Hornblower: Mutiny (2001)

Sir Edward Pellew himself
to see you, sir.
Very well,
you can leave us.
Your Honor,
I shall have
to lock you in.
Then do it.
That it should come to this.
You, of all people.
It's good of you
to come and see me, sir.
This is not a social call, man!
Good God, sir.
In a few hours,
you'll be on trial
for your life.
And unless there are extenuating
circumstances, you'll hang--
hang-- in front
of the entire squadron.
It was our duty to restore order
and discipline aboard ship, sir.
Order and discipline?
Black bloody mutiny, sir.
That's what the charge is.
And against a... captain
who's a hero of the Nile
and the Battle
of Cape St. Vincent.
One of Nelson's own,
dear God.
It was for the good
of the service, sir.
Hero or not,
we were headed
for disaster.
It's getting away from us.
Hold on!
Get that... lantern on!
We're carrying
too much sail, Archie.
Mr. Buckland,
we should take
another reef.
You're the officer of the watch,
Mr. Hornblower.
It's your decision.
around that cleat.
Ah, if this
keeps up, we'll be
aloft before long
I'll warrant you.
That'll sort out
the men from the boys.
Oh, God.
Stick with me, kid,
you'll grow up as bitter
as the rest of us.
Mr. Wellard,
my respects
to Captain Sawyer.
Please inform him
we're about to shorten sail.
Aye, aye, sir.
Matthews, hands aloft to
double-reef that main topsail.
Aye, aye, sir.
Told you.
Come on, lads.
Come on, Randall.
Come on, you little one,
get up there.
What brings you
to interrupt my fruit,
Mr. Wellard?
Um, Captain Sawyer, sir...
Come on, boy,
we won't eat you.
I don't believe
Dr. Clive and I have
enough room left
for a young
Couldn't manage
another thing.
Mr. Hornblower
sends his respects, sir
and to inform you
he's shortening sail.
Watch where you're going,
Just watch yourself,
Where do you think
you're going?
Steady, now.
Captain Sawyer, sir
I've ordered another reef
on the main topsail, sir.
So I hear, Mr. Hornblower.
Your decision alone?
Indeed, sir.
Mr. Buckland,
you're the first lieutenant.
Do my standing orders
require the officer of the watch
to inform me
before shortening sail or not?
"Sir"? What kind of answer
is that?
Do they
or do they not?
Yes, sir,
they do, sir.
Mr. Hornblower?
With respect, sir, your orders
require us to inform you
shortening sail, sir.
Don't come the sea lawyer
with me, sir.
Ahoy, there, gunner!
Mr. Hobbs!
Have you ever had difficulty
interpreting my orders?
Indeed, I have not, sir.
There you are, then.
A gunner has no trouble
understanding my orders.
What do you say to that,
Mr. Hornblower?
My apologies, sir,
I must have misunderstood.
The excellent men
of your own division,
are they not?
Perhaps by teaching them
a lesson
you'll learn something
of your own.
But, sir, it was I
who made the mistake.
Get to it, you lubbers!
The last man off the yardarm
gets a flogging--
a dozen at the gratings
for the last man on deck.
Out of the way,
I can't...
Come here, boy!
Pass the word for the doctor!
Pass the word
for the doctor!
He's dead, sir.
He's dead!
Dr. Clive will be
the judge of that.
Dead, sir.
What are you
waiting for,
Mr. Hornblower?
Have the lubber
thrown over the side.
Do you hear, Mr. Hornblower?
For God's sake, Horatio.
The lad's dead, sir.
bring him back.
Is that right,
Mr. Kennedy?
Yes, Styles, that's right.
We can read over him later, sir.
Mr. Hornblower,
get that man off my quarterdeck.
Aye, aye, sir.
Stow those barrels
forward on the gun deck.
Bush, second lieutenant.
Look out there!
Look out!
Hornblower, third lieutenant.
Interesting welcoming ceremony,
Mr. Hornblower.
My apologies,
Mr. Bush.
Are you quite
all right?
Nothing damaged
but my pride, I think.
Hey there, you
at the stay tackles!
Mind what you're doing!
Mr. Hobbs, keep an eye
on your men there!
Aye, aye, sir.
Mr. Hobbs, lay aft here.
Mr. Hobbs,
your recklessness
nearly injured
one of the ship's
senior officers
not to mention
damaging vital supplies.
Don't use that
tone of voice when
replying to an order.
Aye, aye, sir.
Perhaps if the men
were better supervised
these accidents wouldn't happen,
Mr. Hornblower.
coming off, sir.
Quite right, run forward
and tell Mr. Buckland.
Boatswain's mates! Side boys!
Lively now!
Present arms!
Lieutenant Bush,
come aboard, sir.
You came in my absence, did you?
I did, sir.
Did you report
to the first lieutenant?
No, sir.
You should have reported
to Mr. Buckland.
Mr. Buckland!
Why did Mr. Bush
not report to you?
I'm very sorry, sir.
I was unaware
that Mr. Bush
had come aboard.
He should have
made himself
known, sir.
I was forward,
inspecting the anchor cables.
Mr. Bush?
I arrived only a few minutes
before you, sir.
I wished to present myself.
And may I say,
what an honor
it is to serve
under a captain with
so distinguished a record?
Well, Mr. Bush,
you are welcome.
Thank you, sir.
In time, you may,
indeed, thank me.
Very well.
You don't know
Captain Sawyer, then?
I know his reputation.
As a fighting captain
or... as a man?
What are you implying, Mr. ...?
Kennedy, sir, fourth lieutenant.
Well, Mr. Kennedy, I don't think
I much care for your tone, sir.
Uh, Mr. Kennedy
was merely making
Weren't you,
Mr. Kennedy?
Now let me show you
the wardroom.
Very good of you.
"I don't think I much care
for your tone, sir."
"What an honor to serve
under a captain
with such a record, sir."
That's enough,
Mr. Wellard.
