Imsai Arasan 23 M Pulikesi (2006)

Towards the end of 18th century...
British who entered our country for trade,
gradually they became masters
and we ended up as slaves.
Great leaders fought against them and
became martyrs for the motherland.
But still some smaller kings like Palayars
supported the British empire.
This is a fictionalized story
about one of those Palayars.
1771 A.D. - Chozhapuram Palayam
Midnight, Owls howling time
King Mokkayappar
Minister Sangilimayan
Palace Guard
Palace lizard
Brother-in-law, l'm anxious.
Why anxiety King?
ls it because you've lost
Or is it because my sister is in labour pains
prematurely in the 8 month itself?
What can we do now?
A neighbouring Palayar has bravely launched
an agitation against the British.
On the other side Hyder Ali is going
on a rampage against the British.
Shouldn't l also fight the British?
Shouldn't l need a heirto it?
Prime Minister, a boy baby is born.
Wow! Happy news!
We have a Prince...
Twins? -Yes, Minister.
l can usurp this kingdom if there's only
one child who will grow at my command.
Doctor, don't reveal to the King
about child birth till l tell you.
Who is there?
Prime Minister, l've studied the
horoscopes of the twins.
l'll briefly explain it to you.
Elder one follows orders blindly.
And younger one is sagacious.
Stupid law gives the right to rule
kingdom only to legal heirs.
There is no chance for people
like me to rule it.
A prince is born.
He must dance to my tunes only.
Blind follower of orders
and Sagacious!
To fulfill my plan of usurping
this kingdom,
l want the elder one,
who blindly follows orders.
Doctor, kill the second child.
Prime Minister!?-What?
Do you want me to kill a baby boy?
This is waxing of moon.
lf you kill a new born child now,
it's a bad omen for our kingdom.
Let's dispose the child
at unknown location.
Oh! Really?
Doctor... -Yes, Minister.
Leave the child on Vaigai river bank at
the outskirts of Pandia's kingdom.
Have it.
Why sweets?
A happy news...
l've committed a sin.
Do l need sweet to celebrate it?
Why? What happened?
Our King Mokkayappan had twins.
But Minister Sangilimayan ordered
a child to be...
When l went to take bath in the river,
Goddess gifted this child to me.
You sinner! -What happened?
What the hell you have done?!
This is the King's child
l left it to float in the river.
l'm afraid, if Sangilimayan comes to
know about fostering this child...
We are staying 18 miles
away from the palace.
We are moving to Kanchipuram shortly.
Hubby, we don't have children.
Let's fosterthis child.
My dear citizens,
After losing 22 children,
Now God has blessed me
with this 23rd child.
He is an answerto umpteen
prayers of this kingdom.
Once when l went to meet Hyder Ali,
On the way, l visited 'Pulikesinathan' temple,
offered prayers there wishing for a son.
Since he was born with Lord's blessings,
l give him the name 23rd Pulikesi.
l think an insect has bitten him.
What the hell are you doing
without taking care of him?
To keep our prince smiling always,
A man from every home should
get slapped. Come fast.
Ouryoung prince is torturing us now.
What's in store forthe future?
After 25 years 3 months
17 days and 8 hours...
Same Chozhapuram palayam
Morning office going time
You're the Supreme Power.
You're the Ruler.
You're the only one with eternal fame.
You're the mother and the father.
You're my God, who protects me.
My dearfather, as your son,
Bless me to become great warriors like
Alexander & Napoleon and Emperor Ashoka.
Oh my God!
Hey, Priest.... -Yes, my lord.
Why did you keep these things here?
l had told you several times
to keep them away.
l'll...who is there?
Who is there?
Who is there, man?
You fools! Where were you?
Take this Priest to the cell...
And pour green chili juice
into his eyes.
Do it till he loses his eyes.
Oh King!.... - Take him away.
Oh King! - Get lost...
Please forgive me. - Get lost man.
Oh my mother! Oh my Goddess!
Oh my brave mother who delivered me
preamturely in the 8th month.
Please bless me, mother.
My dear son! King 23rd Pulikesi,
long live son.
Thank you, mother.
But my son... - Mother...
Once you sit on throne,
you're a different man.
That's worrying me.
l can't help it, mother.
Ruling a country isn't a joke.
Royal blood is flowing in my body.
Sword and spear are my eyes.
Battlefield is my playground.
l breath in the pools of blood.
Rolling down heads are playing balls to me.
This sceptre and fort
were your gifts to me.
l present our enemies'
crowns at yourfeet.
l didn't mean that...
lt seems you dozed off for
an hour on the thrown yesterday.
l meant that.
Those who have eyes will sleep.
l may have dozed off in tiredness.
Even Lord Vishnu has a bed of snake.
lt seems even great Raja Raja Cholan
used to sleep on the horse in battlefield.
Stop it.
You are the only hope of this country.
Don't sleep while on duty.
Go...l say go...
Greetings King.
My King ! What is it?
lt seems l dozed off and
she's making it a big issue.
ls it?- Let's go, Minister...
Minister... -Yes, my Lord.
Are you all ready?-Yes, King.
Oh King!
You can never catch up with King's speed.
Fools! Are you really warriors?
l don't know when you'll get
shredded by my anger.
Great King, Great warrior,
Great administrator....
Great King 23rd Pulikesi is coming...
Have you noticed?
-What is it, King?
Did you listen to his welcoming notes?
- No, king.
You never be alert.
Repeat the notes.
Great King, Great warrior,
Great administrator...
Great King...
Did you notice now?
l didn't get you King.
-Are you a Minister?
He has left 'Great ruler'.
Has he? lt's unbearable.
l'll behead him with my sword.
l left my sword at home.
Who is there?
Who is there?
Coming, my lord.
You stupid, where were you?
You put him in the jail for week
and feed horse gram to him.
One time a day...
Let him practice this slogan properly
in the mean time.
Take him away.
Let this punishment start from today.
Great king, Great warrior,
Great administrator....
Greetings, my Rajaguru.- Long live.
l was watching your
sentences of punishments.
Not as a Rajaguru.
But as your maternal uncle,
l'm spellbound by your administrative skills.
Rajaguru, the full credit goes to you.
Sit down.
Oh King! Mr. Nixon is here to see you.
To collect tax, King.
lt's pain that comes on the
first of every month
Levy, tax, interest etc.,
Let him come, l'll teach him a lesson.
No, King.
Uncle, look there.
Welcome, my dear ones.
Welcome Mr. Nixon.
How is SirJohn of Chennai pattinam?
He is fine.
He wants to talk to you.
What's this? Why are you standing still?
Come on, let's sit and chat.
What would you like to have?
Milk? - Oh sure.
Please have it.
- Don't worry, Sir.
We will always stand by you.
All persons aren't good like you.
Some are opposing us.
ls it so?
Tell me their names.
l'll cut the hands that
refuse to pay you taxes.
Who else? lt's Veerapandiya Kattabomman.
What? Veerapandiya Kattabomman?!
Why are you struggling to breathe?
King, Kattabomman is in Tirunelveli.
He won't come here.
Even if he dares to come here,
l'll chase him away.
You take your seat.
No need, Pulikesi.
Thanks foryour co-operation.
lf needed l'll ask your help.
No, That is... - Nephew...
l'll sit obeying your words.
To hell with Kattabomman!
One more important thing...
Few business men from my place
want to sell soft drinks here.
You have to give permission to them.
No need to ask permission forthis.
This is your place.
No need of permissions.
ls it liquor or local brew?
lt's an energy drink foryoung to old.
