Inconceivable (2017)

It's okay, baby.
It's okay, it's okay.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, shh.
Look what mama's got.
Look, look what mama's got.
Shh, shh.
Shh, shh, shh, shh.
Oh, baby, please.
It's okay, maddie, it's okay.
Daddy's gonna be home soon
and we have to go,
we have to leave, okay.
Good girl, good girl.
Shh, it's gonna be okay.
I know, I know.
Robert, please just let us go.
- What are you doing?
- Please, just please let us go.
God, what have I done?
Mmm, good run?
I think it's time she
slept in her own bed.
How 'bout next week?
You better hit the showers,
Dr. Morgan.
I love you, too, Dr. Morgan.
For me, "purple rain" is
actually a song about fatherhood.
- Really?
- Like when he says,
- Like single fathers who don't
get to see... - You're such a man.
...their kids as often and they
wanted more than that, you know.
Thank god
I'm not a single father.
I think he had a lot of
girlfriends, and stuff, didn't he?
- Wasn't he...
- That's how I see this.
You're so trusting.
That's how we roll.
- That's it.
- I love you, daddy.
I love you, sweetheart.
You're a romantic guy,
that's why I love you.
- I love you, daddy!
- I love you, sweetheart!
Oh, before I forget.
This is for Lydia legowitz,
if you can give it to her.
It's her 50th birthday. Remember,
she's the nurse in the or with red hair?
Yeah, the one
with the big boobs.
Yes, yes, the big boobs. And,
this is... This is for Jenkins.
He was the guy who's my last
patient before I took leave.
- Yeah.
- Anyway, he went into remission and so,
he's going back into chemo.
You really miss work, don't you?
Yeah, of course I do.
But, hey, I get to
go to mommy and me,
and sing about poo and pee
and all about my abc's.
You're a very beautiful girl
and I love you.
Please don't kill yourself
on this thing, doctor.
- I'm sorry, is she yours?
- She is.
I'm sorry,
here I am stealing her soul,
and I haven't even
introduced myself.
I'm Angela Morgan.
- Katie Wells.
- - Mama, mama,
- I made a new friend.
- So nice to meet you.
- Her name is Cora.
- She's really cute.
- Thank you.
- Yes, yes, finally.
Haven't I said from day one
you two were
destined to be bff's?
Ah, this is Katie.
Yes, I've heard about you.
So, I'm thinking
threesome playdate.
Angie's house,
you guys bring the kids.
I bring the juice
boxes and the booze?
That's what I'm talking about.
You two continue.
- Can I bring anything?
- Nah, just yourself.
- Okay.
- Husband optional.
- I'm single.
- Oh, I'm sorry.
I mean I'm not sorry that...
You know what I mean.
Just come.
It's fine,
i know I'm the minority.
Well, you won't be
by kindergarten.
Cheese girls.
Oh, you haven't
told her those stories yet?
No, I haven't.
Brenda tells me that you guys
have been friends for a while.
Mm, yeah.
She was first my trainer
and then we became pals.
I know her body
better than Brian does.
But me and Angie actually got
really close during her pregnancy.
Which was a bit
of a nightmare.
I could not have gotten
through it without you.
- I'll drink to that.
- Here's to you. Yeah.
Why our gym?
Um, you know,
i love to train
and I fell in love with Cora
the moment she was born.
So, I figured starting
a mommy and me business
seemed the best way
to infuse the two.
Get 'em while they're young.
That's her motto.
Slumber party?
Yeah, I guess...
I guess it turned into that.
Oh, my god we had so much fun.
It was hysterical.
Who's that?
Oh, that's Katie, my play date.
Did you have a good night?
Missed you.
I'm so sleepy.
What's going on?
Is everyone okay?
Oh, hi!
Sorry, did we wake you?
- Hi, sweetheart.
- Daddy, daddy!
I made some breakfast.
I hope it's okay.
Yeah, I don't mind at all.
It's this guy you
have to worry about.
He's our designated chef.
- Nice to meet you Dr. Morgan.
- Brian.
- Hi.
- And you must be maddie.
- Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you, too.
Okay, here it is.
Yours is coming.
- Keep still, maddie.
- Is it done yet?
Wow, look at that.
You're really good.
Oh, thank you,
it's my only talent.
- Wow, you're an artist.
- Oh, in my fantasies.
In real life, I paint houses.
I specialize in interiors.
It's hard work but
the hours are flexible
and I can take maddie along.
Okay, next.
- And what can I do for you?
- Butterfly!
That is gonna
look so beautiful.
Okay, come here,
let's start with pink.
Good choice.
I know this sounds silly,
but I would love to start
my own business painting
kid's bedroom murals.
I don't know, like
pirates, and fairies,
and butterflies,
and stuff like that.
- That's be great.
- You think so?
Oh, yeah, around here,
you'll clean up.
- Keep still.
- You guys, this is amazing.
I love this.
Definitely photo op, come on.
Let's get together.
