In the Line of Fire (1993)

Oh, my God!
Frank, thank God! I'm dead.
I'm dead.
Frank, I'm sorry. I got lost.
This town is so confusing.
What a day.
My wife had to work early.
My kid was crying when I took him to
school. He hated to leave Chicago.
- It broke my heart, Frank.
- Any more excuses?
- No.
- Good. In the future be punctual.
- You got it?
- I'm sorry. It won't happen again.
- Frank, how are you doing?
- It's good to see you again.
- Hi, Marty. Sorry we're late.
- Al, go help Jimmy and Raul.
Yeah, sure. This is his.
- You don't trust me?
- I live in a crappy neighbourhood.
- Have you got that funny money?
- Yeah. Right here.
It looks good. It looks real good.
- We're in business.
- Excellent.
There's just one problem.
This guy Al...
He keeps asking all these questions
about my counterfeiter.
My instinct usually tells me
when something's wrong.
And there's something wrong.
So I had him followed.
He's a Secret Service agent, Frank.
- What do you think I ought to do?
- Be sure the body doesn't wash up.
I want you to pop him for me, okay?
- I think maybe you're with him.
- You came to me, remember?
- So pop him. Show me I'm an asshole.
- I'm just a businessman.
So pop him...
and let's do some business.
Yes, that's what I'm looking for.
Come on, let's go get an omelette.
Let me get my pistol.
My gun?
You're under arrest.
You're under arrest, too.
Secret Service.
You knew from the weight
of the gun that it was empty, right?
There could have been
one bullet there.
Do you think we can go someplace
and talk about this?
- Doesn't killing guys get to you?
- It gets to you.
I don't like this undercover stuff.
I was so scared.
I joined the Secret Service... protect people.
You like the idea of
throwing yourself in front of a gun?
Hoping you get hit instead of
the guy you're protecting?
I don't know. Maybe I'm...
- Maybe I'm just wrong for the job.
- You're a good man, Al.
- You'll make a good agent.
- How do you know?
I know things about people.
- Come on, let's eat.
- I've got to go home to my family.
A lot of guys warned me
you were a pain in the ass.
- I'll see you in the office.
- Damn! The office.
- Monroe wants us to check this out.
- I'll take care of it.
- I'll go with you.
- No. Go hug your wife and kid.
I was not snooping,
but the smoke alarm was going off.
I got scared.
I got more scared
when I saw what was inside.
The smoke was from crumbs
in the oven he left on.
I love the United States.
I've been to the White House.
Only in the United States can just
anybody go to visit the President.
So when I saw this,
these killing things...
...I called the police.
They called the Secret Service.
That was two days ago.
The President gets 1,400 threats
a year. We've got to check them all.
- You say his name's McCauley?
- No, McCrawley, from Denver.
I remember it like yesterday.
I cried and cried.
Joseph McCrawley, Denver.
Died 30 years ago, age 11.
Your guy is using his ID.
Thanks, Jack.
Federal Agents. Open up!
Oh, my God! That's you.
- Yeah?
- Frank Horrigan?
- Yeah?
- The Secret Service agent?
- Yeah. What did I win?
- My God, it's really you?
- Who the hell is this?
- That was you in my apartment.
- McCrawley?
- Why not call me Booth?
- Why not Oswald?
- Booth had flair and panache.
The leap to the stage
after he shot Lincoln.
- Where are you?
- Closer than you'd imagine.
It's very ex citing to talk to you.
I feel like I know you.
I've read about you and seen photos.
You were JFK's favourite agent.
But that was a long time ago.
What keeps you going?
Let's get together and talk.
I think the less you know about me,
the better.
- I'm planning to kill the President.
- You shouldn't have said that.
Threatening the President is a federal
offence, even if you don't mean it.
I mean it.
One need only be willing to trade
one's own life for the President's.
- That's right.
- I'm willing.
Going up against you raises
the game to a much higher level.
Fate has brought us together, Frank.
- I just can't get over the irony.
- What irony?
Your intimate involvement with
the assassinations of two presidents.
Hang on a second.
I've got something on the stove.
He was a tenant for three weeks.
What's really weird is the other
tenants never really saw him.
Statements vary.
He was between 5'8"and 6'2".
Between 165 and 180 pounds.
- Age?
- Between 28 and 45.
Before an election, panic is what
you've got on a good day.
- They're waiting for you.
- Hey, Frank.
- Sam.
- It's been a long time.
- I hear the new director isn't much fun.
- I've been the director for two years.
Al D'Andrea.
You know Matt Wilder.
He still owes me $20
from Super Bowl 21.
This is agent-in-charge Bill Watts
and Lilly Raines.
- She's very pretty for a secretary.
- And you're very old for an agent.
Lilly's an agent.
I just wanted to see
if she had a sense of humour.
Have a seat.
Let's talk about this guy.
I guess we're calling him Booth for now.
- What do you know about him?
- He's dangerous.
- How do you know?
- I know things about people.
