Impardonnables (Unforgivable) (2011)

Who said,
"'As I sit here,
as the man my friends know,
"'I can't grasp the origin
of my work,
And more than a mother
that of her baby. "'
Unlikely, maybe,
but it's what interests me.
A woman
who refuses her role as mother,
Her marital,
family and social bonds.
She takes the plunge
into the unknown.
Or there's this.
Over your budget, but worth it.
a house with a real garden.
- Where the heck is it?
- Sant'erasmo.
Hold on...
Im not moving to Venice
to wind up on a desert island.
It's remote,
but it comes with a boat.
You just need to be organized.
I know the owners.
- Now listen, Mrs...
- Miss.
Do you think Im rolling in it?
I don't know...
your books are bestsellers.
I'm in Venice for peace and quiet.
Write, breathe, sleep.
One room's enough.
A big one, preferably.
You're describing your hotel room.
I doubt I can help.
I'll see you out.
It's inhumane
to kick me out in this weather.
You like rain, don't you?
What makes you say that?
The construction of paradise
is a real deluge.
You've read my books?
Not all of them,
but I liked that one.
Sold well, but not my best.
Can you maybe fix me a grog?
This isn't a bar.
Tea, regular or herb.
Not herb tea.
It makes you fall in love.
I mean...
it wouldn't be hard.
I have Kleenex, too.
Is business good?
There are agencies
popping up all over town.
Rentals are okay,
but sales aren't great.
Why do you like
sant'erasmo so much?
I don't know. On one side,
there's the sea. The lagoon.
On the other, countryside.
The vines.
Not that old trick.
I'm out of gas.
I forgot the jerry can.
It's the agency boat. Hold on...
you have flares, I hope.
There's no danger.
It's not coming our way.
We'll aim for that dock there.
Let's just drift.
We'll land up somewhere.
No, we can't do that.
Sorry, we'll have to row.
- Row? Which way?
- Over there.
- Surely, you know how to row?
- I suppose so.
This is different.
I'm really...
we're aiming for that dock there.
Sure, if we manage
to escape the liner.
Start rowing, but you ought to...
Im rowing.
I realize we have to move fast.
We're not going in that direction.
How come you speak such good French?
Because Im French.
- You've always lived here?
- No.
I grew up in Grenoble.
I lived and worked in Milan.
Doing what?
At 30, I changed jobs.
I had to, I was too old.
And then?
And then...
Im not going
to tell you my life story.
Then I traveled a lot, that's all.
You gave up work?
I got a job
with a British auction house.
I spent my life on planes.
A flying antiques dealer.
Why all these questions?
I have a very dull life.
You're right, this is great.
In winter,
no one wants to live here.
If you plan
on renting for a whole year,
I'm sure they'll lower the price.
It depends on you.
Depends on me?
Move in with me
and I sign right now.
Good joke.
I'm single. We'll have
a new life if you are too.
You're mad.
What if I am?
It's a serious offer.
It's ridiculous. You don't know me.
Don't need to, to love someone.
It's okay.
Didn't mean to scare you.
I'm sorry.
Don't mess around, just marry him.
I'm not sure I can live with a man.
Living with a woman worked out,
did it?
Stop it.
The sex doesn't worry me,
It's the relationship.
With a writer, it's different.
You've always loved artists.
What about you?
You had something to ask me...
It's a silver venetian half-Ducat,
Known as a half ecu with cross,
First minted sometime around 1660.
It's a forgery.
A forgery? So it's worthless.
A period forgery,
made by 17th century counterfeiters.
Time makes everything
worth something.
Should I get it valued?
You won't get much.
Money troubles?
private detective isn't what it was.
They're closing the office.
Are you sure you're not interested?
Ive no idea what it's worth.
Take it then. My gift.
Thank you.
Now, just to make me happy,
Let me lend you some money.
Absolutely no way!
How much do you need?
You've no choice. How much?
Nothing, thanks.
- You never call.
- So I don't bother you.
That's rich.
I invited you over millions
of times. You always refused.
I was scared
of seeing you again, you know.
Let bygones be bygones.
You're right. Sorry.
Your hair suits you short.
Inmate Jrmie Lemo.
You have a visitor. 25 minutes.
Mom, stop coming all the time.
It's a pain. I already told you.
Today's different.
I have 1,000 euros for you.
You're kidding me?
Did you win the lottery?
Thanks anyway.
I told you,
don't wear so much make-Up here.
(one and a half years later)
Thank you.
You asked me
to send it and I forgot.
- So here it is.
- I appreciate it.
"'The king of neo-Gothic thrillers
is in Venice... "'
Please! I can't stand it!
Turn them down next time.
