Imprisoned (2018)

(metal whirring)
(gentle instrumental music)
(buzzer ringing)
(rope creaking)
- [Woman] What you
did inside that place
will be with you forever.
- [Man] No.
(gentle instrumental music)
(dog barking)
- The towering walls of the
original prison exteriors,
erected over 300 years ago,
were left in place as a reminder
of the punishment
awaiting Spanish citizens
who dared step outside the law.
Nearly 50 years ago,
a modern prison was
built in the center
to hold some of Puerto
Rico's most feared criminals,
an ironic clash of architecture
between the old and the new.
Today the concrete
and metal structure
will come tumbling
down this afternoon
on Santiago precinct,
but the foundation
will remain in place
as the building block
of the most contemporary
of condominium complexes
on the far edge of a city
that has continued to change.
Puerto Rico (mumbling).
(paper tearing)
(gentle instrumental music)
(dog whimpering)
(car engine running)
(rope creaking)
- Hey, what the hell
are you doing here?
Get out.
We're demolishing
this place today.
Get out.
(speaking in a foreign language)
Hey, this place has
been wired for two days.
- I know.
- You're lucky that I find you,
so get out.
- I just--
- I said get out, man.
(seagulls squawking)
(gentle instrumental music)
- What else do you want from me?
What you did inside that place
will be with you forever,
(metal clanging)
(wood thudding)
(buzzer ringing)
(metal rattling)
(buzzer ringing)
(seagulls squawking)
(water flowing)
(speaking in a foreign language)
(gentle instrumental music)
- Miguel, after what
I've done for you,
you decide to write
letters to the press
about what you claim to
be intolerable conditions
and injustices that are
happening inside this prison.
The only thing your
letters did, Miguel,
fan the flames,
which means I have to
turn up the heat on you.
- No, no.
- No?
- No, no.
- No.
(paper rustling)
Since it is apparently
not Mr. Mendoza
who is the cause of
our current problems,
please make him understand
how helpful it would be
if he can provide us
with any information
that might assist
us in our search.
(gentle instrumental music)
(speaking in a foreign language)
Governor Mandera sped
up the execution process
to save the taxpayers money.
Now he thinks he can
have it both ways?
- That's your friend.
- That's politics.
(car engine running)
A few people protesting
outside the prison walls
against the death penalty
shouldn't be enough to
make the governor nervous.
- With all the stories breaking
about prisoner treatment, yes.
(speaking in a foreign language)
- What can I get you gentlemen?
- Will you get us
a table please?
- [Ron] Sure.
- How long have you been open?
- Just opened.
I am beginning to get
the hang of it now.
Since it's your first time here,
the coffee is on the house.
- Thank you.
- The death penalty is only
a publicity stunt
by politicians.
It doesn't (mumbling) violence.
- Excuse me?
- I couldn't help but overhear.
Two cups of coffee on the house.
- Thank you again.
The warden is only here to
fulfill the will of the people.
- The will of the people?
- Yes, his job is to
make sure the directive
of the people is
completed as efficiently
and quickly as possible.
- What about all the reports
of prisoner beatings,
guard violence?
- Are you one of those people
who has been protesting
outside the prison walls?
- When I'm not here, yes.
It's important.
- Why would you do that?
Why spend time and energy
fighting for the rights of men
who've done so much
harm to other people
they could never
hope to repay them?
- Because they have rights.
- They have rights.
- Of course,
thankfully we were able
to get rid of Warden Silva,
but since his replacement
was appointed from within,
I'm sure he'll be a crooked
son of a bitch as well.
- I happen to know
that the new warden
is very committed to
doing whatever is possible
to improve the conditions
inside the prison.
- And how do you know that?
- 'Cause I'm the
crooked son of a bitch.
I'm sorry.
It's very clear to me
that you're passionate
about the issue,
and I like that.
I like that a lot.
In fact, I think that
we need more passion
on both sides of it.
(singing in a foreign language)
I'll have my secretary
set something up.
You and I can sit
down and talk more
at length about it, Mrs.?
