How Stella Got Her Groove Back (1998)

No, Sidney, GKOs are Russian bonds.
They're guaranteeing 650/o interest
on your money.
The government's never defaulted on one.
lt's safe. It's a lock.
It's 650/o on your money.
So if you want in for 10 million, do it.
Michelle, get me Bill Moore, Skip Regent.
l need 20 clients back to back.
We have 35 minutes left.
-You working the GKO?
-Yes, Isaac, it's my day off.
l'm late for an appointment,
which l can't break.
Because, sweetheart, these funds
are never available to individual investors.. .
...except this one just opened with a
two-hour window, of which there are...
...34 minutes left. So...
...speak up. Do you want to be rich?
Or do you want to wallow in regret?
Whatever l'm taking,
you make me work for it, sweetie.
Love to Emily.
l'm in trouble, okay?
l need you.
Let me get with you
at the end of the day, Isaac.
l may have blown off Peg Heinrich.
l can't wait for the end of the day.
-l'll be right in.
Bill Moore on two.
Theresa, confirm Sidney at 10 million,
650/o, due 2/28/99 at par.
Yes, Ms. Payne.
Hello, Bill? Stella.
How are you doing?
Feel like making some money?
All right.
l'm thinking of introducing Stella
to one of Kennedy's buddies.
He's a judge.
You don't know what brand of men
Stella likes.
Neither does she, so be quiet.
You need to mind your own business.
You can start by
checking the want ads for a maid.
Stop being so damn cheap.
No one knows how to clean my house
better than l. The judge is very nice.
Which means boring as hell.
Tell him not to get his hopes up on Stella
because our sister is stuck on stale.
Well, right now,
what other prospects does she have?
How was the mud?
We don't do mud.
And in case you were wondering...
...if we were talking about you
behind your back, we were.
STELLA: l'm here to relax
because l stress enough at work.
Besides, l thought you guys
were my allies.
We are, Stella, but when was the last time
you had a decent date? Tell the truth.
When was the last time you paid
a bill on time? Tell the truth.
-She's got a point.
-Shut up, Angela.
Before l put a curse on you and them
babies turn out looking like gerbils.
-Anything else, Cruella?
STELLA: Mm-hmm.
Don't talk to me for the next two hours.
You need a husband
and your son needs a father.
Had one. Got rid of him.
So glad l did.
The last time l checked, Walter was still
Quincy's father, if you've forgotten.
You still need a man in your life.
Angela, just because Kennedy writes,
produces, directs, stars in your drama.. .
.. .don't fool yourself.
Not every woman needs
that kind of guidance.
You can be so defensive.
It's really sad.
lf you'd listened to Ma instead of marrying
the second guy you ever slept with--
Why not just induce labor... you can hurry and have somebody
to tell what to do?
-l'm gonna get up right now--
-Whoa! Ladies, ladies, ladies!
l am not feeling any love in this room
at this time.
Correct me if l'm wrong, Stella,
but this is your treat...
...because you know my money
is too funny.
Oh, no, you didn't.
No, you didn't!
You don't even know us.
Why are you laughing?
She's so fake.
Get over it.
Girl, you're too many things.
-Keep up with me.
Whatever you do,
don't say anything about his weight.
Mom, give me a break.
Dad never reads labels.
Calories or fat, cholesterol, sodium.
That stuff means nothing to him.
Mom, what'll you do for two weeks
without your loving son?
Clean your room.
Mom, no. Please don't go in my room.
Don't touch anything.
l like it the way it is.
But you can't find anything.
l know where everything is.
It may not look like it, but l do.
-What's it worth to you if l don't?
-Say l'll be your best friend?
Right. You already are, dude,
but cash has always worked for me.
What? What did you forget?
l want you to try to have some fun
while l'm gone.
l mean it.
l know.
That was such a great day.
We had so much fun.
Bored? Stressed-out? Overworked?
Then what you dong sttng there
when you know you need some sun?
All t takes s one phone call...
...and you're on your way
to the most beautful place on earth...
.. .where the water caresses you by day
and sngs you a lullaby at nght.
So come on.
What you watng for?
Put that work down. grl.
l say. what you dong sttng there when
you know you need some sun. Stella?
80YL: Ths s Judge Spencer Boyle.
Angela gave me your number.
She sad you were expectng my call.
Oh, uh....
Yes. Judge.
Um, so nice of you to call.
-l was hopng maybe we mght....
STELLA: Why not?
-That gves me a lot of optons.
lt's refreshng
to fnd a young woman.. .
.. .who doesn't play hard to get.
Oh, yeah. That's me. l'm easy.
l only meant
that no games s knd of refreshng.
l hear you're an athlete.
Maybe we could go runnng together
l don't see why not.
Ths went well.
-Goodbye. Stella.
MKM: Call your travel agent or
1-800-JAMAICA. We'll be watng for you.
Ths s Eartha Ktt.
Dellah's not home rght now.
so leave her a message.
Delilah! Where are you, girl?
l got a brilliant idea.
Let's go to Jamaica.
Are you game or lame?
Call me back ASAP.
Ths s Eartha Ktt.
Dellah's not home rght now.
so leave her a message.
Forget that last message.
That was a stupid one-minute fantasy.
l don't have time to go anywhere.
l've got too much on my plate.
Sorry, girl. Call me.
IK: Bertha. l'm totally gnorng
your second message.
-Start packng your sht.
We are going to Jamaica.
l don't want to hear you tell me
why you can't go.
l don't thnk l can take the tme.
What? You ain't been nowhere or
done nothing since l was a natural blond.
lt's only a week. Just ask them.
l've got a deadlne
wth these shareholder reps.
Let them share without you for once.
Quincy's home babysitting his dad.
You got nothing else to do.
Easy for you to say. They've got tons
of package trips from New York.
Since it's so last-minute,
l've got to pay full fare.
Don't even go there. Don't even go there.
You're being cheap, Stella.
That's not like you.
It's not even attractive, honey.
Don't be cheap, because
you make enough money to do this.
And you're worth it.
And even if you ain't, l am,
so we're going to Jamaica.
l feel really prvleged
to have ths opportunty.. . be in your presence.
l have to tell you.
Don't get jealous
because l lost a couple of pounds.
A couple?
Yeah. Them Jamaican dudes
will be chasing me all over the island.
You'll be picking up my sloppy seconds.
l gotta go. Goodbye.
