Imposible, Lo (The Impossible) (2012)

On December 26th, 2004, the deadliest tsunami
on record hit the South East Coast of Asia.
The lives of countless families all
over the world changed forever.
This is the true story of
one of those families.
Oh, God!
Did you....
- ...Did you set the alarm before we left?
- Yes, the last thing I did!
No, I was the last one to leave.
I was the last one to leave
and I'm sure I didn't set it.
No darling, I was the last one out...
and I did, I promise.
- Are you sure?
- Yep!
No, no, I was the last one
'cause I went back in.
And that means the alarm is not set.
Cause I didn't set it.
Well, I guess that means that we be coming
home to a large bunch of hippies...
...sleeping in our bed.
Well, just like your old college days.
It's just turbulence, Maria.
Please Turn Off Electronic Devices.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are about
to begin our descent to Phuket Airport.
The local time is 1:30 in the afternoon...
What are you doing? It's time to sit down,
we are about to land, darling.
Lucas won't talk to me.
Please fasten your seatbelts...
...and return your seat to
the upright position.
Take my seat.
- What did I do? I didn't do anything.
- You're all right, just sit down and stop worrying.
Buckle up!
Sit down please, madam!
- Lucas.
- What?!
You know you could try being a bit nicer to
your brother, he's just scared.
- So what else is new, everything scares him?
- Buckle!
I wonder who he takes off, though.
Take your stuff, don't forget any bags.
Have you been to Kalka before?
No, it's our first time.
This is the best holiday season ever.
The Holidays starts to full,
but this area, it's really quiet.
Great for families.
The archaistic arch is brand new,
which just opened a week ago.
- You'll love it here.
- All right.
I'm sorry, but we made a booking
on the third floor, the sea view room.
I know. We are sorry,
that was a mistake.
But we feel...
you might like this better.
- Where do you come from?
- Japan.
You don't look Japanese.
No, well, I work for a big company there,
and we moved around a lot, you know.
And you, you don't work?
I'm a doctor.
Not practicing right now.
Just taking care of the kids.
I see, you got promoted.
Well, that's nice, isn't it?
- Mom!
- Yes.
- Can I have one of these, please?
- Lucas, if you are thirsty, would you just...
- Use your bottled water.
- Exactly.
- Boys, come and see this.
- Come on.
- I will hand it,
- Oh!
Isn't it great?
- Dad, can we go swimming there?
- Yeah, we could go swimming, yeah.
Ten, nine...
...eight, seven, six...
...five, four, three...
...two, one!
Now my name is coming up.
- Is it?
- Is it? It is going up.
It's going a different way than the others.
- It's catching up.
- Yeah, it's catching up.
Look at that!
It's going up directly.
Good morning.
Good morning.
Here up!
- Wake up!
- What are you doing?
Please help!
- It's Christmas morning.
- Help! Need some help, please!
I go to my gift place in this way.
- Oh, I need to go outside!
- No, no, no.
- Here I go!
- Wait, wait, wait! One at a time!
Oh, a telescope.
A set complete and over stars
in that you can stick on the ceiling.
- The whole moves away.
- I arrange it on top.
- Oh, look!
- Oh, pool scarf!
I love it!
Thank you darling.
I mean Santa Claus.
What about you man?
A ball!
Oh, yeah!
I can't get sleep.
- Tomorrow I get lost!
- Yeah. Sure.
Can we go outside and watch the stars?
We'll get tomorrow.
Just close your eyes and
think of something nice.
Mom, would you go play ball with me?
In a minute, darling, play with Lucas.
- I can't believe you, the post list!
- What?
I hide that thing and I forget
where I put it.
I am on it just to check in to see if there
is a message filled later on in Japan.
There should be about text
saying that O'Neil should...
have been given us two years of extension
on this contract.
Which means the two of us are
doing the same job.
- That can only really mean one thing.
- They can't fire you.
That would be too expensive.
Don't worry!
Well, I do worry. Because we can't
afford to lose this job, can we?
I can go back to work.
- Maybe it's time.
- In Japan?
Oh, you want to go home?
It's not the worst idea, is it?
Well, you should think about it. But I'm
going to play with the boys now, so...
