In Darkness (2011)

Leave it.
Shine the light.
Tell them there's nothing of value here!
He says his parents left nothing behind.
- What are you doing with this raut?
- None of your business!
- Hands up, Polack pig!
- Shoot!
Go on!
Go ahead, shoot!
Get yourself a Polish man to fuck!
Where were you?
A blocked pipe.
Was it blocked with chickens?
She needs fresh fruit or
she'll be coughing until summer.
Fresh fruit?
At her age I didn't even know
what an orange was.
At her age you were living
on the street.
Leave her alone, will you?
Leave her be!
- We need to get up.
- It's Sunday.
- I have to go to Mass.
- There's still time.
No tickling!
Stop that, you fool!
Something bit me.
- Can you see anything?
- What?
I can't see a thing.
It itches terribly. Scratch me, Poldek.
You'll wake Stefcia!
You're making too much noise!
Get the ladder.
Come on, get over here!
Go on, hurry up, move on!
Put your hands up. Up!
Hold him down.
Say cheese...
Give him 200.
See you next week.
- Hello.
- Hello, Szczepek.
Hey, Yid!
What is it?
That's for the fake engagement ring
you sold me.
Marysia is expecting a nice present
for her Saints' Day.
Give her a good fuck
and be done with it.
I'm serious.
- We have to sell this shit.
- Not now, the market's bad.
This shit's worth nothing right now.
You can buy decent jewelry
from a Yid for a few sausages.
- Patience, Szczepek.
- Patience?
Marysia's going to leave me.
Aleksy, this new neighbor of hers...
She says they're just friends,
but I'm sure the bastard's fucking her.
He's clever. He knows how to talk.
The fucking bastard!
I love her.
So beat her!
If you love a woman, beat her!
- Do you beat Wanda?
- She beats me!
You're teasing me again!
Hear that?
- What's that?
- From the ghetto.
We're through!
We've done it!
The sewer is ours!
So we meet again.
It's Swiss. Take it.
It's worth a lot. Don't you believe me?
If you don't get at least 500...
you can turn us in.
We'd get more if we reported you.
plus the watch.
- 500 and the watch.
- No, no, no.
I'll handle it. I will go up...
- for the money.
- We'll come with you. Just in case.
Stop it, or you'll both go back
into the closet!
- Paulina, what are they doing here?
- They needed some fresh air.
Just for a few minutes.
Don't be angry, Ignacy.
I'll be right back.
- What's your name?
- Pirate.
Perfect name for a thief.
I know the sewers better
than I know my own wife.
- It's no place for you.
- There is no place for us anywhere.
ut I know places where it could work.
For the right price.
Name your price.
- Agreed.
- Poldek...
- they'll hang us.
- Listen, don't worry.
The young one...
- he's scared, he'll betray us.
- Never trust a Polack.
It's four against two.
We can easily finish them off.
We can't just kill them.
Why not? It's war!
It'll end in a massacre.
Twenty of ours for one of theirs.
- No one has to know.
- Forget it. We have no choice!
We can always turn them in later.
First let's see how much they have.
So, do we have a deal?
Here's a down payment.
You'll get the rest when we need you.
- How will we find you?
- Don't worry. I'll find you.
Fuck, I should've asked for more.
My Ukrainian friend!
- It's been years!
- Good to see you, brother!
I'm a commander now.
Szczepek here works with me.
I know ortnik...
- from Lonski!
- You were in jail?
- I had no choice.
- Szczepek, listen...
Lonski was full of sons of bitches.
ut not Poldek. He could be trusted.
I will never forget it. Cheers.
Your best vodka for my friends!
You know what this means?
It means I can help all my friends.
- Even the friends of my friends.
- May I?
If you need anything,
just ask.
I trained near the altic.
They're tough mothers.
ut the Germans are the best thing...
to happen to the Ukrainians.
The Polacks, too.
Janek, your wife!
You'll wake her up.
Poldek, stop pulling my leg! I went
there for a drink like a gentleman...
and there, on the accordion,
was Ryszek ynczel...
