In Your Eyes (2010)

Sorry, we weren't able
to save your wife...
but the baby's alive
I'm sorry
When mom died...
I witnessed from daddy how painful
it was to lose a loved one
Mom died when she gave birth
to my sister Julia
Nobody told me but
I have to be strong for her
I whole heartedly
took care of my sister
- Bye, daddy
- Bye, daddy
You're leaving now?
- Yes, dad
- Take care
- Come on
- Bye
Especially when we lost Daddy
I promised
that I'll take care of her
My sister and I
dreamed of having a good life
And I don't stop
until those dreams come true
Just a little bit more.
Set of 8
Come on
Ciara, I think you're right
See? I told you
You have to be careful
with your knees, okay?
That's good Ciara
Promise me,
you'll marry me someday
Go easy on that leg
Wait... Sam!
Sam will assist you and then
we'll go fix your back
Sure, you're my angel
You're done, Sir?
Okay, thank you
Girl, you know,
I admire your appeal
How many patients like him
have asked you to marry them?
If I were you,
I'll choose one of them
Then get their offer
What are you?
That's understandable, they got well
because of me, that's a big thing
You're right
Oh by the way on Thursday,
my place, Thanksgiving
I'm busy
Busy? On where are you busy?
You don't have a family.
You don't have a love life
You don't...
In fact, girl, you know,
you don't even have a life
You were calling me?
How's Michael Will's knee?
He can't play yet, right?
As for me,
I would not advice it...
because his knee
is rehabilitated already
His torn ligaments might fall
so I don't think he should
- I see
- Let's make his knee stronger
- I'll leave this to you
- I won't give him his clearance yet
I'll go ahead
Ciara, can you sit down for a while?
Susie's coming the day
after tomorrow
That's great
That means
you'll file a divorce with Dina
Then you can marry Susie again
I guess so
She has patiently waited
in the Philippines for a long time
Maybe this is the right thing to do
Yes, you finally came!
- Hello, how are you?
- Happy Thanksgiving!
Take off your coat and put it there.
Guys, Ciara's here
Hello, happy Thanksgiving
JC, Ciara's here
- Hello
- Ciara
Hey, you came
Feel at home, okay?
Ciara, try this steam red snapper.
It's really good, I made it
Not that turkey
Girl, it's a miracle you came
Ciars, did you get married already?
I guess by this time
you're married...
coz you've been here
in the States for years
Not yet
- Aren't you thirty?
- Thirty
Huh? You're thirty?
What are you waiting for?
Girl, I'll introduce
someone to you...
who's really handsome,
white and single
You'll have great looking children.
Why not?
I'm not searching
What seems to be the problem?
You have to get married now
coz you're getting old...
you'll have a hard time giving birth,
that'll be considered high-risk
Ciara, soda?
You know, it's hard to grow old alone
here in America
You'll feel lonely
If you don't want to get married
then at least have a baby...
so when you grown old
someone will take care of you
Water, excuse me
- She'll grow old fast
- That's right
I've been courting you
for three years
Dennis, you know the reason
Your obligation to your sister
I want to petition her
This is our dream
Are you telling me that
I don't have a place in your life...
because of your sister?
What I'm saying is that
if you love me, then you'll wait
What's up, man?
Storm, you're here.
I've been waiting for you
Yeah, yeah, later okay?
Shot, shot, shot
One more, one more
- Hello, Julia
- Hello
Julia, can you hear me?
Yes, I can hear you
- How are you?
- Seems like there's a party?
No, I just accompany Chelsea
- Why did you call?
- I just want to know how are you?
- You're sad, aren't you?
- Why would I be sad?
Do you want me to go there
even if I'll just use tourist visa?
Juls, you can't use tourist visa
It might affect
my petition to get you here
It will be better if your papers
are all good when you get here
Six months seems too long
Juls, six months is better
than 20 years of waiting...
just to make you come here
- I miss you!
- I miss you so much!
