House by the Cemetery (1981)

[Wolf Howling]
[Child Crying, Faint]
Steve, are you dressed?
Hey, come on. It's late.
I gotta get home.
I don't want to be put
on restriction again.
[Creaking Continues]
[Squeaking Continues]
Are you there?
Listen, if you're trying to scare me,
I don't think it's very funny!
This place gives me the creeps.
Steve, I warn you- I'll never
come here with you again!
Steve, come on.
Where are you?
[Squeaking Continues] Hey, if you don't quit
it, I swear I'm gonna split without you!
Steven, where are you?
Please answer me.
[Squeaking Continues]
[ Footsteps]
[Door Creaking]
[ Footsteps]
Bob? Bob, where are you?
Honey, you still have to
pack away your toys.
Now which ones
you gonna take with you?
Bob, I'm talking to you.
Bob, will you please wake up?
When Daddy gets home, we-
What's the matter?
Mommy, why does that girl keep
telling me I shouldn't go there?
What girl, Bob?
The one standing at the window
in that house.
At the window, huh?
[Airplane Passing Overhead]
[Sighs] Look, we don't have
time to play games now, honey.
Daddy will be home any minute.
Now where's the-
Ah, I guess she had
something to do.
Let's just say you never saw her
in the first place, right?
Yes, I did.
I saw her face.
She was waving,
and I could read her mouth.
And did she say anything to you?
Yep. She said that
I shouldn't go over there.
Why did she say that,
Well, I don't know, Bobby.
Maybe because she didn't want you
to have to pack away your toys...
the way you were supposed to.
[ Bob Laughs] Come on, lazy bones.
Get the lead out.
[Siren Wailing In Distance] I
wasn't tricking you, Mommy. Honest.
[Birds Chirping]
Time to go, Mae.
Time to go home.
[German Accent]
No. I can't go now.
It's important.
I can't.
[Man #1 ]
I'm leaving tomorrow.
Lucy still hasn't
made up her mind.
[ Man #2 ] You have a lot of
guts picking up the reins...
of someone else's research
at its most critical point like this.
[Chuckles] Especially when that someone else
was a scientist of Eric Petersen's caliber.
Well, I'll tell you, Boyle.
You're the only man who can keep this
project from going down the drain.
I mean, apart from the 5,000 more
you're going to be earning in a year,
you were Petersen's protg and also,
I believe, one of his best friends.
And I know you're itching
to clear up his suicide.
Tough one to explain.
But I know you'll get
to the bottom of it.
Well, I'll try.
The important thing is, when this
huge project gets published,
it'll have just your name on it.
Think what authorship
can mean.
Yeah. Publish... or Podunk.
[Chuckles] Yeah.
Why do you think Eric would have
done in Sheila like that?
Well, I don't know.
No idea.
It's scary.
He organized the project,
got it underway.
That he did.
And then, for no reason,
abandoned everything.
Slaughtered his mistress and-
And there he was,
researching suicide.
The times we have to live in.
Well, Boyle, when school is over,
I'll drive up there and see you.
New Whitby.
I adore New England.
I'll be looking forward
to it, sir. Bye-bye.
[Imitating Engine]
Norman! Why my plants?
Penny's gonna water them!
They're pretty.
Oh, for God's sake,
New England's full of plants.
[Imitating Engine Continues] Be careful.
Give it to me.
I don't trust Penny.
I'll take it.
You can stick it under- What do you think?
Everything here?
I think everything's here, but I really
don't know how we're gonna flt it all in.
Think positive. By the way, have
you been to see Mrs. Petersen?
Nah. No need to.
All his reference material
is right there in the library.
Well, after all,
he was a colleague of yours.
Let's just say
we worked in the same field.
But, darling,
you could have at least gone
to pay your condolences.
What do you say to a widow
whose husband had another woman...
and one fine day
slaughtered that other woman,
after which he hanged himself?
[Car Doors Close]
[Engine Starts]
[Norman] Then after Mommy changed
her mind for the 10th time,
the place was already rented.
My fault, huh?
So where we gonna live?
In an even nicer place,
thanks to Professor Muller.
Otherwise you'd sleep in a tent.
