away?
Coming down
the fairway, sir!
It's our old friend
the loire.
We better get
underway, mr. Bush.
We've stayed
too long already.
Mr. Bush? I heard you, mr. Prowse.
She's altered course
towards us, sir.
Very well. Come onto the larboard
tack. Set a course for home.
We'll show them
a clean pair of heels.
We'll be lucky
if we can do that.
Set the headsails!
Brace up the mainmast!
Capitaine, look.
The hotspur
is still there.
Thank god for english inefficiency, huh?
She's heading
out to sea.
Prowse: they're
catching up, sir.
Styles: sir.
Not now, styles,
for god's sake.
Not bloody now?
Sir, it's them!
It's the captain.
On the larboard
corner, sir!
Hornblower: ahoy! Ahoy!
Bush: my god,
it is them.
All hands
to wear ship!
Mr. Prowse, we'll
stand in towards.
The frigate is cleared for
action, sir, if we're at war.
Bush: hard aport!
They've seen us.
The loire.
Put your back
into it, major.
For a moment there, sir, we wondered
which ship you were headed for.
Still here,
then, mr. Bush?
Thought the hour glass was
running a little fast, sir.
We're in range of her bow chasers, sir.
Raise her hard up,
mr. Prowse.
Mr. Bush,
clear for action.
Aye, aye, sir.
Clear for action!
Prowse: raise up
the mainmast!
Thank you, styles.
your pardon, sir.
On behalf of the hands,
are we at war, sir?
The frogs know, and
we don't yet, matthews.
Very good, sir.
They're catching us
fast, sir.
We'll have
to come about, sir.
We'll be on the shore
in 5 minutes.
As soon as we come
about, they'll have us.
Hornblower: mr. Matthews!
Get those halyards reroped!
Aye, aye, sir!
And matthews,
If you think it proper, you can
tell the hands that we are at war.
Come on.
Move yourselves.
Mr. Orrock, i want you
to take 4 men up forward.
I shall be
going about shortly,
But then i shall
change my mind.
When i signal,
you are to run the jib up
And flat it out to
starboard. Understood?
Aye, aye, sir.
Stand by to go about!
Standing by, sir.
Now, mr. Prowse, keep
an eye on that frenchman.
I want to know
exactly what he does.
Aye, aye, sir.
Helms alee!
helms alee!
He's following
us, sir.
Brace all back again!
Mr. Orrock!
Aye, aye, sir!
Set the headsail!
Hard aport!
hard aport, sir!
drop the headsail!
Hang the headsail!
Volley fire!
Make ready!
They tried to follow us, sir,
but he's been taken all aback!
He's helpless!
We'll render passing
honors, mr. Bush.
Aye, aye, sir.
Gunners, hold your fire until
the mainmast is in your sights!
Run out!
Matthews: run out!
Run out,
mr. Hammond!
Styles: thought you might
use a hand with the guns, sir!
Good man,
Rather see you on the
gundeck than the galley.
Come on, sir, unless you want
to get your leg blown off!
Stand by!
Man: fire!
She's coming
round, sir.
Aah! Aah! Aah!
Wolfe: oh, god.
Man: powder monkey!
Over here!
Aah! Aah! Aah!
Shut your face!
Shut it, damn you!
Come on. You're all right.
It's not your blood, sir.
What is it, matthews?
Aah! Mmph!
It's all
under control, sir.
One more peep out of you,
and no one can save you.
You'll be going over
the side with that lot.
Do you understand?
Do you understand?!
Come on, you bugger.
Aah! Aah! Aah!
Hooray! Yay! Hooray!
Do we come to the wind,
sir, and finish her off?
Let's not overplay our hand, mr. Prowse.
We'll have drifted in range of
those batteries within 5 minutes.
Every shot tolled, sir,
every single shot.
Indeed they did,
mr. Bush.
I think we've overstayed
our welcome here.
Mr. Prowse,
plot a course for home.
Pellew: you had no business
to take on the loire, man!
She might have blown
you out of the water!
It would have been
folly not to, sir.
Oh, there's folly and
foolhardiness on the one side
And daring and calculation
on the other, eh?
like that, sir.
Very good.
