Indiscretion (2016)

If you were to close
your eyes right now,
what would you see of that
terrible, horrific night?
How did you feel
as a mother,
as a wife?
When I close my eyes,
I see it happen
over and over again.
It just plays on a loop
in my mind, all the...
And I imagine
what I could have
done differently.
I don't believe in a world
where things
are meant to be.
I believe that
we are responsible
for our own actions.
And within that world,
is there any room
for forgiveness?
I mean...
Can we be forgiven for
our terrible mistakes?
And can we forgive other
people who have hurt us?
It's a mighty challenge.
Or do we just force
ourselves to forgive
in some fashion
and move on?
Honey, can you help me
find my new tie, please?
The gold one.
Sure, honey.
Got it.
Mom, what time
are we leaving?
Now. Honey, why
aren't you dressed?
Mid-term election season now,
and there are a number of
big issues at play this year.
Uhuh, uhuh. A full week
in Baton Rouge?
...will likely lose seats in
both the House and the Senate.
-You look so handsome.
-Is that really necessary?
And his endorsement?
Okay, then we'll...
we'll do what we have to.
All right, thanks, Neil.
Well, apparently the governor
is still on the fence.
I'll just have my dad
talk to him again.
Well, at least I can count
on your vote.
Oh, I don't know.
The election's still
a little ways away.
- Hey, now.
- Mom, I need earrings.
-Where are the hoop ones?
-Lizzy, what are you wearing?
-It's a cocktail dress.
-Oh, hell no.
Come on, it's what
everyone wears.
And you are
a politician's daughter,
and you have to think
more elegant, sweetheart,
and longer and higher.
-Yeah, much longer.
-You two are so boring.
I never get to do
anything fun.
- Love you.
- Love you more.
Well, I guess
we're boring.
Oh, I'm okay with that.
I'm just not okay with that.
You two have
one question apiece. That's it.
Councilman Simon,
you've been very vocal
in your support
of gun control.
Are you afraid of
your base?
Uh, no, I'm not worried
because I believe what I say,
and I think folks
appreciate a man who
speaks from the heart.
This has been
a highly contested
Senate race.
How do you plan to sway
undecided voters?
Well, I have
a secret weapon,
these two lovely ladies
right here.
My husband is
the most qualified candidate,
and he has served
the people of this city
for eight years
on the council.
He's a successful attorney
with countless hours
of public service,
and he's a great
father and husband.
Although I may be a little
biased on that last point.
Okay, thank you.
Thank you.
Councilman, what about
the rumors of
the alleged affair?
Could this be contributing
to your slump in the polls?
Internet gossip has
nothing to do with
my husband's platform
and the real change
he will bring
to this state
as senator of Louisiana.
All right, now if
you'll excuse us.
Our family's here to support
the local arts community
and this wonderful
cause tonight, so...
Thank you.
Thank you, all.
Thank you.
Appreciate it.
Thank you.
So there we have his position
on gun control is unchanged.
Not really addressing
the rumors of an affair,
other than really letting
his wife speak for him
this evening.
We are here live in New Orleans
in the Warehouse District.
Now back to you.
They just blindsided us.
I mean, at least
give us a heads-up.
Our daughter's here.
Do you know how
she must feel?
I'm really sorry,
Ronnie, Ronnie,
go easy on him, honey.
Neil can't control
everything, okay?
Come on, let's go have
some fun, all right?
Hey, nice to see you.
in here, isn't it?
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Those guys alone are worth
half a million to the campaign.
-Right over there.
Politics and prostitution,
one and the same.
Ah, you've
made your bed, Senator.
Hello, sexy and husband.
Wow, Harper,
you look stunning.
Flattery will get you
everywhere and everything.
Okay, all right.
Well, Veronica's right,
you've got to do this.
Okay, I guess I got to go
prostitute myself again.
Look at all these
doable guys.
Harper, if you
were my patient,
I would have you committed
for sex addiction.
Sign me up.
How about that one?
I wonder how much he costs.
I bet that guy
gets whatever he wants.
Oh, yeah.
Oh, oh.
It's one of my
former patients.
He used to come to the VA
programs that I volunteer for.
Oh, this is
really embarrassing.
Veronica? Veronica?
You look like
you need a drink.
I certainly do. Oh!
There is no easy way
to begin this interview,
so let's just jump in.
Now, your husband, he never
admitted to having an affair.
Yet the rumors
continue to circulate.
How did that
make you feel?
I think one of the worst
feelings in the world
is when you...
when you feel deep down
that maybe you were
actually lying to yourself.
You know, and...
...telling yourself
that everything is okay
and that your husband
still loves you
just as he always did
and that he still wants you.
I don't know,
I guess I felt like
a little bit like
a failure as a woman
that I didn't
have it anymore,
whatever that
would be, that...
My mother.
Excuse me?
Video image,
it's my mother.
Oh, okay. I'm sorry.
Wow, she's beautiful.
Thank you.
This is very haunting.
I like it.
My work explores
the curse of memory.
You know, the inability
to let go of the past.
I use recycled materials,
mannequins, TVs, old car parts.
I mean, anything
that people throw away.
That way we show
we can't appreciate
what you have
until it's gone.
Can't or won't?
You know, I don't always
get what I want.
Oh, my God!
You heard that.
Oh, that's terrible.
So how do you know
Doc Harper?
Oh, she's my best friend
and colleague.
We share an office together.
Don't get me wrong,
I appreciate aggressive women,
but I don't think
there's anything wrong
with sweeping a woman
off her feet.
I mean, call me old-fashioned,
but I do miss chivalry.
Well, hello,
I'm Veronica.
I'm Victor.
Victor is
one of a kind.
I'm Rebecca.
I'm with the gallery.
Are you interested
in acquiring Victor's piece?
Just give me a call,
and we'll figure something out.
But don't think
about it too long.
Victor's going to be
the next big thing.
I just know it.
So it would seem.
Would you mind if I stole
Victor away for a second?
I just have to introduce him
to a few more people.
Be my guest.
Bye, Victor.
Good luck with the show.
Oh, honey.
What are you doing?
I'm trying
to seduce
my husband.
Mmm... honey.
Honey, I really
I need to finish
evaluating this report.
Even you need to take
a break sometimes.
Don't answer that, please.
I got to take this.
It could be important.
Yes, Neil.
Okay, hold on.
Let me look for it.
Um... I don't have it.
It's in my office.
I'll be right back.
Yeah, no, I read that.
I haven't
finished it yet,
but I will.
It's a long time.
Quit worrying.
You're always
worrying too much.
And you don't mind
dropping Lizzy off
at Ellie's
on the way there?
Well, that's
the least I could do.
After I'm senator,
I'll have even less time
to spend with her.
-Love you, Mom.
-Love you more.
All right,
I'll pick you up
Monday, okay?
Sure thing.
So... knock 'em dead, Senator.
Don't I always?
All right, give me a kiss.
