Indigenous (2014)

There are 196 countries in the world.
Each country shares a common myth about the creature
terrorizing and attacking its inhabitants.
Half the world's population, more than 3 million people
They swear que These legends are true.
My name is Scott Williams.
This is not a joke.
I am an American tourist in Panama.
We are in Darien Forest.
This will not do, there is the coverage here.
We went very far in Forest and ...
we do not know where we are and something is chasing us.
If you are watching this video, please show someone
que can help us.
Help us!
Two of my friends ...
And Then your nerd! When you come here?
We left for two hours.
You are not at the airport?
No, I'm waiting for Steph.
She is taking a shower? Yup.
Let me take a look. No way, asshole!
Come on, we're friends. I see you are safe and sound.
What time arrived there?
This morning. This place is very beautiful.
You will love!
Friend, When They get here will be tan, They Will not Recognize me.
This is Steph?
Who's this?
Why do you ask?
The work for the next 10 days.
Yes of course.
At work, programming, anything. Just you and me.
I will reward que sacrifice.
I was practicing the "inverted cachorinho"
Something extremely sexy to a veterinary student
using animals to creep positions.
Oh really?
It will be even better when i become a real one.
The long as you do not want to practice an enema.
I can not promise that.
I'm still listening to you guys. What a strange duplinha.
Raise your butt and come back here. Panama, dear!
Okay, so Steph, we are already in Panama.
First impressions?
First impressions?
I'm wondering if this will be on all the time here.
We have to show the world our experiences.
No, the world does not need to know everything.
OK thank you.
It is our car?
Hello tourists!
Why take so long?
This place is in the middle of nowhere, man.
Go to check in, the bar is waiting.
This place is perfect, it is a paradise.
Come on! See you later.
Mind if I join?
Of course I care, this shower is too small for two, then ...
No more jokes, funny.
Ladies, Gentlemen,
My God, the speech!
Maravihoso Has Been traveling the world with our group of friends.
That's very cute.
We Traveled the world together but maybe this is the last time
before the real world in the swallow. Let us be worth it.
Personal health!
Come on!
It is animated?
I'm very excited.
Here we go!
I have just Been accepted into the Faculty of Veterinary.
Happy birthday!
Speaking of animation, congratulations on your new restaurant, Elena.
I Took a peek on the Web page and is amazing.
Charlie is a teacher. Screw you!
I still feel the taste of "Gambas al ajillo".
It was good.
What was the other thing ...
And the wine?
Spanish wine. Rioja. My idea.
Yes, I'm just the guy the food, right?
I dare you.
Which is? Yup!
If I win,
I go to Those Two hot chicks there.
They are not as tasty, but okay.
Come on!
Do not look!
And if you lose?
If I lose,
I go to Those Two hot chicks there.
I'll see if one of the two wants to show me the Panama Canal.
Which is!
That nasty.
Comically unpleasant.
Hello ladies!
My name is Trevor, I came from far away to invite Them for a drink.
Look, you speak very well to be a gringo, good Pronunciation.
Thank you.
I think the dance would be good. What do you think? OK?
How is it going? The will?
This is Julius, one of my closest friends.
A typical boy Panama.
Born and raised right here.
Hi, Charlie.
They are enjoying Panama?
Very, beautiful views, nice people, not to like?
Panama is a good choice.
The surf, seafood and women.
A toast to that!
I said, "Mom, Dad, I'm not gay"
he was sucking my dick.
Okay, one more.
You know how to have fun, huh.
How about we leave here?
Will have to take more than 4 drinks to Achieve this, you will have to work harder.
Hey, buddy?
What's next for you?
Man, I do not know.
I have no idea.
The economy is shit lately.
Any team may withdraw my scholarship.
I do not really like to move back in with my parents.
It would suck.
Especially because the old man always says:
"Scott, your generation does not know what it is to work hard."
Most of us want to work but there is no job.
Health, man.
Local activities in Panama
Alley Darien
Love, heard this Alley of Darien?
The homeland?
It is a forest near here.
Very close.
Actually give up to Alaska's car to go to Argentina
if not for this little piece of forest.
Do not you find it strange?
No, why?
This is in Panama, like ...
They built the Panama Canal cutting America in half.
Making Become Difficult to cross this forest.
Young Disappeared
What the fuck?
Missing tourists
Darling, will stay in this thing all night?
That's why we're here, boys.
Baltic, 2008.
It was cold.
Cornwall, 2010.
Horrible face, had the waves.
But I'm from there.
Costa Rica, Caribbean.
A little disappointing.
And now, the Pacific.
The girls ended the talk? Yup.
Have you seen the video of some young people who Were lost here in the woods?
So far are only speculations of what happened.
What you mean?
Which so far it is just speculation of what happened.
On the internet it says que residents here believe
It has to with such of the "Chupacabra".