Oh, this isn't working.
Can you get me some more
penis material, baby?
Because these boys are just....
It's painful.
Come on.
Share with your friend.
WOMAN: The captan has turned on
the fasten seat belt sgn.. .
...for our arrval n Montego Bay...
.. .where. as you know.
the weather s always perfect.
MAN: Welcome to Jamaica.
-Thank you.
-Welcome to Jamaica.
-Thank you.
STELLA: Hi. Stella Payne.
Sign here.
Could you tell me which room
Delilah Abraham is in?
Girl, l've been waiting for you in the bar
for an hour and a half.
-Then where's my rum punch?
-Come on, girl.
-You look so fly!
STELLA: Don't l?
You think you're cute
with your braids.
-You like them?
-l love them.
They make you look entirely
too damn young.
Wave to Jack and Buddy.
l'm not waving to men l don't know.
You will.
They're from Chicago.
Got three Super Bowl rings between them.
l get Jack and you get Buddy.
STELLA: Oh, no, you didn't.
DELILAH: Oh, yes, l did.
l did not come all the way down here
to turn into a slut.
l did!
A big ho slut, if l can.
All l want to do is run,
read, relax and roll over. Oh, Lord...
...not pick up old, soft football players.
When was your last wide receiver?
Okay? Okay? Come on.
Bertha, l'm gonna get you.
Welcome to Jamaica, ladies.
Respect, child.
-You good, girl?
-l'm good.
You good? You real good?
Real good!
Don't scare the white people.
-Oh. Oh!
-This right here.
Gimme, gimme.
It's got my name all over it.
Where's the bathing suit
that goes with it?
Sit down and be glad
l'm letting it go for 50.
l got your 50.
l gotta tell you, though,
l'm glad to see you.
You look good.
STELLA: You don't know good
from spectacular.
You look good yourself.
Yeah, l know l do.
l think l got weak blood sugar
or something.
l've been taking ginseng
and sing-sing and hop-sing...
...trying to get some pep back in my step.
It ain't working.
When was your last physical?
About a year ago.
All l know is this:
ln the morning, have your sneakers on
and be ready to run.
You must be out of your mind.
l did not come down here to exercise.
And do you think they could put
a little more Lycra in this thing?
Ooh, girl!
As your best friend for the last 22 years,
can l have this?
Can l at least see a picture
of my godson?
Now, those, you can have.
Probably because they're plastic.
But ask me if l care.
STELLA: Do you care?
-Hell, no! l look good in these.
All right.
This is my favorite.
STELLA: Mm-hmm.
DELILAH: Mm-hmm.
This gets the circulation going.
-Going now.
-Come on.
Here we go.
l'm running, girl, like the wind.
-Come on, D, you can do it.
-l'm doing it. Look at me run.
l'm fast like a mofo. Running....
-l'll see you at breakfast.
That was great for me.
l feel warmed up and everything.
l feel like l could just have
the whole day to myself.
Whoo! l'm bad.
l'm so bad. l'm bad. l'm so bad.
Good morning.
Are you a rapper?
No, sorry, l don't rap.
Lord. have mercy.
Why don't they come n
ths make and model n my age group?
Excuse me?
Are you dining alone?
-Would you mind if l joined you?
My plate looks lighter.
Maybe l should come to your table.
There ought to be a law against
being young and sexy.
l'm sorry. What was that?
l said, whatever it is sure smells good.
l think it's my cologne.
It's new.
No, l meant the food.
l meant the cologne.
You're the most colorful thing
l've seen this morning.
Why? Do you have a problem with pink?
Actually, yes. l'm in therapy for it.
lt was a joke.
Are you enjoying your first morning
here in Jamaica?
-Maybe l've been here for weeks.
-Uh-uh. Uh-uh.
l would have noticed you.
S: Mo. he doesn't call hmself
flrtng wth me. Ths s too cute.
So, what's your name, young man?
My name is Winston.
Winston Shakespeare.
-And yours, young lady?
STELLA: My name is Stella, Winston.
Mm-hmm. See, l gave you two names.
You only gave me one.
The one l gave you was real,
Mr. ''Shakespeare.''
You didn't know Shakespeare
was really black?
Yeah, man. Socrates too.
Where's your husband?
What makes you think l have one?
Okay, where's your boyfriend?
You ask a lot of questions
to be so young.
Where are your parents?
And how old are you?
My parents are at home,
where they belong.
And how old do you think l am?
l'll be 21 on my next birthday,
so that makes me 20.
He's not even legal.
And you are?
No, truthfully.
Let's not go there, okay?
You look really, really good.
l've never seen a 40-year-old woman
who looks like you.
Uh, so, what, um....
What brings you here to Jamaica?
l needed a vacation.
What about you? Why are you here?
WINSTON: l'm here staying with
a friend of mine who works at the resort.
l just got my degree in biology,
but l don't know what to do with it.
So l'm here trying to land a summer job,
possibly learn to be a chef.
-Winston, is it?
That's nice.
Wait. You haven't finished
your breakfast yet.
Yes, l have.
Will you be going
to the pajama disco tonight?
-The what?
-We wear our bedclothes and we party.
You know, we dance.
We have a good time.
You can't be serious.
Come on. It's your first night in Jamaica.
And to be honest,
l would like to dance with you.
l don't think so.
ln case you haven't noticed,
Winston, baby...
...l'm old enough
to be your mother, okay?
Nothing. l was just thinking about that.
Okay, so l'll meet you there at 10.
l don't think so.
Well, l'll be there anyway...
...watching the door,
hoping you change your mind.
Nice meeting you, Winston.
Buddy, Jack,
this is my best friend, Stella.
BUDDY: Hey, Stella.
JACK: Hey, baby.
BUDDY: l heard you was down here on
the island looking for some real love.
lf that rumor's true, l'm here
to put the ''P'' in paradise for you.
Buddy, shut up and roll over.
You're tearing that bathing suit up,
Miss Delilah.
-l know. l do look good, don't l?
-Oh, baby.
Then do mama's foots,
because they're aching.
Listen, we're going
to Rick's Caf tonight.
Got the best lobster, the best sunsets
on the island.
What time you want to go?
Make sure you wear something that
shows off them beautiful brown shoulders.
Let me put some sunblock on there.
Oh, no, thank you, Buddy.
That's all right.
And as far as tonight goes,
l don't think so.
What you talking about,
you don't think so? It's our second night.
