In Old Oklahoma (1943)

(Train horn blaring)
(Men singing)
Yes, sirree!
As soon as I strike oil, that's what
I'm gonna get me. An automobile!
Oh, you can't depend on them things.
I'm gonna get me a gal with yellow hair.
He's only a dirt monkey.
Now, I'm a real sky hooker.
Peanuts, popcorn,
cigars and cigarettes.
That ain't nothin'.
I heard someone made $78,000
in minutes over an oil lease.
Jim Gardner says
these railroad trains
will run on oil instead of coal.
You hear about them Wright brothers
that flew that plane?
Oh, I don't believe that.
Tickets! Show your tickets.
This is an outrage.
Why don't you put on more cars?
We do. These oil workers
keep filling them.
Don't blame the railroad,
blame Jim Gardner.
You've got a chance
to get in on an oil boom
that'll make the land rush look petty.
- Here, read this.
- Did you hear that, Ellie?
Yes, but you know about wheat.
You don't know about oil.
What's there to know,
except it's in the ground?
Sign with Gardner today and get paid.
$10 a day - your chance
to be a millionaire.
- Ain't that worth taking a chance?
- I guess so. Just as you say.
- I'll raise you a month's pay.
- Which you ain't got.
- Which I'll get and a million more.
- You tell him!
- If Gardner can do it, so can I.
- I could use his luck.
I could use that million in his bank.
I'd be satisfied with his private car.
Help yourself. It's right behind us!
(All laughing)
- But Mr Gardner wanted to see me.
- Him in conference.
(Girls giggling)
Hey, conference over.
You wanted to see me?
You got a telegraph office in Cleveland?
Yes, but we're there only a minute.
That's not time enough.
I've these wires to send.
We've a schedule to make.
Make it up later, if you're smart.
All right, Mr Gardner.
Anything you say.
- Always get what you want, Jim.
- That's right.
But you don't always want
what you can get, do you?
Look, honey, I'm very busy.
You'd better go up with your friends.
(Conductor) All out for Cleveland station.
All out.
- All out?
- Mm-hm.
All out.
(Man) All aboard!
(Second man) Plenty of room here!
- If you wanna be a millionaire!
- Be a millionaire!
There's plenty of room!
- Can we get a drink?
- No, it's a flag stop.
(Man) Wait, Cathy.
(Woman) Oh, here, take this, please!
- You don't have to leave.
- Walter, I'll miss my train.
- You can live this down.
- I don't want to! I want to live!
Listen to her, the shameless hussy!
You promised you'd never
speak to that woman again!
Mother, that's not
the charitable attitude.
Faith, hope and charity
won't help her.
I don't want help.
Get out of my way!
That's exactly how I feel.
Pardon me, ladies.
(Walter) I'm sure
I can make you understand.
- Here, pop, take these wires.
- Hold your horses.
James E Gardner!
Oh, yes, sir! Right away, Mr Gardner!
Who's the beautiful sinner?
Why, that's Catherine Allen.
She wrote this here book.
Spicier than a pickled apple.
(Woman) I'll circulate a petition.
(Second woman) We'll all sign it.
Say you're sorry,
and you'll never write another book.
- They'll forgive you.
- But I'm not sorry!
And don't think you're pinning
any scarlet letter on my repentant bosom!
In spite of everything,
I'll... l'll marry you.
Walter! You'd do that for me?
- Yes.
- She will never call me mother.
Oh, Walter!
Very interesting. I'd better read this.
Oh, Cathy!
You brazen creature!
You... you!
Jezebel's the word.
Oh, don't worry, Mrs Ames.
I wouldn't marry him
if he were the last man on earth.
Wild horses couldn't keep me here.
- Let them have it!
- Now you're talkin'!
Don't think you're running me out.
I'm leaving of my own free will.
I'm going where people know
it's the 20th century.
- Where there are broad minds.
- (Conductor) Aboard!
I'm going to stand on my own feet!
- Not if you miss this train, honey.
- Free from all you ostriches!
(Men laughing)
- (Laughing)
- Who are you?
- You always leave town like this?
- First time I've been carried out.
- This is my pleasure.
- Well, I can take care of myself.
You bet you can.
Ooh, Christmas!
Allow me, if I'm not
too old-fashioned.
Thank you.
Hiya, chicken! Where'd you come from?
Boys, your seats.
Here comes Kerry Nation.
(All chuckling)
There must be at least
one gentleman in this coach.
Well, this is the 20th century,
when women stand on their own feet.
(All laughing)
- Here's a seat, honey!
- Let go of me!
I hear you wanted broad horizons.
Ain't this broad enough?
Oh... thank you.
(Men muttering)
(Man) Who was that?
(Second man) Jim Gardner.
Come along.
- This IS private, isn't it?
- And very convenient.
- Sit, make yourself comfortable.
- Thank you.
Why don't you take off your hat?
(Orchestral music playing)
You have those new flat records!
"A Woman Dares".
- Oh, you know?!
- Everything.
Catherine Allen.
What shall I call you? Catherine?
Katie? Kitten, that's it.
- Kitten?
- Sure. A baby wildcat.
Well, who are you?
Just a guy opening up
some oilfields around Sapulpa.
Are you James E Gardner?
That's right.
You know, you owe a lot to me.
From the look on that fella's face
after you kissed him,
he wasn't gonna let you go,
and I don't blame him.
What's that for?
Why does a woman usually slap a man?
You are a wildcat!
I'm not as wild as you think.
- (Door thudding)
- Oh!
Wait, you know
there are no seats up ahead.
I didn't think you'd mind that.
- I know I didn't.
- Get out of my way!
I'm no Jezebel!
I'm not even a good imitation of one.
I'm a schoolteacher.
A schoolteacher?
If you don't stop laughing,
I'll slap you again.
Sorry. I thought you knew
something about life.
How could I know anything about life?
I've never lived... except in books.
I've never been anywhere
except in books.
All I've ever known
is books, books, books!
But didn't you write one?
- Yes, in self-defence!
- And now where are you going?
Kansas City, so I can experience
the things I've been writing about.
So people can't say
"schoolteacher" the way you did.
Of all places, why Kansas City?
Because my Aunt Clara's there.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Come on back, and give me
a chance to square myself.
You can't learn much about life
from an aunt in Kansas City.
Come to my town, Sapulpa.
I'll show you more there
in five minutes
than you'll ever see in Kansas City.
- (Music off)
- You oughta go to school.
Let someone else be the teacher.
- (Train brakes squealing)
- Oh!
Oh. Excuse me.
Guess I should've knocked.
- What is this? A hold-up?
- Just for a seat, mister.
- You can't flag down this train!
- I know it.
- Well, why'd you do it?
- My horse died under me.
- And I figured...
- You figured what?
Figured I'd carried
this saddle far enough.
- Now, look, honey.
- (Train wheels squealing)
Oh, wait! There aren't
any seats up ahead.
He's walked miles.
You can't let an ex-soldier stand.
Oh, you noticed the pants.
Why, it's your duty as a citizen.
Mr Gardner, does he stay or go?