Come on, come on.
I don't know, I'm okay.
- I'm gonna just over here.
- Katie, what's the matter?
I hate having
my picture taken.
But you're so gorgeous.
Oh, stop it.
- Get in here.
- - Come on, sit down, come on.
- Just one.
- The artist and the subject.
- Say butterfly.
- Butterfly.
- Butterfly.
- Got it.
But, you know,
one in five guys enjoy
mowing their own lawn
and I'm one of them.
You do?
You have a lawnmower?!
- He does, he's a mower.
- I enjoy it, it relaxes me.
Well, listen,
let's all raise a glass
and toast the beginning of
another wonderful summer.
And all our friends who
always make it so special.
- The tried and true.
- Thanks, Brian.
I see a bar and a new.
Ah, yes, a big round of
applause for the new one
who knows her way
around a kitchen.
Because as much as I love and
respect my daughter-in law...
Speech, speech.
Okay, um...
Well, uh, to be here
today is unbelievable.
I couldn't imagine
spending Memorial Day
in a more beautiful setting.
And as for my cooking, yes,
i do have an advantage over ang.
While she was spending
years in school
studying to become a
doctor and save lives,
I was working in
restaurant kitchens.
So, yes, I can cook.
But, uh...
I am not half
the woman Angela is.
- That's very kind.
- Very sweet.
I'll drink to that.
- What about me?
- You, too, maddie.
Here we go, cheers!
Say... oh, you gotta drink
after you cheers,
or it's bad luck.
It was
actually the red one.
The green one had
melted already.
Ladies. Both the girls
are a sleep, finally.
- Nice.
- And I should take off myself.
I have a half marathon
in the morning.
I should get going, too.
Why don't you stay
in the guest house?
- Really?
- Yeah, don't wake up maddie.
It'll be fun in the
morning, they'll hang out.
- Okay, on one condition.
- Hmm?
- Let me help you clean up.
- Oh, my god, no problem.
On that note, Angie,
thank you as always.
- Good luck tomorrow.
- Thank you very much.
I'll run, you know,
extra for you.
- Yes, run like the wind.
- Walk me out?
Oh, sure.
doesn't have to come
on the fourth, as well.
She hasn't mentioned it.
But I'll tell you
what she did mention.
- Hm?
- Katie.
She doesn't like her.
Really, well, your
mother doesn't like
anyone except for you.
- Why, what'd she say?
- It wasn't very clinical.
She said gives
her the "willies. "
- The willies? - Yeah, the willies,
she actually used that word.
Thinks there's some sort
of disconnect there.
Oh, my god, are you okay?
- Are you okay?
- Yeah.
Oh, my god, you're trembling.
Oh, come on, let's get you
some fresh air, alright?
- Yeah. - Are you alright,
maybe you're getting sick.
- It got kinda chilly out.
- Yeah.
- Are you cozy?
- Thank you.
A little fresh air
will do you good.
Doctor's orders,
I'll take care of maddie.
Oh, wow.
This is a beautiful drawing.
- You're really talented.
- Thank you.
- You can keep that one.
- Really?
- Yeah.
- Thank you, I love it.
What is that?
The only gift my
ex ever gave me.
He wasn't a good guy?
Was he abusive?
I'm sorry.
So was he.
And I forgave him every time.
Until maddie came along.
- He didn't hurt maddie?
- No.
I didn't want her to witness
what he used to do.
Did you go to the police?
No one would have believed us.
He was a bigshot.
In our world anyway.
So I did what I had to and left.
Maddie and I lived
in my car, motels.
And then we found
these people who
take care of women like me.
They helped us disappear.
I'm just sitting here
rambling to you.
I'm so embarrassed.
No, no, no,
don't be embarrassed.
I... I understand.
You wanna know my secret?
I'm lousy at making baby's.
What do you mean?
I don't know.
I guess I waited too long.
And then we really,
really wanted to have kids
and we tried everything,
but it didn't really matter.
I had four miscarriages.
Oh, Angela, I'm so sorry.
Yeah, in the end
we got an egg donor.
Which is great, but has
its own set of heartaches.
But it took and I got pregnant.
But, um, it was bad.
And so I started self
medicating for the physical pain
and then to go to sleep
and then to get through the day.
I got really paranoid.
I was a mess.
So then by Cora's first birthday
i checked into the hospital.
So, I'm fine now.
You know?
I mean, not that i
don't ever think
about grabbing a Xanax.
But I haven't.
I haven't and I won't.
Well, I think you're amazing.
And an awesome mom.
- Oh...
- Cora is lucky.
Yeah, well,
she's about to get luckier.
- I'm pregnant.
- What?
Oh, gosh, don't say anything.
I just found out, I haven't
even told Brian yet, so...
No, of course not.
Shh, shh, shh.
Shh, okay.
It's okay, mommy's here.
Shh, it's okay, it's okay.
Shh, shh.
Good girl.
Oh, god.