Don't dud up on me now.
l'm feeling tired, D.
From what?
S-- S-- Swimming?
l told you jogging wouldn't do you
any good here on the island.
All you got to do is take a nap.
You got all day.
Bring me back a doggy bag.
-Did l miss something at breakfast?
-Yep. Waffles and red grapefruit.
No, no. Not that one.
That's mama's heart chakra.
Give mama a heart attack,
you don't get none.
Look how cute he is.
The teeth.
-That's good. That's good.
DELILAH: l know that's good.
l'm going to take him
to the pawn shop, okay?
He doesn't even know
what l'm talking about.
JACK: That's good.
That's good.
l'm too old for this mess.
l'm glad you came.
But you're late.
How can l be late to something
l never said l was coming to?
l've been waiting for you to walk through
that door since a quarter to 10.
That's a very pretty nightgown.
l feel a little overdressed.
Why don't you wrap that thing
around your waist?
Yeah. Thanks.
What the fuck is she doing
with him?
What are you doing?
She's dancing with me.
-Who the hell are you?
-None of your business.
Yes, it is my business.
Girl, we came here together and you
ditch me for some juvenile hip-hopper?
-Who you know nothing about.
-And you do?
She knows she likes me.
Isn't that right?
Yes, Winston, that's right!
-Come on, girl!
-No. No.
l'm gonna--
l want you to meet my friend Jack.
Come with.
l'll see you later!
l'm gonna introduce her to Jack.
Jack! Jack, where are you?
Hey! Does everybody want to get crazy?
Take it off!
Take it all the way off!
-l can't do this.
-Okay, okay, this way.
Get down, baby!
Get down, man. Get down.
Go, Buddy! Go, Buddy!
Go, Buddy! Go, Buddy!
You're hot, man.
You're really, really hot.
This is too much competition for me.
Is it too much for you?
My very thought.
Buddy, you're too hot for me.
Hey, hey, where you going, baby?
You only seen the half of it!
Stella, open the door.
l know you're in there.
l seen your little boyfriend downstairs
sucking down cheeseburgers.
Open the door.
What do you want, slut?
Who are you calling a slut? Trolling
the kindergarten yards for a date....
They gonna put you in jail for that.
He's almost 21 .
Well, then it's almost not a felony.
-What's his name?
Winston. Yeah....
You knew all day you'd be
seeing that boy tonight, didn't you?
And Buddy Bear's poor heart is broken.
lt is!
He is a broken man because of you.
Honey, that boy is cute.
-Who? Mr. Jailbait Hip-Hopper?
l watched him dance for about two hours.
Girl, if he moves that good
with his clothes on.... Whoo!
Y'all make a cute couple.
Girl, all l did was dance with him.
All night long.
So, is that a problem?
Well, it must be,
because l'm here and he ain't.
Please. l just unpacked.
That, and you're a chickenshit.
Oh, come on, don't be ridiculous.
What would l do with a 20-year-old kid?
Fuck him.
Do the humpty hump.
Do the bumpty bump. Fuck him.
-l'm old enough to be his mama!
That boy wasn't looking at you
like you were his mother, girl.
Look, Stella, we are in Jamaica, girl.
We are in Jamaica.
Have an affair. Have a fling.
l won't tell if you don't.
You need to go to your room right now.
l'm not going to my room.
You know what? l'm going.
l'm taking me and my big behind, and l'm
Iaying down on the bed just like this.
Oh, no, you ain't.
You're going to your room.
''Winnie, Winnie, Winnie! ''
Move your butt over.
-And you better hush. l don't wanna hear--
-l'm not saying a word.
''Oh, Winston--'' Oops! Sorry.
l know he is fine, but, uh-uh.
l ain't studying that child.
Winston. Look. Watch her.
Do me a favor and talk to me, please.
Don't look, but that old man
coming this way is trying to hit on me.
And who can blame him?
lf l weren't in my right mind,
l'd swear you were hitting on me too.
And you would be right.
-You're serious, aren't you?
-Very much so.
So, what are you saying?
That you would like
to be intimate with me?
Are you paying attention?
You're not gonna change your mind
at the last minute, are you?
No. l'm not gonna change my mind.
But l don't know what l'm doing
and l can't believe what l just said to you.
This has to be illegal. You think?
Wait. Now, why would you say
something like that?
Boy, l'm old enough to be your--
Okay, just get it
out of your system right now.
Tell me 3 million times
how old we both are.
That way, l won't have to hear it again
for the rest of our lives.
Uh, for the rest of the week.
What makes you think
you're gonna last a week?
l was just hoping.
l'm sorry.
l'm gonna go to the bathroom.
Excuse me.
-Whoa, whoa!
All right, so, what you're telling me is,
you don't have a passion for medicine.
No. l want to be a doctor.
l do. My father is a surgeon.
l'm sorry. l'm not sure what your meaning
of ''passion'' is.
l mean
that your desire for it is that strong.
l mean you'd rather do that
more than anything else in the world.
l feel that way about you.
So are you going to med school?
l postponed medical school...
...and needless to say,
my father was a bit upset at first.
Yes, but then he realized
it was your life...
...and he told you
to take all the time you needed, right?
-How did you know that?
-My mama told me the same thing.
l think it's in the parents' handbook:
Let your children go and find their way.
My mama always thought l'd be the one
who would make it out of the projects...
...make something of myself...
...which pretty much came
down to a lot of money.
But l had other ideas.
l wanted to make furniture.
But in the end, l wound up
just where she wanted me to... the money markets.
Tell me more about the furniture.
You don't have to act interested in that.
lf l wasn't interested,
then l wouldn't ask you.
An idea would come to me in a dream...
...and l would jump up
and run straight to the garage.
Shoot. l think
l was just about your age then.
And l would sit and l'd play
in my pajamas until daylight.
Sometimes you don't know
what your life is gonna turn out like...
...not even when you plan it.
You can't always plan everything.
You can try.
You don't make furniture anymore?
l make money instead.
-You look nice.
-Thank you. You're early.
Yeah, well, l got hired at Windswept.
Yeah, man. Assistant to the head chef.
That's great.
Well, that's what you came here for.
So when do you start?
That's the thing. l start immediately.
l have a meeting with the boss
in about an hour, so l have to push off.
l am really, really sorry.
l thought l was going to spend
all day and all night with you. But....
Well, what time do you get off tonight?
l have to work tonight. And tomorrow.