Why didn't you take steps
to know more that first night?
- We had a busy day.
- Too busy to investigate properly?
- A 10-minute search of his room?
- I didn't have a warrant.
- Given your reputation...
- What reputation is that?
- Let's get back on track.
- What are you referring to?
Am I paranoid,
or is he busting my balls?
Probably a little of both.
Bill, there was a time around here
when I was almost as arrogant as you.
I don't have time for this. I've got
to pull 75 agents out of Miami.
Keep me posted, Sam, will you?
- So what do we do with this guy?
- We keep investigating.
- Tap my phone.
- Will he call again?
- He'll call. He's got panache.
- Panache?
- Yes, it means flamboyance.
- I know what it means.
- Really? I had to look it up.
- All right, we'll tap your phone.
By the way, Watts isn't nearly
as arrogant as you were.
Just what reputation was Watts
referring to, Sam?
You know.
Am I considered a borderline burn-out
with questionable social skills?
What do you want to talk to me
about, besides your reputation?
I want to be assigned
to the President.
Protection? After all these years?
Frank, you're a dinosaur.
- This guy's gonna make a try.
- Watts will fight me all the way.
You owe it to me.
- I've kept you in a job.
- I've got to come back.
Do you really want
to stand post again? At your age?
Yeah, I've got at least
one pair of good shoes somewhere.
We're stopping.
Traveller wants to work the ropes.
The French President's coming.
Get a security man up here.
Damn it! Get back.
- What's going on here?
- Horrigan had a heart attack.
- Hey, are you okay?
- Get the hell out of here.
- What's going on?
- I had a call about a cardiac case.
- Are you all right, Frank?
- I'm on my break here.
I get it, you bastards.
Who's the wise guy?
Okay, everybody, back to work.
- All right, who was the joker?
- It may not have been a joke.
- You were looking peaked today.
- I'll pay him back in spades.
How can you be sure it was a him?
- You've missed my street, Al.
- Why don't you have a car?
I lived in New York a long time.
I like public transportation.
If you like buses,
why make me go out of my way?
I like your company.
- He's a weird-looking guy.
- Lf he still looks like that.
Pull up over here.
The President's election troubles
were hardly apparent today.
He and the French President
stopped twice to greet the crowds.
The Senate has yet to react
to the new French trade agreement.
The French will host a formal dinner
at their embassy for the President.
Presidential advisors are pleased...
...with the publicity this
has brought in an election year.
It's a weird sub-culture, Al.
Send some agents to check this out.
- Ask about some whackos.
- I'll get on it in the morning.
Hang on, I've got the other line.
- Yeah?
- Frank.
- Booth, how are you doing?
- I'm fine, thanks.
Hang on,
I'll get rid of the other call.
- You got it?
- Yeah, keep him talking.
- Yeah?
- Trying to trace me?
- Why didn't I think of that?
- You did. You're a good adversary.
- But I was worried about you today.
- Why?
In the motorcade, I thought
you were going to pass out.
You should get in shape
for that kind of duty.
- Yeah, maybe you're right.
- I'm watching your movie.
- Movie?
- November '63. Kennedy's last days.
The arrival in Texas.
It must have been ex citing.
Dallas. That morning at Love Field.
You all look so radiant.
JFK, Jackie and you.
You look so young and able, Frank.
What did happen to you that day?
The only agent to react to the shots
was farther away than you.
You must have looked up at that
window, but you didn't react.
Late at night when the demons come... you see the rifle at the window,
or Kennedy's head being blown apart?
If you'd reacted in time,
could you have saved him?
If you had, that could've been
your head being blown apart.
Do you wish you'd succeeded,
or is life too precious?
What's done is done.
I have that Esquire article
about you and the other agents.
So sad how your wife left you
and took your little daughter.
You were so forthright
about your drinking problem.
And that you weren't easy to live with.
I was so moved by your honesty.
The world can be a cruel place
to an honest man.
What about you, Booth?
What's your story?
It's an epic saga.
I'll talk to you again soon.
It's nice to have a friend.
- Did you get him?
- We got him.
He may have a device that makes it
look like he's using another number.
- This device, how could he get it?
- He could build one.
- Can you trace it?
- We could run a parity check.
- Can you trace the call?
- Not if it's a para-analog line.
Give me a straight answer,
or Al will shoot off his foot.
If he calls again, keep him on
the line. We'll see what we can do.
You might suggest that the police
don't knock down any more doors.
I have that Esquire article
about you and the other agents.
So sad how your wife left you
and took your little daughter.
You were so forthright
about your drinking problem.
And that you weren't easy to live with.
I was so moved by your honesty.
- Okay, but why play it for me?
- Cancel the President's dinner.
The dinner at the French Embassy?
This close to the election?
He manipulated the phone system.
He could have knowledge of explosives.
- Do your job. There'll be no problems.
- There may be arms in the embassy.
You think the French
want to knock off the President?
Why does every chief of staff...
You have no reason to think that
this is anything but an idle threat.
