Indra (2002)

Greetings madam
My eldest son
Bharathasimha Reddy
Greetings.- Greetings
My second son
Vijayasimha Reddy
Greetings.- Greetings
He's my eldest son's
son lndrasena Reddy
He may be a little boy,
but he's an avenger.
Did you observe he
never greeted you?
Have you come to compromise
or with handcuffs?
To compromise.
Human life is very valuable.
Both sides have lost
too many lives.
Don't beat around the bush,
come to the point straight.
lf you get your
second son Vijayasimha Reddy,
married to Siva Reddy's sister...
Do you want me to marry my
father's killer's daughter.
l'll cut your tongue.
Trust me madam.
This marriage will bring
place to this region.
Even if we accept
they'll not accept.
l'll make them accept.
- No.
We too like enmity
than relationship.
No, your father always wished
peace for this region
Let him make his try.
Bring bombs!
l'll stuff it into his mouth.
Did you here what
he said now?
He has brought a proposal from
your father's killer.
l like D.l.G.'s proposal.
What happened to you, dear?
l feel this will do good
for our family. Accept!
Marriage brings together
2 families.
But our marriage brings friendship
between 2 warring families.
lsn't it?
Wife drinking milk after
husband is old tradition.
Husband drinking milk after
wife is new tradition.
You drink and give me.
Though l know l would
die along with you.
Do you know why
drank poisoned milk?
l'm Konda Reddy's daughter.
l would prefer death along with
you than sleep with you.
Brother! We've been cheated.
Not only to jail, l can come anywhere
in this happy moment.
l've practically wiped out
Bharathasimha Reddy's family.
Are you police or demons?
Making me believe this marriage
will bring peace.
You've killed my two sons.
Siva Reddy is challenging to have
wiped out men in my family.
Anyone from our faction come
forward and sit on this chair
Hey Butchi Reddy!
Why are you pondering
over it, Venkat Reddy?
For peace to this region,
for your happiness,
My grandfather, my father,
my husband, my sons...
...they all sacrificed
their lives for you.
lsn't there a man here
to sit on that chair?
l'm there, grandma.
Hail lndrasena Reddy!
What's this police
doing here, priest?
Telugu man has been appointed
as Governor of U.P.
Telugu man?
- Yes, Chennakesava Reddy.
He's coming with his family
for a holy dip in River Ganges.
l've been entrusted
to conduct it.
Okay, do it properly.
He's our Telugu man.
Hey, stop.
You are my security men.
- Yes sir.
You are marching ahead.
what if l'm attacked from behind?
Come dear.
Did all of you go behind me?
What if some one attacks
from the front?
What if the attack is aerial?
lf they decide to kill,
they'll do it,
whether it is Parliament or
Pentagon, it doesn't matter.
Greetings sir - Greetings
- Greetings madam
Go & take a holy dip.
Oh No! l can't take
a dip in this water.
lt's wrong to refuse.
Holy Ganges is a
goddess of mercy.
lf you give up
anything you love.
She'll fulfill your
unfulfilled wish.
l don't like the marriage
fixed by my mother.
Priest told me to
give up something.
l'm giving up the
groom l don't like.
Select a man l like most.
Where's your pearl chain?
- Yes, where's it?
Did you give up pearl
for priest's order?
A chain blessed by Goddess Durga
to marry my nephew.
Don't say like that, madam.
She would've made a wish.
To fulfill that Holy Ganges would
send it to the place it deserves.
Hail Lord Shiva!
Sankaranarayana, take god's offering.
- Thank you sir.
You always offer prayers
for your niece & nephew only.
You never give an opportunity
to offer prayers for you.
l don't have any problem.
Children must be happy.
l'll go sir.- Okay.
Oh! Sankaranarayana has come.
He'll ask why l haven't
taken a bath yet
So, you all are ready
after taking bath
Good! Where's Valmiki?
Come...take this.
We are in a queue.
Why are you breaking the line?
Stop Valmiki...
Keep quiet Subbarayudu
He's a dumb and moreover a
long time associate of Sankaranarayana.
We came much later.
He deserves to get first.
Why did you forget to give me?
Wantonly l forgot.
Take bath & come.
- l've taken bath.
l'm talking about today
not yesterday.
Why have you come
here suddenly?
Trouble again in Ayodhya or
your college is closed for holiday?
No, l've come for festival on
grandma's invitation.- Yes.
Okay, good!
Go and have breakfast.
What's that new chain?
lt fell into my neck as l was
taking a dip in Ganges.
Don't remove it.
Wear it son.
That is not just a pearl chain.
lt is a boon of Ganges.
Don't know why she has
presented it to you? Keep it.
Your niece.
l told her to win the classical song
competition in college.
Look, how she's practicing.
How nicely she's singing!
Who had trained her?
- Go and see.
Why the tape has stopped playing?
- Player is switched off.
Are you practicing the
song l taught you?
That's why, l am hearing
it from a tape.
lf you hear, you'll get sleep.
You can learn only if you sing.
l'm not getting inspired
to sing, uncle.
l'll beat're wrong.
All you must have is
a heart to sing.
Any sound from this Kasi,
abode of Lord Shiva,'ll turn into music and
inspire us to sing.
lsn't there inspiring music
in these chants of saints?
...the conch is singing
your praise, Lord Shiva.