- Burke, Maria Burke.
(upbeat instrumental music)
- Burke?
- Yes.
- I don't know
your husband, do I?
- His name is Dylan,
Dylan Burke.
(gentle instrumental music)
(singing in a foreign language)
(gentle instrumental music)
- Son of a bitch.
(gentle instrumental music)
I think the Corrections
Board will listen
to this proposal you've
outlined, Mrs. Burke.
- I hope so.
From here, it can only
get better, right?
(buzzer ringing)
- I'd like to ask you
an indelicate question.
Did you meet your husband
before he went to prison?
- I'm sorry.
- Your husband is
a convict, correct?
- Ex-convict.
- Ex-convict.
The reason I ask is we have
to do background checks
on everyone who comes
in and out of here,
including spouses.
- I didn't meet him until
after that point in his life.
- I see.
Has he ever shared with you
any of the details
about his past?
- No, not everything.
I didn't really need to know.
There I things I wouldn't
tell him about mine.
They call it the
past for a reason.
It's behind us.
- I have to tell you
it is very refreshing
to meet someone like you.
- Don't you believe
in second chances?
That should be on
your mind every day.
- It is, and I used to
believe in second chances
when I was very naive.
You have to
understand, Mrs. Burke.
There is no one in here
who is under the illusion
that they are being remolded
to fit into society
outside of these walls.
The best we can hope to do
is contain these men
and do that with the
limited resources
we have available to us.
- Does your wife agree with you?
- My wife didn't get to
experience this part of my life.
She unfortunately
was taken from me
a very long time ago.
- I'm sorry.
- No, it's all right.
What does your husband do?
- He's a fisherman.
He loves it out there.
In fact, his whole
crew is made up
of men that he did time with
at one point or another.
- [Daniel] I see.
- It's his way of
making up for his past.
- We all need that, don't we?
Well, I will speak informally
with the Board about this,
take their temperature.
You and I should
meet again very soon,
keep the momentum
moving forward.
That would be key.
- Thank you very much.
- You're welcome.
(water flowing)
(gentle instrumental music)
(insects chirping)
(wood knocking)
Hello, Mrs. Burke.
- Warden, did you speak
to anyone on the Board?
- Yes, I did.
- And?
- And they, well,
there is a shot
that we can get a lot of, well,
most of your proposals
in front of the Board.
- Great.
- Should we go have a
bite and talk about it?
You've been cooped up
at your coffee shop
all day, I'm sure.
Why don't we just go have dinner
and continue talking?
- No, thank you.
I'll come to your office
to talk about this further.
I'll check with your secretary.
- Good, I'll let her
know to expect your call.
- Goodnight.
- Goodnight.
(insects chirping)
(gentle instrumental music)
(singing in a foreign language)
(speaking in a foreign language)
- That's the look of a
man with a good strike.
- That's the look
of a man in love.
- Listen up.
If any of you ever find a woman
to stay by your side,
let alone one like Maria,
you better treat her with
the proper attention,
or she will end up
looking for comfort
in some other smelly,
tequila drinking,
good for nothing man's arms.
- But if he didn't come back,
I sure would have
taken Maria out,
and then in and showed
her a good time.
- Who said that?
Was it the gringo that
sweats like a pig,
the one with the limp
rod and the empty bed?
- [Marcus] Yeah, but
that all could change.
- What did you say?
- Oh.
(upbeat instrumental music)
- Kick his ass.
There's no hope
- See you later,
boys, all right?
Without feeling
Tell my love
That no matter how far
My dear old shipmate
Will make this trip, mate
The devil sea
Is a place
Where the fishermen go
If they don't go to hell
Where the skies seem clear
Nothing seems wrong
And it adds to this song
(speaking in a foreign language)
(gentle instrumental music)
(metal clicking)
You'll never hear
me say your name
You'll never catch me
Looking your way
Too proud
To say it out loud
How I love
When you look
at me like this
Like we're the only
Two people that exist
I breathe you in
I feel you up
against my skin
And now I know
I give in to you
You've got me hooked
You take me higher than
I've ever been
You take me higher than
I've ever been
(birds chirping)
- It was perfect.
