In Harm's Way (1965)

Liz Eddington, pie-eyed.
- Where?
- Over there.
Happy, baby?
I'm gonna put a stop to this.
- Paul Eddington can take care of her.
- No, he can't.
He's at sea on gunnery practice.
Please play something else.
- Thank heaven they stopped the music.
- Why did they stop?
- Come on, they've had their show.
- I don't wanna go.
- Come on.
- I don't want to!
It's a stuffy Navy joint.
Let's get outta here.
- We should take her home.
- Mac...
- One last dance.
- We can't let her...
She's with that officer.
What about her husband
out there doing his duty?
Eddington knows about Liz.
If he wants to put up with it,
that's his business.
- I love you.
- What?
- I just said, "I love you. "
- Why?
Never mind.
If you've cooled down now,
I think we can go.
I'm not sure I want to go now.
You've got the duty in the morning, early.
- Lieutenant J G McConnel.
- Yes, ma'am?
You've got to play
captain of your ship at 6 a. m.
Come on in. It's great!
Come on!
I'm awake, Leary.
Tell the exec to join me
in my sea cabin for breakfast.
- Well, then, bacon and eggs for me.
- Aye, aye, sir.
Paul, wake up.
In case it slipped your mind,
it's gunnery stations at 0830.
So why don't you write me up?
Because your record already looks like
a bunch of pig tracks.
One more scratch on it
and your career in the Navy is ended.
That's how it should be,
I should be scrapped.
I'm obsolescing like this old
straw-bottomed cruiser of ours.
We both know what's eating you, Paul.
You can't wash it out with booze.
- What would you know about it?
- I tried it one time.
You? The Rock of Ages?
I don't believe it.
You're forcing me to throw
my weight at you. Fish or cut bait.
Get on your feet or take your troubles
elsewhere. I got a ship to run.
I'll put in for a transfer.
You've had one transfer already,
out of naval aviation.
- Might not get another chance.
- I don't give a damn.
Well, that isn't what I wanted
to hear you say.
I'm sorry, Rock.
If you can hold a razor, you might shave
before you come topside.
Aye, aye, Father Torrey.
You bum!
- Cut that out.
- Take me home!
Come on, I need a bath.
Good morning, sir.
If the captain were aboard,
would you dress that way?
I suspect not, sir.
Put on your uniform.
You make us look like pirates.
Aye, aye, Mr McConnel.
All right, 15-2, 15-4...
Double run of 8 for 12, your crib.
- Anything interesting?
- I got a run of three.
- The carriers pulled out Friday.
- For where?
South. Lahaina Roads, maybe.
I got that Hawaiian Sea Frontier
dispatch decoded.
Give it to our captain,
Lieutenant J G McConnel.
- More fun and games?
- No.
Destroyer Ward dropped depth charges
on a submarine contact
inside the defensive sea area.
Some poor Joe's got it in the wringer.
Attacking one of our own subs...
Commence evasive zigzag pattern,
- Set extra lookouts.
- Aye, aye, sir.
- Morning, Captain.
- Morning. How are you this fine day?
Splendid, thank you, sir.
What's the alert?
Ward dropped depth charges
on what they think is a sub,
15 miles away, near the sea buoy.
Another poor whale lost its blubber.
Sir, are we just looking for subs
or planes, too?
Anything, son.
There's a formation of planes
north of the island, sir.
The pilots are up early
for squadron exercises.
Strange place to rendezvous.
Why aren't they over Diamond Head?
There's a formation
off Diamond Head, too.
I don't like it, Paul.
Sound General Quarters.
- Make it no drill.
- Yes, sir.
This is not a drill.
General Quarters.
All hands man your battle stations.
On deck.
Attention to colours.
Bridge. Aye, aye.
Mr McConnel?
- McConnel.
- We're getting some funny signals.
It sounds like plane-to-plane chatter,
in Japanese.
- Japs!
- What?
My God, they're Japs! Come on!
Emergency sortie signal
from the yard tower.
Engine room? Light off all four boilers.
Make preparations for getting underway.
- Report readiness status in five minutes.
- Cut in all burners.
Disengage checking gear.
Open guarding valves.
Flip the electric rolls.
General Quarters!
Man your battle stations!
- Quoddy.
- Aye, sir.
- Can you take us out?
- You call it, Mr McConnel.
- Wait for the captain.
- Screw the captain.
- Ring up turns for 20 knots.
- Aye, aye, sir.
- 20 knots through the harbour?
- You heard.
Take her away. She's got enough
to move now, building fast.
Quoddy, right 10 degrees rudder.
Steady up on 1-2-0.
- It's Captain Harding, sir, and the exec.
- Slow down!
How can we stop?
It'll take 20 minutes at this speed.
Does anybody here
see anything back there?
Let us board! Stop!
If they does, I'll guarantee
they'll never see nothin' again!
Let her rip, Mac!
Advise me of any further messages.
How many ships answered
the emergency sortie signal?
Destroyer Cassiday's moving, sir.
The Harkness, Ballard,
cruisers Greely and Jackson...
The battleships, man!
None, sir.
- Out of nine battleships?
- None, sir.
Lookout reports tin-can breaking out, sir.
Paul, signal all ships coming out
to form up with us.
Aye, aye, sir.
- That can't be all.
- That's all Captain Torrey reports, sir.
Three light cruisers, eight destroyers
and Captain Torrey's heavy cruiser.
- None is equipped with radar.
- 12 bat-blind ships.
Well, gentlemen. Your opinions.
We must position them
to repel an invasion.
- You mean wait, Admiral Broderick.
- We have no choice. Wait.
Seek out and destroy, if at all possible.
What can 12 ships do
against the Jap task force?
It would be a futile gesture.
It could give us time
to bring our carriers within range.
What if Torrey can't contact the Japs?
Suppose they slip by him?
He has no radar, one scout plane.
The risk is too great,
leaving our shores unprotected.
- I repeat, sir. We must wait.
- Thank you, Admiral Broderick.
Order Captain Torrey to assume
command of his task group
and seek out and engage
the enemy if possible.
- All your personal problems resolved?
- Let's say they're cut down a size.
Dispatch has come in
from Fleet Operations, sir.
- Burke?
- From CinCPac.
"Japanese believed retiring for refuelling.
"Proceed to latitude 18 north,
longitude 162 west.
"Seek out and engage the enemy.
Godspeed. "
- Well!
- Well!
Have all ships report
useable fuel aboard.
Break radio silence. Ask CinCPac
for a tanker rendezvous at first light.
- After you figure our projected position.
- Aye, aye, sir.
We'll play hell
getting a tanker out of Pearl.
If we don't, we'll be sucking air
instead of oil by midnight tomorrow.
Sir, the starboard lookout
has a ship on the bow.
A tanker, he thinks, sir.
She's riding high. She's empty.
She's going home,
if a sub doesn't get her.
At this rate, we'll have to head home
inside 10 hours.
We could reduce speed to save fuel.
Crawl at 10 knots?
We'd never find any Japs.
- If we stopped zigzagging...
- That'd be an invitation to enemy subs.
There may be subs out there, maybe not.
Whether there are
or aren't subs out there,
if we steer a straight course, we'd add
another six hours to our steaming time.
Resume our base course.
- Straighten us out, Commander Burke.
- Aye, aye, sir.
Rock, you just threw the book away.
How long will Torrey keep pushing?
We haven't enough fuel
to hold the keel down.
He'll run the rope out
and then add some string to it.
- Where'd you know him?
- He instructed at the Academy.
We call him the Rock.
Scared the hell outta you.
He's all Navy and nothin' but Navy.
He never left the campus,
like he had nowhere else to go.
Sonar contact, sir, bearing 0-2-0.
Range 2,000 and closing.
Make turns for 20 knots.
Set condition able.
Close all watertight doors.
- Tell Sonar to keep the ranges coming.
- 1800 and closing.
- Cline? You on the recorder?
- You know it!
Signal flagship we're about to attack
sonar contact.
Cassiday reports submarine contact.
- Have all ships resume zigzag.
- Aye, aye, sir.
- 0-1-5 it is, sir.
