In Time (2011)

I don't have time.
I don't have time to
worry about haw it happened.
It is what it is.
We're genetically engineered
to stop aging at 25.
The trouble is,
we live only one more year
unless we can get more time.
Time is now the currency.
We earn it and spend it.
The rich can live forever.
And the rest of us?
I just want to wake up
with more time on my hand
than hours in the day.
Hey, Mom.
You got in late last night.
I put in some overtime.
Where'd it go?
On you.
They drink it in New Greenwich.
Happy 50th!
That's right.
Twenty-five for the 25th time.
Oh, I was sure I'd have a grandchild by now.
Here we go.
Bela's daughter is always asking about you.
Who has time for a girlfriend?
Besides, what's the hurry?
What do you got?
Three days. Not even.
We owe half that in rent.
Eight for the electric and
we're still late on that loan.
I can make extra on the side, you know.
- I could...
- What, start fighting?
Nobody wins.
Remember, I'm not here tonight.
I got two days' work in
the garment district.
- I know.
- Meet me at the bus stop tomorrow.
- After I pay off the loan,
I won't have long. - I'll be there.
I just wouldn't know what
to do if I lost you.
I'm late.
Let me give you 30 minutes
so you can have a decent lunch.
I love you.
Happy birthday, Mom.
When you get back,
we're going to celebrate.
You got a minute?
What are you talking about, Mya?
You have a whole year.
Not a year I can use yet.
Come on, Will. I've got bills to pay.
Here, take five minutes.
Get out of here.
Four minutes for a cup of coffee?
Yesterday, it was three.
You want coffee or you want to reminisce?
Two coffees.
- How many shifts you got today, Borel?
- Just the two.
Really excited about it.
If you had any of your father in you,
we could make a fortune.
I don't fight.
There's another one. Broad daylight.
Whoa, what is this? Where's the rest?
Never met the quota.
My units are up from last week.
So's the quota. Next.
That's a joke, right?
- Next.
- Move it. You're taking forever.
You in, Will?
I don't have time to gamble any more.
Oh, thank God.
Because ever since you stopped playing,
I started winning.
You still owe me an hour.
You seen Borel?
- Will!
- Hey, man.
Your wife's looking for you.
You're not gonna believe it.
This madman's been buying drinks all night.
He's got a century!
Come on, let me get you home.
Soon as I finish this drink.
Hey! You!
More everything!
Do you want to come home with me?
You can take us both home.
Excuse me.
You need to get out of here.
Somebody's gonna clean that clock.
I mean, they aren't going to rob you.
They are going to kill you.
They can't take that much time
and let you live to tell about it.
I don't think you understand.
You should not be here!
Will. Will!
Minutemen! Walk away, Will.
Those gangsters aren't playing around.
Wait, wait.
He's asking for it. Let's go.
He's not one of us.
You think he'd help us?
Don't worry. I won't do anything stupid.
The name's Fortis.
And that, sir, is a very nice watch.
Do you mind if I try it on?
I think it would suit me.
I'll tell you what.
I'll fight you for it.
Come on.
I'm an old man. Turned 75 last week.
I need a moment.
You ready to go?
Ready to go.
Let's get you out of here.
Get him!
Stop. What are you doing?
I can take care of myself.
Yeah, it looked like it.
I know what I'm doing.
Run. Run!
Come on!
Where the hell are you going? Get in here!
I know who took him.
I know who he is.
Who he was.
Damn it, damn it.
What the hell are you doing here?
Flashing all that?
You out of your mind?
Henry Hamilton.
Will Salas.
Drink more, it gets better.
Not much better.
You'll be safe till morning.
I'll get you out of here.
You're from New Greenwich.
Does it show?
Looks like you could use some help yourself.
No, thanks.
How old are you?
In real time?
I'm 105.
Good for you.
You won't see 106, you have too many
more nights like tonight.
You are right.
But the day comes when you've had enough.
Your mind can be spent,
even if your body's not.
We want to die.
We need to.
That's your problem?
You've been alive too long?
You ever known anyone who's died?
For a few to be immortal, many must die.
What the hell is that supposed to mean?
You really don't know, do you?
Everyone can't live forever.
Where would we put them?
Why do you think there are Time Zones?
Why do you think taxes and prices go up
the same day in the ghetto?
The cost of living keeps rising to
make sure people keep dying.