Now get below
and find out what that
hullabaloo's all about
before it brings
the captain down
on us again.
Yeah, I pushed
the little bugger
off the yardarm.
Who cares?
Quit it.
Do you hear? Belay that.
Mr. Matthews,
you're the boatswain.
Get them to stop
this bloody racket.
Right, what's going on here?
You, Randall, what's all this?
Just settling a little
difference of opinion
you might say.
Captain Sawyer loves
a bit of bare-knuckle
between the men.
Keeps them ready
for the real thing, he says.
Mr. Matthews, get them
to break this up.
Aye, aye, Mr. Wellard.
Come on,
now-- hey!
Hold there, Mr. Matthews.
This hasn't been
settled yet.
The captain wouldn't like it
if we were interfering,
would he?
He doesn't need to know,
does he, Mr. Hobbs?
Not unless
some little toady...
Come on!
Randall, break
it up now!
Make me, little boy.
"Sir," Randall!
You call him "sir"!
Any man...
man, Mr. Hobbs,
who thinks differently
had better remember
the punishment
for disobeying
a superior officer.
Tell them, Matthews.
Death, sir.
Indeed, death.
And best you all remember it.
Get the ship under way
if you please, Mr. Buckland.
Aye, aye, sir.
Lose the headsails!
Lose the headsails!
Hands aloft to lose
the topsails.
Hands aloft to lose
the topsails!
Carry on, Mr. Bush.
Go, put your backs
into it!
Come on, heave!
Heave ho!
Mr. Hornblower.
Set a course
to weather the lizard
and then southwest,
Weather the lizard
and southwest
it is, sir.
South by west,
a quarter west.
South by west,
a quarter west, sir.
Well, gentlemen...
it's the West Indies for us.
Santo Domingo.
The blacks are
in rebellion there.
Very good, Mr. Hornblower,
very good.
Gentlemen, we can certainly rely
on Mr. Hornblower
to keep us abreast
of current events.
Yes, a slave rebellion.
They're uprising against
their Spanish masters
started by that damn dangerous
French Revolutionary nonsense--
liberty, fraternity, stupidity.
You're not a revolutionary,
are you, Mr. Hornblower?
Indeed, I'm not, sir.
No, we know how
to deal with them
in His Majesty's ships,
don't we?
Santo Domingo,
There's a nest
of Spanish privateers
right here in Samana Bay
menacing our trade
through the Mona Strait.
It's our task to clear
the vermin out.
It's a far cry
from Napoleon, sir
but we have ten times
more chance of action
than with the Channel Fleet.
That so, Mr. Bush?
It's so.
Now, there's a man
after my own heart.
And plenty of action
you shall have, Mr. Bush
along with an abundance
of yellow fever and ague,
eh, Dr. Clive?
Putrid fever and poisonous
serpents, sir.
Tropical heat, bad water...
Hurricanes and shipworm.
When were you last in
the West Indies, Mr. Buckland?
Answer the question--
when were you
in the West Indies?
I regret to say...
Never, you were never
in the West Indies;
when you were
in the West Indies.
"Hurricanes and shipworm."
Not a day's sail
from Plymouth
and you're out
of your depth already.
Am I not right, Mr. Bush?
I said, "Isn't that right?"
Sir, I protest.
We all have much
to learn, sir--
from your example.
Quite right, Dr. Clive.
"Hurricanes and shipworm."
Captain Sawyer's
just weary, Archie.
The man's bedeviled,
Do you think Bush
would agree with you?
Well, no.
Or Buckland?
Each captain has
his own way, Archie.
Tell that to
the poor young
seaman of yours
that we scraped off
the deck and threw
over the side.
May I remind you that
when we first heard
we were to transfer
to Captain Sawyer's command
we drank Portsmouth
dry in celebration.
The man's a national hero.
He's earned his place
in history.
It's not history that
concerns me, Horatio
it's the future.
It's far more uncertain.
She sails well.
Yes, she loves
a stiff breeze.
This is a bit more
than a stiff breeze.
We'll have to get
some sail off her.
The captain has
to be informed
first, sir--
standing orders.
Very well, Mr. Kennedy,
if you would, please.
Aye, aye, sir.
You want to take
a reef, Mr. Bush?
Yes, sir.
With your permission,
Very good, Mr. Bush.
Call all hands.
All hands!
All hands
to reef topsail!
All hands to reef topsail.
Man the halyards
and reef tackle!
Reef tackles-- haul!
Put your backs into it!
'Vast hauling, there!
'Vast hauling!
Who's that countermanding
my orders?
It's me, sir, Wellard.
You'll be sorry for this
Mr. Wellard.
Get down here immediately, sir.
There's a reef point
caught in the block, sir
The sail was tearing.
What do you mean
coming between me
and a man who disobeys me?
Mr. Wellard is
on my station, sir.
He was only doing his duty.
Get down immediately,
both of you!
Mr. Bush...
be so good as to send a hand
to clear that reef tackle.
Aye, aye, sir.
You there, get aloft
to clear that tackle.
Get below, Mr. Wellard.
You, too, Mr. Hornblower.
I'll teach you to conspire
and try to make me a laughing-
stock in front of the men.
Do you here me?!
Get below!
Mr. Buckland, call
the hands aft here,
if you please.
Aye, aye, sir.
All hands lay aft here.
I know where loyalty
is to be found, men.
I've seen it.
I see it now.
I see your loyal hearts.
I watch your unremitting labors
as I watch everything
that goes on in this ship.
Traitors meet
their just desserts
and loyal hearts
get their rewards.
We'll splice the main brace!
A tun of rum
to every man.
And to every boy!
Rum, on
the forenoon watch.
And they'll be
drunk as lords.
Come on, close up,
close up.
Mr. Matthews, lay aft here
and bring your mate with you.
Aye, sir.
Give me your rattan,
Mr. Matthews.
Mr. Wellard's presence is
required by the captain, sir.
You, too,
Mr. Hornblower.
Very well.
I don't like it, sir.
