Hornblower: Retribution (2001)

Ah, Collins. Morning, Hammond.
- Sir Edward.
- A black day for us all.
Particularly the officers of the Renown.
HAMMOND: Not to mention Captain Sawyer.
Hardly the circumstances either of us
would have chosen
to reacquaint ourselves with Mr Hornblower.
No, they're not.
Still, the guilty must be punished.
If indeed they are guilty, Captain Hammond,
which is yet to be established.
All rise.
This court is now in session.
(Bangs gavel)
Officers of His Majesty's ship Renown.
It is charged that you did forcibly remove
Captain James Sawyer
from his lawful command,
and, in breach of the Articles of War
laid down by King George ll,
did commit... the act of mutiny.
At least we are safely out of range.
For the time being, sir.
I tell you, gentlemen,
another five minutes under fire...
I would not like to guess.
- Quick as you can with that, Matthews.
- Seven down, four to go.
- You'd think it's a bride's wedding dress.
- No harm in giving them a decent send-off.
I only hope a cheery soul will do
this for me when my time comes.
Come along, man! The sooner you're done
the sooner we sail for Jamaica.
Am I not right, Mr Hornblower?
Indeed, sir.
Sergeant! Get the men below decks!
Sir, how is the captain?
A little better.
Untie me.
Untie your captain at once!
You're not yourself, sir.
I know you.
Either come in or go out, Mr Wellard.
Don't just stand there like
a startled rabbit.
Mr Buckland's compliments, sir...
Very well.
I shall be back within the hour, sir.
Another dozen and you'll coo like a dove.
I'm not your whipping boy now... sir.
BUCKLAND:.. in the sure and certain knowledge
of the resurrection,
we commit the body of these men to the deep.
James McNeal.
Matthew Chandler.
We pray also for the speedy recovery
of our captain James Sawyer.
- Hypocrite.
- Who said that?
Who said that?
And we pray for a swiff passage to Jamaica,
where we may dock safely at Kingston
and put this tragedy behind us.
ALL: Amen.
I wouldn't sail up the Thames in
a river boat with this crew.
I don't see we have much
choice in the matter.
No? Well, let me tell you at times like
this, it's every man for himself.
But, sir, if we sail behind the fort
round the bay here,
there is a good landing beach.
We can attack the fort overland
where they least expect us.
Then, with the fort in our hands,
we could bottle up
the Spanish ships in the bay.
Impossible. We sail for Kingston.
Dawn tomorrow. Mr Bush?
We've tried to fulfil our orders.
We've clearly failed.
That's the point, sir. The last thing
they'd expect is a further assault.
With respect, sir, we can't afford a delay.
When, according to your scheme,
should we launch this attack?
Tonight, sir. Under the cover of darkness.
A matter of hours affer the last attack.
The virtue of surprise.
You're a man in a hurry, Mr Hornblower.
But I fear this is a venture too far.
Morale is fragile enough as it is.
Mr Bush?
It goes against the grain to give up, sir.
But maybe you're right.
There is another matter, sir.
When we reach Kingston we will face trial.
We have nothing to fear from any trial.
We acted for the good of the ship.
Captain Sawyer would have sunk every man
aboard if we four hadn't had our wits about us.
Besides, we've got the good doctor's
endorsement. From his own lips.
"Unfit for command. "
So, so.
A little cabal muttering together.
Damn it. Pass the word for Dr Clive.
One of you had his dirty hands on my back.
I'll remember.
I'll remember.
Dr Clive.
Can you do nothing for him?
What exactly did you have in mind,
Mr Buckland?
PELLEW: Was the captain well, or no?
Yes, sir.
He was indisposed, sir.
Affer his fall into the hold.
"Unfit to command. "
- A bold choice of words.
- Aye, sir.
And, if I may say so, not worth a farthing.
My consent was given only under duress, sir.
(Whispers) Oh, my God. He's killed us all.
What do you mean by duress?
Someone forced you?
Did they put a gun to your head?
Come on, man. Did they or did they not?
Not a gun as such.
We were under fire, sir.
And in the heat of battle...
The decision was taken
to detain the captain.
That is correct, sir.
And who, might I ask, took that decision?
It was Lieutenant Hornblower, sir.
Surely Mr Buckland was the senior officer.
Why did he not give the order?
With respect,
I think that is a question for Mr Buckland.
KENNED Y: Acting captain.
I tell you, Horatio,
never was a man more aptly named.
He plays a part, and he
doesn't even believe it.
No more do I.
Archie, we have already lost one captain.
Yes. Yes, I know.
But we could be halfway to the fort by now.
- If only Mr Bush...
- If only?
Ah. Forgive me.
The virtue of surprise, Mr Kennedy.
Which, if I'm not mistaken, Mr Hornblower,
was the essence of your proposal.
- That was the plan, yes.
- And a fine plan. I commend you.
But... Sir?
I made an error of judgment earlier,
which we must now seek to repair together.
And in haste.
Yes. For I see if we do nothing,
we shall hang.
Tonight. Are you in?
You know the penalty for desertion?
They hang you.
So what? If I stay aboard this ship
I'll get a knife in my back.
I've made too many enemies. We both have.
Do you think I could leave my captain
at the mercy of those... lieutenants?
What's going on?
I'll call that a yes, then, shall I?
Oi! Where do you think you're going?
Cartridges and powder. A musket a man.
Come on. Cop hold of these. Quickly!
I wondered where you'd got to.