Oh! ls it an energy drink?
Have you started digging the gold mine?
Yes. Work is going on well.
Very glad.
Our queen Elizabeth permitted to dig
in Kualalampur and Chozhapuram.
She will be happy if we find gold.
Shall we visit the gold mine?
Without paying attention to King's arrival,
are you sleeping in day time?
l'll kill you.
lf you repeat this again,
l'll make you go mad.
Forgive me, king.
Forgive you, crook.
This is our gold mine.
Take a look.
They are digging forthe past 3 years.
They are doing it fastly.
l'm making them to work hard forthis.
Nixon, you may fall down.
l need your help to achieve many things.
You're ourtrue friend.
We will do anything foryou. Ask...
Gentleman, l'll ask you.
Your country confers the title
'Sir' to scholarly men.
lf you conferthat title to our King,
we will be happy to call him
as 'Sir' Great King 23rd Pulikesi.
l'll try. - Thank you.
You finish this work quickly.
We will take leave.
Yes, Nixon. l'll also take leave.
My body has become hot.
l have to cool it.
Where will you go?
Harem- 24 hours open
Full moon day, King will come for a swim...
Great King 23rd Pulikesi is coming
to the harem. Be alert!
Welcome, my lord.
She is Gajalakshmi.
Thin tender waist!
ls she an example for it?
How tender is your waist my dear?
You're a naughty King.
Wait a minute.
l'll change and come.
Who is there?
Hey...- Oh No! Minister...
Why are you in heap?! Where is the king?
Oh No! King...Hey Mountain of flesh, get up...
King, please get up...
Please get up, King...
- King, did you call us?
You never come when l call
you in the palace.
But when l call you from here,
you rush over me.
Minister... -Yes, my King.
You take them to the terrace,
and roll them naked in the hot sun.
l'll obey your order, King.
Come on, move.
lt was like few elephants
stepping over me.
l escaped by a whisker,
otherwise they would've finished me.
Oh smart King!
Welcome to this harem!
Hail to you who is a scholar
of all the arts.
All beautiful damsels are
attracted by your handsome appearance
Oh my King....
Oh no! What type of a song is this!
This isn't the right song to
hear in this place of pleasure.
Music should be so fast
to rupture the drums!
Play the music...
Dance and sing...
find out your partner...
Let's go to the world of ecstasy.
Dance and sing...
find out your partner...
Let's go to the world of ecstasy.
Your eyes are like fish...
Your heart is full of honey...
Your eyes are like fish...
Your heart is full of honey...
l'm a Cupid. Don't delay...
l'll take you to the heaven...
Dance and sing...
find out your partner...
Let's go to the world of ecstasy.
Oh Handsome man!
Oh Handsome man!
Oh my fabulous man!
You're the smartest man in this world...
You're the one who provoked
the desires in me...
You captured me by your eyes...
You're a kind hearted man...
You are soft...
You're my man...
You are a master in the art of love...
My heart is craving for your company...
This moon is hot during nights...
Come and embrace me tightly
to stop my agony...
Oh my darling...oh my sweet heart!
Spread the flower bed...
Let my blooming flowers
become balls to play with.
Let it reach your royal hands
and attain salvation...
Let him count moles on my body...
Let him shower me with kisses...
You can carry me on your hands...
You can drench in the rain of my love...
Are lotuses found in the clouds?
Water falling from you is nectar...
Come, cajole me and have fun...
Come on to give pleasures...
Come near me...
Come near me to enjoy my beauty...
Give me a kiss...
Come near me to enjoy my beauty...
Give me a kiss...
Show your gentle face...
Hoist your flag of victory...
Lock me inside you.
Unleash the pleasures of love...
My cheeks are filled with honey...
You've the only right to taste it...
Come near me to enjoy my beauty...
Give me a kiss..
Oh King!
Oh King of Kings!
Oh my dear Kanna....
Your finger touch keeps us delightful...
Come on, dear...
Our youth is inviting you for the feast...
Oh King of Kings!
Oh my dear Kanna....
Every night show a new tactic of love...
We need your company forever...
From top to bottom, you make us happy...
You recite a poem of love with us...
Engulf us in the pleasure like
gentle rain and thick fog...
lt's a bliss to enjoy these
moments of pleasure in youth...
My Lord...
Yes Commander Agandamuthu.
What's the matter?
My Lord, you're supporting the
British who want to conquer us.
And you're paying them taxes too.
ls it courage?
Let's fight against the British.
l'm ready to sacrifice my life.
Oh really!
So, you're very interested to sacrifice life.
- That's in our blood, my Lord.
Do one thing.
-Waiting foryour order, my lord.
l'll give you rope.
Get yourself hanged in that.
You can easily sacrifice your life.
You don't know the difference between
bravery & statesmanship.
You do get your monthly salary, don't you?
Get the salary & keep quiet.
Or else go home & sleep.
Mere empty skull isn't enough.
You need me.
l would've been happy if l
had died in the war.
l'm living like dead.
Unable to look after my son,
l have pushed him into the clutches
of my cunning brother.
Please don't worry.
The good times will come.
And l'll be with you always.
l think these 2 beauties
never visited my harem.
What is the reason?
Who made this delay?
l'll take care of them, my Lord.
Do not mistake me.
These 2 will entertain you tonight.
Being my minister,
you read my mind better.
My lord...-Yes, that's me.
Poet Palapathra Onandi has come to see you.
- Palapathra Onandi...? Let him in.
What bloody name is that?
My dear 23rd Pulikesi may you live long!
May your Kingdom expand!
Will he always call me by name?
- That's the arrogance of every poet.
ls it?-Yes.
Reason for coming here?
To sing my new poetry to you and get rewards.
Sing your shit!
O my lord!
You're a PlMP.
ln politics, you're a KlNG OF lDlOTS.
Forthe poor, you're a STUPlD.
Keep your doors open & help the NEEDY.
When you see your enemies army,
you become a WASTREL.
You're the BLACK CROW.
Stop it you Onandi...
How dare you play with a lion's
mane in its own den?
What is my fault, my lord?
Why did you abuse me?
-Abuse you? l sang poetry in praising you.
What is he blabbering?
Why did you abuse the King
without giving a break?
But when?- Stop lying.
You called him ''Mama Manna'' (PlMP).
lt means Lord of Lords.
You called him ''Mollamari''.
- lt means rain. l compared him to the rain.
You called me ''Mudichavukki''.
- lt means you open knots of problems easily.
You called him ''Mooda''.
- Connect with the next sentence.
lt means that his doors are
always open forthe needy.
What about ''Punnakku''?
- lt means to destroy the enemies.
What else did he say?
Minister...-Yes, my lord.
- This time he can't escape.-Yes.
What do you mean by
''Andankakka'' (Black Crow)?
lt means saviour of this universe.
Does it mean that way?
- That's what l meant.
No way. l can't accept your explanations.
No rewards foryou.
Better leave now before you're kicked out.
My Lord...-Yes.
Don't force me to curse you, my lord.
l'm elderto you, listen to me.
There is a limit to everything.
How dare you talk against me?
Your eyes will pop out now.
Throw snuff powder on his face.
- This is injustice.
But this is justice to me.
Sprinkle well.
Hey you poet!
Only foryou, it is snuff powder.
For any other poet who comes here,
it is going to be chilly powder.
O you arrogant King! You will fall.
-Who is there to bring down my fall?
Let's break the locked prisons...
Let's start a revolution...
Let's break the locked prisons...
Let's start a revolution...
The rising sun will wipe away
darkness & give light...