Don't stop it uncle.
Please sing the song.
The conch the blowing...
the drums are playing...
Let there be sensation
with cadence in music...
Let us march forward
unconcerned about time...
singing paeans to Lord Shiva....
becoming the ever flowing Ganges...
Making an abode here
Lord with his consort Visalakshi...
This is holy town of Kasi...
Hail Lord Shiva!
Lord is dancing in happiness...
Drums are playing thunderously...
My song will captivate Kasi.
Like the poetry of
Poet Laureate Srinadha...
lt is the path leading
to liberation...
So says the jungle of
little bell...
As heart beat chants your
divine name in a trans...
And dance to your
chants rhythmically...
Every step here is like
circumambulating you...
The lamps lit in the lunar month
is manifestation of Lord...
Won't our sorrows vanish if
we float the lamps here?
Any rock in this place
is Lord Shiva...
This is not soil but
boon of Lord Shiva...
This place stands for eternity...
A heaven that history also
failed to catch up with...
Can't you hear the divine
chant in the air?
Can't you see the mercy of
Lord in the Ganges?
Come, visit and know the
divinity of Kasi.
She's my only daughter,
she loves music,
and l love my daughter.
l don't want her to become great
singers like Lata or Susheela,
lt's enough if she sings
lullabies to her children.
l brought her up away from
sun & dust, in light & air only.
l'm not leaving behind
my daughter here, careful.
Hello Pitchaiah, you've been
crying madly all the night.
Please control yourself.
How much you love your father?
Love? My foot!
My father left just ashes to me
and property to his concubine.
What's in it? You got good deeds
and that lady got sins.
Take care of him...please console.
- Mr. Balu!
l'll first offer prayers
in the temple and come.
We know the priests
of the temple very well.
We'll take care of your
temple visit personally.
You must go to a temple with
devotion, not with security.
l'll visit on my own and
come to the guesthouse.
You take me to the
university from there.
Do you want taxi?- No.
lt's very crowded here.
Come carefully.
One moment you're careless,
you'll be robbed.
Why are you whistling?
Just to know if you're
a Telugu man or not
l'm also a Telugu man.
Do you want taxi?
No come.
- Keep quiet.
We must go to the river Ganges.
- Just Rs.300 only.
Rs.300? We are from
Tenali not fools.
l'm also from Tenali.
Say something else.
No difference in my word or rate.
We'll take in our taxi to Ganges,
take you around to all the
important places in a boat,
and after visiting temple,
l'll drop you safely here. Okay?
l can get 100's like you
for Rs.50, you know?
100 people are waiting.
- l'll go.- Go man.
Why are you putting hand on me?
You come...looks like a
tough guy.
Don't you get taxis here?
- You're from Tenali, aren't you?
How do you know that?
- l'm also from Tenali.
Are you also from Tenali?
What are you doing here?
l'm running a taxi here.
ls it all gold jewels?
- Why do you want to know?
To tell her to be careful if it's gold,
Kasi is full of thieves.
Appears to be a good man.
Pure gold.
Will you ply taxi for Rs.50?
We both are from same Tenali.
No need of Rs.50.
Rs.10 will do.
You say it is pure gold.
He's from Tenali, but a fool.
Okay, come.
Mr. Balasubramanyam, greetings sir.
What are you doing in Kasi?
Are you also a Telugu man?
We are about a lakh people here.
- Give me. - Where?
l'm a taxi man.
Give me Rs.300.
Don't bargain, mine is
fixed rate...come sir.
Mr. Balu, looks like you've fallen
to the charm of that cheat
He's charging Rs.300 but this
man is changing Rs.10 only.
Just talent will not help,
you must be worldly wise.
You get in sir.
- What's it? He's saying just Rs.10.
You'll know it as
finishing touch, get in.
Stop here. Will you take us
into the water? Get down.
Get down.
This is Holy Ganges of Kasi,
bow to her.
- Not to me but river Ganges.
You brought us to
the river for Rs.10 only.
Can't you engage us a boat
at cheaper rate?
- Yes, dead cheap.
Any one from Andhra Pradesh?
Come...come sir.
Gangaram, you seem
to be very excited.
He's Pitchaiah.
- Senior Pitchaiah.
l'm Junior Pitchaiah.
- He's from our Tenali.
You're from Tenali.
l'm from Tenali.
We all are from Tenali.
Don't dance for coming
from the same place.
First tell me the rate.
- Rate?
Why are you removing
your slipper?
Take my slipper.
- l'm wearing one already.
Beat me with my slipper.
-lt may end up in court case.
For the people of Tenali?
Rs.1 is enough.
- One rupee?
He's also another fool.
l'm suspect their motive.
- Shut up foolish lady.
He's patriotic towards his native.
Let's encash it.
You engage a cheap priest also.
- Real cheap priest.
Hail Lord Shiva.
Who called me now?
Sr. Pitchaiah has come
from our Tenali.
From Tenali?
From my Tenali?
Let you be blessed with long life.
- Are you from Tenali?
Great to hear
Like LTTE taking roots
all over Sri Lanka,
People from Tenali have taken
over this place Kasi.
Tell me your rate.
- My rate?
A Telugu man, that too from Tenali.
Are you fixing a rate for me?
lt's free for you.
Look, who is here?
Oh my god! Mr. S.P. Greetings sir.
