How Do You Know (2010)

- Run for it!
- Come on, Lisa! Go, go, go!
Go for second!
It's gonna be close.
Yeah, Lisa!
United States wins gold!
You did it!
- Congratulations.
- Thank you.
Yeah, Lisa!
So basically we're down to
three choices for the last slot.
Lisa's here to see you.
I'm glad you're meeting with her...
...because when it comes to this girl,
the intangibles are everything.
She's been the heartbeat
of this program.
Just let me think for a second.
She did the Olympics and
two championships without an error.
- She practices, what?
- Three hours every day.
She makes everyone better. Coach?
I have the benefit of being new here.
Lisa is 31.
She's 0.3 seconds slower
moving towards first.
I'm tired of justifying myself because
you're hung up on her as a role model.
Nobody's gonna change his mind.
It's over.
- What's that?
- It's your call.
Hooray! Thank you. Thank you.
At least let her know today.
She'll have to redirect her life.
Everyone finds out when
I post it online. No exceptions.
Because we field women athletes...
...doesn't mean we get girly
when someone's time is up.
Holy crap.
I beg your pardon?
I'm sorry.
Oh, my Lord.
What is to become of me?
I've lost my ability
to smile at bastards.
Still got it.
Can we...?
- I can't see her. Tell her I'm too busy.
- How's it going?
Three, three, three!
Let's go, people!
- Faster!
- Good stretch, Smalls!
- Go, baby! Attaway!
- Right here!
- Hey, whose phone?
- Al right, look up.
Oh, man.
- Smalls, are you okay?
- Yeah.
This better be worth it.
- You gotta watch out.
- Yeah.
- Hello?
- Hi.
This is George Madison.
I think you might know that Riva
gave me your phone number.
She thought it might be a good idea
if we had dinner.
I'll call her.
When did you have in mind?
No, I wasn't calling to set a time.
She didn't know that
I was seeing someone.
Well, she didn't know
that it had escalated a bit.
At least on my part.
It just added up for me suddenly.
So you're calling me to break up?
- You can't just walk in there.
- No, I just didn't think....
George Madison.
I'm sorry. I got distracted.
What was I saying?
You were saying
you just didn't think.
Right, right. Thank you.
- Thank you.
- Welcome.
Thank you for holding.
I just didn't think it was right
not to phone you...
...once I took your number, in case you
had talked and were expecting my call.
Okay. Well, it was nice of you to call,
in a way, I guess.
Sorry for interrupting your day.
- Yeah.
- Goodbye.
Weirdo. I'm gonna kill Riva. Let's go.
All right, ladies, let's go!
Oh, my God.
- So you gave my number to a guy?
- Yeah.
I hardly know him, but he went
to business school with my brother.
So why did you give him
my number?
You don't remember
Wednesday night?
You said you had never dated
a non-athlete.
"I should date a non-athlete,
right, Riva?"
That's what you said.
Don't listen to me when
I'm drinking Guinness.
It's the only time you really say stuff.
I hope that's not true.
This exercise is for next time, okay?
Thank you.
Didn't I say I was crashing
on my book?
Yeah, you did. I'm not gonna stay.
Maybe that's better for tonight.
Look, if you're concerned about us
now that we've intensified...
...we're okay. I am busy... I can't demonstrate to you
we're okay in the little ways... paying attention to you...
...but if you could take my word for it
until work lets up, that would help me.
And us.
I think I like that word better.
T-- Today I....
It was nice just to see your face
for a minute. It settles me down.
Great game last night, Matty.
Who's your date?
You're the best pitcher.
- Can I get your autograph?
- Got a pen?
- He's the cutest pitcher in baseball.
- Rocking that mound!
Hold on, hold on.
You guys ready? Okay.
- Here, one more over here.
- Lisa!
- To the right!
- The right.
- Thanks for everything.
- You're awesome!
The night is so great.
You look so good.
Just needed to grab you.
We're here.
- Good evening, Mr. Reynolds.
- Tom.
Matty, I might have to
go back on what I said...
...about finally seeing
your place tonight.
I just have a lot on my mind.
Okay, are you sure?
There's no pressure.
It should feel right.
That's nice.
Why are you moving away?
I wanna give you room
to think and decide.
You have all the signs of a handful.
I hope so.
You better hang on to that energy.
Wait till you try this.
Blender wake you?
It's worth it. Because these things
are gonna blow your mind.
Amazing sex.
Female jocks are amazing.
Thanks, but maybe could you
personalize it a little?
Oh, yeah. Right, right, right.
That's what I'm saying to you, Lisa.
It's like, come on, that was--
That was unbelievable.
Are you fishing
for a compliment or--?
I'm fishing for a celebration!
Come on!
It was good.
Here, come on.
- It's good.
- It's great.
- It's great.
- There you go.
- Yeah.
- Good.
I have to get going.
Which way is the bathroom?
- It's just right over there.
- Okay.
But I'm gonna drink the rest of this...
...because it was really sweet of you
to make it.
It's great.
So you know that many
female athletes?
Yeah, I do.
I mean, you gotta count cheerleaders,
but yeah.
Toothbrushes are in that drawer
on the right there.
Oh, okay.
No. You don't have to
wear that dress home.
- What?
- Come here.
What size? Small or extra small?
Wait, what is that?
- What?
- That. Behind you.
That is repulsive. The stack.
- No.
- No?
No, no. No, it's me being classy.
It's me being a good host.
No. No. No.
I feel like I'm on an assembly line
that's just spitting out girls.
That's just negative. That's like....
Though if you think about it,
and I never did till now...
...we're all on kind of an assembly line,
just going through each other's lives.
Until one day,
you close the factory down...
...take one product home and use it
monogamously for the rest of your life.
- My mistake, Matty. Forget it.
- No, I'm not--
It's not a mistake.
I'm just saying that--
If I'd given you one and hid the rest,
I'd be a great guy?
- But because I was open with you--
- I said, forget it!
Matty, what am I doing?
I caught myself.
Don't judge others
till you check yourself.
You're lucky if it's your fault,
you can correct the situation.
I'm nervous over something
that's going on with me.
I'm with an attractive guy
you'd be an idiot... mistake for anything more
than just a fun friendship.
And, yes, amazing sex.
Instead, I give that guy a hard time
for just being who he is.
Totally my fault.
I'm sorry.
Please forgive me.
- Are you apologizing?
- Yeah.
If you're really apologizing,
you may be my dream girl.
I heard footsteps and I'm like:
"Okay, somebody nuts is coming back
to be more nuts."
And now, an apology?
You may be my dream girl.
They said you'd be in here.
How bad is this?
The Justice Department is investigating
the company for security fraud.
- Based on what? Why are they--?
- They don't have to say.
- Based on what? Why are they--?
- They don't have to say.
They've subpoenaed
everything from abroad.
- You didn't tell your father? The worst--
- Of course I told him.
- No.
- Yes.
He's gonna meet us in my office
right now.
- Your concern is...?
- I don't have one.