-Love you.
-Love you.
Remember, if you need me
to come down, just call.
I don't know
what to do anymore.
Danny is still having
terrible rages.
He won't get out of bed
unless I force him to.
Last week,
he hit his sister.
There are certain
triggers and cues
that provoke different
behavioral responses.
It's important for you
to know the difference
between those that are gonna
bring about an outburst
and those that are
gonna calm him down.
That's what we're
gonna work on in
next week's session.
Thank you, Dr. Simon.
You're a lifesaver.
Danny, you ready?
Bye, Danny.
See you next week.
-I called about the sculpture.
-Yes, of course.
I'm so glad to
see you again.
Victor is actually
here right now.
I told him you
were coming.
He offered to help
load the sculpture
into your car
if you'd like.
How nice of him.
I'll just go back
and say hi.
Perfect. I'll just get
the paperwork ready for you.
Thank you.
Yeah, I think
you're all set.
So how do you know when
a piece is finished?
Don't, you know?
I mean, it's never
really finished.
You just keep
working on it until... feel like you
got to let it go.
I don't know, maybe
like sending a kid
off to college
or something.
It's bittersweet.
Well, don't worry.
I'll take good care
of your baby.
That sounds stupid.
Well, I have no doubt
about that.
So my friend and I
were supposed to go
try out this
new restaurant tonight,
but she just
bailed on me.
Are you hungry?
How can I refuse
my benefactor?
There are some times
when I remember
my college days,
how it felt
to be anonymous.
You know, how it felt
to be kooky and crazy
and do lot of things and...
You know how
it would be to...
If I wasn't, you know,
I would fantasize,
"Well, if I wasn't
standing at his side,
"would people even
recognize me in a crowd?"
Like, could I do
something silly?
I don't know.
I can't
really explain it.
But there is a wish
for anonymity
once you have celebrity.
It seems so freeing.
So are you in
politics as well?
Um... once upon a time,
I had really big plans,
and I was gonna
change the world.
But then I had a baby,
and all of a sudden,
it didn't seem so urgent.
So I kept my practice
because I could make
my own hours,
and, you know, I keep
a hand in politics by,
you know, helping my husband
with his political career.
So why'd you become
a psychiatrist?
I guess because
my parents were crazy.
So the same reason
that people become artists.
That's why
I really appreciate
working with children,
...they're so much more
honest and direct
with their emotions.
So like me.
I never lie.
Well, that's
very admirable of you.
Although I do find
in my line of work
that sometimes honesty
is not the best policy.
See, you are
a politician.
No, no, let me give you,
you know, an example, okay?
Okay, bring it on.
Say two people are
getting a divorce
because of infidelity.
Now, if you tell the child
the real reason,
it risks damaging
their perception
of relationships forever.
Or do not tell them,
but then you risk
the child thinking
it was their fault that
the marriage came to an end.
All right, I never really
thought about that.
But it's pretty cool,
how your work
directly affects people.
Yeah, well, I always wished
I was more artistic.
Come on, that's all about
being in the moment.
I mean, just being present
and letting yourself go.
I mean, at least
at some point,
you just let yourself
go, right?
I'm racking my brain.
I don't think so.
I mean, I'm a politician's
wife, you know?
Everything has got to be
pretty buttoned down,
and controlled.
All right, well,
it must be kind of strange
having these kids
tell you things
they won't tell
their parents.
I mean, all their
deepest, darkest secrets,
they share with you.
Yeah, but that's the key
to beginning to heal.
You know? I feel honored
that they trust me.
I'm really good
at keeping secrets.
So I can trust you?
Of course.
Even though I'm not
a patient or a small child.
So what's a guy
like you doing alone
on a Friday night
in this city
with the most
beautiful girls
in the world?
Girls my age don't really
have any life experience
other than throwing up
on Bourbon Street.
What about you?
Husband working late?
He's out of town,
political trip.
And your kid?
At a friend's.
So I'm alone.
So it would seem.
And you're alone.
You got a dirty mind,
I'm just talking
about another bar.
Let's have a party now
Let's have a party now
Let's have a party now
Let's have a party now
Let's have a party now
Let's have a party now
Let's have a party now
Where did you find this?
I thought they didn't
make these anymore.
Just had it laying around.
There's something more
authentic about it, though,
don't you think?
The finality
of each picture.
You take as many as you want,
just as long as you know
I'm deleting
all of them
There's no delete
on a Polaroid.
I got my methods.
All right, trot the horse.
Nice trot.
Respond to that horse
by letting him go.
One more time.
Keep going.
Loosen up.
Canter. Check
that right lead.
That's good.
All right, stop your horse.
Whoa. Nice.
An animal will only
let us control them
when they want us there.
Step down.
Good lesson.
Morning, darling.
Morning, Daddy.
Not nearly as pretty
as you, though.
So did you talk to
the governor about Jake?
The governor always
takes my calls.
You know that.
-I do.
He said he would
lend his support
if Jake does well this week.
You're gonna be there
to back him up?
Actually, Jake thought
it was for the best
if I sat this one out.
You know, old boys' club.
They just think
of me as a wife.
That's bullshit.
You'd make a great politician.
And you wouldn't be behind
in the polls like Jake is.
He's gonna be fine.
He knows the script.
When your mama died,
I tried to do everything
I could to keep you safe.
Now I'm worried.
I spent so much time
protecting you,
I didn't teach you
how to enjoy life.
What do you mean?
I believed in Jake
when you first met him.
Y'all got married.
I saw something in him.
But now I'm not so sure.
I just want
my little girl
to be happy,
because win or lose,
your life's gonna change
after this election.
Hi, honey.
Hey, sweetheart.
Was the governor
receptive to your proposal?
What did he say?
More than I expected.
Honey, he's giving us
his full support.
He even invited me
on his annual hunting trip
with some campaign
finance big shots.
I mean, it doesn't
get bigger than that.
Wow, that's great.
That's fantastic.
Thank you.
Couldn't have done it
without you, sweetie.
That's sweet.
How are you holding up?
Just, you know,
a little exhausted.
I miss my girls.
You know, we should
we should plan a getaway
after the election is over,
get away from all the phones,
and the work
and responsibilities,
and just be together
as a family.
What do you say?
-I'd love that.
- How was your weekend alone?
You blasting Bob Seger
and dancing in your underwear?
Yeah, that's exactly
what I'm doing.
-Right now, in fact.
-I knew it.
Well, I'm actually driving
in my underwear, but...
Oh, honey, I'm sorry.
Somebody's calling.
It might be a patient.
No problem.
I love you.
I love you too.
Dr. Simon.
-Hello, Dr. Simon.
Oh, you haven't
forgotten about me yet.
How'd you get
this number?
Look, you told me you wanted
to be more creative, right?
So I got a place
that will inspire you.
I don't know.
Just bring your camera,
and you won't be disappointed.
I really shouldn't.
Come on, you'll
love it. Trust me.
