Imitation of Life (1934)

[Engine Whirring]
#Nobody knows #
#The trouble I've seen ##
Want my quack-quack.
[Woman] No, darling, not now.
Wait till Mother finishes
your bath. Won't be
butjust a minute now.
Want my quack-quack.
There. Upsy-daisy. There.
Want my quack-quack.
No, darling, not now.
Later. Please be good.
Mommy's so late and
she's got so much to do.
What's Mommy got to do?
Well, she has
to get you dressed,
get you breakfast,
take you down to the day nursery.
Don't wanna go
to the day nursery.
Want to stay home
with Mommy.
Ah, darling, I wish
you could, but you can't.
Because Mother has to go out and
sell lots of cans of maple syrup...
so she can buy nice things
for her baby.
Don't want to go
to the day nursery.
Marjorie pulled my hair.
She did?
She was a very bad girl
to do that.
I pulled her back harder.
I suppose if she pulled
you first, it was all right.
I pulled her first.
You did?
Then you're a naughty girl.
And you won't go to heaven.
Don't want to go to heaven.
Want my quack-quack.
# I love you
and you love me #
#And I don't wanna go
to the day nursery #
Oh, I think we're gonna have
an opera singer in the family.
Don't you?
# I love you
and you love me #
#And I don't wanna go
to the day nursery #
[Phone Ringing]
Mommy, telephone!
I hear it, darling.
[Ringing Continues]
You sit here and be good
for just a minute.
Hello. Good morning,
Mr. Auburn. Yes.
Yes. Excuse me a minute,
please, will you?
[Sizzling Continues]
Yes, Mr. Auburn.
I was sorry
not to find you in.
Since my husband's death,
I've been carrying on his business.
Yes, dear, yes.
What, Mr. Auburn?
can I come down?
Yes. No, no, dear.
Wait till I finish
dressing you.
That was just the baby.
Yes, I have a little girl.
Thank you. I'll have
the syrup delivered to you
within an hour.
Thank you so much.
[Doorbell Buzzing]
Good morning.
I come in answer to
your advertisement for a girl.
The advertisement what say,
"Wanted: Cook, laundress,
housemaid, colored,
not afraid of hard work,
moderate wages."
There must be some mistake.
I haven't advertised
for any girl.
Ain't this Astor Avenue?
No, this is Astor Street.
Astor Avenue is way
the other side of town.
Funny I didn't notice
that little "avenue" word.
That's just my luck.
What they got two streets
alike for, anyhow?
I don't know.
I don't know what I better do.
There's a streetcar
at the corner.
Take that, and you'll be there
in about 10 minutes.
We has to walk.
Wait here.
I'll get you carfare.
Thank you.
Something's burnin'.
Wha... Oh, dear.
Nice quack-quack.
[Baby Crying]
[Crying Continues]
Jessie! Oh, darling.
Are you hurt?
I fell down.
Oh, darling.
Oh. Oh.
Oh, darling,
look at you.
I's all wet.
I'll say you're all wet.
We're gonna eat
such a big breakfast,
aren't we?
Oh, how nice of you!
I see'd you was
in a "fummix," so
I thought I'd lend a hand.
Why, darling,
what do you mean
by saying such a thing?
Nice horsie.
[All Laughing]
I've been took for many things,
but I ain't never been took
for that before.
Thank you
for all you've done.
Here's your carfare.
I wish you
good luck.
Thank you kindly.
Come on, darling.
Come on. Run along.
You sure you wouldn't need
somebody for your own self?
I'm handy with housework.
And taking care of children
just comes natural to me.
I couldn't afford it.
I wish I could.
Don't worry about wages,
if that's what's on your mind.
If I could get a home
for my little girl,
I'd be glad to work
for just room and board.
You've got a child?
That's the drawback about a job.
Folks just don't want Peola.
You sweet little child.
Come here, Peola.
Come on. Say good mornin'
to the lady, Peola.
- Good morning.
- Good morning, dear.
Why, she's a lovely
little girl.
Yes'm. She's very light.
Her pappy was
a very light colored man.
Peola's a nice brung up child.
She ain't been dragged up
like most of'em is.
Oh, your sweet child.
What might her name be?
It's Jessie.
As I was saying, ma'am,
if you could put up
with my little girl...
and give her and me
a roof over our heads,
I'd be willing to work
for almost nothin'.
Well, I have got a room
you could use, but...
Don't worry about food.
Peola, she don't eat nothin'.
She's so little.
And I's deceivin'
as to proportion.
I don't eat like I look.
It's the truth.
I's very light
at the table. Honest.
Just 200 pounds of mother
fighting to keep her baby.
Two hundred and forty,
I could get jobs all right,
'ceptin' for Peola.
But I can't be separated from
Peola, no matter what happens.
You know how it is,
Indeed I do know.
Does we get to stay, ma'am?
All right,
we'll try it.
[Woman] All right.
Sit down and I'll have
your breakfast ready in a jiffy.
Good evenin', Miss Bea.
You're pretty late tonight.
Yes, I know.
Where's my baby?
She's gone to bed.
Oh, I thought I'd get home
in time to see her
before she went to sleep.
She played so hard all day,
she almost went to sleep
while eating supper.
I'll run up anyway.
Maybe she's still awake.
Seems like I never get
to see her at all anymore.
Your supper's ready,
Miss Bea.
Oh, my feet hurt.
Come and sit down
and let me rub your feet.
Come on.
All right.
That rests me
all over.
It don't seem right for you
to be carrying around them
heavy cans of syrup, peddlin'.
I've gotta make a living.
With your pretty face
and them pretty foots.
You oughta have a man
takin' care of you, honey.
Oh, Delilah.
I had a man once,
but he up and died on me.
Is that gentleman
in the picture
your late husband, ma'am?
Mm-hmm, that was he.
Was you very much in love
with your late husband,
might I inquire?
Well, I married him.
Hmph. But did you love him?
That's what I asked, honey.
Oh, Delilah,
I think I was too young
to know very much about love.
Mother was dead.
He was my father's choice.
Father wanted somebody
to take care of me,
so I married him.
Mmm, that's a pity.
It's too bad
when you get started off
on the wrong foot first.
Oh, but you'll
get over it.
Youse got a big surprise
comin' to you, Miss Bea.
You need some lovin',
honey child.
What I need
is a little supper.
I got some nice food
ready for you tonight.
That's fine.
Thank you.
I've gotJessie.
That's enough.
Delilah, honestly now,
doesn't she look
like an angel?
Why she am an angel,
Miss Bea.
## [Humming]
Can we have
some pancakes too?
Please, Mammy.
They look awful tasty.
Go on out of here.
You two have had
your breakfast.
Go play, and take
that fleabag with you.
Okay, Aunt Delilah.
You'll be the death of me
with these pancakes.
I'm glad you finds 'em
to your taste, ma'am.
I've never tasted anything
so good in my life.
How do you make them?
It's a secret.
Them pancakes
is my grannie's secret.
She passed it down to my mammy,
and my mammy told me.
But I ain't tellin' nobody.
No, sir.
I don't blame you.
I wouldn't either.
Down South, my mammy
was famous for her pancakes.
White folks come
from miles around
just to taste 'em. Yes'm.
It's a secret, and
it's gonna die with Delilah.
All you do
is just take a little...
That's all?
That's all.
There's your secret.
Course you've got
to be light with the flap.
Mmm, look at the time.
You've made me late
with your pancakes.
Good-bye, honey.
And good luck for the day.
Thank you, Delilah.
Miss Bea?