- Bye, sis
- I love you, Julia
Cute, right?
He's been looking this way.
I think he likes me
- You like him?
- Sure, I do
That's easy
He ignores you?
I told you, he likes me
Hey, excuse me.
You know where Legazpi Village is?
No, but I can go with you
to look for it
That's just near
You can just walk,
no need to bring a car
If you'll go out of Dela Rosa,
cross AIM
That's Legazpi village
One more thing
Can I have your number?
Just in case I get lost,
I can call you
I think I love you
I think I do, too
It's so tiring
- Ciara
- Hey, doc
This is Susie
Susie, this is Ciara.
Our senior physical therapist
Hello ma'am.
Nice to meet you, I'm Ciara
Liza our receptionist
- Hello
- Nice to meet you
So you are the "Mrs. "
Ex-wife but soon
to be wife again
That's great!
You finally came in America.
Doc wouldn't be sad anymore
I don't know with him
If I hadn't keep on asking him to file
a divorce with his fixed marriage...
he wouldn't move
Did you notice that
something's different with Doc?
You noticed it, too?
He seems unhappy
Oh no, girl.
- Don't tell me you're in-love?
- In-love?
Who could that be?
None of your suitors
can make you smile like that
Is that the cute guy
from the bar?
I like that one
Very good
It's a wrap, thank you
Are you always like that?
out of the box, free spirited
What do you do here?
- Nothing
- Nothing?
- How can you say there's nothing?
- Nothing
What for? My life is not here
I'll go to my sister,
then I'll be successful like her
Your sister seems
a great person, huh?
She is.
You should meet her
She's the best
Go home
Sis, I told you.
Manang did it
Coz she's not here and even
her clothes weren't there anymore
Where did you get that maid?
From an agency
That agency,
can you hold them liable?
It's in the contract that...
when a maid did something wrong
it's not their liability
But it's a good thing
you're not there
Coz if you're there, something
might have happened to you
But I'm afraid to go home
What if the robber comes back?
Julia you need to go here
in America immediately
How will I get there
with a tourist visa?
I'd still need to come back here
I've thought of a way
- You're applying for a student visa?
- Yes, sir
Have you been admitted
to school in the US?
Yes, sir
May I see your R20?
Here, sir
How do you intend to support yourself
while you're in the US?
My parents, when they passed away,
they left us businesses, investments
I just graduated and I plan
on furthering my studies in America
You know that with a student visa,
you cannot work in America...
you will be there
on the duration of your studies...
after that you have to return
to the Philippines
Yes sir, I understand
Okay then, we will deliver
your visa in three days
Thank you, sir
I got my visa already
I got my visa already.
I'm going to America
- When?
- Next week
- When are you coming back?
- I'm not coming back
I'm not coming back
I told you that I like to live there
You're not coming back?
How about us?
Us? Is there such a thing?
Why, there's none?
Why don't you go with me?
What will I do there?
What's wrong?
Nothing, dad
I'm okay
What are you doing here?
I'm going with you, anywhere
My life is boring without you
Excuse me
- Julia
- Sis
Oh my God
- Finally, you're here
- Sis, I'm here
This is Storm, my boyfriend
- Hi, Ciara
- Hi
- American food in American soil
- Sis, this is it
We don't have to wear mufflers...
and look like New Yorkers
while sweating so much
Do you remember when we made dad
look like a snowman when he got drunk?
Oh my gosh. Yes!
Then he got mad at me
Coz he said, I wouldn't do that
And you didn't defend me
- Sorry sis
- It's okay
Storm, sorry,
but I just missed my sister badly
- It's okay
- Sis, don't worry
I often tell him stories about you,
he knows you
Julia, where are you going?
You're still scared of thunder?
It's okay. I'm here
- Alright. Look here
- Sis, do you like
That's good
Look at that! There!
Babe, here
- You want some?