- Stand by to roll depth charges.
Stern racks. Roll one.
Roll two.
They're on it, sir.
They hit the cruiser!
- Reports from damage control.
- She's dead in the water.
- Midship damage control won't answer.
- Shall I go below, sir?
- Tell me when you locate the damage.
- That arm's busted.
- What's wrong?
- The door's jammed.
Get a message to Pearl: "Have taken
two torpedoes" - fill in our position -
- "Will advise on damage. "
- And break radio silence, sir?
Burke, don't you think the Japanese
know by now where we are?
Aye, aye, sir.
The door may blow. Stand clear!
Griggs, get those mattresses down.
Stand by to fire another full pattern.
Order the destroyers back to Pearl
at best possible speed, zigzagging.
- Cassiday got the sub, sir. Definite kill.
- Hold it!
Have all ships return to Pearl
at 20 knots, except the Cassiday.
Have her stand by
in case we have to abandon ship.
- Compliments of Cdr. Eddington.
- Just give me the word.
Cdr. Eddington says
this old tub'll float, sir.
- At ease.
- Thank you, sir.
Full report.
We halted the fires up forward
where we took the first torpedo.
And we stopped the flow
of water at Hatch 26.
Cdr. Eddington said to tell the old man -
I'm sorry, sir, the captain -
that he'd better start
thinking about a tow.
May I also say, sir,
that Cdr. Eddington is hell on wheels.
- What are the casualties?
- At least 40 men were trapped.
- 40 men, maybe more.
- Cassiday coming alongside, sir.
Take care of this boy.
Nice work, Harding.
You did a four-o job on that sub.
Thank you, sir.
I'm not Commander Harding.
- Where is he?
- Ashore, sir.
- Who's in command?
- I am, sir. Lieutenant J G McConnel.
Did I hear "Lieutenant Junior Grade"?
William McConnel, class of '38.
- Can you rig for towing?
- Can do, sir.
Can you pass some
portable pumps to us?
Can do, sir.
Carry on, mister.
Can do.
Oh, Rock of Ages.
We got ourselves another war.
A gut-bustin', mother-lovin' Navy war.
It does seem to shape up that way,
Commander Eddington.
Captain Torrey,
the admiral will see you now.
Thank you.
- Please sit down, Captain.
- Thank you, sir.
I wasn't aware you'd been hurt.
A simple fracture, sir.
It won't interfere with my duties.
You have a remarkable record,
Captain Torrey.
- Thank you, sir.
- Save your thanks.
I'm relieving you of your command
pending a court of inquiry.
I don't understand.
You weren't zigzagging
when you took the torpedo.
I was stretching my fuel, sir.
If you didn't have enough fuel,
why didn't you turn back?
My mission was to engage an enemy
of greatly superior strength.
I could only take that one way:
my group was expendable.
I doubt a court of inquiry
will accept that.
You're caught in the vacuum between
a peacetime Navy and a wartime Navy.
Soon they'll make admirals
out of captains with guts.
Now, they're reacting to Pearl Harbor
and punishment is order of the day.
You don't have to abide by
what a court of inquiry decides.
You can ask for a general court martial,
get a couple of lawyers and fight it.
I wouldn't care to do that, sir.
- Why not?
- Second-generation Navy, Admiral.
I see.
I don't plan to ask for a court martial
either, and I've lost a fleet.
I expect we'll both take what they give us
and trust it'll be a useful job.
Yes, sir.
- Good luck.
- Good luck to you, sir.
If I haven't got him, maybe he's still alive.
It must be a mistake,
he was clever...
Comb, compact...
- The child can't be lost...
- Two rings... purse.
- Maybe the police know where he is.
- Sign here.
He was my only boy,
and I love him so much.
- Won't you do something for me?
- This way for identification.
- Go back to the police.
- I want you to help me.
- Lady...
- He was my only boy.
You don't have a boy!
What do you want to do?
- I'll send someone.
- Thank you.
And the man she was brought in with?
Army Air Force claimed the body
a couple of days ago.
...a very pretty name.
- Been here long?
- I'm from Hawaii.
- I like Hawaii.
- Me, too.
- Where's my drink?
- I made you a fresh one.
- Thanks.
- Bourbon.
- Sorry, nothin' but beer. Martial law.
- OK, beer.
- How come the Air Corps rates a drink?
- They brought that bottle in.
Running dry, Commander?
Let me sweeten your beer.
Share and share alike,
we're all in this war.
Little more? OK... How's that?
Would you like to join us?
Only two chicks but we can share...
Send the police to the Blue Lagoon.
Sir, I just got word
on Commander Eddington.
- What about him?
- He's in the Honolulu brig.
- In the brig?
- That's the word, sir.
Will you see my clothes are packed
and sent over to
the bachelors officers' quarters?
Yes, sir. Can I help you with that?
- Is that all, sir?
- I travel light.
Well, Commander Burke...
Oh, sir...
- Goodbye, sir.
- Goodbye.
You're released into
your captain's custody, sir.
This is yours, sir.
I'll walk you to the Duty Boat.
I've been relieved of command.
Sorry about your wife.
You got yourself into a pretty good fix.
A public brawl...
What the hell.
A new AA cruiser
going out to join Halsey.
She's a tiger.
A fast ship going in harm's way.
A lousy situation,
Commander Eddington.
Stay still.
Good. Come with me, please, Captain.
Shoot those over to Dr Lyons
as soon as they're ready.
- Doctor?
- Yes.
A 3-month-old fracture, some infection.
The X-rays will be along shortly.
Thank you. Sit down, Captain.
That's a real nice sound to wake up to.
- What is Vicki Marlowe's secret?
- Not what it says in here.
Her secret is that she's making
half a million bucks a year
and she still collects alimony from me,
in my present reduced circumstances.
Well, anyway...
I have the satisfaction that
all her pictures have been stinkers
since I stopped writing them.
Rockwell, my boy, I tell you never,
I repeat, never marry a movie actress.
- You married three of 'em.
- It's like eating peanuts.
Once I started, I couldn't stop!
Hey, look at you!
Two hands, congratulations.
- Shall we celebrate?
- How?
There's some action
at a place in Moanalua.
No, no parties for me.
Anyway, when do you special intelligence
officers do what you're supposed to do?
Seems you sleep all day
and go to parties every night.
Us civilians need more rest
and recreation than you old salts.
Not that you couldn't use a little.
It's time you crawled down from
Mount Rushmore and looked around.
You'd be surprised at the changes
we've made in the last 100 years.
I tell you, the women are
smoking cigarettes, drinking whisky,
doing the shimmy-sham-shimmy
hot damn, man...
- Very funny.
- Come on, Rock...
No, no thanks.
- OK.
- What?
Maybe you're right.
I gotta do something besides sit at a desk
and count the ink stains on the blotter.
Who's our host?
Whoever knows the host?
Some pineapple moneybags.
Were you invited?
One sailor looks like another.
Gimme your hat.
Egan Powell!
I want you to meet Captain Torrey.
This is Mrs...
- ... Let me see...
- Henderson.
How do you do?
Follow me.
Hello, Paula.
Well... Thank you very much.
Let's go over here.
It's very important to relax, old boy.
- Paul, how are you?
- Hello, Egan.
- Introduce me.
- Gaby, this is Egan.
- How do you do?
- You don't mind?
Hold that, will you?
- Enjoying the party, Captain Torrey?
- Yes, thank you. Fine party.
- You think so?
- It's great.
Thank you.
- Funny.
- What's funny?
Not exactly funny, it's just that
you're so different from your son.
- My son?
- Ensign Jere Torrey.
At least he claims his father's a captain.
I supposed you were it.
That's my son's name. Jeremiah. Jere.
He's been dating my room-mate.
Frankly, it worries me a little.
She's a green kid from Vermont,
he's a smooth Harvard type.
I think she's about to fall in love with him.
That's what worries me.
- Will it be all right?
- I hope so.
Not much comfort.
- How's the arm?
- I beg your pardon?
- Your arm!
- Oh, it's... fine.
I'm Nurse Lt. Haynes.