Hey, girls, let's
all go down to the fountain.
Everyone, let's go.
Come on, girls.
- Are you okay?
- No.
It's happening again.
Okay, we're gonna get
out of here, okay?
- I can't believe this.
- I'm gonna pick you up.
- Okay.
- Come on, come on.
Come on, you're okay.
- Come on, come on.
- Oh, god, Linda.
I got you, just breathe,
just breathe.
- Come on.
- Oh, my god, i can't believe this.
I can't believe this, Brenda.
- It's okay, you're gonna be okay.
- Oh, my god.
- Slow.
- Oh, my god.
You're gonna be okay, Angie.
I know. We won't have
the family that we wanted.
That we said we would.
What you wanted.
Oh, honey, please stop
worrying about me.
You're the one
that keeps going through hell.
I know,
but I just want what you want.
You know, the big family.
A kid in every room.
A son.
I really wanted
to give you a son.
And I know what we
have is amazing, it is.
What we have is so amazing
and to not be grateful...
I am, I'm so grateful but...
We can always try again, baby.
We're not out of options.
Wait for me!
Cora, maddie, get changed and
I'll meet you by the pool, okay.
Okay, daddy.
Hey, guys, um, I have a little
announcement to make.
- Maddie and I are moving.
- Hallelujah!
Finally out of
that shitty motel!
Yes, but far away.
To Colorado.
- Why? Where? What?
- Hell no.
Well the contractor
that I work for
has put me onto a job there.
And I really need to
get out of that motel.
But you can't just leave.
I mean, why don't you just
move into our guest house?
- Right?
- Absolutely.
Oh, thank you, it's just,
i gotta take this job.
Well, why don't you just paint
a mural in Cora's room?
That would be amazing.
And you could also be
our part-time nanny.
Oh, you guys
don't need a nanny.
Well, we will when
i go back to work.
Wait, what?
Yeah, I mean,
just three days a week.
- And what about Cora?
- Well, I'm not abandoning her,
I'm just going to work.
You know, part-time.
It's... I'm a doctor,
you know, that's what I do.
It's what we've talked about. And
if you're here, it's so perfect.
She loves you, you love her.
It's... It's really perfect, right?
Come on, she'd be devastated
if you left, you can't go.
No, you've convinced me,
I'll stay.
Thank you.
Brian, are you sure about this?
I mean, Angela's still
getting over the miscarriage
and Katie might be
nothing more than a crutch.
Angela shouldn't be
making big decisions.
She thinks it'll help
with her recovery.
- Which one?
- God, you can be abrasive.
I'm sorry, sweetheart,
but she might be
walking a tight rope.
She hasn't slipped
in over two years.
Not so much as an advil.
And if having her
best friend here, helping us,
gives her some comfort-
no I get that, no.
I really do.
But, we don't know
anything about this girl.
What if it doesn't work out?
It'll be fine, mom.
Okay, what about
the fireworks?
You see, mother,
we have sky rockets...
- No.
- And you get a box of sparklers.
- I like that.
- You get your sparklies.
Can you believe that we've been
doing this for eight years?
- Yeah, it's amazing isn't it?
- So, Katie, I just realized
I have no idea
where you're from.
- Uh, Michigan.
- Ah, beautiful state.
All those lakes.
Is your family still there?
I don't know. Um...
My father left before I was born
and my mom was
addicted to drugs, so,
I was raised in foster care.
I'm so sorry.
So what drew you to these parts?
- Mom, please?
- - Donna.
Oh, no, it's okay, um,
it was a job.
Actually, I had no
intention of staying.
That's what I hear.
So why did you?
Well, I just feel like
I'm part of a family now.
And, well, someone needs to
watch Cora while Angela's working.
And, I mean, maddie
loves her like a sister.
- Yup.
- Yeah.
You okay?
Baby, I'm sorry, I just...
I just, I can't.
I'm just...
It's just too soon.
I'm sorry. I can't.
I just...
I gotta, I just gotta...
Wow, it's looking great.
- Wow, look at you.
- The latest in scrub sheik.
- You okay?
- I'm good.
Well, I mean, I feel a
little weird actually.
This is a little bit
more difficult
Don't worry about it.
I'm gonna keep her so busy,
Cora's not even gonna
know you're gone.
Okay, alright, see ya.
Well, what do you know?!
Oh, it's so good to see you!
- Yes! Oh, my gosh.
- I missed you.
Oh, my goodness.
Did she see us?
Hey, there are my girls.
Hi, baby. Hi, you.
Did you have a good time?
- What happened?
- Grammy Donna helped us build
sand castles at the beach.
- No way!
- It was fun!
- Aw.
- These two are such angels.
- I couldn't have had
a better time.
I'm so glad
you had a good time.
Give me just one second.
Be right back, girls.
- Yeah.
- Can we talk? I'm alone.
I am so sorry.
I got home early
and I came out here.
I heard the music, I wasn't
snooping or anything.