You want me to cancel a state dinner
and risk offending the French?
This guy's pushed your buttons
and you're overreacting a little.
- I'm trying to protect your boss.
- So am I.
We're trailing 12 points in the polls,
and the election's in six weeks.
- He's got to be seen.
- Even if it kills him?
How could being down 12 points
look like good news?
The President was even worse off
weeks ago.
He'll be out with the voters in
the Midwest and then in California.
The President and First Lady
of the United States.
His Ex cellency, the
President of France and his wife.
Agent Raines,
you look devastating tonight.
Good enough to eat...
if you'll pardon the expression.
I try to sympathize with you,
but you really do annoy me.
Why sympathize?
The tape of that phone call.
When he mentioned your wife.
- Ex-wife.
- At any rate, I'm sorry.
Strange, I get sympathy from
an assassin and a woman I annoy.
- Would you care to dance?
- Perhaps some other time.
I get off in a couple of hours.
- What are you looking at?
- Where do you hide your firearm?
Don't tell me, let me guess.
We're on our final approach to L.A.
It's a beautiful day out there.
Thanks for flying with us.
We hope to see you again.
- Deposit this in the new account.
- I'll need to see your papers.
"Microspan Corporation. "
What kind of business are you in?
- Software.
- Up in San Jose?
I'm based there,
but I'm opening an office in L.A.
You're not from San Jose?
Where are you from?
- Minneapolis.
- You're kidding! So am I.
Well, it's a small world.
I hated the winters.
I used to stay in and pig out.
- What high school did you go to?
- New Brighton High school.
- There isn't any New Brighton.
- There was when I was there.
Well, maybe I'm just confused.
It happens a lot.
- There was a school across from...
- I'm late, will this take long?
Not at all, just another minute.
Thank you.
- You have a very pleasant manner.
- Thank you, Mr. Carney.
How would you like
to give a colleague a ride home?
- Why do you keep flirting with me?
- Am I?
- You know it can't go anywhere.
- That's why I do it.
Come on, I'll buy you an ice cream.
No further obligations.
- How many female agents are there?
- About 125.
- Pure window dressing.
- Excuse me?
Window dressing.
You're around so the President
looks good to his feminist voters.
- Do make an effort to be obnoxious?
- It's a gift.
We do a lot of window dressing.
Like running with the limousine.
It'd take an anti-tank missile
to put a dent in it.
But it makes the President
look more presidential.
If I'm here for the feminist vote,
what demographics do you represent?
White, piano-playing,
heterosexuals over the age of 50.
There ain't a lot of us,
but we do have a powerful lobby.
- Time flies when you're annoyed.
- Where are you going?
- I have a date.
- With whom?
That's none of your business.
- You want a ride?
- I don't think so.
I like it here this time of day.
I think I'll hang out.
Okay, thanks for the ice cream.
- See you.
- You're welcome.
If she looks back,
that means she's interested.
Come on now, give me that
smug look and be on your way.
Well, Abe... Damn, I wish
I could've been there for you.
Hi, baby, how are you doing?
Yes, I missed you too.
I didn't mean to startle you. I got
your address from the phone book.
- I'm not listed.
- Well, I better come clean.
I followed you. I'm sorry,
I'm not very good at this.
I'm new in town. I was wondering
if you'd care to join me for dinner.
That's sweet, but...
I also wanted to apologize for lying
to you about being from Minneapolis.
I shouldn't ask so many questions.
Did you mention our conversation
to anyone at the bank?
- No!
- May I?
Rory, settle down!
- Pam, what's going on? Oh, hi.
- This is my roommate.
- Sally, this is Mr. Carney.
- Nice to meet you.
- I was just on my way out.
- I'm sorry, but you can't leave.
You shouldn't have been
from Minneapolis.
I don't know what you want, but...
- Hi, this is Sally.
- This is Pam. We're not in right now.
- Leave your name and number.
- And we'll call you back. Bye.
Frank, I hope you don't mind me
calling you at the office.
- No, why don't you drop by?
- I'd love to.
Let me take some time to welcome
those who are joining us late.
I'd love to drop by.
We've got so much in common.
We do? Like what?
We're both willing to trade
our lives for the President's.
We were both betrayed
by those we trusted.
- I wasn't betrayed, Booth.
- Sure you were, Frank.
The Warren Commission reported your
procedure as seriously deficient.
They criticized all the agents for
being out drinking the night before.
As if Kennedy would be alive today
if you'd been in bed by 10 p. m.
- Maybe they were right.
- No, they weren't right.
You wanted to have agents stationed
all around his car. He refused.
Do you know why?
Because he had a death wish.
He talked all the time
about being assassinated.
His favourite poem was about death.
I think he wanted to die.
And I think he didn't care that
his death would ruin your life.
What do you think?
- What about you? Who betrayed you?
- I don't think he's scrambling it.
Some of the same people,
but I'm going to get even.
I'll have my day in the sun.
The question is, will you?
