In The Valley Of Elah (2007)

What do you make?!
Mike, returns to the damned vehicle!
Mike, returns to the damned vehicle!
Let us go Mike, now!
" In the Valley of Elah"
I hardly listen to it.
I said that their son is in USA.
November 1 the 2004.
- My son is in Iraq.
Their son was in Iraq Mister,
but I have arrived for 4 days in an unit.
It should be here if that is certain.
Mr., their son has until
on Sunday to come,
he/she has an exam of pending balisitca.
I sit down it I have another call
" You don't have any message"
Hello he/she is Mike, he/she leaves your message and I will call you
of turn.
Hello Mike is your father, give me a call
when you can.
America is dangerous, very dangerous
for our society
Analysts say that they plan a strategy.
And that they make it in the city of Zomorra
from the month beginnings.
Here he/she has.
Does he/she believe that this fit?
You have to trust somebody some
times, Hank.
Does somebody call?
- No.
Do base of the I exercise, with who wants to speak?
First sergeant Victor, division criminalistica
I sit down it Mister I don't have
to anybody with that name
in the base.
Thank you.
Is there something that you love me?
Why cannot I go with you?
Not I believe that they allow you to enter to the I exercise.
I will call you when it arrives there
tomorrow, this well?
They are two days managing.
- For some people.
Never let him to play the floor.
- This well.
Of where you are?
- Of the Salvador.
You know that it means when a flag
this hung to the you review?
It is an international sample of estres.
- Seriously
It means that we are in
big problems and it is hour
that they come to save our bottoms.
He/she says a lot.
- Undoubtedly if.
Does he/she know as making it now?
- If.
Ahead Mister.
Sergeant Deerfield?
Thank you to receive me, you that this busy one.
He/she would want that it had warned me before
that he/she will come, he/she would have but time.
The base has changed a lot from its days.
What are there of their friends?
Undoubtedly we ask them.
Some of their friends
but something am concerned
none of our soldiers you
it disappears time therefore.
Would he care if I see their clothes?
Penning, this he/she is the soldier's father Deerfield.
Steve Penning a pleasure of knowing it Mister.
Has he/she listened of Mike?
- No
Mr. Deerfield wants to see the things
of Mike.
Sure Mister, this here.
Mike and I met each other in Bosnia.
I am grandiose histories of you.
Not he/she has called or anything?
- Does that surprise him?
You should know the best thing that me Mister,
Mike has never made something like that.
Long, Ortiz.
this he/she is the father of Doug.
A honor to know it Mister.
A pleasure to know it.
- It is a nickname that we put him/her.
Not he/she makes sense, that it is the pigeonhole
of Mike.
Some has idea of where it can be
Not Mister.
- I sit down it.
He/she should be a beautiful woman.
A pleasure to know it Mister.
When he/she listens of Mike tells him/her that
do communicate, this well?
This well.
This is the soldier's father Deerfield.
He/she came to see their cuerto
Copied sergeant, I sit down it I thought that it was
somebody being about stealing something.
If, that it is that of Mike.
It was a pleasure to know it Mister.
Of who that is?
We lost a man.
Is that their bag, truth?
- If.
We are about to convince him that takes a new one.
But it was as speaking with the wall.
Not he/she has pictures.
- Do I sit down it?
He/she always took pictures and me those
it sent, I don't see any picture
or a camera.
To have properties is a true problem.
It should have been same in their days.
- If.
Would he care if I take this? Their mother
he/she gave it to him, leave mine at home.
I would like but. I cannot leave that you
take anything.
I understand.
This telephone has been in an intense heat.
If, it was in Iraq.
- It is for that reason.
This well.
This very fried one am.
Let us see.
Well, here this their list of contacts.
There is nunmeros of Barrys,
hamburgueserias, poultries,
pizza, TD, s, Ted.
What is T.D.?
- It is a local bar.
It could have but but that is
all that is.
Well, thank you.
Does he/she want the videos?
The videos?
If, look.
This is garbage.
Here there is one.
Lonard takes this.
Throw me the ball.
It is the first time that these children will see
a ball this way.
Is that their son?
- That is Mike.
Return him/her the damned ball!
What step?
Did they remove you your ball?
It turns off this thing.
If, but it seems that the rest of the files
they are corrupt
If he/she wants I can fix them at home,
slow but. they will be 100 $ but.
Can you send them for e-mail?
- If, there is not problem.
Thank you.
- Where this TDs?
I look for the bar.
Do I look for my son?
- Good luck.
What do you make?
Alone seeing old pictures that I send myself Mike.
Will you be well?
Not he/she makes sense, he/she would not leave without telling us he/she swims.
I will find it.
- This well.
Good night.