I'm gonna show you
the heart of New Orleans.
Well, when you
put it that way.
Okay, where do I meet you?
Pretty awesome, right?
So cool.
And you've never been
to a krewe den before?
No, all these years
going to the parades.
Never once.
My mom used to bring
me to different dens
when I was a kid,
let me run around.
The artists do their thing.
It was all papier-mache
back then.
Now it's mostly Styrofoam.
That way, it keeps it
lighter, you know?
Amazing images everywhere.
Yeah, nothing
is off-limits.
It's such a magical place.
Where'd you disappear to?
Come out, come out,
wherever you are.
Very funny.
Come out.
Veronica, where'd you go?
Seriously, Veronica!
-What the fuck?
-Sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't.
-What are you doing?
-What's the matter with you?
-Why'd you scare me like that?
It was a joke.
I thought it would be funny.
-I'm really sorry.
Look, it's...
It was just my training.
Look, it just kicked in.
I'm sorry, you...
This was a mistake.
I should go.
It's not a mistake,
all right?
Please, don't go.
Give me some of that.
Hey, can we steal more
of your dad's booze?
-Let's go, dude.
-Let's go.
So... what do you
think about Pete?
Wait, are you trying
to hook me up
with that guy?
Come on. He's,
like, so cute.
Ellie, you know
I'm into Josh.
I don't want to hook up
with his weird friend.
Just relax, Lizzy.
Live a little.
I got one more
surprise for you.
Oh, Victor.
It's very sweet.
But we need to talk.
I mean, I love ballet.
But it's too structured,
you know?
They never let me
improvise at all.
What's in it?
Just Schnapps and 7-Up.
It's sweet.
I could tell
you're a virgin.
Excuse me?
I can smell it on you.
I got a nose
for these things.
You don't even
know me. Sure, I do.
You're the kind of girl who's
always got to prove something.
Like, I bet you'll wait till
you're out of college
just to have sex,
and every time
you feel like
a weirdo because of it
to your friends,
you just get angry
and start judging them.
Wow, you're a real charmer.
Is that how you get
all the girls?
Haven't failed yet.
So did your dad really
have an affair or what?
-Where are you going?
I'm saying that I can't
do this anymore.
I'm sorry. I...
But I hope you know
that we can still
be friends, okay?
We'll be friends, you
go back to your life,
and I just what?
None of this ever happened?
Look, I've had
a wonderful
time with you,
but I have to focus on
what's important now.
What's important?
You know what
I mean, my family.
I have responsibilities
that I've been
pretending don't exist.
So are you gonna
tell your husband?
No. He would kill
you and me both.
-I'm not afraid of him.
-Well, you should be.
He goes to
the rifle range
every weekend.
Are you kidding me?
He has an affair
and what...
What am I to you?
Just some revenge plot?
No, you know that's
not the case.
So why would you
do this to me?
I was caught up
in a beautiful
moment with you.
I'm sorry.
I feel a connection to you,
a real connection.
I mean, I know you
do too. I feel it.
And I'm very touched
and honored by that,
but I've been married
for 20 years.
I have a daughter.
I'm committed to them.
It's a whole
different world.
This would never work.
I've never felt
this way before.
Now, I want to make sure
that we're clear on this issue.
I am for gun control,
but I am not anti-gun.
I just want to make sure
that they don't fall
into the wrong hands.
Now, I know this is
not a popular issue
among our party.
I'm sure there are
some of you at this table
who do not share my...
Hey, Lizzy, it's Neil.
Is my dad around?
He's in a meeting.
What's up?
I can't reach Mom
and I need a ride.
All right, hang tight.
Let me figure something
out here, okay?
-Just tell him I'll walk.
-No, no, no.
Just text me your address
and I'll send you a car, okay?
You should be,
wha... Lizzy?
Oh, Jesus Christ.
...stance on this
particular issue.
I want to be
the first person
to do that, okay?
Sorry to interrupt,
but, Jake,
can I borrow you
for a second?
Yeah, certainly.
Excuse me one moment.
I'll be right back.
This better be important.
Making progress in there.
I am sorry about that,
but it's your daughter.
Well, what now?
I mean, look at you.
You've got your whole life
ahead of you.
You don't need
to be tangled up
in the drama of
some married woman.
You're amazing.
And you're gonna make
some other girl so happy.
Don't you get it?
I don't want some other girl.
I want you. That's
all I want is you.
But I'm not available.
I shouldn't have come here.
This was a mistake.
And maybe you should
have thought of that
before you spent
the weekend with me, huh?
I bared my soul to you.
I gave you everything
that I have.
What are you...
What are you
talking about?
I love you.
You're in...
But it's... it's
only been two days.
Lizzy, it's Dad.
Call me back right away.
Come on, Ronnie.
Pick up. Pick up.
We had a wonderful
time together.
We did, but that's it.
That's all it
can be. What...
That's it?
I should go.
No, you should stay.
-Let's just talk about this.
We can figure out how
to get through this. Just...
I got to leave.
Why would you lead me on?
I mean, what the fuck
is the matter with you?
Don't you give
a shit about me?
Think about it.
When you first met me,
you knew right away
that I was taken.
So you knew what you
were getting into.
I thought you were
a guy who wanted
to have a good time,
no strings attached.
I've never done
this before.
I don't know.
I'm sorry. I really
didn't mean to hurt you.
And now I wish I never
met you, okay?
I understand that.
So, what, now you're just
gonna throw me in the trash?
Go home and tell
all your rich friends
that you went slumming it
with some artist for a weekend?
Get out of my house.
Goodbye, Victor.
I'm truly sorry.
Hi, honey, what's up?
-Do you know where Lizzy is?
-Yeah, she's at Ellie's.
No, she is not.
She's walking home alone.
-Yeah, I was just in a meeting.
-Neil called me out to tell me.
-Oh, jeez.
I think... I think
that my ringer was off.
I'm so sorry.
I'll... I'll go get her.
Don't worry about it.
Please, and call me
the minute you hear
from her, okay?
-I will. I will.
-Thank you.
Lizzy, it's Mommy.
Where are you?
You have to call
me right now.
Oh, thank God!
Lizzy, get in the car.
Honey, how many times
have I told you
not to walk
alone at night?
It's not safe.
I can take care of myself.
Honey, get in the car.
Lizzy, now!
Sorry for yelling.
I'm just worried, okay?
Are you all right?
I'm fine.
No, you're not.
What's up?
Just leave me alone,
all right?
I just wish I had
a normal life like
everybody else.
Look, I'm sorry that
we've been so preoccupied
with Daddy's campaign.
Everybody thinks
I'm a freak.
That my dad is some
cheating politician.
God, it's so embarrassing.
Honey, those
are just rumors.
I mean, you know,
he's running for office,
and there's a lot of
people who don't want
to see him elected.
But why would somebody
make that up?
It doesn't make any sense.
