In Our Time (1944)

Woman: it wasn't
so long ago--
March 1939.
Poland had always seemed
a faraway country.
Yet, as the train ran across
her picturesque countryside,
I thought of
England-- My home.
We were worried about war,
But they told us there would
be peace in our time.
Little did we know how soon
that peace would end
And how important Poland
was to become
In our time.
"In the 16th century,
Poland was a vast empire
"Extending from the
baltic sea to the crimea.
"In fact, one of the
great forces in polish life
"Is their memory
of a glorious past.
"For centuries, they successfully
fought with the germans
"And won a high
reputation as fighters
Among the peoples of middle Europe."
Oh, ducky, I don't care whether
the poles are good fighters or not.
At my age, I don't care
what they're good at.
I simply want to know that I'm not being
cheated when I'm buying their antiques.
But we should know
something of the history
Of the country,
don't you think?
Oh, I suppose so.
Go on.
Yes, Mrs. Bromley.
Oh, caramel.
Bad for the bridgework.
Here. Your teeth are
good, ducky.
No, thank you.
"But its grandeur
rapidly decayed.
"Its undoing was its proud
and extravagant aristocracy.
"Their quarrels wiped
Poland from the map in 1795,
"At which time
it was partitioned
Among Germany, austria, and russia."
Ah! Marshmallow.
Hmm. I'm listening.
Its undoing was
its aristocracy.
It was almost mine, too.
First deal I ever made
in the antique business
Was when I married
Noel Bromley.
He fell for another woman and I turned
him over at a profit. Heh heh heh!
"Not till 1919,
"At the treaty
of Versailles,
Was Poland's national
independence restored."
Oh, ducky, it's coming
out of my ears.
Read it yourself.
You're good at figures.
Means nothing to me unless
they're in pound sterling.
Well, time for
a little shuteye.
Ring for
the porter, ducky.
Yes, Mrs. Bromley.
[Train whistle blows]
[Steam hissing]
[Brakes screeching]
What's this?
Why did you stop it?
Bromley: conductor!
I thought this was an
express. Why are we stopping?
I am sorry, madame.
Official orders.
We are waiting for
a very important party.
Well, I have an appointment in Warsaw
At 10:30 tomorrow morning,
And that's
important, too.
How long are we going to be here?
I don't know.
I hope not for long.
Well, I don't call it
very diplomatic
To hold up
two british subjects.
This train may not be
limited, but my time is.
[Vehicle approaching]
[Brakes screech]
They've been
on a boar hunt.
Aren't they
terribly dangerous?
It is not the boars
Poland fears, madame.
It is the hunters.
[Men talking all at once]
Well, gentlemen...
I am sorry my train
leaves before yours,
But I don't think
you have long to wait.
Only a few minutes. The express
for berlin is due at 10:15.
Thank you, Count. You have
been a very excellent host.
Yes, indeed.
I only regret marshal
goering is not with us.
So do I.
Count: tell him
we missed him.
I hope he will be with us
on the next hunt.
Man: you will
be welcome.
And don't forget
to tell his excellency
That Poland is ready
to cooperate at any plans...
For peace.
[Men talking all at once]
It has been a pleasure.
Man: good-Bye, Count.
Good-Bye. Good-Bye.
All aboard!
All aboard!
A rare piece for your
aristocratic english customers--
A polish antique
of the 16th century.
It belonged to
the...of poznan--
A governor, that is.
Such golden horseshoes
he purposely fixed loose
So they should fall off,
and the lucky finder
Would know a distinguished
visitor was in the vicinity.
My dear friend,
it's one thing to find it.
You're asking me to buy it.
You, too, you will be picking
it up-- For only 5,000 zloty.
How much is that,
200, Mrs. Bromley.
Hmm. Well, it might
make a paperweight.
I'll pay 150.
150 pounds
for the horseshoe
Of the...
of poznan,
Who, in
I am not buying
the history
Of your country,
colleague, just a horseshoe.
Make it 175.
It will
bring you luck.
Take it, take it.
Anything else, ducky?
A 15th-Century sword--
Golden at the guard.
Ah! The duke of mazowieckI's sword!
It has been handed
down traditionally
From father to son
For over
500 years--
A treasure!
The mazowieckis would
never have parted with it
If young mazowiecki-- That
is, the old mazowiecki, now--
Just forget about those mazowieckis
and subtract them from the price.
Mrs. Bromley,
I am a businessman
only second.
I am a pole first.
The duke of mazowieckI's
sword was not absent
When we poles smashed the
germans at grunwald in 1410!
It will make a lamp.
How much?
For you, Mrs. Bromley,
Only 1,200 zlotys!
My mistake. 1,000.
900, I'll take it.
Take it.
Ducky, is there
anything else?
Don't forget the
miniatures, Mrs. Bromley.
Oh! Oh, yes!
The miniatures.
What about
the miniatures?
Those are not
on display.
Such treasures are
only for a connoisseur
like you,
Mrs. Bromley.
Now, if you'll please
follow me upstairs.
Man: during the reign
of king stefan battori,
There lived, in the old
city of lublin, a famous--
Uh, please,
Would you mind if your
secretary stayed downstairs?
The store needs watching.
She has
a very good eye.
Uh, look around, ducky. You might
find something else worthwhile.
If I get too much history,
you can bring that sword up.
Heh heh heh!
I can assure you,
Mrs. Bromley...
[Man's voice fades]
My dear girl,
I was trying to suggest
that I want to see
The musical watch
in your window.
Well, but
you see, i--
It is for sale,
isn't it?
Well, yes.
Yes, I think so.
In that case, you think
i might even listen to it?
Well, but...
Yes, of course.
Thank you.
No, no.
Not this one.
The large one--
The musical watch.
Thank you.
Is this the only one
you have?
Well, you see,
i really don't know.
You do sell
antiques, don't you?
Oh, yes. Uh, no.
You see,
I'm not working here.
I know you think I do,
but I don't.
No, I'm just here with my
employer-- Mrs. Bromley.
We're from England.
She's a well-Known
And, well, we're buying
antiques ourselves.
Oh, I'm so sorry.
Please forgive me.
I should have known
No, don't apologize.
It's quite all right.
It's very generous
of you not to mind.
No, no. Not at all.
Thank you.
[Watch playing music]
From his
concerto-- Opus 21.
Uh, Chopin, yes,
But I think
it's opus 11.
My dear lady,
The concerto in f minor is opus 21.
Only I'm afraid it's
the concerto in e minor.
I really don't like
to insist,
But Chopin is our great
polish composer and patriot.
After all, I should know
the music of my country.
Yes, I'm very sorry.
I'm sure you do.
That's quite all right.
Only I think you have them
just a little mixed.
You see, the one
you're thinking of goes...
[Off-Key] da da da
Oh, I'm sorry.
da da da dee
Only I can't carry a tune.
I never could.
Oh, just a moment
and I'll show you.
[Playing concerto in f minor]
There's your f minor.
Now, here's the e minor.
[Playing concerto in e minor]
Now, there's
the musical watch.
You certainly prove
your point eloquently.
Won't you go on?
All right.
[Resumes playing]
You play beautifully.
Thank you.
[Music stops]
The proprietor is
upstairs with Mrs. Bromley.
He'll be down to help you with
the watch in just a moment.
How do you know so much
about Chopin? father was a piano teacher.
Chopin was
our favorite composer.
I see.
Uh, the watch...
I thought of it as a
present for my mother.
It's her saint's day.
Do you think
she'd like it?
Oh, yes.
I'm sure she would.
Well, that is, I would if I were she.
Have you been
in Warsaw long?
Uh, no.
We just arrived.
Of course, I don't know
your mother's tastes.
Oh, yes. Mama.
Oh, mama is a romantic.
She loves sunsets,
the ballet.
Of course, her favorite
is les sylphides.
Oh, les sylphides?
Yes, I like it
very much, too.
Oh, do you?
There's a performance
tonight. We are taking her.
You should see it, too,
while you are here.