The lad were
only doing his duty.
No way out of it, Matthews.
I could go a bit easier...
Don't even think it.
He'll notice, sure as sin.
It'll only make things worse.
No hard feelings,
Mr. Wellard.
I've seen a beating, sir.
I believe I will stand
it well enough.
Good man.
Come on, then, let's
get it over with.
And, sir, thank you
for speaking up for me.
It's an injustice,
It's discipline,
Well, Doctor?
The full dozen
if you please,
Mr. Matthews.
Aye, aye, sir.
Come on.
That's it, twelve.
Serves the little bugger right.
Very well.
The dishonorable part of
Mr. Wellard has paid the price
for his dishonor.
May that be a lesson to you,
young man.
Now, Mr. Hornblower,
your punishment.
You think to be
a colluder
and corrupter of your juniors
and to walk away scot-free?
Were that
the case...
No quibbling
with me, sir!
Were you still a midshipman
I would flog you
like we have Mr. Wellard.
Your position,
dictates a more
imaginative approach.
You are on continuous watch
for the next 36 hours
and I would remind you
that an officer caught
sleeping on duty
is subject to the most rigorous
penalty of the Articles of War.
And you know what that is.
Yes, sir.
Then God help you
if you're found asleep.
Continuous watch, then,
Mr. Hornblower?
Yes, sir.
36 hours, sir.
It's a long time.
Are you up to it?
It's Captain Sawyer's wish, sir.
It doesn't do
to cross the captain.
It's a lesson we all learn.
That was never my intention,
Glad to hear it,
glad to hear it.
Stand firm.
Accept your punishment
and we'll hear no more about it.
Yes, Mr. Buckland.
Carry on.
Reporting for duty, sir.
Very good, Mr. Wellard.
Mr. Wellard.
Those sandglasses
need to be run
against each other.
Aye, aye, sir.
Mark off each
minute on a slate
or you might lose
your reckoning.
Concentrate on
the task in hand.
It will help to keep
your mind off the pain.
Thank you, sir.
Mr. Wellard at work?
Aye, aye, sir.
Aye, aye, sir.
Mr. Wellard has learned
better now, perhaps
than to conspire
against his captain...
against his lawful superior
set in authority over him
by act of His Most Gracious
Majesty King George II;
has learned that it
is the painful duty...
Picking on Wellard
Is that... reasonable,
do you think?
I don't see where
reason comes into it.
Mr. Wellard is sulking.
So you decided to hold me up in
derision in front of the hands!?
You and that cub,
Mr. Hornblower--
you plotted and planned
so that my lawful authority
should be set
at naught!
No, not at all, sir.
Why attempt to deny it?
Which one of you was it planned
to snag that reef point?
No one, sir.
"No one, sir."
How can that
be? No one.
It was a plot.
So you pretend to be busy
to hide your face,
because of the guilt
that is written
upon it.
You think to deceive me.
I gave orders that
Mr. Wellard should
test the
glasses against
each other, sir.
You are sadly mistaken,
Mr. Kennedy
if you believe there is any
good in this young fellow...
unless, of course
you are part and parcel
of this infamous affair.
I was merely observing,
sir, that he was busy
only because I
told him to be so.
What do you say, Mr. Bush?
We can rely on your judgment,
I'm sure.
The boy knows nothing, sir.
Doesn't know the bobstay
from the spanker boom.
Oh, no, Mr. Bush.
You're too honest.
I knew it the moment
I first saw you.
You don't understand these
poisonous young reptiles.
We must dredge
the truth out of him.
Oh, yes.
Get below, Mr. Wellard.
I'll have it
out of you.
By God, I will.
run forward
and get Mr. Matthews to lay
aft here, and his mates.
Aye, aye, sir.
Another dozen, and
he'll coo like a dove.
We must intervene.
The captain is
master of the ship.
And he sought
your opinion, sir
which, I note,
contained nothing
to dissuade him
from this beating
upon which he
is now embarked.
Mr. Hornblower,
may I suggest
you take the time
to remind Mr. Kennedy
that he is merely
fourth lieutenant
aboard this ship?
He has
the captain's ear.
Why did he not speak
when he had the chance?
To say what?
The captain's
blood was up.
For Mr. Bush
to have spoken up
for Mr. Wellard
would only have
provoked him further.
You think I should
have held my tongue.
You think I made it worse.
You acted for the best.
Oh... well
there's precious sop
for my conscience.
All on deck, there.
Where away?
Four points abaft
the beam, sir.
Go aloft with your
glass, Mr. Kennedy.
See what you make of it.
Aye, aye, sir.
We're wanted aft.
What now?
Bring your cane.
Oh, hell, not another one.
Who is it this time?
Young Wellard again.
There, sir,
just forward
of the backstay.
French frigate, 36 guns.
She's cleared
for action!
36, eh?
Should we inform
the captain, sir?
She's catching us fast.
Disturb the lion
on his prey?
Rather you than
me, Mr. Bush.
I'll go, sir.
No... no need, Mr. Hornblower--
36 guns to our 74.
They'd never dare.
There's two of them.
Two frigates!
That's changed the odds a bit.
Mr. Hornblower,
you'd better have
a good reason for
this interruption.
Yes, sir,
Mr. Buckland's respects.
There are two French frigates
on the starboard quarter.
Tell Mr. Buckland I shall
be on deck directly.
Sir, they're
cleared for action.
Thank you, Mr. Hornblower.
That will be all.
They'll be up with us
in minutes, sir.
Damn it, man, we can
blow them to pieces
long before we come into range
of their piddling
little popguns!
Not if we're not
cleared for action, sir.
You will answer
for this later.
We thought perhaps,
sir, that, um...
Clear for action.
Clear for action, damn you!
Beat to quarters!
Come on, men, look lively!
Open the stern port.
By God, they're fast.
Mr. Hobbs, you
will oblige me
by taken a rope's end
to those men
if they don't bestir
their miserable selves!