How else could there be
men with a million years
while most live day to day?
But the truth is
there's more than enough.
No one has to die before their time.
If you had as much time
as I have on that clock,
what would you do with it?
I'd stop watching it.
I can tell you one thing.
If I had all that time,
I sure as hell wouldn't waste it.
Get some rest.
Don't worry. I won't take it in the night.
And I won't take yours.
It does get better.
- Oh, hey, Will.
- Hey, Greta.
Is Borel in?
Yeah. Borel?
Look at that.
A shame we gotta wait 25 years.
We could use that year right now.
I'm here.
You'd better get her inside, Greta.
Look at this.
Where did you get that?
The guy at the bar.
They were going to kill him.
He gave it to me.
He timed himself out
before I could stop him.
No one gives anybody 100 years.
He didn't just give me this.
He gave me the truth about it.
You can't let anyone see that.
You know that time will get you killed.
How long have we been friends?
What, 10 years?
A decade.
You've been like a brother.
Where are you going?
Where this won't look out of place.
I finally got the time to take my mom
to New Greenwich.
Greta, I'm going out!
Loan payment received,
two days. Thank you.
Two hours.
It's always been an hour.
Now it's two. Price went up.
Since when?
Since today.
My son is meeting me.
He'll pay the difference.
I can't do that, policy.
It's a two-hour walk.
I have an hour and a half.
Then you'd better run.
Stop! Please stop!
Wait! Please! Please, no!
Wait! No! Please!
- Will!
- Mom!
No, no, no, no!
Mom, Mom, Mom!
Thirteen zeros.
Unlucky for all.
The last time anyone saw him alive,
there was over a century on that clock.
Around here, they'd kill you for a week.
What was he doing in this Time Zone?
What I was thinking
was he might have brought this on himself.
Interesting. How long
you been keeping time, Jaeger?
Five years.
Let me know what you think
when you have been doing it for 50.
It doesn't matter why he came here.
What matters are the hundred years
that came with him.
Gotta be a witness.
Trust me, no one saw anything.
What would you like us to do, sir?
What we always do. Follow the time.
Hey, Ray. I'll give you 10 minutes
for an hour.
When are you gonna
get out of the game, Leila?
You gotta be pushing 60.
Thanks for letting everyone know.
Am I in the right place?
We don't normally make
pickups in this Zone.
I was lost.
Please deposit
one month.
Please deposit two months.
There are more of these than I remember.
That was a year.
Welcome to New Greenwich.
What are you really doing here?
I'm going to take them
for everything they've got.
I'm going to make them pay.
Please, miss. You can't be too careful.
Are you sure?
What's a night here cost?
Two months for a standard room.
Give me a suite.
Do you need help with your bags?
- He's fast.
- He's going to have to be.
The camera doesn't show us
how the body got into the river.
What do we really know?
What do we know?
We know that most thefts in Dayton
amount to hours or days.
This was a century.
I don't see any more in circulation.
He could have capsuled the time.
You can't hide a hundred years
in the ghetto.
They can sense when a man has
a month more than he should.
The time left town.
That'll be eight and a half weeks.
Take a week for yourself.
You're not from around here, are you?
You do everything a little too fast.
Not everything.
What's that place across the street?
The casino.
Can anybody go?
Not dressed like that.
Good luck.
Sir, you were right.
If you turn back the clocks
the day of Hamilton's death,
and look at the time checks,
someone spent years crossing
four different Time Zones from Dayton...
To New Greenwich. The cameras picked up
on his suspicious behavior.
He's conscious of the surveillance,
he doesn't have a bodyguard, and he runs.
But if he has time, he doesn't need to run.
It's a hard habit to break.
You're looking for a match?
His name is Will Salas.
You know him?
I remember his father.
Good evening.
I assume my time is as good as anyone's.
Indeed it is. However,
there is a voluntary donation
for non-members. Most give a year.
What's your game?
Right this way.
What's the limit?
There is none.
I don't believe we've had the pleasure
of your company before, Mr...
Will Salas.
Philippe Weis. You must come from time.
You could say I'm gambling my inheritance.
You don't have a guard, Mr. Salas?
I assumed I was amongst friends.
Bet you 50 years.
You must be young.
When you've been 25 for 85 years,
like I have,
knowing only a random act of violence
can take your life,
you learn to appreciate what you have.
