In Old Chicago (1937)

Isn't it time to stop this travelin', | for it dark and the child shiverin'?
We will not. And us not two hours, | or maybe three, from Chicago itself?
"Ha, ha," says I.
Get along with ya, ya lazy devils. | I'll be layin' me whip on your backs.
Chicago will not be movin'...
and us living there for the rest | of our days, God willin'.
I'll not be held back | by your tongue.
A fine city waiting there | just over the rim of the land.
"I'll rest there tonight," | I said to myself.
And so I will. | 'Tis a mighty city will be built here.
The hub. Yes, the hub | of the country...
fillin' all | this prairie land...
and you boys | living to see it.
Huh, indeed.
Come on. | Get along with ya.
Look, Pa. | It's a train.
Come on, Pa. | Let's race her.
By the twinklin' stars | of heaven, I will.
- Come on, boys. | - You'll do no such.
Go on, Pa! | You can lick it!
We're licking it! | We're licking it!
Whoa! Whoa there!
Hold on, boys! | Whoa, boy. Whoa there.
Whoa, boy.
Holy Mary, Mother of God.
- Pat. Pat! | - Pa.
Pat. Jack, | fix the water, quick.
Dion, my petticoat, | tear it.
- Ma. | - Shh!
Dion, take off your coat | and put it under his head.
- Is he hurt bad? | - How should I be knowin'?
Pour a little water over his head.
That's enough. | Dion, get the whiskey.
Never mind me. | Are the rest unharmed?
- Not a scratch. | - Heaven be praised for that.
'Twas me own fault | and no other.
Ain't it the devil's | own doin', though...
to be draggin' me down and then | bumping the life out of me?
Just when the smell | of Chicago's in me nose.
Come closer here, | the three of ya...
and mind what | I have to say.
'Tis a grand new place, | this Chicago.
And them that grow with it | will be rich and strong...
like I was always | minded to be.
'Tis a boom, | and you'll boom with it.
Someday you'll be | fine, big men...
a credit to me name...
and everybody speakin' | with respect of the O'Learys...
and how they grew up with the city | and put their mark on it.
You're wastin' yourself, Patrick. | You with your fine talk.
It's me last breath I'm usin', | and I'll have me say.
- Help me put him in the wagon. We've got to find a doctor. | - No.
No, it's no use.
Just bury me here...
and let Chicago | come to me...
that couldn't come to it.
- Patrick. | - Ma!
Holy Mary, Mother of God, | help my Pat rest in peace...
him that was so restless on Earth, | for he was a good man...
for all his fine | ambitions.
And if there ever was to be food | to be got or shelter...
or you wanted someone to laugh with | or have a bit of a good time...
you didn't have to look | any further than Patrick O'Leary.
But I need not | be tellin' you all this...
who know it better | than I do.
Get the horses ready, | boys.
Good-bye, Pat.
Someday, I'll be | sendin' the priest...
to speak | the proper words.
Ma, I'll | take care of ya.
I'll do what he said. | You know, about Chicago and...
Sure, Ma, we'll | take care of ya.
I'm gonna make a lot of money | and get ya things and...
Hush it, | the both of you.
Get in the wagon.
Ma, we've gotta find | someplace to stay.
- We can't keep on living in a wagon. | - Time enough for that.
- It's a job I'm looking for first. | - Look!
There's a theater.
Maybe I could get | to be an actor.
You an actor, and your father | not cold in his grave.
- But we've gotta do something. | - It's school you'll be going to, the three of ya.
School, at my age.
Look. Right under | my very eyes.
Wait here.
I won't be a minute away.
And keep your eyes | off this picture...
- and her in tights or worse. | - All right, Ma.
Gee! Look at them horses.
Ain't they beauts?
- Look. They're stuck. | - Yeah, in the mud.
Young man. | I mean you.
Could I bother you to assist | us ladies to the sidewalk?
I'm sorry, ma'am, but I got on | my new store-bought pants.
Whoa, boy! Whoa, whoa!
Ladies, if me and my brother here can | make a saddle, maybe we could get you out.
- Saddle? | - Yes'm, like this.
All you gotta do | is hold on.
Why, that's marvelous. | Ada, you try it.
That's gonna be grand. | Now mind your dress.
Dion.! Jack.!
- Up to The Hub. | - We just slipped.
You little brats!
- I'll... I'll... | - And who will you be hittin'?
- Look at me! | - A bit of mud, and it behind.
A pair of tender hands and plenty of soap, | it'll be as good as new.
You don't know what | you're talking about!
There's not a washerwoman | in this town that could save this dress.
Is that so now? And what | would you say if I told you...
that I could do it myself, | if it was worth me time?
All right. You're so smart. | You save this dress, and I'll give you...
I'll be namin' the price, and you | providin' the soap and the tub.
Hey, Ma.! Ma, I'm back.!
I got three from Gil Warren | and two from Mrs. Palmer.
- She says a pair of her whatchamacallems are missing. | - Oh, she did?
You can tell the fine lady she'll get 'em | back when she pays for the soap she owes.
- Yes'm. | - And put up the horse.
Give her some oats. And be sure | the barn door's fastened.
And then get your hands and face | washed before it's supper.
- Look out! | - The milk!
- It's gone! | - Oh, it's all right.
No use crying over it now. | It's spilt.
She might've kicked you.
I told you never to milk her without | putting that bar between her legs.
That's what it's for. | Daisy, you hussy!
Mrs. O'Leary! | What will she say?
- Oh, that's all right. I'll fix it with Ma. | - Ja?
Aw, gee.
Ja. Gut.
- Thank you, Daisy. | - Ma.! Ma.!
- Out here, Jack. | - I thought you were coming down to court to hear me.
With all Chicago waitin' to be washed? | Get along with ya.
- Where'd I get the time? | - I sure made 'em sit up and take notice.
- Did you now? | - I told 'em just what I thought about 'em.
"My client is right," | I said, "and you know it.
But what do you care about people, | as long as you can fill your pockets?"
No wonder they say this is the worst city, | with politicians like Gil Warren running things.
- And how did the fine gentleman like that? | - Oh, he was sweatin' plenty.
- "Sure," I said. "What do you care about Chicago being bad... | - Take the handle.
"as long as business is good and you've | got all the beef and pork in the world?
"But I'll tell you this. It takes more than | those things to make this a great city.
"It takes people with | some sense of decency...
to make this not only the biggest city | in the world, but the best. "
It's a fine silver | tongue you ha'...
and your father would be | that proud of you.
And I told him...
Here you are!
Well, good-bye, boys. | Don't let 'em keep you too long.
If you see my old lady, tell her I'm sitting | up with a friend that was took sick.
Have a cigar, Jim. Thanks for the ride. | I'll do the same for you.
Thanks, lad. Anytime you're | coming our way, let us know.
- We'll be glad to have you with us. | - I'll remember that.
Watch the mud on your shoes, | Pickle. You know Ma.
Hey, Ma! It's me!
- Hello, Ma! | - Howdy, Mrs. O'Leary.
- Hi, Jack. | - Hello, Pickle.
- Sorry you lost your case, Jack. | - Lost?
Sure. I, uh... I forgot to tell you. | The judge dismissed it.
Heaven help me. And all the time | I thought he'd won it.
Don't worry. Warren won't | hold it against you, as long as you lost.
I heard about it. A fella said Jack | had the courtroom hypnotized.
Yeah, everybody | but the judge.
Had him too, only Gil Warren | put him on the bench.
Keep your hand | away from that.
But, Ma, it's just | the right size.
- Ma, for the last time, will you quit this laundry business? | - Why should I be quittin'?
'Cause I don't want my best girl | bending over a washtub all her life.