Questions will be raised
against the government...
lt will bring down the governments...
Gone are the days of slavery...
Why fear?
Have courage & face the difficulties...
Everything is for the public...
This is our law...
Everyone can exercise their rights...
No more day dreaming...
The world will become one...
When the volcano spills lava out,
the hills & the mountains go to ashes...
The poor suffering at the hands of rich,
a new awakening & new dawn is in offing...
Look, my son has returned afterfinishing
studies at Nalanda University.
Son...- Mother.
- Do you recognize her?
She's feeling shy.
Who is she?- She is Vasantha Soundari,
Sundara Nachiar uncle's daughter.
Oh really!
How are you Vasantha?
Still playing hide & seek game with me?
Oh No!
Ukkiraputha, Vasanthi is gone.
Please look at me.
A crowd is waiting foryou.
ln short, l'm a revolutionary.
What are you saying?
When l went to Nalanda
for my higher studies,
A nationalist organization is very active.
Young men are trained there
to fight the British.
l've undergone a year's training there.
My next plan is to send you to
Tippu's camp in a group of four.
There you will be trained
in all guerrilla warfare.
We must first eliminate puppets
who help the British.
Who is 23rd Pulikesi?
We must kill him who does not
respect people's sentiments.- Sure.
We are already furious.
We will sacrifice our lives forthe cause.
-You are a sincere patriot.
l'm an extremist revolutionary.
Leave him.
Give him the bow & the arrow.
Your intention was to kill me.
l'll give you the opportunity.
Use it if you are a true soldier.
l'm Sangilimayan who decides
every move of this Kingdom.
And you're a small ant
who dared to stand against me.
Who are you?
He who sent you is one
amongst us, right?
Show me who he is.
l'll spare your life. Not only that,
l will offeryou diamonds, gold...
Shit! l'm not like you. l'm not a traitor
to pledge my country to the British.
l'm not a coward to bend my back either.
So, you're one of the revolutionaries.
Then, you won't tell the truth
even if you die.
Not only me, every stone of this palace
will support the British.
ls there anyone who is against this?
This is an iron fortress.
Without my knowledge....- Uncle.
Nothing can get inside without our knowledge.
But if anyone dares to get inside...
Looks like only a 8 dot rangoli
was put infront of the palace.
Won't they put a 16 dot rangoli?
Don't make my sword do the work.
My lord, don't take swords for rangoli.
Leave silly things to me. l'll handle it.
My Lord...-Yes.
-A message from Vallavarayan.
And Bad Smell C.
We can sell in the same brand name, right?
An English name.
Everything can be English inside.
But name should be in Tamil.
Yes. We are very concerned about it.
Call the translator.
The name is Sistermala.
He found this drink.
So, we named the drink after him.
What do you mean by ''Sister''?
- lt means sister.
Whose sister?- My sister.
Age?- She will be 60 this September.
She is my elder sister.
Keep the name as Akkamala.
Another liquor name is ''Bad smell C''.
What do you mean by ''Bad smell''.
- lt means stink.
Keep the name as Gup - C.
We are planning advts. forthe drinks
with drama stars & sportspersons.
lf we advertise well, our people will drink
even urine as tender coconut water.
That's our strength.
Friend, a small request.
Can l wearthat hat once?-Yes.
How do l look like?-Wonderful.
By letting the foreigners do
business in our country,
you will be called as ''Pulikesi, who opened
the doors of business to foreigners''.
Why are looking at me like that?
l can sing a poem only when l look at it.
Poetry?- Yes.
You're my dream...
You're a magical moon...
Let's go to the world of love...
You're the fragrance of gold
with a heart of a lion...
Come & enjoy this young girl...
ln the city of Koodal & at the
bank of river Vaigai, come, let's unite...
Enchant me with your beautiful poetry...
Let's fly to the dreamland of happiness...
Let's fly...
You're my dream...
You're a magical moon...
Let's go to the world of love...
You're the fragrance of gold
with a heart of a lion...
Come & enjoy this young girl...
O beauty! Your beauty is always mine...
My heart will yearn for your embrace...
O Angel! l saw Cupid's arrows
of love in your eyes...
l want you to give me a bath
in the river of love...
The sound of kisses
mesmerizes me...
Let our hearts get
engulfed in the bliss...
Let the kisses get spilled all over us...
You're my dream...
You're a magical moon...
Let's go to the world of love...
You're the fragrance of gold
with a heart of a lion...
Come & enjoy this young girl...
Enough poet!
l've brought sweet for my beloved.
- Really? You nevertold me.
What do you want?
- For me...?
l heard that there are beautiful deer
in the forest next to our village.
l love them.
Will you get me one?
No. We shouldn't harm animals.
Others hunt them.
But l asked you to catch one for me.
Only arrogant hunt them.
Only capital punishment will
stop them from hunting.
We got a message from Nixon.
-What is it?
When he was hunting deer in
Sundaravadhana garden yesterday,
someone had hit him with a stone and
destroyed his chariot.- Oh no! Then?
Then his advisortold him
that he looked just like you.
Our King?
Hitting bulls eye...?
Our King and hitting bulls eye? No chance.
Forgive me my Lord.
Sorry for revealing the truth.
Stop it.
People are here with new issues. Solve them.
-What is that new issue?
Caste problem.
lt will look like a small spark.
Blow it to a big fire so that we can warm
ourselves in that heat for generations.
So, there has been communal clashes
amongst yourtwo castes for a decade.
Yes my lord.
Which caste do you belong to?
- Nagapathani caste.
And you...?- Nagappathani caste.
Confusing me...?
Both claim to belong the same caste.
But call yourselves different castes.
We belong to Nagappathani caste,
our name has an extra P.
We only belong to Nagapathani caste.
They are a new group.
So we are the seniors.
No, we are the seniors.
- No way, we are the seniors.
Stop it.
People's wish is the King's wish.
ln the vacant land next to the lake,
construct a stadium by overnight
for people to sit & watch.
All communal clashes will be take place there,
so that the world will watch it with awe.
lsn't there anything to stop them?
We can't make them understand.
Rajaguru is everything.
Only a sword can restrain them.
Vallavarayan has threatened to wage
a war on us if we support British.
He will unleash hell.
This isn't important to us.
We'll know the consequences
only if he ravages us.
Hail the King 23rd Pulikesi!
Hail our golden son 23rd Pulikesi!
Hail our brave King 23rd Pulikesi!
Hail the King Pulikesi.
Silence please.
So, ourfirst target is Rajaguru
and King Pulikesi.
Let them be our relatives or siblings,
we shouldn't spare anyone.
Swearto sacrifice your lives
and join this organization.
My lord...-Yes.
Your body & his head is covered.
Why? What's happening here?
That body and this head are going to unite.
That body & this mean murder.
lt is an art & not murder.
How can a murder become an art?
You always prove yourself
to be a foolish Minister.
How could this be possible?
- Like that.
Wow! You seem to be very strong.
My lord...-Yes.
How did you get this idea?
- l will tell you.
Everyone knows that l'm an Emperor.
But if someone makes a portrait of me,
it would look awful.-Yes.
l wanted 23rd Pulikesi to be
praised in heaven & earth,
and must be as strong as a bull.
When l was sitting on the pot and thinking,
l got this idea of painting
my portrait like this.
How shrewd l am, right?
The future generations will be
stunned looking at this portrait.
People from the next century
won't know how l would look like.
History is very important.
-Yes my lord.
O my lord! Vallavarayan is coming.
They come to disturb my thirst for art.