Well, don't people
make things up in school
to hurt people's feelings?
You know, they tell
lies, spread rumors.
Mom, I'm not a little kid.
I'm not gonna fall
for your shrink bullshit.
It's not bullshit.
The real world is
not that different
from high school.
Just tell me
the truth, all right?
Do you really think
that your father
would have an affair?
I don't know,
did you do something
that would have made him?
Of course not.
I'm gonna push you.
I'm gonna push you.
What did it
really feel like
to set aside
your own political ambition,
even though you're a doctor,
but clearly
had political aspirations
and to take second seat?
Second seat was fine
as long as I felt
that we were striving
toward something as a family,
that we were something real
and that we were
building together.
I think when I discovered
that what I had signed up for,
this traditional
family structure,
this traditional marriage,
with all of its, uh...
concomitant values
and commitments,
was not exactly
what I thought it was,
then I became
a little bitter.
You guys ready for
the big surprise?
Put the phone away.
No more texting,
here we go.
-Close your eyes.
Close your eyes,
close your eyes, honey.
-Close 'em.
All right, just follow me.
I got you. I got you.
-Oh, no.
-I got you.
We're walking the plank.
We're gonna end up
in the water.
-It's gonna happen.
-No, no, no, I got you.
All right, right here.
Okay, ready?
And one, two, three,
open your eyes.
What do you think, huh?
Is she gorgeous?
What is this?
It's our getaway, honey.
Are you serious?
A boat?
Can I go check it out?
Yeah. Go ahead,
Isn't she great?
-It's incredible.
-Come on.
-Look at this.
-She's a 33-foot racer-cruiser.
Watch your step.
And, boy, is she yar.
-I'm on a boat.
-I figured we'd
take a few days off
after the elections,
sail up the coast.
What do you say?
Oh, that would
be wonderful.
It's been such
a long time
since we were out
on the water together.
-What's down there?
-That is the cabin.
-You want to check it out?
All right,
mind your head.
-Thank you.
Here you go, honey.
You okay?
Yeah, it's nothing.
I just, uh...
I'm sorry I snapped at you
on the phone the other night.
I'm... that was
wrong of me.
You don't have
to apologize.
No, I shouldn't have
spoken to you like that.
I worry about
you guys, you know?
I wish I could always
be there to protect you.
And I was thinking,
maybe we should hire
a security detail.
What do you think?
I don't know.
I think that what
Lizzy needs now
is normalcy,
not more people looking
over her shoulder.
You know, she needs to
feel that we trust her.
Yeah? Yeah, well,
you're probably right.
You know more about
kids than I do.
What are you doing here?
You haven't
returned my calls.
Right, but I'm busy.
I'm working.
You shouldn't
really be here.
I just wanted to see you.
This is inappropriate.
I mean, this is
where I work.
You can't just show up
like this, all right?
Look, hey, I missed you.
What are you doing?
Victor, you should stop.
Bet you this is one
of your fantasies, huh?
Come on, stop it.
You all right?
That really what you want?
Is that all right?
I bet you you
dreamt about this
all the time, right?
Oh, my God. It's...
it's my next appointment.
That's all right.
That's all right.
Stop it. I have to
answer the door.
-I have to answer the door.
-It's okay.
I have to answer
the door. Stop it.
Damn it.
Be back soon.
Hi, I'm Jake Simon,
and I'd like your vote.
What are you
doing here?
Well, I was canvassing
in the neighborhood,
and there's only
so many doors
a guy can get
slammed in his face.
I was wondering if you
wanted to grab lunch
and maybe go over
the images for
the new campaign poster.
-What do you think?
-Oh, they're great, honey.
-They're yeah.
They're great, yeah.
I like 'em,
but Neil's not so sure.
Oh, Neil.
I'm sorry, are you...
Are you with a patient?
Actually, yeah.
It's one of my
more difficult cases.
-Oh, I'm sorry.
-That's okay.
Why don't I just...
I'm close to
the end anyway.
I'll just get rid of him
and then be with you, okay?
-Okay? Yeah.
-I'll wait right here.
Victor, all right,
here's how it's gonna go.
I'm gonna leave,
and then you stay
for a few minutes,
and then you leave, okay?
What are you doing?
-I'm not finished yet.
-No, no, no.
This is not cool.
No. No.
Listen, it's my
husband out there.
It's my husband.
Well, maybe I should
go out and say hi, huh?
Oh, come on.
Stop it, Victor.
He'd probably like
to meet me, right?
No, no.
Stop it.
Come on, what are you doing?
Why are you acting this way?
I just want
to be with you.
Victor, come on.
You got to
cut it out now.
It's just been
a few days, okay?
You got to cut it out.
You got...
This is serious.
Well, every minute without
you is like an eternity
when you love someone
as much as I love you.
Stop it!
Come on.
I love you.
Ow! Jesus Christ!
Victor, look what you did.
That hurt.
You be quiet now.
Don't smile.
I'm sorry.
-Stop it.
-I'm really sorry.
Honey, honey,
this has turned into
a little bit of
a crisis case.
I don't think I can
get away right now.
Can I look at
those at home?
Yeah, sure.
No problem.
Okay, I'll see you later.
Okay. Bye.
-Love you.
-Love you too.
Oh, honey, don't forget
tennis tonight, 7:00.
Bill and Charlotte.
Don't be late.
-I won't.
-Okay, bye.
Victor, that was
very immature of you.
You could have
ended my marriage.
I think you're doing that
just fine on your own.
Excuse me?
You need to go.
You know where to find me.
Jesus. Shit.
Oh, my God.
Why do you
think he did this?
Why did Victor do this?
Honest to God,
I don't know.
I think he was
obsessed with
what he perceived
our life to be,
that something was
missing in his life
and he wanted it.
And if he couldn't
have it, then he was
going to destroy it.
I don't know why
you're going hunting again.
It's just creepy.
Well, I have to prepare
for the governor's
hunting trip, honey.
All right, I want you
to hold this now.
-Oh, it's heavy.
Now place the stock inside
your shoulder nice and tight.
Put your chin right
on the stock there.
Now I want you to aim.
See that big tree right
over there by the boathouse?
Why don't you imagine
that's the deer?
Imagine that's
the deer, okay?
Can you see it
through the sight?
-Imagine it.
All right, now,
the important thing
when you're hunting,
is to understand
what the prey is thinking.
Probably thinking you're
dressed pretty silly.
That's not what
the deer is thinking.
What is it
thinking, then?
The deer thinks
about three things.
One, food.
Two, "Am I in danger?"
And three,
making baby deer.
Now, put the gun up again.
Look down the scope.
And remember,
with this rifle,
you only get three shots
before you need to reload.
- Okay.
- Okay?
But the key is to keep
the deer calm, okay?
And then when you're
ready to fire,
you take a deep breath,
place your finger
on the trigger...
-Oh, my God.
-Oh, sorry, honey.
God damn it.
Sorry, honey.
