Incident at Phantom Hill (1966)

Hyah! Hyah!
But it's been six weeks
since the surrender, sir.
How long must our boys remain
in your prison camps?
We can't just
turn them loose, Mr. Cole.
We have to arrange
transportation, food--
Then arrange it, sir.
By heaven, had the victory
been ours--
When may I see
General Good?
I'll tell him
you're here.
Excuse me.
Captain Martin,
right this way.
The general's
expecting you.
Captain Martin, sir.
Captain, I'm a busy man,
so I'll get right
to the point.
I have a job here
I think may interest you.
This chest
is all that's left
of a million-dollar
gold shipment
lost at Phantom Hill.
One of our patrols found it
right about here,
20 miles
from Phantom Hill.
And the gold
from that chest
and 19 others like it
is hidden out there,
How do you know
the gold
never reached
the Confederacy,
We have
General Lee's word,
and he is an honorable
man, Captain.
Here. Take
a look at that.
Joseph Henry Barlow.
He was one of the Rebs
at Phantom Hill.
A few weeks after the raid,
he was captured.
He knows where the gold is.
He's finally admitted it.
But what's more important,
he's agreed
to lead us to it.
Because we have something
he wants.
It's all in there.
Before the war,
he was serving
a life term in prison
for murdering
a federal marshal
in Texas.
I see.
And in exchange
for a pardon,
he volunteered to join
the Reb army.
That's right.
But now the war is over,
we could send him
right back
to prison again,
but we made
a deal with him.
The United States
Government will recognize
that Reb pardon
if he leads us to the gold.
There's just one thing you
forgot to mention, General.
Phantom Hill is right
in the middle
of the Staked Plains,
and the Staked Plains
are part of the territory
the government
just gave to the Comanches.
And under the treaty,
the Army is forbidden
to set foot in that country.
That's why this meeting
is unofficial, Captain.
That's why you're to forget
this conversation
the minute you leave
this office.
And that's why, provided
you accept this assignment,
you'll be completely
on your own.
And if anything
goes wrong,
the United States Army
and the federal government
will deny
they ever heard of you.
What would I do for men
and supplies?
This will buy you
all the equipment
you need.
As for men,
you'll find them waiting
for you at Hays City.
Well, do you
want this job,
Captain Martin?
You know I do, sir.
Yes, I know you do.
I'm very sorry
about your brother.
He was a fine officer.
We lost a lot of good men
at Phantom Hill.
Well, at least I hope
you'll have the satisfaction
of completing
his mission.
Thank you, sir.
Good luck.
Oh, Captain,
don't forget.
Barlow is a killer.
? Look away
? Look away
look away, Dixieland ?
? I wish I was in Dixie
Let's get out of here.
Excuse me. Excuse me.
When are you gonna
let me out of this thing?
When I'm through
with you.
Ha ha.
Just relax.
You'll be a free man
in a couple of weeks.
Free, yeah,
but it ain't gonna be
like I figured it would.
Well, a man can't have
everything, Barlow.
A man can try.
Oh, hey, come on back.
The war's over.
You gotta come back,
big boy. [ laughs ]
He got away!
Hey, what's
going on there?
Stop the train.
You're right handy
with a shooting iron,
ain't you?
Don't try that again,
I don't want
to have to kill you.
Not yet, anyway.
That's right.
Not yet, anyway.
Well, let's not worry
about it till
the time comes, huh?
Meanwhile, you still
got your hand
and I still ain't got
no holes in my hide.
So no hard feelings,
huh, Captain?
No hard feelings.
All right.
Hold it, fellas.
What's it mean,
It means
exactly what it says.
Army's got no right.
How you gonna hunt buffalo
if you can't get
where the buffalo are at?
All right now.
Break it up. Come on.
Come on.
Get out of here.
Break it up, boys.
Afternoon, gentlemen.
Afternoon. We'd like
a room for two.
Sign the register,
25. Up the stairs
at the end of the hall.
Thank you.
Mr. Martin?
I'm Adam Long.
I think you two
know each other.
Well, I guess
you could say we met.
We didn't take time
to introduce ourselves
that day
at Phantom Hill, did we?