I can't leave him.
The man can't remember his own name.
I haven't sailed with him all these years
to leave him now.
I'll get to Kingston,
and see them hang for what they did to him.
This is goodbye, then?
Something to remember me by.
PELLEW: The captain injured,
the crew deserting in droves,
and yet Mr Buckland
chose to press on with his mission.
Indeed, sir. With our full support, sir.
- May I ask why?
- It was our duty, sir.
Duty to whom?
To our captain, sir, while he was...
Indisposed. Yes.
A happy day for James Sawyer
when you four gentlemen came aboard.
Thank you, sir.
You speak of duty, Mr Hornblower.
And I would speak to you of ambition.
For a man of your years
you have risen smartly through the ranks.
Certainly I hold myself fortunate
in my position, sir.
Mm-hm. And hungry to climb higher,
I dare say.
Not unless my service should warrant it.
Come, sir. We can hardly condemn a man
for proving his ability.
Nor do I wish to, Commodore.
But how offen can a young man shine
on a slow voyage far-
from the front line of battle
unless he spies an opportunity?
A vulnerable captain.
A First Lieutenant preoccupied with
the burden thrust upon him.
A chance to leapfrog the chain of command.
- Sir, I protest...
- I apologise, sir.
I merely put the question.
What would this young man do
if he was hungry enough?
And I will have my answer.
You can depend on it.
MATTHEWS: Out or down!
Come on! Show a leg.
Come on!
Out or down!
What the...
They've run.
The buggers have run!
On deck! Move yourselves!
Stay away from the side there!
Any man so much as looks at the water
will be shot.
- Sergeant.
- Aye aye, sir.
Keep away from the side!
You heard the officer.
Well, Mr Matthews?
We're missing 34 men, sir.
Sorry, sir. That's 33 men missing, sir.
not entirely sure how best to proceed.
Sir, if I may suggest.
I believe the crew is afraid.
Afraid of what awaits them in Kingston.
What awaits all of us.
They need something to rally behind?
You think I should attack the fort?
Action may raise spirits, sir.
But we have to do it quick, sir.
And if we fail, I am double damned.
To be damned once will settle for us all.
Do it, Mr Bush.
Let's try and save ourselves.
We attack the fort!
ALL: Hooray!
We'd best make haste.
I fear daylight's upon us.
- If Mr Buckland had decided earlier...
- I'm partly to blame for that.
Put that behind us. We can still rely
on surprise. And a little Spanish apathy.
Careful, Mr Wellard.
We don't want to let the dagos know
we're here for breakfast, do we?
You stick by me, and
I'll see you're all right.
That's right, Mr Hobbs.
We stand by each other.
As you did,
when you picked up that nasty head wound.
I'm ready to do my duty, Mr Matthews.
- What is it?
- It's Randall and the deserters, sir.
Well, get down, man.
There's nothing to fear, sir.
Oh, my God.
Well, I take it we are all agreed that
Captain Sawyer's good name
must be preserved.
Of course.
Good. Yes.
But together with the lives of those
young officers caught up in a situation...
(Sighs) not of their making.
Quite so.
I am simply concerned
that we need a clear outcome.
What do you propose, Hammond?
Hang them all from the nearest yardarm?
No, no. Nothing so spectacular.
But if there were one man...
A scapegoat.
No. A guilty party.
Maliciously motivated.
Who do you have in mind?
It's early days.
But we will find someone...
(Fly buzzes)
.. to take away the smell.
It seems the Dons were more vigilant
than we thought.
So much for the virtue of surprise.
You think this the work of the Spanish?
No gunfire. No sign of a struggle or alarm.
It looks like they were taken
in their sleep.
- Permission to bury the dead, sir?
- I fear we have no time. Come on. Move up.
Mr Hobbs.
Hey, Hobbs.
Randall's a crab's breakfast affer all.
I heard, Styles.
If you weren't such a decent sort
you'd be lying there with him.
(Whispers) Styles?
Raise your voice one more time,
I swear, if the Spanish don't get to
you first,I'll kill you. Understand me?
Yes, sir.
Bloody hell. I thought Sawyer was a bastard.
A friendly word of advice, Styles. Shut it.
Soffly, now. Quiet as you can.
So if it wasn't the Spanish...
Then, with luck, they won't
be expecting us.
Mr Hornblower,
if it wasn't the Spanish, who was it?
I wouldn't like to guess, sir.
Come in.
Is he asleep?
It looks like it.
Paperwork, Dr Clive.
The burden of rank, Mr Buckland.
Every page read by the Admiralty.
I fear I can't be careful enough.
This always helps me.
Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown.
Isn't that so, Acting Captain?
Especially when your head's
not born to lead.
He's awake.
You're not well.
I'll work in the wardroom.
That's it. Go on. Run away.
Captain, be still.
Oh, my ancient lieutenant.
Can't decide. Can't control. No authority.
Dither. Dither. Dither.
Sir, with respect...
Untie me, and I'll speak for
you in Kingston.
You're too young for the noose.
Pray, be silent.
Even though too old for anything else.
Dr Clive, more laudanum.
He already has enough in him to fell an ox.
- Yes!
You're needed on deck, sir.
That's my boat!
What in God's name...?
MAN: Arretez!
I am Francois Lefanu,
Colonel of the Free Army of Santo Domingo.
I say to you, sir,
this is not your fight.
Leave this place!
- Free Army.
- Jumped-up slaves.
What's he doing on my boat?
