In Crowd, The (2000)

You're taking on an awful lot
with this girl, Henry.
She deserves a chance
on the outside, Amanda.
Her parents want nothing to do with her.
The club is perfect
a controlled environment.
She'll have a job, a place to live.
What if she develops another obsession?
-That's not going to happen.
-l hope you're right, for your sake.
You and l both know this progress could
be nothing more than an elaborate mask.
l know l'm right about this girl. l know it.
You know the rules.
lf she puts one foot over the line
she's back in the ward.
Good luck.
Tanya, what are you doing in my room?
Did you come to say goodbye?
N o!
-Did you want this?
-What do you need 'em for?
-l mean, you're leaving, so why can't l--
-That's right.
l'm leaving and you're staying.
Leave it!
You're crazy.
They're gonna see it on you out there.
They're gonna see it all over you.
And they'll send you back.
You'll see.
They'll send you back.
They'll bring you back!
Doc, we still haven't had that talk...
...about this whole knocking a little ball
into a hole obsession of yours.
l like to hear you joking
but, please, l need to know...'re taking this seriously.
-l know the rules.
-Tell me.
N o drugs, no drinking
no leaving Lang County.
-lf l get fired--
-You're not going to get fired.
You're gonna be fine.
Do they know about me?
You're a friend of the family
who needs a job for the summer.
That's all l told them.
That's all they need to know.
Come on. lt's fine.
Who is that?
-l haven't played in months.
-Forget it, you're not in my league.
-So, you're Adrien.
-This is Bob Mead, club manager.
l hope you're prepared to work very hard.
-l'm looking forward to it.
Just remember your place
and you'll do fine.
Why don't we go find Joanne?
Mead's not so bad.
Best thing is just to stay out of his way.
lf he thinks you're dissing him
he can make your life here real dark.
Listen, Bobby
try not to crowd her too much.
But if you see anything
that strikes you as worrisome...
...let me know before anybody else, okay?
This is my third season.
And last year l worked so hard, every shift.
But l made enough money to buy my truck.
You put in the time, it's not so bad
so long as you have something to work for.
So, what about you?
l don't know.
l don't have plans or anything.
You've got to.
To get through it.
Hang on!
All you got to remember to get by
is just be invisible.
That's what l do. And count your money.
Gregg, you're a bastard!
Will you grab an end there?
They get all pissy and shit
if you let it touch the ground.
Oh, yeah.
You'll get plenty of them this summer.
The Royal Swine is what we call them.
They all think they're God's gift.
The blonde bombshell, that's Sheila.
The luscious brunette is Brittany Foster.
She's the queen.
Maybe in my next life.
lt's not a life.
lt's a J. Crew catalog.
-Mead told me to bring this to you.
N ext time, you could try knocking.
l'm sorry.
lt's just that your door was open
and l thought...'s just you and me on this floor.
l'm Wayne.
l know.
Who's the man?
The classics never grow old, or don't they?
Just like you, boys.
-What's in the bag?
-Be cool, all right?
Aren't you guys getting a little old for this?
We were too old for it five years ago.
-Hey, Sheila.
-One of you brainiacs.
-Greek goddess of the hunt.
Seven letters.
Well, well.
Oh, no. Oh, my God!
Come on, people.
Greek goddess of the hunt.
That's easy. Diana.
lt's Artemis.
Greek goddess of the hunt: Artemis.
Diana was the Roman one.
Boys, l think you met your match.
Did we just get dissed by the cabana girl?
God, you're quick.
-What's going on, Brittany?
-Hey, sexy.
-Hey, Brit.
Did you just see the new girl?
The first time l saw her
l swear l thought it was Sandra.
She's got that same....
Don't you think?
Oh, God!
-l'm sorry.
Are you all right?
Yeah, just a few fingers.
This is the third time this month.
Think she's trying to tell me something?
She thinks you're ready to play real people.
Oh, no. l get that all day long.
Bertha always gets it over the net.
She never complains about...
...the husband working late
the kids wrecking the car--
Or shows up late for appointments?
Sorry. l couldn't get motivated
this morning.
How does that make
this morning different?
Please don't be so obvious.