- Was Witek Szugenia there?
- Yes, he was, I'm telling you.
And the Grochowiak girl,
she was there, too.
- So you started partying?
- Yes, I did. She's got these eyes...
like a little lost sheep, you know?
They look like a pair of diamonds...
- rysia? Pawel?
- We're here, Mama.
This is my room!
- Go away! Stop pushing!
- Let us in!
Calm down, calm down!
Get out of my way.
Make way!
- We're not coming with you, Janek.
- What?
It's her or us!
Now is not the time...
Do you think I don't know
what's going on?
I'm not blind!
It's her or us. Choose!
Take your prize, you bitch!
Home wrecker.
Stop pushing!
Help me, please!
Help me please, I have a baby!
- Help me, please!
- Poldek, I want no part in this!
I've got a baby! Help me!
Go away!
Faster, come on, come on!
They get to go first.
- I'm sorry...
- Ignacy, you go first.
rysia insisted on wearing
her red boots.
Faster! Faster!
- Where is our Polack Moses now?
- So much for your down payment!
- Ignacy!
- No, it's dark in there!
- rysia, please.
- No, no!
You'll be fine.
Give me your hand, Paulina.
- rysia, it'll be alright.
- Mr. Chiger, are you there?
Thought we weren't coming, didn't you?
lara, I'm not going!
No, it stinks down here.
Get in, Mania. Now!
- lara, I'm begging you, I can't!
- Mania, please, come on.
- rysia, please, you must go down.
- No, no!
- rysia...
- No!
Listen. Listen to me!
Listen to me!
You will be safe down here,
but you must stop crying, you hear?
Mania, you can't stay here.
- ut we are staying!
- Mania, please!
- Where's your bag?
- You can't stay here.
Where is it?
- You have to come with us!
- Don't tell me what to do!
Make way!
- Mania, come on, get down there!
- No, no!
Let me go!
Get down there!
e careful!
There's shit everywhere!
- Come on, Mania.
- No, I'm going back.
Mania, come on!
- If we don't keep up, we'll get lost!
- I'm going back!
- Are you deaf? We'll get lost!
- I don't want to be here.
- Do you think I want to be here?
- Leave me alone!
- Come on!
- I want to go home!
I won't always be here to take
care of you! Don't be such a baby!
- You're no longer a child! Understand?
- lara...
Stay out of this, Mundek!
- Come on.
- I hate you, you bitch!
They'll kill you up there.
lara, she's your sister,
the only family you have.
We have to hurry. Come on, please!
You could've brought some food instead!
Can't we rest for a few minutes?
When I say so!
Children first.
Fucking hell.
Everyone and their dog came down!
unch of lice.
Out of the way.
Out of the way!
Get away!
Make room for the children!
Mrs. Chiger, over here.
Sit down, Pawel.
You will stay here for now.
It's so dirty in here.
- I'm thirsty.
- They suck out all the air!
- Stop, Yid, or I'll shoot!
- Don't shoot!
I'm not a Yid!
- I know ortnik. He's my friend.
- Hands up!
- Antoni's in the ghetto.
- All Ukrainians are my friends.
- Come on, we'll check it.
- eep your hands up!
Left here!
Hey, ortnik, this guy says
he knows you.
He's okay.
Let him go.
- Socha, what are you doing here?
- I work here. The sewer was blocked.
You're lucky they found me.
See any Jews down there?
Just bodies. They caused the blockage.
- Tell me if you find any live ones.
- Absolutely!
- It's our duty.
- Yes.
Herr Officer!
Watch out!
You look like hell.
Hard day at work.
If you like, I'll draw you a bath.
Did you hear it?
I doubt if there's anything
left of the ghetto.
Did you see anything?
Those poor people.
They're offering rewards
for turning in Jews.
Some people are making a pile.
God will punish the greedy.
The Jews crucified Jesus.
It's written in the ible:
"His blood be upon them and
their children." The priest said so.
That's just church politics.
Just think about it.
Jews are just the same as us.
Our Lady and the apostles,
they're all Jews!
Even Jesus.
Have you seen Mania?