I took the X-rays today.
- I'm sorry!
- Thank you for not recognising me.
I made a special effort
to not look like a nurse.
Don't worry about your son.
I'm sure he's all he should be.
I'm flying under false colours,
Miss Haynes. I don't know my son.
I've been divorced many years.
He was raised
by his mother and her family.
I didn't even know he was in the Navy.
Much as I'd like to,
I won't ask any more questions.
I hate to leave but
I have to get to the hospital.
I don't have to get any place but out.
Share a cab?
Let me drop you. I borrowed a car
from my landlord's gardener.
Thank you, Miss Haynes.
I'm Maggie...
if you'd like to be less formal.
Thank you for that, too.
But don't wait too long.
My unit's due to be shipped out soon.
- Captain.
- Maggie.
- Ensign Torrey?
- No, sir.
Your duty office said Ensign Torrey
had the watch aboard this craft.
- Yes, sir.
- Well?
- I'll get him for you, sir.
- Thank you.
Get topside, quick. Brass!
- Did you hear me?
- I'm going.
- I shouldn't have stood your watch!
- Take it easy.
I'm Ensign Torrey, sir.
You wanted to see me?
- I'm your father, Jere.
- Yes, sir.
- You look like your mother.
- Yes, sir.
- Is she well?
- Very well, sir.
Sit down.
Thank you, sir.
Do you often stand your watch
in your cabin?
Ensign Farris relieved me
for a few minutes, sir.
Motor Torpedo Boat duty.
How do you like it?
I don't like it, sir.
Why did you choose it?
It's a voluntary duty.
I volunteered on advice. This unit's
assigned to Admiral Broderick.
I was advised that a transfer
could be arranged to the admiral's staff.
Who gave you the advice?
Cdr. Neal Owynn,
the admiral's public relations officer.
I'll be his assistant.
I expect you've heard of Neal Owynn.
He's quite a well-known
Congressman, sir.
He resigned from office
to join the service.
Your mother's family
can usually get what they want.
- You disapprove, sir?
- You trained on these boats.
You'd be a damn sight more useful here
than in public relations.
I majored in journalism at the university.
If I must do my bit
in this trumped-up war,
I prefer to do what I'm suited for.
Did I hear you say "trumped-up war"?
It is Mr Roosevelt's war, isn't it?
You not only look like a Cunliffe,
you talk like one.
I remember they said the first one
was Mr Wilson's war.
- What's your duty, sir?
- Routing convoys.
I expect to be in the forward areas,
if not actually in combat.
Admiral Broderick is to handle
a very important offensive, Skyhook.
I wouldn't know about that.
I wouldn't expect you would.
Cdr. Owynn gave me the information.
Are you leaving, sir?
Yes. Before I pick you up
and throw you to the fish.
I was four when you left my mother.
I don't even remember you.
And for 18 years
you haven't bothered to remember me.
Why come here tonight?
Let's just say that I did come
and let it go at that.
Goodnight, Ensign.
- How!
- Egan!
Where've you been for the last 10 days?
Or should I ask?
You shouldn't,
but there was snow in Washington.
Washington! Got the war all worked out?
If you buy me lunch,
I'll give you the date of victory.
- I am your man.
- Good.
- Run these courses off on the big chart.
- Aye, aye, sir.
We ensure information
given to the press corps
is good for the war effort
and for the Navy.
And for Broderick.
What's good for him
is good for the Navy.
With a little left over for Neal Owynn?
- How's the nurse?
- I'm seeing her tonight.
Why don't you come along?
She's got a room-mate that's not bad.
What do you know about
an operation called Skyhook?
- Where did you get that?
- Is it important?
Only 20 people between here
and the White House know that name.
There's 21 now, or maybe 22 or 23.
I got it indirectly through
an ex-Congressman named Owynn.
That's Broderick's drumbeater.
He needs a zipper in his face.
That's top secret.
I can't tell you about it.
You say you got it indirectly,
from Owynn?
See that young ensign,
lighting his cigarette?
- That's Owynn he's sitting with.
- That's where I got it.
From that ensign?
He's my son.
Well...! I'd like to meet him, Rock.
No, you wouldn't.
He had his chances to ask me.
Ten days' worth of chances is enough.
- He didn't call me. So I called him.
- How did you have the nerve?
Annalee, past a certain age,
men avoid making sudden moves
where women are concerned.
The women have to move
before it's too late.
It gets late fast in these times.
I like this man,
I want him to know it. Now.
Suppose they meet?
Jere's very funny about his father.
Oh, let them. It might be interesting.
- This must be Jere.
- I'll go.
- Hello, Ensign.
- Yes, ma'am, Lieutenant.
- Be a minute or two... She'll be down.
- Thank you, ma'am.
Lieutenant, ma'am...
I'd like to invite you to come with us.
Dinner with Commander Neal Owynn.
Thanks, but I'm waiting for a friend.
You're more than welcome
to bring her, or him, along.
Well, if my friend
arrives in time, we'll see.
I'm here to see a nurse.
What are you here for?
To see a nurse.
Seems like we have
something in common after all.
I'm just a chip off the old block, sir.
- Hello.
- Miss Haynes.
Captain Torrey.
Ensign Annalee Dorne.
- Miss Dorne.
- You've met my friend.
Sir, I've invited Miss Haynes and friend
to dine with Cdr. Owynn.
- I hope you'll accept.
- That's very gracious of you.
But we have other plans.
Right, Lieutenant?
Yes, sir.
- In that case...
- Good afternoon.
Miss Dorne.
- You run a taut ship.
- He's not a bad-looking kid, is he?
No, he isn't.
Oh... I brought you something.
- What is it?
- Candy.
Candy...! Thank you.
- Shall we eat at the Chinaman's?
- No.
We're going to eat here,
if you don't mind.
- I wouldn't want to...
- Please!
I haven't cooked for a man
in a long time.
Pour us a drink.
If I can get this oven hot enough,
we're gonna have biscuits.
- Want water in yours?
- Yes, but don't drown the whisky.
I'm not a lady.
I started life as an army brat
and never tried to change.
Here's how.
- Did you say Army?
- My father was a one-star general.
Daddy... He was an angel
and a devil and I was nuts about him.
So nuts, in fact, that I married his aide.
Would you open this can for me?
You married his aide?
- He wasn't much of a man.
- This cutter's broken.
Not very smart or very brave.
Maybe I expected him to be Daddy
and he wasn't.
That's quite a knife you carry.
Can opener, screwdriver, punch,
straight blade, even a skinning blade.
That is useful. What do you skin?
Lieutenant nurses who pull my leg.
- Where was I?
- Just married.
Yes. I left him, right here in Honolulu,
shacked up with a wahine from Kauai.
That was eight years ago.
He quit the service and married her.
I drifted till I had to latch onto something
or go down the drain.
I went to nursing school
and joined the Navy.
- Now I'd like to know more about you.
- Navy.
My father was a chief petty officer
and I went to the Academy.
- That the best you can do?
- Unless you want my service record.
There's your son...
- Hi!
- Hello, Jere. Just the two of you?
- Miss Haynes couldn't come.
- I'm sure it's my loss.
- Cdr. Owynn, meet Ensign Dorne.
- What a beautiful place.
I'm afraid my friend
didn't leave much liquor
when he decided to
sit the war out on the mainland.
I can give you a choice of... Pernod...
...and gin... Oh, yes,
there is a little brandy.
- Brandy for me.
- Miss Dorne?
I don't know...
Gin, I guess, but not much.
Gin, but not much.
My unit got orders today.
We're being assigned to ComSoPacSub
Area 3, whatever that is.
Commander Third Sub Area,
South West Pacific.
Sounds very impressive.
- Have you been alerted?
- No, just assigned.
Third Area is
Admiral Broderick's command.
- Jere's Admiral?
- The same.
Can't get away from the Torreys, can I?
We can sit down.
- Hey!
- We're alone.
- Where's Commander Owynn?
- It's OK.
Dinner is ready.
- Aren't we waiting for Cdr. Owynn?
- He was called to Headquarters.
I guess it's just the two of us.
