How About You... (2007)

[ ]
I Like New York
In June
How About You?
I Like A Gershwin Tune
How About You?
Oh, I Love A Fireside
When A Storm Is Due
I Like Potato Chips
And Motor Trips
How About You?
[ Sigh ]
I'm Mad
About Good Books
Can't Get My Fill
And Mr. Kennedy's
Give Me A Thrill
Holding Hands
In The Movie Show
When All
The Lights Are Low
May Not Be New
But I Like It
How About You?
I Like New Jersey
In June
How About You?
And I Love Me
A Bernstein Tune
How About You?
I Love A Tv Set
When A Storm Is Due
You Know, I Like
My Fish 'n' Chips
Rock 'n' Roll
And Filter Tips
How About You?
I'm Nuts
About Good Cooks
Can Never
Get My Fill
And Mrs. Darin's Looks
Kind Of Give
Me A Thrill
Holding Hands
In The Movie Show
All The Way
In The Last Row
May Not Be New
But I Like It,
How About You?
[ ]
[ Rattling ]
Donkeys On
The Lawn. Shit!
That's It!
I Don't
Want To Go.
They're Trying
To Get Rid Of Us Before They Arrived.
A Few Of The Residents
Are Just Leaving
On A Day Excursion
But, Um, Come On Through
To The Sitting Room.
We'll Get You
And I Can Explain
All About Life Here At Woodlane.
I'm Not Going.
I Am Not Going.
Actually, She's
Just Trying To Get Rid Of Us.
Heather, Hazel...
She's Just Trying To Get Rid Of Us.
Let Me Tell You
Something About This Bloody Place.
Are You
Looking Forward To Your Day Out?
I'm Not Going, And You Can't Make Me.
We're Not
Going, Anyway.
If She's Not Going,
I'm Not Going.
Do Those Two Hags
Never Stop Whining?
Shall We All Come
Through To The Fire,
And Settle
Down, Yes?
By The Way,
Someone Went Into My Room
And Left The
Toilet Seat Up
While I Was
At Breakfast.
Hazel, Why Would Anyone Do Anything Like That?
So That People
Would Think I Had Men In.
[ Giggling ]
Men In Your Room.
That'll Be The Day.
Wait For Me!
They Practically
Ran Out Of The Place.
Man: [ On Speaker Phone ]
Oh No! You'll Have To Advertise Again.
You Do Realise That
In The Last Six Months,
You've Lost Two Nurses,
Six Carers,
And Three Residents
Because Those Four Obnoxious Old...
Two Residents.
Mrs. Holland Died Of
A Massive Heart Attack.
Yeah, Well I'm Sure
They Caused It.
Look, As
Your Accountant,
I've Said It Before
And I'll Say It Again,
Get Rid Of Them.
Got To Call You Back.
What's All This?
Well How About,
"Hi, Ellie, How's It Going?"
You Should
Have Rung. What...
It Cost A Fortune To Send You To College.
Now You Want To
Work As A Skivvy?
A Hygiene
And It's
It Won't Work.
It Never Works.
I Haven't Seen
You For What...
A Year? And
After 10 Minutes,
I Don't Think
I Want To See You For Another Year.
Oh, Come On, Kate.
It Looks Like
You Could Do With Some Help.
I Heard The Staff
Are Leaving Here
Quicker Than
The Residents.
Mum Told Me.
So, You Two Are
Speaking Again, Then?
Well, Not Really.
I Ring Home, She Talks
About You, Or Herself.
Mostly About You.
I Don't Figure
Largely In The Conversations.
It Would Be Good
For Both Of Us.
Ellie, You're Not
Doing This For Me.
So What's
Really Going On?
Some Friends Are
Planning This Round The World Trip,
And I Really Want
To Go With Them, Kate.
How Many Times Are
You Going To Go Around The World?
Look, I Figured If You
Just Paid Me In Cash...
I Suppose You Want
To Live Here As Well?
Well, You've
Plenty Of Room.
I Gave Up My Flat
So I Wouldn't Have To Waste Money On Rent.
It's The Only Way
I'd Have Enough Money To Go With Them
And I'm Trying To Get
Dan To Go With Me, Too.
You're Not Still Going
Out With Him, Are You?
Two Years Now,
Thank You Very Much.
I Just Don't Know
What You See In Him.
He Always Seems So
Bloody Miserable.
Not When He's
With Me, He's Not.
So, What Do
You Say?
Why Can't I Stay
At Your House?
If You Want
To Work Here,
You Have To Stay In
Staff Accommodation.
Ugh... Jesus, It's
Freezing In Here!
[ Grunt ]
You Don't Seriously
Expect Me To Wear This?
Mum Was Right.
His Eyes Are Too
Close Together.
She Said The Same
About David.
You May As Well
Start Straight Away.
Ten Minutes,
Oh, And Ellie?
Do Something
With Your Hair!
[ Vacuum Whirring ]
Woman: [ Shouting ]
Get Out Of My Home!
Get Out! Get Out!
You Come Into My Room,
You Move Everything,
And I Can't Find It.
And I Know You're
Stealing From Me.
Why Don't You
Go Back To Asia,
Where You Belong?
I Am Spanish,
[ Stammering ]
Who Cares?
You're All The Same.
Do You Even Have
A Visa To Get Into This Country?
I Don't Need
A Visa To Work.
I Am European.
You're A What?
You're A...
You're A Pain
In The Ass!
I Can't Go Out
With One Earring.
Get Back In My Room
And Find My Earring!
But I Cannot
Find It.
Maybe Ellie
Could Find It?
[ Vacuum Whirring ]
[ Door Slam ]
[ Object Clinking ]
[ Rain Pattering ]
Shame About
The Weather.
Yes, Isn't It?
I'd Like To Go Down
By The River.
But They Say
I'll Catch My Death.
[ Laughing ]
What's So Funny?
I'm Dying Anyway.
A Little Trip
To The River
Won't Make
The Slightest Difference.
Never Think He
Was Once A Judge Of The High Court,
Would You?
Quite Brilliant In
His Day, Apparently.
You Don't Look
Like Someone
Who'd Work In
A Place Like This.
You Don't Look
Like Someone
Who'd Stay In
A Place Like This.
Well, I Never
Thought I'd End Up In One.
I'm Alice.