Well, we better go.
I agree.
- Morning.
- Morning, Dad.
We need the company lawyer for
whatever this is? What's going on?
- You want a kiss too?
- Not today.
- You haven't read this yet?
- Just once.
They are investigating us...
...for misstatement of receivables
to inflate earnings.
- Stock fraud.
- What do you know about it?
Nothing. But I'm responsible.
What, are you being noble?
I'm telling you what
recent legislation says.
If it's true and I didn't know,
I should have.
Can you ask your assistant to come in?
We have to respond immediately.
Annie, could you please come on in?
And bring your laptop.
All these items mentioned... must have checked whether we
had funds before talking to the analyst.
No. Most of them came from
Dad's office, so I assumed that...
- ...with everyone working--
- You do not assume.
- Excuse me.
- You do not trust anyone.
Not him, not me.
Cynicism is sanity.
Good guidelines, I'm afraid.
I assumed that with everyone
working creatively on the new line--
Just a second, Dad.
- Now--
- Let me finish.
No! Drivel does not get to finish.
Drivel gets interrupted.
Is it possible to get the--?
So shaping the corporate culture
might not bring results--
You are a fucking moron!
- Too rough.
- Much too rough.
- Don't talk like that in front of Annie.
- Okay! Okay. I caught myself.
Now may I get back to the--
Sorry, Annie. The fucking--
Sorry again, Annie.
I have overlooked every limitation
I know you to have.
Why? Because you are my son.
And you're a good guy,
as every prick with half a brain...
...who ever took advantage of you
knows absolutely.
But, Gidge,
there is a bottom line here...
...which is, because of your
notions of trust and creativity...
...we may be inevitably forced to crawl
on by some assistant U.S. attorney.
And if this "almost made
the law review" creature...
...pins me between
a choice of saving you...
...or the company that I founded
and you preside over...
...I may be forced
to choose the company...
...even though doing so may break my
life forever, which is finally my fault...
...for handing you a job
where your pathetic assumptions...
...or notions of trust
can cause such calamity!
Oh, my God. I'm so sorry.
Excuse me.
What? Darling, are you crying?
What's wrong?
I'm fine. Oh, my God. I'm so sorry.
- Charles, Annie just--
- Ron.
Why don't you have Annie take down
everything you need, okay?
- Okay?
- All right.
You should go home now
and think about interviewing attorneys.
I don't know if the company
will be allowed to pay.
The company will pay.
To the Justice Department:
The individual's name is on here.
All documents relating
to loan applications.
All financial statements, including
general ledgers, income statements....
Oh, God.
The term "document" includes,
but is not limited to, all personal files...
...telephone messages, and--
Just a minute.
George. I have been
through things like this...
...and I'd like to give you some difficult
advice, if you would like to hear it.
Accept the enormity.
Give up illusions of containment.
The hardest fact... that,
no matter what the outcome... is unlikely you can ever again be
the person you have been until now.
Okay, thanks.
Look, can I call you later?
Any further contact between us
would be inappropriate.
Good luck, George.
Is Bryant there yet?
Yeah, it's George.
Look, I need to speak with him.
Yeah, well,
reach him as soon as you can.
Thank you.
Hi, this is George.
I've left you four messages, all urgent.
You know I underplay, so I don't
understand your failure to call back.
Thank you.
Well? Tell me.
You must have some reaction.
No, I have one.
I'm just not proud of it.
It's just me being analytical.
I was thinking about my work.
Let me explain the thought.
This is for us, I swear it.
We are not well-matched
for this interval in your life.
Not with me against this deadline
and you being investigated.
I don't want our relationship
to become cannon fodder...
...for this apparition
in your working life.
I will be here for you at the end.
You can count on that.
You wanna split up
until I'm problem-free?
Please, I'd appreciate--
You're breaking up with--? Oh, my--
You're breaking up with--?
I'm hitting the pause button.
So that we don't waste
our precious energies on stuff.
No. No.
Nope. No, thank you.
Tonight I'm in
A romantic mood, yeah
Let's take a shower
Shower together
I'll wash your body
You wash mine, yeah
Rub me down
With some hot oils, baby
Hello. Hello?
- Hi, boss.
- Hi.
- How are you? It's not too late--
- No.
I'm fine. It's fine.
Hold on just a second.
Hey. Thanks so much for calling.
I can't sleep. I don't know
what got into me this morning.
I have never taken a swat
at anybody.
Well, I do know. I'm pregnant.
You're preg-- You're pregnant!
Yeah. Secret's out.
You're pregnant!
I had a hunch.
That guy that picks you up
sometimes, Al?
Oh, you noticed Al.
He lights up every time
he sees you.
So good, huh?
He's great. He's just
been out of work lately.
So we've just been
marathon worrying.
So I'm not myself lately.
So when your father--
Oh, don't worry about it.
So did you tell Terry
about what happened to you?
I'd rather not get into that.
She bailed? You should go call...
...another girl. Distract yourself.
Forward motion.
They can't stop girls
from talking to you.
My God, is that it?
They're directing people...
...not to talk to me?
I had to sign a confidentiality statement
where I'm liable financially if I....
With this new situation--
You know what?
The hell with everything!
So I lose my job.
Wait, honey, I can't. "Honey." Sorry.
My medical would lapse.
I've gotta care for my baby.
Al still hasn't proposed....
You won't lose your job, Annie, okay?
All right? Don't tell me anything.
Sorry, boss.
Thanks a lot.
You have a good night, Annie.
I am just dying for you.
That's a little extreme.
Just be nauseous for me.
Yeah. A little morning sick for me.
Not a problem.
- Hello?
- Hi. Lisa. This is George.
George Madison.
I.... I'm not sure how to
further identify myself.
Your voice sounds a little familiar.
I made this incredibly stupid
phone call to you a few days ago.
Oh, right. How you doing, George?
Would you like to have dinner?
- But aren't you...?
- No, I am not.
- You see--
- You don't have to explain.
I'm sort of seeing somebody,
but we can have a meal.
- When?
- Anytime.
Tomorrow's clear.
- Triplo Due?
- I'll meet you there.
- It's Triple Two in English.
- It's gotta be early, 6:00. I'm in training.
Okay. So it's a d-- It's a date.
- Okay.
- All right.
- I have made a date.
- Bye.
Good night.
Come on, come on.
Georgie. George.
- Let's go inside.
- I have a date.
Date? Son, we are in
a rapidly evolving situation here.
I must tell you, I was afraid
to use the telephone.
No. No, no. Don't tell me.
I'm not ready to take on
anything that I can't handle.
No, you know what?
I know exactly how to handle this.
I'll treat myself
like a company in trouble.
What I think is you are just indulging
in a lot of neuroses.
You take on too much,
it becomes about how much...
...instead of how well you handle it.
That applies now.
- Stand still!
- No.
You do not have the luxury
of not hearing this.
Are you making me literally run
from bad news?
The chickenshit board has dec--
I gotta go. I have a date.