What has brought you to Kasi?
My voice got little defiled by
singing obscene songs.
l've come to clean myself with
a dip in holy water.- Get in sir.
lt's Nandhini on taxi and boat here.
Who is this Nandhini?
She's my boss's niece.
Not only on taxi and boat,
we may not able read but you
can see that in his heart also.
My boss gave this boat to
earn my livelihood.
Okay, take his bag. - Good.
Put your gold jewels into this.
Stop! Why?
lf you make it into a bundle and
dip in Ganges, it'll double.
Don't fool me as
l'm from Tenali.
Will gold become double on
dipping in Ganges?
lt'll happen, fool.
Are you suspecting me,
a royal priest?
Hail Lord Shiva.
What's this?
lsn't it?
Why did you throw away
gold ring into water?
l didn't throw man.
Go and see you'll find 2 rings.
2 rings? Really?
- Go and take it.
This business is very good.
Will it become 2 rings?
How is it possible?
Oh my god! 2 rings.
Thank you lord.
Really it has become 2 rings.
What's this magic?
lt's not my magic, man.
lt's River Ganges.
Recently l threw a tyre and
lo behold! l got a taxi.
l threw a paddle
and got a new boat.
Oh!- Good show boys.
Father, you too go & take a
dip in water. - Why?
l'll get 2 fathers.
- Why two?
He's right, you sleep a lot
lf one is sleeping another
will be awake.- You shut up.
lnauspicious time is
fast approaching
Pack the jewels.
Or else the jewels will vanish.
You take out.
- Wait, l'll take it.
You remove it.
l'll also help.
Wait, even the loin thread
is gold, l'll remove it.
Come...greet goddess Ganges.
Please repeat after me.
lt's dedicated to
Goddess Ganges.
Turn towards east and bow
with your wife & son.- Why east?
Tenali is in east.
- Then, turn.
Sir, turn this side.
Open your eyes & see.
You mustn't touch it fool.
My packet has grown bigger
You mustn't touch it, fool.
You mustn't touch it, madam.
What's your grandfather name?
- Bochu Pedalingaiah!
lt's not Bochu, it's Bachu
ln the life whether it is
Bochu or Bachu doesn't matter.
Why are you going away?
- What else do you want us to do?
You fool...idiot! Goddess got angry
and turned gold into iron.
Who told you to touch it?
Who brought him here?
This man not me.
- l'll kill you.
Do you want a
taxi for Rs.10?
You don't get a tea for one rupee
and you want a boat.
Do you want a priest free?
You're from Tenali.
l'm also from Tenali.
Dear...- Father.
There are 64 ghats
like 64 art forms.
That is 'Harischandra Ghat. - ls it?
King Harischandra worked as
undertaker here only.
ls it here? - Yes, here only.
World over people die for a living.
But here in Kasi people live to die.
Your philosophy is good.
What are you doing sir?
They say it's good deed to throw
a coin in Ganges.
You're innocent sir.
When this tradition started,
there were no rupee coins.
Only copper coins.
Water in copper ware is
always good to health
So, they threw coins into river.
l don't want to hurt your sentiment.
You may drop the coin sir.
Humanity is greater than money.
l don't feel like l'm talking
to a taxi driver.
l feel like Lord Krishna, Charioteer
of Arjuna is talking to me.
That is too much.
Come down a little.
When l'm saying it sincerely why are
you brushing it as too much?
Praise is like scent.
You've to use it on body.
Just because it's fragrant
you shouldn't drink it.
We are artists.
Do you know what captivates us?
Praise and claps.
- Well said sir.
Sing mamma!
Lord Ganapathy, we offer prayers
chanting your name in our hearts...
A Lord who is prayed
by Sages & saints...
Son of Lord Shiva and
brother of Lord Guha...
Light of this world...
abode of peace...
A lover of great
drama & literature...
Traveling on a mouse,
lover of pleasantness.
help us with Rs.100.
Come sir, l'll drop
you inside.
l'll hold my bag.
- No problem sir.
lf you come to Hyderabad, be my
guest for at least 2 days.
l'll record your voice.
- No need of so much praise.'s me.
You are Pitchaiah, aren't you?
Not just me alone. l'm with
my wife & son also.
You were nice and happy
while coming here.
Didn't l tell you to
see the finishing touch?
You've seen...
lt's my responsibility to send
them to Tenali, they'd come.
This is a regular
feature with me.
lt's time for your train,
you carry on sir.
For and me.
What about for me?
- For you also.
me and you...
For you...
What's this?
We are just three.
But there are 4 parts here
When we are 3 here
who gets that fourth share?
Why are you tensed?
- No need to get tensed.
We are friends.
- Have you joined our group?
What else then?
Then, we can steal the
entire Kasi town.
Your fingers are shining
bright with ring?
Priest asked him to wear
for good fortune.
Bangle for you?
- For keeping out bad omen.
Please give this ring to Sankar.
Shut up. He's a
ring master himself.
No need of ring for him
Pack all jewels. - Why?
lf l drown you all in Ganges.
- You'll come out in two's.
Our run has come to an end.
Remove...remove it.
What's this?
Why are you brandishing a knife?
These are our
ancestors jewels.
Your ancestors have come to
take it back...look.
Hard earned jewels will never
get stolen away. - Oh my jewels.
