In Dreams (1998)

bIn Dreams (1999)/b
Mirror, mirror, on the wall,
who's the fairest of us all?
You're the fairest in
this hall, but Snow White is the...
Come on, Rebecca.
Forget it's a play.
Just say it
like you're saying it to me.
Snow White's the fairest of them all
And again. Mirror, mirror, on the
wall, who's the fairest of us all?.
- You're the fairest in...
- Wrong.
You are.
What are they doing, Mommy?
Nothing, Rebecca.
Daddy'll be home soon.
Last to the car's a bag of rats!
You never knew
I was a bag of rats!
Hey. Hey, sweetie.
- The goldfish died.
- Oh, no.
- He did?
- He started to swim backwards.
Mom froze him so we could
bury him when you come back.
- You want something to eat?
- Breakfast and lunch.
- Mary's made spaghetti.
- Oh, God. It's 2am for me, honey.
I'm sorry. What are these?
- Nothing.
- That's Snow White.
Show Daddy your costume, honey.
No, I don't want to.
I wanna show him the goldfish.
What is this?
Little Red Riding Hood?
No. It's nothing
to do with anything.
It's just another weird dream.
Oh, no. Not like the one you had
before my mother died, is it?
- No.
- Good.
Not like that one.
This one, it keeps coming back.
There's an orchard
and this little girl.
That little girl,
she's being led through it.
- The little girl that's missing?
- She's holding someone's hand.
It's a man or a woman...
with red hair.
I keep trying to get rid of it.
I can't.
I don't know.
What do you want me to say?
- If it's real, go to the cops.
- Paul, please.
- I don't know about psychic stuff.
- I hate that word.
- So do I.
- What's "physic", Daddy?
They're searching the reservoir,
but I have a feeling she's not dead.
What's "physic", Daddy?
Psychic is when you can
see through things, like...
what's in that big box
that Daddy brought home?
Right by the front door.
- You got it?
- You bet ya.
I tramped all over Tokyo for that.
Not too low!
And again.
Good night, sweetheart.
Wasn't that meant for her birthday?
Yeah, it was. But I can't be here.
I'm only on a stopover.
- Have you told her?
- No.
They fucked up my schedule again.
- What about the play?
- The play's fine.
I have to leave for Seattle at eight.
Hey. I got you a kimono.
What did you say your name was?
Where are we going?
What is it?
I saw her,
the little girl that's missing.
- I can't help it. I'm sorry.
- Oh, Jesus.
I'm sorry.
She's so innocent, Paul,
going wherever he asks her.
It's somewhere terrible.
I told you, if it's real
you should go to the cops.
It's worse now. It's like
some storm's about to break.
All right, look, honey.
Tomorrow I'll go to the police, OK?
I'll tell them whatever it is
you're imagining, all right?
I wanna know I'm wrong, Paul,
more than anything.
I wanna know it's just a dream.
Oh, you know, I'm sorry to
keep you waiting, Mr Cooper.
- I apologise. Really I do.
- No problem.
I hope you understand that,
you know, this is, well...
- This has been a very busy week.
- Yeah, yeah.
OK, uh, let me...
Let me see if I get this right here.
Your wife had a headache...
and she saw a vision
of the missing child, right?
I wouldn't phrase it like that.
- How would you phrase it?
- She has, um, these dreams.
- Is she a clairvoyant?
- No.
Does she talk to dead people?
Communicate with the dead?
What? Detective, this isn't a seance.
I was gonna ask
does she wear a turban?
One of those crystal balls
with a lamp shade?
- None of that.
- Just checking.
Tell me what happened.
She dreamt the child
was taken to an orchard
where terrible things were
happenin' to her. North of here.
- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah.
In this vision,
did she get a fix on anyone else?
Only his hand.
He was holding her hand.
The little girl?.
Yeah, but it could've been a woman's.
Could have been... Oh. All right.
OK. OK, sir. Thanks for comin' in.
Detective! I'm waitin' here an hour.
My wife isn't makin' this up.
I'm not saying she is. It's been
a long day, give me a break.
Based on your information,
I'm lookin' for a man, a woman...