I'm Ellie.
It's Very Nice
To Meet You.
Well, Ellie, If
You Don't Mind,
I'd Like To Continue
Taking In The View.
I'll Clean Up
In Here Later.
[ ]
What Is It?
I'm In The Middle
Of A Game Of Pool.
Would You Let
Hazel Know,
There's A Registered
Letter Here For Her?
How Many Times Have
I Got To Tell You
That Hazel Does Not
Want To Be Bothered
With Stuff Like This?
The Post
Goes To Me!
[ Horn Honking ]
[ Blow-Dryer Whirring ]
[ Piano ]
[ Rumble Of Car Engine
Approaching ]
[ Loud Car Stereo ]
Ah, We're Awake, Are We?
Now, How Are
We Feeling Today?
No Need To Shout.
I May Be Dying,
But I'm Not Deaf.
Ellie? Uh,
You'd Stay And Give
Me My Breakfast, Don't You?
Of Course.
Well, Thank You,
Oh, Wow!
You Look Really
Where Was This Taken?
A Long Time Ago.
I Remember Very Well,
Lying On A Beach
Outside Casablanca.
Smoking Hashish.
Not The Sort Of
Behaviour Expected
Of A Young Lady
In Those Days, Believe Me.
I Can Get You Some,
If You Like.
Well, At This Stage
I'd Try Anything.
We Were There
One Christmas...
It Was Just Right,
You Know?
Sunny And Warm.
A Holiday Relaxes A Man.
He Was Very Handsome.
He Was.
Unfortunately, We
Were Never Blessed With Children,
And I Regret That.
But We Travelled A Lot.
I've Led
A Charmed Life, Ellie.
Is He Still Alive?
Only In Here.
Oh, I'm Sorry.
Don't Be.
We Had A Great
Time Together.
And I'm Kind
Of Hoping...
That I'll See Him
Again Someday.
[ ]
[ Knocking ]
Ellie, Waking
Everyone Up
In The Middle Of
The Night Is Not On.
Nurse Has Been
Complaining About You Again.
Said She Had To
Serve Breakfast By Herself This Morning.
Where Were You?
I Was With Alice,
She Needed To Talk.
I'm Not Paying You
To Sit Around Chatting.
Anything Else?
God, You're
So Uptight All The Time. Jeez!
When Was The
Last Time You Took A Holiday?
All That Money You
Got When David Died.
What About It?
Why Don't You
Spend Some Of It?
How Do You Think
I Bought This Place?
Always Poking Your
Nose Into Things
That Don't Concern
You, Aren't You?
We're Going To
End Up Like Them If We're Not Careful.
They Spent
Their Whole Lives
Looking After
Their Invalid Mother.
And Then When
She Died,
They Didn't
Know What To Do With Themselves.
So They Moved
In Here?
[ ]
Dietrich: [ On Tv ]
I Never Faint
Because I'm Not
Sure That I Would Fall Gracefully
And I Never Use
Smelling Salts...
[ Imitating Dietrich ]
I Never Use Smelling Salts,
Because Zey
Puff Up Ze Eyes.
[ Laughing ]
[ Knock On Door ]
Yes? Yes?
I Found
Your Earring.
Oh, You Are An Angel.
[ ]
Georgia Summers?
That Was
Your Stage Name.
Very Glamorous.
I Suppose "Platt"
Isn't Very...
Darling, Could You
Make Me A Martini?
That's What
I Need.
I Didn't Know You
Were Allowed Alcohol.
We're Not Prisoners.
We Actually Pay
To Be Here,
Bizarrely Enough.
Whisper Of Dry Vermouth.
Shake And Pour,
And Don't Forget
The Olive.
Are You Out
Of Your Mind?
I Could Be
Arrested For This.
Would You Relax?
It's A Tiny Bit
Of Grass,
And It's For Alice.
Oh, Oh! It's
For Alice.
Oh, Silly Me.
Oh, That's
Okay, So...
What... What
Are You Doing?
You Do This Again
And You're Out, Do You Hear?
And If You've
Any More Drugs, Get Rid Of Them.
You Just Don't
Think, Do You?
You Know, If You
Want To Mess Up Your Own Life,
That's Fine.
Just Don't Try
And Drag Me
Down With You.
Yeah, You Don't Need
My Help For That.
Oh, You Always Have
The Smart Answer, Don't You?
It Helps Her
With Her Pain.
She's Dying, Kate.
I Was Trying
To Help Her.
You're Trying
To Get Me Closed Down, You Mean.
This Is
My Premises,
I'll Be Held
These Are Going
Down The Toilet.
Oh, You And
Your Fucking Rules!
[ Piano ]
[ ]
Was That Absolutely
Oh, Tactics, My Darling,
As Our Donald Would Say.
Mammy Always Said You
Were Too Competitive.
[ Quiet Cackle ]
[ Grunt ]
[ Balls Clattering ]
Who's Having Tea?
[ Growling ]
Two Shots To Me.
Oh No, Ellie! You
Totally Distracted Me.
I Was Just About
To Pot The Ball.
Did You Not Think...
God Almighty!
What Are You
Laughing At?
You Stupid
Woman! God!
[ Screaming ]
Jesus Christ, What's
Happened To You?
Jesus, Mary
And Joseph.
Hazel, Let Me
See Your Eyes!
Please! Please,
Let Me See If You're Blinded!
Oh, Thank God!
There's No
Blood, Darling.
What Were You Thinking?
It Was An Accident.
Look, I Wasn't Even
Aiming For Hazel,
I Was Aiming
For Heather.
Well, I
Warned You.
So You Can
Pack Your Bags And Leave.
Oh, Come On, Kate.
Look, What Am
I Supposed To Do When I'm Attacked?
By A Woman
Twice Your Age In A Residential Home?
You Let Them Get
Away With Murder.
I've A Business To Run.
Yeah. Well, If You
Ask Me, You're Running It Into The Ground.
Well, I Didn't
Ask You,
And You're Not
Making My Life Any Easier.
I Have A Department
Of Health Inspector
Due Here Soon.
It'll Be Just Great
If Hazel Tells Them
What Happened
To Her Eye.
Staff Attacking
It Was Hardly An Attack.
She Didn't Even Need
That Fucking Eye Patch.
I Don't Need
Any More Trouble.