I'll get it.
Come on in.
Get out of the rain.
You should not have
come to my work.
You should not
be calling me,
and you should definitely
not reach out to me at home.
Come on, I was
just having fun.
I mean, how are you
ever gonna forgive me?
Stop it.
I just came here
so that you would know
that this is over.
This has to stop.
We'll just...
let's just grab a drink.
-Come on.
-I don't want a drink.
Victor, I want you
to understand that
this is over.
Why are you doing this?
Why am I doing this?
It's 'cause I love you.
You need to let it go.
It's over!
We have
something special,
I mean, don't
you feel that?
This is
once-in-a-lifetime stuff.
I will not let you
destroy my marriage!
Destroy your marriage?
He cheated on you.
You cheated on him.
But why'd he cheat?
Why'd you cheat?
Why are you here?
I mean, come on.
Just think about it.
Just come. Come look.
I have a surprise for you.
Just one little surprise,
all right?
And then I'm leaving.
All right,
then you can leave.
Come on.
That's how you see me?
Veronica, you're
consuming my thoughts.
I mean, all I do
is think about you.
You don't like...
You don't like it?
I mean, you say you
want to help people,
but it seems that you're
hellbent on trying to hurt me.
The last thing I wanted
to do was hurt anybody,
especially you.
All I do is think
about different ways
I can kill myself.
Don't say that, Victor.
If I did, it'd be
your fault.
You understand
that, right?
I can help you.
With the...
with the proper treatment
and maybe some medication,
you'll feel more balanced.
I don't want any more
medication or treatments!
I want you!
You is what I want!
That is not possible!
Because you can't,
and now I'm gonna leave.
Okay, Victor?
You need to accept that.
-I'm leaving!
-No, you're not, all right?
Look, I want you. I want you.
Stop it. Stop it.
-You can't have me. No.
-Okay, listen to me.
-You're my soul mate.
-You're part of me now.
-No, I'm not your soul mate.
-I'm not! I'm not!
-Stop. Stop fighting me.
Let me go! Let me go,
or I'm gonna scream!
-I'm gonna scream.
Stop it! Stop it!
Stop it, stop it,
stop it, please.
I love you, not him.
He doesn't give
a shit about you.
You can't see love until it's
looking at you in the face.
Look at me.
I love you.
Please let me go,
Victor. Stop, stop!
Stop, Victor!
Stop it, stop it!
Please, don't do this!
Tell me you love me!
Just tell me you love me!
Say it! Say it!
- Stop! Stop! Stop!
- Please say it!
- I need to hear it!
- I love you.
And when did you first learn
about the danger in him?
A short while after I had
purchased the sculpture
and in such a way
kind of, um...
in some way involved Victor
in our lives tangentially.
A good friend
and colleague
of mine called
who had treated him before
at the VA hospital
for emotional
and mental issues
perhaps relating to his time
in the service, perhaps not,
and warned me that
she felt he was developing
a dangerous obsession
with Jake and our family.
And that came as
a complete surprise to me,
but I really didn't think
that it would lead
to anything, you know?
You sometimes develop
political stalkers.
You have people who
become obsessed with you,
-but they don't--
-Wait, wait, wait, wait...
The moment your colleague says
that he's obsessed with you,
you don't call
the cops at first?
He made me feel like anything
could happen, you know?
It was so...
I haven't felt that way
in such a long time that...
I guess I just wanted
male attention.
I don't know.
It was stupid.
I'm really scared, Harper.
I think you need
to tell Jake
and go to the police.
I can't risk
the press finding out.
I mean, it could derail
Jake's campaign.
I mean, he's in enough
scandal already.
Is there any way
that I could
see your files?
Is there any history
of aggressive behavior
or anything like that?
Anything you need.
What if you
put down in writing
that he's obsessed
with me and my family
and that he's made
threats to me and Jake?
Yes, and I already have
that he has a potential
violent streak.
Okay, that's good.
So if he does
anything more,
we can just use your records
to have him committed,
which will
buy us some time
until at least
after the election.
I'm gonna add all this
into the file, okay?
But you have to promise me
to stay away from that guy.
Don't respond to him.
Don't acknowledge him.
And for God's sake,
don't see him again ever.
That's the worst
possible thing you can do
with a guy like that,
all right?
-Thank you.
We're gonna get
through this.
It's gonna be okay.
Well, you have to assess
whether this is someone
who presents any threat
to your family or not,
and I honestly,
at the time, I didn't...
...didn't know the level
of his obsession.
You know, there are
people that want to
get your autograph.
There are people that want
to wear your clothes.
There's other people
that want to kill you.
I did not realize
he was the the latter.
Hey, honey. What are
you doing down here?
Hey, Victor, this is
my wife, Ronnie.
We met down at the range,
and, man, can this guy shoot.
What an eye.
Bullseye every time.
Army was good
for one thing.
Yeah, and I told him
all about our plumbing problems
down here at the boathouse,
and guess what.
He offered to
fix it for free.
How cool is that?
Sorry, but have
we met before?
I don't think so.
No, I think we have.
I think at the art benefit
a couple weeks ago.
You bought my sculpture.
Wait, wait, the one
in the living room?
That piece?
-That's me.
-That's yours?
Oh, man, I love that.
That's awesome.
-Yes. Oh, okay.
-Hey, what's going on?
-Hey, sweetheart.
Victor, this is
our daughter, Lizzy.
Lizzy, Victor.
Hey, you remember you wanted
to get some more art classes?
- Yeah.
- You know that piece
in the living room,
the torso with the TV set?
-That's Victor's.
-No way.
-That's a great piece.
-Thank you.
Hey, maybe you could
invite her down
to your studio
for some classes.
- I'd love that.
- No, she's got so much
on her plate already
with dance and school.
Honey, I don't think
it's a good idea.
Oh, honey, we can fit it
in the schedule.
Don't worry about it,
all right?
You just let me know,
all right, if you
change your mind.
I'll leave you
to your family.
Thanks, Victor.
Appreciate it.
Thanks for the help.
I'll see you at the range.
-You want me to grab that?
-No, no, I got it. I got it.
-You got it?
-Yeah, man. Thanks.
Good night.
- Bye.
- Bye. Take care, man.
What a great guy.
Veronica, what
a pleasant surprise.
What the fuck?
Fuck you!
Look, I'm part of your
family now, all right?
You're gonna have
to accept that!
No, you are not,
and you never will be!
Come on, you're mine now.
You're... Oh, fuck!
Veronica, Veronica,
Veronica, Veronica,
Veronica, Veronica.
I'm sorry.
Are you okay?
You destroy my life,
I destroy yours.
Please, I'll give
you money.
I'll give you a lot of money
if you just leave me alone.
Please, you can
focus on your art.
You can go back to school.
You could do whatever--
You rich fucking bitch.
Think you can buy
and sell people?
You don't own me.
I didn't mean it that way.
I'm really sorry.