What is this, anyway?
The Chupacabra is real for many people, is not an Animal.
My people believe que the Chupacabra is like ...
How can I say?
Like a demon.
It is not human nor beast.
It's like a trapped spirit in a body half man, half monster.
And why there is still the Darin Forest.
No one wants to get into que forest.
It is a pity.
Why there is a small waterfall Were we going to when i was a kid.
Because of These incidents, do not let in more.
It's a big world, folks.
And there are many things we do not know or understand.
Is he Became very self-centered.
Everything is on it, is all about Charlie.
I'm sorry.
It must be Very difficult with the restaurant.
Yes anyway ...
You look beautiful.
And you and Scott?
We are OK.
Want to see what he's working on? Yup.
Still in Beta version.
What is beta?
The technical term for something in development.
Or like me I always say: Do not blame me if it works.
Here, look.
Now record the video for your family.
No. Yes.
How am I?
Hi guys, we are in Panama Beach.
We're having fun with great companies.
And we hope to see you soon.
I love you all.
It was horrible.
So it has a face recognition function.
You upload to YouTube and Facebook,
he Recognizes the contacts from your phone
and automatically marks Them.
See, look at that!
Cool huh? Yup!
You will be rich.
I also want.
Julius, we visit the waterfall tomorrow.
Tell us something more about.
The waterfall on the mountain is completely fresh and clean.
I remember When We Were children, They said ...
It was a magical place, full of good energy and vibrations
luck, health ... Amazing, beautiful.
What? Which waterfall is she talking about?
The same as Julius Told us yesterday.
An amazing place They Were When They Were going children but
Now the input is prohibited.
I do not know, it seems like a good idea.
We can not go there, folks.
Why can not we?
There is a local legend que Prohibits.
I honestly do not think it's for both.
We have a beautiful place, how far away from here?
One hour drive and an hour walk.
So this beautiful place two hours away,
has a crystal-clear waterfall,
providing good luck and health.
We can have it for ourselves,
and you do not want to go?
Trevor Believes que magic waterfall
It makes the penis grow or would be lucky too?
No, it Gives you a huge dick, type size jumbo.
Which is?
It looks great.
But They did not come for the beaches and the surf?
Who cares about the beaches, this place looks much better.
Never seen a waterfall before?
Not a waterfall with a magic pool.
It will not take Them there.
It is no longer a safe place.
Bad things happened there.
Also you will not there.
It's all right.
Promise me.
It's ok.
I promise you.
If you do not take us, we will alone.
Would you like?
If not dangerous, why would ban?
Probably for tourists not put weight in place.
Moreover, it is just a myth.
How many tourists Were killed by the Loch Ness Monster?
Yes, or at Bigfoot. Right?
I think so.
Look, do not put you in danger.
And the video, Which Attacked the boys?
It's just an assembly.
What, you saw the video, you can not see anything.
Steph, you study the animals, I bet you did not know the Chupacabra.
Okay, If They guarantee it is safe.
Yes, it's totally safe.
It is completely safe.
For I will not.
What is Elena?
The I convince you?
No, will you and to experience this adventure,
I will relax and drink a few drinks by the pool.
Fine with me, man.
For me too.
Ok, u is in? Okay, I'm in.
That's good!
Come and get it in the morning?
Or you can stay in my room.
No, I told you I'm not that kind of woman.
At last.
Hey guys!
Very good.
Here we go!
Come on!
You go?
I changed my mind.
Fabiana, hello!
Julius hello, how are you?
I'm here finishing the work, tired.
So, what will you do now?
I already finished.
He saw the people who Were with me last night?
Ah yes, the gringos?
They left just now with Carmen in the car.
Bye! Bye!
Okay, guys.
Time to walk.
It's all right.
Come on, are hidden treasures because They are hidden.
Do not tell me, Indiana Jones.
Hey, little dick!
I thought I was talking to Charlie.
Ok, is the narrator and tell us what you see around.
What we have here is the famous and lush forest of Panama.
Green far as you can see.
Wait, wait!
Deep in the forest, there is a beautiful dark-haired.
As the midnight sky. Is beautiful.
I put my hands. Cut!
Nice man. Thanks!
Very cool.
It's all right? Yes, let us go.
Carmen When You hear it call me, who has not had the stupid
idea of entering the forest.
Sorry, what are you afraid?
I'm not afraid of anything.
At the moment, fear not find this waterfall.
Do not worry.
We're almost there, folks.
But we are almost there already is an hour or less.
Steph afraid of the dark. No!
No, not always.
Come on, tell me a time When the darkness serves for something.
What you mean?
Darkness serves for that ugly like Trevor, transem from time to time.
By the way, her mother liked.
This was good! Was good!
Leave your message.
Uncle, is Julius.
I think we have a problem, call me ASAP, please.
Here it is!