Bloody rogue.
- Thank you, Sankaranarayana.
My ring...- Where's my
auspicious thread?
Do people of Tenali appear
like fools to you?
l've a great power behind me,
you know? You come.
lf you do this again,
what'll be the result?
We'll get drowned in Ganges
and float at Harischandra Ghat.
Now you may leave.
Who is the man who spell bound
us with his music?
He's my maternal uncle.
He's a taxi driver in Railway station.
Uncle means your suitor?
Marrying my uncle is impossible.
ln fact he remains a bachelor
to educate me and my brother.
lf your uncle falls in love with
a girl and marries suddenly
My uncle getting married?
He's strict bachelor like Bhisma,
Lord Anjaneya and Vivekananda.
He didn't get a girl suitable for him.
That's why he's still a bachelor.
l know very well
about my uncle.
Okay, let's have a bet for fun.
- Bet?
lf l make your uncle to
agree to marry me?
Sorry Pallavi
You're Governor's daughter
You can go to
Governor's residence,
but can never enter
the life of my uncle.
What if l enter?
- No way.
Okay, let me see it.
ln 2 days a strange
thing will happen.
ls she a girl or a walking
jewellary shop?
She's a mobile goddess of wealth.
lf l sell the jewels on her,
l can buy 6 taxis.
Greetings madam.
Do you want a taxi?
A Telugu taxi diver
was here...
Are you a Telugu girl?
l'm the lone Telugu
taxi driver in Kasi.
Yuck! Not you.
You're a Bill collector
and he's a Bill Clinton.
Though he's a driver,
he's majestic.
What's in it? lt's the same
steering and same accelerator.
ls it pure gold?
- Yes.
lf it is pure, l've to take you.
l'll drop you safely.
My bag.
Who is that?
Brother, is it you?
l've brought a client for you.
Pure...- What?
Pure Telugu girl.
Here's your Bill Clinton.
l've lost my gold.
Where do you want to go?
lnto the Ganges.
- lnto Ganges or near?
Near...- Taxi is there...come.
l beg of you.
l didn't cheat anyone.
Okay, where's Giri?
He went to other side with
priest with a passenger.
Brother, passenger is
shining bright...
lf l beat you....
Again back to monkey business?
No, l'm mending paddle
without any work.
Where's your priest?
Who disturbed my penance?
You've got a client.
Oh my god!
l don't want this client.
l'll not scold you...come.
No...come here.
Don't beat me in front of
a girl...- Okay.
lt seems her parents died in
a road accident.
Oh! What a beautiful golden girl!
Leave her to us. We'll take care.
lf you start your tricks again,
your heads will roll down.
Send her after offering the prayers,
l'll wait in the car.
You promised to stay
with me till l go back.
Why are you leaving
me halfway through?
They are here, aren't they?
- Their faces are like...
You look like thieves.
You come with me.
You come man. Looks like
we'll lose the gold.
l mean gold like client.
Don't jump...l'll come.
come on man.
Sit down.
Keep your jewels here.
- Oh no.- No
Tell me your grandfather's name.
My grandfather's name
is K.V. Mahadevan
K.V. Mahadevan?
Greatest music director?
A maiden has come with a pot.
l go crazy on seeing her.
Why are you dancing?- Nothing.
He's a strange man.
There's a gold shop here and
he says not to steal.
Moreover he's guarding her.
Your father's name?
S.V. Ranga Rao
S.V. Ranga Rao?
Great actor.
Marriage feast.
Exotic varieties of food!
Do your work, man!
He's watching us.
He'll break our bones.
Your mother's name?
Why is she crying
for every question?
Silk Smitha
Suitors are you ready?- Shut up.
Girl! Stand up.
ls your mother's name
Silk Smitha?
ls your father
S.V. Ranga Rao?
ls your grand father
K.V. Mahadevan?
Are you offering prayers
in the name of film stars?
Who am l?
Royal Priest.
Do l look like a fool?
Should l offer prayers
to the dead?
She's going to him.
He'll break our backs.
What's it?
Stop dear.
Playing tricks again?
l'll beat...- No...nothing like that.
l beg you.- What happened?
You'll not forgive her
if you know about her.
She's telling film stars names
for offering prayers.
Film...- No.
She says no.- No?
Didn't you say your grandfather
is K.V. Mahadevan?
l said K.V. Madhava Rao.
- K.V. Madhava Rao?
Didn't you say your father
is S.V. Ranga Rao?
Oh No l said S.V. Rama Rao.
- S.V. Rama Rao?
Swear on Kasi Visalakshi
and tell the truth.
Didn't you say your
mother is Silk Smitha?
l never said like that.
l'll be no more patient. please no...
Go...go away or else
l'll break your legs.
Mother! - Girl....'s wrong, what's this?
- Leave me...allow me to die.
Do you've any sense?
l don't have anyone.
Why should l live?
For whom?
Am l not here?
l mean all my people
are yours too.
Really? - Really.
Really means for
few days only.
Few days or all the life.
Leave it on me man.
Come, this is our home.
My home.
Coming uncle.
- You go upstairs.
Nothing like that
She was falling down slipping...
l was just...
...holding help her.
Nandhini, your friend.
- My friend?
l mean like your friend,
our guest, take care of her.
You go.
Girl! - Yes boy.
You may slip careful.
Go upstairs.