Matt's just trying to impress you
with his tough love coaching style.
Brittany's terrified
that if she applied herself...
...she could be
one of the club's better players.
So you're new here?
Yeah, it's my first day.
Well, don't worry.
Matt's been here for, what, five years?
See? And they still haven't fired him yet.
By the end of the summer
you could be running this place.
Hey, just remember.
lt's all about the tips. You'll do fine.
How much did Daddy give
you? Just $1 0 000?
$1 0 000.
-Hey, Tom.
-You guys jonesing for some golf?.
-You look good.
Just in time. l'm so thirsty
l could drink a glass of water.
Look, twins.
-Hello, Doctor.
-Hello, Brittany.
-Where you been, man?
-Been out, just on vacation.
l thought you were in rehab.
What's up?
Hey, Brit.
What is this, a funeral or a party?
Just a thought: You're a little more fun
when you're doing blow.
-Thank you.
-Tom, let's get a drink.
Let's celebrate. Get sauced up.
This is my first night out.
Then we should celebrate, shouldn't we?
Where did you come from?
Well, l was actually at the bar.
And l was minding my own business.
And l heard this voice calling out
from behind the bar:
''...drink me.''
They seemed to know you
so l had to bring them to you right away.
You sure it wasn't your name
they were calling?
You're right.
We should drink them together.
l think l'll pass.
Remember last summer...
...when we went out--
When we got stuck in the sandbar
because you cut the marker?
But that wasn't so bad, was it?
That was last summer.
You didn't hear? His parents
bought him a brand-new Hummer.
Just for making it through rehab?
Oh, my God.
The amount of money he was stuffing
up his nose, they're getting a good deal.
-Okay, now l have it.
-The second he screws up...
...the car goes back to the dealership.
Brit, you okay?
Yeah, l'm fine. l just have a headache.
-l don't care. l think it's good.
-Yeah, don't you?
The ice machine is broken.
Grab a bus box.
Go to the pool
and bring some ice to the service bar.
Joanne will cover your tables.
Oh, my God.
Come on. Breathe.
Come on.
You okay?
l feel so stupid.
l just wanted to cool my feet off.
And then...
...l don't know what happened.
Try this.
l love this painting.
lt's almost like she left something behind
in the house.
Something she knows
she can never go back for.
Do you think l'm playing a game with you?
l asked you twenty minutes ago
to get me....
ls there a problem here?
Miss Foster.
N o.
l'm sorry. l didn't.... Excuse me.
l hope she has enough oxygen in there.
Going up?
l wouldn't. l almost got stuck in this thing.
lt's the breaker box.
lt was somebody's idea of a joke.
l wouldn't take it too personally.
After all, you are the new girl.
ls that who l am?
l'm afraid so.
-Thanks for saving my life.
-Saving your life?
-What did l miss?
-N othing. The elevator got stuck, is all.
And, let me guess.
Matt came to your rescue.
lt was somebody's idea of a joke.
You take care of yourself.
l guess l'll see you in an hour.
Excuse me.
Somebody has a thing for the tennis pro.
lt's not just a ''thing.''
l know it's short notice, but l'm having
a party tonight on the beach.
lt's nothing big
but l would like for you to come.
You don't have to do that.
Say you'll come.
l have a real problem
dealing with rejection.
-Okay. l mean, l have to check my--
Then l'll see you tonight.
Brittany, come on. l'm waiting.
Princess giving you a hard time?
-What was that about?
-She's all right.
l'd watch myself if l were you.
That girl's got some fangs.
Thanks for the warning
but girls like Brittany l can handle.
So, welcome to the lifestyles of the rich
and tasteless.
-Let's get you a drink.
-N o, that's okay.
-l insist.
-l'm fine.
Are you sure?
lt's all courtesy of Brittany Foster.
Hot enough for you?
N ot to say that it doesn't have its appeal.
Can l get a Cosmopolitan, please?
l was afraid you weren't gonna make it.
And you, Bobby
l send you on one simple task.
-Well, l am here to serve.
-Well, you're forgiven.
Looks good. What is it?
-Here. You have it.
-N o, thanks.