- No, I'm okay
This hasn't been fully paid yet...
but with a bit more hardwork,
we can own this house
Sis in my mind and in my heart,
this is fully paid already
- Thank you
- Anything for you
Storm, I'm so proud of my sister
- You are?
- I'm Julia Medina
You want to do a film with us?
Yes, I'm willing to try anything
You stand over there for us
Show me your tits
Show me your tits!
Take your clothes off, now
No, I'm sorry this is a mistake
Juls, you know the one
that I'm telling you...
that I applied you a job
They'll be sponsoring your visa
Actually, you're hired already
Coz your course fits the job
You'll teach English
as foreign language...
to immigrant students
who can't speak English
You're lucky.
It's a high paying job
- Thanks sis
- Sure
Wow Julia you got a job,
unlike me, I'm still a bum
Storm, I think I saw a job on-line
- I'll do it
- I think it fits you
Is it photography related?
- These are great photos
- Thank you, sir
Do you have a work permit?
No, I don't. Sorry
It doesn't matter
We have a lot of Chinese...
Puerto Rican all illegal...
The Filipino is the best,
hard working and good natured
- Sorry, sorry
- Where's Julia?
She left already
coz she needs to be early
Oh, really?
I heard you got a job?
Yes, and I'll be going now
Eat your breakfast first
- Coffee's fine
- You might get hungry
Just coffee?
Yes, it's hard to be late.
I don't want to get bad shot
Where is it?
There in Cerritos
That's just near
We can go together
- Wait, I know
- Okay
I'll make a sandwich for you
so you could eat it on your way...
you shouldn't be starved
Hold on
This should be okay now
Okay! Let's go
- Hey, watch it
- I'm sorry. First day of work
- Okay, good luck
- All right
I might just love America after all
Japanese poetry
had a major influence...
on a literatures of countries
around the world
From the early wakka
to the later haiku writings
The poet strokes for the utmost
unconsciousness and vividness...
by always linking emotions and ideas
to natural objects
- Yes?
- Sir, if I may?
I come from the Philippines and we
have what is called the Balagtasan...
which is actually a debate of thoughts
and sentiments but in poetic verse
And politically, the Balagtasan...
is actually a product
of Philippine society...
which is reacting against the actual
oppressive of liberation of oneself...
because of Americanization
Is every girl from your country
is as cute as you?
I'm a photographer
Maybe in the Philippines?
But here, it's different
They can give you any kind of work,
we're not on their level
- Like what?
- Anything, like our salary
So if I were you, don't complain
if you don't want to lose your job
I don't care
This is not what we've agreed
In the Philippines,
they don't fool us like this
Storm, more work for you
Excuse me
I'm supposed to take pictures here
not process them
You can't do field work here.
You're an illegal alien
They smell rats like you.
A mile away
- What did you call me?
- A rat!
Oh, I'm sorry.
I mean, Filipino rat
You moron!
- Bro, bro relax and take it easy
- You're a dead man
Take it easy
Hey, Randy. Wait up!
- Hey, I'm Danny
- I'm Julia
I'm sorry about earlier.
I think I came on too strong
It's okay
Me and my friends
we're going out later...
maybe you can hang out with us
I really can't.
I actually have to go home
Go home?
Who are you going home to?
To my fianc
Oh, okay.
I'll see you around
- Okay, bye
- Bye!
- That's great! You're looking good
- Ciara?
Excuse me. Yes, Doc?
What if you want something...
but to get what you want,
you'll hurt someone...
do you follow your heart's desire?
Or you'll sacrifice so you could
do what you think is right?
Me, I will always choose
what is right
Even if you know that
it won't make you happy
Doing what is right
always makes me happy
Doc, what's important to me
is to have a clean conscience
That I'm not hurting anyone
or stepping onto someone
I will be teaching you how to read,
write and speak in English
Do you understand?
Comprende? Okay?
- Okay
- Okay, let us start then
English is the most widely
spoken language in world-
It's too scary here in LA
There's a riot in school last night
Juls, I think we should find
another job for you
Sis, no it's okay
And besides according to our head,
the place is relatively safe
What if I pick you up everyday?