And l'm on call for the rest of the week.
Someone got fired
and l got hired at the last minute, so--
Look, Winston, it's been fun.
The next time l'm in Jamaica
and playing these high-school games...
...l'll call you first.
l want to see you before you leave.
-Because l have to.
-l get two hours' free time each evening.
-Two whole free hours? Wow.
l mean, don't strain yourself, Winston.
Let's just--
-Let's just say goodbye now.
No. l can find time to see you
before you leave, l know it.
-Yeah, okay.
-l'm serious.
You think you got played, huh?
Let's not go there.
lsn't this beautiful?
DELILAH: What you mean,
Iet's not go there? You're already there.
Look at you. Lip hanging down. You're
pouting, which l ain't seen in 20 years.
l am not pouting. l'm pissed.
-Outraged is more like it.
-Yeah, by a 20-year-old kid.
-Would you feel better if he was 40?
-At least l'd have some dignity.
l wouldn't feel like
some desperate old broad.
l gotta ask you one question.
Was it good?
Better than that.
-Return the man's phone calls.
No. No, it's over.
It was just one night.
Return the man's phone calls.
Listen, you are not fooling anybody,
especially not me.
God's here.
WOMAN: Good morning, Castle Beach
Hotel and Resort. May l help you?
MAN: Hello?
-Yes, Winston Shakespeare, please.
l'm sorry, he's not here.
Do you expect him soon?
l can't say.
l can take a message f you lke.
No, that's okay. Thanks.
Ooh, finally.
Well, first of all, welcome back, slut.
l'd say that was
a pretty accurate description.
Can l at least get into the house
without the instant bullshit?
Next trip. l'm sorry, but Miss FBl Agent
grilled me so long and hard...
...l had to tell her.
Whatever. Can you at least
help me with the bag?
l got some good news
and a little bad news.
-lt's not Quincy, is it?
lf it was Quincy, you were
halfway across the world partying..., what would you have done?
Hello, Angela.
Plus, l hear you're a cradle robber.
So you probably have a hard time
keeping the children straight.
You didn't have to go there, Angela,
not at all.
Whatever. No, then again--
l love these braids!
You look like a real hootchie mama.
Don't say another word.
Yeah, you'll be delivering in this driveway.
Don't start with me.
Before you get too pissed,
they're about to cut off my cable...
...and take back my Nordstrom's card.
Because you know Chantel's daddy
is late again with the check.
So can l borrow about 300
until whenever?
So, what's the good news?
-Did l say there was good news?
l'm still beautiful.
Beautiful one, did you feed
Phoenix and Chester, or are they dead?
Don't worry.
It's still Wild Kingdom in there.
But the bad news is,
l had a baby accident in your car.
Wait. No, It wasn't my fault, Stella!
This woman came out of nowhere
making a left out of the right lane.
-Did anyone get hurt?
Thank goodness.
How come you're not acting pissed?
Vanessa, it's just a thing, a stupid car.
It can be fixed.
Oh, uh-uh. Wait a minute, Stella.
That young boy
must have put something on your ass.
-What happened to you?
Did you fall in love
with a 20-year-old boy?
Are you crazy?
How could you stoop so low?
And l want to know, how low did you go?
Look at you. You're glowing!
You ain't got the sense God gave you.
All l've got to say is.. .
...thank God it was just a little fling...
...and you're not seeing him again.
You should be ashamed
for being so desperate.
Angela, you need to take
your pregnant behind home right now.
You could spoil a wet dream.
For your information, l'm not completely
stupid, nor have l committed any crime.
All l did was sleep with him.
Yeah. And l want to hear
all the juicy details blow by blow.
But l gots to go, so call me in the car.
lsaac, what's going on around here?
l mean, are we moving
and no one told me? l'm at a loss.
Active files are missing from my desk,
and l didn't authorize access.
l can't log on to my computer.
Has the system crashed? Talk to me.
Sit down, Stella.
l don't feel like sitting.
Just tell me what's going on.
Our numbers are down.
We've had three rough quarters.
The merger with Thorsen-Bendett,
Jerry went for it.
So to avoid a redundancy
at the upper levels... of ours, one of theirs.
Carl Amundsun has your spot, Stell.
l know they plan to offer you
an excellent package.
You think l'd fall for that? l built this
division. l made millions for this company!
You think l'd take some golden parachute
and drop back into my hole?
You've known me longer than that.
Tell them they'd better make it platinum!
Even then, l may sue their sorry asses.
l understand. l didn't want
this to happen, but what could l do?
Nothing, l expect.
Too busy making sure your spot
didn't become one of theirs.
QUINCY: Don't forget, l got over 3000
in my bank savings if you need it.
Thank you, baby, but your mom put away
something for a rainy day.
So don't worry.
Don't you feel bad about getting fired?
l'd be pissed.
You'd be what?
-l'd be mad as hell.
STELLA: Quincy.
Sorry, Mom.
Remember how you felt
when you didn't make the all-star team?
Mom, don't go there.
That's what losing my job feels like.
But things happen for a reason.
We'll see.
l understand.
l hope this makes you feel better.
You always make me feel better.
God is great. God is good.
Lord, thank you for our food. Amen.
So did you have fun in Jamaica?
l did indeed.
Here, check these out.
All the places l went to when l was there.
Mom, since you don't have a job now...
...could we take a family bonding vacation
in Jamaica this summer...
.. .instead of Africa?
Quincy, now we have to be sensible.
We may not be broke...
...but l gotta find a new job,
deal with these lawyers.
l have a lot on my plate right now.
-You understand?
Who's this?
-One moment, please. Mom.
Some guy named Winston.
He has an accent.
WINSTON: Hello, Stella.
Wow! What a nice surprise.
How did you get my number?
Your friend Delilah gave it to me
when l came to look for you.
l wanted to say goodbye.
-She gave you my number?
She doesn't know you.
How much did you pay her?
Everything l had, plus an lOU.
You know, l tried to call you,
but you weren't there.
-l've been thinking about you.
-No, you haven' t. l miss you, Stella.
No, you don't.
-Could you hold for a minute?
Hi. l'm back.
So, where we just left off, you were just
getting into how much you miss me.
l, uh....
l wrote you a letter,
but l was a little afraid to send it.
Fax it to me.
l want to see you, Stella.
Why don't you come to the pont?
Look, Winston, l really don't see
how that's possible.