And with my own men.
- Do I give the order to fire, sir? - No.
You will do no such thing. N -Not until I...
Sir. Get us out of here! Sir!
You will return my men at once,
or I will open fire.
Marines, ready!
Our army has liberated this island
for our own people.
- You could ask them aboard.
- How would it look? Talks with a slave?
He's in range. We could take him now, sir.
No! I said no.
I think we have the advantage of them, sir.
Indeed we do.
What news?
Would you care to observe the enemy,
Mr Kennedy?
Good God!
That gentleman needs no lessons in his duty.
BUSH: Even in this hour.
KENNED Y: Well, well, well.
That's enough, Mr Kennedy.
May I remind you why we're here.
Recall your men
and there will be no more bloodshed.
Bloodshed? What bloodshed?
Randall and the other deserters. sir.
We believed they were Spanish.
But we have no quarrel with you.
Recall the rest of your men,
and no harm will come to these two.
- Mr Buckland.
- One moment.
Gardez I'homme! Vite!
Bring them on.
(Laughs) Still at it, sir?
That's the last warning. From now on,
if you breathe out of turn
I'll have your neck. Agreed?
Release my men at once!
I said release... my... men.
Front rank, present.
- Do we fire, sir?
- Fire?
What bloody fool?
No. I said no!
Cease fire!
I gave no order!
Cessez! Cessez!
Oh, God.
Renowns, charge!
You will regret this.
- Front rank, load!
- I swear to you, sir, you will regret this!
The men saw me undecided,
and they acted without me.
Now I've sent the Spanish fort
a note by pigeon post.
We cannot be sure.
Oh, yes. I think we can.
If we'd gone to Kingston, as I wished...
We've lost enough time.
We head back to the mouth of the bay.
- Sir?
- The bay, Dr Clive.
To take off what survivors there may be.
Marines, form line. Engage the parapet.
Renowns, with me!
Go on, sir!
Present! Fire!
Back! Back! Back!
(Confused shouting)
Up against the wall!
Keep it tight!
- Archie. Up there. Your friend from the tower.
- What?
- What's he doing up there?
- Exactly. Matthews, come with me.
Aye aye, sir.
Hornblower! Where the hell are you going?
Marines, to me!
We must find Hobbs and that gunpowder.
Quickly now!
The only way out is up, sir.
Anything that's not brush.
Mortar, a pipe, anything.
Horatio, what the hell are we doing here?
- The officer.
- What, from the tower?
How did he get across to the fort?
Plain daylight. Heavy crossfire.
He came by his own route. He came...
Sir? Over here, sir.
(All shout)
Hola, mi amigo.
I'll make you smile, you bastard!
What is this, sir?
This, Matthews, is our back door.
It's not a very big one, sir.
- Everything all right, Mr Wellard?
- Fine.
What do you see, Mr Wellard?
Nothing yet.
It looks clear.
Now, let him down.
- Easy, easy.
All right, Mr Wellard?
Nothing broken, sir.
HORNBLOWER: What do you see?
- Mr Wellard?
- Oh, no...
What do you see, Mr Wellard?
They're coming, sir.
Mr Wellard.
Fire! You must fire!
Run, boy. Run!
(Shouting in Spanish)
(All shout)
Right face! Right face!
Damn Hornblower!
Mr Wellard!
Come on, men!
The leff side!
Son los ingleses! En las galerias!
Las galerias!
- It's hopeless, sir.
- I'll say when it's hopeless, Styles.
- What now?
- Full toss, Mr Hobbs.
Aye aye, sir.
(Shouting in Spanish)
You must surrender.
If you live to see Mr Hornblower,
tell him...
Come on, men!
You must surrender.
Tell him he'll hang from the yardarm.
Glad to see you're safe, Mr Bush.
Renowns! To me!
- Come on, men!
(All cheer)
Over there!
Will you surrender?
Any sign of the Renown?
I don't believe it. They're escaping.
- Who?
- The Spanish ships, that's who.
Marines! Present!
Now will you surrender?
BOTH: Sir!
Still no sign of the Renown. Damn!
If those ships make it out to sea we might
as well not have bothered with the fort.
Hot shot, sir. Nothing like it.
Haul away!
May I, sir?
By all means.
Run her out.
Mr Kennedy?
20 yards short. The sea boils, Mr Bush.
We want burning ships, not a boiling sea!
This shot won't go in. It's too big.
And I don't like the look of this, sir.
Stop! Leave the gun!
- She's going to blow!
- Leave the gun! Run! Run!
I know what happens when metal overheats.
My uncle was a blacksmith.
I believe they call it the coefficient
of expansion.
I call it bloody dangerous.
I'm glad you find some amusement
in the situation-
because of my... elementary mistake.
Come, gentlemen. No time for soul-searching.
The furnace awaits.
Haul away! Coming up.
Well done.
Must have been a job persuading them back.
- Yes, sir.
BUSH: You can understand their reluctance.
Quite. Hot shot!
- May I?
- Of course, sir.
Run her out!
And... fire!
Mr Kennedy?
(Laughs) A hit! A hit! A palpable hit!
Run it out again, sir.
Congratulations, sir.
Beginner's luck. No doubt.
Stand clear!
What was that? Another hit?
No. Better than that.
It's the Renown, sir!
What an ingenious plan, Mr Hornblower,
attacking the fort via an underground route.
Highly original.
Thank you, sir.
Whilst leaving Mr Bush and the rest
to fend for themselves.