And you seem to have a lot to appreciate.
I call.
Of course,
some think what we have is unfair.
The time difference between Zones.
I've heard that.
But isn't this just the next logical step
in our evolution?
And hasn't evolution always been unfair?
It's always been survival of the fittest.
Raise you another two centuries.
This is merely Darwinian capitalism.
Natural selection.
The strong survive.
And I think your hand is weak.
I call.
It appears you're all in, Mr. Salas.
Thirteen figures.
Well played.
That was some risk.
It wasn't a risk.
No offense. I knew I was going to win.
Confusing times.
Is she my mother, my sister
or my daughter?
You're hoping she's not my wife.
Things used to be simpler once. So I'm told.
Very beautiful.
Though she does look
a lot like my wife. Sylvia?
Will Salas.
Congratulations, Mr. Salas.
You've taken years off my father's life.
Which is normally what you do.
Isn't that right, my darling?
We're having a party tomorrow night.
Perhaps you'll give him a chance to
win back some of those years.
I'd love to.
Carl will tell you where I am.
Good night, Mr. Salas.
Sylvia, stay with your guards.
Fifty-nine years.
Plus tax.
The price includes delivery.
To wherever you're going to display it.
Display it?
Hell, I'm going to drive it.
Will Salas.
Allow me to introduce
my mother-in-law, Clara,
my wife, Michele, and my daughter, Sylvia.
I believe you two have already met.
Nice to meet you all.
I'll come find you later
for our game.
I look forward to it.
Having fun, Mr. Salas?
Please, call me Will.
It's okay, Constantin.
Do you always have a hired hand
standing right next to you?
No. I usually have two.
That doesn't make it very easy
to get to know you.
I think that's the idea.
Your idea?
My father's.
I understand.
You all have a lot to lose.
So do you.
What do you do, Will?
I haven't quite figured that out yet.
Yes, why bother? What's the hurry?
Right. Why do today what
you can do in a century?
I know one thing we can do.
Dance with me.
Do you really come from time?
Why would you doubt that?
I saw you run.
Reminds me of people
who come from the ghetto.
Sometimes I envy them.
You don't know anything.
Oh, no? The clock is good for no one.
The poor die and the rich don't live.
We can all live forever as long as
we don't do anything foolish.
Doesn't that scare you? That maybe
you'll never do anything foolish?
Or courageous or anything worth a damn?
Come with me.
This was tonight.
He's only an hour ahead of us.
Look at that.
I've never seen anything like it.
What are you doing?
We don't go in.
You're insane.
You have this in your backyard.
You never go in.
And I'm insane?
Well? What are you waiting for?
Sylvia, come on!
What happened to doing something foolish?
I don't know you.
We could change that.
I get it.
You're out here, all alone,
with a stranger.
You can't be too careful.
Maybe you can.
I have to go back.
To what?
You should go back.
- Have you seen my daughter?
- I have.
She's with her guards.
Right behind you.
Thank God.
how about that game?
it's all right, everyone. What's this about?
I'm sorry to have to
break up the party, Mr. Weis.
I just need a word with your friend.
My friend?
Very well.
I'm Timekeeper Raymond Leon.
I'm Will Salas.
I know.
What are you doing in this Zone?
It's not illegal, is it?
To change Time Zones?
No, it's not illegal.
It's just rare.
Where did you get that?
I won it
All of it?
A man named Henry Hamilton
gave me over a century.
He said he didn't need it any more.
He timed himself out.
Henry Hamilton was
worth thousands of years.
He could practically live forever.
You expect me to believe that
he was immortal and he wanted to die?
I don't expect you to believe it.
But it's the truth.
It was a gift.
I'm not a thief.
But, hey, if you guys
are looking for stolen time,
maybe you should arrest everyone here.
Oh, I see.
You're talking about justice.
Well, I am a Timekeeper.
I don't concern myself with "justice. "
I only concern myself
with what I can measure.
Seconds, minutes, hours.
I keep time.
And that time is in the wrong hands.
That time will be held, along with you.
We'll leave you two hours
for booking and processing.
Why are you investigating a suicide?
There's mass murder
in the ghetto every day.
That is fascinating.
I heard another man talk like that.
It was over 20 years ago.
You're probably too young
to remember your father.
We'll arrange safe transport.
This is New Greenwich, after all.
Sylvia? Do as I say and go with the guards.