Well, in three months,
l can take a sick leave.
Well.... Maybe l could arrange something.
l did promise Quincy
l'd bring him to Jamaica.
Yes, Mom! How soon? How soon?
-How soon?
QUINCY: Can Chantel come too?
Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
Let me think about it
and l'll call you back with the details.
Oh, Stella, when you come,
could you bring me some junk food?
-Junk food?
l need Snickers, uh, HoHos...
...Oreos and Cocoa Puffs.
What will you do for me?
Oh, l'll think of something.
You do that.
All right. l'll call you back tonight.
l can't wait.
Who's that guy with Auntie Stell?
QUINCY: That's her new boyfriend
she came all this way to find...
...because she couldn't find one
in America.
But he's also very young.
How young is he?
Not quite 30.
That's not young.
He sure is cute.
Well, as you can see, he's already taken.
Hey, you guys.
l want you to meet someone.
What do you say, Quincy?
WINSTON: How are you doing?
And you must be Chanel.
lt's ''Chantel. ''
Excuse me. Chantel.
It's very nice to meet you.
Well, Ms. Stella Payne.
Welcome back to Jamaica.
QUINCY: Polo! Polo! Polo!
STELLA: Be careful, you guys.
WINSTON: Yeah, look sharp!
What can l get you?
A Ting, please.
-And for you?
WINSTON: The same. Ting.
Your son sure favors you a lot.
Mm-mm. He really takes after his dad.
He's just grown so much
since the last time l saw him.
How long's that been?
Say about....
Yeah, about a year.
His dad and l divorced four years ago.
That's sad,
but lots of that's going around.
You sure look happy to see your mom.
Yeah, man.
Let me show you how happy l am.
-What's her problem?
-l don't know.
-Come on. Let's dance.
Come on.
l quit my job.
You look like you're apologizing for it.
Well, l don't want you to think
that l'm frivolous.
l tell you what. l quit mine too.
-Yeah, right after they fired me.
-Are you okay?
-Yes and no.
l'm getting good legal advice,
so l may even come out ahead.
l'm not talking about the money.
l mean, if my father
couldn't practice medicine anymore...
...boy, the man would not know
what to do with himself.
lt would be as if someone
just took away his identity.
So don't try and pretend
like it's not a big deal...
...because l know that it is.
Well, l....
l feel betrayed,
if you want to know the truth.
Even if l wanted to, l couldn't afford
to just go crazy about it, could l?
Yes, you can.
l will do your worrying for you tonight.
So hush.
Stella, have you let that boy up
for some air yet?
Let me talk to hm.
l know he's bured under there.
Winnie, can you hear me, baby?
Shut up.
He's on a banana boat with the kids.
What took you so long
to return my call?
l could be down here losing my mind
and you wouldn't know it.
-How are you doing?
-l've had better days.
l won't waste this expensive phone call
talking about me, Miss Thing.
For a girl who lost her job,
you sound awfully chipper.
l must say, l love it, though.
Yeah, l should be ashamed of myself...
...down here acting
like a lovesick college girl.
-What are we, PMS-ing now?
-Mo. we are not.
Haven't you ever done something so crazy
you had to keep it to yourself?
Yeah, but l can't remember
none of their names.
l ddn't used to be ths crazy.
l beg to differ, darling.
Ye,,ah, l just had to open my big mout,h.
You want to be intimate with me?'
You opened it so wide,
saw you on Hard Copy.
You looked good, though.
Hush up, girl.
l'm trying to be serious.
Life is too short
for us to be bullshitting ourselves, girl.
We've had this conversation
four or five times now.
For the last time l'm going to ask, what
is wrong with you liking this young man?
D, he doesn't get it.
He's just a kid, you know?
He hasn't been anywhere,
done anything.
He can't even buy me a drink.
He don't know the first thing--
Oh, hell, D.
He hasn't even had his heart broken.
And this morning,
l found Cocoa Puffs in the bed.
Cocoa Puffs? Ooh, girl!
Young and innovative.
l don't know whether l'm coming or going.
Look. that's a good thng.
lt means you ain't gonna get bored.
You know?
You ain't gonna get bored, girl.
Mow. f you are done...
...wth ths week's epsode
of The Young, Restless and the Colored...
...l gotta go.
l got folks waiting on me.
Give my godson a big old kiss for me,
and take one for you too.
l love you, Stell.
Yeah, you too.
STELLA: All right.
-You see those horses?
Wow. This is beautiful.
lt doesn't look like a restaurant.
That's because it's my folks' place.
STELLA: You didn't tell me.
WINSTON: l wanted it to be a surprise.
-l don't like surprises like this. Look at me.
-You look beautiful.
-Your mom will think l look like a hooker.
-Relax, please.
Mommy, Daddy,
l would like you to meet Stella.
-Stella, very nice to meet you.
Thank you.
A little.
Are those your teenagers?
No. Yes.
My son's 1 1 and so is my niece.
l'll go get them. Excuse me.
Well, Stella....
Allow me to show you our home, hm?
WINSTON: No one would ride the horse
because she was so wild.
But me a real rider,
so l'm gonna ride her.
QUINCY: And then what happened?
WINSTON: She threw me, of course.
l'll get it for you, ma'am.
Can l help?
No, the workers can handle it.
On second thought, come in. Sit.
-lt's a lovely table.
-Thank you.
l could beat around the bush,
but it's not my style.
So how old are you, Stella?
l'm 40.
l'm 41 .
Are you American women
so desperate...
...that you can't find a man
your own age?
Then what could you possibly want
with my baby?
He's not a baby.
He's my baby.
And you should be ashamed of yourself.
l have never been so humiliated
in my life.
Easy, now.
l think you're overreacting just a bit.
l mean, l can understand
my mom can be a bit difficult at times--
She called me desperate,
said l should be ashamed of myself.
Okay, yeah. l apologize.
l mean, you know....
l was out of line.
l just wanted you to meet my family.
But what would make you think
that l was ready to meet your parents?
l wanted them to know
how important you are to me.
But you could have asked me
how l felt about it. Did that occur to you?
l thought you'd be proud to meet them.
You know, it's not about your parents.
lt's about the immature way
in which you handled it.
lmmature way?
Now you're going to screw with me
like a schoolchild?
You're behaving like one.
You didn't think
l acted like such a child last night.
Oh, stop it.
This whole scene
is getting on my nerves.