It's not really helpin' me.
Listen, listen.
I know you got a tough job.
I got a tough job too. I fly 747 s.
I got 350 people relyin' on me.
So do me a favour. Hear me out.
Don't treat me like I'm a wacko.
They already found her, Mr Cooper.
Bottom of a storm drain.
Stones in her pockets.
So you go back to flyin' your 747 s.
You take care of your people.
I gotta get back to the tedious
business of finding who killed her.
Thanks for comin' in.
There are 12 fairies, Mommy.
Oh. But you'll look the best.
I'm the only one that talks.
OK. Why don't you try it
one more time?
Then we'll go to dance class, OK?
Big breath.
Who's the fairest of us all?.
You're the fairest in this hall,
but Snow White's
the fairest...of them all.
Very good.
There you are.
You don't have to tell me.
I heard it on the news.
Guess I'm crazy again, huh?
Well, you got it wrong this time.
Yeah, I got a lot of things wrong.
- What's that mean?
- You know what it means.
I don't. What are you talking about?
I'm talking about the girl
you're seeing in Sydney, Australia.
I'm talking about me pretending
it hasn't been happening.
Don't look so surprised.
I'm not reading your mind
or your fucking letters,
but be more discreet
where you put them!
I took this girl to dinner once.
She got a crush on me.
I fucked up. I'm sorry.
Nothing happened.
Honey, listen to me.
Nothing happened.
I promise you. I fucked up.
This is what's been
fucking up the schedule?
No, this is not.
My schedule changes without notice.
This isn't about your schedule.
This is about you fucking someone!
But I didn't!
I wanted to, but I didn't!
Maybe I wouldn't have wanted to
if the woman I love
was here once in a while!
I mean, where are you, Claire?
If it's not one obsession,
it's another. You're gone!
Daddy, if I was real...
- Hmm?
- ..dishing out wishes...
- All right.
- What would you wish?
That I didn't need one.
OK, let's go.
- My wand cured the rain.
- Oh, thank God for that.
Let's take these off,
they'll get bent in the car.
- Are you coming?
- I'm coming in the other car.
- Let's go.
- Why?
I have to fly tonight, darlin'.
When I come back,
I'll stay much longer.
If your mother lets me.
Hello, flowers.
Hello, birds.
Hello, Snow White!
Please don't kill me.
I'm begging you. Please.
What have I done?
Please don't kill me.
Please show mercy!
Please show mercy!
Please show mercy!
- Please show mercy!
- Run!
Run away and never come back
or your stepmother will get you!
I'll always remember
her beautiful smile.
She was so very kind.
- She made our house a home.
- She was very nice to us.
She so loved animals.
She cleaned my glasses.
- Honey!
- Who is this lovely maiden?
- Oops!
- She's Snow White!
What happened to her?
She got poisoned by the witch.
She's the loveliest maiden
I've ever seen.
May I take her home
to my castle so...
Will we never see her again?
You may come and live
in my castle as well.
Mirror, mirror,
on the wall,
who's the fairest one of all?.
You are the fairest in this hall,
but Snow White is the fairest...
of them all.
No, no, no!
Snow White's
the fairest of them all!
Hello. There you are.
You were so good. You were so good.
OK, hang on a second.
I'll see you in a couple of days, OK?
Bye. All right, already. I gotta go.
Claire, I was stupid, all right?
I admit that.
Nothing more. I promise.
- OK. Promise?
- It was my fault.
- Bye. Bye.
- See you.
- I love you.
- I gotta go. All right.
I love you.
Sweetie? Sorry,
I thought you were my little girl.
Rebecca? Rebecca?
Rebecca? Rebecca?
Where are we going?
To my house.
- Guys, fan out to the right!
- Rebecca!
- Where are you?
- We'll find her.
Why didn't I know?
Why didn't I see it? Rebecca!
Rebecca! Rebecca!
I said, fan out to the right!
We're gonna cover
every inch of ground tonight!
Rebecca! Rebecca!
Why didn't you tell me? It wasn't
the past, it was the future!
Take it easy, ma'am.
She's gone! You know that!
- We don't know that.