What's wrong with them?
Aye, aye, sir!
Come on, sailor.
Smarten yourselves up, men.
They're drunk!
That's what's wrong
with the buggers.
Beware a loose tongue,
Mr. Matthews.
You never know
where it might lead.
My tongue may be loose,
Mr. Hobbs
but at least it's not raw
from licking the captain's ass.
Come on, put your backs into it!
My God, she'll be across
our stern any moment.
God help us.
I'll have no muttering
on my deck.
Where are those damn
powder monkeys?!
Right here!
First powder monkey
to stern chase,
please, Mr. Wellard.
Aye, aye, sir.
Mind that tackle!
Do you think we'll
be cleared in time?
If this crew weren't
such an ill-disciplined,
drunken rabble, we would.
That's not what I asked.
Nevertheless, it's
the point at issue.
Mind that, damn it!
Way for powder!
Way for powder!
Way for powder!
Way for powder!
Way for powder!
Mr. Wellard, here!
If she shows any signs
of bringing her
guns to bear
shout it out
Aye, aye, sir.
Come away,
look lively!
They're running out the guns
on the starboard side, sir!
Sir, I think she's
about to open fire!
Belay that shot-- run her out
as she is, damn it!
We're firing wadding, Mr. Bush.
What the devil?!
She has to see
our smoke.
None of our guns
is ready.
Very well.
Stand clear!
Frenchman bearing
further away, sir.
Very good, Mr. Wellard.
Run her out!
She's running off now, sir.
We've frightened her off, sir.
Very good...
very good.
An original concept, Horatio
to fire the contents
of your cot at him.
It would certainly have
put me off my aim.
The Frenchman fell off the wind
at the first whiff of it.
Well, Mr. Hornblower.
I'm informed that you
fired your stern chaser
with no shot in it.
Is that true?
The Frenchman
was bearing away
preparatory to firing, sir.
I thought it
of capital importance
to make him think again,
however briefly
so as to give Mr. Bush
time to fire properly
before we received
the full broadside, sir.
Mr. Hornblower,
How long did it take you
to cook up that story?
Is this to be your
career, Mr. Hornblower
covering up your
incompetence with
ingenious fairy stories?
I submit, sir, that the ploy
caused the Frenchman to...
You submit?!
Submit to just criticism
and in time, you
might make a seaman.
Sir, with respect...
Mr. Hornblower
and I agreed
upon a course
of action
that his stern chaser
should fire its wadding.
You, too, Mr. Bush?
Are you joining
Mr. Hornblower?
No, sir, it
might have been
the wrong course
but I agreed to it.
Mr. Hornblower
posted Mr. Wellard
to observe the French frigate.
Mr. Wellard... ah, yes.
I'm obliged,
Mr. Bush,
much obliged.
Mr. Hornblower and I have
some unfinished business
with regard to Mr. Wellard.
Sir, do I proceed?
It's quite straightforward,
Dr. Clive.
Mr. Matthews has beaten
Mr. Wellard insensible.
Does he
Punishment ended.
Bring him to the sick bay.
Then get back on watch,
Mr. Hornblower.
Mr. Hornblower.
Nasty business, that,
nasty business.
But then again, boys have been
beaten since history began.
It would be a bad thing
for the world
if ever boys should
cease to be beaten.
That may well
be your medical
opinion, Dr. Clive
but I can see no
useful purpose served
by thrashing
a young boy
within an inch
of his life.
Come, come, Mr. Hornblower.
A little tincture
of laudanum for the pain
and all will soon be forgotten.
Forgotten, maybe,
Dr. Clive
but forgiven?
Careful, Mr. Hornblower.
I've had the good fortune
to serve the captain
for over 15 years,
and he has inspired
nothing but loyalty in
the men under his command.
And that, too, is your medical
opinion, is it, Dr. Clive?
Article 19: If any person
in or belonging to the fleet
shall make or endeavor
to make any mutinous assembly
upon any pretense whatsoever
every person offending herein
and being convicted thereof
by the sentence of the court
martial shall suffer death.
And if any person shall utter
any words of sedition or mutiny
he shall suffer death.
And if any officer,
man in arm or soldier
shall behave himself with
contempt to his superior officer
or shall disobey
any lawful command
every such person
shall suffer death.
And I'll have
you all know
that these articles
apply to my officers
as much as to anyone else.
Carry on,
Mr. Buckland.
Aye, aye, sir.
Division officers
dismiss your divisions.
Look lively there.
Mr. Buckland.
Sunday, today.
Double rum for all
these good men.
"Extra rum for the crew."
"This rule applies
to my officers."
It's an interesting method
of fostering cooperation
in the crew.
Have you ever come
across it before?
No, I most certainly have not.
Perhaps Captain Sawyer's methods
will prove consistent
in the end.
Perhaps it's only
an impression.
The erratic nature
of his command.
How do you find it?
Most erratic, to say the least.
Thank you, sir.
I needed reassurance
that I was not misjudging
the captain's mental powers.
Not at all.
That is to say, probably not.
It's a matter
for Dr. Clive to pronounce him.
That would be
the appropriate course, yes.
Good evening,
You are the officer
of the watch
are you not,
Mr. Hornblower?
If you'll excuse me, sir,
I'm needed up on deck.
Well, waste not,
want not.
Put that back.
Put that back.
Or do you want me to smarten up
your big ugly face?
put it back.
Mr. Hornblower.
Well rested, I trust.
Sir, I'm...
Asleep on watch--
you're as good as dead already.
I'll take you out
and hang you by the neck
I do believe
your life is in my hands.
You fear me, sir?
I've always held you
in the highest regard, sir.
I was once like you--
young, intemperate...
a danger to fellow officers.
You would shoot me
where I stand.
Captain Sawyer, please.
Don't trifle with me, sir.
Shoot me.
Stop that!
You, too, Dr. Clive?
Is there anyone I can trust?
You should be
in bed, sir.
Give it to me.
You could do yourself
an injury, sir.
