Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984)

Anything goes
anything goes
anything goes.
Anything goes.
Be careful.
You never told me you spoke
my language, dr. Jones.
Only on special occasions.
So, it is true?
You found Nurhachi?
You know I did.
Last night one of your boys
tried to get Nurhachi
without paying for him.
You have insulted my son.
No, you have insulted me.
I spared his life.
Aren't you going
to introduce us?
This is Willie Scott.
This is Indiana Jones,
famous archaeologist.
Well, I thought archaeologists
were always funny little men
searching for their mommies.
Dr. Jones found Nurhachi for me,
and he's going to deliver him...
Say, who is the Nurhac...
Put the gun away, sonny.
I suggest you give me
what you owe me
or anything goes.
Open it.
The diamond, Lao.
The deal was for the diamond.
Oh, Lao...
To your very good health.
He put a hole...
he put two holes in my dress
from Paris!
Sit down!
Now, you bring me Nurhachi.
My pleasure.
Who on earth is this Nurhachi?
Here he is.
This Nurhachi's
a real small guy.
Inside are the remains
of Nurhachi...
first emperor of Manchu dynasty.
Welcome home, old boy.
And now, you give me
the diamond.
Are you trying to develop
a sense of humor,
or am I going deaf?
What's that?
To what?
The poison you just drank,
dr. Jones.
The poison works fast,
dr. Jones.
- Lao.
- Lao!
You keep the girl.
I find another.
Good service here.
That's not a waiter.
Wu Hans an old friend.
Game's not over, Lao.
don't worry, Wu Han,
I'll get you out of here.
Not this time, Indy.
I followed you
on many adventures...
but into the great
unknown mystery...
I go first, Indy.
Don't be sad, dr. Jones.
You will soon be joining him.
Too much to drink, dr. Jones?
Oh, nuts!
The antidote.
Where's the diamond?
Stay there!
Come on.
I don't want to die!
Who are you?
Wow! Holy smoke!
Crash landing!
Short round, step on it.
Okeydokey, dr. Jones.
Hold on to your potatoes.
For crying out loud,
there's a kid driving the car!
Where's the antidote?
Let me have it.
Listen, I just met you,
for Christs sakes.
Give me...
oh, I'm not that kind of girl.
Hey, dr. Jones,
no time for love.
We got company.
Oh, I hope you choke.
No shooting.
Okay, you asked for it.
This is fun!
Here, hold this.
Where's my gun?
Where's my gun?!
I burnt my fingers,
and I cracked a nail!
Ah, dr. Jones...
I'm art Weber.
I spoke with your assistant.
Uh, we've managed
to secure three seats,
but there might be
a slight inconvenience
as you will be riding
on a cargo full of live poultry.
Is he kidding?
Madam, it's the best I could do
on such short notice.
Heavens, aren't you
Willie Scott,
the famous American
female vocalist?
Owe you a gin.
Nice try, Lao Che.
Good-bye, dr. Jones.
So, what are you supposed to be,
a lion tamer?
I'm allowing you to tag along,
so why don't you give
your mouth a rest?
Okay, doll?
What do you mean, "tag along"?
Ever since
you got into my club,
you haven't been able
to take your eyes off me.
Oh, yeah?
Oh, no...
oh, no!
Mister, mister...
oh, mister, wake up.
Please, mister...
you call him dr. Jones, doll!
Okay, dr. Jones, dr. Jones.
Oh, wake up, please!
Are we there already?
Oh, good.
No one's flying the plane!
Oh, boy...
they've all gone!
You know how to fly,
don't you?
No. Do you?
Oh, no.
- Oh, my god!
- How hard can it be?
- I'm gonna faint.
- Altimeter!
Air speed.
Uh, okay.
I think we got a big problem.
Dr. Jones!
Dr. Jones!
No more parachutes!
- Oh...
- shorty!
- Come on, give me a hand!
- What's that?
Move the box!
Dr. Jones, you're crazy!
Shorty, get our stuff!
A boat?
We're not sinking.
We're crashing!
Grab on, shorty!
Grab on!
- Lady, I can't breathe!
- Tight!
Slow it down!
That wasn't so bad, was it?
Aah! Put on the brakes!