No problem.
l'll take you back to the hotel.
l think we're finished here.
CHANTEL: Want to go swimming?
QUINCY: Soccer, swimming's stupid.
Whatever, man.
QUINCY: Winston!
Come on, we're gonna play soccer.
No, not right now.
WOMAN: New York Hope.
-Yes. Dr. Steinberg, please.
Ths s Dr. Stenberg.
Yes. Stella Payne returning your call...
...although l'm not sure
why you called me.
Your frend. Dellah Abraham.
had your name down as next of kn.
What do you mean, next of kin?
Next of kin for what?
Whenever there's a problem.
we have to notfy the closest relatve.
What kind of problem
are you talking about?
l'm sorry to tell you.
Ms. Abraham s facng
a medcal emergency.
A what?
Durng surgery ths mornng. we found
her cancer had advanced to the lver.
She's been n the hosptal for two weeks.
l thought you were aware of t.
No, l wasn't.
She told me she talked to you.
l thnk. f you're able to get here.
you should come to New York rght now.
Yes, as soon as possible.
Goodbye. Ms. Payne.
What is it? What is it?
Tell me what's going on.
l'm waiting.
Two years ago,
when l got that big IRS refund check....
That is too long for a girl to go...
.. .without feeling
the rush of a shopping spree.
So Bergdorf's it is.
What's my limit?
Just keep in mind that l'm jobless.
-Five thousand.
-You're crazy.
And you could use a pedicure.
My balance at Bergdorf's is zero.
-l'll work with that.
You know, your plants look petrified.
When was the last time you vacuumed?
Girl, you know
l had to fire that housekeeper.
That bitch was eating me out
of house and home.
l'd get up there to the refrigerator,
there'd be nothing left.
l had to suck her ass out of there
like a Hoover.
l called her Miss Hoover.
''Get the fuck out of my house.''
STELLA: Mm-mm.
-Turn that up, girl.
What you trying to do?
The Skate?
Oh, Snuffy's going-away party.
You and Cooper
going down the Soul Train line.
Both of you, 10-inch Afros.
Looked like you was having a seizure.
And forgive me, but it was a hot-pink
polyester jumpsuit you were wearing...
...which l remember telling you
was a bad fashion statement.
l never wore a hot-pink jumpsuit
in my life, bitch.
Right. l was right behind you
in my sexy miniskirt and silver lam halter.
Unfortunately, l was dancing
with no-deodorant-wearing Johnny.
''Funky Johnny'' to his friends.
That same night, Cooper's ex-girlfriend
snatched off Melanie's Afro wig.
Everybody started tossing it
back and forth.
What was her name?
Cassandra, girl.
-Oh. Mm-hmm.
-Cassandra the ho. Ooh.
Cassandra, the 360-degree ho.
Child, you step on her foot,
her legs open.
Little fuckers come tumbling out,
people you ain't seen for years...
...going, ''Hey.''
''l've been up here with Cassandra.''
l seen a Volkswagen come out of there.
That's why Cooper left her for you,
the Kamasutra herself.
He didn't leave her for me.
-Cooper left for cockeyed Charly.
The boy with the--
You remember him?
Talking about,
''Charly, put your glasses on. ''
He'd look at you dead in the face.
You know he was seeing eight of you
like The Fly.
Talking about,
''l don't need no glasses. ''
Oh, my God. l liked Charly.
lf he'd just kept his eyes shut....
What? What?
Give me a hit.
-Should l call the doctor?
What's wrong?
-Why are you shaking?
-l'm not. It's just cold in here.
-lt's my breath, ain't it?
-l smell bad, child....
-No, you don't. No, you don't.
l smell like Funky Johnny.
-Nobody would tell him.
-l told him.
What? You did that?
What did you tell him?
l said, ''You stink, motherfucker.''
-Did it hurt his feelings?
-He was mad. He was mad.
-l love you, girl.
-l love you too.
l'm scared.
Yeah, me too.
DELILAH: Will you do me a favor?
-Anything. You name it.
Sing to me.
Sing what?
l don't know. It don't matter.
Come on, now.
-Give me your hand.
-What would you like?
Go to sleep....
MAN: nd now,
we'll have a few closng remarks.. .
...from Dellah's dear frend.
Ms. Stella Payne.
D would tell me to make it quick...
...don't get all mushy on her.
So l'll try.
l guess it really shouldn't matter that
she didn't tell me right off she was sick.
But l'm mad at you, D...
...for finally doing
what you've never been able to do...
...keep a secret.
Who's gonna be my best friend now,
is what l want to know.
We had 20 whole years behind us.
That's a long time to love somebody.
l hope you like it up there, D.
Look for my mama.
She'll be near a bid whist game
or cooking greens and ham hocks.
l hope you guys
are half as blessed as l was... have a friend as cool... funny...
...and as crazy as she.
Life is but a dream.
Hey, man. What's up?
CHANTEL: Good to see you.
WINSTON: You too.
QUINCY: What are you doing here?
WINSTON: l came to check on your mama.
She's kind of sad right now.
Thank you for coming.
l hate packing.
But l guess l should get upstairs.
The kids have to get back.
l have to get on with my life,
whatever that is.
l love you.
Deal with this buyout,
Iook for a new job.
l love you, Stella.
No, you don't.
You couldn't.
Yes, l do. Very much.
Winston, we haven't talked about your
plans. l mean, what are you going to--?
What time does our plane leave?
STELLA: Tell your mom we're tired.
l'll call her tomorrow.
-Quincy, please hurry up.
-Okay, Mom.
Here you go.
-ls that smoke?
Oh, no.
Oh, no, please.
-What happened?
Auntie Stell? My mom's having
everyone over for a barbecue.
She doesn't care how tired you are.
Get in here.
A barbecue.
l'd like to meet your family.
l thought maybe we'd wait
a couple of months before we did that.
But l'm hungry.
l have food at home.
Where is he?
We want to meet him.
Winston? You in there, baby?
Well, well. Hi there, Winston.
How do you do?
As you can see, l'm more beautiful
and brilliant than whatever-her-name-is.
-Get your butt out of that car.
STELLA: Vanessa. A little outspoken.
WINSTON: Vanessa.
Can be downright tacky.
l like her already.
l know she's in there talking about me.
Ain't nobody studying you.
WOMAN 1 : Let me see. Let me see.
WOMAN 2: Here they come.
Hey, y'all, get out of the car.
Welcome home.