Here, Dad!
It can't be over ward.
Awful, in our pool.
Catch it!
Oh, no!
Go get it, Lucas!
Come on!
Henry the boy!
- Lucas!
- Dad!
- Lucas!
- Mom!
- Lucas!
- Mom, help me!
Get me out of danger!
Mom! Help!
Lucas, stay there.
- Stop!
- Lucas!
Mama, help!
Mama, take a look.
Look at that post!
Mama, were you all right?
Somebody to help!
- Get my hand!
- No! No!
Come on!
Come on!
- Help!
- Lucas!
Come on!
No! No!
- Lucas!
- Help! Ah... hh!
Come on, Lucas!
Mom! Dad!
Mom, Mom.
Mom! Mom! Mom!
Stop, Mom! Stop!
Never do that to me again, Mom.
- Mom! Never do that to me again, Mom.
- I'm here.
Perhaps you can be over there.
- Come on! Come up that tree, that tree over there.
- Yes, yes.
That is perfect. That is perfect.
Oh, look, please! Please, don't!
Don't move!
Stay very still.
I was a brave kid mom,...
but I was scared.
I'm scared, too.
Where is everybody?
I don't know, dear!
I don't know.
You're bleeding, Mom.
Oh, my God!
It's okay.
- I can't see you like this.
- It's okay.
Is it?
You go first.
The tree there, the big one.
You think we can climb it?
Okay, let's go.
Did you hear that?
- Mom, there's nothing we can do.
- Wait!
We are almost there.
We have to get the safety.
No, we have to help that poor-
Mom, if another wave catches us
down here, we will die.
We have to climb
that tree right now.
Come on.
- Where are you?
- Mom, look at you, we need help!
We cannot risk it.
We can't risk it mom. Come on.
What if that boy was Simon or Thomas?
What if they needed help?
- You want someone to help them, wouldn't you?
- Simon and Thomas are dead!
Even it's the last thing we do.
Where are you?
Look there, Mama, I see.
Are you okay?
Okay, okay.
What's your name?
I'm Lucas, what's your name?
- Daniel.
- Okay, Daniel.
To be up here, we gonna get you out, okay?
Lift him.
It's all right. It's all right.
Are you okay?
Are you okay?
Its okay, honey!
Come on!
Just stay here, I'll be back.
- Mom, I'm coming down, give me a second.
- No, I can do it.
- Mom, I'm coming down.
- I can do it, Lucas!
Just stay there, please.
Mom. Mom.
Thank you.
Did you hear that?
Mama, look. They are coming for us.
Hey, over here!
Climb down, Lucas.
Oh, look!
Oh, no!
No, no, no!
- Lucas?
- Mom, I'm here.
Thank you. Thank you.
Thank you so much.
My boy!
I cannot see them, my boys.
My boys.
Do not let them take me
anywhere without you.
Don't worry Mom.
I will not leave you alone. I promise.
All right!
Where is Daniel? What about Daniel?
Lucas, where is Daniel?
I don't know.
Thank you!
- It's very cold in here.
- It's not cold, Mom.
Mom, what's wrong?
I need some antibiotics.
Look in the cupboard.
I can't read the labels.
They're all in Thai.
It got to be labeled.
Oh, look at the side.
- OK!
- Let me look, Lucas.
Oh, thank God!
Oh, thanks!
See that, boy?
I'm all he's got in the world.
Do you understand?
I'm a doctor, too.
I'm bleeding. You've got to stop it.
Please, I need some antibiotics.
Please help.
- Are you okay?
- I lost my husband and two children.
If something happens to me...
What color is it?
- What?
- My leg.
- Still red?
- Yes, it's still red.
- What does that mean?
- It's good.
As long as it doesn't turn black.
You need to eat something.
Eat it.
- Don't bossy!
- I wonder who I take after.
What's your name?
My name is Maria, and this is my son, Lucas.
What's your name?
Hey, give her some tangerine.
She must be starving!
Be careful!
Turn your head to the side, please.
You'll choke if you don't.
Please, please!
She needs help.
Turn her head!
Help her, Lucas, help her!
Mom, are you okay?
Mom, Mom are you okay?