Wait a minute.
What is it?
What's the matter?
I want you to take
this rabbit's foot and
put it in your money purse.
Now, Delilah!
Yes'm, you must take it.
Are you the owner?
I'm Mrs. Pullman.
Mrs. B. Pullman.
You know.
but I don't.
My husband was B. Pullman,
the man who was killed
in the wreck.
The train wreck at Camden.
I remember the wreck,
but there were so many killed.
He used to sell
waffle syrup to
the hotels and places.
It's wonderful syrup.
A hundred percent
pure maple.
I don't eat it.
Bad stomach. Gas.
No, I don't mean...
I'm keeping up
the B. Pullman business.
I was wondering. Could
I make a deal with you
to rent this store?
I have a marvelous formula
for making pancakes,
and it's my intention...
to rent a store,
have a pancake place and
sell syrup on the side.
This morning I was going
to decide on several sites.
This is one of them.
It's a good concession.
One of the best
on the boardwalk.
How much are you asking
for rent?
Two hundred and fifty.
That's very high.
That's terribly high.
You've got to pay
for a good location.
This store has nice
living quarters in the back.
What will you do
in the way of decorating?
A lot will have to be done.
It's going to rent
as is.
You don't think I'd take it
in this condition?
Look at it.
It's filthy!
It needs new paint,
new paper.
And the floor.
That'll have to be fixed.
If it needs it,
you'll have to do it.
Will you give me
three months free?
Give me three months free,
and I'll do all
the decorating and alterations.
What do you think
I am?
I might consider
one month.
Make it two,
and I'll take a year's lease.
It's a deal.
I'll have to have the first
and last month in advance.
I can't do that.
I can't give you anything
in advance.
When do you expect
to pay?
Well, you said
you'd give me two months.
So I'll start paying
the third month.
Nothing doing.
But I'll need every dollar
I have for alterations
and fixtures.
Delilah. Delilah!
We're going
into business.
We're which?
You're going to make
your pancakes, and I'm going
to sell them on the boardwalk.
I've rented a concession.
We're gonna live in rooms in the
back. The store's at the front.
Get buckets,
rags and soap. We've got
to start cleaning up.
Gather the children.
They'll have to go with us.
I talked to a painter
and a man
about the fixtures.
They'll be there,
so hurry up.
This is it, Delilah.
My, it's
a very nice store.
You and Peola go outside
and play. There's a lovely
place for you in the back.
Go look at the nice yard
you've got to play in.
Won't that be pretty
when there's flowers in there?
Be careful. Don't sit
on the floor, 'cause
it's all dirty yet.
These will be the living
quarters. The most important
thing now is the store.
Take that sign down
and cover the front window
with Bon Ami.
Miss Bea?
Is somebody died?
Is you been left money?
Mercy, no!
Well you only had
$19 and some change
this morning.
Yes, I know.
Shh. Here's the painter.
How do you do?
Hello. You certainly did
come over right away.
Yes, ma'am.
This is it.
All this has to be painted,
the ceiling calcimined,
and that back room papered
in the paper I selected.
I want you to give me an estimate,
and please make it low.
But I must-a see it first.
Oh, sure.
Go right ahead.
Do you paint signs?
No, but I can have
one made for you.
I'll tell you what I want.
I want a great big sign with lots...
- Smile.
- Huh?
You know, smile.
No, no.
A great big one.
Oh, yes'm.
That's it!
Now turn to the right.
Hold it.
That's what I want.
A big picture of Delilah
looking like that.
And underneath, "Aunt Delilah's
Homemade Pancakes."
You see what I mean?
Yes, ma'am.
But I must send someone
to make that up for you.
All right. Thanks.
That's all right.
Delilah! All right.
All right.
It's all over.
It's all over.
I'm gonna
make you famous yet.
## [Humming]
## [Humming Continues]
[Muttering In Italian]
My Lordy, who's that?
The furniture man
about the fixtures.
How do you do?
Did you bring the estimate
on the things I selected?
Yes, Mrs. Pullman.
This is where the grill
should be, I think.
And all across here
I'd like to have shelves.
The counter will be there.
If the shelves start there
and go straight up the top,
it should be nice,
don't you th...
Will you excuse me?
I'll look around.
Yes. Thank you.
Did you get it
all figured out?
I tell you.
For a first-a class-a job,
there is lots of work here.
For a first-a class-a
A-one job,
because I don't
work cheap,
The best-a figure
I can give you is $193.
A hundred and
ninety-three dollars?
That should be
a good job.
Five percent off
for 30 days?
No, no, no. If I give you
I can't take-a
nothing off.
All right,
$193 in 30 days.
That's fine.
And you'll do a good job?
And start right away.
Sure. I take another man
off another job.
And we start-a
right away.
Thank you.
You're gonna have
a nice place here.
I hope so.
You'd better make it
eight tables instead of six.
Yes, ma'am.
That'll mean 32 chairs.
The coffee urn, the grill,
the counter stools
and the dishes.
Here's the list.
Installed, that will
cost you $1,560.
How much for cash?
That is cash.
Oh, that...
# I puts my trust in Jesus #
## [Humming]
And the terms
for monthly payments?
Ten percent down on delivery
and $50 a month.
You're asking
$156 down?
I might as well
pay cash!
Make it $50
straight monthly payments.
Only $50 down?
Why, that'll hardly pay
the cost of my trucking.
That's the best I can do.
I'm opening a chain of these shops
along the boardwalk.
I already have a large
wholesale distribution
of maple syrup.
That takes up a great deal
of my ready cash.
Make it $50 straight
monthly payments,
and it's a deal.
I don't know now. You see...
How soon could you have
the fixtures installed?
With the exception of the grill,
right away. Of course,
that will take time. But...
I can't do much without
the grill, so you will
hurry it up, won't you?
I'll do the best I can,
I'll be down
later this afternoon
and sign the order.
But you see...
[Gasps] What
a lovely scarf pin.
Yes, it is.
I wish you could make it
a little more down.
Don't be so greedy.
Just look what a big order
I've given you.
Yes, I am.
Be sure and come in
for some pancakes sometime.
Oh, pancakes.
Yes, pancakes.
Thank you.
Come again.
There you are, Mrs. Pullman.
Paid in full.
Think of that.
I've really paid my last debt.
It's more than
a great many can say.
Yes, ma'am.
You've built up a mighty
pretty business here,
Mrs. Pullman.
Mighty pretty.
It does you good
to see someone go ahead
and make a success.
It hasn't been so easy
as all that.
You'll never know how near
you've come to getting your
fixtures back on your hands.
But all in all,
I've got by and
I've nothing to complain of.
You've no idea how often
I've told the story,
the way you opened up here.
You paid nothing down on
the store because you agreed
to put the improvements in.
And you got the improvements
because you had the store.
About the only cash you put out
was on my fixtures.
And when I came to collect,
you talked me out of that.
All I had was talk.
And yet,
a pretty woman like you...
Ah, we won't go
into that.
Come on, children.
Time for school.
In a minute, Mommy.
Good day, Mrs. Pullman.
Let's go.
Let's do it
over again.
All right.
London. Paris.
Don't tell me now.
Now you ask me.
Don't tell me, now.
You mean Brussels!
First thing you know,
you're gonna get a "D"again.
Good-bye, Mommy.
Good-bye, honey.
They sure likes each other,
them two.
Peola's smarter
than Jessie.
Yes'm. We all
starts out that way.
We don't get dumb
till later on.
Oh, Delilah.
It's been nice for them to have
each other all these years
when we've been so busy.