- Go along with you now. | - I'll tell you what I'll do.
I'll get you a new place, out of the Patch, | set you up like the finest hussy in town.
Huh? Look. Look, Ma.
- Where did you get that money? | - A fellow paid me.
You're lyin'. You've been gambling | at that racetrack again.
There wasn't | any gambling to it, Ma.
There are only eight horses in the race... | mine and seven others.
- All we had to do was shoot the other seven. | - Hmph!
Huh, indeed. Come on, Ma. | How about it, hmm?
- I'll not be livin' on money that isn't honestly got. | - Give us a kiss then, huh?
- Now, Dion, get along with ya. I've got my work. Dion! | - Aw, come on.
Won't wash out.
Look at it. | I told that Gil Warren...
I wouldn't wash any more tablecloths | they'd been drawing pictures on.
- Send it back. | - Wait a minute. This looks like a map.
Maybe Warren's gonna hunt | for a buried treasure.
Hunt for it? He's already found it | in the city treasury.
Something about | Randolph Street...
and... and Madison.
This looks like the tracks | for the horse car line.
I know what it is.
This means they're gonna run | the car line along Randolph Street.
You're crazy. They've already surveyed | Madison for the tracks.
Sure, they have. That's exactly what makes | me think they're gonna run along Randolph.
- By golly, maybe you're right. | - Of course I'm right!
That's the way they cheat the people... | get them to invest on Madison Street...
and then switch the line | by their own property.
- What an idea. | - You're right. This information is worth a fortune.
- Ha! Listen to him. | - And I'm gonna get part of it.
You with your fine talk | and your grand plans...
not a penny ever honestly | earned to your name.
Maybe so. But if I had | this corner here...
where all the traffic meets, | I'd put up the biggest saloon in town.
- Saloon? | - And free beers to you, Mrs. O'Leary.
I wouldn't be stepping | my foot inside.
Then I guess we'll have to keep on | rushing the growler for you.
Oh, but look.
There's a name already scribbled | in right on my corner.
B- F-A-W-C-E-double "T."
- B. Fawcett. | - Ever heard of him?
No. It's a new one on me.
- Stop it! Stop it! Are you out of your mind? | - I've gotta have this name.
We'll go down to Gil Warren's and see what | we can find out about this Fawcett fellow.
- You've ruined it! | - There was already a hole in it, Mrs. O'Leary.
The scamp.
Hello, Rondo.
- Where's Mr. Warren? | - The other end of the bar.
- Hello, Mr. Warren. | - Oh, hello, son.
- Howdy, Mr. Warren. | - What can I do for you?
- I'd like to talk to you for a moment. | - Sure. Go ahead.
It's kind of private, and I thought that, uh...
Not now. Not now. Little later, perhaps.
Stick around. | Glad to have seen you.
- What a woman. | - Yeah. Yeah, that's right.
- Is she new? | - Yeah, she's new, new as far as Chicago's concerned.
She was the biggest hit Niblo's Garden | in New York ever had.
A sensation. | And I'm paying her a bigger price...
than any entertainer | in this town ever got.
- That's Belle Fawcett. | - Oh, Belle Fawcett.
B. Fawcett?
Ladies and gentlemen, | as an added treat tonight...
the proceeds to go | to the widow and orphans...
or our late bartender, | Aloysius O'Malley...
who was shot in front | of this very door...
my little girls are going to give a special | performance of our famous classic...
Living Statues...
an artistic divertissement straight | from New York and Paris, France.
And remember, gentlemen...
it's all for sweet charity, | and no tights.
What am I bid?
- One dollar. | - One dollar? Do I hear two?
- Four dollars. | - Four, the gentleman says.
- Who'll make it five? | - I'll pay five.
Five. Now we're getting somewhere. | Who'll make it six?
Speak right up, handsome. | What is it? Six?
I'll pay $100 to charity | if Belle Fawcett plays Venus.
We have a comedian | in the house.
- Go ahead. Take his offer. | - Sold to handsome for $100.
Come on. Let's see the color | of your money.
Fifty, 70, 90, 100.
Right through that door. I'll be | with you in a moment. Thank you.
Hey, what's this? Wait a minute!
Yes, Miss Fawcett. | Your carriage is here.
Will you tell Mr. Warren I'll meet him | for lunch tomorrow at the Palmer House?
- Yes, Miss Fawcett. | - Thank you.
- Good night. | - Good night.
- Oh! | - Get in.!
Let me go!
- Shut up! | - I won't! Let me out of here!
- Shut up. | - Let me out of here, or I'll jump!
Go ahead. Jump.
Oh, it's you. | Driver! Driver!
- No use yelling at him. I fixed him. | - Oh, you're crazy!
Maybe. But I was sane | enough until tonight.
Then I heard you sing, | and something happened to me.
Something swept over me I've never | felt before or ever expect to feel again.
- What are you talking about? | - I'm in love with you, Belle.
- Get out, or I'll call the police! | - They can't stop me from loving you.
Maybe not, but they can sure | cool you off, brother.
I know it sounds crazy... | and I apologize... but it's true.
Right now, my heart's pounding so.
- Listen to it. Ow! | - Oh, you fool.
I'm trembling all over.
And I wanna be calm and cool | so I can make you understand.
Say, are you | on the level?
- But I don't even know who you are. | - Does that matter?
It does to me. | And I'll tell you another thing.
- I didn't like that cheap trick you pulled on me. | - I had to talk to you alone.
What gave you the idea you could | make love to me like this?
Just give me a chance. | I'll tell you the whole story.
All right. You can stop here | and buy me a drink.
No, not here. | It's too crowded.
Since you've | taken me by storm...
the least you might do is to take me | to your place so we can really talk.
Very well, but your story | had better be good.
All right, George. You can drive | to Miss Fawcett's home.
Whoa. Whoa. Whoa.
- So this is where you live? | - Yes.
Way up there | on the second floor.
I think I can make it.
Back to The Hub quick!
Hey! Hey, wait a minute!
Whew! What a woman.
- Let's tell Ma. | - Ja. You want to?
Do you reckon | she suspects?
I was never that surprised | in all me life.
All this hand-holdin' and goo-goo eyein' | and sighin' and gigglin'.
I'm all wore out tryin' | to look the other way.
- Aw, Ma. | - Now, I suppose you'll be tellin' me...
you want | to get married.
- Why, sure. | - You scamp. Takin' the best ironer I ever had.
Well, if it's love | you're after...
I guess a few shirts and tablecloths | can't stand in the way...
but I won't have you sittin' around | and waitin' and not eatin'.
You'll be gettin' married right away | and I want no back talk about it.
Now, give me that pail.
And I'd be ashamed, | with a fine spring moon outside...
and you in a barn puttin' ideas | in the head of a temperamental cow.
- So, you're in love at last. | - Sure, Mike... with you.
And are you now? And I suppose it's | for me that you're slickin' your hair...
anticipatin' yourself in front of a mirror | until it's half wore out.
Well, you want me | to look nice, don't you?
And I suppose you'll be holdin' | her hands, maybe stealin' a kiss...
and her tellin' ya how grand ya are | and callin' ya pretty names.
Here, let Ma do it. And you believin' her.
That shirt! I thought so. Take it off.
Oh, but, Ma, it's a beaut. | Look. "D.V.S."... Who's that?
His name is Swift and he sells pigs. | Now take it off.
- It needs to go back in the morning. | - Oh, come on, Ma!
Take it off. | Take it off.
Oh! Who's the best darn washer woman | in the whole bloomin' city of Chicago?
Ma! Say, Ma! | I won my first case!
- I knew you would! | - Congratulations.
The jury wasn't out | more than 15 minutes...
and the judge said it was the finest | speech he's heard all session.
