Hotaru no haka (Grave of the Fireflies) (1988)

September 21, 1945.
That was the night I died.
Damn tramps.
Watch it!
Is he dead?
The Americans'll be arriving
any day now.
It's disgraceful,
having these bums here!
What day is it?
Another one.
What is this stuff?
Never mind. Just dump it!
This one's a goner, too.
You can see it in their eyes.
Production Designer &
Executive Producer
Original Story by
Art Director
Character Design
Character Color Design
Director of Photography
Sound Design
Written & Directed by
Air raid!
Get to the shelters!
We're in for a big one!
The shelter behind the firehouse
should be safest!
It's hot!
Be a good girl.
Try to be patient.
I'd better get over to the shelter.
Be careful, and get over there
as soon as you can.
Setsuko, be a good girl
and mind your brother.
Never mind us!
Get to the shelter!
Yes, yes.
Mom, do you have your medicine?
Right here. Don't worry.
I hate the shelter!
Well, you'll be sorry
if you get blown up by a bomb!
Now get on.
My doll!
Air raid!
Get down!
Long live the Emperor!
We're safe here. Don't worry.
Where's Mama?
In the shelter.
The firehouse shelter can take
a hit from a 250-kilo bomb easy.
Don't worry about her.
She'll probably go to
Niponmatsu station to find us.
We'll meet her there.
Let's just catch our breath first.
Are you okay, Setsuko?
I lost one of my shoes.
I'll buy you better ones.
I have money.
Open this.
Wow, you're rich.
Black rain, from the bombing.
It's all gone!
Look, that was the civic hall.
We ate lunch there, once.
Is our house gone too?
What'll we do?
Dad'll make them pay for this!
Well, it's not like I was
the only one who lost his house.
We're all in the same boat.
At least we're still alive.
There were two direct hits.
The fires are impossible to put out!
When you try to smother them,
it just spreads the oil around.
It's not her.
She's not down here!
Seita, I have to pee.
All residents of
Ichirizuka and Kaminishi!
Please report to the elementary
school for first aid services!
What's wrong?
My eye hurts.
Don't rub it.
We'll get it washed out
at the school.
Where's Mama?
- She'll be at the school.
- School?
Uh-huh. Let's go.
Have you seen your mom?
She's hurt.
You'd better go.
I'll watch your sister.
Wasn't that scary, Setsuko?
Did you cry?
Seita has to go somewhere.
Why don't we wait for him?
Seita. I've been looking for you.
Are you okay?
- My mom...?
- This way.
This IS your mother's,
isn't it?
In here.
She's finally asleep.
She really should be
in a proper hospital.
I think Kaisei hospital
in Nishinomiya wasn't hit.
My mother has heart trouble.
Can she get her medicine?
I'll ask.
I'll be around
if you need me.
You saw her?
It's terrible.
I'm thirsty.
If there's anything I can do,
just ask.
Oh, did you get
your biscuit ration yet?
I'll get it for you!
Keep this ring in your purse.
Don't lose it.
Mom's hurt.
She'll get better, though.
Where is she?
In the hospital. In Nishinomiya.
We'll stay here
at the school tonight.
Then tomorrow we'll go to our
aunt's place in Nishinomiya.
We'll all be on the second floor.
Why don't you stop by later?
Thanks a lot. We will.
See you later, Setsuko.
Want some?
I want to see Mama.
Maybe tomorrow.
It's too late now.
Watch me,
I'm good at this!
We haven't unbandaged her.
You don't want to see the body.
With this heat we're having,
she'll have to go on the truck today.
Where's your sister?
In Nishinomiya.
We have a distant aunt there.
I think she'll take care of us.
I see. Lucky for you.
I'd better get back to work.
Good luck to you.
Where is she?
Is she still sick?
Yeah. Still sick.
Welcome back.
How's your mother?
Is she at Kaisei?
Lucky your dad's in the Navy.
You get to have a truck
help move you over here!
I've laid out futons and
mosquito netting in your room.
Doesn't Mama need her ring?
Did she give it to me?
Just be careful
you don't lose it.
When Mom's a little better,
I'll take you to see her.
Time for bed. Okay?
Dried bonito, herring,
dried potato, eggs,
and pickled plums.
And I do believe this is butter!
You can't get these
for ANYTHI NG nowadays.
Soldiers always get the best
at times like these.