Where Will
You Go?
Look, I'm
Really Sorry.
I Didn't Mean It.
Would You Give Me One
More Chance, Please?
[ Mixed Whispers ]
Go On. Get It. Get The Remote Control.
He's Asleep.
[ Growl ]
[ Gasping ]
[ ]
You'll Be Able
To Munch Through Acres Of Grass
With Those New
Gnashers, Mary.
[ Chuckling ]
[ Sobbing ]
That Was
A Horrible Thing To Say.
Horrible, But True!
Bloody Dentist!
I'd Like To Gnash
His Gnashers.
I'll Have Tea.
A Little Milk,
No Sugar.
Get It Yourself.
I Said, No Sugar
And A Little Milk.
[ Sigh ]
[ Cup Rattling ]
[ Tv Chatter ]
[ ]
[ Knocking On Door ]
[ ]
[ Gasp ]
God. Jeez.
What Are You
Doing In Here?
Your Nerves Are
In A Bad Way.
You Shouldn't
Be In Here,
And You Certainly
Shouldn't Be Smoking.
Your Concern
For My Health Is So Touching.
[ ]
Hot Date, Have We?
[ Chortle ]
I Suppose
Is Zooming Up
Late As Usual.
We're Supposed To
Keep IThem/I Waiting,
Not The Other
Way 'round.
[ ]
[ ]
Ellie: [ Distant ]
Hello! Dan?
Can You Hear Me?
[ Knocking ]
[ Muffled ]
Do You Want To Come In?
Is He Always Late?
He's Just Been Working
Really Hard Lately.
[ Cellphone Chiming ]
[ Sigh ]
He's Not
Coming, Is He?
No, He's Busy.
Well, Do You Want
To See A Film?
We Could Get
A Pizza...
No, I Don't.
It's Saturday Night,
I Want To Go Out.
Look, Why
Don't We Go?
[ Laugh ]
Are You Mad?
Kate, It's Been
Five Years Now Since David Died.
How Do You Expect
To Meet Anyone
If You Don't
Get Out There?
When Did Donald's Wife Die?
Um... Couple
Of Years Ago.
I Bet He Never
Acted The Arsehole
When She Was Around.
I Was Just Wondering.
It's Funny How
People Respond To Loss.
What Did She Die Of?
Same As David.
He Doesn't Like
To Talk About It.
I Wonder
What's Worse...
Dying, Or Being
The One Watching,
Not Being Able
To Do Anything.
Either Way,
It's Shite, Ellie.
Fuck It. I'm Going To
Go And Surprise Him.
Some Men Don't Like
To Be Surprised.
He's Not Like That.
He'll Love It!
Close The Bloody Door.
[ ]
[ Sniffling ]
[ ]
[ Steps Creaking ]
As You Know, The Department Needs To Ensure
Regulations Are Met.
Yes, I'll See What I Can Get Done
With That Application
In The Meantime.
And, Uh, I Need It
On My Desk A.S.A.P.
Yes, Thank You
Very Much, Mr. Evans.
Elle, Are You
All Right?
You Look A Bit...
Yeah, I'm Fine.
How Was Dan?
So, He Didn't Mind
Being Surprised, Then?
No. Why
Should He?
Who Was That?
Mmm. Department
Of Health.
Mr. Evans.
He Likes Dropping
In Unannounced Every So Often,
To See If He'll
Catch Us Torturing The Residents.
Oh! Look,
Missed A Bit.
[ Sigh ]
Hi, Alice.
I Have Something
For You.
What's Wrong, Ellie?
You Look Tired.
[ Sniffle ]
Take Me Down To The River.
The Nurse'll Have A Fit.
Screw Nurse.
Quick! Quick! Yes!
Shh, Shh...
[ Giggling ]
[ ]
[ Giggling ]
Ellie, Just Because
You Split Up With Your Boyfriend
Doesn't Mean
You Can't Go.
Don't Be One
Of Those Women
Who Thinks They
Can Only Do Things
If They Have A Man
At Their Side.
What Does
Your Sister Say?
I Didn't Tell Her.
She'd Just Say,
"I Told You So".
Oh, Ellie.
You Need To Pay More Attention
To What People IDo./I
Not To What
They Say,
Or How They Seem.
It's What They Do
That Tells You
About Them.
She Gave You
A Job, Didn't She?
And A Place
To Live.
[ ]
Maybe I Should Have
Thought Of This Earlier.
[ Chuckling ]
Or Maybe It's
Just As Well.
[ ]
You Only See
Things Properly
When You're
About To Leave.
Then It's As
If You're Seeing
For The First Time.
Seems To Shine!
[ ]
[ Car Doors
Opening/Closing ]
[ ]
[ Gasp ]
Open A Window And
Let Some Air In.
[ ]
[ Sniffling ]
Bye-Bye. Merry Christmas.
See You At New Year!
Merry Christmas!
[ Stoned Chuckle ]
Would You Like Some Tea, Or Some Cookies?
I Thought You Said "Cocaine".
Do All The
Residents Leave?
A Few Will Stay,
The Horrible Ones.
And Poor Kate,
She Stay Here To Mind Them.
I Would Rather
Spend Christmas
With The Devil
Than With Them.
How About You?
No, I've Got
To Leave.
I'll Stay With
Some Friends
For A Few Days,
And Then...
Who Knows?
How About You?
Uh, I Go Back To
Spain, To My Family.
[ Giggling ]
[ ]
[ Giggling ]
[ ]
You Still Play?
[ Piano Notes ]
Um, Yeah,
I Haven't
Played For Ages.
Ellie, Mum's
Had A Stroke.
She's In
Is She Okay?
Yeah, She's Fine,
She's Stable.
Why Didn't You Tell Me?
I Only Found Out
A While Ago.
Look, I've Spent
The Last Hour
Trying To Relocate
Donald And Georgia
And The Nightingales
Into Santa Rosa.
All The Other Homes
Are Either Full
Or Closed For Christmas.
And, Frankly Even If
I Do Find Somewhere
For Donald And
The Nightingales,
No One'll Take Georgia.
She's Actually Barred
From Santa Rosa.
Did You Know That?
Why Can't They Stay Here
And Nurse Healy
Look After Them?
I Can't Ask Her.
She's Going
On A Cruise.