Well, I'm afraid we won't
have very much time.
Are you leaving
that soon?
Yes, in just
a few days.
Oh, too bad. You see,
i thought, perhaps--
Bromley: I don't see why
you call those miniatures.
Oh, ducky, did you find
anything interesting?
Well, uh...
oh, of course.
Good morning, Sir.
A thousand apologies.
I didn't know
you were waiting.
How can I serve you
today, sir?
I am taking
this watch.
Ah, a priceless piece!
But for you,
i shall make a price.
Charge it to my account
and send it to my mother.
She's at my uncle's house.
A privilege
to serve you, Sir.
Hope you enjoy
your visit.
Thank you.
Excuse me.
Good day.
Good day.
Opus 11?
[Door opens]
Opus 11?
who is he?
Well, I don't know,
Mrs. Bromley.
You see, he
just came--
A most distinguished patron.
Count Stephen
Nephew of Count
Pavel Orvid--
One of our wealthiest
This young nobleman
is heir
To 20,000 acres
in pomerania,
Vast tracts of lumber land
in the bialowieza forest--
Any antiques?
The ballet.
Oh, Mrs. Bromley,
We can't leave
the country of Chopin
Without once going
to the ballet.
Whose country
did you say this is?
[Watch playing]
[People talking]
Good evening.
Woman: good evening.
And my favorite ballet.
It reminds me of my
first season in Warsaw.
Oh. Pavel,
how times have changed.
But you haven't, Zofya,
except you become lovelier.
Zofya: oh...
oh, Count Orvid!
Good evening.
Good evening,
I was hoping
to see you here.
Politics-- Even
at the ballet?
I am sorry, Count,
but unfortunately,
Affairs in Europe will
not wait our pleasure.
Quite right. Oh!
Baron Jarsky, Count
Stephen Orvid--My s-
I almost said "my son,"
but that's a wish
And not a fact.
My nephew.
It's a privilege
to know you, Count.
Your uncle and I are
having difficulties
Trying to keep
Poland out of a war
That would take away
our fine young men.
If we have to fight,
we are ready.
Hmm, a nephew to be proud of, Count.
Yes, indeed.
Stephen, your mother
and sister are waiting.
I'll join you later.
Excuse me.
[Orchestra tuning instruments]
Your program, mama.
Oh, thank you,
You see
we are not late,
Thanks to my new watch.
Oh, I love it, Stephen.
It plays the same tune
as my heart,
only it keeps
better time.
I don't see why we had
to rush through dinner.
I have a heartburn.
Oh, uh, perhaps
if I ate a chocolate.
Jenny, did you hear me?
Oh, yes. I'm so sorry, Mrs. Bromley.
Your chocolates.
Uh, mama, may I borrow your glasses?
Yes, darling.
Thank you.
Why, ducky,
what are you doing?
Oh, I was just nodding
to someone, Mrs. Bromley.
Bromley: oh.
Heh heh heh. Opus 11.
your program, Sir.
Pavel: thank you.
Ah, those steps.
Every year, there seem
to be more of them.
[Conductor tapping baton]
Here, mama.
Oh, thank you,
[Music begins]
[Different musical piece playing]
[Music ends]
It was heavenly,
wasn't it?
Intermission, ducky--
That's the best part.
Come on.
Ah, les sylphides!
Zofya: I could see it
a hundred times!
Shall we go
to the bar?
Oh, no, darling. You
take your sister with you.
Janina, go with
your brother.
Don't worry, Stephen.
I won't intrude.
Oh, please, Janika!
Stephen, when i
was a young man,
I came for
the ballerinas.
Later on, I came
for the music.
i come to sit.
Rush to your temptation, my boy.
I couldn't even manage the steps.
Well, excuse me.
Thank you.
how do you do?
How do you do?
We saw you in the box.
the ballet?
Delightful ballet!
Simply delightful.
Pure, sugar-Coated
Uh...the watch.
Does your mother
like it?
She adores it.
I saw her with you.
She looks so young
and lovely.
Thank you.
If I may return the compliment for her,
I'm sure she'd say the same of you.
Bromley: yes, you do
look well tonight, ducky.
Of course, you'd have looked
better if you'd worn my foxes.
foxes, Count--
A token of appreciation
from dear lady wormsey.
Of course, you know
the wormseys, Count--
Wormsey hall,
No, I haven't had
the pleasure.
I decorated their London
house. It was a sensation.
Got me more jobs than
anything I've ever done.
Sounds charming.
Have you seen
much of Warsaw?
No, only
the antique shops.
[Buzzer sounding]
I think we'd better start
back, Mrs. Bromley.
Uh, yes.
It was so nice having this
little chat with you, Count.
Oh, by the way,
If your family or friends
have anything to sell--
Oh! Not that i
mean you're broke--
But just stuff you're
tired of looking at,
I'll pay just as good
a price as anyone.
Oh, here.
Here's my card.
You can call me
at the hotel europa.
We'll be there
until wednesday.
Uh, come along,
It's been so nice,
Count Orvid.
Pity you aren't
staying longer.
Yes, it is.
I don't like to ask on
such short acquaintance,
But there's
so little time.
Will you have supper
with me after the ballet?
Well, I'd like to
very much, but...
I'm afraid I can't.
You have another
No, but I still have to make an
inventory of today's purchases.
I wanted
to show you Warsaw.
At night?
Perfect time.
Warsaw never sleeps. It's
the paris of the north.
Oh. It is?
Do come.
w-Well, i--
I'll wait in the lobby of your hotel.
Well, yes, but...
[Music begins]
Forgive me.
I heard Mrs.,
uh--Uh, call you that.
I don't know your name,
and I should, you know.
Uh, Whittredge.
Which comes first?
[Speaking polish]
[Speaking polish]
[Waltz playing]
good evening, Count.
Good evening,
Thank you.
Man: ah! Good evening,
Count Orvid.
Good evening,
Good evening, my lady.
Welcome to Warsaw.
We are delighted
to have you here.
Such loveliness we
poles greatly appreciate,
Especially Count Orvid.
He always brings--
That's all right,
Ahem. Yes, Sir.
This way, please.
Everything is arranged
just as you ordered it.
[Speaking polish]
very good, roman.
My lady?
I know I can
rely on you.
Always, sir, always.
Thank you.
And I make sure
that the food is hot,
Both: and
the champagne cold.
Of course.
Good evening,
Good evening, uh...
Friend of the family.
I like this place.
What is it called?
Polo strogon,
But we call it
"the stables."
The stables?
It's a favorite of
the cavalry officers.
We always come here.
Oh. You're in
the cavalry.
Yes--A reserve
I've retired from
active operations...
That is, of
a military nature.
[Both chuckle]
Will you smoke?
Yes, I think I will.
Thank you.
Do you prefer
civilian life?
Well, it has
its advantages...
Especially tonight.
I see.
You have
strange eyes--
Very lovely.
But the
I thought that was
something that went out
With the invention
of the automobile.
Hardly. They're blue, aren't they?
Would they be effective?
i meant the cavalry.
Would it be effective
against, well,
Modern tanks and guns?
Uh...what's that?
The cavalry.
Oh, the cavalry.
Well, you see, my dear,
when it rains in Poland,
Our dirt roads
become a sea of mud.
Enemy tanks would
bog down.
Our cavalry would ride
rings around them.
Oh, I see.
But...suppose it doesn't rain?
Well, uh...
Then there would be
no flowers.
Uh, marisha?
Marisha: good evening, Count Orvid.
Good evening,
No, no.
Let me see. Uh...
Violets, I think.
Oh. Thank you
very much.
Yes, violets.
Thank you, marisha.
They're so lovely.
Now your eyes have gone
the color of the violets.
What do you do now?
You mean after giving you the flowers?
No, I... now that you've
retired from active service.
Oh. Well, I live
on a family estate.
We have a few
hundred acres--
Farmland, mostly.
Oh. You're a farmer.
Well, i--I don't know
much about that part of it.