Placing their lives in jeopardy.
But the end result was a triumph.
Would you not agree, Captain Hammond?
And then to hoist the Spaniards
with their own petard - a double triumph.
Ah, yes. The hot shot.
Nearly a disaster here, I fear, were
it not for Mr Bush's sharp intervention.
I am indeed indebted to Mr Bush.
Foolhardy actions. Rash judgments.
Irresponsible adventures.
Is this to be the measure of your career?
Come,now. That is the blackest
interpretation of these events I can imagine.
Quite. Others might well be praising
Mr Hornblower for his ingenuity.
I only endeavour to do my duty, sir.
Well, I think we shall be the judge of that,
Mr Hornblower.
(Church bell tolls)
Well, Commodore, I think our course is set.
And one young officer
condemned already,
if we are to follow Captain Hammond's
Yes. Pity.
I had heard young Hornblower
was one to watch.
He served with you, did he not?
He was one of the finest.
One of the very best.
I can see how this would make you feel...
I've never felt less comfortable
in my entire life, sir.
But I will not hang out of hand
a man so dear to me as my...
.. as one of my very own.
You have a duty to the law, Commodore.
Yes. I have not forgotten it, sir.
But I will not rush to judge any man
because the admirals want to
sleep peacefully in their beds.
I will weigh the facts carefully,
as we all will, I trust.
You doubt it?
Just asking for a fair trial, sir.
And your man will have it.
I only hope you're not surprised by
what you find.
As do I.
I take it the fort is ours.
- Well done, gentlemen.
- Thank you, sir.
Spanish boat approaching
under flag of truce.
It may be the Spanish
commanding officer, sir.
I have arrived just in time to greet him.
I dare say you heard about our own
little spot of bother aboard the Renown?
Yes, sir. We heard.
I hope it didn't put you off your
stride in any way.
No, sir.
Free army. Local peasant banditry.
- I doubt if they'll be back in a hurry.
- I hope not, sir.
Colonel Francisco Manuel Ortega
of the Royal Engineers
of His Most Catholic Majesty Carlos IV.
Captain Buckland of
His Majesty's ship Renown.
You wish to give up the entire island?
I know a stalemate when I see one, Captain.
Besides, I want to see the women and
children safe, including my own wife.
You have nothing to fear there.
There is space aboard our ships
to carry my people off.
We will evacuate the island
and sail with the first tide.
And if we refuse?
The consequences are on your head, sir.
Very well.
I expect you'll hear from us
within the hour.
Thank you, Mr Hornblower.
It was you who led the attack
through the tunnel?
Yes, sir.
A bold stroke, Mr Hornblower.
You must watch this man, Captain Buckland.
I do.
All right.
Within the hour, Colonel.
As you wish.
With respect, sir,
I think we're selling ourselves short.
What do you have in mind?
Make off with their women?
I suggest we demand
an unconditional surrender.
Why on earth would he want to do that?
I don't see they have much choice.
The fort is ours already.
Look, Mr Hornblower,
may I remind you
of an old and trusted adage?
Tell him, Mr Bush.
Never look a giff horse
in the mouth.
The island, sir, in British hands.
If the island means so much to him,
why is the colonel so keen to quit it?
Because that man, at least,
knows when he has lost!
The garrison's supplies, sir.
There's not enough here to feed a family.
Where's the rest?
This is the rest, sir.
The colonel did not speak plainly to us.
The people here are starving.
And the fort - I feel it is under siege.
It's under siege? From whom?
The rebel slaves, sir.
I- I saw them off.
Dr Clive will bear witness.
A scouting party.
The army may be a different matter.
Then we must leave this place.
With all speed.
Or if we hold our nerve, sir,
perhaps we can turn this to our advantage.
Ready, Matthews?
On the count of three.
One, two, three. Heave.
Thank you, Mr Wellard. Steady.
Ow! Watch it!
Any damage to this gun
comes out of your pay, Styles.
- Come on. Quickly. - I hope old
Buckland has his wits about him.
If we can pull our weight,
I dare say he can pull his.
Colonel. I'm afraid my men are all busy
about their duties,
but I would be honoured
if you would dine with me on the Renown.
Very gracious of you, Captain.
What little we have is yours.
Perhaps your wife would like to join us?
She'd be delighted, sir.
And then to business.
Of course, Colonel.
It's all right, Sergeant,
I'll take care of the captain from here.
- If you're sure, Mr Hobbs.
- I'm sure.
All right, Jones.
What are they up to, those lieutenants?
My own ship.
My own men.
The usual, sir.
Just playing at command.
All packed and ready to go, sir.
Well done. Styles, keep that head
of yours out of trouble.
- Yes, sir.
- Styles?
- Any sign of Hobbs with that gunpowder?
- Er... no, sir.
- Your orders were to remain with him.
- Very sorry, sir.
On deck, if you please, Mr Hobbs.
I said...
Off came the cage!
Up leapt the tiger.
Stand aside.
I'm going on deck now.
Stand aside.
Mr Hobbs, the captain will remain
confined in his cabin.
- He will do no such thing.
- Think of the crew, sir.
If they were to see you now. You're
down, sir. But you still have your name.
My name?
What do you know of my name?
I know that once Captain James Sawyer
overcame three French frigates
in a single morning.
The men who were there that day
said they had never seen such courage.
I think he has paid the price
for that courage
and is paying for it even now.
You're a danger to yourself, sir,
and I would not see you harmed.