But then I came to the
window and I looked in
and I kind of freaked out.
- I'm sorry.
- Wait, why? 'Cause it was a woman?
No, I thought it was-
oh, god, you didn't
think it was Brian?
Oh, honey, I would never.
I love you.
- I know.
- No.
I know, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
- I just...
- So who was she?
Oh, she's just
someone from work.
- Yeah.
- Yeah, anything serious?
Oh, no. No, I don't have
that luxury after my ex.
- And that goes for men, too.
- Yeah.
You jealous? I'm joking.
Just close the
window next time.
Yes, I will, sorry.
Good evening, doctor.
What's this?
I just, I love you,
that's all.
- Oh, you love me?
- Yes.
You mean we're actually,
we're actually-
everyone's asleep.
- Mom's asleep, kids are asleep?
- Yes.
How are you?
I'm good.
You look fabulous.
What, did you bring the
whole damn gym down here?
I would if I could.
Let me make you
a little more cozy.
Thanks, honey.
Okay. Angela knows
about us doesn't she?
That's what you think
i wanted to tell you?
- No, she has no idea.
- Okay, good.
Then what is it?
Okay, Angela wants
to tell you herself,
- so play dumb, okay.
- Okay.
Angela and Brian are
gonna try for another kid.
What, why would she put
herself through that again?
She's not.
See, she has one embryo left.
From the same egg donor
they used with Cora?
Yes. But she's not gonna risk
carrying it this time.
- They're gonna use a surrogate.
- Oh.
Not a stranger,
someone they trust.
Wait, they're gonna ask me?
- No silly, me.
- Oh.
It really is just such an honor.
Don't you have, like,
two miles to swim?
Three, actually,
but who's counting?
Hey, are you okay with this?
Yeah, no, of course.
I mean, it's not my business
or my body, I mean...
No, I think
it's an amazing idea.
Can you hurry up
and go for this swim
so we can go get some breakfast?
Wh... what are you doing?
You're gonna freeze.
You don't want me
to do it, do you?
Look, I'll tell them no.
They'll understand.
Katie, baby, you're scaring me.
- I'm the donor.
- What?
They're my eggs,
they're my babies.
What? No.
That's impossible.
Cora is mine.
And the baby that they
want you to carry is mine, too.
You have a baby, maddie.
From my egg,
but I didn't carry her.
A lady in Maine did.
She said she wanted a baby
more than anything but she lied.
I had to take her back.
They let you take their baby?
Are you planning
on taking Cora, too?
Angela said that she
would never go back to work.
If I wasn't there, who would
be taking care of Cora?
A complete stranger.
You're sick.
Baby you need, help.
I'm sorry, Linda.
Mama, look what I can do.
Why don't you come show me,
come on.
Do it on the grass, good girl.
Do you like mommy's belly?
- Yeah.
- Yeah?
Here's what I still don't get.
You spend a year searching
for the perfect donor
and you find someone that's
anonymous and perfect,
but when you start looking
for a surrogate,
you ask the runaway
in your guest house.
Linda's girlfriend, no less.
- What are you talking about?
- Oh, come on. It's so obvious.
Katie's been an
incredible friend.
And she has signed
every single document
we've put in front of her.
I mean, she's been great.
She... she... she nursed me
through my miscarriage
and, you know,
she was really amazing to me
when Linda got killed
in that boating accident.
Mm-hmm. I know, honey,
i understand, it's great.
Katie's a strong
shoulder to lean on.
She's even a wonderful nurse.
But tell me this,
what does she get out of it?
$40,000, and the fact
that she's helping out a friend.
Listen, I'm happy she's here.
It's good to keep an eye on her
when she's carrying my child.
Yeah, but what are you gonna do
after she gives birth?
You better kick her out or that's
gonna be one confused kid. Really.
What if Katie bonds with it
and doesn't wanna give it up?
Will Katie have
visitation rights?
Have you thought
any of this through?
Yes, yes, of course.
We've talked about it.
You know, honestly we don't
know all the answers now.
It's not a
black and white situation.
But we're figuring it out.
- Alright, look-
- you know what, Donna.
- No, wait-
- please, please, please.
Can I... I can't...
I gotta get Cora to go.
- Okay. - Girls, did you wanna come
on up so we can do that thing?
- Sorry.
- It's okay, no problem, sweetheart.
I got it.
You sit here, enjoy.
Isn't it a little early
in the day to be drinking?
It's four o'clock,
it's happy hour.
You know, whatever my said,
she can't help it.
Just ignore her.
She thinks Katie's
gonna screw us over.
- I'll talk to her.
- Are you worried?
If our lawyer isn't, I'm not.
She's very
beautiful isn't she?
- Who? My mom?
- Ha-ha, Katie.
Your mother thinks she
was sleeping with Linda.
My mom thinks Katie
was sleeping with Linda?
Yes, that she was the one
in the guest house that time.
Do you believe her?
Let's go to the swing!
Oh, okay.
