Incarnate (2016)

Come on, Cameron.
- Is it Dad?
- No.
Come on. Let's cook.
What are we eating?
Come on. Help me make the sauce.
Lindsey, what are you doing?
Answer the phone.
You can't ignore me, alright?
He's my kid too. I have...
Alright, look. I'm sorry, OK?
Just...just let me talk to him.
I didn't mean to hit him, OK?
It was an accident, alright?
I would never intentionally
hurt him like that.
You know that. OK?
And I've apologised.
What the hell
do you want from me?
- Everything OK in there?
- One second, Mom.
You OK?
What? What?
Oh. Could be important.
- More important than right now?
- No.
- Can I help you?
- Yeah.
You could have answered
your damn phone.
It's time to go, Henry.
- How do you know my name?
- You want me to call security?
No. Wait, wait, wait, wait.
Who are you?
What's this about?
Look at your watch.
What's it say?
It's been 1:46
since you came in here.
My watch froze. So what?
I guarantee you
every watch and clock
in this place
says the exact same thing.
Alright, crazy guy.
Time for you to go.
You know what this is?
It's something important to you.
It's to help you remember
who you really are.
My brother gave me this
when I became partner.
That's right. You're a lawyer,
Henry. You work all the time.
You have no social life.
You don't go out.
And to be painfully honest,
women don't even look
in your general direction.
We're not in a nightclub.
You're not surrounded
by beautiful women.
Wake up, buddy.
We're in your head.
It's time for you to go.
That's rude.
You gave them the power, Henry.
You can take it back.
He's just messing
with you, babe.
That all you got?
- Looking for Maggie?
- Where is she?
She says she's so very sorry
about your little boy.
- Fuck you!
- Get him out of here.
- Better luck next time.
- Look out the window, Henry.
Something wrong, Henry?
- Come on.
- Oh...
Don't look at them.
Keep moving.
I'm losing my mind.
Losing my mind.
- Shit.
- What? What?
Did you really think I was
gonna make it that easy for you?
- What's your favourite colour?
- I don't have a favourite.
What colour's your car?
Your best suit?
- Favourite sweater? Come on!
- What?
I need to make an escape route,
something true.
- Answer the question.
- Green.
Where the fuck
did that come from?
Come on!
What the hell is this?
This is where
we break down the illusion.
If you want to wake up
from this, jump.
- Henry, open the door!
- Fuck that.
Open the door!
- Henry, let me in!
- But, baby...
But your eyes are black.
Baby, he slipped
something into your drink.
Henry! Jump, now.
You won't get another chance.
You can't make me do this.
I can't make you do anything.
You have to believe
it will work.
Open the door! Let me in!
Come on. Open the door!
Let me in!
- You go first.
- If that would help, I would.
But you have to
make the choice.
Come with me, Henry.
No! No!
Alright. Rise and shine, boss.
You did it. Another one
bites the dust, huh?
Welcome back to reality.
How many fingers
am I holding up?
Oliver, get your damn
thumb out of my face.
Alright. You'll live.
Maggie wasn't there.
After 15 dives, we've lost her.
I know.
But we'll get her.
She can't hide forever.
She's taunting me, Oliver.
It's a game to her.
You were in my dream.
Wasn't a fucking dream.
This is gonna be the end of you.
You know that, right?
We'll lower the dosage
next time.
Can't lower the dosage.
The problem is you, boss.
Come on. Look what the bouncer
did to your wrist.
Look, you're adapting.
It's becoming too real.
I'm telling you,
if you don't watch it,
you're gonna
get stuck in there.
You're not going soft on me,
are you, Oliver?
I'm just saying... I don't know.
Take a month or two off.
Let your body recover, you know?
Maggie wasn't there.
Why wasn't she there?
Hey -
I dug up all the places
our guy visited
before the possession.
Aside from his office,
he hung out at Starbucks
and low-rent strip clubs.
OK. Let's check it out.
I'm gonna need surveillance tape
on the nights Henry visited.
I want to see who he's hanging
out with at those strip clubs.
I think I just heard
Oliver volunteer.