I'm Joe Barlow.
I guess you understand
there was nothing personal
in that roughing up
we gave you.
How many men
do you have
with you, Long?
There's four of us.
- Only four?
- That's right.
Where are they?
Krausman and O'Rourke are
down at the livery stable.
Dr. Hanneford's
at his hotel.
- Dr. Hanneford?
- That's right.
We haven't any use
for a doctor.
I was told
to ask for volunteers.
I wasn't told
to reject anyone.
All right. Have the men
at the livery stable
at 8:30 tonight.
Yes, sir.
Let's go.
- Sheriff.
- Hi, Charlie.
Sit down.
Forget it, Barlow.
Anybody ever tell you
you got a mean
and suspicious nature?
And no sense
of justice, either.
None at all.
It ain't like
I stole the gold.
It was captured
by the Confederacy.
Legitimate spoils of war,
that's what it was.
Only there ain't
no more Confederacy,
so I got just as much right
to that gold as anybody,
including the United States
It might pay you to
think about that, Captain.
- Who is it?
- Open up.
It's Sheriff Drum.
What's this?
You signed the register
Matthew Martin.
Is there a law
against a man
giving his real name?
- Is it?
- It is.
Where you from, Martin?
Depends on
where I was last.
This man
a friend of yours?
What difference
does it make?
It might make a lot
of difference, mister.
I might have
to take you in, too,
for helping
an escaped convict.
- Get your hands up, Barlow.
- Now, wait a minute--
Hold it!
Maybe you don't
remember me, Reb.
I was a guard at the federal
prison in Austin, Texas,
when you started serving
a life sentence
for the murder
of a U.S. Marshal.
So that's the burr
under your saddle.
Well, this'll set
your mind at ease, Sheriff.
It's a full pardon
from the governor
of the state of Texas,
given to me in exchange
for volunteering
to serve in the Army
of the Confederate States
of America.
The U.S. Government doesn't
recognize any Reb pardon.
- What do you mean--
- Joe.
Sheriff, there must be
some way of working
this out.
There's nothing
to work out.
I got a pardon.
Relax, Joe.
Just relax.
Look, Sheriff,
do you have to make
an issue out of this?
The war's over.
Why not let bygones
be bygones?
I still don't like Rebs,
and I don't want them
around my town.
Well, then
you got no problem.
Joe and I are pulling out
first thing in the morning
for Santa Fe.
Santa Fe?
Yeah, that's right.
We're, uh, we're starting
a freight line there.
All right.
All right, I'm gonna
do you boys a favor.
You be out of Hays City
by 7:00 tomorrow morning
and I'll forget
I ever saw you.
Don't forget,
7:00 in the morning.
That was easy.
Too easy.
When you men volunteered
for this mission,
you were told your
destination was Santa Fe.
Well, that's not true.
We're going out
on the Staked Plains.
Well, I can see you're all
familiar with 'em.
Why in the devil
are we going
to that land of Satan?
We're going after gold,
$1 million in gold
that the United
States Government
lost to the Rebs
at Phantom Hill.
And Mr. Barlow's
gonna lead us to it.
Captain, the Staked Plains
are 100 miles--
100 miles inside the new
Indian treaty lands, Doctor.
I know.
That's why we're going
as civilians.
If the Army was caught
violating the treaty,
it could lead
to a general
Indian uprising.
So once we leave here,
we're on our own.
From now on, I want you
to forget you're soldiers.
If we get picked up
by a military patrol,
we'll be considered
If we're caught
by the Indians,
it's our funeral.
Is that understood?
Krausman? O'Rourke?
I get it.
One more thing.
You'll all wear sidearms.
- I--
- That includes you, Doctor.
Like me, you'll each carry
just two shells
in the chamber.
Since we won't be able
to keep Mr. Barlow
under lock and key
at all times,
he might be tempted
to appropriate somebody's gun.
If he did, he might be able
to kill two of us,
but that'd leave him
with an empty gun
and three men.
Six bullets
still against him.
I want us on the road
by 7:00 in the morning.
Put a little lift
into it now, lads.
Ah. You wouldn't have
a wee spot
for the bite of the snake
in there, would you, Doc?