(speaking in a foreign language)
Yes, ma'am.
(speaking in a foreign language)
(car engine running)
(gentle instrumental music)
(metal thudding)
(upbeat instrumental music)
(singing in a foreign language)
(speaking in a foreign language)
Really, huh?
(speaking in a foreign language)
(yelling and laughing)
- Well, it's your anniversary.
I needed to make sure that
you're gonna celebrate properly.
- Beers on me.
(speaking in a foreign language)
(singing in a foreign language)
(balls clacking)
(upbeat instrumental music)
- Wow.
- [Marcus] What are you doing?
(singing in a foreign language)
(speaking in a foreign language)
- Just pick a goddamn
ball and shoot.
(ball clacking)
(upbeat instrumental music)
- Whoa, there's people
waiting in line.
If I were you,
I would grab a beer
and wait for your turn.
- I got next.
- Yeah, I got a
problem with that.
- Do you?
- Yeah, I got a
problem with that.
(speaking in a foreign language)
- Why don't you stop
running your mouth?
- [Dylan] Hey, hey, come on.
Calm down.
We'll work this out.
Come on, hey.
- I'm not gonna let this
clown talk to you like that.
- Come on, hey.
Don't say that, bro.
Don't say that.
You know, I actually
think my man,
what was your name?
- Shane.
- Shane, I think my man
Shane here has a point, okay?
(mumbling) if I put the
eight ball straight in.
- No, why--
- Hey, but if I put it in
off one rail, he's second.
Two rails, he's third,
and three rails, he grabs
his money and walks home.
- [Marcus] You?
- [Dylan] Well,
what do you think?
- I think that's
a terrible idea.
I want to have a good night.
- You have no faith--
- I set up this whole thing--
- You have no faith.
Hey, shut up.
Shut up.
Okay, well, what do
you think, Shane?
- Okay.
- All right, there you go, okay.
All right, now I'm gonna
tell you boys something.
Whatever happens
after this shot,
the most important thing
is that I have made
a new friend tonight.
Isn't that right, Shane?
Come on.
(upbeat instrumental music)
(singing in a foreign language)
- Come on. (mumbling)
(upbeat instrumental music)
(crowd applauding and cheering)
- Hey, hey, hey. (laughing)
Hey. (speaking in
a foreign language)
When Maria first
introduced me to the man
that was to be her husband,
I told my sister than
an ex-con fisherman
with a crew exactly
just like him,
well, he'd never provide
the life she deserved,
and Maria, she responded
with forgiveness.
I didn't come to their wedding,
yet they flew to me in
Miami two weeks later
with pictures of their wedding
and a piece of cake.
It was then when I learned
that the heart wants
what the heart wants,
and it can never go wrong,
so I want to make a toast.
I need a drink.
I'd like to make a
toast to my wonderful,
the best sister that
you could ever have,
and the man that I'm so proud
to have in my family now.
I love you guys.
Happy anniversary.
(crowd cheering and applauding)
- Come here.
Come here.
- [Woman] Hey, I love you guys.
(speaking in a foreign language)
(upbeat instrumental music)
(singing in a foreign language)
- Are you okay?
- Yeah.
(speaking in a foreign language)
- What the fuck, man?
Fuck is your problem, man?
(grunting and yelling)
- Ow, (speaking in
a foreign language).
(sirens ringing)
(dramatic instrumental music)
- Marcus, Marcus.
- [Marcus] You're lucky.
(speaking in a foreign language)
- You know, I had to
call in a lot of favors
to let this slide.
Some wrong judge
could easily overlook
your last 10 years,
and you would have ended up
back in here doing time, my boy.
- Yeah, well, you know why
they call it the past, right?
- Give Maria my best.
- I will, and thank you.
- You bet.
(seagulls squawking)
(buzzer ringing)
- The wife must not
like it anymore.
- [Daniel] What did
I tell you to do?