You think we all
gonna make money, Miss Bea?
I hope so, Delilah.
It's hard to start out.
But we've paid our debts,
we've got money in the bank.
We're certainly better off
than we were five years ago.
We sure is, honey.
It certainly would be nice
if we got rich.
It certainly would.
I could send Jessie
away to college.
And Peola, she wouldn't
have to do housework for nobody.
Once in a while,
we could take a vacation.
All the vacation I need
is to get off of my feet.
Maybe have a little place
in the country.
There's plenty gentlemen
on the boardwalk would be glad
to give you that and more...
if you weren't so set
in your ways.
I sees them smilin' at you.
There's Peola.
I wonder what's the matter.
[Crying Continues]
What's the matter, honey?
What's happened?
Peola. What's happened
to my baby?
I'm not black!
I'm not black!
I won't be black!
[Bea] Peola.!
She called me black.
Jessie called me that.
Now, now.
Jessie Pullman,
for shame on you.
Come and sit on Mammy's lap.
That's a girl.
Now, now, now, Peola.
Calm yourself, baby.
You gotta learn to take it.
You might just as well begin now.
You apologize to Peola
this minute.
No, no, Miss Bea.
Don't make her apologize.
Ain't no good in that.
You! It's 'cause
you're black.
You make me black.
I won't.! I won't.!
I won't be black.
Jessie, how could you say
such a mean, cruel thing
to Peola?
I didn't mean anything.
It 'tain't her fault,
Miss Bea.
It ain't yours
and it ain't mine.
I don't know rightly
where the blame lies.
It can't be our Lord's.
It's got me puzzled.
[Rain Falling]
Oh, dear.! I don't want
to get the Old Maid again.
Your turn now.
Let's see. Watch me
pick a real good one.
Ah, shucks!
That was a good one.
Now, be careful.
How you feeling, darling?
My headache's
much better.
Is it?
School's nearly out.
It's time to be better.
I really have
got a cold.
I know you have, darling.
I was only fooling.
Anyway, I'm glad
to have an excuse
to keep you home with me.
My, ain't that rain
rainin' terrible?
Surely is.
Seem like the ocean's
turned bottom side upwards.
How you feel, honey?
Better, thank you.
Oh, that's good.
My Peola forgot
her rubbers and umbrella.
I guess I better meet her
with 'em else we'll have
two of'em down instead of one.
We'll read a chapter
until the rain lets up.
Then I think you'll be able
to get home. Shall it be
Little Men or Little Women?
Little Women.!
All right.
Little Women.
"Jo was very busy
in the garret,
"for the October days
began to grow chilly
and the afternoons were short.
For two or three hours,
the sun lay warmly
in the high window."
Good afternoon, ma'am.
It's rainin' so hard,
I brought rubbers
and coat to fetch
my little girl home.
You've made
some mistake.
Ain't this the 3-B?
Well, this is it.
It can't be it.
I have no colored children
in my class.
Oh, thank you.
There's my little girl.
My poor baby.
Teacher, has she
been passin'?
Why, yes.
You may go home.
Gee, I didn't know
she was colored.
Neither did I.
[Children Mumbling]
I hate you.
I hate you!
I hate you!
Peola, honey!
Peola, honey.!
Some rain!
Swell weather for ducks.
Not for business.
No. Hotcakes
and coffee.
I see you have
a window-shopper,
Mrs. Pullman.
Some aroma.
Why don't you come in
and have some?
If I had the price,
I'd been outside of six stacks
of'em already.
Yes, ma'am.
I'm practically the greatest
living pancake surrounder...
in the Western Hemisphere.
I took it up as a child.
Took years to perfect myself.
But I'm not having any
I'm sorry.
Not half as sorry
as I am.
Come and have some anyway,
on the house.
You mean it?
Sure, I do.
I'm practically in.
Why, Peola,
didn't you see your mother?
Yes, I saw her.
She had your raincoat
and rubbers.
What happened?
Come, Peola. Let me take
those wet clothes off of ya.
Go away. Leave me alone.
Now, baby,
there ain't no need
of being thataway.
Go away
and leave me alone!
What's the matter?
Don't tell her.
Don't tell me what?
She was passin', Miss Bea,
and I give her away.
She know I wouldn't
have done it on purpose.
Now, Peola, you mustn't
feel that way.
Oh, she can't help herself
just now, Miss Bea.
She's like her pappy was.
He beat his fists against life
all his days.
It eat him
through and through.
Go on, darling.
Take your wet clothes off.
Perhaps you'd better
send her
to a different school.
I can't keep sending her
to different schools
all her life, Miss Bea.
were they good?
Listen, man and boy, I've
been eating griddle cakes
for 35 years,
but I never tasted any
as good as these.
What do you put in 'em?
That's the secret.
That's what
I was afraid of.
Too bad too.
To keep anything
as wonderful as this
away from the world.
How'd you like to trade in
another stack of wheat cakes...
for a hundred-thousand
dollar idea?
I mean it.
Mean what?
I can tell you
in two words how to make
a million dollars.
Just two?
Just two.
Did you ever hear the story
of Coca-Cola?
When they first put it
on the market,
they used to peddle it
over soda fountains
for five cents a copy.
But it didn't make
any money.
One day a smart fella
nudged the president
and said,
"For $100,000,
I'll tell you in two words
how to make millions."
You know what
those two words were?
"Bottle it."
"Bottle it"?
Now, the pancakes...
the flour, I mean, box it.
Box it?
Sure, box it.
Do I get that stack of wheat?
The other fella got
a hundred thousand smackers.
Yeah, you get all the pancakes
you can eat, and a job besides.
Well, I don't know
about that.
I ain't gonna do it,
Miss Bea. No, ma'am,
I ain't gonna do it.
I don't know why I bother
about all this.
I've gone without my dinner.
I barnstormed over here
in the snow...
to tell her
she's on Easy Street.
And I get just as far
as a stranded dogfish
on the Barnegat Shoals.
Now you tell her.
Now, look, Delilah.
We've made $15,000
in the last six months.
We'll double that
and make $100,000
next year.
So now we want
to incorporate.
That's the best way
to run a business.
Now, here are the papers
for you to sign.
But if I sign them,
then what?
Then you'll have
a 20% interest in the
Aunt Delilah Corporation.
You'll be rich.
You'll have your own car,
your own house.
My own house?
You gonna send me away,
Miss Bea?
I can't live with ya?
Honey child,
please don't send me away.
Don't do that to me.
Why, don't you want
your own house?
No. How am I gonna take care
of you and Miss Jessie
if I ain't here?
Oh, Delilah.
You'll have me in tears
in a minute.
Let me and Peola
stay the same
as we been doin'.
I's your cook,
and I wanna stay your cook.
Of course you can stay,
I only thought now that
the money's coming in...
and after all, it's all
from your pancake flour.
I gives it to ya, honey.
I makes you a present of it.
Youse welcome.
Oh, Delilah,
you're hopeless.
I could've told you that.
Well, I'll simply have
to put the money
in the bank for you.
That's all right,
if you want to,
against my funeral.
I does hanker
for a good funeral.
Once a pancake,
always a pancake.
[Chattering, Laughing]
What are you doing
behind the bar?
I'm hiding.
What do you mean?
It's all your fault.
Look at me.
What's the matter?
You look grand.
Yeah, I look like a crow
calling to its firstborn.
Did you hear
what I was saying?
I've been trying to say
that you're one of the grandest
party givers in New York.
Have another cocktail.
Good. I will.
I want to drink a toast.