I shall give you something
to help you sleep, sir.
Your life is in my hands.
Don't forget.
Your life is
in my hands.
He won't forget, sir.
Will you, Mr. Hornblower?
I will not, sir.
You'd do well not to let
Randall get to you.
But he's so...
you're boatswain's mate now.
It's your job to order.
Message from
Mr. Hornblower.
Could you turn
to him on deck?
Is that all he said?
No, he said look lively.
Long night.
Oh, time is only the half of it.
I fear you
the captain returning.
Oh, why?
What new madness
has he embarked upon?
What can we do for you,
Mr. Hobbs?
Captain Sawyer.
I've never seen a man
so unstable in his mind.
He wants to die, Archie.
Then let him.
My fear is
that in doing so
he'll delight in one
of us dying with him.
What now, Hobbs?
It's Matthews, sir.
You wanted to see me, sir?
I think I'll call her Betty.
We have unfinished business,
You're not so tough without your
mate Matthews around, are you?
I don't need any help to teach
you some manners.
I don't need no knife neither.
Get off me, ~censored~!
Get off!
Should have realized I'd been
sent on a wild goose chase.
Get off him, damn you!
By God, you'll pay for this.
Now put him in irons.
He said he was winning, sir.
Now take him to the sick bay.
What the devil do you want?
I heard there was some
sort of argument going on.
Natural high spirits
below decks, I daresay so.
I therefore ordered
Randall to be placed
in irons
and Styles, who they'd
kicked almost to death.
You exaggerate, Mr. Hornblower.
There he stands large as life.
You're too squeamish--
I've noticed that about you.
I daresay, sir...
Styles, if you
would, please.
Nevertheless, there he stands.
As I say
your squeamishness clouds
your judgment.
I advise you to conquer it.
It does not bode well
for your conduct
under fire...
Mr. Hornblower.
With respect, sir,
I find...
What do you know
of respect?
You come before me
with these men
whose boisterous high spirits
led them
to knock each other about a bit
and you expect me
to punish them.
I like high spirits
in my men, do you hear?
What I do not like are
weak-kneed officers
who do not know
how to keep order.
Do you understand?
I understand, sir.
Charges dismissed.
Charges dismissed.
Believe me now,
do you?
What the devil
is he up to?
I suspect the evidence was
before the captain
I opened my mouth--
the evidence he to hear,
that is.
By God, I believe
you're right.
"Weak-kneed officers
who do not know how
to keep order."
Never heard the like.
Order? He doesn't know
the meaning of the word.
Stay where you are, gentlemen.
There-- every sign of guilt.
Bear witness to it, Mr. Hobbs.
Stand still!
A mutinous assembly, I believe.
No, sir.
Do you give me
the lie
on my own
plotting, whispering, scheming
now treating me
with gross disrespect?
I'll see that you regret this,
Mr. Buckland.
I intended
no disrespect, sir.
Again you give me
the lie.
Mr. Bush...
I'm disappointed
in you.
Why did you not see fit
to report
this mutinous assembly to me?
I wasn't aware
of them, sir.
I was helping
Mr. Wellard take
a noon, sir.
Mr. Wellard...
of course.
He will be in this, too.
You will be in trouble
with these gentlemen
Mr. Wellard.
You didn't keep
a sharp enough lookout,
did you, boy?!
I doubt if you'll have
a friend left on the ship.
But later for you.
The lieutenants first
as their lofty rack decrees.
Mr. Hornblower
you will resume
your continuous watch
for a further 36 hours
and these three gentlemen
can report to you
when every watch is called.
Aye, aye, sir.
And at every hour of every watch
two, four
and six bells
every watch, day and night,
every hour.
And they're to be
properly dressed.
Let there be no slackness in the
execution of this order-- none!
I will have means of knowing
if I am obeyed or not.
Dr. Clive.
Mr. Buckland.
Mr. Buckland.
May I rely on your
Good, good, good.
The captain...
The captain?
Do you think...
How would you describe
his mental... powers
his mental state?
I would not presume to describe
my captain's mental state.
You can't have failed
to notice
his management
of the ship.
I would not presume,
Mr. Buckland.
I advise you
not to either, sir.
Ambition is one thing...
Ambition? What do you mean?
I'm talking about
the indiscipline of the crew.
The ship is barely manageable.
Hasn't it occurred to you
that you would be captain?
What? What are you
talking about?
For God's sake, man
if the captain were declared
you would be acting captain
master under guard
and all the rest of it
sole arbiter
of all lives aboard.
How many hours is it
now, sir?
Well done, sir.
Managed 19 hours myself
once before.
Collapsed-- dead on my face.
What happened then?
The captain was
a kind man, sir.
He gave me
a dozen lashes
and let the whole
matter drop.
Pray God I'm as fortunate.
Indeed, sir.
Not that...
Let us hope not, Matthews
A lively crew.
Not all, sir.
Some of the men don't
like it any more than I do.
Watch your tongue, Matthews.
Sorry, sir.
I speak for a third
of the men, sir.
Carry on, Mr. Matthews.
Aye, aye, sir.
Mr. Wellard.
You understand your duty,
Mr. Wellard?
I do, sir.
Good luck.
I didn't know you
were a dancing man, sir.
Best keep it down,
would you.
Who threw that?
The captain will hear of this.
And he'll have a right laugh
when he does!
Suppose we declare him
unfit for command.
Suppose we put
him in irons.
We'd have to be quick
and sharp about it
if we do it at all.
The hands might follow him...
But suppose we
were quick and
sharp about it.
Surely there must
be some chance...
I thought I'd find you here.
Did you, indeed?
Our wardroom is deserted.
I thought you might be
up to something.
I thought you might feel
that something had to be done.
I'm not sure I follow you,
Mr. Bush.
About the captain.
I thought you might feel
that the captain wasn't fit
for command...
Mr. Bush...
as I do.
I think we're all
of one mind,
Mr. Bush.