What happened to you was horrific.
- Stop acting tough.
- It's the worst move!
Look at the time.
Hey, everybody, I have to leave.
I have a date.
- What?
- Now, Lise?
- Yeah.
- Lisa?
Nobody's buying this.
- We should protest!
- We should.
Smalls, what do you want us to do?
- Lisa.
- Okay. There is one thing.
When I come to visit you at training
camp when you're getting ready...
...just don't feel funny talking to me.
Okay? Don't feel sad for me.
Because my biggest fear is that
you won't be yourselves around me.
I've seen that, and if that happened,
it would just make me feel like I--
Like I didn't know you anymore.
And I want to.
I need to.
Just say, "Okay, Lisa."
Okay, Lisa.
God. I--
I gotta go. I gotta go.
He's waiting for me.
- I love you.
- Love you. Love you.
- Love you too.
- Go, Lise.
- Go, Lise.
- Lise!
- Hi.
- Name, please.
I'm meeting George....
- Madison?
- I'm not sure. I forget.
Could that be him over there?
I'll bet that is him.
That's the sort of day I'm having.
You don't have to take me.
Thank you, though.
Are you George?
I'm Lisa.
- Very good of you to join me.
- Yeah.
How you doing?
How are you doing?
I'm great.
- Yeah?
- Yep.
Well, treasure it.
You okay?
No. I'm sorry,
I'm not even aware that--
I have to apologize. This might not
be the best first impression.
I.... I had... unusual 24 hours.
Okay. Well, the bad days
make the good ones better.
So don't worry about it.
Is this an Italian restaurant?
Yes, it's a very good one.
Oh, yeah, it looks good.
- Let's get a drink.
- None for me.
You know what? You're right.
Yeah. I shouldn't drink.
- Don't let me stop you.
- No, no, no.
Believe me, drinking too much
two nights in a row could be a mistake.
I haven't had anything since
lunch yesterday, so I'm starving.
You don't drink at all?
- I follow my father's rule on drinking.
- Which is?
Never drink to feel better.
Only drink to feel even better.
That's fantastic.
Yep. It's a good one.
That's great.
But sometimes I think that... drink can give you
a little better perspective.
Not for me.
I guess it depends on the person.
Look, if you wanna have a drink,
have a drink. Keeping talking about it--
I don't need permission to drink.
If I want a drink, I'll order one.
Jesus! Do you know
I don't know you?
I'm sorry. I'm not good today.
Maybe I should say what's going on.
I never talk about myself. I should.
No! Don't do that.
George, this is what I'm suggesting.
That we eat.
And that we don't work
at this conversation.
- Let's just cut ourselves a break...
- Yes.
...and give ourselves permission
to be quiet.
For the whole dinner.
Completely quiet.
Can I talk to the waiter?
As long as you don't tell him
about your day.
I mean, that....
That was just what I needed.
You take care of yourself.
I'm just leaving my place
to go to dinner.
- Good evening, Mr. Madison. Taxi?
- Yes, thank you, Tom.
Okay, Dad, I'm ready.
What happened?
What if I come by later?
The phone isn't....
Just tell me. I'd rather use the rest of
the night processing the information.
I'm sorry, this is private.
There's still some privacy left.
The board is refusing to pay...
- ...your legal bills. Now--
- Hey.
I think I met a great girl.
Oh, good. There is a God.
The girls needed to tell you
how they felt.
It's something, isn't it?
Last time I saw that was
when a kid died in high school...
...and they left this stuff by the road.
How about straight talk?
I am very sensitive
to what you're going through.
You know what you need most
right now?
- Yes.
- What?
- Who is it?
- It's Lisa.
Could you narrow it down?
I'm not kidding right now.
I'm not kidding right now.
A good Lisa. Come here. Get in.
- You're alone, right?
- Yeah.
I was just working up the night.
Do you want me to be here?
- Yes, I do.
- Okay.
Then this is what I need.
If in the middle of the night
I start crying or...
...shaking or acting enormously upset,
I don't want you to ask what's wrong.
I want you to just ignore it.
Is that okay with you?
- Actually, that's my preference.
- Okay, good.
Have a seat. My game's coming up.
Matty Reynolds gets him.
The Nationals win.
- Good mechanics.
- Yeah.
Okay. Let's go, I got it.
Can you afford me?
The firm is refusing to pay my legal
bills, but my father is willing to help.
You can't take money from him,
not with his position on the board.
What would your retainer be?
Three hundred thousand, and another
three in escrow in case it goes to trial.
- I suppose I could sell--
- Everything you can.
- Sit down.
- I don't wanna lie down.
- I said, "Sit down."
- I don't think you did.
Yes, I did. I never ask someone
to lie down on a first visit.
- Sorry.
- Okay.
...why are you here?
I have a month left on my insurance
and they pay up to six visits.
I meant, is there a difficulty?
I'm sorry. I'm gonna go
because this is just stupid.
Not that this is stupid. But I mean--
Thank you for your time. Just for me,
you know. I mean, not this.
- But thank you for understanding.
- All right.
- Okay.
- Okay.
You know, can I ask you
just one stupid question?
No such thing.
Because I'm leaving
and I'm not gonna do this again.
I was wondering if there's one general
thing you've found over the years... be generally true... a general way
that would help anyone...
...with any situation?
That's a great question.
I'd say, figure out what you want
and learn how to ask for it.
Those are both really hard.
Yes, but you came here,
which was hard for you.
And you're leaving right away,
also hard.
So you're tougher than
you think you are right now.
I appreciate that.
- Good luck.
- Okay.
- I can see why people do this.
- Thanks.
I'm sorry. I thought some of them
were bringing their wives.
That usually changes
the behavior considerably.
The rookie who lives here had this,
maybe the best barbecue anywhere...
...flown in from Houston.
He bought a first-class seat
so his friend could fly it in.
Wait till you taste it. Try the sauce
first. That's how you judge.
- This place nails it. And you know--
- No hard feelings.
You can stay, I just....
I can't do this right now.
There's Christian athletes inside.
We'll eat with them.
Do you ever wonder what's going on
in my life? Because you never ask.
I thought I wasn't supposed to.
Is that just at night?
This is-- You know what?
What I think I mean is...
...I should tell you
what's going on with me.
I got....
Oh, God.
I got cut.
Let's have some barbecue
and we'll talk about it. That's....
I don't wanna eat now.
I can't.
You don't wanna eat anything?
I just can't.
I'll go with you.
So I'm gonna go
to grad school at night.
I'll have to work a few jobs, but
I've got the private coaching thing...
...and I lined up
this part-time retail thing.
- That's great.
- That's good. I got that covered.
I just have this problem
with my attitude.
It's like I have to get to the place where
I appreciate what the game gave me.
And accept and even embrace
the obvious...
...that the time comes
for every athlete when they--
It's never gonna come for me.
You know what?
Maybe we shouldn't talk.
Maybe we should watch TV
or something.
No, no, no. Hold on, come here.
I hear everything you're saying.