Mr Hornblower, we must leave.
Damn you.
Ready, sir.
Forgive me, sir.
I have yet to congratulate you
on your fine work in the tunnel.
Thank you, Mr Hobbs.
Though the way you held that gun
was like you'd never fired at a man
in your life.
Well, it had a light trigger.
Have you? Ever shot a man?
You might find a knife easier.
Stab a man.
Especially in the back, sir.
That is an easy one.
Or just push him...
.. down the hold.
- "Sorry about the captain. "
You little snot. - I did not push him.
Of course you did. You were so out
of your head on laudanum,
you don't remember a thing,
do you boy?
KENNED Y: Mr Wellard.
We need a man to fend the gun off the cliff.
You were small enough for the tunnel,
Mr Wellard.
Are you light enough to ride the gun?
I can do it.
Well done, Mr Wellard.
Hang on tight, Mr Wellard.
I want to see you safe in Kingston.
Ready, all?
- Ready, sir.
- Haul away!
- Handsomely, now.
- Heave. Heave.
Liffing a ship's cannon
to the top of the cliff,
under the enemy's very nose.
It was the only way of getting
within range, sir.
The Spanish ships had sailed
beyond the reach of the fort's own cannon,
and the bay was too shallow for the Renown.
Quite an enterprise.
It was an opportunity, sir.
You speak of opportunity,
yet only you seem the opportunist.
- I don't follow, sir.
- I think you do.
PELLEW: This piece of derring-do,
Mr Hornblower, was your idea?
It was authorised
by the acting captain, sir.
And conceived by the third lieutenant?
Come, sir. You're under oath.
Never mind, Mr Buckland.
My idea, sir.
Yes. I'll bet it was.
Thank you, Mr Hornblower.
So how long have you been
in command, Captain Buckland?
I am the first lieutenant of
the Renown, Madam.
Captain Sawyer is indisposed.
Oh. Not too serious, I hope.
Captain James Sawyer.
I did not realise we were fighting
so distinguished an adversary.
Yes, I'm afraid he's not quite himself.
A minor ailment.
I am sorry he cannot join us.
It would be an honour.
In due course, perhaps.
Ladies and gentlemen.
Your health.
Keep it moving. Keep it moving.
Stop! Stop!
'Vast hauling there and make secure.
- What's the matter, Mr Wellard?
- The strop, sir. It's parting.
Styles, make me a sling.
How much do we need, sir?
- Five fathoms should do it.
- Five fathoms, Styles.
- You volunteering, Mr Hornblower?
- I am, sir.
- It's a good knot for the job, sir.
- Yes. Thank you, Styles.
- All right, are you, Horatio?
- Yes, thank you, Archie.
I remember when you used to be
scared of heights, Mr Hornblower.
Nothing's changed, Mr Kennedy.
- They say one should do what one dislikes.
- Oh, yes?
When I was a boy I had to eat turnips.
Eat them now, do you?
Never touch them.
Come on! Ortega won't wait all day.
Sir. Help me.
Hold on, Mr Wellard.
The young officer - Mr Hornblower.
- A man of promise, I suppose?
- I hope we are all men of promise.
Of course, but young officers
have such schemes and such little experience.
- Yes, I am with you there.
- More wine, sir?
Sawyer: (sing)We'll rank and we'll roar
like true British sailors
(sing) We'll rank and we'll roar...
If you'll excuse me.
(sing) Until we strike soundings
in the channel of Old England
(sing) From...
(sing) Ushant to Scilly
(sing) Tis 35 leagues...
No, sir!
There you are.
I told you. We won't let you down.
Thank you.
Sir? Have you ever done something
and forgot you did it?
All the time.
Now fend off.
Haul away, there!
Heave! Heave!
(sing) Farewell and adieu
(sing) To you Spanish ladies
(sing) Farewell and adieu...
It is your choice, sir.
I thought you were with me.
I was ever my own man.
If I could cure you,
even now, I would.
But you have fallen too far.
Now, I beg you.
No more singing.
(sing) We'll rant and we'll roar
- As you wish.
(sing) Like true British sailors
(sing) Like true British sailors
(sing) We'll rant and we'll roar
- Ready, Mr Hobbs?
- Aye aye, sir.
Your officers, where are they, sir?
Colonel, I must protest.
I know when a man is deceiving me,
First Lieutenant.
I assure you, Colonel,
whatever may happen on dry land,
we in His Majesty's navy
are men of honour, sir.
Whatever you may think of us,
we are men of our word. And...
(Cannon shot)
- What is this?
- Ranging shot, Colonel.
On whose ships?
Yours, Colonel.
You know, Dr Clive,
I actually think we might be winning.
50 yards short, Mr Hornblower.
Aye aye, sir.
- Right. Full charge, Mr Hobbs.
- Full charge, it is.
Mr Buckland!
Do you realise what you're doing?
- Without our ships...
- You have no escape.
Either from us or the rebel army.
And in all probability
will be dead by the end of the week.
Be not aggrieved, madam. You and your
husband had no less a fate in store for us.
This is madness.
Fear not, Colonel.
Your ships are safe, if you wish it.
As British prizes of war.
And may I humbly extend to you an offer
of safe passage to Kingston, Jamaica,
as His Majesty's prisoners?
- Sergeant.
- Sir.
Colonel. Your sword, if you please.
PELLEW: A complete surrender.
No mean achievement for a first lieutenant.