He's up in there.
Stella's got herself a man!
Come on. We're all waiting for you.
Come on, girl.
Get out, now. Come on.
Let's see what he look like.
Open the door, Stella.
Mom! Guess what? Dad's here.
Hey, Walter. Good to see you.
What are you doing here? Spying?
ln town on business.
Excuse me.
l ran here as fast as l could
just to see how miserable you are.
Stella says you got two brewing in here.
Yeah. Both boys, due in December.
l can't wait to meet them.
Are you coming back at Christmas,
or not leaving?
-lf you dare.
Hey, what's going on?
They got to know who's boss.
Don't hurt yourself.
Go, Dad! Go, Dad!
You know, Stella,
l'm not saying he's not nice.
l'm not saying he's not educated.
All l'm saying is, you can't possibly think
this is going anywhere.
Let's be serious here.
VANESSA: Why don't you just
shut the fuck up, Angela?
Winston? l'm Walter.
Nice to meet you, Walter.
Thank God she don't need a man
to pay her bills like some of us do.
Let me just put the shit out there.
l don't care how old he is.
lf he got you glowing like
a nightlight in shit, l say keep his ass.
Thank you, Vanessa.
l love you, Winston--
She can be as stubborn as all hell.
But you know that by now.
Don't you?
Oh, yes, sir. Yes, sir, l do.
She thinks she knows everything.
She's always right.
l hate to admit it,
but she usually is.
Just don't bow down to her...
...or she'll treat you like a chump
and trade your ass in for a new model.
l promise you l won't.
Good, because she needs a man
to stand up for himself.
Did that work for you?
Hell, no.
Hey, break that mess up.
Drop the bags.
-So this is where you live?
This is home.
Come on, drop your bags. Let's go.
l'll give you a tour.
-Yeah, it's okay.
But your room is off-limits
until it's disinfected.
Come on.
My mom's office.
She made that desk.
Last but not least, this is where my mom
used to make all her stuff.
She's thinking of turning it back
into the guest room.
So l'm thinking about moving in here
when l'm, like, 1 5.
For more privacy.
How long
since she's been out here?
l don't know.
Before l started driving... go-cart.
Well, tour's over.
Oh, yeah, man.
Thank you for showing me around.
Can l talk to you?
Man to man?
Well, l don't see any kids around.
Well, you know my mom likes you.
-Well, l hope so.
QUINCY: l mean....
l've seen her with other guys before,
but she really likes you.
How can you tell?
Because you're the only one
she's ever brought here overnight.
And you're, like, staying.
You would never try to break her heart
or anything, would you?
Because if you did,
you'd have to deal with me.
Let me tell you something, Quincy.
As long as your mom has you
watching her back...
...she got no worries, man.
Of any kind.
Thanks for letting me drive today,
What? No!
WINSTON: It was just out of the
driveway and in an empty parking lot.
-There were no cars.
STELLA: No, no, no, no!
-He's old enough to drive.
QUINCY: l'm a good driver!
l learned when l was 9.
He said he wants to celebrate
his 1 6th birthday party at the DMV, right?
Yes, l know.
The invitations go out on Monday.
Do they really do birthday parties
at the DMV?
Is there anything l can do?
l just wish l could call her.
She was my best friend since forever.
That's a long time to forget.
You don't have to forget.
That was wicked.
Why you did that?
-Press the button!
-l'm pressing the button.
When wll we see you guys agan?
Y'all been holed up in that love den
and l want to know what y'all are doing.
When can we come over to eat?
You said he can cook.
Until we get a sample,
you know l'll think you're lying.
S: What we're dong? l'm watng
for future clents to call. l don't have tme.
But Thanksgiving sounds good.
l'll talk to you later.
Wait, wait a minute.
How does Quincy like him?
-Bye, Vanessa.
-What about the dog?
Proposed to him last night.
He's thinking it over. l'll talk to you later.
Stella, wait--
Oh, she hung up on me.
l'll have to call her again.
MAN: Hey, hey, come on!
-l'm coming.
For God's sake, be patient.
-There you go.
-Thank you, sweetie.
Thank you for taking Quincy
to Little League practice.
No problem. l don't mind at all.
l told you you was gonna like it.
l saw you laughing. l saw you.
Don't lie to me.
You enjoyed yourself.
Stella! Stella!
We didn't see you in line.
We were in the back.
Judge Spencer Boyle, Leslie James,
this is my sister Stella.
So nice to finally meet you, Stella.
You too, judge.
-How do you do?
STELLA: Fine, thank you.
And this is Winston. Anybody hungry?
Kennedy, how are you feeling, man?
Fine. Grateful for an aisle seat.
You know how those trips
to the ladies' room can get.
Did you cry at the end or what?
Actually, we saw that one.
-You're kidding.
-No, it was hilarious.
We're going to be heading home.
It was nice meeting you both.
The offer still stands, Stella.
lf you change your mind about running,
give me a call.
Running. We'd like that.
BOYLE: All right.
-Okay, man. Get home safe.
-Good night.
KENNEDY: Good night.
l'll say. What brings you all the way here,
and without calling?
-Were you at the mall?
STELLA: No, l wasn't at the mall.
l didn't appreciate the way you
totally disrespected Winston yesterday.
''That's Winston. ''
Like he's some nonentity or a child.
Well, he is.
He's my boyfriend, Angela.
Did you want me to get out the trumpets?
Let me just say this once:
l like him. You don't have to.
But he's gonna be here until whenever,
so you might as well get used to it.
l'm sorry if l was rude.
l didn't mean to be.
But, Stella...
...aren't you the least bit nervous
about this whole thing?
Of course l am, Angela.
Whatever that is you're cooking,
can l taste it?
WAITER: Your check, sir.
-Thank you.
Okay. Hey.
How you doing?
-lt's okay. l'll get it tonight.
-l don't mind.
No, but l can manage. Why should you
always pay for everything?
Because you can't afford it.
You want me to be your man.
Let me act like it once in a while.
Please. Put it away.
Then pay the mortgage next month
while you're at it.
Why did you start this?
Wait, wait.
l think you've got it backwards.
Look at you.
You're the one that has to have
everything your way or no way.
You're the one who has
to be in control...
...or you don't know
what to do with yourself.
You're turning it around
because l'm picking up the check?
No. You can't decide whether you want
me to be a boy or a man. Admit it.
-Oh, please.
-Admit it.