- Well, I know it!
Lord, let me help her!
Let me help her!
How long have you had these visions?
All my life.
All your life?
Look, you know, I...
I owe you an apology. I'm sorry.
- Your husband came to talk to me.
- Don't apologise, Detective.
No. I was more wrong than you were.
You see, I need an interpreter.
- For what?
- For whatever it is I dream.
- 'Detective Kay?'
- Yeah, this is Kay.
'The divers have...'
Mrs...Mrs Cooper...?
- 'Are you there?'
- Somebody stay with Mrs Cooper!
'We found a body.'
Don't touch any evidence!
Everybody, settle down.
Where's Mrs Cooper? Jeez...
- Claire.
- Paul.
- What?
- I can't. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. I...I...
Oh, God.
Oh, no! Oh, please, God!
- Mr Cooper, stay calm.
- Is it my daughter?
- Is it?
- Stay with Mr Cooper.
Claire! Please pull over! Please!
You'll get us both killed!
Claire! Please!
I'm not afraid any longer, Mommy.
My daddy was a dollar.
My daddy was a dollar.
My daddy was a dollar.
Not worth a hundred cents.
My daddy was a dollar.
I wrote it on a fence.
My daddy was a dollar.
Not worth a hundred cents.
Can you look at me?
Can you squeeze my finger?
Wiggle your toes, please.
Do you remember
ever seeing me before?
Well, I'm Dr Stevens.
I'm the neurosurgeon.
You've been trying to wake up
for about a day now.
You had quite a little bump
on your head.
You had a lot of water in your lungs,
but we're doing fine, Mr Cooper.
How long have I been here? How long?
Well, about six weeks.
Why did you bring me back?
Hmm. Don't think
it was easy, Claire.
Mommy! Mommy, help!
Help! Help!
Claire? Claire?
Shh, shh, shh.
You're in the hospital.
You're in a hospital.
- Oh.
- All right?
I'm Dr Stevens. Remember me?
Remember meeting me?
Yeah. Oof.
You had a nightmare, hmm?
How did you know?
Well, your heart rate
was bouncin' around.
Can you read dreams?
No. I skipped that class in college.
Must've been a wild one, hmm?
Yeah. There's a little boy in a room
filling up with water.
He's tied to the bed.
- Water, huh?
- Water.
I do have a friend who majored in...
what'd you call it, reading dreams?
- Wanna talk to him?
- Well, what is he?
A psychiatrist.
But don't hold that against him.
- Well, can he stop them?
- He might.
I'll get a nurse to prescribe
something for you. All right?
- OK.
- OK.
# Anyone else but me
# Anyone else but me
# Don't sit under the apple tree
# With anyone else but me
# Anyone else but me #
Why are you singing that?
Because you were singing that...
In your sleep.
How long have they been here?
They just got here.
This is Dr Silverman.
The psychiatrist.
Can you stop the dreams?
Well, we can start
by talking about them.
Has he killed another child?
You're here to get well,
not drive yourself crazy.
How many has he killed, Paul?.
- How many?
- There's a girl missing upstate...
but they're not sure
it's the same guy.
It is, and it's the same place.
- Someone was singing.
- You were singing.
No. Someone was singing through me.
That doesn't make sense.
Tell me about your dreams, Claire.
One's a little boy
in a drowning room, and uh...
And some of the others
are in this big room.
It's like a...orchard.
It's filled with apples.
I know there'll be more.
Could you leave us
together for a while?
- Will you make them go away?
- I'd like to try.
Mr Cooper, how is your marriage?
My marriage? It's fine.
I mean, as well as can be expected.
But you've asked to take her home.
Yes. She's my wife.
I'd like to care for her at home.
I want to know
that your home environment is stable.
It is. Our marriage is fine.
In that case, I agree.
Home might be the best place for her.
I'd like to be the judge of that.
We've got to realise that she's in
a state of suspended bereavement.
She's never had a chance to mourn.
Mary's come for the week.
Yeah. Mary.
The housekeeper?
Your past life, Claire.
How are we gonna deal with it, Paul?.
Well, just day by day.