Thank you, Commodore.
Pity you weren't able to
savour your triumph.
- Sir?
- The rebel slaves, Mr Buckland.
They already had the island in their grasp.
But you'd already encountered them.
It was a desperate affair, sir.
One of our boats was stolen,
two of our men taken hostage.
One had no inkling of what
lay behind it.
So you fired on them.
And in hindsight it was unfortunate.
In hindsight it was a blunder, sir,
that later made short work of
your fine victory, and cost lives.
I regret the loss of life.
They're striking their colours.
Come, gentlemen. Our battle is done.
Who the hell is that?
I have an idea our battle has just begun.
I for one won't give up without a fight.
Sir, a retreat might be more prudent.
We're only 20 men.
Not quite 20.
Very well, fall back.
Hobbs, spike the gun.
Aye aye, sir.
How long have you been under siege?
Longer than I care to remember, sir.
Then why are they attacking now?
(Captain Sawyer sings)
- Oh, for God's sake. What now?
(sing) Spanish ladies
(sing) Farewell and adieu
(sing) You ladies of Spain
(sing) For we've received orders
(sing) To go to Old England...
Stop this madness.
Ah. The acting captain.
- So glad you're here.
- Sir?
When I see you
I feel so much less pity for myself.
You are not well, sir.
No. I am not well.
But you are outstripped
by a boy half your age.
So clever.
So quick.
So full of invention.
The doctor will settle you, sir.
Less than seven years at sea
and the men love him already.
Of course they do. He commands.
It is in him. Not hammered home
like some dull school lesson.
And the more he shines,
the more they smile at you.
Yes, sir.
They smile and nod,
and laugh behind their hands.
You are a clown, sir.
A clown in a captain's hat.
Take my advice. Strike first, Mr Buckland.
Or he will take your ship
and you'll be dead before you know it.
Then what will you do, Mr Buckland?
- The boat is ready to take you ashore, sir.
- For God's sake, give him what he needs.
I've already given him as much as I dare.
Strike first.
Then give it again!
PELLEW: I don't envy you, sir.
The captain injured,
the first lieutenant takes command.
Never an easy thing in any circumstances.
We strive to do our best.
Tell me, how would you describe
your third lieutenant?
Mr Hornblower?
I would say
he has a precocious talent, sir.
That's certainly one way of looking at it.
Nevertheless, you worked well together?
- I would say so. Yes.
- No hint of discord or threat?
There was nothing of that, sir.
Come on!
Matthews, get me the captain of Marines
and let's organise a defence.
Aye aye, sir.
How long do we have, Mr Hornblower?
I think you have your answer, Mr Kennedy.
- We're withdrawing from the fort, sir.
- The Marines will cover our retreat.
Very well.
Time we made it to the ship, sir.
I don't think so, Mr Bush.
We still have to blow up the fort.
Ineed a man to lay the charges.
I would be honoured to volunteer, sir.
And I, sir.
- I'm the senior officer.
- I don't think it will take all 3 of you.
Mr Hornblower, I accept your offer.
With respect, sir...
what's to be gained?
Those are our orders, Mr Kennedy.
I'm sure Mr Hornblower will concur.
Yes, sir.
Very well.
Good luck, Mr Hornblower.
Mr Hornblower.
I shall see you onboard the Renown,
Get those prisoners below.
(Women complain in Spanish)
Let's have some more order here.
- Beg pardon, sir. About Mr Hornblower.
- What about him?
Me and Styles, some of the lads thought we
could row back, take him off, sir.
No, I can't spare you.
I've lost enough men as it is.
- But he's on his own, sir.
- No. I said no!
You're needed here.
Where is Mr Kennedy?
Where is Mr Bush?
Archie! Are you out of your mind?
Very possibly,
but we thought you could use the company.
Mr Hornblower.
You've clearly lost your wits, both of you.
I suggest we our move, gentlemen.
It's getting rather warm down here.
This way!
No. No.
This way! I assure you.
Now you know what it's like
to lose your hero.
- He'll be back.
- Of course he will.
Well, I admire your faith.
Your victory's now complete, sir.
Mr Matthews.
We sail for Kingston.
Aye aye, sir.
The cliff top, sir.
She's sailing away.
Well, that looks like it, gentlemen.
No, it isn't, Mr Bush.
I'm afraid I think you're right.
- What?
- We're going to jump.
Well, now who's out of his mind?
See for yourself, Mr Bush.
It's only water.
You won't break anything.
Come. Easier than eating turnips.
Mr Kennedy.
- No. I'm sorry. Gentlemen, no.
- On the count of three. One, two...
We're not going to jump.
That's my final word.
And three. And ru-u-un!
BUSH: I can't swim-m-m-m!
Privilege of rank, Styles.
I can't swim!
- It's all right, Mr Bush. We've got you.
- Come on.
They're up!
All right to lower a boat now, sir?
So, Mr Buckland, the destruction of the fort?
Did you expect Mr Hornblower to survive it?
- Of course.
- Did you want him to survive it?
- I resent that, sir.
- With respect, I must object
to this accusation
which has no bearing on the charges.
Your objection is noted.
Resent it or resent it not,
did you want Mr Hornblower to survive?
I do not send men to their deaths, sir.
Give them a cheer, lads! Hip, hip...
CREW: Hoorah!
- Hip, hip!
- Hoorah!
- Hip, hip.
- Hoorah!
Mr Kennedy. Well done, sir.
- Thank you very much, Mr Wellard.