Oh! You cannot pay me
enough money. No.
Besides, I have a date
with reality tonight.
Well, that sounds intriguing.
What's her name?
- Sara.
- Wait a minute.
- What happened to Jenny?
- Jenny?
Jenny wanted
to go skydiving, so...
You broke up with her because
she wanted to go skydiving?
Yeah. You know how I feel
about high places.
Oliver, have I
taught you nothing?
Oh, my God. I almost forgot.
There's someone named Camilla
that's here to see you.
She said she's from
the Andrade Archdiocese.
The...the Vatican?
- Whoa. She's hot.
- Ugh!
So should I tell her
to go away?
Tell her
she's got five minutes.
I've been following
your work for quite some time.
I understand
you've done three exorcisms
in the last six months.
I prefer to call them
evictions. Yes.
Why are you here?
My superiors need an incarnate.
What happened to Felix Nazra?
They thought perhaps the student
has surpassed the teacher.
Or they just got sick of the
body counts you leave behind.
This situation needs a scalpel,
not a hammer.
Camilla, right?
You're wasting your time.
It's not gonna happen.
I don't clock in
for the Vatican.
What do you have
against the Church?
How much time you got?
Look, I just don't believe
what I do
belongs to any one religion.
- Exorcising demons?
- No, to you, it's a demon.
To others, it's an unclean
spirit, it's jinn, it's orisha.
It's... Take your pick, OK?
Really, it's just
a parasitic entity
in a non-corporeal
What if I told you
a parasitic entity
just took a little boy?
I would say it ain't my problem.
What if I told you
it was Maggie?
I thought that would
get your attention.
Let me guess.
She's holed up
in a half-dead body
in a whorehouse,
just ready to be taken down.
You need an incarnate
because the ring of St Vicinius
and a piece of holy cloth
just won't cut it this time.
I'm sorry. I don't know
what you're talking about.
Then let me make it
The last beautiful woman
your superiors sent here
dangled the same carrot -
"We're sure it's Maggie."
Well, surprise, it wasn't,
just some lesser succubus who...
turned a suburban housewife
into a heroin-addicted
who nearly killed me
and my assistants.
Look, I have no idea
about the last woman they sent.
What I do know
is that I have an archdemon
possessing the body
of an innocent 11-year-old boy.
We believe that arch
is that entity you call Maggie.
So if you and your assistants
really want to take her out,
give me a call.
Just don't wait too long.
The boy won't survive
more than three days.
Is it her?
Why don't you come inside?
So this is what
Vatican money buys?
Can I offer you anything?
I just need to know, Felix.
Is it Maggie?
The Church has excluded me
from this one.
Why? Because they can't stomach
the murder of a child?
Or because they're afraid they
can't cover it up this time?
Ember, remember where you are.
And where's that?
With a friend.
Remember the first thing
I taught you
about entering
other people's minds?
Humans are easily blinded
by their needs and desires.
It would serve you well
to remember that.
We each have our methods.
We each have our motives.
This conversation
wouldn't have lasted this long
if you didn't know
it was her.
You know it's her, don't you?
But if you haven't spoken
to the Church... do you know?
I want to show you
The door's glass
is four inches thick.
A rhino couldn't crack it.
There are 12 cameras inside and
out, monitored 24 hours a day.
Fantastic. What is it?
I've found
the light agitates it.
Is that a person? Got somebody
fucking locked up in there?
Remember the incarnate
who disappeared last year?
Luka Rejick.
This hasn't been Luka Rejick
in a long time, I'm afraid.
What are you doing with him?
They know a lot about us.
Isn't it time
we learned more about them?
Did you know they've tried to
infiltrate our ranks for years?
He told me. He also told me
about the boy, about Maggie.
- That's how I know.
- What am I waiting for?
Don't you want to know
how to beat her?
You know, Ember, sometimes... order to avoid
a fate worse than death,
you must choose death instead.
And thanks to Luka here,
I was able to develop this.
- What is it?
- C-79.
In this vial
is a moment of clarity.
What are you talking about?