- Good night.
I hardly listen to you.
I have to leave of here.
She should have known it.
Wait one second.
Is their son in the I exercise?
- That is correct.
He/she needs to go to the I exercise, please.
They are very busy with the order and all that,
treatment of verifying the things for my bill.
The only thing that can make
it is to report it missing.
And in that case he/she needed to see to the
military police.
How's it going if it happens to me with somebody that
don't answer the telephone?
I want to know if he/she can help me with this.
Not he/she understands, the owner to that dog.
I am sure that if Mrs., but the one
dog bit him.
But that you would make?
Really not him you.
It ties it, he/she gives it or it can send it
to kill
but to put it to the bathroom and to drown it in the tub.
That doesn't sound a little strange
for you?
Not him you, perhaps thought that serious
more human.
But human?
It is a doverman
I drown it in front of our
son while he/she took a bath it
and I cry so that he/she stops
Does that sound but human for you?
Has their husband threatened her at some time?
No, the would never harm us, the alone one
he/she needs help.
For that reason he/she needs to go to BA, there they will give him/her a
consultant, is not anything but...
Does he/she believe that I have not gone it stops there?
The non anger, the will be harmed, you that he/she will make it.
I would really like to help her.
- Seriously?
Because I find that he doesn't care
a cucumber.
In fact this way it is, but
I have to tell him/her crimes
against dogs they are difficult to process
but he cares I have somebody waiting for me.
- Rot.
That was something rude.
He/she has to take this to the I please exercise.
Treatment of avoiding my son to have
but problems.
You that this busy one but
the only thing that I need
that he/she makes it is a call
to the bank to see if.
retirement money or use their card this last
Retired police or it is alone that you see much
No, I am a military one.
Then he/she should know that the one exercises he/she has
their own personnel.
I sit down it, I hope he/she finds their son.
Hear, not you that he/she thinks which it is their work
but if it was as the one that I had
odedecer in everything, not to ask many questions
but my son.
it has passed the last 18
months making democracy
in a hole and serving their country.
He deserves something better than this.
My God, hello dear friend,
it is a pleasure to see you again
What devils faces at home?
We hardly see each other, we are of trip we will go
to see the grandsons.
Call you to the base.
- To the base?
Hank has been retired for 14 years.
- Seriously?
If, I go for the 15.
How devils these?
Well, do you want a coffee or a foot piece?
Not I have time, Helen this waiting for me
in the car.
What do you make? You call me to invite me
a swig?
No, he/she hoped you even worked in the base.
I look for an expensive friend.
Some of your children this in problems?
- No.
I always forget their name, he/she is Ben.
- David.
Correct, the one managed airplanes in the armada, certain
- If.
Should it be strong, how him this llendo?
He died in a crash
of helicopter making
you have maneuvered for ten years.
I sit down to listen that, Hank.
I sit down it a lot.
What is there of the but young?
- If.
Of the I exercise as their father.
It was him/her well in Iraq.
I am making him/her a
favor, one of their muchahos
this in problems
Some of those that we even know this
No, all have left.
She wants to arrive quick.
The children are waiting for us.
I found their old notebook.
Is something written that says key?
No, there is not anything of that.
These sure one?
If this but I don't sit down with desires of
to tell it to you.
Don't worry Hank, he/she will already appear.
He is a good boy, you that it is it.
I will find it.
I call you tomorrow.
What this happening?
Don't worry, not this related with
We find parts of a body in
the highway.
He/she looks, there this your family.
He/she stops to joke with that.
What do I make?!
Don't stop.
Don't stop!
- Hold on to!
What do you make?
Some evidence but Marcus?
It is all that we have.
See to buy some glasses descartables,
we go.
And bring me a receipt!
Do tell me that you discovered?
Good it seems that it kills her it was murdered the one
side of that fire.
Then the body you burns, the animals
they made it pieces.
And is this our jurisdiction?
Good, this seems to have been ago
two months.
The property of the city
alone he/she extends until
this fence
I don't believe that it is our body, boss.
Hallelujah, let us go home!
Boys pack!
The soldiers took charge of this!
Mr. Deerfield?
Am I Jim Mosher, can I speak with you?
If, ahead, alone gives me one minute.
Mr., I sit down to inform him/her that a body
it was opposing last night
The investigation says that
they can be their son's remains
Correct, does he/she need him to identify the body?
Not Mister, they identified the body of
another way...
I believe that for partial fingerprints.
To that refers with partial?
What do I pass him/her?
Not I can say it Mister, somebody of the base...
I want to see their body now!
Agent Deerfield, this is not necessary.
Not it is the way like he/she should remember
to their son.
Perhaps not.
... but it is the way like accent the earth,
so I want to see it.