Anyway, did you
stop by the hospital?
I'd like to tell your mother
what's been happening.
And I could take Setsuko along
to visit her.
That bad?!
Mom died while she was
still at the school.
What?! She's dead!
Then why didn't you tell me?
Why were you hiding it?!
I didn't want Setsuko to know.
Dead... How awful!
You'd best write your father
and tell him!
She bought me new shoes!
Good for you, Setsuko.
Hello there!
You poor dears.
Thanks, ma'am.
What's that?
Nothing to be scared of.
Try to catch it.
Whoops! Squashed it.
Ew! It smells!
You squeezed too hard.
There're millions of them!
Setsuko, close your eyes
and say "ah."
Just do it. "Ah."
Fruit drop!
Fruit drop! Fruit drop!
I almost swallowed it.
- We're home.
- Where were you?
Did you thank the lady?
Yes, ma'am.
That food looked good.
Seita. Shouldn't you be
going to school?
Or something?
Yeah, but the steelworks
they had me working in was bombed.
And my school burned down.
There's no place to go.
Well, I hope
you've written to your father.
I already sent a letter
through the Naval Office.
Just after we came here.
About 10 days ago?
That's strange.
There should have been
a reply by now.
Return the scissors when you've
finished with them, Setsuko.
How's the war effort?
It's starting to look hopeless.
The more factories we lose,
the harder the others have to work.
We're getting ready for
when they finally invade.
You're right. That's why food's
getting so hard to find.
Our soldiers aren't the only ones
who are suffering.
You work for our country's
defense too, young lady.
You eat up and work
as hard as you can!
Not again.
So you've taken in
a couple of homeless children?
Poor things. To lose their
mother when they're so young.
What's wrong? Itch?
It's hot. I hate shelters!
Just hang on. Don't worry,
I'm here for you.
Wanna go to the beach?
Yeah! Yeah! Let's go!
It's all vegetable fields now.
What're they doing?
Making sea salt.
It's because all the salt
and soy sauce is rationed.
Hurry up, Setsuko!
It might be a little cold.
Feels good, right?
You won't itch now.
It's a big bathtub!
Come back here!
Grrr, I'm a bear!
I'm gonna eat you!
Snip... Snip... Snip...
What's wrong?
Is he sleeping?
Don't look at that.
When it gets a little warmer,
I'll teach you how to swim.
We'll swim,
and that'll make us hungry.
We'll swim,
and that'll make us hungry.
Setsuko! Come on!
You're hungry, aren't you?
There's food here for you.
Mother! Were you waiting long?
It's good to see you again.
Are you alright here?
I'm fine. Don't worry!
They're very nice here.
I'm hungry.
Let's get home
before we're caught in the raid.
I'm tired. Carry me.
Air raid!
Your mother won't be needing
her kimonos anymore.
Why don't you trade them
for some rice.
I've been trading off my things
bit by bit for food.
You can probably get
a full toh of rice for them.
That much?
You need your nourishment.
You can't be a soldier
if you don't grow up healthy.
A whole toh of rice?
Your mother would be glad
you didn't just let them go to waste.
Why don't I take them?
Setsuko. You're awake?
No! No! They're Mama's!
They're Mama's!
Don't take them!
Setsuko. Let them go!
Setsuko. Setsuko.
Fine rice, isn't it?
We'll have a proper
rice dinner tonight, Setsuko.
Here, this is yours.
White rice, Setsuko!
Here you go.
With my daughter and our lodger
working overtime so much...
I've felt bad
not having rice to give them.
It's great, huh?
Real white rice!
Yes, yes.
You're just gobbling it down
tonight, aren't you, Setsuko?
It's good!
What's wrong?
I don't want rice porridge!
Don't we have
any more pickled plums?
We finished those off ages ago.
Here's your lunch.
- Thanks. I'd better get going.
- See you.
- Bye.
- Take care.
We'll have rice balls for lunch.
Just hold on 'til then.
Stop that!
You'll have it for lunch too!
You think
a lazy slug like you deserves...
the same as people
who work for our nation?!
Seita, you're old enough to know
everyone has to cooperate.
You keep saying you want rice,
but do you earn it?
No, you absolutely do not!
I even give you some rice,
and you still complain!
But it's our rice.
Oh, so now
I'm cheating you, am I?
How dare you say that!
After I take you two in!