I've Never Seen
Her So Excited.
You'll Have
To Stay And Mind Them.
Look After Them?
Look, We've
No Choice.
You Know You Don't
Get On With Mum.
There's No Point
In You Going.
Look, Let Me Go.
I Won't Say
Anything To Upset Her.
You Don't Have
To Say Anything.
Look, I Really
Need This, Ellie.
It's The Only
Way It'll Work.
Keep An Eye On Georgia,
She's Manic-Depressive.
Keep Her Away
From The River.
I'm Always Afraid
She'll Fall In And Drown, Or Jump.
Afraid Or Hoping?
Very Funny.
Keep This On You
At All Times
In Case I Need
To Contact You.
All Right?
[ Sigh ]
God, Ellie,
This Is Insane!
I Could Be Shut
Down For This.
If That Little Shit,
Mr. Evans,
Comes Snooping Around...
We've Just Had
An Inspection.
He Won't Be Back
For Months.
That's Not How
Mr. Evans Works.
I'll Send A Temp
As Fast As I Can.
Worst Case Scenario,
The Staff Will Be
Back On The 28Th.
That's A Week Away.
I Said, "Worst Case".
I Just Can't
Afford To Lose
Any More
Residents, Ellie.
You Really
Need To Be... Look, I'll Be Nice To Them,
Look, I Promise.
Will You Call Me
When You Get There?
All Right, Okay.
[ Sigh ]
Hi. Here You Go.
And A Miss Nightingale,
Sign There, Please.
[ Footsteps ]
No, I Had A Very,
Very Bad Experience
With Mushrooms.
Now, Miss Harris
Knows That.
Where Is She?
Our Mother
Isn't Very Well.
So, Kate Has Gone
To Look After Her.
Well, If Miss Harris
Is Not Here, Who Is?
Well, Only Me,
I'm Afraid.
I Think She Means:
"Anyone Of Any
Well, How Long Is
Miss Harris Going To Be Away For?
Well, It Could Be
Until After Christmas
Now, I Don't Know.
Oh, No This Is Not
Good Enough. No.
We Pay Good Money
To Be Here
And We Don't Need
To Put Up With This.
[ Chuckling ]
Well, Where Would You
Two Raconteurs Go To?
That Is, If You Can
Get Your Sister
To Go Out Of
The Front Door.
[ Chuckle ]
Santa Della Maria
Della Rosa, Actually.
Oh, Please, Go!
And Regale Them
All With Stories
Of Your Fabulous Love
Lives And Your Careers.
Santa Rosa Della Maria
Is Closed For
Christmas Now. And...
Georgia Is Banned
From Santa Rosa, Anyway,
So She Can't
Go Anywhere.
So, It Looks Like
We're Just Stuck With Each Other.
It Seems The
Only Way To Leave Here Is In A Box.
What About Me Soup?
You Can Have Chicken Noodle,
Classic Vegetable,
Carrot And
Coriander Soup,
Potato And Leek Soup,
Pea Soup, If You Like.
You Could Have
Mutton Broth,
Or You Can Have
Lobster Bisque.
Oxtail Soup,
Or You Can Have
French Onion Soup.
It All Comes
Out Of A Tin,
So It Makes No
Difference To Me.
What Would You Like?
[ ]
[ Electronic Beep ]
[ ]
[ Telephone Ringing ]
[ ]
Georgia? Hello?
Man: [ On Tv ]
I Expect You've Got An Ailment
And I've Got The Cure.
We'll Beat The Loath
From Your Body
And Every Morning You
Come Here To Work...
[ Spraying ]
Georgia, What's Wrong?
There's A Bluebottle
A Bluebottle, Buzzing!
Can't You Hear It?
Th-That's The Fridge.
The Fridge.
As You're Here...
Might As Well
Get Me A Martini.
Two Measures Of Gin.
Four Measures
Of Vermouth.
Lot Of Ice. Shake It.
And Get Me Some Olives,
I've Run Out.
The House Phone
Is For Emergencies,
Not Bloody
Room Service.
You Bloody Well
Watch Your Language
Or I'll Bloody Well
Get You Sacked.
[ Door Slam ]
Ellie! Ellie!
Ah, Now...
Two Jigs Of Gin,
Four Jigs Of
Dry Vermouth.
Plenty Of Ice.
Shake It Well.
Thank You, Dear.
That's So Sweet Of You.
[ Telephone Ringing ]
Donald, You Okay?
Donald: [ On Phone ]
One Soft-Boiled Egg,
Two Slices Of Toast
With Butter And
And Marmalade On The Side.
Donald, It's 5:30
In The Morning.
I'm Well Aware
Of The Time.
Breakfast Is At 8:00.
I Have It In My Room,
Every Day At
[ Disconnection Beep ]
[ Frustrated Groan ]
[ Door Opening ]
[ ]
I Like My Toast
Cut Into Soldiers.
You'd Never
Think She Had Two Hip Replacements.
Didn't Have Two
Hip Replacements.
She Had One
Hip Replacement
And Then She
Broke Her Leg.
Tsk. At Her Age
You'd Think She'd
Be More Careful.
On Wet Grass.
She'd Do Anything
For Attention.
I Love To Window Shop
On Fifth Avenue
I Like Banana Splits
Late Supper
At The Ritz
How About You?
Here, You Must
Be Freezing.
[ Drunken Singing ]
I Remember Feeling
Like That Once.
But I Was On Drugs.
Mozart Wrote
"Die Fledermaus".
What Mouse?
"Die Fledermaus"
By Mozart.
Mozart! Strauss!
"Die Fledermaus",
It's An Opera
By Strauss.
I Don't Know
Anything About Opera.
Well, Neither Do
These Two Bats,
But It Doesn't
Stop Them Talking About It.
"Die Fledermaus"!
No, Georgia, I
Don't Have Time To Get Your Olives.
Georgia: [ On Phone ]
Oh, You Stupid Girl, Stupid...
[ Clatter ]
Oh, Shit!
God, Not Even When I'm 90.
[ ]
[ ]
What The Hell Are
You Doing Here?
I'm... I'm So...
You Have No Right
To Be In Here.
Okay, I'm Sorry...
No Right Whatsoever!
Get Out!
[ ]
Run! Run! Run!
Yes, Yes, Yes.