Oh, for God's sake, Father.
There's an army in this house.
If we can't stop one man from killing us,
we should kill ourselves.
Stop him!
Move! Get out of the way!
Put it down or I'll blow her head off.
You're going to kill us!
Please just let me out!
What are you doing?
Do you even know how to drive?
What's there to know?
Oh, shit.
Give me some time.
I guess you really are
from the ghetto, after all.
What the hell do you know about
where I'm from? Give me some time.
Or you're gonna kill me,
like you killed Henry Hamilton?
Lend me an hour.
I'm not giving you a second.
I should have listened to my father.
Please, take me home. Please.
- I can't do that.
- Why?
You're keeping me alive.
Keep that covered.
Anybody sees it, you're definitely dead.
Now that worked too well.
You guys wasted a gorgeous car.
Look who it is.
Who it was.
He's done in minutes.
He'll wake up dead. That'll be a shock.
Too bad. I would have preferred to
kill him more beautifully.
The girl's still breathing.
She's got a decade.
Holy shit.
The man he stole from me
had more than a century.
What? We'll divide it later.
It's like an angel fell from the sky.
Leave it!
Look at me.
You okay?
Why are you laughing?
We're not dead.
Yeah, we're not alive for long, either.
Where did my time go? I have a half hour!
You're lucky.
- Minutemen.
- Does everyone in the ghetto steal?
That's rich, coming from you.
- Please help me, Will.
- Let me guess,
now you like the idea of sharing.
Come here.
Hey, don't worry. It's not the
first time I've been this broke.
Well, it's a first for me.
What are we going to do?
Whatever we have to.
Come on, we got to go.
Dispatch, wire me my per diem.
Time transfer.
Cutting it close again, sir.
Well, I'm still walking around.
Judging by the lack of dead bodies,
I have to assume they are also.
They got jacked. They couldn't have
left here with more than minutes.
He's back in his old neighborhood.
So, where do you want us to start looking?
We don't. He'll come to us.
Borel, open up. it's Will.
Where's Borel?
He's dead.
Dead? What?
You gave him a decade.
He drank himself to death
with nine years on his clock.
Jesus Christ.
Greta, I'm so sorry.
Goodbye, Will.
Will, we have minutes.
Try not to act like it.
- What is that supposed to mean?
- Shut up!
We're going to die, Will!
Do you want to die?
Shut up!
I hope those are real. Run.
Stop! Wait!
Please, wait!
Come back in an hour.
That won't be possible.
I'll give you two days for them.
They're diamonds.
You can take the 48 hours,
or you can be a pretty corpse.
We'll take it.
Don't make a sound.
Give me my time.
Let's go.
I guess I got my wish.
I did do something foolish.
Your name's on a lot of buildings.
It's my father's name.
How much is he worth, anyway?
What do you think he'd pay to get you back?
You have no shame, do you?
Please deposit one minute.
Mr. Weis, please give the phone
to the Timekeeper.
Hello, Will. How much do you want?
A thousand years.
You'll never live to spend it.
Then distribute it
to the Time Lines in Dayton.
Do it by sunrise tomorrow
and she can go home.
I'm afraid for you, Will.
You keep talking like him,
you're going to die like him.
My father died in a fight,
trying to take a man's time.
Oh, no. His crime wasn't taking time.
He was doing something
far more dangerous.
Please don't make your father's mistake.
Dayton. Padre Plaza.
I know it.
A thousand years to the Time Lines.
A thousand years.
It's nothing.
It's for our daughter.
No, it's for them.
This is insane.
They can take your time, just like that.
Or you can take theirs.
This is insane.
Yeah, it's insane.
We should be safe here until dawn.
I pay by the day.
It'll take them a while to find me.
This is your place?
There's water.
It's cold, but it's something.
You can put on fresh clothes.
Where's your family?
My mother timed out.
This is her dress.
What about your father?
He died when I was a boy.
He was a fighter. Strong arm.
He wasn't the strongest,
but he knew how to win.
How do you win?
I'll show you.
What you do is let them
have the upper hand.
Then, he'd let his time go all the way down.
Because he knew
that when you were
down to your last seconds
and they think it's over,
they start watching your clock
and forget to watch their own.
He died in a fight?
I think he was killed
for giving away what he won.
He wasn't just giving them time.
He was giving them hope.