Mania. Have you seen Mania?
Has anyone seen Mania?
Is Mania your sister?
She stepped on me as she was leaving.
She left?
- Where did she go?
- I don't know.
She was crying.
Said she didn't want to die here.
I must...
I must find her.
- You can't go out there!
- I must find her!
Where is she?
Where is she?
Go and find her!
Find her.
Having a party, Mr. Socha?
Some sausages.
Good morning.
Really? That's steep!
Onions are ten zlotys.
Last week they were five!
You can afford it, Mr. Socha.
A week ago your wife...
had no cash and now
suddenly you're shopping...
for an army.
asia, do you want some candy?
I love you.
Listen to this nonsense
from Mr. Goebbels...
"Our heroes in the East will prevail
over the olsheviks and Jews...
in the steppes."
And get slaughtered in Stalingrad!
I never thought I'd miss the ghetto.
Unbelievable, isn't it?
You're welcome to go back!
e quiet!
The Germans are losing, that's obvious.
You have to read between the lines.
- The Germans...
- Mr. Chiger, we all know...
you speak their fucking language.
The language of Heinrich Heine.
You should learn it.
ut I suppose in your view ignorance
is bliss. Right, Mr. Grossmann?
I've brought food.
Take it easy, calm down!
Stop it! Stop pushing!
- That's ours!
- Stay calm!
- Calm down, you'll kill each other!
- That's our bread!
Take it easy I said.
Is the campaign in the ghetto over?
My sister went back there.
To the ghetto?
Anyone left alive was taken
to Janowska Camp.
The ghetto is empty.
and you...
come with me.
Szczepek, you stay here.
No, no, no.
We'll move you here. It's safer.
For you or for us?
There are lots of hiding places here.
How do we all fit into this shit hole?
I didn't promise to take care of every
Jew in Lvov. Too many is dangerous.
Exactly how many can be saved?
Make it twelve or fourteen at least!
Ten, eleven at the most.
I've chosen seven.
And who made you God, Grossmann?
It was my room. I took all the risk.
- And the idea was mine, too.
- Which I'm paying for!
That makes you better than us?
efore the war we'd never have been
in the same room!
What a joke! Listen to the professor...
who refuses to speak Yiddish!
All your education didn't
buy you any sense.
ringing children into such a hell!
You fool!
etter to leave them with the Germans.
- Like your loverboy did with his.
- Stop it, you bitch!
Quiet. e quiet!
You old bitch!
- This is pointless! Enough!
There's the four of us, Mundek...
lara, Janek, erestycki...
That makes eight.
- Landsberg.
- Why Landsberg?
- He's a cripple!
- At least not a mental cripple!
So, Landsberg makes ten...
- Frankiel eleven.
- Speak Polish, damn it!
And Irena?
- Frankiel is more useful.
- I'm staying here anyway...
I don't trust these Polacks.
Who's coming?
- There's twelve of us.
- I said ten.
- I'm staying here. - You have to come.
- Why? - ecause I say so!
I'm begging you...
Twelve. Like the twelve apostles.
A Yid wouldn't know,
but the twelfth was Judas!
There were always twelve.
After Judas there was Matthias.
Okay, twelve, but that's it!
- You can come with us.
- Daniel, too?
I'm not coming without him. And what
about those kids? They have no one.
Thirteen? Fourteen? Sixteen?
Give a Jew a finger
and he'll take your arm!
- I'm begging you...
- No!
Eleven or no one.
You can always leave your kids
behind, if you like, Mrs. Chiger.
We'll wait here.
Come on.
rysia, come on.
Here you go, little one.
We're grateful for all you've done...
ut 500 a day for only eleven
is a lot...
Out of which I buy all your bread,
potatoes and sugar!
- Yes, but you still earn...
- A mere 70 zlotys...
that I share with Szczepek.
You're bargaining over your own life.
You're just like any other Yid!
Goddamned rats!
Come here.
Come on.
Goddamned vermin!
Are you cold? We'll be alright.
Don't be afraid, little one.
Mama, will they bite us?