We'll just make our
OWN dinners from now on!
Seita, you have other relatives
in Tokyo, don't you?
On your mother's side of the family?
Why not write to them?
WE could be bombed any day!
Problem is,
I don't know their address.
Let's go home.
Uh-huh. Papa's waiting for us.
Frogs are singing,
it's time to go home
Sorry you had to wait so long.
What's wrong?
I'm hungry.
And I'm thirsty too.
Here, have a fruit drop.
Mom has 7000 yen in the bank.
so don't worry.
I'm telling Dad to write back soon,
because you're waiting.
You're in luck.
You can't buy a stove
like this easily nowadays.
It's almost impossible to find
any hardware to sell.
I'll take that comb, and...
Do you have an umbrella?
An umbrella... Oh, yes!
It's raining, it's raining
Big brother's coming home
with an umbrella just for me
Drip-drop, plip-plop
Down the rain comes!
That's got it!
Be careful with that fire.
What are they up to?
They're doing their own cooking.
Good for them!
More, please.
did you scold them again?
Yes, but they refuse to apologize.
And that boy even bought a stove.
Just to spite me!
Bad manners, Seita.
Doesn't matter.
We can sit any way we want.
Rice for two.
That's it?
Next ration will be in July.
Let me!
Like it?
It's all different tastes!
Grape, strawberry, melon, mint.
All in there. Drink it all.
All gone.
Left the dishes for me to do.
So selfish.
Those brats are two of the worst!
Not again!
Seita, my daughter and
that man work for our nation!
We can't have her crying
keeping them awake.
We've enough trouble
getting sleep with the air raids!
Report from
Central Military Division.
Several waves of
enemy bombers are approaching.
Going to the shelter again, Seita?
You're old enough to
help fight the fires, aren't you?
I want to go home.
I hate living with her!
We don't have a house
to go back to.
With a great big streamer
shaped like a carp
And longer than a house
The big one's the Papa
The little ones the kids
Stop it!
Don't you realize
there's a war going on?!
You two are nothing
but trouble for me!
A couple of pests,
that's what you are!
You're no help at all
during the raids.
You could just go and LIVE in
that shelter for all I care!
That's it.
We'll live here.
No one uses it. It's sturdy.
We can live like we want!
Can we really live here?!
We've bothered you long enough.
We're leaving now.
Leaving...? For where?
Haven't really decided yet.
Well, take care of yourselves.
Bye-bye, Setsuko!
This'll be the kitchen!
This'll be the front door!
Where's the bathroom?
That can be anywhere.
Wanna go somewhere with me?
Thanks for the wagon.
Just leave it there.
Do you think you can sell us
some food and straw?
I guess.
Not much left, though.
- My mouth's watering!
- Man, am I hungry.
Well, we can always eat frogs.
They're great.
You'd better get
under the mosquito net.
What's wrong?
I forgot my toothbrush.
One night without it
won't matter.
It's getting buggy.
You'd better get under the net.
It's dark in there. I'm scared.
I have to take a leak.
How about you?
A kamikaze.
It looks like a firefly.
Let's catch some.
Okay, get in.
I can see you!
I can see you, too.
A hair clip.
Okay, let's get
as many as we can!
I went to a naval review once.
Before you were born.
Naval review...?
Uh-huh. Dad's cruiser, the "Maya,"
was in formation with the fleet.
Mighty fortresses
floating on the seas
Defending our homeland
from invaders near and far
Enemy plane!
I wonder
where Dad is fighting now.
Get off me, Seita!
Whatcha doing?
Making a grave.
Mama's in a grave too.
Auntie told me.
She said Mama died,
and she's in a grave now.
We'll visit her grave sometime.
Do you remember the graveyard,
the one near Nunobiki?
That's where she is.
Under a big camphor tree.
Why do fireflies
have to die so soon?
Hey, it looks like
somebody's living here.
Probably lost their house.
Maybe it's some crazy hermit.
It's a swing.
A kid lives here.
What's this?
Rest in Peace!
Wish it was real food.
It says "Setsuko."
Look! Dried frogs!
Who'd wanna eat that?!
Nobody I know
would ever eat this stuff!
Ground soybeans!
And I thought
the food I got was bad!
A ghost!
I've traded everything for rice.
Even my mom's kimono.
There's nothing left to trade.
Please, I can pay you money
for the rice.