Sis, what are you?
I'm here in America.
You don't have to worry
I'm a big girl now
Besides, if ever I need help,
Storm is just there
Storm, again
How about you, don't you want
someone to take care of you?
Why don't you have a boyfriend?
Why not?
Because you're always thinking
about me
Sis you should start
taking care of yourself
Make yourself hot
Look at me.
Wear shorts like this
Show some skin
- Stand up, come on
- Julia
Let's fold your shorts.
Put this down to show your cleavage
Sexy... show some skin, it works.
You've got to flaunt it
Julia, I don't need to do that
If a man will love me...
I don't have to flaunt my body.
Sis, men don't see that generous
personality or that pure heart
The first few things
they see are cleavage...
skin, legs, that's what they want
Then that's the time
they'll like your good heart
- So you're an expert?
- Oh, yes!
Storm wouldn't be like that
if I hadn't exerted effort
Sorry, sorry
- Doc
- Ciara
Ciara, this is Dina
- Dina, Ciara
- Hi, Ciara
- Hello, Ma'am
- Hi
My sister, Julia
- Hello
- Hi, Julia
- Hi
- Please to meet both of you
We have to go
- Okay, we'll see you around
- Bye
- Okay, see you at the office
- Okay
Who's that?
That's Doctor Olfindo,
the one that I'm telling you
My mentor in our clinic
And the woman, that's Dina.
He married her for the green card
He's married in Manila
Then he left his wife
and married Dina
After two years, he'll divorce Dina
to marry his wife in the Philippines...
so he could petition her
It's complicated
What the hell is going on here?
There's tons of work to be done
If they want good pictures
they need to wait
Yes, I have to fix them
Fix? Are they broken?
No. Fix to make them better
Are they broken, I repeat?
So who gave that instruction to you?
No one
So you just did it yourself,
smart huh?
Yeah, smarter than you!
I've had it with you.
You're stubborn and arrogant
You are fired!
I quit!
I won't allow that black
to look down at me!
We need a job, we need money!
You need to have good relationship
with them!
Good relationship?
I'll make good relationship
with those people who are good to me...
and not to those who belittle me
because I'm a Filipino
What will happen to you here?
You keep on resigning...
- What's going on?
- because you don't like your job
I don't care,
nothing matters to you but money!
Storm, stop it!
- Storm... where are you going?
- Julia... Julia, come back!
- Sis, talk to him
- We have neighbors here
Maybe he'll listen to you
Julia, that's your problem
Sis, please
You know I can't handle him
when he's like that
Please, sis. Please...
No, Julia
Please, please
So discrimination here
as they say is real
I thought it's just bullshit
You know it's not just here
in America
There's always an idiot boss
Why did you laugh?
Because I said idiot
I just didn't expect it
coming from you
What do you think of me?
You know...
I've been through a lot of things
that one should have been through
Being alone in a foreign land...
being away from your loved ones...
it drives me crazy
How do you do it?
Me, I can't even imagine
For Julia
I worked hard, I focused
I got used to it
I didn't come here
to fulfill the American dream
I came here
to provide my sister a good life
Sorry, we bring you troubles
I feel so embarrassed
Love her
Take care of her
That's all I'm asking from you
I guess I owe you an explanation
No, Doc. You don't
Your personal life
is none of my business
I love Dina
and it wasn't my plan to fall for her
How about Ma'am Susie?
I'll be unfair to her
if I'll go back to her...
because that's the right thing to do
I don't love her anymore
So are you asking
for my opinion Doc?
I just need some understanding
Truth is, my opinion
doesn't really even have to matter
One day Ciara,
when you fall in love...
you'll know that in loving,
there are no hard and fast rules
At the end of the day...
what's important
is what will make you happy
- Hello
- Help me, please
- Julia
- Sis
- Where is he?