Well, in that case,
I'd be very glad
if you allowed me to join you.
Mr. Wellard.
I was expecting
to see
Mr. Hornblower
on watch.
Call of nature,
Mr. Hobbs.
Well, I'll just
wait a moment
for his return.
He's made a mockery of us.
Officers on continuous watch.
That's as good
as a death sentence.
And Mr. Hornblower here--
how many hours
has it been?
It's certainly a novel approach
to captaincy.
Novel? What about Wellard?
I like it no more than you,
Mr. Kennedy.
So do we
act now?
Do we take a chance...
and declare him unfit?
And in Kingston,
what will await
us there?
A court-martial.
Why? Why? What on earth for?
Well, this is mutiny,
Mr. Buckland.
Well, perhaps I should
check the wardroom
to see that
Mr. Hornblower
is all right.
I hardly think
that necessary,
Mr. Hobbs.
Well, we wouldn't
want anything untoward
to have happened,
would we, sir?
Where are they,
Mr. Wellard?
This is the point.
It'll sound different in court.
We've been punished;
that could happen to anyone.
It's no grounds for mutiny.
And the crew?
Double rum,
make and mend.
It's not for us
to criticize the captain...
so the court will think.
But when they see him,
He's cunning...
and we all know he can talk
and find a reason for anything.
And he's plausible.
Wellard? A midshipman,
no friends, no family.
What will the court say
when they hear
the captain had a boy beaten
a couple of times?
They will laugh.
And so would we...
if we didn't know.
We will hang for it.
22 years...
I've held my commission.
And now he'll break me.
He'll break this
whole bloody ship.
Oh... Hobbs.
You said to
tell you, sir.
Yes, who?
Hornblower, Bush,
Kennedy and Buckland...
not on watch, sir
nor in
the wardroom
and I thought...
Yes, my God, so do I!
Call out the guard!
You heard me, Sergeant,
there's mutiny brewing--
black, bloody mutiny!
Call out
the guards!
If you find two or more
of these gentlemen together
you will tell them to stay
exactly where they are.
Forward you go, Mr. Hobbs
to the hull amidship.
Aye, aye, sir!
Flush them out,
the verminous scum!
Mr. Wellard,
why aren't you
on watch?
The captain said
he's coming.
Oh, God, holy God!
Anyone else?
He sent Hobbs
to cover the amidships section.
He's turned out
the marine guard.
Mr. Wellard,
come with me!
You three
get forward
and scatter
when you're
on deck.
Quickly, now!
You two...
go forward.
Come on!
There's the captain.
Help me,
help me here!
Thank you.
Let's get
the grating.
Mr. Wellard, this way.
Who's there?
It's me, Hobbs, sir.
Where are they?
They're around here
Let's split up here.
Over there.
Down there!
After them!
I hear you.
Or do I shoot you
where you stand?
Run, go on,
get out!
Stay where you are!
They've abandoned me.
Universal treachery.
Universal desertion.
My men, where are my true men?
Keep away.
Keep your distance.
Hold on-- what was that?
Come on.
Is he dead?
Dr. Clive is
with him now, sir.
What happened?
It would appear
he fell... Mr. Bush.
So it would
seem, sir.
Are you all right,
Mr. Wellard?
You're shaking.
Quite well, sir,
Mr. Wellard,
would you kindly
retrieve the
captain's pistols?
They could be
vital evidence, sir.
yes, indeed.
Captain was talking
about mutiny, sir.
"We've got to catch
the mutineers," he says.
Did he give you
any indication
as to the identity
of these mutineers?
No, sir.
But, sir... Mr. Hobbs
was with him.
Might have confided
in him, sir.
Yes, thank you.
We need to sway him up.
Yes, very well.
Mr. Bush, get
a tackle rigged.
Aye, aye, sir.
Mr. Hornblower!
Mr. Kennedy!
Mr. Hornblower...
about this... accident.
Never mind.
No, never mind.
It'll keep.
Thank you,
Mr. Wellard.
Lift him together now... steady.
The pistols, sir.
Very well...
over there.
Will he survive?
I think so.
Will he recover?
Depends on what you
mean by "recover."
He's very severely
I think what
Mr. Buckland means is
will he recover sufficiently
to resume command?
to say.
His skull's intact.
That's all I can tell you.
I will be on
continuous watch, sir.
We'll go with the captain's
orders until we know more.
Aye, aye, sir.
Well, what else can I do?
He might wake up
this afternoon,
for God's sake.
Then what?
Out of my way, please,
Mr. Hobbs.
I don't seem able
to move.
isn't it?
It can't be helped.
Though, uh...
you can help
me, sir.
In what way?
Well, I was
what happened
to the captain.
And I fancy
you know exactly
what happened.
Get out of my way,
or I shall report you.
How can I help you with that?
I wasn't there.
Oh, I think you can, sir.
For when the captain's
there'll be shootings and
hangings aboard this ship.
And you won't want
to fall foul of those.
So I think
you'll tell me.
After all, we wouldn't
want to see
your young neck stretched
like a chicken... sir.
I don't like it.
I don't like it at all.
Mr. Buckland,
we didn't
Perhaps not, but we all know
what was said.
Yes, but
to no effect.
The events
overtook us.
That does not mean
that I am comfortable with it.
We did nothing
other than
consider our options
in those circumstances.
Fate intervened,
Mr. Buckland.
And the air
smells all the
better for it.
The captain's incapacity
is not a matter for celebration,
Mr. Kennedy.
Unless and until
Dr. Clive pronounces otherwise
I would remind you that he
is still in charge of this ship.
Do you want me
to wake him, sir?
He hasn't slept for days.
Let him have
a little longer.
I don't envy
his position.
He's the one that would
have to assume command.
I bet the responsibility
weighs heavy.
Why don't you get some sleep,
Mr. Kennedy?
I'll stand watch
for you.
Thank you, Mr. Bush, but I will
share the watch with you.
Very well.
Two days' sail
from Santo Domingo.