The pattern shows that
the body was desmenbrado
before being burnt.
It perishes to have been with
a he/she arms piercing but even
we don't know with accuracy
that steel type.
For that reason the bones are cut and
not pulled up.
The pattern of the burnt sample parts
of the mienbros they were stabbed
and they put a fuel with intention
of burning the body.
It is ridiculous because it should it should not have cold
so that the fire spreads
What means that the
majority of the fabrics
So the damages are bigger in this part,
but I don't arrive to the bone
the cause of death
he/she delayed a little in knowing it
but there is multiple stabbed
How many?
How many stabbed?
Good with so much alone lost skin we will be able to
to count those that arrived to the bone.
Would how many be those?
A knife or several?
did you give this to the I exercise?
They took their own pictures.
And they didn't make it very well.
If this well would like me
to ask him/her some things
when it arrives home.
Wonder them now.
Their son taenia a green car?
Mike non taenia a car.
Report they say that they saw it a green car
in the field on Saturday in the night.
A theory says it can have been a robbery
that I finish bad.
There is a lot of activity of robberies lately.
I want to see where he/she died.
I sit down it, it is even one
scene of the crime, but
I will warn him/her he/she hardly can.
This well.
What but he/she wanted to ask?
All this seems to have been
related with I traffic of drugs.
He/she asks me if my son was a trafficker of
you drug or alone an addict.
Not he/she wanted to ask him/her he/she swims.
You know that the one exercises ago
you prove regular with drugs.
Not when they are in Iraq.
We find this below of the mattress
of their son.
Non anger in my report.
I ask because last month we arrest
to 3 soldiers that tried
of bringing heroine from Kuwait.
They sold it to the gangs
I understand that the wise one Spanish.
And you believe that it can have trafficked with
it drugs alone because he/she speaks Spanish.
Because somebody cuts him/her the hands and
the head.
I sit down that of their son a lot.
Demonstrate it to me.
Do I sit down it?
I need to see where he/she died.
Not it is our case
the murder happened in another district.
But you know where it is.
Not there is anything to see.
Then there won't be problems
if I see it.
It is noticed that they know how to examine a scene of the crimer
I suppose that they thought that serious a good one
he/she devises to murder it here.
Their investigators found blood
in this part
here it should be murdered.
You don't see blood but he/she knows that it is there.
It seems that their body was dragged
from here
until there.
That is impressive.
The road this clean one but you
you see marks of blood.
If they took the nuisance
of burning their body
he/she doesn't believe that also
they would cover their prints.
I will go to the bathroom.
If he/she entered with their car he/she would not make so much
I damage as the one that you leave
It seems that he/she knows everything.
Can I help him?
I suppose that the police
he/she has come to ask him/her
that I pass in that field.
If, they made it that terrible what you/they found.
I come on behalf of the family,
does something know about what I happen there?
Deseaia to know it, we didn't know what was
neither when we smelled it, certain affection?
That Sunday in the morning when we enter to the one
parking lot
we think that they had made barbecue
of somebody.
He/she smelled like to burnt meat.
Thank you.
Tell to their team that you/they should look for a car
blue and I don't unite green.
Because a blue car but the yellow lights
it is green.
It seems that if.
It is it less than I can make.
He/she would say that that is not enough.
I will buy an airplane passage.
To that refer with which not?
I will take it to house he/she hardly can.
I need to see it, I need to be with Michael.
It is he/she has left.
I need to be with my boy.
Not it has been anything of the one.
What devils does that mean?
Joan for once in your life you make I marry.
I remember to have been him/her the one that not said
when your you said that
serious good for their character
Who do win that discucin Hank?
Michael was the one that wanted to enter me
don't impel it to that makes it.
Not living in this house
he/she had felt as
a man if he/she had not gone.
All my children Hank, you could have me
left one.
Joan, please.
Joan cannot listen to you crying.
Good then you don't make it!
The door.
Good night.
Good night affection.
Not there is nobody.
He/she leaves of being playing with that telephone.
I don't believe it friend.
He/she has their clothes to the you review,
This is a very strange day.
Well there is not nobody, it is necessary to move.
Libby prepares a chicken sandwich.
Does he/she want mayonnaise in their sandwich?
Non thank you Mrs..
A woman undressed in front of you.
A man can take it as
an insult.
Is that their son?
- If Mrs..
I am asking if somebody saw it,
it could have been one week ago
on Saturday.
Non reconosco to anybody to the one
following day.
Stay here.
Lieutenant excuse.
I wondered because they gave me this case.
Which case?
Jake Miller arrested to torture hens.
Not it is of great importance,
all they make it.
All don't take out him/her the eyes imbecile!
Undoubtedly they make it.