N o, please. They can make more.
That is what l pay them for.
Come on.
See, Bobby? l told you she'd love it.
Well, it's a fad drink.
N ow, a martini, that's a different story.
Brit, you have to give me the 41 1 on...
...Baywatch boy.
Sheila, come on.
That's Jack Simmers. He's at Duke.
Jack Simmers.
Okay, l'll go first.
N o. That's not fair, Sheila.
Adrien's never played.
N o, that's okay.
l think l'm just gonna watch.
You gotta play, dollface.
-N o spectators in this game.
-lt's real simple.
And totally nasty!
lf you're guilty, you drink.
Don't worry. lt's fun.
Besides, no one here...
...knows your deep dark secrets.
N ot yet, anyway.
You say after me, okay?
Or just like me.
l never....
l never slept with my mom's boyfriend.
Yeah, well, l heard it was a threesome.
-Drink up, Sheila.
-Glass houses, Andy.
lt's my turn.
l never...
...slept with the Dattner's new au pair.
What's her name?
l thought you said
you were giving her tennis lessons.
N asty.
Okay, it's my turn.
l never....
l never drink with the help.
lt's been fun.
Good night.
lt's just a game.
Wait! Adrien!
Kelly was just being a bitch, okay?
Besides, you're breaking one of my rules.
N o one leaves my parties unhappy.
That was some neat work there, Kel.
Thank you.
l forgot that you learned from the master.
l thought it was funny.
They totally walked away.
Sometimes l think l have these parties
just so l can sneak away and hide.
l can think of cheaper ways to be alone.
lt probably goes back
to when we were kids.
My sister and l used to come down here
to get away from those boring club parties.
lt's weird, but it's like that now.
Being here with you.
Does she still come to the club often?
Oh, no.
She hated the club
and everything about this town.
Couldn't wait to get out
not that l blame her.
lt's kind of hard.
She just took off?.
Pretty cool, huh?
We still get postcards from her
my dad and l, but...'s not the same.
You miss her.
Sorry about that.
l didn't mean to get you all wet.
You're not working today?
-Yeah, l got the day off.
-You all right? You look a little tired.
Sorry, Doc, l gotta go. l'm late.
Hi, Doctor.
First we're going to see Luis.
N ow this is a luxury
l could definitely get used to.
Those poor boys at that club.
Look at the two of you.
The bodies that launched
a thousand cold showers.
More than a thousand, honey.
One thing l know better than hair is boys.
Let me tell you something:
The two of you
are both pieces of hard candy.
N ow, Luis, you're not jealous much
are you?
Don't you dare out-bitch me, girl.
You thank your lucky stars
that l was not born in the sisterhood.
Because l would rock your world
upside down...
...Miss Brittany Foster.
He's crazy, but he's right.
The guys are gonna be all over you.
l am really not in the market.
Oh, Adrien, you would kill in that dress.
All done, ladies.
N ow we really are like sisters.
You know, Adrien... might try spreading your legs wider.
-You did not just say that.
-N o, seriously. lt's called your stance.
Let me show you.
N ow, the stance is
the positioning of your legs.
So we're gonna pull these out.
There we go.
Hips rolled in. Just like that.
You knew that. Shoulders relaxed.
Just like that.
Go ahead. Give it a try.
He's practically on his knees.
N ot bad, kid.
Things couldn't have worked out better
if somebody planned it.
Kel, you're up.
Do you wanna play this weekend?
Yeah, l would love to.
l just have to see about my schedule.
Good deal.
N o, it's back a little, about 1 5 feet in.
Forget it.
lt's lost.
-N o, it's right there. Just back a little.
-l'll just take a drop.
-l'm sure l saw it.
-Just forget it.
Adrien, let her take the drop.
You are so lucky.
l've been trying to get Tom
to give me pointers for years.
He's got some pointers, all right.
Come on. You can't say you hated that.
l saw you.
l didn't know that you knew Dr. Thompson.
He's a friend of the family.
He's the one that got me this job.
lt's okay, Adrien. l know.
Look, it's no biggie.
So, you were in...
...St. Anastasia's.
Trust me. Half the people around here
have been in rehab or therapy.
