House of Bamboo (1955)

This film was photographed...
in Tokyo, Yokohama
and the Japanese countryside.
The year is 1954.
This is a military supply train
en route from Kyoto to Tokyo.
It is guarded jointly by
American military personnel...
and Japanese security forces.
What's holding us up?
I don't know.
I'll take a look.
- Inspector Kita.
- Sorry, Mr. Ceram. No time for an interview now.
That train carried
American ammunition, didn't it?
Yes. I have already
notified Captain Hanson.
That's the story
I'd like to follow.
How the American army
and the Japanese police work together...
when American army
personnel is involved.
- Mind if I tag along?
- Perfectly all right.
The Japanese police were
in charge of the investigation.
But since an American soldier
had been killed in the robbery...
the Criminal Investigation Division
of the United States Military Police...
was called in for cooperation.
- Hello, Captain Hanson.
- Hello, Mr. Ceram.
The American sergeant is over here.
The engineer and the firemen and the two
other security guards were attacked.
The chain marks
are still on their necks.
- Chain marks?
- Yes.
- Are they dead?
- No, only the American sergeant.
The stolen equipment consisted of
five .50 caliber American machine guns...
and four boxes .50 caliber
ammunition belts,
five .30 caliber
American machine guns...
and four boxes .30 caliber
ammunition belts...
and, uh... two boxes
of smoke pots?
- Smoke pots? Are you sure of that?
- Yes.
I can understand them stealing
small arms and ammunition...
but what would they want
with smoke pots?
I wonder.
Sir, we've just had our
first lead of a tie-up...
with the killing of that
American sergeant five weeks ago...
- in the train holdup near Fujiyoshida.
- Let's have it.
An American civilian called Webber
was wounded an hour ago...
sticking up a factory payroll.
Instead of picking him up, one of his gang
pumped three bullets in him...
- and left him for dead.
- Where's the tie-up with the train holdup?
Ballistics report says
the three bullets in Webber...
came from the same gun that killed
the American sergeant on the train...
a P38.
- Is Webber still alive?
- Just about.
If he talks, those three bullets might give us
the answers we've been looking for.
They turned on you like a pack of wolves
when you were hit.
Why cover for them? Come on, Webber.
You're hurt worse than you think.
Who fired the P38,
killed the payroll guard?
And the American sergeant.
The same gun was used in both murders.
Who is Eddie Spanier, huh?
Eddie. Eddie Spanier.
You guys.
You're a million...
You're a million miles off.
He's got...
nothing to do with this.
- We were in the war together.
- What war?
Sticking up unarmed men
and old ladies?
According to this letter, he wants to join
you as soon as he gets out of prison.
Join you in what? What's the setup,
Webber? Who are the others?
Maybe this woman can tell us.
She doesn't know anything.
- She had nothing to do with this.
- Then what are you afraid she'll tell us?
She's got nothing to do
with this. Do you hear me?
- She's got nothin' to do with this.
Nothin', you hear me?
- Who is she?
- Nothin'.
- Who is she? Who is she?
- My wife.
- Your wife?
- Yes, I-I...
- That's not on the record.
Two months.
Two months. We've been
married two months.
Nobody knows.
We kept it on the q.t.
Nobody knows. Nobody knows.
Only her uncle.
Only her uncle and you.
three weeks later...
a freighter from San Francisco
docked at the port of Yokohama.
Among others, it carried
a passenger listed as Eddie Spanier.
He headed directly for Tokyo.
His first stop was
at the Koksai Theater.
- They're only 40 minutes late.
- She's an hour late.
What difference does it make?
They said they'd show us the town, didn't they?
- They don't speak English.
- So what? We don't speak Japanese.
How do I get to the roof?
Uh, right up that way.
But I wouldn't go up there
now if I were you.
- Why not?
- They're rehearsing. They don't
like anybody up there now.
They got an elevator
or do I have to walk?
They've got an elevator.
Speak English?
Anybody speak a little English?
- Hai.
- Hi.
Hai means "yes."
I want to talk to Mariko.
Which one is she?
- Mariko-san?
- Mariko Nagoya.
Mariko-san does
not work here. No more.
Doesn't work here anymore?
Where's she work now?
Mariko-san gone way.
Not say sayonara.
- Huh?
- Sayonara means "good-bye."
Is Mariko Nagoya here?
I'm looking for
Mariko Nagoya-Webber.
