In Their Skin (2012)

[projector ratcheting]
[car engine rumbling]
[radio static]
[indistinct speech]
# Mm, mm-mm #
# Mm-mm, mm, mm #
# Mm, mm-mm #
# Mm-mm, mm, mm #
# Wild about his
crazy clothes he Wears #
# Tan shoes with #
It's really warm down
southeast during the day today.
We had a temperature
of 68 degrees.
Cold air,
unseasonably cold air
coming down
out of the northeast,
clashing with
this warm air mass.
Now We have
strong thunderstorms
right now across...
[voice fades]
Along Interstate 5,
heading north,
it's thundering
with heavy showers...
[ominous music]
[engine revving]
7 inches of rain
in the northeast
has caused Widespread
flash flooding
in portions of the...
[voice fades]
There is a severe Weather
Warning in that area
for possible severe
thunderstorms and flooding.
[voice fades]
High Winds
in the Ash/and Lake area
have knocked out power
and caused a blackout.
[car door slams shut]
[gun clicks]
[phone buzzing]
No, we're just about to hit
the road.
What's up?
No, it's fine.
No, I faxed those
three documents
to the registry yesterday.
Before noon.
Well, call Wendy
and tell her I'll call him later
and smooth it over.
All right,
talk to you in a bit.
[brakes squeak]
All right.
All right, Harris.
Come on.
Welcome back.
It's been a while.
Good to see you.
Come on.
Getting a little
head start on her
this time around,
are we?
Yeah, trying
to beat the rush.
Well, if it's peace and quiet
you're after,
it doesn't get any quieter
than this lately.
- Come on.
- That sounds nice.
Well, not if you're trying
to run a business.
Well, when do you usually
start seeing people?
Oh, it's a few weeks yet.
There's a couple of families-
they pop in and out, you know,
the, uh, Dunbars.
Oh, no, I don't know.
Oh, nice family.
Yeah, but they don't
really reside,
except for the-
Oh, what's their names?
I'm not sure.
One sec.
L, uh...
I heard about
that little blonde angel
of yours.
My deepest sympathies.
What happened?
If you don't mind
my asking.
An accident.
Brendon, come on.
We're leaving.
[branches snapping]
Come on,
you're scaring me.
Stop with the games.
We have to leave.
" Mom'?
' [sighs]
what are you doing?
Brendon, you scared me.
Harris, come here.
[branch snaps]
What would you do
with a set of tools
if I bought them for you?
Watch out!
Come on, Harris.
K-9 unit coming through!
Brendon, inside.
[dog barking]
My God.
He never stops.
He'll be fine.
Brendon, come wash up.
Ah, fuck.
Come on.
Come on.
It's cold, huh?
Go get it.
Are you okay?
I'm fine.
Do you miss us?
I'm too busy
missing her.
I'm sorry.
No, it's fine.
Trust me.
What do you think
I'm doing all this for?
Doing what exactly?
Spending time
with your family?
That came out wrong.
You know, I cut into
my work schedule too.
I know that.
I know that.
Let's just not
talk about it right now.
Listen, I want
to make this work.
Who's that?
[brakes squeak]
[engine idling]
Brendon, stay close.
Harris, Harris!
Come back!
What are they doing?
Shh, shh...
I don't know.
[dog barking]
Hey, come here, buddy.
Come here right now.
[barking continues]
Harris, come here.
- Hey.
- Harris.
Should I...
No, stay here.
Hey, you know what,
come on, let's head back.
What, now?
- Mary...
- Why?
Look, it's time
to get ready for bed.
- Mary.
- Hey, I'm not mad.
I just-
I don't want to be out here.
You mean
I have to go to sleep?
Yes, you're gonna
have to go to sleep,
or I'll kiss you
to pieces.
Good night.
Did we lock the door?
Look at me.
I want you inside me.
You okay?
I'm sorry.
It's okay.
[muffled clattering]
[clattering continues]
What is that?
[muffled speech]
I don't know.
' [groans]
[clattering continues]
Uh, can I help you?
Oh, my God,
have we woken you?
I'm so sorry.
We just wanted
to drop this wood off.