And if they haven't, they should be.
l don't understand why you thought
you'd need to put on a show with me.
l mean, we are friends, right?
Why don't you hang onto those clubs?
Tom's on the course almost every day...
...and he's always looking for someone
to play with.
Thanks. Have a nice evening.
l told you you'd kill in that dress.
l can't believe you.
l almost...
-...just for a second--
-Let me guess.
You almost didn't accept it.
And then you put it on....
And there was no way l was giving it back.
So, what's the deal?
lf you miss, your girlfriend sucks my dick.
Don't choke, Andy.
Morgan, this is sick.
You don't have to just because he said.
Don't l?
Fine, but the $1
What's the matter? You look a little green.
-Bobby, Adrien needs a drink.
-Oh, does--
Adrien? You look great.
Bobby, your one purpose on this planet--
ls making me a drink.
Careful. This one learns fast.
Where have you guys been?
Upstairs this whole time?
l mean, we're all out...
l'm gonna make you one of my favorites.
They're all my favorites
so that presents a problem.
Why don't we just narrow it down
to the classics, a martini.
-What? Shut up!
What the hell are you looking at, Carl?
What was that all about?
Come here with me, little trophy cup.
Well, if you wanna know, Andy was
a little short of cash this weekend.
He bet his girlfriend in place of the cashola.
You know what they say:
''To the winner goes the spoils.''
Adrien, could you do me a favor?
Would you run up to my room
and get some more CD's?
We're in serious need of a mood change
around here.
l know how to get rid of those.
l got a killer cure and it never fails.
N o, really, l am...
-Here. Stand up.
All right. Turn around.
N ow, l want you to bend over.
-You cannot be serious.
-Just do as the doctor says. Bend over.
Here's a glass of water. Drink it
upside down, but not from this end.
Drink it from the far end. Don't spill.
Did you get some?
See? What did l tell you?
lt never fails.
N o. Tom!
Tom, l said, ''N o.''
What? She's a prude, okay?
Come on, guys.
Hey, l'm going to take these down.
Adrien, l'm sorry you ran out last night.
l didn't run. l walked.
Look, l know Tom can be an asshole...
...and l'm sure he deserved
the cracked head.
But what did he do exactly?
The usual frat boy recreational date rape.
You could've told someone.
Who is going to believe me against him?
l would.
l only invited him
because l thought you wanted me to.
...l'm sorry.
Look, why don't we get out of here?
Let's just go, right now.
Brit, l appreciate the offer...
...but you just can't come in here
and pull me out.
l have a job.
Okay, then, how about tonight?
We'll go dancing.
lf you want, it can be your treat.
Okay. My treat.
She's just playing with you.
-Excuse me.
-Wait. Look.
l don't know
what your thing is with Brittany, okay?
But she's not your friend.
l don't know
what your thing is with Brittany...
...but l don't need anyone to tell me
who is or isn't my friend.
You don't know her.
Listen to yourself.
Do you know how pathetic you sound?
-You been waiting long?
-N o, not at all.
Let's go.
Well, tonight's your night.
Your wish is my command.
Okay, wish number one:
let's get the hell out of here.
That's a beautiful ring.
Thank you.
lt was my mother's.
She died when l was born and my father
gave it to me on my 1 6th birthday.
lt's my way of keeping her with me.
-Are we leaving Lang County?
l'm kidnapping you.
We can go in here
and get as drunk and as crazy as we want.
And the best part is
no one knows who we are.
Hey, ladies, how's it going?
You having a good time?
Sure. Can l get you two a drink?
Oh, yeah.
Hey, dude. Two Jungle Juices.
Here you go.
Here you go.
Where do you guys live?
Thanks for the cocktails.
-That guy was so cute.
-Yeah, but you have to be careful.
There you guys are.
There's an accident.
lsn't that Kelly's bike?
Oh, my God. lt's Kelly.
-Excuse me, ma'am.
Sorry, ma'am. You have to keep moving.
That's my friend.
What happened? ls she all right?
l think so, but you have to keep moving.
You know, the first time l saw you
l thought you were...
...that girl right there.
From the right angle
you two could almost be twins.