You made
the right choice.
I'd like to know
what the loire
Was doing there
in the first place.
One french ship
outside a french port?
That's hardly rotten.
At the exact hour and
place as our rendezvous
With the duke
of montreuil?
Well, the only one privy to
that information was myself
Or major cotard or some
good men of the admiralty.
Perhaps you should talk
to those good men, sir,
Or major cotard.
I will not doubt major cotard
because he's a frenchman.
God, he risked his life
for england, damn it.
I feel we must
doubt someone, sir.
Indeed, if we have agents
familiar with our enemies' plans,
It seems reasonable to assume
that the enemy has, too.
I'll make some
discreet inquiries.
In the meantime,
I want you back
watching brest
Until i get the channel fleet to sea.
You sail on the morning
tide first of the ebb.
Aye, aye, sir.
Well, there's hours, yet.
Come on. Finish your wine.
I, uh, beg
your pardon, sir.
I had hoped to visit a
friend before i embarked.
A friend?
A lady friend?
You do know,
That in time of war,
a captain may not
Sleep out of his ship without
his admiral's permission.
I hadn't intended
to sleep, sir.
Oh, well-
I didn't mean
- Well, permission granted.
Thank you, sir.
Well, maybe you won't sleep ashore
for the next couple of years,
Maybe more if bony
fights it out.
I certainly think
he'll fight, sir.
In that case,
we'll meet again
All flushed.
Victorious war...
And beauty ashore.
You, sir,
what are you doing?
What does it look
like i'm doing?
Oh, sorry, sir.
Well, they're
bankrupt, sir.
Seems the old girl
drank the rent.
Mrs. Mason: well, well...
If it isn't
the grand sea captain
Come to sneer
at our misfortune.
Mr. Hornblower, sir.
I'm ashamed, sir,
That you should
see us like this.
Oh, don't be,
i beg you.
It happened
so quickly.
I didn't know
we were in arrears,
And the bailiff
did not listen,
And now we can't
earn our release.
We wouldn't have been in arrears
if he'd paid his rent.
I did pay my rent,
I can see what
you did with it.
I never thought
i'd see you again.
You were my friend in
the time of need, maria.
Allow me to be yours.
Maria: no, mr. Hornblower. You mustn't.
It's too late, maria.
It's been done.
I don't know
what to say.
You could ask him what
he wants in exchange.
Say nothing.
Just go and pay
your debts.
Thank you,
mr. Hornblower, sir.
If mr. Mason
were here,
He would not
accept your charity.
But he is not here and seems
conspicuous by his absence.
He died, sir,
Fighting for king
and country.
He served in hannibal
at gibraltar.
I will not allow
my maria
To suffer as i
have suffered, sir.
Oh, you may be
heroes to your ship,
But then you are but
dead men to your women.
I can assure you-
Oh, you can
assure me, sir.
Can you assure me
that come the morning,
You will not be back at
sea fighting death itself?
Can you
assure me of that?
No, madam, i cannot.
There goes the signal tower again, sir.
I'd pay good money
to know what they're saying.
Lookout: deck there!
Sails, sir!
A whole crowd of them
on the starboard beam!
That's what they're saying, mr. Bush.
Bush: the fleet.
flagship signaling?
Mr. Hammond?
Bush: the flagship
is signaling, sir?
Hammond: yes, sir.
It's, um-
It's our number
followed by-
Followed by 2-1-3,
Which is-
Which is, um...
Mr. Orrock.
That's captain report
aboard flagship, sir.
Learn your signals,
you little...
The book is useless
in a battle.
A fair and a fine dinner awaits
a man aboard the talon, sir.
Fine food
and fine wine...
But not that you're there
to enjoy yourself, of course.
Planning a little surprise
for bony, no doubt.
Why must you speak when
you have nothing to say?
Sorry, sir.
Hornblower: the french fleet are
at anchor in the outer harbor,
And the entrance is protected
by the battery here,
And all our movements
are immediately reported
By the semaphore here.
And thanks to
captain hornblower,
We now know that bonaparte
has 50,000 men encamped here
Ready to embark at
a moment's notice.
And should the weather turn foul
and our fleet be dispersed...
