Independence Day (1996)

Praveen K V
(astronaut) For those who haven't
read the plaque, we'll read the plaque.
"Here men from the planet Earth
first set foot upon the moon."
"July 1969."
"We came in peace for all mankind."
"It's The End Of The World As We Know lt"
by REM
If this isn't an insanely beautiful woman,
I'm hanging up.
Sir, I..I think you should listen to this.
Agh! Ouh!
-God. Damn it!
(woman) Come on, baby,
come on, baby, come on!
This better not be another damn Russian spy job!
Boys from air traffic RER say skies are clear.
It's the real thing.
A radio signal from another world.
Let..Let's not jump the gun here.
Get online with Space Command.
They're gonna want to know about...
What's with the golf balls?
You're gonna kill me here!
Wait, wait! This can't be right.
The calculated distance from source... only 375,000km.
It's coming from the moon.
-Who else knows about this?
-SETI in New Mexico identified a signal.
But, uh...
they're even more confused than we are, sir.
Excuse me.
-Yes, sir.
Radar reception has been impaired,...
but we were able to get these.
Now, we estimate that it has
a diameter of over 550km...
...and a mass roughly
one fourth the size of our moon.
What the hell is it?
-A meteor?
-No, sir.
-No, definitely not.
-How do you know?
Well, sir, it's slowing down.
-It's what?
-It's, uh...
It's slowing down, sir.
Get me the Secretary of Defense.
Then wake him!
-It's me.
-What time is it there?
-It's 2.45 in the morning.
-I know I didn't wake you.
-As a matter of fact, you did.
I have a confession to make.
I'm sleeping next to
a beautiful, young brunette.
You didn't let her stay up
all night watching TV?
-Did you?
-Of course not.
-You're gonna come home right after the luncheon, right?
-Yes, yes. Yes, yes.
-Here's your mother.
-Hi, honey!
-Hi, I miss you. -I know.
(TV) President Whitmore's approval ratings
have slipped below 40%.
-(TV) Even his crime bill failed to pass.
- He's good.
(TV) Are the salad days over
for President Whitmore?
(TV) More Talk.
(TV) Leadership as a pilot in the Gulf War is
completely different from leadership in politics.
Daddy let me watch Letterman.
(TV) That's the problem, they elected
a warrior and they got a wimp.
-Good Morning, George.
-Morning, Mr President.
That game couldn't have been pretty.
Thank you, sir.
Connie, you're up awfully early this morning.
They're not attacking your policies,
they're attacking your age.
Whitmore seems less like the President...
...and more like the orphaned child Oliver
asking, 'Please, sir, I'd like some more.'
-That's clever.
-Yeah. Well, I'm not laughing.
Age was never an issue
when you stuck to your guns.
- You were thought of as young, idealistic...
- Thanks!
Now... the message has gotten lost.
This is too much politics.
It's too much compromise.
Isn't it amazing how quickly
everyone can turn against you?
It's a fine line between standing
behind a principle and hiding behind one.
You can tolerate a little compromise...
...if you're actually managing
to get something accomplished.
The Orange County Dispatch has voted you
one of the ten sexiest men of the year.
That's accomplishing something!
Excuse me, Mr President.
It's the Secretary of Defense.
Could... you say that again?
So what are you waiting, hm?
My Social Security will expire,
you'll still be sitting there.
-I'm always thinking.
-Yeah, well, think already!
Do you have any idea how long it
takes for those cups to decompose?
If you don't move soon,
I'm gonna start to decompose.
Aaaagh! Agh!
Listen, David,
I've been meaning to talk with you.
-It's nice that you see me so much now...
-Don't. Don't start, Dad.
I'm only saying, it's been... what? Four years?
You're still wearing a wedding band?
-Three years.
-All right, three... four.
You're divorced. Come on, move on.
This is not healthy.
No, this is not healthy.
The smoking is, is not healthy.
-Wait a minute.
Wait a minute, wait a minute.
-Wait a minute. This is not checkmate.
-See you tomorrow, Pop.
No, you Just hold on! This is not checkmate.
Uh... Checkmate!
Yes. We've got everybody we have
working on the problem.
Yeah, I love X-Files, too.
I hope you get to see it.
David! David!
What the hell is the point in having a
beeper, if you're not going to turn it on?
It was turned on. I was ignoring you.
What's the... What's the big emergency?
It started this morning.
Every station's making like it's the 1950s.
We got static. We got snow.
All kinds of distortions.
-(man) Marty.
-Nobody knows...
What the hell are you doing. There's a
reason we have bins labelled "Recycle"!
What the hell is going on? My God in heaven!
So sue me. David! We got a problem!
Did you try to switch transponder channel?
Oh, please! You think I'd be this panicked
if it was something simple?
OK, let's point the dish at another satellite.
We tried that. It didn't work.
It's almost as though they weren't even there.
All right. What have we got here?
This is impossible.
(TV) We created a race of robots.
Their function is to...
-Miguel. The signal's all screwed up.
-Stop it! Just leave it alone. You'll break it, alright!
Oh, it's so fuzzy.
Oh, no.
Good morning, Lucas.
You see these?
I got a whole goddamn crop full of these.
If your father's not in the air in 20 minutes,...
...I'm getting someone else.
-Hey, Miguel!
Russell! What are you doing?
Just what in the hell
do you think you're doing?
It's the wrong field, you idiot!
Lucas's farm's on the other side of town!
Are you sure?
Ya lo hizo otra vez!
CNS is running a story that we're covering up
some type of a nuclear-testing experiment.
Well, Tell them to run with it if they
really want to embarrass themselves.
NASA is a bit worried in the morning.
They want to know our position.
Our official position is...
...we have no official position.
-Connie, what is going on here?
-Oh! Come on, guys. Would I keep you out of the loop? Huh?
What? I can't hear you.
At the moment our satellites
are somewhat unreliable.
Isn't it possible that this
thing may just pass us by?
What if it doesn't pass us by?
Why don't we target some ICBMs
to blow it out of the sky?
And risk turning one dangerous falling
object into many!
We don't yet know enough about what we are dealing
with to make any kind of intelligent judgments.
Luckily the press is making up
their own story at this point.
But that's not gonna keep.
-We may need to upgrade to DEFCON 3.
-General, contact NORAD, and you tell them we've upgraded to DEFCON 3.
-That's not what the President said.
Isn't that a little premature?
We have over 50% of the armed forces
out on weekend leave.
Not to mention, the commanders and troops
that are in town for the Fourth of July parade...
Our intelligence tells us the object
has settled into a stationary orbit.
-Well, that's good news.
-Uh, not really, sir.
Part of it has broken off into
nearly three dozen other pieces.
Smaller than the whole, sir,...
...yet over 15 miles in width themselves.
Where are they heading?
They should be entering our atmosphere
within the next 25 minutes.
Take us to DEFCON 3.
-Please tell me we're gettin' somewhere.
-Oh! there's..there's good news, there's bad news.
-All right. What's the bad news?
-The bad news is, there'll be a meal penalty for disturbing my lunch.
And the good news is you're not gonna charge me.
Uh! No. The good news is that I found
the problem. It's not our equipment.
It's some kind of weird signal
embedded in the satellite feed.
Wait! And that's the good news?
Yeah. B'coz, this signal has a definite sequential pattern,
so as soon as I find the exact binary sequence,...
...then I can calculate the phase reversal
and apply it.
We should be able to block it out simply.
And then we'll be the only guys in town
with a clear picture!
Yes! Yes! Yes!
Oh, David! That's why I love you!
Alright. Oh! That's not necessary.
Too kind.
-This had better be good.
-Admiral on deck!
Sir, we're looking at a total radar blackout
over a 13km area.
-Let's do a diagnostic check.
-Excuse me, sir.
The radar may be malfunctioning,
but the infrared is totally off the map.
Get me Atlantic Command online.
Hang on, sir.
Sir, we have visual range with incoming
over Iraqi air space.
-Second sighting?
-Yes, sir. It's just came in from the Persian Gulf.
Correction, sir.
We now have two confirmed visual contacts.
Mr President, they're tracking another one
off the California coastline!
All right, go ahead. Put it on.
General, you might wanna watch this.
(TV) Ladies and gentlemen. Ladies and gentlemen.
We are interrupting our regular broadcast...
(TV) bring you extraordinary events
taking place in the Russian Republic.
(TV) This unexplained disturbance and the
hysteria that it's causing are incredible.
(TV) How would you describe
what you are seeing?
(TV) It is clearing the mountains,
moving too slowly...
(TV) be a comet or meteor.