The young lady
would feel happier if he stayed.
That's real patriotic of you, ma'am.
Well, where are you going?
You know, I was arguing that out
with my horse just before he died.
Whether I'd go back around Sapulpa
and punch cattle again,
or wait till my money run out.
- Where do you want to go?!
- Where are you goin'?
Yes, where ARE you going?
- Kansas City.
- Kansas City.
- You violated rule number three.
- I did?
By rights, I shouldn't
let you ride on this train.
As long as Mr Gardner will put up
with you, it'll be all right.
- Well, thanks.
- That's very generous of you.
Somebody sure is,
judging from this lunch box.
- Anybody mind?
- No, go right ahead.
You folks pick up
right where you left off.
That's one thing
about these big hats.
If you really want to live,
you mustn't be afraid to take a chance.
You've got to learn to leap first,
look afterwards.
That's what happened to my horse.
Broke his neck.
As you were saying.
Don't be afraid to take a chance.
You've gotta play for high stakes.
Before we struck oil in my town,
it was a dust-covered prairie
with farmers trying
to squeeze a living out of the ground
when all the while
there was a fortune under their feet.
(Laughing heartily)
You're gonna have to excuse me, mister.
It's this book!
- What's so funny?
- Listen to this.
"They kissed,
"and the sun and the moon
and the stars reeled around them."
Them two could've started
quite a conflagration.
An author is entitled
to poetic licence.
Oh, nobody's entitled
to run that hog wild.
That's no way
to treat good literature.
If you want to find out
what the author meant,
read from the beginning.
Fine. But I don't think
it'll do much good.
- "Julie stood at the crossroads."
- Julia!
Yes, ma'am.
"Julia stood at the crossroads.
"Which way?
One road led to John and dull security.
"The other to Roger Hale
and exciting adventure."
He's ruining it.
Read to yourself, if you don't mind.
I've known plenty of women.
I never asked any of them
what I'm asking you.
Get off at Sapulpa with me.
If my hunch about us is right,
you're not going to be sorry.
And if it's wrong, there's always
another train to Kansas City.
- Oh, but I couldn't.
- Why not?
Aren't you Catherine Allen?
The novelist? Woman of means?
Yes, but...
Well, if someone else were with me, I...
- Not alone.
- You won't be alone.
- I promise you.
- But I wouldn't dare.
Oh, I can't stand any more of this.
I'll bet whoever wrote that book
is some dried-up old maid
who'd run a mile
if a man looked at her.
Is that your opinion?
You know, I once had the idea
that she was warm,
beautiful and courageous.
But I guess you're right.
(Conductor) Next stop
Sapulpa Junction!
Here we are, boss. Home.
Well, they'll be
switching my car off here,
so if you folks are going on to Kansas City,
you'd better move on up ahead.
Looks like we're at the crossroads.
How did it go in your book?
"One road led to John and dull security,
and the other to..."
- (Conductor) Sapulpa Junction!
- That's right.
Well... this is where I get off.
(Man) Howdy, Jim!
We, uh... better get going.
Isn't it wonderful?
Well, did you hear what the man said?
They're switching
this caboose off here.
Hey, sorrel top,
they'll be switching this coach off.
There's so much noise,
I can hardly hear you.
- (Conductor) Aboard!
- Come on!
(Man) Come on, step this way
for your golden opportunity!
Get rich by staking your field!
Only a few left.
(Conductor) All aboard!
Your hands aren't gonna get chapped
just going to the next car.
Only hired girls put on their gloves in public.
They're cutting off the coach!
- (Train horn blowing)
- I'm ready now.
Take your time.
Oh, good heavens!
I've missed my train!
Well, I never saw
a better job of missing one.
Well, you might have warned me.
My throat's raw from warning you.
That's very strange. I'm not deaf.
Lady, I... I...
I should've warned you.
You most certainly should have.
I'm not a mind-reader, you know.
Why, there's Mr Gardner!
Well, ain't that unusual!
(Man) Why don't you get a horse?
Oh, hurry, Mr Gardner. That gusher ain't
gonna wait for nobody.
The hotel coach is pulling out.
Please don't bother about me.
- I can look out for myself.
- I don't know.
My granny always says,
next to eating with a sharp knife,
there's nothin' so risky
as a pretty girl looking out for herself.
Your granny and I don't agree!
Mr Gardner! Mr Gardner!
- Why, Kitten, what happened?
- The most terrible thing.
I was hurrying off your private car
when suddenly, without any warning,
the train pulled off and left me.
That's wonderful. Get in here.
I was hoping that would happen.
- What will I do?
- Just don't worry.
There'll be another train
in a few days.
Until then, you're going to school.
Your teacher's going to be
James E Gardner, PE.
- PE?
- Uh-huh.
Practical experience.
Twist her tail, Cherokee.
- Is it safe?
- Runs like a deer.
(Car backfires)
Noisy snorting gasoline monster!
Consarn your death-claimed
gasoline buggy!
Take her easy, Despirit!
There ain't nobody gonna...
Daniel Somers, you young coyote!
Hoist yourself up here!
- What are you doing back here?
- Hiya, Despirit.
I ain't seen you
since we turned that stagecoach over.
Where you been keeping yourself?
Well, Cuba and the Philippines.
Say, uh... what's going on
around here?
- You ain't gonna like it no more.
- No?
Cattle's gone, sheep's come in,
James E Gardner struck oil.
Get this thing
to the blacksmith's shop.
OK, boss.
And the lady's luggage in my car -
take it to the hotel.
Sorry, but if you folks are going into town,
better get another coach.
Now, just a min...
- Hi, Mr Gardner.
- I'm using this one.
This'll take care of you.
I'm sure you don't mind.
- Come along, Kitten.
- Thank you.
Regular lollapalooza.
Yep, sure got all his buttons on.
Despirit, straight to my oilfield,
and use the whip.
Har! Hup!
What are you aiming to do
around here, Daniel?
Remember that wild pinto
I was chasing for a couple of years?
Yep, but you got him.
It's a sorrel I'm after this time.
You're on your way
to a thrill you'll never forget.
I'm... l'm almost sure of that.
I'll stake my life on it.
Give me them reins. Hiyah!
Hey, Despirit! Take it easy!
Hiyah! Hiyah!
- Hold it!
- You're fired!
Can't be fired. I ain't been hired.
She's a header!
She'll be bustin' through any second!
Hello. You hear that cat purr?
- She's gonna blow in.
- Yeah.
Why aren't those tools
under that casing?
- The cables are fouled!
- Get up there, free 'em.
Then be blown up with it?
I want those tools out now!
Stand by to hoick them.
Liked it the way it was.
Stuff sure smells, don't it?
It smells of life
and love and freedom.
It smells beautiful.
Well, to me, it just smells.
All clear! Take 'em away!
Clear off.
(Heavy rattling)
Here she comes!
(All cheering)
Yes, sir, that proves it.
Right on a straight line.
- Yeah, the Indian lands.
- Right.
And that's where the big pool is.
And that's where you're gonna
spot in my next well.
There are millions over there.
You'd better shut her in.