The french will need less than
two days to cross the channel.
So despite all
of hornblower's heroics,
Bonaparte will be issuing his edicts
from windsor castle instead of versailles.
Not without
his fleet, he won't.
Without ships, he can't
launch an invasion,
Which is why i intend to
make a preemptive strike.
Tomorrow i will lead the
squadron into brest harbor
And destroy the french fleet at anchor.
We will have to do something about the
semaphore and the battery first, sir.
May i volunteer
the hotspur for-
God save us
from young men
Eager for glory.
Sir, i must insist that you
send a more experienced officer.
captain hammond?
No, sir.
It is i who insist
That you listen
to the plan.
Captain hornblower will
indeed attack the semaphore
With a small party and signal
his success with a blue rocket.
Might i suggest that i launch
the attack today at dusk,
Making the most
of the evening mist?
Good. Then as dawn
breaks, captain hammond,
You will lead a party of
marines and storm the battery
And indicate that it is
taken by two red rockets.
Will be an honor, sir.
Prodigious, doughty.
I trust this is more
to your liking, sir.
Yes. Well, i don't think it's
quite that simple, doughty.
We have to mount
the attack first.
Come on, captain hornblower.
Fire the first broadside.
Let's see what lies
below in the dungeon, sir.
Thank you.
Hammond: well, it's easy enough
to demolish a pie crust
Or burn a signal tower,
come to that.
You'll include my nephew
in your shore party, no doubt.
Well, your man is so eager to
serve with captain hornblower?
Oh, he's destined
for great things, sir.
I trust you'll allow him to temper
his steel in the fires of combat.
Oh, i shall certainly consider him, sir.
Well, while you're at it, you
might consider taking someone else.
Your raiding party is gonna
need a good french speaker,
And i know
just the man.
Allo, monsieur bush.
Save your linguistic skills
for the action, major.
As you wish.
Mr. Matthews, you will stay
at the boat with the marines
Once we've landed
to cover our retreat.
Aye, aye, sir.
Mr. Orrock, you'll be in
charge of the demolition party.
You better call
for volunteers
To carry the explosives and the fuses.
I'd be glad to, sir.
Good man.
Better find somebody
to give you a hand.
Carry on, mr. Orrock. Aye, aye, sir.
You heard
the captain, wolfe.
Aye, aye, sir.
Now then...
Who wants to volunteer
for the nice little job
Of carrying
the explosives?
Hornblower: mr. Hammond,
report to my cabin.
Come on, lads. Explosives
are nothing to worry about
Unless you're careless.
Then your worries
are over.
You worried, styles?
Good man.
Then you won't
be careless, will you?
Hornblower: you asked to
serve with me, and you have.
Should you now
request a transfer,
It will not reflect on your
character or reputation.
I don't want
a transfer, sir.
I don't know why you
should think otherwise.
My family has high
expectations of me, sir.
I'm not asking your family, mr. Hammond.
War is
a bloody business...
And any man in his right
mind would avoid it,
half the chance.
With respect, sir,
no man would avoid it
Who cared about his
character or reputation.
Please take me
with you, sir.
He wants a password.
Damn his eyes.
Tell him we've got a lobster
for his officer or something.
Quietly there.
Matthews, you're in
charge here. Aye, aye, sir.
Ready party,
follow me.
Bonsoir, monsieur.
Right. Mr. Orrock, get
those charges placed.
Styles, stop hiding
behind that woman's skirt
And lend a hand, man.
Give me the fuse.
Well, i haven't got it, sir.
Wolfe's got it.
There's no sign
of wolfe, sir.
Mr. Hammond.
Run and tell
mr. Matthews
We'll be returning
directly. Go.
And get him out
of here.
And everybody out.
But how do we
ignite the charges
Without a fuse, sir?
Aim the rocket
at the doorway.
Ready, sir.
That was
signal enough.
Come on.
Hold your fire.
the captain, sir?
They've been cut off.
Give me 6 men. Tell
them to fix bayonets.
No. There's a company
of soldiers
Headed up there
and more on the way.
We must do
what we can, sir.
No. No. We must rejoin.
If we stay on this beach, we'll
be cut down where we stand.