- Ever hear the name Cunliffe?
- An expensive New England name.
She was a Cunliffe, Jere's mother.
I met her at a Navy ball, 1917.
She was beautiful.
I don't know why she married me.
- I was just an ensign.
- I bet you were something as an ensign!
I fell over my feet most of the time.
When I came back from the war,
I had a son.
And the Cunliffes
had great plans for me.
I was to resign
my commission in the Navy
and do something useful,
the stock market.
They sat with teacups on their laps
and ticker tape coming out of their ears
and I said "No".
It was quite a scene.
Then Athalie -
that was her name, Athalie -
said, "Rockwell,
I will not become a camp follower.
"Whenever you're not busy boating
with the Navy, feel free to visit us. "
And that's the way it was. I visited.
I was assigned to duty in the Philippines
and that ended it.
You left out one small detail.
You were terribly in love with her.
You're a good cook, Maggie.
And you look lovely in the candlelight.
- You haven't had much to say.
- I guess I haven't.
- Would you like to dance?
- I don't think so.
Come sit over here.
- Please don't.
- What's the matter?
We'd better go home.
I don't like this, any of it.
- Since when?
- Since your commander disappeared.
I didn't know you missed him so much.
I'm jealous!
You know what I mean.
It makes me feel cheap.
Take it easy!
He won't be back for a long time.
I'm sorry, Jere, but I want to go.
- Think I'm an idiot?
- What?
- Nothing's cheaper than a teaser.
- What?
- Isn't that what you've been doing?
- I have not!
I thought we... I thought you...
- Wait a minute!
- Let me go!
I've spent my life learning about men
and ships and how to use them in action.
I just don't fit behind a desk, I...
...I'm not cut out for it,
I feel dry-docked.
- Oh, well.
- Thanks.
Who else have you said
these things to recently? Or ever?
- That'll be Annalee and your son.
- Oh, I'd better...
- Thanks, fellas.
- You're welcome.
I think that had to happen.
Goodnight, Rock.
Goodnight, Maggie.
- Any time, Rock. Any time at all.
- Thank you, Maggie.
Yeah, go ahead and I'll be there.
- Sir, Cdr. Powell is waiting for you.
- Thanks.
- Greetings!
- What are you so happy about?
This... Want to close that door?
I have a very private little job for you,
no one but you.
Three convoys to be routed
to this island, Toulebonne.
- Paul Eddington is stationed there.
- It's Broderick's new base.
Skyhook again, huh?
Here's the shipping list.
- A lot of tonnage.
- Hard to come by.
CinCPac wants it all to arrive
on time and intact.
The first convoy is loaded,
personnel go on board Thursday,
when they shove off is up to you.
I think I see it.
See what?
All right.
Jap supply lines must be spread out
pretty thin south of Cape Titan.
So Broderick could hit
Lalatea, Muk or Gavabutu.
From any of those islands,
he could launch a strike against...
- ... Levu-Vana.
- Why Levu-Vana?
It has a central plain
large enough for B-17 airstrips.
Get B-17 s in there and we can control
1,000 miles in any direction.
- Maggie!
- Hello, sailor!
Pleasant surprise.
You're not easy to talk to on the phone,
so I decided to ambush you.
Come in.
- This is nice.
- Sit down.
- Can I offer you a drink?
- No, nothing. Thanks.
My unit is to report to Ford Island
in the morning at six.
We weren't told any more
but it can only mean one thing.
You'll be at sea by noon.
- Did you know I was going?
- I knew there was a convoy pulling out.
Any hint about our destination?
You know I can't say.
You'll be told after you sail.
- Is it a long way?
- Long way.
Then we won't meet again
in the foreseeable future, right?
Do you think we'd better let it go at that?
- Hello?
- Commander Powell.
Just a moment.
For you.
- Commander Powell speaking.
- Egan?
- Can you bunk out tonight?
- I can manage.
Thanks, Egan.
Yes, Rock.
Permission to board, sir?
- State your business.
- Cdr. Eddington. Toulebonne Base.
- I'd like to see Nurse Lt. Maggie Haynes.
- Permission granted.
Ahoy, there! Is this the admiral's harem?
Lieutenant Maggie Haynes!
- I'm here.
- Compliments of Capt. Rockwell Torrey.
Paul Eddington. I'll call you Maggie
because that's what the Rock said.
"Make sure Maggie's welcome
when she gets to Toulebonne," so...
Welcome, Maggie Haynes.
It's beautiful.
There's a bottle of cognac
under the bananas.
I know how dry
these naval transports can get.
Will you excuse me?
Soyez la bienvenue.
This is Annalee Dorne.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- You've been here a long time.
- Since January.
Getting this old French base
ready to service our ships.
You have a barracks for 50 nurses?
We've been on this tub three weeks.
- Didn't you get the word?
- No.
This convoy sails again tonight,
300 miles to an island named Gavabutu.
- That's where they'll need nurses.
- An offensive?
I guess so.
- Are you also going to Gavabutu?
- No!
The Navy can't do without me here,
the island might sink!
You don't like what you're doing?
It's like working in a filling station,
watching the cars go by.
Goodbye, Maggie Haynes.
When you write to the Rock,
tell him I was sober.
He won't believe it, but tell him anyway.
Bye, Commander.
Control...? Station 26.
I have him.
PBY approaching from south-west.
- Roger 26. Patrol plane off course.
- Hi.
- Spotter 26.
- 26.
Formation north-east of your station.
Should be F4Fs.
Check, Control.
Three F4Fs proceeding north-east...
- ... to south-west.
- Roger, 26.
- You read those planes pretty quickly.
- At first I couldn't tell them apart.
How are you?
There's no way to make this easy,
Mrs McConnel.
I came to tell you
that your husband is missing in action.
You won't get the official telegram
for a day or two.
I read it in a report this morning and...
Ask Control to relieve you.
I'll take you home.
I'm all right.
Where did it happen?
His destroyer was working alone
in the Gavabutu area.
Reported two aerial torpedo hits,
then communications were cut off.
An aerial search the following day
failed to produce anything.
- No survivors at all?
- None reported.
Station 26.
- Are you there, 26?
- 26.
We have a bogey on the screen
to the south. Can you see it?
AT-6, about 9,000 feet.
- Are you there, 26?
- AT-6, Control.
Those damn training planes
wander around like bats.
OK, 26. Over and out.
Captain, was Mac wasted?
Wasted? What do you mean?
I want to read you
part of a letter from Mac.
"We are getting hell from Jap planes
that are based right on Gavabutu.
"I don't know much
about amphibious operations,
"but if Admiral Broderick knows anything,
I'll eat my hat.
"This has been a mess
since it began... "
I'm surprised that Mac
would put that in a letter.
He wouldn't have,
unless he were discouraged and angry.
Beverly, don't show that letter to anyone.
I don't intend to... Is it true?
If it is, if things are that bad,
I'm sure there'll be some changes.
Aren't they that bad, Captain?
Yes, I believe they are.
Station 26.
- 26, Control.
- Check plane to north-east.
Check, Control.
Small training plane
moving north-east to south-west...
- Message from CinCPac.
- What is it?
You're requested to appear
at 10 Makalapa for dinner.
Early, sir. 1800.
- You'll just have time to change.
- OK, Simpson.
Take me home.
Gentlemen, we'll get to
the business of the evening.
I could have saved time and liquor
by doing this in my office,
but it needs a little ceremony.
Powell, you got that dispatch?
From Chief of Naval Personnel
to Capt. Rockwell Torrey.
You are advised that the President
has approved your advancement
to temporary grade of Rear Admiral,
lower half, date 1 August 1942.
In regards to promotion,
physical examination...
...acceptance of appointment,
and so forth.
This came about, Admiral Torrey,
because that civilian next to you
wormed his way into my staff
and had the audacity to suggest
the Navy was wrong in judging you.
Well, we all know
the Navy's never wrong, but... this case,
it was a little weak on being right.
- So, congratulations, Admiral Torrey.
- Thank you, sir.
- Powell, you can do the honours.
- Thank you, sir.
Gentlemen, to Admiral Rockwell Torrey.