- Marysia will love this!
- There's blood on it.
I'll wash it out. It's the perfect size.
- For your Stefcia. - They're hideous!
- Give them to her.
A ghetto souvenir from Uncle Szczepek.
There you are! Speak of the devil!
I was just asking your charming wife
where you were.
You've got Jews living in your sewers!
- Poldek knows nothing about it.
- Like I said, I only saw corpses.
A woman on Peltewna Street
could smell fried onions.
It came from her toilet.
I could smell it myself. Look.
They must be here.
If we enter the sewer here, it can't
be far. Can we get down there?
- Well, yes.
- So let's go.
Come on, Poldek, let's go!
No one knows the sewers
better than your husband!
Listen, I live in a beautiful home.
Want to know who gave it to us?
Some rich Yid family I never even met!
the Germans pay 500 cash
for every Jew we catch.
Let's hope we'll find
some Jews in the sewers.
Preferably rich ones.
- Idiot, you announced us! e quiet!
- The rat scared me, sir.
God, what a stench.
You could choke to death in here.
Isn't it this way?
Fuck it!
I can check over there, if you want.
Alright. Check it out.
Nothing here.
Fuck! The shit's ruined my boots!
Take me outside.
- No way. It's much too dangerous.
- Please! Just for a little bit.
My shoes are broken.
I don't know.
How are the children?
It's only a rat.
Come on, sit down.
She took one look
at the tablecloth and said...
it was nice. "Nice!" After all the
trouble I took to clean it!
- So I told her to fuck off.
- Szczepek!
Then she told me she'd rather "..."
Aleksy anyway.
Wanda, we have to find Szczepek
a woman like you...
just a little younger.
This here? From Mr. Chiger.
- It's Swiss.
- Mr. Chiger?
Yes, he's one of our Jews.
Hasn't Poldek told you about...?
Jews, Poldek?
We found some Jews in the sewers.
- And you're helping them?
- Mrs. Socha...
they pay us.
So that's your "raise".
You said the Jews were just like us.
- That Jesus was a Jew.
- This is different.
- Jesus was a Jew?
- I did it for you and Stefcia!
- Don't you dare say you did it for us!
- Wanda!
Don't you touch me!
Is that really true? Jesus was a Jew?
ortnik, how are you?
Didn't I tell you?
They were there, the bastards!
They found a bunch of Yids
in your sewer, you hear?
What? Where?
- We missed out!
- How many?
I don't know.
Their bodies were left to rot.
They must've had help.
Otherwise they could never
have survived this long.
What do you think, Poldek?
- If I get my hands on the bastard!
- Fucking hell, all that money!
ortnik, if there are any Yids left,
don't worry, they're ours!
Stay, let's have a drink.
Make haste slowly!
I'll get the next round.
- Will you join me?
- We have work to do.
Coming, Szczepek?
You look like you could use
another drink.
You heard the boss.
A shot of vodka for me!
Let's go! Hurry up!
What if they talked before
they were killed?
Then we'd be dead by now.
- No, Poldek!
- What?
Come on!
I can't help you anymore.
What did you say?
- What about ours?
- They must not know.
So they're alright?
Who led the rauts here?
Go to hell, you vermin!
Give it back! That's my crayon!
- Mama, he won't give it back!
- It's mine!
Give it back, it's my crayon...
- Give it to her, Pawel.
- Let go, it's my crayon, I cut it!
Look at that idiot!
God isn't listening!
Come on...
Give it back, Pawel!
- Children, be quiet.
- Mama! Give it back!
Hey, Janek!
Stop it!
Janek, Janek! Stop, stop it!
- Calm down.
- I will shoot, I swear!
- Get away!
- Calm down... - Janek.
Stop crying or I'll shoot! I swear!
Get away from me!
I swear!
- Calm down, calm down!
- Stop this damned praying!
- God isn't here!
- Janek, put the gun down!
- Shut up!
- Put the gun down.
Janek, calm down.
Come on, put the gun down.
Put the gun down.
- What happened?
- Nothing.
Where's Janowska?