- He's inside, packing
Sis, help me
If you really love him,
let him go
I don't want to lose him
- I can't do anything, Julia
- Sis, there is
Marry him
What the hell
are you talking about, Julia?
Sis, please
Your officemate has done it before.
Look how it worked out?
- Look what happened to them?
- Sis, please
That's the easiest way
to legalize Storm here
Julia don't do this to me
Sis please, if I need
to beg on my knees, I'll do it
Just help me
Come on, Storm.
My sister can help us
To fix your papers,
you need to marry an American citizen
Wait, what are you planning to do?
We'll get married, Storm
Storm after 90 days, you can get
your permit then after 8 months...
INS will interview you
for the conditional green card...
then after 2 years...
you can apply for the removal
of the conditional green card...
then you can divorce my sister
Storm, please
I can't do this
Ciara, you have your own life here
- Just two years
- You know this is crazy
I, Joshua Ramos take you
to be my lawfully wedded wife
I, Ciara Medina take you Joshua Ramos
to be my lawfully wedded husband...
in sickness and in health,
'til death do we part
I now pronounce you
husband and wife
You may now kiss the bride
Sis, on lips
Congratulations, sis!
What's that?
Sis, INS checks up
even the closet, medicine cabinet...
so I'm transferring Storm's things
- Where is he changing his clothes?
- In your room
Sis, I'll move your things, okay?
Juls, how about my privacy?
It's up to you, sis
If you get caught,
you'll be in big trouble
I'll also move your things
in the bathroom
Huh, Julia?
These are the only things
I'll put there...
deodorant, aftershave and...
- Julia?
- It's just one of the props
We'll see you in two weeks...
as soon as you get
your work permit
- Really? I got the job?
- Yes
Yes, we need people like you...
but be sure you have all
the papers you need, okay?
Yes, sir
Just for the record
I'll be taking pictures, right?
That's the job you want, right?
Yes, Sir
- See you in two weeks
- Thank you
I just really need
to be with my boyfriend tonight
Is he sick? Is he dying?
No, sir
You can't just leave
without prior notice
How will you explain
to your students that...
they will skip class today...
because you want to celebrate
your boyfriend's employment?
Hi, baby
Sorry, I can't go home.
I can't leave my class
It's just for today.
We'll just celebrate a little
I really can't go home
even if I want to
Don't worry
I'll make it up to you
when I get home...
you know what I mean
Okay, take care
- Hi, Storm
- Hi, Ciara
Guess what? I got a job
- Wow! Really?
- At last
I told you, just a little patience
Good thing,
you didn't go back to the Philippines
Wait, where's Julia?
We should celebrate
Have you eaten?
Not yet
You want to eat out?
Nothing. Just to celebrate.
My treat
- Okay, I'll just get changed
- Alright
How did you learn about that place?
You know, I really like to explore
good restaurants...
like that one... small
Maybe you're saving up?
For Julia
Not only that
One reason is that
I don't want people...
to see me alone,
without a date
I want to ask you something
What is it?
Would our marriage affect you?
I mean, that's 2 years
What if somebody came?
Did you know that in 7 years,
lots of men came
But none of them
has the patience to wait
What is 2 years
if it's for my sister?
Now, I know
You know, what?
Why Julia loves you so much?
How did the two of you meet?
We both met in San Diego
She was crying during that time
I just broke up
with my boyfriend then
I think, it was love at first sight
Can you identify which of these keys
to what doors in your house?
The gold one is the main door
This one is for our bedroom
- And this one is for the-
- And this one is for the back door
What side of the bed
does she sleep on?
I sleep on the right side
of the bed sir
She sleeps on the right side
What did you have for breakfast
this morning?
He had a pastromi sandwich
I had a... nothing
Well, she made me a sandwich
which I ate on my way to work
What is her mother's name?
Evelyn Soriano Medina
Evelyn Medina, deceased
What was the last thing
she said to you this morning?