- Be quiet.
The boss doesn't like it him to make it with their daughter.
Now if that soprendida am.
You realize as you take out him/her information
to people.
You fall to people well.
And for that reason they promoted you of I traffic
to detective, certain?
Do I sit down it?
You don't sit down it, if them
they had had that cojer
to enter here
they had also made it
Good Wine had made it.
One of us needs to know that we make.
Vera that is it that me
it worries, I don't believe to be
disqualified for
to work in this trash can.
For example the place of the murder was
it was not in property of the I exercise
serious something fool seeing the signs of
it fights beside the highway
did that trailer full with bushes see?
Of there to where it was murdered
that had started to think that
it was murdered in our
jurisdiction and moved
because the murderers are not so silly for
to leave the body to the light.
I had made that if it was
my scene of the crime.
No, no, he/she says good work, we don't need
another homicide
We solved 3 of the last ten that we had.
This had worsened the things,
does he/she have problems with their colleagues?
does he/she have the necessity to be demonstrated them, is that?
- Not Mister.
Is the military police then?
Does he/she believe that they wasted the invetigacin?
Not Mister but let us don't seek the true ones
reasons because the one exercises he/she wants this case
Psychic powers, when did he/she begin to have them?
So you don't believe that
the results had
affected to the I exercise?
Do you see this as an ascent in their career?
- I don't have a career Mister.
I have a work, I take care of my son and I make
what you/they tell me...
... but this boy died
in some bushes in our
Somebody burns it as a
wooden piece leaving
their remains for the animals
with respect, if that it was
their son that I return of Iraq,
I don't believe that serious happy to give this case
to other people so that one sees better
in the elections.
Was that with respect?
- That was my intention Mister.
Well I will think it and I will make it to him to know.
We have already lost many cases this month.
- Not he/she did say that he/she makes what you/they order him/her?
If, but aveces exaggerates to explain to me well.
How this David?
- Do I sit down it?
Their son.
This well thank you to ask.
Does he/she go him/her well in the games?
For luck Dave is
pathetic in all their games
so he likes people to see it
That one is it hurts, truth?
It sounds to that will be as their father.
In short. me alone I see a ball and as people
he/she makes things to have a good time.
Not he/she has idea of how many
baisball players
they are thrown away every Saturday at night.
He/she knows I also played in my school.
I remember that has shown me pictures
of that, Mister.
You will continue bothering me with this
of the boy, truth?
I believe that he/she knows that it is the correct thing that there is
that to make Mister.
- If Mister.
Communicate with the captain of the base.
Did he/she want to sit down Mrs.?
That everything is?
Is that all that I am of him?
If Mrs..
He/she should have died to stay it heats.
- If Mrs..
He/she made what you/they taught him/her.
Do I want to enter, can I enter?
Not Mrs., I sit down it.
My but felt condolence Mrs..
Don't you have a son, truth?
Mr. Deerfield?
- Hello.
Listen that he/she wanted Mike's Bible,
I thought that it should be given it.
Does somebody know that you took this?
Ask where he/she stayed and
they told it to me.
Can I invite you a coffee?
I should really leave.
By Mike.
I need to wonder something.
And I want the truth.
Was Mike being drugged?
Doug, I suppose.
Not but that the rest of the boys.
Not it was very dedicated neither anything of that.
At some time he/she has seen it walking out
of the base with somebody?
Perhaps Mexicans.
Not Mister.
How is it adapted?
Me in the battle?
Not a lot of time have been.
Flames to your parents?
- To my he/she suckles
Pope and I were never so near.
Did you speak a lot?
We could have spoken but.
Some time he/she has told you something that
should he/she know?
One sees many things of those which
he/she doesn't want to speak, neither with your friends.
But to the he/she went him/her well?
He/she was a soldier of first class.
He/she knows Mike, he loved the I exercise.
Not he/she could wait to leave to save
to the good ones and to kill to the bad.
they should send it to heroes to places like Iraq
Everything there this fact shit.
Before going I never said this but...
if they ask it to me now...
you see converted powdered people.
These well?
If, it was to call yourself.
Michael's package came.
What package class?
Not him you, is a package, I send it to the one
same it is of the I exercise
I want to open it.
- No.
How that not?
It seems to have been opened by customs
or the military ones?
How can I know it?
No, it doesn't seem.
Why cannot I open it?
Alone you don't open it, please.
Alone you put it in a sure place.
This well.
Good night.
- Good night.
Good morning.
- Good morning.
He/she could ask him/her some questions on their son.
I thought that it was not their case.
- But now it is it.
He/she wanted to ask him/her if their son taenia some enemy,
He/she refers to the thousands
of people Irakies and
those that killed him
does a couple of weeks make?