I have my horses
You have
lovely hands.
No nail polish.
I like that.
Thank you.
[Song ends, applause] I know you're interested
In horses and music.
What else?
[New waltz begins]
Dancing with you.
La lechka.
I beg your pardon?
La lechka.
It means "little doll."
Oh, I do love
this place.
It's so gay here.
[Piano playing slow tune]
[Slurred] you know something, Stephen,
I have a confession to make.
If someone had told me
a week ago in England
That I'd be
sitting here in Poland,
Having dinner
with a real Count
In the stables,
[Giggles] I would've laughed.
You know what I mean?
Stephen: mmm.
It's fate.
That's what it is.
I've always been
a great believer in fate.
Haven't you?
I suppose you must think
that I go out a great deal.
I really don't.
No. People confuse me so.
Don't you agree that people
can be terribly confusing?
Yes, very...sometimes.
Eh, but go on,
Tell me more
about yourself.
Have you
any friends--
I mean, any one
particular friend?
I know what you mean.
There was
a young gentleman
At cambridge
that I rather liked.
He took me out once.
No, twice.
But then suddenly
he stopped calling,
And I never heard
from him again.
Strange, wasn't it?
Oh, I love
this tune--
Makes me feel all floaty.
Can we dance again?
It's getting
rather late--3:30.
Don't you have something
to do for Mrs. Bromley?
Oh, I'll make it up
to her tomorrow.
Ha ha! I mean, today...
And next week
and next year.
Come along, Stephen.
We're going to dance.
I really ought to be
taking you home, you know?
Oh, no, Stephen.
No, let's stay until
they push us out, shall we?
Oh, my dear!
I'm so sorry.
Ohh, it's been such
a wonderful evening,
Just as if
i were in a dream...
Only I'm not sleepy.
[Giggles] no, I'm wide awake.
Oh, Stephen,
you dance divinely.
[Agitated] uh, my dear, please,
Uh, just a moment.
It's time you did
go home, you know?
Oh, what's the matter,
Well, uh, it's
getting rather late,
And you are in no
condition, really, come!
Hold on here,
will you, please?
i don't understand.
It isn't closing time,
yet, or is it?
You've got to
get up early.
Here. Even if you
have forgotten, I haven't.
I-I'm afraid I've been
behaving rather badly.
I didn't realize.
I'm so sorry.
No, no,
You don't understand!
When I saw you
at the ballet, you...
Well, you looked
very attractive.
Well, I thought of spending
a few hours with you--
Dancing, a few drinks.
I didn't realize
until you were here
That you were more than..
Well, you know what I mean.
I've changed my mind.
You're very lovely.
Can you forgive me?
Oh, there's-- There's
nothing to forgive.
I can, I can quite see
that you would
Think what you did.
I suppose we won't be
seeing each other again.
No, i--I
suppose not.
Of course, I promised
to show you the city.
Oh, please don't bother.
I've read
quite a lot about it.
It isn't quite the same
as seeing it.
No, it isn't.
Exactly! You will
have to see it!
Oh, please, really I'd
rather you wouldn't.
No, no! I made a promise.
I keep my word.
Thank you.
Now if you will
take me home, please.
This pond was created
for the royal swans.
Swans are so beautiful
and stately, aren't they?
As a matter of fact, king
stanislav preferred them
To his
aristocratic courtiers.
He said, "my swans are
no less intelligent,
"Have better deportment,
And what's more, they can lay eggs."
I like the way
you laugh.
That little brown one
over there
Reminds me of a pet duck
i had once called gus.
Come on, gus.
Come on, little fellow.
Oh, Stephen,
It's so nice here.
Well, uh, shall we go?
There's much more
to see.
All right.
Bye, gus.
This part was especially
created for such
Royal amusements
as escadrilles, art...
Jenny, voice-Over: we saw
the palaces of Poland's kings
And the statues
of her heroes--
Madame curie, paderewski,
and many others.
And we walked in the oldest
section of the city
That goes back
to medieval times
And is rich
with the history
Of the people's struggle
for freedom.
We saved the statue of
Chopin for the last--
Chopin, whose music,
Was the beating heart
of his country.
When Chopin left Poland,
His friends gave him
a silver cup
Filled with polish soil.
He kept it to the end
of his life.
When he died,
The soil was scattered
over his grave.
It is as if his music
were cast in bronze.
Oh, Stephen,
It's been such
a wonderful evening.
When shall i
see you again?
Well, we're
leaving tomorrow.
[Surprised] tomorrow?
I thought
you weren't going
Until the end
of the week.
Mrs. Bromley decided
to leave earlier.
Could I see you
in the morning?
I'm afraid I'll be
busy packing, Stephen.
Please, try.
I must see you.
Where are we going,
You drive?
No, I don't.
Would you like to try?
Come on!
All right.
That's right.
Now be careful,
My life is
in your hands.
I like the polish
If you really want
a good view,
There's a hill
over there,
The only one
for miles around.
Shall we stop?
Yes, please.
Jenny: thank you.
Oh!, it's beautiful!
It reminds me a little
of England.
Stephen, you've given me
The most wonderful week
I've ever known.
I'll never forget it.
Neither will i, Jenny.
I'm glad you saved this
for our last day.
They're breaking
the soil now.
Soon, they'll
be planting.
Fresh soil...
Feel it, Jenny.
It's cool.
I hate to think you won't
be here for the harvest.
Will you stay?
I want you to marry me.
Will you, Jenny?
Stephen, I...
Say you will.
I thought I was never going
to see you again.
La lechka, my la lechka.
Oh, Stephen,
I do love you.
It's going to rain.
We better hurry.
Mrs. Bromley will be wondering
what's happening to me.
We don't worry about
Mrs. Bromley anymore.
I'm going to take you
to my home.
What, Stephen?
It's only
a few minutes away.
I want you
to meet my family.
Oh, but I can't!
Look at the way I'm dressed.
What will they think of me?
They're expecting us.
Oh, Stephen, couldn't we
make it some other time?
I do look so awful.
Oh, you look wonderful!
Oh, Stephen, wait!
You won't tell them
about us today, will you?
Why not?
Well, maybe if they
got to know me
A little bit better,
they wouldn't mind.
Oh, silly darling!
They'll love you
as much as I do.
Of course, they're still
in the dining room.
Spend their lives there.
I'll tell them
we are here.
You're nervous,
aren't you?
A little.
Don't be.
Hello, Janika.
it's Stephen.
What a day
you've chosen to come!
I'm sure heaven is
going to punish you
for deserting me
this past week.
I'm sorry
we are late, mama.
Who is this? The young
lady you told us about?
Yes, mama. I want you
to meet Miss Whittredge.
You are welcome here.
Thank you,
We waited for lunch
as long as possible,
But I have kept it
warm for you.
Thank you, mama. We
had a late breakfast.
Well, we'll have
coffee together.
You and
Janina and--
You forgot to introduce
your sister.
Oh, Janika,
I'm so sorry!
Please forgive me.
Uh, Jennifer,
I want you
to meet Janina.
I'm so happy
to know you.
Thank you.
Shall we sit down?
Over here, Jenny.
Thank you.
uncle Leopold?
Oh, where would he
be, but with the radio?
He's upset again.
Something about Germany
and Czechoslovakia.
Haven't we met before,
Miss Whittredge?
Well, we didn't
exactly meet,
But I saw
you at the--
Ahh, here's
the coffee.
Ah! Now, careful, careful.
Such cups
are not even
to be bought anymore!
Now tell me where
you two met--
Where and
at whose home?
Jenny: well,
it-- It wasn't a--
It was
in an antique shop.
Did you say shop?
Yes, but, uh,
We didn't really meet
until later that evening.
Oh, at a party!
It would be.
My son loves parties
just as I do.
It wasn't
exactly a party--
It was a musical evening.
Everybody was there.
Great aunt jadwiga,
mayor strazinsky,
And, uh, Jennifer.
And Jennifer?