(TV) Widespread panic has
gripped the countryside...
(TV) thousands have taken to the streets.
(TV) It is confirmed. The unexplained
phenomenon is headed for Moscow.
Mr President,
we have an AWAC off the West Coast.
ETA with contact point, three minutes.
Don't understand it, sir.
Side radar doesn't see a thing.
I know! I'm blind, sir.
Nothing is registering.
We have zero visibility. Visibility is at zero.
Command, this is Eagle Eye 3-7-0.
(General Grey) Captain, the President is listening.
Repeat what you just told me.
We still have zero visibility.
Instrumentation is malfunctioning.
We can't get any kind of reading
on what's in front of us.
Wait a minute.
It may be clearing.
Pull out! Pull out!
-Line's gone, sir.
-Two more have been spotted over the Atlantic.
One's moving toward New York,
the others at this direction.
-How much time do we have?
-Less than 10 minutes.
Alex, organise a military escort.
Mr. President, I strongly recommend we
move you to a secure location immediately.
-Connie, can we expect the same kind of panic we saw in Russia?
-More than likely.
-Mr. President. We can discuss this on the way.
-I'm not leaving.
We have to maintain a working government.
I want you to get the Vice President, the whole cabinet,
and Joint Chiefs and take 'em to a secured location.
I'm staying.
I don't want to add to a public hysteria
that's gonna cost lives.
- Connie. - Yes Sir.
-We'll initiate the emergency broadcast system.
We'll advise people not to panic.
The best idea right now
is to stay in their homes.
Yes, sir. Roy? Dean?
Alex, call back the cabinet members. We've a
rendezvous here. We'll take them to NORAD.
Mr. President, with your permission,
I'd like to remain at your side.
I had a feeling you would.
And what happens
if they do become hostile?
Then God help us.
(TV) There it is. The strange atmospheric phenomenon.
(TV) It is apparently what has been causing
all the distortions in our broadcast.
-David, are you watching this?
-(pulsing signal)
(TV) So far there's no evidence, these
phenomena are endangered anyone.
(TV) Thus far, reports of oppression...
Well. Marty, lisss...listen to this. I got a lock on
the pattern of that signal so we can filter it out.
But if my calculations are right, it's gonna
be gone like in seven hours, anyway.
It's reducing itself every time it recycles,... eventually it's gonna disappear...
-Are you listening?
-Can you believe this?
David, haven't you been watching?
(TV) Good afternoon. So far the phenomenon
has not caused any damage.
We have to ask you to try to stay calm,
and it's important for everyone not to panic.
(TV) We have a fix on three
of the occurrences about to appear...
-It's just unreal.
-Hey, Miguel, come here!
(TV) One is headed towards Los Angeles,...
(TV)...the other two are on our eastern sea board
headed towards New York... and Washington, DC.
Marty! Jamie says this building
has an old bomb shelter.
We're heading down there now.
Alright, alright! Everybody, Head down to the basement.
Take it slow, don't run.
Walk down to the basement.
There's no shame in hiding.
Oh, I'd better call my mother.
Well, look who we have here.
Hey Russ, I heard you had
a little trouble this morning.
Dusted the wrong field.
I know you're probably still a little confused
from your hostage experience.
Hostage experience?
Did something happen to you, Russ?
Oh yeah! It seems, years back, our boy was kidnapped
by aliens. Did all kind of experiments on him and such.
Tell 'em about it, Russ. Get a couple beers in him
and he'll tell you all about it crazy stuff.
Won't you, Russ?
Russ, when they took you up
in their spaceship, did they do any...
...sexual things?
Do you recall? Do you recollect?
Oh! Russ.
-What's that?
-Let's get outta here, come on!
Mommy, look it!
It's too early, baby.
Is it an earthquake?
Not even a four-pointer.
Go back to sleep.
What are you doing here?
-You should be down in the shelter.
-What's going on?
-Aren't you coming, David?
-No, I gotta see this.
The signal!
My God!
Now what do we do?
Address the nation.
There's gonna be a lot of
frightened people out there.
I'm one of 'em.
Hey, hey, hey! Come on!
He's just trying to impress you.
If you wanna impress me,
you need to get a job...
...and stop slobberin' all over my shoes.
I don't believe this. Jasmine!
Neighbours are movin' out. Guess,
they finally got tired of all these quakes.
A little shake and they runnin'.
(TV) Police and fire departments
are askin' everyone to stay off the phone.
Hey, Babe. There's something on
the news about the quake!
-What's up, man?
-Hey, Steve.
-What you've been doin' goin' out there?
-Shooting aliens.
Oh, you shootin' aliens, right.
Oh, You think you're tough, huh?
Alright, what you got? Turn around.
Come on baby, let's get you something to eat.
Watch out! Watch it now!
-I'm gonna go grab the paper.
-All right.
Ow! Dylan!
(neighbours) Come on, honey, let's go!
Babe, you want some of this coffee?
Boom! Boom! Boom!
(TV) Pentagon officials are warning
more ships have just arrived...
(TV) ...over the capitals
of India, England, and Germany,...
(TV) ...bringing estimates up to whatever from
(Marty) I know, Ma. Just try and stay calm.
Tell her to pack up and leave town.
-Why? What happened?
-Just do it!
Ma! Ma, listen!
Uh... Get your stuff together
and head for Aunt Esther's.
Don't argue with me! Just go!
David! Why did I just
send my mother to Atlanta?
David! David, talk to me.
Didn't you hear me tell that
the signal in the satellite feed... slowly recycling down to extinction?
-Not really.
A countdown?
Wait, a countdown to what, David?
It's like in chess.
First you strategically position your pieces.
Then, when the timing's right,
you... strike. See?
They're positioning themselves
all over the world,...
...using this one signal to
synchronise their efforts, and in
aprroximately six hours, the signal's gonna
disappear and the countdown's gonna be over.
And then what?
(gasps) Oh, my God! Oh, my God!
Oh, my God, I gotta call my brother.
I'd better call my housekeeper.
I gotta call my lawyer!
Aaah, forget my lawyer.
(TV) Ladies and gentlemen,
the President of the United States.
(TV) Good afternoon.
(TV) My fellow Americans,...
(TV) ...a historic and unprecedented event
has occurred.
(TV) The question of whether or not
we're alone in the universe...
...has been answered.
Although it's understandable that many of
us feel a sense of hesitation or even fear,...
(Mr. President)...we must attempt to reserve judgment.
(whispers) He says he's your husband.
Oh, God...
-What do you want?
-Uh, You gotta leave the White House.
(whispering) This is hardly the time or the
place to be having that same old discussion.
You don't understand.
You gotta leave Washington.
In case you haven't noticed, we
are having a little bit of a crisis here!
Honey! They're communicating with a
hidden signal. They're gonna attack.
-You are just being paranoid!
-It's not paranoia!
The embedding's very subtle.
It was probably being overlooked...
Marty, what are you doing?
Get out of town as soon as you can.
(TV) The staff and I will remain in the White House,
as we attempt to establish communication.
(TV) If you feel compelled to leave these cities,...
(TV) ...please do so in an orderly fashion.
Excuse me! Coming through.
(TV) The arrival of the alien visitors has caused...
(TV)...over 10,000 fender benders
in just a few seconds time.
(TV) But this is just the beginning...
-Uh-Ah! Come on man! You can't go! You got to call them back!
-I'm not gonna do this with you, Jasmine.
-I've got to report to El Toro.
-But, you said it was on leave for the Fourth!
Yeah, well, they cancelled it!
Look, why are you acting like this?
That's why!
Look... I really don't think they
....flew 90 billion light years to
come down here and start a fight...
...and get all rowdy.
Look, why don't you just relax?
I'm gonna report to El Toro,
find out what's goin' on.
-What are you doin' in there, man?
-Nothing, I'm just drivin'.
Hey, I got these for you.
-You be careful.
(Jasmine) Steve, wait.
-I wanna tell you something.
-What is it, Jasmine?
You take care of yourself, you hear?
Look, um...
Why don't you get some things packed, and, you
and Dylan come stay with me on the base?
And, you will see that there is nothing
to be scared of.
You don't mind?
Well, I mean...
Well, I will have to let all
my other girlfriends know
that they can't come over. You know, I got to
postpone a little freaky weekend. -There you go!
There he goes, thinking you're all that.
But you are not as charming
as you think you are, sir.
Yes, I am.
Them big old Dumbo ears.
Look at you with them chicken legs.
Come on, Dylan.
Hey! Whoa!
The television said they started looting already, uh?