I think you're in
for a lot more pain.
How much of this shit
do I have to listen to?
He's across the street.
LaFayette Park.
I told you to get in shape, Frank.
That's him! Al, that's him!
Secret Service! I'm impounding
this car. He put his hand on here.
- We got fingerprints.
- Are you all right, Frank?
Hey Tony, have a look at this.
- The print from Secret Service?
- Yeah, it's really strange.
This is C-12. We can't tell them.
Horrigan, I'm afraid
we've drawn a blank.
- You're sure?
- We ran it against everything.
I'm meeting with the President.
You keep investigating.
- What should I do?
- You'll think of something.
You're a real pain
when things don't go your way.
Your friends warned you about that.
The President hit the campaign trail
today on a 6-day tour of 12 states.
With just a month to the election,
he's trailing by 10 points.
He'll concentrate on the Midwest,
where he's sagging in the polls.
The campaign will wind up
in Chicago with a big rally.
Do you have a flight on Tuesday
from Washington to L.A.?
I'd like an open-ended ticket so I
can make some stops on my return.
C-5, off-load the choppers first.
Who's our route agent?
That'll be Jacqueline King.
This is Watts,
we have arrival at 13.15.
- Where are we keeping the cars?
- Denver PD has an area for us.
This is Watts,
we're ten minutes out.
Here in Denver we gather today
in the shadow of giants.
Brave pioneers who overcame the
wilderness and carved a new nation.
Today we are asked
to match our vision to their vision.
And to pass that legacy on.
- Is sector three secure?
- Sector three is secure.
The President was campaigning
today in Denver.
We are living in a time
of global economic transition.
We need compassion and vision
to create a future...
...of peace and progress
for everyone.
The President is due to arrive
here in L.A. Later in the month.
He'll compete for California's
This is Sandy Riggs calling.
If you want to catch a rally
in the Midwest, you'd best call me.
The President has no fixed schedule.
In answer to your other question, just
send a cheque to party headquarters.
Ladies and gentlemen of Holly, Michigan,
the President of the United States.
We've gone a long way
toward achieving that goal...
We've got some trouble up ahead.
Notify the White House staff.
Milwaukee will be easy tomorrow.
Flight 318 to Milwaukee
is now boarding at gate 21.
All passengers
proceed to the boarding area now.
Hey, pal, found any bombs today?
- Did the First Lady ask about me?
- Have you gotten to know them yet?
- I prefer not to get to know them.
- Why is that?
They might not be worth
taking a bullet for.
Here comes my replacement.
Let's go to the bar.
- We can't drink on the road.
- But they have a great piano player.
I've played for presidents
and with presidents.
Nixon and I once did
a duet of "Moonglow. "
- I heard he didn't like you.
- We got on all right.
His Chief of Staff didn't like me.
He once ordered me to get rid of
some anti-war protesters.
I said I couldn't do that.
Freedom of speech and such.
He said, "When I'm talking to you,
I am the President. "
I said, "You look like a sack of shit
in a cheap suit to me, sir!"
- The "sir" was a classy touch.
- I thought so.
You never wear shades
when you're standing post.
I like the whackos
to see the whites of my eyes.
A glare can be just as effective
as a gun. Know what I mean?
You know what I mean?
You got me.
You'd better stick to the shades,
What are you afraid of?
I'm afraid of making a big mistake.
Good night.
Good, we've got some updates
on Milwaukee.
Don't answer it.
Okay, I'll be right down.
Traveller's losing ground in
Georgia. Milwaukee's out tomorrow.
And they're staging a rally
somewhere outside Atlanta.
What am I doing?
Oh, Lilly...
I've got to put all that shit
back on, damn it!
I'm glad to see you all
out here in the rain with me today.
I've been saying,
"Don't just vote for me, join me. "
And today you certainly have.
We may get a tad damp today.
But guess who's gonna be all wet
on Election Day?
- How about the watch list?
- 23 crazies are under surveillance.
The hospital?
Extra units of Traveller's
blood type are on hand.
Accessible to the alternate route too.
- Under the weather?
- Sick as a dog, Lilly.
What's this? " Psychological
Profile of John Booth. "
- Did you make a mistake?
- What?
You said you were afraid
of making a big mistake.
With this job, let's be realistic.
It's not like we work in a bank.
- You had an affair with an agent?
- He wasn't an agent.
But he left you
because you wouldn't quit your job?
I left him.
I wouldn't quit my job for him.
It broke my heart.
You vowed never again to let a man
come between you and your career.
But now you're in love with me and
it scares you a little, doesn't it?
- Blow your nose.
- Sorry.
What would happen
if I gave up my job for you?
Why would you do that?
I vowed never again to let my career
come between me and a woman.
Hey, be careful, will you?
This whole event's been advertised
in advance. Just be alert.
Watts, it's Horrigan, it's a zoo here.
We gotta take Traveller underground.
This is Watts. We are using the
alternate arrival site. Underground.