I hate the water,
and I hate being wet,
and I hate you!
Dr. Jones?
I'm all right, shorty.
You okay?
Oh, where are we, anyway?
How do you know that?
Oh, I sure hope
this means dinner.
God, I'm starving.
Thank you.
I can't eat this.
That's more food than these
people eat in a week.
They're starving.
Oh, I'm sorry.
You can have...
eat it.
I'm not hungry.
You're insulting them,
and you're embarrassing me.
Eat it.
Eat it.
Bad news coming.
Can you provide us with a guide
to take us to Delhi?
I'm a professor.
I have to get back
to my university.
Yes. Sajnu will guide you.
On the way to Delhi,
you will stop at Pankot.
Pankot is not
on the way to Delhi.
You will go to Pankot palace.
I thought the palace
had been deserted
since, uh... the 1850s.
No. Now there is
a new maharaja,
and again the palace
has the power of the dark light.
It is that place
kill my people.
What has happened here?
The evil start in Pankot...
then like monsoon...
it moves darkness...
over all country...
over all country.
The evil?
What evil?
See? Bad news.
You listen to Suwamu.
You leave Lanka.
they came from palace...
and took Sivalinga...
from our village.
Took what?
It's a stone...
a sacred stone from the shrine
that protects the village.
It is why Siva brought you here.
We weren't brought here.
Our plane crashed.
It crashed.
No, no.
We prayed to Siva
to help us find the stone.
It was Siva
who made you fall
from the sky.
So you will go to Pankot palace
to find Sivilinga and bring back
to us.
Bring back to us.
Bring back to us.
Bring back to us.
Dr. Jones, did they
make the plane crash
to get you here?
No, shorty,
it's just a ghost story.
Don't worry about it.
They took the stone from here.
Was the stone very smooth
like a rock from a sacred river?
With three lines across it
representing the three levels
of the universe.
That's right.
I've seen stones
like the one you lost.
But why would maharaja
take the sacred stone from here?
They says we must pray
to their evil god.
We says we will not.
Excuse me,
I don't understand how one rock
could destroy a whole village.
He's saying when
the sacred stone was taken,
the village wells dried up,
and the river turned to sand.
The crops were swallowed
by the earth,
and the animals laid down
and turned to dust.
Then one night there
was a fire in the fields.
The men went out
to fight the fire.
When they came back, the women
were crying in the darkness.
He says
they stole their children.
Sankara! Sankara...
Little boy escaped
from the evil palace.
Many other children
still there.
What we do, dr. Jones?
What you think?
I think that somebody believes
the good luck rock
from this village
is one of the lost
Sankara stones.
What is Sankara?
Fortune and glory, kid.
Fortune and glory.
Willie, quit monkeying around
on that thing.
Oh, wait a second! Indy!
I can't go to Delhi like this!
We're not going to Delhi, doll.
We're going to Pankot palace.
I can't go to Pankot!
I'm a singer.
Oh, I need to call my agent.
Is there a phone?
Anybody, I need a phone!
Oh, quit complaining.
This is expensive stuff.
You come to America with me,
and we get job in circus.
You like that?
You like America?
You're my best friend.
You're my best friend.
Ooh, what big birds!
Those aren't big
birds, sweetheart.
They're giant vampire bats.
Oh, pipe down, you big baboon.
This doesn't hurt.
You know what you really need?
You really need a bath.
Ha-ha, very funny.
Very funny.
Very funny.
All wet.
I was happy in shanghai.
I had a little house...
and a garden.
My friends were rich.
We went to parties
all the time in limousines.
I hate being outside!
I'm a singer!
I could lose my voice!
I think
we'll camp here tonight.
Cut it out.
What do you got?
Two sixes.
Aha-ha, three aces.
I win.
Two more game,
I have all your money.
Ha, ha, ha!
It's poker, shorty,
anything can happen.
Where did you find your,
uh, little bodyguard?
I didn't find him,
I caught him.
Shorty's family were killed
when the Japanese
bombed shanghai.
He's been living on the streets
since he was four.
I caught him trying to pick my
pocket, didn't I, short stuff?
Biggest trouble with her
is the noise.
Hey! You cheat, dr. Jones.