Janina: have you forgotten
that I was there, too, Stephen?
Mama: you, Janina?
The ballet.
You were there, too,
mother. Remember?
Perhaps it was
a musical evening, Stephen,
But I should hardly say
that it was music
You carried away with you.
[Door opening]
If you drink, you die.
If you don't drink,
you die anyway.
So, it's better
to drink.
Uncle Leopold...
Oh, Stephen,
you should drink, too.
We all should get drunk.
At least we will
have an excuse
For doing nothing.
Herr hitler's troops
are massed on the border
Of what remains
of Czechoslovakia,
And the world digs its
head deeper into the sand.
Uncle Leopold, I want you
to meet Miss Whittredge.
How do you do?
I tell you, it's
Czechoslovakia today,
Hungary tomorrow,
and the day after,
Herr hitler will finish
what is left in this bottle.
Ah! It is your charming
friend from England.
My mother's brother--
Baron baruta.
How do you do?
How do you do?
Dear lady, forgive
my informal attire.
Before my family
apologizes for me,
I'll apologize
for myself.
I started out
as a great oak,
Now, I'm a mere stump.
Life has
chopped me down.
My brother was a poet in his youth.
And you were a poem,
My sister is lucky.
A poem lives as long
as it is cherished,
But a poet lives
Only as long
as he cherishes life,
And that's not easy now
in time or country.
[Radio playing in background]
How it is possible
for the world
To go on day
after day--
Mama: Leopold,
You or the radio,
not both.
See, I'm a tree stump
that everyone sits on.
Janina: but uncle Leopold,
We've been listening to it
all morning.
Very well,
I'll turn it off,
But that won't save you.
You hate the radio
for the same reason
You don't like
listening to me--
Because we both bring
the world too close.
Excuse me, my dear lady,
I'll be right back.
You mustn't take uncle
Leopold too seriously.
He doesn't mean
half he says.
Oh, i--I think he's
very interesting.
Miss Whittredge,
What good fortune brings you to Poland?
She's here
on a visit, mama.
Well, it isn't
exactly a visit.
You see, we're
here on business.
A kind of shopping
tour, mama,
Uh, buying antiques.
Your house must be full of treasures.
Oh, I'm afraid
you misunderstand.
I'm not buying them
for myself.
In fact, I'm not
even buying them.
It's Mrs. Bromley.
She's an antique dealer
in London.
I work for her.
Oh, you work
for her?
Well, it isn't
quite that, mama.
Uh, she's
kind of a companion.
Mama: and
your family...
Where are they?
Well, my parents
aren't living.
Her father was
a well-Known composer.
Mama: oh.
Oh, I'm afraid
Stephen exaggerates.
He did compose one
or two little things.
He was really
a piano teacher.
You're very modest,
Miss Whittredge.
Yes, isn't she?
And, of course,
Jenny plays beautifully.
Don't you want
to play for us, Jenny?
Mama loves Chopin.
Well, Stephen,
really, i--
Perhaps Miss Whittredge
would rather talk?
Well, anything you wish.
Mama: uh, no.
Chopin, please?
I love Chopin.
[Begins playing]
Isn't she a
wonderful person, mama?
So real and honest.
She plays well.
Mama, I've asked her
to marry me.
Stephen: mama!
are you all right?
Mama: just for
a moment i--
I felt faint.
Oh, oh,
my precious cup.
Don't worry, mama,
it can be repaired.
Mama: it's been in
the family so long.
I remember my mother
drinking out of it.
You must forgive such
sentimentality over a cup.
But you are too
young to understand.
You come
from too far.
You are too
different from us.
But you see, one loses
so many things in life.
What remains becomes
all the more precious.
All mothers
are like that, Jenny.
They don't think their sons are
ever grown up enough to marry.
Yes, Jenny and I are
going to be married.
Have you told
uncle Pavel about this?
No, not yet.
Janina: but you will?
Of course.
Mama: Stephen,
Will you help me,
I think I'll go
and lie down.
You'll excuse me,
won't you?
Countess Orvid...
I'm sorry.
I know why
my son loves you.
You are young
and lovely.
But I was brought up to
live by a certain pattern.
And when that
pattern breaks,
Like that cup,
It frightens me.
Leopold: excuse me.
My dear, I think
i know how you feel,
But you mustn't
judge us too harshly.
Oh, I'm not.
Really, I'm not.
I-It's just that...
Well, I feel
a little lost.
I understand.
But it isn't you
who is lost.
You've only wandered
into a lost world--
A world where
dinosaurs still exist.
But I'm curious about
you and Stephen.
It is strange that he
should fall in love
With a girl like you.
You are alive,
A breath of fresh air
in this musty museum.
How did he sense
that he needed you?
I thought it was I
who needed Stephen.
You'll find out
I'm sorry, Jenny.
Everything is
all right now.
Shall we go?
We'll stop at uncle
Pavel's on our way back.
Oh, Stephen,
Do we have to see
someone else?
Darling, he's
the head of the family.
I'd like you
to meet him.
Leopold: my dear girl,
you must not Miss him.
The greatest
dinosaur of them all--
My esteemed
He's a man who's got
his feet in this century
And his head
in the last.
Uncle Leopold doesn't quite
approve of uncle Pavel.
Well, that's one
way of putting it.
But, Stephen,
stick to your guns,
And one day,
Through this
young lady's eyes,
You may see the light
about many things.
I'll stick, uncle.
Come on, Jenny.
I look forward to your return.
Thank you.
You've been very kind.
I like your
Miss Whittredge.
So do I.
Stephen, faintly: I'm trying to
tell you that I'm in love with her.
Man: that's a very
common affliction, my boy.
[Fading] for every
ailment, there's a...
You know how
i was living.
I had everything,
and I had nothing--
Nothing that
really mattered.
You were the one who always
wanted me to settle down.
Settle down, yes,
but with the right girl.
This is the right girl!
Stephen, did you come here
to ask my consent,
Or to announce
your decision?
I'd hoped you'd give
your consent.
And if I don't?
An embarrassing
question, I see.
Bring the girl in.
[Telephone buzzes]
Bring her in.
I want to talk to her.
[On telephone] yes,
this is Count Orvid.
No. If France and England
wish to make a move,
That's their business.
We have a non-Aggression pact
with Germany,
And we intend to keep it.
As for the Soviet Union,
I think it inadvisable
to carry on any conversation
With the soviet ambassador
at this time.
It might be misconstrued
by our governments.
I'm not interested in the
protests of the polish people.
They do not know
what is best for them.
Well, if the students at the
university continue to riot,
Call out the police.
They're hotheaded fools,
and they must be stopped!
If anyone else calls,
I'm not here.
Tell them
i am on a boar hunt.
Come in.
Uncle Pavel, this is
Jennifer Whittredge.
Miss Whittredge.
How do you do?
Stephen, get a chair
for Miss Whittredge.
Miss Whittredge,
What I have to say to you
may sound somewhat strange,
Even a little harsh.
But believe me, I mean it
only for your good
And for Stephen's.
I love my nephew
as if he were my son,
But he's inclined to be,
Shall I say...
Impractical in the sense
of allowing an emotion
To obscure
certain considerations
That affect you,
quite as much as himself.
I don't think
I quite understand
what you mean.
I shall try
to be very explicit.
Please, uncle,
do we have to?
Stephen, please,
until I have finished.
You are english,
i believe?
You also have a class,
which we term aristocratic.
You must be aware
that its members
Not only enjoy privileges,
But also accept
certain limitations
in the matter of marriage.
I think
i understand that.
But, uncle, it's something in the past.
different today!
Our tradition is
the faith we live by.
It's our duty to preserve,
Not to destroy.
I can see that you are much
more realistic than my nephew.
I'll have to rely upon you
To decide what is best
for both of you.
Count Orvid, all I know
is that I love Stephen.
Naturally, I want
what is best for him.
I'm sure you do.
That's why
I'm taking the trouble
To acquaint you
with the consequences
That your marriage
would inevitably bring.