- You told me to provoke him.
- Right, not to blindside
him in a parking lot.
- Things just didn't
play out right.
- No, they didn't,
but they're going to next time.
Do you understand me?
- Yes, sir.
- You're gonna come in tonight
and replace again Hadigan
on the night shift.
You make sure as many guards
and prisoners see
you as possible.
Then you're going to disappear
for a couple of hours.
- And then what?
- And then you figure out
how to draw him out properly.
He's got a short fuse, Shane.
All you have to do is light it.
(speaking in a foreign language)
(metal rattling)
(car engine running)
(birds chirping)
(gentle instrumental music)
(glass shattering)
(metal rattling)
(glass shattering)
- It's okay.
(car engine running)
It's okay.
It's okay.
(dog barking)
(speaking in a foreign language)
(yelling and grunting)
(gentle instrumental music)
(door creaking)
(metal thudding)
(door creaking)
(electronic beeping)
(buzzer ringing)
- All of the sudden,
he decided to turn
on me, on you.
What would have happened?
I mean, I'd be implicated.
I think I'm so tied to this,
and I just can't--
- Okay, okay, okay.
(speaking in a foreign language)
I promised my sister that
I would take care of you
and not let anything
happen to you, right?
- Yes, you did, but this is--
- And now I'm here
for you, okay?
You went to work tonight, yes?
- Yes.
- You signed in.
- Yes.
(buzzer ringing)
- Did anyone see
you leave earlier?
- No, no, I came through
the back gate, no cameras.
- Good.
Okay, so,
change into your uniform.
Go back inside.
Talk to the guards.
Make your rounds.
Talk to the prisoners.
Make sure there's as many
witnesses as possible
that you were there.
I will take care of the rest.
- All right.
(insects chirping)
- It's okay.
(buzzer ringing)
(metal thudding)
(gentle instrumental music)
(metal rattling)
(birds chirping)
- Hey, man.
I spoke to Lisa.
She said she'd fly in
if Maria needs her.
(siren ringing)
- This can't be good.
All right, take it easy.
Take it easy.
Whoa, hey, hey, Marcus,
hey, hey, promise me
no matter what happens,
you're gonna take care of her--
- Ain't nothing gonna happen--
- Fucking promise me.
- [Man] (speaking in a
foreign language) Burke.
- I promise.
(gentle instrumental music)
- I love you, bro.
- [Man] Let's go.
- I love you too.
- [Man] Come on.
- My lawyer's number
is on the fridge.
Give him a call.
(speaking in a foreign language)
(metal clicking)
Take care of her, all right?
- I will.
- This guy's head was split
almost in half, Dylan.
Got somebody pretty
pissed off, right?
And your jacket was found
full of his blood, all right,
and then just cavalierly
tossed onto his neighbor's lawn
like, who gives a shit?
- [Dylan] Well, it wasn't me.
- Somebody who doesn't care.
- It wasn't me.
- Somebody's just--
- My jacket, my
jacket was in my car,
the one that got smashed.
I already told you.
They must have taken it away.
- So you say, but who's they?
(speaking in a foreign language)
- All right, what
about this other guy?
What about this other guy,
the guy that was with
him at the bar, Shane?
Did you find him?
- Yeah, we found Shane.
Shane promised to come
in first thing, man,
right after he
gets off his shift
at the Santiago Prison.
He's a prison guard.
He'll get all the
alibis he needs,
not to mention the fact
that he's the warden's
nephew, Warden Calvin.
- Daniel Calvin.
- [Man] Yeah.
(gentle instrumental music)
(speaking in a foreign language)
- [Dylan] I need you
to do me a favor.
(speaking in a foreign language)
(gun firing)
- Signed in at 10:54
p.m. that night,
singed out at 7:15
a.m. the next day,
six guards and
countless prisoners
will testify to that fact,
but there is one testimony
that would refute all of that,
and that is if I testify
that he never actually
signed in that night.
- What do you want
for that testimony?