You cheat!
What do you mean?
You take four card.
- You pay now.
- Oh, they were stuck together.
No stuck. No mistake.
They were stuck together.
It's a mistake.
I'm very little.
You cheat very big.
Dr. Jones, you cheat!
You pay money.
You owe me ten cent.
Look at this.
Look at this.
You accuse me of cheating.
You're cheating.
You make me poor.
No fun.
Play with you no fun.
- I quit.
- I quit, too.
Oh, this place is
completely surrounded.
The entire place is crawling
with living things.
That's why they call it
the jungle, sweetheart.
Oh, my god,
what else is out there?
Willie, wait...
Willie, Willie...
what is that?
Is that short for something?
"Willie" is my
professional name, Indiana.
Hey, lady,
you call him dr. Jones.
My professional name.
Why are you dragging us off
to this deserted palace?
Fortune and glory?
Fortune and glory.
Well... this is a piece
of an old manuscript.
This pictograph
represents Sankara,
a priest.
Gentle. Gentle.
This is hundreds of years old.
Is that some kind of writing?
Yeah, it's Sanskrit.
Cut it out.
It's part
of the legend of Sankara.
He climbs mount Kalisa
where he meets Siva,
the Hindu god.
That's Siva?
And what's he handing
the priest?
He told him to go
forth and combat evil.
And to help him, he gave him
five sacred stones
with magical properties.
Magic rocks?
My grandpa was a magician.
He spent his entire life
with a rabbit in his pocket
and pigeons up his sleeves.
He made a lot of children happy
and died a very poor man.
Magic rocks.
Fortune and glory.
Sweet dreams, dr. Jones.
Where are you going?
I'd sleep closer, if I were you.
For safety's sake.
Dr. Jones, I'd be safer
sleeping with a snake.
I said, cut it out!
I hate that elephant.
Indy, look!
I see it, shorty.
That's it: Pankot palace.
Dr. Jones, what you look at?
Don't come up here.
No! No, no, no, no!
Don't leave! No!
No, no, no, no, no!
Oh, baby elephant, stay here!
Oh, no! Indy!
They're stealing our rides!
We walk from here.
I should say
you look rather lost.
But then I cannot imagine
where in the world the three
of you would look at home.
We're not lost.
We're on our way to Delhi.
This is miss Scott.
This is Mr. Round.
Short round.
My name is Indiana Jones.
Dr. Jones, the eminent
Hard to believe, isn't it?
I remember first
hearing your name
when I was up at oxford.
I'm Chattar Lal, prime minister
to his highness,
the maharaja of Pankot.
I'm enchanted.
Thank you very much.
Thank you very much.
Welcome to Pankot palace!
Enchanted, huh?
Shorty, where's my razor?
We are fortunate tonight
to have so many
unexpected visitors.
This is captain...
And you, sir, are
dr. Jones, I presume.
I am, captain.
Captain Blumburtt and his troops
are on a routine
inspection tour.
The British find it amusing
to inspect us
at their convenience.
I do hope, sir,
that it's not, uh,
inconvenient to you, uh... sir.
The British worry so
about their empire.
Makes us all feel like
well-cared-for children.
you look beautiful.
I think the maharaja
is swimming in loot.
Maybe it wasn't such a bad
idea coming here after all.
You look like a princess.
Mr. Lal, what do they call
the maharaja's wife?
His highness
has not yet taken a wife.
How interesting.
Well, uh, maybe it's because
he hasn't found the right woman.
His supreme highness,
guardian of Pankot tradition,
the maharaja of Pankot,
Zalim Singh.
That's the maharaja?
A kid?!
Maybe he like older women.
Captain Blumburtt
was just telling me
something of the interesting
history of the palace...
the importance it played
in the mutiny.
It seems the British never
forget the mutiny of 1857.
Yes, well, you know, I think
there are other events...
before the mutiny,
going back a century,
back to the time of Clive...
that are more interesting.
And what events are those,
dr. Jones?
Well, if memory
serves me correctly,
this area, this province,
was the center of activity
for the Thuggee.
Snake... surprise.
What's the surprise?
Dr. Jones,
you know perfectly well
the Thuggee cult has been dead
for nearly a century.