I didn't mean it that way.
I'm just
I don't want to have
to hurt you,
but you're leaving me
no choice here.
You don't have
to hurt me.
You don't have
to hurt me.
I love you.
Help me!
Help me! Help me!
What the fuck, huh?
What kind of maniac
would sink a boat?
Oh, my God,
it's so crazy.
It's, like,
ten feet underwater.
It looks like a pirate ship.
Yeah, I've never seen
my dad this angry before.
It's just a mess.
I don't know why
I find this so funny.
Lizzy, can you get
over here, please?
Yeah, my dad's
yelling at me.
I got to run.
See you tonight?
Can't wait.
Oh, love
Oh, careless love
Caught in the clutches
Of desire
Yeah, you caused me to weep
Yeah, you caused me to moan
Yeah, you caused
Me to leave
My happy home
Hey, Councilman
and Mrs. Simon.
What is it?
I don't know. I...
I'm a little off
We won't stay long.
I promise, okay?
Okay. All right.
Thank you.
Jake, Veronica,
perfect timing.
-Hey, Neil. How are you?
-All right, good.
You remember Richard
and Mary Thompson?
-Hi, Mary. How you doing?
-How are you?
Richard, how you doing?
Nice to see you.
Veronica, you're looking
amazing as always.
-Isn't she? She's beautiful.
-Oh, thank you.
And the Pattersons,
Keith and Jenny.
-Hey, Jake, great to see you.
-How are you?
Hey, Jenny,
how have you been?
You have to tell us
your secret.
- Doesn't she?
- Yeah, absolutely.
It's the toxins
I worry about.
So are you really going
on the governor's hunting trip?
-How do I get that invite?
Be more important.
Be important, he says.
Who were you talking to?
I was talking to John.
John, this is
my friend Veronica.
-Veronica, John.
-Oh, hi, Veronica.
Are you okay?
Yeah. I was
just paranoid.
Good to meet you.
I'll see you later.
-Have fun.
- You look beautiful.
- You too.
Dr. Simon, I hope you're
enjoying your new sculpture.
Love, oh, love
Monday morning,
in the office,
you and me.
Excuse me one second.
Yeah, honey, what is it?
I'm just feeling
a little sick.
I don't think I can
stay here much longer.
Listen, honey,
I think I got Bill
on the hook
for half a mil
for the campaign.
Just give me
five minutes, okay?
Yeah, I'm telling you,
next Tuesday,
I booked the courts...
Oh, God. Got to
keep it together.
Got to keep it together.
Honey? You okay?
You okay?
No, I'm not.
I'm sorry.
I'm really sick.
Can we go home, please?
I don't want to stay
here any longer.
-Yeah, sure.
-Okay? Thanks.
-Neil, get the car.
-Is everything okay?
Yeah, it's fine.
Just get the car.
All right, okay.
Oh, Lizzy, come on.
Where are you,
you pathetic
piece of shit?
Come on out, you coward!
Oh, my God.
Oh, Jesus Christ.
Oh, no.
Oh, my God.
Go ahead, just
finish it. Kill me.
I'm gonna tell him.
I'm gonna tell him everything
about you and me and Lizzy!
If you were
the last man on Earth,
I would never love you!
I hate you!
You deserve to spend
the rest of your
pathetic life alone.
I just have a really
bad feeling right now.
-I don't want to be alone.
-You're not alone.
You're with Lizzy.
Girl time.
I know, but I really
need to talk to you
about something.
-We have to get going, Jake.
-Okay, I'll be right there.
All right.
Can we talk later?
I don't want to keep
the governor waiting.
I just wish that this trip
was not this weekend.
You know how important
this is to my campaign.
Lizzy, come say
goodbye, honey.
Have a great trip, Daddy.
All right, look after Mom
while I'm away, okay?
Sure thing.
Wow, someone's finally
in a good mood.
What? What is it?
It's nothing.
Just... just be really,
really careful, okay?
Be really, really safe.
And then you come back
as fast as you can.
Honey, you worry
too much, okay?
I'm gonna be fine.
I'll text you as soon
as I get there, okay?
Pick up.
Jake! Jake!
Jake, wait! Jake!
Jake! Jake! Jake!
Come on, Jake.
Why aren't you picking up?
Oh, damn it.
Pick up!
Knock much?
Where did you
find those?
-Who took those?
-None of your business.
Tell me.
-My boyfriend.
-What boyfriend?
Victor, my boyfriend.
We're dating, all right?
Oh, this can't
be happening.
He loves me, Mom.
You have no idea
what you're
talking about.
He is a very
dangerous person.
He's not dangerous.
He treats me like a princess.
Why haven't you told me
anything about this?
Why haven't you
said anything?
Well, you've been
acting so weird lately.
I figured you'd get
all mad and everything.
I guess I was right.
Do you even know
how old he is?
I mean, this is
statutory rape.
Oh, my God. Mom,
he didn't rape me.
Why are you making
such a big deal about this?
Dad likes him.
Dad doesn't like him
as your boyfriend.
Why would you let
someone take pictures
of you like this?
I mean, what if they fall
into the wrong hands?
There is nothing wrong
with these pictures.
They're art, Mom.
This is insane.
Did you have
sex with him?
Why do you
hate me so much?
I don't hate you.
I love you, Lizzy.
I'm trying to protect you.
Did he have sex with you?
Just leave me
alone, all right?
Get out!
Hey, Charlotte.
It's Veronica.
I'm so sorry
it's so early,
but I have a bit of
an urgent situation.
Do you know where
the boys are staying?
Okay, can you
text that to me?
Thank you so much.
We want to thank you
for getting up
at the crack of dawn
and taking time away
from your Senate campaign
to come out here
and join us, Jake.
Thank you, Governor.
I definitely
needed the break.
You remember my campaign
manager, Neil Bolan?
Oh, hell yeah,
I sure do.
-How are you, Neil?
I volunteered for you in '07.
That's right, you did,
and we sure gave 'em
what for, didn't we?
We certainly did.
This is my good friend Victor.
Former army, best shot
I've ever seen.
Big fan of yours, sir.
Well, that's always
good to hear.
Always nice to
meet a fellow vet.
Well, gentlemen,
what do you say
we split it up into teams
and make this interesting?
Put some money on it.
Sure, so long as
Victor's on my team.
Hey, Jake.
Here, why don't you
take Marcus too?
He'd be a hell of
an asset to your campaign.
Plus, he could
use the practice.
Hell, if this kid's as good
a shot as you say he is,
I got to handicap you
some kind of way.
All right, you can have Bill,
and now we're even.
Hey, now, come on.
So what's the wager,
Well, what do you say
we make it a thousand?
Are you sure about that?
'Cause our team is unbeatable.
Yeah, thanks to
your secret weapon.
Everyone's got
to have one, Governor.
Son, you sound more and more
like a senator every day.