-Do you still have the Plymouth?
-You wanna borrow the car?
-David, you don't have a license.
-You're driving.
-Yeah, I'm driv... I'm driving?
-Come on, come on!
I really want you out of Los Angeles.
You're staying there to keep people calm.
It's the right thing to do.
I'm not gonna let them criticise you for it.
-I appreciate your trying to help me.
-Liar. Stick to the truth. That's what you're good at.
Alright, I'll tell you the truth. I don't
want you in any one of those cities.
I'll leave as soon as the interviews are done.
All right. There's a helicopter waiting.
They're gonna take you to Nellis.
-And the munchkin?
-She's gonna meet you there.
All right. I love you.
I love you.
(Julius) It's the White House, for crying out loud!
-You can't just drive up and ring the bell.
-Can't this thing go any faster?
What, you think they don't know what you know? They know!
Believe me, they know. She works for the President.
-They know everything.
-They don't know this.
Oh! Oh! You're gonna educate them, huh?
So tell me something. Are you so smart?
How come you spent eight years
in MIT to become a cable repairman?
All I'm saying is, they got people
who handle these things, David.
If they want HBO, they'll call you.
Look at these..Look at these people, look. Huh?
Vultures. They take and then they go.
They're...They're going...They're going faster
than we are. We're in the fast lane!
-I can't go any faster. They're cutting me off here.
-No one's cutting you off!
-They're getting in front me. I can't go faster.
-Alright, alright. I don't wanna argue, I don't wanna argue.
-Ssssh! Sssh! Let's just get there as quickly as possible.
-What's the rush, huh?
You think we'll get to Washington
and it won't be there?
(TV) A crop-duster was arrested today, as he
papered the city hall with leaflets from the air.
-Everybody's leavin'.
-(TV) Can you give us some of your time?
(TV) We've got to stop them! I was kidnapped
by space aliens ten years ago!
(TV) They did all kinds of experiments on me!
(TV) They've been studying us for years,
finding out our weaknesses!
(TV) We've gotta stop 'em.
They're gonna kill us all!
(TV Reporter) Now, some people attribute his eccentric
behaviour to post-traumatic stress syndrome...
(TV Reporter) ...from his service as a pilot in Vietnam.
(TV Reporter) Others however, have a more unusual theory.
(TV Reporter) How would you describe Mr Casse?
-(TV) Keeps to himself. Private.
-(TV) Quiet.
(TV) When they took him up in the spaceship,...
(TV) ...the aliens abused him...
(TV) ...sexually.
(TV) Mr. Casse is in the county lockup this evening...
Pack up. We're leaving.
(TV) He may be released later tonight...
Miguel, what about Dad?
This could be our last night on Earth.
You don't wanna die a virgin,... do you?
-Come on! We're going.
-No, I'm not goin' anywhere.
Stop it!
Thanks a lot, partner!
(Russell) You read my mind!
Stay here.
(Russell) We gotta get as far away
from these things as we can!
-They let you out?
-(Russell)You damn right!
They got bigger fish to fry now,
believe you me!
Come on, boy!
We're leavin'... without you.
We're goin' to live with
Uncle Hector in Tucson.
Psshhh!... (laughs)
Like hell you are! I'm still your father.
No, you're not.
You're just the man who married my mother.
You're nothin' to me!
Well, what about Troy?
For once in your life, why don't you
think about what's best for him?
Just, who has the hell has to beg for money to
buy him medicine when you screw up? Huh?
Who? Who?!
You stop it right now!
I'm not a baby any more!
And, I don't want your stupid medicine
because I'm so sick of medicine!
(Miguel) Do you know what this stuff costs?
Do you wanna get sick again?
Do you?
(TV) Once again, the LAPD is asking Los Angelenos
not to fire their guns at the visitor spacecraft.
(TV) You may inadvertently trigger
an interstellar war.
Do you think we can find something better
to do with our time, gentlemen?
Where you been, Stevie?
Man, this is unbelievable. This is, like, huge.
-They've recalled everybody.
-Oh, well! Looks like the mail's still working.
Oh! Oh, oh...
Uh... You'll have to
do the honours for me, man.
-You're a wuss!
-Yeah, whatever. Shut up and read it.
It says... "Captain Steven Hiller"...
-Come on, come on!
-Blah blah blah blah!
"We regret to inform you that..."
"...despite your excellent record of service..."
I'm sorry, man.
You know what you need to do?
You need to, like, kiss some serious booty
to get ahead in this world, man.
That's what I'm trying to tell you.
See, I like the one-knee approach...
...because it puts the booty,
like, right in front of the lip...
-What's this?
-Uh, That's nothin'.
Hold on. Hold hold, man. What is this?
Jasmine kinda has a thing for dolphins...all.
Stevie, this is a wedding ring.
I thought you said you were
gonna break the whole thing off?
(sighs) Yes...
Man, you know I really like Jasmine.
You know that, right?
Man, You'll never going to get to fly
a space shuttle, if you marry a stripper.
(TV) It could only happen in California.
Here's Wendy Walsh with a special report.
(TV) Hundreds of UFO fanatics who have gathered on
rooftops here in downtown Los Angeles to...
(TV) ...welcome the new arrivals.
(Woman on TV) Oh, God! I hope they bring back Elvis!
See! I just came in to get my cheque
tonight and I got talked into working.
Oh, I must have been trippin'.
(TV) It's being called the party event of the century.
(TV) Everyone is invited,
especially you-know-who.
-This is so cool!
-Girl, please!
Oh, hey!
I made it before I came in tonight.
Check it out!
Now, I know you're not
thinking about joining those idiots.
Oh, I am going over there
as soon as I get off.
-Do you wanna come?
-Tiffany, listen to me a sec.
I've got a really bad feeling about this.
I don't want you to go.
Oh, like the really bad feeling you got
when I went to Las Vegas?
Yeah. And I was right. You didn't get the job
and you lost all your money gambling.
Yeah, but I wasn't in LA for the earthquake.
Tiff, I really don't want you to go up there.
-Now promise me you won't.
Come on, girl! Promise me.
I promise.
I'm going. I'm out of town for a while.
Hey, there's my angel. Come on.
Come on, Boomer. Let's go.
Hey, talk to your boyfriend later.
Hey! What the hell's the kid doin' here? Huh?
Get outta here!
-You try finding a sitter today.
-Hey! Where do you think you're going? You leave
-You're fired.
-Nice workin' with you, Mario.
Come on, Boomer.
(Julius) Everyone in the world is trying to get out of
Washington. We're the only schmucks trying to get in.
What? What the hell is that?
Pops. This is the new phone book in america.
You think an important person's,
like Connie's will be listed.
She always keeps her portable phone
listed for emergencies.
Sometimes it's just her first initial,
sometimes her nickname...
-Sometimes just her...
-Oy, my God!
-Hey, hey, hey! Slow down!
-Tell them!
-Pit stops!
-Tell them! Tell them.
Slow down!
A ramp!
Slow down!
-Oh! We made it! We made it!
Nice drivin', Pops.
-(Julius) So, not listed, huh?
-(David) No, no. I just haven't found it yet. Um...
I tried C. Spano, Connie...
Spano, Spunky... Spano...
-College nickname.
-Uh-huh. Cute.
-You tried Levinson?
-No, She didn't take my name when we were married.
-Why would she... What are you talking about?
-Try it.
Okay. Here. Look.
(laughs) So what do I know? Hm?
Do you wanna ring the bell, or should I?
-Oh, perfect, she's using it.
-What? What, What? It's busy.
Yeah, I can use her signal to triangulate
her exact position in the White House.
-You can do that?
All cable repairmen can, Pops.
Take care.
(TV) The President
remains at the White House.
(TV) Question. Are Mr Whitmore's actions...
(TV) ...a) ultra brave...
-(TV) ...or b) foolhardy?
-(man) The answer is 'a'
-(David) Now, don't hang up, sweetie.
David! How did you get this number?
-Uh! Do me a favour. Walk to the window.
-And I'm looking for what?
You'll see.
Over here.
See us?
How does he do that?
Now, In light of our apparent inability
to communicate with the visitors,...
...Pentagon officials have retrofit
this Skylift helicopter...
...with a type of visual communications device.
-Mr President.
-Gentlemen, be seated.
-Where are we now?
-We're just commencing liftoff.
(Reporter) ...and refitted
with these enormous light panels...
(Reporter) ...that are attached to the hull
and onto the sides.
(pilot) Echo One,
Welcome Wagon is in the air.
I repeat, Welcome Wagon is in the air.
Roger, Welcome Wagon.