If, that shirt leaves something even wet.
You this drying off.
Somebody the moletaba that you know?
- No.
Does he/she have connections with gangs?
Why? he/she thinks that
their son this involved
in weapons or drugs.
When do I speak with the one for last time?
- Why?
The bank informs myself that it had used
their trajetas
one day after returning I buy
I told him/her thousands of times that he/she doesn't buy soaps
commercial, they are bad.
And later I buy chicken.
Did he/she say to that hour?
Not they had but positions.
We assume that their son was murdered among the one
Saturday in the night or Sunday in the morning.
Not yet we find their wallet but if it was
stolen they will have but positions in their cards.
The computers detected it.
Did he/she already go to the place where I buy chicken?
Here he/she has their order.
We wanted to ask him/her on a soldier that
it was here one week ago.
This joking, truth?
we are to a block of the base.
Can he/she know to that hour was?
They are the last 4 digits.
something but?
Can he/she tell us that I buy?
Not without the receipt.
Thank you.
Their I warp of 4 pieces they are 6.79$,
that most of people order?
No, the three pieces.
So with taxes.
very hungry soldier.
There these, I have just left something for you.
Some declarations of
I squadron of Mike.
Grandiose, he/she went you to call for
to make interviews.
Save you the problem.
How this way?
There are declarations sworn in your desk.
Not you thought that he/she would want
to interview them personally?
Alone he/she wanted to take the first step.
Thank you, I like to make
my own work.
I will tell you something, read them and if you even want
to interview them, with pleasure will help you.
Maybe you didn't understand me, it is not a petition,
I want the list of the men of their unit.
- This in their desk.
- And I want to interview them this afternoon.
He/she will have to ask to my commandant.
My boss already speaks.
It is a jurisdiction disaster.
Not there is disaster, the murder
it was in our jurisdiction.
There it is where it is disordered.
Read them, I will make the petition.
- Not you do have the declarations?
- If, I have them.
And if they cooperate I don't see the problem.
I am entitled to interview
to the witnesses.
- Nobody said that not.
- They said that they would consider it.
And that was 10 minutes ago.
I want to speak to them before
that they train them.
Those make repeat it so many times that
the inconsistencies disappear.
For sure you had already seen pass that.
Maybe when it served Tnte. Kirklander
I will tell you something, he/she walks up and cry him/her
to your boyfriend because I won't make anything.
Did you already order?
Of agreement, begin.
- Am I able to?
- Please.
I can make it.
If you can, enroll for the bed.
Can I help you in something?
It is supposed that you read it to me to my.
Not I understand anything.
Do you know some history?
Not I am good counting them.
Then read me the book.
Do you know of where your name comes?
- Of my mother.
- Before that.
I name you like to the King David
Didn't your mother tell it to you?
It supposed it.
They had 2 big armies.
The Israelis and the Philistines
both were in hills
With the valley of Eliah in the mean, a place
in Palestine you do know where?
Not it cares.
The Philistines had a champion
an enormous, called giant Goliath.
Seriously? there is a robot called this way.
It is another type.
Every day for 40
days Goliath got off the
hill and it challenged somebody of the other side.
but neither if at least those but brave
the king's warriors wanted to go.
Why didn't they shoot him/her?
Not they had bullets, single arrows.
But there are combat rules,
they were not shot,
they were challenged with swords.
One day a boy, not but big that your
he/she comes to the king to leave bread and he/she tells him/her:
- I will fight with the one.
- Don't tell me.
Truly, the king gives him/her so
to David an armor.
but it was very heavy so the I take off it
and when seeing around he/she finds 5 stones
of this size and he/she goes to the valley
with their sling in the hand.
Goliath comes running,
and he/she gave a horrible scream,
David grasp their sling with a stone
and you the ribbon breaking him/her the head
so he/she falls.
- So I shoot him/her.
- With a stone.
Not it is the same thing.
- Do you know as it conquered it?
- How?
Him first that he/she had to conquer
David was his own fear.
I win that and I win Goliath.
When he/she decided to fight
it had already won.
He/she was lucky, some steps but
and Goliath had squashed it.
So he/she gave him/her with that rock,
this way fights with the monstros
you attract them to you and the aims to the eyes.
Then you hit them.
Your you fought with many?
- If.
- Did you win?
Of not being it would be this way flat.
It will be well.
- Not so much.
- This well.
This way this well.
You know that that history is not true.
Undoubtedly it is it, until this in Koran.
Did you read the declarations?
Anything that it is worthwhile,
the last time that you/they saw
to Michael it was when
it left the base that afternoon.
You are a good father.
Not you have to prove that you love him.
For sure the wise thing.
I am so angry.