- And another! Hoorah!
Mr Matthews.
Got your head for heights, have you, sir?
It wasn't needed on the way down, Styles.
I hope you are equally
as pleased to see me, Styles.
Sir, he's lost for words,
he's that chuffed.
Come on! Race up those yards!
Mr Hornblower.
Kindly take command of the Gaditana
and the other prize vessels.
- Yes, sir. - I hold you responsible
for their safe return.
All of them. Is that clear?
Aye aye, sir.
No, no, no.
Best, it's me.
Sir, my apologies.
For disobeying your orders.
Well, it was true to form, if nothing else.
You three, you are so full of yourselves.
And of each other.
You think me a fool.
Nobody pretends command is easy, sir.
I never expected it to be easy.
I expected to be fit for it.
What in God's name...?
Captain James Sawyer, sir.
I apologise I am unable to salute you.
- How long has he been like this?
- Since he last had his medicine, sir.
- Release him.
- Sir?
Just... do it.
I didn't think I'd ever see these again.
Inever wanted any of this.
Do you hear?
(Sawyer sobs)
Some fresh air, sir?
All quiet, Matthews?
As a church, sir.
Well, I for one am glad of it.
I dare say you are, sir,
with Mr Buckland on your back.
- (Reproving) Matthews.
- Sorry, sir.
But affer what's happened today,
I'd say he was a man with no conscience.
It's no simple matter
commanding a vessel of over 700 souls.
The captain must rely on
the courtesy of his crew.
Aye. I see that, sir.
But what of Captain Sawyer?
Should we look to our conscience there?
Yes. Yes. Even there.
Why don't I take first watch, sir?
You get some rest. You look done in.
Thank you, Matthews.
Wake me at six bells.
Watch your step. We don't want you
falling down there a second time, do we, sir?
Tell me.
What do you see?
Spanish ladies.
All gone now.
What else?
What else do you see?
Leave him, Mr Hobbs.
His mind is gone.
Oh, you'd hope so.
You of all men.
I didn't push him. You're mistaken.
No. It wasn't him. Too small.
Give me a minute. I'll remember his name.
You, sir! You! I know your face.
You are... Admiral de Brueys.
No. He died long ago.
Cut in two.
Lying on the arms box.
Better take the captain
back to his cabin, Hobbs.
I will, sir.
But when the captain is rested,
and his mind is clear,
I will bring him back.
And I will ask him again,
and he will remember.
If not today, then tomorrow.
Or the day affer that.
Habla espanol?
Quieres joderme, hm?
Te voy a matar.
WELLARD: I think Mr Hobbs is right.
I think the captain may name
the man who pushed him.
(Sighs) Even if it's Admiral de Brueys.
You've nothing to fear
from the noose, Mr Wellard.
I've no fears on my account, sir,
but I owe a great debt
to two men on this ship.
I would do anything to repay it.
What are you suggesting, Mr Wellard?
I cannot tell who pushed the captain, sir,
but I know there were three of us down here.
Any one of us could have done it.
And one of us will hang for it.
Shan't sleep.
Shan't sleep.
Now I remember.
Vamos! Sssh.
All quiet?
(Urgent whispering)
Vamos! Apuranos. Silencio.
Tie him to the bed.
- By God, sir. I'm a fellow officer.
- No. You were never that.
Renowns! We're taken!
This way.
All hands! All hands!
Every man on deck!
Sorry to wake you, sir.
I thought you should see for yourself.
All hands on deck. Quickly now.
All hands on deck!
Shortly affer eight bells
the French frigates opened fire.
We were outnumbered and outgunned,
having lost half our men already.
But in the hours that followed
we regained our advantage and...
I can't let you remember.
I can't let you get to Kingston.
And I will not see them hang.
Either of them.
Then you'd best use both hands,
if you want to pull the trigger.
Take her alongside, Matthews.
Aye aye, sir.
Stand by to board!
Captain Sawyer, sir.
Hobbs, the enemy is here!
Renowns, to me!
It's a clumsy weapon for any man.
No use at all for a boy like you.
Don't call me boy.
Oh? What would you have me call you?
I'm no boy, sir.
And I am no coward.
And I'm no scarecrow that has to be tied up
so he don't bite his own shadow... sir.
I'm no boy.
And you are no man at all to strike me so.
To me, Renowns!
- Mr Wellard.
- Sir?
I know who pushed me.
Here. At least one of us can face the enemy
with a clear head.
Abre la puerta! Abre la puerta!
Mr Wellard.
Abre! Aaargh!
Brave lad.
Do you surrender? The colonel is dead.
Marines, present!
Throw down your weapons.
Rindan las armas.
- Matthews, take them below.
- Aye aye, sir.
Below, with you!
Come on. Get them below.
Thank you, Styles.
I fear I'm done.
Not in a thousand years.
Sir! Mr Bush.
How is he?
He doesn't need any help from you.
He needs needle and thread. Out of my way.
You did your work. Let me do mine.
Yes, sir. You're right.
Come on, Styles.
He recovered at the last, did he?
He said I was brave.
You are.
He knew.
He knew who pushed him.
Get it off your chest. Tell me.
Mr Hobbs.
I'm sorry that his last command
was taken away from him...
.. but he was a leader of men.
And he died in battle.
It's all over now, sir.
All over.
- Are you hurt, sir?
- Can you see any blood?
The prizes are safe, sir,
and Renown is recovered.