(metal creaking)
(gentle instrumental music)
(speaking in a foreign language)
So you'll testify your nephew
was out the whole night
and not working as he claims?
(metal creaking)
- I loved my wife
more than life itself.
(gentle instrumental music)
I know you can understand that.
I never got to
hold my own child.
That's what your
husband took from me.
(metal creaking)
(metal clicking)
(speaking in a foreign language)
- Does the defense have
any additional witnesses?
- The defense rests.
- You do have one more,
but there is another witness.
- [Judge] Quiet, there
will be order in my court.
(gavel thudding)
(gentle instrumental music)
(speaking in a foreign language)
All rise.
Madam Foreman.
- On the count of murder
in the first degree,
we the jury find the
defendant guilty.
(dramatic instrumental music)
(metal clicking)
- [Dylan] Love you.
- [Marcus] We'll take
care of her, okay?
We'll take care of her.
- [Judge] Because of the violent
and premeditated
nature of this crime
coupled with your past
history of violence,
this court condemns you to
death as ordained by law.
You are to hang by the neck
until pronounced dead.
May God grant you
redemption in the next life.
(metal thudding)
(metal creaking)
(gentle instrumental music)
(waves crashing)
(speaking in a foreign language)
(dramatic instrumental music)
- Okay.
(rope creaking)
(gentle instrumental music)
(wood cracking)
Have them rebuild the gallows.
Let me know when it's done.
- You must understand
patience, amigo.
I've been here almost 50 years,
and I believe the right
usually triumphs in the end.
(speaking in a foreign language)
- Yes, he told me he would
give me an appointment.
Well, yes, it's very important.
(car engine running)
(speaking in a foreign language)
- I thought that I was the
baddest man in the penitentiary.
So did he.
They added almost a
year to my sentence
just because of the
fights that took place
because of us.
I hated him like I've
never hated another man,
but when I got out of prison
and I'd served my time,
this man was the only person
standing outside
the gate waiting
with a six pack in one hand
and a handshake in the other.
I should have taken the
offer and joined your crew.
- Yeah, you should have.
- I would have been a fisherman.
- You would have tried.
- How the fuck did
you get back in here?
(speaking in a foreign language)
- You need to shut it down.
Shut it down now.
Got to find out where
that leak came from.
I thought it was Miguel,
but, okay, I was wrong.
You talk to the governor?
- I will talk to the governor,
but he is always gonna do
what keeps him in the
voters' good graces.
- Well, why would he
give me this job, Ron,
if he doesn't want me to do it?
He's listening to the prisoners.
He's listening to
the protestors.
You understand.
You understand the difficulties
I'm dealing with here, right?
- Yes, I do.
- I'm gonna cut off all the mail
coming in and out of this place
until I find the leak.
- Sir, you can't do that.
If you think things are bad now,
you will become exactly
what the protestors
are saying that you are.
- I'll deal with that
heat when it comes.
(gentle instrumental music)
(singing in a foreign language)
- Anybody here have any
experience with wood?
- Yeah, I do.
- All right.
(singing in a foreign language)
We have to build
this nice and strong
so none of us have to
go like Miguel did.
(metal thudding)
(gentle instrumental music)
(speaking in a foreign language)
- My name is almost at
the top of the list,
so I'm not long for this world.
Every one of those men out there
believe that they've
been wronged in ways
as bad as you.
Don't forget that.
(metal rattling)
Not now.
- No pool table in here,
so I guess I won't get
the chance to get even.
Too bad.
- I know the fight in you.
I've seen it,
but you have to bury that
fight deep inside of you.
You'll get to live long enough
to get the real motherfucker
and not this piece of shit.
(buzzer ringing)
(metal clicking)
(speaking in a foreign language)
- Weapons check.
(metal clattering)
(metal scraping)
What's this?
- You're a little bitch.
- Take him to the
hold, three days.
You got something to say to me?
- Patience.
- Cell 93, close.
(metal thudding)
- You planted the same
shank in Burke's cell
that we took off
Rivera a month ago.
It was documented, see?