Out of the news, you panic.
In the news, you complain.
Make your mind up.
Did you come to make trouble?
Vicky, we're in the back.
We put mosquito nets everywhere.
You'll sleep better than last year.
You both seem in great shape.
What about you?
Tell us where you're at.
Where Im at with what?
I don't know.
How are things going with roger?
We live separate lives.
How about you and your book?
I can't write when Im in love.
For June, it's not so cold.
- It's freezing!
- The way your father likes it.
Surprise me!
He thinks he's Hemingway.
Virility over health every time.
Women usually go for that.
He's hurt a few, you know.
You mean your mother?
His cheating got her down.
Did for her in the end.
What? She had a car crash.
Stuffed full of sedatives.
We shouldn't be talking about this.
You're right. Sorry.
You've done him the world of good.
I never saw him so happy.
Don't hold it against me.
Look at all those boats.
I'm sure Alvise is out there.
We should get going.
Have you seen the time?
Alice isn't with you?
She'll be with the guys
from last year.
From last year?
What the fuck's she up to
with those junkie thugs?
She always has to go
and screw everything up!
Go easy.
Some water?
Show me your face.
Feel better?
Let's go.
Mom's clothes have all gone.
She couldn't go out in her swimsuit.
You're taking this incredibly well.
Francis, she wants to party
and stay over in Venice. It's fine.
She doesn't want to be
with me and granddad.
You're up early!
I couldn't sleep.
Me neither.
Yes, it's me.
No, still no news.
Hold on.
It's dad.
I'd rather be alone to talk.
Yes, of course.
Of course.
No, nobody knows where she is.
Hi, Giorgio.
The countess is seeing no one.
No problem,
I didn't come to see her.
Don't worry about it.
Where's Alice?
Alvise, Im talking to you.
You're distracting me.
Leave or wait till Ive finished.
She stood me up, actually.
I thought daddy
must have grounded her
To stop her seeing me.
Stop it. Where is she?
Cherubini, she left me
twiddling my thumbs all night.
Don't mention
that bitch's name to me.
She'll never grow up.
I'm sure she's here.
Go ahead, search the whole house.
If you get sick of shagging
the old geezer, Ill be here.
a young buck would do you good.
Don't mind us.
Come on,
I have something to show you.
What do you think of that?
It's a clandestine.
A clandestine?
When aristocrats' collections
come up for sale,
What happens
is that smartasses like you
Try to sneak in a fake.
I like it when you teach me stuff.
You're getting into
art trafficking now?
You have a lot to learn technically.
You should stick to what you know.
Drugs in Venice is a tiny market.
The price is dropping
and my cut's squeezed to 10%
Just think, I take all the risks
for none of the profits.
You make my heart bleed.
What I need is a businesswoman.
If we teamed up,
we'd make a killing.
Alice isn't with Alvise.
Where is she then?
Maybe she drowned.
Stop it, Francis!
She picked up
all her stuff from home.
- She's run away, that's all.
- At her age?
There's an age limit for runaways?
I'll call you back.
Let's go.
You enjoyed the visit?
We were in the mountains.
Alice was roughly Vickys age.
I got the car out
and went looking for her.
Snow was swirling
in the beam of the headlights.
Eventually, I saw her, from behind,
Walking on the side of the road.
Covered in snow,
headed into the night.
I stopped, ran over, hugged her
And got her back to the car.
I said, you'll fall sick.
I rubbed her.
She just sat there.
Her teeth were chattering.
Then I said,
Why do you take off without a word
in pitch darkness?
Her eyes were blank,
she was shivering.
I said, you can't keep doing this.
She still didn't speak.
I asked her,
are you unhappy at home?
She shook her head
and then she said,
It's to see
if you'll look for me.
Judith, do you know
anything about drug dealers?
Yes, in Venice.
At university,
there are guys who supply drugs.
Signed up as students, at least.
This guy Alvise
heads up the operation?
I think so.
Alice isn't with him. I told you.
Where the fuck is she?
Anna Maria Lemo?
That's me.
I don't speak Italian.
I have an investigation for you.
My wife suggested you.
I'm Judiths husband.
Yes, the writer!
I thought you wore glasses.
Only for reading.
Come on in.
Let's go inside out of the heat.
So, how's Judith?
Always on the go.
Traveling, business...
life's funny.
Judith was 20 when I met her,
a banker's guest at the Cipriani.
I was tailing someone.
Love at first sight! She didn't say?
No. I know she had a lot of affairs.
Everybody was in love with her.
Boys, girls...
she was so popular,
she just couldn't choose.
No vodka for me, just tomato juice.
Im flattered Judith
sent me a client like you,
But I can't accept.
