In the Bedroom (2001)

I love it here.
I know you do.
I can feel my life, you know?
...pitch to Aderberg, and fall over
the outside corner of the field.
He was expecting a home run.
Pryor didn't say anything.
- Morning, Dr. Fowler.
- Morning, Natalie.
- How you doing, boys?
- Great!
Hey, Duncan,
sure you don't wanna go?
- You wanna get in here?
- No, he wants to stay here.
Scootch up,
get in the middle there.
Come on.
- Bye, Dr. Fowler.
- Bye.
You don't wanna wave goodbye?
You don't wanna wave goodbye?
Sweetie, what do you
want for breakfast?
...WEPI, Red Sox Radio Network.
You've been listening
to Red Sox Replay.
The USS Camden repeat broadcast
of Boston Red Sox baseball...
has been brought to you by
George C. Hollison of Rockland...
in business in Midwest since 1940.
There you go.
Oh, boy!
You see what happened
to this poor fella?
- What?
- Well, look. He lost an arm.
The trap has nylon nets
called "heads".
Two side heads
to let the lobster crawl in.
And inside, what's called
a bedroom head holds the bait...
and keep him from escaping.
You know the old saying:
"Two's company, three's a crowd"?
Well, it's like that.
More than two of these in a bedroom
and something like that's happen.
That's why Frank can't leave
these traps for more than a day.
Dad. Show him this one.
Now, the older females,
like this old gal...
are the most dangerous especially
when they're growing berries.
- Berries?
- Yeah, eggs.
She can take out two males,
no problem.
That's when you get
a lobster you can't sell.
But this fine lady,
she has it easy...
because the state says
we have to let her go.
Okay, now...
you think you can handle this?
Are you sure?
Okay, go ahead.
Put him in the tank.
- Higher, higher!
- Higher!
I'll swing you higher.
- Is that high enough?
- Yep.
- Ruth hates these.
- What?
- I got the wrong kind of buns.
- Maybe we could borrow hers.
What I would give
to have back my youth.
Well, Willis,
you never had that in your youth.
You can go play.
Father, you made it.
If I don't get to see you fellas
here, I don't get to see you at all.
You want a beer?
No. I'm gonna go see if
you mom needs any help, okay?
All right, good luck.
Excuse me.
Can I help you with anything here?
- You can hand me that bowl, dear.
- Great.
- This one here?
- Yes, thank you.
I'm looking forward
to that concert on Labor Day.
The music's so unusual.
It's haunting, really.
It is, isn't it?
How did you learn about that...
- At Brown.
I did my thesis on
Eastern European folk music.
- I thought about becoming a teacher.
- Why didn't you?
- Yeah, what are you eating?
- Nothing.
- Is it good?
- Yeah.
Swing me, swing me!
Okay, I'll swing you, Dunc.
I'll be right back.
- So Mr. Strout mentioned you again.
- I'll bet he did.
Still talks about you. Says you're
the best can-packer he ever had.
Says you looked cute
in that hairnet.
Excuse me, boys. An offering.
Here, Father. Thank you.
That's what Charles Senior
is doing and...
Becky went to the hairdressing
academy after high school.
Of course, after she got married...
she decided she wanted to stay home
with the boys, you know.
She still loves doing hair, though.
Where do you go, Father?
I just go to Supercuts.
You can't request
the same girl at Supercuts.
The boys are having a great time.
It was good of you
to do this for them.
She hasn't brought them before cause
she's embarrassed. She shouldn't be.
I wish you hadn't put up
that monstrosity.
- We'll have to take it apart later.
- The swing?
The swing.
Come on, Ruth! He's a kid.
What do you expect?
"Happy birthday, here's a box.
Drag it around for awhile!"
He's a kid, he's like me.
He wants it now.
Oh, the cake!
- Happy birthday, boy. Come here!
- Daddy, Daddy!
Yeah, Duncan!
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday, dear Duncan
Happy birthday to...
Mom, I don't wanna go.
Mom, I don't wanna go.
Shit. What's he doing here?
Hey, Jase.
Come on over here, buddy.
Daddy's taking us to the arcade.
I told you he'd come, buttface.
Jason, don't do that to your
brother. Want me to do that to you?
We're supposed to meet
at the house at 6:30.
I thought we were meeting here.
You're welcome to stay and
have some food. My dad's cooking.
Should we do something?
No. It's okay.
...I'll see you later, then.
- Okay.
A little while.
She's not divorced yet, you know.
It's the same thing.
Maine has crazy laws, that's all.
Anyway, he loves her boys.
- God, you don't think...
- No, he's not gonna marry her.
Well, then what's he doing
with her?
She probably loves him.
Girls always have.
Let's just leave it at that.
Well, he won't listen to me.
I've asked him 3 times
to dismantle that swing set.
Leave it up. Looks like
a young couple lives here.
Well, he needs his head
in school, not in her.
So to speak.
It would help
if you were on my side.
I can be on your side.
I've got a needle!
- I've got a needle!
- You don't need those.
Mr. and Mrs. Adamson?