Look, there are
your friends, go play.
- How far along are you?
- Oh, four months.
Boy or a girl?
I do not know,
i find out tomorrow.
- I have the amnio test.
- Oh, good luck.
I fainted during mine.
I should have sued.
- How old are your girls?
- Almost four, both of them.
Twins, wow! Can't imagine.
They're beautiful,
they look just like you.
Thank you.
Yeah, I get that all the time.
- Mama!
- Hi, baby.
Oh, how's my big girl?
Oh, I missed you so much.
Did you have a good day,
- Yeah?
- Let's go, maddie.
Hey, guess what?
The animal show's on.
- Yay!
- You relax, I'll take them.
No, I got it.
I want you to do it, Katie.
Oh she's used to me.
Okay, girls let's go!
Why are we doing this again?
To make sure the fetus has
no chromosome abnormalities.
I know, but, isn't that
for women over 35?
Yeah, usually.
But this isn't about your body,
it's about the egg.
So it has nothing
to do with me?
That's not what I meant.
They're gonna stick a
needle right into my uterus
where my baby is sleeping.
Your baby?
That's not what I meant.
Put your feet up.
Very good.
Looking good.
Alright now.
You might feel a little twinge,
a little cramping.
But that's okay.
We expect that.
Looking good.
I'm sorry.
What do you mean you're sorry?
Well, the infection has
spread to both ovaries.
She won't be able
to donate again?
These are the last three
eggs she'll ever produce.
You said it'd be safe.
I'm so sorry, Tara.
You said this would be safe!
You said it was safe!
Shush, shush, shush
Katie, Katie, Katie, Katie!
It's okay, shh, it's over.
It's over.
It's over, it's okay.
Everything's okay.
Everything's okay.
You and the baby
both did great. Great!
And we'll have the results
back in 10 to 14 days.
Yeah, we'll even
know the sex, huh.
Look, I'm gonna
let you two be alone, uh...
Wow, what was that?
She has been a nervous
wreck all day long
and now she's experiencing
more cramping.
So I think we should give
her something for the pain
and maybe something for anxiety.
- I agree.
- Yeah?
Yes, absolutely.
I should write some
for myself after that.
I know right?
That was nutty right?
That was... that was...
Okay, stay calm.
We'll be calm,
it'll all be okay.
You'll be okay, stay calm.
- Gotta keep her calm.
- Yeah, keep her calm.
- Thanks so much.
- Of course.
Take care, see ya.
I just think I'm going insane.
I feel like I'm losing
my mind or something.
And now it's all
off your chest.
- Right?
- Yes.
I guess, I mean,
we talked about it all, and...
She had an answer
for everything.
That made sense?
I guess.
We're gonna have
a beautiful baby.
And then Katie's gonna
move on with her life,
and everything's gonna work
out the way it's supposed to.
I promise.
Wh... what's going on here?
It's the first day of school,
you're dressed exactly alike.
Who dressed you?
- Us.
- No way.
People are gonna
think you're sisters.
We are sisters.
No, you're not sisters,
you're just best friends.
- Mommy said we're sisters.
- I said like sisters, silly.
Oh, that's so great.
Come on, you guys ready?
- Yeah.
- Alright, we gotta go.
Big, big, big, big day.
Come on, watch out,
watch your head.
- Ow, mama.
- I'm sorry, baby.
Just think how pretty it's
gonna look when we're done. Okay?
Just a couple peas, okay?
Is that good? That's good.
How's that corn,
you like the corn?
- You love corn.
- It's so good, watch out.
Watch out, that's good.
Awesome, those are the best.
Here, baby, some more peas.
There ya go.
We went too dark, didn't we?
That's not your real color?
No, we started dying
our hair after we left.
I'll probably stop doing it now.
It's just that
we're so used to it.
What's maddie's natural color?
- Oh, dark brown.
- Like me!
Three weeks to go,
it's pretty amazing, huh?
- It's unbelievable.
- Yeah.
You know, ang, I was wondering,
seeing as we're so close,
when were you planning on
taking your maternity leave?
- What makes you think I am?
- Oh, well, you did last time.
Yeah, but, you know,
last time I was recovering
from a life-threatening
Oh, do you regret
taking the time off?
No, of course not.
We're just doing it
differently this time.
Different how?
Well, for the first few weeks
we're hiring
a night nurse and then,
we're gonna find
someone more permanent.
You're okay with this?
Yeah, she's happiest
when she's working
and I support her 100 percent.
You know, you guys
wouldn't have to hire anyone.
I mean, I'm more than
happy to postpone my trip.
Well, we just, I just think
it would be better
all the way around if-
if a complete stranger
raises your kids?
Yeah, I can see that.
Excuse me.
Girls, come on, bath time.
Let's go, come on. Cora.
Come on, girls.
Doesn't she understand
that it is actually
none of her business?
She was raised in foster homes
and she believes in
attachment parenting.
It's... it's understandable.