We didn't mean
to wake you.
Do you know
what time it is?
L- l bet it's early.
I completely lose track.
L- I'm so, so sorry.
We were just
walking by your place
and noticed your car,
and we thought this-
- I'm sorry-
Wait, I'm sorry.
You-you were
on our property?
This is no way
to make a first impression.
Let me start over.
We've got a place on the water
down the way there,
and we were actually hiking
near your property,
and my son here
noticed you were around.
And so we thought we would bring
some spare wood over
as-as a kind of
welcoming gift.
You know there's-
there's better times for this.
Uh, I'm so-
We're just gonna-
and then we're gone.
That's my husband,
I'm Jane.
This is our son Jared.
Hi, I'm - l'm Mark.
It's nice to meet you.
. HEY-
. HEY-
Mark what?
Uh, Hughes.
We're the Sakowskis.
Was that you in the-
in the car last night,
out by the mailboxes?
We-we don't have a car.
Uh, hey, look.
We've basically
been out here on our own
for a pretty long time.
And you can probably tell,
we've let our excitement
get the better of us.
And I'm just-
I'm so sorry.
We've got you out of bed.
I know how-
- No, that's-
that's fine.
This is-
this is my son Brendon.
Hey, Brendon.
I'm Bobby or Bob.
This is my wife, Jane,
boy Jared.
Say, Brendon,
how old are you?
Eight and three quarters.
Is that so?
Because this one
just turned nine
a few weeks back.
Is that right?
We get that reaction
a lot.
He's just big for his age.
He's big-
Well, if there's anything
we can do for you,
don't hesitate to ask.
No, no.
No, no, no, no,
not at all.
It was great to meet you,
Good luck.
And come on, gang,
let's go.
We could bring them
some food.
I'm sure that Mark
and his family
have enough food, honey.
Not my salad, though.
she's obsessed.
I don't know.
You want to do a little
Let the kids play.
We could get to know each other,
maybe dressed?
We'll see.
We'll see.
Okay, good.
Come on, honey,
another time.
Baby, come on,
come on.
Good to meet you, Mark.
Good to-
hey, hey, hey, come here.
No, Harris, back inside.
Come on.
Can you take him up?
Thank you.
See ya.
All right, yeah,
go upstairs.
Oh, wait.
Now, just hold on a second.
I'm sorry about that.
I didn't mean to be-
I mean-
- No, no, no.
We don't want to-
- What time did you want
to come over?
No, no,
don't worry about it.
She's just-
she gets a thing in her-
- This afternoon.
Does that work for you?
We're free.
Would you like to
this afternoon?
Let's do this afternoon.
- Mark.
- Very nice to meet you.
I'll bring you
something healthy.
- Good.
- Something healthy.
But don't you put yourself out,
now, okay?
- All right, Mark.
- Thank you, Bob.
Great to meet you,
you know?
Nice to meet you.
Good to meet
the neighbors.
- Enjoy the wood.
- Thank you.
Get a nice little fire going
there, huh?
It's so nice.
Oh, it's beautiful.
" No!
You have to stop.
Who was that?
It was the neighbors.
Who was on the phone?
Oh, my sister.
She's back
on the east coast.
How is she?
Oh, same old.
She says hello.
What neighbor?
The, uh...
the neighbors.
The Sakowskis.
The Sakowskis.
Well, what was so important
they had to wake us up?
They brought us
some firewood
and wanted to come over
for lunch or something,
bring food and meet us.
And you already said
that was fine, didn't you?
' [sighs]
Give me a break.
What was I supposed to say?
"I can't,
we're busy,"
then they see we're not?
No, you tell them-
Forget it.
Say it.
I can go tell them
it's no good.
No, let's just
get it over with.
[bird cooing]
No, no, no.
We're up at the cottage.
Yeah, yeah.
Listen, what are you-
what are you up to?
Are you-
are you interested
in coming up
for a night or two?
[knock at door]
Hold on a second.
[door creaks open]
[dog barks]
Come here.
Oh, hey.
The door opened
when I knocked.
Call Harris.
Come on, Harris.
- Hi.
- Come on!