[ Knock On Door ]
[ Muttering Scores ]
How Could You?
What Are You
Talking About?
He's Been Trying
To Find Me,
And You Knew.
Turn That
Fucking Thing Off!
What's The
Matter With You?
This. This
Is The Matter.
"Dear Miss
Thank You For
Your Letter.
We Passed It On
To Simon As You Instructed.
He's Very
That You Don't
Want To Meet Him
But He Understands."
Oh, Come On, Hazel.
You Wrote,
Pretending You Were Me.
My Son Has Been
Trying To Find Me
And You Weren't
Going To Tell Me.
Well, I Just
Didn't Think
It Was Worth
Dragging All This Stuff Up...
How Long Have You
Known About This?
You Didn't Think
I'd Want To Meet My Son?
I Always Said
That If He Ever Looked For Me,
I Would Welcome Him
With Open Arms,
And You Knew That.
He's My Son,
For God's Sake.
He's Not
Your Son, Hazel.
You Gave Him Up
But I Didn't Give
Him Up, Did I?
He Was Taken
From Me.
He Was Taken
From Me, Heather.
Because That
Father Of Ours
Was More Concerned About
What People Would Think
Than He Was For Me.
Ah, Daddy Was Only
Trying To Do The Best For You, Hazel,
And For The Family.
He Ruined My
Life And Yours And Mammy's.
No Wonder
She Got Sick.
And We Sat There
Like Fools And Took It.
You Have No Idea.
You Have No Idea
At All...
What It's Like To
Have A Part Of You
Taken Away Like That.
Not A Day Passes
That I Don't Think Of Him.
Not A Day Goes By
When I Don't Worry
About What
Happened To Him.
I Have Never Stopped
Thinking Of Him,
And Wondering...
And I Didn't Even
Know His Name.
[ ]
[ Humming ]
Brump Bom-Bom-Bom
Brump Bom-Bom
Brump Bom-Bom
Brump Bom-Bom-Bom!
Bom-Bom Bom-Bom
[ Clears Throat ]
You Recognise It?
[ Sniffle ]
Thought You
"Die Fledermaus",
Act One.
Will You Ever Go And
Fuck Yourself, Donald?
[ Humming ]
Now, Hazel Won't
Be Down For Her Food Tonight.
She's Not
Feeling The Best.
Oh, Something
Fatal, I Hope?
And Did Miss Harris
Not Tell You
That You Never,
Ever, Give The Post To Hazel?
You Give It
To Me.
You've Upset Her.
Okay, I'm Sorry...
Oh, You've Upset Her.
Oh, Very Parsimonious
With The Vegetables, Aren't We, Eleanor?
Have Either Of You
Seen Georgia Anywhere?
I Said, "Very
Parsimonious With The Vegeta..."
I Heard You.
[ Growl ]
You... You Bastard!
[ Crash ]
Oh! Ooh.
[ Muttering ]
Georgia's Missing.
Thank God For That.
Look, I-I Want
My Dessert
And I'd Like It Now.
On My Plate,
Not On My Lap, If It's
Not Too Much To Ask.
[ Chortle ]
She's Not Too Good
With A Moving Target.
Jesus Christ!
Oh, Oh.
She Said To Add It
To Her Bill.
[ Telephone Ringing ]
With Any Luck,
That'll Be The Police.
Hello, Woodlane.
Kate: [ On Phone ]
Elle, It's Me.
Kate! Um...
Is Everything Okay?
Yeah, Everything's
Fine. Um...
Ellie, What's Going On?
Look, I'm... I'm Just
In The Middle Of Something Right Now.
Can I Call You
Back Later?
Ellie, Tell Me Now!
Why Don't You Try The Pub?
Sneaky Bitch!
[ Hinges Creaking ]
[ Engine Ignition ]
[ Muted Singing ]
And Frank Sinatra's Looks
Gives Me A Thrill
Holding Hands
In The Movie Show
When All
The Lights Are Low
May Not Be New
But I Like It,
How About You?
I Like Jack Benny's
[ Softly ]
To A Degree
I Like The Common Folks
That Includes Me
I Love To Window Shop
On Fifth Avenue
I Like Banana Splits
Late Supper
At The Ritz
How About You?
I'm Mad About
Good Books
Can't Hear You!
And Frank Sinatra's
Give Me A Thrill
Holding Hands In
The Movie Show
When All
The Lights Are Low
May Not Be New
But I Like It
II Like It/I
I Like It
II Like It/I
I Like It,
How About You?
[ Applause ]
Oh, There You
Are, Darling.
Is My Car Ready?
Yes, Whenever You Are,
Miss Summers.
Thank You.
Lovely, Lovely.
Thank You.
Off We Go.
[ ]
That Was Fun.
That Was Fun!
Oh, I Miss It.
I Miss Being Young, I...
I Miss The Singing
And The Dancing
And The Orchestra.
I Passed
Three Auditions
And I Got Into
The Chorus
Of The Kit Kat Klub
In "Cabaret".
Oh, No. I've
Told You That.
And Before That, I Was
In "The Sound Of Music".
Or, Did I Tell You That?
No. No, You Didn't.
Mmm, It Was
Long Ago.
Long Before
You Were Born.
Oh, I Miss Being
Young, I Miss It.
Oh God,
I Miss That Life.
Now Look At Me.
Locked Up In That
Nuthouse With A Bloody Stick.
You Still Look
Good, Though.
I Mean, You
Don't Look Old.
You Don't Look Bad...
Oh, Piss Off, Ellie.
Oh, No, Sorry,
I Didn't Mean...
I Know What You Meant.
You See, Everything
Was Different.
Me And My Friends,
We All Wanted
To Look Like Twiggy.
"Look Like Twiggy".
None Of These
Goldfish Lips
And Balloon Boobs.
I Hated Living Alone.
That's Why I
Ended Up Here.
But All You Do
Is Abuse Everybody.
Guess That's
Part Of The Fun.
So, Why Here,
Well, My Husband
Was Irish, So We Lived Here.
We Had A Lot
Of Laughs.
Very Happy,
And Then He Went And Died On Me.
So, I Got The Stupid Idea
I'd Go Back
Into The Theatre.
Was Changed.
All The People I Knew
Had Either Died
[ Yawn ]
Or Just
Didn't Care.
I Felt Like A Ghost.