I'm actually glad
she gives a shit.
Really? Well, maybe we should
take her up on what she's offering
and we could all be
one big happy family.
- Hmm?
- Alright.
Where is this coming from? I
thought you guys worked it out?
- Alright, alright, alright.
- Brian.
Tara, what do you want?
But... there was never
supposed to be contact.
What kind of mother
sits in the bath
and drinks while her baby cries?
Who are you?
I gave you that child.
You said you wanted
nothing more in this world.
- Where's maddie?
- No, you lied!
Can I come in?
One second!
I've got your juice.
Listen, listen,
about last night.
- It's not what you think.
- I know what I saw.
- You're a drug addict.
- No, I'm not.
Listen, after your amnio,
i started panicking.
You were freaking out,
it made me really anxious.
Do you ask my doctor for drugs?
Yeah, well, I didn't take one.
Yeah, and you expect me
to believe that.
It's the truth.
I threw the whole bottle away.
- If you don't believe me-
- you're pathetic.
Leave me alone.
"Your nose should be developing.
Your eyes might even be opening. "
Hey, why aren't you
sleeping in the bed?
Oh, I was just doing
research for a patient.
Ah, jiminy crickets it's late.
I gotta get to work.
Good morning. Oh.
One, two, yay!
What do you want for breakfast?
Um, pancakes.
Okay, what would you
like on your pancakes?
Um, strawberries.
Um, um...
Blueberries and grapes.
Oh, and... okay, I think
i can make that happen.
Baby, hop off for a minute.
- Okay.
- Up here. Good girl.
Come on, baby,
let's get some breakfast.
Come on.
Oh, my god.
You girls scared me. Hi!
I'll be out in a second.
I'll be out in a second.
I got the big rock.
Here I come.
Oh, baby, come here.
Sweetie, come here.
Oh, honey, it's okay.
Oh, mama's here.
- Mama's here, it's okay.
- Cora, what's wrong?
It's okay,
she just bumped her head.
What happened?
What happened, baby?
- I bumped heads with maddie.
- Oh, and where does it hurt?
Oh, there, where else?
She really got ya, huh?
- Is she okay?
- Yes, she's okay.
You're okay, right?
Maddie didn't mean to hurt you.
You know that.
Such a brave girl.
Does it hurt here?
Does it hurt here?
Maybe it hurts here.
Come on, let's go inside.
Let's get you some neosporin,
what do ya say, huh?
What do you think about that?
Such a brave girl.
Let's go inside.
I'll be with you
in a minute, maddie.
What the fuck was that?
"It's okay, baby, mama's here?"
- Nothing, I...
- She's not your daughter.
Are you okay?
You're a little-
you keep acting
like she's yours.
Okay, that's just stupid.
Come to think of it, when was
the last time you ran her a bath,
took her to school,
or gave her breakfast?
Are you kidding me?
I'm working.
That's why I hired you,
that's why I pay you!
This is your job!
Yeah, to raise one of your
kids and carry the other.
How fucking dare you.
You obviously feel
guilty about it.
Spying, snooping.
Did you find what
you were looking for
when you broke into my room?
You're hiding something.
And I'm gonna find
out what it is.
You were supposed to be
on your way to work.
Yeah, so were you.
- Is everything okay?
- Angela thinks I'm hiding something.
Little does she know,
she's right.
Honey, I really wanted
it to be a surprise.
But let me show you. Mom's
already upstairs preparing it.
Come on, you're gonna love this.
Come on, let's go.
You're gonna love this.
Let's see.
Hey, mom.
Still kicking ass?
Okay, so, Katie designed it,
mom bought the furniture,
and this is the best part.
Just picked it up
from the framers.
You... you picked out a name?
Baby, we did, remember?
No, sweetheart, that was one out
of the three that we discussed.
I think it's perfect.
I don't give a shit
what you think.
What else do you two talk about
when I'm not around?
Angela, come on, what is this?
Lately they've been talking
a lot about
how worried they are about you.
Oh, really.
Have they?
So, I guess that you
told them, didn't you?
I actually didn't.
Maybe I should of.
- She's been using again.
- Oh, no.
That's bullshit.
That's bullshit.
- You're not high right now?
- No, of course not.
I'm upset because I caught her
referring to herself as
Cora's mother this morning.
Cora bumped her head.
I was consoling her.
Yes, as her mother!
Which you are not.
She said that I was going
to abandon her, Cora.
She said this
straight to my face.
I'm sorry, we... we... we don't
know anything about this woman.
We don't know what
she's capable of.
I'm sorry, we don't know
enough about her past.
We know she's fled
an abusive marriage.
Yes, yes we do.
And if she disappeared once,
she can disappear again.
- Angela, just stop, okay?
- And what about Linda?
Hmm? You were fucking
her weren't you?
- Oh, come on.
- You named it, you called it.
That was her in the guest room
that time wasn't it?
- What are you implying?
- Yes, and if you had asked me,
- I would've told you.