Evie, of the bar.
I sit down it.
I saw their son's picture in the newspaper
when I enter I thought that he/she was joking.
- I regret it.
- Thank you.
Am I able to?
Pretty eyes.
To the I remember it.
I work in another bar the weekends.
He was there, it should be Saturday.
How is the bar called?
If they were here, both.
With their friends.
- On Saturday?
- We had to take out them.
That was jodiendo to a dancer.
- This?
- The other one.
There are many idiots here but the one wanted the prize.
He/she played the dancers.
I believe that he/she makes a mistake.
It asks me him to identify it and then
he/she tells me that I am mistaken.
- Is their relative?
- To that hour they left?
Not him you, was not happy
two fought out.
I thought that he/she would have to separate them.
Thank you.
Dve Nagel stayed
for their declaration.
Pardon for the nuisances,
A word?
This is not a police series
your you cannot interrogate.
Somebody should make it.
It should be frustrating to be
so good investigator
and to be surrounded of so many fools.
What is that he/she makes in Monroe?
I cultivate my garden.
It is a pain, think of all the
crimes that it could be solving.
If this goes in opinion the defense
he/she will say that your you poisoned the well.
- Non anger in opinion.
- What?
- Not it was the one.
- Do I sit down it?
Not you because they lie saying that
they were not with the when it was not this way.
They were fighting in the estacionanmiento.
Alone they were discharged, he/she would not understand it.
Not I will fight with somebody to my side
and then they would make him/her that.
In that world you will live?
Discover because they lie.
There will be a reason.
So you were there.
Why did you lie?
It is complicated.
For that don't tell me what I happen.
We were in the club
passing it well, drinking.
Then Mike became strange.
You angers and I throw him/her change to the dancer.
And then it began to insult her and her also.
When we got into the car, Bonner was
angry saying that Mike should walk.
So Mike grabs it
and they began to fight.
It is the thing type that it always happens.
Garbage of warring male.
Nobody came out wounded so we get into the car
and we manage a while until seeing
Chicken Shack to the front of the base.
Mike payment for that you/they threw away us.
To that hour that was?
Not him you.
As at one o'clock.
And then we return here.
No, alone the 3.
Why did they leave it?
We were drunk.
We had had enough but
Mike wanted to buy amphetamines.
Did he/she want drugs?
If, he/she needed to put on but.
Pardon for the language.
Does that believe that I pass him/her?
I look for drugs and he/she met with bad people.
Not him you, always had secrets.
It left always alone.
It was not taken very well with people.
So they threw away them from the club to 11 o'clock.
They went for chicken at 1 o'clock.
What did those two hours make?
We manage looking for
a party or women.
Did they stop in some part?
If, Sra.
Do you want him to guess?
We find a harlot in the highway.
I suck them to us at the 4.
Why non diiste that
when being questioned?
For that didn't want
that they know their potatoes.
Not you wanted that their potato
do know that they sucked it to you?
And that I buy drugs,
he/she didn't want them to tell to mine.
Why did they fight?
Mike was aggressive, not you because.
And then he/she told him/her those things
ugly to the dancer.
How what?
Sew that I won't repeat.
He/she was a dancer, he/she should not make it.
Penning said that they occurred hard
in the parking lot.
Not it was so much.
What was different your knife was?
Not I need a knife
to kill somebody.
I suppose that in Iraq it is different,
if somebody bothers you you can fight it.
- I lost it.
- It is a different world.
You have to be able to.
Obviously there is not
state in the I exercise.
No, but you that you/they have weapons and authority
they put to men face down in the mud
with their feet in the back,
if somebody comes against you they kill him.
They have that, they could have bombs.
He/she doesn't know it, first kill him.
- We decide...
- He/she reacts or he/she dies.
Is that not what you/they say?
at some time I do stab somebody?
If it was this way not serious his matter.
These one day here other there,
if it was I would look for my weapon.
The interview you ends up.
I am glad him not to bother you
because when he/she saw to my potato
of return of the war, him
that he/she made it could not confront it
that destroys it.
Was your potato in Panama?
Not he/she has idea of that we made for you
For my?
Me of you alone he/she would thank the.
Kiss me the bottom.
These happy one?
do you want a prize?
I want to close the case.
And I want exams of their bodies,
moretones and blows.
You can have what you want
but first look at this.
Do you even want them?
But it is worth that you wait for yourself.
Mike, I surrender.
- Leave alone it.
- Jodete
Taenias reason, they could not have him fact.
They Were with Mike in the One
Chicken Shack that night.
Bonner, Penning and Long returned
to the base 20 minutes later.
The field where we find
to Mike it was at half hour.
Non puedieron to have arrived on time.
Not they could.