Gentlemen, I give you
the fifth anniversary...
No, no, the 10th.
The 10th anniversary
of Aunt Delilah's Pancake Flour.
Thank you.
You're kind.
## [Continues]
Them boys sure play good
for white boys.
They oughta play well.
They get paid enough for it.
What's that got to do
with it, Peola?
Oh, nothing.
A charming party, Bea.
Thank you, darling.
Hello, Hugo.
Hello, my dear.
Sorry I'm late.
It's nice to see you
You're beautiful tonight, and
so young.
Thank you.
Bless you for that.
Is Jessie still at school?
I suppose she'll come home
a young lady.
[Bea Laughing]
I'm afraid so.
Come on, honey,
I'll dance with ya.
Can't you leave me alone?
I don't want to dance.
I want to read.
How long is this party
gonna keep up anyway?
What's the matter
with my baby?
I'm sick and tired of it.
What, the party?
No... not the party.
What is it, baby?
What's my baby want?
I wanna be white
like I look.
Look at me.
Am I not white?
Isn't that a white girl?
Honey, we's had this out
so many times.
Can't you get it
out of your head?
No, I can't.
You wouldn't
understand that,
would you?
Oh, what is there
for me anyway?
[Door Closes]
Are you looking
for something?
Yes. The doorbell.
The doorbell?
Yes, isn't it silly?
I can't find
the doorbell.
I've heard of people
lighting matches
to find house numbers,
but never a doorbell.
Do you know, by any chance,
where it's hidden?
Why, yes.
It's over there.
It's all right, thanks.
I can get in now.
Yes, madam.
Who's the gentleman
who just came in?
I don't know, madam.
I thought perhaps...
The light isn't working.
Will you have it fixed?
Very good, madam.
Well, I finally got in.
Yes, so I see.
By the way, have you
ever seen that doorbell?
Why, yes...
I supposed it's studded
with diamonds, and they put it
in the safe after dark.
I'm coming up here by daylight
and take a good look at it.
Yes, do.
Shall we dance?
I'd love to.
Excuse me.
I was late
getting here.
The party's nearly over.
Not for me.
And to think
I had this forced on me.
You didn't want
to come?
A friend asked me.
Elmer Smith.
Oh, Elmer asked you!
Do you know him?
He's been trying
to drag me up to see her
ever since I got in town.
See whom?
Mrs. Pullman,
the pancake queen.
I put it off
as long as I could.
You know,
these big businesswomen
frighten me to death.
They're so efficient
and competent, and...
Tell me,
what's she really like?
Oh, she's, um... Let's see.
Why don't you ask
your friend Elmer?
No, he says she's beautiful.
Wonderful. A noble character.
But what else
could he say?
You don't think he'd jeopardize
a $50,000 a year job.
Not Elmer.
## [Ends]
May I get you something?
An ice or some "flannel" cakes?
Flannel cakes?
Yes, or whatever
she calls them.
You don't think a pancake queen
is going to pass an opportunity
to advertise her product?
I'd like some champagne.
May I have two...
Just one moment, sir.
There must be more
than this.!
But there are still
six cases left, sir.
It's going awfully fast.
Here, keep these two for me.
I may need them later.
Yes, sir.
So that's where
you are!
You're late.
You're drunk.
You're a liar.
May I have two?
At once, sir.
Nice time
to be showing up.
I've been here for hours.
No wonder I couldn't find you
hiding behind this bar.
Nice way to treat a guest.
A stranger too.
I've been watching for you
all night.
Didn't think you'd wait
till the party was over.
Why do they build
dog kennels in bars?
Come on. I want you
to meet Mrs. Pullman.
Can't now. Some other time.
What do you mean,
"some other time"?
I've something more important
to do right now.
For instance?
I'm taking a drink
to a very charming lady.
You haven't lost any time,
have you?
I tried not to.
Don't you think it's time
you paid your respects
to your hostess?
Here she is, and
you're going to meet her,
whether you want to or not.
Bea, this is an old friend
of mine, Stephen Archer.
Steve, this is
Mrs. Pullman.
The pancake queen.
I don't know what to say.
How to...
I've been so rude.
I'm so sorry.
Sorry! What are you
sorry about now?
I hope you'll
never know.
Say, what's the matter
with him anyway?
Don't feel too badly.
I led you on
to your downfall.
I feel all kinds
of a fool.
You see, I was to have
met Elmer here.
And then l...
I met you instead.
It's all right now,
isn't it?
If you say so, yes.
You know,
I'm not really civilized.
For the past eight months
I've been walking on the bottom
of the Pacific Ocean...
with jellyfish and whales.
What are you
talking about?
Let me introduce myself again.
My name is Stephen Archer,
and I am an ichthyologist.
A what?
I study fishes for those
who are interested
in the life of the fish.
So you can better understand
why a man who spends
all of his time with fish...
should behave like one.
Good night.
Good night.
Good night.
Have one?
No, thanks.
Good night.
Good night.
Well, it's getting late.
The guests are going home.
I said the guests
were going home.
Yes, I know.
It's after 2:00.
Way after.
I'm aware of the time.
Also other things.
It's no use
you hanging around here.
Tomorrow you'll just be
the forgotten man, that's all.
Then I'd better make
the most of tonight.
She's got no time
for silly romance.
She's such
a charming woman.
And you're such
a fortunate man.
To be her
general manager.
You don't, by any chance,
need an office boy
down there, do you?
Yes. We've got one.
I'm it.
Good night.
Good night, dear.
I'll see you Thursday.
I'll be there.
Good night.
Leaving, Elmer?
Or can I get you
You can get my hat and coat.
I'm going home.
Jarvis, Mr. Smith's
hat and coat.
Where did you meet
that nice friend of yours?
I don't remember.
I think it was in a speakeasy.
He's a fugitive from justice.
I don't know how such people
get into your house.
## [Piano]
Put the piano
in the safe.
But he's a friend of yours,
isn't he?
That's my story,
and I'm going to stick to it.
That's all, Jarvis.
The old bear loves you,
doesn't he?
He's been such
a faithful watchdog
toJessie and me.
My daughter.
Here she is.
She's older than that now.
She's away at school.
She's charming.
Like you.
She doesn't seem
so wonderful to others,
but to me,
she's the beginning
and the end of everything.
I don't wonder.
Not finished?
Are you
throwing me out?
I'm a working woman.
There's tomorrow morning,
you know.
This must be yours.
It's the only one left.
This is brutal.
I'll go
on two conditions.
That you lunch
with me tomorrow.
I mean today at...
I never go out
for lunch.
At Pierre's at 1:15.
All right.
But I said
two conditions.
What's the other?
Will you kiss me?
So I'll know I'm forgiven.
You did lead me on, you know.
It was fun.
Just a little bit cruel,
aren't you?
I'm a woman.
You'reJuliet and Beatrice
and Diana of the Crossways.
All the women I've loved.
Have you only loved
characters in books?
Waiting for one
to come alive.
And now one has.
Thank you.
Pierre's at 1:15.
Good night.
Good night.
By the way,
next time...
the bell is here.
I'll remember next time.
## [Whistling]
## [Whistling Continues]
Hello, Delilah.
Come on up.
Let's talk the party over.
It's the best part
of it anyway.
Everybody gone?
I'm not a bit sleepy.
Don't bother about that now.
Let it go till morning.
Miss Bea, you sure had
a good party.
I think so.
It feels good
to get those off.
I'll bet it does.
Come here.
Let me take 'em.
Put 'em up here.
That's it.
That's what you used to do
in the old boardwalk days.