How long have you been this old?
Twenty-five for three.
Twenty-five for two.
What was it like when your clock started?
I was in the street.
It almost knocked me over.
My year was gone in a week,
we were so in debt.
After that, I lived day to day.
Mine was a little different.
It woke me.
I looked in the mirror.
I guess everybody does.
That's what you're gonna look like
for the rest of your life.
My dad gave me a decade to celebrate.
You must hate me.
Where I come from.
It's nobody's fault, what they're born with.
They open in a minute.
Let's see how generous your father is now.
The Timekeepers would
have never let him do it.
You don't have to say that.
How do you think my father
built all those buildings?
By giving away a thousand years?
Now what?
You can go home.
There's people on the streets.
I can move without being spotted.
What have you got?
Eleven hours.
How does anyone live like this?
You don't generally sleep in.
You can call for help.
I'll watch from here,
I'll make sure you're safe.
You know, you could fight this.
I can say that running to
the ghetto was my idea.
My father'd believe that,
he thinks I'm reckless.
He has a lot of influence, Will.
He can get you a lawyer.
He can make a deal with those Timekeepers.
I'm pretty sure
that Timekeeper doesn't make deals.
What are you going to do?
Is it stealing if it's already stolen?
Here. Just in case.
I'll be right here.
Please deposit
one minute.
- Father?
- Sylvia?
You couldn't spare a second, Father?
I wish I could say I'm surprised.
Did you hear what I just said?
You know I'd do anything for you.
They're coming to get you.
They know where you are.
Will, look out!
Sorry to disappoint you,
we don't keep much on us.
To discourage thieves like you.
Think of this as a gift.
Will! Come on!
I didn't mean to shoot him.
I wanted to scare him.
I think you did both.
You could say thank you.
Thank you. What have you got?
Nine hours.
Why did you give him time?
You should have taken it.
Timekeepers live day to day.
It'll be hours before the others show up.
He could die in the ghetto.
He still might.
Timekeeper, what's the hurry?
Stay a while.
You might like us if you got to know us!
They're going to think you're with me.
This is a mess.
Welcome to my world.
Back off!
You've been shot.
I was worried you timed out.
Where'd you get that?
What are we going to do?
We can't keep driving around in this car.
It's a cop car.
So let's make an arrest.
Was I going too fast?
Not fast enough.
The mistake you made was stopping.
Now, let's see who you got back there.
Got to be a year or two nobody's using.
It went off.
I was just trying to help.
Come on.
Now, I'd say, "Your money or your life,"
but since your money is your life...
How dare you steal from me?
- Don't think of it as stealing.
- No?
Think of it as repossession.
I'll leave you with
what I've had most every day of my life.
- One day.
- One day?
Are you insane?
You can do a lot in a day.
Those are pretty.
I owe you these.
You shouldn't have.
You, out.
Will Salas, prime
suspect in the murder of Henry Hamilton,
is believed to be traveling
with Sylvia Weis,
daughter of finance magnate,
Philippe Weis.
Citizens are advised to exercise extreme...
We look cute together.
It doesn't say you're wanted.
It doesn't say I'm not.
You've forgotten I shot a cop.
I admit, not very well.
It was your first time.
I can say I made you do all of it.
You can go back.
Go back to what?
Do I really want to spend my whole life
trying not to die by mistake?
A lot of people would say
being here is a mistake.
I don't have a choice.
I'm starting to think that I don't, either.
I want to reassure you all
there is no cause for alarm.
No ransom was paid.
Your Zone is at risk, Philippe.
It puts us at risk. It can spreed.
Too much time in the wrong hands
can crash the market.
This hostage situation
will be quickly resolved.
Everything is under control.
We'll talk soon.
Timekeeper. After this regrettable incident,
it's really not necessary
for you to come in person.
I'm afraid it really is necessary.
When can we hope for a rescue?
I believe that's the point.
She doesn't appear to want to be rescued.
Mr. Leon.
Raymond. May I call you Raymond?
I blame myself.
I invited the man into my home.
He had so much time,
how was I supposed to know?
Of course, Sylvia brought this on herself
by her lack of vigilance.
That's why I always tried to keep her close.
But she is clearly under
Will Salas' control.
If it's a matter of resources,
I'm happy to make a contribution.
It's a scandal,
what we pay our Timekeepers.