What are you doing?
Mom, are you okay?
Mom, stop it, stop it!
That's enough!
Mom, stop it! Mom!
Mom, stop it!
Lucas, look at this place.
They're so busy in here.
You got to go and do something.
Go and help people.
You're good at it.
- What do you want me to do?
- Just something. Anything.
Will you be alright?
Come on, Lucas!
I'm not going anywhere.
- I promise.
- Okay.
It's your family?
Adolph, Joseph, Walton.
- You're looking for your family?
- Have you seen them, Benstrom?
Okay, calm down!
I will help you. Okay?
I... I just... looking... Joseph.
I'll try to help you. Okay.
Are you Benstrom?
Are you Benstrom?
Excuse, I need to access
to Morten Benstrom?
Morten Benstrom?
Excuse me!
Excuse me!
I'm looking for my... my son.
- Your son?
- Peter Barry.
- Yes. He'll be wondering where I am.
- OK!
Peter Barry?
Morten Benstrom?
Morten Benstrom?
Peter Barry? Joseph?...
Sorry, what's her name again?
Anne-Marie de Von!
Radha Castorini.
Tatiana... Tatiana Jenochova.
- Kadum Pasedi.
- Pas... Pasedi?
Joseph Benstrom, anyone?
Morten Benstrom?
Radha Castorini?
Erik Stolman...
Anne-Marie De Brown?
- Morten Benstrom?
- Yes.
- Morten Benstrom from Sweden?
- Yes.
- I know your dad.
- Papa?
Yes, your papa is here.
- I'll bring him here. Okay?
- Yes.
No, no, no, you need to stay here.
I will bring your papa here. Okay?
No! No, you have to stay here,
you have to stay here,
because it's a very long way, and you
you have to rest. Okay?
Where is my mom?
No, no, what are you doing?
This is my mom's bed! Get off!
- Get off!
- OK, come on!
- It's okay! Take it easy, boy!
- No! My mom was here. And he takes her file.
Look! You have to come with me.
I will help you.
What's your name?
- What's your name?
- Lucas Bennett.
Where were you staying?
Staying in... uh...
In, the Orchid beach resort in Khaolak.
Was somebody else traveling with you?
My dad, and my two little brothers.
Do you know what happened to them?
- Is there somebody we could call?
- Uh... uh...
My granddad.
What's his name?
Bryan, but...
But I don't remember his number.
Hey man! You all right?
It seems till I hear me.
I'll be up in a second.
Don't even bother, they are sending
trucks to the mountains.
- Just staying on time, alright? They'll be here soon.
- Yes, I know.
- Can you tell them I'm back?
- Yeah, sure. Hold on.
Hey boys, your dad is back!
- Dad! Dad!
- Dad!
- Dad!
- Dad!
Out the hallway
a helicopter just flew by.
- Did they?
- Yeah!
Mom and Lucas...
Why don't you come
down here a minute, Thomas?
What about me?
You stay and see if you can see
any more helicopters. Is that's okay?
- Okay.
- Good boy!
You're almost stepped right.
You got it?
Oh, my God!
I can't find them.
Did you see a lot of dead people?
While I'm a very serious commenter.
- Not mom and Lucas, right?
- No, I didn't see them.
I bumped my feet on the
reef, that was really hot.
- Everyone was leaving.
- Sure.
Can we leave yet?
I need you to them...
I need you to do me a favor, Thomas.
It's time everyone going to the mountains,
seek to a shelter where it should be safe,
but I can't go with you.
You can't leave us alone again, Dad.
I have to keep looking for them, you see?
- You have to look after Simon.
- No!
No, stay with us,
I can't look...
I've never looked after someone before.
- I'm scared.
- I know, I know.
I'm scared too.
But you know, you know, the most
scary bit for me...
- When the water hit.
- No.
After that, when I
came up, I was on my own.
That was the scariest part.
And then I saw the two of
you climbing to the tree in there.
I didn't feel so scared anymore,
because I knew I wasn't on my own. You see?
What if Mommy and Lucas
are on their own right now...
Imagine how scared they'll be.
- We'll look for those in camps-
- No! Thomas, you have to look after Simon.