How did that door open?
Uh, I knocked,
and it just-
You know what, I'm gonna
take a look at it for you.
No, no, that's fine.
One second.
It's just kind of stuck.
Hold on a second, Bob.
It's all right.
Okay, hi.
I'm Jane,
and this is Bobby, my husband-
or Bob, as he prefers-
and our son Jared.
Hi, I'm Mary.
Oh, you're beautiful.
Thank you.
Thank you.
I'm sorry?
I mean, you're welcome.
- I'm silly.
- No.
My mother's name
was Mary.
Oh, is that right?
Mary Borden Anwright
was her full name.
A lovely lady.
I'm Bob.
I'm so sorry
if we woke you this morning.
I had no idea
what time it was.
This guy wakes up so early,
doesn't he?
No, it's no problem.
Come on.
Come on in.
I'm an early riser anyway.
Oh, look at this.
You know, I prefer to leave
those everyday restrictions
like time.
Up here, anything goes.
Right, Mark?
That's the goal, yes.
[Bobby whistles]
Thank you.
I'll take those.
By the way,
it's nothing special.
Hey, now that's just
plain modesty.
I'm actually not
a salad eater,
but that is surely special.
Oh, I'm sure
it's delicious.
Thank you for these.
Let me take your coats.
Hey, Mary,
did-did Mark tell you?
About the wood
we left for you?
Oh, thank you, yes.
We appreciate it.
So how is it,
living up here?
You must get
pretty lonely.
Who said that we lived
up here?
I just, uh...
I just assumed.
Don't you?
Well, for the time being,
But we got our eyes peeled
for something much better.
I like being alone, so...
it suits me just fine.
And Jared too.
Right, hon?
Right, well, don't you miss
your friends, though, Jared?
You know,
there was another family
lived up here for a while
Had a boy about his age.
Oh, who's that?
Smith was their name.
Lived out of a car
up the road.
What kind of car?
It was a big beat-up
old station wagon.
Sounded like a freight train.
No, they were
a real sorry-looking bunch.
Low, low, class.
You know?
Kind of a strange air
about them too, huh?
So what happened to them?
They're gone.
I checked.
Not even a tire track.
I think we-l think we
saw them leaving last night.
Well, we're better off,
trust me.
I walked over today.
Do you ever walk
around here, Mary'?
No, no, not lately.
Not much, no.
She'd get lost on her way
to the washroom without a GPS.
Can I offer anyone
some wine?
I mean, we're really-
we don't have a big selection
of whites.
We're mostly red drinkers,
but, um,
we do have a chardonnay
from New Zealand that is unreal,
and pinot, merlot, syrah.
What can I get you?
I'll have whatever
you're having, Mary.
Okay, great.
And what about for you, Bob?
He's deaf sometimes.
- Bobby.
- [gasps]
Would you like a beer,
Is your boy upstairs?
Excuse me?
Your boy Brendon?
Is he upstairs?
Oh, sure.
All right, squirt,
you head up for dad.
Oh, actually, Jared,
I'd prefer it
if you wait down here.
I'll bring Brendon down
in a minute.
There you go.
You know, I bet
none of the kids your age
pick on you, huh?
I got a hunting rifle
for my birthday.
Wow, that's-
happy belated birthday.
Come on.
Go ahead, go ahead,
come on.
Do you want the stick?
Are you sure
you want the stick?
Go get it.
[dog barking]
Good boy.
Go get the stick.
- There you go.
- You want one?
She loathes these things.
Won't get near me for days
if she smells it on me.
Well, you're just gonna
have to
hide it extra hard then.
Thank you.
Thank you.
"Might as well live life
while you can," says Bobby.
Hey, let me
ask you something.
What time does Mark
usually go to bed at night?
I don't know.
It depends.
Been sleeping a lot lately,
and Jane keeps telling me
it's not normal.
Well, what's normal?
That's funny to you?
No, it's a good question,
is what it is.
You know,
it sure is good of you
to have us in your home
Well, not at all.
So, Sakowski, that's-
that's Polish?
Are you both from there?
' Hmm?
Are you Polish too?
No, that's just Bobby.