Nandhini careful.
Take good care of her.
Why are you watching us
like a film?
Nothing, she's a special guest.
What about night's arrangement?
What's that double entendre
with arrangement?
Nothing like that only
one meaning, l mean food.
She'll eat whatever we eat.
l'm here to take care of it...go.
Go away.
Grandma.- What's it son?
Where are my clothes?
- l didn't see
Where did he go away?
Boy! What do you want?
My clothes are
missing from here.
Girl...- What's it boy?
What?- lt's macaroni...
Not on the cot,
but on your body.
l mean why are you
wearing my clothes?
l don't have clothes so
Are you wearing my clothes?
- Yes.
Take off.
Take off now.
What happened now?
l mean l didn't do it to...
Mother! Father! Grandfather!
Why are you calling them now?
They are feeding me here but
not giving clothes.
l mean you could've used
Nandhini's clothes.
Should l wear
Nandhini's clothes?
What's wrong in it? Both are...
Look at our personalities...
Look at her waist size and mine.
What's her height
and my height?
God, what's that?
Pant is loose.
First wear the pant.
My hands are dirty.
You help me in wearing pant.
Don't rush.
Hey, down.- l know.
Don't shake.
How can l not shake
if you touch me?
Am l doing it fine?
Have l come up to the waist?
No, you are half way through.
- Half way?
You've come up.
- Hold it.
Thank you boy.
- Happy to hear it. Go inside.
Greetings sir.- Greetings.
lt's going down again.
Do you've to greet them now?
Why are you watching
us like T.V.?
No need to be a spoilsport.
- Come let's go.
Wait...l'll show you.
lf l tie it tight,
it'll never come down again.
Oh! Dear, has the
love bug bitten you?
Has it invited you passionately?
Oh! Has she pulled my heart's
strings with her plait?
Oh my dear!
Come, let's unite in love.
Oh dear! Shall l rule over
you as your husband?
l'll cross barriers of happiness
and bite your cheeks.
You've taken
over me, my dear.
Don't tease me saying you were
born for me, my cupid?
Oh beauty! You've come
to charm me.
Let the first rains of our love fall,
and our youth start blooming.
My lover's cheeks must
blush with shine.
And the festival
of embrace be celebrated.
lf you're hungry l'll give myself
and shock you with eyes.
Spread a bed in
my heart, my dear.
Has the young maiden
enticed to kiss her?
Every part of body is divine.
l'm anxious to have you.
lf you miss, it's disappointment.
Come on start
celebrating 'Love'.
Venus must come to me and
offer personal services.
Desires have developed wings &
spreading a bed for you.
lf you come softly l'll hug you.
lf l hug, l'll steal you.
With the prowess
off my manly power
Who is that?
lt's me, no jokes.
A rich client from Andhra
has come...come with me.
He's a great priest in Kasi.
He'll offer prayers to dead.
Looks like our boys have
trapped a rich client.
Why have you brought
so many photos?
By any chance did your entire
family die together.
Brother doesn't like
too much of talk.
Thank god!
l was about to show off
t would've cracked up my skull.
Sir, please come in my boat.
Come...come...come and sit here.
Keep the photos & other material
and take a dip in Ganges.
Hail Lord Shiva!
Guru, they're not gold party,
they're killer party.
Goddess Ganges
They say a dip in you will
cleanse all our sins.
The man who killed my brothers
in my region,
...bless me so that he comes to
same region to die in my hand.
Sit down.
Offer prayers of these 3 dead
Sir, please tell me their names.
Kathula Veera Reddy
...killed 70 people.
Kathula Veerabhadra Reddy
...killed 80 people.
Kathula Veera Pratap Reddy...
killed 100 people.
lt's 12 years since
all three are dead.
For safer side ask them
which place they're from?
Where are you from sir?
They are ordering me to
start the ritual.
You too stay with me.
- You've to chant the mantras.
l know that,
you too stay with me.
My days are remembered.
l beg of you sir.
Mumtaz! lt's me Pradeep
There's a problem
in my house.
You've tarnished my respect.
Dishonored me.
lt's been years since l've come
from Hyderabad & settle down here.
Till now no one dared to
look into my eyes.
You're a Muslim,
she's a Hindu.
You've tried to molest her.
lf this news leaks out,
Hindu & Muslims kill each other
for me not for Rama.
Yes sir
Sir, l'm a family man with kids.
Hold his hands.
Nagesh, call police
Mumtaz, l'll wait
for you at canteen.
Listen to me l'm scared.
What are you listening?
- Why not possible?
lf your father doesn't
approve our marriage,
l'll elope with you.
You come immediately to
our college canteen.
Aren't you Pradeep's uncle?
Shaukat Ali has taken your
nephew into his custody.
Khan sahib, what's this?
- Who are you?
l'm Pradeep's uncle.
Did you brought him
like human or beast?
l'm also from Hyderabad.
l know Hindus respect women.
Do you know what your
nephew had done?
Tell me Mumtaz.
Do you love him?
Or else is he following you?
Tell me.
l don't love him.
He's chasing me. may go.
What would you do if a girl faces
some problem in your home?
Beat him.
lf a student fails it's the
mistake of his teacher.
lf a child commits mistake,
it's a fault of his father.
l brought him up
as mother & father.
lf he commits a mistake
it's my fault.