You can put your shirt back on now.
Yesterday he was up and around
all afternoon...
but today he tumbled.
He's fallen twice, I have all
I can do to get him up.
He's weak.
Said when he couldn't work no more,
he didn't want to live.
So, for awhile he sat
and just mended our nets...
but he can't do that no more.
- How's you dad, Matt?
- Oh, I'm sorry, doctor.
Now, Elwyn, you remember. Jesse
Fowler passed away a while ago.
We were at his funeral, remember?
Back in an hour, Janelle.
I forgot my lunch.
Starting to become a habit.
You just missed him, Matt!
He went home for lunch today.
Right. I forgot,
he's got an interview.
Yeah, Dad.
What are you doing here? I thought
you were in Boston for an interview.
No. It was rescheduled.
Hi, Dr. Fowler.
Oh, hi.
Where are the boys?
They're with my mom.
Do you like coleslaw?
Have some more.
You sure?
We gotta...
Come on, son!
- There, I see him right there!
- Hands up, chin up.
- Mom, I want to play!
- All right, all right.
- Mom, there's Frank!
- Here's your hat.
Wave, you guys.
- Mom, hurry up, I'm late!
- I'm hurrying.
- Mom, I want to play.
- All right, you'll play too.
But first watch...
Frank, did you tell your mom
how good it was?
How good what was?
Frank had quite a time
this afternoon.
Loved you coleslaw.
Ate enough for two.
Well, that's what it's for.
- Hot dogs?
- Yeah, I'll take one.
So, how are the kids?
Things okay?
Yeah, they're fine.
Good. That's good.
How was your interview?
- It was great.
- Good.
Jason? Jason!
- She's such a brave girl.
- That's it. You're driving me nuts.
I've had lots of girlfriends and...
I don't understand why
this one's any different.
I know you don't.
We're not serious, Ma.
It's a summer thing.
I see.
- How'd did you get in this time?
- Chimney.
Thank you.
What can I help you with?
I was just dropping that off
for Jason.
I didn't know where
he'd want to put it.
It's about time he got it.
What am I gonna do with it?
It's really gonna mean a lot to him.
He's really been improving lately.
Yeah, so I heard.
It would have been nice
if you'd come to his game.
Well, I just got your message.
Where are they? With him?
That's none of your business.
They're my boys,
but they're none of my business.
You know what I mean.
I was thinking about moving back.
Here. With you and the boys.
What are you talking about?
What am I talking about?
About moving back, that's what.
I know what you're thinking.
It's different now.
How's the job? Your father take
you back on at the cannery?
That's funny.
Still getting checks, aren't you?
Do I have to call
my father's accountant?
Did you see my new rig out there?
It's really nice.
It's not exactly new.
I traded David the truck for it.
Got room for all of us.
Good grocery-getting car.
You wanna take a ride?
Richard, you don't change.
You don't change, do you?
Change? No.
No, I don't change.
Everything around me changes.
You change.
You take my house...
and you take my kids...
and you fuck this other guy.
But me, I don't change at all.
- It's not your house.
- Oh, really?
No. And as far fucking goes...
who answered the phone
the other morning?
- She...
- Doesn't matter! It's not working!
Nat, I just want a chance.
For what? So you can pretend to be
a real father for a few days, and...
I am their real father!
I am their father.
No, Richard. You know what defines
a father? It's what he does.
Not what he promises.
It's being a positive,
consistent presence.
A positive, consistent presence.
What does that mean?
I just don't get it.
But I'm not fucking
a college boy, am I?
Look, you...
Can you just go now? I don't want
you here when they get back.
You wouldn't want that?
No, you have to leave now.
- I'll see you later, Richard.
- Goodbye, Nat.
I've ignored our difference in age,
but you play with those blocks.
I'm gonna start to worry.
You're not looking at the house.
It's not all mine, it's part Mack.
What Mack was trying to achieve
was a common area in the center.
Large open spaces
aren't unique to Mack...
but the idea of
separating the family...
so that the parents were on one side
and the kids are on the other side.
So they all spill into the center.
It's brilliant. It's...
I'm boring you, aren't I?
I was just thinking.
About what?
About you.
What if I wait a year?
- A year won't make a difference.
- You can't do that, Frank.
Why not?
I've thought a lot about this.
I have, and...
No. You...
You told me it takes forever
just to establish yourself.
So what's a year in forever?
That's twisted logic.
Do you know what Duncan
said to me today?
You wouldn't be changing
the subject, would you?
He said, "Frank, I don't think
Jason really understands girls".
- Oh, he didn't.
- He did.
Understands girls.
What did you say?
I just didn't know
what to say to that.
I said, "Give him time, Duncan,
he'll come around".
If this is how he is now,
then we're in trouble.
What is this? Action Man?
Richard gave it to Dunc
for his birthday.
Very good.
Okay, it's 7:30.
We should stop now.
Now remember,
when you sing these words...
the way we feel about
the harbor is the way...
the Balkans felt
about the River Sava.
And listen to your tapes.