It must be around there
to the left somewhere.
I am... "Cinder...girl?"
- Cinderella.
- Cinderella.
Do they fit?
Do you miss Leipzig?
I haven't seen my family in four years.
The letters stopped coming two years
ago. I have no home anymore.
The German who hanged my father...
the one...
who actually pulled the rope...
had just promised to save him.
Papa made me promise...
to take care of Mania...
She's very spoiled...
but she has a good heart.
We always fought, so he had to
make me promise.
- Well?
- The flame looks good.
They got the others, not ours.
- Any change?
- It's safe.
There's no methane today.
- Did you hear what I said? The Jews...
- Jews?
What Jews?
The gate is already closed.
The people sleep, the birds sleep,
the cats and the dogs sleep, too.
So close your little eyes.
Everyone's asleep...
so you should sleep, too.
If I earn 200 zlotys...
I will buy you a beautiful house.
Then you will sleep like a princess
on a bed of white roses.
Good night. Now close your eyes.
And this house will have a garden...
and a choir of singing birds.
They will sing you
sweet fairy tales till dawn.
Good night. Now close your eyes.
You sing beautifully, rysia.
lara, take this.
I have run out of money, Mr. Socha.
ut don't worry...
right after the Germans entered,
I hid some jewelry.
Put me down, you idiot, put me down!
I want to show you something.
It's Chiger's. I'm supposed to sell it.
Wanda, you'd never have to work again.
You'd have your own maid.
They're not even grateful
for anything I've done for them.
All they do is demand.
It's gone.
It was in the left pocket. Gone!
It's gone.
I've looked here, too.
Maybe... it's over there.
- I've looked everywhere.
- It was stolen. - Yes.
They took it.
Get down, get down!
I signaled.
Why so scared?
We were worried you wouldn't come back.
Or with the Gestapo.
Where's Janek?
He ran off.
- With Frankiel and Landsberg.
- They'll be caught and...
Janek will never talk! Never!
I'm glad you have such faith in him.
I thought you were going to sell them.
I won't be coming back.
I'm risking my life, my family's life,
for what?
Complaints and accusations.
And now this betrayal.
Enough. This is too much.
Szczepek was right.
- He'll run straight to the Gestapo.
- He could've done that ages ago!
- He could've kept the jewels!
- Mundek!
- We should've killed him long ago.
- He didn't have to come back!
Are you crazy?
I'm very sorry, Mr. Socha.
You'll die here like dogs.
Mr. Socha!
Are you happy now?
Mr. Socha!
Are you thirsty?
Are you tired?
Go on, lie down.
That's nice!
Is that nice?
- We need to do another job.
- What?
- Two addresses we haven't hit.
- Oh, I thought...
The Jews.
What Jews?
I wasn't just scared for myself.
My Marysia's pregnant.
Is it yours or Aleksy's?
- Hey, you asshole!
- Stand up!
You stupid asshole!
Wipe your nose, you chickenshit!
Fucking bastard!
One, two, three, four...
Get her some water.
Get her some water!
She's had her ration.
Give her mine.
Okay, right, come on.
Let's start all over again.
One, two, three, four...
Do you think Janek's still alive?
Do you?
I keep dreaming I'm eating
my mother's plum cake.
I don't dream about eating.
What is it?
I used to snitch on Mania for eating
all the plums off the cake.
I hated how she got off so easily.
- I can't go on anymore.
- Yes, you can.
You must go on.
You will!
If you don't live, I don't live either.
And I plan on living
a long and happy life.
What are you doing?
I have to join my group.
- You're late.
- I don't have a watch.
Alright. Go on then.
You look a little too healthy.
- Maybe you're a partisan.
- Partisan? Can't you see I'm a Jew?
There are Jewish partisans.
- You're keeping me from my work.
- Shut up!
- Shut up or I'll shoot!
- I always do my job!
- I told you to shut up!
- You'd be shooting a good worker!
There you are, you stinking Yid!
Thanks for finding him.
I'll beat the shit out of you!
- What's he saying?
- This fucking Jew...
was supposed to help me in the sewers.