So did the lawyer from | the other side. And... yippee!
Congratulations. I always | knew you had it in your tongue.
A fellow from the Tribune | said he's gonna write it up.
- You're gonna get your name in the paper? | - Yes!
- How much did you get? | - Huh?
- How much did you get? | - You did get paid for it, didn't you?
The fellow only makes $10 a week, | and he's got a wife and a family.
Ten dollars a week? | That's just $10 more than you make.
- I couldn't take his money, could I? | - I give up.
I've got one son that steals my laundry | and spends his money heaven knows where...
another a lawyer and wins cases | and don't get paid for them.
I should have brought the two of you up as | Irish bricklayers, and every Saturday payday.
Don't mind her, as long as | she can keep her job.
- Night, Ma. Don't sit up for me. I may be late. | - Hmm.
Huh, indeed.
Where's he going | all dressed up?
Where is any of us going? | And where is it all going to end?
For one thing, we can | be going in to supper.
I wish you could have heard | what that judge said.
- That you, Miss Belle? | - Yes.
- Any messages for me? | - No.
Nothing except a heap more flowers and | some champagne from that same gentleman.
Lord, honey, you sure got | him snortin' in his sleep.
I hope you threw them out.
I throwed out the roses, but you knows | what a mess broken bottles make.
Did you tell him not to come | around here anymore?
I done told him that | till I'm black in the face.
These corsets are so tight, | I can hardly breathe.
As long as the men folks likes a small waist, | us gals has got to suffer.
- You want anything else, Miss Belle? | - No, thank you, Hattie.
- Good night. | - Good night.
- You can call me early tomorrow afternoon. | - Yes'm.
Get out of here.
- Get out.! | - But listen...
- Get out.! | - I'll tell you, I wanna...
- Get out of here! | - Belle, I wanna talk to...
- Get out.! | - Listen, Belle. Don't act like that.
- What do you mean by breaking into my place? | - Don't be like that.
- Don't act like that. I want to speak to you. | - Get out of here!
- Get out of here! Hey! Help! Help! | - I want to speak to you.
Hattie! Hattie!
- You calling me, Miss Belle? | - Hattie.!
Help! Let me...
Police! Murder! Help!
Police! Police!
Hattie! Let me go!
Oh, you!
- Now, won't you tell me what this is all about? | - I love you, Belle.
I mean, really.
- Well... | - I want the truth.
- You have a piece of property on Randolph Street. | - Of all the...
I thought if you and I were | to put up a place like Warren's...
only better, more class... | we could make a lot of money.
But I really meant that | about being crazy about you.
Why didn't you say so | in the first place?
I'm a businesswoman. | I'd have listened to any proposition...
without all | this foolishness.
- You would've? | - Of course I would.
What a woman.
Right through this way, | Mr. Police.!
Sorry, boss...
but it looks like | the fire's out.
Now, look, Senator. | Gil Warren controls...
the Patch with | all its votes.
You need votes. Now, | as long as Warren goes along...
with no opposition, he has you and | your interests just where he wants them.
Who knows, but the day | may come when Warren...
gets other ideas | that'd be embarrassing.
- We have an offer to make you. | - Now, I have the greatest...
attraction that ever came to Chicago... | Miss Fawcett.
Now with your backing | and your money to get us started...
we'll open the greatest saloon | Chicago's ever known...
on the busiest | corner in town...
and I'll control the Patch... | I'll tell 'em how to vote.
And what's more, Senator, | you see this floor?
You see those real silver dollars | that Potter Palmer put in there?
Well, every month | after we get started, Senator...
they'll be 1,000 | of those for you.
What do you say? | Are you in?
I'm always in the market | for marketable goods.
Go ahead.
Full protection for me, | security for you and your family...
and a hundred dollars in cash | every Monday from now on.
Young man, | are you trying to bribe me?
Why, Commissioner, | how can you say such a word?
Mrs. Kelly, good evening. Welcome to | The Senate, and I hope you enjoy yourself.
Good evening, sir. Good evening, | Mr. O'Shaughnessy.
Welcome to The Senate.
Hey, you mugs, where do you think you are? | Take off your hats.
Keep on your coats | and shake hands with the boss.
- Where do you think you're going? | - Now listen, shorty.
You're taking | the wrong "altitude"...
'cause this is the only saloon | in town I ain't been thrown out of.
I'll give you | just five minutes.
I can do it in three. | That's tellin' him.
- Captain Jamison. | - Captain Jamison, welcome.
- And this is my daughter Ann. | - Miss Colby.
- How do you do? | - How do you do?
I've been begging Father | to bring me here for the opening.
- I'm glad he did. | - It's marvelous.
- I've never seen anything like it. | - Thank you.
- May I show you to your table? | - Please do.
Gentlemen, you give me The Senate, | I give you Chicago.
Father says you're the smartest | young man in Chicago.
That's because he knows | I'll deliver the Patch on Election Day.
He says you have a great future, as big | as Gil Warren's if you do as he says.
He's the boss, and one | of America's finest.
- And now... I must change my costume. | - Allow me.
I want to talk to you, my boy. | I have some great plans in store.
Surely not tonight, Senator, when you have | so beautiful a daughter to entertain us.
Father won't talk business | if I ask him not to. Will you, darling?
I can't imagine the senator doing | anything that you asked him not to.
That's right. She wraps me around | her finger all the time.
Uh, excuse me, please.
- I'll be right back. | - We'll expect you.
He's nice-looking, isn't he? | I mean, for someone from the Patch.
- Hello, Warren. | - Why, hello, son.
- Mr. O'Leary. | - Jim-dandy place you've got here.
- Thanks. | - Nothing like it in Chicago. I'm proud of you.
- You mean, you're not sore? | - Why, no. I've come over to bury the hatchet.
Live and let live... | that's my motto.
- Come on. Have a drink. | - Matter of fact, I wanted a word in private with you.
- Oh, sure. Come on in my office. | - See you in a minute, Rondo.
Rondo, step up to the bar. | Anything you want, on the house.
Thank you, Mr. O'Leary.
- How old are you, son? | - Old enough to vote. Why?
I was just thinking, | you've come along mighty fast.
When I was your age, | do you know what I was doing?
I was rounding up runaway slaves | and practically starving to death.
- Sit down, Gil. | - Take it from me, times have changed.
- Everything's youth today. | - Well, you seem to have done pretty well, Gil.
I've managed, but you've got a great future | ahead of you. Mark my words.
Well, I hope you're right.
I don't blame you for taking Belle. | She's a great woman.
I'd have married her if I'd had the chance, | but she never cared for me.
- It was just a business deal, and you outbid me. | - What's on your mind?
What would you say, son, if I told you | I was gonna close The Hub, quit?
I'd say you were up to something. | What is it?
I'm thinking of | running for mayor.
I've been electing them | long enough.
Now I'm going to elect myself, | if you'll ride along with me.
- How do I come in? | - You're a smart young fella.
If you watch your step, you're going | to be a big power in this town.
I could build a bigger place and give you | trouble, but I've had all I want of this.
- You say the word, and I'm through. | - You close The Hub?
Exactly, and give you | an open field.
Now, we either work together | politically or fight it out.
It's up to you.
It's a nice place you have here, | but, like a tinder box...
touch a match to it, and it'll go off | like a Roman candle.
But what the devil? Chicago is big enough | for both of us and more.
Together we could run | this town and run it right.
You, Belle and me pulling together, | it'd be a lead pipe cinch.
Yeah. Sounds all right.
But naturally there's a little expense | involved, and right now with the...
I took the liberty of bringing | my check for $10,000.
There'll be more between now | and election time.
I think we'll manage | very well, Your Honor.
Now I could use that drink | you were talking about.