Tell him he can't meet the King now.
lf possible, l will meet him next month. Right?
Vallavarayan has come with his army.
Do l need this?
Vallavarayan sent messages twice
not to pay taxes to the British.
You ate the pigeons which carried the message.
And now he is with his army
standing at our palace gates.
Only God knows what else he will do.
Awarfor a pigeon..?
lt is very bad.
He has taken a hasty decision.
How can he fight with me?
You could've told me that
there is no way here.
So, you will simply follow
wherever l go, ah?
Bunch of idiots!
There is a well overthere.
l can't tolerate you guys.
That's one way, my lord.
Oh no!
l'm in trouble for eating a pigeon.
My lord...-Yes.
Let your soldiers not know
soldiers your weakness.
The entire army will lose hope.
- ls it?
Soldiers, a cloud of war has
engulfed our kingdom.
Waging a war against Pulikesi!
Hey Vallavarayan!
l was waiting for a warto take place
and l will rip out your skin. ldiot!
The horses are raring to gallop.
Soldiers! We are tigers.
While going to a war, do not run.
We have to hide & then pounce.
We are lions.
We shouldn't roar.
Our looks should kill our enemies.
We are elephants.
We should bend ourselves to them.
We must crush them under ourfeet.
We are foxes.
We shouldn't fight for our prey.
lnstead we must kill our enemies. Understood..?
Start now. Let our army march.
Hail Lord Murugan!
Say ''Victory is ours''.
Hail Lord Murugan!
- ''Victory is ours''.
Start now.
Why are you so lazy? Move fast.
My lord!
Please lend me your hand.
Am l running high fever?
-Yes my lord.
Just like me, you are also running high fever.
-Are you also running high fever?
We hurt no one.
Why is this happening to us?
Should God play with us only?
What sound is that?
- Blowing conch.- Conch..?
Vallavarayan is very impatient.
He might break the walls and
enter into the palace.
Why are you crying?
Are you afraid of the war?
Yes my lord.
Don't get scared.
l'm there with you.
You're my man.
What's wrong with you?
- Nothing my lord.
Come.- My lord, you are
strong enough, ah?
Where is our army of elephants?
We sent the elephants on hire
for Thiruvaroor King's marriage.
ls it? So, there are no elephants in army today?
We took money.- Shut up.
Are these people ready?-Yes.
We must fight well.
Once we open the door...
What's this?
Give that to me.
My lord...-What's all this?
Where is that blacksmith who made this?
Did you call me?
Who made this sword?
- l made it.
Just drag the sword.
Here l do.
Give that to me.
What are you looking into it?
When your King is in danger, all swords are broken.
What do you have to say about it?
Everything is fine. But l didn't get time
to repairthem properly.
But the enemies have come.
What should l do now?
Do something.- Sure l will.
Chain him & make him lie down there.
Let the elephants crush his body
when they come back.
My lord...
Shall we go?
-Wait a minute.
Hey Pulikesi...
My blood freezes at the noise he makes.
What will happen to me if l fight?
My lord...-Yes.
This is not the time to play.
Let anything may happen.
Let's march forward.
Come out Pulikesi.
- He is calling my name again & again.
Let's go to the war.-Yes.
The time has come.
You must be like an arrow shot from a bow.
Our entry must demoralize them.
Let the victory bugle be blown.
God! Save your children.
Hail Victory!
War...! War...!
What's happening, my lord?
He is coming with a white flag
Stop it, you idiot.
Who did he call?
- Not us.
So, he called me...?!
So, the while flag did not work.
Pulikesi, l've come to take your head.
Take my head?
l sent a message with my pigeon
not to join hands with the British.
How dare you fry my pigeon & eat it?
Please do not suspect me.
Even l sent a message that
l won't pay taxes to the British.
But you didn't get it.
No l didn't get it.
He says he didn't get it.
l got a couple of complaints too.
What can l do?
The pigeons carrying messages are
hunted down by the eagles.
l've sent men to catch those eagles.
The soldiers didn't come back.
They never came back.
Stop spinning yarns.
l will kill you, wastrel!
Yes l am a wastrel!
You are always right.
My lord, please believe me.
l'm yourfriend.
Please don't be angry on me.
l always support you.
Please tell him.
He is begging.
l wouldn't have sent him
any message if l knew this.
He has no honour.
l heard it.
We have come with our army to fight him.
That's good.
Look at his shit face.
A big moustache isn't just enough.
You coward with a shield.
Having come so far, let's pluck out his eyes.
Oh my god!
Vallavarayan, l want to live.
Shit! He has fallen at ourfeet. Let's go.
You made Vallavarayan to run
from the battlefield.
What did you say?
Oh no! Who asked them to come here?
Since you escaped waving the white flag,
you will called as the King of White flag.
ls that enough?
Let's go back.
My lord...-Yes.
An army of revolutionaries is
formed in our kingdom.
For what?- To kill you.
Army of revolutionaries to kill me?
Enemies in your own country?
Who are they? Why do they want to kill you?
Again a white flag?
Are you watching fun?
lf we don't nip it in bud,
we may need an axe to cut it then.
Any other news?- No, my Lord.
King!-Who is there?
Our spy has come.
King, the news has come immediately.
He's my spy, he's very sharp.
Minister, we must honour him today.
l mean you've decided
to increase his salary.
Yes.-Yes, my Lord.
Get up Minister.
Let the spy sit there.
Sit here, would you like to
have any hot drink?
Hot milk?- No Lord.
Ginger Coffee?- No Lord.
My stomach is upset.
Then, you must have a herbal tea?
- No lord.
Don't you want? Okay.
What's that stick in your hand?
l'm in a cart driver's disguise, Lord.
O Spy! Yourthoughts and
works are just like mine.
You've proven that you're indeed
a worthy chief Spy.
lt's all the effect of Elephant's milk
l had with you.
lt's not elephant's milk,
it's milk of wisdom.
l give up.
Okay, what's the news?
King! A calamity is fast approaching us.
What calamity?
Vallavarayan had sent a pigeon
with a letter, right?
So what?
He's planning to attack us with army
as the pigeon didn't return to him.
Attacking us?-Yes, Lord.
When is he expected to attack us?
Any moment my Lord. Tomorrow...
Bloody...damn fool...
l told you to get latest news.
Will you come with outdated
old rotten news?
Today, l will...get up.
Showing your strength on me?
Watch my intelligence now.
Save's paining.
Tell me the truth, where did you go actually?
Forgive me Lord.
There was a grand feast in my Uncle's
home on the way in Seerkazhi.
l enjoyed the feast & their hospitality
fortwo days and returned.
Did you grace theirfunction?-Yes.
Now l'll disgrace you.
Boy! What is that?
- Tender coconut water.
Give me.
What is this?
Tender coconut water, King.
Tender coconut water?
l'm on fire and you're having coconut water.
What are you saying King?
l've got news about rebels
from thieves close to us.
Astonishing! So fast? You're a genius
in information & communication.
Our meeting must be a secret
between us only.- Okay Lord.
Come, my Lord.
Minister! Why is the horse galloping?
l don't know my Lord.
Lord, be careful.
l could feed the horse only
one drug filled coconut,
another one...-Another one?
King drank it.
Let him drink and go to hell.
Let the horse run helter skelter.
Commander! ls everyone ready there?
Yes Commander.
Our people are waiting in the
forest to kill the King.
Our men are coming back
from Tippu Sultan's camp.
How are we going to dislodge
the King and Rajaguru?
Dislodge them?
l'm doubtful of doing it with
the strength we have.