When my feet ached
from peddling maple syrup.
I remembers.
We's gone a long ways
from there, ain't we, though?
We certainly have.
Miss Bea, there was
a very handsome gentleman
up here tonight.
I got a peek at him.
Who might he be?
I wonder which one.
Don't you know
a handsome gentleman
when you sees one, honey?
There was a handsome gentleman.
I wonder if I mean
the same one you mean.
You does, honey.
What's the gentleman's name?
Stephen Archer.
That's a good name
for a good man.
Funny thing, Miss Bea.
I got a great sense
about a man.
You ain't takin'
no chance there.
Mercy, Delilah!
Of course I'm not taking
a chance!
To hear you talk,
you'd think he'd proposed
and been accepted.
That's all right.
Leave him be.
Things is workin'.
Leave him be.
I'll leave him be.
You gotta do your part,
What on earth
do you mean?
If he makes a move
in the right direction,
you don't have to slap his hand,
in a manner of speakin'.
There's nothing farther
from my mind
than a husband.
What he do, Miss Bea?
He's an ichthyologist.
I always say,
there ain't a better business
for a man to be in.
He make pretty good money
at it, I guess.
At what, Delilah?
At that
"ichylologist" business.
Yes, I think he does
very well at it.
Well, I declare.
Keep him indoors, I suppose.
No, outdoors
most of the time.
A travelin' man,
I reckon.
All over the world.
All over the world.
Say, honey, what is
this business of his?
It's fishing, Delilah.
Just fishin'?
With a hook?
No. The study of fishes.
But I wouldn't let that
stand in my way.
Let him go fishin'.
There's worse things.
Funny, though.
He don't look to be a lazy man.
Oh, Delilah.
You're incurably romantic.
It 'tain't romantic
to want a man. Just natural.
I've gotJessie.
And you've got Peola.
Yes'm. I got Peola,
Miss Bea.
What am I gonna do
about that poor child?
She's so unhappy.
Delilah, I've been wondering
if it might not be better
if you could send Peola...
to one of those good
colleges in the South
for colored people,
where she could finish
her education and she
wouldn't be faced...
with the problem of white
all the time.
You know what a disaster
her schooling has been here.
If she'd only go.
Ask her anyway.
We've worked so long
and so hard
for our two girls.
And forJessie,
it's been well worthwhile.
I want you to have
the same satisfaction
with Peola.
You deserve it,
I'll do everything
in my power
to help you.
Maybe down there
in some other school...
Why don't you
talk to her?
I'll go right down,
and if she ain't asleep,
I'll try and reason
with her.
Yes, try, Delilah.
Good night, Miss Bea.
Good night, dear.
Asleep yet, honey?
Peola, won't you be
a good child
like you can be, darling,
and do something
for your mammy?
Don't say "mammy"!
Look here, baby,
you go down South...
to one of them
high-toned colleges where
only the high-toned goes.
Wouldn't you do that for me,
A Negro school?
Ain't nothing to be
ashamed of, daughter dear.
Meet your cross
It won't be
near so heavy.
Go amongst your own.
Quit battlin'!
Your little head's sore
now from buttin'
against stone walls.
Open up and say,
"Lord, I bows my head."
He made you black,
Don't be tellin' him
his business.
Accept it, honey.
Do that for your mammy,
your mother, dear.
Oh, my baby.
## [Humming A Hymn]
## [Whistling]
You back again?
Hello, Elmer.
Not staying for dinner?
No. Do you realize
what you're doing?
Don't you know you're spoiling
one of the best
businesswomen in New York?
And ruining
a great business?
Oh, Elmer,
you overrate my powers.
Ever since the night
I introduced you here,
what's it been?
Not for the stockholders.
You're overly sensitive
about them.
Stockholders don't expect
anything anymore.
They've been trained not to.
In the name of
the National Recovery Act,
will you let her have
a day free...
so we can get some
office work done
at the office?
Is that the only reason
you want me
to leave her alone?
You'd make
a great undertaker.
My, Miss Bea,
you sure do look beautiful!
Thank you, Delilah.
Do you like my dress?
It ain't your dress.
It's more than that.
It's in your eyes
and your cheeks.
It's come to you, Miss Bea.
What's come?
Has he gotten
very far yet?
Delilah, you're
a matchmaker at heart.
There's Mr. Archer now.
Miss Bea, when you sits
on the sofa,
sit to this end, thisaway,
not to that end, thataway.
What are you
talking about?
I's done put
my bestest rabbit foot
underneath the pillow.
[Bea Laughing]
Hello, Stephen.
What are you laughing at?
Tell me so I can laugh too.
I wouldn't dare now.
Perhaps later.
It's a century
since I saw you last.
Four hours.
Look at your lovely flowers.
It's so nice of you to send
them to me every day.
[Boat Whistle Blows]
Bea, down the river there,
you can't see it
because it's beyond the bend,
my boat is waiting.
In 10 days, you can
be drifting in a tropic sea...
under a night sky
of the most unbelievable blue.
All full of stars
that burn warmly.
And so close, you can almost
take them in your hands.
I know it sounds too poetic,
but so help me it's true!
[Boat Whistle Blows]
You'd glide past
mysterious little islands,
black and silent.
And in the water
under your feet,
you'd see sudden shining streaks
of phosphorescence
like shooting stars.
Flying fish.
And on the shore breeze,
there'd come to you...
the perfume of warm lands:
Hyacinth, jasmine.
And there isn't a sound.
It's all silent.
All my life,
I've never known silence.
There are seven telephones
on my desk.
I hear them ringing
even in my sleep.
Down there
we don't have telephones...
or conferences
or stockholders' meetings.
The only businessmen
are the sharks.
They're the collectors.
Only they don't collect,
they just glide by.
It sounds
like paradise.
It is paradise.
It could be if...
Bea, I haven't made a mistake
about you, have I?
You do like me?
Like you?
I love you, Stephen.
Oh, Bea!
I've loved you
from the first minute when
I looked out the window...
and you were having
such an awful time
with the doorbell.
Let's not wait very long.
Let's be married soon.
Whenever you like.
Oh, my dear!
Before you know it,
we'll be on the bridge
of my boat sailing down the bay.
Wherever we feel like going.
With you, anywhere!
Oh, I forgot.
There's Jessie.
What aboutJessie?
She'll be home in a few days
for her vacation.
Stephen, will you
do something for me?
Of course! Anything.
Let's keep it a secret
for a while.
Let's not tellJessie
anything about you and me,
not at first.
Whatever you say.
I want her to know you
and like you before
she finds out about us.
You see, Jessie and I,
we've always been together,
just the two of us.
Don't you worry.
Just leaveJessie to me.
I'll be so nice to her
that by the time we're ready
to break the news,
she'll be begging you
to marry me.
I'm sure she will.
Hello, Jarvis.
How do you do, sir?
Miss Pullman
is in the drawing room.
Oh, I beg your pardon.
I thought Mrs. Pullman was here.
I'm Jessie Pullman.
Won't you come in?
But... But it...
But you're supposed to be
just a little girl.
But I'm not! I'm grown up.
Oh, that's an old picture.
Mother will keep it out.
I'm going to have
some new ones made.
I am Stephen Archer.
I'm a friend
of your mother's.
Do sit down.
Mother should be here any minute.
She wasn't expecting me
until tomorrow.
So I understood.
How long's your vacation
to be?
Oh, you know
it's a vacation?
I know a lot about you,
except how big you are.
There you fooled me.
I love vacations.
This one's
only two weeks.