"Moilih Ta" is still very rough
and we've got a 40-minute...
program to have ready
by Labor Day.
Labor Day.
- And Anna?
- Yeah, Mrs. Fowler?
Next time, duck.
Is it acid?
What are you putting in there?
- My God, what happened?
- Frank, hold still.
- Dad.
- This was her husband, wasn't it?
Ex. He dropped in.
You gonna press charges?
What's to stop him
from doing it again?
Did you hit him at all?
Tell me you hit him.
- Just so he doesn't do it again.
- I don't think I touched him.
- Jesus! Dad. dad.
- So what are you gonna do?
- Take karate.
- That is not the problem.
- Mom, you know you like her.
- I like a lot of people, Frank.
What about the boys?
Did they see it?
No, they were asleep.
Did you leave her alone with him?
He left first.
She was yelling at him...
I believe she had
a skillet in her hand.
For God's sakes.
Did you call the police?
- Not yet.
- You didn't call them?
Well, I just got in. When did I have
the chance to call the police?
- Where's the phone?
- No, Mom. Don't call them!
They'll come over
and scare the kids.
- You gotta call them.
- It was a scuffle, wasn't serious.
- Like the relation isn't serious.
- Ruth, now is not the time.
When is the time?
After he knocks him into a coma?
- This is stopping now.
- Oh, really?
Come fall, you're on a plane.
Are you taking them with you?
What are the boys gonna think
when you just disappear?
Easy, Mom.
Frank, this is not some sweetie from
Vassar you can visit on holidays.
You're not in this alone.
And the sooner you end it,
the better.
- What are we gonna do?
- I don't know.
Well, you gotta talk to him, Matt.
I don't know.
Maybe he's right
about scaring the kids.
Why don't we just sleep on it,
deal with it tomorrow?
Are you gonna call the police
or do I have to?
I just told you what I think.
If you want to call them, call them.
It's not the first time
she's played around, you know.
- She's not with the guy anymore.
- No, I mean from before.
- What do you mean?
- You've heard the same things.
You seem to forget. I don't take my
lunches in the teachers' lounge.
Maybe he still loves her.
Best part of the cod.
The outsiders, they won't touch it.
The summer fishermen.
They're part-timers like Frank here.
Get in your hair.
As many as 80% of them
now with licenses.
Should put up a sign: "Stay in your
own back yard, or lose your traps".
Henry is just sore because I catch
about twice as much as he does...
with an old second-hand Boudreau.
Now don't you listen to him, son.
That boat is fine. She was my first.
I kind of miss her sometimes.
And that truck you're driving.
When you heading
back to school, Frank?
Hello, Dr. Fowler.
- How you doing, Jason?
- Good.
What'd you pull?
Not too bad. About 40 pounds.
I haven't caught sight of you
in days.
- You know where to find me.
- When are you coming home?
Has it come to this?
Come to what?
You having to run errands for Mom.
I'm thinking of building
a couple hundred more traps.
See if I can do better
than break even.
It'll take you more then 2 years
to get an off-season license.
Unless Henry takes me
on as his stern man.
- You think he'd do that?
- Maybe.
It's as good a life as any.
It was good enough for your father.
And sometimes things
just skip a generation.
You don't think...?
You don't think you might
need something more?
Why? So I can have an Ivy League
education like you, and...?
If it's so great, why do you
sneak out every day to come here?
I like spending time with my son.
I don't know, Dad.
It's just... I don't know.
She's a wonderful girl.
And that's what I see.
Frank! How long will
you be parked here?
I'd like to unload.
- Give me a hand?
- Yeah, sure.
You can't hypnotize
the cards into changing, Matt.
Christ! Bet, or Carl'll start.
"The beggar's dog
and the widow's cat...
Feed them and thou wilt grow fat.
The gnat sings his summer's song,
poison gets from slander's tongue.
The poison of the snake and newt
is the sweat of envy's foot.
The poison of the honey bee
is the artist's jealousy. "
All right, Carl. Two bucks.
I tell you, man, you gotta
get out of this Blake thing.
- You're in a rut.
- Don't get him started.
Whenever I do my own stuff,
you guys bitch and moan.
- That's not true.
- We love your stuff. It's great.
- Carl?
- I'm in.
Everybody in? Frankie, you in?
Guess I'm the winner.
Always the quiet ones.
Come on. Come on.
Don't mind me.
Your father's snoring.
Eat. You must be hungry.
I'm not hungry.
So you talked to her?
And? How is she?
She's great.
Frank, I just want
to tell you that we...
That I liked her.
Do like her.
She's a wonderful girl.
Ma, you're not gonna have
this conversation with me...
right now, are you?
- Good night.
- Good night.
All right. No, that's fine, sir,
I'll send right away.
Okay. I'm very excited. I'm...
It's a beautiful campus
and I'm preparing already.
Yes, Thank you, thank you, sir.
Yes, well, compared
to your models...
It doesn't compare
to your models, but...
I am. I'm aware
of the Lautner house.
Yeah. Excuse me, sir,
can you hold on one second?
Jase, what is it?