Holy shit, you guys! Take a look.
My God! They had seen something?
I said it was worth.
Come on!
My God!
It's beautiful!
So this is the famous waterfall!
Charlie, you think it's too deep?
There is only one way to find October
Where did he go?
I can not see anything.
This is not funny!
Creed, Elena! Just went pee.
Not here.
I want to show you something.
Where are you going?
Let's take a look at the plants.
Go on que side?
Why I heard que the forest is much better on que side.
Enjoy the local wildlife, buddy.
Are you alright?
I just wanted out of the water a little bit.
Do not worry about me, go have fun.
Where are you taking me?
To somewhere.
Somewhere where?
A place where They can not hear us.
It's all right.
As you say "horny" in Spanish?
Why are you leaving me at que team.
I shouldnt go talk to Elena.
It is getting difficult.
She's just being a woman.
Pay attention!
Seriously, you guys through a lot.
You have to fix things.
Should trust her, Then she will be a veterinarian.
It's all right.
But if I do not get out alive, it will be your fault.
Hi! Hi!
Hi, it's Scott, I'm in Panama having the best days of my life.
Leave your message and return you as soon as possible.
Scott is Julius.
Stop cute and return me soon, man.
That's not funny.
I return as soon as possible, you need to get out of there.
This is not a joke.
Beautiful, is not it?
Things will get better from now on.
I promise.
I also promise.
And thank you.
Hey, what was that?
Should be the Scott with his camera.
Let's keep this here.
Seriously, I heard something.
Charlie, go make peace with Elena.
Take your stick to someone else.
It's nothing!
There is nothing there.
Do not.
No, go take a look, please.
Trevor, please.
Come on, it's nothing.
Go take a look, please.
This is a waste of time.
There's nothing here.
Definitely I heard something.
Please Trevor.
There's nothing here!
Where are you?
What the fuck was that?
Carmen, where are you?
No! What the fuck!
Everyone! Guys, where are they?
Trevor! Everyone!
Have you seen Carmen?
What happened? We heard screams.
I went to see about the noise, she cried, I went back and found it.
What the fuck? My God!
What's going on Trevor? I hope it's no joke.
I'm not kidding, something happened.
Okay, let's calm down.
I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation for all this.
It's all right! Carmen!
Personally, I do not like that. We have to get out of here.
We can not abandon it.
You have a signal?
Yes, it has a small bar. Give me that!
It is the cell of Carmen? Yup.
This coming from there, come on!
Carmen, where are you?
Carmen, fuck! Calm down!
We have to get out of here, will escurar soon.
Give me the phone, I'll call to the hotel, explain what happened ...
and say where we are. Everything will be fine.
Cum! What?
It has no sign.
What do you face? Just used.
Try again.
What are we going to do?
Seek higher ground, right?
The light turned bad since we got here.
Let's go where we can make a call.
Okay. Everything will be fine.
Sure sure.
All right, come on!
You know where you're going?
Yes, I think so.
This area does not seem strange.
Come on, come on!
Staff, walk fast.
What's your problem, pal? Same as your own!
We are in the woods with something chasing us.
Stop fighting!
Continues. Yup.
Staff, the voice message from Julius.
Scott is Julius.
Stop cute and return me soon, man.
That's not funny.
I return as soon as possible, you need to get out of there.
We have to get out of here.
What's going on with him?
You're just scared.
I'm not scared of shit.
We just have to get out of here.
What the fuck?
Has anyone seen?
What the fuck was that?
We have to get out of here!
Come on! Come on!
Run! Come on!
I do not see right!
Cum! Cum! Come on!
Everyone! Guys, where are they?
Elena! Charlie!
Guys, wait!
Where did They Go?
Hang on! Elena.
Charlie, where are you?
Where are you?
Elena! Elena!
My God!
Please, God!
Elena, we have to go now!
We have to go back! Elena, shut up!
Shit! Come on!
Charlie is dead! What?
And we left him there dead.
I never heard of an animals like that.
Everything will be alright. We have to think ...
No, we have to get out of here.
You think I do not already know that?
Stop talking about the obvious.
Let me think of something, I need some team.
What was I thinking when i said I had something there?
And what were you thinking When You Took Carmen to have fri in
the woods? You idiot!
Shut up!
It was just the wind.
Uncle! Say it!
Need help.
We need to rest, Scott.
We have to continue.
You want us to lose the most before resting?
It has very little sign here.
Let's go higher.
I will go up, you stay here.
We'll give one rest Helena.
Okay, but be careful, okay!
Yes, I'll be fine. I go up only a little.
Trevor, do not get out of here, right?
I'll be back.
My name is Scott Williams.
This is not a joke.
I am an American tourist in Panama.
We are in Darien Forest.
This will not do, there is the coverage here.
I'm sorry about everything.
If you are watching this video, please show someone
que can help us.