But I expect to squeeze
every minute out of it.
I couldn't get home fast enough
to be with Mother.
There's your mother now.
Mmm! When did
you get here?
About 3:00.
Why didn't you
let me know?
[Jessie] I wanted to surprise you.
I had a chance to motor down
with Janie Prentice.
I thought you wouldn't
be through with your exams
until today.
I was supposed to take one
in algebra this morning, but
I would have flunked anyway,
so I didn't see any reason
for staying.
If it's algebra, I don't care.
But don't tell me
you failed in anything else?
Oh, no, I was
a very bright child.
Passed in everything else.
Mother, could I change
from English composition
to dramatics next term?
Yes, darling.
Let me look at you!
Good heavens!
How you've grown!
[Jessie] I'll say.
None of my clothes
fit me anymore.
Going to have
to have some new ones.
Oh, I can't bear it.
My little girl's
grown up.
It's too dreadful.
Mother, may I go
to your dressmaker this time?
I feel so silly
in these simple things.
We'll see.
And I need a new riding habit
for the horse show. You're
coming up for it, aren't you?
I don't know.
I'll try. You...
Oh, Stephen,
I'm so sorry.
This is my daughter.
We're old friends.
Mr. Archer and I
have been talking.
He's an ichthyologist.
Do you know
what that is?
Why, Mother,
what do you think
I go to school for?
Oh, I beg
your pardon!
I'm dying for my tea.
Will you tellJarvis?
Of course.
- Did you see Delilah?
- Yes, I've seen everyone.
Isn't she sweet?
Her mother
all over again.
It seems I can't do
without you even
for a little while.
Even for the few minutes
I do go to the office.
Mmm, sweet.
Oh, Stephen,
isn't she big?
She's tall,
but she's just a baby.
I'm going to forget
about the office
whileJessie's in town.
We'll give her one round
of gaiety: Dinners,
theaters, restaurants.
You'll help me,
won't you?
Of course I will.
"One who makes
a study of... fish."
Here's your tea,
No, thanks.
I really don't care for any.
No? Well, I'm gonna
swallow mine
and go freshen up a bit.
Not even one of these?
No, thank you.
Mr. Archer and I are going to
give you a whirl to take the taste
of school out of your mouth.
I'm going to play hooky
from the office too.
That'll be grand!
Mr. Archer's idea.
He says he'll be proud
to take us about.
I will, indeed.
We're going to have
a marvelous time.
You and Stephen can plan
what plays you'd like to see
while I'm dressing.
Well, have you any suggestions
about plays?
Do you know what's on?
I'm afraid I don't.
I'll have to look over
the list.
But I'm very much interested
in ichthyology.
Are you?
That's very flattering.
Take, for instance,
the habits
of the sea mew.
Is the sea mew the same family...
I'm afraid
you have me stumped there.
You see, my subject is fish.
The sea mew is a bird.
But that's a perfectly
natural mistake.
The sea mew ought to be a fish.
I'm caught, aren't I?
The very first crack.
It takes a bit of doing
to tell the birds
from the fish.
I suppose
I'd better confess.
Oh, do.
I was bluffing. I didn't
know what ichthyology meant
until I looked it up.
But I read so fast,
I couldn't remember.
A better way for you to learn
about ichthyology would be
to see my private aquarium.
Could I? I'd love to.
When may I come?
Would tomorrow
be too soon?
Tomorrow would be perfect.
[Knocking At Door]
Come in.
Hello, Delilah.
Excuse me, Miss Bea.
I hope I ain't bothering ya.
What is it?
I'm in trouble again.
Peola. She's left the school.
Oh, Delilah!
I'm sure it's not as bad
as you think.
But it's four days now
since she left the school,
and she ain't come home.
We'll go down there.
We won't leave a stone unturned
until we find her.
Darling, I'm so sorry.
I've got to go away
for a few days.
Delilah has had
some bad news.
Peola's disappeared from
the school, so I've got
to go down there with her.
What do you suppose...
We don't know
anything more, darling.
I'm sorry. Anything I can do?
Yes. Will you take
care ofJessie?
I'll do my best.
There's Delilah now.
Poor Delilah.
I'll go speak to her.
Yes, do.
I'm awfully sorry, Delilah.
I know everything's
going to be all right.
If anything happens
to that child,
I just get sick
all over.
I hate to run away,
but if you could have seen
Delilah's face...
I understand.
I'll say good-bye here.
Good-bye, darling.
Telegraph me often.
Yes, I will, darling.
I wish I could go with you.
I wish you could too,
but there's Jessie.
I know. By the time
you get back, Jessie and I
will be great friends.
I'm sure you will.
[Train Whistle Blowing]
Good evening, madam.
Good evening, sir.
Two, please.
This way, please.
This must be
the place.
There she is,
Miss Bea!
How do you like
your new job?
Very much, thank you.
[Cash Register Bell Rings]
Thank you.
Give me one of those.
What can I do
for you?
We've been looking
everywhere for you.
Are you talking to me?
There must be some mistake.
My name isn't Peola.
There ain't no mistake.
Why have you got this job?
You don't have to work.
I'll give you everything you want.
What are you talking about?
I'm sure you've got me confused
with someone else.
Why, Peola child!
I'm your mammy!
Why, that's ridiculous!
I never saw you before in my life!
What's the meaning
of this?
This woman doesn't know
what she's talking about.
Do I look like
her daughter?
Do I look like
I could be her daughter?
Why, she must be crazy!
[Bea] Peola.!
How can you talk
to your mother that way?
Come on, Delilah.
Come on.
Brace up, Delilah.
Everything will turn out
all right.
We'll find her again.
Miss Bea, there she is!
She's back.
Peola's come home.
She's back home. My baby!
[Door Opens, Closes]
My little lamb.
Peola, you're back.!
Yes, Mother.
And I want to tell you
how sorry I am
for what I did to you.
Oh, that's all right.
Come, come, baby,
and sit down.
It don't feel like
you're really here
standin' so far off.
Mother, I've done everything
you wanted me to.
I went to that school
and tried to be happy there
to please you.
But I couldn't bear it.
I couldn't.!
I had to get away.!
I understand, baby.
We're gonna forget
all about it now.
It's all right.
But it isn't all right.
I want to talk to you.
I'll go upstairs, Delilah.
[Delilah] No, Miss Bea.
You stay, please.
I want you to hear too.
What's my little baby
got on her mind?
I want to go away.
Go away?
Go where, Peola?
I mean...
by that I mean
I want to go away.
And you mustn't see me
or own me...
or claim me
or anything.
I mean, even if you
passed me on the street,
you'll have to pass me by.
No, Peola!
I know it's terrible of me,
Miss Bea.
But you don't know
what it is to look white
and be black.
You don't know.
I can't go on this way
any longer.
I can't give up my baby.
I bore ya.
I nursed ya.
I love ya. I love ya more
than you can guess.
You can't ask your mammy
to do this!
You've got to promise me,
I'm your mammy, child!
I ain't no white mother!
It's too much to ask of me.
I ain't got the spiritual
strength to meet it.
I can't hang on no cross!
I ain't got the strength.
You can't ask me
to unborn my own child.
I'm sorry, Mother.
I know it's asking a lot,
but I've got to live
my own life.
Peola, how can you hurt
your mother so?
How can you make her suffer
this way?
I'm sorry, Miss Bea,
but I can't help it!
[Delilah Sobbing]
Don't cry, Delilah.
Don't cry.
She'll come back to you.
Give her a little time.
A few hard knocks,
and she'll come running
back to her mother.