All right,
let's roll.
Mr. Martin.
I hope you have
a nice trip to Santa Fe.
Thanks, Sheriff.
You know, Martin,
a man does a favor,
he kind of expects
a favor in return.
Doesn't that
seem fair to you?
Well, you know,
the westbound stages
aren't running
because of that new treaty.
It means changing
the routes, setting up
new relay stations.
Be a couple of weeks
now before things
get back to normal.
So I've got a passenger
for you.
A passenger?
That's right,
for Santa Fe.
Sorry, Sheriff,
we don't have any room.
- Make room.
- Now, look--
You make room in your wagon
for my passenger,
or I'll make room
in my jail
for Joe Barlow.
Now, it's exactly
two minutes
to 7:00, Martin.
Where is your passenger?
Waiting across the street
in front of the hotel.
You gotta be kidding,
there are some things
I don't have
much of a sense
of humor about.
One of them is Rebs
and another
is women like that.
This is gonna be
a long, hard trip.
How do you expect me
to put up with a--
Oh, don't worry
about that.
is used to traveling.
She made all the camps.
That's great.
And you're asking me
to take her to Santa Fe.
I'm not asking you
to take her
any more than I'm asking her
to leave Hays City.
I'm telling you,
telling you both.
Now, come on.
Krausman, O'Rourke.
this is Mr. Martin.
I talked Martin
and his friends
into letting you travel
to Santa Fe with them.
Well, that was real nice
of you, Sheriff.
Shall we go, ma'am?
Why not?
Put the lady's luggage
in the wagon.
Good-bye, Memphis.
Oh, I'm not gonna say
good-bye, Carter,
'cause I'm coming back
to Hays City someday.
Oh, I wouldn't
like that a bit.
I'm coming back
and make you
and everyone else
in this rotten town
crawl on their hands
and knees to apologize
to me.
Six of you, huh?
That should make
for an interesting time
between here
and Santa Fe.
Very interesting.
All right,
let's get ready to roll.
You don't have anything
to worry about.
Worry? After what
I've seen and done,
I don't know
how to spell the word.
Now, where do I ride?
Up there, Miss, uh...
Just Memphis.
No last name.
Mother was the kind
that never asked questions.
Easy now, darling.
That's the way.
Sit right down.
Git-up. Git-up.
- Pull up, O'Rourke.
- Whoa.
ride up and tell Long
we're stopping
for 15 minutes.
At the rate we're going
the last two days,
we should be
in Santa Fe soon,
shouldn't we?
Don't you worry about it.
Well, shouldn't we?
- Something wrong?
- No.
You're lying.
Mr. Barlow tells me
we're not going to Santa Fe.
But you'll get there
all right.
Gonna be stopping for water
at a trading post
in about three days.
It's run by a man
named Brant.
He has a freight line
to Santa Fe.
He'll take you there.
Do you mean
you're gonna leave me and--
You'll be as safe with him
as you are with us,
believe me.
Believe you?
Look, Martin, I've known
men like you all my life,
men who have no respect
for anyone.
Carter Drum
runs me out of town,
you help him,
and then you dump me off
like a sack of potatoes
in the middle of
God knows where.
Two-bit captain
or tin-horn sheriff,
you're all alike.
I want to talk to you.
What about?
A million dollars in gold.
Over there.
Now, what's this about
a million dollars in gold?
It's what
the captain's after.
You want to hear
about it?
Well, I'm listening,
aren't I?
If I hadn't been captured
by the Yanks,
I'd be a rich man
by now.
Why are you
telling me this?
You're a smart girl.
You'll figure it out.
So what do you
want me to do?
I'll let you know
when the time comes.
There's just
one more thing.
How do you know
it's still there?
That's a good question.
I'll tell you how he knows.
A Reb officer
and six enlisted men
made off with the gold
after the fight
at Phantom Hill.
That was the last
that was seen
of the gold or the men,
except for Barlow.
Remember that, Memphis.
He's the only one
who came back.
No. No.
No, no.
Now, just take it easy.
Get your hands off me.
His neck is broken.
Hardly more than a boy.
Painted for war, trying
to make a name for himself
by stealing our horses.