I was born here.
[clears throat]
It's just, I don't-
I don't hear an accent
from Bob.
actually, it was-
it was just his folks
that lived there,
in Poland, I mean.
We both never
set foot there, so...
You're a good man,
I can tell.
You take care of people.
I like to think so, yeah.
So how long
have you two been married?
Bobby and I
have been married
since the day
he picked me up.
Who's the four-eyes?
Those are Mark's.
You got any siblings?
I have a sister, Lizzy.
How about Mark?
He has a younger brother.
You get along
with his brother?
Those glasses
look funny on you.
- Yeah?
- Mm-hmm.
I don't know.
I could kind of get used to 'em.
So, what, Mark doesn't get along
with his brother, then?
You know, they've had their
ups and downs like any siblings,
but, no, they talk a lot now.
It's good.
What do they usually
disagree over?
I guess they just didn't see
eye-to-eye on most things.
Like what?
You're an awfully
curious fellow.
I'm l'm just
teasing you, Mary.
It's my way of coping
with nerves.
Well, what are you
nervous about?
You're a beautiful lady,
You're a wonderful bunch.
I am just looking
to learn something here.
Well, you can be
whoever you are around me, Bob.
Just take Mark's glasses off,
Can I see Brendan's room?
If it's okay with Brendon,
Mary, and Mark,
it's okay with me.
Can I see your room,
Yeah, I don't know.
You know,
why don't you go upstairs
and show Jared your games
and then come right back down?
Bob, you said before
that you had a, um...
a conversation
with that family?
The ones
living in the car.
I'm just - l'm curious
what you said to them.
The, uh...
The Smiths.
[clears throat]
What I said was,
"Be gone."
You know,
"This is a nice neighborhood.
"We don't take
to loitering kindly,
and, you know,
have a nice day."
How'd they take that?
Well, they basically
They said, you know,
they were just trying
to get along
like the rest of us.
Actually, they said
the government
had possessed their home
and everything with it,
and they were just...
Looking for what everyone wants,
I suppose.
The good life.
Which you both know
all about.
Well, everyone has baggage,
Oh, shit!
Look at that.
Bobby is such a klutz.
It's okay.
Yeah, I'll get a-
I'll get a shirt.
Hold on a second, Bob,
I'll get a shirt.
' [sighs]
Is Jared in school?
You sure are Mr. Mom,
aren't you, Mark?
No, we decided it's better
he learn from us
than some busy school.
I watch the crowds of kids
flooding into those places,
and I think,
"What kind of learning
goes on
with that many energetic kids
stuffed into a little building?"
I was home-schooled
myself, so...
Here you go.
I got it all over my pants
as well.
It looks like
I urinated myself.
Well, how old were you
when you had Jared?
This is a beautiful shirt.
So what do you do
for a living, Bob?
What do I do for a living?
Oh, this and that.
Say, Mark,
what do you prefer,
your boat or your car?
My boat or my car...
I don't...
I, uh-why?
No reason.
What about you, Mary?
What's your work life like?
Like, what do you do?
I'm a real estate developer.
And you, Mark,
what do you do?
I'm a lawyer.
I've never had supper
with a lawyer before.
I don't recommend it.
[Mary chuckles]
Or a developer, Mary.
Are lawyers not very nice?
No, I was-
it was-
It was a-
A bad joke.
It was a bad joke.
You're funny too.
Who's the little girl
with blonde hair
that I saw in the photograph?
That's our daughter Tess.
No shit.
Where is she?
She died in an accident
not too long ago.
Oh, no.
What kind of accident?
A car accident.
Do you want a water?
Do you want a water?
I'm sorry
about your girl.
I don't know what I'd do.
Thank you.
You're strong, though,
I can tell.
You'll get over it.
I don't think it's something
you ever really get over.
I bet you have
another beautiful home
someplace else, don't you?
Another home.
You got one?
Sure, yes.
Where, exactly?
In Claremont.
That so?
Which neighborhood?
I'm sorry.
We're not...
Comfortable telling you that,
Bob, right now.
You're not comfortable
telling me that...
Right now?
I don't understand.