- Watts, Booth may be here.
- I thought you couldn't identify him.
- I can't. Just call it a hunch.
- Ignore your psychic abilities.
All posts take to your positions.
- You've got a fever, Frank.
- You stay alert in there, will you?
One quality above all
marks this President.
It has earned him the respect
of the people of this country.
That quality is courage.
The question is, will we stand
by the man who has stood by us?
- Stage right?
- Stage right, all clear.
- Stage left?
- Stage left, clear.
- Stage centre?
- Stage centre, clear.
The President of the United States
and the First Lady!
- Gun!
- Get down!
What the hell's going on in there?
All clear.
- False alarm.
- Traveller's secure. Resume positions.
- Are you hurt, Mr. President?
- I'm all right.
Everything's all right, folks.
We had a little false alarm there.
That was exciting, wasn't it?
Take your seat, please.
It was just a balloon popping.
Traveller wants to continue.
Do you have any idea how many
votes you cost us last night?
The President looked like a coward.
He looked all right. You were
the one who looked like a coward.
- Is this just a joke to you?
- No, you're a joke to me.
- You have no idea what we do.
- That's enough!
I'll have you busting
counterfeiters in Alaska!
Keep him away from the White House
and away from me!
- The man's a disgrace.
- You can't talk to him like that.
I don't work for him.
You work for me. At least
you did. You're off my detail.
My Super Bowl debt. In case
I don't see you after this trip.
You know, Frank...
...if you just acknowledge that
it was an unfortunate situation...
- I'm not going to apologize.
- I'm not saying you should.
- But the President was humiliated.
- He's alive.
- We are here to save his dignity too.
- I'm not paid for that.
When Kennedy's girlfriend got into
trouble, you said she was with you.
- That was just a rumour.
- I heard the whole story.
You were suspended for a month
in order to save his dignity.
- He was different.
- Maybe you were different.
I was different.
The whole country was different.
Everything would be different if I'd
been half as paranoid as I am today.
Why not just retire? Live off
your pension. What's the point?
Somebody else asked me that
not long ago.
You don't spend any money,
except on jazz records.
I want to stay
on the Booth case, Sam.
All right, but as for
protective detail...
I understand.
That thing in Chicago...
I've never been on the wrong side
of a judgement call like that.
You had the flu!
That can impair your judgement.
Face it, Frank.
You're too old for this shit.
What happened
in the Windy City, Frank?
- Did the balloon get you panicky?
- You were there.
I couldn't help wondering why you'd
risk your life to save such a man.
You have such a strange job. I can't
decide if it's heroic or absurd.
Why would you risk your life
to kill a man like that?
- Read my psychological profile.
- I don't believe in them.
Nor do I. A man's actions don't equal
the sum of his psychological parts.
- It doesn't work that way.
- Just how does it work?
It doesn't work. God doesn't punish
the wicked and reward the righteous.
Everyone dies.
Some die because they deserve to.
Others die because they come
from Minneapolis. It's meaningless.
If none of this means anything,
why kill the President?
- To punctuate the dreariness.
- You need to get yourself laid.
You're the same. Name one thing
in your life that has any meaning.
- I play the piano.
- That's not enough.
How do you know? Do you play?
I've seen you in your bar alone.
There's no cause worth fighting for.
All we have is the game.
- I'm on offence. You're on defence.
- When do we start playing the game?
The clock's ticking, Frank.
Take care.
He scrambled it. I missed him.
Jesus, Frank.
I called for hours.
I thought something happened to you.
I'm sick, I'm tired
and I'm armed, too. So be careful.
- You're also maybe a genius.
- Not to be recognized in this lifetime.
- Did you listen to the call?
- Yeah, remember...?
Call the field office in Minneapolis.
See what you can find
about the accidental deaths.
Will you listen to me, please?
- Spit it out, damn it!
- We spoke to some model builders.
There is a professor at Pasadena
College. I think we've got something.
I met him at a design conference
in New Orleans a year ago.
We ordered a few rounds of drinks.
He seemed like a nice enough guy.
But when we talked politics
he got a nasty edge.
He said the government betrayed him
and he was out for revenge.
The way he said it scared me.
I said, "Nice talking to you. "
And I got the hell out of there.
For the life of me
I cannot remember his name.
But I'm pretty sure
he said he was from Phoenix.
You ought to talk to a guy
in Phoenix named Walter Wickland.
- We're going to Phoenix.
- Let's get a police artist.
- Have a sketch faxed to us.
- You figured that out by yourself?
- Kiss my ass, Frank.
- I told you you'd make a good agent.
That doesn't look much like him,
but it's got to be Mitch Leary.
- I haven't seen him in over a year.
- What do you know about the guy?
You see this wheelchair?
Mitch bought it for me.
It cost over $1,000.
- You see this?
- Take it easy now.
This is in case he ever comes back.
He accused me
of ripping off his design.
He said my penalty for disloyalty
was death.
If you put him away,
I'll sleep better.