Beat me.
No, please beat me.
l committed the sin. My uncle is god.
You've been beating him
for long time, kill him.
enough...release him.
The mistake was in my side.
So, l'm going away head down.
Or else l would've taken
few heads from here.
lf my nephew is calling her,
lt means how far your
daughter has gone...
is a question l'll
leave it to you.
Whether Hindu or Muslim,
any woman is like my sister.
Never make it a public issue
anything concerned about a girl.
Know her heart and
get her married.
Good bye
Sir, Mumtaz has taken poison.
She's in Hospital.
She wrote this letter
and took poison.
With the grace of Allah,
she's saved.
lnform our men.
Uncle!- What?
You are seeing the
sword in his hand.
l see repentance in his eyes.
come out Shaukat Ali Khan.
Sankaranarayana, please forgive me.
l never bowed my head
before anyone in my life.
First time, l'm bowing to you.
Look at this.
This is a letter from my daughter.
Do you know it's contents?
Father, you've committed a mistake.
You beat a good man.
The reason for it is l couldn't dare
to accept my love for Pradeep. resulted in a disgrace
to a great man.
...ask forgiveness from him
after my death...she left a message.
Saving my daughter from death,
l've brought her here.
My child Mumtaz.
She's no more my daughter,
she's yours from now.
Go child. Take his blessings.
No need, dear
lf every one is as magnanimous as you,
there'll be no communal clashes.
Why would lovers commit
suicide for religion?
l bow to your magnanimity.
- No.
l'm very happy.
Come dear.
Come here.
Come my dear.
Epitome of love, Radha.
lnnocent girl who thinks white is
milk and black is water.
Sankaranarayana has come.
lf he sees us now, we are finished.
Where is my chain?
Did you steal my chain?
lf you tell anyone it's
my present of love.
l'll get a bad name.
lt's better to take it back.
Thank god! Nobody had seen me.
l'm saved.
Come to me, my dancing
beautiful doll.
l've something for you,
my Kondapalli doll.
Come to me,
Oh male cuckoo.
l've fallen in love with you
my full moon.
Come into my arms, dear.
Rule my youth.
A sprightly ravishing
young maiden
A new romance is teasing me
to drench in it's first rain.
Oh! Enchanting maiden,
you're making me go crazy.
How can l leave you?
Your masculinity is
charming me.
Don't delay any further.
You've teased me and
how can you deny now?
Don't you've any mercy
for your embrace?
How can l stop you taking
liberty with me?
You asked for it.
Why so fast?
ls having fun sour to you?
Won't an innocent maiden get
scared with your approach?
Oh my dear! Your upper cloth
has got displaced.
My heart is lost.
You're teasing a man and
denying him the opportunity.
ls it fair on you
my beautiful maiden?
Can't you take liberty with him
and become mine?
Become my man.
Don't rush.
Let's wait till marriage.
l can't hold myself till then.
Stop teaching morals
and break loose.
Will you remain steady?
Come into my lap.
l'm suspecting if you're a girl.
No doubt, l'm your girl.
We've already
fixed the engagement.
We were brothers-in-law
now we are becoming kinsmen.
VC sir, it's me.
Governor Chennakesava Reddy.
Greetings sir
l want my daughter to
come here immediately.
lt's a week since she
is been with you.
Come here? She'll be in the
campus only, search.
l want a return phone call
in 5 minutes.
Pallavi is not only in college
she's not in hostel too.
Not even in hostel?
She was seen with Sankaranarayana,
uncle of her classmate Nandhini.
What does he do?
- He's a taxi driver.
What happened sir?
My daughter is in Kasi now,
in a taxi driver's house.
And they say she's in
love with him.
l want my daughter back,
right this moment
Sir, you're a Governor,
don't talk like this.
Listen to me Kesava.
lf you involve police
it'll become a public issue.
C. M.'s henchmen are in Kasi.
Send those guys to kill him
and bring back Pallavi.
l want my daughter back.
One minute!
Sir, your phone call
Few rowdies entered home and
inquired about you & Pallavi.
When l said you're not here,
they damaged everything here
& kidnapped Nandhini & others.
lt seems they are proceeding
to Lucknow in train.
They told you to come
there with Pallavi.
What happened?
lt seems Nandhini has
been kidnapped.
You don't worry. l'm with you.
You take my helicopter.
Alert Abdul Sattar.
Sankaranarayana is coming there.
They have mobilized rowdies.
Sankaranarayana must be safe.
Don't stop the train.
Yes, Gaffar! What happened?
Run over them.
No need to worry.
Come with me.
He has taken her.
- Taken her?
A taxi driver!
For the silly thing you've done...
Why didn't you tell me
you're Governor's daughter?
Why did you lie to me?
Uncle, she's a good girl.
l'll break your teeth.
l'm pampering you,
Are you bringing disrespect to
family joining with her?
Shut up!
She said she likes you.
Do you like me?
Chasing a stranger is not love.
lt's desire.
ln short it's lust.
Who wants your salutation?
What's happening here?
Did you bring him out?
What are you looking at?
...not a brick must remain.
Kill everyone inside.
Your daughter is inside.
My daughter is inside.
Announce it.
Accept your fault
before them...come.
l haven't done anything wrong
other than loving you.
You are my husband.
Did god appear in your
dream and told you?