And I'm going to keep looking for them.
Do you understand?
Yeah, I hear you.
I'll be looking for him.
Are you alright? Have you lost someone?
We're fine.
We just want to get out of here.
Excuse me. I've been trying
to place a call back home.
I wonder if I could use
your phone? It will be very quick.
Look around you man, everybody's
needing something right now.
But our battery is almost dead,
and we need the phone.
I'll see you in the morning. Okay?
- You're not you coming?
- No, I'm not coming.
Thomas will take care of you, all right?
Listen to me, you can behave yourselves, okay?
And you need to stay with this group.
And I'm going to be with you just
as soon as I can. Okay?
You gonna behave yourselves. Okay?
I love you.
- Will you have my boys for me, please?
- Just come with us.
You know it's useless.
I can't stop looking.
I love you.
I'll see you tomorrow, I promise.
I love you.
Oh, no!
Hey man, are you okay?
Get in the car. We will drive
you somewhere safer.
My wife didn't want to come
to Thailand for Christmas holidays.
Because of my leg.
I insisted, my little girl, Ginna.
She's just two.
The noise woke me up.
I was alone in the room.
I went out to the terrace and saw the
sea coming in land.
It took me five seconds to reach the
stairs, but the water was already there.
It was not more than five seconds.
On the bed, I found a note from my
wife saying they were at the beach.
- You're at the Orchid, right?
- Yeah.
My whole family was around the
swimming-pool when the water hit.
I found my middle son first, Thomas, he
was on top of this really tall tree.
It took me forever to convince him to come
down, because he was so scared, you know.
And I found my little one, Simon,
he was holding on top of a palm tree.
He's only five.
I sent them to the mountains.
You know, so that I can keep looking
for my wife and my oldest son.
Toughest choice I ever made.
- Have you called home yet?
- I can't find a phone.
I'm saving my battery,
just in case, my family calls.
Thank you!
I will be very quick, I promise.
- Yes?
- Bryan?
Yes Henry, thank God!
How are you doing?
- Did you hear from anyone yet?
- No Henry, you're the first call.
Is everyone all right?...
Maria and Lucas are not here.
What do you mean, not there?
The wave came and swept everyone away.
I found Thomas and Simon,
but not Maria and Lucas!...
I don't know what to do or
where to look for them!
Henry. You have to calm down!
Henry? Henry?
- I have to go. Many people need this phone, okay?
- I will call you later.
- Henry?
Sorry, sorry.
Thank you.
- What do you want me to do?
- You can't leave it like that.
- Go on, come on.
- Go on!
Come on man, come on!
Keep call him back.
- Yes, Henry?
- Bryan, it's me again. Look...
I promise you I won't stop
looking until I find them. OK?
- Okay!
I don't know what to do,
because it's nighttime now, but I'll....
I'll look in all hospitals, and I'll
look in all shelters find everything OK.
And I'll... I will find
them, I promise you that.
- I'll call you when I do.
- Okay.
- OK!
- OK!
Thank you.
Can I go with you?
- I'm scared.
- Close of your eyes, and think of something nice.
May I sit with you?
How old are you?
Almost seventy-four.
And you?
Seven and a half.
You can't drop me.
- Is he alright?
- Yeah, he'll be alright.
With a blanket on him, he's alright.
You like looking at stars, don't you?
I do, stars like Alaska constellations.
Here, the sky is different.
Some of those stars have been
burned out for a long, long time.
Did you know that?
They're dead, aren't they?
They're dead, but once
they were so bright...
That their light is still
travelling through space.
And we can still see them.
How can you know which one
is dead and which is not?
No, you can't.
It's a beautiful mystery, isn't it?
Lucas Bennett, can you come with me?
Sit here.
Your name is Lucas Bennett, is that right?
- Yeah.
- And your mother's name is Maria Bennett?
Is that correct?
We got you to look at those things,
please, and see if you recognize any of them?
Have a good look!
Take your time.
- Does anything look familiar?
- I don't know.
You don't know?
- You recognize anything?
- I don't think so.
You don't think so?
Could you please come with us?
- Where have you been you?
- Where the hell have I been?
Where the hell were you?