- May success follow your flag.
- Hear, hear!
I do thank you and I'm grateful.
With your permission, sir.
To our country, our Navy,
and all the best things they stand for.
Hear, hear!
Admiral Torrey,
when the congratulations peter out,
please join Cdr. Powell
and me in my study.
- Gentlemen, I'll see y'all later.
- Goodnight.
Congratulations, Rock...
We gave him the molasses,
now let's feed him the sulphur.
...know what that is?
Yes, from the shape of those islands.
This is Gavabutu, Levu-Vana,
Toko-Rota and Pala Passage.
It's Skyhook.
Powell says you guessed
the strategy months ago.
- A wild guess, sir.
- Wild, but accurate.
- What's your opinion of it?
- In theory, good.
In fact?
Delay has cost you the surprise element.
How far has Broderick
advanced on Gavabutu?
He's bottled up behind these mountains.
Hasn't advanced an inch in four weeks.
He'd better take that whole island
or you can forget Skyhook.
He's got to attack Levu-Vana
before the Japs are ready.
You just named your own poison.
You're going to mop up Gavabutu
and mount the invasion of Levu-Vana.
How about Admiral Broderick, sir?
Some smart man once said
that on the most exalted throne
we are seated on nothing
but our own arse.
With Broderick, I'm on mine.
I can't fire him,
scramble his whole command overnight.
He's bad for our allies,
a comfort to the enemy.
All I can do is put you
in tactical command of the operation.
Abe Lincoln was once in the same spot
with George B McClellan.
McClellan was a great organiser
but he couldn't decide when to fight.
Indecision is a virus
that can run through an army
and destroy its will to win,
or even to survive.
Lincoln called in a Yankee named Grant
who didn't care about organisation
but wasn't afflicted with the virus.
He pointed his battalions
in the right direction and shoved off.
Torrey, you're going to be my Grant.
How you deal with Broderick
is your business. Just get the job done.
How far can I go with Admiral Broderick?
You can't kill him.
- May I name my own chief of staff?
- Who?
- Eddington, my old exec.
- I'll attend to it.
Take Powell with you, he's familiar
with Broderick and I want rid of him.
- Reserve officers give me hay fever.
- Thank you.
Torrey, these were my stars
before I picked up this heavy hardware.
I like to think they brought me luck.
Wear 'em on your collar.
If there's any luck in 'em,
you're gonna need it.
Thank you, sir.
Don't you know better
than to disturb a man at work?
I wouldn't interfere but you have
an order to get back to HQ.
- For what?
- Don't know, sir.
No, I go, baby...
Yes, I come back, baby.
Don't you worry about that.
I'm not going to take it,
not for one by God minute.
I've sweated marbles
over this ill-advised, premature operation.
I can't work miracles
with the material they've given me.
I'm gonna lay it on the line with CinCPac.
- Don't do anything hasty, Admiral.
- Hasty?
Torrey'll be on Gavabutu in three days.
Do you want me to be a doormat,
with "Welcome" written on my backside?
Well, of course, you know best, but...
...if Torrey flops, you can blame
CinCPac for putting him in there.
And if we get some action
out of the Gavabutu personnel
that they haven't produced for you,
you're still the area commander.
You'll get the credit.
Area commander or not, I won't know
what he's doing till he's done it.
I'll be sitting here on Toulebonne and
every journalist in the islands will know.
That's simple. You need sort of a...
a representative in Torrey's camp
who can keep you informed
about what's happening.
- Yes, that might help.
- Sir, Commander Eddington has arrived.
- You're Eddington?
- Yes, sir.
- In charge of piers and warehouses?
- That's right, sir.
I sent for you two hours ago.
What kept you?
I was recruiting native labour
for piers and warehouses, sir.
That doesn't mean you have to
look like a native, does it?
I didn't expect to be called
to see the admiral, sir.
Didn't you see the directive
that all personnel be clean-shaven?
I must have missed it, sir.
Did the admiral want to see me
about my beard?
Eddington, you're being transferred
to Gavabutu, with the rank of captain.
Are you sure you have
the right Eddington?
You're being assigned to Admiral
Rockwell Torrey as chief of staff.
That's all.
Admiral Torrey?
Yes, sir! Thank you, sir!
Well, if that's a sample
of Torrey's staff...!
You suggested I needed
a representative on Gavabutu.
OK, you're it.
You'll be my liaison officer, we'll call it.
I don't have any combat training,
I don't think...
Don't crawfish, it was your idea.
Some forward area duty
might be just the thing.
Think what a combat ribbon or
a Purple Heart would mean to you.
Worth half a million votes
when you run for office.
Let me be the first to welcome you
to this land of milk and honey.
- Colonel Gregory, Paramarines.
- Pleasure, sir.
Egan Powell, Intelligence.
My aide, Mr Armstrong.
Colonel, your men in shape
for a parachute drop?
Maybe a little rusty, sir,
but eager as hell.
At ease.
Tuthill, sir, Operations.
- Jefferson, Logistics.
- Lantz, Communications.
Carry on, men.
- Gottlieb, sir, Weather.
- Mr Gottlieb.
I'm Clayton Canfil,
I run the coast-watching system.
- He owned a plantation before the war.
- You're an Australian?
- That I am, sir.
- Happy to have you with us.
- Well, Lieutenant, how are you?
- Very well, thank you, sir.
Commander Neal Owynn, sir.
- What is your function?
- Personal liaison for Admiral Broderick.
The admiral felt close rapport
should be kept with the forward areas.
He wants to give you all his support.
While on my staff, you'll communicate
with Toulebonne through me.
- I repeat, through me. Question?
- No, sir.
Egan, break out that chart
we've been working on.
There'll be a slight delay.
This way, please.
We'll call this Operation Apple Pie.
Not because it's going to be easy, but...
...because we're going to slice this island
into three big pieces.
Where in this area
could you parachute your raiders
without getting tangled up in jungle?
- Right here, this meadow's big enough.
- Good.
- A low-level jump could be done.
- You'll land, dig in and wait.
- The Japs'll swarm in.
- That's the idea.
They'll have to weaken
their defences to get at Gregory.
- Mr Canfil, you know these mountains?
- Yes, I do.
Could a battalion
cross those peaks at night?
If they didn't have to
lug cannons with them.
There's a narrow pass there
at about 6,000 feet.
- I'd have to lead them through.
- You got yourself a job.
Paul, we'll mount a landing force,
circle around and hit this beach.
At the same time, we'll send
a third group through the foothills.
Three slices, all converging
on Colonel Gregory's position.
When we make contact,
we'll drive full force for the Jap airstrip
and cut the supply line from Voyon Bay.
After that, we mop up Jap positions
and Gavabutu is secured.
- Mr Gottlieb? Weather.
- Shaky. The rains are about to start.
- When?
- A week, maybe.
Then Gregory'll jump on Sunday.
Calculate your timetable accordingly.
Aye, aye, sir.
All right, sir. I want all facts
and figures by 0700 tomorrow.
- Right, sir.
- Right.
One thing... Admiral Broderick
only allowed us 10 planes...
Just a minute.
Cdr. Owynn, Lt. Torrey... That's all.
OK, Greg.
I can only put 60% of my men in the
air unless we get five more transports.
Aren't there any more R4Ds
in Toulebonne?
- They're kept in reserve.
- For what?
It's how Admiral Broderick organised it.
- What if an R4D conks out?
- Toulebonne sends a spare till it's fixed.
- Five of them just conked out.
- Let's relay the news to Broderick.
- Mr Canfil, you've fallen in with thieves.
- I think so, too, I'm happy to say.
- Thanks for getting me out of purgatory.
- Forget it.
- Where's the hospital?
- I'll take you to her.
- Miss Dorne.
- Capt. Eddington!
- Where can we find Miss Haynes?
- She's in there.
- Thank you, Miss Dorne.
- Nurse!
Get out of my light.
Take him to Hut 3.
In the morning
I might've looked better.
You look fine, Maggie, just fine.
- How do admirals feel about nurses?
- The same way captains did.
- Will there be time for us, out here?