Come sit over here. I'm gonna set you
down and make you something to eat.
We get a little food in your stomach,
we'll both think better.
You like inspirational stories?
Okay, I got one for you.
I knew a really good player once,
and the coach cut him.
And the guy just felt....
He felt impotent.
Now you're probably feeling whatever
the female version of that word is.
It's the same word.
Don't let what's going on with you
make you give me a hard time.
Because that's not productive.
I'm not.
It's the same word for women.
Okay. Tie goes to the pretty one.
Same word. He was feeling impotent,
just like you may be feeling.
I don't think that's how I feel--
Can I finish my thought?
Maybe it'll help, maybe it won't,
but I'm trying.
I'm sorry.
- That's all right.
- Go ahead.
Okay. So his girlfriend had a cat
and he started to save the cat's shit....
- A little trust.
- Okay.
He started to save all the cat's shit,
and every few days or so...
...he'd take a little amount and wrap it
in a different package, like a gift...
...or a magazine roll
or something you order online.
Every few days for eight months...
...he would send these cat turds
to the guy who cut him.
Is that it?
Yeah, that's it. It's a great story.
Did you understand it was the coach
he sent it to?
To the guy who cut him?
He felt impotent, and then he....
File it away. It worked for this guy.
No, so he stopped
when his anger went away--
Yeah. Yeah.
Well, the cat died.
Oh, God.
There, a smile.
That's horrible.
I didn't know the cat was gonna die.
You feel better.
Great. I hated seeing you
touch bottom.
That was sweet.
Yeah, you're right.
It's okay.
- You are amazing.
- You were great.
- It takes two, you know?
- At least.
Oh, boy.
You clap to bring on the lights
the minute we finish?
Why? What's the matter?
Just clapping your hands and
those dumb lights makes me feel like--
Wait, wait, let me guess.
I think I can get it.
Like I'm not thinking about you.
Look who got it.
- Yeah, look who read your mind.
- God.
Yeah. What should I do?
God. Turn them off!
You wanna do it? Come on.
Oh, it's fun.
Grow up.
It was kind of fun, wasn't it?
I'm gonna teach you
how to have fun.
- You didn't see that?
- What?
Let me ask you something.
How do you know when you're in love?
- Intriguing.
- Ryan. Get loose.
- What?
- I got a way.
Whenever this one thing happens,
I know I'm done.
It's personal. I don't want
anyone making fun of me.
No, no one's-- Go!
I'm in love with somebody when
I wear a condom with the other girls.
Holy shit, I'm in love.
You up for a crazy idea?
Maybe it'd be fun if you
kind of move in with me.
Hello? Are you there?
- Are you serious?
- I know.
I told you it was crazy.
Can you give me a minute
to form a thought?
- Yeah, yeah. Take your time.
- Okay. Thanks.
Okay, I'll call you back.
That was quick.
I know, but, Lisa, listen.
Today I caught myself--
Thanks, Bobby.
Today I caught myself wishing
you were in the bullpen with me.
Literally having a daydream.
I mean, that's serious.
Li-- Are you there?
Hello? What are you doing?
I think I'm thinking.
Don't! You shouldn't have to think
about a great idea.
You said this was a crazy idea.
I know, I think it's both. I think part of
the greatness is how crazy it is.
What first popped into your mind?
That I don't know what to say
and it makes me feel stupid.
Second thing.
That I've never lived
with anyone before.
Great. No one's had a chance
to ruin you.
Have you ever lived with anybody?
With me you get into what does
"living together" mean...
...and duration is a factor.
But listen, is--? Do you think...
...this is something...?
Do you wanna do this?
- Hello?
- I honestly....
- Yeah?
- I don't know how to figure this out.
Is there tingling?
Do you have goose bumps?
Maybe I need to work my voice
a little bit until you get them.
I think I just got them.
- I think I just got them.
- Yeah.
I really like you, Matty.
- Good phone call.
- Good phone call.
- Right? Yeah.
- Thank you.
This is such a mistake.
- Overstepping alert.
- You sublet your apartment.
You told me don't do anything halfway
unless you're willing to be half happy.
Don't make important life decisions
when you are mush. It's too dangerous.
Fight low self-esteem,
don't give it the wheel.
I am packed here. I am doing this.
So back off, or do what you always do
for me, pull out some damn positives.
I'm sorry, honey.
Hell, the guy has
a 94-mile-an-hour fastball.
He makes 14 million a year.
Go get him.
- Got your bag? I cleared some space.
- Yeah, I just....
- Yeah, come on in.
- Okay.
Okay, I can get rid of
both of these things right here.
I'll talk to the guys downstairs.
They have storage space.
It's okay.
We'll make it work.
Hey, boss, it's me.
- Annie.
- Hi. Did you call that girl?
No. You don't have to bring me food.
It's enough that you found this place.
That was selfish. You dress up
my neighborhood. Love your window?
It's great.
This is--
Cooking relaxes me when I can't
sleep. So why not just call her?
Honestly? Because my
first impression wasn't great.
I'd rather be more myself
when I see her next.
What if someone beats you to her?
Optimism is sanity for me right now.
Please, sit down.
Make yourself comfortable.
I'm in a funny position...
...but I know stuff about
what happened at work.
I can't tell you
because of that thing I signed...
...but if you start guessing, I can't help
it if this face is an open book. Look!
Stop. You'd get in trouble, and just
listening could be wrongdoing for me.
This information is killing me!
It's like I know someone is gonna
shoot you and I can't scream:
"Watch out! That man's gonna
blow your frigging head off!"
Please play this game with me,
or I'll just tell you!
- No!
- For God's sake, let me unburden!
Stop! Stop!
Annie, sit down, please. Sit down.
Careful. You have to understand
what this is like for me right now.
Picture a very angry ocean. A storm.
And I'm on this little tiny boat.
And miraculously,
this boat is still afloat.
And that boat is that
I haven't done anything wrong.
Like letting you say something you're
legally constrained from revealing.
Not doing anything wrong is
what's keeping me afloat. All right?
If I lose that, I'm gone.
Don't rock the boat.
- I know about the boat.
- Stop!
- It's a terrible boat! Get out of the boat!
- Respect me on this!
For what it's worth, it doesn't matter.
I think I've guessed
the same stuff you know.
I think I know what you do.
You couldn't function if you knew
what I'm talking about.
Oh, I think I could.
I think I am.
- Leave it.
- What if I give you a hint?
No, don't! Don't make me
leave my own apartment. Please.
Okay. Eat something.
Thank you.
The lasagna looks amazing,
by the way.
- Hello, Dad.
- Are you coming to my place?
- Almost there.
- Good.
I have some disturbing news.
- What?
- I'll wait till you get here.
Tell me. It'd be nice to get
one piece of bad news...
...without someone studying me
to see how I take it.
Anger can be useful.
Watch out for the bitterness.
What's the news, Dad?
There are strong indications
that they are going to indict you.
I have canceled
everything I've got...
