In Case of Love (2010)

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Claire! Wait a minute
What a lovely kitty!
Come on
He's so cute
How come he's dumped here?
can we take care of him together?
I don't think so
So we're just going to leave him here?
We can just look after him for a while!
I'll go see if the landlord is around
Bring him home, ok?
You girls have a lot of cats?
Only one
Need a plastic bag?
He's checking you out
No, he's looking at YOU
Total is $450
This one too
Do you have it?
Here's your $500
Here's your change, and your points
Do you need a card
to collect these points?
Here you go
Then wish your cat all the best!
What a lame joke
Kitty, kitty, come over here
He seems to like you very much
Is that so?
By the way
We haven't picked a name for him yet
What should we call you...
You don't like it?
Let's call you...
Let's call you little Claire,
mini Claire?
It's a "he"
Let's call you... The Little Prince!
He likes it!
Little Prince, look over here!
Little Prince!
Unleash your soul
We must be brave
Cause we are young
And nothing stays simple in this world
Let us lie under the moonlight
and enjoy tonight
We must be polite
Cause we all can fly
like a fish swimming in the sky
Let us explode this world with smile
It's been so noisy
since they moved next to us
James, this is it
Help me fix it
James, look at this little cat.
He's so cute
Can we raise him together?
You live by yourself and
we can keep him at your place
I can always go take care of him
when I'm free
Alright then, you stay right here!
If you keep messing around,
you'll fail the final exam
Of course not
I'll count on you
Yeah, right!
Thanks for helping me fix the model
Now... Kiss!
you really want to
give Little Prince away?
I don't know
Then let's just
take care of him together
I think the Little Prince
is happy staying with us
But the landlord...
Who is it?
James, do you like their music?
They're pretty cool
I'll go downstairs first
It's $698
Stop! I think we're disturbing them
We're disturbing them
Your cat really likes to eat
None of your business
I'm Jeremy
These are on me
No way! Why?
There is a deal
I'm not talking a deal with you
We have a band
and I'd like to invite you
to watch our rehearsal
A band?
No wonder
You've heard of us?
The singing next door is so unbearable
I think
you really need to come and listen again
Isn't it nice?
Little Prince is so adorable
You're even more adorable
Is that heavy? Let me help you
No, thanks
Spare a minute?
Want to come and listen?
It's awful enough
just listening from next door
Who wants to listen in person?
It's different
But we need to go to
the classical music club
It's right next door
I'm not going
Let's go
Alright! Then you go with me
This is the new piece that
we're working on
He composed the music
and I wrote the lyrics
In Case of Love
What would you say to me
in case of love?
I say wherever you go for
the rest of your life
What would you say to me
in case of love?
I say if love is a journey,
take me with you
Let me walk by you
Dear baby
Please hold me tight
Unleash your soul
We must be brave
cause we are...
Excuse me...
Let's try again
Alright, let's start over
Excuese me,
since we are not fully prepared
Can we give them some time
to practice alone?
Sorry about that
Come again after we get better
Don'tjust make up a nickname for me!
So weird, what a lousy band
The guitar player looks like
an old childhood friend of mind
Then go talk to him
I'm shy
Or I'll go ask for you
Not a good idea
The vocalist seems to
have a crush on you
That's not true
Then why he is always staring at you?
Oh! I know!
You're always staring at
the guitar player
Is because you have a crush on him?
Wait up!
Is that girl that pretty?
I just feel she's special
I could be special too
I will walk home by myself today
Can we just be friends?
Say again?
I said NO!
Is there a problem between us?
Is something wrong?
Have a seat
Am I disturbing you?
Are you sure?
It's fine
Now it's...
A little bit annoying
It sounds nice! What the song is?
I just play for fun,
you want to learn it?
There needs to be an exchange though
What do you want in exchange?
You always have to be happy
No matter what happens to you
OK, I'll teach you then
Put this finger here,
then play six "Do's"
Followed by a "Si"
Good, then let's try "Re"
Claire, come here and see
Do you want to hold him?
Are we there yet?
Almost! Come on!
Here we are!
Let's keep him here
This one is for him
Let's name him together
when your mom has recovered
That's a deal
What is this?
A kitty
What's a kitty doing here?
Mom... you know...
John and I found a kitty at school today
What color is that kitty?
Is that so?
Like this
What are you girls talking about?
Are you feeling better?
Hum... Feeling better
Forget your umbrella?
There are umbrellas at the club
You want to go get one?
Let me help you to get this
What do you think?
It's nice
I can teach you if you want to learn
I'm off work now.
I can't buy you cat food
I'm not that one eating
Didn't I tell you? Don't call me Kiddo.