Wandering Around.
No Connections Here.
Nothing To Go
Back To.
[ Chuckling ]
Oh, Dear...
Don't Forget
The Olives.
[ Piano ]
[ Telephone Ringing ]
I Know. One
Soft-Boiled Egg,
Two Pieces Of Toast,
Butter And
And Marmalade
On The Side.
What Was That
Piece Of Music
That You Played
Last Night?
You Forgot The Salt.
Donald, Would You
Give Me A Break?
Look, I Can't Eat
My Egg Without Salt.
You Can Have As Much
Salt As You Like
With Your Breakfast
At 8:00 O'clock With The Others.
Now, Wait
A Minute.
Well, I Was Thinking Of Burning The Place Down,
With Them In It.
That Would Solve
All Your Problems.
You Are Insured,
Aren't You?
Kate: [ On Phone ]
Don't Even Joke About It.
Listen, Ellie...
I Don't Think I'm Going
To Get Home For Christmas.
I Hate Christmas.
Dear Santa
Don't Come
To My House
Please Stay Away
I Don't Like
Those Elves Or
Your Reindeer
That Pipe
Or Your Big,
Ugly Sleigh
So, Santa
Don't Come
To My House
No, No
I've Not
Been A Good Boy
'cause I Don't
Like Your Laugh
Or Your Boots
Or Your Beard
And I Don't Think
You're Jolly
Just Creepy And Weird
What's All This About
An Announcement?
I Was Thinking
We Should Have
Christmas Dinner Together.
Look, We're All
Going To Be Here For Christmas,
And There's Nothing
We Can Do About It,
So, We Might As Well
Try And Be A Family.
We May Be
A Dysfunctional Family,
But We're Still
A Family, Nonetheless.
I'd Rather Be Dead Than
Related To Any Of Them.
So, Is That
The Announcement?
I'm Going To Have
My Christmas Lunch In My Room.
Please Make
Sure It's Hot.
I'll Have Mine
In My Room,
You Can Leave It
Outside My Door.
[ Slam ]
I'm Not Going To
Take Any More Shit From Any Of You.
If You Want Your Lunch,
You Can Eat It Down Here, Or Else Starve.
Is There A Full
Moon Or Something?
Oh, Look At You.
You've Made A Mess
Of Your Whole Life.
And Here You Are,
Old, Bitter And Hateful.
And All You Do,
All Day, Is Sit Around,
Bitching And Moaning
And Complaining.
Wash This!
Bring Me That!
I Don't Eat This!
I Don't Eat That!
Bees Buzzing Around,
And Olives,
And Your Fucking Post.
Yeah, And You.
You're Probably Going To
End Up Leaving In A Box,
And The Sooner
The Better, As Far As I'm Concerned.
Look, I Can Be A
Spoiled Bitch Too.
[ Smashing ]
[ Yelps ]
Well, Come On! Let's
Smash The Place Up.
[ Shrieking ] It's Going To Close Anyway.
Yourself, Girl.
Why Should I?
You Bloody Don't.
[ Stammering ]
Just Because
You Pay To Be Here,
Doesn't Give You
The Right To Treat Me Like Shit!
Do You Know Between
The Four Of You,
You've Almost
Bankrupted Woodlane?
Just Think About All The People
That Have Moved Out
Because Of You.
All The Empty
Rooms Upstairs.
How The Hell
Do You Think Kate Pays The Bills?
Don't Be Ridiculous.
Can't Close Down.
Yes, Heather, It Can.
And By The Way
That You Behave,
Nobody's Going To
Take You In For Long.
You'll End Up
Out On The Street
Or In A Mental
Institution With Mad People Screaming
And The Smell Of
Piss Everywhere.
And As For You Two,
You Don't Even
Need To Be Here.
You're Not Even
Fucking Old.
You've Checked
Out Of Life
And You've
Checked Into Here.
All Of You!
[ ]
[ Knocking On Door ]
Let Me In?
[ Lock Clicking ]
Go Away!
[ ]
[ Dish Clinking ]
Uh, "Gnossienne
Number 4" By Erik Satie.
I Used To
Play It...
For My Wife.
The Lady In
The Picture?
She Was Very
It Was Sarah's
Favourite Piece.
And When I Play It,
I Feel Very
Close To Her.
One Moment,
She Was There.
Next Minute,
She Had Gone.
It Just Didn't
Make Sense.
[ Voice Breaking ]
Might Have Been Easier To Accept If...
I'd Managed To Sober
Up Before She Died.
I Mean, That Was
The Very Least
I Could Have
Done For Her.
But I Didn't.
I Wish I Had.
[ ]
[ Sigh ]
[ Chair Scraping ]
[ Clinking ]
[ Rain Pattering ]
[ Clears Throat ]
The Committee...
The Committee Said
That We Might Be Able To Help You.
Can You Let Her Finish
Just One Sentence?
Just Once.
Who Asked You,
Well, At Least I Was Something.
What Did You Ever Do?
Nothing. You're Useless.
[ Chuckling ]
Like Tits On A Bull.
The Committee Decided
We Might Help
Make Christmas
Dinner Tomorrow.
And We Made A List
Of What We Need.
We Should All Go
And Do The Shopping.
Oh, Shopping!
That's A Good Idea.
I'll Stay Here And...
No, Hazel...
Mind The House.
No, Please. I Don't Want You To Be On Your Own.
I Don't Want To Go.
Look, We All Go
Or Nobody Goes.
Merry Christmas To You.
[ Chuckle ]
Merry Christmas To You.
Merry Christmas To You...
I Told You,
I'm Not Going.
She's Afraid
To Go Out.
But I See Her In
The Gardens All The Time.
But Not Out-Out.
Well, Tough.
You're Going.
Come On,
We Can Have A Little Talk.
I Don't Want
A Little Talk.
All Right.
All Right.
I Hate Going Out.
I'll Be Out In
The Garden If You Change Your Mind.
[ Whimper ]
[ Engine Ignition ]
The World In Sin And Error Pining
Till He Appeared
And The Soul
Felt His Worth
A Thrill Of Hope,
The Weary World Rejoices
We'll Take
That One.
Donald's Getting
The Vegetables.
Um, What Else
Do We Need?
We Have The Ham.
We Have
The Sprouts...