Not long to whip
this crew into
fighting shape.
No, Mr. Bush,
but I'm sure
the task will not
prove beyond us.
How did it happen?
How did what happen?
How did the captain
fall down the hatchway?
He must have overbalanced.
Is that all?
All? What do you mean, all?
You know what I mean;
you were there.
Mr. Buckland's
and can you both
attend him
in the captain's cabin
He's lost
his memory?
Yes, he does
not remember his
accident at all
or the hours
preceding it.
Is he capable
at present
of commanding
this ship?
It needs to
be established,
Dr. Clive.
At present, no.
Then we
know where
we stand.
For the present,
we do.
How do you propose
to treat him?
By bleeding
I may purge
him later.
I have yet to
refine a regime.
He's certainly calmer.
In what way has he
not been calm?
He looks comatose.
That may be a natural reaction
to his memory loss
and so on... to his injuries.
And what was this
quite "natural reaction"?
He became a little agitated--
that is all.
How? In what way, agitated?
He showed symptoms, not extreme
of a certain paraphronesis
with occasional
phrenetical impulses.
And in plain English?
I could perceive
certain symptoms,
as I say...
tendencies which led me
to suppose some irritation
of the meninges--
the brain lining--
in plain English
which caused me
to think...
In plain English,
Dr. Clive
is the captain capable
of resuming command?
Thank you.
For the time being.
We're back there
again, are we?
We won't know, will we, if you
keep him in this condition?
What do you mean?
You're giving him laudanum,
aren't you?
What business is it of yours?
I'm his doctor.
One does not need to be a doctor
to know the effects
of an opiate.
What, you're dosing him
with laudanum, Dr. Clive?
Well, are you?
A certain dosage seems
to be appropriate.
How will we ever
know if the captain
is capable of running
this ship
if you keep him in a
constant state of sedation?
You will oblige me,
Dr. Clive
by leaving off your
drugging of the captain.
I do believe
a bit of bruising about the face
improves your looks.
I've had worse beatings
at the hands of me father...
if he me father.
Next time, I'm going to do
you for good, Styles.
It's you we'll be tossin'
to the crabs, Randall.
Except they'd
spit him out.
Because they're very particular
about what they eat, the crabs.
It's more likely
when the captain comes back
you two will be dancing
from the end of a rope.
You and whoever it was
who pushed the captain.
Save it, Styles.
He's all mouth.
Oh, no, that's a promise.
I've got a nice bit of yardarm
for you two
and an extra bit
for Mr. Wellard.
The captain fell;
we all know that.
Of course he did.
Anyway, you two won't be
so leery
if the captain doesn't
come back, I'll tell you.
Oh? Why not?
Because Lieutenant Buckland
is a born fool.
He couldn't command
a trip round the bay
never mind a seventy-four.
Dr. Clive...
it is necessary for me,
to assume command
of this ship.
What's preventing you?
are, Dr. Clive.
You will not declare
the captain
unfit for command.
You keep prevaricating.
Until you declare him unfit, it
will be a usurpation of power.
"Mutiny" in other words!
Why are you so frightened
of the word?
You don't seem
that someone
may have shoved him
down that ladder,
nearly killed him.
That's what you should
be concerned with;
not the niceties of taking over!
Dr. Clive,
this is hardly helpful.
Helpful be damned!
I've served with him
on three ships.
I know him!
The man's a hero.
You're drunk, damn it.
You're drunk.
Dr. Clive...
we are less than two days' sail
away from Samana Bay
where we are to see action.
It is vital
that you declare
the captain
unfit to command
this ship
and for it
to be noted.
You will please satisfy us
as to this point.
Damned if I will!
There he is!
Satisfy yourselves!
It may be a useful
a cautionary measure, sir
if Mr. Kennedy were to note Dr.
Clive's inebriated condition.
It may be that he is
incapable himself
of carrying out his duties.
Too slow, gentlemen!
We need to be faster
when we engage the enemy!
Call yourselves a gun crew?
We'd be blown out of the water!
Right, let's show these ~censored~
how it should be done, eh?
Gun ready,
Mr. Hornblower!
Run her out!
Gun ready, Mr. Bush!
Run her out!
One minute 35, Mr. Bush,
to my one minute 28.
But not good enough.
You're a real taskmaster,
Mr. Hornblower.
We'll make a crew
out of them yet, Mr. Bush.
Much better, gentlemen.
We're getting
there, sir.
Are you unwell,
Mr. Hornblower?
No, sir.
But I have a request, sir.
He wants to do what?
That's what he said.
Well, whoever heard of that?
Come and look
at this.
Could you do that?
Hey, Mr. Hornblower!
Hey, stop that, Styles.
Pump, you sons
of sea cooks, pump!
We're pumping as hard
as we can, sir.
This is my
not a public bathhouse!
Mr. Buckland...
you will arrest lieutenants
Bush, Hornblower and Kennedy.
Arrest them!
Unless you care to join them!
Very well.
Sergeant Whiting.
Come along,
And clap them in irons like
the mutinous dogs they are!
By the mark!
And a quarter less... five!
Deep four!
And a half four!
It's no good, sir.
We'll never bring the guns
to bear.
The fort's too high up!
Get away, get away!
Sir, I beg you.
We are standing
into terrible danger.
By the mark three!
There is only a few
feet of water
under us, sir.
We must turn now
before it's too late.
No, no, I don't want to.
I want to fight them!
Then at least let me
release the other
Without them,
there will be no one
to command the guns.
Oh, no, you don't, Mr. Buckland.
I know what you want.
They'll stay
just where they are.
We're going to
come under fire
at any minute.
Why doesn't
Buckland do
Most hands will
back him up.
They're not
come here now!
For God's sake,
this is madness.
Get us out of here.
Can't do that, sir.
You know I can't.
You can't work the guns
on your own, Hobbs.
You need us, Hobbs.
I can't.
Hobbs, get us out of here--
that's an order.