- We'll make time.
Canfil's battalion is starting down
the far side of the mountain.
Tell the amphibious group
they can start moving in for landing.
You got room in your plane for me?
Sure, sir, if you wanna take the risk.
- Sir.
- Commander.
- No Admiral Torrey?
- He's with the Paramarines.
That's very colourful. Gentlemen,
there's a story for your papers.
Let's go to HQ and see if our operation
is doing what we intended.
Stand up.
Hook up.
Check your equipment.
Stand in the door.
- Good luck, Colonel.
- Thank you, sir!
Let's go, men!
Contact our fighter protection.
I want two planes to cover us.
The rest can go home.
- May I ask what you're planning?
- Let's say a sightseeing trip.
You got a pencil?
Thank you.
Now, we have named
this operation Apple Pie.
It's intended to cut the island
into three slices,
across the mountains, from the
beachhead and through the foothills,
converging on a position
we have secured with our Paramarines.
Admiral, have these correspondents
been instructed in security?
They'll be instructed, Captain.
You may return to your duties.
Aye, aye, sir.
I'm sure you boys realise
that you're not to file any stories
until Cdr. Owynn gives you the word.
Now, back to Operation Apple Pie.
Carry on.
Lieutenant, do you have any idea
how Broderick knows these details?
I'm afraid not, sir.
You wouldn't know about Owynn sending
special dispatches to Toulebonne?
I wouldn't, sir.
I don't know about you and your father
but let me tell you this:
bums like your friend Owynn
are with us always, like bad weather.
But sailors like your old man
only happen once in a while.
I'm afraid I cannot accept
your evaluation of Cdr. Owynn.
I cannot accept you
as Rock Torrey's son.
- I think somebody got in ahead of him.
- Now, wait a minute, Eddington!
Captain Eddington.
It's all right, Captain.
On your feet.
- Lieutenant! You can head for the barn.
- OK, sir!
Change of orders
from the old man himself, by God.
We'll romp this circus straight on.
Last man to Voyon Bay's a bloody 'roo!
Sorry, chums, kangaroo to you.
Baker D, don't move in on road Z-2,
it's landmined.
It's moving so fast we can't keep up.
The admiral wants you to meet
our war correspondents.
I can't tell 'em anything.
Where's the admiral?
- He's with them.
- Say I'll join him as soon as I can.
Roger, Baker D. Keep pushing. Out.
We've had some luck.
Canfil should join Gregory soon.
Joined already.
Cutting across to meet the amphibs.
- Let me see those dispatches.
- Attention!
Carry on, gentlemen.
We were getting anxious about you.
Very courageous,
going out on the firing line.
But risky leaving command centre
at zero hour.
- I think it served its purpose.
- I'm sure it did.
- Shall we give the boys a rundown?
- Might be better in private, sir.
The press is not against us.
Give them a break.
- If you insist.
- Fire away, boys.
Admiral Torrey, is the operation
going according to schedule?
- Not exactly.
- We can be more specific than that.
After all, an offensive
doesn't travel like an express train.
Fact is, it's going to be a long, hard job
kicking the enemy off Gavabutu.
No reason why we shouldn't admit it.
We can project schedules,
but they're hard to keep.
- Right, Admiral?
- Right, sir.
Except we're not behind schedule,
we're ahead of it.
Our troops should be
taking the Jap airstrip
and our amphibs closing on Voyon Bay.
- But the enemy opposition...
- There is none.
The Japs moved out last night.
- The island's ours?
- Yes.
- When did you learn this?
- Why did they pull out?
- I think that about covers it for now.
- That it does.
Wait, we want to know
something about this...
Admiral, would you
check these dispatches
and advise me on
how we should mop this up?
Yes, certainly.
Use the staff room to write your stories.
I will see to it that your stories get out,
if Cdr. Owynn doesn't mind.
- That old man of yours crossed us.
- Yes, didn't he!
We must have a conference with
the admiral before he goes tomorrow.
- The admiral's leaving?
- He feels everything is shipshape.
Gottlieb, Tuthill.
Goodbye, Commander. Enjoy it.
What did he mean by that?
- Aren't you going with Broderick?
- No.
- I think you are.
- Now, wait a...
You'd better be on that plane
unless you want to die on Gavabutu.
- You can't do this...
- I am doing it.
We've got a job here
and no one is going to screw it up.
And take this punk with you.
I'll have him court-martialled.
You saw it, I didn't hit him back.
- I didn't see anything.
- What do you mean you didn't see?
As far as I'm concerned,
a coconut hit you on the mouth.
You'd better figure out an excuse
to get us on that plane.
Want a transfer back to PT boats?
One word from me to Broderick
and you're on your way.
Say the word.
Well, here we are, gentlemen.
The marines are soaking their feet
in Voyon Bay.
- The airstrip?
- Planes are landing on it.
- This operation's picked clean.
- We're already picking another one.
This one's tougher.
You're just in time to help.
- Right here.
- Levu-Vana.
We need details of the Jap build-up.
Air photos don't show much.
We thought your coastwatchers
could give us a hand.
Why not have a submarine
take me there? I know that island.
Just give me a week to creep up on them
and I'll blueprint the Jap positions.
- We wouldn't want to lose you.
- I don't plan to get lost.
Watch for my signal nightly
between midnight and 3 a. m.
OK. Good luck.
- Special reason for delivering mail?
- Sort of.
- OK. Don't let it keep you too long.
- Thanks.
Hello, marine.
- Been having any difficulty breathing?
- No.
- Hi.
- Hello.
Jere! We heard you'd been
transferred back to the boats.
- Congratulations or commiserations?
- Congratulations.
- Looking for the mail room?
- In a roundabout way.
- I'll show you where it is.
- Thank you.
- Nice to see you again, ma'am.
- Same to you.
Come on, get over here.
Sir, there's no telling when
we might ship together again,
and me and the boys took a vote.
We voted you best officer
to be marooned on a desert island with.
- Thanks, Boats.
- We mean it, sir, all kiddin' aside.
Goodbye, Culpepper... Goodbye, Al.
Mac! Mac!
- They didn't tell me you were hurt.
- It wasn't worth it.
- How'd you get here?
- They flew me from Pearl.
I've been waiting 10 days
for that slow boat of yours to come in!
God, you feel good to me.
I never gave you up, Mac,
not for one minute.
Here. A present for you
from Bureau of Personnel.
Lieutenant Commander McConnel.
That's wonderful!
Wait, have you already
been given an assignment...?
- Flag Secretary, Third Area.
- Back in that Gavabutu hellhole.
With Rock Torrey, not Broderick.
Torrey asked for me, Bev.
- Not right away! That wouldn't be fair.
- Not right away.
We've got 30 days survivors' leave.
- Any ideas what to do with them?
- Plenty of ideas!
I thought you wouldn't see Eddington
now you're back with Jere.
It's a picnic, there's a bunch going.
- But you'll be with Eddington?
- Probably.
- You're not wearing Jere's ring.
- It's too big. I might lose it.
- I see.
- I'll tell Eddington I'm engaged to Jere.
Maggie, I just wanna have a little fun.
Don't play games with Eddington.
Why don't you like him?
He's Torrey's best friend.
Instinct. He's got something bottled up
behind that dashing charm.
- What?
- I don't know.
But remember
the smiling young lady from Niger.
- Who?
- "The smiling young lady from Niger
"She rode on the back of a tiger
"And after the ride
She wound up inside
"With her smile on the face of the tiger. "
Maggie! I can take care of myself.
- Annie, are you ready?
- Just a sec!
- Who's the chaperone on this junket?
- I am.
- Oh, brother!
- I'll bring 'em back alive.
- Come on, they're at the pier!
- Bye, Maggie.
Have a good time.
Shouldn't we go back?
You'll be in trouble with your chaperone.
With Sabrina? That's funny.
You're not afraid, huh?
Out here all alone with me.
Scared to death.
- The water looks delicious.
- The tide's out.
I'd love to go in for a dip.
- Go ahead.
- What would you think of me?
I'm an officer and a gentleman.
I wouldn't think.
Would you turn your back until I get in?