It's a serum made in part from
the blood of our friend here.
Should Maggie get the upper
hand, and I hope she doesn't,
this will give you approximately
10 seconds of lucidity
in order to do
what needs to be done.
Inject this and you'll wake up
with just enough time
to end your life
before she traps you forever.
You seriously think
I'm gonna use this?
Look, Felix...
I appreciate
everything you taught me.
But keep your poison.
I'm not planning on dying.
Alright, Camilla.
Let's talk.
The boy's name
is Cameron Sparrow.
His parents
just recently divorced.
The mother is originally
from Holland.
She has a restraining
order against the father,
an alcoholic -
he broke the boy's arm.
Does Cameron have any history
of schizophrenia, delusion?
- Any meds I should know about?
- No. Nothing in his records.
The mother heard him scream
in the kitchen.
When she arrived...
she found this.
The boy broke her neck.
Of course, we sent in
the best exorcists
to handle the situation, but...
..they failed.
- How does it transfer?
- Physical contact.
Judging from
its trail of victims,
it can only possess the weak -
kids, the elderly, sick people.
I haven't told the mother about
your connection with Maggie.
Is the boy quarantined?
No-one has touched Cameron
in a week.
- How's the mother's will?
- She's tired.
She's been through a lot. We're
keeping her away from the boy.
I've already answered these
questions a thousand times.
- Who are you?
- Mrs Sparrow...
Just Lindsey, no Mrs.
we brought Dr Ember to help you.
Another priest. Great.
No, he's not a priest.
He's like a therapist.
I'm not here to treat your son
for mental illness.
- Then why are you here?
- To evaluate whether or not...
Dr Ember has employed
a cutting-edge method
for helping his patients.
He can go places we can't,
get information that'd otherwise
be unavailable to us.
You're here to perform
an exorcism, right?
Let's get this straight off
the bat. I don't do exorcisms.
I don't use religious methods
to treat the symptoms.
I go inside the victim's mind
to treat the disease.
I don't compel these entities
from the outside.
I evict them...
..from the inside.
You evict them?
The entity that is holding
your son has no real power.
It's a parasite.
It feeds off your son's energy.
But in order to do that, it has
to hold him in a dream state.
Even if his eyes are open
and he's speaking,
your son is asleep -
the entity is controlling him.
In order to keep that control,
it has to convince him
his dream is real.
It's holding Cameron by...
..convincing him
he's in another reality?
Through suggestion.
It rifles through his mind
and shows him what he wants
most, but it's all a lie.
I tear down the lies.
Once Cameron sees the truth,
the entity loses its power.
What happens to the entity?
It'll try to jump
into the nearest living host.
If it can't find a host,
it dies.
And you've done this before?
Strap her down. Strap her down!
Oh, God.
Hello, Father.
The boy hasn't eaten in days.
Why don't you take a break?
You look like you need
some rest.
He's OK.
It might be best if you waited
in the living room.
- But I want to see him.
- I know. I know. But...
You have to trust us.
He'll be fine. It's gonna be OK.
This is just an evaluation.
If I can't confirm
this is Maggie, I'm outta here.
Hello, Dr Ember.
You know who I am?
How does it feel?
How does what feel?
To lose the one you love.
We've established
that you know who I am.
Who are you?
I've been known as Ash.
Others have called me Plague.
After the Great Deluge,
when the angels took
the mortal woman, I was Desire.
Is this fun for you?
Holy water, crucifixes
and idle threats get so...
What do you want?
You're gonna have to
try harder than that.
No. I don't have time for this.
So you do remember.
Hey. Hey, hey.
Hey, where are you going?
What about the boy?
No, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no.
Is it her?
I know what happened
to your family.
Don't you ever mention
my family.
But if this is an archdemon,
the Church needs to know.
A lot of lives
could be in jeopardy.
Then move out of my way
so I can get my team in here.
Then I'd lock that door,
if I were you.
I'm coming for you.
The Church is pleased
that you have come to help.
Helping? I'm hunting.
Excuse me,
but is this necessary?
Why can I not be
in the same room as my son?