(speaking in a foreign language)
You're gonna finish
out the week here,
and then you're going
to Alabama Correctional.
You understand me?
I don't know what
else I can do for you,
but because I'm your uncle,
I'm gonna try and
make this go away.
- You pull all kinds of
strings, don't you, sir?
(phone clicking)
- I'm sorry.
I didn't understand
what you said.
- All I know is that
Burke's been convicted
with little evidence,
so I got to think these strings
are tied to your hands,
and now you're
sending me out there,
the one person who
knows everything you've
done to this man.
You really trust me, Uncle,
'cause you're
sending me out there
with secrets that dare
not find the light of day.
- Ah hah.
(speaking in a foreign language)
- Hope we could still have
dinner like we always do.
(speaking in a foreign language)
(gentle instrumental music)
(metal clicking)
- I see you, Burke.
See, it's all about time, time.
Time plays on all of
us in different ways.
For example, I have
nothing but time.
You are running out of time.
Time will make her forget you.
Enough time goes by,
she's gonna come
to the realization
in her own heart
that the best thing
that she can do is to let you
and her past go.
(buzzer ringing)
She is an extraordinary
woman, Burke,
but I can't allow her
to disrupt things here anymore.
You are going to tell her
to stop what she is doing,
to forget about you, and
move on with her life
because if you don't,
I promise you the rest
of your days in here
will make this month
seem like a vacation.
- I can never repay what
I took away from you,
but I am a different man.
- Keep telling
yourself that, convict.
(metal thudding)
(speaking in a foreign language)
- Burke.
(speaking in a foreign language)
(speaking in a foreign language)
(speaking in a foreign language)
(dramatic instrumental music)
- It has come to my attention
that some of you are confused
about who runs this prison.
I can assure you that
I run this prison.
I am damn sure not going
to let outside pressure
determine how things are
done inside these walls.
From this moment on,
none of you will be able to send
or receive anything from
the outside indefinitely
or till such time as some of you
get your minds right.
Have I made myself clear?
- [Group] Yes, sir.
(dice rattling)
(cheering and whistling)
(speaking in a foreign language)
(dice rattling)
(dramatic instrumental music)
- [Shane] Come on.
Come on. (yelling)
Come on.
(speaking in a foreign language)
(electronic beeping)
(gentle instrumental music)
- No, oh, no. (crying)
No. (crying)
(rain pouring)
(thunder rumbling)
- Ai, Maria.
I don't know why you keep trying
to make things so difficult.
It wasn't so bad, was it,
our time in that little room?
(speaking in a foreign language)
I can feel you shaking,
so I know you can hear me.
I couldn't see you living
a decent life with him,
not after what he took from me.
I couldn't do it.
I just need you to tell
me one thing, Maria.
The baby,
is it mine, or is it his?
(speaking in a foreign language)
(gentle instrumental music)
- What else do you want from me?
- I've come to ask
for your forgiveness.
- Get out of here.
- [Daniel] I just need
you to forgive me.
- Get out of here.
- No, no, no, no.
Listen to me.
There's a lot of
pain and suffering
that can befall Dylan
while he waits behind
those tall gray walls
to swing from the rope.
(rain pouring)
(door thudding)
(metal rattling)
(grunting and yelling)
- What happened to Dylan?
- It's not that he doesn't
want to be here, Ms. Burke.
- But is he okay?
- He's all right.
He's strong, and that's
because he has something
on the other side of
these walls to hold on to.
There's nothing more a
man in here could ask for.
(metal creaking)
- I'm sorry.
(metal thudding)
I'm sorry about
your wife and child.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
(waves crashing)
- I don't ignore the fact
that everyone in that
prison has done bad things,
but hanging a man by a rope
isn't going to change
anything he's done.
We must keep fighting
for what is right.
(speaking in a foreign language)
- I think we need to put
pressure on both fronts.
We need to create a public image
that cannot be denied.
- And how do we do that exactly?
At most, we've been
able to take 50 people
out there at one time.
We need 10 times that
number to make an impact.