I've stopped working.
I'll pay what it takes
to convince you.
God knows I need the money,
But Im done with all that.
I don't want to tail people.
I don't want to see people.
I need your help, Mrs. Lemo.
My daughter vanished 3 days ago.
Do I call the police? What do I do?
Crazy idea, having children.
Being a father or mother,
There's nothing worse in life.
I'm sorry.
My son's due out of prison soon.
I should be happy,
But I can't be.
It sounds awful, but Id sleep
easier if he stayed inside.
I was very pleased to meet you.
Me, too.
Screw the reason! There's no reason!
In a few days, she'll resurface,
saying she needed time to think.
Makes you wonder
what good thinking does her.
What can I say? You spoiled her.
Stop, roger, it's not my fault.
I raised my daughter well,
over months and years.
I taught her right from wrong.
You look awful,
you need to work out.
You need to look after Alice.
She refuses to move to Zurich.
Mr. Hermann,
the board meeting's at 3.
- It'll be tight.
- Okay, let's go.
It's your job against hers.
For a non-German-Speaking actress,
Zurichs a dead-End.
The dead-End is loving
your daughter. She's hell!
Hang in there.
Don't worry, she'll turn up.
Give granddad a kiss.
It's crazy how similar they are.
Physically, I mean.
They seem very close.
No, no major work,
just sprucing the place up.
Yes, a lick of paint.
The leaks are another matter.
Let's talk tomorrow, around 9.
You get home later and later.
It's the busy season.
- Want me to heat you my lamb stew?
- I'm not hungry, Im beat.
Your trip to London,
can't you cancel?
I'm amazed you even ask.
I don't get why Alice did this.
To get at you. And me.
Both of us.
Forget about it.
If you love me, stay.
I hate to beg, but Im worried.
Go to London another time.
I have no option.
In Italy, a woman with no cash flow
can't get a loan.
So I have to go to London.
And I can't stay here alone.
I can't.
She's not missing,
you just don't know where she is.
In legal terms,
it's not a disappearance,
It's an absence.
When does "'absence"'
become "'disappearance"'?
After 10 years.
Even if the cops investigate,
even if they find her,
They're not allowed to tell you.
It's true. They need
her written consent. By law.
But she abandoned her child.
The penal code states,
The punishment for deserting a minor
Is 7 years in prison
and a fine of 100,000 euros,
Except if the circumstances
of the abandonment
Ensured the minor's safety
and good health.
She left her daughter with you,
so the police won't intervene.
So what should I do?
For a crime writer,
in real life,
You're a bit of a dummy.
Your daughter's great,
a fine actress.
I'm just tired.
We drank too much.
How much do you get through a day?
A bottle of vodka.
Only vodka. I don't like wine.
I can't miss the vaporetto.
Do you mind giving me a ride?
I just thought, you can sleep over.
We have plenty of rooms.
While Judiths away,
you'll keep me company.
Reassure me.
You're not hitting on me here?
Anna Maria, honestly, no way!
I like a drink,
but Im very grounded.
I know what I want and like.
And, in this instance,
what I don't like. Understand?
Not really.
Let me spell it out.
I hate men, physically.
Everything else is no problem.
I'm modern, tolerant, all that...
we'll drink to friendship!
We drank enough already.
It wouldn't be sensible.
Only madness leaves no regrets.
A rule of life.
If it's a rule of life, Im glad.
I live by it.
I leave papers lying everywhere.
How does she do it?
Those boobs, I can't believe it.
She never breast-Fed.
Isn't that the secret?
Maybe, but it's her biggest regret,
that's for sure.
Mind you, in old age,
you'll be her child.
Couples always end up like that.
Heaven forbid!
Who's he?
You're with a guy?
What are you talking about?
But how much would you have paid?
A lot?
I don't know. 2,000.
Fuck, I don't believe it!
You said no?
it's a bad time for me to go away.
Why's it a bad time?
You're making a fresh start.
It's not easy.
- It's better Im here.
- I'm not so sure.
What do you mean?
It's better if you're not here.
Can we stop at the supermarket?
Now that seals our friendship.
I think Ill wind up
accepting your case.
I was worried I wouldn't be able.
You did fine.
Don Juan came through.
I'm the opposite of don Juan.
No man ever sacrificed more
to women.
All it got me was a reputation
for mistreating them.
You sound like your daughter.
She talks some sense.
She doesn't act like it.
By the way, hiring Anna Maria
to look for her is crazy.
You suggested her.
I shouldn't have.
- What do you hope to find out?
- I don't know.
I keep having a dream...
We pull a child out of the lagoon.
It's Alice. Dead.
Stop it! Alice isn't dead.