So she is in there?
I wanna go in there
and talk to her.
I just want to go in there
and talk to her.
I... I want to go in and talk to her.
Look, Mariko Nagoya.
- Nagoya.
- Is she in there?
Mariko Nagoya.
That's right.
Mariko Nagoya.
Oh, Nagoya Mariko.
You're Mariko Webber,
aren't you? Ah!
I won't hurt you.
I just want to know
where to find your husband.
I'm a friend of his.
Eddie Spanier.
You are Eddie Spanier.
When I heard you ask for me
in the bathhouse, I was frightened.
I had to run. I thought
you were one of them.
- Who did you think I was?
- One of the men who killed my husband.
- Killed him?
- He was shot down in the street.
He died in the hospital the next day.
I'm sorry to tell it to you like this.
Oh, that puts me in a great spot.
I came all the way from the States.
He wrote to come over.
That he had a deal cooking.
Was gonna cut me in.
Well, the news hit me below
the belt, Mrs. Webber.
Leaves me out on a limb.
Who shot him?
I don't know.
The newspaper said
he died without talking.
What about the police?
What'd they tell you?
- They don't know about me.
- Didn't you go to 'em?
I don't get this. Your husband killed,
you don't go to the police?
The first thing anybody'd do.
Why didn't you go to them?
He made me promise never to let anyone
know we were married...
no matter what happened to him.
Why? Was he ashamed?
No. He had his reasons.
He never told me why.
Well, if it was such a big secret,
why did he write me about you?
I don't know.
Maybe because he trusted you.
How did it happen?
Why was he shot?
I don't understand it.
I still can't believe it.
The man I married was gentle, kind.
Oh, for two months it was
a paradise I always dreamed of.
And then the newspaper said
he was in a robbery...
and shot down by his own friend
and left in the street!
Take it easy. You'll be all right.
Take it easy.
I didn't know what to do.
I was afraid to go to the police.
I didn't go back to the theater.
I moved in with my uncle.
There was no one to go to,
no one to turn to.
I was mixed-up, ashamed.
I can't believe he was bad.
I couldn't have married a thief.
I didn't know he was in that deep.
He wrote me he managed a pachinko parlor
in the Asaksa district.
There's nothing wrong with that.
It's a legitimate business.
I didn't figure
he was in that deep.
He must have got fouled up
with the wrong crowd.
You think I should go to the police?
No. What good is it?
You can't help them.
- I'm afraid.
- Of what?
I'm afraid they will kill me
the way they killed him.
It was smart of him to keep
the marriage a secret.
You got nothing to worry about as long
as nobody knows you're his wife.
Who's the boss?
The fellow in charge of the place.
The head man!
The number one boy.
- Ichiban.
- Yeah.
- You're the ichiban?
- Hai. Konnichiwa.
You speak a little English?
A little.
What's $25 in Japanese money?
Ah, so.
Uh, 9,000 yen, official rate.
I give you 10% more.
Nine thousand yen
is $25 dollars, huh?
I come every week,
collect 9,000 yen for protection...
so nobody'll do to you
what I'm doing, okay?
Who's the boss?
You know, the boss.
The head man.
You know, the boss.
The number one boy.
Ah, so-so.
Ichiban. Ichiban.
Red. Red.
- You mean the guy with the red coat?
- Hai. Hai.
You the ichiban?
Hai. Konnichiwa.
- Speak a little English?
- Of course. A little.
What's $25 in Japanese money?
Ah, so.
Nine thousand yen official rate.
I give you 10% more.
I come every week,
collect 9,000 yen for protection...
so nobody'll do to you
what I'm doing, okay?
Wake him up.
That's enough.
Who you working for?
Come on. Answer the man.
Answer the man!
Who are you working for?
Who's he?
And who else?
Eddie who?
I asked you who else
you're working for.
I told you.
Well, Griff, you had it figured right.
Our Chicago mob was coming in
to take over Tokyo.
Well, that's what happens
when you act like a hoodlum.
Selling protection.
You know, my pappy used to
tell me about that...
while I was on his knee.
Where've you been
the last 20 years, Eddie?
What museum did you crawl out of?
What's it to you?
I don't remember seeing you around.
You will.
Well, you might give me that
$50 you borrowed from my place.
Come on.
Give the man the money.
- Charlie.
- Yes, sir.
How many, uh, pachinko parlors
are there in Tokyo?