Damn, thought we had him there.
We did.
That's it!
That's more like it!
Return fire,
Mr. Buckland.
We cannot elevate
the guns enough, sir.
I said return fire,
or by God, I will!
Engage the enemy, Mister.
A quarter less three.
This is my ship.
We're aground...
God help us.
We're aground.
Come on!
Heated shot,
they're using heated shot!
I wouldn't worry, Mr. Kennedy.
We'll drown long before we burn.
Ahoy there! Ahoy there!
Go, grab hold!
Hold tight!
Why is it I can never find you
when I need you?
Come on.
Get Clive-- get the doctor--
and tell him to bring
a straitjacket.
Where do you think you're going?
No, you don't.
Oh, Randall, get out of my way.
Make me.
Get them in there! Come on!
Two, six, heave!
Hold him down!
Mr. Buckland's
and will you please come
to the quarterdeck?
Respects to
the first lieutenant
but, no, it's impossible.
You see why, surely.
The captain, sir,
he's not himself!
Is he wounded?
No, sir, but...
Well, these men are!
Now pass me that sword.
Stand back, gents.
We'll soon have
you out of there.
Do your stuff,
Thank you, Matthews.
Now find the cable
and get that hole plugged up
then meet us up on deck.
Aye, aye, sir!
Mr. Buckland,
you all right, sir?
We're aground.
Fast aground.
We'll have
to get her off
of the anchors.
Where is
the captain, sir?
He's gone to earth somewhere.
I've sent young Wellard
to look for the doctor.
Where the hell is he?
We must get a cable
through a stern port.
Let Matthews, sir.
I'll take a boat, stand under
the stern to take the cable
if you bring the anchor
around in the launch.
Mr. Kennedy can man
the capstan.
Very good.
you come with me.
Give us plenty
of slack, Matthews.
Aye, aye, sir!
More slack!
Come on, men!
Now give way together.
Sir, if you please, the captain
was in a very bad way.
I do beg you
to go to him.
In a minute.
In a minute!
More ligatures.
Stretch out,
Mr. Hornblower.
Stretch out!
Aye, aye.
Row, damn you, row!
Come on, quickly!
We're going to lose
the anchor, come on!
She's going to go, come on!
Quickly, men!
Feed it through
the anchor ring!
Quickly! She's
going to go down!
Quick, she's going!
She's going!
Pull it over the stock!
She's going down!
I'm drowned...
Mr. Hornblower!
Don't let me drown!
Anchor's let go, sir!
Heave away, men!
Heave away, men!
Powder monkey!
Where's the powder monkey!
Mr. Bush!
They pushed me,
that's what they did.
Pushed me.
By God...
it is mutiny!
Come on, men!
The ship is at stake!
Heave, men!
Heave and wake the dead!
Move those bodies there!
Stay to your post!
Get up!
Move the capstan back!
Where is he?
Where is he?
He's over there
Mr. Wellard, find
Sergeant Whiting.
Bring him here
with four of his
men, quickly now.
Aye, aye, sir.
Captain Sawyer, sir,
it's me...
Dr. Clive.
I was right.
Heave, damn it, heave!
Do you want to sit here
till the next tide
while they shoot us
to pieces?
Did you feel it?
When the guns fired.
It must have broken
the suction.
Double shot the guns.
I'll tell Buckland.
Double shot the guns!
Mr. Hornblower,
what's happening below?
If we miss this time,
we're finished.
Mr. Bush's
compliments, sir.
We will fire the guns
But we can't elevate
the guns enough
even to hit the fort.
Recoil may shake
us free, sir.
There, there he is.
He's one of them.
Mutineers, all of them.
You're under arrest
for mutiny and treason!
Now, Sergeant Whiting,
do your duty.
The priority is
to refloat the ship, sir.
So we should, yes.
Mr. Wellard, my respects
to Mr. Bush.
Tell him to carry on.
Stay there, you puppy!
give the orders here.
Mr. Wellard,
if you please.
Aye, aye, sir.
Do you duty,
Damn your ayes,
do your duty or,
by God, I will.
Dr. Clive, is the captain
fit to command this vessel?
It's not that simple!
Arrest him!
Dr. Clive, if you continue
to prevaricate
we should all die here!
I'll count to three: one...
Sir, I beg you!
Dr. Clive!
You're endangering the ship,
Dr. Clive!
All right, yes.
Keep it going now, heave!
What happened?
Sergeant Whiting,
the captain has
been declared
unfit for command.
Disarm him
and escort him below.
We're coming off.
Stand by the sheets!
Horatio, what's going on?
The doctor has decided that
the captain is unfit to command.
It was under duress.
Did you or did you not declare
the captain unfit for command?
You were being threatened
with a pistol, for God sake!
By whom?
By the captain.
Come on, man, move it!
Take him to his cabin.
You'll swing for this.
You all will.
Tell me,
Mr. Hornblower...
did you know that the captain
had found his pistol?
No, sir.
Oh, I see.
We were hard aground, sir.
We were as good as dead already.
You took a gamble.
It seemed
reasonable enough, sir.
Ready when you are, sir.
Mr. Bush?
You're in command
of the now, sir.
Very well.
Let's get this ship underway
before the Dons sink us.
Raise sheets and tack!
Home, mainsail home!
Pull hard to larboard!
And so the ship was saved?
Yes, sir.
It was Dr. Clive's
that Captain Sawyer
was unfit to command?
Reluctantly, yes.
That was his opinion.
Well, that's something at least.
But you do realize, sir,
it's your word against his.
It was for the good
of the service, sir
and for the safety of the ship.
By God, Mr. Hornblower
I hope you can back that up
with solid evidence
because from where I'm standing
I wouldn't lay great odds
on an acquittal.
No, sir.
I'm afraid you're right.
So the captain's condition
was due
to falling down the hatchway.
That's what seemed to push him
over the edge, sir.
It's a very interesting choice
of words, Mr. Hornblower.
How did the captain
come to fall?