I feel like it all happened
to someone else.
I wish to God it had.
Like I'm some ghost,
looking down on myself.
What about her room?
I haven't been in there.
I'm gonna get the bags.
Just go to sleep.
I know you've been dreaming
about me, Claire.
And I've been dreaming of you.
Oh! Ohh!
Jesus! Fucking...
It wasn't me, Paul.
It was a nightmare.
Don't give me "nightmare!"
You were wide awake and kissing me!
Aren't you taking medicine for them?
- It doesn't work.
- Look...
I will do just about anything
to get us through this, honey,
but you better tell me
what is going on in your head.
Paul, please, I can't talk about it.
You just bit through my fucking lip,
and you can't talk about it?
- You're gonna talk to someone else!
- No! No.
Then you talk to me. Tell me!
He killed Rebecca. And he knows.
- He knows what?
- He knows I'm dreaming about him!
Oh, Claire.
- That is really crazy.
- I know.
He's in my head. Who are you calling?
Your doctors!
- They can't help me.
- Somebody has to. I can't!
I've used up all my leave.
- I gotta go to work.
- I've got to deal with it.
- I've got the medication and Mary.
- Mary's not a doctor.
I swear, if I can't cope
I'll go back myself.
Claire, Claire, Claire, Claire.
"Adapted and illustrated
by Claire Cooper."
Claire, Claire, Claire.
Once upon a time
there was a little Claire.
And a very little Claire she was.
- I'll call you from Seattle. OK?
- OK.
- You OK?
- Fine. I might even try some work.
You have my numbers.
Call the hospital if anything, right?
- OK. OK.
- OK.
Don't worry.
- You OK?
- Is that the mantra for the day?
I need a cigarette.
I'm going to the store.
Paul said you're not
to leave the house. I'll go.
OK. Thanks.
# Don't sit under the apple tree
# With anyone else but me
# Anyone else but me, anyone... #
Dobie? Dobie!
Remember me?
We met at the reservoir when you...
- My dog, Dobie. Have you seen...?
- Hm?
- Have you...?
- No, I've seen nothing, ma'am.
Look, your husband, uh...
asked us to, uh,
check things out,
keep an eye on things, you know?
- Thank you.
- Dogs like to ramble.
- Yeah. I shouldn't worry.
- I didn't say that.
- You OK, Claire?
- I'm fine. Thank you, Detective.
If you see Dobie...the dog.
- Dobie's our dog.
- Look, just so you know...
we checked every orchard
within a radius of 300 miles.
- You found nothing?
- No.
That's the thing, my dreams
are no good till after it happens.
- Makes me seem crazy, doesn't it?
- Oh, no.
After what you've been through,
you'd be forgiven a little psychosis.
Kay. Jack Kay.
Call me if you need anything.
Anything at all,
just give me a call, OK?
- Thanks.
- Want me to walk you home?
I'm OK, thank you.
Damn it. Mary!
You think you can scare me,
you sick fuck?
'You sick fuck...
'My daddy is a dollar,
I wrote it on a fence.
'My daddy is a dollar, not worth...'
- Get out of my brain.
- 'Get out of my brain.'
Leave me alone!
Paul?. He's in the computer now.
Oh, Paul... Help me.
I wrote...
Did you
write this, Claire?
Uh, yeah. I wrote that.
But somebody else
made me do it.
And who cut your wrists?
I did.
But did that someone else
make you do it?
No. That was all my own work.
- Why, Claire?
- I wanted it to stop.
- What did you want to stop?
- The laughter. The...
- The thing.
- The dreams?
Can you dream in the daytime
when you're wide awake?
I'm sorry. I'm not that strong.
I couldn't take it any more.
- What does this verse mean?
- I don't know.
- Is it from your childhood?
- No, it's not from my childhood.
- It's from someone else's childhood.
- Whose?
It's, uh...
It's written on the walls
of a boy's room, and, uh,
the boy is chained to the bed,
and the room's filling up with water.
- So it's from a dream?
- Yeah.
And is it connected to
your dream of apples?
Yes. It's the same boy.
But in the orchard dream
it was a man.
- Can't you make sense of it?
