In 3 Tagen bist du tot (Dead in 3 Days) (2006)

Help Nina...
Please help Nina...
The gentle gait of forceful strides in tiny
circle is like a dance of power 'round a center,
an unconscious
great will within.
And now and then the pupil's
curtain gently opens...
to let an image in.
It wanders through...
tense silence to the heart...
Any other talents besides
citing poems, Mr. Loidl?
Well, that was Rilke.
Really, now?
Unfortunately we're not
gathered for a poetry reading,
but for final exams.
How'd it go?
And Martin?
Well... stanzas...
and the interpretation
of Rilke's 'Panther'...
are still a mystery...
in the world of poetry.
Especially to you, right?
I'll be glad to be
rid of that freak.
And I'll be glad
to be rid of it all.
Well what?
Don't tell me you flunked.
Ringer needs at least
one of us to pounce on.
And before we come to an end,
dear students, let me make
a rather daring comparison.
Life is... endless hurdle.
As soon as we
take one hurdle...
...the next one comes along.
You took one of the most
important hurdles of life today.
But graduation
isn'tjust any hurdle.
It's also... ... the
key to the working world.
Always the same shit.
I'm proud and happy...
to say that all of you
without exception...
passed the final exams.
There was something
on the road.
Let's call a vet.
Are you nuts? I mightjust as
well hand in my drivers' license.
We can'tjust leave it here.
It'll die, anyway.
Someone'll have
to finish it off!
Don't look at me!
You drove!
So what!
I can't do it.
But it's suffering!
Then you do it!
Me? It's your fault!
Sure. And how am I
supposed to do it?
Drive over it.
What? I don't care
what you do, just do it.
Shit! I can't.
I'll call a vet.
Let's go!
I had to do it, Nina!
The poor thing was suffering.
I'm really sorry, hey.
Forgive me?
I'll pick you
up tonight, O. K?
How was it? Tell us.
Passed! With flying colors.
How long did it
take this time?
But they pulled themselves
together the minute you came.
- Yes?
Can I have the car tonight?
Sure, but no alcohol.
I don't drink and
drive. You know me.
That's the problem.
Get the cash and keep it.
We don't close till seven.
And the order lists need
doing. They're overdue.
A little more oxygen...
If you say so.
Is Alex here?
I think she's upstairs.
And stick something on
here, or someone'll get cut.
Are you nuts? Trying to
give me a heart attack?
What are you
looking for in there?
But then you're
on the wrong floor.
And what if your dad comes up?
Then I'll tell him
you're the new guest...
and booked "all inclusive".
Thanks, Mom!
Hey, fuckhead. Watch it!
You got a problem?
Forget it. Sorry...
How about me?
You've had enough. Or do you want to
barf all over your dad's car again?
Then I'll just have
to get my own, Mommy.
Did he fall into the toilet?
Did he fall into the toilet?
Why don't you go and see.
Wrong door.
Did you see Martin Loidl?
I don't believe it.
What's going on?
Martin's disappeared.
He'll show up. Don't
be so hysterical.
I found his cell
phone in the bathroom.
Probably fell
out of his jeans.
Look, I got that, too.
Shit! Me, too.
What's wrong?
- Martin's disappeared...
I got the same today.
Me, too. Why
didn't you tell me?
I was going to!
Let's go to the police.
Someone's pulling a dumb joke.
He wouldn'tjust
disappear like that.
Maybe he's drunk
and sleeping it off.
He's not like you.
Please, you go check inside, and Mona and
I'll look out here. Then let's meet back here.
- Nothing.
Let's go to the police.
I shouldn't...
Give me the keys.
It's a company car and
you don't have a license.
You want to help orjust
stand there, looking stupid?
Where's Patrick?
Did anyone see him?
No. Maybe he and Martin
had another fight.
And then dissolved
in thin air?
But his sort of shitty
text fits that idiot.
He's crazy enough.
I'm really worried.
Sure you want to go in there?
Got a better idea?
I'm coming.
I'll stay in the car.
Wait for me!
Looks like somebody
pulled a joke on you.
Is missing a joke?
He's not missing till
he's gone 24 hours.
Not when he gets lost at some
party for a couple of hours.
Maybe he met someone else
and is getting his rocks off.
Not Martin, and not today.
Come on!
I know my clean cousin. He
takes anything he can get.
Can't you get it in your pigheaded
police mind that something's wrong?
Watch your tongue, or I'll cite
you for offending an officer.
What about Patrick Urban?
He and Martin knocked their
heads in half a year ago.
Maybe you should check him out.
- Don't you get it?
As long as nothing
happened, nothing happens.
If he's still gone tomorrow,
come by and we'll file a report.
Good bye!
Well? Everything O. K?
"Lt's me. "
What's wrong? What time is it?
"Your driving instructor called.
" "Your lesson's at eleven. "
No way!
"They had to
switch the time. "
And you agreed to that? "
- Yes. "
Oh, Jesus. It's
always the same.
Thanks, Mom.
Failed already.
What do you mean?
You missed a stop sign.
If you do that at the
test, you've had it.
Take a right after the bridge.
And don't forget the blinker.
Hey, what are you doing?
It's okay.
Another move like that
and it's good bye license.
Go fuck yourself.
I'm going nuts.
He'd call for sure.
What about Kogler?
Did you go again?
No. Martin's mom went.
The order lists still aren't
done. They have to go out today.
What's wrong? You
want to go to the lake?
Don't you have to work?
Who cares?
He needs that. He gets
bored when he has no gripes.