Come on.
Now, Belle, you've got to come | to my table right now...
and have a bottle | of wine with me.
I'd love to, but you'll have to | excuse me for one minute.
Hello. I thought I | saw you come in here.
I was just telling Dion | what a great place you've got.
I never saw you | looking so beautiful.
- I always did say she was the best looker Chicago ever saw. | - Thanks.
Better watch yourself, son. | I'll get her back if I can.
- But it looks like it won't be to The Hub. | - Gil's closing The Hub for good.
Really? Why?
There's the music for your song. | Better hurry.
Dion'll tell you | all about it later.
Whew! What a woman.
Yes, that's exactly what | I said the first time I saw her. Remember?
Oh, I'm... Miss Colby, | Miss Fawcett.
- How do you do? | - How do you do? So sorry.
You'll have to excuse Mr. O'Leary | another few minutes. I'll send him back.
- That'll be very sweet of you. | - Thank you.
- Is that the woman? | - Why, yes, I believe so.
She's pretty... in a way.
- Women like her have all the advantage, don't they? | - All except one.
I wasn't thinking | of marriage.
- So you're taking his money? | - What's the matter with his money?
- The check's good, isn't it? | - You know how he feels about us, the threats he's made...
I wouldn't worry about | that if I were you.
Ever since I left his place, | he's schemed to get even.
Now he's trying to do it | with your own help.
- He knows that if he's mayor... | - What makes you think he's gonna be mayor?
- But you took his money. | - Sure.
Sure, and I'll vote for him | myself, if necessary...
but I didn't say | how the Patch'll vote.
- Why, that's... | - Politics.
He'd knife me if he could, | and I simply mean to beat him to it.
Why, you dirty dog.
- You love me? | - Certainly not.
Go on. Say it before | I break your back.
Who was that little doll-faced blonde | you were smiling all over yourself about?
Senator's daughter. | I have to be nice to him, don't I?
Why weren't you breathing | down his neck?
Stop it.
You and The Senate | and Warren on the run.
In other words, Mr. O'Leary | is rising in the world.
Mr. O'Leary and present company.
Chief, Mitch is here.
Come on in | and shut the door.
Is it true that you were caught | registering under a false name?
Gee, chief, how was I to know | that guy was already registered?
I told you this bozo | don't use his head.
Oh, have a brain, you. Getting caught | with an election coming up...
and that reform crowd | already yelling its head off.
It would serve you right | if I let them send you to jail for life...
but, no, I've got to sit through a trial | and figure a way to get you out.
I oughta... | Oh, get out.
Yeah! Come on out!
Now, where were we?
Oh, yes.
- Good morning. | - Good morning.
- Everything fixed? | - The district attorney said if you're worried...
he'll let us have witnesses to prove | Mitch hasn't been in Chicago in two years.
That's the kind | of prosecutor I like.
- What'd you give him? | - The usual.
Chief! It ain't fair! | It ain't fair!
- It ain't fair! | - What's the matter?
The district attorney... | and after we had him all fixed.
- What are you talking about? | - Well, he fell down...
and broke his ankle | and he ain't here!
- The fool doesn't know how to walk? | - And the judge appointed...
somebody to take his place | and I don't know who.
- What's this mean? | - It means it ain't fixed.
Oh, come on.
In view of the unavoidable | detention of the district attorney...
the court has appointed | a special counsel...
a representative | of the Election Reform Committee...
in the case of The City | of Chicago v. Edward Mitchell.
Mr. O'Leary, are you | prepared to proceed?
- We're ready, Your Honor. | - Oh, yes.
- Is the defense ready? | - Uh, Your Honor...
Your Honor, certain matters | have come up.
New evidence have been uncovered | that compels me to...
Go ahead with the trial.
- Go ahead? | - Proceed.
The defense is ready, | Your Honor.
You may proceed, | Mr. O'Leary.
Your Honor, it is no secret | that multiple voting...
for years has been | a common practice...
in that section of Chicago | known as the "Patch. "
So common, it has come to be regarded | as one of the minor evils...
in that district.
Men who occupy the highest | offices in this city...
openly and brazenly | bid against each other...
for that very vote.
Any mention of it is dismissed | with an indulgent smile...
as something that | should not be talked about.
There are men in this very courtroom, | Your Honor...
who control every election | in this city...
with such illegal votes.
Men who sit in their | fine saloons...
surrounded by every luxury | that money can buy...
or that they can steal...
while public officials bow and smile | before them and fight for their favor.
Until today, nobody has ever obtained | sufficient evidence to convict them.
Now, however, we have | an eyewitness...
who was actually present | when the defendant, Edward Mitchell...
was caught attempting to register | under four different names...
The last time, as the beloved | Bishop Cornwall himself.
You know, he's really good.
- Some day he'll be a great lawyer. | - I think he's all right now.
Mr. Clerk, call Carrie Donohue | to the stand.
Carrie Donohue | take the stand.
- She can't do this to me. | - Shh! Quiet!
Stand up. Raise your | right hand.
Do you swear to tell the truth, | the whole truth and nothing but the truth...
- so help you God? What's your name? | - I do.
- Carrie Donohue. | - Sit down.
- Miss Donohue, you know this defendant? | - Do I know him?
- Hmph! That big squirt. | - None of that now.
- I'll haul off... | - Quiet!
- Order in the court. | - Refrain from personal remarks.
Tell the court what you know | about this man's registration.
- Well, my gentleman friend's... | - Face the judge.
hired to watch the registration | and I'm keeping him company...
when this big squirt | walks in.
- Well, he don't see me | and I don't say anything...
but when he keeps comin' back, | I get suspicious...
and I'm just about to tell my friend | that something funny's going on...
when, sure enough, | back he comes again...
and, this time, | he says he's a bishop.
Well, that's too much even for me.
Order in the court.
- That's what you get for marrying 'em. | - You married to this woman?
- What? | - Can you imagine it?
- Ever divorce her? | - No! - Your Honor!
May it please the court, | we ask that this woman's testimony...
be stricken | from the records...
and this case dismissed | on the grounds that the law says...
a wife cannot testify | against her husband!
- That woman is my client's lawful-wedded | spouse.! - Madam, is this true?
- Well, I married him once, | if that's what you mean...
- but I can tell you... | - That will do.
- Well, I mean that he... | - That will do.
Well. Hmph.
Mr. O'Leary, | you distinctly told me...
that you had had time to familiarize | yourself with all the facts in the case...
and, yet, you take up this court's time | allowing your only witness...
to testify, although | she's clearly unqualified.
Your Honor, I assure you, this is | as much a surprise to me as it is to you.
I ask the court's pardon.
Case dismissed.
- Tough break, kid. | - Yeah.
- Congratulations. | - Aw, you can never tell about these women.
They'll put it over on you every time, | if they can...
but you were great yourself, | I was proud of you.
Wait'll I go after the big fish, | the higher-ups...
- then you'll really hear something. | - That's the way to talk.
- How about meeting Belle? | - It's about time.
Belle, this is brotherJack. | Jack, Miss Fawcett.
- How do you do? | - I've been looking forward to this for a long time.
- You have? | - Yes.
Dion isn't the only admirer | of beauty in the family.
Thank you.
- That was a very nice thing to say. | - I couldn't help...
but look at you | all through the trial.
Maybe that's why you lost your case.
- Uh, can we drop you someplace? | - Oh, no. No thanks.
I've, uh... I've got some things | to do here in the building.
You know, it seemed kind of funny, | you and Dion on one side...
and me on the other, | fighting each other.
When we were kids, | we were always fighting.
I bet if any other Irishers tried | to horn in...
it was the O'Learys | against the world.
- Oh, you said it. | - You two must've had fun when you were little.