That's what mothers
are for!
She'll remember
that you're here to turn to.
No, Miss Bea.
I've lost my baby.
She won't ever come back.
Of course she will!
I'm going to getJulie
to fix you a cup of tea.
And I'll be down again
in a few minutes.
Thank you, Miss Bea.
I'll be all right.
Darling, you're back!
Yes, darling.
We came in downstairs.
Peola's here, you know.
Yes, I saw her.
I've missed you so.
You've been gone
such a long time.
Mmm. Five days.
It was only supposed
to be two.
What's the matter?
You look troubled.
I am troubled.
I've just seen
such a tragedy.
Poor Delilah!
What did Peola do?
She's gone.
She's gone away.
Disowned her mother.
Oh, how dreadful!
Darling, if ever anything
should ever come between us,
it would kill me.
Nothing can, Mother.
We must see
that it doesn't.
Don't be silly.
There's no reason.
Come sit down
a minute.
How much
have you missed me?
Lots, of course.
But not as much as I might have
if Stephen hadn't taken your place.
Oh, so I've been supplanted, have I?
But you have got on well?
Oh, have we!
We've dined out every night
and danced,
seen three plays
and two picture galleries
and the Bronx Park Zoo.
Your ichthyologist is grand.
I think we ought
to keep him in the family.
He thinks you're beautiful.
He said so.
Did he?
He thinks I'm nice too.
Mother, why do I have
to go back to school?
What's this?
Well, after all...
Too much vacation.
You don't want me to turn out
to be a stuffy intellectual, do you?
I have no very serious fears
about that, my sweet. No.
After all, what's the good of
algebra and all that stuff to a girl?
This sounds very
suspicious to me.
You sure you haven't some
handsome football captain in hiding?
No, he isn't
a football captain.
But there is someone!
I'll have
to look into that.
Right now I want a tub.
I'm so sticky after
my night on the train.
Right, darling.
And I'm going out.
Just out.
Oh, out! I see.
Out's a big place.
Be back in an hour or two.
See that you are.
I've just begun to talk to you.
[Phone Ringing]
Hello, Stephen.
This is Bea.
Oh, hello, Bea!
I'm so glad you're back.
When can I come over?
I'm just getting
into the tub.
Give me half an hour.
Jessie tells me
you've played the beau
in grand style.
She's a most appealing little person,
half child and half woman.
I've had
a delightful time.
Hurry with that bath, will you?
I'll be waiting for you.
Good-bye, dear.
[Doorbell Buzzing]
Well, if it isn't
the night prowler herself.
I didn't think you'd get up
at all today.
Wasn't it too dreadful,
getting home in broad daylight
like that?
I never enjoyed anything
so much in my life.
No repentance?
Not now.
I'll probably have plenty
of repenting to do
when Mother finds out.
She got home an hour ago.
Yes, I know. I've just been
talking to her on the phone.
I'm going over there
as soon as I get through
fixing Horace.
Want to come along
and have a look at Horace?
I thought Horace was
a new species,
but he's turned out to be
just an ordinary crab.
Stephen, I've just told Mother
I don't want to go back to school.
No? Why not?
I want to stay here.
what do you think of me?
I think you're just about
the nicest child
I've ever known.
Now, don't you begin
that child stuff!
At 37, anything under 20
seems a babe in arms.
I think 37 is the ideal age.
Don't you believe it.
It's a dreadful age.
Well, I like it.
You know,
I think I like the ones
with the big claw best.
Mmm, the bachelors.
Poor lonely hearts.
Why don't you put
a lady crab in with them?
They'd tear each other
to pieces over her.
How romantic!
For the winner.
He becomes
a married crab?
For the time being
at least.
Divorce is common?
Statistics show
about the same percentage
as in the United States.
You're a nut.
Excuse me.
When I marry,
I'm never going to be divorced.
How do you know?
Just that...
when a girl like me falls
in love, it's forever,
forever and ever.
What makes you so sure?
Because I am in love.
You are?
Well, don't you think
you might've told me?
Is he handsome?
Stephen, it's you.
I love you.
Jessie, my dear...
It's true!
I do love you!
Do you think it's fair
to make sport
of your elders?
I'm not!
I'm serious, Stephen,
terribly serious.
Oh, no, you're not.
You're just a baby.
Stephen, we did have fun
together, didn't we?
I thought so.
Grand fun.
That night we rode on
the ferry to Staten Island,
on the top deck
under the stars.
And last night,
in the open barouche,
driving up Fifth Avenue.
That was fun, wasn't it?
For you, I mean.
You bet it was.
No, it wasn't!
You were just putting
yourself out to be nice
to a child!
A perfectly silly child!
Hello, dear.
You didn't stay long,
did you?
No, l...
I'm just going down
to see Delilah.
How do you do, sir?
Oh, Stephen!
I'm so glad to see you!
It's great
to have you back again.
Jessie just came in
ahead of you, or have
you two come in together?
I stopped in at Stephen's
apartment. I wanted to see
how Eph and Maggie were.
Eph and Maggie?
Who in the world
are they?
They're two of the crabs.
Oh, now, don't tell me
you've named them!
Oh, yes,
they all have names.
One's Elmer.
And one's named Fanny.
You didn't know
I was getting to be quite
an ichthyologist myself.
That's splendid.
Mrs. Pullman,
can you come right away?
It's Delilah.
Oh, yes.
Excuse me.
Better now?
Yes'm, Miss Bea.
I just somehow...
give out all of a sudden.
'Tain't nothin'.
You go upstairs.
Mary here,
she'll do for me fine.
I'm going to stay right here
until you're feeling better.
Delilah, if there's
anything you want...
Thank you, Miss Bea.
There is somethin'.
I want me a good funeral.
Delilah, what are you
talking about?
You're going to be
all right.
No, Miss Bea.
I'm all through now.
But that's all right.
I ain't a-worryin' much.
If the Lord is ready,
'tain't for me to hesitate.
Oh, no.
Delilah, I just couldn't do
without you.
None of us could.
That's awful sweet of you
to say, Miss Bea.
I appreciate it.
But about my funeral.
All right,
what about it?
I'll promise you
the finest funeral in the world,
only you must get well first.
I paid my dues regular
in all my lodges.
And I'm a church member
in good standin'.
And I do want
a long procession.
I hope all the lodges
turn out in full.
And I hope it don't rain.
I want to go meet my maker
with plenty of bands playin'.
I want to ride up to heaven...
in a white velvet hearse.
Silk velvet.
Purple satin
inside the casket.
I wants them colored folks' eyes
to bulge out.
And another thing.
I want horses
to the hearse.
I don't like the smell
of gasoline.
Delilah, you'll have
everything you want,
but not for years
and years to come.
Oh, you.
You and your processions.
Let me tell you
some good news.
What, Miss Bea?
I'm going
to be married.
Why, Miss Bea!
You see why
you've got to get well
just as quickly as you can?
The rabbit's foot did do
some good after all,
didn't it?
This way, Doctor, please.
Here's the doctor
to see you.
Good evening,
Mrs. Pullman.
Good evening, Doctor.
Well, how's the famous
Aunt Delilah?
Doctor, this big mountain
lying here thinks
she isn't going to get well.
We'll have to get her
out of that notion.
Better get her undressed.
[Bea] I'll see you
before you leave.
Very good.
Why didn't you tell me?
Because your mother asked me
not to until...
Until I knew you better,
and learned to like you.
[Jessie Crying]
Well, I did, didn't I?
I think I'll go
and come back later.