Yes, of course.
The Thuggee was an obscenity
that worshipped kali
with human sacrifices.
The British army
nicely did away with them.
Well, I suppose stories
of the Thuggee die hard.
There are no stories anymore.
I'm not so sure.
We came from a small village.
The peasants there told us
Pankot palace
was growing powerful again
because of some ancient evil.
Village stories, dr. Jones.
They're just fear and folklore.
You're beginning to worry
captain Blumburtt.
I'm not worried,
Mr. Prime minister, just, uh...
just, um, interested.
what? You are not eating?
I had bugs for lunch.
Give me your hat.
'Cause I'm gonna
puke in it. Oh!
You know,
the villagers also told us
Pankot palace
had taken something.
Dr. Jones, in our country,
it's not usual for a guest
to insult his host.
I'm sorry.
I thought we were talking
about folklore.
Excuse me, sir, do you have
anything simple, like soup?
What exactly was it
they say was stolen?
A sacred rock.
You see, captain, a rock!
something connected...
the villagers' rock
and the old legend
of the Sankara stones.
Dr. Jones, we are all vulnerable
to vicious rumors.
I seem to remember
that in Honduras
you were accused
of being a grave robber
rather than an archaeologist.
Well, the newspapers greatly
exaggerated the incident.
And wasn't it
the sultan of Madagascar
who threatened
to cut your head off
if you ever returned
to his country?
No, it wasn't my head.
Then your hands, perhaps.
No, it wasn't my hands,
it was my...
my misunderstanding.
Exactly what we have
here, dr. Jones.
I have heard the evil stories
of the Thuggee cult.
I thought the stories were told
to frighten children.
Later, I learnt
the Thuggee cult was once real
and did of unspeakable things.
I am ashamed of what happened
here so many years ago,
and I assure you
this will never happen again
in my kingdom.
If I offended you...
then I am sorry.
Ah, dessert!
Chilled monkey brains.
Uh, I think I'll
just check on Willie.
That's all you better do.
Tell me later what happened.
I've got something for you.
There's nothing you have
that I could possibly want.
Mmm, mmm, mmm.
Oh, you're a very nice man.
Maybe you could be
my palace slave.
Wear your jewels to bed,
And nothing else.
That shock you?
Nothing shocks me.
I'm a scientist.
So, as a scientist, you
do a lot of research?
And what sort of research
would you do on me?
Nocturnal activities.
You mean like what sort of cream
I put on my face at night,
what position
I like to sleep in?
Mating customs.
Love rituals?
Primitive sexual practices.
So you're an authority
in that area?
Years of fieldwork.
I don't blame you
for being sore at me.
I can be hard to handle.
I've had worse.
But you'll never have better.
I don't know.
As a scientist, I don't want
to prejudice my experiment.
I'll let you know
in the morning.
Why, you conceited ape.
I'm not that easy.
I'm not that easy, either.
Trouble with you is, Willie,
you're too used
to getting your own way.
And you're just
too proud to admit
that you're crazy about me,
dr. Jones.
If you want me, Willie,
you know where you can find me.
Five minutes.
You'll be back over here
in five minutes.
I'll be asleep in five minutes.
You know it, and I know it.
Five minutes.
Four and a half.
"Palace slave."
"Nocturnal activities."
I'm a "conceited ape"?
"I'll tell you in the morning."
I can't believe it.
He's not coming.
She's not coming.
She's not coming.
I can't believe I'm not going.
Indiana Jones!
This is one night
you'll never forget!
This is the night
I slipped right through
your fingers!
Sleep tight...
and pleasant dreams!
I could have been
your greatest adventure.
Dr. Jones, your whip!
- Shorty...
- huh?
Turn off the switch.
Oh, Indy.
Oh, be gentle with me.
Be gentle with me.
But I'm here.
There's nobody here.
No, I'm here.
Indy, you're acting
awfully strange.
Hey, I'm right here.
"Follow in the footsteps
of Siva."
What does that mean?
"Do not betray these truths."
Shorty, go get our stuff.
Stay behind me, short round.
Step where I step,
and don't touch anything.
I step where you step.
I touch nothing.
I step on something.
Yeah, there's something
on the ground.