- We get out tomorrow,
and we work harder.
(upbeat instrumental music)
(speaking in a foreign language)
- Normally I wouldn't
agree to meet
with anyone who
was threatening me.
- I'm not threatening
you, Governor.
I'm just making it clear
that you have an election
coming up in six months,
and there is a
line of candidates
who agree that the death penalty
needs to be reexamined
at the very least.
- There's no one registered
to run against me.
- As of now, you're right,
but six months ago,
we were only a small chorus
of voices outside the prison.
Now we are loud enough
to make it all the
way to your office.
There are a half
dozen candidates
calling us to gain our support.
It's good to have
choices, Governor.
- And if I were to do this,
it'll push your support my way.
- For that, Governor,
you'd need to cut out
the heart of the problem.
Warden Calvin follows the
laws of this land to a tee,
as far as I understand,
in an overcrowded and
underfunded prison.
I'm sorry.
- I know this man's
character, Governor,
and the darkness in him.
I want him fired.
- You have a lot of gall
walking into my office
and asking me to
destroy a man's life.
(metal thudding)
(paper rustling)
- Spicy?
- Spicy as they can make it.
(speaking in a foreign language)
- It's been like this
for three weeks now.
They have protestors
at my summer home.
- I'm sorry about
that, Governor.
- You told me we could
weather this storm.
You didn't tell me this
was gonna be a hurricane.
- We need to be mindful
of the will of the people.
They still believe
in the death penalty.
- Have you seen
the latest polls?
- Polls?
- That's a crock of shit.
Because of those
polls, I'm elected,
and you're appointed
because of the fact
that I'm elected,
so I'm sure as hell not
gonna fall on my sword
over a cause that I happen
to personally disagree with.
The people are speaking now,
and if I don't listen,
I'll be standing next
to the next governor
as he places his
hand upon the Bible.
(gentle instrumental music)
Monday morning, I'm
signing an executive order
to halt any further executions
until this matter can
be thoroughly debated
in the next legislative session.
- You understand that the men
on death row destroy lives,
countless lives and families.
We spend more money to
keep them on death row
than we spend on public
education for our children.
Luis, you gave me this job,
and I'm grateful.
I've always thought of you
as being an honorable man,
but sometimes I forget
you're just a politician.
- By the end of next week,
I'll have your transfer
request on my desk.
- And if I don't?
- If you cross me on this,
I will take your
job, your pension,
and your reputation.
Daniel, we've been
doing what we do
for a long time now.
You've earned a lot.
Step away from this situation
on your own with dignity.
Don't do anything that'll make
me take it all away from you
'cause I will.
(waves crashing)
(metal clicking)
- Anything you
want from in there.
(metal thudding)
- Have you made
your peace with God?
(gentle instrumental music)
(waves crashing)
- Hey, hey.
He's going to order it.
The governor is ordering
a stay on all executions
as of Monday morning.
We did it.
We did it. (yelling)
(upbeat instrumental music)
(crowd cheering)
(metal clicking)
- You probably wondered
why I've asked you here.
This is the conjugal visit cell
where we allow prisoners
to spend intimate
time with their wives.
Makes them feel
like free men again.
Your wife will not
be visiting you here,
although she has been here,
but you think about this.
The baby she's carrying,
will it have your eyes or mine?
- Tonight it's gonna start.
Men are going to
swing and suffer
because he lost his fight.
The men are ready to fight back,
but they need
themselves a leader.
They will follow you
if you are willing to
take one more stand.
(dramatic instrumental music)
- With executions in Santiago
Prison halting Monday,
it is clear that hangings
are now in full force.
They will likely continue
until the governor's
executive order takes effect.
- No.
(wood thudding)
- We need to get
her to a doctor.
(water flowing)
(speaking in a foreign language)
(electronic beeping)
Doctor said you
wanted to see me.
- Yes.
You have to get something
to Dylan for me, okay?
You've got to promise to do it.
- I promise.