When the shit hits the fan,
I'm gonna need everybody in here
out of my hair.
It's safer that way, believe me.
You should see
an image.
Oh, Cameron.
What is all this stuff?
Um...this is what we use to
monitor Dr Ember during dives.
See, each of us
is like a wi-fi hot spot,
and our brains give off
an invisible field of energy.
You see this cloud
right here?
Some people call this
an aura or a soul,
but really what it is is
just a cluster of unique ions,
and each of us has
our own frequency.
So this is Dr Ember's
and this is Cameron's.
You see the black streaks in
Cameron's? That's the parasite.
If a victim is weak, it can hook
right into their frequency.
Oh, God.
We just use this to monitor it
until we can evict it.
What's all that for?
Uh, this is gonna lower
his heart rate and EEG
to a stasis state,
leaving the brain
as close to death
as physically possible.
When I hit REM, I'll ride
into Cameron's subconscious,
begin dismantling the illusion.
The trick is
I only have eight minutes
before my heart gives out,
which isn't a lot of time.
Sometimes we get lucky.
It's as easy as the glitch.
- The glitch?
- The time glitch.
We've discovered that time is
meaningless in the subconscious,
so watches, clocks,
anything that tells time,
freezes at the time
of the victim's possession.
It'll be OK.
I'm gonna help your son.
OK, boss.
You're good to go.
Keep this area clear
in case he tries to jump.
You know the drill.
Don't let the boy touch you
or anyone else.
Don't let me
touch you or anyone else.
Oliver, I get anywhere near
you yank my ass out
with the Narcan.
Yeah. I've got the escape hatch
right here, boss.
Only if you
absolutely have to.
Dr Ember.
Good luck in there.
Thank you.
Dr Ember.
So nice of you to join us.
Starting the clock, boss.
Are you ready,
Dr Ember?
Then let the games begin.
Nice, Cameron. Keep it
going. Fastball next, buddy.
Over the plate. Nice!
Nice catch.
How is he?
Seven minutes to go.
So far, so good.
Cameron. Listen,
I know you don't know me.
But I'm here to help you.
I just want to talk.
What's wrong?
You're bleeding.
- What?
- Help! We need help over here.
- Oh, no.
- Cameron.
Cameron, come with me, buddy.
Come on.
- Wait. Cameron.
- It's OK. You'll be OK.
I need to lay you down.
No, no, no, no, no.
Lie down. Lie down. You need to
lie down. This is serious.
No, no. Hold on.
Oh, crap!
He's gonna flatline.
Ah, there's a man bleeding.
I'm in the south-east section
of Douglas Park.
Get away from me.
This isn't happening.
You have to calm down. I'm...
I'm not sure what's wrong.
I think I've found your problem.
I'm sorry, boss.
Your EKGs were off the chart,
OK, so we had to pull you out.
Well, I'm not gonna say
I told you so.
Yeah, well, you just did.
Alright, boss.
Let's get you to the hospital,
get you checked out, OK?
I'm fine, Oliver.
You're fine?
What the hell happened
in there?
It was only a few minutes,
A couple of minutes?
Boss, your heart stopped.
Where are you going?
Dan used to play
in the park with Cameron,
before he lost his job.
The entity is playing into Cameron's desire.
- His desire?
That man has never said
"I love you" once to that boy.
Cameron doesn't want anything to
do with his father, believe me.
Well, maybe you don't want that,
but I'm telling you,
Dan was in the park
with him.
She's giving him
what he wants.
We need to break down
her illusion.
It's the only way
to free the boy.
Where's his father?
- He's probably getting drunk.
- We need to bring him here.
That man is not coming
anywhere near my son.
- Listen...
- He broke Cameron's arm!
This entity is strong.
Probably the strongest
I've ever encountered.
To get your son back, I'll need
all the ammunition I can get.
- No. It's not gonna happen.
- Damn it, listen to me!
I am too close.
I have come too far.
So you either work with me
or you lose your son.
Ms Sparrow, just please tell us
where to find him.
There's a bar
on 20th and Scarborough.
That's where
he usually goes.