What's the Polack talking about?
I'm an inspector.
- I'll show you my identification.
- What's that in your pocket?
- I found it over there. Want some?
- What's he saying?
He's offering you a drink.
- You're trying to bribe me?
- No, no.
- Yes, he is.
- You're coming with me, both of you!
- Why are you here, in God's name?
- None of your business, traitor!
Goddamned Polack.
"Let your brother find his own job,"
I told her.
There's a war on. It's hard
on everyone.
Listen, we don't have much time
to find the blockage.
Let's split up and meet back
in ten minutes.
Okay, boss.
- What are you doing here?
- Mr. Socha, we got lost.
- Where are your parents?
- If we knew, we wouldn't be lost.
Wait here. I'll be back.
I've found something.
I'll take care of it. You go home.
I've found your children.
Thank you!
Thank you.
- You're welcome, Mrs. Chiger.
- Thank you.
It's alright.
rysia, Pawel...
Oh, my God!
If you like...
I could continue as before.
Do you still have the jewelry,
Mr. Chiger?
Have you found them?
Have you heard?
The Germans have been having their fun.
They hanged ten Poles in revenge...
for a single German soldier.
A German soldier?
ut they weren't satisfied,
so they shot 40 more people.
Or maybe 50,
all good, God-fearing Poles.
You know, whoever killed
that soldier is a hero to me...
but the innocent always have to suffer.
- Come, I'll show you.
- Thank you.
Don't be too long, Anelka, okay?
they hanged him.
Stefcia, go upstairs.
Well, I hope you're satisfied.
No, Szczepek hasn't worked
with me in months.
It was a coincidence.
It was because of something
completely different.
He was innocent.
- I can do it.
- Can you manage?
- Count the stitches for me.
- Will you count them, too?
- Hey, look, you see?
- Can I try?
Mama, don't you count them?
I don't need to.
Quiet. e quiet!
Someone's coming, hide!
Oh, shit!
Help me!
There are Jews here!
I've found Jews!
I've found Jews!
Come with me, hurry!
Leave your things.
Leave everything here!
Mr. Chiger, let's go!
Head and shoulders first,
the rest will follow.
Quick, move on!
- e careful.
- Climb up.
e careful, rysia.
Go on, you're next. Faster!
- Chaja, go on!
- No...
- No, no, no!
- Crawl! - Come on.
What's wrong, Chaja?
Your hips. Move your hips!
- Move your hips! - Save me!
- Take my hand. - eep moving!
Crawl, for fuck's sake!
Go on, take my hand!
Come on, come on!
Hurry up!
- Pull!
- Hurry up!
You've been stealing food!
That's why you got stuck...
I'm wearing a thick coat.
Can't you see?
Don't you talk to me like that!
What's that?
- We're beneath Our Lady of the Snow.
- You can hear everything.
That's why you have to be very quiet.
Absolutely no yelling.
I'll go get your things.
Will we be staying here now?
I'm going to have a baby.
I'm going to have a baby.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry!
Do you understand? It's ours.
All of ours!
Poor kid! As if one set of parents
wasn't enough!
You know, I was trying to get
into Janowska Camp when we...
when I killed that soldier.
It's easier to walk when
the water's low.
How can you work in these?
My feet feel twice as big.
You know what they say
about men with big feet.
They didn't get very far.
You still want to get into Janowska?
Mania may still be alive.
Either way, lara has to know.
And I always thought
all Yids were cowards.
Come on in.
Right, so you're the genius
who wants to...
get into Janowska?
Go on in.
Listen to me carefully.
Tomorrow morning first thing
you will go into the camp.
Then someone from the camp will
change places with you for two days.
The guards can't tell?
Not as long
as there are 50 in each brigade.
This poor guy wants to go and look
for his wife in the ghetto.
I told him it's useless,
but he insists...
- on going there himself.
- Will he come back? - Absolutely.
His whole family is in the camp.
So he's sure to come back.
God will repay me.
- See you soon.
- Remember...
- if anyone asks...
- You went to get supplies.
Get a move on! On your knees!