Well, I'm gonna-
I'm gonna get us
some water.
You gonna come?
Sure, let's get some water.
Sure, Bob.
Bobby and I
just want to know
what it is you all do
to be like this.
We want this.
Like what?
Like you.
Oh, Jane,
come on, stop it.
Where's your dog?
He's in the next room,
I think.
Let's go play with it.
Nah, I don't want to
right now.
I did it!
I beat you!
That's, like,
the fifth time in a row!
You suck at this.
Yeah, well,
I could beat you.
What, are you gonna tell?
No, you're not.
Yeah, yeah, I beat you.
' Mom!
- What happened?
- What happened?
Okay, what is it?
Shh, shh.
It's okay.
Calm down, buddy,
and just tell us what happened.
Just give him a minute,
' Mom!
Are you okay?
Calm down, buddy.
Just tell us what happened.
We were just playing
the game,
and he punched me
because I beat him.
That's not true,
you stupid asshole!
It's okay.
That's enough.
I didn't even touch him.
Okay, I think
we're gonna call it a night.
- What?
- What'd you say?
We said it's time
to call it a night.
You should-
you should go.
- You think we should go?
- Yes, you should go.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean
to beat him at the game.
You're such a liar!
It's okay.
It's okay.
Mary, we can make this right,
No, I don't think so.
Just kids having fun.
I'm sorry, you should-
you should leave.
You know what?
I think we should
call it a night.
And we'll see you
No, I think it's best
that we stay apart.
Please leave.
You think we should
stay apart?
Let's go wash up.
Please, he didn't mean
to do anything bad.
I didn't do anything.
Thank you for coming over.
Thank you
for having us over.
He'll apologize!
If Jared in some way
has upset Brendon,
then we apologize.
Please, Bob, come on.
We've had a beautiful
evening here, Mark.
Thank you for coming over.
Please tell Mary
that I'm sorry and-
- Okay, I will.
I will.
- I'll see her tomorrow.
- Okay, I will.
I was thinking, Mark,
you should come to us for dinner
tomorrow night.
Mary, would you like-
- Hey, Bob!
Get out.
Get out.
Thank you for having us.
- It's been a wonderful night.
- Okay.
We'll see you
about 6:00.
I'm sure Jane
will put on quite a feast.
Okay, Bob.
Sleep tight now.
[locks clicking]
[glass shatters]
I'm okay.
What was that?
I'll clear it up.
[ominous music]
[door creaks]
Mark, you scared me.
What's wrong?
I'm not comfortable
staying here, just us.
Are you?
Toby's gonna head up
Then I say we go back
This isn't relaxing.
No, I don't want to leave.
And since when
is your brother coming up?
He needed a break.
A break from what?
He sounded stressed.
Toby doesn't get stressed.
He'll be gone by tomorrow,
if he even decides to come.
He probably won't.
- Mark.
- What?
Maybe I just wanted
to see him.
No, you didn't want to see me,
is what this is.
That's not true.
Yeah, you've ruined this.
First the Sakowskis
and now your brother?
No, listen to me-
- Just let me breathe
for a minute.
I'm sorry.
we'll leave tomorrow.
We'll drop the little man off
at your mother's house
for a few days,
and then we'll take off
to some overpriced resort.
I want to be alone with you.
Some overpriced resort?
That's your solution?
I promise.
And Brendon?
We'll do something
when we get back.
We'll take him away somewhere,
just the three of us.
I don't know.
[glass clinking]
[dog barking]
okay, okay.
You want to go outside?
Ready to go outside?
Come on.
Let's go outside.
[dog panting]
You okay?
[dog yelps]
Is it them?
I don't know.
Oh, fuck.
Is it them?
Was that Harris?
No, sweetheart,
he's okay.
I'm gonna call the police.
Use the phone upstairs.
' Mom!
Sweetheart, I'm coming.
Hey, baby.
Okay, let's come upstairs
with Mommy.
Was that Harris?
All right.
where's your portable phone?
It's in my room.
Okay, can you go get it
for Mommy?
I don't know.
Then why don't you help me find
my cell phone?
Nothing in there?
Where is it?