[ Bob] I wish!
[Train Horn Blowing]
[Bell Dinging]
[ Norman ]
Ah! Welcome to New Whitby.
Tired? [Lucy Chuckles]
A little nervous.
[ Norman ] Come on, you're gonna love it.
Smell that country air.
[Bones Cracking]
No! Don't do it.
There's the agency.
Stay right where you are, Bob.
We'll be back in a minute, okay?
Will you get me some candy?
After dinner,
if you're a good boy.
[Motor Whirring]
[Imitating Engine]
[Chattering] Oh, I'm so late.
I'm sorry.
Mr. and Mrs. Boyle?
How do you do? Hi.
I'm Laura Gittleson.
Nice to meet you.
Okay, well, you can already start to fill
this out and sign it. Sit down, please.
I'm gonna get the keys
for you, okay?
I don't know exactly where I put
them, but l- Ah, yes, in the desk.
Anyway, you can move in
as soon as you want.
We haven't had much time
to clean it up.
I'm sure you two will find it
very comfortable.
Your predecessor
was neat as a pin.
They did tell you it was
the same house, didn't they?
In any case, poor Dr. Petersen
had been there such a short while.
Uh, that's on
one month's rent.
[Chuckles] Of course you've been there
before, haven't you, Dr. Boyle?
[Man Chattering]
Well, I should think they
could take possession-
Get the keys, Harold,
would you, please?
What keys?
The Freudstein keys.
Oak Mansion, Harold.
Yeah, sure, okay.
Oak Mansion. Yeah.
Excuse me,john.
I didn't mean to keep you waiting there.
Well, how do you find our little village?
[Bell Dings]
It's not exactly New York, but
I'm sure you'll grow to like it.
I hope so.
[ Wind whistling ]
[Motor Whirring]
Bob? Bob?
I'm here.
Behind you.
On the other side
of the street.
Hello. My name is Mae.
I've been expecting you.
My name is Bob.
My daddy's here
to do some research.
Yeah, I know.
However, I thought I told you
very clearly not to come.
I did my best, only Mommy
wouldn't listen to me.
Parents never listen.
They always do what they want.
[ Mae]
You shouldn't have come, Bob.
[Bell Dings]
So, now, you two just follow me.
That's my car there.
[Lucy Sighs]
[ Norman] Mrs.
Gittleson, hold on a second.
Bob! Mommy! Mommy!
I saw the girl from the old house.
Why did you get out of the car?
See the doll she gave me to play with?
[Gittleson ] Everything all right?
She wanted to talk.
She lives here too.
I told you to stay there, not to move.
But she talked to me!
[Gittleson ]
What else? Oh.
They promise to come by Friday at
the latest to hook the phone up.
I guess that about does it.
[Lucy] Thank you very much.
Not at all.
My pleasure.
Well, I hope you enjoy your stay...
and your research, Mr. Boyle.
[ Norman ] Thank you.
I hope so too.
And don't worry. As soon as I get back
to town, I'll find you that babysitter.
That's very kind of you.
-If there's anything else, you know where to find me.
Damn tombstones.
Well, house in the woods, quiet.
Yeah, right.
Shades of Walden Pond.
This house is exactly like the one
in the old photo... in New York.
Yes, it's possible.
It's a typical example
of the local architecture.
There are probably hundreds
of houses like it in the area.
You ready?
Don't you want to unload the car?
You got six months
to contemplate nature.
[Bob Imitating Engine]
And they're on the starting line!
[Imitating Engine]
And they're revving up!
[Imitating Engine]
And they're off!
[Imitating Engine]
[Bob Continues,
Indistinct] [Sighs]
There we go.
Now we have water
in the kitchen.
You know,
[ Exhales]
I was thinking, maybe Bob and I
should have stayed in New York.
Oh, for God's sake.
Stop with this. Please.
[Clicks Tongue]
Yeah. After all, six months
goes by real quick, doesn't it?
Hey, come on.
Don't you remember?
We decided
it would be a vacation.
I do my research, and you and Bob-
you can go out. It's beautiful.
Great place for a vacation, isn't it?
Listen, honey.
It means another
$5,000 per year.
Do you realize?