Wh... Where's
Oh, Okay, Um, Look...
Here, Take This.
Take This. You're
Going To Have To Finish The Shopping.
Look, Um, Uh,
Look, Okay...
I'm Going To Meet
You In There
In An Hour
From Now, Okay?
I'm Not Going
In There.
Yes, It's...
You'll Be Fine.
Hey, Come Here.
Come Here,
Take That.
Just Take That.
I'll Meet You In
The Bar, Okay?
All Right.
Lovely Boys.
[ Clock Ticking ]
[ Quiet Chatter ]
[ Door Opening ]
There You Are.
Now, What'll
You Have, Ladies?
I'll Have Some Of
What She's Having.
What's That?
It's A Kind
Of Fancy Orange.
A Kind Of Fancy Orange?
Two Of Those, Please.
Two Of Those Things...
And, Uh, For Me,
A Coffee With
Just A Little Milk And No Sugar.
Excuse Me? Okay?
Good, Huh?
Georgia, You're Going To
Get Us Chucked Out Of Here.
You're Not
Supposed To Smoke.
Darling, We've Had
This Discussion.
[ Sigh ]
Have You Seen
The Paintings?
Hmm? What?
Hazel Did These.
Good Lord!
Well Done, My Dear.
[ Mumbling ]
Well Done.
[ Glasses Clinking ]
Donald, You Should
Have One Of These.
[ Chuckling ]
Trouble Is, Once I
Start, I Can't Stop.
I Drank My Way Through
Two Family Fortunes.
One Day, I
Was Sitting In My Chambers,
And Three Of My
Colleagues Came In,
And Suggested
That I Retire.
I Thought...
I've Got A Few
Years To Go Yet.
But, No...
They Insisted I
Retire That Afternoon.
And I Hope
Nobody Knew.
Hey, Lady?
[ Yelp ]
You're On.
[ Mixed Chatter ]
Every Now And Then When My Room Would Get Too Full,
Heather Would
Bring Them Down To A Dealer In Town
And He'd...
He'd Sell Them.
I Had A
Boyfriend Once.
He Was A
Painter, Too.
We Were Going To
Set Up A Studio Together But...
My Father
Didn't Approve.
He Didn't Consider
It A Proper Career For A Man.
Certainly Not
A Man Who Wanted To Marry His Daughter.
He Said That
Artists Were A Bunch Of...
"Sexually Depraved
Reprobates, And Drug Addicts".
So He Banned Him
From The House,
And He Locked Me
In My Room.
He Kept Me
There For...
If It Hadn't Have
Been For Heather,
I Don't Know What
I'd Have Done.
She Gave Up A Lot
To Be With Me During That Time.
God... My Heart!
[ Long Sigh ]
[ ]
[ Mixed Chatter ]
Clear The Way, Get Out Of The Way...
[ ]
[ Applause ]
[ ]
[ Muttering Gibberish ]
[ Whoop ]
[ ]
The Weather Outside
Is Frightful
The Dinner Inside
Is Delightful
Oh My God.
If You've
No Place To Go
Let It Snow,
Let It Snow
Let It Snow
Oh, Please, Please, Ladies!
La-La, La-La-La,
Donald, Join In!
Let It Snow
Let It Snow
You'll Be Dead Before Long, Darling!
Let It Snow
The Weather Outside
Is Frightful
And The Fire
Inside Is Delightful
And If You've
No Place To Go
Let It Snow, Let It Snow,
Let It Snow
When We Finally Kiss
Good Night Good Night!
How I'll Hate
Going Out In The Cold
But If You'll
Really Hold Me Tight
All The Way Home,
I'll Be Warm
Oh, The Weather
Outside Is Frightful
And The Fire Inside
Is Delightful
[ Laughter ]
Let It Snow, Let It Snow,
Let It Snow
[ Giggles ]
[ Cuckoo Hoots ]
[ Sigh ]
[ ]
You're Going To Catch
Your Death Of Cold!
Are You Okay?
Hello, Darling.
Happy Christmas!
Happy Christmas.
Oh, Look At You.
Come On, Take
A Walk With Me.
[ ]
Happy Christmas,
[ Grunt ]
I Got Him!
Ah, You Miserable Sod!
Happy Christmas,
You Nutcase.
Got You Running,
[ Laughing ]
I Got Him. I Got Him.
I Keep Forgetting.
I'm Old.
I Don't
Notice Things.
You've Got A Few
Little Hairs In There.
Hairs? They're
Walrus Whiskers!
[ Chuckling ]
I Can Help You
Get Rid Of Them,
If You Like.
All Right.
Are You Sure?
Get Moving!
Oh... God,
I'm So Sorry.
Are You Okay?
Go On! Go On!
Okay, Okay.
[ Knocking On Door ]
Auntie Floss.
She Was
A Wild One.
All I Want Is
For You And Me,
To Be The Same As
We Were Before.
I Don't Know If
That's Possible.
I'm Trying
To Understand Why You Did It.
I Was Afraid.
I Was Absolutely
That He Would
Come Back,
And He Would Take
You Away From Me.
And I Can't Bear
To Be Without You.
Sure, You're
My Sister.
I'll Always
Love You.
We'll Just...
[ Sigh ]
We'll Have
To Move On.
You Know, Maybe...
Maybe We Should
Go And Meet Him.
In The New Year.
[ ]
[ Mixed Chatter ]
Oh... Well Done.
Hello, Donald.
I Was, Uh...
I Was Saving Them,
In Case I Went On
The Drink Again.
Oh Dear!
I Wanted To Do
It In Style.
Oh, Ellie, This
Is Beautiful.
[ Mixed Chatter ]
Where's Georgia?
Oh, The Diva, As Usual,
Keeping Us Waiting.
As Usual.
Not Bad.
Not Bad At All.
Don't Look
Bad Yourself.
I Never Thought
I'd Say This But...
You Look Quite
Beautiful, My Dear.
Hair... Looks Nice.
Please, Come...
Thank You, Dear.
Have Yourself A Merry
Little Christmas
Let Your Heart
Be Light
Next Year,
All Our Troubles
Will Be Out Of Sight
Have Yourself A Merry
Little Christmas
Make The Yuletide Gay
Next Year
All Our Troubles
Will Be Miles Away
Once Again As
In Olden Days
Happy Golden Days
Of Yore
Faithful Friends
Who Were Dear To Us
Will Be Near To Us
Cheers, Everybody.