Okay, Jason, stay put.
I'll be right there. Stay put.
He just... he just pushed me.
- He didn't hit me.
- He didn't hit you?
Great. We should throw a party
for him. He didn't hit you.
- We're calling the police.
- No, wait, wait!
- We're calling the police.
- No, I don't...
I don't know what I want to do.
I hate this.
I hate the kids seeing this.
- I don't know what to do!
- Listen.
It's okay, it's okay.
I'm here now. I'm here now.
It's all right.
I'm not going anywhere.
It's all right.
- Go upstairs with the kids.
- No. Frank...
I'm not letting him in the house!
Go upstairs!
It's better if he doesn't see you.
Go upstairs!
Don't let him in. Don't let him in.
- Go.
- Frank, don't let him in.
Open the door!
Frank, buddy. You in there?
Sorry about what happened.
All right?
I apologize. I'm sorry about
what happened. Now open the door.
- Richard, leave.
- Open up.
- Leave now! I'm not letting you in.
- Open the door!
She left! And I'm calling
the police if you don't leave.
Just go.
All right. All right.
Get out, motherfucker!
Read him a story,
I'll be right back.
- I don't want to stay here!
- You have to.
You have to stay here! Look at me!
You're staying here, okay?
Read him a story.
Where is she?
You're fucking lying!
Where is she? Natalie!
Put that away!
Put that away!
There's a Mrs. Strout on line two.
She says it's very important.
"Your fear of death is but the
trembling of the shepherd...
when he stands before the king...
whose hand is to be laid
upon him in honor.
Is the shepherd not joyful
beneath his trembling...
that he should wear
the mark of the king?
Yet is he not more mindful
of his trembling?
For what is it to die
but to stand naked in the wind...
and to melt into the sun?
And what is it to cease breathing...
but to free the breath
from its restless tides...
that it may rise and expand
and see God unencumbered?
Only when you drink from the river
of silence shall you indeed sing.
And when you have reached
the mountaintop...
then you shall begin to climb.
And when the earth shall
claim your limbs...
then shall you truly dance. "
Can I get you anything?
- Where's Ruth?
- She went to lie down, Matt.
Excuse me.
My next guest is a very talented man
who'll perform live this month...
at the Montreal Comedy Festival,
"Just For Laughs".
Please welcome Anthony Clark!
Some more?
- How we doing?
- So nice! Waw!
- They're good people.
- They're all-yare.
Some of them were packing,
but we've cleared that up.
- That's good.
- So, what's been on?
Actually I've been out with Ricky
Martin "Living the Vida Loca".
When you hang out with Ricky
people speak Spanish to you...
and I think that's cool after three
years of Spanish in high school...
Matt, I'm gonna go to lunch.
Can I get you anything?
No, I'm fine.
Are you sure?
Yeah, I'm okay.
Don't worry. I didn't make them.
- I wanted cheese.
- What? Oh! That's mine.
You got back to work so quick.
It's no too soon?
I can't stay home.
- So, how's business?
- You know. Same old crap.
Got held up again. You know that.
- No, I didn't.
- Yeah. They got 75 bucks.
Were you on the till?
They'd have gotten something else
if I'd been on the till.
So how you doing? You don't
write or call. Where'd the love go?
Nag, nag, nag.
They set the bail hearing yet?
- Sometime in the next few days.
- Are you going?
I don't know.
Davis says it's a formality,
I haven't talked with Ruth about
whether or not we ought to go.
If it's too much for Ruth,
I'll come with you.
Thanks. It'll be all right.
Davis says it's a formality.
The criminal trial set yet?
- October.
- October?
- That's what they tell me.
- Christ, they take their time.
- He's in there now.
- They're keeping him busy, I'm sure.
You know where they'll move him
once he's sentenced?
You got any tabasco?
Anita! Tabasco!
Next weekend we really want
you to come up to the camp.
Katie's insisting. Not to pressure
you, but if you don't come...
she'll invite her sister
and that idiot, and...
I'll wind up insulting him again.
The future of my family
is in your hands.
Let me ask Ruth.
- How was your day?
- Fine.
I had lunch with Willis.
- It was really great to see him.
- My day was fine too, thanks.
Sorry, did you say something?
Katie and Willis invited us
up to the camp for the weekend.
I said I'd check with you, in case
we were doing something else.
That sounds fine.
We don't have to go.
You don't want to?
Yeah, I want to.
Then tell them yes.
I thought you might be
busy getting the girls ready.
Al right. The next matter is the
state of Maine vs. Richard Strout.
The record should reflect
the defendant was...
incarcerated in Knox County
Jail without bail since...
the 17th of July.
We're here for a bail hearing.
Mr. Davis, given the fact we have
a very crowded trial calendar...
I suggest we do both bail hearing
and probable cause hearing today...
at 2:OO. So unless I hear
any objection on the contrary...
I'd like to set it for 2:OO...
and we will take testimony
of your witness at that time.
I closed the door.
I walked through my room.
I heard some yelling.
I heard yelling. Heard yelling.
I got to the stairs...
and then I heard...