This spells
a raiding party.
They won't be long
in missing him
and tracking him here.
Let's get those horses
ready to move.
We're not gonna bury him?
Sorry, Doctor.
We don't have the time.
Now let's get out
of here.
Hup! Ahh.
Get in there!
Swing 'em into midstream
wide, O'Rourke.
Watch out for quicksand.
Right, Captain.
Hyah! Hyah!
That's the way, lads. Pull!
Come on. Git-up.
Hyah! Git-up! Hyah!
Pull! Pull! That's it.
Come on, lads.
Ho! Git-up there.
Get the wagon
under cover
of those trees.
Krausman, break out
the extra rifles
and ammunition.
The rest of you,
picket the horses
over there.
All right, we'll dig
in here and hope
they don't spot us.
If they do,
they'll have to come
across the stream.
The fight'll be on
our terms, not theirs.
Can you handle a rifle?
Just point me
in the right direction,
Me, too, Captain.
All right, let's go.
All right, stay down
and don't fire
till I give the order.
All right,
we got 'em on the run.
Let's keep 'em moving.
Krausman! Krausman!
Krausman, you disobey
another order,
and I'll break you
in half.
My bag is in the wagon.
Now, somebody, please,
this man is bleeding to death.
That was murder,
Mr. Barlow.
You don't murder
an Indian, Hanneford.
You just kill 'em,
like you shoot a rattler
or step on a bug.
I'll take the rifle,
What're you
doing out here
if you ain't got
no taste for killing?
What I'm doing
out here, Mr. Barlow,
is my own business.
As far as my not having
a taste for killing,
you're right
about that. I don't.
And the irony of it is
for every man
you've killed in your life,
I expect I've killed
a hundred, maybe a thousand.
Well, even the best
of us can make a mistake
now and then.
Is Brant around?
He's been dead
more than two months.
I took this place over.
I keep meaning to clean up
around here, but...
I believe the lady
would find it cooler inside.
That water any good?
I drink it.
Krausman, O'Rourke,
fill up the water barrels.
First saloon
we come to,
and here we are
drawing a barrel
of water.
House always buys
the first drink.
Then you're on your own.
Whiskey? Tequila?
- Tequila.
- The same.
Three whiskies.
You fellas come far?
Far enough.
You going far?
I can tell better
when I get there.
Them new Indian lands
start just south of here.
Supposed to be
out of bounds for anybody
except the Comanche.
Don't suppose
you heard that?
Yeah, I heard.
Government says
they gonna go hard
on anybody
they catch out there.
Tell you what I'll do,
What'll you do?
I'll mind my business
if you'll mind yours.
I understand you run
a freight line to Santa Fe.
No, not since the Comanche
come raiding through here
and burned out
the ranches.
You got some freight
for Santa Fe?
No, a passenger.
- The girl?
- Yeah.
Could be arranged, maybe.
I been thinking
about going in
for supplies.
I hear you're trying
to get to Santa Fe.
Yes, I am.
Might take me
a few days
to fit up.
There's a room in the back
you could use.
Not too fancy,
but the bed's comfortable.
Forget it, mister.
This ought to cover
the drinks.
- Let's go.
- Now, wait up now.
You've got this all wrong.
Why, this lady'd be
as safe here
as in a church.
Let's all have a drink
and forget it.
Just friends, huh?
That's the way.
Everybody, belly up.
I said, let's go.
But, Matt, I ain't had
me first one yet.
Drinks, he says.
Look, I'm sorry
you're still stuck
with me.
Look, get this straight.
I didn't do that
for you.
Do you mean you thought
I'd talk about the gold?
That's right.
Oh, well,
in that case...
Memphis, get in
the wagon.
Is that the only reason
you don't want to leave me?
Just get in
the wagon and change
those clothes.
Hold on, mister.
You ain't paid
for that barrel
of water.
How much?
That'll be about,
uh, $50.
It's his water, friend.
Oh, well, you go ahead
and tell him, then.
Look, that's the only well
in 100 miles of here.
Git-up. Git-up. Git-up.
Anybody'd pay $50
for a barrel of water
could only be headed
one place that I know of.
Like maybe
the Staked Plains.