Get down!
I said get down. Down!
Get a move on. Faster!
Move it, come on!
Get a move on!
Move it, move it!
On your knees!
Stay down!
Caps off!
Where's your cap?
It was stolen, sir.
ad luck. Without a cap...
you have no business here.
The man's healthy!
Can't you see?
If you must use a bullet...
use it wisely.
Thank you.
Caps on!
Good, very good. Very good.
Do you realize the danger?
The crying will bring down
half the city!
Chaja, it's coming.
Easy, it's coming.
Once more, it's coming.
It's a boy!
- If Janek could see him!
- Janek's dead.
Get out!
You're upsetting her, can't you see?
A baby? ut how?
She always wore bulky clothes.
Who will take in a Jewish baby?
I'll see the nuns at the convent.
A boy?
A sweet little guy.
- Is he circumcised?
- They're not that stupid.
You know...
we could always say...
he's my brother's.
My sister-in-law is in hospital...
so we're taking care of their baby.
I wish we could find a Mohel,
who could do it properly.
- He will not be circumcised!
- He must be! - No, no.
- Chaja...
- I said no!
Give him to me.
Give him to me!
Give him to me, right now!
He's not yours!
eep the child quiet!
Put the light out.
Do you know Mania eller?
Does anyone know Mania eller?
Who knows Mania eller?
- Who knows Mania eller?
- I know Mania eller.
The child, the child...
it's only praying.
And the dear Lord, the dear Lord...
He hears it.
The baby's dead.
She smothered him.
- Maybe it's for the best.
- For whom?
- For Socha?
- What?
- lara!
- What?
I came to say...
that my wife and I agreed...
to take him.
She wants to...
- throw him into the river.
- No!
A burial.
He must have a proper burial.
Are you coming?
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, Mr. Socha. I know...
I know you're not to blame.
I understand.
Mundek has never been away this long.
He went to Janowska...
to look for Mania.
lara shouldn't feel guilty.
I just couldn't live...
- in that sewer.
- You can! Mania...
I came here for you.
I can get you out of here.
- Mania, please!
- Where is he? - Tell lara...
Where is my husband? Tell me...
- My Janek, is he with that whore?
- Mrs. Grossman, your husband is dead.
You're lying!
- I know where he is!
- Come with me!
Go, just go. There's a guard coming!
- Come with me! - Just go!
- My child is dead. This is hell!
- Rachel's dead!
- The guards!
I know my way.
Mania wouldn't come.
I tried everything but
she just wouldn't.
I'm so sorry.
It's alright.
It'll be Passover soon, won't it?
I found them in a Jewish home.
And I brought you something else.
- Pirate!
- Thanks!
This is for you.
Don't you want to have a look?
She doesn't eat, she doesn't speak.
She even tore up her drawings.
- What's wrong, rysia?
- I don't know what to do.
Come on.
Let's go.
I want to show her something.
reathe deeply.
And again.
Mr. Socha...
Mr. Socha, we can't pay you anymore.
Friday's payment was the last.
We have nothing left. Nothing.
Mr. Socha...
- can I ride piggyback?
- Another time, dear.
Piggyback? No problem.
Giddyup, Mr. Socha!
Mr. Chiger...
Do the others know?
I didn't want them to panic.
Here's next Friday's payment.
Pay me in front of the others.
I don't want them to think I'm a sucker
who's doing all this for nothing.
Quiet, I have a child sleeping!
Let us in for a drink.
- Go to sleep, Stefcia.
- You've had enough.
Poldek, do you want to make me look like
a liar in front of my buddy? Let us in!
Poldek, hurry, get them
something to eat.
Cheers, Max.
Leave it, Papa, that's for the Jews!
What a pretty little girl!
What Jews?
- She just...
- Shut up, let her talk!
These are my Jews.
And they're hungry.
- Why Jews?
- Uncle Szczepek...
brought them from the ghetto for me.
Two little Jewish girls.
ut this one...
- has blond hair.
- Jews can have blond hair, too.
- She's a clever one!
- She's to have her first communion.