Without being foolish
like the opposition camp,
if we just raise cries of
Comradeship always,
we can never achieve our aim.
Sometimes we must also become
schemers like them.
We must do it ourselves.
Will anyone jump from sky to do it?
His Highness...
The Mightiest of the mighty...
Emperor amongst emperors...
King, he forgot to say again,
'Bravest of the brave'
l said it right this time, King,
totally seven...
His Highness...
lt's enough if you announce
the arrival of the King.
No need of lavish praises,
it's detrimental to the ruler.
All of you please be seated.
Minister!- King.
Whose statue is that?
lt's been here for many years.
- l know it.
l find it little different today.
There's no difference in it King.
A gift to us from SirJones,
it's the statue of Sir Robert Clive.
A mark of our loyalty
towards the British Empire.
Loyalty? Great!
King! Douglas and Gerald are here
for an audience with you.
King, they are soft drink makers and
they are here to give our share.
Hello Pulikesi.
Hi Mangudi! How are you?
Greetings Douglas.-Yeah.
My dear Britishers, welcome.
This is your share.
Just asking you for curiosity,
what's the manufacturing cost
of a bottle of soft drink?
Sold at?- 10 coins a bottle.
Why is it sold so expensively?
This nation is full of ignorant fools.
They will not ask questions
and we can mint money.
Good, you've understood
my citizens very well. are you doing man?
No...wait...Mr. Pulikesi.
No...oh God!
Bloody beggars, you came in
search of a livelihood,
are you cheating us?
lt's a mistake for allowing you
to sell soft drinks here.
Are you selling it at higher rates
and cheating us?
l don't want even a drop of
your drink in my land.
lf you dare to step into my
country again, you'll be dead.
Go away.
Minister.- King.
There's no point in accusing them,
bring those who acted as models
forthe ads to sell the drinks.
As you order Lord.
Greetings King.
He's stage actor Sevilipandi Bhagavathar.
She's stage actress Chellatha.
- Greetings King.
He's wrestler Sangoli Rajan.
- Greetings King.
ls it right or wrong to act
as models for ads? Tell me.
Tell me, is it right or wrong?
Won't you answer me?
You've been spared because
you're a woman.
Whiteman is clever,
l'm useless,
you're selfish,
lsn't this your idea?
Will you eat anything
given on a platter?
How are we different from animals?
Shouldn't we think logically?
Forgive me King.
Call the painter, and
ask him to do as l order.
Enjoy Palmcola like Chellatha!
Enjoy fresh tender coconut water!
Bloody cowards.
Your men failed to kill me,
what's your next plan?
l'll behead you to save
my motherland!
Commander! l'm not Pulikesi.
l'm his brother Ukkiraputhan.
Yes, it happened like this.
That demon Rajaguru's treachery
is breaking our nation.
We need a man like you
to chastise men like him.
Thank God! Pulikesi escaped from us.
Make my brotherto do hard labour in
gold mines under heavy protection.
How can he be a King without knowing
the hardships of people he rules?
Keep this a secret from
my parents too.
Who is there?
Hey fools! Who is there?
l'm Pulikesi the King.
They are torturing me more
if l say l'm the King.
l don't know why l'm in captive and
why they are torturing me?
l don't mind the torture but
please give me some waterto drink.
Who is there?
Just a while ago we had thrashed you
forthese arrogant outbursts, right?
Thrash me again but offer me water
to drink man or else l'll die man.
Then answer my question,
l'll give you a pint of water.
A pint? Come on ask me.
lf you give shirt to uncle,
short boy will beat you with a baton.
Who is he?
Why are you staring at me?
l'll repeat it.
lf you give shirt to uncle,
short boy will beat you with a baton.
Answer me man.
lf l've to tell you that secret for
a glass of water, l don't need it man.
ls it really a secret?
Please tell me,
l can't bearthe curiosity to know it.
Then l'll ask you a question,
answerto that question is that secret.
ls it? Come on ask me.
Thanking the pig,
scaled a mount and stood there,
you can win over Kulasekhar.
What is that?
Use brain not weapons.
l'll kill you man. ls it a question?
Bloody dirty face! l'll rip you apart.
Why are you in jail?
l'll not confuse like you,
l'll tell you clearly.- Tell me.
l asked is the gold mine necessary
in the condition our nation is now?
l was jailed immediately
under section KEDA.
By the foolish King ruling
this country, Pulikesi.
People are struggling for gruel,
is gold a necessity now?
You can say anything sitting here.
Only the man sitting on the throne
knows where it hurts.
This country is prospering underthe
golden rule of Pulikesi, the great!
lf you belittle him again
l'll put you in jail. Bloody criminal!
Am l myself in a jail?
l went overboard mistaking
it for my royal court.
l found gold...l found gold.
Where did you find gold man?- Here!
Why are you pointing at me?
How intelligently you spoke to me
just a while ago, indeed you're gold.
Hey! You are shouting with a scheme.
Where is the gold man?
Gold? My foot!
You denied him water, right?
He's making false claims of
finding gold to fool you.
Throw him in underground cells, quick!
When did l claim of finding gold?
Look, he's lying again.
He's a mad man, poke and torture him.
Don't beat me...don't beat me.
A King getting beaten up black and blue.
They are squeezing me out.
Everything happening here must
be brought to our notice.
Commander!- King!
Why so many fruits have been kept here?
Who is celebrating honeymoon here?
That is...- Clear it out first.
Boy! Come here.
Who is this boy?
To run errands, King.
What? Child labour?
So they have sent these
children to work in poverty.
You've engaged them for
lower wages. lsn't it?
lt was my idea to Rajaguru to
save escalating salary bill.
Show me your palm.
ln few days a trunk will
grow on yourface.
You are growing fat everyday but making
little innocent children to work?
Bloody stone hearted man.
How many steps lead to
the palace terrace?
Ask him to climb up and down
those steps till today's dusk.
Let his big tummy know what is work.
-Yes King.
Children! Why didn't you go to school?
No money to pay fees.-What?
Children, don't worry, you'll go to
school from tomorrow.
Commander, let education be made free
to every citizen of this nation.
The sky will fit into your fist...
lf you have the will power...
Even mountains will give way...
lf you march ahead with an aim...
Let there be any obstacle...
Let's march ahead...
By hook or crook...
Do good for your motherland...
Provide pension for these girls every month.
Let them take up some job
and eke out a livelihood.
Children's playground.
The word ''NO'' will be removed
from the Tamil dictionary...
lf we give charity generously,
poverty will totally vanish...
Our blood & sweat will lift
our motherland to new heights...
Let love prevail everywhere...
God dwells in...
the smiles of the poor....
God is in the hand that helps others...
Stop it.
lf l had done such a foolish thing,
don't you have brains?
Shouldn't you've fought against me?
- By God's grace you have reformed.
Yourfather's soul will rest in peace
looking at your good deeds.
Oh my god! How many times should
l carry this big stone?
lt is rolling down...
He is staring at me.
What's happening?
Walking like an old man!
Playing with the stone.
What's wrong with you?
l think my spine is broken.- ls it?
lf you don't work properly,
your bones will also break.
Go & carry the stone back to the top.
- Okay sir.
Stop. No one should be permitted inside.
Please do not stop us.
We will leave after seeing our son.
Listen to me, sir.
l wonder how he is struggling.
Don't cry.
We will make a request to our King Pulikesi.
l should beat myself with slippers
for ordering to find gold in mines.
The King who opened this
is being squeezed.
What can l do?
l can't.
She is not here. Has she left?
There she comes.