I heard the shot.
- And Richard...
- I'm sorry.
- Richard...
- Could we go back just a minute?
Mrs. Strout, you said
you heard the shot.
You heard the shot? Did you
actually witness the accident?
Objection. There are no grounds
to indicate this was an accident.
Sustained. Strike the word
"accident" from the record.
Rephrase your sentence, Ms. Keyes.
Mrs. Strout, in the police
report you stated...
that you had witnessed
the firearm discharge.
Did you witness
the firearm discharge?
I thought you said there'd be
a jury trial sometime in October.
If he was incarcerated...
the judge would have set
an October court date...
to save the county the cost
of housing him as an inmate.
But with bail, unfortunately,
the court date is always later.
You mean there's nothing
we can do about this?
You let him walk out,
and we're supposed to sit here?
We can't appeal bail.
It's just not set up that way.
The state's bail code is to ensure
future court appearances.
In this case, Strout's family put up
a great amount of property as bail.
That, along with his ties
to the community...
made it hard to convince the judge
there was a risk of flight.
Now, you can file a civil suit.
I recommend it.
But not now.
After the criminal trial.
And when will that be?
Well, honestly, could be
anywhere from 12 to 18 months.
My God.
You're confident you can put him
away for good then, right?
The things she said in there.
What's the damage?
The way this is going,
potentially... manslaughter.
Jesus Christ!
He killed our son!
- He... It was no accident!
- Ruth, Ruth.
How long will he be sent away for?
That's hard to say.
Anywhere from 5 to 15 years.
But we're confident
we'll get the maximum.
- So even with good behavior...
-5, 10 years? Are you crazy?
Dr. Fowler, Mrs. Fowler,
I'm sorry.
- I understand.
- No, you don't.
No, you don't.
- Doctor, what were you expecting?
- I have no idea.
Dr. Fowler, how do you feel
about Strout's bail?
Dr. Fowler, have you had
contact with Mr. Strout?
How's Mrs. Fowler handling this?
- Dr. Fowler!
- Please! No more questions.
Can you believe this?
I ask those idiots to leave
and no one budges, not one.
What are we supposed to do,
make them sandwiches?
- What are you asking for?
- What?
If you want them to leave,
tell them to leave.
- Okay, I'll tell them to leave.
- Good.
They never come up
to the standard.
And so they're always
disappointed. Always.
They're never doing enough
or working hard enough...
they never behaved right enough,
were never a good enough father...
or husband. And not only can
they not please themselves...
sad to say, nobody else
can please them either.
- You slept late. For you.
- Yeah, I took one of your pills.
You never do that.
Well, there it is
in black and white.
You should read some of the
things he says. It's unbelievable.
I'd better be going.
Where? It's Saturday.
There's some stuff I have
to catch up on at the office.
I won't be long.
Do you want your receipt?
I hope I'm not disturbing you.
Not at all.
Could you break a 50, please?
Excuse me.
Thank you, dear.
Could I possibly have another bag?
Yeah, well, I was just...
Just wondering how you're doing.
I tried to reach you.
We're at my mom's house now.
- I wanted to call you.
- No, that's... It's okay.
Dr. Fowler, I...
Yeah, I know.
I didn't lie.
I didn't lie the first time.
It was...
It's how it came out.
Mrs. Fowler?
Can I get a pack of Marlboro Reds?
How are the boys?
They all right?
I gotta go.
I'll see you.
So how much of this is yours?
You ask me that every time.
You know the cove
on the other side of the cabin?
All the way to the other shoreline.
Almost 350 acres.
Know what it went for
when I bought it?
You don't want to know.
Oh, and that's little Charles
down at the pool.
He figured out how to get down
to the pool on the elevator...
by himself.
You must have been very proud.
That's Shannon waiting in line for,
Oh, my God, that roller coaster.
- You know that one? My God.
- Were the lines very long?
Unless, of course,
you got the... Fast Pass.
What's the Fast Pass?
Well, you know, you got all
these different kingdoms there.
So you take this Fast Pass.
It's kind of a laminated card.
You put into a machine, and
it tells you when to come back so...
so, you know, you don't have to wait
in line. You just go right in and...
You guys ever go to Florida?
How many grand children
do you have now?
Well, all right, there's little
Charles and Shannon...
the three older ones,
and the babies...
That's eleven.
It must be wonderful.
Willis always says, "I guess
there's no danger of us dying off".
I'm so sorry, Ruth.
I just wasn't thinking.
I wanted to have more.
But we had Frank, and...
Matt was just starting
his practice.
So I guess it made sense.
Little Charles.
Only half acord of oak
left at home...
and you know how much
that Daniels charges.
At least I can stack this up
to the cabin...
have something to burn this fall.
It's a wonderful product and
they treat you pretty good.
Because of selling Mary Kay
we got the new Subaru.
The ride up was very comfortable.
It's a nice car.
It's not really a car, it's got
- What the hell is all that SUV crap?
- Sports Utility Vehicle.
It's a little jeep. SUV!
And ATV, and KFC...