We can refurnish
the apartment in New York.
What's the matter?
It's only a doll.
[Clattering] Bob's always
bringing home that trash!
You're just tired, darling.
You really should take those pills
Joe Baker prescribed.
Why do you keep telling me
to go on with those pills?
I feel fine. I never felt better.
They'll calm down your nerves.
My nerves are fine
the way they are!
And besides, I read somewhere that those
pills can provoke hallucinations.
[Bob Imitating Engine]
Are you sure?
You can't say
the house isn't quaint.
I guess this must be the cellar.
And Mrs. Gittleson had the
door nailed shut. Quaint.
Say the word,
and I'll open it for you.
No. Go and fix the rooms first.
Tonight I'd rather sleep in a real bed.
Wouldn't you?
[Bob Imitating Engine]
All right.
[Motor Whirs]
Bob! Look, it's time
for your nap, honey.
No! I want to play!
Don't whine.
[Toy Car Whirring]
[Toy Car Crashes]
[Wheels Whirring]
Are you Mrs. Boyle?
Mrs., uh- Mrs. Gittleson
sent me over.
I'm Ann,
the babysitter.
[Birds Chirping]
[Distant Howling]
[ Footsteps Approaching]
[ Floorboard Creaking]
[Distant Howling]
[Crying, Faint]
[Crying Continues]
[Crying Continues]
[Heavy Breathing]
[Crying Continues]
[Whimpers Softly]
[Soft Creaking]
[Creaking, Clattering]
[Creaking Continues]
- Ann?
- [ Gasps]
No, hon, it's all right.
You keep the car.
But you'll need it to get home.
Really, it's okay. I can take a bus.
But they only leave once an hour,
and you'll have the groceries.
I don't have much to get,
and I feel like a walk.
Who can argue?
Okay, I'll keep the car. Hi.
Who was it?
Mrs. Gittleson.
She didn't see me.
Or she turned the other way
on purpose.
Or maybe you need glasses.
Are you on top of it?
Yeah. I feel a little bit better now that
I know that Ann's looking after Bob.
A candlelight dinner.
In the last two months...
not only did he come in less and less,
but he acted differently.
I had the impression he, uh, was
growing obsessively jealous of Sheila.
Dr. Boyle?
You will pardon my indiscretion.
What was he so eager
to discuss with you back then?
Back when?
When you came to visit him with your daughter.
Don't you remember?
Last October, I think it was.
I never paid a visit
to Dr. Petersen.
In fact, this is the first time
that I've set foot in this town.
Are you sure?
Yes, of course. Positive.
And then, I have a son,
not a daughter.
Strange. I could have sworn-
Mr. Wheatley, you called me.
Ah! Our precious Daniel Douglas.
If you need any books, documents,
reference material of any kind,
feel free to call on
our Mr. Douglas.
Thank you.
[Clears Throat]
Everything's the way
Dr. Petersen left it.
Those are his notes.
I didn't dare move any of his material.
[Clears Throat]
Are you going to carry on
Dr. Petersen's research?
Of course. [Chuckling] Well,
over here you'll find
all the medical reports,
death certificates
and lists of missing persons.
What did Petersen
need that material for?
I don't know.
He asked me to get it.
I told him that-
[Clears Throat]
the, uh, material
wasn't pertinent.
And... he answered...
that he was doing
a little private research.
[ Mutters]
Do you know anything about it?
No. But knowing Petersen,
I'm sure it's something fascinating.
[Clears Throat]
If you need me,
I'm in the next room.
Thank you.
You know where, uh,
he hanged himself?
From that railing.
Do you know
who that lady is, Bob?
She was the wife
of Dr. Freudstein.
Who's Dr. Freudstein?
Oh, and it's all a lie.
What's all a lie?
She's really not buried there.
Oh, I know.
She's not buried here.
[ Thinking ]
"June 7, 1879.
Dr Jacob Allan Freudstein is hereby
suspended from the medical association...
and banned from practicing
the medical profession for life. "
[Hollow Thud]
[Creaking, Clattering]
Ann? Is that you?