Let's go.
I almost wouldn't care if
he showed up with some slut.
As long as he shows up.
Try to put your mind at rest.
There's nothing we
can do right now.
That's what upsets me so.
- Hi.
I called some people.
No one got that text.
I'm sure it was Pat.
Martin bothered him.
Maybe he kidnapped
him to get Nina.
You watch too much T.V.
I'm sure he sent the text.
He's dumb enough.
But why'd we all get it?
He was always jealous
of us, or envious.
That's no reason to kill.
If so, my Dad would long
have killed his customers.
Maybe he sent it to us all
to divert the suspicion.
Be serious!
And why three days,
not two or four?
I don't know.
Martin! Martin!
Kogler, what now?
Now listen to me.
I'm sorry, but I'm not
responsible for the investigation.
I can only
recommend, stay calm.
And stay home
till we know more.
To the left, please.
"According to investigations,
"at the graduation
party in Ebensee. "
"The young man fell victim to
a cruel crime, motive unclear. "
"A suspect was questioned"...
"but set free due to
lack of evidence. "
Martin was alive when he
was thrown into the water.
Don't blame yourself. You
couldn't have prevented it.
Please be quiet.
Please, no.
Shit. Call an ambulance.
I'll get a drink.
Want something?
Everything'll be all right.
Let me see my child.
She's in good hands here.
Those idiots just
don't check it.
Not so loud. You'll
wake everyone.
I thought you're...
I'll get something to wipe up.
Stay. You don't know your
way around in the house.
Are you all right?
You need anything?
Just call if you need me.
Bye, Nina.
Everything's O.K. You're safe.
She's awake. You
can see her now.
How is she?
She was lucky. She got away
with a few chafes and bruises.
She needs a rest.
She's in shock.
Please, you have to...
Yes, Kogler. What is it?
I'll be right there.
"Hi! This is
Nina's voice box. "
"Leave good news
after the beep. "
What are you doing?
How does it look?
I'm getting out.
Where to?
No idea. Out of
this nightmare.
Kogler called.
Nina was attacked. She's
in the hospital and...
you're not to leave the
house. He'll send someone by.
You said you know him.
But you don't know from where.
How about you?
I don't know.
Do you know why someone
wants to kill you?
The text mentioned 3 days.
Today's the third
day, June 11.
Does that date ring a bell?
That's not getting
us anywhere.
How long have
you been friends?
Since primary school.
Were you always a clique?
Yes, since third grade.
Well now, that's something.
Were there other
kids in your crowd?
Sure, but never that close.
How about Patrick Urban?
I think he would have
liked to be in with us.
Did anything happen in the past...
that you were all involved in?
Anything at all?
Think about it, all of you.
Maybe you'll come
up with something.
You said you know him,
but don't know from where.
"Milk and cheese for me. "
We didn't tell the truth.
What do you mean?
When the commissioner asked us
if we were in something together.
"Milk and cheese for me. "
Don't you remember Fabian?
Fabian Haas?
That was an accident. It
could have happened to anyone.
Sure. But it didn't.
We were all stupid.
I don't know how I could
have forgotten that face.
I never saw such a sad person.
You think it was
Fabian's father?
Why would he do such a thing?
Clemens, wake up! He holds us
responsible for his kid's death.
You know Nina
Wagner better than I.
Is there anything
I don't know?
Not really.
What are you going to do?
I'll question her again.
Is that the man you saw?
Manfred Haas
hanged himself two
years after his son died.
Sorry. Maybe in the
excitement you...
You think I'm crazy?
But it's true. I saw him.
You said the attack was
in the middle of the night.
You were probably dazed by
the drug the man gave you.
I assume you panicked.
I know. I was there,
and I know what I saw.
I had time enough to see how he...
- Nina, please.
What do you except from us?
The man is dead.
Buried next to his son.
What about Mrs. Haas?
She moved away. She still
owns the house by the lake.
But I saw her, too.
I know the house, Nina.
No one's lived there
for a long time.
You three stay here for the time
being. I already talked to your mom.
We'll post a guard
outside your house.
I would strongly advise
you and your friends...
to stay inside.
Are we under custody?
Call it what you want.
I'm afraid I'm losing my mind.
What are you doing here?
"Gmunden Hospital.
Good evening. "
Kogler here, police
headquarters Ebensee.
I need some information.
I'm going to the house. I want
to make sure there's no one there.
What house?
Mrs. Haas' house.
And if there's someone
there? Then what?
Then at least I
know I'm not nuts.
To go there is
absolutely crazy.
I don't care. Those asses
won't get him anyway.
If we hang around here,
you might as well commit me.
I'll come along.
Are you out of your minds?
This isn't a movie.
It's for real.
Or do you want to wait
around and see who's next?
No. Please don't go.
Kerstin, I have to go there.
If we're not back by
eight, call Kogler.
I don't believe it.
Have them check again, or I'll
come personally and teach them how.
There. Look at that.
That's the day of
Fabian Haas' accident.
Erika Haas was a
doctor at the hospital.
Fought 3 days for
her son's life.
But that won't
revive the father.
Three days!
Should we dig up the coffin?
No. But we should
check out that house.
We won't get a search warrant.
I'll still go.
Go ahead. But I never said so!
That's Haas.
Let's get out!
Go away.
Please. Please.
I'll shoot. I'll shoot.
Send an ambulance and a medic.
Help Nina...
Please help Nina...
It's Kogler. Send
everything you've got!
You have to get it!
Why me?
Fabian is a sissy!