Echo One, right beside you.
This is something I would never believe
in my lifetime that I would be!
In the White House! Look at this!
If I knew I was gonna meet the President,
I would have worn a tie.
-I mean, Look at me, I look like a schlemiel.
-(David) You're fine.
-Oy, my God!
I don't know, how happy he's
going to be, to see you.
Yeah, that's right. I'm telling you, We're wasting
time. He's not going to listen to me. We should go.
-Why wouldn't he? Why wouldn't he listen?
-B'coz, last time I saw him, we got into a fight.
You walked in the room
and punched him in the head.
-You punched The President!
-No, he wasn't The President then.
I punched him, he fought back.
We wrestled around. It was a fight!
A fight that you started!
B'coz, David thought I was having an affair.
-With the President?
-Which, ofcourse I wasn't!
Hey, hey. You know, you either go get
him, or we should head back to the car.
All right, I'll..I'll get him. You wait
here, and don't touch anything.
You punched the President?
Nearing point of contact, Echo One.
-We're closing in.
-Now Roger that. You're gonna begin sequence when ready.
This I like.
Look at this!
You know what famous people
have been here? Hm?
Yes, Dad.
Politicians... Actors...
Baseball players, singers...
And now me!
(David imitates Julius)
Imagine that! "Look. A poor immigrant like me..."
-"It's a dream!"
-Sh! David, please!
(TV) The three choppers are steadily approaching...
(TV) ...what has been unanimously agreed
to be the front of these spaceships...
You're leaving now?
David, see if they've got
those pens that they give away.
Dad, what?
I don't have a choice, Connie.
-I don't have time for this.
-Two minutes, Tom, please.
Mr President, Julius Levinson.
David is my son.
-I told you he wouldn't listen.
-You have to tell him now.
-David, you have to tell him! -Connie!
-David, tell him!
Uh... I know why we have satellite disruption.
All right. Go ahead.
Let's say that you wanted to coordinate with
spaceships on different sides of the Earth.
They couldn't send a direct signal, right?
-You're talking about line of sight?
-Yeah, that's right, and the curve of the earth prevents it.
You'd need satellites to relay that signal
in order to reach each ship.
Well, I found a signal hidden inside...
...our own satellite system.
(man) Excuse me, Mr President. They're starting.
They're using our own satellites against us.
And, the clock is ticking.
-Bringing it in to hover.
-Welcome Wagon,...
(pilot) ...Echo One. Approaching alien ship.
Initiating communication sequence, Echo One.
(pilot) Welcome Wagon has commenced.
General Grey,
coordinate with the Atlantic Command.
-Tell them to evacuate as many people
out of the cities as they can. -Yes, sir.
Get those helicopters away from the ship.
Call them back immediately!
-What the hell's going on?
-We're leaving.
Kim! My daughter.
Uh... There's something happening here.
They're responding.
(pilot) Something is opening.
(TV) Something is happening.
It looks like there's some kind of activity here.
This may be some type of response, Echo One.
(from station) We see it, too. Can't identify it.
(General Grey) We are evacuating. I repeat,
we are evacuating the White House.
Load the rest of the staff
in the second helicopter.
-Is my wife in the air?
-She will be shortly.
Nice. Very nice.
Good! Close the door! Hatch secure!
We have our own phone.
Move outta here.
The President's ordered an evacuation.
We've to leave now.
(TV) And, our prayers go out to the wives
and children of those brave pilots.
-(TV) Indeed, God help us all.
-Mrs Whitmore.
(TV) The visitors responded with terrifying...
(Radio) Authorities have called for complete
evacuation of Los Angeles County.
(Radio) People are advised to avoid
the highways wherever possible.
Oh, yeah, great! Now he tells me.
This is the Los Angeles Police Department.
Please vacate the premises immediately
for your own safety.
-Can we move it along?
-Dr Katz's office.
-Hello. I'd like to speak to Dr Katz, please.
-I'm sorry, he's not available.
Listen! For $300 an hour, you can put me
through to his house in the Hamptons!
This is the Los Angeles Police Department.
Please vacate the premises immediately
for your own safety.
Mrs. Whitmore!
You must leave now.
The First Lady's secured. We're on the move.
(Tiffany) They're opening up!
It's so pretty.
Everyone. Get the hell outta here!
Go ahead, pilot.
We're ready to take off right now.
Can we get a blanket for her, Patricia?
Time's up.
Oh, crap.
Oh, my God! Come on, Dylan! We gotta go!
Come on, Boomer!
(Radio) Reports are unclear
as to the extent of the devastation,...
(Radio) ...but from all accounts Los Angeles,Washington,
and New York have been left in ruins.
Good God!
I've been sayin' it.
I've been sayin' it for ten damn years!
Ain't I've been sayin' it, Miguel? Huh?
I've been sayin' it!
Dad, I'm sick. I don't feel good.
Pull it over, man.
-We're gonna be all right, Troy.
-Yeah, leave me alone man. I got it.
(Russell) Miguel!
Look at all that.
We could have evacuated
the cities hours ago.
That's the advantage of being a fighter pilot.
In the Gulf War, we knew what we had to do.
This is just...
...not simple any more.
A lot of people died today.
How many didn't have to?
Any news on my wife yet?
The helicopter never made it to Nellis.
No radio contact.
Come on Dylan! Stay close.
Here it is.
What happened, Mommy?
I don't know, baby.
You men will be the first wave
in our counterattack.
Our target is to the north,...
...centred above what remains
of downtown Los Angeles.
Our Black Knight Squadron...
-Are you scared, man?
-Hold me!
-Hey, hey, pay attention.
Something you wanna add to
this briefing, Captain Hiller?
No, sir. Just a little anxious to get up
there and whup ET's ass, that's all.
You'll get your chance.
You'll all get your chance.
Good hunting.
Let's kick the tyres and light the fires,
Big Daddy!
Let's bring it home.
Bring that bad boy home, Captain!
-You loose?
-Yes, sir!
-Got your victory dance?
-Oh, I got it right here... yeah!
Hey, hey don't get pre-patrol on me soldier.
We don't light up till the fat lady sings.
I'm all ears, brother!
You the man!
-All right, gentlemen, we're on.
-General, it's NORAD.
General Grey here.
All satellite, microwave and ground
communications with the cities are down.
-All systems gone.
-For intelligence, we believe we're looking at a total loss.
How about our boys? Where are they?
ETA to target, four minutes.
I shouldn't have left her.
Don't worry about it, big man.
I'm sure she got outta here
before it happened.
Or, as the good Reverend would say,...
(imitates Jesse Jackson) ..."Why we're on
this particular mission, we'll never know."
"But I do know, here today,...
...that the Black Knights
will emerge victorious once again."
-Amen, man!
-Amen, Reverend.
Holy God!
Lock and load!
Roger that.
Los Angeles attack squadron
has AMRAAM missiles locked on target.
Washington and New York squadrons
reporting lock-on.
Fire at will.
-Fire at will.
-Fire at will.
Knights, we are red and free.
Knight One, fox three!
Knight Three, fox three!
Knight Seven, fox three.
Missiles have been fired.
-Are they not getting through!
-No sir, not one.
Command, Knight One. Command, Knight One.
Switchin' to Sidewinders, moving in.
Knight Three, low 50 knots reference 1-2-0.
Knight Seven, 1-2-0.
Knight One, sweep lock control. Fox two.
Knight Seven, fox three.
Come on. Come on.
They must have some kind of a protective
shield over the hull! All Knights, Pull up! Pull up!
-Knight Three, Pull up!
-I cannot. There's complete failure in the stators!
Pull up!
Blow through, blow through!
Too many of 'em!
They got another one, sir.
Oh, no, you did not shoot
that green shit at me!
I got ya covered, Big Daddy!
Damn, they got shields, too!
Let's go. Knights Move!
Knights! Move!
They got another one, sir. Two more,
Just one down.
-They're dropping like flies.
-We're losing it.
All right, get 'em outta there.
Alright. Squadron leaders, retreat to fall
back position. Abort mission right away!
Alright. I think, we're gonna have to make a run
for this one! Let's get low. Let's get fast!
I gotcha, Big Daddy! Let's get 'em!
Watch the deck!
-Do you hear me? Squadron leader, do you read? Abort
mission! Abort! -This isn't happening fast enough!
Get 'em outta there!
-What's with the monitor? Where's the picture?
-We've lost the satellite.
-We got two on our six, Jimmy. Shackle!
Come on, come on! Move, move, move!
-You told me, like, quite all right, Big Daddy! -Alright Jimmy.