[Child Crying]
[Creaking, Clattering]
[Crying Continues]
[Clattering Continues]
[Low Growling]
[Objects Shattering]
[Low Moaning]
[Screaming Continues, Stops]
[ Door Opens, Closes]
I'm home.
[Lucy Sobbing]
[Sobbing Continues]
Lucy! What in God's name-
What's wrong?
[Sobbing Continues]
[Curtains Flapping]
[Heavy Breathing]
How do you feel?
Hmm. Better.
Have Bob and Ann come back?
Not yet.
Why can't we get something else from Mrs.
Gittleson? [Chuckles]
I mean, this house is so strange.
Sure, I can deal
with a graveyard next door,
but to live with a tomb
in your hallway?
It's just something
you'll have to get used to.
This ain't New York.
I know.
Most of the old houses
in the area have tombs in them.
No kidding?
It's because in the winter
it freezes here. Is that so?
Yeah, and the yard being like a rock,
they bury Grandpa at home.
No more ghost talk now, huh?
I've got a surprise for you. What is it?
I did some clever scrounging,
and, well, darling,
now we try to solve
the cellar door mystery.
[Clicks Tongue]
Now let's see.
[Ann] We're home, Mrs. Boyle.
[ Bob] Daddy! Daddy!
You're back from work!
Guess what?
Today I saw my new girlfriend again,
and Mae said to tell you Hi,
and also to Mommy.
Hey, what are you doing?
Well, I want to show Mommy there's,
um, nothing behind the door.
How about giving me a hand?
Now this one didn't work.
You try it.
Did you see the girl
he was talking about?
[Norman Chattering]
[Lock Clicking]
But weren't you with him?
Yes. All the time.
Bob found it.
Only trouble is-
Thank you.
It's rusty as all get out.
[ Clicking, Scraping ]
Obviously Petersen
wasn't interested in cellars.
Must be years since-
[Lock Clicks]
Do you see anything?
Some old steps going down.
Should I come with you?
No. Stay with Bob.
- [ Squeaking]
- [ Norman Screams]
Norman! Ann!
[Norman Groaning]
Why did you shout like that?
-It was just-
- [ Squeaking]
- [Screaming]
[Screaming Continues]
Norman, help me!
[Norman Screams]
Daddy! Daddy!
What's the matter?
- [ Squeaking Continues]
- [ Norman Grunting]
[Lucy Shrieks]
[Squeaking Continues]
Kill it!
[Norman Grunting]
[Bat Screeching]
[Screeching Stops]
[Lucy Sobbing]
I see. I'll tell Mrs. Gittleson.
And please tell her we want to
move out no later than tomorrow.
Yes, very well.
Well, will it be- be difficult
to find another house?
I can't really say,
but I don't think so.
Thank God for that. Don't forget
now- No later than tomorrow, okay?
Yes, very well.
I'll call Mrs. Gittleson...
We going?
And have her stop over
this evening.
Good-bye. [ Mutters]
[Bell Over Door Dings]
[Line Beeping]
That Freudstein house.
No. No. Hm-mmm.
It was inevitable.
That they'd want to leave
the Freudstein property.
Oak Mansion, Harold.
How many times do I have to tell you
that house is now called Oak Mansion?
Yeah, give the bad product
a new label.
Well, call it what you will, but
it's always been Freudstein's house.
[Bird Chirping]
Mae, we have to.
I suppose so.
What were you doing
by the window?
Watching the house is all.
You can't see it from here.
Time to go to bed.
[Buttons Snapping]
Don't go inside.
Not inside!
[ Doorbell Buzzes]
[Buzzing Continues]
Mr. Boyle?
Mrs. Boyle?
Is anybody home?
Mrs. Boyle?
[Man Exhaling]
[Footsteps Running]
Mrs. Boyle?
[Heavy Breathing]
No! No!
[Man Wailing]
[Walling Continues]
[Gasping, Screaming]
[Flesh Squishing]
[Bones Cracking]
[Child Crying]
[ Wind whistling ]
[Birds Tweeting, Chirping]
Good morning, Ann.
- Good morning.
- [Water Squishing, Dripping]
What are you doing?
I made coffee.
What a shame you didn't come
with us to the restaurant last night.