- What's with all these, these...?
- Acronyms.
I guess it's just too much trouble
to say what something is anymore.
- What does PMS stand for?
- All right, I was an army brat.
I grew up with jeeps.
Willy's uncomfortable...
that I know more about one
masculine thing than he does.
Only one?
- Thanks, buddy.
- I like this guy.
You've done a nice job
up here, Katie.
Don't tell me you made
these curtains.
- Is that antique linen?
- Well, sort of.
They're pillowcases
from our first house.
I've saved every knickknack
and whim-wham we've ever had.
You included.
My timing is off.
Of course, he don't like working
in recruitment anymore.
Them boys come
to the office in the mall.
They get half-processed, and
they opt for that "delayed entry".
- I couldn't do it.
- Or they decide not to join up.
Like that one kid there. He had
him all the way through the works.
The boy's folks called.
Called David and said
the boy was...
He wanted out so bad that he...
he'd taken his own life.
Something like that gets to you.
Christ, I couldn't do it.
I'm going now.
Are you looking forward
to going back?
You look nice.
That was very good.
I goofed up a little bit, but...
It comes in waves...
and then nothing.
Like a rest in music.
No sound, but so loud.
I don't know what to do.
I feel so angry!
Louise McVey...
Lost a child a few years back.
Maybe you remember.
She had four.
It was the youngest, wasn't it?
She told me about
a vision she had...
when she found out
her daughter had died.
She saw herself at a great
distance from the Earth...
and encircling it,
an endless line.
As she got closer...
she saw that it was made up
of mothers traveling forward.
She felt into line and
began walking with them.
When they reached a certain point
the line divided...
and she said she knew...
that all the millions of women
on her side...
were the mothers
who had lost children.
She seemed to find
great comfort in that.
How did the little girl die?
A drowning, some kind
of swimming accident.
The name of the game
is Texas Chase' Em.
- Oh, jeez.
- Is there a problem?
Why delude yourself with that crap?
- What?
- We're not in Vegas.
It's 5-a-card draw or 7-card stud.
That's what I said.
- Carl?
- Asshole.
I'll bet a buck.
Raise a buck.
Say something, for Christ sake.
Quit pussyfooting around me.
You want me to stare
at these cards all night?
"There are things of which
I may not speak.
There are dreams that cannot die.
There are thoughts that made
the strong heart weak...
and bring a pallor
into the cheek...
and a mist before the eye...
and the words of that fatal song...
come over me like a chill:
'A boy's will...
is the wind's will...
and the thoughts of youth...
are long, long thoughts'."
Okay, you got the two.
- I'm in there.
- I'll take one.
Okay. I'm gonna need...
I need them all. Three.
- Make them good.
- They're good, all right.
You know where we're going?
It's a surprise.
No. I'm sorry,
that's totally unacceptable.
Yeah, so what did he say?
No, we can't allow that.
- Hold on.
- Excuse me. Ryan Collit's out there.
- His mother just brought him in.
- I'll call you later, okay?
I'll be back at 4, Janelle.
Sorry, Dr. Fowler, but you
just missed him. Thank you.
I really need to see him.
He go to lunch?
That's right.
He's across the street.
Thank you.
- Have a seat.
- Thank you.
- My assistant, Jack.
- Hi, Jack.
This is Ed.
Matt Fowler.
So how's everything going?
It's okay, you know...
I just wanted to go over
a couple of things, and...
- When you've had your lunch.
- Sure.
We're doing everything we can,
Matt. I promise.
- What can I do, Bill?
- There's nothing, really.
Look, it can't be manslaughter.
There's got to be something.
Can't you find something?
Like some piece of evidence?
Doesn't that happen?
We're doing everything we can.
But I'm not going to lie to you.
All we've got is Strout, and
he claims there was a struggle.
Forensics can't determine that
cause of the condition of the house.
The best thing for you
to do is just sit tight.
Now, we haven't thrown in the towel
yet, and you shouldn't either.
We have two investigators
working on this case.
It's still a priority case for us.
We've got leads
we're following up on...
we've got a lot of things to do
before we wrap this up...
and we're doing the best we can
with the resources that we have.
You've gotta hang in there with us.
You have to have some confidence.
He nails these bats
above this scale...
because Bigmouth's gonna come
in with his catch, you know?
An old-timer says, "Ivan,
what the hell are you doing?"
The old man says, "Sending a
message", and he walks out.
I walk in, there's these damn
baseball bats up on the wall, right?
With a big note written right
across the front of them!
What'd it say?
"Here's the bats,
if you got the balls. "
He never messed
with our traps again.
Hey, Dr. Fowler.
Hi, Tim.
Did he ever...
Did he ever talk to you
about what happened that day?
I don't even see Richard anymore.
And he'd never tell me anything
anyway. Believe me.
Sure, sure. Of course not.
I was just wondering if...
maybe you heard something
through the grapevine.
Maybe one of his buddies
said something?
I was thinking. His brothers
still work with you, right?
They must talk.
What I'm saying is,
if we could find something...
just something concrete.