Over 3,000, the last count.
And more in Yokohama,
Kobe and Osaka.
You go and sell them protection, Eddie,
and stay out of Tokyo.
Now beat it.
Oh, pappy should have seen that.
A shakedown. Today.
Give me a cup of tea.
Good to see you.
How about, uh, octopus?
- What's he talking about?
- He says you stole his pearls.
That's crazy.
Come on. Search me.
Do you have your passport?
Yeah, I got my passport.
Yes, we got a record on Eddie Spanier.
Assault and armed robbery.
Sentenced three to five years.
Paroled after two years, eight months.
I got it.
Thanks, Corporal.
The American army has quite a record
on you, Mr. Spanier.
- That action's over.
- Why did you come to Tokyo?
- Is there a law against it?
- No.
But we don't like
undesirable characters.
I served my time. My book's clean.
Check with immigration on my passport.
They confirmed you
had one when you docked.
- Do you have any friends in town?
- No.
What did you do with the pearls?
Do I look like a pearl diver?
You were identified
by the man as the thief.
The charge against you
has been dropped.
Am I supposed to
decorate somebody?
He just telephoned his shop.
The pearls are there.
He had forgotten to take them.
He's very sorry.
- Very sorry, huh?
- Yes, very sorry.
Hey, you.
Sandy told you
to stay out of Tokyo.
Did he tell you to bring me in?
He asked me. In case
I spotted you still in town.
Well, you spotted me.
Let's go.
Don't take any chances. You'd better
double-check those figures yourself.
- Yes, sir.
- Make sure the flowers are ready for tonight.
- Yes, sir.
- That's all.
Pachinko parlors paid for this place.
Used to belong to a baron.
You're only off the boat a couple of days
and right away you get picked up by the cops.
How'd you know
when I got off the boat?
The date's stamped on your passport.
You lost it.
I got no use for it.
You want to go to work for me?
- I got my own plans.
- Oh, sure.
But that takes money.
Organization takes friends.
You got none of those three.
My mother didn't raise me
to be a dog-robber.
Aw, you're got Griff all wrong.
He's my number one boy, my ichiban.
He was doing me a favor.
He can do me one driving me
back where he picked me up.
Well, it's your decision.
Nobody's pushing you.
I'm not interested in working
for any pachinko operator.
- Come on, ichiban.
- Who said anything about pachinko?
You didn't talk about anything else.
I've got other interests.
- What kind?
- Your kind.
- What's in it for me?
- Loot. Lots of it.
Are you in or out?
- I'm in.
- Give the man a cigar.
Come on.
I'll show you around.
What a crummy-looking character.
- What did you say his name was again?
- Spanier.
Eddie Spanier. Man, he sure hit it
off good with Sandy.
- I don't like him.
- Why not?
I don't like him.
Your war record is one of
the best I've ever seen.
Assault and armed robbery.
Sentenced three to five years.
Paroled after two years, eight months.
Drafted 1943.
Charged with homicide of second lieutenant,
no witness, no conviction.
Robbed division payroll,
sentenced to military prison...
where you served the rest of the war.
Dishonorably discharged.
Arrested on mugging charge.
No conviction.
Assault and armed robbery.
No conviction.
You working for the law?
Where'd you get that rundown on me?
I got ways.
Let's sit down, huh?
Plus getting me framed?
Well, I had to get you pinched
so I could screen you.
That's the way I built up my outfit.
All ex-cons before they were drafted.
All stockade hounds in the army,
dishonorably discharged.
Fine-looking ex-G.I.'s to mix with...
the politest people
in the politest nation in the world.
And there's no hoodlum stuff.
We don't even carry weapons.
Here. Get yourself
a suit with some style.
Make yourself presentable.
And report right back to me after you do.
Brooklyn Dodgers.
Do you know a pachinko
operator named Sandy Dawson?
He's a petty racketeer
who uses pachinko as a front...
- like many other criminals.
- A front for what?
Other gambling interests.
We know all about him.
Yeah? He knows all about me as Eddie Spanier.
- How could he know that?
- He had my criminal and military record...
the same one you had
in your hand today.
Are you inferring
somebody in my department...
- I'm not inferring anything.
- Maybe he got it from the army.
Maybe. All I know is he had me picked up
on that phony charge to get it.
You may have stumbled on something
more than we expected.
What other interest
has he besides pachinko?
Don't know, except he runs his outfit
like a five-star general.