They ain't got nothin' for us. Let's push it! We got to go.
-We got to go -I can't shake 'em.
-Yes, you can. Just the way I showed you. Now, just go!
-Check me out Stevie, I'm gonna try somethin'.
-Do nothin' stupid over there!
-You know me!
-That's what I'm talking about!
-Ahhh! -Jimmy, Jimmy, what are you
doing. You can't bank at that speed!
-Jimmy, he's closing on you!
-Put your mask back on! That's an order from me!
-I can't breathe!
Jimmy, no!
As affirmative. We have incoming.
-Let me have it, son.
-You got it.
I don't think so.
(air-raid siren)
Come on and get me! Come and get me.
Oh! What are you shooting at?
Where you at, baby?! Come on! Come on!
You can't hit nothin'!
Whoa! Low bridge!
See if you can fly that thing under cover!
Ha-ha! Hope you got an airbag!
Son of a bitch!
This way! This way!
Get off! Get off of me!
That's what you'll get! Ha-ha!
Look at you!
Ship all banged up!
Who's the man?! Huh? Who's the man?!
Wait till I get another plane!
I'm linin' all your friends up, right beside you!
Where you at? Huh? Where you at?
Welcome to Earth.
Now, that's what I call a close encounter!
Baby, stay right here.
Stay right here with Boomer.
Keys. Come on, keys.
Come, baby, come on. Come on!
-(engine starts)
(Radio) Reports indicate that this battle
has repeated itself all over the world...
(Radio) ...with exactly the same results.
You're just like your mother, you know that?
She was stubborn, too.
I had to twist her arm
to get her to take her medicine.
-You're gonna be all right.
-You're gonna be fine.
(Russell) See, Troy? You're feelin' better already.
I couldn't find anything.
Everyone's packin' up. They're leavin'.
-They said a spaceship is headed this way.
-We'd better leave, too, then.
Penicillin. Atleast, it'll help keep his fever down.
Thank you. It's really nice of you to help us.
I wish I could do more, but we're moving out.
I..I'm going with you.
Um... Well... I-I just mean that...
that we're going, too.
Tell that punk to shut the door, we're outta
here. He can sniff around somewhere else.
(David groaning)
It's Air Force One, for crying out loud.
Still he gets sick.
I don't feel too good.
Look at me, huh? Like a rock.
Could be bad weather, could be good weather.
Doesn't matter!
We could go up. We could go down.
We could go back, we could go forwards,
We could go side to side...
What did I say?
-He still gets airsick, huh?
Julius, with all of this, I, uh...
I didn't get a chance to thank you two.
All he can think of was getting to you.
There's still love there, I think.
Love was never a problem.
All you need is love.
John Lennon. Smart man.
Shot in the back, very sad.
(General Grey) We've moved as many of
our forces away from our bases as possible.
-But we've already sustained heavy losses.
-I spoke to the Joint Chiefs when they arrived at NORAD.
They agree we must launch a counter
offensive, with a full nuclear strike.
Over American soil?
You're saying at this point we should sacrifice
more innocent American civilians, is that right?
Sir, if we don't strike soon, there may not
be much of an America left to defend!
Sir! They've taken out NORAD.
-It's gone, sir.
My God!
The Vice President? Joint Chiefs?
Mr President... We must launch!
A delay now would be more costly
than when you waited to evacuate the cities.
No, no! You're not gonna launch nuclear weapons.You're
gonna kill them and us the same time. If we fire nukes...
-Sir, may I remind you that you are a guest here?
-You ever hear of nuclear winter?
-It's the end of life as we know it. -Just go.
-Do you what you're talking about. Don't even think about it.
I don't have to go. It can't be allowed!
-Shut up! Captain, get him outta here.
-Hey, hey! Don't tell him to shut up.
You'd all be dead now
if it wasn't my David!
None of you did anything to prevent this!
There was nothing we could do.
We were totally unprepared for this.
-Aaah! Don't give me unprepared!
-Come on, Julius. -It was....
...what?, In the 1950s, you had that spaceship.
-Dad. Look, Dad...
-Yeah, that thing you found in New Mexico!
-Dad -Where was that?
-No no, not the spaceship.
Roswell. Roswell, New Mexico, yeah?
No, you had the spaceship and you had the bodies!
They were all locked up in a bunker.
Where was that?
-David? -(Connie) I don't know!
-Area 51. Right?
Area 51. You knew then!
And you did nothing.
Regardless of what
you may have read in the tabloids,...
...there have never been any spacecraft
recovered by our government.
-Take my word for it. There's no Area 51.
And there's no recovered spaceship.
(Mr. Nimsiki) Uh, excuse me, Mr President...
That's not entirely... accurate.
What? Which part?
Hold on, everybody! Hold on!
The end hath come!
He's spaken his word and the end hath come!
Hop on! We're headin' out to El Toro!
You cannot defy what hath come!
It's the end!
El Toro?!
-(Jasmine) Can you give me a hand?
-Yeah. Sure.
Okay, Okay, let's get this off.
Here, let me help you.
She's hurt pretty badly.
You know, this was supposed to be
my weekend off.
But, nooo!
You got me out here, draggin'
your heavy ass through the burnin' desert...
...with your dreadlocks
stickin' out the back of my parachute.
You gotta come down here with an attitude,...
...actin' all big and bad.
And what the hell is that smell?!
I coulda been at a barbecue!
But I ain't mad.
It's all right, it's all right.
Hey! Hey...
Do you need a lift, soldier?
When I flew overhead,
I saw a base not too far from here.
It ain't on the map.
Trust me, it's there.
Mr. President. General.
Welcome to Area 51. Please follow me.
We're now 24 floors beneath the surface...
...and, uh... here's our main research facility.
-Let's see it.
-I'm sorry sir. It's a clean room. We'll keep it static free...
Open... the door.
Yes, sir.
My God.
Why the hell wasn't I told about this place?
Two words, Mr President.
Plausible deniability.
I don't understand.
Where does all this come from?
How do you get funding
for something like this?
You don't actually think
they spend $20,000 on a hammer,...
...$30,000 on a toilet seat, do you?
Mr. President, this is Dr Okun.
He has been heading up the research department
on this project for the last 15 years.
How do you do?
(gasps) Mr. President!
Uh... This...
What a pleasure!
As you can imagine, they...
They don't let us out much.
I can understand that. (clears throat)
I guess you'd like to see the big tamale, huh?
Follow me.
She's a beaut, ain't she?
As you can see from the repairs, we've been trying
to put her back together since the late 1960s.
Don't tell me, you've had this for 40 years
and you don't know anything about 'em?
Oh, hell, no.
No, no, no, no. We know tons about 'em.
But the neatest stuff...
The neatest stuff has
only happened in the last few days.
See, We can't duplicate their type of power
so we've never been able to experiment.
But since these guys started showing up,
all the little gizmos inside turned on.
The last 24 hours have been really exciting!
Exciting? People are dying out there.
I don't think 'Exciting' is the word
I'd choose to describe it!
You guys are hoping to fly this thing, huh?
You said you can repair their technology.
-Can you tell us anything useful about them?
-Oh, yeah. Well, I mean...
They're not all that dissimilar from us.
Breathes oxygen,
comparable tolerances to heat, cold.
Probably why they're interested in our planet.
You guys wanna see 'em?
Uh, this is...
This is the vault.
Or, as some of us have come to call it,...
The freak show.
When we found 'em,...
...they were wearing
some sort of biomechanical suits.
Now, Once we got 'em off,
we learned a great deal about their anatomy.
Eyes, ears,... vocal chords.
We are assuming they communicate with
each other through some other means.
You're obviously not thinking
about hand signals and body language.
No, it is some kind of
extrasensory perception. Telepathy.
It's an organic life form.
Can they be killed?
Their bodies are just as frail as ours.
And, these two died in the crash.
This one a few weeks later.
You just... have to get through
their technology, which is,...
...I'm sorry to say, far more advanced.
David,... unlocked part of their technology.
-You cracked the code.
-Oh! No, no. All I did was stumble on their, um...
...signal. I don't know
how, uh... helpful I can be.
Why don't you show him
what you've discovered so far?
Figure out what they haven't thought of yet.
We'll see if you're as smart
as we all hope you are.
What code?
Captain Steven Hiller,
United States Marine Corps.
I'm sorry, Captain. This's a restricted area.
I can't let you pass without a clearance.
Come here.
You wanna see my clearance?
-Maybe I'll just leave this here with you.
-Let 'em pass.
-Let 'em pass!
-Get the hell out of the way!