We can't leave without
the captain, sir.
For god's sakes, matthews,
the captain's been cut off.
Get the men
into the boats.
Not without
an order, sir.
Those are his orders,
damn you!
We'll descend the cliff
to the beach.
I need two men here
to slow their advance.
I will stay.
I'd rather have you
with me, major.
Trust me.
I'm right behind you.
And i will stay,
too, sir.
Very well. You two,
give them your pistols.
Don't leave it
too late.
We'll see you at the
bottom of the cliff.
Follow me.
Where are
the bloody marines?
All right, lads.
Well done.
And he ordered you
to withdraw the marines?
He saw the french
Advancing on the signal post, sir.
He told me
to run ahead
And evacuate
the jetty.
We wanted to wait
for him, sir.
Thank you, mr. Hammond.
Return to your duties.
Aye, aye, sir.
Dismissed, matthews.
Nothing, sir.
Orders, sir?
Signal to the flagship,
"Captain taken in shore
action. Report to follow. "
Aye, aye, sir.
Styles: ohh. Chained up
in a bloody store room.
Hornblower: there could be
worse prison cells, styles.
There's no way to break
out of this, captain.
So we'll be prisoners
for the rest of the war.
Cheer up,
mr. Orrock.
If the admiral
It will be
a very short war.
Le commandant.
Eat, captain.
My cook is
a french chef,
Not an english
He can prepare
a meal
Without setting fire
to the galley.
You set that fire
on the ship.
I did all i could as a humble coxswain.
I do not eat
with traitors.
I'm no traitor.
You fight
for bonaparte.
I fight for ireland.
Bonaparte is merely
a means to an end.
He's a tyrant, man.
Why does an irishman
put his faith in him?
To save ireland
from worse tyrants.
You english have been lording
it over us for long enough.
You'll hang, man.
Bonaparte has used
irish rebels in the past,
And every time,
he has failed,
And every time, they
have died on the gallows.
I won't hang,
But you will.
Sneaking ashore dressed as a fisherman
In search
of military secrets.
Now, i believe they
call that spying.
Then you are
as guilty as me.
You passed word
to the loire
About our rendezvous.
How could i?
I was on board the
hotspur the whole time.
So your task
was to delay us
Long enough for the loire to intervene.
Well done, captain.
So there must be someone more
handily placed within the fleet.
I bet you'd love
to know who he is.
If i'm to hang, it'd cost
you nothing to tell me.
It would be
a cruel fate indeed
To go
to the gallows
by the fact
That you have no idea who betrayed you.
Enjoy your meal, wolfe.
Once admiral pellew
is done,
You won't be dining
on breton lobster.
When we're done,
Breton lobster will be
dining on admiral pellew.
Bush: sir, i could sent a
party ashore to look for him.
No, mr. Bush.
Hornblower may have destroyed
their communications,
But captain hammond still
has to cripple their defenses
By taking the battery,
And nothing must interfere
with his mission.
But, sir, it need only be a small party.
We could even create
a diversion.
Sir, i owe it
to him.
We owe it to him.
Damn it, bush, do you
think i don't know that?
Do you think i wouldn't-
Hornblower may be lost,
but the war goes on.
You will take command
of the hotspur
And stand by ready
to support the action.
Aye, aye, sir.
Come on, man.
We mustn't allow
our judgment
To be clouded
by sentiment
And wishful thinking.
Will that be
all, sir?
and wishful thinking.
No use at all.
I should have spotted
wolfe for what he was.
He took me
for a fool.
The closer the enemy is,
the harder he is to see.
I carried that traitor aboard my ship,
And i had you flogged for his crime.
That's all right, sir.
It's wolfe who'll be sorry.
He'll have the skin
off his back
If i ever get
the chance.
Hornblower: and wolfe
is not our only concern.
Hammond's attempt on
the battery will fail,
And the fleet will sail
right under its guns.
How do you know?
Because wolfe has a
contact in the fleet,
A well-Placed
Who will have betrayed every detail
Of this attack
to the french.
And you still
suspect me.
So when will i
earn your trust,
When they hang me?
Stay close by me.
All ready to go
ashore, mr. Bush.