- I'm to report right back.
- Any link between him and Webber?
- Don't know.
- What about the stolen weapons
and ammunition?
Carrying weapons is verboten.
He hit that hard.
Stay with him.
He might give you a lead.
- What about the widow?
- She's on the level. She knows nothing.
- You think she suspected you?
- No. That photo did the trick.
Forget her.
It looks like a wake.
Maybe it is.
How long does it take you to buy a suit?
Where've you been?
What do you want, a blow-by-blow account
of everything I do?
Where'd you go?
On private business.
- Your business is our business.
- Not this kind.
It's strictly personal.
A one-man operation.
- Why waste time?
- Where'd you go?
- To see a kimona.
- Who?
Now, don't tell me girls
are out of bounds.
Who's the girl?
You don't know her.
Who's the girl, Eddie?
- Eddie Spanier.
- Eddie Spanier.
Take it easy, pop.
- Do you know any Americans?
- No.
- Where did you learn the language?
- School.
You don't have
an American boyfriend?
I don't know what you're talking about.
For the last couple of hours
was there another man here?
- A foreigner, a Westerner?
- No.
- We're wasting time.
- Bring him in.
- Friend of yours?
- No.
You never saw him before?
How did you happen to pick her
for such a phony alibi?
Was I here today?
I told you my business was personal.
You came close to losing him permanently.
Why did you lie?
I don't understand you kimona girls.
I don't know why you put a twist in a story
and almost get a guy like Eddie in trouble.
That isn't the way to act.
Why did you lie?
Ashamed? Because
he's a foreigner? Is that it?
Don't you get it?
Probably a relative,
friend of the family.
She'd lose face playing around
with a foreigner.
My apologies, Eddie.
But we're entitled to one mistake.
If you don't make a mistake...
you never know when you're right.
Sorry we roughed you up, Uncle.
- Charlie, meet me at Pachinko Number Four.
- Yes, sir.
All right, Eddie, let's go.
Give Grandpa a cigar.
What are you doing here?
What do you want?
- I was afraid for you.
- How'd you know where to find me?
I'm sorry, Eddie, but I did not know
what to tell him.
I was afraid to say
I knew you.
I was afraid to say I did not.
Oh, I... I did not
know what to say, Eddie.
Well, I had to hit ya to make it look good.
Did you follow me here?
My uncle did.
He wants to go to the police.
- You stopped him.
- He's afraid for me.
- Did you stop him?
- Yes.
Tell him to keep out of this. If the police learn
about you, the killers will learn it too.
That's why I... I stopped him.
Are... Are they the men
who killed my husband?
- Maybe.
- Maybe they'll kill you.
Maybe they will.
You better beat it.
I want to help you.
How can you help me?
I don't know, but...
There's no way you can help me.
Unless maybe...
- Ah, forget it.
- Oh, there is a way I can help.
What can I do?
Are you sure you want to help?
Stay here with me.
All of Sandy's men have kimona girls.
I can get one too. It's easy.
But I gotta have one I can trust.
One that'll cover for me.
Forget it.
It was just an idea.
Go on home to your uncle.
Good morning.
Oh, that's wonderful coffee.
Just the way I like it.
- Domo arigato.
- Huh?
Oh, that means "thank you."
That's not the same kimona
you wore last night.
Oh, I've been out already.
Brought my clothes.
What did your uncle say about that?
He knows if I do this,
there is a good reason for it.
The bath is ready.
- The bath?
- Hai.
Come. We take bath now.
We do?
I'll fix the breakfast. Oh, I bought fresh eggs
this morning on the Ginza.
Whoa! Ooh! It's hot!
It's hot.
This is not hot.
In Japan, we like
our baths boiling hot.
You... You better
go back to your eggs.
Yes. How do you like them?
Uh, on a shingle.
I know sunny-side up and scrambled,
but I do not know on a shingle.
Have you got any bread?
Oh, yes. I bought bread.
All you do is you toast it,
and you put an egg on it.
- You mean poached!
- Yeah, poached.
Everything all right now?
Yeah, yeah. Sure.
Your eggs on a shingle are ready.
What's the matter?
Anything wrong?
No. No, nothing.
But you're still in...
Your eggs get cold.
Yeah, well, I'll have my eggs
right now. In the tub.
- In the tub?
- Yeah. I, uh...
I always have my
breakfast in the bathtub.