I wonder
what they're after.
I don't know,
but whatever it is
must be mighty inviting.
Sure does arouse
a fella's curiosity.
Wait a minute.
You been here three days
eating and drinking.
What about your bill?
I got more
than this coming.
You didn't mark
the graves?
I just walked the horses
back and forth
trampling the ground flat.
Hard to tell where
your brother's buried.
He came
a long way to die.
Tell me about it, Adam.
Didn't you read my report
to General Good, Captain?
I read it.
Then you know
the whole story.
I don't know
what the convoy
was doing here,
almost 100 miles south
of its original route.
The Comanches
were at war, Captain.
So were the Rebs,
Your brother wasn't to blame
for what happened here.
I hadn't thought he was.
We gonna camp here
We've still got an hour
or so of daylight.
We'll move on.
Yes, sir.
There's your Staked Plains
out there, Captain.
A misplaced piece of hell
if there ever was one.
How much further, Barlow?
Well, that's hard
to tell.
We sorta lost track
of things after we left here,
what with that wagon
full of gold
getting heavier
and heavier
and the men
and horses dropping
and the sandstorms
scouring us raw.
Where's Krausman?
He was here
a minute ago.
Krausman, what--
Still warm.
10, 12 ponies
headed south.
Straight for
the Plains.
I'm gonna ride up ahead,
take a look around.
Keep moving
for another hour,
then make camp.
I'd like to ride
with you, Captain.
I'll bet you would.
If I'm not back
by morning break camp
and keep moving.
You're not to waste any time
looking for me
or waiting for me.
That's an order, Long.
Shouldn't somebody
go look for the captain?
You volunteering, Doc?
Leave him
alone, Barlow.
I was just asking
a question, Memphis, honey.
After all, the doc here
must be quite a guy,
considering all the men
he says he killed.
Tell us about it, Doc.
- Barlow.
- I want to hear about it.
How'd you kill 'em, Doc?
It was very simple,
Mr. Barlow.
I worked in a slaughterhouse
the Army called a hospital,
and when they brought
the wounded in
by the thousands,
I chopped off their hands
and feet and arms and legs
and I bandaged them up
with dirty rags
and I stood there
and watched them
bleed to death
or die of gangrene or shock.
When the war started,
I was a surgeon,
and when it was over,
I was nothing but a butcher.
You call me a doctor,
but I'm not a doctor,
not anymore or ever again.
Maybe things ain't as bad
as you think they are, Doc.
I mean, if you had some money
and could go someplace,
like, say, California,
take a nice long rest,
forget about the war,
then maybe someday you'd feel
like starting all over again.
When you come
right down to it,
we all got something
ailing us.
But you take
a million dollars,
even split five ways,
that's mighty powerful
Ain't nothing in the world
that wouldn't cure.
What about the Comanches?
They're out there,
all right.
I don't know how many,
but they're there.
So until we know
where they are
and what they're up to,
we're gonna keep moving.
Pull up, O'Rourke.
Whoa, boys.
Heavy cusses,
ain't they?
That's 'cause
they're airtight
to protect the gold.
We dumped 'em
to lighten the load.
Didn't do much good.
Couldn't have been more
than 10 or 15 miles
before the horses give out
and we had to hide
the stuff.
All right,
let's make camp.
You know...
I been thinking
about what you said
to the sheriff
back in Hays City,
how you'd be back someday
and make him
and the whole town
come crawling to you
to apologize.
Anybody with
half a million dollars
could make Hays City sit up
and bark like a dog.
You'd like that,
wouldn't you?
I'd love it.
All you gotta do
is get me a rifle.
First chance you get
after we pick up the gold.
Why not?
There it is.
There it is, boys.
Hyah! Hyah!
Hyah! Hyah!
Look at the gold.
Just look at the gold.
All right,
let's get it loaded.
Well, Captain, I did
my part of the bargain.
Now you keep yours.
When the job's done,
It's done.
Your amnesty
will be recognized
when we get to Fort Hays
and not before.
How do I know you Yanks
won't back down on the deal
and send me back
to Austin Prison?
Because you were told.
When this gold
is returned to the Army,
you'll be a free man.