All right, men.
Let's put this kitten to bed.
He's turning this
into a throbbing new world!
Yeah? Well, I liked it the way it was.
Before he got it all messed up.
Great work, Rich.
See you in town tonight.
Biggest one yet, eh, Wilkins?
- And, by rights, it's part mine.
- What do you mean yours?
Everything I had went into this well.
This was my land.
You didn't lose it
running out of money.
You lost it because
you haven't got guts for oil.
I'd have sucked it out before selling.
Look, Mr Gardner,
I don't know what's legal,
but I'm getting what's coming to me!
I'm sick of hearing you cry.
I gave you fellas jobs.
Collect your pay and get off my land.
Your land? It's your land,
according to law.
And nobody can take it away from you!
Well, I can!
Cos if the way you got it is legal, so's this.
Thanks, cowboy.
What's the big idea?
You really didn't want to catch
that little fella, did you?
I ought to break his neck. Yours too.
I got no steady side in this fight.
When he had a gun and you didn't,
that was unfair.
So what?
So when you took out after him
with 75 pounds, which he ain't got,
that was taking
a little advantage too.
You're asking for this.
I'm gonna break your thick skull.
Oh, please, Mr Gardner!
After all, he did save your life.
All right, Kitten, you can
consider you saved his life.
Now get out of town, cowboy,
before I change my mind.
Go on.
Please, go!
I wish you'd make up your mind.
A while ago you wanted me to stay,
now you want me to go.
Oh... my!
Things are happening so fast,
it's like a... a two-ring circus!
You've only seen
the sideshow out here.
You'll have to wait till we get in town
for the main event.
I hope you won't be lonesome.
I'm riding up front.
I have some business with Despirit.
Of course. Business comes first.
We can talk later.
What are you doing in here?
Well, I was never one for walking.
Besides, I owe you my life.
What would you like to do with it?
I'll give it right back to you,
and some advice with it.
Open the door and jump out.
Don't worry about me, lady.
As my granny always says...
I'm not interested in
your grandmother's old-fashioned ideas.
Hey, she ain't so...
You'd be surprised how modern she is.
She's three jumps ahead
of your favourite author.
I'm willing to pay you.
Just because you smoked a peace pipe,
don't hold me up.
Then I'm dumber than you think
or you ain't as smart as I think you are.
All right, Despirit, you win.
Arrange a powwow
with Big Tree for tomorrow.
Just a plain introduction?
- Just how plain?
- Oh, howdy, couple of OKs.
How much to say
what a great guy I am?
That'll cost you money.
If I'm stretching the truth,
I've got to get paid.
I've got a very delicate conscience.
(Laughing) Despirit, you're a burglar.
I'll add 200 and make it 1,000
for a class-A introduction.
Giddy-up, boy.
(Man) Congratulations, Lucky.
This ought to make you
a multimillionaire.
Thanks, boys. Sapulpa will be one
of the biggest towns in the southwest.
I'll be paying out more money...
Suppose you start paying me
for my coach, Mr "Lucky" Gardner?
Despirit! Are you
working for me or for him?
What do you mean
by letting my carriage trade walk?
Now, Bessie, before you get
all het up, let me explain.
It's my fault. I have with me
a distinguished author.
An author of what is destined
to become a classic.
- "A Woman Dares".
- (Man) Sounds exciting!
I'm sure you'll be as impressed
by the honour as I am.
When people of this calibre visit Sapulpa,
it means we're growing up.
I don't know what to say.
I'm sure your granny
could think of something apropos.
This is where I get out.
(Gardner) It is my privilege
to present our distinguished guest...
I told you to leave town.
I couldn't get out till I got in, could I?
This is our distinguished guest -
Miss Catherine Elizabeth Allen.
(Bessie) Welcome to Sapulpa.
(Catherine) Thank you.
Well, just goes to show,
you can't judge a book by its cover.
That's what my granny should've said.
Bessie, meet Daniel Somers,
a friend of mine.
That ain't gonna help him get a room.
I'm full up.
Wait a minute.
He tripped up Big Jim Gardner,
throwed him right on his face.
Well, pleased to meet you, son.
Fix him up with a room.
Come here, Daniel.
Get to the bar.
Say, this is real elegant.
Yeah. Finest in the territory.
(Jim) Bessie!
- Miss Baxter, Miss Allen.
- How do you do?
- Pleased to meet you.
- I'm leaving Miss Allen with you.
- Take care of her, won't you?
- Sure.
I suppose she'll have the guest room?
Naturally. The best.
Cherokee, did you bring the luggage?
Everything here, boss.
- Max. Number three.
- Yes, ma'am.
Thank you.
Hope you'll be comfortable.
I'm sure I will be.
Get all dressed up, Kitten.
Tonight we're hitting the high spots.
- The main event.
- That's right.
(Bessie) Come along.
- Cherokee, get my bath ready.
- All right, boss.
(Bessie) Come on, dearie.
Gee, it's stale in here.
I'll open the window,
let some fresh air in.
Ah! That's better.
Uh, pretty classy, ain't it?
I... l've never seen anything like it.
You bet your life.
I've done all the decorating myself.
- It's lovely, Mrs Baxter.
- Oh, call me Bessie.
I'll help shake out your things.
They get messy in a bag.
Ooh, my, but that's heavy.
(Laughing) What have you got in here?
Some gold bricks?
Almost as valuable.
Copies of my book.
How'd you get started, dearie?
I was bored, I guess.
That'll do it... every time.
Just off the farm?
- Schoolteacher.
- Come again?
That's what I thought you said.
Better come along with me.
Maybe you'd like to take a look
at the er... principal's office.
I don't get it, honey.
Neither did he
until I slapped his face.
- You slapped Jim Gardner's face?
- I did.
- And you're here?
- I certainly am.
Come on, honey, and sit down.
I've got to hear this
from the beginning.
# Oh, the moon shines tonight
on pretty Red Wing
# The breeze is sighing
# The night bird's crying...
(Jim) Oh!
# For afar 'neath the star
her love is sleeping
# While Red Wing's weeping
# Her heart away
(Jim) Very pretty.
(Daniel) Thanks.
The steers always liked it.
You made a big mistake today.
Yeah? How come?
There isn't a man in town
that wouldn't want to be indebted to me.
Maybe somebody else can take
a shot at you and we'll start again.
You're just lucky
Cherokee wasn't there.
Or both you and Wilkins
would be dead.
Not unless he can handle a gun
better than that buggy today.
- Maybe you like to find out, eh?
- Cherokee, scrub my back.
Oh, he does that too.
Anyway, you did me a favour.
I'll give you $100 to get out of town.
You sell your life pretty cheap, don't you?
All right, make it $200.
I'm kind of afraid
to pick up money that easy.
Might turn into one of them tycoons.
So here I am.
- You told him all about yourself?
- Everything.
He still asked you to get off?
Why, he begged me too.
Either he's getting older or dumber,
or you're the one.
Of course, he thinks I missed my train
but... confidentially, I didn't.
I wouldn't want him to think
I'd get off a train without a chaperone.
- Without what?