Did you see that?
Come on down.
Watch your step.
Well, obviously this cockpit
was designed to seat three.
Though how they sat on them, I don't know.
(David) Gently.
-Uh... You see these gizmos flashing?
We've been workin' around the clock
trying to get a fix on all this crap.
Some stuff we figured out right away.
Uh... This we're pretty sure is the
life support system for the cabin.
(coughs) And, uh...
this doohickey is connected to...
Oh... Well, it was connected to the engine.
Here, take that, will ya?
Uh... These configurations... uh...
Well... To be honest,
we don't know what the hell this crap is.
But this is clearly what they use
to guide and navigate their craft.
Ha-ha! Neat, huh?
Uh, could somebody grab my laptop there?
Dr. Isas, can I just have the computer inside?
See these patterns are repeating sequentially,
just like their countdown signal.
They're using that frequency
for computer communications.
See? That's how
they're coordinating their ships.
Uh!..You know...
You've really started to make us look bad.
They got one! They got one alive!
-They got one. Alive.
Uh... You'll be OK by yourself, Dave?
Uh... Don't touch anything.
Everybody's always telling me
not to touch anything.
Oh! It's all wet...
Right here! We got him in the back of the pickup.
General, sir. Captain Steven Hiller,
United States Marine Corps.
Guess who's comin' to dinner!
I need a doctor. I need a doctor!
Oh, boy! Oh, boy! How long
has he been unconscious?
-About three hours.
-Let's get him in the containment.
My son... he's very sick.
He needs immediate attention!
He's drying out.
I want him sprayed down with saline.
He has a problem with his adrenal cortex!
If you don't do something right now,
my son will die!
-Okay, Just help him!
-Okay. O'Haver, Miller, you come with us.
You... take us to him, Okay? Let's go.
All right! Move it, move it, move it!
As the former head of the CIA,
you knew about this place.
-When were you planning and informing the rest of us?
-It had been deemed classified.
You should have told us about this
when they first arrived!
You should have warned us
before we launched a counterattack...
-...that cost the lives of hundreds of american pilots!
There's no way, we could not have known that our
fighters would have been that ineffective against their attacks!
Mr. President.
The little bit of information we have comes
directly into this room, Mr. President.
Atlanta, Chicago, and Philadelphia.
NATO and Western Allied installations
were the first to be taken out.
Then we were hit.
They knew exactly where and how to hit us.
-And our forces?
-We're down to 15%.
If you calculate the time it takes
to destroy a city and move on,...
...we're looking at the worldwide destruction
of every major city... the next 36 hours.
We're being exterminated.
Mr. President!
This is Captain Steven Hiller.
-Mr. President.
Well done.
-Where is it now?
-We've it isolated down in the containment lab, sir.
I'd like to go see it.
General, I'm really anxious
to get back to El Toro.
Hasn't anyone told you?
El Toro has been completely destroyed.
-We were lucky.
Today was the first time I used the subway.
Thank God for the Metro Rail.
These should last us a while.
Don't move. I'll get it for you.
Stay still.
He's your son?
He's my angel.
Was his father stationed here?
Nah, he, uh...
He wasn't his father.
But I was kinda hopin'
he wanted the job, though.
-So what do you do for a living?
-I'm a dancer.
Oh... Ballet...
No. Exotic.
Oh... Sorry.
Don't be. I'm not.
It's good money. Besides... baby's worth it.
Dylan! Come here.
I want you to meet the First Lady.
I didn't know that you'd recognised me.
Well, I didn't want to say nothin'.
I voted for the other guy.
-Alright! Life-support monitors recording.
-So if we screw up, it's all on tape.
Okay! Come on, come on. come on.
Let's get this biomechanical suit off.
Put the spreader right here, right along the ridge.
Microprobe thingamajig goes right here.
Pick there. Good.
All right, now spread it very, very gently.
Let me get in.
Gentle, gentle, that's it.
Run this right in...
Alright! Okay.
Lets proceed!
Now, comes the...the really icky part.
This is one smelly, disgusting...
Oh, look at it.
It doesn't look alive, does it?
The arm is moving.
Dr Okun?
(alien voice) Release... me.
-Open the door. Get him outta there!
-No, wait.
Release me.
I know there is much
we can learn from each other...
...if we can negotiate a truce.
We can find a way to coexist.
Can there be a peace between us?
No peace.
What is it you want us to do?
Mr President.
-Is that glass bulletproof?
-No, sir.
-(General Grey) Are you all right?
-(Mr. President) I saw...
...his thoughts.
I saw what they're planning to do.
They're like locusts.
They're moving from planet to planet.
Their whole civilisation.
After they've consumed
every natural resource, they move on.
And we're next.
Nuke 'em.
Let's nuke the bastards.
Just my luck. No ice.
(Connie) I take it you've heard?
Hey, toast.
To the end of the world.
Well. He didn't come to this decision lightly.
He didn't have any other choice.
Well, you still believe in him.
Well, he's a good man.
Whoa... (laughs)
He'd better be. You left me for him.
Or, you know... for your career.
You know, it wasn't just my career.
It was the biggest opportunity of my life.
I wanted my life to make a difference.
I wanted my life to mean something.
And, um... I wasn't, um...
...ambitious enough for you?
-David! David, you could have done anything
that you wanted. Research, development...
Oh! Honey, I was happy where I was.
Haven't you ever wanted to be
part of something special?
I was part of something special.
Well, if it makes any difference,...
...I never stopped loving you.
But that wasn't enough, was it?
(man) Let's pick it up, man.
We're on a tight schedule. Let's go!
Let's pick it up, man!
We're on a tight schedule! Let's go.
Pick it up, man!
What the hell are you doin'? Get outta there!
Look! I got something I gotta handle.
I'm just borrowin' it.
No, you're not, sir.
Do you really wanna shoot me?
Just tell 'em I hit you.
Command, this is Retal Op.
Squadron is in the air.
We are on station and awaiting instructions.
Roger. Break formation. Head to targets.
They're breaking formation.
-Mr. President. We're initiating sequence code.
-Verification: Alpha Zulu six eight niner.
Which city will be reached first?
-Houston, Texas. -ETA, six minutes and counting down.
The major cities have been deserted.
Civilian casualties should
be down to a minimum.
Command, this is Neighbourhood Watch.
We are in position.
Tracking monitors are locked on.
We are going to visual recon.
-We have confirmation.
-Launch code confirmed.
Alpha Zulu six eight niner, standing by.
Laser targeting.
Locked on.
We're locked on, sir.
Do you wish to deploy?
(General Grey) Mr. President, if you wish to
deploy, the time is now.
-Mr. President?
That's a go. Alpha Zulu six eight niner.
Here we go.
Bird's away.
We have visual confirmation of the missile.
It's on target.
May our children forgive us.
Five seconds to impact. Three, two,...
Oh, yeah! It's a hit!
Get down! Get down!
Can I confirm that the target was destroyed?
Get the tank commander online. I want
a confirmation, if the target was destroyed.
Yes, sir!
-Red Arrow, Alpha 9-7-2-3. Can you hear me?
-Repeat commander.
-You're breaking up.
-We have lost visual.
Roger that. We're looking for confirmation.
-We got the bastards.
Good job, everyone! Congratulations.
Commander, do you have visual?
I repeat, we need visual confirmation.
Has the target been destroyed?
Target remains.
I repeat, target remains.
(sighs) Call the other planes back.
One of the bombers might have more luck.
We shouldn't just give up on this!
I said, "Call them back!"
-Alright! Abort mission.
Issue the abort codes right away.
This is an abort, full abort. Do you read?
(Steven Hiller) Jasmine!
You're late!
Now, you know I like to make an entrance.
-Where are we going?
-Through there, sir.
Mr. President.
Your wife is resting comfortably for the moment.
-Perhaps if we had gotten to her earlier...
-Hey, there she is! Go on!
-She doesn't look too good.
-Your wife is bleeding internally, Mr. President.
-Perhaps if we'd gotten to her earlier...
-What are you saying?
We can't stop the bleeding.
If we cannot...
There's nothing we can do for her.
We were worried.
We didn't know where you were.
You've gotten bigger, I think.
I did?
You just keep growing and growing.
(sighs) I can't...
Can you, uh, wait outside for a little bit
so Mom can get a rest?
Hey, come on, Munchkin.
I'm so sorry that I didn't come home
when you asked me to.
It's OK.
The doctors...
...think that you're...
...gonna be just fine.
Is Mommy sleeping now?
Mommy's sleeping.
-What the hell are you doing?