...and I am dedicating myself
completely to this.
Oh, God, please don't kid me.
How are you?
- Good to see you.
- Yeah.
That's so funny.
- You didn't have to do that.
- Yeah, I did.
So do you live in this building?
Did you leave?
Are you still here?
Yeah. Absolutely.
- Here I am.
- Okay.
Sorry I'm not more hospitable.
I'm in a hurry.
Can I go first?
I want to explain why I haven't called.
I don't understand.
I think I've made a bad assumption that
we've been on the same wavelength.
That didn't come out right at all.
I didn't mean--
I didn't quite mean to say that either.
You ever wanna delete every sentence
you say, even as you say them?
- No.
- No?
You're funny. You know,
I'm really glad I ran into you.
I bit your head off at dinner.
I have this thing about rudeness,
so I'm glad I could say I'm sorry.
- No--
- Lisa!
Yeah! I'm in the kitchen!
Hey, babe.
George, this is my boyfriend, Matty.
Nice to meet you.
- Who is he?
- You didn't even say hello.
I think you should check with me
before inviting some guy over... I'm a little too pissed off
to just say hello.
Can I talk to you?
- Why would I check with you?
- Want me to state the obvious?
I have to check with you before inviting
someone up who carried our groceries?
I didn't know about the groceries.
Maybe that changes things.
I think it does.
- Good talk.
- Wait. No.
What's this obvious thing
I'm missing?
Let's forget it. Otherwise, you want
me to put my foot in the trap? Okay.
There's no trap. But let's show up
here. What am I missing?
Okay. That this is my place.
This is my place.
Oh, boy.
So long, Matty.
Lisa, what are you doing?
you get your sock drawer back.
Lisa, you can't do this.
We have a guest.
Okay, you can have people over.
Without asking.
You won't abuse the privilege. Right?
There's also the safety issue,
which everyone's ignoring.
Can you get the door?
I think I screwed up.
Not from my perspective.
Yeah, thanks, buddy.
- Taxi?
- No, thanks, Tom.
I just have to figure out
where I'm going.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Do you live around here?
I need to charge my phone.
Yeah, I live pretty close.
About an hour. By bus.
I don't wanna mislead you.
- Yeah. Okay.
- Okay.
- Here.
- Thanks.
- I'll take it. I got it.
- Thanks.
It's an hour 10, maybe.
Hello, sir.
Yes, she just came down.
Okay, I'll try.
Sorry, sir, I just wasn't able
to contact her for you.
Man, so dead.
It's a new place.
I haven't totally unpacked yet.
- Are you hungry?
- Lately? Always.
Why are you asking?
You got nibbles?
Oh, yes. Do you wanna hear a list?
I'm sorry, did you say something?
I was distracted.
So was I. You wanna hear
a list of what I've got?
- I'm not gonna be great company.
- Are you kidding me?
This is the best conversation I've had
since the night we didn't talk.
- Well, that's sort of funny.
- Flying start.
Hey, what can I do to help?
You make your own pot pie?
A friend. Plates and silverware
are over here.
It doesn't matter where I am.
You're gonna yell at me?
That's it? That's why you called?
You know what I thin--
You're gonna lose me.
Just as well. It wasn't gonna
go well from there anyway.
I think we both need
some time to think.
- Do you have any Guinness?
- I will get Guinness.
- Don't go out of your way.
- No, no.
I make a great drink, if you wanna
try it. It's not an idle remark, I do.
Okay. I'll try something.
Just not too strong.
What am I doing?
Stay honest with yourself when making
a mistake, there might be a takeaway.
I'm gonna get drunk because
I'm too lame to stand how I feel.
Great choice.
- Could you do me a favor?
- Absolutely.
And thank you for the opportunity.
Could you not...?
I have a boyfriend, so could we just...?
- Yes.
- Really?
I have a teammate,
or an ex-teammate...
...who says the only time I say anything
is when I drink Guinness, so watch out.
Well, I think you've been saying a lot
without drinking.
You are truly something.
Which means my thinking about you
isn't just an aspect of the trouble I'm in.
I don't follow you.
- You're in some sort of trouble?
- No--
First things first. I'll be right back.
Make yourself at home.
I got it!
Okay, Lisa, if you're not back
in an hour, forget it. That's it.
Okay, I'm removing the deadline.
Any time's good.
I may have contributed
to the misunderstanding.
I mean, if you could see my face,
you'd see how upset I am.
Hold on, I'm gonna--
No, let me....
Turn off the lights
And light a candle
Let's take a shower
Shower together
I'll wash your body
You wash mine, yeah
Rub me down
With some hot oils, baby
All right. I hope I haven't
built this up too much.
- Okay. Tell me what you think.
- Oh, good.
It's good, right?
- It's delicious.
- Thanks. My own creation.
I used to be a bartender, when I was
working my way through bartending.
Oh, here. Please.
Come here.
To people who make toasts.
I just touched your leg.
I know.
So my father would rather
I was more...
...dynamic. Okay?
He raised me since I was 7 because--
And wait till you hear this.
People go crazy over it.
I'm serious, be prepared
to see me through new eyes.
- Okay.
- I become...
...dangerously appealing.
Yeah. You'll wanna sit up
for this one.
- Okay.
- Here I go. Okay.
My mother left us...
...after seeing Kramer vs. Kramer
at the movies one afternoon.
- Do you know the picture?
- No.
It's a movie about a woman who
leaves Dustin Hoffman and her son...
...because she had to
find out who she was.
That's strange.
She came back. In the movie.
I have to make those old "sucking
it up" lessons work for me now.
Like when we lost
the NCAA championship by one run.
And instead of having some
self-pitying, self-indulgent...
...Kleenex party, we did a little good.
There were these kids there, and--
- Are you bored?
- Transfixed.
Cut it out.
I don't understand what you're doing.
These cannot be moves.
Do I sound like
I'm feeling sorry for myself?
Go ahead. No, come on.
You were saying?
Most of the girls I play with,
when they're done playing...
...their plan is meet a guy,
love, have a baby...
...go to grad school and get a job.
I mean, I'm doing those things...
...but my problem,
my challenge is....
- Oh, God, shut me up.
- No, no, no!
You're saying exactly what
you need to say.
Just let it out. Talk.
Otherwise, disease starts--
Why don't you shut up too?
What do you know, except
looking at me like you're Bambi?
Have you ever seen that movie?
Yeah. It's a wonderful film. I own it.
- Oh, jeez. I'm sorry.
- No.
- I'm sorry.
- It's all right.
I bet you're glad you fed me
all those drinks.
Your problem? Your challenge?
I don't know if I have what it takes...
...for everybody's regular plan.
I've never felt, like, that love... the guy is
the whole deal, like.... Like....
To be honest, the baby thing?
Never. Never.
I'm just good at this one thing,
you know?
And when I hear girls talking about
how in love they are...
...or how the baby is everything...
...I think they're pretending.
What sort of trouble are you in?
Simply put,
I'm currently unemployed.