- I did ask you.
I asked you straight
to your face and you lied.
Did you or did you not
know that Linda
was gonna be our surrogate?
Angela, stop it!
Was Linda's death an accident?
Or maybe you wanted to get
rid of her and carry our baby.
- Enough!
- Tell me! Answer me this question!
- Please can you-
- answer me this question!
- Brian, the baby, please. Can you
just stop, please? - Make her answer.
She's faking it.
You knew it!
You called it from day one.
She's a liar!
She's faking, don't you...
Oh my, god.
Make her answer the question!
Answer the question!
Just get some rest, Katie, okay?
She's fine, they're both fine.
But I want her in my
office tomorrow at 10.
We'll do some additional tests.
I mean...
You've put our
baby's life at risk.
What if he's already at risk?
What if he's at risk right now?
Look at me, look at me.
Look at me.
Are you on something right now?
- No.
- Yes or no?
- No. No!
- No?
I asked her a question.
Why couldn't she answer it?
You endangered the baby.
Katie has grounds
for keeping him now.
Do you understand that?
I don't wanna lose
my son, Angela.
I don't wanna lose you.
Brian, I am not on
anything right now.
I got that prescription for Katie
because she was freaking out.
I have not taken one.
I threw the whole thing away
unopened, I swear it.
I swear it on Cora's life.
Prove it,
i want a urine sample.
And then I want you
to apologize to Katie.
I don't care what you say
but you have to make this right.
You cut your hand.
Yeah, chopping the carrots.
You need to be real careful.
Here you go.
I'm really truly sorry
and profoundly embarrassed.
I don't know,
somehow seeing you like that.
Carrying my child, it's...
I mean they warned
you about this.
You know, they say the moment
that it really hits you.
I mean, my child is always
gonna be half Brian's
and half someone elses.
And for some reason
with Cora it was okay
even though it was
someone elses DNA.
At least I carried her,
it was my womb.
We had that time to bond.
And now it's just, you know,
not my egg, not my body.
All I could do was watch. I
just, thought I could handle this.
I just... I just don't know
what my place is.
I, I don't know, that's
why I got the prescription.
I just started panicking.
I'm so sorry, please forgive me.
You accused me of some
pretty terrible things.
I know, I know.
I'm so, so, so, so sorry.
Please forgive me.
Brian wants me to
give him a urine sample.
Let me get you the cup.
Thank you.
For accepting Angela's apology.
Of course. Well, the last
thing I want is for her
to question either one of us.
Katie, if she were using, why
would she have given the sample?
I know, but,
let's just be sure.
Hello, my name
is Monica Wheeler.
And if you're considering
anonymous egg donations,
please consider
amazing possibilities.
We have state of
the art facilities
and the finest physicians.
You will be in great hands.
Amazing possibilities.
Hi, there, um, may I speak
with Monica Wheeler, please?
Um, I'm sorry,
Ms. Wheeler passed away,
but maybe I can help
you with something?
Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.
Um, four years ago now.
May I ask how?
It was ruled a suicide.
You don't sound so convinced.
No, Monica loved life.
Anyway, is there something
else I can help you out with?
Uh, yes.
Yes, um...
I... I... I worked with a donor
of yours a few years back.
- Welcome back.
- Yeah, um...
And I know there's a strict
policy of anonymity,
but I'm concerned that the donor
has found her way into my life.
Ma'am, if you're asking for the
identity of a donor, I'm afraid I can't.
Listen, I think
she may be mentally unwell.
Possibly dangerous. Please.
I'm sorry.
Yes, of course, I understand.
Um, let me ask you
another question.
You know the mural
in Monica's office?
You know, the real beautiful
one with the tree of life?
I love it, so I was wondering, could
you tell me the name of the artist?
- I can't.
- Why not?
The artist was
one of our donors.
Thank you.
Hey, ang, long time no see.
Listen, I have a favor to ask.
I need a DNA test,
how fast can you do that?
It might take a moment
but I'll make the call.
Okay, would a hair sample do?
Only if you get the root,
saliva's better.
Right, right, okay, thanks.
Whoa, whoa, whoa,
let me help you with that.
You shouldn't be cutting anything
with that nasty cut on your hand.
Oh, yeah,
you're probably right, thanks.
- I got it.
- Here's your juice, girls.
You guys are being so
quiet this morning.
Here ya go, have some juice.
What ya doing? Who's this?
A doggy.
What's your
favorite animal, guys?
Mine is a unicorn.
Mine is a...
Mine is a horsy.
Is it the one that's got the...
What's it called?
- The horn.
- - The horn.
Take one more little sip.
One more little sip,
finish that up.
Good girl.
- Where does your fish go?
- - Ploop, ploop.
Ah, ploop, ploop,
that's a good one.
Alright, that's good, girls.
Watch this.
Alright, you done with this,
guys? Oh, good job, good job.
A to go cup for
a woman on the go.
Oh, thank you.