- We still do. - Even though | we don't always see eye-to-eye.
Well, I've got | to leave you here...
but I'll tell ya what you do, | Miss Fawcett...
- or shall I call you "Belle"? | - Please do.
Let Dion bring you up the house | some time for dinner, meet Ma.
Well, I'd be | delighted.
I wanna show you | some pictures of Dion...
in his First Communion | suit at the age of nine.
And some of you without any suit | at all at the age of six months.
I wish you'd keep | an eye on this fellow for us.
He's getting up in the world so fast, | it might go to his head.
I'd kind of hate | to have to knock it off.
I'll try.
Good-bye. | See you soon.
Good-bye, Jack.
- You know, I like him. | - They don't make 'em any better.
That was nice of him, | wanting me to meet your mother.
Well, yes. I've been thinking | about that myself.
Oh, don't. I understand how | she feels about me.
Oh, Ma's all right... | A little old-fashioned, perhaps.
Oh, please.
I had no idea he was so... | so human.
Oh, sure. | Takes after me.
You know, there's something | almost normal about him.
He just looks so real, you know | he believes everything he says.
Honestly, it just makes me sick | to think of a man like Gil Warren...
trying to run Chicago when there | are men here like your brother.
Can you imagine the mayor | he'd make if he had the chance?
Well, if he hadn't gotten mixed up | with that reform crowd...
Wait a minute.
- I've got an idea. | - What?
I just thought what do with that check | Gil Warren gave me.
Back to The Senate.
In brief, we've come here | to ask you to run for mayor.
- What? | - We have canvassed the field, and you're the man we want.
Well, this is all | very flattering, gentlemen.
May I... May I ask | whom you represent?
The respectable | people of Chicago...
citizens who want a new deal | in our city administration.
We're organizing | a reform party.
- I'm not sure I'm the man. | - We're willing to take that chance.
- It's a great opportunity. | - Decent people are waiting for an honest program.
You'll carry every district, except, | perhaps, Gil Warren's Patch.
I'm not so sure | he won't get that too.
Your brother's influential there. | Surely he'll support you.
I'm afraid you can't | count on my brother.
You see, we O'Learys | are a strange tribe.
- Then we'll win without the Patch. | - Chicago needs you.
- Yes, Mr. O'Leary. | - Will you do it, sir?
Thank you, gentlemen. | I'll run.
What did he say when you suggested | that I would support him?
He said he's afraid he couldn't figure on you.
Well, at least he's agreed to run. | That's the first step.
What worries me is, | can you control him once he's in?
He's a pretty stubborn | young fellow.
You leave that to me. | We O'Learys are a strange tribe.
- How's that? | - Not bad.
Of course, it doesn't | look much like you.
"Jack O'Leary, candidate for mayor. | Reform ticket. "
That's a great thing for Chicago. | I'd like to help.
- You help me? | - Sure. Why not?
If other people say you're good enough | to be mayor, I'm not going to say no.
Of course, I couldn't | support you openly.
You know how I feel | about the Patch.
Oh, of course. | No strings attached.
- The fact you're my brother wouldn't mean a thing. | - Stop arguing, will you?
If you stood in the way of something | I felt oughta be done...
I'd go after you as fast as I would | after anybody else, maybe faster.
Because I'm in dead earnest. I see Chicago | as a great city people can be proud of.
I'd wipe out | all this mushroom growth...
start all over on a sound basis, | with steel and stone.
You don't have to make | speeches to me, Jack.
I just wanted you | to know where I stand.
- Well, how much do I owe you? | - I'm two games up on you.
Ah. Twenty cents. | What a gambler.
It's in the blood.
It's in the blood.
Say, why don't you get Belle and come to the | house tonight and take her and Ma for a drive?
- Ha! You know Ma. | - We'll get a couple of beers under her belt.
Well, heaven help us | if it doesn't work out.
- To His Honor, the future mayor. | - To Chicago!
And to herself, | the first lady of the city!
Oh, to the lot of you!
- The compliments of the season to you, ma'am. | - Oh, go on. More presents.
You should see the grand house | we're gettin' for you. Inside plumbing.
- And a butler in short pants. | - Heaven help me.
It's himself.
- Pa.! | - It looks just like him.
Sure got my nose.
I can remember the day we took it | like it was yesterday...
and the trouble we had | puttin' the collar on him.
- Well, Ma, where are we gonna hang him? | - Hang him?
You'll do no such. He's gonna spend | the rest of his days on this organ.
If he only could have seen it himself.
Isn't he beautiful? | I want the baby to see it.
Look, that's | your grandpa.
Aw, Pat, | would you believe it?
And Bob | just a baby himself.
If you turn out half as good as the blood | that's in you, I'll not complain.
You know, Ma, | it looks like Pa had...
sort of a roving eye | for the ladies.
I'll thank you to keep | a civil tongue in your head.
Roving eye, ha! | I'd like to catch him.
You're so good to me, the lot of you. | You'll have me in tears.
- Oh, Ma. Beer always did make you cry. | - Listen to him.
We'll play him a tune, | his favorite one.
- Come on, Ma, and play it. | - Come on, the four of you.
We'll show him a thing or two. | The O'Learys against the world.
The O'Learys against the world! | - We will. Come on, Ma.
You should've seen your father dance, | as light as a canary...
and stealing a kiss | before you could shut your eyes.
And the fair Molly Callahan | loving it, I'm thinking.
And why shouldn't I | be loving it?
Himself as fine a man as ever stood up | with a girl in front of an altar.
And that's what | you should be doin'.
- That's what I was telling him today. | - Is it herself, you mean?
I met Miss Fawcett. She's a fine woman. | You oughta know her.
Hmm. I will not. And her workin' | in a saloon like any hussy.
- Oh, that's not fair, Ma. We're living in modern times. | - That's right.
Don't forget, things have changed | since you were a girl. This is 1870.
Times may have changed, | but I haven't changed.
And I don't want any daughter-in-law | that's the talk of the town...
and kickin' her heels | in the air for anyone to see.
When you were a little one, no bigger | than that, and me over a tub...
I used to dream of the day when you'd | bring me home a sweet one...
and her all blushes, | and present me with fine grandsons...
as would be like sons | of my own, only sweeter.
It's my own life, Ma.
Who'll have some more beer?
- Me. | - I wouldn't mind another drop.
Here, Ma. | Put a head on it.
Good evening, Mr. Jack. | Will you tell Mr. Dion his buggy's here?
- Oh, thanks. | - He'll be right out.
Now, Ma, drink your beer and forget | about it, and let's go for a ride, huh?
Oh, sure. | How about it, Ma?
- That I will. | - Oh, fine. I'll get your coat and hat.
Aw, Ma.
There you are.
Drink it all, Ma.
Come on, Ma.
Now, First Lady, I've got | a real surprise for you...
two of the fastest fillies | you ever sat behind.
Now, close your eyes and get inside. | Close 'em. Up one step. There you go.
Inside. Ma, this is Miss Fawcett. | This is Belle.
- Hmm! So it's a trick. | - No, wait a minute!
You're going to meet Belle, so you | might as well get used to the idea.
- The devil I will. Let me out. | - Ma, you always were so stubborn.
If you don't stop it, | I'll give you the licking of your life.
- Well, you don't think I'm gonna ride with her! | - Oh, come back here!
Sit down! Driver, drive on! Drive on!
Let me out! Let me out, I say!
- Sit still! | - Let me out! Stop it, I tell you!
I won't be treated | this way!
You Irish lunkhead! | What do you think you're doing?
My son an Irish lunkhead? How'd you like | to be treated? You with your grand manners.
Just as any woman who's going | to be his wife has a right to be treated.