I've issued a warrant
for your daughter's arrest.
If she contacts you
and you assist her in any way,
I will issue a warrant for your arrest.
There is nothing I cannot buy.
how many of my years do you want?
There aren't enough years,
even in your lifetime, Mr. Weis. Good night.
This is called a trigger.
And you don't pull it until
you actually want to shoot something.
I wanted to shoot something.
Will, if you get a lot of time,
are you really gonna give it away?
I've only ever had a day.
How much do you need?
How can you live with yourself
watching people die
right next to you?
You don't watch.
You close your eyes.
I can help you get all the time you want.
I need to borrow a month.
What's the interest?
Today's rate, 30%.
I can't pay it back.
We can always come to some arrangement.
Let's go.
Ladies and gentlemen, I am happy to
announce that Weis Timelenders
is now offering interest-free
loans with no payments.
So help yourselves and take a day.
Take a month. Hell, take a year.
Come on. Help yourselves! Take it.
Take the time. it's free.
No one's watching their clocks, huh?
Get out of here,
or I'll confiscate every second!
Must've thought it was a drive-through.
Turn around.
Don't move.
I don't have much.
Everything I have, I give away.
I know.
Yes, sir, I do know that, sir.
There are years that shouldn't be there.
I will stop him, sir.
Doesn't he understand
he's hurting the very people
he's trying to help?
Well, now.
- Look at all that.
- Yeah.
I finally had time to buy one of these.
Let's not do anything I might regret.
What was that about?
I wasted 30 days.
Today, Sylvia Weis
withdrew some of her "inheritance "
when she and Will Salas
robbed her father's time bank
for the sixth time in a week.
I give her everything.
Does she want to kill me?
You were killing her, Philippe.
You were suffocating her.
You suffocate us all.
That's good.
Just not as good as that.
You haven't forgotten how to play cards.
Why did I play strip poker with you?
Why did you?
They're still there.
How did you know, sir?
This is where the hours and the days are.
He's paid them all off.
This is where I would hide.
Put your clothes on.
- We're trapped!
- No, we're not!
Jump. They won't do it.
We shouldn't do it.
Come on!
See? They won't jump.
So much for your theory.
Stop! Stop!
I'm telling you, he'll give up before we do!
You sure about that?
- Go.
- I can't.
You can! Go!
Hold on.
You two look familiar.
How about now?
Welcome to the Century.
Hi. We're looking for a quiet place to stay.
How many rooms?
All of them.
We were hoping for something long-term.
Can we rely on the discretion of your staff?
I'm sure you can.
I'm sorry. We're fully booked.
Nobody goes anywhere!
Wait, whoa, whoa.
Don't look at me.
You know who I'm looking for.
I'm looking for whoever
gave this man a month!
And I'm gonna clean the clocks off
of every one of you in this hellhole
until someone says something
I want to hear.
I can't hear anything.
Clean it.
No, wait, wait. Wait. Please!
Please don't. Please.
I don't know where they are!
I believe you're next.
At last, someone's acting reasonably.
I just want a share of the reward.
My young friend.
You'll get your reward.
Ten years.
That's insulting.
If they catch us,
there's no way they won't kill us, is there?
Do you regret this?
You saved my life.
And every day since I met you.
You forget, I almost got you killed
a few times, too.
I'm willing to overlook that.
How's the poor little rich girl?
I never got a chance to
properly thank you for your time.
I'm not surprised you stayed.
It's the life, isn't it?
Here we don't stop living
until we're actually dead.
There are a lot more ways
to die around here.
But here, there's dancing before dying.
Of course, it's your friend
I'm most happy to run into again.
You've been causing a lot of trouble,
which is normally my job.
Don't you understand?
The reason the Timekeepers leave me alone
is 'cause I have boundaries.
I steal from my own people.
You surely know things are bad
when I have to restore order.
Fortunately for you,
I don't like to kill a man in cold blood.
I do it.
But I prefer not to.
I think you deserve a fighting chance.
We play to zero.
What's the point?
I lose, I die. I win, they kill me.
If you don't fight, I'll kill you now.
And her?
After I take you,
I'll take her.
Oh, yeah. And her time.
Then I'll collect my reward
for making everything right in the world.
This way!
All the time he's taken.
Don't you mean the time
he's given away, sir?
Even to you?
I have given 50 years of
my life to this job.