I don't know.
I just had it.
Where's your dad?
Burying your dog-
Come here.
Get over here now!
You piece of shit.
Did you do that to my car?
[glass shatters]
Damn it!
Come talk to me!
We can work it out!
NO guns!
[lock clicks]
[footsteps approaching]
I heard a shot.
I thought I saw something.
Did you call the police?
Our landline is dead.
Run for the car.
No, we can't.
- We have a gun.
- We can't.
- We can protect ourselves.
- Listen to me.
They slashed the tires.
You remember a landline
at the Grandlands, right?
There's a phone on the wall
in the kitchen.
What about your brother?
I don't think he'll come.
If he does, it's not going to be
for a while.
Do you remember
how to use this?
I want you to go upstairs,
and I want you
to lock yourselves
in the bathroom, okay?
You do not come out
until you know that I'm back.
I'll call your names
so you know it's me.
No, don't leave.
You're gonna be
the man of the house
until I get back, okay?
All right, go upstairs.
Come on.
Go upstairs.
Be careful.
I will.
I'll wait until I hear
the door shut.
[door latches shut]
[ominous music]
What's taking him
so long?
He's only been gone
I could have run there
and back by now.
Oh, is that right?
Yeah, I can run
way faster than Dad.
Mm, I don't know.
You know,
he was the 100 meter champion
two years in a row
in our high school.
I mean, I saw him beat guys
with legs taller than you, so...
You saw him win?
Both times.
You know, the day I met your
father was at a track meet.
Yeah, I was a senior,
and he was a junior,
and I was handing out water
to the athletes.
And I saw him coming out
from this huge group of girls.
Oh, he was so handsome.
Yeah, practically
every girl in town,
they looked at him
like he was a superhero.
But he made his way to me,
and he said,
"Can I have a water, Mary?"
And I looked at him,
and I thought,
"You're not a superhero."
But I fell in love with him
right there.
[ominous music]
[dramatic music]
Don't look.
' [groans]
When's Dad gonna be back?
I bet
before you know it.
[toilet flushes]
Wash your hands,
thank you.
No, don't even.
[static crackles]
[gunshots from television]
[knocking on door]
I've got a gift for you.
Please take everything.
Just leave us alone.
- Mary, stay there!
- Dad!
[Mark grunts]
Please, what do you want?
Please tell us
what you want.
[Mark groans]
What I want
is for you to put down-
Don't fucking move!
[dull thud]
Put down the gun that you've got
pointed at the door
and walk out here.
Or we can find
a new daddy for Brendon.
It's your choice, Mary.
Don't let him hurt Dad.
Put your gun down.
That ain't the deal.
Keep your hands
in the air.
[Mark grunting]
Stay close, Brendon.
" Dad?
' [groans]
I like your ability
to listen, Mary.
Makes you quite a woman.
[ts k-ts kin g]
Get up.
Get up!
On your feet.
My dad said don't move.
You'll never believe
how sorry I am, will you?
Please let us go.
I can't.
Bob would leave me.
No, he won't.
He loves you.
And you can come with us.
We'll take care of you
if you're scared.
Please, Jane.
Take care of me how?
Food, money, clothing,
whatever you want.
Jane, please,
lam begging you.
Cancould my
little brother come?
When he took us from our home,
I was 16,
and he saved me from a life
of darkness and betrayal.
Jane, please,
we don't have any time.
Please take the gun.
No, I couldn't.
He'd be mad.
I can't have that.
You understand,
don't you?
You love each other.
What if-
what if Mark left you?
It hurts, don't it?
He's not as bad as you think,
I promise.
He just-
he has dreams.
His-his real wife died,
you know?
She had cancer,
and they couldn't afford it,
and he told us all about her.
She was wonderful.
[footsteps approaching]
All right, son,
you can sit down now.
Well, nobody got shot,
so that's a good thing.
I'm guessing
you don't like me too much
at this point, huh?
Little man?
Did you kill my dog
just because you're a coward?
Hey, hey.
I would never
kill a dog.
Would you kill a dog,
How about you, Jared?
Would you kill a dog?
Where's our dog, Bob?