So they left it there.
- They said that Mike wanted to buy drugs.
- For that reason they left.
Not they have idea where left.
No, and I have declarations of all
the men of the squadron.
Can I see them?
If they tell the truth, nobody
he/she saw it after the dinner.
Not there is blood in the clothes or belongings.
Did you dress the clothes?
He/she looks at the shirt.
He/she even has marks.
The clothes is but cheap in base,
him first that you make when returning
it is to wash all that you have above.
there are nine soldiers in a
infantry squadron.
They lost a man in Iraq, it would should
to have 7 declarations and there are 6.
One was off.
When the sergeant arrives he told me that
all their men had returned.
He/she writes the names.
Hello this he/she is Fred Ganley,
of the officer's office.
Do they lack a man?
because I have a Robert Hortiz
drunk and uncontrolled,
he/she says that it is one of his.
Thank you, I will send to somebody for the one
I thank him/her for it.
This missing one.
It revises if there is you order.
You go if he/she has car.
Bad boy.
He/she is a local boy, their first arrest
he/she went at the 14 for I traffic of drugs
the witnesses disappeared, he/she makes a
year and half we find it with drugs.
and suddenly he/she put on
patriotic and you lists.
How did they allow it to enter?
Not he/she has condemnations, he/she has had
several problems from then on.
He/she has a Chevrolet Malibu the 99
registered to their name.
What color?
Not it is enough.
Not we can go against the one.
He/she has 4 tickets without paying.
Something is something.
Some idea of where it can be?
To find Bob is never problem.
He/she returns to your motel, I will call you.
Open up, it is the police!
This in the roof!
I have it!
He/she takes the street, not the alley.
The street, curse.
Now all have knives.
Do you like to cut people?
What do you make?!
Don't move.
- God.
- These well?
Take it to you.
What does it happen? Already nobody wants
to load drugs for you?
Speak, imbecile!
Not serious comic that the one
did devil resemble you?
Ladybug returns, I will teach you
as you leave the devil.
- I see that you took out him/her everything.
- Be quiet.
Not it presented positions, you have much
luck, I am tempted to make it.
Not I wanted to hit you.
Is that an excuse?
- I sit down it.
- Stay it.
- Didn't they interrogate him?
- I made it.
We revise their house, there is not
it evidences that it incriminates it.
It has passed something.
They were hung it
in their room.
- Do I leave a note?
- No.
My father gave it to me
when I went to Vietnam.
I gave it to Mike.
It was in the pocket of Bonner.
The the taenia?
Non accent a note, single accent
the clock in their pocket.
I sit down it, but this is it but close
that we will arrive of a confession.
What color is the car of Bonner?
Blue why?
Non undergrowths to somebody without reason,
that clock doesn't prove anything.
Do you believe that your son gave it to him?
- Puedieron to have planted it.
- And for that one commits suicide?
Not him you, your you say I eat up I kill Michael.
He/she has an alibi, it was in the base.
- When do I kill him?
- Not him you.
You remember to that woman
of the dead dog?
The drenamos.
Where this the boy?
Not it was at home, thanks to God,
it was in their grandparents' house.
That is good.
The remains will be sent
this afternoon if it confirms the address.
It is correct.
If we can help him,
make it to us to know.
Do you have cables for battery?
Thank you.
He/she meant how much
lament what I pass Mike.
I wanted to apologize to lie and
to say that he/she had not seen it that night.
I thought that of being Mike, he/she didn't want
that my parents know it.
- Do you have a cigarette?
- If.
Do you believe that Bonner kills him?
Not him you.
Not I understand anything of this.
What did it miss my son?
Anything, I sit down it.
Did Mike speak to him/her much of the I exercise?
He/she wanted him to make strange things.
Treatment of putting on pantimedias?
Did he tell it to him?
- It shelters better than any thing.
- So he/she told the truth.
Alone that don't kill you in them
you never left of being condemned."
Is jodido truth?
We can help you.
Calm, we will assist you.
Do you feel well?
Where does it hurt you?
Will we take care well of you this?
Good night.
Tell me that this it is your son's signature.
It is not it.
We always assume
that Mike was there.
It is the signature of Penning, three foods:
Penning, Bonner and Long.
Penning and Long, I want them now.
- Not I can.
- If, if you can.
And you will make it.
Penning admitted.
I Imply Long and Bonner.
Dog son, you made
a damned treatment.
- He/she will make serious time.
- How so serious?
Do tell it to me, how long?
The time that can get.
For luck that doesn't mean anything.
Do you see these? they are you order.
We have jurisdicdion of arresting
to those men.
I want them now.
Not I am the only one that made a treatment.
My commandant speaks with yours.
It is a pain less than head for them.