Take care
I think, I said I love you
Remember that you are under oath
If you're caught lying...
you will be apprehended
and deported back to your country
And will forever be banned
from entering US territories
And as for you,
your citizenship could be revoked
Yes, sir
Hi, Babe
Eat now. I'll go to work
Spam again?
We had that for breakfast
Now for dinner
Sorry, I went home late
from school last night
What else can I do?
Are you two fighting again?
He doesn't like Spam
You don't like Spam?
Okay, I'll cook sinigang
Wow, finally!
Somebody help me here!
I will
Anything for sinigang
Someone's outside.
I think it's the INS
- What are we going to do?
- INS?
Good evening
I'm Officer Benz of INS
I do hate to bother you at this hour
but I would like to come in...
and take a look around,
make an inspection
- Yeah, sure
- Sure, come in
Thank you
- Wow
- Come in
- May I come in?
- Feel at home
Lovely place you have here
Look at this
Beautiful bride
- Thank you
- Congratulations!
- Master's bedroom?
- Yeah. It's to your right
Hey, what do we have here?
Whose bedroom is this?
- My sister's bedroom
- Your sister's bedroom
May I take a look
in your sister's bedroom?
Yeah, sure but it's a mess.
I'm sorry
- It's very messy
- It's very messy. I'm sorry
Your sister is a very messy woman
- Yes, she is
- Isn't she?
She doesn't have time to fix up
This is her?
May I look in the closet?
Sure. Go ahead
You wanna check out
our master's bedroom?
I most definitely wanna check
on the master's bedroom
It's right here
- Can I?
- Go ahead
Do we really need to sleep together?
Julia might be right
What if the INS go back here and...
ask me your position while sleeping
I don't know what to say
You lie down flat on your stomach,
on your side, do you snore
Relax, Storm
Are you sleepy?
Not yet
Why are you laughing?
He almost saw Julia's bra
You know her,
she's a messy person
She's like a snake,
she's like leaving her skin anywhere
Messy, but you love her
Of course
You should be
Good night
Good night
- Sis
- Hi
- Why did you just get home?
- I came from a group study
Where's Storm?
Did you know that
the INS came here last night?
What happened?
They searched the whole house
- What did you do?
- Storm and I just let him in
Julia, Storm slept
at my room last night
We're afraid that
they might come back
You know, sis, that's okay
if he slept there
It's hard if you get caught
- Where are you going?
- To school
- You haven't slept yet
- It's okay
- Julia
- Aren't you going to talk to Storm?
He's still sleeping
With all the men I've met...
you're the only one
who endured a woman's shopping
It's my off today,
and yours too
Julia's not there.
What will I do at home?
At least I've helped you
carry your bags
What's that?
Another I-owe-you
- Storm, just forget about it.
- That's not something that I owe
What then?
Ciara, this is Sherry.
Sherry, this is Ciara
I'm Storm
Ciara's husband
You got married
You too
I'm happy for you
We have to go
I thought after seeing them...
It also hurts
That should have been me
Maybe you've made things
too hard for him
Am I not worth it?
You are
Didn't I tell you
that you're perfect?
Good night!
Where are you going?
I'm going to work
Why so early?
I've got a lot things to do
Ciara, can't we talk about it?
Later. I'll go ahead
- Cia...
- Hi, babe!
I was calling you last night
I fell asleep early
I've got good news for you
My boss is selling his car
It's a bit cheap
so I thought of buying it for you
I saved a lot
so you won't have to commute...
and you can even pick me up
from the school
Julia, no
I'm okay to commute.
Let's not waste money
We're not wasting it
I saved it for us
For you
I love you
- Hi, Ciara
- Hi
Something has changed in you
- Did you cut your hair?
- No
- Gotten fat?
- No
- Skinny?
- No
OMG! Pupils dilated,
rosy cheeks, after glow...
you had sex!
What are you?
Don't accuse me like that
You had sex
with your sister's boyfriend?
You're crazy,.
Do you think I'd do that?
- Why are you here?
- Ciara
What are you doing here?