Well, at least your parents must have
been glad you paid them a visit, huh?
Do you live far from here?
[ Lucy]
Good morning, Professor.
That girl Ann's a real weirdo.
I can't get a word out of her.
Maybe she doesn't like me.
Is it interesting?
Did you find anything interesting?
I don't know.
Petersen was reading up
about a certain Dr. Freudstein,
turn-of-the-century surgeon,
who had a penchant for illegal
experiments. [Laughs]
And what did that have to do
with his historical research?
Nothing. Nothing at all.
The best guess
I can come up with...
is that Petersen was already
going off the deep end.
That's why I have
to take a trip to New York.
[Clicks Tongue]
I need Muller's okay
to follow up a hunch.
Which is that Petersen's suicide
was somehow connected...
with his research
on the surgeon Freudstein.
[ Footsteps Approaching]
I-I-it's you.
Well, it's Sunday, and I thought-
I know. What are you doing here?
[Clears Throat]
Just a routine check.
One of my duties is to check
all the wings of the library...
on Sunday
when we're closed.
I won't disturb you any longer.
Excuse me.
[ Door Closes]
Got you.
Only because I fell.
Otherwise, you wouldn't
have come near me.
Where are you going?
I have to get home or Ann will yell at me.
Mom's gone shopping, and she still
thinks I'm up in my room napping.
No, Ann won't get mad.
I tell you, she will,
'cause Mommy told her I was not to go out.
Don't go in the house, Bob.
Don't worry. I'll just fake it a minute or two
and then sneak out again.
See ya.
- Wait for me!
- Under the oak!
No, Bob, don't go inside.
I warned you not to.
[Petersen's Voice]
It's been days and days since I stopped work for this.
I can't eat. I can't sleep.
I can't stop now though.
I've got to.
[ Creaking ]
[ Creaking ]
[ Creaking gets louder]
I've lost all critical perspective.
The signs.
The warnings of this house.
Freudstein's house.
That anguished crying.
And Sheila smiles.
What can I do
to make her believe me?
Maybe I'm insane.
Yes. This is all unreal.
Freudstein's house
draws me like an infernal magnet..
And frightens me.
How many have wandered innocently
into the waiting spider web?
How many more are doomed to follow?
The smell of the rooms terrifies me...
and lures me on.
The smell of blood.
How many more are still to come?
into the depths of this mystery.
I want to know- know the worst.
to find out
Find out!
His voice.
Is that his voice?
Not only blood.
His Voice.
I can hear it now.
I hear it!
I hear it everywhere!
Do you believe me now?
Do you believe me?
No. No!
No! Not the children!
And they're on the starting grid
set for the big race, Yogi.
On your mark. Go!
[Imitating Engine]
[Engine Starts]
[Bob Imitating Engine]
And Bob Boyle
takes the lead!
[Imitating Engine Continues]
But car number two
bumps it off the track.
And he's back on again.
[Horn Honks]
[Toy Car Clattering]
[Child Crying]
Where are you?
Answer me.
[Crying Continues]
Come on. Quit playing.
[Crying Continues]
Are you down there?
You all right?
Um, you want me to-
You want me to come down
and help you?
- [ Squeaking]
- [ Footsteps Running]
Is that you?
Please, answer me.
- [ Door Creaking]
- [ Gasps]
[ Door Closes]
Bob! Open the door!
The door, Bob!
Open the door!
Mrs. Boyle, help me!
Open the door!
[Doorknob jiggling]
Bob, open the door!
Open the door!
Somebody help me!
Okay, Yogi,
we've gotta go rescue Ann.
Bob, open the door.
Help! Bob!
Oh, God! Open the door!
[Doorknob jiggling]
No. No.
[Bones Cracking]
[ Lock Clicks]
[Door Creaking]
[Thumping Continues]
[Screaming Continues]
[Screaming Continues]
Can you help me?
[Crying Continues]
[Crying Continues]
What's the matter?
What are you
doing there, darling?
It was awful. It was awful.
Where's Ann? What happened?
I don't know, but-
Were you playing? You mean, she was
hiding and you got scared, or what?
Yogi and I were racing
and I heard this scream.
And I went down to the cellar.