From the guy who made
a midnight run to the video store...
...and came back with
Booty Call an8 The Lon Kng?
What the fuck is that supposed to mean?
l'm starting to feel as if l'm moving back,
instead of forward.
Here l am in the prime of my life...
...and my boyfriend's idea
of a romantic evening... watching the Disney Channel
and eating dry cereal.
lf you're not too busy playing
video games with Quincy.
And how many times must l tell you
to take out the trash?
Or if you see the car's on E,
put a little gas in it.
Cook something
that doesn't give us all heartburn.
That is my point.
You know what, Stella?
l'm tired too, okay?
Tired of feeling l'll be scolded...
...every time l do or don't do something
not on your list of rules.
STELLA: l don't make the rules.
-Yes, you do.
We don't go anywhere
unless you suggest it.
And then when l do,
what happens? Hm?
You might as well laugh in my face.
Why don't we ever visit any
of your friends?
What are you, ashamed of me?
Am l a little well-kept secret?
That is not true and you know it.
Stella, l can't change being 20.
l can't change that, and
you can't change being your age, either.
But you knew what we were dealing with
before l came.
So if you can't handle it...
...or if it's too much for you to deal with
all of a sudden...
...then maybe we should just forget
this whole thing, okay?
lf it'll make you feel any better,
you leave the tip.
l'm sorry.
l want to show you something.
What have you done, Winston?
l can't believe this.
How did you--? When did you--?
While you were snoring, while you ran,
while you shopped.
l don't snore.
What's that?
l don't believe it.
Now you can make your own
cracked-glass table or zebra-skin sofa...
...anything you want,
whenever you want...
...and no one's ever going to bother you.
Thank you.
You are quite welcome.
ISAAC: What we're tryng to say
s that n your absence...'s become quite clear to us
how important you are to the company.
Merger or no merger,
we're creating a spot for you, Stell.
We want you to come back.
Executive VP.
275,OOO to start, plus incentives.
You're back so soon.
So how did it go?
-l cannot believe what l just did.
l don't even want to talk about it.
They offered you your job back
and you turned them down, didn't you?
Well, yeah.
You should have heard me going on and on
about how l can do this on my own.
But how?
How am l actually supposed to do it?
Am l supposed to sit at home
with my computer... four little clients
and no support system...
...and wind up back in the job market
in six months?
l have too many responsibilities.
This is crazy.
No. No, it's not crazy.
The business is going to be fine.
Maybe now
you'll have some time for yourself.
You can come back in here, start
making things, start having fun again.
Sweetie, l cannot sit in here
and be Demi Moore in dappled light.
That is not the real world.
You're just a little panicked right now,
but everything's going to be okay.
You never know. Maybe once you start
making furniture again...
...people will buy it.
Who said anything about selling it?
Hey, l'm just dreaming out loud for you.
While you're dreaming,
l've got a million calls to make.
l've got to get a website,
a company name, letterhead....
But not today.
l bought you something.
you did not have to buy me a present.
lt's not exactly a present.
You know, Winston...
...people can be together a long time
and love each other...
...before they even think
about doing something like this.
lt's just a simple question.
All it takes is a yes or a no.
My heart says yes.
But just let me give it
a little more thought, okay?
Mm-hmm. Okay.
MAN: Hey, son. Show me the projects
that you've been working on.
We need to put the money into
computers, into books, into the children.
WOMAN: l think you're wrong.
l think the building....
He's my mom's boyfriend.
His name is Winston. He's from Jamaica.
When l went to Jamaica
and we met him....
What's wrong, Winston?
What do you mean, what's wrong?
You've been sulking since we got here.
You've been sulking all day.
l can't believe you're saying this to me.
What? Did l miss something?
Last week l asked you to marry me... spend the rest of your life with me,
and l don't have an answer.
-Do we have to talk now?
-How long do l wait for an answer?
Should l pretend that l didn't ask?
-So you can be so selfish--
-Look! Don't talk to my mama like that!
QUINCY: l'm talking to you--
-Jump back, boy--
Wait. Don't speak to my son
in that tone of voice.
-Yeah, because l don't appreciate it.
-Shut up, Quincy.
Quincy, l'm sorry, man.
For real.
Come on, you guys. It's cool.
Let's just go home, okay?
Winston, we need to talk.
l know. Climb in.
Come on. l won't let you fall.
All right, put your head back.
-Yeah, yeah.
You know, l need to talk to you too.
Yeah, about what?
-No, please. You can go first.
-No, you go.
l've been thinking a lot about some
of the things that you've been saying.
Really? What things?
You have a lot of worries in your life now
without figuring me into the picture.
And a real man, the kind you deserve...
...would be making things easier for you.
STELLA: You're not adding to my
troubles, if that's what you're thinking.
Besides, money's a sad reason
for folk to be together.
Or apart.
Yes, but without it, life can be hard.
-Then there is the age difference.
-That's never gonna change.
lt doesn't bother me at all.
But l can see it bothers you.
And l can't imagine
what l'd have to do or tell you... convince you that no matter
how many young girls l may notice... are the woman that l want.
l was hoping to one day
be your husband...
...have some children.
But l can see now that
that could never happen.
Probably not.
You have a child, and a mortgage,
and a career...
...and l have nothing,
and l'm not satisfied with that.
Not satisfied.
Winston, don't worry.
lt's coming. You'll find your way.
Well, l realize that l'm ready
to go to medical school.
So l'm heading home on a 10:OO flight.
Why so soon?
Because l think it's easier this way.
Hey, now.
Should l call you Dr. Shakespeare?
Yeah, not unless you want to die.
All right, come here.
l want you to take good care
of your mom, now, hear?
No worries, man.
l hope l can see you again, Winston.
You're a great man.
You're a great man too.
Maybe your mom will let you
visit me one day, huh?
l hope so.
Come here, boy. Come here.
So l, uh....
l guess l'll be going now.
Yeah, l can see that.
Go. Come on.
l love you.
WOMAN ON RADlO: --and yor delay
shouldn't be more than 20 mnutes.
lf you're on your way to the arport.
forget 101. It's a mess.
Take the 280.
It should be smooth salng from there.
That's t for traffc and weather
on ths rany nght.
-Back to you. Dan.
MAN ON RADlO: rhanks, Kelsey....
Got your ticket, sir?
Straight through.
You're at gate seven.
Have a good trip.
Ever consider Stanford?