- A chaperone.
- Someone like my Aunt Clara.
- Listen, honey.
Your Aunt Clara couldn't even
sit in on a game like this.
This requires the services
of a professional.
Meet a new member
of your family - Aunt Bessie.
Oh, Bessie. You're wonderful.
Come on, now, cards on the table.
You're crazy
about the big guy, ain't you?
You know, I wrote about him
even before I met him.
He's exactly like
Roger Hale in my book.
"He led her into a new world
filled with exciting adventures..."
And they got married
and lived happy ever after?
- Well, of course.
- You got the right idea.
But I've got to warn you, kid,
when you're shooting
for orange blossoms with Jim Gardner,
you're playing for high stakes.
That's what he told me to do.
(Humming "Red Wing")
(Cherokee) Hey, take 'em off, clothes.
Hey, you. Take 'em off, clothes!
- You hear me?!
- I'm looking at the flickers.
(Jim) I don't like my clothes on you.
Don't you think they're becoming?
No, they're too big for you.
You figured you owed me $200.
I thought this was a bargain.
Are you gonna taken them off
or does Cherokee take over?
Do you mean here?
- Now?
- You heard the boss.
Well, I guess
you'll have to excuse me, ladies.
- Do you want a job?
- Yep.
You've got one.
Cherokee, you're fired.
- I didn't say I wanted his job.
- Well, do you?
- These duds go with it?
- Mm-hm.
Maybe it'd be all right.
So long as I don't
have to wash your back.
Starting by throwing him out.
You heard the boss. Vamoose!
I'll wait for you in the lobby,
Kitten, eight o'clock.
- I'll be ready.
- Don't forget. We'll be waiting.
After you, boss.
Kitten, you're gorgeous.
You take my breath away.
You leave me a little breathless too.
It's good enough for me.
- Good evening, Mr Gardner.
- Mrs Walden.
Open them gates.
- Bonsoir, Monsieur Gardner.
- Good evening, Pierre.
We've held the performance.
Your table is directly centre.
- Not too near the orchestra, I hope.
- No. You'll love it.
- (Man) Good evening, Mr Gardner.
- Nice to see you.
(Daniel) Thanks, Kelsey.
Oh... er...
Here's one for you, boss.
What are you doing here?
Looking out for your interests.
(Jim) Were you invited?
If I'm gonna be on the job,
I oughta stay close.
- Come on. Get out.
- You want me to go?
I can take a hint.
Why the extra glasses?
We hoped you might honour us
with your famous champagne trick.
- No, not tonight.
- Oh, please do.
Anything to make you happy.
You see, the object is to fill
four glasses at the same time...
...without moving the bottle.
That'd even be prettier with goldfish.
- Jealous?
- Mm-hm.
Me too.
- It's like another world.
- And here's to its queen.
(Lively music)
# We have two eyes
# Two lips
# Two arms
# And we have love to burn
# Which way shall we turn?
# Put your arms around me, honey
# Hold me tight
# Huddle up and cuddle up
with all your might
# Oh, babe,
won't you roll those eyes?
# Eyes that I just idolise
# When they look at me
my heart begins to flow
# Then it starts a-rockin'
like a motor boat
# Oh, oh, I never knew
# Any boy like you
# Put your arms around me, honey
Hold me tight
# Huddle up and cuddle up
with all your might
# Oh, oh, honey
# Won't you roll your eyes?
# Eyes that I just idolise
# I really do
# When they look at me
my heart begins to flow
# Then it starts a-rockin'
like a motor boat
# I know I could be true
# To only one
# Only one?
# Maybe two
# Maybe two?
# Maybe four and maybe more
# If they were all like you
# And you and you... #
Hey, legs is pretty things, ain't they?
- Al Dalton!
- Dan!
Hasn't the marshal
caught up with you yet?
Me and the progressive citizens
made a deal.
When the marshal's in town,
they hoist a white flag and I stay out,
and vice versa.
# Put your arms around me, honey,
hold me tight
# Before we say good night
Say, er, it's been rumoured
that you're getting soft-hearted.
Yeah? Who started that?
Well, you could do me a charitable act.
You know Jim Gardner?
Give me that gun, Dalton!
- Gardner asked for this!
- Take it easy, Al!
Let me loose! He's a double-crossing liar
and a cheap crook.
- He is not cheap.
- Keep out of this, cowboy.
I won't. Supposin' he is a big mouth?
Nobody's gonna shoot him
while I'm around.
Get him out of here, Despirit.
Did you hear what he said?
He might've killed you, Jim.
I don't understand it.
I always played ball with the boys.
Tried to warn you,
but you're too trustin'.
That fella meant business
and he ain't alone.
This is no soft job I walked into.
- Sit over here, will you?
- Oh, no. Not me.
My granny always said
it's downright unpolite
to shoot across the lady.
- It's me, honey.
- (Catherine) Come in.
I brought you a hair of the dog
that bit you.
My favourite pick-me-up.
How you feeling?
Oh, like I was floating on a cloud.
Come on, baby.
Tell me all the exciting incidents.
What did he say?
I'm beautiful. He told me so.
- Where'd he go from there?
- I'm different. He said that too.
- With gesture?
- Uh-huh.
- I confuse him.
- Are you sure of that?
He's never met anyone like me before.
I'm sure of that.
Ah, you're convincing me, baby.
Where is he, Bessie?
Up on the reservation in a powwow.
You better brush up
on your sign language.
- How.
- (Laughing)
(Chief speaking
Native American language)
(Despirit) This is Mr Gardner
and his lawyer, Mr Fenton.
- Mason, the Indian Agent.
- Howdy. Glad to know you.
That's Richardson, his head driller.
And Daniel, Daniel Somers.
(Chief speaking
Native American language)
(Replies in Native American language)
Oh, yes. Big Tree,
this is Jim Gardner.
Great white chief of Sapulpa.
He asked for a powwow.
Him like big wind.
He speak -
grass, trees, rabbit - everything go.
Big man. Powerful.
Very sharp like knife.
That's a thousand-dollar introduction.
(Big Tree) White chief speak.
Big Tree, your tribe owns much land.
From the rock of the wide moon
to the sleeping mountain.
- Hmm.
- This land has only trees and rocks.
Not good for grain. Buffalo gone now.
Deer will soon go.
Your sons will be poor.
(Honks horn)
(Laughing) Scare you?
Mr Mason, you have our offer in writing.
(Mason) That's right.
(Fenton) We agreed to give the Indians
12.5o/o of every dollar.
That's thousands of dollars a day
if you just sign the agreement.
What do you think?
What you think,
little man with beard?
Who, me? Oh, I ain't much on thinking.
You better ask Daniel there.
Daniel's the thinkingest man
I ever knowed.
What you say, my son?
- I wish you hadn't asked me that.
- Speak up, Daniel.
I think you'd be suckers.
(Chief) Suckers?
What a squirrel is
when he lets the woodpeckers steal
the nuts he stored up for the winter.
Our friend has spoken.
What do you expect out of this?
Not a raise in pay.
My son, we will sign papers with you.
I don't want the deal.