Feel like step
on fortune cookies.
It's not fortune cookies.
Let me take a look.
That's no cookies.
It's all right.
I got him.
Go. There, go.
Look, just stand up
against the wall,
will you?
You say to stand
against the wall!
I listen to what you say!
Not my fault! Not my fault!
Willie, get down here!
We're in trouble!
Bet I get all dirty again.
- Willie, get down here!
- Not my fault!
We're in trouble!
What sort of...?
This is serious!
There are two dead people
down here!
There're going to be
two dead people in here!
I've almost had enough
of you two.
What's the rush?!
It's a long story, Willie.
Hurry, or you don't get
to hear it.
Ooh, god, what is this?
Indy, what is this?
I can't see a thing!
All right!
Oh, I broke a nail.
Uh... uh...
Willie, hurry!
They're in my hair!
Aw, shut up, Willie!
Indy, let me in!
No, let us out!
Let me in!
Let us out!
Shut up!
I'm down here!
They're all over me!
There's got to be a fulcrum
release lever somewhere.
A handle that opens the door.
- Go on!
- They're just,
just square holes!
Go to the right hole.
Hurry, Willie!
the other one!
The other right.
Your other right!
The one on your right!
Oh, there's slime inside!
I can't do it.
You can do it.
Feel inside.
You feel inside!
Do it now!
Willie, we are going to die!
It's soft.
It's moving!
Got it!
Get 'em off of me!
Get 'em off of me!
They're all over me!
Get 'em off me!
It wasn't me! It's her!
Come on!
Go! Move!
Come on, move!
Come on!
It's a Thuggee ceremony.
They're worshipping kali.
Have you ever seen anything
like this before?
Nobody's seen this
for a hundred years.
Kali ma.
Kali ma...
kali ma!
He's still alive.
Kali ma.
Kali ma...
that's the rock they
took from the village.
It's one of the Sankara stones.
Why they glow like that?
Shh, shh.
The legend says
when the rocks are
brought together,
the diamonds inside
them will glow.
- Diamonds!
- Shh.
Hey, hey.
Look, I want you two
to stay up here and keep quiet.
Shorty, you keep an eye on her.
Why, where are you going?
Down there.
Down there?!
Are you crazy?!
I'm not leaving here
without the stones.
You could get killed
chasing after your damn
fortune and glory!
But not today.
Be careful.
Where's he going?
Let me go...!
Run, Willie! Run!
Dr. Jones!
I keep telling you,
you listen me more,
you live longer.
Please, let me die.
I pray to Siva,
"let me die," but I do not.
Now... now the evil
of kali take me.
They will make me drink
the blood of the kali.
Then I'll fall
into the black sleep
of the kali ma.
What is that?
We become like them.
We'll be alive,
but like a nightmare.
You drink blood,
you not wake up from nightmare.
You were caught trying to steal
the Sankara stones.
There were five stones
in the beginning.
Over the centuries, they
were dispersed by wars,
sold off by thieves like you.
Thieves like me, huh?
Still missing two.
A century ago, when the
British raided this temple
and butchered my people,
a loyal priest hid
the last two stones
down here in the catacombs.
So that's what you've got
these slaves digging for, huh?
They're innocent children.
They dig for the gems
to support our cause.
They also search
for the last two stones.
Soon we will have
all the five Sankara stones,
and the Thuggees will be
all powerful.
What a vivid imagination.
don't believe me?
You will, dr. Jones.
You will become...
a true believer.
Dr. Jones!
Don't drink... it's bad!
Don't drink!
Spit it out!
Dr. Jones...
you dare not do that.
Leave him alone, you bastards!
The British in India
will be slaughtered.
Then we will overrun
the Muslims.
Then the Hebrew god will fall.
And then the Christian god
will be cast down and forgotten.
Soon, kali ma
will rule the world.
Dr. Jones...
kali ma protects us.
We are her children.
We pledge our devotion to her
with an offering of flesh...
what are you doing?!
...and blood.
Your friend has seen...
and she has heard.
Now she will not talk.
I'm not going to have
anything nice to say
about this place
when I get back.
Indy! For god sakes, help me!
Wh-what's the matter with you?
No... no.
Indiana... help us.