My girlfriend recently
broke up with me.
I'll soon run out of money.
And I'm the target
of a federal investigation.
Wow, you're a real chick magnet,
aren't you?
I'm sorry.
Well, we'll see.
- What impresses me about--
- Know what--
I'm sorry. Did I interrupt you?
No, no. Please, go ahead. I didn't
mean to interrupt your train of thought.
You-- Pl-- Go ahead.
What impresses you about me?
You haven't let anything
take your spirit.
No. Not tonight.
Tonight you've done me a great turn.
You've given me temporary amnesia.
- Get out of here.
- You have.
I can't believe you tell me
all you just did, and then flirt with me.
Why is the government...?
I don't know. Truly.
Hey, Matty.
Lisa. First of all, I'm not gonna
ask you where you've been.
But I get points for that, right?
Not when you put it like that.
Okay, I screw up.
That's why I wrote something out...
...that I wanna say to you. Okay.
Okay, this will be good.
Is it bad I wrote it out?
It's unusual, not bad. Stop asking me
things like that. It's weird.
Sorry. I went nuts when you left.
I broke a lamp.
Okay, read me the thing.
That was the thing.
Well, then I'm deeply touched.
You really broke a lamp?
Yeah, I mean, I just smashed it.
It's destroyed. You should see it.
Okay, what else do I do here?
Please come back!
That's.... You know,
that's giant for me to say.
I don't know that I'll do great,
but I know I can do better.
Whoa, this is breakthrough stuff
for me here!
- Okay.
- Great. Okay.
- I'll see you soon.
- Bye. I'll see you.
All right. Bye.
I'll help you get a cab.
Hey, George.
Thanks for being
such a great listener.
And no matter what,
I get to have friends.
I will take you up on that.
- Thanks.
- Thanks. Yeah.
Slump city can be murder,
so call me whenever.
Of every thought I had about you,
and there were millions...
...the one that never occurred to me
is that my mind wasn't exaggerating.
Cut it out. I go boyfriend.
Fifteenth and I.
- I'm not saying she was reaching out.
- Okay.
I'm not saying she was coming on.
But she was definitely talking to me.
You have to see your father.
He's one of the few people
willing to talk to you.
Tell him....
Oh, God.
Your son is here to see you,
Mr. Madison.
Have you been avoiding me?
Did you do it?
Did I...?
Do it.
My gosh. You're not asking if--
No. What I'm asking... did you...
...fabricate earnings for the analysts
and either knowingly...
...or accidentally,
put me in this spot?
Did you do that? And if you did...
...are you still looking,
even at this moment...
...for a way to handle it, and me...
...without telling me
you committed a criminal act?
Now, wait. Just, easy.
This ground we're stepping on here
is wall-to-wall minefields.
Oh, for God's sakes. You're a crook.
What exactly did you do?
I did...
...what everybody who does business
in the Mideast does...
...who is not Microsoft
or selling something indispensable.
You pay a toll in the Mideast,
no matter what the country is!
If you want to sell in Egypt,
you go there! You rent an office--
Stop shouting. I don't hear you
when you do that, ever.
- Never?
- Ever.
You go there... rent an office....
It's hard not to yell.
You go there
and you bribe an Egyptian.
That is what I did.
Like everybody does.
I bribed an Egyptian.
We know pissing in the street
is against the law.
This is spitting in the street.
This is:
I didn't think that
it would ever touch you.
And I wish I could somehow express
how what is happening to you... the most wrenching experience
of my life.
And it's not just emotional.
It's physical.
It hurts in a profound, deep way.
My muscles. My skin.
Like those side effects
I got from Lipitor.
I am anguishing... every way because of
what you are going through.
And I just....
Oh, stop.
You damn narcissist, no, you don't.
You can't cry! You...
...ethical mutant!
Better pace yourself, son.
It gets worse.
I'm gonna miss you, babe.
Echo that.
What are you gonna
do with yourself?
Well, I'll be teaching these great kids
at this clinic.
Then I'm gonna register for classes.
And the team is playing close by... I was thinking about stopping by,
but anyway....
- We need to talk a second.
- Okay. I will call you from the car.
Are we monogamous?
You feel this way
because of the road trip.
But we don't have time for this.
How long does it take to answer?
Well, the answer is yes, of course.
- Essentially.
- What is "essentially"?
Let's talk about it. "Essentially."
Here we go.
Look, I am nothing like
the wild man I used to be.
If it bothers you, I can attempt to
cut out even the anonymous sex...
...because I think we're heading
for the biggest result...
...that can happen for a dating couple,
and I'm thrilled about that.
Anonymous sex?
A guy's willing to go 1000 miles
for you, and you criticize him...
...because he admittedly hasn't
covered that last yard yet?
But damn it, you know he's trying.
Your heart goes out a--
You have to get the team bus!
You never miss the team bus!
- We'll talk.
- Okay.
Okay, I'll catch the--
I'm gonna be on time.
- But we'll talk, okay?
- We'll talk.
I'm moving out, but we'll talk.
No, no, no! You can't--
Don't break up with me.
See, that's the thing. I don't know
if what we have is even breakable.
Of course it is, and you're doing it.
Where are you gonna go?
My tenants hate my place and want to
get out. Just don't miss the team bus.
Okay. I'm gonna be monogamous.
I'm gonna be. But you too, right?
You can still move out,
but you'll be monogamous too?
- Sure.
- Okay?
Give me a real yes.
- Yeah.
- Okay.
I think it's gonna be okay.
I know it's gonna be okay.
- Go.
- All right.
Why do girls always look so pretty
the minute they're not sure about you?
Just get out of here.
Okay, no not answering the phone!
Take my advice.
I think you should
get away from me.
- What?
- Cut me off.
I have just been trying
to avoid an inevitable here.
I work better with facts. Tell me.
How does it get worse?
I worked for a boiler stock operation
when I was 19.
There was a violation.
I got one year's probation.
Okay, and you're bringing this up
now because...?
Because of that...
...if they find me at all responsible
for the current problems...
...I would be classified
as a repeat offender.
And your sentence would be...?
Twenty-five years to dead.
That's why I didn't come forward.
...what are we gonna do?
I need you to go because I am in
a wrestling match with myself here.
I can't trust myself
not to manipulate you.
I don't know if I'm doing it now.
I think I am.
Why? Is there something else?
Oh, God! Has it occurred to you,
even as a possibility...
...that you can say what the situation is
without trying to control the outcome?
- No.
- Try!
If you were to plead out,
the sentence would be three years...
...with a chance of getting it down
to less than two.
And you'd...?
Get off. Maybe.
Is that everything?
So it's either....
Good game, coach. All right.
- Good game.
- Good game.
- Hello? Hello?
- Hello?
Hello? Can you hear me?
- Hello?
- George?
- Hi.
- Hi.
How are you doing?
Good. You okay?
- Yeah. Are you home?
- Yeah.
- You okay?
- Yeah. Sure am.
I just....
I hope it's not too late to call.