Already this outside of our hands.
I sit down it.
For sure if.
I want to listen the confession.
Long doesn't speak,
I will give you that of Penning.
I want to hear it of their lips
and I want that the this present one.
That didn't happen.
How many soldiers you believe that they leave
of here every night to go to a bar?
You that the ones...
Jodida am well! He/she guesses, in a
weekend. 7 or 8 thousand doldados?
You know that I will make, I will wait in my
car away from anyone
of your entrances and I will stop each
vehicle that he/she returns here
and I will arrest each soldier that
have but of the one it limits allowed.
How many do you believe that they would be?
How long it happened
before they say goodbye to you?
I will make it in my own time, I have
as 5 weeks of vacations.
How many arrests you believe that
can he/she make in one month?
Do we discover it?
To Speak with Cap. Hemi please.
We were leaving the club and we think
that Mike and Bonner had calmed down.
They were sometimes this way, they laughed
a moment and they fought to the other one.
We were in the car and Mike
it was angry, and Bonner began
to lean and to speak stupidities.
How what?
Not him you, the good driver
that he/she is Mike, not yet he/she makes sense.
But Bonner you full and you unemployment.
And they began to fight.
Long wanted to stop them to go home.
Then Mike began to insult him to the one.
And then look to under and he/she stabs him.
- Your you made it?
- If.
Didn't your friends stop you?
I believe that they were drugged.
They screamed and then Mike key, dead.
And Long screamed:
"Now that we make?"
It was idea of Bonner to cut it.
He/she used to work for a butcher,
wise as using the knife.
He/she made it but easy.
We had buried the parts but
you toward late and we had not eaten.
Did they have hunger?
We stopped in Chicken Shack.
Mike pleased me, to all.
And I believe that of having been
another night had been to the revez.
I believe that the era lists.
He could see.
I sit down it a lot of Sr.
Lament their lost one.
I saw a video recently,
when they were off.
It seemed that it was
torturing a prisoner.
We arrest an enemy.
It was wounded.
We were with the good time
and Mike sought that it was the I prescribe.
He/she took their hand with the wound and
he/she asked him/her if it hurted him/her.
And the type screamed: If, if!
And then it grabbed it in the same place
and he/she asked him/her the same thing.
It was amusing.
He/she transformed into something common in Mike,
for that reason they put him/her The dog"
It was alone a divetirse way.
We all make stupid things.
Excuse., Sr.
Insurance bothered its partner.
Do you have one minute?
I have to apologize with you.
You have very serious problems, friend.
It is true.
I have a honorable drop,
believe it or not.
It is the I exercise, he/she would believe any thing.
It hated it there.
To sleep in carps,
without bathroom neither he/she takes a shower.
Neither hygienic paper,
you have to use the hand.
Not he/she saw the hour of leaving.
After two weeks here.
The only thing that wanted was to return.
What jodido is that?
Do you know what that is?
- Mike the volume and me the control.
- Why did that make?
Not you that you/they have told you.
But there is you order effective,
When these in a convoy
if something or somebody blocks
to your vehicle, he/she doesn't stop.
If you stop, bombs explode
and you finish dead.
The first weekend in Iraq,
we were managing slowly.
Six of us behind,
one could not see he/she swims there.
We gave to something.
We listen a noise of below.
He/she stopped, it left and continuous.
Not he/she said anything.
Then a type said that
we gave to a boy.
I don't believe it, if you ask me.
We gave to a dog.
We kill a dog.
Not you that it is that.
Not I have idea.
Hello Bonner, there this your family.
He/she leaves of joder.
- Leave you of things.
- You are a damned idiot
- Carajo.
- Shit.
- Don't stop!
- What do I make?
What do you make?
Mike returns to the vehicle.
- Mike, carajo returns!
- Pope?
- Let us go now Mike!
- These there potato?
I am here.
You have to take out me of here.
They are alone the nerves.
Something spends today.
For heaven's sake.
Is somebody there with you?
No, I am alone.
That is good.
This well, I have to leave potato.
Take care son,
stay safe.
If, your also.
My son me this returning
madwoman since you were.
He/she wants a sling.
I suppose that it could be worse.
He/she could request a rifle of air.
Thank you.
So every day Goliath went
to the valley to challenge anyone.
But nobody wanted, until
that David you presents
and he/she said: " I will make it, I am a fighter.
So the king gave him/her his armor
but it was weighed...
Why did he/she want to fight with a giant?
The single era a boy.
Not him you, heart.
Do you believe that taenia fear?
I believe that the one would be very afraid.
- Alone this way?
- Alone this way.
It is very old.
It has been well used.
Didn't it take out it at night?
Leave it as well as this.
It is a lot but easy.