-What's her name?
-You don't know?
Brittany never said anything?
That's Sandra.
That's Brittany's sister.
And that is Brittany.
Or, should l say, was Brittany.
Sandra and Matt were--
They were quite the couple.
He got dumped bad.
You could hear his heart breaking
across the bay.
And l bet you know just how that sounds
don't you?
How is Kelly?
Her leg's not in the best of shape...
...but the doctor said that
she'll be all right.
-You said it was gonna be easy.
-lt was easy.
You're so lame
you'd screw up a wet dream.
l can't believe you blew this.
l handed her to you.
Your parents will be thrilled...
...when they find out you're back to
snorting your allowance up your nose.
What else do you want me to do?
l tried. She just doesn't like me.
You tried?
You tried and you failed, Tom.
lt's the story of your life.
-Hey, Matt.
l hope you're not coming
for that tennis lesson.
Actually, l wanted to talk to you
about Sandra.
That picture you saw of the
Summer's End Party was two years ago.
That was the last time we went out
the last time l saw her even.
She emptied her trust fund
and just took off.
All that time l had no idea all she wanted...
...was to get far away from this town...
...from the club...
...from me.
l get a postcard every once in a while.
First Europe, and then...
...South America.
Then l got this two weeks ago.
lt basically says, ''Get on with your life.
l'm not coming back.''
l can't really blame her.
l teach bored housewives
how to improve their backhand.
-What's that to a girl like Sandra?
-l got an idea.
How about before you start beating up
on yourself, we get something to eat?
l don't know about you, but l'm starving.
So, what are you in the mood for?
There's ltalian....
Where were you tonight?
...l know about Tom.
l know what you did.
So, now it's a crime
to try and help a friend?
You're not helping.
l wasn't looking for a boyfriend.
You don't have to
as long as you just take what's mine.
Matt isn't yours, Brittany
and l wasn't trying... take him.
You don't get it, do you, Adrien?
l showed you how things worked here...
...because l sympathized
with how you felt...
...being the outsider.
But just remember...
...l brought you in...
...and if you decide to fuck with me
l can just as easily throw you out.
Am l supposed to be scared now?
l would be.
Brittany, what are you doing here?
Hello, Dr. Thompson.
l figured since l had my entire summer
free, l'd make myself useful.
So l volunteered at the hospital
a few days a week.
Well, that's great, Brittany.
l am very impressed.
Your message has been sent. Thank you.
What's the big deal? The worst
that bitch can do is get you fired.
You don't need this place, Adrien.
Actually, Jo, l do.
lf l get fired, l go back.
You don't have to tell me if you don't want.
Only, why were you there
in the first place?
l mean, a hospital?
When my parents got divorced...
...l sort of started acting out in school.
You know, taking pills, running around...
...and a lot worse shit than that.
So my parents sent me
to the school psychologist...
...Dr. Beck.
He was just one of those people
you could talk to.
And to me it seemed like
he was the only one that really cared.
l don't remember exactly when...
...but l started to fantasize...
...about me...
...and the doctor.
So, we started to talk about it.
And then...
Wait. Adrien.
You mean....
You mean you had sex with your doctor?
N o.
But in my mind...
...l actually believed that we were lovers.
And suddenly, it was this whole thing.
He had to show
how l was making the whole thing up.
And l just felt so betrayed.
So, l waited for him... day after school, just to talk...
...and he pretended like
l wasn't even there.
l don't remember it all...
...but the next thing l knew
l had my hockey stick in my hand.
l was bringing it down on his car...
...and l was smashing his windshield
his windows, anything.
lt took a long time in the hospital
for me to realize that...
...all that stuff with Dr. Beck... wasn't real.
lt was all in my head.
Do you know...
...that you're the first real person l've told?
l can do it. Thank you.
Welcome back.
Good to see you're okay.
Do l look okay to you?
Look. l wanted to apologize.
You were right about Brittany.
l'm sorry.
l didn't know.
You know, she wasn't always
the way she is now.
When we were younger
even when we were in high school...
...things were just different.
She was different.
lt must have been really hard on her
when Sandra left.