Thank you.
You know,
I'm so old-fashioned
- I'm so old-fashioned...
- Hey!
I'm in a wheelchair.
I can see you're not a fan
of self-preservation.
- Not much left to preserve.
- Is that self-pity I hear?
No. That's freedom, baby.
Focus on the important shit.
Mmm. Found him.
Mr Sparrow.
Your son's in trouble.
I need you to come with me.
- What are you, another lawyer?
- Do I look like a lawyer?
Your son is in trouble.
I need another beer,
so unless you're buying...
You're so funny.
You want me
to break YOUR arm, huh?
I don't know what they told you,
but I never touched him.
I don't give a shit.
I said your son's in trouble...
because of you.
Dr Ember!
Ember, stop!
Why didn't you call me?
- You're here, aren't you?
- Jesus Christ, Lindsey!
How long were you gonna
keep this from me?
- Why would I tell you anything?
- Because he's my son!
If we're done flirting here?
- Cameron needs us.
- Dan.
You need to go
with Dr Ember now.
- Show me where my son is.
- With pleasure.
Call him by his name.
Remind him you're in the room.
Tell him you love him.
Talk about details that only
you and he would know about.
OK? He'll hear you.
He'll wake up.
- You sure this is gonna work?
- No. I'm not.
- Then why should I do this?
- I would. If it were my son.
Like I said before, I don't know
what they told you, OK,
but I never touched him,
OK, ever.
- I never touched him.
- Save it for Cameron.
Alright, we have your back -
if something goes wrong,
you get a bad feeling,
we'll get you out.
Like what?
What's gonna happen?
Like green vomit?
Are you talking about the whole
head-turning thing? Come on!
No matter what,
don't touch him.
- Come on.
- Dan, I mean it.
No physical contact.
Do you understand me?
Yeah, I won't...
I won't touch him.
Let's go.
Hey, Cam.
It's me. It's Dad.
It's been a while, buddy.
I haven't...
Haven't seen you, like, forever.
You know,
I tried calling a few times.
I guess my messages
weren't getting through.
I remember you had
that sick curve ball.
Just me and you
down at the park.
You were good, man. You should
try out for the team.
It''s Dad.
Slow and easy.
It's working.
Cameron's surfacing.
- Dad?
- Yeah, buddy, it's me. It's Dad.
Cameron, I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry I hurt you.
You've gotta believe me.
It was an accident.
If I could take it back,
I'd take it back.
- What do we got?
- There's a lot of movement.
Yeah, it's bouncing around
all over the place.
What happened to you, Cameron?
How did this happen?
I forgive you.
What? I can't...
I can't hear you, buddy.
Say it...say it again.
I forgive you, Dad.
You do?
Yeah. I want it to be
like it was.
- Can it be like before?
- Yeah. It can be...
It can be like before. Promise.
I'm gonna clean up. OK?
I'll do anything for you.
Can we go to the park again?
We can go to the park.
We can go to a carnival.
You want to go on the rides?
- We can do all that.
- Really?
Really. Just as soon
as you're better, OK?
I love you, Dad.
- Oh, my God!
- No, stay back! Don't touch him!
Oh, God!
God is not here.
Stop! Don't do this.
It's me you want.
Please follow me.
Our people are downstairs.
Why did you say,
"It's me you want"?
There's something
you're not telling me.
You're not here to help Cameron.
You're here
for some other reason.
- Doesn't matter why I'm here.
- Dan is dead!
What the hell is going on here?!
Talk to me or get the hell out!
When I was 26...
..I discovered
that when I was asleep...
..I could go into the minds
of the possessed.
When I found out
there were others like me...
..and how their lives
had been turned upside-down...
..I kept my abilities hidden.
I just wanted a normal life.
And that's what I had.
She was possessed?
Her name was Maggie Grant.
She was possessed by the
same entity that's in Cameron.
She sensed my ability.
She killed my wife
and my 11-year-old boy.
After that...
..there's no turning back.
Since then,
I've used every ability I have
to try to find her
and kill her.
You're not here
to help my son.