Social ostracism?
Well, perhaps you can
adjust yourselves to that,
But then there is the matter
of Stephen's career.
I had hoped, eventually,
to find him a place
In one of the ministries
of our government.
I don't care about
the ministries!
I can do
something else.
What, Stephen?
Well, I...
Don't know exactly.
Perhaps I could
manage the estate?
The Orvid estate hasn't paid
for 20 years.
I know.
I make up the deficits.
However, Stephen,
money isn't the real concern.
I would not cut you off
and add to your embarrassments.
In fact, I would feel obligated
to increase your allowance
To take care of your wife.
That's very generous
of you, uncle.
That is, perhaps,
the one compensation
I can offer,
Miss Whittredge.
If you and Stephen insist
on going through with this,
And, uh, if you succeed
In adapting yourself
to our way of life,
You would marry into one
of Poland's great fortunes,
And your child
would be its heir.
You see?
I am not unfair.
I am giving you
both sides.
Well, Stephen, I really
must be going now.
If you don't mind,
Excuse me.
will you stay, please?
Would you mind waiting in
the other room, my dear?
Just for a moment.
No, not at all.
Miss Whittredge...
Whatever you do,
I wish you every happiness.
Thank you.
I'll be right out,
Well! Do you realize our train
leaves in less than an hour?
Oh, I'm so sorry,
Mrs. Bromley,
But I couldn't help it.
How could you be
so inconsiderate
As to force me to
pack-- A woman of my age!
I mean, my experience.
Oh, I don't know what I mean!
Mrs. Bromley, I packed
everything this morning.
That is, all except
the overnight bag.
Well, I bought
some more antiques.
What was I supposed to do with
you traipsing all over town?
Oh! Well, don't stand there
just doing nothing!
Finish those bags.
And hurry, hurry!
Oh, are some more things.
Here. Do you think you
can squeeze those in?
Yes, I'll try.
Well, if my corset can
take it, these bags can.
that's what it is!
I was afraid you weren't
going to show up at all.
I thought you'd done
something silly
Like going off with that
young antique you found.
Well, thank goodness you've
got too much sense for that.
Let me tell you, ducky,
if he had gone off
On a tangent and
wanted to marry you,
You'd trip
over his family.
Why, they'd consider you
a common little upstart.
Oh, they wouldn't say so
to your face. Oh, dear, no.
They're too refined
for that.
But they'd know how to
make you feel it, I know.
Before you passed
their inspection,
You'd feel like
tuppenny worth of cheese.
Express for poznan,
berlin, cologne,
Liege, brussels,
and paris...
On track 3!
Have you got
I think so.
You think so? Well,
what about the tickets?
You took them,
Mrs. Bromley.
I took them? What would I do with them?
Well, I think you
put them in your purse.
Oh, you make me
so nervous, ducky!
Be careful
with that luggage.
I'm not tipping you for
your muscular development.
Yes, ma'am.
Ducky, did you get
my candy?
Oh, I'm sorry,
Mrs. Bromley, I forgot.
You forgot?
How can I face
A trip like this
without candy?
Hurry, ducky. Go upstairs and get it.
And be sure
they're caramels.
Oh, ducky, ducky!
No, not caramels, no.
Here, you, you...
pick these things up.
I will, ma'am.
Yes, yes.
Have you any chocolate
marshmallows, please?
Yes, ma'am.
Thank you.
Train to paris--
Which track?
Train to paris?
Never mind.
Jenny! Jenny!
Jenny...i got your note.
Why did you run away?
Why didn't you wait for me?
Because there wasn't
any need.
You know that, Stephen.
It wouldn't work out.
I just wanted
to believe it would.
Darling, I know what you've been
through today, but try to understand...
That's my train.
I must go.
Jenny, listen!
Jenny, wait!
Jenny, listen to me!
This is crazy, Jenny.
You can't go.
We love each other,
don't we?
Oh, you know that.
Then nothing else
But it does, Stephen.
Don't you see? Our lives
wouldn't be our own.
You're obligated to your family,
dependent upon your uncle,
And...well, I just haven't the
right to ask you to change that.
i promise you something.
I promise that
we'll make our own way,
Depend on each other
and no one else.
That is what I want--
What I've always wanted.
And you can help me.
I, help you?
I need you.
I've been waiting
for you a long time.
When I got to the hotel
and you weren't there,
It was the first
time in my life
That something
really mattered.
Please stay, Jenny.
Oh, you don't think
that I want to go.
Then have faith in me. I know
it's right for both of us.
Let me prove it to you.
Stephen, I...i...
Don't say anything.
all aboard!
Ducky! Ducky!
What are you doing?
Do you realize the train
is moving at any moment?
Ducky! Ducky...
It's leaving!
Ducky, hurry, hurry!
It's moving! It's--
I'm not going,
Mrs. Bromley.
You're not going?
Have you lost your mind--
Stranding yourself
in a foreign country?
We're going
to be married.
But you can't do that!
I thought we'd discussed
all that in the hotel room.
You're making a mistake, ducky.
Get on this train at once.
We're not leaving this
country a moment too soon!
I'm sorry, Mrs. Bromley,
but I'm staying.
At least you can give me
the chocolates. Marshmallows?
Thank you for everything!
You take care of her,
You opus 11!
Man, on radio: and now,
with the acquisition
Of Czechoslovakia
and memel,
The general consensus is
that Europe can look forward
To a period of comparative
quiet and security.
In fact,
It is the opinion
in well-Informed circles
That hitler's immediate
territorial ambitions are satisfied.
We may even hope--
Oh, you're here.
Have you seen anything
of Stephen and his wife?
We've been waiting luncheon
for half an hour.
If you are hungry,
You haven't answered
my question.
No, I haven't
seen them.
They're probably out
for a ride somewhere.
They slip out of the house
every morning before breakfast
And come back late
for luncheon
With never a word of where they've
been or what they've been doing.
Why should they tell
you every move they make?
I realize I am not in their
confidence and that you are.
What's bothering you
now, Janina?
Uncle Leopold, if there is
something going on in this house,
Why shouldn't mother
and I know about it?
My dear girl, Stephen and Jenny
have a right to some privacy.
Heaven knows, you give them
little enough when they're home.
It's she who is
always interfering.
Did you know she'd taken
down aunt jadwiga's portrait?
Oh. My compliments
to her.
Have you ever taken
a good look at jadwiga?
It's not only that.
She's changed the entire room.
Well, it's her room,
isn't it?
You have no right to go
there in the first place.
And in the second place--Ah,
the first place is enough.
What's the matter now?
I'm sorry, Zofya, but
your daughter insists
on making like a character
in a greek tragedy.
Someday you'll see
that I have reasons.
Now you two are
What's happened
to my house?
All I ask is a little
peace, and now lately, you--
[Door closes]
They're here.
You can eat.
Sorry we're late.
Forgive us. We really couldn't help it.
It's really
very naughty of you.
It's the third time
we've waited for lunch.
We used to have your
confidence, Stephen.
Now you whisper in corners as though
you were plotting a revolution.
Nonsense. It's nothing of the sort.
No, it's just that Stephen didn't want
to tell you until he was sure himself.
You tell us all
about it at lunch.
After you,
No, pure in heart
That's you.
Well, I'm sure you two are
planning a lovely surprise.
Yes, mama,
we've been planning,
And I hope
it will please you.
Good news?
Very good.
We found a way to make
the estate pay,
Not only for itself,
but also for our living.
The idea is to farm
We're going to have a tractor,
a reaper, a threshing machine...
We're going to modernize
the place completely.
Your wife cannot
be expected
To understand
our peasants.
You should
explain to her
That they have always
worked with their hands
And are quite
hardened to it.
That isn't
the question, Janina.
If you want to make the farm
pay, we have to modernize.
Stephen is right.
That's why Poland
is in danger today--
Because we still work by hand
when others have machines,
Because we stick to the cavalry
while others build tanks.
Leopold, please.
No speeches.