Please, snap out of it.
You're not one of them.
You're not one of them.
Please come back to us.
Don't leave me.
What are you doing?!
Are you mad?!
oh, this can't be happening,
this can't be happening.
Wake up, Willie, wake up.
No! No! No...!
No, no, no!
Wake up, dr. Jones,
wake up!
Dr. Jones!
Indy, I love you.
Wake up, Indy!
Wake up!
You're my best friend!
Wake up, Indy!
Wait! Wait!
He's mine!
I'm all right, kid.
Mola ram!
Give me some slack!
Willie, Willie, wake up!
Willie, Willie, it's me!
I'm back!
Oh, Indy.
Indy... my friend.
I'm sorry, kid.
now, let's get out of here.
Right. All of us.
I've got to save him!
He can take care of himself.
He needs me.
I've got to save Indy!
Okay, save him.
Drop him down!
I kill you!
Drop him down!
What's the matter with him?
Here. Try this.
Go, Indy!
It was the black sleep of kali.
Short round!
Quit fooling around
with that kid!
Get down in the cart, now!
Okeydokey, Indy!
Please listen.
To get out,
you must take the left tunnel.
Thank you.
Quit stalling!
Come on, Indy!
Go! Go!
Shorty, look out!
- Come on!
- Indy!
Hurry up!
Indy, take the left tunnel!
The left tunnel!
No, Indy!
You missed it!
Left tunnel!
We got company!
Let her go!
- Let go of the brake.
- What?
Let her go. Our only chance
is to outrun them.
- Shorty?
- Huh?
Come up here
and take the brake.
Watch it on the curves,
or we'll fly
right off the track.
What are you doing?
Short cut.
- Yes, Indy.
- Short, cut.
Watch it!
Indy, help!
- Hang on!
- Indy!
Pull him in.
Let me go!
Let me go!
Let go of him!
No! No!
Pull him in!
- I'll catch him!
- No!
All right.
- What?
- Brakes. Brakes.
Slow us down.
Uh-oh. Big mistake.
Big mistake, Indy.
We're going too fast!
Too fast!
We're going to crash!
Water, water, water!
Oh, look!
Look there!
- Water!
- Fire! You're on fire!
Water, water!
water, water.
Water, water.
Come on...
come on!
Let's go!
Run, run!
Willie, look out!
Head for the bridge. Go!
Come on, Willie, this way.
Oh, god.
Come on, let's go.
Strong bridge.
Come on, let's go.
Strong bridge.
Look... strong wood.
Come on!
I'm falling down.
Not very funny.
Let her go, mola ram.
You are in a position
to give orders.
Watch your back!
You want the stones,
let 'em go.
Let her go!
Drop them, dr. Jones.
They will be found.
You won't.
Behind you!
Oh, shit.
Go on.
Go on!
Go on!
That way.
hang on, lady.
We going for a ride.
Oh, my god!
Oh, my god.
Oh, my god!
Oh, my god!
Is he nuts?
He no nuts.
He's crazy.
Mola ram,
prepare to meet kali...
in hell.
What are you doing?!
You fool!
Indy, cover your heart!
Cover your heart!
Oh, my god!
Oh, my god.
- Look out!
- No!
Hurry! Let's go!
The stones are mine!
You've betrayed Siva.
You betrayed Siva.
You betrayed Siva!
Well, it's about time.
Hold your fire.
We know you are coming back
when life return to our village.
Now you can see the magic
of the rock you bring back.
Yes, I understand its power now.
You could've kept it.
Ah, what for?
They'd just put it in a museum.
It'd be another rock
collecting dust.
But then it would've given you
your fortune and glory.
Anything could happen.
It's a long way to Delhi.
No, thanks.
No more adventures
with you, dr. Jones.
Sweetheart, after all the fun
we've had together?
If you think I'm going to Delhi
with you, or anyplace else
after all the trouble
you've gotten me into,
after all the trouble
you've gotten me into,
think again, buster!
I'm going home to Missouri where
they never feed you snakes,
before ripping your heart out
and lowering you into hot pits!
This is not my idea
of a swell time!
Excuse me, sir.
I need a guide to Delhi.
If you could...
very funny.
Very funny.