I could be just
a slip of the tongue.
I'll keep my ears open.
Thank you.
It's funny running into you.
Here, Dr. Fowler.
You know, well...
I was hoping we could talk.
I wanted to tell you
how truly sorry I am...
if there's anything
that I can ever...
do to...
talk with you...
I better get back to the grind.
Don't steal anything.
Hello, Mrs. Fowler.
- Anything else?
- A pack of Marlboro Lights.
Now, that will be $14,95
with the cigarettes.
Thank you.
How did it go today?
- Something wrong?
- Wrong?
What could be wrong, Matt?
- What do you want?
- I want to know what's going on.
You're obviously upset. Is there
something we can talk about?
Talk? Who, us?
What if somebody walked in?
They wouldn't recognize us. They'd
think they were in the wrong house.
- Do you want to talk or not?
- You mean about our dead son?
We haven't before.
Why should we bother now?
What can I do, Ruth?
Forget it, Matt.
Why don't you just go?
What do you want from me?
I want you to stop acting
like nothing's happened.
That's what I want.
- Because I'm not hitting the walls?
- That would require feelings.
We don't want you
to hurt yourself.
Do me a favor. You want a grieving
contest, go find someone else.
I know how you grieve.
Go have another beer.
What the hell is that
supposed to mean?
What do you know?
You know nothing.
You don't know what I go through.
No, I don't know what you go through
or if you go through anything!
But that's your choice,
dear, not mine.
You're right. My choice is
not to scream at the world.
Maybe one of us
has to be reasonable here.
Gee, Matt...
I don't know about you,
but I miss my son.
I'm glad you have time for reason.
That's what you imparted to Frank,
that sense and reason.
He thought you were
very reasonable.
What are you talking about?
Are you saying that I...
that I'm the one responsible?
Is that it? Well...
Let me tell you something. Let me
tell you: you got it backwards!
I know what you think,
that I was too lenient!
- That I let him get away with...
- Everything!
- And why didn't he come to you?
- He wouldn't listen to me!
- No, he wouldn't!
- He didn't trust me.
- Because you never listened to him.
- No, but you did.
You were winking at him the
whole time. You encouraged him.
You wanted what he had. Her.
- My God, you've gotta be kidding!
- You know it!
You wanted it and you couldn't get
it. That's why you didn't stop him.
So you could get your kicks
through your son.
You can't admit the truth
to me or to yourself...
that Frank died for your
fantasy piece of ass!
You want to know why our son
is dead? You really want to know?
He was with her not because of me.
He went there because of you.
Yes, he did.
Because you are so controlling...
so overbearing...
so angry that he was it!
That he was our only one.
- That is not true!
- Yes, it is. Yes, it is.
Even when he was a kid, you were
telling him how he was always wrong.
I remember. One time you yanked
him out of a Little League game...
and sent him home...
for throwing his glove
in the dirt.
He was what? 9 years old!
Everything he did was wrong.
Well, what was wrong
with him, Ruth?
You're... you're so unforgiving.
You are. That's what he said.
And you're pulling
the same shit with me.
And that's a horrible way to be.
It's horrible.
You're bitter, Ruth.
Point your finger at me
all you like...
but take a damn good look
at yourself.
I just wanted to talk about
what happened, Matt.
You want me to be open with you,
embrace you?
You scare me.
How can I talk to you?
Sometimes I...
Sometimes I can't even look at you.
That's probably the police.
Hi. I'm Kristen Gellar from the
Rockland Gymnastics Association.
We're selling brand-name candy.
Each purchase is matched
by the Tandy Corporation...
to help us meet our goal
of traveling to Oahu...
to compete in the
East/West conference.
Okay, I'll take some.
Oh, and today we have a special.
Six bars for ten dollars.
Okay, I'll do that.
- Should I hold something?
- Could you hold this? Thank you.
- Okay, there's the ten.
- Thank you.
You can pick anything you want.
Any six?
what I said just now...
I had no right.
No one...
No one should ever have
to hear stuff like that.
I'm so sorry.
It's okay.
You're right, Matt.
I am horrible.
Please, please, please don't.
I don't blame you.
It's just...
That girl came by the school...
and I couldn't forgive her.
I was...
I was so...
I'm sorry.
I've been so...
I've been so angry.
That's okay.
It's just...
I've seen him. I keep seeing him.
I know. I...
I know. In his room, you know,
sometimes I can swear he's there.
And today, at a stoplight...
...I could've sworn Frank...
- Not Frank.
And I don't know what to do.
Where did you see him?
Everywhere, Downtown,
at the market. I saw him...
I saw him at South End.
He smiled at me, Matt.
I keep running into him.
He smiled.
It's okay, it's okay.
- Honey, you coming to bed now?
- Soon. Matt's still here.
Oh, well... Well, hi, Matt.
Honey, when you come to bed,
would you bring me my pills?
They're on the top shelf
from where the kids were here.
- All right.
- Thanks, dear.
I never thought about bail.
I thought I wouldn't have
to worry about him for years.
You know what I heard?