Just remember what our
esteemed former governor
Edwin Edwards used to say,
"Hell, the only way
they could stop you now,
is if they found you
in bed with a dead girl
or a live boy."
All right, gentlemen,
come on. The hunt is on.
Jake, please call me back.
Please, it's urgent.
Damn it.
You start sculpting
before or after the service?
Mostly after.
I have no artistic bone
in my body whatsoever.
My wife complains
I haven't tried,
but trust me,
it isn't there.
Ah, don't worry
about that, Jake.
There are very few artists
in the Senate anyway.
There's definitely
some bullshit artists,
that's for sure.
Guess that
makes us all Picassos.
So, Victor, as an artist,
you must get a lot
of girls, right?
I do all right.
There anyone special?
There's one I can't
quite get my mind off of.
-Oh, yeah?
She's funny,
smart, beautiful,
and everything
you could want.
-Lucky man.
-Yeah, lucky man.
Sorry, guys.
My asthma's really
getting to me.
All the allergens up here.
Maybe I should
call a doctor.
There's no
cell service
out here.
Yeah, you're right
about that.
All right, uh...
I'll stay here with Marcus,
and you guys go on ahead.
We'll catch up.
-You sure?
-Yeah, yeah.
-This way.
Can I ask you
a personal question?
Did you cheat on your wife?
You know, the press will
say anything these days.
But I won't lie to you.
There are times when I miss
the freedom of youth.
Why not start over?
Now there's a thought.
Where are you?
It'd be humiliating
to come back completely
Can't believe we
haven't seen anything.
-Watch out, Jake!
what are you doing?
I think you should
ask your wife.
What's he talking about?
Wh... what are you doing here?
Victor. Victor, please
put down the gun.
Not until you tell him.
Come on, Victor.
Look, Victor,
put the gun
down, all right?
We're all adults here.
Let's talk--
Don't move!
Tell him!
Tell me what?
I, uh...
Jake, honey, uh...
I, uh...
I and Victor--
We're in love, Jake.
Look, I'm sorry to break it
to you out here, buddy.
That's not true.
Did you fuck him?
It's not like that.
It's not.
exactly like that!
You loved every second of it.
Is it true, Ronnie?
It this true?
Jake, honey--
Just answer
the goddamn question!
Yes or no?
I didn't mean to.
It was just
a weekend fling.
It meant nothing.
You know that I love you.
Why are you lying to him?
Stop pointing a gun
at my husband,
you fucking maniac!
All right, you know what?
You goddamn son of a bitch.
Put the gun down.
Let's go, you and me.
Come on.
-You decided to man up.
You don't have
the balls to do this.
please, guys.
Oh, yeah?
You can't
satisfy your wife.
Oh, come on, guys.
No, don't do this.
He's really dangerous, Jake.
You don't understand.
Come on.
You fucking interns, huh?
Is that what's going on?
Oh, no. No,
Jake, please.
Huh? Come on.
That's all you got, huh?
Maybe you're fucking
some college boy. Is that it?
Stop! Stop it!
Stop it! Stop it!
What are you doing?
Don't you move or I will
shoot you in the head!
Honey, can you get up
and walk to me?
You fucking asshole.
All right, I'm gonna keep
this gun trained on him
until we figure out
what to do.
How could you
do this to us?
To me and Lizzy?
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
I made a mistake,
but we can't let it
destroy everything.
Victor is
obsessed with us.
He's unstable.
He's obsessed with
our whole family,
even Lizzy.
Harper has the evidence.
You convinced him to let you
come on this hunting trip
so that you could
hurt him or kill him!
So what are you
gonna do, shoot me?
It would look like
a hunting accident.
Honey, what...
What are you talking about?
-Think about it.
He's not gonna stop
until we get rid of him.
Honey, just think about this.
You think about it.
Hey, what's going on?
Did you guys bag a deer?
Veronica, what are
you doing here?
I tried to call his cell,
but I guess
there's no reception.
There's been an accident.
Yeah. Yeah, my mom, she,
uh... she fell down.
She's all right,
but I should really,
really get back to town.
What the hell happened
to your face?
Where's Victor?
Victor and I, we...
we had a disagreement.
-That's not funny.
-No, no.
It turns out he's...
he's not as big
a supporter as I thought.
He headed back to camp.
Yeah, you know,
boys will be boys.
I married a tough guy.
Let's, uh... let's go back
and find the governor
and thank him
for the trip, huh?
-Yeah. Yeah.
-Yeah. Yeah.
Okay, you're gonna
want to clean that up, huh?
I can't believe you fucked
that fucking psycho.
I mean, how
could you?
Listen, we have
worse problems.
What could be
fucking worse than this?
Look in my purse.
Look in my purse.
What? What's in
your purse?
What the fuck is this?
-Victor's targeting Lizzy.
-What the fuck?
You fucking let this guy
fuck our daughter?
You introduced them!
You practically
pushed her
into his arms!
-Oh, oh, it's my fault now?
-Why don't you go take lessons?
Take art lessons at
the grown psycho's house!
You fucked this psycho
and now it's my fault
he fucked our daughter...
All right, stop the car.
Stop the fucking car.
Pull over!
Where's my fucking phone?
That's it--
-What are you doing?
-I'm calling the fucking cops!
What do you think
I'm fucking doing?
You can't call them.
What are you gonna
say to them?
I'm gonna tell them
this motherfucker
raped our daughter!
Do you know what that's
gonna do to her?
Ronnie, knock it off!
Look, why don't we
go with your
private security idea?
Can you just
get off the phone?
Just hear me out.
You can call them back
if you don't agree.
Listen, what if we hire
a private security team,
like you suggested,
and then if he
comes after us,
they take care
of him, discreetly.
It's done,
and she's safe.
She's the best thing
we ever did,
and we got to
take care of her.
All right, go ahead.
Drive, go ahead.
We'll go with your plan.
but if I find this guy first,
I'm gonna blow his
fucking brains out!
And it's not gonna be
a hunting accident either.
Victor, what are you
doing here?
Look, I just needed
to see you, all right?
What's going on?
-Tell me you love me.
-I love you.
-Tell me you love me.
-I love you.
-You love me?
-Yes, of course.
Trust me, then.
I'm getting you
away from here.
Look, I'm gonna
keep you safe.
-Victor, you're scaring me.
-Look, everything's fine.
Lizzy? I'll check upstairs.
Jake, he's got her!
They're headed
to the boathouse!
- Come on!
- Lizzy!
No, Jake!
-Put the knife down!
-I'll kill her. You understand?
Stop, Victor!
Victor, let her go!
Let her go!
-Back up!
-Let her go, please.
-This is your fault.
-Put it down!
Don't do anything to her.
Don't hurt her.
Put the gun down
or I'll slit her throat!
-I swear to God, I'll kill you.
-Jake, stop it!
-Let her go.
-Jake, put the gun down.
Put the gun down.
You understand me?
Lizzy. Please.
Oh, my God.
Put the gun down, Jake!