That's your concern?
And my name isn't Bob,
Do I look like a Bob
or a Bobby to you?
Do I look like
a fat, ugly Pole?
No, my name...
is Mark.
Got it'?
Mark Hughes.
You're not Sakowski,
are you?
He didn't even have a boy.
Just a mouthy, stupid
fuckin' wife.
You should have paid
more attention, Mr. Lawyer.
Should have worn your glasses.
Who are you?
We are...
We're a little confused.
See, the list goes on,
so it's kind of hard
to keep track.
But what's important
is who people think we are.
Who we feel like we are.
You know what?
I should not have spoken badly
about that Polack.
Honey, I should not
have done that.
His life has led us to you
and kept a roof over our head,
and for that,
lam grateful.
I mean,
could you raise a family
in a beat-up old station wagon,
No, don't answer that.
Of course you wouldn't.
You wouldn't even try.
That's not the way
to have the ideal family.
So here's the deal-
[car engine whirring]
[brakes squeaking]
Stay there.
Best behavior.
Who is that?
[gun cocks]
No, no!
Who the fuck is that, Mark?
[keys jingling]
Hey, bro.
. HEY-
How are you doing?
- Uh...
- You okay?
Yeah, what-,
how was the drive?
Oh, it was good.
There was barely
another car on the road
for the past hour.
Hi, how are you?
. HEY-
Hey, where's Harris?
Hey, there, younger brother.
They call me Slim Jim.
And this here is my wife,
Nice to meet you.
I'm Toby.
Hey, there, Toby.
Hey, now, your brother's
been reluctantly sharing
a few good stories
about you two.
Rumor has it you weren't
the easiest of all boys
to raise.
Well, that's one way
of putting it, I guess.
Slim Jim and...
Tess moved in last year.
Almost a year ago today,
believe it or not.
God damn, has it been
that long already?
Seems so.
Don't time fly?
Well, it's nice
to meet you both.
So where's the little guy?
Oh, he's-
he's upstairs playing.
Good, I was hoping
to catch him up.
No, no, no, no,
no, no, no.
Are you hungry?
No, I'm - l'm good.
I had some mystery meat
from the gas station
on the way up.
I didn't think
it was good.
Tell me, what brings you
up here tonight, Toby?
Well, this is our
family place,
so I spend
quite a bit of time up here.
Is that so?
Yeah, it's our grandfather's.
He left it for us.
Where's Harris?
He's around here somewhere.
So you're not hungry?
So where are you from?
Excuse me?
Where are you from?
My pa was a military man,
among other things,
and after my mother
and sister died
when I was just a young boy,
he just couldn't sit still.
Fear of his insanity
catching up with him,
I always assumed.
Yeah, he took it pretty bad.
Anyway, long story short,
I've lived just about
you could probably name,
young man.
That must have made you
a bit crazy, huh?
[Mary laughs]
Did you just call me crazy?
Well, I found out a lot
about myself.
I got to realize I could be
just about anyone I want,
long as I'm prepared to make
the appropriate sacrifices.
Where's your-
where's your bags?
Didn't you bring clothes?
Yeah, I-
I left it in the car.
Bring it in.
You know what?
I need a cigarette anyway.
Go ahead and do that.
You motherfucker!
[Mary sobbing]
Stop it!
What are you doing?
[intense music]
[shouting indistinctly]
Shoot me,
you motherfucker!
Shoot me!
I can't lose you!
I can't lose you.
[both sobbing]
[bird cooing]
[gentle piano waltz]
[ominous music]
[spirited string music]
[slow clapping]
You can stop fucking her now,
We get the gist.
You were perfect.
You're insane.
Well, now, if that means
being a good father
to my boy Brendon
and a good husband to my wife,
Mary, here, then...
Color me insane.
Thank you.
Go downstairs.
I'm gonna try on
some more dresses.
Get up.
[Mary gasping]
Hey, hey.
Sit, sit, sit.
Sit, sit, sit, sit.
Now, Mary...
I've got rules.
But admit it...
You've been flirting with me
since I got here this afternoon.
You should know that,
Your wife is a big flirt.