You really don't know Brit, do you?
She hated Sandra.
Sandra was a bitch.
She was a real asshole. And do you know
who she was meanest to?
You know that ring Brittany wears?
Yeah, her mom's.
When their dad gave it to Brit
Sandra lost her shit, so she stole it.
Took it right off Brit's finger.
Her dad was useless.
He was never gonna cross Sandra.
Do you know what he did?
He had a copy of the ring made.
He gave that one to Brit.
Brittany has to wear a copy of the only
thing of her mother's she ever had?
She used to have to wear a copy.
Look. You're just here for the summer.
lt's just a job for you.
For some of us, you know, this is our life.
You work too hard, Doc.
What are you doing here?
Everyone's gone home.
Everyone but you.
What are you doing here?
Do you remember that time at the club
when you found me crying?
l was crying over a boy.
ls that what this is all about?
l'll never forget it.
You didn't talk down to me.
You treated me like a friend.
Brittany, if this is about a boy....
lt's not about a boy.
l'm not at all interested... boys.
You still see me
as that 1 6-year-old little girl, right?
N o.
But l don't think you wanna do this.
Hey, Kel.
How about we go for a sail?
Right now?
l just thought
we barely get to see each other anymore.
N ot like we used to.
l know you think l've been avoiding you.
And you're right. l have.
lt's no big deal.
lt is to me.
lt's a very big deal.
lt's just the way l feel. l....
l haven't known what to say.
l still don't know what to say.
lt's okay.
My leg!
You bitch! What are you doing?
l didn't say anything.
l didn't tell her anything. l swear.
-l thought you were my friend.
-Please, don't!
My leg!
Bye, Kel.
l promise! Please....
This is all still so unreal.
Kelly drowning, of all people.
You know?
Doesn't it seem a little weird to you guys?
Where's Tom?
l didn't see Tom at the funeral.
Morgan, Tom's back in rehab.
Tom went to rehab again?
l am so sorry.
Here, let me help you with these.
Those aren't that good.
l got better ones in my room.
-Where did you learn to paint like this?
That's just stuff l found on the golf course.
These people lose more than l ever owned.
Pay attention and try it again.
Where you going?
We're on kitchen in an hour.
l might be a little late. Cover for me.
Hey, wait!
Hey, Milena.
l left my sweater in Brit's room.
-ls it okay if l run up and get it?
-N o problem.
l'll just be a sec. l'll let myself out.
Thanks, Milena.
-l'm sorry. Who ordered the fish?
-lt's my mother's.
-Thank you.
-l'm sorry.
lt's okay.
Adrien, go downstairs
and bring up four tins of caviar.
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
You don't call.
You don't write.
What are you doing here?
Don't you know?
-Brittany, look.
-Come on. You know you want to.
Brittany, that was a mistake.
lt should never have happened...
...and it's over.
That's too bad.
Come on, guys. This isn't funny.
Here she comes.
Do you understand the situation you're in?
The judge has ordered that you be held
until we can determine...
...whether you're fit to stand trial.
Adrien... you understand?
l didn't do this.
The murder weapon was from a set
of golf clubs in your possession.
Your fingerprints are the only ones on it.
l didn't do this.
For God's sake, Adrien.
They found traces of Dr. Thompson's
semen on a dress in your closet.
She worked it all out perfectly.
l'm so sorry.
Come on, Miss Williams.
lt's time for your meds, Adrien.
Hello, Adrien.
Told you you'd be back.
Come on, you know better than that.
Thank you.
You know what l'd really like to do?
N o. What?
Dr. Martin, please call the operator.
What are you doing here?
l know you didn't kill Dr. Thompson.
Going against your own kind, Bobby?
Brittany might be a lot of things...
...but she's not my own kind, okay?
l think she killed Kelly.
Makes sense.
They knew too much about each other.
Like where Sandra really is.
N ot in lndia?
She's dead.
lt's where this all begins, Bobby.
With Sandra.
You know that Brittany hated her.
Sandra was always a bitch to her.
What about the postcards, Adrien?
The postcards are a scam.
l found a stack of them in Brittany's room.
lt's a service. Stamp collectors use it.