The pearl chain is
your neck says so.
When l took a dip in holy Ganges
chanting God's name. fell from my neck and
reached your neck.
Doesn't it mean Lord had
identified you for me?
Even if Lord permits
this is impossible. Come.
Pallavi dear
Kill him.
Sir you...
Why are you greeting
your enemy?
He's not an enemy.
He's an enigma to
people like you.
My daughter is not in Kasi.
l've come to know just now
she's with the Lord himself.
l committed a mistake
without knowing it was you.
l ordered my men to attack
your people & your home.
Please forgive me.
Don't say like that.
lf you really love
my daughter,
l'll get you both married right
now here on the street.
l never intended
to marry her.
ln fact l never knew
her true identity also
She came here claiming
she's an orphan.
After this incident
she says she loves me.
l was bringing her to you
saying she was wrong.
She says she's in
love with you.
She wants you.
Please marry her.
Please forgive me.
l can't marry till
Nandhini is married.
l can't go back on
my responsibilities.
Giri, what's it?
Sir, if Nandhini's marriage is
hurdle to your marriage
l'll marry Nandhini.
Eating off your hands, l fell in
love with Nandhini.
l got afraid to tell you.
She too loves me.
After this marriage,
Sankaranarayana & l are
getting married
You must attend
without fail.
Please come madam.
Just now the marriage
ritual got over.
Please bless them.
l'm not here to bless
the new couple.
Hey Veera Manohar Reddy,
why are you still sitting there?
Come on get up.
He's my nephew.
This marriage is not valid
conducted under threat.
Shut up!
Just say yes, l'll bury all
of them in Kasi.
He'll not speak a word.
This man who can beat
single handedly 100 men
...sorry...lndrasena Reddy
...ask him why he's silent
after we are gone.
lndrasena Reddy! You'll follow
us to our region.
Not to live... get killed
in our hands.
ls it Sankaranarayana before us?
Why are you watching
injustice silently?
Ruining the life of Nandhini
by marrying her,
they are just walking
out on you.
Why are you just
watching the show?
What happened Sankar?
What's all this?
Please don't talk to me.
You must talk.
You can't tolerate
injustice to anyone.
When Nandhini the girl who is your
life is getting injustice,
Why are you silent?
- Answer me.
l'll answer you.
Are you surprised to see
a dumb man speaking?
l was dumb struck by the situation
he has been brought to from,
today l'm going to talk.
Don't stop me.
The name that brings cheer
to people of Rayalaseema,
The name that brings rain
in drought hit region,
The name that turns
barren lands into farms,
The name that sends shivers
down the spine of his enemies,
that man, lndrasena Reddy,
do you know why he left that
place and come to Kasi?
Why are you still cooking?
We are dying in hunger.
Why are you behaving
like a child?
Sister, your husband
can't bear hunger.
What's this?
To bring rain and
give food to the poor,
My brother is offering special
prayers fasting for 29 days.
Can't you bear it
for 30 minutes?
We are living for ourselves.
He's living for people.
Today is the last day
of the prayer.
This prayer must end
without any hitch.
Who in this region will
dare to stop lndra?
Hail Brother Siva Reddy!
What a pity! Murderers are getting
out are being felicitated.
lf Mahatma had been alive,
he would've beaten with his stick.
lf we pull his legs & finish him,
half trouble will be over.
Greetings uncle.
You've got a fax message.
Who is he?
Father, he's my wife's brother.
His parents are no more.
He's free loading
sitting in our family.
ls it? What's it?
lt's in English.
Shall l translate into Telugu?
Tell him.
Hey Siva Reddy!
There is no dear or sir,
address in this so...
Tell me.
The region was peaceful 1 4 years
the time you were in jail.
l'm warning you not to enter
the region for it's peace.
lf you want to live never step
into Rayalaseema Region.
He owns the region.
Who is he?
From, lndrasena Reddy
Get lost.
Father, order us.
We'll take you to the
border of the region,
We all your 5 sons will go
and bring his head, it at your feet and
take you into the region.
Are you my father?
Am l your father?
l've the pride of this region
before l fathered you.
Go home and be ready with
his funeral offerings.
l'll come & have it.
Sister, your husband's
life is saved.
Anyway this man is going to die.
His death is confirmed.
Hey stop...stop.
go back.
Priest, you carry on
without stopping.
This is not the time
to take revenge.
A great sacrifice is
being organized here.
For whom? ls it for
your brother-in-law?
Not for you or me, it's for
the welfare of people.
Siva Reddy, don't try to spoil.
Go away from here.
Shut up!
Why should l take
orders from you?
lf you've guts...courage...
and if you consider yourself
a man, come out.
Why are you sitting there
bloody coward?
Has your pride
taken back seat?
Don't worry about stopping
a sacrifice half way,
Lord Rama who stopped a sacrifice
to kill demon and then continued it.
You too do your duty.
l'll finish the sacrifice.
Let victory be yours
lt seems you are organizing
a sacrifice for rain.
lt seems you'd warned me not
to enter this region.
Do you own this region?
Yes, l own this entire region.
l can give my life
for this region.
lf situation demands
l can take life also for it.
Go. Go out of this region.
l was thinking my writ was
running large here from jail.
You've killed my men
after growing up.
...waiting for my time.
...waiting for the moment
of my release from jail
and the moment to
roll down your head.