He'll never marry you. And now, | if you'll stop, I'll be takin'my leave.
- Stop here. | - Whoa!
- Wait. I'll get out. | - You'll do no such.
It's you who'll be saving | the wear and tear of walking.
- Ma. | - Hmm!
How could you?
I'm sorry. I didn't think | Ma would act like that.
Take me home, please.
My friends...
this campaign | has resolved itself...
into one | clear-cut issue.
Shall the Patch | run Chicago...
or shall Chicago | run the Patch?
I promise you | that if I am elected...
the Patch will | either be cleaned up...
or it will be wiped out | like that.
Hooray for Gil Warren.!
- Who said that? | - Shh, shh.
- Oh, it's a shame. | - The trouble with him is he looks too honest.
People never trust | an honest man in office.
Well, I wish | he hadn't tried it.
He'll never beat Warren.
Never say never | about politics.
What are you up to now?
Well, I was just wondering | what would happen...
if all Gil Warren's ward heelers | and poll watchers and repeaters...
failed to show up | on Election Day.
- What do you mean? | - He wouldn't stand much chance of being elected, would he?
George, drive | to Commissioner Beavers'.
Gil Warren's my friend. | I won't do it. I can't.
I won't do it! I can't! | I'll be ruined forever.
For doing your duty? Oh, come, come, | Commissioner. Be a man.
He'll kill me.
Besides, what you're asking is against | the law, against all my principles.
You've been getting $100 a week | for doing what I tell you.
Every cent I got | was in cash.
Sure, I paid you in cash, but I always | sent it by a different man.
What? What do you mean?
Those 15 or 20 people would make fine | witnesses if you ever got any ideas.
Blackmail, eh?
All right. I'll fight.
Go ahead. Fight.
And you'll be back pounding the pavement | so quick, it'll make your head swim.
Come on. | He'll be there.
Hey, you! | Where's your ticket?
- I'm with him. | - You know this guy?
- I never saw him before in my life. | - One of us is in error.
Outside, before I cloud up | and rain all over you.
- That severs our relationship. | - One of them Reform guys. They got no manners.
Belle, when you were working | for me at The Hub...
I bet you didn't think you'd be having the | first dance with the future mayor, did you?
Are you counting your chickens | before they're hatched?
- It's a lead pipe cinch. | - Oh.
You looking for me, | Commissioner?
Hey, look what you done | to my suit!
- Hey, what's the idea? | - Stop it!
Stop them, somebody.! | Stop them, somebody.! Stop them.!
Ladies and gentlemen! | The house is pinched!
Stay back!
Get back! | You can't get out this way.
Can you beat that? And just when | we were beginning to have a little fun.
You let me catch you with that Colby | woman again, and you won't call it fun.
Come on, come on. | Inside. Inside.
All right, | take it away.
- What about it, chief? | - Yes, what about it?
It's all right, boys. It's all right. | You haven't got a thing to worry about.
I'll have you out of here | in no time at all.
- What about the bail? | - If it's bail they want, I've got it!
Better hurry, chief. | The polls are open already.
Don't worry. You'll be at your posts | in 30 minutes. All right. What's the bail?
Sorry, Mr. Warren. Orders are to hold them | 24 hours without bail...
- On suspicion. | - What kind of suspicion?
- Suspicion of what? | - Just plain suspicion.
You can't do that. This is Election Day. | They're my workers.
By the Eternal, | you've got to let them go!
- It ain't up to me. | - I'll get the commissioner!
I'll get Senator Colby!
I'll get my lawyer! | I'll tear this town wide open!
- Where's Commissioner Beavers? | - Gone to the sanitarium.
- What sanitarium? | - I'm not allowed to give out his address.
Doctor's orders.
- Where's Judge Bender? | - Oh, the jud-jud-judge...
- I've got to seeJudge Bender! | - Judge Bender left...
on a h-hunting trip | this m-morning.
All the jud-judges | in town went with him.
They're o-organizing | a h-hunting club.
- Then I've got to see Senator Colby. | - I'm afraid that's imposs...
You can't do it. | See, S-Senator Colby...
It's 12:00! The polls have been opened | six hours, and I'm tied hand and foot!
Every man in that jail controls at least | 10 votes, enough to swing the election.
- What are we gonna do? | - We're gonna stop squawking.
- What's that? | - You're through. I've sold you out.
Don't try anything, Warren.
And now, if you'll excuse me, | I'll go and vote for my brother.
We O'Learys | are a strange tribe.
Look at him. You know, | he really looks like a mayor.
Gee, I bet Ma feels great.
Dion, look at this!
Huh, indeed.
Belle, we're friends, | aren't we?
I hope so.
I've got a proposition | to put up to you.
It may startle you at first, | but I think you'll see my point.
I'm gonna clean out the Patch. I want | to be sure Dion doesn't oppose me.
- And you want me to help you? | - Exactly.
But after all, | what has it to do with me?
You know how things | are down there.
Everything that's rotten in | Chicago comes out of the Patch.
The whole thing is an atmosphere | of vice and crime.
It's getting out of control, | and I'm gonna wipe it out.
The law gives us the right | to condemn property.
The courts will have it | appraised and set a fair price.
It's what they call the right of eminent | domain. It's perfectly legal and fair.
But all of Dion's money | is tied up in The Senate. Mine too.
That's what's worrying me.
If he won't see it our way, | there'll be trouble.
I don't know what to say.
Dion's a great person. | He can go anywhere, do anything...
if he only gets | on the right track.
Belle, I want | to see him marry you...
have a home and children, | get something real out oflife.
Don't you think that's | what I've been hoping for?
That's what he wants too, | if he can only see it.
What do you want me to do?
He couldn't stand | a public investigation.
You know how he operates | in the Patch.
I couldn't do | a thing like that.
Believe me, Belle...
if I can't bring him | to his senses any other way...
I'll start an investigation | that'll crack this town wide open.
I'll use you | as chief witness against Dion...
let you tell the whole rotten story | ofhow he operates in the Patch.
How do you feel | about that, Belle?
I just wanted Belle | to understand my position...
same as I want you | to understand it.
- Dion, listen toJack. | - I heard him. I know now where he stands.
You knew exactly where | I stood before the election.
I told you and I told | the people of this city.
- I elected you, not the people. | - You?
Sure. It was my idea. I sent | that committee to see you.
I paid for it, ran it, framed it, | threw Warren's men into jail.
I even voted for you.
I don't believe you.
Is that true?
- Yes. | - I just wanted it to look hunky-dory.
Why did you want me | to be mayor?
Oh, a lot of reasons. | I wanted to see if I could do it.
Or maybe it was because I wanted | to see the smile on Ma's face...
when she rode with you | in the carriage election night.
All right. You elected me, | but I'm mayor.
Yes, you're mayor, | but I'm Chicago.
I'd hate to | have to kick you out.
Don't try it. A lot of people | like what I'm doing.
- What are you going to get out of this? | - Nothing.
But I happen to have sense enough to see | whatJack's after, even if you haven't.
- Now, wait a minute. Don't you two start... | - You keep out of this!
Well, of course, | since you've gone for Reform...
I guess we won't be seeing | very much of each other.
You're not gonna walk out | on Belle like that.
It seems that she's the one | that's done the walking out.
Dion. Dion!
A grandjury investigation.! | Terrible.! Terrible.!
How did you ever get involved | in such a mess?
I wouldn't be a bit surprised | if you weren't...
in for a bit of sweatin' | yourself, Senator.
You've been milkin' the Patch | for a long time.
Me? Why I'll give you to understand, sir, | that my life is an open book.
Open or shut, brother, your shirttail's | out with the rest of us.
It's my daughter | I'm thinking of.
I'll have to take her to Europe, | get her away from here.