- Would you like me to?
Oh, I would love you to!
I- I-I can't make sense of it.
But, um...
I have a feeling that...
they're all coming
from the same place.
From you?
- No, no! From him.
- And who is he?
I don't know.
But I think he deserves a name.
We'll call him Red.
It's appropriate.
OK, Claire.
Let's leave it there for the moment.
We're gonna take you to get an ECG
and check your blood pressure.
- Are you gonna keep me here?
- We'll supplement your medication.
Mr Cooper, please come in.
Take a seat.
Where are you, boy?
Here, boy!
- Dobie!
- What?
He's been missing all day.
Oh, great.
How is she?
They want me
to sign her into Stapleton.
I'm sorry.
I feel like it's all my fault.
It's not your fault, Mary.
Come on. Come on.
Good boy. Good boy.
Good boy.
Dobie, what is it, boy?
Dobie? What, boy?
Dobie? Dobie?
Dobie? Dobie?
Dobie! Dobie!
So what's it gonna be, Paul?.
She just woke up.
Stand away from the door, please.
I don't know who you are
or where I am,
but I'm being held against my will,
and I want to use the telephone.
I'd like you to sit on the bed.
I've found my husband's dead body,
and I want the phone!
After you've seen Dr Silverman.
- What is this place?
- Stapleton Hospital.
This is Rosco, and I'm Nurse Floyd.
Well, fuck both of you.
I want Silverman in here now!
- And I want a phone!
- You're not listening.
I just explained about the phone.
Why don't you understand?
I was just in the Carlton Hotel,
and in room 401 is the body
of my murdered husband.
Want me to put her on the bed?
- I'm just gonna put you...
- No! I'll kill you!
- Can I call someone for you?
- Call the fucking police.
My husband's being eaten by a dog
in a hotel room in Hammond.
Why are you laughing, Claire?
the bastard's in my head.
He's fucked up my brain.
And now he's murdered my husband.
Oh, God!
- It's happening again!
- What's happening, Claire?
What? What are they doing?
We're here to help.
How is she?
I'm gonna sell this house.
I need to get her a new shrink.
Want a second opinion?
Yeah. I want 20 of 'em.
Whatever it takes
to get her out of that place.
There's a lady on the phone.
Says she found Dobie near some hotel.
- Hello?
- 'Mr Cooper?'
Doctor, don't...don't
let Paul go to the hotel.
Don't let him go.
- Is this a real hotel?.
- It doesn't matter. The Carlton.
It's by the ocean in Hammond.
- When were you there?
- Last night, room 401.
So it's not real. You dreamt it.
- Was it day or night?
- Daytime. Please call him.
Does he meet someone there?
- He goes to find Dobie.
- Is Dobie a woman, Claire?
He's a fucking dog.
What have you given me, Doctor?
Why can't I think straight?
Thorazine. It calms you down.
'What happens to him there?'
'He dies.'
Don't you get it, Doctor?
How many times do I have to say it?
'So you dreamt that Paul died.'
I dreamt it and it happens.
It's going to happen.
Can't you get it through
your thick psytiactric skull?.
The man I love is dead and I'm left
in this God-awful place alone!
'You mean dead to you, Claire.'
No, no, I mean dead like Rebecca.
How many ways can I fucking say it?
- What the fuck?
- 'It's called grief.'
No, no, it's Paul this time.
Please. God, listen to me.
What's this?
Listen to me!
Hi, Paul!
Listen to me! Listen to me!
- Listen to me! Oh! No!
- Come on. Get up.
Come on!
Listen to me!
OK, we're going
to give you something to relax.
All right, get her down.
- Please, let me go!
- Just relax.
- Please, no.
- We're going to give you something.
Brought you some hot tea, honey.
It'll still be warm.
- I'm sorry. Do I know you?
- You're sharin' a room with me.
- They want me to keep an eye on you.
- I don't remember.
- You got some people in your head.
- Hmm.
What's the matter, honey?
You don't like the pattern?
Can you keep a secret?
You won't think I'm crazy?
Probably! I mean...
That man in my head was in
this hospital when he was a boy.