Stand the men down,
The admiral has
other plans for us.
But, sir, we could
be there and back
Before he even knew
about it.
Are you suggesting
mutiny, man?
No, sir.
I just wish-
So do i, matthews.
Mr. Prowse will
support the action.
Stand by to go in
with the squadron.
Aye, aye, sir.
Hammond: marines
will fix bayonets.
Fix bayonets.
Advance arms.
You will never move it.
You haven't served
in his majesty's navy.
You'll be surprised
what's possible.
Orrock, styles.
Time to weigh
Captain of marines,
carry on.
Captain of marines:
right wheel, quick, march.
To the battery, men.
By the left...
quick march.
Left wheel.
All ready,
are we, sir?
Nowhere to run
to now.
A word if you please,
mr. Matthews.
I'll have you know,
I don't much care
for your tone.
Well, sir, i must say,
i don't give
A tinker's cuss
what you care for.
Captain hornblower never
ordered you to clear that jetty.
You weren't there.
He would never have
given up that easy,
Though you might.
You don't know
what happened.
I know he gave you
a chance to prove yourself.
He's done that
for many a man,
For me, for styles,
And nobody's ever
let him down till now.
If that's all
you have to say, sir,
I've got work to do.
Stop there, captain hammond.
Surrender your sword
And tell your men to
lay down their weapons,
Or would you see them
all slaughtered?
Are you ready, gentlemen?
Damn it!
Shh! Quiet now.
Right. A volunteer to be
first down the privy.
I love fireworks.
Don't you, captain?
When the english fleets
sail under the battery,
You'll see
plenty more.
Signal to squadron,
"All ships form line astern to flagship
With standards
abreast. "
Handsomely there. We
don't want to drop him.
Gonna smell like tea
And have a nice,
soft landing, sir.
There's a tunnel, sir.
Where does it lead?
To the outside, sir.
Where outside?
I don't know, sir.
Well, go and have
a look, man.
Right. Take my weight.
I don't much like
this, sir.
Relax, matthews.
Captain hammond
has seen to the guns.
Let's hope we can count
on your uncle, sir.
Signal all ships to engage
the enemy, damn it!
We're on the outside
by the shore, sir.
Perfect. I'll get
the others.
as you bear!
The hotspur, sir,
she'll be matchwood.
Mr. Prowse, alter course to port.
If we do, we'll
run aground, sir.
If we don't, we'll be smashed to pieces.
Alter course.
We'll run in
under the guns
And storm ashore
in the boats.
Aye, aye, sir.
Hard aport!
Sir, i-
I'd like to come
with you, sir.
They'll never
do it.
Not unless
we help them.
Mr. Orrock, what do you have there?
A handy billy, sir.
Good man.
Come on.
You intend to attack
the battery
With nothing more than
a block and tackle?
Well, rather that
than stand idly by
While the fleet
is destroyed.
Come on!
Mr. Orrock.
Mr. Orrock.
On my signal.
Come on, men.
It's now or never!
On my signal!
Hornblower: we'll have to
put those guns out of action.
Swing the cannon
round this way.
Load it with
grapeshot in case.
That'll learn them.
Sir, we should
spike the guns.
We need a more permanent
arrangement, major cotard.
To me!
Steady as she goes.
they've stopped, by god.
Signal all ships
to withdraw.
Flagship signaling,
All ships then
withdraw, sir.
Are you sure?
Yes, sir.
Better check it. Look it up in the book.
Aye, aye, sir,
But i am sure, sir.
He is right, sir.
Yes. I know he's right, but by the time
He's looked it up in the book
- Ahh.
A la batterie!
A la batterie!
I do not always
miss, captain.
I'm glad
to see it, major.
Get back!
Clear the battery!
You go on, sir.
I'll do-
Oh. Shut up, styles!
Wolfe: hornblower!
Give me your musket
and run!
My god!
Belay the last order.
Signal the squadron,
"engage the enemy. "
You all right, sir?
I'm a bit singed,
Oh, no, sir. You're done to a turn.
Trust me.
I'm a cook.
Evacuent! Evacuent!
Take my arm, sir.
Cotard: thought you
must be dead, captain.
Not yet, major.