Help us!
Two of my friends ...
What happened, man?
What happened to the girls?
Where are the girls?
Trevor, hold right dude!
I'm going! Trevor!
Come on! Come on!
Come on!
It's me! It's all right!
It's all right. Everything will be alright.
He Took Trevor.
Cum! It happened so fast.
Just the battery?
My God!
My God!
My name is Scott Williams.
This is not a joke.
I am an American tourist in Panama.
We are in Darien Forest.
This will not do, there is the coverage here.
Where are the girls?
Where are the girls?
I stopped!
How can I help?
I come visit my uncle.
Scott, what do we do?
Turn off the lights.
Stop beating around the bush and start from the beginning.
Carmen conheceuum stranger at the bar.
We gringos.
And They wanted to go to the waterfall.
I said it was not allowed, it was not a good idea.
They went?
Carmen left the car this morning.
I just got it.
My name is Scott Williams.
This is not a joke.
I am an American tourist in Panama.
We are in Darien Forest.
Who else knows about this?
I hope anyone.
He saw the video of your brother?
What? Which video?
Go to Facebook now!
What are you watching?
Do not know.
Come back to bed.
Just a second.
That's your brother?
My name is Scott Williams.
This is not a joke.
I am an American tourist in Panama.
Than? We are in Darien Forest.
If you are watching this video, please show someone
que can help us.
Please help us!
Two of my friends ...
Where are the girls?
Holy shit! My God!
Hello, Mike? Are you still there?
Yes, I'll call you back!
Hey Mom!
Missing tourists not Panama
My name is Scott Williams. This is not a joke ...
I am an American tourist ...
We went very far in Forest and ...
we do not know where we are and something is chasing us.
Talking about this
Share link
Shit! Shit!
This story viral Became.
The video has over 10 million visits in the last 4 hours.
This history is worldwide.
So que are all eyeing Panama.
Is everyone ready?
In the air 5,
Welcome to this special edition live and apologize for having
interrupted our regular schedule.
A few hours, the video went viral across social networks.
The video shows the disappearance of foreigners who Were
vacation in Panama.
However the Authorities are not allowed to give statements
but it is already Believed que International Police
in search and rescue.
We will cover a distance of 10 Km around the waterfall.
I am almost Certain That We can not stay in que forest.
So to receive the images of what is happening
Forest in Panama.
You live with us in the search for missing tourists
not Panama.
Local officals confirmed que five Americans Were seen
in Forest Darien yesterday morning.
Stop right there!
Come on! Come on!
Come on! Run!
Hear that?
It looks like a helicopter.
It is a chopper!
Come on! Continue!
No, not think we'll leave you here.
Elena, go make a pro helicopter sign!
Go! Go! Back to catch you guys.
Hold on, love.
This will hurt, okay?
It's all right!
232 Km Forest are almost impossible to get a bird's eye view.
Let's go home, love.
Que confirmed the helicopter TVN located one of the tourists.
What do you see are the first scenes of the rescue.
Lord, have authorization for the helicopter to land?
Continue in the air.
Elena seems to be Cadera, owner of a restaurant and resident in London.
It only remains to the families of others pray que appear.
Cum! Come on!
It is not known if the helicopter can to land or not.
Hip Elena seems well.
They are watching the brutal attack live.
Short! Short! Short!
It's all right.
His leg is fine.
Everything will be alright.
Let's get out of here.
I love you.
We have received unconfirmed information coming from Darien Forest
que the army found two more survivors.
Scott Williams and Stephanie Logan California found
with various injuries.
The search continues for others.
What happened in the last 24 hours Attracted looks to Panama Forest.
Where five foreign and Panamanian has struggled with what
until now was a legend. The Chupacabras.
The rescued will be taken to Panama for questioning.
The world is waiting for answers.
When we wanted to talk to Juan Alvarez, head of the National Police,
he declined to give statements.
I have said he will not answer that.
I said it to foreigners, but do not respect the legend, did not listen.
And the legend there for some reason.
It has some truth.
And look at all the bad things happened que.
Two of the survivors, Scott Williams and Stephanie Logan
They Were Deitos for research and for medical care.
The Authorities did not give statements while survivors
They are recovering at a local hospital.
These events in Darien won worldwide attention.
The average around the world has shown
creatures pictures around the world.
Authorities and the China Press, Italy and Russia receive complaints
on appearance of various monsters.
What was once categorized the Conspiracy Theory and Urban Legend,
now Receives attention from front page.
Visions of "Chupacabra", the famous and bloody creature,
It has now Been Reported in Texas.
I should get some rest.
Panama Increased resources to find the rest of the missing tourists.
However, every hour que passes, the chances of finding Them Alive
Decreases dramatically.
Our thoughts and prayers to the families of tourists still missing
who yearn desperately for any sign of life.