Why are you beating yourself up?
You're a great lover,
and an ungifted father.
Gifted fathers don't exist.
Anyway, what do you know?
You never had kids.
How can you say that?
People without children
know nothing about life?
Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you.
Hi, Jrmie.
I often see that dog around here.
- You come here often?
- Yes, to take photos.
It helps me
be more precise when I write.
I can sit here for hours.
I'm gonna take the dog home.
If I were you,
Id get it vaccinated.
I spoke to your mother.
She can't reach you.
I'm always out, that's why.
You don't know what freedom is.
la procaine.
As you French say.
Without a muzzle and leash,
they won't let you on board.
Looks like we're walking.
How about some breakfast?
What is it you want?
Nothing special.
I'm famished. Aren't you?
It's bad for his teeth.
They're milk teeth.
He'll lose them.
I don't care. Don't do it!
Here, you'd have a better view.
I'm fine.
I guess it's not easy finding work.
There's no hurry.
You need a job.
Yes, daddy!
My father died when I was 16.
I swear I don't miss him.
Where are you from?
He was from nice.
He worked with my mother.
A duo?
Is that how you say it in French?
Yes, a duo.
He was called Jrmie, like me.
What time is it?
Gotta get to Mestre.
My social worker.
I'll let you pay.
I think you can afford it.
- Why are they visiting churches?
- Tourism.
The titian in the frari...
the Tintoretto
in the Madonna Dell'orto...
Alvise is a cultivated,
refined young man.
How do you know him?
I had a life before I met you.
You slept with the kid?
I don't know.
I don't think so.
I slept over once
after a drunken party
And woke up
with a terrible hangover.
I don't remember a thing.
Let's get back to my investigation.
That's why we're here.
Alice and Alvise are madly in love.
Case closed.
Not so fast!
You swore she wasn't with him.
I was tricked. I searched the place
from top to bottom.
Alice was in on it, for sure.
They're complete outlaws.
Let them live their lives.
Stay out of it.
They're grown adults.
Do you think I could buy him off?
Buy him off?
I've never seen you write a word,
you're overdrawn...
anyway, if you offer Alvise money,
He'll laugh in your face.
He's a Principe.
A prince? He's a gangster!
Nobody says "'gangster"'
except in your books.
Alvise isn't a criminal.
He's a ruined aristocrat
doing shady deals.
Where does he live?
Alvise never introduces me
to his women.
Thank god.
I know if he's happy or worried
by his voice.
If he's single or with someone.
Being single
keeps him out of trouble.
You're sure he left Venice?
My sight's failing
but I hear everything
And I understand
what people try to hide from me.
He's gone for some time.
He kissed me
and told me not to worry.
When he says that, I get worried.
Come closer, Judith.
It's been so long.
You got married, I see.
- Yes, it's a whole new life.
- He's the lucky man?
Yes, countess, I am.
Stand where I can see you both.
Yes, by the window, together.
I wanted to see for myself.
The age difference isn't a problem.
What do you think, Anna Maria?
You know, a woman with a man,
I find it abhorrent to begin with.
I'll need you
to value this crumbling old ruin.
You can't sell a place like this.
It's your life!
Alvise fights it,
but he needs money.
He's in trouble.
Why do you say that?
Every day, they troop through.
Mostly very young, very respectful,
very well brought up.
They even gave me flowers.
They plan to kill him,
Im sure of it.
Who was that guy?
You're here?
- He's a winegrower. You've met.
- Was he hassling you?
There's a strike.
He needed a ride.
He has your number?
Sure. The owner gave him it.
He works here, remember.
I thought writers were observant.
Clearly not.
What did you talk about?
His daughter's wedding. He wants
to rent our house for a day.
Are we allowed to do that?
We can lend it to him.
Tastes awful, this cheese.
If you had a lover, would you say?
I prefer to not even reply.
You seem to have slept with
everyone, Anna Maria, Alvise...
I even wondered about the countess.
Poor Francis...
you have an overactive imagination.
Know what you should do?
Churn out another dark,
depressing novel.
Part-Reality, part-Fiction.
You'll feel better then.
I'm blocked. You know that.
Don't twist the knife.
What will you tell Anna Maria?
To carry on.
Carry on what?
The investigation.
She's gone looking for them.
Wonderful. It's a big, wide world.
Your daughter's good.
She's succeeded
in wrecking our lives.
Where are you going?
It's high season, Im very busy.
So until Alice sends word to daddy,
Ill sleep alone.
I have to be hard.
I can't afford sleepless nights.
The alarm clock. You don't need it.
I'm not angry, just tired.
Writer man!
I have a gift for you.
I bought you 60 euros' credit.
Just enter the code.