Stop acting. Get up.
How did you find that l was acting?
Won't my heart know that?
-Your heart?
lt thrills me from head to toe.
What's your name?
''GO''...Wow! What a beautiful name!
Your name sounds so sweet!
Ms. Go...
l said go.
Oh l see!
What's your name?- Soolayini.
Even this name tempts every man.
Then?- Enough.
Do you want guavas?
Guavas...? Are you telling the truth?
Here it is.
Caught you.
Give it to me.
Soolayini, we've exchanged our hearts too.
l will bite it now itself.
Welcome Pulikesi.-Welcome Uncle.
l was waiting foryou.
When did you return?
Just a while ago.
How are you, my dear?
With your blessing, l'll always be fine.
How was your journey?
Very fine. The Britishers inquired about you.
We are important to them.
So, they will inquire about us.
-You're right.
l heard that in my absence
you ruled the kingdom very well.
lt is the knowledge which you imparted to me.
But still, the change is impeccable.
ln this world, change is indispensable.
So, you've read Bhagavad Gita too.
Why read Gita when l live
a life of Lord Krishna?
You mean to say that he
who lived a life of Allah or
he who lives a life of Jesus doesn't
have to follow Quran or Bible?
Following is different from
leading a life of the same.
How is my thought?-Wonderful!
l heard about the changes you have
brought in this kingdom.
You've started to lead
a life of Lord Buddha.
lt's all because of you, uncle.
As an Emperor, l thought about
something else too.
What was that?
We will be destroyed if we lead
a life of Buddha.
So, l need to be a ferocious Buddha.
What are you looking at?
Showeryour blessings.
You can leave. l will also come
to the court.- Okay.
Becoming ferocious midway and
born ferocious has lot of differences.
Pulikesi, l am your uncle.
Uncle who never likes changes.
Why did you hit me the other day?
You bad mouthed our King Pulikesi.
So l hit you.
What bloody Pulikesi?
Do not bad mouth him.
He is a warrior.
l heard a secret about him today morning.
What was that?
Do you know what he did?
-What did he do?
Once he went to forest to hunt bears.
Do you know what happened there?
So, he also knows the secret.
Minister...-Yes my lord.
Looks like a dense forest.-Yes.
Do not forget the path we came.
l hear many sounds. What are they?
My lord...-Yes.
Look there.
lt's a bear, right?
lt's the same bear which created
havoc in the village.
lt's tallerthan our horse.
- Don't get scared.
We can reach the palace in
a minute with these horses.
Let's run.- Stop being foolish.
lf we run away, our soldiers will spread
this news & defame us.
Just shut up.
Bear's eyes...
Was ours a hasty decision to get down?
No doubt about it.
The arrow is pointing towards yourthroat.
The beginning is not right.
Let's run away. Come.
Why are you scaring me?
We have an army behind us.
Watch now. Watch how l shoot arrows.
My lord, you have wasted 41 arrows.
This is the last arrow.
What are you looking at?
l saw you murmuring something.
l prayed to God.- Pray.
Oh my God!
lt caught my arrow.
Oh no! Where are they?
And where is my horse?
The bear is coming towards me.
lts coming. What am l to do now?
l forgot the path l came.
Minister begged me to run away.
But l never listened to him.
Oh my God! How big it is!
Shaking its back!
Practice well! You will get it right.
Start now.
Where is my arrow?
l aimed at his head but the
arrow struck his abdomen.
Where did this arrow go?
Oh my God!- l missed it again.
Why is the arrow going the other way?
Worry not. Practice makes man perfect.
Practice well.
You must take revenge on
the bearthat spat on you.
Nothing wrong in losing
10 of our soldiers.
Where did this go?
Has it crossed the mountain?
Minister...- My lord.
Minister! Am l not worth enough
to use bow and arrow?
Nothing like that. Practice later.
Okay. But will the bear come tonight?
Let's do one thing.
Let's hide in the underground jail.
Minister, you're very clever.
Now you know what sort of a King he is.
A bear spat on him.
He can't even shoot arrows properly.
lf you talk great about him,
l will kill you. Get lost.
Rajaguru might find the truth
if we make the slightest error.
Only now we must be very
careful with our moves.
Mere moves aren't enough.
We must be ready to fight.
Keep the revolutionary army on red alert.
-Yes my lord.
Greetings. Did you call for me?
Are you also a spy of the army
which is against me?
Don't you know about my family?
We do not indulge in anything.
We are mere spectators.
Please believe me.
- ldiot! Tell me the truth.
As far as l know, a revolutionary army
is ready to attack in our country.
Who were you searching?
l searched for no one.
You are lying.
You were looking for me, right?
l'm not eligible forthat.
Why do you say that?
Everyone over here makes fun of me.
Then how will you have
a good opinion about me?
The whip will caress a tiger
when it is caged.
By calling me a tiger,
you're making me go wild.
ls it because l found the tiger in you?
You're very clever.
-What do you mean by that?
lt means that you're very clever.
You're very shrewd.
Come inside.
He is there.
He was bitten by a big rat.
Come inside.
lt is locked.- Don't worry.
You are very slim.
You can easily get through.
Come that way.
Give that to me.
Now it is yourturn, my dear.
Now you know how clever l am.
This is foryou. Eat.
You brought peanuts & flouryesterday.
And today, you brought turtle gravy & rice flour.
lf you weren't there,
l might have grown thin.
You cross so many hurdles
and dangers for me.
What if someone catches you?
- No one can touch me.
Even if the King comes here,
l'll smash his face.
Please don't say that.
He is our King, right?
So many are beating him to pulp.
And now, you've joined their list too.
My heart changed
the first time l saw you.
l hated food.
l feel like walking in the air.
Sometimes, whatever l say
sounds like a song to me.
l can't differentiate between sun & moon.
l feel like my stomach has vanished.
l feel like butterflies fluttering
and hovering around my head.
What are these symptoms?
Signs of smallpox.- Really?
You can't even understand
one's love foryou.
Sweetheart, do you love me?
Soolayini, what do you see?
Am l there with you?
You're a sweet little fruit...
You're my colourful parrot...
You're a sweet little fruit...
You're my colourful parrot...
Let's romance on the bed...
You're the King of sword fights & wars...
Let's make it a memorable one...
When l kissed you on your forehead,
your sweat tasted sweet...
After you kissed me,
even honey tasted sour...
My kisses will be sweet..
And it's a war on the bed...
You're a sweet little fruit...
You're my colourful parrot...
Let's romance on the bed...
You're the King of sword fights & wars...
Let's make it a memorable one...
Your body is made out of fine silk...
And my touch made it still finer...
With sizzling looks of my King...
my heart went mad...
Are your eyes a sword?
ls love a bunch of lies?
Night is of 12 hours...
ls that enough for love?
Let's put sun to sleep...
And continue our romantic ploys...
Let's exchange our hearts
and fly into the sky..
You're a sweet little fruit...
You're my colourful parrot...
Let's romance on the bed...
You're the King of sword fights & wars...
Let's make it a memorable one...
Making a swing with your tresses,
let me swing in it...
Open the doors to your heart
which is heaven to me...
The Creator has made you
beautiful & attractive...
My heart, soul and body will always
yearn for union with you...
Your waist line so thin,
it's where the love fire was sparked...
Are you my dream boy?
Or are you my darling?
ls pleasure sculptured & hidden in you?
You're a sweet little fruit...
You're my colourful parrot...
Let's romance on the bed...
You're the King of sword fights & wars...
Let's make it a memorable one...