Sorry. I can't trade
or sell anything to you.
I'm a farmer, but even
I don't have any rice to share.
Don't you have other relatives?
I can't contact them.
Then take my advice
and go back to that woman.
Everything's rationed now.
You can't survive
outside of the system.
Just swallow your pride
and apologize to her.
Thanks, anyway.
I'll ask someone else.
You're a navy man's son, right?
Try to be brave.
Should we?
It doesn't matter
if you like it or not.
You have to eat!
You need to,
so you can grow up!
I-I feel funny.
Are you cold?
I've been having diarrhea.
Why you...!
I'm sorry!
Sir, forgive me!
I didn't mean to.
My sister's sick. I just wanted
to get her some sugar!
Yeah, sure! Stealing food's
a serious crime in wartime!
You god damned...!
Come back here!
What the hell...?!
Potatoes too?!
So YOU'RE the one who's
been stealing around here!
I'm sorry!
I'll never do it again, I swear!
Tell it to the cops!
I'll take you there myself!
Now walk!
I hope they lock you up!
Please, she's sick!
She needs me!
The nature of the crime is
fairly clear, I think.
Thank you, I'll handle this.
You may go.
But, officer...
You've knocked
this poor kid around enough.
I'm even tempted to call it...
I... er... Thank you, officer!
They hit Fukui tonight.
Would you like a glass of water?
Where does it hurt?
Should I get a doctor?
Seita, I have to
go to the bathroom.
Can it wait?
Hop on.
Brother's gone to the mountain
to bring back some firewood...
Setsuko. Dinner.
This pumpkin's great.
Tastes just like sweet bean jelly.
Don't like that stuff.
Look, if you don't eat,
Dad'll blame ME for it.
Come on, I'll even help you.
Now cheer up and eat!
Once you get better,
I'll take you to the beach again.
Now I'll really get you
something good to eat, Setsuko!
These were your mother's?
Don't make me laugh!
Don't try to pawn off
this garbage on me!
Seita... Water...
Breathe in.
And out.
She's been having diarrhea
for a while now.
Prickly heat, rashes...
And salt water hurts her skin.
Weakening from malnutrition.
Probably due to the diarrhea.
Can you give her medicine?
A shot?
Don't wanna shot.
Please, doctor, help her!
All this child needs is food.
What's wrong?
Where do I GET food?!
Boy, am I hungry.
What do you want to eat?
Tempura, sashimi, jelly...
Anything else?
Ice cream. And also...
I want fruit drops.
Drops? Okay!
I'll withdraw the money and
buy you all the food you need.
Don't want anything.
You can have it.
Don't go! Stay with me!
Don't leave me alone!
Don't worry, Setsuko.
I'll buy you some good,
nourishing food.
And I'll never leave you again.
Never, ever again.
I promise.
There's a typhoon coming?
Great, we get our "divine wind"
AFTER we surrender. Figures...
We've lost the war?!
Haven't you heard?
Japan's lost?
The Great Japanese Empire?
Surrendered unconditionally.
What about the fleet?
All gone.
Sent to the bottom.
Not one left afloat.
Was my Dad's ship sunken, too?!
Is that why he hasn't written?!
How should I know?
Crazy kid.
Damn him!
I'm so hungry.
Now Dad's gone too.
He's dead too.
Sorry I'm so late.
I'll make you some rice.
Up they go.
And down again.
Oh. Firefly's stopped.
I bought us
some chicken and eggs.
And also...
what's in your mouth?!
This is a marble.
It isn't a drop!
I brought you something
I know you like.
Seita. Have one.
Setsuko. What's...?
Rice balls.
I made them for you.
Here. Have one.
You don't want them...?
Look, it's a watermelon.
I didn't steal it, either.
Here, eat it.
It's good...
Hold on, I'll make you some
rice gruel with eggs.
I'll leave the melon here for you.
Thank you.
She never woke up.
Charcoal for the cremation.
Since it's a child,
you should do it at a temple.
The body should be lightly dressed.
Use beanstalks for a good fire.
Beautiful day,
in spite of it all.
It hasn't changed a bit.
It's good to be home!
The old phonograph.
I've missed this view.
Come back soon!
The next morning,
I put some of Setsuko's ashes into...
the candy tin,
and then climbed down the hill.
I never went back to the shelter.
Time for bed. Okay?