You're Santa Claus.
Your mom asked me to get you it.
She's sick with worry.
- Why don't you answer her calls?
- Don't want to.
Just so you know, she's in Paris.
What the hell for?
Watching my daughter,
who's hiding a thug.
That's a great excuse.
She'll be having fun
with her girlfriends there.
Where are you going?
It's boiling. I need water.
We're out.
- Tap water.
- It doesn't work.
You can't just walk in here!
Get out!
I don't fight old men.
I'm ready, no problem.
I'm not going back to jail.
You're well known, too.
I've had enough trouble.
It's a pigsty in here.
Screw you!
That won't change anything.
I won't call the cops
to get you out.
No, that's not a good idea.
Jrmie, Im not your enemy.
You're here to lecture me?
No. To trust you.
I have a job for you, an easy job.
Following a woman.
What she does,
where she goes, who she sees.
Plus sandwiches,
gas and boat rental.
I have a boat. It's all I have.
When did you last see her?
I was 14 or 16.
With hair down to here.
She won't recognize you then.
Can I get my glass of water?
Don't forget, in Venice,
you work with the whole body.
You go down a street behind her,
You can't turn back.
If she looks round, you're screwed.
That's it, game over.
There's not 2 or 3 of you.
Before turning into a street,
count her steps.
so you know more or less
where she is.
Or you turn around.
Either way, you know what she's doing
without seeing her.
Today, no. I don't have the keys.
Yes, tomorrow at 3.
Campo Santa Maria Formosa.
Jrmie, in Venice, you're naked.
A detail gives you away.
A t-Shirt like that
and you'll be spotted right away.
Wear something gray,
the color of the dead.
No bright colors.
Be the invisible man,
the man who doesn't exist.
what do you want from me?
How long
have you been following me?
Lost your tongue?
Haven't we already met?
A long time ago.
I can't place you.
San Pietro.
I was with my mother.
Jrmie! It's you!
How old are you now?
Why were you following me like that?
I can't say.
What do you mean, you can't say?
You're soaked.
You'll catch your death.
No, it's okay.
So, tell me what you've been up to.
I did a stretch in prison.
Yes, I know,
but that's all in the past.
Besides that, not much.
I have a dog now.
Mom thinks about you all the time.
She'd never admit it.
She was very important for me.
I love her deeply.
Why did you dump her then?
It hurt her bad, you know.
It hurt me, too. What do you think?
Where do I put it?
Give it here.
You're sure you won't have some tea?
I heard you're a femme fatale.
- That's bullshit, isn't it?
- Sure.
And it's no reason
To tail me like a hunting dog.
It's not my fault.
Whose fault is it?
Your husband hired me.
I need the money,
so I couldn't refuse.
Every night, I call him
and tell him what you did all day.
This is a great neighborhood.
What's wrong?
Pass me my purse.
Do you get these often?
Now and then.
Can I give you a kiss?
On my forehead,
like you'd kiss your mother.
I never give my mother a kiss.
I'm gonna quit tailing you.
No, Jrmie.
Keep going. You need the money.
You can be my guardian angel.
We can give each other little waves,
Like the redentore statue.
I don't know that one.
It's beautiful, waving.
You wonder if it's waving
welcome or farewell.
There is no lover.
Just accept it.
And Im sick of following her.
Why do you snap away like a tourist?
I told you, it's for my book.
You don't listen.
In any case,
I don't wanna spy on people.
I'm not like my mother.
I asked you a personal favor.
I thought you understood.
- What?
- I'll explain.
Sit down.
I cheated on a lot of women.
If they confronted me, I left them.
Now, you see, Im jealous.
For the first time ever.
I don't get it.
I want to talk about my fee.
In life, a deal's a deal.
Finish the week, then we talk.
Not before.
There's no point yelling, sir.
It's the law, don't blame me.
Either party can retract
within three months of signing.
Yes, it's in the contract.
Sorry, I can't give you the keys.
We need to talk,
we never get time.
You're either too tired
or away somewhere.
Doing my job.
And all my supposed lovers
keep me busy.
Are you capable of trusting someone?
Have you ever?
Why do you ask that?
I'm just curious.
Look what I bought yesterday.
What do you think?
I'm not sure.
Last summer,
we found time to be together.
Don't whine.
I'm not whining.
Why are you so aggressive?
I'm not.
Remember, we owe two months' rent.
The agency barely makes money.
I can't do it on my own.
I'll help, but Im broke.
Where does all your money go?
You know.
Anna Maria, my daughter...
you have her followed.
It slipped my mind.
What does your publisher recommend
when you're blocked?
To write any old crap,
under a pseudonym.
False name, real name,
what difference?