It's my lunch break.
I just want to take you out for lunch
Please go
Ciara, I miss you
Last night, I felt...
Last night was a mistake
It wasn't a mistake
I know what I felt
And you felt it too
I love you
Forget about it
I can't forget it
I can't also forget
that Julia is my sister
I know it's painful
If you think you can escape
what you feel, you're wrong
At the end of the day, it's what
makes you happy that really matters
I can never be happy
hurting my sister
You already did hurt her
She doesn't know yet so I can still
straighten up the mistakes, right?
If that makes you happy.
It's your choice
Ciara, I didn't plan this
I just suddenly felt that I love you
Believe me, Ciara
Storm, what will happen to Julia?
She deserves to know the truth
I don't want to hurt her
Ciara, it's not always about her
You deserve to be loved too
I can't
Ciara this is our world,
we create our own rules
It shouldn't be
She shouldn't find out
I promise
Seems like you saw a ghost?
We thought it's the INS
We don't have class today...
'coz there was a riot again
in our school
Hi, baby
- I got to catch some sleep
- Okay
Okay, baby
You're all that matters to me now
I'm afraid
I'm afraid to lose you
That won't happen
I will never leave you, okay?
Storm, what if...
Promise me one thing,
whatever happens, you won't leave me
Have I told you today
that I love you?
Maybe in one night,
a hundred times
Then let's make it a hundred and one
- I love you
- Really? I love you
I love you, too
- Hi, sis. Did you miss me?
- Yeah
Hey, I missed you
Sis, did the INS came here again?
I think you're still sleepy
Look at your robe,
you're wearing the other side of it
Hey, I'm not going to school today
so we can spend time together
Sis, hold it.
You're going to work already?
I've got a lot of work to do
- Okay, Julia, I'll go ahead
- Thank you
- For what?
- For taking care of Storm
- I'll be late, I should go now
- Okay, bye sis
What's the problem?
I just have a lot of work tomorrow
I thought it's your rest day?
Where are you going?
You want a glass of water?
Go back to her
Please, I'm suffering so much
- Please, I'm suffering so much
- I'm sorry
Storm, stop
Just go
Feeling better
What are you doing here?
Can we talk?
I'll take it from here, Ciara
- Hello
- Julia, right?
- Thank you, doc
- Okay
- Excuse us
- Okay
Julia, what are you doing here?
My boss might get mad at me
Sorry, sis, but do you notice
anything about Storm?
Does he go out at night...
is he talking to someone
on the phone?
Why did you ask?
I feel he's having an affair
with other woman
Maybe they're seeing each other
at night, when I'm away
But, sis, I'm working
Why did you think of that?
It's different, he's changed
He rejected me
That's never happened
Sis, help me, talk to him and ask him
what's his problem, please?
I don't want to lose him
I'll die if that happens
I've got work to do
Can we just talk about that
when I get home
- Okay?
- Okay, thanks, sis
- Bye
- Bye
I need to tell her
I can't bear our lying anymore
You're not going to tell her anything
because we're through
Ciara, you're the one I love
Storm, please
You promised.
You promised not to hurt her
And I expect you to fulfill that
- Ciara, you're the one I love
- Storm
- Ciara
- Storm, no
Shame on you two
Julia, stop
You're stealing my boyfriend
- Julia
- You're a hypocrite
Julia stop. Julia don't
You're pretending
to be a good sister
You're just pretending
that you love me
You're a snake!
Julia, don't!
- I hate you
- Stop
How could you do this?
Sorry, Julia, I'm so sorry
I know. I've wronged you
I loved the man you love
But Julia, all my life,
for the first time in my life...
I became happy
Julia, I've given you all my life
You're collecting debts now...
- in exchange of Storm?
- No, Julia
You're my sister
You're my sister
Julia, he's all yours
Julia, I'm ready to lose him
Not you
- No, Storm, no
- Ciara, no
You fools!
How could you do this?
How could you do this?