How do you know?
He stayed in this room.
He wrote that.
His name's Vivian Thompson.
Ooh, la-la!
Did anyone ever get out of here?
I wouldn't start thinkin' that.
I'm not talking about me.
I'm talking about somebody else.
It's not that difficult.
When you've been here
as long as I have
you get to know the language
of the place.
Go to sleep.
Hi! What's your name?
Oh, sorry. I gotta go.
Come on. I'm runnin' late.
- Mommy's in a hurry.
- You're not my mommy.
'He's hunting...
looking for another little girl.'
Guess what her name is, Doctor.
And what colour is Ruby, Claire?
Ruby's not a colour, Doctor.
Ruby's a girl.
Red. Why are you obsessed
with that colour, Claire?
I'm not obsessed,
I'm possessed, Doctor.
He's feeding me dreams bit by bit.
Why's that, Claire?
Maybe he's lonely.
Maybe he's lonely, Doctor.
Have you a name for him yet?
Yes, I have.
His name is Vivian. Vivian Thompson.
There's a town covered in water.
Someone left him in it.
He was taken to this hospital.
He stayed in my room
and he's feeding me dreams.
Why do you think that is, Doctor?
Because he wants to stop.
He wants me to stop him.
It sounds psychotic to you,
doesn't it?
You used that word, Claire.
But follow it through,
Doctor, psychotic or not.
I've gotta let him possess me...
Let him take me to him.
So what does that make me? Psychotic?
Delusional?. Obsessional?. All three?
If you admit that it's delusional,
we might be getting someplace.
So, what's it say
on the wall, Ethel?.
It's some kind of nursery rhyme.
So, I'm not insane?
Not many of us are, honey.
- Go to sleep.
- That's a good idea.
Sleep's the only way to reach him.
He's out there hunting another
little girl, and I've gotta stop him.
Whatever happens, though, promise me
one thing - don't wake me up.
My apologies, Claire.
That's it, Jodie.
Let the medication do the job.
You just relax and sleep.
You'll be fine.
Oh! Excuse me.
Hey. You need a lift?
I'm waitin' for Lucy.
- Everything all right?
- No, I...
locked myself out of my car.
Come back to the office.
You can use the phone.
Uh, I have a spare,
uh, a garage.
If you're going out,
you could drop me.
- Which garage?
- The one down the road.
- Got your ID?
- It's locked in the car.
All right. Hop in.
So, uh, do you want to get a drink
or something like that?
Yeah, maybe. Whatever you wanna do.
- Could we have some music?
- Music? Sure.
You work nights.
- Uh, yeah.
- What's your name?
- Vivienne. What's yours?
- Walter.
That's a nice name, Vivienne.
Hey, how you spell that?
V- I-V-I-E-N-N-E.
Can't keep your eyes off me,
can you?
- Off what, Vivienne?
- My legs.
Pity to leave you so soon,
Well...I'm in no real hurry.
Well, what do you know? Neither am I.
You've been eating those knees
the whole way.
Shouldn't your eyes have been
on the road?
I suppose they should've.
You can kiss me if you want.
Don't mind if I do.
What the fuck?
Two things, Walter.
- One, get out of the car slowly.
- Mm-hmm.
And two, get your ass back
to Stapleton and tell Silverman
to check out the Carlton Hotel.
Why are we here?
That's my home.
A lake? You live in a lake?
Did once.
Where did you go, Vivian?
Please, please don't leave me now.
Wanna come over to my house, Claire?
I have to warn you, it's haunted.
Who's it haunted by?
I'll show you how to get there.
You can drive now.
Vivian, is there a girl
in your house called Ruby?
Ruby? Yeah.
- She's dying to meet you.
- Oh, God.
You thought it was a real orchard?
That's the thing about dreams,
They're always right...
and always wrong.
You have to drive inside, OK?
I'll open the door.
You know this place,
don't you, Claire?
- Yes.
- You know the funny thing?
What's the funny thing?
I know you got a gun in the band
of the nurse's dress you're wearing.
- I do?
- You do!
And it's not very nice,
you meetin' Ruby with a gun.