- Domo arigato.
- You're welcome.
Your eggs will get cold.
Just the way I like it.
I can't go through with it, Eddie.
It's getting worse every day.
It's not you, Eddie.
It's me... me and my people.
It's hard for you to understand.
No foreigner does.
But living with you here like this...
brings dishonor on them...
and they hate any of us who give
that impression to foreigners.
I'm sorry, Eddie.
I'm not strong enough
to live this pretense.
Inside it makes me sick, cheap.
You better go.
You are not angry?
Nah. It was a bad idea from the start.
- Hold me! Hold me!
- What?
Sandy wants to see you.
I'm in no hurry.
Go ahead. Kiss her again.
Give me some light, Charlie.
Our objective is the Kojaku Gravel
and Cement Works...
on Honji Island in Tokyo Bay.
We'll touch down at this dock here.
- You got it? You, Skipper.
- Yes, sir?
You'll pull in in this direction.
While we attack, turn the boat around
and be ready for an immediate withdrawal.
- Have you, uh, got that special equipment?
- Yes, sir.
These are the latest photographs
of the terrain.
This is the cashier's office.
We pull back immediately to Exit "A"...
and then...
to Exit "B."
And then to the line of departure.
Now, I'd better, uh,
fill you in on our casualties.
A wounded man, whether on attack
or withdrawal, is immediately
killed by any one of us.
- What?
- Oh, I know it sounds inhuman,
but, so far, it's paid off.
That's why we're still operating.
I handpicked every one of you,
and you're only good as long
as you don't stop a bullet.
If you're hit, you're taken P.W.
And every man has a breaking point
when questioned enough.
- Any man here'll talk
if his brains are washed right.
Get that phone, Eddie.
What's the message?
The fog lifted.
We're all set.
- Well, let's go.
- I haven't got a weapon.
You'll get one.
- You're late.
- I know.
We were waiting for the fog to lift.
We'll make it all right. This is Eddie Spanier.
John has charge of the weapons.
Snub-nosed.38... Griff.
.45... Phil.
.38... Willie.
What'd you do in the war,
knock off your ordnance sergeant?
- I was the ordnance sergeant.
- Hey, 9 millimeter German job.
That's a beautiful P38.
My specialty.
- I'll take one.
- That's the only one in the outfit.
Give him a weapon.
I'm hit!
- Pick him up, Griff.
- What?
Pick him up!
Get out those smoke pots!
Somebody tell me
why I saved Eddie?
Countermanded my own order?
You tell me.
You're not my brother.
I don't owe you anything.
You never stuck out
your neck for me.
Why did I stop Griff
from finishing you off?
Maybe it's because
it was your first job.
Maybe that's it.
But I'll tell you one thing.
It'll never happen again.
Bring her in.
It's a flesh wound,
nothing serious. Go on.
You can use my house as a rest camp
till you're able to get into action again.
That room ready?
Yes, sir.
You're his kimona.
You stay here too.
Take care of him.
He'll show you where the room is.
This changes the whole setup.
Why, Eddie?
In my own shack you could always cover for me.
Now that plan is impossible.
I can't ask you
to stay here, Mariko.
This is dynamite, the two of us
living right under his nose.
You are worried about me
being in danger, aren't you?
Look, I got you into this.
I'll figure a story to tell Sandy, a reason
why you left and didn't come back.
It will be dangerous for you too.
- Yeah, but I've got to stay here.
- Why?
It's my job to keep an eye on him.
I'm getting paid for it.
What do you mean getting paid?
What are you talking about, Eddie?
I'm not Eddie Spanier.
- I don't understand.
- That photo was a fake.
The real Eddie Spanier
is still in jail in America.
I came to you hoping to find out something
about your husband, about his connections.
- Are you a policeman?
- In a way.
Did my husband work for Sandy?
Was it hard for you to...
to put on this act with me?
It wasn't hard...
in the beginning.
They must pay you a great deal of money
for the chances you have to take.
$190.30 a month.
I'm a sergeant in the U.S. Army.
- A soldier?
- An army cop.
don't you have someone
that will worry if you're in danger?
Everyone has somebody
who worries about him. I have a dad.
He's a carpenter in San Diego. That's where
I come from... San Diego, California.
- Anyone else?
- My sister. She's 16, still in high school.
My mother's dead.
No. No wife.
Please let me help you. Please.
You're a wonderful girl, Mariko.