- Yeah.
- Oh, thanks.
Girls, finish that.
I'll clean up, it's okay.
I have to get ready.
Have fun.
Hey, what's going on?
I feel like I need to
spend more time with Cora
so I decided to
take the day off.
- Alright!
- Yay, we're going to the zoo!
- Yeah.
- Oh, my god you guys, that's so amazing.
Ready to go to the zoo?
Come on, let's do it.
Have a good time.
Give mom a kiss.
- Have a good time.
- Yay!
- Have fun, girls!
- Come on, girls.
- See you guys later!
- Here we go, here we go!
Hey, Angie, do me a favor,
give me a second, okay?
Yup, yup. No problem.
Hey, how are ya?
- Okay.
- Busy morning?
Yeah, yeah.
A little crazy. So...
If you could see
if these are a match
as soon as possible.
I'll get these started
and we'll know soon enough.
- Great, thanks, Barry.
- Great. Hey, we gonna do lunch?
Um, not today, next week.
- Okay.
- Okay? Thanks, bar.
It's the baby shower,
it's your shower.
Oh, let me guess.
This was her idea.
Listen, look, Angela, come on.
Katie spent the whole night
putting this together.
She wanted it to be perfect.
She wanted you to feel special.
- Really?
- - Yeah.
Is that how you
wanted me to feel? Special?
- Angela, look...
- Special?
- What are you doing?
- She's trying to kill me.
- Oh, god.
- She's drugged me.
You tell him
what you did right now,
and you will not spend the
rest of your life in jail!
- Tell him right now!
- Stop! Stop!
She's Cora's biological mother
and Gabriel's, too.
What the hell are
you talking about?!
Katie is our donor,
she's our donor.
Could you stop.
Okay, everybody, look...
- She's trying to edge me out!
- You are an addict!
- Listen!
- You are an addict!
Look it, look at this picture!
Everybody out! Okay. You're
cheating on me because you cheated,
'cause you said you weren't
gonna take drugs anymore!
- Out, out. Everybody out.
- Oh, my god.
Come on, we gotta go.
Everybody out.
Party's over, party's over.
- Damn it!
- Let me talk to her.
I, you just...
I will take care of this.
I will take care of this, okay.
Let me talk to her.
You stay away from me.
Or what?
You're gonna kill me?
Kill us?
I saw the mural that you put
in Monica Wheeler's office.
Is that how you got access
to our personal files?
Why are you doing this?
Have you been doing
this to other families?
Is maddie even yours?
Oh, yes, she is.
So is Cora and Gabriel.
I didn't do this for the money.
I gave my eggs so my babies
would be taken care of.
Taken care of by women whose
only dream was to have a baby.
You lied. You all lied.
You sacrificed nothing.
I sacrificed everything.
Now I get to carry my last egg.
My baby.
You need help.
Oh, now, come on, after that
little performance out there,
they think you're the
only one that needs help.
Katie, no one's
going to believe you.
The truth will come out.
You just told
all your friends.
None of them believed you.
Yeah. Well, DNA doesn't lie.
I'd rather die than have
my child be raised by you.
What are you doing?
What is wrong with you?
- You just tried to kill me.
- What?!
- Brian!
- Oh, my god!
Stop that! Don't!
I'm here, baby.
I'm here.
Don't... don't talk.
Just shh.
I just heard. How is she?
I need you to see this.
I need you to read this.
Just read it.
Oh, my god.
Oh, my god.
I'm sorry.
She's gone.
Last night.
Oh, god, Brian, I'm so sorry.
You're sorry.
No, would you please stay?
No, I have to go to
Cora and to maddie.
Please, don't... don't move.
Would you please
hold me, please?
She was gonna kill the baby.
- Will you ever forgive me?
- You did what you had to do.
Back in bed now, lie down.
Oh, god, Brian I don't
want this c-section.
The baby's in distress,
we don't have any choice.
Stay with me.
You and Gabriel
are in good hands.
Stay with me,
the whole time, please.
I love you.
Katie, hi, it's Dr. weisman.
I want you to know everything's
gonna be alright, okay?
- Are we ready?
- - Yeah.
Alright, then let's do this.
We're gonna count down from 10.
10, nine, eight,
seven, six, five, four, three...
What happened?
Where is he?
- There were complications.
- Where is Gabriel?!
He's okay, Katie, he's just
being observed, that's all.
Take me to see him.
Yes, of course.
I'll take you to him now.
- Is he gonna be okay?
- He'll be fine.
And the girls,
how are the girls?
In time, we'll all be fine.
Where is he?
Where is he?
You okay?
I wanna see my baby.
- Gabe's beautiful.
- Yes, he is.
I want you to take a good look.
'Cause it's your last.
I don't understand.
You will. Soon enough.
Oh, my god.
What's this?
Oh, baby.
Oh, my, god.
Oh, sweetheart,
it's so beautiful.
That's so sweet.
Thank you.
I love you so much.
I love it.