When l kissed you on your forehead,
your sweat tasted sweet...
After you kissed me,
even honey tasted sour...
My kisses will be sweet...
And its a war on the bed...
My lord, from Rajaguru's room...
- Minister has come, right?
Yes, my lord.
He might've blabbered something.
lt's alright.
l'm prepared for everything.
Greetings, my lord.
Mr. Nixon has come to see you.
Make sure Rajaguru doesn't know
about Mr. Nixon arrival.
Yes, my lord.
Let's inform Rajaguru...
To safeguard our interests.
ls it?-Yes.
He has given a very good idea.
Why don't we kill him forthat?
Very good idea.
- My lord, please forgive me.
Welcome Mr. Nixon.
So, you're Mr. Nixon, ah?
What happened to you Pulikesi?
We meet quite often, don't we?
- So what?
The Pulikesi you met before is different
from the Pulikesi you're meeting now.
Your welcome is not proper.
lt's not ourtradition to
welcome scoundrels.
You're talking too much.
l'll talk even much more.
Come to the point.
l came to collect tax.
- l won't pay.
This is my country.
And l'm the King.
Then, why should l pay tax to the beggars
who came here for a living?
But you paid tax all these days.
Yes, that's a mistake.
lf you've any loyalty forthis country
which gave you prosperity,
return back the tax money
which l had paid you till now.
Someone has poisoned your mind.
Nobody can poison my mind since
l'm the master of my will.
Pulikesi, itching to wage a war?
- l'm warning you.
Okay. Forget it Pulikesi.
We both lost cool in hot temper.
When will you pay the tax?
Now or later?
Do you think l will dance to yourtunes?
l will never ever pay tax to you.
Even Kattabomman refuses to pay tax.
Why won't you pay tax?
How dare you ask me to pay tax?
Why should we pay levy?
What share do you have in our produce?
When we sweated it out in ourfields,
you were busy hunting animals in forest.
When we watered our crops,
you were busy taking sun bath...
nude sun bath.
When we had no waterfor our crops,
you were busy drinking liquor
in the Himalayas under woolen rugs.
How dare of you ask us to pay tax at the
time of harvest, you shameless beggars?
Pulikesi, l had already told you.
You need tax to run a government.
Do you know anything about
management rules?
We gave to this world ''Arthasashtra''
and ''Thirukkural''.
asking us about management, ah?
The rules you know about
management, tax & income.
l too know the sub-sections of these.
l know that tax is the backbone
of any government.
But the reason why l refuse to pay tax,
is that why should we pay to those
who came here for a living?
Like me, if everyone refuses to pay tax,
your empire will fall.
after we chase you out of this country,
we will correct the flaws in the system
and will rule ourselves.
So better leave this place.
l'm leaving Pulikesi.
But Collector 18th Edward is
a very angry man.
Tell him if he dares to steps into
my kingdom, he'll get beheaded.
You're going to face the tanks.
Our women are running short of washing
stones. Bring yourtanks.
Get out.
Pulikesi...- Get out, you foreigner!
Welcome Mr. Nixon...
Who are you to decide not to
pay tax to the British?
Address me with formal respect.
l'm the King.
l'm the Rajaguru.
Which means you are allowed to
speak when l need any advice.
So, you won't respect me, ah?
Just because l respect you,
l let the Englishman go.
Or else l would've broken his teeth.
You don't know about my true nature.
Threatening me?
What will you do?
You're nothing when compared
to my experience.
Your experience is nothing when
compared to my courage.
You never saw my true nature.
Only good men have another
side known as bad.
You can't have a good side, can you?
You will die.
Before that happens, l will destroy you.
Have you dared to destroy me, right?
Not only you,
anyone who betrays my motherland
will not be spared.
We'll meet again.
By God's grace, our king has reformed.
And he is ruling the country very well.
What? Which King?
Which King!? Our King Pulikesi.
You're asking this as if you don't know.
l heard that the King has gone an expedition.
Before he does some good to this country,
he won't go anywhere.
Shut up & do your work.
Forget about him.
Our King spoke to Anaiappar
regarding water, didn't he?
lt was a great feat.
Spoke to Anaiappar...?
Why are getting surprised to everything?
l'm eagerto know what all has happened.
Our king spoke to Anaiappar.
Stadium for communal clashes is closed.
Converted harem into a school.
Closed the soft drink factories
of Akkamala & Gup-C.
Robbers & thieves are rotting
in underground jails.
What else do you want to know, tell me?
Who did all these?
Our King 23rd Pulikesi.
He is getting surprised again & again.
Let me put this spear into his mouth.
- Stop it, please. Please go.
Mind your work.
Leave him. Let's go.
When l'm here...there..
The King is coming with Commander.
Let's go there, quick.
Every second we delay
we get closerto danger.
As planned, do what you are
instructed to do. Got it?
So, it is you who is helping him.
Ruling the Kingdom in my disguise.
You've made me fit for nothing.
You'll die today.
Welcome my lord.
Please take your seat.
Ukkiraputha...- Father.
Agandamuthu told me that
you're 23rd Pulikesi's twin brother.
You look very much like your brother.
My younger brother...
The truth about you twins was
nevertold to anyone.
Sangilimayan sent you in the river.
l was helpless.
On one hand, my mother is not well.
On the other hand, my brother Pulikesi
has become a wastrel.
That's why ljailed him knowing
that he is my brother.
To reform him.
Poor boy Pulikesi.
He is a good man.
lt was time which paralyzed your mother.
lt was your uncle's treachery
which spoilt your brother.
Sangilimayan was close to the British,
hatched a plan to kill
yourfather Mokkayappan,
then Queen, your mother went to the battlefield
leading the army on King's orders.
She faced defeat.
Because of the defeat,
she was bed ridden for 12 years.
Unable to move from her chair.
Poor boy Pulikesi.
He was only a child.
He became a puppet in that demon's hands.
Pulikesi is my brother.
l must save him.
Be careful Ukkiraputha.
He doesn't know his own condition.
You are right.
You don't need to lift your sword, Commander.
l heard everything.
l've a brother just like me.
My brother is the King of this country.
We are brothers.
We both lost a chance of
growing together.
We haven't lost it.
lf you realize your mistakes,
we can be achieve more
than what we had lost.
How can that be possible?
What do l have now to lose?
lt's okay if this cuckoo was
brought up in a crow's nest.
lt was brought up in a eagle's nest.
And it is now a slave to the eagle.
Don't worry, my brother.
Forget it. You've corrected everything.
Why fear when you have a brother!
O God! Thank you very much.
l know that you both will unite.
How...!? lt is easy to question me.
What else can a screenplay writer
think otherthan a re-union?
l prepared your horoscopes.
Only l knew that you both
will unite in future.
Brother, let's decide as to
what has to be done.
l've a message that
Edward is coming tomorrow.
Guards! Get my clothes.
l'll unite revolutionaries and people
against the oppressive Rajaguru.
You go to the palace.- Okay.
l'm ready to get punished
for insulting you.
l'll present you with a gift
tomorrow morning.
My lord...-Who is that?
Greetings my lord.
- Okay. What's the matter?
A small doubt...
There is nothing called small & big.
Knock my door even at night.
Tell me.
So, it was this.
For what & why?
Yes Mr. Collector, what they said is right.
Pulikesi has written a letter saying
that he won't come back.
Yes Mr. Collector.
Everything happened in
the blink of an eye.
A coward.
He planned but left the field midway.
lt was you who wrote that,
but blaming the King.
l'll tell you the reason.
Bring him here.
He is responsible for everything.