I don't want anything
to happen to you.
Thank you, Eddie.
Well, how's the casualty coming along?
I think I'll live, Charlie.
Hey, you're a pretty lucky guy,
a setup like this...
and a kimona like that
to nurse you.
Did you bring me my Purple Heart?
No, but I brought you
some good news.
Sandy's throwing a shindig tonight
in honor of that job we just pulled.
He'd like to have you
and the kimona be there.
- Eddie and I will be there, Charlie.
- Okay. Be seeing you.
You look worried.
- I was thinking about Willy.
- Forget him.
Think I liked having him killed?
He's gonna be tough to replace.
But like I said, every wounded man has
a breaking point when questioned by the police.
We only leave corpses behind.
How do you know he was killed?
We were moving fast...
I got ways of checking my casualties.
Only once did we leave
a wounded man behind...
and he must have
had a cast-iron stomach.
But he died in hospital the next day.
He didn't talk.
Come on, Mariko.
Let's show 'em how to dance, huh?
You got your own kimona.
Lay off mine.
You want to make
something out of this?
- If you weren't so drunk,
I'd throw you in the...
- Why you...
Sit down, Griff. You know I don't like
a beef when I throw a party.
And I don't like being shoved out of
my number one position next to you...
at a party or any place else.
For the last couple of weeks,
you've been worrying me, Griff.
The way you act,
the way you blow up.
I don't like my ichiban to worry me.
It's bad for the outfit.
Now wrap your arms around
that kimona of yours and stay put.
Yes, sir.
Ah, don't let Griff
get you down.
Right from the start he's had it in for me
and he took it out on you.
It isn't that. It's the way Sandy talked
how he killed my husband.
Say, why'd that girl poke the back
of your neck with those chopsticks?
She was making fun of my neck.
- Oh, is that what they were talking about?
- Yes.
In the old days, it was traditional
for the refined Japanese woman...
- to keep the back of her neck covered.
- Yeah? Why?
Well, in those days...
it was the first thing a man
found attractive in a woman.
- Ooh! My aching back!
- What's the matter, Eddie?
It's my neck this time.
Ever since I stopped that bullet,
I must be falling apart.
Come on, Eddie.
I'll fix it for you.
Where did you learn
to manipulate your fingers like that?
In Japan, a woman is taught
from childhood to please a man.
Mmm. It's the best custom yet.
What's the first thing about a man?
- The first thing?
- You know.
What's the first thing a Japanese woman
finds attractive in a man?
Broad shoulders?
- No.
- Muscles?
Well, there must be something that right
away makes a Japanese woman want to...
There is.
Well, what's the secret?
Let me in on it.
My what?
Your eyebrows.
My eyebrows?
Yes. You have the most romantic
eyebrows I have ever seen.
- Well, I guess that's traditional too, huh?
- Hai.
Hai means yes, huh?
You feel better now?
Yes, I feel much better now.
Well, good night.
- Mariko?
- Yes?
Um, how do you say, uh,
"good night" in Japanese?
- Say, Mariko?
- Yes?
Now this is the bank of Tokyo.
This is the alley.
This big, gray armored bus...
We got nothing like it in the States.
It's a mobile bank on wheels...
packed with money to deliver
to the banks of Tokyo.
It's got bookkeepers,
clerks, files, everything.
It's a traveling mint.
Now I'll be following in this red bus.
Like this.
The actual knock over will be at
the intersection of Fifth and Annex.
Smitty, Benson and Johnson...
will be dressed as Japanese laborers
working the area with pick and shovel.
Charlie and Phil will be in their cars
with their groups here.
- Eddie will be here...
- Wait a minute!
At the last couple of briefings,
everybody's been included in the act but me.
- Where do I come in?
- You're sitting this one out.
What are you talking about?
You're not in this operation.
You need a rest, Griff.
You've been pitching too hard.
You got battle fatigue. It happens to
the best of us. It's-It's nothing personal.
But I've been watching you
and I'm worried.
You're not responsible for what you're doing.
I can't trust you in the line.
You can't trust me?
What are you trying to do, cut me out?
No, no. Nobody's gonna cut you out.
You'll get your full share of this operation.
Don't do me no favors, Sandy.
I helped you organize this outfit.
That's why I'm next in command.
That was the deal.
But ever since you saved this guy's neck,
you've been acting funny.
I know what you're trying to do.
But you're not gonna get away
with it 'cause I won't let you.