The better I know you,
the less I know who you are.
You're going out like that?
Yes, you're right.
Bon appetite!
You're done already?
My next client
canceled our appointment.
Let's walk.
Your mom been in touch?
She leaves me messages.
She met an old girlfriend in Paris.
She's having fun. Good for her.
I suppose the case is closed.
Did she mention it?
What case?
Your husband's totally paranoid.
His daughter meets Alvise,
he has her followed. What for?
Same with you.
What's he paying me for?
Lucky he hasn't got a bigger family.
- What flavor do you want?
- I'm fine.
I'll have one. Meringue.
Sure. Cone or cup?
How many scoops?
Both meringue?
Do you know Alvise?
We were at school together.
Venice is a village, as you know.
He was in the class below me.
Have you seen him since school?
Now and then.
He had work for me,
But I didn't want
a 16-Year-Old boss.
Being exploited like a Romanian,
no way!
No one will work for him now.
This time
I didn't want to ask permission.
Beautiful day!
Today, she finished work early.
What did she do?
She went swimming.
- Alone?
- Yes.
I gave up on my historical thriller.
It's present-Day now.
There's a character like you.
That's him!
Come on!
Don't let him get away!
This time, you get it!
You remember me?
The dog or I throw you in.
Hand it over.
Next time, that'll be you.
Sorry about the dog,
but he needed a lesson.
What are you doing with that sicko?
He's a fag basher.
You wanna wind up in the hospital?
Tomorrow, Ill make a cross.
I did woodworking in prison.
I tried to build a bridge with you.
I got it all wrong.
I give up.
Is it true you beat guys up?
When they want to touch me.
Nobody touches me!
- Not even girls?
- Nobody.
What if they go to the police?
Hate crime,
aggravating circumstances...
you want to go back inside?
Don't say that.
I'll say nothing.
We don't talk the same language.
Don't you realize
violence against other people,
Setting out to wound or maim,
is unforgivable?
You're calling me stupid?
Yes, stupid and dangerous.
At this rate, you'll wind up
in a sanatorium or jail.
the 300 euros I owe you.
Stop tailing Judith.
That's it, we're through.
Stop, Jrmie!
Cut it out!
It's pointless staying.
Your son needs rest.
The doctor told you.
After what he did,
he's best away from the family.
To begin with, at least.
Mrs. Lemo...
go home now.
They're transferring him
to a psychiatric unit
For observation.
He needs looking after.
I got it all wrong with the kid.
I had him when I was 46.
It's my milk. It's water.
Cut out the mater dolorosa!
There should be a ban
on reproduction.
It's the only way out of guilt.
Here, I have something for you.
From your daughter.
She's a lot of fun, Alice.
Pretty as pie.
You're surrounded by beautiful women.
You talked to her?
A little.
When I said I was a pi,
she cracked up laughing.
What did she have to say?
Not much.
She seems madly in love with Alvise.
Very happy.
I'm exhausted.
Sit down.
Why have me followed?
I wanted us to talk in Venice.
You were too caught up
in your relationship.
It's actually very simple.
I met Alvise.
and I love him.
That's all.
I can't say a word against roger.
He's a supportive husband,
The perfect father.
A bit too perfect, too supportive.
I need to be unsettled.
How much is this place worth?
I don't know.
You need to get it valued.
Is inheritance tax high?
Why do you ask?
Without being dramatic,
my lungs are wrecked.
Cigarettes, vodka...
they did some tests in Paris.
X- Rays, scans and everything.
Luckily, Mathilde was there.
Don't look like that.
I've had a good life.
Now I need your help.
Property's beyond me.
I want to sell up
And buy an apartment
in Jrmie's name.
Isn't that what you do?
I'll stay with you.
Absolutely no way!
Francis and I
can't bear to separate,
But we know it's over.
So? It's none of my business.
I don't want your pity.
I don't need a nurse.
I wouldn't even let Mathilde come.
I prefer to croak alone.
I need your professional expertise,
Not your sympathy.
Please, Ive been there already.
Even when we were screwing,
It felt like an act
of charity for you.
That's a crazy thing to say.
I loved you.
I desired you.
Not true, Cherubini.
You're incapable of love.
You turn everybody on,
but nobody turns you on.
- You honestly think that?
- Yes.
I'd no idea you were so mad at me.
Well, now you know.
Ill take care of the ad.
A grave in the garden won't help.
You ought to get rid of it.
Sure, stay over in Venice.
Of course, you're tired.
Don't worry about me,
Im used to being alone.
I'm getting to like it.
Just one thing...
what do I tell the winegrower
about the wedding?
It'll be a mess, but we promised.
Sure, big kiss.