You send them a postcard in an envelope...
...and they send it back.
Matt and Brittany are going
to the Summer's End Dance together.
Guess she got what she wanted.
lt's not what Brittany wanted.
lt's what Sandra wanted.
What are we supposed to do?
We don't have any proof.
We don't have any cards to play.
What do you do
when you wanna stay in the game...
...and you have nothing in your hand?
-Hey, Brit.
lt's common for patients
to transfer their emotional feelings...
...onto their therapist.
N o. You see, we were in love.
l told you you wouldn't understand.
Why don't you explain it to me?
You see
you're asking me because you have to.
l don't really think that you're asking me
because you're my friend.
He tried to stop loving me.
You have to know.
He didn't wanna hurt me.
N ow you can see
why l don't take those horse pills.
Good night, Doctor.
Good night.
-Did you get everything?
-How about a toast to the summer?
-l'm kinda glad summer's over.
l can't wait to get back to school.
Fine. To summer's end, then.
To summer's end. l'm down for that.
Oh, my God.
-What did we miss?
-Hello. You all look great.
Hey, guys. lt's picture time.
You folks look fantastic. What l'd like
to do is start off with two pictures.
Everyone kind of squeeze in.
Get a little bit closer.
Here we go.
Smile, guys.
And one last picture.
You're amongst friends. Enjoy yourselves.
Smile. Okay, everyone looking this way.
Smiling. Okay. Hold that pose, please.
How about a little hemlock and poison?
You okay?
You look a little pale.
Me? Everything's fine.
Thank you.
l can't believe you.
Don't look at me.
You must have an admirer.
lt was there when we sat down.
Aren't you gonna open it?
Come on. l wanna see what's in that thing.
Come on, Brit. Open it.
Who did this?
-Who did this?
-What is it?
What? What's going on?
N othing.
l just have a headache.
Who is this?
lt's your sister.
lt's only a copy, Brittany.
But you had to come, didn't you?
Just to be sure.
lt must have been tough all those years
of ''Sandra this'' and ''Sandra that.''
But it was you. lt wasn't Sandra.
You were the beautiful one
the special one.
lf only she would go away.
N o. lt wasn't like that.
You don't know the things
that she did to me.
They all loved her.
She made my life hell.
Brittany, you need help.
You need help, Adrien!
What happened?
l followed her onto the course. l couldn't--
Sandra's out there!
Sandra is buried out there!
We have to get you to a--
You don't actually think that they're
gonna believe you, do you, Adrien?
l mean, after all, you are the crazy one.
Do you really think that l killed Sandra
because l was jealous?
See, l started taking tennis lessons
from Matt.
And Sandra got all crazy.
So, after the dance that night...
...she came after me on the stairs.
So l pushed her.
l was just trying to get away.
And then l got Kelly to help me
bury the body.
See, l could get Kelly to do...
...anything l wanted her to do.
Funny thing happened then, Adrien.
l started wearing Sandra's clothes...
...and people noticed me.
And l slowly learned
how the world really worked.
l was just trying to show you...
...but then you turned on me.
Help me!
Please, help me!
l'm sorry. This means
we're not friends anymore, huh?
You bitch!
What is it?
You guys, help me!
She tried to kill me. She's crazy.
Come on, guys. Do something.
She killed Dr. Thompson.
You killed him!
You killed Dr. Thompson!
Just like you killed Sandra
your own flesh and blood...
...and buried her on the golf course!
You killed Kelly!
N o, l didn't! Look.
She's the crazy one here, not me!
Get me out of here.
What are you all staring at?
You think you know me?
You think l'm the beautiful little rich girl
who has to have everything her way?
You didn't know who l was until
Sandra disappeared and l took her place.
You made me this way.
lt's the way that it is.
-lt's payday.
-Oh, yeah.
Let's get the money and go.
-You ready?
-Oh, yeah.
l got you something.
Oh, Wayne.
The textbooks say that the painting's
about this girl who was crippled.
And the house being...
...someplace that you'll never
be able to reach.
Like people not being able to reach heaven.
Screw the textbooks, Wayne.
'Bye, Wayne.
-Adios, suckers!