I ain't in the oil business.
You bet you're not.
Not even on the ragged edge.
This doesn't settle a thing, Big Tree.
I'll work the oil
even if I have to go to Washington.
- Come on.
- I'd better ride in the back.
Oh, Jim. It's beautiful.
There are the Indian lands.
I heard about your losing them.
I'm terribly sorry.
Thanks. But I haven't lost them.
Tomorrow I'll make Big Tree
another offer.
I'll go direct to Washington.
What I want I get.
(Train horn blowing)
I'll be on that train tomorrow night.
- Won't I?
- That's right.
I do hope my ticket's
been validated correctly.
Let me see.
It would be awful
if I were left behind again.
- Wouldn't it?
- Yes, it would.
Why, Jim...
You didn't really think
I'd let you get away, did you?
I wasn't sure.
I'm crazy about you. You know it.
I wasn't going to use
the ticket anyway.
You don't need one on my train.
I'm the conductor
and the engineer too.
And every place
you've ever dreamed of
will go spinning past the window
of our private car -
Chicago, New York, London...
I don't care
whether we go to the moon
or whether we stay right here
as long as we're always together.
- Always?
- For ever.
I have an idea you'll be able
to hold me for a long time.
But wherever that place is
along the line,
when you get tired of the scenery,
just let me know.
Is that the only way we can travel?
It's the way I travel.
I promise you won't be the loser.
I'm sure I won't be the loser...
...because this is where I get off!
Hey, wait a minute!
Kitten, come back here.
(Daniel) # Oh, the moon shines tonight
on pretty Red Wing
# The breeze is sighing
# The night birds crying
# For afar 'neath his star
her love is sleeping
# While Red Wing's weeping... #
What are you doing out here?
What does it look like?
Wandering round in the woods
at night ain't exactly safe.
You better get in.
Thank you. I told you
I'll take care of myself.
Guess you're right at that.
But you better keep an eye out
for rattlers and coyotes and skunks.
A lot of mountain lions around here too.
But I guess you can
take care of yourself.
Come on, Brodie. Ah, Stubbie!
(Coyote howling)
Thanks, pal.
- Dan!
- Hold it!
- Hold it!
- Wait a minute!
- I've changed my mind.
- I was hoping you would.
We both looked kind of lonesome
the way we was.
Moon sure is pretty tonight.
Don't you feel like talking?
The Indians offered you
the oil lease today, didn't they?
- What are you going to do about it?
- Nothing.
That's what I thought.
- Too bad too.
- Why?
With those Indian lands,
you could amount to something,
do something worthwhile.
- You think so?
- Well, don't you?
I never thought much about it
one way or the other.
It's about time
you started thinking about it.
Do you want to be
just a cowboy all your life?
Doing odd jobs,
wearing other people's clothes?
Don't you realise
you could control everything?
You could be big, important.
Bigger than anyone around here.
Would you be satisfied if I went back
and punched Mr Gardner in the nose?
Hold the team, Smokey.
Must be an election going on.
Dan, you could be like that.
You mean full?
No, of course not. I mean you could
make everyone look up to you.
Can now, in there.
Unless I'm sitting down.
(Despirit) Daniel!
You done it for us!
- Done what?
- We've been waiting.
You're going to make us all rich.
(Man) Thanks to you, cowboy,
lands in Oklahoma...
Oh, son, let me shake your hand.
You're gonna save us little fellas.
Rich and five of Gardner's
best men are with us.
Shut up, Wilkins. Let me talk.
Keep still! Let me tell him.
Take up the Indian lease.
The whole town's backing you
against Jim Gardner.
I'm no oil man.
I may be nothing else,
but I'm an oil man.
- Now you're talking, Rich.
- (Dan) I ain't even a businessman.
(Bessie) I am.
(Man) You've nothing to worry about.
(Dan) Drilling wells takes money.
(Despirit) That's what we're saying -
we raised the money,
us little fellas.
It'll be us and the Indians
instead of Gardner.
- What do you say?
- I'm sorry.
- The Indians gave you the lease.
- We've got some rights.
- I'm not the man for this.
- You're just the man!
If you don't take it up, Gardner will.
He's going to Washington to get the lands.
(Catherine) Well, if he can, we can!
(Man) Sure, she's right.
(Despirit) Say you will.
If you don't think anything
of yourself, think of the others.
- Give us a chance!
- Yes.
You work those lands,
you'll give us all a chance.
We can lick that Gardner to a frazzle.
(Man) Sure we can.
Seems like everybody's
made up their mind but me.
It ain't my money
and it ain't my oil lands.
I know how you folks feel
and I'd like to please you,
but still and all,
I've got to sleep on this proposition.
That's good enough for me.
Drinks on the house for everybody.
(Men shouting)
(Man) Come on! You heard the man!
Ain't you taking a roundabout trip
to the orange blossoms, honey?
To the bar, boys!
Oh, Dan, come along.
I want you to dance with me.
Everything else has happened to me.
I might as well go whole hog.
Well, I'm not made of glass.
- Huh?
- I won't break.
Oh. I'm warning you -
my feet ain't as light as my head.
- You're a wonderful dancer.
- Am I?
(Catherine screaming)
Stay out of things
you don't understand.
Daniel! Stand back! Give him air.
Oh, Dan. Dan.
Hey... what happened?
Three guesses.
- Gardner.
- Give the gent a cigar.
I guess I slept on that proposition
long enough.
- How do you get to Washington?
- (All cheering)
Hasn't the president sent for you yet?
No. Still warming the chair.
Has Jim been in there?
In and out more times
than a Sunday shirt.
Fix your tie. Look pleasant.
Why? Am I having my picture taken?
(Man) The president
will see you, Mr Gardner.
Thank you. Good afternoon.
At least we can say we saw somebody
who saw the president.
Gentlemen, I'm warning you -
I'm prejudiced
in favour of the Indians.
If their land is opened up,
I'm going to be positive
that they get the best deal possible.
I have studied
both applications carefully.
I'm ready to give my decision.
You have the full support
of the Department, Mr Gardner.
I've met every requirement
of financial backing and experience.
Mmm. That's more than I can do.
Where is the other applicant?
Daniel Somers is a penniless Oklahoma
cowboy with nothing to recommend him.
Dan Somers? Is he in Washington?
- He's outside, but the Department...
- Hang the Department.
- Sergeant Dan Somers?
- Yes, sir.
Come here, my boy.
Delighted to see you. How are you?
- Still kicking, Mr President.
- That's what I'm doing.
- Where did you go after Cuba?
- The Philippines, sir.
The Philippines, huh?
Come in. Come in.
Say, how did you get to the top
of San Juan Hill ahead of us?
I had the longest legs, I guess.
My boys have a dog with long legs.
They named him Sergeant Somers.
- I hope he's good.
- He is.
The sergeant was one of the toughest
scrappers in my old regiment.
Well, if that don't beat a carpet.
I presume you know each other.
Of course.
Now, making a decision,
as I've pointed out,
my only interest is in the Indians.