- The trip would do her good. | - I'll have to ask you...
not to see my daughter | again ever.
- To think I should be so deceived in the character... | - I've always wanted to see...
what a senator looks like...
when he gets a good, | swift kick in the pants.
- Oh, Hattie, hurry, will you? | - I'm hurrying, honey.
Miss Belle, | you want this old plush?
Yes. No. Throw it away. | I don't care what you do with it.
Oh, this just fits | in my trunk.
Now, Miss Belle, ain't a bit of use | in you carryin' on like this.
- Ain't no man worth it! | - Oh, Hattie, hurry, will you?
I'm hurryin, honey.
- Get out of here! | - I'm gettin' out, honey.
- Get out of here! | - Belle, don't act like that.
Belle, I want to talk to you.
Hattie, get out of the way!
- Get him away from me! | - Get out of here, white man!
- Hattie, help me! Help me! | - Murder! Police! Help!
- Get out! | - Belle, please.
I'm sorry, | but I had to come.
Just let me say one thing, | then you can put me out. I won't care.
- Oh, please go. | - I don't ask you to forgive me.
I've said and done things | no woman could ever forgive.
But you've got to believe | I love you, Belle.
I always have | and I always will.
Oh, why talk about it?
But you said you loved me.
That's over.
You can't change in a moment | any more than I can.
We can't do | without each other.
I can. | I'll make myself.
Oh, we've fought, and maybe we'll | go on fighting, but we'll do it together.
We were meant | for each other.
Belle, marry me.
Now. Tonight.
I've got the license | and the ring.
We'll go toJack, | have him marry us.
Will you, Belle?
Oh, my darling!
Come on, Mr. Policeman. | Right in here. She...
She's done | backslid again.
Do you realize that 75% | of the buildings in the Patch...
are made of pine?
There are no sewers, | no hydrants.
Nothing but filth, cesspools.
But worst of all, | it is a veritable firetrap.
Now, that sort of thing may have been | excusable when Chicago was just beginning...
but that time has passed.
Today it's a menace | to a great city...
a cancer | that must be cut out.
Now, I propose to condemn | the whole district...
wipe it out | and start all over again.
Yes, what is it?
Tell him | I'll be right out.
Will, uh, you gentlemen | go ahead with the discussion...
and excuse me | for a little while, please?
Yes, Mr. Mayor.
Well, Jack, you've won.
- I've won what? | - I've been a fool.
I wouldn't take a million | for this moment.
Now it's really the O'Learys | against the world.
Well, here's the little | lady who's responsible.
As if I didn't know it.
As the mayor of this great and noble city, | can you marry people?
Why, sure!
Wait a minute. | I'm not so sure.
But I'll find out.
What a mayor.
Is there anything in the charter about | whether the mayor can perform a marriage?
- I don't know, sir, but I'll find out. | - Hurry up and find out!
"Having taken these pledges | of your affection and vows of fidelity...
"I do, therefore, by right of | the authority in me vested...
"by the laws | of the state of Illinois...
"pronounce you, | Dion Patrick O'Leary...
"and you, | Belle Catherine Fawcett...
lawfully married, | husband and wife. "
That makes us | kissing kin, doesn't it?
- I don't have to tell you how lucky you are. | - That's right.
- I just want to say congratulations. | - Thank you.
I wish you every happiness | and... good night.
Congratulations. | Good night.
You'll never know | how much all this means to me.
Remember that day | I told you he wasn't so bad?
The O'Learys | are a strange tribe.
Now, let's go home | and tell Ma, huh?
Sure, but first there's just one | little matter I'd like to clear up.
And now, Mrs. O'Leary, suppose | you go ahead and testify against me?
Listen to him.
You didn't think I was gonna | let you two get away with it, did you?
- Why, Dion! | - Go ahead with your grand jury investigation.
She's my wife, | and you know the law...
A wife cannot testify | against her husband.
Belle, where | are you going?
What do you think of that?
Why, you dirty...
I haven't licked you | since we were kids.
Of all the low, disgusting tricks | you ever pulled, this is the worst.
Well, you won't | get away with it.
I'm gonna wipe out the Patch | and you along with it!
- Johnson! | - Yes, sir. I've sent for the police.
I don't want the police! | Get the city attorney!
Tell him to start | the condemnation proceedings.
And you get out of here! I never | want to see your face again!
Get the police commissioner. | Tell him to swear in 500 special deputies.
Get the newspapers. Tell them that when | I get through with the Patch...
- there won't be a stick or stone left standing. | - Yes, sir.
Hey, one at a time. | Quit that nudging.
You'd think you | never been fed before.
You're so full already, you oughta be | sleepin' it off on the parlor sofa.
Mutter, Mutter, | komm schnell!
Stop that heathen | jabbering and talk sense!
Dion, Jack, they fight! | Bitte, Mutter, komm.!
The devil you say!
You can take one more nip | while I'm knockin' their heads together.
- Dion married Belle Fawcett. | - What?
Yeah, Jim Fellows | just came by to tell us.
Dion and Jack have had a knock-down, | drag-out fight about the Patch.
- And them grown-up and brothers. | - I'm gonna find 'em.
Wait. I'll go with you. And wait till I get | my hands on that Dion...
fightin' and marryin' | that creature behind my back.
Mrs. O'Leary! | Mrs. O'Leary!
Oh, Mrs. O'Leary! | Your barn! Look! Look!
I didn't put the bar | between Daisy's legs.
Fire! Fire!
Get Daisy and the calf | and the horse!
Get that baby | back into the house!
Fire! Turn the alarm! | Fire! Turn the alarm!
Come on, boys!
Never mind the barn! | Let it go!
Save the house! | The house!
Mrs. O'Leary, I'm gettin' out | everything that I can.
Mrs. Donovan, your | own house is a-goin'!
Me own house? Mrs. O'Leary, | me own house is a-burnin'!
- Get that cow! | - Come on, Daisy! Come on!
Get a hose over here.!
Come on.!
- Chief! | - Dion!
Here I am, Pickle!
Dion, oh, Dion!
- What's the matter? | - There's a big fire in the Patch!
- Yeah? Where? | - DeKoven Street. The whole street's goin'!
You suppose that's | some of the mayor's doings?
Sure. The mayor's | burning us out.
- He said he'd get us. | - Said he wouldn't leave a stick or a stone standing.
- Looks bad, boy. | - Yeah, burning us out, huh?
- Couldn't even wait for condemnation proceedings. | - I'll go with you.
No, you stay here. | I've gotta find out how Ma is.
Give the boys a drink. | I'll be back in half an hour.
He's asked for a fight. | Well, I'll give it to him.
Well, what'll | you fellas have?
- I'll take some of this. | - Mighty funny business.
- What? | - Well, I'm not saying anything...
but I haven't got much faith in these fights | between brothers...
not when they're O'Learys.
They've pulled some pretty | smart tricks in the past...
and I wouldn't put it | past 'em to do it again.
You heard what Dion said! No one's gonna | burn him out, brother or no brother.
Well, I hope not. When I was running things, | nothing like this happened.
- Hmm! Come on, fellas. | - All right, boys. You heard what he said.
Spread the word. We'll have something | to say about bein' run out of the Patch.
Wait a minute. | Get the boys together.
- Tell them that I said we'll meet at the armory. | - We'll get this Jack O'Leary!
Back up! Back up! | I've gotta get through! Back up!
Here, I think I can make | better time on foot.
All right, boys! | Put her on the other roof!
- Mommy! | - Mommy!
All right, boys, pump!
It's moving might fast in this wind, | leaping ahead blocks at a time.
The Patch is like tinder.
There hasn't been a drop of rain | for nearly three months.