And what makes
you think
The peasants
are capable
Of running
these machines?
Janina, why
shouldn't they be?
I'll learn how and
teach them myself.
First, you have
To learn about
the peasants.
Well, if it will
keep them amused.
But now I want to discuss
something really important.
Grandfather tadeusz, great-Aunt
jadwiga, the whole family--
I want them to meet
Stephen's bride.
We'll give a dinner and ball,
a really splendid affair--
Such as this house hasn't
seen since your father's time.
I know you are busy,
But you leave
the details to me.
I'll bring a string
quartet from Warsaw,
Wlesky to cater,
lanterns on the lawn...
Mama, please.
We can't afford it.
We've got to cut down
expenses, live within our means.
No more parties.
Isn't that for uncle Pavel to decide?
I don't intend to ask uncle
Pavel for help any longer.
Janina: is this another
of your suggestions?
It is what I want,
but why, Stephen?
Uncle Pavel is
so generous.
He loves to do
things for you.
I want to do things
for myself, mama.
I'm tired of depending
on anyone else.
But, darling,
don't you think
You'd better discuss
this with uncle Pavel?
There's nothing
to be discussed, mama.
I know what I'm doing.
Oh, mother,
it isn't that Stephen
Doesn't wish you
to have a party,
But he wants to become
independent, and...
We can all help him.
of course, mother.
Stephen is above taking
anything from uncle Pavel,
And that includes
it's obvious
That someone else
is advising him.
Yes, Janina.
I did advise Stephen.
I thought you would
feel about it as we do.
you are mistaken.
If you and Stephen wish
to become independent,
That is
your business,
But I see no reason
why mother and I
Should change
our mode of living!
Zofya: children, please!
Do as you wish.
We won't give a party,
only please...
Please let us live
in peace.
You say "peace," Zofya,
but at what a price?
The price of honor
and self-Respect--
The same price Pavel is
paying to keep Poland at peace.
I tell
Leopold, no speeches.
What right have you to
criticize uncle Pavel?
You're living on his
charity just as we are,
Only you're not honest
enough to admit it!
Stephen: Janina!
Have more respect
for your uncle!
Zofya: Stephen, please!
Excuse me.
I've had enough!
I can't stand it!
I'm sorry, mama.
No, no, you stay
with your wife.
She comes first.
Stephen: mama!
Children, listen to me.
What Janina just said
about me is the truth.
That's why I don't do
anything but talk.
Talk and drink--
It's the same thing.
But you two have made
an important decision,
And you must not let
anything stop you.
Have courage.
He's right.
Nothing must stop us
building the future.
Nothing will...
La lechka.
I knew you'd say that.
Come on, Stephen,
let's finish lunch.
as I told you before,
It is very simple
to handle a tractor.
When you plow deep,
you use the first gear.
That is
for heavy pulling.
If the load is lighter,
you use the second.
And if you want
to go faster--
Let us say, back to the barn on
a rainy day, and you must hurry--
You use the third.
Now, who will be
the first to learn?
Come. The tractor
won't eat you.
In fact, it will
give you more to eat.
Stephen, I think
there should be
Some sort of prize for the
first to learn, don't you?
Yes, that's right.
How many children
have you, wladek?
[Counting softly]
I'll give you
7 bottles of wine.
My wife, she should
get a bottle, too.
She's expecting
another one.
Oh, really?
Congratulations, wladek.
And you deserve one, too.
I'll make it 9.
Oh, come along, wladek.
You're not afraid, are you?
No! I'll go!
Good for you, wladek.
And good luck.
You see, wladek?
It's easy.
Nothing to it.
Yes! It's wonderful!
[Horses neighing]
You see, wanda? There was
nothing to worry about.
Push the clutch
Put it in first
gear--Number one.
That's it. Go on.
Good, wladek.
Very good.
Yes. Thank you!
[Gears grinding]
Stephen: put it back in
first! In first, wladek!
My husband!
Stephen: wladek, stop
it! Turn the motor off!
Look out!
Pull the wheel straight!
[All shouting]
[Wanda crying]
Don't get excited!
Just a moment!
It was a mistake.
i told you second.
You put it
into third.
Excuse me, Count Orvid!
I don't know
how it happened!
It won't happen again.
Let's try once more.
Oh, no, no, no, no! Please, Count
Orvid! This thing is a monster!
Don't be stupid, wladek.
Please, no more,
Count Orvid. Please!
Who else will try?
[Men murmuring]
I don't think
they will.
What's the matter
with you?
This will make
work easy!
A horse is better!
Why should we risk
our lives over work?
[Murmurs of agreement]
You try, bujansky.
I've had enough.
please don't be angry.
This is the first time
they've tried it.
Oh, Jenny,
they're stupid!
They don't care to learn.
They're not even interested.
But, darling, we've only just
started. Give them a chance.
They've been the same way
for centuries.
How can we expect them
to change now?
Well, perhaps by
changing ourselves.
Changing ourselves?
What do you mean?
Darling, listen to me. What
have we ever done for them?
I've been in their
homes, seen how they live.
I just can't tell you
how I felt.
It was as if I'd-- Well, I'd
gone back into some other age.
They've scarcely enough to
keep body and soul together,
So how can we expect them
to be interested in work
That only gives them
the barest existence?
What can I do
about it?
I can't raise their
wages. I haven't the money.
Well, darling,
if we can't afford it now,
Why don't we give them
an incentive
By promising them
something in the future?
What, for instance?
Well, a share
in the harvest.
Then they'll take
more interest
Because they'll be working
partly for themselves.
No, Jenny.
Things like that
aren't done.
You're beginning to have doubts
about more than the peasants--
About all we're doing,
aren't you?
No, Jenny,
i didn't say that.
No, not in words,
But I can imagine how often
it must have occurred to you.
"What am I changing my whole
life for and everybody else's?"
And, "it would be so easy to go back
to things the way they were before."
That was unfair of me.
I'm sorry.
But it just means
so terribly much to us
That you don't go back to uncle
Pavel and all he stands for...
At least, not until
we've tried everything.
What else do you
want me to do?
Well, i--I want you
to gamble with me.
You said the machines would
till 3 times as much land
- If the peasants took hold.
- Right.
Well, then let's
give them a chance.
And if I'm wrong
and we lose...
Well, you can still
go back to your uncle.
They won't even know
what we are talking about.
Well, then--Then we'll
explain it to them.
Oh, darling,
this isn't so new.
It's been done in America
and England, and...
Well, I think people are
pretty much the same everywhere.
They're always looking for a way to
make a little better life for themselves,
And when the peasants
realize that, then--
Well, I...
My serious little girl.
Oh, no, darling.
Look, you're trying
to change the subject.
Please promise me
you'll think it over.
It means so terribly
much to us.
I promise for a kiss.
Oh, you...
I promise you
a share in the harvest.
The harder you work,
the larger your share will be.
We'll start work
tomorrow, early.
Let us say 8:00?
Darling, let us say 5:00.
Jenny, voice-Over: so the peasants
learned how to operate the machines.
They weren't stupid,
after all.
If you never teach people
anything, they never learn.
It's as simple as that.
They plowed and cultivated,
and reaped a bountiful harvest.
The ripe grain ran like the sea
across the land,
Nodding and rippling,
And the happiness
of the people grew
Until it was almost more
than Stephen and I could bear
To watch their faces.
They were gathering
the fruits of their labor.
It was their
fruit, too--
Grown, as the bible says,
by the sweat of their brow,
And by the strength
of their muscles.
And it was sweet to them...and to us.
We are gathered today
to give thanks
For the rich fullness
of our harvest.
In receiving
the fruits of our labor,
Our hearts,
even as our hands,
Are filled to overflowing.
But now, my friends,
As we share
a common blessing,
We also face
a common danger.
A foreign country has cast
her eyes on our polish harvest.
We pray that we may avert
the menacing threat of war,
That god may see fit to darken
the sun with storm clouds
And let rain fall
upon our polish earth.