I see, Mr Gardner,
that you offer them 12.5o/o royalty
while the sergeant here
offers them 50o/o -
unquestionably a better deal.
Not if the man lacks
the money and the experience
to develop the lands, Mr President.
- Quite so.
- 50o/o royalty is unheard of.
It's... it's fantastic!
(Gardner) How Mr Somers
expects to make good
with no experience
and a few farmers, I can't answer.
Perhaps he can.
Would you like to try
to answer that, Sergeant?
Well, what Mr Gardner says is so -
about us being a small detachment
of dirt farmers.
But these men came in
with the land rush
and stuck through the dust
and the drought.
Most of them ain't oil men
but they'll make a go of things
because this is their chance
to take a chance,
to have something for themselves.
And about that 50o/o -
I was raised around the Indians
and I've seen them pushed
and squeezed enough.
If my offering them half of
what already belongs to them is fantastic,
then that's what I am, whatever it is.
I don't suppose you have
any personal interest in this?
Of course I have.
I ain't doing this for nothing.
I'm a 1 o/o stockholder in this deal.
Sergeant, how long will it take you
to sink a well if you keep pushing?
Our head driller
says about four months.
Gentlemen, our country
owes all of its progress
to a small detachment of pioneers -
men who asked only
for the chance to take a chance.
That spirit
is the essence of America.
Sergeant, I'm going
to give you your chance.
Thank you, sir.
You have four months to make good.
(President) It is understood, Mr Gardner,
that you are to take over the deal,
providing that Mr Somers fails to comply
with the conditions of output and delivery.
- That clear?
- (Gardner) Yes, Mr President.
Good day, gentlemen.
Well, congratulations...
on winning the first round.
- Come on, let's celebrate!
- Yes, let's do.
"Providing, however, that this grant
to Daniel F Somers and Company
"shall be void unless a well
is completed within four months
"and unless
Somers and Company deliver
"a minimum
of 10,000 gallons of oil
"to the Oklahoma Refinery
at Tulsa, Oklahoma
"on or before August 31."
- Short, sweet and final.
- And airtight.
- How's he getting along?
- He's doing all right.
Can that outfit deliver 10,000 gallons of oil
before September 1?
- I could.
- Well, that's different.
Hold those wagons. Hold it!
Start unloading that lumber.
We're going to spot in right here.
Three steps off that rock
Despirit's sitting on.
What are you, a marker?
One, two, three.
- Right here.
- No, here.
We'll split the difference.
- Are you sure?
- Yes, sir.
I've been over
every inch of this reservation,
my nose scraping the ground
like a hound dog.
Well, here's hoping.
You looking for somebody, Cherokee?
Look for you. Want job.
Sorry, we're fresh out
of bodyguarding jobs.
Try your old boss -
there's an opening there.
His side not my side.
You work for Indian. I work for you.
You really serious about that "work"?
Sure. Me strong.
Let's see how strong you are
unloading them wagons.
- Then we'll talk.
- Sure, boss.
- (Catherine) Oh, Dan.
- (Bessie) Whoa!
We're waiting for you
to drive the stake.
Come on, honey.
And give it everything you've got.
(Laughing) Well,
this is really an occasion.
I guess you'll need some help.
No, I can do it. I want to.
Hold it. Let's christen this well right.
That's my last drink
till the well's in and the oil's delivered.
- (Bottle smashing)
- Nice going, Rich.
- Now...
- Better take your hand away.
I got confidence in you.
Shut her down, Dan.
- How far are we down?
- About 900 feet.
The deeper we go, the richer it looks.
Like most things, Wilkins -
you dig deep to get anything worthwhile.
We'd be better off with a new bit.
We lose time dressing this one
and waiting while she cools off.
Why don't we buy another one?
On account of the Oklahoma Tool
Supply Company is owned by Gardner.
Where you been all this time?
Can't we get one from Kansas City?
Sure, get delivery
in about two months.
Our date in Tulsa's in two weeks.
Let the boys get back
on their job. Come on.
Well, goodbye, Dan.
Oh, uh, here, uh...
I uh... got something for you.
Oil sands, huh?
(Dan) No, it's a bottle
full of rainbows.
What does it mean, Dan?
You never see a rainbow
unless the storm's over
and fair weather's ahead.
And if you follow a rainbow,
you sometimes find a pot of gold.
Oh, a bottle full of rainbows.
Boy, that would go
straight to my head.
- Well, so long, Dan.
- Goodbye.
Now, then. All together, fellas.
# Down by the old mill stream
# Where I first met you...
(Catherine) Whoa.
- Evening, Miss Cathy.
- Hello, Despirit.
# Your eyes of blue
# Dressed in gingham too...
I suppose your granny always tells you
a stitch in time saves nine.
The way she always puts it, we...
Oh, never mind your granny.
Give me that.
New moon.
- Did you make a wish?
- No.
But if I had, it'd be to see you
sitting there sewing just like that.
There. I made a wish
for both of us. Do you mind?
Any way you want it,
that's the way I want it.
You never talk much, do you?
Maybe that's because
my granny always says
the second fiddler's
got to wait his turn
before he can sing out good and loud.
If you had made a wish,
what would it have been?
You know the bend in the river
where the cottonwoods grow?
I'd build me a house right there.
I didn't know
you thought of such things.
I've been thinking about that
since I was a little tyke.
I even thought of it
over in the Philippines.
I could see it just as plain...
Smoke coming out of the chimney,
nice horse in the corral.
I could even see a girl with sorrel hair
standing in the doorway.
But of course now that
I'm pretty near a dashing tycoon, almost,
things will be different.
The house will be bigger,
be extra rooms for the kids,
a big open fireplace.
There'll be a fancy stable
instead of that old pole corral.
Is that all you want?
Well, what else is there?
Oh, Dan. If I were going to be
a dashing tycoon, I'd be dashing.
I'd have automobiles
and private railroad cars.
Why, I'd have a whole train.
If I found someone I wanted,
I'd sweep her right off her feet.
I'd take her with me
to the end of the line - all the way.
You would?
I certainly would.
I'd be bold and daring, I...
You know, I'm going to like
this dashing tycoon business.
I'd better be going.
It looks good, don't it, Rich?
Use your nose. Smell it.
It's oil. Sure!
It's gas fumes you smell now.
Next comes the oil -
a gusher or I miss my guess.
What's it like
when a really big gusher blows in?
I've seen them tear
the whole derrick up at the roots.
- How soon?
- Any time now.
Hey, did you hear that? Any time.
- Tie it up, boys.
- (Men grunting)
- (Bessie) Come and get it!
- (Bell ringing)
Come on, boys. Come on. Wash up.
Make the most of it.
This is our last hot meal.
And no more smoking.
Can't afford to take a chance
with all that gas rolling in.
(Despirit singing) # If I had a bank
like Pierpont Morgan
# And Miss Annie Hill
would hold me and sing
# If I ambled to the altar
with Heddy Green... #
- Whoa!
- # Then I'd be satisfied all right...
(Shouting) Quit it, will you?
Stop your fooling, Daniel.
I was only drying your beard,
you old Rocky Mountain canary.