We've got to keep it away from the gas works. | We gotta keep it south of the river.
Have you any suggestions, | General Sheridan?
Yes. Make a firebreak | at the edge of the Patch.
Blow up that entire section | along Randolph Street.
- Fight this fire with dynamite! | - I authorize you to do everything possible to stop this fire.
Commissioner, | mobilize your whole force.
Swear in as many deputies as you need. | Clear that whole area.
- Requisition all the foodstuffs you need. | - Yes, sir.
Donovan, you and Johnson get in touch | with Milwaukee, all the surrounding cities.
Ask them to send us | all the fire apparatus they can.
Wire Washington. Tell them we're gonna | need relief... money, medicine, troops.
- Keep me advised. I'll be with Gen. Sheridan. | - Yes, sir.
Miss Belle, | pull yourself together!
Come on, honey. Let's get outta here. | Come on, baby.
Pull yourself together. Let's get out | of here before judgment day gets us.
Come on, honey. Come on.
Bob! Bob! | Where's Ma?
She's gone to the North Side with Gretchen | and the baby in the wagon.
They had to go. Our house | was the first to burn.
- Our house? Why, that dirty... Where did they start it? | - In our barn.
Ma heard about you fighting, she left the | lantern in there and Daisy kicked it over.
I thoughtJack did it | to burn out the Patch.
That mob thinks so too. | We gotta get to him.
- Well, where is he? | - I don't know, but we've gotta stop that mob.
- Back up, I tell you! | - How can I back up?
Why can't you look | where you're going?
Get that flea-bitten | thing out of here!
Come, darling, get out. | We have to walk.
Wait! I'll just | be gettin' it.
I'll not be leavin' his picture. | It's all I've got left.
That fool cow!
Look out! The wall! It's falling!
- Gretchen! Gretchen! | - Mutter.!
Don't waste any time. | Get those people behind the line.
- Captain! | - Yes, sir?
Take all of your men you can spare. | Use some of mine if necessary.
Search every building. See that no one | is left behind. No one! Quickly!
Yes, sir.
Sergeant, move all police lines back | one full block and let no one through!
Hey, where are you going?
- I've got to get through to The Senate. | - Nobody's going through.
Mayor's orders. The streets cleared. | They're gonna dynamite.
- Dynamite? | - Yeah, to make a firebreak.
Come on, open up! Get back! | Back to the next corner!
- Come on. Back to the next block. | - What are you gonna do?
I don't know. | Jack! Jack!
Get back! Come on!
- I've gotta get through.! | - Jack! Jack, I...
Turn him loose. | I'll take care of him.
Get away from here, | you dirty, contemptible liar.
I've stood for all | I'm gonna stand from you.
I've got work to do, | and nobody is gonna stop me.!
You've got to listen to me! Gil Warren | and his mob are out to get you!
Everybody down here thinks you set fire to | the Patch. They're organizing against you.
It's my fault. | I thought so too.
- You lowdown, good-for-nothing... | - Jack!
Until I got home and found the house | burned to the ground...
- Ma, Gretchen and the baby gone. | - Where are they?
I put 'em in a wagon and started them | for the North Side.
They oughta be | across the river by now.
I'm sorry. I should have known better. | Jack, you've got to believe me.
There's Gil Warren | and his gang now.
What the devil do I care | about Warren and his gang now?
The only thing that matters is that | we're together and thinking alike. Come on!
There they are, men! | Just like I told you.
The O'Learys. | The three of'em together.
You men, hold that line! | Don't let anybody through.
Keep those people back. I don't care | how you do it, but keep them back!
Men! Listen! | Listen, men!
The fire was an accident. My brother | didn't have anything to do with it.
That's what you say, | but we know different.
We've got to dynamite. | It's our only chance to save Chicago!
Let it burn.!
Men! Men! Think!
That's just what we're doing. Thinking. | Thinking it's another O'Leary trick.
- Mayor O'Leary.! | - Yes, General?
Have your men move this crowd | back to the end of that street.
- The dynamite is set. We're ready to light. | - All right, move that crowd!
Push them back! | Get 'em back!
Oh, no, you don't! We're not moving! | No one's running us out.
We got rights too, | and we know where we stand.
You're not gonna blow us up. | You don't dare.
We're not gonna let 'em destroy | our homes to save their own.
We're staying right here. | We'll show 'em who they're dealing with.
They don't own Chicago. | They're... What?
Hey.! Look.! Look.! | Stop him, somebody.!
Dion! Dion!
Don't move an inch, men. | We've got our rights.
- Dion! | - Jack, light 'em. Light 'em!
- You're hurt. | - It's just a scratch.
Get back, you fools! | All of you! And keep back!
Light 'em.
Dion! Dion!
Get back, and keep back.!
Get him, Rondo.! | Rondo, get him.!
Get him, Rondo.!
Get those fuses out.! | Pull 'em down.! Pull 'em down.!
Get 'em down.!
We're too late! We're too late! | Run for your lives, men!
- We can't put 'em out.! | - Run for your lives!
Where's Jack?
Open up!
Help! Help! Help!
On to the lake, folks!
Cast off! Let go of that forward line | and get this boat away from here!
There's 10,000 barrels | of kerosene in that warehouse.
If this boat catches fire, | the warehouse is sure to go...
and we'll take | the whole North Side with us!
Try to get through | to the North Side!
On to the lake.!
Bob.! Bob.! Bob.!
That's Gretchen!
- Bob! | - Gretchen.!
- Bob.! | - Gretchen!
Bob! Bob!
Take your foot | off that picture! Oh!
Mrs. O'Leary! I thought I saw you. | Lean on me.
- Go on. Save yourself. | - Please, Mrs. O'Leary.
- Oh, it's you. | - Give me your arm.
- I will not. | - You'll be killed!
I'll not be owing | my life to you!
Hattie! Hattie! | Hattie!
Come on. | Get up, please.
Please. Come on. | Come on.
- Go on and save yourself. | - I won't leave you. Hattie! Hattie!
- You married him. | - Hattie!
I married him, | but it's all over now.
He only married me | to save the Patch.
You're lyin'. He loves you, and you turned | him against his own people.
- He doesn't love me. | - But you love him.
Yes. Yes, I love him.
- Try, Mrs. O'Leary. | - I can't do it.
- Please. | - No, it's no use. I'm done for.
Please help me.
Please help me, | won't you?
Won't you, please?
Dion, any | word of them?
No. No, I've been | all over the North Shore.
There's not | a trace of them.
You stay with Gretchen. | I'll look.
No. I'm gonna try | the South Shore.
Mommy.! Mommy.!
Ma. Ma!
Ma! Ma!
Heaven be praised! | It's Dion! Oh, Dion!
- Oh, Ma! | - Dion!
- Oh, Ma! | - Oh, Dion, Dion!
- Ma! | - Are you hurt?
Come on. Come on up | out of the wet.
- Oh, my child. | - Ma.
Where are the others?
Bob and Gretchen | and the baby are all right.
And Jack?
Oh, Ma.
He's dead?
- Did you make it up with him? | - Yes.
Then I'll not be weepin'.
It's the livin' | that need lookin' after.
- Belle? | - What kind of a woman are you...
with that kind of a heart | and him your husband?
It's gone, and | my boy's gone with it.
But what he stood for | will never die.
It was a city of wood, | and now it's ashes.
But out of the fire | will be coming steel.
You didn't live | to see it, my lad...
no more than your | father did before you.
God rest the two of you.
But there's Dion left, | and his children to come after.
He'll have his dream, Ma.
Nothing can lick Chicago, | any more than it could lick him.
Aye. That's the truth.
We O'Learys | are a strange tribe.
There's strength in us.
And what we set out to do, | we finish.