I can see it's recovered
and I can see who recovered it!
I heard about Buckland.
(Laughs) Silly old fool.
Let him be, Archie.
Had you seen him as I did...
Is that your blood?
Oh. It's just a scratch.
Prisoners under lock and key...
I said, is that your blood?
Not as bad it looks.
And so, Mr Buckland, under your command
misfortune was, for a brief spell,
turned to advantage.
And then what?
A ship of the line fallen into
prisoners' hands. A calamity, sir.
While this fellow lay dreaming in his bed.
I fear it will be your epitaph.
'Here lies Buckland of the Renown,
the captain who was caught napping. '
(Raucous laughter)
Thankfully, there was at least
one fellow officer...
You speak of Mr Hornblower!
- Well, I'll tell you something, Commodore.
- Have a care, sir.
The reason I'm here
is because Captain Sawyer was
mentally incapable of commanding a vessel!
He endangered the lives
of every man on board that ship.
I charge you, sir, do not blacken the name
of one of Nelson's own.
- Damn you, sir. I will speak!
- Sir!
Captain Sawyer was unfit to command
for one reason only.
He didn't fall into that hold.
He was pushed!
- What?
- By whom, sir?
By Lieutenant Horatio Hornblower!
Is there anyone else
who can support this claim?
I believe there is.
A kiss from me.
No sign of mortification.
Nothing like a good, clean cut
stitched up in its own blood.
You'll mend, Mr Bush.
You'll mend.
You know why you're here.
To corroborate the evidence of Mr Buckland.
I do, sir.
I'd have gone through hellfire
for Captain Sawyer.
Yes. Yes.
In my book he was equal to Nelson himself.
Nelson. Yes.
But to the matter at hand, Mr Hobbs.
Who pushed him?
Who pushed your captain into the hold?
My captain...
was a leader of men
and he died in battle.
But I'm afraid
I cannot tell you who pushed him.
Gentlemen, I'm asking you
to halt this court martial,
and save the life of a man willing
to abandon his own life for others.
A man for whom others
would gladly give their own lives.
We should not try to hang this man.
We should promote him.
Captain Hammond?
Well, where the commodore leads,
we must all gladly follow.
But, sir, this "heroic" young man,
I confess I fear for him.
Mr Buckland has slandered him.
So, for his own sake,
we cannot let the insult stand.
We must put the question to him,
and make an end of it.
Did he push the captain down the hold?
And, as a man of honour,
he will answer it.
Mr Kennedy, who am I?
You're Clive, you great fool.
Very well, Mr Kennedy.
Don't overtire him, Mr Hornblower.
Well, I must leave you.
I wish you the very best.
Thank you, Dr Clive.
When are you due back in court?
Tomorrow. The court adjourned to give
me more time to consider my testimony.
And when they ask you,
'Did you push Captain Sawyer into the hold?'
- Are you asking me that question now?
- I am not.
Then I will answer it when the time comes.
Until then I see no reason to speculate.
(Cock crows)
- Right you are.
- One, two.
Where is he?
Oh, he's up and about.
Call the next witness.
MAN: It's Mr Kennedy!
I was hoping to see him before
I was recalled.
And see him you shall.
Where is he?
Wait. Wait, man. Wait. Wait. It must be done.
No. Marine!
I alone pushed him.
I alone pushed Captain Sawyer into the hold.
I think we've heard enough, gentlemen.
Take this man down!
(Shouting continues)
- Mr Buckland.
Mr Buckland, sir!
Mr Buckland, are you all right
in there, sir?
Take as long as you like.
Look at me.
There isn't a gallows in the world
can touch me now.
It doesn't hurt, Horatio.
Don't let them say it hurts.
But... I am frightened.
You're the bravest man I know, Archie.
A little prone to panic.
Archie, you're the one who jumped off a cliff
with a man who can't swim,
and another who's afraid of heights.
(Laughs) So I am.
No panic then.
And none now.
And none when you stood up in court
and took the blame.
Poor Horatio.
So quick to give,
so slow to accept the simplest giff.
You've done the same for me,
and others besides, a thousand times.
But never at such a dear cost.
Please take what I offer.
Just take it and say goodbye.
I am honoured to have served with you.
And I to have known you.
You see?
Better already.
My dear friend.
I thought you might like to see a copy
of the Kingston Chronicle before you leave.
"Captain Sawyer,
great leader until the last. "
And you and Mr Bush
are highly commended.
It won't be long
before the London papers publish the story.
There's no mention of Mr Kennedy.
No. It was thought not politic.
Nations need heroes, Mr Hornblower.
Heroes make us believe
the impossible is achievable.
Only if one knows their name.
Mr Kennedy...
Mr Kennedy took a calculated risk
when he pushed Captain Sawyer down the hold
for the good of the ship,
and in all likelihood was right to do so.
You think Mr Kennedy was telling the truth?
I think Mr Kennedy
was a man of great loyalty, sir.
He saw his duty and did it.
And went to his grave
without the merit of his good name.
But you and I will not forget it.
I see the Gaditana
has been renamed Retribution.
The paint is hardly dry and yet they've
appointed a new commanding officer.
Would you not like to know
who is to command the Retribution?
Your orders, Commander.
But Mr Bush is second in command.
The honour should go to...
I advise you when offered promotion
to accept it,
otherwise it may not be offered again.
Am I making myself clear?
Yes, sir.
I wish you...
a safe voyage, Mr Hornblower.
Thank you, sir.