Come on. Grub's a-waiting.
Thanks. You put me first in the line.
Mmm, that smells good.
Be nice. Pass it on.
Oh, no, thanks. I ain't got no appetite.
Like a little kid
waiting for Santy Claus.
Well, ain't we all?
Get back!
Wilkins is out there!
He's still alive.
Go get the backboard, Despirit.
(Dan) Watch his back.
(Man) Hold him.
Stay here. Check up on things.
- I'll say I'm going to check up.
- See you at the hotel.
Just sent a wire to Mrs Wilkins.
- How is he?
- I don't know yet.
The doctor's still in there.
Nothing left out there
but a hole in the ground.
We... washed up?
Unless we can get a hold
of a portable rig.
You'd better go in now.
How is he, Doctor?
Hiya, Wil.
She blew in a gusher, didn't she?
Yeah. Sure.
Then we're... all rich, ain't we?
You can take her easy now, partner.
Emma used to joke and say
that out of our first barrel of oil,
I was to buy her...
...a sewing machine.
Do you think you could see
that she gets it, Dan?
Sure. It's the first thing I'm going to do.
Then I got nothing
to worry about, have I?
Nothing to worry about.
I got a sewing machine
downstairs, Dan.
Thanks. This one's
got to be brand-new.
Now I remember.
Cherokee was fooling around with the boiler
when we was washing up.
That was no accident out there.
It was dynamited.
All this time we've been playing
right into Jim Gardner's hands.
Oh, wait a minute. Dan.
You may be wrong. Don't go there.
Somebody will be killed.
- Somebody has been killed.
- But it won't help matters if...
Let me handle this.
But, Dan, it may be you!
Aren't you going to stop him?
No, ma'am.
Oil well gone. Everything blow up.
I use dynamite. Smart, eh?
- You thought I'd be pleased?
- Sure.
I'm not. Why did you do it?
I no like cowboy. You no like cowboy.
Now I get job back.
You stupid...
(Catherine) I must see Mr Gardner.
(Man) Sorry, he's busy.
Jim, Dan's coming here.
Someone blew up our well.
- He thinks you...
- I had nothing to do with it.
- Someone will be killed.
- Thanks for the warning.
- You don't want it to be me.
- I don't want it to be anyone.
You've licked us. Isn't that enough?
Jim, stop things
before they get worse.
You know, Kitten, you've changed.
You're more attractive than ever.
Get outta the way!
Dan, I asked him.
He had nothing to do
with dynamiting the well.
Stop and think, cowboy.
If I had, you'd have been blown up.
I'm not sure about you yet.
But I am sure about the Cherokee kid,
and I saw him come up here.
Wilkins was killed
and that's gonna be paid for
if I have to tear the town apart,
beginning with your pet rabbit.
All I want is that portable oil rig.
Why don't you come get it?
I'm going to. I'll tell the sheriff
why I killed him.
What are you gonna say?
The same thing
if I find you on my property.
Dan, I want to talk to you.
You picked your side. Stay there!
(Despirit) 4,375...
(Man) Getting hold
of this portable rig
by starting that prairie fire
was a great idea, Dan.
(Dan) Maybe, but the well
ain't in yet. Keep working.
(Despirit) 4,378...
- 4,3...
- (Dan) Stop counting!
We've been drilling through
that oil sand for the last six hours.
Now, why don't she cough it up?
(Mouthing silently)
(Coyote howling)
Ah, coyote!
Well, we're all set to cap her
when she comes in.
Yeah. When?
Cup of coffee?
Well, he beat the oil in.
Stick to your jobs.
Keep working as long as you can.
Hello, Gardner.
Nice weather we're having.
I don't suppose you heard
about the fire last night?
- No foolin'? Put it out?
- (Gardner) Mm-hm.
Funny thing - when we got back,
my portable rig was missing.
You don't say!
All right, men. Take down my rig!
I thought you'd be expecting me.
I was, kinda.
You didn't think I'd be coming alone?
No, not exactly.
(Man calling out
in Native American language)
Watch it, men! Keep your eyes open!
in Native American language)
in Native American language)
What'd he tell him?
He says this fight
belongs to you and him, personal.
Hold it, men,
unless they start something!
(Grunting) I guess
that puts the weight on our side.
Cowboy, I've been looking forward
to this for a long time.
(Dan) Don't let me disappoint you.
Make him holler, Daniel!
Give him that one-two I showed you!
Look out!
What in tarnation's
holding Gardner up?
What's holding Dan up?
(Well roaring)
(Dan) Cut her off! Cap her!
You can have your rig now,
Mr Gardner.
And we'll pay you
for the wear and tear on it.
Yeah? When?
Right after delivery tomorrow.
Tulsa's a long way from here.
How you gonna get
10,000 gallons of that stuff
to the refinery before it closes?
Through the pipeline.
(Laughing) lt'll be a neat trick
if you can do it.
I just bought the pipeline.
Thanks for the gusher.
You can have the rig. Come on, men!
Say the word, Daniel,
and I'll mow him down!
I'll burn the well before I see it
handed to him on a silver platter!
We gotta dig up everything
that'll carry oil.
We ain't got a chance.
There ain't half a dozen tankers fit to use.
No, but there's lumber
and there's tar and there's tonight.
There is a chance!
Got her working, Rich?
You bring in those tankers, I'll fill 'em.
Well, you'll be filling before morning.
How much does she hold, Mil?
Just about 500 gallons.
That does it, Dan.
Drive on down to the main road
and wait with the rest of them.
Come on, get a move on!
We're running oil, not molasses.
(Man) You heard
what he said - get busy!
Hey, that cowpoke can get
real cantankerous, can't he?
So can Jim Gardner.
Come on, we gotta look busy anyhow.
I can never remember
which way a left thread turns.
To the right, naturally.
Hot Joe! Got the coffee ready!
(Despirit) Eats! What a pleasure.
Help me, Despirit.
Uh-huh - just like
my granny always says,
"The way to a man's heart's
through his stomach."
Oh! (Laughing)
(Pan clanging)
Come and get it!
Grub's ready!
- Coffee and stuff!
- (Dan) Get back on the job!
We can eat later
when time don't mean anything.
They can't keep working without food!
They're dead tired and so are you.
Is everything ready, Bessie?
I'll pour the coffee.
- What are you trying to do?
- I'm trying to help.
- Ain't you a little mixed up?
- No.
I thought you'd picked your pasture.
I didn't pick anything.
You did that for me.
You took it for granted...
You were just passing the time of day
with Mr Gardner?
Daniel, someday
I'm gonna be forced to whip you.
Come and get it!
(Men chattering excitedly)
When we get started,
line out single file.
And keep 'em close together!
Well, we're all here.
- Let 'em roll!
- Hiyah!
# Oh, if John D Rockefeller
was my valet
# And I had my vittles
served by a king... #
That fire come up this canyon
like it was a smokestack!
- What do we do?
- We're going through. Fast.
(Despirit) Get back in line!
You can go through, Somers,
but I'm going back.
Rich, get up there
and take over those lines!
- Get away!
- You heard him. Move over!