No. No.
Not at all. What--? What's going on?
Oh, good. Nothing. I just....
We made an indefinite plan
to hang out... I just thought I'd nail it down.
Schedule my week.
Well, anytime.
Though soon would be advisable.
I mean, I guess
it's too late for tonight.
- No, not at all.
- Okay.
I'm waiting for a call from my friend,
in case she has her baby tonight...
...but we can deal with that
if it happens.
Yeah, yeah, we can deal
with that or--
What the heck?
Let's just give it a shot.
So I could be there in...
- ...less than 30 minutes.
- Good.
Although, you know, this time
of night, it could be sooner.
Good. I hope so.
Okay. So I'll see you soon...
...and we'll just hang out.
I mean, do you feel like
hanging out or--?
I think I should go.
Yeah. Yeah.
I was downstairs when I called you.
- I know.
- You weren't gonna say anything?
- No.
- Why not?
- I didn't want to....
- Embarrass me.
- Some cousin of that.
- Oh, God.
You look good. You look rested.
Although everyone I know looks
rested. George, help me out.
- With?
- You said it.
"Ever wish you could delete everything
you said as soon as you'd said it?"
I thought it was strange,
but lately all I do is hear myself...
...being so weak and whiny and needy
that I wish I could delete every--
I think the answer to that
is to stop talking.
Deny a voice to what's falling apart.
No lip service, that's my advice to you.
Which I think I got from you.
Now, I'm sorry to handle you
and the situation like this.
It was just an impulse.
I'm gonna let go now.
Please don't hit me.
How much?
How do you feel?
Yeah, sure. Now.
Can I bring a friend?
All right. See you soon.
She had the baby.
I'm gonna head over there.
You wanna come?
No, no. I'll just....
I don't wanna be in the way.
And then I'd just feel like....
Sure, okay, thanks.
- Hi, boss.
- Hey.
You are...?
This is Lisa.
Annie's told us about you both.
- I'm George Madison.
- Good to see you, George.
- Hi, George.
- Congratulations.
Lisa. Lisa Jorgenson.
Nice to meet you.
Thanks, you guys. Dad.
Remember, there are a lot of TV shows
with single-mom heroines. Okay?
I'm fine. It's fine.
Everybody's healthy.
That's it. That's it, right?
Modern times.
I'm very happy.
I know.
It's killing him.
So glad to meet you finally.
Oh, yeah.
- Gee whiz!
- Yeah.
Big boy.
Ten pounds 10.
And I'm three days early.
Are you exhausted?
I'm slaphappy.
World's luckiest baby.
Leave it to boss
to say the great thing.
Excuse me.
Oh, hi.
You're here.
You're just a couple of doors down.
Ask for Double Digit's room,
that's what we're calling him for now.
Yeah, that's him.
Okay, I'll see you soon.
Hey, buddy.
Get ready to meet your daddy.
We'll grab some coffee.
You want anything?
Oh, thank you, no.
No. No.
You wore your suit!
- Al.
- Oh, hey.
Congratulations on
the birth of your baby.
It's good of you to come,
Mr. Madison.
- Boy or a girl?
- Boy.
Maybe he'll meet somebody
in the nursery.
I just wanted to drop this off...
...and tell you not to worry
about your job. In any way.
Oh, my God, that's great to hear.
Thank you.
- You okay?
- Tops.
I thought you might be here.
Would you... to talk? Go over anything?
Any new thoughts?
No, not yet.
You're thinking things out.
Not at this precise moment.
I'm on a break.
Okay, Gidge. Fine.
- You a relative of Annie's?
- Oh, no, I'm a friend of--
How you doing? I'm Al.
I'm the baby's father.
- Congratulations.
- Thank you.
Okay, Al, let me tell you all there is
to know about raising a kid.
Do not beat yourself
over the head...
...with any notions that
someone else is doing it right.
Yeah, well, actually, my mom
and pop, they did it right.
Yours too, right, Annie?
Mine too. Sorry.
Okay. Nice visit.
Bye, all. Love you, son.
Good night.
Awfully glad I came by,
and happy parenting.
Awfully glad I came by.
When he walked in,
you didn't think that...?
Oh, you poor guy!
Oh, my God.
I'm gonna do something... you just record it.
It's the red button.
I gotta say something to you.
To the two of you.
I don't want you to think that
the reason we're not married... because I think anything
of anyone else.
It's because I'm 40 years old
and I'm a failure.
I will kill you, you talk like that.
I'll get work again, I know. I won't have
seniority because of what happened.
I don't wanna get sidetracked.
The reason that I never
talked marriage to you... because I couldn't stand
to see you, the princess of worry...
...weighted down by me
and my limited prospects.
Because I get your worry, Annie.
I know a lot of people think that's
a bad thing about you. But I know...
...that it's because you have a great
big heart, and I love you for it!
You know? And then...
...I started to worry, all right?
About what would happen to you...
...and this little hulk...
...if you guys wound up
with someone who....
Who thought that your worry was...
- know....
- Neurotic?
Right, yeah.
Somebody who didn't get you.
Who wanted you to feel bad
about yourself.
Wanted to make you be more normal
or wanted you to change...
...or like yourself more.
Who didn't love all of it, Annie.
Who didn't wanna
leave great enough alone.
And I thought that I....
I could do that for you.
That could be a legitimate...
...function for me in your life.
So that allows me...
- Oh, my God.
- propose to you...
...that we get married.
I wanna marry you.
Oh, Al!
- Be careful.
- I'm crushing him.
Did you get it?
- Oh, my God. I got so caught--
- You didn't get it?
- He didn't get it.
- He didn't--?
You didn't get it?!
Oh, my God!
You didn't get it?!
I'm so sorry! Oh, my God!
I can't tell you how--
- Oh, no!
- I don't know what to say.
- Okay, come on, we'll do it again.
- I can't do it again!
- What's your name?
- Al.
Al. Okay. You'll record it.
I don't know what I said!
Who knows?
We just have to think and we'll piece
this thing together. Right away.
You were sitting. So sit down.
Okay. You told her that
you didn't want her to think that....
I don't want you to think
the reason we're not married... because I feel anything
for anybody else.
Exactly! Yes, yes!
You said you had no prospects.
You used the word "failure."
I won't saddle you with
a 40-year-old failure.
Annie, you said, "I'll kill you--"
I'll kill--
I'll kill you if you talk like that!
I remember that.
You said you didn't want her
to end up with--
Someone who wanted her
to change what she couldn't.
- Yes.
- Someone who didn't get me.
- There was that whole list.
- He was worried about you.
Worried you'd be with somebody
who made you feel bad about yourself.
Who wanted you to like yourself
in a different way.
Who didn't love you the right way.
Protecting her from that...
...appreciating her the way you do
was a legitimate function for you.
Wow, I said that?
I feel like you're all proposing to me.
Then I asked you to marry me.
No! No. What you said was:
"I propose to you
that we get married."
- I propose to you that we get married.
- That's it.