You promised me you weren't going anywhere.
I thought you were dead, Mom.
- Sorry.
- I thought you were dead.
We're so sorry.
Someone must have changed
her record during surgery.
How is she?
She had surgery on her
chest, but she lost a lot of blood.
She was too weak
to have her leg operated on.
She has to go back to
surgery when she recovers.
But she'll be okay, right?
Nothing. What next?
We should try to get a ride
to Kathu Apal Hospital.
- Where are my kids?
- They took them away.
- They didn't let me go with them. I'm Sorry.
- Where?
I don't know.
- I need to pee.
- You have to wait, Simon.
Mom... Mom. Wake up.
Mom, guess who I just saw outside.
My leg. How is my leg?
Still red.
Please, my mom.
Her wound's looking real bad.
We're doing the best we can.
We are taking your mom to
surgery right away.
No, no, five minutes.
Give me five minutes, please. Please!
I don't want you to slow down.
These are the names of my little girl Ginna
and Kathie, my wife. She's an American.
- Would you check the list for me?
- Of course.
Please, they told us her daughter could be in Surat Thani.
We already been to this hospital.
We have checked all
hospitals. But this one, please.
Five minutes, please!
Just only five minutes!
I won't be long. I'll be right back.
Lucas... Lucas...
Is there anything left in the can?
Alright, I'll get you something.
- I need to pee.
- Can you hold it?
Simon, what are you doing?
Hurry up, they're going to leave us here.
What are you doing?
- No luck.
- Sorry.
Sorry, and thanks for waiting.
Thanks! We go now.
It's Lucas!
- Lucas! Lucas!
- Lucas! Lucas!
- Lucas!
- Lucas!
- Simon! Thomas!
- Lucas! Lucas!
Are you okay?
- Dad!
- Lucas!
- Dad!
- Lucas!
- Dad!
- Lucas!
Dad! Dad!
Let's go, no need to wait.
- Mom is here.
- What?
She's very weak.
She said some weird stuff sometimes.
The nurse is going to try operate
on her as soon as they can.
Mom, look who's here.
Hey! Hey, my darling!
- Is everyone okay?
- We are all okay.
- I'm gonna die.
- No, no.
Is it okay to take this off?
It is in my cost.
- You came back?
- Yes.
I can rest now.
Maria, what?
What, what darling?
- I'm dying.
- No. No.
- You're going to be fine.
- Take care of my babies.
Hey, that's not why I came here for.
You're gonna be fine as
they're going to take good care of you, OK?
I promise you we are going to be fine.
- Henry. I'm scared.
- We're gonna be fine.
I promise we're going to be okay.
We're taking her for surgery.
We need to take her now.
I love you.
You're gonna be okay.
I love you so much.
I love you.
You have to go now.
You know I love you.
I'm sorry, I have to leave your hand...
thanks for taking care of mom.
We took care of each other.
- Dad?
- Yeah.
There is something I didn't tell Mom,
and I really need her to know.
I have a family too.
I've been saving my strength...
Because I want to see them...
one more time.
No, no.
Oh, do you have to?
- We don't want you to feel any pain.
- I'm afraid to be asleep.
You're in good hands.
Close your eyes and
think of something nice.
Think of something nice.
Mom is okay, Lucas.
We're going home.
Mr. Bennett, I'm one of the customer holds
for the travel insurance.
We have sent to take care of your family.
There is nothing to worry about now.
In a few hours, we will be
at Singapore General Hospital.
Where your wife will receive
the best treatment in your living.
These people will take you into a plane.
I'll see you over there.
Have a safe flight.
Where are we going?
They take us to Singapore.
We'll be safe there, OK?
Oh, please take your seat!
We will be taking off shortly.
- Can I just...
- Yeah, okay. One minute.
How are you?
Here, with you.
Mom, guess what?
I saw Daniel again...
He was so happy.
He was in somebody's arms.
I bet it was his dad, Mom.
I'm so proud of you.
I love you so much.
Thank you. Thank you.
I feel sorry, but you have to
have back your seat now.
Fasten seat belts, please.
- I don't want to.
- No? You have to fasten your seatbelt in the plane.
We are at the beach.
It's all right.