Let 'em roll!
You know fire and oil don't mix?
If you don't like it, get out! Hah!
Say, you're on fire!
What do you make of this, Daniel?
Looks like somebody got the idea
of fighting fire with fire.
Get up on another wagon!
(Bessie) Better get
some wood for the fire.
If they don't get here soon,
we're sunk.
Oh, they'll make it.
Dan'll bring them through.
Yeah. Well, I better get
that coffee back on the fire.
When we get to the relay station
we'll have some work.
Keep 'em rolling, fellas!
Grub and fresh horses ahead!
Here they come!
- Bessie, they're driving in!
- Come on, get busy! Get busy!
All right, you fellas.
Get them teams changed!
Oh, Dan, we thought
you'd never get here!
- You're hurt!
- Don't worry about me.
Come to the wagon. We'll bandage...
Want to help? Stay out of the way.
Hurry up with them horses!
We ain't got all day!
Hey, you jughead.
- You been riding upside down?
- Huh?
If you ever talked to me
the way you talk to her,
you'd be unwrapping yourself
from around a coffee pot.
Some people learn
to keep their mouths shut.
That's what we promised
and that's what's caused the trouble.
- What?
- You thought she went to warn HIM.
It was YOU she was thinking about!
She tried to get us to stop you,
but we was too crazy mad
to think about anything
but trying to get even.
She was thinking
about keeping you out of trouble.
This is the thanks she gets.
Why, you lump-eared mule!
Get over there now
and straighten yourself out!
(Man yelling) Work fast!
Shake out them ribbons!
I don't seem to be doing
so good by myself.
I wondered...
Could I get you to help me?
- Aren't you a little mixed up?
- Yes, ma'am.
I'm plenty mixed up.
Sit down. Let me help you.
- Ow!
- Oh, I'm sorry if I hurt you.
That's just what
I've been trying to say to you.
Let's not talk about that.
Let's talk about the bend in the river
where the cottonwoods grow.
You remember that?
Why, of course I remember!
I remember the... the house
and... the pole corral.
No, that was gonna be a fancy stable.
(Rich) Dan?
I've been checking with the men.
We haven't a chance
to make Tulsa before 6:00.
- We're sure gonna try.
- Sure, we'll try.
Gardner will be helping Witherspoon
close those gates on the minute.
- Charlie Witherspoon?
- That's right.
- Is he gonna close them gates?
- Yeah.
Over my dead body!
And it ain't dead yet.
Come on, sister.
We've got loads of work to do.
See you in Tulsa, Dan!
Come on. Let's get rolling.
Wait till they hitch the horses
to the wagons.
(Bessie) Got a long way to go
and a short time to get there!
Mr Gardner!
Well, Miller? They turn back?
No, came right through the fire.
Smashed a few wagons, that's all.
Stupid cowboy.
Doesn't know when he's licked.
What do we do now?
Relax. Everything is being done.
I want those orders straightened out!
I guess that'll settle it.
- Hello, Charlie!
- Why, hello, Mr Gardner!
Come in, come in!
It looks like your luck is holding.
I guess you'll work the Indian lands.
Get your hat.
It's all over but the celebrating.
Oh, I can't leave
till closing time tonight.
My signature goes to Washington
on those contracts too.
A mere technicality. Get your hat!
I'd like to, but I've gotta stay till 6:00.
You can have a drink, can't you?
I don't mind if I do.
There's nothing against that
in the contracts.
(Man) Get your reins in your hands.
We're moving!
Hurry up! Grab a bite and let's get going!
You all set?
Yeah, let's go.
It's a long way to Tulsa, men.
Let 'em roll!
Come on, let's get going.
I'm sorry, Mr Gardner. Not till 6:00.
That's right, Charlie.
Stick to your principles.
You know, I have plans.
- They might include you.
- Yeah?
Things ought to be happening
pretty soon now!
This is like shooting fish in a barrel!
If you can't ride that, get to the rear!
Blame that fella up ahead!
- This one's going on awful fast.
- Shut up.
(Catherine) There's Tulsa!
And that pipeline I bought
empties right into your storage tanks,
doesn't it?
You mean you're gonna buy out
this whole refinery?
You're beginning to catch on.
And that's only a starter.
- (Charlie whistling)
- We can go far together, Charlie.
- (Clock chiming)
- (Charlie) Yeah!
That should clear your conscience.
Let's lock up and paint the town.
Gardner must be inside!
All right, kid, you keep him occupied
while I make Witherspoon
forget the time.
(Charlie) # Come along with me, Lucille
# In my merry Oldsmobile
# Down the road of life we'll fly... #
- (Bessie) Hello, Charlie!
- Bessie!
- Charlie! How are you?
- I'm awfully glad to see you.
Why, Jim Gardner -
imagine finding you here!
(Gardner) Quite a coincidence.
(Bessie) Hiya, Jim.
I don't like to interrupt this little reunion.
- But it's after 6:00.
- That's right.
You ladies wait here while I close up.
I'll be right back
and we'll all celebrate!
Oh, no, you don't, Charlie!
You told me that 15 years ago!
This time I ain't taking no chances.
(Bessie) I'm staying right with you!
Kitten, I'm glad you're here.
We... we've lots
to talk about, haven't we?
Certainly have.
- (Laughing)
- Now you can get busy!
Keep driving
unless you want a little of the same!
We're a mile from home.
Stay with her, Despirit!
I'll stay with 'em
till the wheels come off! Hiyah!
- You sure you don't want a drink?
- No, thanks.
Aren't you going to congratulate me?
Before the fight's over?
Isn't that bad luck?
The fight is over.
The cowboy was licked before he started.
We both know that.
I'm talking about us.
- Us?
- We've wasted a lot of time, Kitten.
Let's get back on the train.
We'll go straight to the end of the line
with no stopovers
except for a honeymoon
at Niagara Falls.
- What do you say?
- I got off that train a long ago, Jim.
I'm trying to catch a ride
on a cowboy's wagon.
And here he comes!
Charlie? What happened to your boss?
I believe the lady took him
for a buggy ride, Mr Gardner.
- Dan, I knew you could do it!
- With gallons to spare!
You made it.
You don't know when you're licked.
You can't bring oil in with those every day,
but I've got a pipeline...
I've got a proposition to make you
in my office, when I get one.
Why not in here?
Never let pleasure interfere with business.
Sure. Excuse us.
Where's Daniel?
He's in conference with Jim Gardner.
(Punching and scuffling)
What happened?
Gardner's sleeping
on that proposition I made him.
Oh, what'd you do that for?
Now we got money, I want to buy back
that thousand-dollar introduction.
Here you are, Rich.
You kept your word.
Well, come on!
We ain't on the wagons now!
Dan, you're going to be a real tycoon!
And you can build...
WE can build...
that house by the river.
And let's have your granny
come and live with us.
- Who?
- Your granny.
Oh, uh, there's just one catch to that.
- What?
- Well, I ain't never had a granny.
That is, leastwise, that I can remember.
You see, she was only uh... uh...
poetic licence.
You faker!
You fraud!
You darling!