-I'm makin' a mess!
Yeah. This I can see.
We gotta burn this and lit up the toxic waste,...
...pollute the air and rip up the ozone!
'Coz maybe if we screw
this planet up enough,...
...they won't want it any more.
Wait, wait, wait. David, David.
-Don't do this to yourself. Listen to me.
Are you listening to me -I'm listening.
Everyone loses faith
at some point in their life.
David! Even myself.
I haven't spoken to God
since your mother died.
You see what, sometimes...
...we have to remember what we still have.
Like what?
Well... you still have your health.
David, David, you need your rest. Come on!
Get off this freezing concrete floor
before you catch cold. Come on!
-What did you just say?
-You mean about "Faith"?
-Well, you see, a man...
-No, no, no.
-No..The other part.
-What? What? I don't want you to catch cold.
What is that? What is the matter with you?
My dad. A total genius.
Jerry, wake up.
We got work to do.
Get everybody down here right away.
Look at that!
(Dylan) Wow!
Does that thing really fly in outer space?
-It most certainly does.
-Sure doesn't look like it.
Yeah! They're here.
-All right Connie, what's this all about?
-I have no idea.
Get everybody off there.
Alright, everybody. Clear the platform.
Let's go. Come on. Come on.
Major Mitchell.
-Do you have a pistol?
-Have you got a gun?
-Sergeant, your sidearm.
See that, uh... Coke can
on top of the alien craft?
Think you can shoot that thing off?
Do it. Shoot it.
-Go ahead.
-(Steven Miller) What the hell are you doing?!
-I'm sorry..
My fault, my fault.
You see, that Coke can
was protected by the craft's shield.
-We can't penetrate their defences.
-We know that already. What's your point?
Right. My point is, if we can't beat their
defences, then we gotta get around them.
Major. One more time... Any time.
-How did you do that?
-I gave it a cold.
I gave it a virus. A computer virus.
Are you telling us you can send out a signal...
...that will disable all their shields?
That's right. Just like they used
our satellites against us,...
...we can use their own signal against them.
If we plant a virus into that mother ship,...'s gonna then filter down
into all the corresponding ships below.
I'm sorry. I don't understand. Just how..
..exactly do we infect the mother ship
with this virus?
We're... We're gonna, uh...
...have to... um... fly their alien craft out
of our atmosphere and dock with it. We can
enter here, as shown in these satellite photos.
We then upload the virus. We then set off
some kind of explosion which'll disable it.
And, that'll disorient the smaller ships below and
that could buy you I think some time to, uh...
to... take 'em... take 'em out. Take 'em down.
Do your... Do your stuff.
-This is ridiculous!
-How long would their shields be down?
Uh... I dunno. A matter of minutes.
You want us to coordinate a
massive worldwide counter strike...
...with a window of only a few minutes?
-With shields down, it might be possible.
-Oh, please!
We don't have the manpower or the resources
to launch that kind of a campaign!
Not to mention
that this whole cockamamie plan is
dependent on a machine that no one
in this world is qualified to operate.
I wouldn't say that, sir.
I've seen these things in action, and I'm well
aware of their manoeuvering capabilities.
With your permission, General.
I'd like the opportunity to try.
That thing is a wreck.
It crash-landed back in the '50s. We..
...don't even know if it's capable of flying!
Jim, uh... remove the clamps.
Any questions?
Let's do it.
(Major Mitchell) All right, you heard the President...
-Good luck, pilot.
-Thank you, Mr President.
A virus.
Your idea.
That's right.
Do you really think you can fly that thing?
Do you really think
you can do all that bullshit you just said?
I understand you are upset over
the death of your wife. But, that's
no excuse for making another fatal mistake.
No, the only mistake I ever made was to appoint a
snivelling little weasel like you as Secretary of Defense.
-I think, you don't understand!
...that is one mistake I am thankful to say
that I don't have to live with.
-Mr. President...
-Mr. Nimsiki,...'re fired.
Let's organise every plane we can find
and get us some goddamn pilots to fly 'em.
Yes, sir.
-He can't do that.
-Well he..
...just, uh... did.
Command has attempted to list casualties
and losses, but information is sketchy.
Well. We know we've lost the
Belgian contingent in the Sinai.
There's a strong possibility reinforcements
are hiding in the Golan Straits.
(speaks Arabic)
-What the hell's he saying?
-It seems they're getting a signal. Old Morse code.
It's from the Americans.
They want to organise a counteroffensive!
It's about bloody time!
What do they plan to do?
We have confirmed reports
of combat-ready divisions... Europe, the Middle East, and Asia.
-That's impressive. Considering it's all done with...
(General Grey) Morse code.
-The armed forces here?
-We have sufficient aircraft, for the battle plan, but
-But what?
-Pilots are comin' up short.
Well, then, find 'em.
(TV) Ham radio operators from New York to Japan
trade rumours of military forces in hiding,...
(TV) ...unwilling to reveal themselves
for fear of annihilation...
(Major Mitchell) We're planning to start to
launch a counteroffensive.
However, with our depleted manpower,...
...we're asking that anyone with
any flight experience come forward.
Military training is preferable, but anyone
who can fly a plane would be useful.
I can fly. I'm a pilot.
All right, guys! Listen up!
Alright. Pay close attention. These F-18s are
very different than the jets you piloted before.
-It's kinda strong.
-(Major Mitchell) You've to forgive the expression,..
...but you're about to get a crash
course in modern avionics.
-Keep it comin'. -Okay, you got it!
-All right...
...listen up. Before we can begin,...
...we kinda have to get a little background
information on your flight experience.
Let's start with you.
-Who, me?
-(sighs) Yeah!
Well, I'm, uh, Russell Casse, sir.
And, uh... after 'Nam,
I got into crop-dusting.
And, uh... been doing that ever since.
On a personal note, sir,
I'd just like to add that, uh...
...ever since I was kidnapped
by aliens 10 years ago,...
...I have been dyin' for some payback, and I...
...just want you to know
that, uh... I won't let you down.
You have one tactical nuclear missile...
...we're loading into this launcher
and installing under the right wing.
This is the firing mechanism.
It'll be attached to the ship's main console.
Just like the AMRAAM launch pad
on a Stealth.
Except the nuke will not detonate at impact.
You'll have 30 seconds
to get your asses out of there.
Good luck, gentlemen.
It's the strongest radio transmitter we had.
It'll tell us when you've uploaded the virus.
that's cutting it too close?
Oh! We're gonna be well on our way back
home before we shoot that thing off.
Why you? David!
I don't. Excuse me!
I don't understand...
...why you can't show someone else how to
plant the virus. Someone who's trained.
No. Something may go wrong.
I may have to think quickly,
adjust the signal.
Who knows? Hey, you know how
I'm always trying to save the planet?
Here's my chance.
Now he gets ambitious.
-It's too tight.
-Well, I had to borrow it. Let me see.
Okay. All right, I guess that's good enough.
So. How do I look?
Oh, thank you. You're a lot of help.
-You're late!
-Well, you know me.
Yeah, I know. You like to make a big entrance.
Listen. Before we do this,
I just wanna say I'm sorry.
Sorry for what, babe?
I should have done this a long time ago.
-Do you have the ring?
-Uh... Yes, sir.
-Here, make yourself useful.
(both) Um...
-We got hung up.
-Well, let's get this show on the road.
(Priest) Dearly beloved,
we're gathered here in the sight of God...
...and in the presence of these witnesses... join this man and this woman
in holy matrimony.
Any person who can show good cause
why these two should not wed,...
...please speak now
or for ever hold your peace.
Steve, will you take this woman
to be your wedded wife,... live together with her
in the holy state of matrimony?
Will you love her, comfort her, honour
and keep her in sickness and in health,...
...and, forsaking all others,...
...keep yourself only for her
as long as you both shall live?
I will.
(softly) Whoo!
Good morning.
They're a little young.
That they are.
They look a little nervous.
(Major Mitchell) Alright, I need all flight crews to report
to their designated areas immediately.
-Major. Can I borrow that?
Good morning.
(amplified) Good morning.
In less than an hour,...
...aircraft from here
will join others from around the world.
And you will be launching the largest
aerial battle in the history of mankind.
Mankind. That..
...word should have
new meaning for all of us today.
We can't be consumed
by our petty differences any more.
We will be united in our common interest.
Perhaps it's fate
that today is the Fourth of July.
And you will once again
be fighting for our freedom.
Not from tyranny, oppression or persecution.
But from annihilation.
We're fighting for our right to live.
To exist.
And should we win the day,...