This is Tokyo Rose.
We dedicate the next record
to all those poor marines on Gavabutu.
You're going to be sacrificed
because Admiral Torrey
doesn't have enough ships or planes
to protect you.
But Torrey doesn't care
whether you live...
- Why can't they jam that?
- They don't want to.
The boys like the music.
She doesn't scare anybody.
Though she's pretty close
to being right sometimes.
- Like now?
- I said pretty close.
We're OK with what we have.
This is a backdoor operation.
The front's with General MacArthur.
That's where the Jap Navy
is occupied, not with us.
At least, that's the theory
we have to go on.
- No sugar!
- I'm sorry.
- Have you seen Jere?
- No.
I thought maybe you had.
His boat's been running the mail.
He and Annalee are on again.
He asked her to marry him after the war.
- A Cunliffe marry a commoner?
- His name isn't Cunliffe. It's Torrey.
- Yeah.
- It is, Rock.
- What are you getting at?
- Nothing.
He's changed. He isn't just
a smart college kid any longer.
Something's happened to him out here.
Well... I can't start
acting like a father now.
I threw that chance away 18 years ago
when I gave Jere up to his mother.
I wouldn't know how to talk to him or...
Will you bring my clothes down?
- Put them down and turn your back.
- Not this time, baby.
- Paul, please!
- No, you'll have to come and get 'em.
OK, but you're gonna be surprised.
See? I might as well be
in a Mother Hubbard.
- You're beautiful.
- My clothes, please.
Paul, I'm not gonna let you kiss me.
I'm engaged. There's this boy...
Give me my clothes, please.
Let me go!
Let me go!
No! Let me go!
Let me go, Paul!
- Take her away.
- Aye, aye, sir.
Take in your lines. Get underway.
Quarterdeck to signal bridge.
Admiral's party approaching.
Good old Swayback.
- She looks like a real lady.
- She is a real lady.
It's a nice sentimental gesture,
CinCPac sending your old cruiser.
- A battleship might be more comforting.
- I'm glad to see her.
You don't understand the love affairs
between ships and sailors.
What happened to your face?
Bucking for a Purple Heart?
Just a friendly wound.
On deck. Intention to board.
Bosun's mate, man the side.
- Congratulations on your command.
- Welcome home.
- They did a good job.
- She's in fine shape.
- Hello.
- Good to see you.
- Congratulations.
- Tuthill, my Operations Officer.
Shall we adjourn to the ward-room?
Attention, gentlemen!
At ease. Sit down, gentlemen.
We'll dispense with all formalities.
- This is my flagship in the operation.
- Thank you, sir.
Now, I'll turn you over
to Captain Eddington.
He'll lay out the plan of operation for you.
This is what it boils down to.
The Japs have Levu-Vana.
We want it. They know it.
We're going to take it, and they'll do
their worst to keep us from taking it.
We can't expect any outside help.
We're it.
Mr Canfil. Excuse us, gentlemen.
- I hope you don't mind my interrupting.
- Sit down, we were worried about you.
I had trouble getting back to the sub.
Nips are as thick as
treacle pudding on that island.
Here it is, Admiral.
You're not going to like it.
They're preparing quite a welcome
on Levu-Vana.
They're stringing barbed wire
on the beaches
and pouring concrete for pillboxes.
The airstrip's almost done.
They're building revetments
for 200 planes.
Tanks bivouacked here and troops.
They're bringing in hundreds every night.
- About 5,000 landed while I was there.
- 5,000?
- At that rate, we only have three weeks.
- That might not be the worst of it.
I was scrounging around a Nip camp
and listened in on a sake party.
From what I could catch
from their gibberish,
there's a gathering of ships
at their Cape Titan base.
- That could mean a task force.
- It could.
- You could get a look at Titan.
- Recon planes wouldn't make it back.
Could Halsey's carriers
do a reconnaissance job for us?
Not soon. They're hitting the Solomons
for General MacArthur.
Best send a sub
for some offshore observation.
That's no good.
It'd take a sub 10 days to get there.
If they're laying in a fleet,
we've got to know now.
They could be planning to hit us
here before we kick off.
Can't you get long-range recon planes?
Captain, we're on Poverty Row.
Everything's going to MacArthur.
We get leftovers,
not long-range recon planes.
- We've got to get one, somehow.
- We can try.
Get a message off to Pearl.
Make it strong.
Imperative we get at least one
long-range plane, and get it now.
Wet it with tears, bleed on it, Egan.
- Darling, is that you?
- Hi, honey.
Hey, where have you been?
- Mmm! You feel good!
- I said, "Where have you been?"
- I dropped over to Treasure Island.
- For what?
- Just to visit with the Navy.
- I bet that was fun.
- Hey! This looks nice.
- Like?
Put it on, I'll take a shower
and we'll go out.
- Mac, is anything wrong?
- No, why?
You've got that kind of brainwashed look.
You've got bad news, Mac.
Tell me now.
If you tell me over dinner,
I'll cry in my soup.
Yes, I have orders.
- When?
- They say proceed immediately.
Why? We haven't even used up
half of your leave yet.
They don't tell you why.
Something's going to happen
on Gavabutu soon.
Oh, hell! I'm gonna cry anyway!
- I might not get you back this time.
- Oh, honey...
Leave me with a baby this time.
Please, Mac!
- 'Night, Maggie.
- Goodnight, girls.
See you tomorrow.
- Pat, get a doctor. Quick!
- What is it?
A doctor. Hurry!
CinCPac sends regrets.
They can't spare one long-range plane.
Do we commence Skyhook anyway?
We've got to know
what the Japs are doing on Titan.
Why not send a one-way plane
to radio the information back?
- And the pilot?
- He can ditch, a sub can pick him up...
Torrey, here... Maggie!
I'll be right over.
Egan, get me a jeep with a driver.
- What's wrong, Rock?
- A little nurse, friend of Maggie's...
- ... she's committed suicide.
- What?
She was engaged to my son.
- When's that staff conference?
- 0700.
We'll decide what to do then.
He raped her, Rock.
When she was afraid she might be
pregnant, she went to him and...
He didn't believe her.
Here, read this.
You said she left Jere's ring
with the envelope.
Shall I tell Jere about...?
No, I'll take him the ring.
I won't see you again for a while.
- It's starting?
- Very soon.
Captain Eddington.
- Trot me out a PBJ.
- Sir?
- Now.
- Yes, sir.
- Dig me out a flying suit.
- Aye, aye, sir.
What are you looking at?
Get back to your radio set.
Thanks. Carry on.
Sir, how shall I log this flight?
Joyride for the Chief of Staff.
The ejector mechanism is jammed.
- Attention on deck.
- Carry on.
- Morning, sir.
- Morning.
- This is our skipper, Lt. Mason.
- How do you do?
- Mind if I borrow my son a moment?
- Of course not, sir.
I want you to get a hold of yourself.
- That young nurse, Ensign Dorne...
- Yes?
She's dead.
Overdose of sleeping pills.
But why? Why?
Whatever the reason,
she was thinking of you.
She left this ring for you.
I'm very sorry about that girl, Jere.
Thank you for coming all the way here.
It's the least I can do for...
one of my officers.
You know, this may not
be the right time, but...
...somehow, it seems that between...
There ought to be some...
I know what you mean, sir.
I wouldn't know how to say it myself,
but I know what you mean.
- Goodbye, Jere.
- Goodbye.
The isallobaric gradient
is changing rapidly.
The pressure is described
by this isobaric curve,
which is forcing this low trough
off to the east.
For the benefit of an ignorant planter,
what does that mean?
Our crummy weather's blowing out.
We're due for five days of sunshine.
- Where's Eddington?
- He hasn't come in yet.
- Find him.
- Something wrong?
- Just find him.
- Right away.
- Hello, Mac. When did you get in?
- About an hour ago.
- Welcome.
- Glad to see you.
Thank you. Where are we?
Rover, this is John Paul.
Do you read me? Come in, Rover.
Rover, this is John Paul.
Acknowledge, over.
You gave him a plane
without checking with Operations?
Sir, Capt. Eddington is Chief of Staff.