- You're not going to trade me in
for some other ichiban.
- Take it easy.
Battle fatigued? Ha!
That's a hot one.
I could pull this job with just a couple of men.
I don't need any two-bit army.
You just knocked over
the Bank of Tokyo, Griff, all by yourself.
You see what I mean,
blowing your top?
That's what I've been saying.
You're not responsible for what you're doing.
You got no control.
Absolutely no control.
And I can't jeopardize this outfit.
I don't know what you might do next.
Wait a minute, Griff.
You're just about ready
for a Section Eight.
You better go home
and get some rest. Go on.
Well, I've finished the briefing.
Have you got it straight?
His name is Captain Hanson.
You call him from a booth.
You tell him you have something
for him from Sergeant Kenner.
He'll tell you where to meet him.
Now, this is what you give him.
I've written out all the facts.
Oh, I'm frightened for you.
You better hurry.
Please be careful.
Captain Hanson.
I have something for you
from Sergeant Kenner.
- Who is this?
- Mariko.
- Where are you calling from?
- A little shop.
Go to the Imperial Hotel,
room number 4.
It's the second door on your left off
the lounge. Have you got that clear?
Imperial Hotel, Room 4.
Are you sure you're
not really a "geesha" girl?
"Geesha"? It's geisha.
- And anyway, I told you before...
- That's funny.
I see nothing funny about it.
Well, I wonder if she's
got another boyfriend here.
What are you talking about?
- Is Captain Hanson here?
- I'm Captain Hanson.
Where's the message
from Sergeant Kenner?
I'd sure hate to see that thing after
an all night bout with a jug of rice wine.
That was a short romance.
Holy smoke!
Drink your drink. Drink your drink.
A pack of those cigarettes, please.
Hey! Come here.
Come on. Come on.
Here, I want to talk to you.
Come on. Sit down. Come on. Come on.
Relax, will you?
Here, right here. That's it. Right there.
Let me put these down.
Oh, you've been, uh, been
shopping for Eddie? That's nice.
Now look, uh...
What is your name?
Uh, don't tell me now.
It's, uh, Mariko, isn't that it?
Well, look, Mariko, I thought we ought
to get to know each other better.
You know, you're living in the house here,
taking care of Eddie.
I... I want you to feel welcome,
like you... like you belong.
Now will you relax, please?
Now, are the, uh, servants
treating you okay?
Do you need anything?
Well, if you do,
you just let me know.
Because I want you
to have the run of the house.
After all, that's what it's for.
How about some tea?
It's good for you.
Everybody likes tea.
Oh, come on. Here.
I never see Eddie with another girl.
What's the matter?
Do I make you nervous?
He never seems to laugh anymore.
What do you think's bothering him?
Never seems to enjoy himself.
You're what's bothering him.
Charlie saw you coming out
of that hotel room with a Westerner.
It probably isn't the first time.
Eddie can't trust you,
that's what's bothering him.
His number one girl, his ichiban,
and you're two-timing him.
Well, I don't care what you do,
you cheap little tramp...
but you're either gonna stick to
Eddie or you're gonna get out of here.
Say, what's all the excitement about?
What's going on at Fifth and Annex?
Fifth and Annex.
- All my men are ready.
- The red bus should be five minutes from us.
Right down that alley will
take us to Fifth and Annex.
- Are you sure he's got the P38 on him?
- He's got it.
Who? Who was it?
Get off the Ginza.
Turn down the first alley to the left.
Stop the bus.
That music.
Something's happened.
That's the signal to pull out.
Take off.
Move out!
- Something went wrong.
- What do you mean?
He's calling off the operation.
- How do you know?
- That music.
Drop me off at the arcade.
Why did you tip the cops, Griff?
I can tell you why.
'Cause you weren't responsible
for your actions. Remember?
I told you.
You didn't know what you were doing.
I could see you had no control of yourself.
Absolutely none.
And I knew, Griff.
I knew.
When you started blowing your buttons
for no reason whatsoever.
I wish I hadn't been right.
But I was, Griff, like always.
A man is waiting
to see you, Mr. Dawson.
- Who?
- He would not tell me his name.
He's out there.
What're you doing here?
Any of the men see you?
I got here before they did.
Okay. What is it?
I know who informed the police.
I'm way ahead of you.
How'd you find out before I did?
I pay for information.
I don't need you to think for me.