- Where can we find him?
- I've got his address somewhere.
Don't move.
Drop it!
- Let him go, Horrigan.
- I got him.
It's okay. We're on the same team.
- Hands, motherfucker!
- I'm getting my identification!
- Give it to me.
- David Coppinger. CIA.
- And who's this asshole?
- He's with me.
- God dammit!
- Are you here for Leary or me?
Mr. Leary used to be
one of our operatives.
- He's threatened to kill the President.
- We didn't think he was serious.
- But you knew. You and the FBI.
- I understand your frustration.
You understand my frustration?
You pompous son of a bitch!
What did Leary do for you?
Run drugs? Sell arms to Iran?
It's a C-12 matter,
so this is off the record.
If asked, I'm going to deny it.
- Leary's what we call a wet boy.
- What's a wet boy, Frank?
- Leary's an assassin.
- He's more like a predator.
- Was that you shooting?
- Yes.
- What kind of gun is that?
- Something I made.
You made it?
That beats paying for it.
- Can I see it?
- Yeah.
- It's light. What's it made of?
- It's composite. Like plastic.
Pretty neat!
Mind if I give her a little dance?
- Not at all.
- Go for it.
That is great! That is really great!
- Would you sell it?
- No, I need it.
- For what?
- To assassinate the President.
- Why would you want to do that for?
- Why did you kill that bird?
Leary was one of our most effective
contractors, but times changed.
Cutbacks had to be made.
Leary didn't take it too well.
- We've not been able to locate him.
- We can work together on this.
- Wouldn't that be refreshing?
- We have fingerprints and photos.
- These are at least 15 years old.
- He's camera-shy.
He'll be in disguise, anyway.
We need photo alterations, Sam.
What I'm about to show you
is highly classified.
This is a former colleague
of Leary's. A close friend.
He went by Leary's home to try
and get him to accept counselling.
This is how Leary
treats his friends.
We need every possible variable.
Facial hair, glasses, weight change.
Keep in mind
he's 15 years older now.
As good as they are, they aren't
much good. The eyes are dead.
You can always tell a man
by his eyes.
- Tomorrow morning I'd like you to...
- I'm resigning tomorrow.
What for? Because you were scared
down in Phoenix? I was scared too.
I have nightmares about that
boat with the bag over my head.
I can't breathe.
Phoenix clinched it.
- The service has counsellors.
- I've been to counsellors.
- We can get this guy.
- I can't do it!
Stop this cockamamie shit.
Come on, pal, I need you.
Okay, Frank.
Cockamamie. That's a word
your generation hasn't embraced yet.
You ought to use it once in a while
to keep it alive.
- Cockamamie!
- Yeah.
- Oh, God!
- Well, it made you laugh.
You kill me, Frank.
Hello, Frank. And let me welcome
all of you joining our programme.
I know who you are, Leary.
I'm glad. Friends should be able
to call each other by name.
- We're not friends.
- Sure, we are.
I've seen what you do to friends.
- What's that supposed to mean?
- You slit your friend's throat.
- You talked to Coppinger?
- Yeah.
Did you de-louse?
The man's a professional liar.
- I saw the photos.
- No, you saw what he wanted you to see.
I saw a picture of your friend
with his throat cut.
What you don't know
is that they sent my best friend... my home to kill me!
- Your voice is shaking.
- I haven't lied to you, Frank!
Everyone who ever knew you
says you're sick.
- Your colleagues. Your wife.
- What does your wife say about you?
Frank, I want you to understand.
We both used to think that this
country was a very special place.
Do you have any idea
what I've done for God and country?
Some horrible things!
I don't even remember who I was
before they got their claws into me.
- They made you into a real monster.
- And now they want to destroy me.
What do you see when you're in
the dark and the demons come?
I see you standing over the grave
of another dead President.
- That's not gonna happen.
- Fuck you, Frank.
I'm willing to trade my life
for his and that's all it takes.
That President is coming home
from California in a box.
- Where in California?
- The address?
I'll keep you in the game,
but I won't throw it for you.
- I want you to give yourself up.
- To live a long and fruitful life?
Don't lie to me.
I have a rendezvous with death.
So does the President.
And so do you, if you get too close.
- You have a rendezvous with my ass!
- You know how easily I could kill you?
I've watched you go home.
You are alive because
I have allowed you to live.
Show me some damn respect!
St. Francis Hotel!
Take my hand, Frank.
Take it. If you don't, you'll die.
Take it.
You're gonna shoot me
after I saved your life?
The only way to save the President
is to shoot me.
Are you willing
to trade your life for his...
...or is life too precious?
Leary, don't move!
I got him!
There's nothing here.
Frank, you've got a phone call.
Frank, you looked so sad on the bus.
I'm sorry, it was self-defence.
- Tell me about Skellum.
- Skellum is worthless.
- Are you gonna meet him in L.A.?
- You're way behind in the game.
I'm way ahead. I know what you
look like. I've seen your eyes.
- They might look different next time.