I am not about to see
those years go to waste.
I'm sorry to be the one
to break this to you,
but by tomorrow
you won't have time to stand around.
God damn it.
It's over.
We lost. We're not doing any good.
At least we're trying.
No. You don't understand. All they have to
do is keep raising the cost of living.
A hundred years. Two. A thousand.
It does nothing.
So, what? We just stop fighting?
We can't win. We can't hurt them.
The time we're taking
makes no damn difference!
What would? What would hurt them?
A million years.
You got a million years on you?
I guess it really would
take a million years.
Let's give up.
I am Sylvia Weis.
I want to surrender,
but only to my father.
Hello, Daddy.
Stay where you are!
You've hired more guards
since I last saw you.
Thanks to you, I need them.
One too many.
Guns down.
Do it.
Let's go for a ride.
You'd steal from your own father.
Is it stealing if it's already stolen?
What's the combination?
Well, it's not my birthday.
You've started to regret that day,
I imagine, Father.
Try 12-2-18-09.
Darwin's birthday.
Survival of the fittest.
It cost us centuries
just to bribe our way in here.
Let's see what it got us.
Quality time.
There really is a man
with a million years.
That's my first million.
It won't be my last.
You know how much good it could do?
I know how much harm it could do.
Try to understand,
even if you gave a year to a million people,
you're just prolonging their agony.
You're prolonging their lives.
Flooding the wrong Zone with a million
years, it could cripple the system.
Let's hope so.
We're not meant to live like this.
We're not meant to live forever.
Although I do wonder, Father,
if you've ever lived a day in your life.
Is that so? You might upset
the balance for a generation.
But don't fool yourself.
In the end, nothing will change.
Because everyone wants to live forever.
They all think they have
a chance at immortality
even though all the evidence is against it.
They all think they will be the exception.
But the truth is,
for a few to be immortal, many must die.
No one should be immortal
if even one person has to die.
What was that?
What was that? What just happened?
It must be a mistake. A million years
just went off the clock in New Greenwich.
It's not a mistake.
It's gotta be a mistake, sir.
It's not a mistake.
It's them.
Take a month, Maurice.
Dispatch, what can you see?
There's a lot of traffic
in the vicinity, sir.
All right, look for the slowest car.
You have a million years.
You are definitely not in a hurry.
If this works...
If this works, we gotta get more.
Dayton's not the only zone that
can use a few extra years.
And wire me my per diem.
Wait. Never mind.
I have him.
Give the order, shoot on sight.
In New Greenwich?
That's against policy, sir.
So is having a million years leave the Zone.
That time cannot leave the Zone!
Shoot on sight!
Please deposit
one month. Please deposit one month.
Keep going! Keep going!
We're close!
We're okay! We're okay!
You're late.
Need a minute?
Go. Go.
Where's our capsule?
Too late.
Lost a lot of time, Mr. Leon.
Looks like you're about out yourself.
- Time!
- There's time!
You, get out! Get out!
We gotta get to Livingston.
We can make it.
Can we?
You okay?
You can run.
So can you.
You're from here, aren't you?
Long time ago.
I worked out how to escape.
And now you make sure no one else does.
That's the way it has to be.
I didn't start the clock.
I can't turn it back.
I keep it running.
I keep time.
"I keep time. "
I'm gonna need some of that time
you borrowed from me.
Unless you want us to die
on the way to our execution.
We don't have enough.
One of us can make it. Take mine.
You take mine. You can get there, I can't!
I can't get there. You can.
- No. No.
- Yes!
There's time.
- What?
- The Keeper's time. Run. Run!
I need time.
Time transfer.
What have we got?
A day.
Could do a lot in a day.
Sir, do something.
It's already done.
These are
live pictures from Dayton.
Citizens have taken to the streets.
There's so much stolen time in circulation.
Fa stories in Dayton lie idle.
And now, citizens are crossing Zones,
seen here entering New Greenwich.
While authorities claim
they have the situation
under control, others fear the system
may be headed for collapse.
We will continue to update you
on this developing story.
Sir, we lost Zone Eight.
And Ten.
It's spreading.
What do we do, sir?
Go home.
Still no sign of
fugitives Will Salas and Sylvia Weis.
Authorities continue to ask
for the public '5 help
in bringing these criminals to justice.
Told you there were bigger banks.
You almost missed your calling.
English - US - SDH