- We'd like you to come. Right, Poldek?
- Of course! You'd be very welcome.
And I'm sure Stefcia's Jews won't mind,
if we share their food with you.
- Please, make yourself at home.
- Poldek!
Max, why the long face?
Let's have a drink. Cheers!
Socha, to your health!
Didn't I tell you... Didn't I?
Don't you dare blame her!
- You brought this on us, not her!
- She has to learn!
And when will you learn?
Wasn't it enough they hanged Szczepek?
Have no fear...
Mama, why are you laughing?
Why are you laughing?
Why are you laughing, Mama?
lara, what's going on?
- I have to go.
- Are you crazy?
- I have to move them.
- ut it's Stefcia's communion!
I won't be long. Just to check on them.
Socha, what's up?
- What are they doing?
- Laying mines.
- A little surprise for the Russians.
- Don't you know what's down there?
Gas pipes! If you hit one, everything
will be blown up in a second!
The Germans are leaving. Do you think
they give a shit?
What's going on here?
- Nothing, sir.
- Gas! Gas!
You'll all be blown up!
Poldek, shut up!
There are gas pipes down there.
He's a sewer inspector.
Very well. Go down there with him.
If there are no gas pipes, shoot him!
- Yes, sir.
- Stop digging!
Sorry I couldn't come to church.
I'm on duty.
- Why aren't you with your family?
- It was pure stupidity.
I left my tools down here and
I got scared they might be swept away.
These tools must be worth a lot, for you
to leave your daughter's communion!
Are these your tools?
Or were you trying to save the rats?
- Is that it? Were you saving the rats?
- I don't know what you mean.
This whole time you've been hiding
Yids right under my nose.
You're crazy!
Stop, Poldek. Stop, God damn you!
Poldek, you were the only one
in Lonski that I trusted...
You betrayed me!
If you shoot me, you'll never find
your way back.
Tell me the truth! At least tell me
the truth, Socha!
Damn you! Stay here!
Stay here!
- Please, Papa, make it stop!
- I can't, rysia. Oh God!
Our Father who art in heaven...
Don't gulp, breathe slowly.
It's a miracle, Mr. Socha!
A miracle! The water just went away.
I'll go and get you some dry clothes.
Oh, you fool.
Or am I the bigger fool for coming back?
I have to get them some dry clothes.
Don't speak.
Where the hell are you going?
It's too dangerous. Hey!
- It was dangerous all the time.
- Mundek, you're crazy!
e quiet, Paulina!
I'm in charge!
Mundek! No one makes a move here
without my permission!
- Ignacy!
- Ignacy, calm down.
You can come out!
It's over!
reathe, breathe!
It's okay...
Jesus Christ!
I'm scared. Mama, I want to go back.
Where the hell did they come from?
- Come on...
- Come, come.
Come on, lara, let's go.
Come on.
It's okay, okay...
Dear God...
where did you come from?
From the dead, sir...
From the dead.
Eat this, little girl.
You must be hungry.
Eat. It's still warm.
What are you looking at?
Don't you have anything better to do?
Move along!
Here, please, have some cake.
It's all over now!
You are safe now!
Here you are.
Mr. Chiger...
you're safe now.
And now everyone, have some cake!
Wanda baked it for you!
Here you are.
- Wanda!
- Here you are!
- Please have some.
- This is my Wanda.
My Jews. These are my Jews.
- Please, have something to eat.
- My Jews!
These are my Jews.
They're my work!
,,Socha's Jews" spent
On May 1 2, 1 945, Leopold was killed,
saving his daughter from an
out-of-control Russian army truck.
At his funeral, someone said, ,,It's
God's punishment for helping the Jews."
As if we need God
to punish each other.
rystyna Chiger grew up
to write her memoir,
,,The Girl in the Green Sweater",
published in 2008.
She and the others suvivors
escaped Soviet Lvov
for Israel, Europe
and the United States.
Leopold and Wanda (Magdalena) Socha
are among more than 6,000 Poles
honored by Israel as
The Righteous Among The Nations.
This film is dedicated to all of them.