Now, if you're in a hurry,
get to work.
Gold always was
my favorite color.
Are you coming?
What's the matter?
Afraid I'll hide one
in each stocking?
Well, hello again.
Just bring it
right on down here.
You know, a fella's eyes
play tricks on him
out in this country.
Sees things
that ain't there,
like running water,
green grass, trees.
I even seen a herd of buffalo
once that weren't there,
but I never did see no gold.
That gold
is as real as real.
Drop them gun belts,
all of you.
Do as he says.
I wouldn't do that, mister.
One shot'll bring every
Comanche within five miles
riding down on us.
Maybe there ain't no Comanche
within five miles.
Well, then all you gotta do
to find out is pull
that trigger.
No Comanche ever heard
a skinning knife at work.
move the wagon up.
Let's get
that gold loaded.
Gonna leave them
for the buzzards, too?
That's right, Doctor.
It's empty.
Don't look
at me, Captain.
I get just as thirsty
as anybody else.
How much
have we got left?
Well, there's only
the one barrel left,
and it's a third gone.
Let me see
that map.
I don't suppose
you'll believe this,
but there's a water hole
about 50 miles north of here.
You sure
of that, Barlow?
I'm alive, ain't I?
Of course I'm sure.
That's the way
we went.
Must mean Eagle Wells.
Do you know it?
It was on
our original route before...
before we decided
to turn south.
Here's Eagle Wells.
There's another water hole
30 miles north of that.
Sabine Springs, here.
Sabine Springs.
All right, let's get
that gold loaded
and move out.
What is it, Captain?
Barlow's down
at the picket line.
He's saddling a horse.
Let's go get him.
No. I'm gonna follow him,
see what he's up to.
I want you to keep
your eyes on things
while I'm gone.
You didn't have
to come after me.
I would have
caught up with you.
Who's buried there?
We didn't have time
to carve his name,
and without shovels,
we couldn't dig too deep.
But here lies
Major Armiston,
dead by reason
of snakebite.
What about the others?
Did the same snake
kill them, too?
I told you, I don't know
what happened to 'em.
A couple of them
took off on their own,
and I got separated
from the rest.
I kind of liked the major.
He and I got along
real good,
and I was curious
if the Comanches
had found his grave.
They'd as soon scalp
a dead man as a live one.
And you came
this far out of the way
just to make sure?
- Start digging.
- Huh?
You heard me, dig.
With my bare hands?
You buried him that way,
didn't you?
Now dig him up.
You satisfied?
I'm gonna tell you
just one time, Barlow.
From now on,
stay with the wagon.
I'm just played out.
Both of us, I'm afraid.
- Drink some of this.
- No.
Drink, damn it.
That's an order.
Help him
into the wagon.
Ooh, ooh, easy, boy.
Let's go, Doc.
Forget the saddle,
Just take the gear.
I'll take care of him.
We'll travel afoot
for the next hour.
That ain't too healthy,
Captain. Take a look.
They see us
leading our horses,
they might get the notion
we're too far gone
to put up
much of a fight.
Yeah, and the only
sure way I know
of bringing 'em buzzing
down around our necks
is to make
a run for it.
So we'll walk.
How far to Eagle Wells?
Ought to make it
before sundown.
I figure the least
they'll do is try
to cut us off.
That's not their style
of fighting.
Just waiting.
For what?
We'll know
when the time comes.
Now we know why they weren't
in any hurry to cut us off.
This hole's
been blasted
and not just
recently either.
I may be
wrong, Barlow,
but somehow
I get the impression
you're not entirely
surprised by this,
nor much
concerned either.
Are you accusing me,
Because if you are,
let me remind you again
that I can get just
as thirsty as anybody else.
I went through that once,
three days of no water.
It ain't something
I wanna do over.
Put that thing away,
Put it away!
All right,
break it up.
You heard me.
Break it up.
Is there any chance
of getting the horses
to Sabine Springs?
They'll pull no more
without water, Captain.
We must be facing it.
'Tis the end
of the line,
I'm thinking.
Not yet, O'Rourke.
Not yet.
Just coyotes.
Ha ha.
What are you doing
up here?
You're supposed to be
on the north ridge.