- Not what's behind them.
- You better pray I never find you.
- You want to kill me, Frank?
That's right.
- The irony's so thick here.
- There is no irony!
The same government that trained
me to kill, trained you to protect.
Now you want to kill me.
Up on that roof I protected you.
They'll write books about us.
- I'm tired of your bullshit!
- Don't be a poor sport.
You could have taken me out,
but you chose to save your ass.
It does make me wonder about Dallas.
Did you really do all you could,
or did you make a choice there too?
Do you really have the guts
to take a bullet?
I'll be thinking about that
when I'm pissing on your grave.
There's no one named Skellum
in all of Los Angeles?
- What about Louisiana?
- Hang on.
No Skellums. Sorry.
Damn it!
- The election's in three weeks.
- Just stay out of California.
If this guy's so smart, he's not gonna
tell you where he'll do it.
I don't think he'd lie to me.
You've become that close?
California is the key
to the whole race.
- We can't let up now.
- We have to change our procedure.
- Frisk people within 50 yards.
- At $10,000 dinners?
- You're overreacting.
- Lf I don't, the President's dead.
- Why is he even here?
- He's heading this investigation.
Then let him investigate,
but keep him out of sight.
If you'll excuse me,
I'm in the middle of a campaign.
Frank. Hi.
- Up late?
- L.A. Will be a lot of work.
- What's up?
- I've got a request.
I'd like you to talk to Watts.
Get me on your team.
- He thinks you'll overreact.
- What do you think?
- You're too close to all this.
- That's why I've got to be there.
- I can spot him. Anticipate him.
- You think he'll be in California?
- Why would he tip you off?
- He wants to keep the game close.
This has nothing to do with
you and me. Strictly professional.
But that son of a bitch
killed my partner. My friend.
I know. I'm sorry.
You're looking at a living legend.
The only active agent
who ever lost a President.
Mr. Horrigan, welcome to Los Angeles.
Can the President close the gap
in the little time he has left?
Today he's in California for a rally
at the Bonaventure Hotel.
Field office, the advance team
is at the Bonaventure.
- Any problems?
- No.
We've swept the motorcade route.
Manholes are secured. Mailboxes
removed. Abandoned vehicles towed.
We'll need sharpshooters
on both those towers.
We need sharpshooters
to cover those restricted areas.
Other polls today had the President
three points behind.
He'll have to close that margin
in California.
Welcome to Los Angeles
International Airport.
- Raines, double-checking those exits?
- Yes, this is the third time now.
Alert, section five.
Secret Service.
- Robert Stermer.
- He's a bellboy. He's cleared.
- Robert, have a nice day.
- No questions.
Come on, pack it up and move.
Mr. Carney, all set.
Finally we meet!
You are James Carney?
- You must be Sandy Riggs.
- So you really do exist.
- I'm very much human.
- Let's go up to the bar.
- When does the President arrive?
- Tomorrow, before dinner.
Here's an invitation. Don't lose it.
The Secret Service is acting crazy.
You've got a great seat,
just across from the President.
So what is Microspan Corporation
all about?
I just came to meet the President.
I won't bore you with business.
I don't blame you.
I don't understand high-tech.
I can't wait to introduce you.
Look at this beautiful view.
Yes, very pretty.
Give me the list of dinner guests.
Who was the organizer?
Sanford Riggs
of the California Victory Fund.
Call LAPD and make sure
they have no uniforms missing.
- It's been taken care of.
- Call the hospital about blood.
Your average American businessman
who looks at product marketing...
...sees the length and width of it.
The Japanese see the depth.
We plan the next fiscal quarter.
They plan the next quarter century.
- Our people don't understand that.
- Mr. Riggs, can I talk to you?
- Who's that?
- Secret Service agent.
- Do you know all these people?
- I sure do.
- How about these pictures here?
- I went through all this yesterday.
I'll cooperate, but this is
bordering on harassment.
I'm a harassing kind of guy.
No, no, no, no.
I'll be right back, Mr. Carney.
He did what anyone of us would.
He beat up a bellboy on television.
I'd say he was overwrought.
We're all overwrought.
Leary's out there someplace.
- You don't think he's a liability?
- No.
Well, you're in the minority.
I want him gone.
- Send him on to San Diego.
- By whose order?
Do you want to tell him or should I?
Miss Raines, somebody's
approaching Traveller's suite.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- What are you doing up here?
- Seeing what I could do.
Between the LAPD,
the FBI and the rest of us...
...there are 229 people
protecting Traveller tomorrow.
A lot of guns.
If Leary gets off a shot,
we could be killed in the crossfire.
- Bill Watts just called.
- Heard about the bellman?
So did Traveller.
They want you to go to San Diego
and assist in the advance.
Just like that.
It's not just you against Leary.
Have some faith in the rest of us.
You know something?
For years I've been listening
to all these idiots...
...with their pet theories on Dallas.
It was the Cubans, or the CIA.
The white supremacists, or the mob.