...the Fourth of July will no longer
be known as an American holiday,...
...but as the day
when the world declared in one voice,...
..."We will not go quietly into the night!"
"We will not vanish without a fight!"
"We're going to live on!"
"We're going to survive!"
Today, we celebrate our Independence Day!
-Let's go!
-Mr. President. Right this way, sir.
-I've got your gear over here.
-Good luck!
I've got you a jumpsuit and your gear is here.
You've got your choice of helmets.
Mr. President,
I'd sure like to know what you're doing.
I'm a combat pilot, Will.
I belong in the air.
Okay! Sir. Let's get you airborne.
You know, As soon as I get back, we're
gonna light those fireworks, right?
Here. Take these.
Just in case.
Where's... Where's...
Just in case.
I'm very proud of you.
Listen! Be careful, Okay?
It's time.
I love you.
I love you.
Oh, damn! Wait a minute, wait a minute.
-Wait, wait. We gotta find some cigars. I can't...
-Here! Here!
Take these. My last two.
You are a lifesaver.
Almost put a hex on the whole damn thing!
(computer speaks)
-Missile launch.
-Oh, crap!
What do I hit? Which one?
I picked a hell of a day to quit drinkin'.
This is our victory dance.
Not until the fat lady sings.
Oh. Yes, Okay.
This is important.
Fat lady. I gotcha.
Open the launch tunnel.
Shaky, huh?
Is it gonna do this the whole way?
Make sure your seat backs are
in their upright and lock position.
Yeah. Is it?
Let's rock'n'roll.
Oops? What does that mean?
What do you mean...?
-No, I got it. Some jerk didn't put the thing...
-I know what I would say...
What do you mean, saying "oops" there?
What do you say we try that one again, huh?
Yes, yes. Yes, without the "oops".
This time...That away!
I have got to get me one of these!
-No, no. What was that? Don't do that!
-Just tryin' to get a feel for the old girl. That's all.
Oh! No, no, don't. Leave her alone.
-Here. Look, no hands!
-You're all secure, sir.
-Grey, do you read me?
Roger, Eagle One.
Your primary target has shifted course.
-Which way they headed?
-I think our secret's out.
They're headed straight for us.
ETA, 26 minutes.
(David groans)
You still with me over there?
What the hell was I thinking? Ohh!
I've been waiting for this my whole life.
Head straight for it.
-What the hell...?
-Don't touch 'em. Don't, don't, don't!
I was counting on this.
They are bringing us in.
-When the hell was you gonna tell me?
We've got to work on our communication.
We have visual.
Do not engage until we've confirmed...
-...the package has been delivered.
Major, what happens if that thing gets here...
...before the virus is planted?
Mam. This facility's buried
deep within a mountain.
-It should provide us some protection.
What about the people outside?
Lieutenant Sell? We got incoming.
Oh, my God.
Look at that.
There must be thousands of 'em.
Millions of 'em. What the hell are they doing?
Looks like they're preparing an invasion.
Hey, I don't like this!
This is stupid. They can see us.
Oh! No, no. This thing comes fully loaded.
AM/FM radio, reclining bucket seats and...
...power windows.
Come on, baby.
We're in.
Do it. Do it.
Do it.
Sir, he's uploading the virus.
Eagle One, the package is being delivered.
Stand by to engage.
Roger. Eagle One, check left.
Alright everbody. Listen up!
We have an emergency situation.
We need everyone to grab everything they can.
Only what you can carry.
We need to get you inside immediately.
The virus is in.
All we can do now is... pray.
-Delivery complete. Engage.
-Delivery complete. It's a go! It's a go!
Eagle One. Fox three.
Gentlemen, this is it.
Come on, come on, come on.
Virus ineffective. Disengage.
-Get your people outta there.
Rear flank. Follow suit.
(President) Hold on, Command.
-I want another shot at it.
-Sir, I strongly recommend you disengage.
Eagle One. Fox three.
-Direct hit!
-It's a hit! Squadron leaders, fire at will!
Fire at will! Fire at will!
We're going in. Squadron leaders, take flight.
-Eagle Six at seven.
-Eagle Nine at three.
Eagle One. Fox two.
Eagle Twenty! Fox two!
Evasive maneuvers!
Squadron leaders, evasive maneuvers!
Prepare to engage!
All right, Mr. President! Here we go!
All right, baby. I've gotcha!
Payback's a bitch, ain't it?
Job's done. Let's go home.
What's up?
It's stuck.
-It's not responding. It's stuck.
Okay, Try again.
Come on, come on!
Come on, come on! Inside!
-Go to the elevator! Come on!
Steve! Steve!
-Hey, What the hell are you doin'?
-It's not me. They're overriding the system.
Oh, shit!
Um... Hide.
Everybody hold someone's hand.
Hold hands.
Come on in.
(Julius prays in Hebrew)
I'm not Jewish.
Nobody's perfect.
God! Where are they?
This could be our last night on Earth.
I don't wanna die a virgin.
If we do, we'll both die virgins.
But at least we'll be together.
Are you scared?
(sighs) Yes!
Me, too.
Eagle Seven, fox two.
Eagle Three, fox two.
We're running out of missiles, sir.
We're just not causing enough damage.
It's certainly directly over us.
They're preparing to fire
their primary weapon!
Then let's take it out before it takes us out.
Target at 12 o'clock!
My God! They're everywhere!
-Bandits on our tail! Locked on!
-I see 'em. I see 'em.
Alright! Squadron leaders,
I want a weapons check!
You're outta time!
You've gotta disable it now!
I'm in range. Locking on.
I've got tone. Eagle One, fox two!
That is a negative impact.
That is an NI. Negative impact.
I'm out of missiles. Eagle Two!
I'm on it.
Oh, Jesus!
-Sir, all missiles have been fired.
-You're out of time! Get your ass outta there!
-We're not done yet!
-Get as far away as you can!
Doesn't anyone have any missiles left?
Sorry I'm late, Mr. President!
I kinda, got hung up back there!
-Pilot, you armed?
-Armed and ready, sir!
I'm packin'!
-Who is that guy?
-Put him on speaker.
-Pilot, identify yourself.
-It's me!
Russell Casse, sir.
I told you I wouldn't let you down!
Just keep those guys off me
for a few more seconds, will ya?
Okay. Echo Niner, Echo Seven, take
flanking positions. Look after this guy, Okay?
All right, boys.
Let's give Mr Casse some cover!
Gentlemen! Let's plough the road!
We'll draw them off and it's all yours!
Oh-ho! Look out! Comin' through!
I've got tone.
Eagle Twenty. Fox two.
Eagle Twenty. Fox two.
It's jammed.
It won't fire.
Damn it!
Do me a favour.
Tell my children... I love them very much.
All right, you alien assholes!
In the words of my generation,...
...up yours!
Dad! What's he doing?
Come on, baby!
Come on, baby, come on!
Good luck, buddy.
(laughing) Hello, boys! I'm back!
He did it!
The son of a bitch did it!
All right!
What your father did was very brave.
You should be proud of him.
I am.
We know how to take 'em out, General.
Spread the word.
Get on the wire to every squadron
around the world.
Tell them how to bring
those sons of bitches down.
What do you think?
(sighs) Checkmate.
Well, it's funny. I always thought
things like these would kill me.
It's been a pleasure.
Steve, you too.
Only one thing left to do.
Yes, sir.
Hey, all right! Look at us!
Take a look at the earthlings. Goodbye!
-Y'all take care. -Goodbye!
-Nothing but love for ya!
Do you think they have any clue
what's about to happen to them?
Oh, not a chance in hell. Good night!
We're loose.
Can you get us outta here in 30 seconds?
I ain't heard no fat lady!
Come on. Forget the fat lady.You're obsessed
with the fat lady. Drive us outta here!
-Oooh! They're chasing us.
-Oh, really. You think?
-Oh, that was a hit. I took a hit.
-We're not hit! We're not hit! Stop side-seat driving!
-Left, left! Tunnel, tunnel! Exit left!
-....the hell do you think I'm goin'?
-OK, OK. We're...we're...we're going!
-Oh! They're closing up on us. Is that closing?
-Shut up, shut up, shut up!
Go faster, must go faster, must go faster.
Go, go, go, go, go!
Elvis has left the building!
(imitating Elvis) Thank you very much.
Oh! I love you, man.
They're goin' down all over the world, Tom.
We got 'em beat.
How about our two delivery boys?
Any word from them?
We lost contact with Captain Hiller
and Levinson nearly 20 minutes ago.
Hold it!
Hold on, sir. I've got something on radar.