Styles: quickly, sir.
Good luck don't
last forever.
I should have
stretched your neck
When i had the chance.
I shall surrender
If you vouch my men
shall not be harmed.
No bargains,
Captain hammond.
So much for his
dazzling insight.
You thought your enemy
within would be a frenchman.
I thought you, sir,
Had sworn an oath
to serve your king.
He's no king
of mine, sir.
I serve ireland
and her people.
Yet all these years,
you've played
The loyal british officer.
What better way
to serve my country?
I knew my opportunity
would come,
And you, hornblower,
Very nearly
ruined it.
Commandant wolfe.
These men were escaping from custody.
Deal with them.
Orrock here
is irish.
For god's sakes, man,
you gonna shoot him, too?
All these others-
Thank you, sir, but i'll stay with you.
That goes
for me, too, sir.
And i will stay
with my comrades, also.
You are, all of you,
damned sheep,
And like damned sheep,
you will be slaughtered.
hotspurs, with me!
Well, you bastard,
i owe you one!
Aah! Aah!
Don't want to
kill you, young lad.
Then fight me, sir!
For france, sir.
Good man, jack.
Come on,
you damn bugger.
You'll get
yourself killed!
You devil!
Enough, hornblower,
Man: see to the wounded.
We've done our bit.
Now it's up to admiral
pellew and the fleet.
Oh, god.
Oh, jack, lad.
Oh, my god.
What have i done?
Why was i
so frightened?
I wanted you to be
taken with hornblower.
I wanted you
off the hotspur.
Uncle? Uncle,
is that you?
I didn't disgrace the
family name, did i?
They would have been
proud of you, jack.
Stop, sir.
Stop where
you stand, sir.
Captain hammond!
Don't make me
shoot you, sir!
I will not
hesitate, sir!
You say in your report that
captain hammond blamed himself
For the failure of his
assault on the battery.
Yes, sir.
And despite
your entreaties,
He insisted on dying
with honor.
Yes, sir.
You do know
i've spoken
With major cotard?
I imagined
you would have, sir.
There was a time,
When you would have
needed some convincing
About the merits of any
economy with the truth.
Yes, sir,
But these are uncertain
times in ireland,
And more than a quarter of
the men in the fleet are irish.
Hmm, and the truth
about hammond
Could spread
Yes, sir,
Which would only serve
bonaparte's cause.
Bonaparte has nothing
to offer ireland
But misery
and bloodshed.
Ha! That's why england has a
right to demand irish loyalty.
Yes, sir, although-
It is perhaps better to earn loyalty
Than to demand it.
When i was a child,
i spake as a child,
I understood as a child,
i thought as a child;
But when i became a man,
i put away childish things.
Well, you know,
It's very hard for a father
to see his children grow up.
I'm not sure i
understand you, sir.
I dare say, you will.
Mr. Hornblower, sir.
I saw the hotspur,
sir, in the harbor.
I hoped it might
signal your return.
It must be good for you
to be home again.
It is.
Thank you, sir,
And also good
to see you.
Come in.
You, uh, have enough
for the rent?
Oh, um, i hope to get a
position as a governess.
I can't be a burden
on your charity.
You're no burden,
i assure you.
No, mr. Hornblower,
i can't.
Maria, you are in greater need than i.
I have no
living relatives,
And you're the closest thing i have to-
To a family.
Yes, but i'm not
your family.
There's a word
for a woman
Who accepts money
from a man.
Yes, and that word
is friend.
I treasure
your friendship,
But i cannot keep both your
money and my reputation.
My apologies.
Of course.
I should have-
No. I didn't mean
for you to leave, sir.
I can see that i have
imposed upon you, maria.
I've been
No. That's not
what i meant, sir.
You're not dead
then, sir?
It would
appear not, madam.
She wept when you
were gone, sir,
My maria.
I'd hate to think
how much she'd weep
Had you not
She wept?
She wept
for you, sir,
And why she bothered, i don't know.
Maria, please don't cry.
If i were your family,
would you let me help you?
I don't know
what you mean, sir.
What i mean is, uh...
If i were to ask,
maria, would you-
Would i?
Would you marry me?
Say yes.
Oh, horatio!