Be careful how you get rid of him.
I already have.
Anything else?
Better lay low. The army will
never let up on you now that
you've killed one of their own.
Wait a minute.
What do you mean,
one of their own?
Didn't you know
he was an army investigator?
Are you out of your mind?
A military police investigator... Griff?
- Why I've known him since...
- Griff? You killed the wrong man.
I am talking about Eddie Spanier.
- Eddie?
- Right after I left you in the red bus...
I saw him with Inspector Kita
and-and-and Captain Hanson of the M.P.C.I.
I saw him talking to them
standing right there on the street.
- Are you sure it was Eddie?
- I know Eddie Spanier.
Didn't I get his record for you?
I screened him.
He couldn't be an army cop.
I screened him.
The army planted that record.
Beat it.
The enemy intelligence was on the ball.
- The police were wise.
- The police?
How could anybody tip them off?
We're the only ones who knew.
That's right. We were
the only ones who knew.
- Got any ideas?
- Sure. Sure, I know who tipped them off.
I never could figure a man
who'd betray a friend.
It must take some,
uh, special kind of guy...
a guy that gets a kick out
of worming his way in and, uh...
just when you get to like him,
in goes the knife, right?
Well, that is the way it goes.
It takes all kinds.
But I never figured Griff would go so far
as to blow his lid to police headquarters.
- Griff?
- You mean Griff tipped them off?
Oh, yeah, it was Griff.
Poor guy, he didn't know
what he was doing.
I'll say one thing.
He sure knew how to die.
Remember that pearl job we had rigged
for next month... the Asaksa Building?
Well, just so this day won't be a total loss,
I'm going to put it into operation right away.
- After what happened?
- Sure.
When the enemy thinks they got
you on the run, counterattack.
Don't wait to regroup.
Hit 'em with a surprise maneuver.
And this will surprise 'em all right.
For this I'll need, uh...
Oh, and, uh, Eddie, you too.
- Mr. Hommaru?
- Yes, sir.
- I'm sorry. I'm out of cards.
I met so many people today.
- Ah, so.
- My name is Phillips.
- Mr. Phillips.
- These are my associates. Mr. Henry.
- Mr. Henry.
- Mr. Brownlee.
- Mr. Brownlee.
- We'd like to look at some pearls.
- Certainly. Any particular size?
- The biggest and the best you've got.
- Ah, so.
Oh, here. Finest quality.
First grade.
Ah. Please.
- See? Beautiful?
- Ichiban.
Most beautiful in Tokyo.
- Most beautiful in Japan.
- All right, Charlie.
Give him a hand.
Get those over there, Eddie.
- Forget the pearls, Charlie. Cover him.
- What?
Cover Eddie.
Police Headquarters?
Get me somebody who can speak English.
English! Yep. All right, I'll wait.
Sit down, Eddie.
Hai. Can I help you?
I, uh, want to tip you off
about an armed robbery.
- Armed robbery? Who is this
calling? What is your name?
- Never mind who I am.
A friend of mine cut me out of a big deal,
and he's got this coming to him.
Now get this.
Go to room 916, the Asaksa Building.
- It's a pearl shop.
- Room 916.
Right. Oh, and watch your step.
He's dangerous.
He'll fire on sight.
You're a man who
appreciates my position.
What would you do in my place?
Suppose you were running my outfit
and you picked up a spy?
You know what the army does when
they find an enemy agent behind the lines.
You think I'm going to kill you,
don't you, Eddie? Well, I'm not.
Not me.
Do you know who's
going to do it for me?
The Japanese police.
And they're gonna find you
loaded with pearls.
That way the army can't blame me
for killing one of their own.
How do you like that
for top-level strategy, huh?
A straitjacket would fit you just right.
Can you think of a more
brilliant maneuver?
Well, they ought to be
here in a few minutes.
All right, Charlie.
- Let's get out of here.
- No, wait a minute. Pick him up.
Pick him up.
We'll put him over here.
- Where? Over there?
- Yeah.
Hold him a minute.
Hold him. Here.
Get his chin right in there.
- Okay?
- Hang on.
- Hang onto him.
- What about his hat?
Those cops will fire at the first man they see.
Now is he all right?
- Yeah. He's up there.
- Okay. Let's go.
Charlie, prop him up again!
All right, Sergeant.
Take a look around.
See if you can get
that wheel turning.
The wheel, the wheel!
Make it turn!