No. I'm not.
In all these years,
why hasn't she just killed you?
There are fates
worse than death.
I was afraid of this.
She's feeding!
- What's happening?
- Maggie's feeding.
She's consuming
Cameron's energy.
We need to move fast.
Boss! Boss!
The kid's got
maybe two hours max.
- What's the call?
- Don't let anyone near him.
Do whatever it takes
to keep him alive.
Where are you going?
To get the edge I need
to end this.
Keep it running.
Hello? Felix?
Felix, you here?
Felix! Felix.
It's Ember.
- What happened?
- I was harvesting more blood.
He broke through
the straitjacket and bolted.
- Where are you hurt?
- It's not my blood. I cut him.
Ember, we gotta get out of here.
I think he's still here.
Alright. Let's move.
- Stay back.
- Or what?
What are you waiting for?
- Ember, if only you...
- Ah.
Felix? Felix.
Maggie wants you for herself.
- No, Felix.
- She's gonna consume you.
- Felix!
- Pray you die so easily.
Felix! No!
Where have you been?
I had to get something.
- How is he?
- He's stable.
- He hasn't moved since you left.
- Alright, let's go.
Where do you think
you're going?
- I'm going back in.
- No, you're not.
I need to talk to you.
I don't know where you went,
but you're not gonna go back
in - I'm calling in my people.
If you were gonna call in
your people, you'd have done it.
What happens
when this entity's
done with the kid
and decides to jump?
- She's not gonna jump.
- Why not?
Because it's me she wants.
I'm sport to her.
Which is why
I'm your best shot right now.
I need a physical item
of Cameron's.
- Something special to him.
- Why?
We need to find a truth
that she can't distort,
intimate truth
that he won't question.
It's our only chance
of shattering his illusion,
pulling him out.
This ring -
you know where it is?
Cameron used to keep this
by his bed.
And when we left,
I took it away.
I wanted as few traces
of his father as possible.
I can't think of anything...
..Cameron treasured more
than this...
..stupid ring.
You can tell me to shut up
any time you want, but, uh...
I think Cameron
loves his father, but...
I mean, that doesn't mean
he doesn't love you.
I mean, Cameron might not
know how to say it, but...
I mean, you're his rock.
You're his entire world.
He needs you now more than ever.
..I need you... be strong.
We're getting close.
She shouldn't have killed Dan.
Maggie's getting sloppy and
we will use that against her.
I'm gonna get your son back.
I thought you didn't care.
Yeah, well...
I lied.
You sure about this?
If I get the boy out
and I'm still down,
you get that into my IV.
If it works,
it'll buy me just enough time.
Enough time for what?
Enough time to get the job done.
Whatever you say, boss.
Oliver, you got the Narcan?
Right here. Ready to go.
Let me see it.
Won't be needing this anymore.
I hope you said your goodbyes.
Because you won't be
coming back.
But neither will you.
Sir? Sir?
Are you gonna
take your ticket or not?
Alright. Here we go.
Cam, look at that.
That looks good, man.
Hey, Cameron.
How about some cotton candy?
Oh! Jesus, I will never
get used to that.
You're telling me.
- It's the guy from the park.
- No worries.
Cameron, I'm here to help you.
Why don't you back off
before someone gets hurt?
This is not your father,
Cameron. This is not real.
- What are you talking about?
- I know it's confusing.
You're just gonna
have to trust me.
- Dad!
- Get away from my son.
You know what, this is gonna
end badly for you, man.
Cameron, don't be afraid.
Do you remember this ring?
You used to sleep with it,
- Dad?
- It's not your dad, Cameron.
It looks like your dad, saying
everything you want to hear.
- But it's not your father.
- Give me the ring, Cameron.
You know what,
you're a frickin' psycho.
You stay away from my son.
You know
I'd never hurt you, son. OK?
I love you, Cameron.
Your father could never say
he loved you.
You ever heard him
say those words?
Don't listen to him, Cam. OK?
Hey. I said get out of here.
You know your dad
better than anyone.
This is not your dad.
Don't listen to him, Cameron.