The invader
might be discouraged
If our roads were to turn
into a sea of mud,
Wherein the enemy tanks
would be engulfed,
As were pharaoh's chariots
under the red sea.
Now we will kneel and
recite the our father.
[Church bells ringing]
Now that we've thanked heaven
for permitting the harvest,
We should do something to thank the
people who helped make it possible.
that's a good idea.
What could we do?
A speech from you,
Oh, no, not a speech.
Not this time, Stephen.
I mean a kind
of celebration.
I think that would
be wonderful.
A kind of celebration
to give thanks.
Thanksgiving! Yes, that's
it, like the American holiday.
Oh, darling,
could we?
Yes. We might have
a party in the barn.
A party--That's it.
But why in the barn?
Where else?
Why not at home?
In our home?
Yes, of course.
I don't know.
What do you
think, Jenny?
Oh, darling,
you know how I feel.
But perhaps it would be nice if
you discussed it with your mother.
Yes, uh, I think
i should.
[Chopin mazurka playing]
Jenny, may I have
one more?
Uncle Leopold,
that is your seventh.
Fifth. Fifth.
I'll weaken it.
The old stump won't sprout
without being watered.
But I thought you drank
only when you were unhappy.
Tonight I drink
because I'm happy,
Because I see in this room
the promise of a new Poland,
Far better than the old.
Have a little one with me.
All right.
Na zdrowie.
Na zdrowie.
Yes, dear.
I have a surprise
for you.
I can't imagine
what it is.
Oh, darling,
you never forget.
La lechka.
That's enough,
May I have a cup
for father josef?
Yes. Here you are.
Thank you.
Nice and strong.
There you are,
[Laughs] na zdrowie!
let's have a polka.
Take your partners.
We'll have a dance.
[All cheering]
Uncle Leopold, could you
forget another vodka
For a dance with me?
My lovely niece, that
would be intoxicating enough
To forget everything,
including my age.
Thank you.
[Polka playing]
May I have
the pleasure, mama?
Oh, my darling,
i am too old.
But much too gracious
to refuse.
Very well.
[Hands clapping to music]
Ah, no more!
You shouldn't
have danced.
My spirit is willing.
My body is not.
It's time
you were asleep.
Yes. Yes.
Come, darling.
I'll help you upstairs.
I'm a little worried
about Janina.
[Polka ends]
Thank you, Countess.
It was a pleasure,
Excuse me,
Count Stephen.
Yes, Pyotr?
Your uncle is
in the library.
He wishes
to speak to you.
The philosopher
must be in trouble.
I think you're right.
Good evening, uncle.
I didn't know you were
here. When did you come?
Only a few minutes ago.
You will forgive me for not
using your front door, Stephen,
But perhaps you can understand my
reluctance to appear at your party.
May I sit down?
Thank you.
I asked to see you
Oh, excuse me.
But since
your wife is here,
she might as well stay.
I'd intended to come to
see you sooner, Stephen,
but, as you know, we face
a desperate situation,
and every moment of my time has
been spent in trying to avert war.
I'd not even be here tonight,
except that I've been assured
that the german government
will not resort to force
until we have had more time to
discuss the corridor question.
That's good news.
But it's most
discouraging, Stephen.
I am doing everything I can
to preserve Poland,
And you are doing
just the opposite.
I don't understand.
Even the walls in this old
house must feel strange tonight.
If you're referring to
the peasants being here,
I can assure you that they
are behaving most respectfully.
It's their first visit.
May I ask why it was necessary
to have them here at all?
It seemed only right
to celebrate the harvest
With those who helped
make it successful.
As I understand, they are
not only celebrating it,
But sharing in it,
as well.
You are surprised
that I know,
But I am aware of everything
that is going on here.
However, I don't blame you
completely for what has happened.
Undoubtedly, your wife has been the
inspiration for most of your activities.
Whatever Jenny has done has been
for my good, and I'm grateful to her.
Are you sure it's always
been for your good?
What do you mean?
Count Orvid, would you
mind explaining that?
My dear, it's the nature
of a human being
To destroy that which
he cannot attain.
Whether you admit it
or not,
You have probably found a
great deal of satisfaction
In tearing down the
tradition of this household.
That's ridiculous,
I won't even
discuss it!
may i, please?
Count Orvid,
The idea of tearing down
The tradition
of this household
To satisfy myself
Has been the furthest
thing from my mind.
My only desire has been
to help my husband.
You accuse me
of being destructive.
Well, if helping Stephen
to become independent,
If trying to prevent you from
humiliating him as you once did,
If treating the peasants as
human beings is destroying,
Then perhaps I am.
But I know Stephen doesn't
share your point of view,
And today he's in a position
to do and think as he pleases,
Which he wasn't before.
Not quite.
You forget that
he is my heir,
And as such, he has a
duty and responsibility,
Not only to his class, but
to his country, as well.
What I have done is
only decent and just,
And how I run my farm
is my business.
There I have to disagree
with you, Stephen.
You don't realize the
implications of what you have done.
Democracy is a powerful
but dangerous weapon, my boy.
You must be sure that
you give it to those
Who can use it
wisely and carefully.
Unfortunately, the people
are neither wise nor careful.
Witness our present
If we had
a strong government,
They would ignore
the people and negotiate
A peaceful settlement
with Germany.
Instead, they have listened
to the voice of the mob,
And nothing but
disaster can result
Unless I can force them
to change.
I'm sorry, uncle,
i don't agree.
Someday you will.
In the meantime,
i must insist
That you consult me
about your actions.
If you don't,
You will cut yourself off
from your family and friends,
And you will
leave me no choice
As to my future
consideration for you.
I advise you
to think it over.
And if your wife has
your interest at heart,
I advise her to
think it over also.
I will, Count Orvid.
Sounds like thunder.
Stephen, I think I saw
a flash of lightning.
Did you hear,
Count Orvid?
It means rain!
Our prayers
have been answered!
[All cheering]
[Booming continues]
Stephen: they're
bombing Warsaw.
Stephen: Pyotr,
turn the lights out.
Leopold: Jenny! Zofya:
what's happening?
Where's Stephen?
what is it?
Pavel! What is it?
It's war.
[Telephone ringing]
Hello? Yes?
What's that?
Yes. Yes,
we were cut off.
I see.
How soon?
I'll be ready.
Thank you.
What is it, Stephen?
My regiment
has been called.
2 hours.
I'd better
get ready.
Well, I'll help you,
Do you think
you'll need these?
Not part of
regulation equipment.
Well, that seems
to be all.
I hope I haven't
forgotten anything.
I don't think so.
Jenny, I'm worried about
the wheat in the north field.
It ought to be cut
and stacked.
Oh, I'll take care
of that.
But you may be
Most of the men
will be called.
Well, we'll have
to do it without them.
[Distant explosion]
I've never seen you
in your uniform.
You look nice.
It's a little tight,
isn't it?
Well, darling...
[Knock on door]
Pyotr: the car is here,
Count Stephen.
I'll be
right down.
[Door closes]
Please don't come
to the car.
All right.
La lechka.
I'll be with you
every minute.
Man, on radio: a reuter
dispatch just received in Warsaw
Says the french bombed
berlin last night
And left the city
in flames.
Meanwhile, a heavy french
offensive has begun in saarbrucken.
Aah! For a week
and a half
Since the war started,
Every day, french offensive
begins at saarbrucken!
Still no rain
and no word from Stephen.
And now Pyotr goes on an
errand, and no sign of him yet.
Man, on radio:
today, our polish cavalry
Exceeded even
yesterday's advances,
Charging westward as far
as the town of verushev.
Only 5 minutes ago,
They were
800 kilometers east!
My map is as full of
holes as the news.
Why don't they
tell us the truth?!
Leopold, please!
My head!
My dear Zofya, I'm trying to
find out what is happening.
But I'm losing
my mind!
And we are losing
the war.
These pins!
I could sit on them, for
all the comfort they give me.
Janina, please, try to
reach your uncle Pavel again.