Where's your friend?
Sorry about last time
Come listen after we've practiced more
Walk her home
We're practing there every afternoon
You can come visit if you're free
It's okay
Are you alone?
I'll walk you home then
Take the umbrella. Bye!
Look! Claire
Isn't he cute?
Walking in the rain is so romantic,
isn't it?
I have you taking care of me
Have you "talked" to
your childhood friend?
Since I was little, I've always been
abandoned by the people I like
I asked you to talk to him,
not fall in love with him
It's hot
What's up? Are we disturbing you again?
No, is the guitarist here?
He's not here yet
Then can you give this to him for me?
Vicky, do you want some cookies?
I want some too
It is from that "special" girl.
Did she leave any message?
And also these cookies
I bet she knows it's your birthday today
Let's go celebrate after practice
No, it's okay
I can go with you to the record store?
It's alright
I've never celebrated my birthday
since elementary school
Then... what kind of gift would you like?
Can you just let me practice?
You learned fast!
You've taught me before
Have I?
You taught me when
we were in elementary school
You forgot?
Elementary school?
We were in the same class
Then I moved
Have you received...
The letters I wrote?
You're not going to practice today?
Are you really moving away?
Where are you moving to?
I don't know
Do write to me
Outerspace is a very colorful world
So pick up your paint brush
And show us your imagination
Here's your bag
Did you pack everything?
Sir! I need to clean my brush!
Do you know where James is?
Why he doesn't come to rehearsal?
I left a message for him
He'll call us when he gets our message
Don't worry
Bro! Can you teach me this song?
Here is "Do", then "Re",
and here "Mi"
Hold this note... here...
then the next one
There's something
I'd like to let you know
Is this the one that
your brother wanted before?
After my brother's death
My parents couldn't let go
and kept this house as it was
So I come back here
whenever I think of him
Claire, Claire
Dear John
Finally I am settled in this new town
But, I really don't like the new school
and the teachers
Dear John
I will graduate tomorrow
My dad said he's busy
And can't attend my commencement
Dear John
I remembered that I saw a movie
The lovers in it tried all they
could to see each other once a year
I'm so moved by
the promises of these lovers
Dear John
How are you these days?
I believe
that one day we will meet again
Little Prince
Little Prince
I've checked all around the house
Don't worry,
we will go look for him again
Maybe we'll find him
You finished working?
I think Little Prince isn't too far away
If we left something to eat here
He might come back
Elaine, let's go
They lost their cat
Little Prince
Little Prince
Little Prince
Little Prince
Little Prince
Claire, are you hungry?
You want something to eat?
Where are you? Kitty!
Where are you?
Kitty, where are you?
Come out! Kitty!
Don't be sad
Mr. Yeh
Yes I am
Can you come to the hospital now?
What happened?
Here's where I met Little Prince
We'll find him
Just go home
Little Prince, Little Prince
Little Prince
Little Prince
Oh! Hi!
Why are you looking at me like that?
I'm just teasing you
Do you miss Kiddo?
Is it that obvious?
You're not afraid to sing
front of an audience
Why be afraid of letting her know
how you feel?
I just don't know what to say
Ask her out on a date
The one you love could also be the one
who hurts you the most
Be a man!
I never thought you were so easy-going
I have to be
Is this him?
I was here this morning
with some cat food
Maybe he came out because
he was hungry
Thank you
Have you ever had the feeling
That there is one person always
in your heart?
Wherever you go, whatever you do
He is always there for you
Do you want to be with him?
Of course
But what if you two can't be together?
I will move on to a better life
So that he won't worry about me
Can you be with someone else?
Why not?
Let's raise Little Prince together, ok?
Let's move out if the landlord disagree
We have a performance this week
We'll be playing the song
You want to come?
It starts at 3pm
Thanks for all the letters you wrote
I believe it also belongs to you.
Here you are
Kiddo will come to
see the performance later
Stay cool!
Be nice to Elaine
I'll see you on stage
Hi everyone! We are Young Feathers
I'm the singer Jeremy
Guitar, James
Bass, Vicky
And Drummer, Louis
And our pretty mannger, Ashley
Today we're performing a song
We wrote together
In Case of Love
What would you say to me
in case of love?
I say wherever you go
for the rest of your life
I'll stay with you
Dear baby, please remember
What would you say to me
in case of love?
I say if love is a journey
Take me with you, let me walk by you
Dear baby, please hold me tight
Unleash your soul
We must be brave
Cause we are young and nothing
stays simple in this world
Let us lie under the moonlight
and enjoy tonight
We must be polite
Cause we all can fly
like a fish swimming in the sky
Let us explode this world with smile