Will you tell your mother?
Good-bye, Jessie.
How's Delilah?
I don't know.
The doctor's
still with her.
Are you going?
I was going to run along
and dress and come back for you
in about an hour.
Is that all right?
Do you mind
if I don't go to dinner?
Of course not.
I'm dreadfully tired,
more than I realized.
After the trip and
all that's happened today.
I understand.
You go to bed early
and get a good night's rest.
I'll see you tomorrow.
Yes. Tomorrow night
for dinner.
Good night, dear.
Good night.
Oh, there you are,
Hello, dear.
I like your dress.
It's one I got
while you were away.
It's very nice.
Stephen not here yet?
No. Come sit down.
Mother, would you mind terribly
if I went back to school
the end of the week?
what's the matter?
Aren't you enjoying
your vacation?
Yes, it's been nice, but...
Then what is it?
You still have
another week.
And only yesterday you were
asking me why you ever had
to go back to school at all.
I was just talking then.
I really do like school.
And I've been thinking,
if I do a lot of cramming, I could...
Mother, may I go to Switzerland
to finish my last two years?
Yes. A lot
of the girls go.
Even Janie Prentice is talking
about it. There really are
a lot of advantages in going.
Mr. Smith.
Show him in.
Hello, Jessie.
Hello, Elmer.
Hello, Elmer.
Well, there you are.
You dodging me?
What have I done?
What are you
talking about?
I've been trying
to get in touch with you
for the last 24 hours.
You won't come near the office,
and you won't answer the telephone.
All I can get is the butler,
and I can't penetrate past him.
You're too busy! You're tired!
You can't be disturbed!
I'd never known about Delilah
except through the butler.
Why have you gone
into the silence?
What's it all about?
Elmer, what is it
you want?
I dropped in to tell you
that unless we move in
the matter of national brands,
the deal is going to be
called off.
Well, let it!
But they're willing to meet
our demands.
You turn the management
over to them
and keep 50% of the stock.
That relieves you
of all responsibility.
And there's more money
in it than you can
possibly think of.
In fact, there's more money
than I can pronounce
without stuttering.
Would you like
to hear me try?
I don't want to sell.
I don't want to give up
active management.
What's the matter?
Before you went south,
you couldn't sell quick enough.
I've changed my mind!
You wanted to get from behind
that desk, be a human being!
I'm not going to sell!
Isn't that sufficient?
But, Bea...
Must I always give you
an account of everything
I do or don't do?
Oh, I'm sorry.
Forgive me, Elmer.
I really don't know
what I'm saying.
I'm so worried
and unhappy.
Is it Delilah?
Yes. Yes, of course
it's Delilah.
Elmer, did you see much
ofJessie while I was away?
She came to the office
a couple of times. Needed money.
Steve was with her.
I just wondered.
That's all.
May I come in?
Hello, Stephen!
Is he boarding here?
Hello, Steve.
Are you following me?
Every time I come here
lfind you.
You might do worse.
Well, so long.
Good night, Bea.
I hope in the morning
you'll have better news
of Delilah.
Thank you, Elmer.
You look so worried, dear.
Isn't Delilah feeling any better?
No, she's much worse.
If we could only find Peola.
She keeps calling for her
over and over.
#Lord, have mercy #
#Lord, have mercy #
#Lord, have mercy #
#On my soul #
Do you realize I haven't had
a moment alone with you
since you came back?
Yes, I know.
You were gone
five whole days.
I've got a great many things
to talk over with you.
So have I.
I want to talk to you
Mother. Mother,
the doctor wants you
to come quickly.
Excuse me, Stephen.
Hello, Jessie.
Hello, Stephen.
Anything serious?
Yes, I'm afraid so.
#Lord, have mercy #
#Lord, have mercy #
#Lord, have mercy #
#On my soul #
## [Choir Singing,
Where's my baby?
I's your mammy.
Delilah, darling.
I'm all right, Miss Bea.
I'm resting better now.
That's good.
But... But I'm going...
across Jordan...
pretty soon now.
Doctor, leave me have
her picture, please?
It never done her justice.
Miss Bea?
Yes, darling,
what is it?
Miss Bea,
try and find my baby.
Yes, darling.
If she gets in any troubles,
you'll see her through 'em.
Of course I will.
Ain't nothin' bad
about Peola.
She didn't mean to harm me
when she turned away.
No, of course she didn't.
Just tell her
a right sweet good-bye.
Tell her to be
a good girl.
Why, Peola ain't...
little more
than a baby now.
#Lord, have mercy #
#Lord, have mercy #
#On my soul ##
Oh, Stephen!
[Bea Crying]
## [Choir Humming]
#There is rest #
# For the weary #
#There is rest #
# For the weary #
#There is rest #
# For the weary #
#There is rest #
# For you #
# On the other #
#Side ofJordan #
# In the sweet #
# Fields of Eden #
## [Singing Continues]
Did you know her?
#There is rest #
# For you ##
Please forgive me.
I didn't mean it.
Mother, it's Peola.
I didn't mean it,
Can't you forgive me?
Peola. Peola.
I killed you.
Peola, come on.
Miss Bea,
I killed my own mother.
Don't talk like that.
Come with us.
Step back.
All right, folks.
Step back, please.
[Peola Sobbing]
## [Funereal]
## [Funereal Continues]
She worked for me,
slaved for me.
Always thought of me first,
never of herself.
You're so lovely.
Darling, let's not wait
any longer.
Let's be married right away,
tomorrow, and go away on my boat
as we planned to do.
Away from business
and worry.
What's the matter?
Jessie's in love with you,
isn't she?
Oh. She's told you?
No, she didn't have to.
I knew.
I think I knew right away
when I came back
from Virginia.
I hope you don't think
that l...
Oh, no, no.
I don't, not now.
It just happened.
It isn't serious.
Just a childish infatuation.
She'll get over it.
No, not if I marry you,
What are you saying?
I'm trying to say
that we can't go on
as we planned.
Bea, you can't mean that.
She'll forget all about me
the first attractive boy
that comes along.
Don't you see, darling,
right now you're the man
she loves.
If I were to marry you,
she'd always feel I'd come
between her and her happiness.
But she's going back
to school next week.
She'll find new interests.
Soon she'll laugh at this
as a schoolgirl crush.
Oh, no, darling.
Don't you see?
If you're here with me,
she'll keep on thinking
about you.
She won't even want
to come home,
where the three of us
would have to be together.
And the thought of
her unhappiness would come
between you and me.
I won't give you up
like this.
I love you.
Stephen, I love you more
than I ever thought
it possible to love anyone.
Then, Bea...
Don't, darling.
Please don't make it
any harder for me.
You must see
how impossible it is.
Stephen, go back
to your islands.
And when she forgets you,
I'll come to you
no matter where you are
if you still want me.
I shall always want you.
Then I'll come.
Let's say good-bye.
Yes, dear?
Where's Stephen?
Isn't he staying for dinner?
No, darling.
Look what I found
in the library, tucked away
in the corner of the couch.
Delilah's rabbit's foot.
She must've put it there
for good luck.
Dear Delilah.
Peola's decided
to go back to school.
That's good.
That's what Delilah
would've wanted for her.
When did you
first meet Delilah?
Oh, a long time ago.
You were just about two.
I'll never forget
that morning.
I was giving you a bath,
getting you ready
for the day nursery.
Why are you laughing?
You kept yelling,
"I want my quack-quack!"
Mother, I didn't.
Yes, you did.
I can hear you now.
"I want my quack-quack!
I want my quack-quack!"