- And then you called him "little hulk."
- Yes.
Which, for some reason,
is my favorite thing.
Look at this guy.
I love you so much, Al.
I'm just gonna wait here
for my bus.
I'll wait with you.
Okay, good. Thanks.
Don't you miss them already?
I'm okay.
Don't you think that what he said
applies to so many--?
Well, take care.
Yeah. You too.
You too.
Can't catch a break!
What is wrong with you?
What? I saw you.
You were shouting and all crazy.
No, I--
I just-- It was weird
that you were off so fast.
Well, I can wait for the next bus.
You just charged off.
Okay. Well, good.
Well, you know, that's--
We should have plenty of time now.
What is this?
I think this is the opposite
of a bus strike.
So won't Matty be worried?
I didn't tell you we're
not living together right now?
No, I would have remembered.
Can you give us two seconds?
It's important.
- No problem, pal.
- Okay.
We're still working on things,
but from a different slant.
He's back tomorrow. He's throwing me
a belated birthday party tomorrow night.
He's going all out.
Not my choice.
But when you're in something,
You gotta give it everything you have.
Else, what are you doing?
Oh, man.
Can I come to your party?
Can I come to your party?
Of course.
When was your birthday?
It was tonight.
Of course it is.
Happy birthday.
Thank you.
I think I figured it out.
I don't wanna talk now.
Well, could you give me
some indication?
I love you too. Tomorrow.
- Going to the party, George?
- Not yet.
Just a minute, son. The lawyers are
taking a break. Leave your stuff.
Try the coffee shop on the corner.
Get me that list
of non-extradition countries.
The fruit salad's very good there.
- Please sit.
- No, I can't. I have to get someplace.
You look....
Great? I'm shooting for great tonight.
You look great.
I know you want the bottom line, but
are you interested in my reasoning?
Yes. Of course.
First thing, and it was
an all-nighter getting there...
...but same as in anything, the answer
starts with the right question.
And the question here wasn't
whether I go to jail or you do.
That was not the question.
- It wasn't?
- No.
No. The question was,
will I go to jail for three years...
...or will I live for 25 years feeling
awful because of your being in jail?
Very good.
So I went over different scenarios
to get varying perspectives.
If I had children,
I wouldn't consider going to jail.
- But you don't.
- Right.
Or if I had someone crucial
to the life I want for myself... would be perverse...
...some denunciation of the experience
of life itself if I gave that up.
Well, that is an extreme
point of view.
Do you have such a person?
I don't know. But I'm going upstairs
to somehow find out.
There's a party. She's up there.
There's another guy.
You mean she may be unavailable.
I can't think that way right now.
I'm going up there
and I'm taking my shot.
If I don't have a chance with her...
...I will go to jail for you, Dad.
But if I have any chance at all,
I can't.
Wish me luck.
Good luck.
No unattached women
allowed tonight.
One guy's bringing his sister.
A couple guys are bringing their moms.
- How are you?
- I'm great.
Okay, here we go. I want you to....
Okay, we'll start right here.
- Here, have a seat. Go on.
- Okay.
- Here you go.
- Okay.
It's not a ring!
- You don't have to look so relieved.
- No, no, I just--
Now, maybe I don't
get on a knee for this, but....
What are you doing?
The wrapping is lovely.
- Hurry. No, you just--
- It's so nice.
No, but you can just rip it open.
It's gorgeous.
But.... I mean, it's gorgeous.
But what?
I was thinking, when would I
wear something like this?
I'll take you places.
Do you not get what this means?
- You get the mean--
- That time is--
No, it means we're engaged!
- What?
- To be engaged.
My father gave my mother a watch and
seven years later they were engaged.
It's beautiful. I mean, gorgeous.
I don't know what to say. I--
- You're blown away.
- I'm blown away.
- Come on.
- I'm blown away!
Yes! Come on. Now you're talking.
Yes! Look at it.
You showed.
Definitely. I'll wait out there.
- Good to see you.
- Yeah.
Thank you. And you.
- Okay, we better get going.
- Okay.
This is our first party as a couple.
What were we all those other times?
That's so cute.
Hey, Richie, what's going on?
Hey, Mrs. Hayes.
I should find George.
He doesn't know anybody.
I'll go with you.
- Tori's mom wants to meet you.
- Right now?
She's a fan.
- I need to talk to you.
- Okay.
Here, sit down.
I got you a gift.
Thanks for not rushing me.
- This is only half the gift.
- Yeah?
- It doesn't work without the story.
- Okay.
This stuff was invented
by this man in central Ohio... a white goo,
and he used it to...
...remove soot off of wallpaper
from old-fashioned heating.
So as gas and electric heating
came in, there was... longer a need
for the cleaning goo.
So the guy was going under.
But his sister-in-law was
a nursery school teacher--
Is this a true story?
The man's name was Joe McVicker.
His sister-in-law was Kay Zufall.
Okay, I believe you.
So Kay Zufall discovered...
...that her little kids
liked squeezing the goo...
...a lot more than hard modeling clay.
So she suggested to Joe...
...that they color the stuff
and call it Play-Doh.
...I have kept this for a long time... proof...
...that we're all just
one small adjustment away...
...from making our lives work.
You can see why
I thought of this for you...
...can't you?
I'm gonna put it away because...
...if anybody asks what it is, I could
never tell that story as well as you do.
- Let us see the watch.
- Yeah.
Oh, it's beautiful.
- Matty gave you that?
- Yeah.
Thank you for having me.
Excuse me.
I need to talk to you. Really.
And that means I need to
get you out of this party.
If that feels out of the question to you,
there's probably nothing to talk about.
Good night. Good night.
I'm gonna go wait
out at the bus stop for the next...
...10 to 15 hours.
I'm kidding.
I'll be out there for a while.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- Can I talk to you?
- Yeah, come here.
Matty, I just think things
are moving a little too quickly.
I almost got you this white silk
bathrobe that had, like, a thing that--
I saw the watch and I got excited.
I thought it was maybe
four or five months too early...
...but if it was a mistake,
it was a mistake of enthusiasm.
I'm gonna go hang out with George
for a little bit.
- He wants to talk and I--
- Okay. Go ahead.
But take into account that
I have the confidence to say that.
Which is kind of a big deal.
You understand? I'm saying yes, go,
but recognize the confidence.
I get afraid you're missing
my confidence here.
No, I get it.
Do you--? But-- I don't mean
to keep harping on it...
...but I think that that's key
to any decision you make.
That you're gonna have to....
What did I do wrong?
You're great.
You're sweet, you're fun.
You are.
All the hot words.
Talk to you later.
You hungry?
- I have Annie's stuff.
- Okay.
I just had a thought.
Did you come down here
to tell me not to bother waiting?
I thought you were this silly guy.
Now it's like...
...everything but you seems silly.
- Who knows what I'm saying?
- I think I know.
It's just a thought I-- I might not be--
- What?
- You love me too.
Stop looking at me.
Tonight I'm in
A romantic mood, yeah