Once More
Someday Soon
We All Will Be Together
If The Fates Allow
Until Then We'll Have To
Muddle Through Somehow
So Have Yourself
A Merry Little
Christmas Now
[ Hoots ]
[ Applause ]
Once Again
As In Olden Days
Happy Golden Days
Of Yore
Faithful Friends
Who Were Dear To Us
Will Be Near To Us
Once More
Someday Soon
We All Will Be Together
If The Fates Allow
Until Then We'll Have
To Muddle Through Somehow
So Have Yourself
A Merry Little
Christmas Now
[ ]
A Good Splurge Of Creme De Peche.
A Dash Of Curacao
And Loads Of Gin.
All Right, All Right, All Right.
Georgia, Is That You
With... With... With...
Richard Burton?
[ Gasps ]
Michael Caine!
Michael Caine!
It Must Have
Been Wonderful, Being A Star.
All The Fame
And Attention.
Oh, Fuck It!
I'm Nobody.
Never Was, And
Never Will Be.
If I Was Ever
Anything To Anyone,
I Wouldn't Have
Ended Up Here.
Maybe That's The Role
I Was Born To Play.
I'll Get More Ice.
Why Don't We Have
A... A Flutter
On The Horses Tomorrow?
You Know?
A Good Race Is On.
I've Got A Few Tips.
And I've Got An Account
At The Bookie In Town,
So We Just Have To
Phone Our Bets In.
[ Laugh ]
Yes? Oh, Great!
High, Low,
Deuces Wild.
I Thought When
I Got Older,
Things Would
Be Different.
But They're
Just The Same.
I Don't Like
Being Old.
It's Shit!
Being Old Is A Pain In The Arse.
So Is Being
I Have Just
The Thing For You.
[ ]
Let There Be You
Let There Be Me
Let There Be Oysters
Under The Sea
Let There Be Wind
An Occasional Rain
Chili Con Carne
Sparkling Champagne
Let There Be Birds
To Sing In The Trees
Someone To Bless Me
Whenever I Sneeze
Let There Be Cuckoos
A Lark And A Dove
But First Of All
Let There Be Love
[ Cuckoo Hooting ]
[ Tires Crunching ]
[ Car Door Slamming ]
Oh Fuck!
What A Great Day Yesterday Was.
It Was Fun!
Miss Harris?
Uh, Kate?
She, Um...
She Had To Leave
For A Few Days.
Who The Hell
Are You?
I'm Mr. Evans.
Department Of Health.
That's Who I Am.
I Can't Believe
That Anyone Would Be That Irresponsible.
Please, Would You
Let Me Explain?
No, There's No Excuse For
What Miss Harris Has Done.
It's Illegal!
Not To Mention
Downright Dangerous
To Leave Residents
Unattended At Any Time!
There Isn't Even
A Carer Here.
No Nurse,
No Cook, Nobody.
[ Stammering ]
It's An Outrageous
Breach Of Regulations.
I'll Be Writing
My Report
And You Can Be Damn
Sure I'll See To It
That Miss Harris'
Licence Is Revoked.
[ Gasp ]
She Isn't Fit To Manage It.
You Needn't Worry.
The Department
Will Find Alternative
Accommodation For You.
I Don't Want To Go.
I Love It Here.
All Our Friends
Are Here!
And We May Not Be
A Proper Family.
You Know, Maybe A
Dysfunctional Family
But We Are A Family
Mmm. And Miss Harris
Did Not Leave Us.
We Chose To Stay.
Heather Has Cooked A Goose.
I Believe There's A...
Bottle Of Wine
Or Two Left.
Why Don't
You Join Us For Dinner?
[ ]
Just Throwing
The Dog A Bone.
I Really Fucked
Up This Time.
It's Not
Your Fault.
What Kind Of
A Sad Bastard
Would Do A Job
Like That?
And At
Oh, I Need
A Drink.
[ Horn Honking ]
It's Him, Ellie.
Oh, No!
I Thought
He'd Be Back.
Why Can't He Ring
The Bell Like A Normal Person?
Don't Let
Him Give You Any Bullshit!
[ Door Closing ]
[ ]
Where Are
We Going?
Where Are
We Going? I Hope...
I Hope She Doesn't
Fall For Any Of His Bullshit.
Back, Hurry, Hurry.
What's She Saying?
What's She Saying?
Oh, That Swine!
[ Cheers ]
She's Done It!
Get Back, Back, Back,
Back, Back, Back...
[ ]
[ Panting ]
[ Doorbell Chiming ]
Some People
Never Take "No" For An Answer.
Why Don't You
Just Fuck Off?
[ Clapping ]
We Have To Set
Another Place For Dinner!
I Didn't Mean
To Upset You.
I'm Sorry.
It's Just That...
His Wife Just
Left Him.
It's Christmas And...
For The First
Time Ever...
[ Voice Quavering ]
I've Nowhere To Go.
Another Plate,
[ ]
Lovely Boys!
Here We Are.
[ ]
[ Sigh ]
[ ]
I Knew I'd
Find You Here.
It's Beautiful,
Isn't It?
So, Where
To First?
I Don't Know.
I Want To Stay With
Mum For A Few Days,
Before I Go
She'll Be
Really Pleased.
You Know, She Spent
The Entire Week
Talking About
You This Time?
[ Chuckling ]
[ Inhalation ]
Prefer Cookies,
Do You?
[ Coughing ]
[ Chuckling ]
I'm Going To Miss
You, Ellie...
I Think We All Are.
You Know I
Hate Goodbyes.
[ Distant Honking ]
My Taxi's Here.
Have You Any
More Bags?
No, That's It,
Thank You.
I'll Be
At The Car. Okay.
[ Piano ]
[ Piano Duet Of
"How About You" ]
[ Laugh ]
[ ]
[ Sigh ]
[ Engine Ignition ]
[ ]
Hey There,
Come On, You'll
Catch Your Death.
And Frank Sinatra's
Give Me
A Thrill
Holding Hands
In The Movie Show
When All
The Lights Are Low
May Not Be New
But I Like It
II Like It/I
I Like It
II Like It/I
I Like It
How About You?
[ ]
[ ]
I Like It