What good would I be
up there without a rifle?
You can yell, can't you?
Now get up there.
Barlow's right.
Those aren't coyotes.
No, they're not.
But remember this,
we've got rifles
and a clear field
of fire.
Those Comanches
will have to think twice
before they do more
than just squat there
barking at each other.
Yeah, and what happens
after they think twice?
You were in love
with that sheriff
in Hays City, weren't you?
That farewell speech
you made,
the way you looked at him
and he looked at you.
What right
do you have--
- Tell me about it.
- You go to hell.
Tell me!
All right, Captain.
Yes, I loved him.
Then a young lady
came to town.
Oh, she was a very
respectable young lady
with a very
respectable father
who was the president
of a very respectable bank.
And that's when
Carter Drum
decided to clean up Hays City,
starting with me.
Now, is there anything else
you'd like to know
about Memphis
What's the matter?
Anything, Adam?
Barlow. Oh.
What you trying to do?
You'll get yourself
killed sneaking
up on a man like this.
Anyway, you're not
supposed to be out here.
I thought maybe
you was thirsty.
Whiskey. Oh.
Oh, 'tis a miracle.
That's what it is.
Where did you ever get it?
What in the devil
you been saving it
for, man?
Captain, I got
one of them spotted.
I'm gonna work down
from here and cut around
behind him.
Here, you keep me
Forget it.
We're not here
to collect scalps.
I got 17
of 'em. 17.
I swore it
on Anna's grave
and the baby's.
I said 10 scalps
for you, Anna,
and 10 for the girl.
They still owe me three.
That's all I want.
That's all
I come here for.
Now, you
keep me covered.
Krausman. Krausman.
Now you
listen to me.
We got just one chance,
and that's getting
to Sabine Springs.
You help us get there,
and you can kill 20
Comanches for all I care.
You promise?
But all I want is three.
Just three more scalps.
I am not saying I will,
and I'm not saying I won't.
What I am saying is
I need another drink.
No, you don't,
Barlow. Heh.
I'm on to you,
trying to get me drunk
and make away
with my rifle, huh? No.
Me? Trying
to get you drunk?
Look, if you've had
too much, just hand
the bottle back.
Let's forget all about
going partners.
Well, I didn't say that.
I'm turning it over
in me mind.
Oh, it's that dry,
my mouth is.
What happens
if they attack, Captain?
They won't.
Not tonight,
not tomorrow.
Not till we get
to Sabine Springs
and find
it's been blasted, too.
How do you know?
Why didn't they try
to cut us off today?
Because they knew
the well was dry.
Why haven't they hit us
Because they know when
we get to Sabine Springs,
it won't help us either.
Well, what are you
gonna do?
I'm gonna get the truth
out of Barlow
if I have to use Krausman's
scalping knife on him.
- Then it's a deal?
- It's a deal.
And I have your word,
There will be plenty
of water for all of us.
Why did you...
why did you...
Up here, Doc.
Stay with her, Adam.
Keep under cover.
Get out of here!
Go on!
Go on,
get out of here!
Get out of here!
Get out of here!
Adam, what the blazes
you doing?
Drop your rifles.
Drop 'em.
Now the guns.
You first.
Left hand.
Stand over there
beside him, Lieutenant.
He was on top of me
before I had a chance.
It's my fault,
not yours.
You wasn't
much help to me,
was you,
Memphis, honey?
But maybe
it wasn't your fault.
Now, you think you can
pick up them guns
without getting
a pretty little finger
caught in the trigger?
Try it.
How far do you think
you're gonna get, Barlow?
Just don't you fret
about me, Captain.
By the time the Comanches
get finished with you,
I'll be on
the downhill side
toward home.
Now the canteens.
What good
are they gonna do you?
There's not a drop of water
among the three of them.
I know,
but there's nothing
like leaving
a tidy camp behind you.
That's fine.
Now climb on.
You better go with him.
Come on, come on,
come on.
You can count on
better treatment from me
than a dozen
buck Comanches.
Them Comanche
must be mighty curious
about what's been
going on up here.
This ought to
really stir 'em up.
All right, let's go.
Come on.