He hatched a plan to
capture the kingdom.
So, he made Pulikesi his slave
with his mesmerizing words.
Their plan was to kill me.
Join hands with Veerapandiya Kattabomman.
And fight against you.
l'm a black Cheetah.
l've shattered all their plans.
Tell me, what punishment does he deserve?
ls there no one to save this
great King 23rd Pulikesi?
Oh my God!
Hey you scoundrels! You've hit from
behind and brought me here.
You never saved rain water.
But you've saved so much of water
to kill a single man.
Oh no! lt's very cold...
Who is there?
Wow! Light has come.
He will help me to escape.
My dear guard! Come fast...
Please come and rescue your King.
l can't, my King. l'm Rajaguru's man.
Really? Rajaguru's man?
lt's alright, guard.
You're the one who used
to fan me, aren't you?
Don't you feel pity on your King?
No King.
One day, since l didn't fan you properly,
you burnt my mouth with a hot rod.
Did l do like that?
My dear! l've forgotten it.
You do one thing...
Please release my hands...
l'll fall at yourfeet and seek pardon.
- l can't, my King.
Guard, please listen to me...
You used to pester me forfestival bonus,
have you forgotten it?
Your generous King is going
to die now...- King...
ls this how you show your
loyalty to your King?
Won't future history depict you as bad man?
Think deeply...
l'm coming, my King.
Excellent, Pulikesi.
You've won him with your oratory skills.
You're a great administrator.
Who has opened it?
- lt's me, my King.
ls it you?
l've opened the hot water.
Now you will feel warm.
Hey, you fool, you scoundrel,
you betrayer....
Phew! Talk less...
All my plans fell flat.
Do l need more practice?
l wish you become the King.
Thank you, Sir.
l'll obey the order.
Shoot him.
You said Pulikesi ran away, didn't you?
How did he come here?
Who gave you the right to punish him?
Pulikesi, l'm not satisfied
with your administration.
A revolutionary army is formed to
fight against your bad administration.
Uncle, l agree with you.
But it's formed to destroy you first.
Pulikesi, stop it.
You've accepted that there
is a revolutionary army.
That's enough to remove
your administration.
Shut up! You scoundrel, who came
here seeking livelihood.
This is my palace.
You're too late, Pulikesi.
Warriors, come on...
Oh God! Water level has
reached my waist.
ls there no other way
to escape from here?
Oh my God! What can l do now?
- King... -Who is it?
Oh my saviour!
How did you come here?
- l didn't come here voluntarily.
My King, l'm here for arms scandal
and they're punishing me severely.
l had a hope that atleast
you will help me.
ls this my fate? Look how l'm suffering!
-Very bad, my King....
l feel sorry that you're going to die
with the chain which l made.
What? Did you make this chain?
-Yes, my lord.
You stupid, couldn't you tell me this earlier?
l was unaware of it till now.
Who made this window?
- l only, my King.- Thank god!
Betrayers! You can't execute your plan.
Even if you talk bravely,
we won't spare you alive.
Oh no! They are in trouble.
Oh my brother! Don't get scared.
Your brother Pulikesi is here.
l'll rescue you.
From now, l'm Ukkiraputhan.
Wow! A horse is ready for me.
l've to jump down to rescue our men.
No fear... jump.
Don't go
Soldiers! Don't get scared of them.
Come on...
Greetings Rajaguru.
Revolutionary army is outside the fort.
Sir, excuse me.
lt seems revolutionary army has come.
Let's leave it to them.
They will reveal the true
colour of Pulikesi.
Let the world know they
deserve capital punishment.
Call them.
Explain him clearly about
the things happened.
Two of you come here...
Your name?
My name is Ukkiraputhan.
Tell me, what all did this king do?
- He did many things.
He hasn't cared about public, has he?
- Never. He was an irresponsible King.
He was always in harem, right?
- Harem was everything to him.
Not only that, he tortured his
subjects very badly.
You mean to say that he was a cruel King.
You silly...
Oh no! He is our King...
Sir, he is Pulikesi's younger brother.
They are twins.
Where were you all these days?
How did you both meet each other?
All of you put down your guns.
Or else your Edward's head will roll down.
You fools! Are you planning
to kill us in our place?
l'll leave you. Run away...escape from here
and lead a decent life. Get lost!
Everyone here knows to fight.
- Order me, my King.
We are always ready forthe war.
Are you ready to fight against us?
You know, l'm 18th Edward.
- So what? We're 23rd Pulikesi.
Pulikesi, finally what do you say?
Brother, just a minute...
Get lost!
Go and tell everyone that Pulikesi who got
patted by a bear spat on you.
Why did you reveal the
bear spat matterto him?
Why did you reveal it to him?
Get out.
All of you get out of this place.
No Englishman should stay in my land.
Get out.
Minister... - Tell me.
Where is Rajaguru?
-Yes. He is missing...
Since he had failed, he might've
hidden somewhere.
Okay then. First let's go and
meet our mother. Come on...
Come, my dear...come...
Come my dear sons...
Come near me...
Oh my dearyounger son...
No mother. l'm Pulikesi.
He is the younger one.
Mother, l'm your son, Ukkiraputhan.
Don't cry, my dear son...
Mother, don't cry.
We got back ouryounger brother.
My son Pulikesi... -Yes mother.
Your highlight is your moustache.
Why did you lose it?
- That is a big story.
Fate played havoc and
our near ones shaved it off.
Don't worry forthat.
l've a duplicate of it.
l'll come with that.
Hey Pulikesi...
Have you all united?
This country belongs to me.
People are my slaves.
l'm the heartbeat of this kingdom.
l never spare my enemies alive.
Let's see...
l'll fix the blade and come.
Ukkiraputhan, get up...
Get up...
Hey Uncle...
Take it and get lost!
Brother, don't spare him alive.
Shit! lt's my statue!
Brother, please save me...
Please save me...
No...don't kill me...
My dear son, don't kill him.
lf you do so, then there won't be any
difference between you both.
Sangilimayan, you're my brother.
Then how come you are heartless?
Though you've done so many crimes against us,
l always wished you'd reform.
Brother, is it justified on your part?
ls it not a betrayal to this country?
lsn't it a great insult to our clan?
Can our deaths get all that you desired?
Tell me, my brother...
l'm not asking this as King's mother.
l'm asking this as your sister...tell me...
Tell me, my brother...
Long live, great King 23rd Pulikesi!
Long live, great King Ukkiraputhan!
Hail great King 23rd Pulikesi!
Hail great King Ukkiraputhan!
My dear children, you should live long.
Stop, respected public.
Don't be in a hurry...
You always consider marriage
as the curtains down for a show.
First stop thinking like that.
All of you take up your positions.
Only now you're going to see
an important event.
My dear public, l was aimless
and loitering around.
My brother Ukkiraputhan had opened
my vision of knowledge.
You people are depending on me.
To promote peace and
love in our country,
l've formulated 10 new commands.
1. Education to all.
will be severely punished.
Those who do it will be sent to jail.
Those who do so will be caned.
So, those who can't speak or write in mother
tongue won't get theirfamily cards.
7. Only there are 2 castes.
Males and Females.
it will be capital punishment.
. Everyone should pay taxes.
Evaders will be punished.
10. Corruption is worse than famine.
Punishment for it is public humiliation.
lf you all strictly follow these
10 commandments,
Peace and Prosperity will sustain
in this country.
We need not have to fear
to fight British.
Alexander, Emperor Ashoka, Mel Gibson
of Braveheart will be our role models.
Go home happily.
Thank you.