What she needs...
ls some attention.
Now, you sit in that chair.
Don't you touch her.
You see?
He's okay.
He's tough.
You get up,
and you sit in that chair.
Get your fuckin' arm
away from me!
Get up, bitch.
Sit back!
Please don't do this.
You want me to let you go?
Is that your request?
I'm not gonna
fucking touch you.
But you're gonna do
all the work.
Unzip my pants.
Let's have a little fun.
You get on top.
You get on top!
[breathing heavily]
Now make me believe
I'm your sissy husband.
Sit back!
Make some fuckin' noise.
Come on!
Now scream
if you want to go faster.
All right, enough foreplay.
Take off your pants.
God damn it!
Take the gun!
Just take the gun.
I'll fucking kill you!
Get Brendon!
Go into his room
and wait for me.
Jared has my gun.
You fucking whore!
You had your chance.
" No!
" Dad!
No, Jared,
please, Jared.
Kill the little fucker!
- No!
- No.
Jared, please drop the gun,
drop it.
Mom, Mom.
It's okay.
Jared, we'll drop the gun,
and you drop the gun, okay?
I'm gonna drop the gun
on the count of three, okay?
Fucking kill him!
" No!
Jared, no, please!
okay, okay.
Okay, I'm dropping the gun.
Jared, I'm dropping the gun,
I'm gonna-
take the gun away from his head.
Here we go.
Take the gun down.
Stand against
the fucking mantelpiece.
[Jared laughs]
Get downstairs right now!
Drop the gun.
Right now, get downstairs!
Or your-
your kid is dead.
No, Jared, please!
please don't hurt Brendon.
Mary, stay behind me.
Please, just don't hurt Brendon,
Get over there.
Please don't, Jared.
Get on the fucking couch
right now!
[duct tape tearing]
Doesn't hurt, does it?
- Mom.
- Jared, don't.
[duct tape tearing]
You okay, honey?
[duct tape tearing]
These are wonderful.
We'll give you
whatever you want.
Please, please.
You think I won't do it?
Yeah, I've done it before.
[Bob groaning]
Stop crowding me.
I just-
I wanted to say
that I like it here.
We did good, didn't we?
Get the article.
Read it.
"Tess was tragically killed
while crossing the street
on the corner of"-
I- I can't say that word.
"And Elmore Avenue on her way
home from school yesterday."
See, we've been waiting
for you...
For a long time.
Found you in the paper
one day...
And bingo...
The perfect family.
Please, we won't call
the police.
You can stay up here
as long as you like.
I can do what I want.
Because you're intruding
in my house.
Our house.
And in this
glorious country...
I have the right
to protect my sacred home,
No, Mark.
I'm Mary.
Why are you being so mean?
Answer me.
What'd I do wrong?
'Cause I'm perfect now.
I'm - l'm-
[both grunting]
Get off me!
Mark, that's bad!
Get-get over there!
Drop the fucking gun!
Drop it, Jane!
God damn it!
Drop it,
or I'll fucking kill him!
Drop the gun, Jane!
Drop it, Jane.
I'm gonna come over now...
And get the gun from you
so that nobody gets hurt.
So nobody gets hurt, okay?
That's right.
Good girl.
Good girl.
Look at me, Bobby.
I did all of this.
Get behind me.
I killed your own brother,
your own flesh and blood.
And she's still perfect.
I want that.
I want-
I want that place.
I want that feeling.
I want that perfection.
Stop, you fucking psycho!
I killed my daughter!
How are we fucking perfect,
Answer me!
I didn't pick her up
from school,
and she fucking died, huh?
Answer me!
Mark, stop.
We're not fucking perfect!
Don't fucking move.
That's not my nature.
[gun cocks]
[Brendon crying]
[birds chirping]
[police radio chatter]
[car doors slam shut]
I'm sorry.
Could I, um...
Could I have a minute?
- I'll be back in five.
- Thank you.
[engine turns over]
[mouthing words]
I love you.
I love you too.
How's Brendon readjusting
to being back in school?
Well, that's good to hear.
And have you decided
to sell the place?
And how are you two doing?
[gentle piano music]