He's tending bar up to
Old Orchard Beach for a friend.
You notice even the worst
bastards have a friend?
Nobody knows him there...
If they do, they don't care.
They drink what he mixes.
I hate him, Matt.
My boys went to school with him.
He was the same.
Know what he'll do?
Five years at the most.
Yeah, I know.
Remember the woman
about seven years ago?
Shot her husband and
dropped him off the bridge...
with a 10O-pound sack of cement...
and said the whole way through it
nobody helped her.
- You know where she is now?
- Where?
She's up to Searsport now,
a secretary.
And whoever helped her,
where the hell is he?
It'd break my heart, Matt.
It would.
But, you ever think about just...
moving away?
Yeah, we have.
It wouldn't matter.
I'll lock up.
I'll walk you to your car.
- Good night. See you tomorrow.
- Wait up!
- Want to come over for a drink?
- No, thanks.
- Come on!
- Maybe some other night.
Just one drink!
Come on!
All right.
Fucking bitch!
What are you doing here?
Anything I can help you with?
- Don't talk.
- God.
Unlock the door and get in.
Wait just a minute.
Let's calm down.
All right, all right.
All right.
All right, all right.
Unlock it.
Is there anyone in your place?
- Not tonight.
- Good.
Drive there.
Drive slowly.
- Don't try to get stopped.
- All right.
He was making it with my wife,
Dr. Fowler.
Don't talk.
Let's go to the back door.
Keep your mouth shut.
Turn the light on.
- Where's your suitcase?
- My suitcase?
- Yeah, where is it?
- In the bedroom closet.
Okay, that's where we're going.
When you come to a door, stop
and turn the light on. Let's go.
There's no wall switch.
- Where's the light?
- By the bed.
Go ahead.
Sit down. On the bed.
Which closet is it?
Where are the suitcases?
I wanted to work things out
with Natalie.
I tried to get back together again.
But I couldn't.
I couldn't talk to her.
He was always with her.
It was an accident.
I'm going to jail.
If I get out, I'll be an old man.
Isn't that enough?
You're not going to jail.
Pack clothes form warm weather.
You're going to let me go?
You're going to jump bail.
Go ahead.
- Go ahead!
- All right, all right.
See, it's the trial. We can't go
through that, my wife and I.
That's why you're leaving.
I've got you a ticket.
My wife keeps seeing you.
I can't have that anymore.
Thank you, Dr. Fowler.
I'd go pick up my boys
and he'd be there.
Sometimes he spent the night.
Duncan told me.
- I'm sorry, Dr. Fowler.
- All right, that's enough.
I need some things
from the bathroom.
- Keep walking.
- I gotta pee.
Go ahead.
Let's go.
They'll catch me. They're
going to check passenger lists.
I didn't use your name.
They'll figure that out. I would've
done it myself if it was that easy.
You were alone.
We got it worked out.
Who's "we"?
Start the engine. Let's go.
There's no planes this time
of night, Dr. Fowler.
Go north on 73.
The airport's south.
Someone's gonna keep you awhile.
They'll take you to the airport.
Turn the radio on.
Find the game.
- It's after 1:OO.
- They run it again.
No more talking.
Let's see, the last Red Sox player
to have a 3-home run game...
would've been Trot Nixon
last year in Detroit.
Norman had one previous to that...
off with a fastball, ball one.
He holds to get back at first, the
outfield swung around to their left.
And a groundball roll
at a stretch stop.
Flip to second before it starts
back, it's four on the fourth.
Actually hits to a fourth
play to end the inning.
The second the inning is over,
Red Sox have left 7 after 6.
The Red Sox 7, the Braves 2...
on the WEPI Red Sox Radio Network.
he had hit too.
Hits one into the air...
- Turn around.
- Why?
We missed it, turn around!
There's nothing back here,
Dr. Fowler.
I don't understand why we
don't just drive to the airport.
You don't think we'd leave
your car at the airport, do you?
I'll do 20 years, Dr. Fowler.
I'll be 53 years old.
That's a year younger
than I am now.
Where are we?
Almost there.
Turn it off. Leave the lights on.
- Is this your cabin, Dr. Fowler?
- No, it isn't. Let's get the bags.
- Mr. Grinnel.
- I'll get them, son.
You can take this.
What did you do?
This isn't what we talked about.
He tried to run.
We were going to wait
and take him out in the woods.
I couldn't wait.
I better get the ATV.
Come on, we gotta go.
Come on, go!
What time is it?
It's 10 to 4.
We lost an hour, I'm sorry.
Yeah. High tide.
Can't stop people from fishing,
- Fucking bridge.
- I'm sorry, Willis.
Stopped into his little
shed there once.
Place reeked.
He's spilled more whiskey
than we've ever drunk.
We'll just pray he's already
three sheets to the wind.
Katie's pill will be
wearing off soon.
Did you do it?
Are you all right, Matt?
There was a picture of him
and Natalie on the wall.
What is it, Matt?
The way she was smiling.
I don't know.
What am I thinking?
You must be hungry.
Do you want coffee?