I, Luigi Codolo,
Take you, Elena Zanella,
as my lawful wedded wife.
By the grace of Jesus Christ,
I swear to you eternal fidelity,
In good times and bad,
In sickness and health,
And to love and honor you
every day of my life.
I, Elena Zanella, take you,
Luigi Codolo,
as my lawful wedded husband.
By the grace of Jesus Christ,
I swear to you eternal fidelity,
In good times and bad,
In sickness and health,
And to love and honor you
every day of my life.
Take this ring
As proof of my love and fidelity,
In the name of the father,
son and holy spirit.
Take this ring
as proof of my love and fidelity,
In the name of the father,
son and holy spirit.
Applaud the happy couple.
Your daughter's very young.
- How old is she?
- 17.
And my son-In-Law, 18.
Does he have a job?
He grows vegetables
here in sant'erasmo.
I'd have preferred them to wait,
But they wanted to keep her.
We know it's going to be a girl.
- They chose it.
- Pretty name.
Very pretty.
Working now,
with all this noise?
It doesn't bother me.
If I stay, Ill only drink too much.
I don't want to.
I've had too much already.
And I was wondering,
why did you have me tailed?
It was absurd, I admit.
It doesn't matter now.
It does.
It's good to talk about it.
I've been thinking about it.
You wanted me to cheat
and threw Jrmie at me.
It worked.
I slept with him.
Once. Only once.
He hadn't made love for some time.
That was my only fling.
I kept thinking, he asked for it.
He asked for it.
Maybe I wanted to see
what would happen.
When I met you,
I'd given up
on inspiring or feeling love.
I want that peace back.
All that matters
Is that I can write now.
You want me to go?
What's your book about?
It's the story of a guy...
at the start, he's dead.
But the gods allow him back to earth
for one day with his wife.
She's called Judith.
Like you.
And he hesitates.
He loves her, but he loves life
so much he can't face
Going back for only one day.
(four months later)
I tried again last night.
Same thing...
when he hears my voice, he hangs up.
It's understandable.
Give it some time.
Sant'erasmo in mid-Winter,
that's grim!
The winegrower helps out.
As long as the plumbing's okay,
he's fine.
He never comes to Venice?
Hardly ever.
Except to bring the boat
into the garage.
He always needed solitude to write.
Before, it was the mountains.
Equal parts culture and nature.
That's his thing.
How are you taking it?
I realize how fond of him I am.
It's what absence is for.
I call and he says,
Ive no one to hassle me. I love it.
It's pretty brutal.
You read what he's writing?
He just tells me it's coming on.
Did you?
I'd have liked to.
Wouldn't you?
No, I don't love him for his books.
What about you? Welcome to Venice.
They say it's a refuge
from the evil in the world.
The evil in the world?
A big ask!
You don't have to answer,
but how's Alvise?
No, I can't...
I can't handle talking about Alvise.
I can't do it.
It's exactly what you wanted
when we met.
In your favorite area.
I like it a lot but...
I don't want to...
I don't want to sense you around.
I prefer my island,
talking to you by phone.
It's ideal for me.
The lease expires on march 31,
in 3 months.
You plan to renew?
Of course not.
But Im okay.
I got an advance from my publisher.
It'll see me through winter.
- Then what will you do?
- I don't know.
Go back to Paris.
Why don't you take it,
rather than sleeping at the office?
Excuse me.
I'll be right back.
Hold on.
Your daughter's in Venice.
I think you should know.
- Where?
- At the countesss.
She says that's her family.
Is her boyfriend with her?
He's in prison here.
How come?
He turned himself in.
He was scared for his mother,
Alice, and himself, of course.
At least that way, he's safe.
He's a good-Looking guy.
Doesn't he remind you of roger?
Roger? Your husband?
Not at all.
Not roger now.
With his black suits
and 3,000-Euro shoes.
The junkie I met in detox
in Lausanne.
With a beard and that guy's eyes.
Don't you think?
No kiss?
Of course.
Alvise has a good lawyer?
Can you go see him?
He's allowed
six visits a month of one hour.
What will you do here?
Venice is a crossroads,
there's no work.
For now Im learning Italian.
Then Ill see.
You've heard of Avogaria theatre?
They hire actors to give lessons.
You have time for a coffee?
I have all the time in the world.
What about Vicky?
She's happy with her dad.
We talk often, you know.
You plan to bring her here?
The countess wants
to invite everybody for Christmas.
If you're up for it...
Id never have imagined you
with Venice aristos.
Aristos? You're kidding!
If they have property,
they're broke.
Rather than sell up, they share out
spaghetti and collateral.
You're looking a bit pale.
I'm not sleeping well.