But, mother, I've tried.
The lines are all busy.
But where is Stephen? I
must know where my son is!
Uncle Leopold,
what shall we do?
I'll tell you
what you can do.
You can go out in the
fields like Stephen's wife
And harvest the wheat that
will help keep him alive.
[Distant explosions]
is that you, Jenny?
Yes, uncle Leopold.
I was beginning
to worry about you.
You shouldn't have
worked so late, Jenny.
Well...there was a lot to do.
Yes, I suppose.
[Distant explosions continue]
Where are mother
and Janina?
Oh, they have gone
to Warsaw.
Poor Zofya.
She's sick
with worry.
Will you eat
something, darling?
I'll fix it for you.
No, thanks.
Any word of Stephen yet?
No. Nothing, Jenny.
One minute
the news is good,
The next it's bad.
I can't figure it out.
Oh, uncle Leopold,
what's happening to him?
What's happening
to Poland?
we must have courage.
All day long,
I've been talking
To the women
in the fields,
Trying to give them
One of them was killed this afternoon.
It's not easy.
I know.
Jenny, this war's
The world couldn't
go on as it was.
Before this war is over,
Every country
will be involved.
Other wives and husbands
will be separated.
But whatever the fate
of Poland might be,
We must consider it
a great privilege
To make the first stand against
mankind's greatest enemy.
There, I'm making
another speech.
I know that's no comfort.
You need a drink.
Na zdrowie.
Na zdrowie.
Get some sleep.
Good night.
Good night.
[Distant explosions continue]
[Glass shatters]
Oh, darling!
Oh, thank god
you're alive!
Oh, darling.
you're hurt!
Oh, come on,
La lechka...
Come on, darling.
Uncle Leopold!
Uncle Leopold!
[Distant bombing continues]
La lechka.
You'll be all right,
What's happened
to your regiment?
There is
no more regiment.
Every man was killed
or wounded.
No more army.
Stephen, please, try
not to think of it now.
That's all I think about.
16 mechanized divisions...
Against one.
5,000 planes against 500.
Men against machines.
Horses against tanks.
They came in a column
of fire and steel...
20 miles wide.
We charged...
But each time,
men and horses
Were ground up in
the tracks of the tanks...
Thousands of them...
Wheels going around...
Torn flesh between them...
The horses screamed...
But it closed in on us...
Like a wall of steel.
We prayed for rain...
But the roads were sunbaked,
hard as concrete...
The rivers dry.
It was slaughter.
Well, darling,
how did you get home?
I don't know.
I jumped on a tank...
Threw a hand grenade
That's the last
i remember.
Then I found myself on a
wagon not far from here.
The driver had
been killed.
The horse was gone.
Man, on radio:
attention. Attention.
Citizens of Warsaw...
Citizens of Poland...
The order of the day of
the commander of Warsaw
Has just been released.
It reads as follows:
"The commander in chief
has entrusted us
"With the defense
of the capital.
"He has demanded that
the attack of the enemy
"Be stalled
at the gates of Warsaw,
"At that the devastation
of polish territory
"Come to an end.
"The only report which
we can submit must be,
The order of the day
has been carried out."
And now, here is
mayor starzynski,
Our courageous leader,
with a message for you.
Starzynski, on radio:
my fellow countrymen,
On the morning
of september 1,
Without warning
or a declaration of war,
The german armies
crossed our frontiers,
Violating every rule of
international law and common decency.
We are the target of
a barbarian aggression
Which has seen no equal
in the past 10 centuries.
Our towns and villages have
been recklessly bombarded,
Our citizens
mercilessly shot down.
And yet, this does not
weaken my faith
In the final victory
of Poland,
In the final victory
of justice and freedom.
You have heard
the order of the day.
Warsaw will be held and
defended until the last.
And if it does fall into
the hands of the enemy,
It will mean that
they have entered the city
Over the body
of its last defender.
This is an historic
But we need help--
As much as we can get.
We call for volunteers,
wherever they are.
We believe that our sacrifices
will not be in vain,
And with our blood, we shall
swing the balance of victory.
As soon as I have
finished speaking,
You will hear the
immortal polonaise begin,
And you will know...
As long as you hear it
being played,
Warsaw still holds out!
Death to the enemy!
Death to fascism!
Well...we haven't lost yet.
There's still
something we can do.
We must get the peasants
together. I want to talk to them.
I'll get them.
Stephen: and even though
our army is scattered,
We mustn't give up as long
as there is a chance to fight.
The first thing you must do is burn
and destroy everything in sight.
Leave nothing
for the enemy.
But the harvest belongs
not only to me.
You all have
a share in it,
And I won't burn it
without your consent.
Are you in favor of this?
[Opening phrase from
polonaise plays on the radio]
All: yes!
[All shouting agreement]
I knew you'd say that.
As long as there are
men and women like you,
They'll never
destroy Poland.
[Door opens]
Zofya: Stephen!
Stephen! Oh!
You're safe!
You're safe! That's all I can ask for!
We thought we would
never see you again.
Uncle Pavel has arranged
for a special train
To take us
to romania,
And from there, we go to monte carlo.
I'm sorry, mama.
I'm not leaving.
Oh, please
don't argue.
You must get away from
here as quickly as possible.
I'm not leaving
Poland, mama.
Pavel! Pavel, Stephen
isn't going with us!
Do you realize it's
only a matter of time
Before the whole country
is in german hands?
The mayor of Warsaw
has called for help.
The city is going
to stand siege.
I am not running away.
But it's madness-- Sheer
madness-- To resist.
The city will be
destroyed. We'll be killed.
And for what? What can
be accomplished?
I've heard you say
it before, uncle--
"Let's not fight. Let's compromise."
Yes, I know.
I've made mistakes.
But I did what
i thought was best.
You did what you thought
was best for yourself.
And now, when Poland
is crying for help
And the people are
still defending her,
You say, "give up.
Run away!"
Stephen-- No!
[Polonaise continues playing on radio]
At some point, a man
must stop compromising.
At some point, he must decide
what he wishes to live for,
And what he will die for.
This is so futile.
How long do you think
Warsaw can hold out?
That doesn't matter.
As long as a nation preserves
its honor, it will always survive.
You are his wife.
Can't you make him
You must realize
how hopeless it is.
But, Count Orvid,
The people are ready
to fight for something
That means more
than life to them.
Not just the
army, the people--
Those in whom you had
such little faith.
Well, Stephen is
one of them,
And nothing can
persuade the people
That what they are
fighting for is hopeless.
Now, I'm sure
you will understand,
But we haven't
very much time.
Very well.
I wish I had
your faith...
But I haven't.
I have nothing left
to fight for,
And now...
Nothing to live for.
My world is gone.
I hope you will have
better luck.
[Polonaise continues on radio]
I'll wait for you
in the car, Zofya.
Uncle, won't you go?
Stephen, all my life,
I have done
nothing but talk.
This is my first opportunity
to do something.
You cannot deny me that.
All right, philosopher.
Good-Bye, mama.
Good-Bye, Jenny.
Good-Bye, mother.
Try to understand,
[Polonaise playing on radio]
You know what
you have to do.
Time is short.
Go to work.
[All talking at once]
you'll need this.
I'll go with
the peasants.
Thanks, uncle.
Darling, I know what
you're going to say...
But it doesn't matter
what happens.
I'm with you.
[Distant explosions]
La lechka.
Life has been good,
And it's going to be
even better
For those
that come after us.
Jenny, voice-Over:
for 28 days and nights,
The people defended
the city of Warsaw.
Finally, it was smashed
to ruins--Burned to ashes.
But the people fought
as long as it was possible,
Until at last, starvation and
disease forced them to submit...
Not the nazis.
Today, we have what we needed
so desperately then.
For the first time in history,
The massed forces of humanity
are on the march,
And, like London,
Bataan, Stalingrad,
Warsaw has become a symbol
of the future world
We are fighting
to achieve--
That will be
achieved-- In our time.