(gentle instrumental music)
Tell my love
That no matter how far
I'll be home in her heart
Before too long
If I don't
Make it alive
My dear old shipmate
Will make the trip, mate
And bring my heart home
- There's a lot of
bad men in this world.
Some of them get
what's coming to them,
and some don't.
(paper rustling)
There comes a time
when a man has to
stand on both his feet
and give as good as he gets.
You and me, we ain't long
for this world, my friend,
but if we go out fighting
for what we believe in,
then we won already.
(paper rustling)
(metal rattling)
- Look at her.
Those are your eyes.
(dramatic instrumental music)
(metal thudding)
Make it alive
My dear old shipmate
will make the trip, dear
Tell my love that
no matter how far
I'll home in her
arms before too long
If I don't make it alive
My dear old shipmate
will take the trip, dear
(yelling and clapping)
The devil sea is a
place I've heard tell
Soul disappears
and as to this song
- You're in this
God forsaken prison
because of the crimes
that you committed.
Every single one of you
walked yourselves
through these doors.
I'll string enough of you up,
so they have to cut all
you sons of bitches down.
Do you understand me?
I said, do you understand me?
(dramatic instrumental music)
That's enough.
That's enough.
(speaking in a foreign language)
You want it.
(grunting and yelling)
- There's a fucking
riot in the prison.
Elliot, get the fuck out.
- I don't care, man.
(bone cracking)
(metal clicking)
(gun cocking)
(gun firing)
(buzzer ringing)
- Hey, you okay?
You okay?
- Yeah, I'm okay.
(dramatic instrumental music)
(metal shattering)
(grunting and yelling)
- Calvin.
- Dylan.
(dramatic instrumental music)
- Calvin.
(yelling and grunting)
(water pouring)
(gentle instrumental music)
She's so beautiful,
so beautiful.
(waves crashing)
(wood thudding)
(wood creaking)
(gentle instrumental music)
(bomb exploding)
(gentle instrumental music)
(wind blowing)
(speaking in a foreign language)
(waves crashing)
- [Anita] Lifelong
man of the sea?
- Well, only the
last half of my life,
so I'm still learning.
- My name is Anita.
(speaking in a foreign language)
I own this little place,
well, with my mom.
- I worked at the prison
for a short while.
- [Anita] I need
to get to my work.
- Then I should
give you this now.
(paper rustling)
I was the last man to speak
to your father before he died,
and he asked me to give you this
when I thought the
time was right.
(gentle instrumental music)
The time is right.
- [Dylan Voiceover]
My sweet Anita,
please know that my
heart overflows for you,
but my words are limited to
this single sheet of old paper.
That regret I feel that I
will never see you in person
is only replaced
by the knowledge
that you have been
raised by Maria Burke.
She was my lighthouse.
I'm sure she told you only
the good things about me,
but know there was
also much bad in me.
That's the same for
all of us in this life,
so whomever comes your way,
understand that
they're struggling
between who they are
and who they could be.
- I'm sorry.
- Smile.
See the best in them.
That'll often be enough
to help a man find
his best self.
There are good people,
even in the darkest places.
If you're reading this letter,
then you have proof.
(speaking in a foreign language)
If I have learned anything,
it's to forgive so that you
can go forward a little lighter.
My dear Anita,
if you ever feel fear,
just move forward
'cause I am behind you, and,
if you ever feel a
cool water breeze
kissing your heart,
that is because you are
wrapped tightly in my arms
for that brief moment.
I love you.
I love your mother
(waves crashing)
(gentle instrumental music)
(speaking in a foreign language)
(wind blowing)
(gentle instrumental music)
If only I knew how
To break my hard
Armor down
I long
To let you know
How I adore
When you pull
me in like this
Like I'm the only
One you need
I breathe you in
I feel you up
against my skin
And now I know
I give in to you
You've got me hooked
You take me higher than
I've ever been
You take me higher than
I've ever been
You take me higher than
I've ever been
I feel you up
against my skin
And now I know
I give in to you
You've got me hooked
You take me higher than
I've ever been
You take me higher than
I've ever been