I think of Alvise all the time.
Sorry for the DVD.
I'm crazy.
No, you're not.
I'm crazy about him.
I thought I was immune.
I wanted to hurt you. For sure.
You succeeded.
I had to break away from you, dad.
A clean, brutal break.
- You understand or not?
- I'm trying to.
Ever since I thought
you'd gone missing last summer,
Nothing's where it should be.
We should've got married.
If you'd said yes,
I wouldn't be here.
Start like that and Ill leave.
I don't want Alice
to think we're involved.
I'm sure it would turn her on.
Stop it, I said.
She's confused by you calling me,
and so am I.
I'm sick
of seeing a hysterical whiner.
She's worse than mom.
What good are two wailing women?
Do I need that?
It's hard to be loved.
Don't talk crap.
I live in 6 square meters.
Fuck being loved!
What's in this hole for me?
Insanity, suicide...
I need something to hold onto.
Can I help you?
I hid 200 grand.
It won't get the bank off our back,
But it'll buy an apartment
to rent out
To the Americans and French,
or even Indians.
In 6 years, I get out,
sell up and cash in.
But it can't be in my name.
In whose name then?
Yours is the only one I see.
I'll give you 15%, okay?
If it's dirty money, I can't help.
It's nothing illegal.
There's no risk.
It's completely illegal.
How do I explain away
having 200,000 euros to spend?
Set up shell companies.
Everyone does.
Not everyone.
Not me, I can't.
You're chicken?
Why not ask your friends?
My friends...
they'd clean me out in seconds.
I can only trust you.
I'm sorry.
You're sorry?
Jesus, you have a nerve.
You know, Cherubini,
For all your fancy airs,
Your life's no better than mine.
You're one of those people
who should have wings
To keep well clear of the filth.
There's a lot of filth down here,
and I don't have wings.
(four months later)
So you found a job?
It's my trial period.
I'll know next week if they keep me.
Is it going well?
It's outdoors,
not cooped up in an office.
How's Anna Maria now?
Not too good.
She keeps saying she's tired.
You still get into fights?
It happens.
Quit staring at me.
Is that what you wanna see?
Why did you have to go and save me?
You're early.
- Here, let me take those.
- Thanks.
Why do you come when he's here?
It's a chance to see him.
you used to say,
Enjoying your own company
proves you're a grown-Up.
Help me sit down
And get a bit of a tan.
Hold on...
Ill do your feet.
How's that?
Is the cushion okay?
I'll go see what he's up to.
I bought cherries on the rialto.
You want to taste them?
- They're not very sweet.
- The first of the season.
I know she loves them.
Anyway, that's it. Winter's over.
I got lucky.
The pipes didn't freeze.
I'm glad to say
Ive nearly finished my book.
Mission accomplished.
Mission accomplished?
Sure. That's why I came
to Venice, remember.
What's up?
What's that look for?
Tell me, do you still want me?
And you?
It's all I think of.
I reheated your soup.
You didn't touch it.
What's up?
I can't get out of bed today.
What are the gloves for?
Jrmie bought them.
What for?
When he touches me.
Otherwise, he can't...
he comes to see you?
Not often. He doesn't realize.
Living here together was impossible.
He needs his freedom.
Where's he live now?
In a hostel.
I think.
He doesn't talk much.
Mathilde just got in from Paris.
I called her.
She's in her room.
She's in a really bad way.
She'd love to see her son,
but he's not been into work.
- Find him!
- I've looked all over.
Stop it!
Are you crazy?
Let him go.
Warn them about the mosquitoes.
Am I interrupting you?
I came to say goodbye.
This region's finished.
I'm headed south.
Rome first.
If I don't like it, Ill keep going.
This is your farewell tour?
It's a quick tour.
I don't know anyone.
Can't I come in?
You went at me hard at the cemetery.
I still get a whistling in my ear.
You saw a doctor?
He prescribed me some drops.
Apparently, it'll pass.
I promised your mom
Id look after you
And I went and beat you up.
People do things like that,
Without knowing why.
Have a seat.
You said goodbye to Judith?
I'd rather not.
I'd be ill at ease.
She said you had a fling.
It was just one time.
It was soon over.
Ill be going.
I'm not like you.
I can't talk to women.
A guy like me,
Judith isn't interested.
Anyway, Im young.
Time's on my side.
Will you be gone long?
I've no idea. I'll see.
- What are you doing?
- Opening the mail.
Your ticket was inside.
Why didn't you say?
The 17th's in two days.
I didn't set a date.
Don't blame me, it's my publisher.
Have a good trip.
You should come with me.
I have a job here.
Haven't you noticed?
Come on...
come with me, Judith.