I'm sorry. Sorry.
What's wrong, Cam?
What's wrong, buddy?
Why you looking at me like that?
It's not your dad, Cameron.
This guy's
done something to you, Cam.
- Stay away from me.
- I would never hurt you.
You're not my dad.
Cameron, stop!
He's coming up on four minutes.
- Stay away from me!
- Cameron! Cameron, trust me.
- I'm not gonna hurt you, OK?
- What's happening?
Come on!
Come back, Cameron!
- Come back!
- Come on. We gotta keep moving.
Don't trust him!
He's a bad man!
He wants to hurt you.
- Cameron!
- Shh! It's OK.
- What's wrong with me?
- There's nothing wrong with you.
- This isn't real.
- It feels real.
That's because
you believe it.
Stop believing it
and I promise you
it'll go away.
You can make all of this
I just need you to listen to me.
Can you do that?
OK. Do you have
a favourite colour?
- Blue.
- Oh, that's good. Mine too.
You see that blue door?
It's your world, Cameron.
You can control
everything in it.
It's your way out.
Your mom's waiting for you.
Go ahead. It's gonna be OK.
Now you're in trouble, Cameron.
Go through the door,
Cameron, now!
You won't get another chance.
- He's got less than a minute.
- He's cutting it too close.
Oh, come on, boss.
Go through the door!
Go through the door!
I'm done with the boy.
I'm going after
the bitch that spawned him.
There's only one place
you're going.
Yeah. And I'm taking you
with me.
You remember this?
My wife was wearing this
the night you killed her.
I want you to wear it now.
10 seconds.
Cameron! You did it!
Oh... Thank you.
Thank you.
Hey, boss.
How many fingers
am I holding up?
Get your thumb out of my face.
You're gonna be
just fine, boss.
Can we
take a vacation now?
Dad? Can you hear me?
Is it you, Dad?
Dad? Dad!
Dad? Dad?
Mom! Dad's awake.
- Hey.
- Where am I? Anna?
Can you hear us?
- What happened?
- We were in a car accident.
- The car went off the road.
- A woman hit us.
No, no, honey.
You swerved around a jogger.
You don't remember.
You had a concussion.
The doctor said
that you might be disoriented.
You were in a coma
for three days.
- How you doing, buddy?
- Good.
Felt so real.
Everything's gonna be OK.
- Honey, this way.
- Hey, Dad.
So you up for some one-on-one
when we get home?
No basketball for him, honey.
He needs to rest.
Then can we play on the Wii?
I'd like that, Jake.
I love you.
I love you.
Honey, what's wrong?
Dad, what is it?
What's wrong?
You're not real.
Seth. Seth, don't say that.
I love you both.
- You're not real.
- Dad!
- Seth, come back!
- Dad!
Going somewhere?
Oh, shit!
- No!
- Maggie!
Why don't you just kill me?
Because I want you to hurt,
I want you to know pain.
You're gonna burn, Seth.
Think! Think! Think!
Oh, my God!
Let him go.
I'll stop fighting.
You can have me.
Release him or I'll jump.
Open the door!
- Open the door, Cameron!
- Cameron!
Cameron, buddy,
we need you to open the door.
Cameron, we need you
to open this door.
- Cameron!
- Can you hear me, buddy?
Can you hear me?
Just come open the door.
No, Oliver!
It's injected!
You end now, bitch!
No! No! Don't touch him!
Don't touch him!
Let's move!
Here we go.
The guy's in shock. Clear!
Here we go. Clear!
Come on, Ember, fight.
Here we go again. Clear.
- I'm sorry.
- No, no, just...
- Just one more time.
- Ma'am.
There, all clear.
Oh, my God.
We've got a pulse.
We've got a rhythm!
Let's get another bag here.
What's our ETA?
We're losing him!
Guy's in shock. Clear!
This is how I show my love
I made it in my mind because
Blame it on my ADD, baby
This is how an angel dies
Blame it on my own sick pride
Blame it on my ADD, baby
Maybe I should cry for help
Maybe I should kill myself
Blame it on my ADD, baby