Put the gun down now!
All right, all right!
he's gonna kill her!
-Okay, don't hurt her.
All right, all right.
I'm putting it down, okay?
Putting it down.
- Victor...
- Don't hurt her.
- Gun's down, all right?
- Victor...
-All right?
-Back up. Back up!
-Back up! Back up!
-This has nothing to...
All right, just be cool.
-Don't do anything.
-Okay, okay.
You killed him!
No! No!
I'm so sorry.
I'm sorry.
I had to do it.
-Oh, my God.
-Please, leave her alone.
-Just stay away from us!
Don't do
any more, please.
We don't want any more
bloodshed, right?
It's not what you want.
This isn't you.
You didn't mean to do that.
I know you didn't.
No! I didn't want to!
Look at her.
She did nothing wrong.
She's a good girl.
I loved you, and you just
threw me away like trash!
I loved you!
I'm sorry.
I'm truly sorry.
Look what you've done!
Look what you've
done to your girl!
You were right about
everything you said about us.
We're not good.
We've hurt a lot
of people, both of us.
But not her.
Lizzy's good.
Her heart is pure.
She never did
anything to you.
You lied to me.
I know, and I'm sorry.
But please don't make her
suffer for that.
She loves me!
You don't love me!
-She loves me!
-I do love you.
Please let her go.
Let me take her place.
You can do anything to me.
You can kill me, I don't care.
- No! No!
- Just let her go, okay?
So let me come to you.
Let me come to you.
I love you.
I'm sorry.
-I'm sorry.
Come here.
Come here, sweetheart.
-Come on.
-No, no, no!
Okay, okay, okay.
I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry.
I loved you.
All I wanted
was your love.
I know, but I see
the hurt boy inside,
and you didn't deserve
so much pain.
I'm not gonna abandon
you anymore, I won't.
Promise me. Promise me
you won't abandon me.
I promise 'cause
I love you.
I love you.
I know
your heart is good.
- Tell me you love me.
- I love you.
We don't need this anymore.
We don't need this anymore.
You don't need that.
I love you, and I want to be
with you if you'll have me.
Can we go away together?
Can we run away?
-Let's go.
-Let's go change our lives.
We'll go start over anywhere.
We'll be anything
we want to be, all right?
- Okay.
- I love you.
- Get on the boat.
- Let's go. Let's go.
Be careful. All right.
Don't fucking leave me.
I won't leave you.
I won't. I won't.
Don't leave me.
I won't leave you.
Oh, my God.
Mama did this, okay?
Not you. Mama
shot him, all right?
That's what we're
gonna tell everybody.
This is not on you.
I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry.
If you had
the opportunity
right now,
what would you
say to Victor,
the killer of your husband?
That's a little scary for me.
I haven't done that yet.
I suppose that might be
healing in some fashion
to address him.
I would want him to know
the value of the person
that he took off
the face of this Earth.
I would want him
to know what Jake was
and what he took away
from our daughter.
But I'm trying
in my heart to
forgive him.
It's a slow process
because, you know...
We can never take back
what has happened.
But I would want
him to know that
I don't see him
as entirely to blame
and that there is help
and there is redemption
possible for everyone
and that one day,
I hope that he heals
and that he can find
his own happiness
in some fashion,
you know?
That he gets the proper
treatment he needs
and moves on from this
just as we hope that
we can move on from this.
You suffered in more ways
than any of us can imagine,
and yet through this tragedy,
you honor Jake's memory.
You continued
the campaign
that he began.
You won the election,
and you became
United States Senator
of the state of Louisiana.
Let's show that clip
from the acceptance speech.
First, I stood up
to my husband's killer
to protect my family.
And now I will
stand up for you
to protect yours.
I will use my position
to honor
the memory of my husband
and the memory
of all of those lost
to violence in our state.
Thank you very much.
Well, I know that this
was not an easy interview.
The public has been wanting
to hear this personal side
of the story from you
for a long time,
and I can't thank you enough
for giving me that opportunity
to get to know you,
to hear your story,
and to be inspired by you.
Thank you so much.
Well, thank you,
Senator Veronica Simon,
mother, doctor,
leader, survivor.
Thank you.
- Thank you.
- And thank you for watching.
Bernard, you got a visitor.
How have you been, Victor?
Saw you on TV.
Thank you.
So what now?
I came to see how
you're holding up.
That's not what you're
gonna tell the reporters
waiting outside, is it?
You're gonna tell them
you came here to forgive me,
that I'm not an evil person,
that I'm a victim.
You are a victim
of a system that
failed you.
You targeted me.
Excuse me?
You devised a plan,
and I was your puppet.
I got issues,
and you manipulated me.
And why would I do that?
Jake's sagging poll numbers.
Your own political ambition.
The emptiness in your heart.
Betrayal. Pain.
I don't know,
but you had Doc Harper
adjust my records,
showing my obsession
with you.
I was former military,
and you're the one
who told me about Jake.
You told me
I'd find him
at the range.
You knew he'd invite me
on the hunting trip
as soon as he saw me shoot.
And you knew that I'd kill him
so that we could be together.
The thing I can't figure out
is, why'd you stop me?
Why'd you come
to the forest?
It's 'cause you found out
about Lizzy and I, right?
That wasn't part
of your plan, was it?
But you got what you wanted,
didn't you, Senator?
You won.
I lost my husband.
My daughter lost her father.
And I'm in here!
You had to feel
something for me.
Tell me you felt
something, please.
Just tell me
you felt something.
You had to feel something.
What I feel for you
is extreme pity
that you're not following
your treatment,
that you're not compliant,
and that you continue
to delude yourself
with this ridiculous fantasy
that somehow you had
a relationship with me,
some kind of relationship
and some absurd murder plot.
The sooner you
debunk yourself
of these fantasies,
the sooner you will be
on your way to recovery.
You did this to me.
Tell me the truth.
You did this to me.
I'm sorry, Victor.
This is goodbye.
Veronica, tell me the truth.
Tell me the truth.
Tell me the truth!
tell me the truth!
There is nothing
To fear
With the madness
In the air
We could strike our spark
Any way
When it's warm outside
We can go for a ride
We can go
For a ride anywhere
We can light up anywhere
It's getting hot in here
When we wig out
We freak out
And sparks will fly
In the middle of the night
When we freak out
We make out
And you won't
You don't
You want it, you don't mind
We can wind up anywhere
It's getting hot in here
When we wig out,
We freak out, out, out, out
The game is more than
You know
It don't work like before
The drawbacks have control
When it's warm outside
We can go for a ride
We can go
For a ride anywhere
We can light up anywhere
It's getting hot in here
When we wig out
We freak out
And sparks will fly
In the middle of the night
When we freak out
We make out
And you won't
You don't
You want it
You don't mind
And you won't
You don't
You want it
You don't mind
We can wind up anywhere
It's getting hot in here
When we wig out,
We freak out, out, out, out