- Julia, I'm sorry
- I hate you. How could you?
Shut up.
Shut up both of you!
You shut up. You shut up!
I won't forget this day
Does it hurt?
That's nothing
to what I'm feeling right now
How can we fix this?
It is Ciara that I love
But she doesn't want me
because she loves you more
I'm willing to start over
America is not for me
Don't leave me
I can't afford to lose you
No, no
No, no, no
I don't want to lose you, please
Thank you very much
for all that you've done for me
I owe my life to you
With what happened,
maybe I've paid for it now
We're even, sister
Why did you choose
to be a dealer of Natasha?
- You can work in an office
- I'll earn bigger here
I'm working
while I'm taking care of Storm
How is he?
Girl, you've left something big...
your fortune in the States,
all for him
Your relationship with your sister
I hope your sacrifices
are all worth it
Thank you
- What's that?
- Scratch card
Why are you laughing?
Girl, if ever you'll win, buy
your ticket and go back to America
Congratulations with the new house...
I'm sure you'll be very happy
in your new home
Thank you so much.
I have the documents
Babe, I prepared a lunch
Excuse me
Julia, I'm here in our dream house
Julia, I need you
How dare you?
Do you think it's that easy to forget
everything that you did to me?
Julia, I've regret everything
If I could just bring back the time,
I will
Well, you can't
- Julia, please
- Please, what?
Please forget that you fell in love
with my boyfriend
Forget that you had sex with him
He's good, right?
- Julia
- You feel guilty now
Did you know how hard it is
to imagine...
that every kiss and embrace
that I give him...
you've done it already?
Shit, and you're even better
because until now, he still wants you
I'll talk to Storm,
I'll tell him to forget everything
Don't. You've already won
Ciara, this will be
our last conversation
- I'm sorry, Julia
- I'm not
To me, you died a long time ago
- Doc
- I guess, you're right
People's happiness
differs with each other
What makes you happy
is to do the right thing
I've got a simple life before
Boring but not complicated
Now, I know how it feels
like to be happy
I know now how hard it is to be sad
Sometimes I wish that
I've never would have met him
Meeting him was probably the best thing
that ever happened to you
You chose to let him go
Be strong, it's possible
that the pain won't go
I hope I'll get used to it
Nobody gets used to pain,
you just have to live with it
In time, you'll cope
Storm, what do I need to do
to make you love me again?
I still love you
I love Ciara
You cheaters
I was the one who got hurt
and who you cheated with...
why do I still have to carry
the sufferings until now?
I didn't cheat
I've loved you
but you neglected me
You pushed me to be with Ciara
I loved her...
but she neglected me
I was trapped
Among the three of us,
it's me who really fell in-love
That's how miserable you are with me
If I let you go, will you be happy?
Then I'm letting you go
because I love you
Girl, don't be sad please
You made the right decision
You don't need him
- What did I do to lose?
- Girl, you didn't lose
They're the ones who lost
because they lose you
Maybe now you will behave yourself
after all the foolishness you've done
Can you really
call it foolishness, dad?
What I felt for her wasn't foolish
What now?
What do you plan to do with your life?
Whatever's the right thing to do
Sis, I'm sorry
I'm so sorry
I missed you so much
I love you
I love you so much, Julia
Welcome home, Julia
Long time...
It's you again here in America
There was nothing for me in Manila
after the divorce
I've been here for two years now
I'm also a resident here
Your baby?
Hi, Storm
Hi, Ciara
We'll go ahead.
You can go home by yourself
Hi, Hon
Storm, I'd like you to meet David,
my husband
David, meet Storm
- Nice to meet you
- Nice to meet you
We'll go ahead
I came to America to fulfill
what we started
I hate you
You're still mad at me until now?
Because after four years,
you still have the same effect on me
You still make me cry
I don't regret that I fell in-love
and got hurt...
because I knew I've been happy...
I got tripped, but I got up
And because of this...
I can say now
that I've lived a fruitful life