And poor Ann-
And they cut off Ann's head.
They did, Mommy.
It fell down the stairs.
It was lying there. Darling.
And I saw it. I did.
Bob, really.
It's true, Mommy. I saw her. Yes, yes.
Don't worry. It's all right.
You really scared me,
you know that?
It's the truth, Mommy. Honest.
I saw it roll down the stairs.
Bob, there's nothing there,
believe me.
[Loud Clattering, Thumping]
Hey! Hey!
What are you doing here?
What are you doing here? I happen to be
the caretaker, and we're closed now.
I'm looking for a tomb.
Whose tomb?
A Dr. Freudstein's.
Oh, you too?
What do you mean?
Well, you're not the first.
Look, friend,
I came over 200 miles to see
this tomb, and I wanna see it.
Well, you shouldn't have bothered.
There's no Dr. Freudstein here.
according to the official records,
he was buried here.
The official records
don't mean a thing.
It's a lot of bunk that Freudstein's
buried here-just gossip.
Now, come on.
The cemetery's closed. Let's go.
You mind?
[ Wind howling ]
Thanks, Mommy.
Ann will come back. You'll see.
She's probably just gone
to visit her parents, that's all.
Go to sleep now. Come on.
There we are.
It's late.
[Smacks Lips]
[ Door Closes]
[Distant Howling]
[Door Creaking]
[Howling Continues In Distance]
Ann! Mommy says
you're not dead.
Is that true?
You there?
[ Door Creaking, Closes]
[Lock Clicking]
[ Heavy Breathing,
Mommy! Let me out!
[Whimpering, Crying]
Let me out, Mommy!
Let me out!
I'm in the cellar!
Let me out, Mommy!
I'm in the cellar! Help!
Let me out!
Mommy! Mommy!
Open the door for me!
It's scary in here!
Don't worry, honey.
Let me out of here! I'm scared!
Stay calm.
Mommy will get you out.
Mommy! Hurry! I'm scared!
Use the key like Daddy did!
I don't wanna stay in here!
Just a minute.
Let me out!
I'm coming.
Let me out, Mommy!
That's not it.
Keep calm! Open the door! Hurry!
Okay, I'm there.
[Bob Shouting, Muffled]
Open the door!
Mommy, I'm scared!
[Shouting Continues, Indistinct]
Let me out of here! Let me out!
Mommy, please don't
leave me in here!
Come on!
Mommy, are you there?
I know. I know.
Wait a minute.
Why don't you unlock the door?
Unlock it!
- There's someone in here, Mommy!
- [ Gasps]
Somebody is there!
Get the door open!
Mommy, hurry!
[ Footsteps Approaching]
He's coming to get me.
he's coming to get me!
Oh, God!
[Pounding Continues]
[ Footsteps Stop]
[ Crying 1
What's the matter?
[Bob Screaming]
Is Bob in there?
Yes. We gotta get him
out right now...
and leave this house fast.
What do you mean?
Where's the ax?
Where's the damn ax?
Yes, Daddy?
Keep away from the door.
Yep, I will.
Don't worry, Bob.
I'll get you out.
Why? Who's in there?
Who's in this house?
Dr. Freudstein.
Petersen found out the truth.
That's why- why he killed himself.
- [ Moaning]
- [ Muffled] Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!
It was Freudstein
that killed Sheila.
[Children Crying]
[Crying Continues]
[Crying Continues]
[Heavy Breathing ]
[Screaming Continues]
[Children Crying]
[Crying Continues]
Bob. He needs human victims
to renew his cells.
That's how he stays alive.
[Crying Continues]
[Crying Continues]
[Children Crying]
[Groaning Continues]
[Groaning Continues]
No! No!
[Sobbing Continues]
Bob! Bob, the steps. Quick.
[ Footsteps Approaching]
[Lucy Screaming]
[Grunting Continues]
[Lucy Grunts, Screams]
No. No!
[Both Whimpering]
No! No!
[Whimpering Continues]
Mae, time to go home,
and remember
your manners.
Now that Bob is staying,
show him you can act like a Freudstein.
You know some other guest
is surely destined to drop in.
[Children Crying]
[Crying Continues]