Might get her upset.
Might get me upset...
and bring the apples
down on all of us.
- Where is Ruby?
- Ubi est Ruby?
I'm not tellin'
till you gimme the gun.
You know what happens
when the apples fall?.
I don't.
# First the tide
# Rushes in
# Plants a kiss
# On the shore
# Then rolls... #
I'm so, so
sorry, sorry, sorry, Claire.
All I wanted was a family.
I knew there was a dreamer out there
like me, cos I was dreamin' of her.
I wanted her to be my family.
And I took her little girl.
And the little girl cried
and hollered,
and I punished her
like any dad would.
And she was lying...
quiet, beautiful...
but like a doll now.
That's the part I'm sorry for.
But I'm gonna make it up to you.
I'm gonna work...
real hard.
Make it perfect.
I'm not gonna get upset anymore
now that I've got you here,
and I got us Ruby for a daughter now.
Claire and Vivian and Ruby.
Did you... Did you get upset
with Ruby, Vivian?
- Not yet. Not yet.
- Did you?
Are you gonna get upset with me?
Not if you love me
like Mama loves Dad. Will you?
I'll do that, Vivian.
I'll do that.
You wouldn't just pretend?
How could I pretend?
How could I pretend with you, Vivian?
You know me inside and out.
Things are gonna be perfect...
when I see Ruby.
As perfect as they can be
in this valley of tears.
- Oh, Lordy.
- What the fuck is this?
Her dream, Rosco. Your nightmare.
Ruby, guess who's here?
Say hi to Ruby, Claire.
- Hello, Ruby.
- Are you a ghost?
No, I'm not.
She was a ghost when she wasn't here.
Now she's just plain old Claire.
Why don't you go down in the garden
and show Ruby you're not a ghost?
He said you were coming.
You took a long time.
I know. It was gettin' kinda lonesome
here just the two of us, huh?
I suppose. This is Marge.
She was Vivian's doll
before he gave her to me.
Say hello to Claire, Marge.
That nice lady is not a ghost.
Hello, Claire! Welcome home!
Welcome home, Claire.
- She's followed him.
- Who?
Vivian Thompson. He escaped
through that grate. Murdered a nurse.
- When?
- 25 years ago. October 1972.
- I'm lost, Doctor.
- Join the club.
He killed her daughter.
She shares his dreams. He snatched
another little girl called Ruby.
She's gone to stop him.
Call the police. Show them this.
- Where are you going?
- Hammond, the Carlton Hotel.
I'll make us somethin' to eat.
Is anyone hungry?
How about "pasghetti"?
Daddies can be just like mommies,
you know that?
- Can they, honey?
- Vivian said so. They can cook too.
What else did he tell you, Ruby?
Told me my real mom
is up in Heaven waiting for me.
That's Vivian's mom there.
That's a tailor's dummy, Ruby.
I know, but that's
the kind of clothes she wore.
- Why does he keep them?
- For playing mom.
He's very good at it. You should
hear the way his voice changes.
Why does he do that?
He says his daddy was a dollar
and his mommy was a song.
A song?
"Don't Sit Under The Apple Tree
With Anyone Else But Me."
So that's his mother's song.
That's what she was, that song.
I don't like the cold.
Ruby, listen to me, OK?
Vivian's sick, honey,
and he needs help.
- It's possible he could hurt you.
- You're scaring me.
- I'm gonna take you away from here.
- Vivian!
Shh! Quiet!
I've been looking for the can opener,
but I can't...find it!
I know it's down there.
Sometimes Mommy and Daddy fight
and that's bad.
Sometimes they fight and that's good.
She's so, so, so tired.
You help me find it?
Cos you're the girl. And when we
find it you can have some...snacks.
And then when she wakes up
we'll feed her too.
You gonna say you're sorry now?
# Don't sit under the apple tree
with anyone else but me
# Anyone else but me... #
Cat got your tongue?
You're worse than your goddam daddy!
# Don't sit under the apple tree
with anyone else but me
# Till I come marching home... #
You got him real mad.
That's why he put you
in bad mommy's clothes.
He says he's disappointed in you.