Whether it was one weapon
or whether it was five.
None of that meant too much to me.
But Leary...
He questioned whether I had the guts
to take that fatal bullet.
God, that was a beautiful day.
The sun was out.
It had been raining all morning.
The first shot
sounded like a firecracker.
I looked over and saw him.
I could tell he was hit.
I don't know why I didn't react.
I should've reacted.
I should've been running.
I just couldn't believe it.
If only I'd reacted,
I could've taken that shot.
It would've been all right with me.
- What's the number in San Diego?
- 619 ukulele.
- Ukulele?
- That's how I remember it.
You just push U-K-E-L-E-L-E.
- Ukulele? Isn't that U-K-U?
- I don't know.
But the phone number is U-K-E-L-E-L-E.
U- K-E-L. Wait a second.
We have an arrival.
Chopper standing by.
- Southwest Savings, may I help you?
- Southwest?
- Yes. May I help you? Hello?
- What's your address?
- Post check. Post 3?
- In place.
- Post 6?
- In place.
- Post 12?
- In place.
Wait right here.
There's no Leary in our accounts.
Try to imagine him in disguise.
A hat, wigs, that sort of thing.
- I haven't been here long.
- Who was here before you?
- Pam Magnus.
- Where can I find her?
She's dead. She was murdered.
- She was murdered.
- They won't cancel.
- Then make the arrival underground.
- They want a big show.
- We need proof.
- How about a dead president?
I'm pulling up all the accounts
Pam made, but it'll take time.
Fax me the list
as soon as you get them.
All agents in position.
- Please step back.
- Empty your pockets.
Thank you.
You're from Texas, right?
I'm sorry.
Frank! Watts is gonna shit
if he sees you!
- Have you got a fax for me?
- Yeah, what is it? What's this about?
What the hell is going on, Frank?
James Carney.
Carney, James.
- What the hell is he doing here?
- I don't know.
- Who gave you permission...
- He's here. His name is Carney.
- I want the seating chart.
- Give him the chart.
Stop! Put the gun down!
Get down!
Don't shoot!
Get him in the car!
Hold your fire!
Get out of his way!
He's got a hostage!
Raines to shooters.
If you have a shot, take it.
Nice view.
- What's the plan, Captain?
- It's your man. You tell me.
Get me sharpshooters
on the north and west towers.
Take the subject out.
You had the guts.
You took the bullet.
- I broke my damn ribs.
- Sorry, I wasn't aiming at you.
Where the hell are the shooters?
- West tower in place. No lights.
- No shot from the north.
A bulletproof vest
is a bit of a cheat.
- Otherwise, you played a good game.
- It's no game, Leary.
I was doing my job.
What do we do now?
Do you believe
in the nobility of suicide?
But if you want to blow your head off,
be my guest.
Nicely put, but I don't want
to leave this world alone.
- West tower, do you have a shot?
- Negative, too dark. Target unclear.
- It's better to die with a friend.
- Friend? You're a damn killer!
I saved your life. You owe me.
- I don't owe you shit.
- I was always honest with you.
- Go ahead and shoot.
- It's Frank. Quiet!
- Come on.
- Are you talking to me?
- What are you waiting for?
- Waiting for?
I'm waiting for some gratitude.
Without me, you're a sad-eyed,
piano-playing drunk.
I brought you into this game.
I let you keep up with me.
- I made you a hero today.
- You didn't make me anything.
I redeemed your pathetic life.
I just did my job.
You're the one with a pathetic life.
- Go ahead and shoot!
- Lf they fire you'll be hit.
- I want you to thank me first.
- Shut up and shoot.
- All right, Frank.
- Stand by to fire on my command.
- All right, Frank.
- Stand by to fire on my command.
- Sleep well, my friend.
- Just one thing, aim high.
- What?
- Aim high!
- Now!
- You bastard!
Take my hand.
If you don't, you'll die.
- You want to save me, Frank?
- To be honest, no. But it's my job.
Take it.
Are you okay?
We've worked with Agent Horrigan
for some time.
He exemplifies
courage and self-sacrifice. Frank!
I guess I overreacted again, Harry.
Agent Horrigan, why are you
retiring from the Secret Service?
Well, I hate desk work and I'm
too old for running around.
And thanks to all this press,
I'm no good for undercover work.
How are you, Frank?
The President sent his limo for you.
- That's the least he could do.
- Good. I love public transportation.
Come on in.
Make yourself at home.
- So, what do you think?
- I like it.
Hello, Frank. By the time
you hear this, it'll be over.
The President is most likely dead
and so am I.
Frank, did you kill me? Who won
our game? Not that it matters.
Among friends, like you and me, it's
how you play the game. The game's done.
It's time to get on with your life.
I worry that
you have no life to get on with.
You're a good man.
Good men, like you and me,
are destined to travel a lonely road.
Goodbye and good luck.
I bet you that brown pigeon
flies off before the white one.
How do you know?
I know things about pigeons, Lilly.