Adam, I want you
to build a fire,
a big one.
Are you crazy, Captain?
We gotta get out of here.
Now, how far
do you think
we're gonna get afoot
without rifles
or water?
Right now,
we got only
one chance,
and that's
the Comanches.
Barlow invited
them in.
Now let's make it
easier for 'em.
Get that
fire started.
you come with me.
You all right, Captain?
I can make it.
I got the horses.
Let's go.
Krausman! Captain!
Let's get out
of here, Adam.
Yes, sir.
I'm gonna really
live it up.
Reach me one of them
canteens, will you,
Memphis, honey?
I got a lot
of living owed me,
two years of prison,
four years of the war,
and that stinking
prisoner-of-war camp.
You know, honey,
I almost forgot
what a woman's
voice sounded like,
but you sure
fixed that.
So I see.
Hyah! Git-up.
We better get off
and rest that leg, Captain.
We're not gonna be able
to go much further
without water, Captain.
We'll make it.
We've got to.
I gotta tell you
I gotta tell you about
your brother, Captain,
why he changed our route.
What do you mean?
Jim was out of his head.
He didn't know
what he was doing.
He'd give one order
one minute and contradict
it the next.
He shouldn't have
been in command.
I should have taken over.
Then why didn't you?
Because I was scared
and I didn't have
the guts to admit it.
That's why I left it
on my report
to General Good.
I was protecting myself.
Were you?
Were you protecting
or were you protecting
a friend?
- Don't waste it.
Waste it?
Memphis, honey,
you just don't seem
to understand, do you?
We got nothing
to worry about.
Here, make
yourself useful.
Water them nags
while I fill up
the canteens.
Where's the other canteen?
What canteen?
We had three of 'em
this morning.
Now there's only two.
Where's the other one?
How should I know?
You're lying.
All right, big man,
I'll tell you
where it is.
It's about five miles
behind us.
Now, you listen to me.
Dropping that canteen
was stupid.
Say Martin gets away
from them Comanche.
Say he finds a canteen.
Say he comes
out of this alive.
What then?
You looked appetizing
enough to him out here,
but back where a gentleman
like him comes from,
he wouldn't walk across
the street to spit on you
if you was on fire.
Stop fooling yourself,
You're trash.
You're trash,
just like me.
Only difference is
I'm rich trash
and you're poor trash.
But it don't have
to go on being that way.
You just say the word.
You can have
the whole world,
right here...
Memphis, honey.
All you gotta do
is remember
what you are.
We lost 'em, Captain.
The wind must have
covered their tracks.
Warm some more rocks.
The principle
of condensation, Adam.
For the same reason
dew forms at night.
Cold air striking
a warm surface.
Warm rocks
against the night air.
and maybe enough water
to keep us alive.
Tight as a canteen.
Couldn't take much water
from the first grave,
but here
he really loaded up.
Farsighted man,
Mr. Barlow.
First, he kills
the officer in charge,
then he talks the others
into following him.
Hide the gold
till after the war.
Then we'll all be rich.
Gets the men to fight
amongst themselves.
Then he fills
the chests at Eagle Wells
and Sabine Springs,
blasts them dry against
any possible Yank pursuit.
All the time he was burying
his own private water supply
against the day
he'd return.
Let me see
that map, Adam.
Here's the first grave,
then Eagle Wells.
Now this one.
And there's Sabine Springs.
Straight on line.
Dead north.
Dead north.
And with that wagon,
Barlow's gonna have
to take the long
way around.
I think we've eaten
his dust long enough, Adam.
Let's beat him
to the next one.
Hyah! Hyah!
Come on. You can dig
as good as me.
Right here.
Come on.
Dig. They gotta be here.
Go ahead, dig.
You can dig clear to China,
but you won't find any water.
Where's the others?
They're here.
Why don't they
show themselves?
So it's come down
to you and me,
huh, Captain?
You're through, Barlow.
From now on, I'll always
be one jump ahead of you.
Grave by grave, you'll
find nothing but sand.
You stay here.
All right,
you know what to do.
Be careful.
All right, Captain.
You throw rocks
and I'll throw lead.
Well, he dug
most of his grave anyway.
The lady helped