He told me you'd be the loveliest
mommy in the whole wide world.
Does your face hurt?
I can kiss it better.
Is that better?
Are you tied too tight?
I'd loosen it,
but he might get mad again.
- I'd never seen him mad before.
- Ruby!
- Dr Silverman?
- Yeah.
You know this place?
I was told about it.
Let's get some light in there.
Sweet Jesus!
# ..with anyone else but me
# Anyone else but me
# With anyone else but me #
Bedtime, Ruby. Undo me, OK?
Time to move over, Claire.
Thank you, sweetums.
Go snuggle up with Mommy.
I'd never hurt you, Claire.
Didn't mind
hurting Paul, though, did I?
I thought you'd be a better mommy.
My mom was no good either.
wore dresses like that.
# Never knew my dad
# Mom was all I had #
Got eyes in the back of my head.
When Mom said
it was time for bed, I...
I believed her.
Sorry if I'm moody.
It's been a long day.
Things didn't turn out the way...
I thought they would.
Now I'm gonna kiss you...
- good night.
- Ah!
- Ow.
- Take a cheek, Ruby.
- Oh, God.
- Shh.
- Claire?
- Shh, shh, shh, shh. Yes?
- Claire?
- Yes?
I just had a bad dream.
I dreamt my mommy
was dead in the lake...
and she had your face.
Does that mean you're gonna kill me?
I hope not.
- Any word on the car she took?
- It was seen on Route Nine.
- Great, let's go.
- All right.
You're not such a bad mom.
Don't get him mad again.
I don't like you any more.
- I die in the lake, remember?
- I forgot that.
- Maybe you develop a limp.
- I emptied it.
Run, Ruby!
Run! Wait! Stop.
Come here. Now, you gotta
be brave now, Ruby.
- You gotta be brave, honey.
- Yes. You gotta come with me.
- It's me he wants, not you.
- Claire!
You gonna say you're sorry now?
Route Nine. Just made visual
contact with ground units.
Something's wrong.
The cat got my tongue.
Mom? It hurts real bad.
Ruby, where the fuck are you?!
It still hurts!
Gonna kiss and make it better!
Every couple has their problems.
We have to talk!
Two-six to dispatch.
I have a young girl fitting
the description of the subject.
Don't you want to work it out?
Or is it just too late
for me and you?
I know how it goes now -
Ruby makes it to the road.
She stops a car, maybe a police car.
The policeman comes in
and there's all this hostage stuff!
- Is that how it goes?
- Uh-huh.
Maybe Claire breaks her neck!
Oh, I don't want this to happen
I really went out of my way
to bring you here!
- Maybe Claire jumps!
- No, please!
We got a lead. A girl found off
the interstate named Ruby.
Head due east, we're looking
for a large wooden structure.
- A cider factory.
- Roger that.
Where are you?
This is Air Seven.
Have established visual contact.
Hey! Hey! Hey!
He's back there!
Back there!
Now there's all this hostage stuff.
I told you so!
- You've gotta give yourself up!
- But how?
I let you go,
they'll make a real mess of me.
- It's empty! There's no bullets!
- Go away! Go away!
Mirror, mirror on the wall
who's the fairest one of all?.
You are.
Wrong. You are.
Come with me.
Where, darling?
The jury finds you
guilty, but insane,
so I cannot pass the death sentence.
You will be held
in a secure mental facility
until the state
deems it safe to release you,
which I hope
will not be in my lifetime.
I can live with that.
I can live with this, too.
Shh, shh. Pleasant dreams.
# I close my eyes
# Then I drift away
# Into the magic night
# I softly say
# A silent prayer
# Like dreamers do
# Then I fall asleep to dream
# My dreams of you
# In dreams
# I walk
# With you
# In dreams
# I talk
# To you
# In dreams you're mine
# All of the time
# We're together
# In dreams
# In dreams
# But just before
# The dawn
# I awake
# And find you gone
# I can't help it
# I can't help it
# If I cry
# I remember that you said
# Goodbye
# It's too bad
# That all these things
# Can only happen
# In my dreams
# Only
# In dreams
# In beautiful
# Dreams #