He is Operations.
- Are you in contact?
- Been trying to raise him for hours.
It's for you, Admiral.
Torrey speaking.
I'll be right over.
Rover, this is John Paul.
Are you on this frequency?
Rover, this is John Paul. Come in.
OK, John Paul. This is Rover.
Do you read me? Over.
I'm answering you, John Paul.
Do you read me?
Rover, this is John Paul.
Keep sending, I'm trying to pick you up.
Acknowledge, over.
We've got him but he must be far away.
Transmission's weak.
Rover, this is John Paul.
How do you hear me?
- What's your last bearing?
- 3-3-0, sir.
Plot that, will you, Mac?
This is John Paul. We've lost you.
Keep sending, over.
John Paul, this is Rover.
Do you have me now?
Repeat. Do you have me now?
I can't keep him.
He's getting farther away.
He must be just south west
of Cape Titan.
Rover, change to secondary frequency
and I'll try to pick you up.
Rover to John Paul.
Have you got me now?
- Acknowledge.
- Roger, we're reading you, over.
I'm flying at 10,000 feet. Coming up
to Cape Titan from the south-west.
Do you read me?
Rover, this is John Paul.
We've got you, clear.
I can't see anything except a couple
of sampans and some gooney birds.
We'll be over Cape Titan
in 40 minutes and...
Hold it, John Paul, hold it!
I've got something down here.
I'm dropping down to take a closer look.
Stay with me.
John Paul, this is Rover.
It's a fleet, do you hear me?
Warships moving to the south,
away from Cape Titan.
I count 16, no, 17 ships,
do you hear me?
I repeat, 17 ships.
Confirm, over.
This is John Paul.
Roger, 17 ships. Over.
I seem to have some company.
Zeros from Titan, I guess.
I'm going down to take a closer look
at these ships. Stay with me.
Looks like a screen of 12 destroyers.
Repeat, 12 destroyers.
Four cruisers...
Can't tell if they're light or heavy.
The Zeros want to play now.
Hello, Rover, this is John Paul.
Get back into those clouds
and stay there.
That PBJ is no match for Zeros.
Stay under cover.
Thanks, Rock. But we've got to
take a closer look at this big boy.
This is the biggest boy I've ever seen.
It looks like a floating island.
It's four city blocks long and it's got...
12 big guns.
They look like 18-inchers.
What was that oversized tub
the Japs built a while ago?
The Yamato?
- This could be it!
- The Yamato, 80,000 tonnes.
- Do you hear me? Over.
- We read you, Rover.
If this baby comes your way, look out!
Excuse me, John Paul,
I'm gonna be a trifle busy.
Come in, Rover.
The Yamato, four cruisers
and 12 tin-cans.
- A lot of firepower.
- We can't be sure it's aimed at us.
They could be escorting the Yamato
to another base, Truk or Pelaki-Shima.
They could be, but they're not.
That task force is aimed for Levu-Vana.
That's right, Egan.
It ties up with their maximum effort
to defend that island.
Finish the airfield, put bombers on it
and they'll control the whole area.
Gavabutu will become untenable,
eventually we'll have to
move out of Toulebonne.
Skyhook in reverse.
That task force is headed this way.
Mac, Gottlieb gave us
five days of good weather?
Yes, sir.
What do you estimate the steaming time
from Titan to Levu-Vana?
They can't go very fast.
They have to go through the straits.
Better part of four days.
With a little push, we can launch
our amphib assault in 48 hours.
If we're covering the landing,
who takes care of the Jap fleet?
Our ships'll have to do double duty.
Establish the beachhead, then
put back to sea and meet the new threat.
- You think we have a chance to stop it?
- We can try.
Tuthill, you're Chief of Staff.
Sir, how shall I list
Captain Eddington's flight?
- I have to account for the plane.
- An authorised mission.
Will you make a recommendation
for Capt. Eddington?
What he did deserves a medal of honour.
Maybe, but Paul wasn't hunting medals.
No, no recommendation.
- Anything new on the Jap fleet?
- Nothing, a blank.
- Maybe they're not headed this way.
- Let's keep Reconnaissance busy.
They're not going round the islands.
They're headed for Pala Passage.
- They'll run it at night.
- Is that possible with a fleet of that size?
The Japanese Navy has a bad habit
of doing the impossible.
- How wide is the narrowest part?
- 20 miles.
- 10 miles show a deep channel.
- I want those 10 miles mined.
Mines won't stop the Yamato.
She's armour-plated.
We might nail
some of the escort vessels.
And Tut, send the PT boats
with the mine-layer.
They're manoeuvrable in the shoals.
They can attack while the Japs
are tangled in the mines.
In the morning...
What's it like...?
...a surface battle?
Like any other battle, I guess.
Maybe a little noisier.
I'm so scared my bones are clicking,
like dice on a Reno crap table.
I should be back in Hollywood,
sitting in front of a typewriter,
making all this up for a movie.
Not living it.
All battles are fought by scared men
who'd rather be someplace else.
Does that include admirals?
Admiral, another 30 minutes
and they tangle with the minefield.
Loosen up!
Skipper, if I let you down,
will you please shoot me?
Doin' real good out there
on the minefield.
Here we go!
Take over the helm! Go on!
Stand by to torpedo!
Roll one!
Roll two!
We got 'em! We got 'em again!
Plot... Roger, give it to me.
First reports, Admiral.
Two destroyers hit by mines...
One destroyer torpedoed by boats.
What? Repeat.
- One cruiser dead in the water!
- That's cutting 'em down to size!
- Casualty report?
- Anything on casualties?
Not yet, sir.
Casualty report on the PT boats, Rock.
Signal all destroyers,
- "Lay smokescreen and attack. "
- This is Plot...
Go, babies, go!
Stand by to commence firing.
All guns. Three rounds rapid-fire salvo...
The Yamato came through.
Signal all ships to make flank speed.
Steer evasive course as planned.
You're wanted in Plot.
She's getting outta range!
Signal a 50-degree turn to starboard.
50-degree turn to port.
All guns to fire at the turn.
Bridge! Bridge!
Bridge... The captain's dead.
They're all dead.
- What do I do, sir?
- Stand by.
I'm taking over the bridge.
- Mac!
- I'm with you, sir!
Get up, sir...! The ship is breaking up!
Abandon ship! Abandon ship!
Maggie, he spoke!
He said "Nurse"!
- Can you hear me?
- Maggie.
- Where...?
- A hospital ship bound for Pearl Harbor.
- We arrive there in the morning.
- What happened?
Better let me do the talking.
You've been asleep almost three weeks.
You were badly wounded.
Shell fragments.
But you're going to be all right.
What's that tent for?
That's the worst of it, Rock.
You've lost your left leg.
Egan was killed.
- Tuthill?
- All of them. Except Mac McConnel.
He saved your life. Got you on a life-raft
before the ship went down.
He's here. You can see him tomorrow.
- I've got to know...
- Tomorrow.
- Your hands.
- Burns, sir, but they'll be OK.
Thanks for looking after me, Mac.
Some of the crew looked after both of us
until a tin-can picked us up.
- Gregory... beachhead... wiped out?
- No, sir.
They had the Japs boxed up
at the north of the island.
The Yamato turned
and fled back up the passage.
Why? We were licked, weren't we?
- Good morning, sir.
- Stand easy.
- You're a hard man to kill, Admiral.
- Seems so, sir.
I managed to get my command
shot to hell with no trouble.
Feel you betrayed them by staying alive?
Something like that.
Seven ships sacrificed.
It'll make a fancy court martial.
- He's still doped up?
- A little, sir.
Let me straighten you out, Admiral.
The battle in Pala Passage
was a decisive victory.
Skyhook's on its way
and the Japs can't stop it.
I'm having you flown to the States,
but not for court martial.
They'll stick a peg leg on you
and ship you back.
You'll stump to Tokyo with the rest of us.
You'll do it from the deck of a ship
in command of a task force.
- Yes, sir.
- Then go back to sleep.
Aye, aye, sir.
You've got your orders. Go to sleep.
I'll be here, Rock.