Are you so courageous to
stop me from entering here?
lf l don't kill you now,
l'm not the son of my father.
Son of father
lf you're son of one father,
why would you kill my father
and uncles using a woman?
lf you were really
son of your father,
Why would you try to stop a ritual
conducted for benefit of people?
You are remembering
your father too much.
lf l don't send you to meet
your father in heaven today,
l'm not a son of my father.
Good! There should be one
leader to this region.
Kill or get killed.
Let's decide it between us.
My part is to kill and
your part is to get killed.
As it getting drizzles down
like tinkle of anklets.
...and earth breaks down into
rapturous music getting thrilled.
Let the rainbows shower arrows
of rain from black clouds.
Let the storm quench
the thirst of this region.
Let the lives of people
sprout with a new hope.
Let there be streams of water
in this drought prone zone.
Let the sky declare today,
there are no more demons.
Let this message in blood
be delivered right now.
lnviting you to the
innocent Rayalaseema,
let the clouds burst
into peals of laughter.
Let the rain drop like pearls
and adorn our courtyards.
Let the fragrance of rain spread
all over place like sandalwood,
Let the message of peace spread
and cover the entire region.
lndra is calling you
down to earth.
Respond with heavy showers.
Bring down the sky like rain.
Quenching a thirst.
Changing our fates.
Bow to you in the witness
of this great sacrifice.
The king has turned himself into
a lamp to bring light to earth.
Giving up worldly pleasures,
...choosing a life of sacrifice
he has become ascetic.
Making welfare of people
on his aim,
and his breath as the
sacred fire of the sacrifice,
he has ordered heaven
to bring down nectar.
He warned you not to enter the region.
Your death is confirmed.
You could've lived happily running
a wine shop in Vijayawada.
We swear to kill lndrasena Reddy.
Sister..- What's it?
Did you see my pen?- Pen...
Coming dear...
Your brother-in-law is calling,
find the pen yourself.
Sister, l kept my glasses here.
it is missing.
lt's time to kids to go to school.
Find it yourself.
Take care of yourself.
We've work.
What's this brother?
Everything appears new.
You take care of an entire region,
but no one is taking care of you.
Didn't you get it, why?
This house needs a
So, they are sending a message
to marry at the earliest.
Very happy to hear you've
understood our anxiety
What do you lack boy!
You're polished black granite.
Color fast guaranteed.
Don't get wet in rain,
your color may fade.
Lord Rama, Lord Krishna and
you are of some team.
Today, your dream girl
Snehalatha Reddy is coming
Your brother-in-law
calls you a misfit.
l don't know how you do it,
become son-in-law to this family.
And get your legs washed by them with
your favorite lifebuoy soap.
Wherever there's life buoy soap,
good health will be there.
Yes sir.
- How is the dress?- Dress is good.
You you know the
difference between us?
We both stay in the same house.
l'm getting paid and
you don't get paid also.
Don't anyone in this
region talk properly?
Why are you carrying umbrella?
ls it for madam?
For me.- For you.
To save myself turning
dark in sun
What's there to turn dark anymore?
Looking at my face in
mirror is bad for me.
Sir, madam is coming.
You've filled my heart.
l've too much flab.
We've been waiting for you
eagerly all these years.
You've come home like
Goddess of wealth. Come.
lmagine us a couple and
tell me your comment.
l feel like seeing
black & white T.V.
Very poor taste
Greetings brother.
- Greetings.
Thank you uncle.
- Okay.- Careful.
Greetings.- Greetings.
What has brought you here sir?
- Just for the kids.
l'm first.- No, l'm first.
Watch out man.
Greetings sir.- Greetings sir.
- Greetings.
Who son are you?
Greetings sir.
He's Veera Sankar Reddy's son.
Son...what happened to him?
- What's it?
What happened to my son?
Why have you brought him home
instead of taking him to school?
He has hurt his knees.
What happened? How did he get hurt?
He's hurt here also.
- What happened son?
What happened tell me?
Anyone beat him in school?
l'll kill him.
No sir.
He fell while crossing the road.
What? Our enemy....
The name that makes us
go sleepless at night
He has saved the
life of my son?
Let he may be our enemy,
he has given a new lease
of life to our son.
Or else we would be
mourning his death now.
When l walk on street
in future,
l've saved your son who will
conduct your funeral rites,
lf lndrasena Reddy teases me.
What would l do then?
When he grows up,
when others say your life was
saved by lndrasena Reddy.
lf he turns Prahalad and
l become Hiranyakashyap,
and lndra becomes Lord Vishnu,
he'll kill me taking the
incarnation of Narasimha.
What'll you do now?
l don't want a son living
on the life saved by enemy.
No...listen to
Take this body and put it in the
courtyard of lndra's house.
Tell him l don't want
a life saved by him.
Go...take the body.
Brother lndra!
What made your father to chose
this name for you,
to kill an innocent boy?
Unable to look into my eyes,
you killed a boy? son
l'll kill you.
lf you take a step further,
l'll kill you.
Here is your son.
lf my saving your son had
become a curse to your son
Please forgive me.
l was sad because he didn't allow me
to see the face of my dead son.
You saved my son's life earlier,
Now you've brought him
for the last glimpse.
l must bow in your honor.
Why are you watching your wife
praising our enemy?
Don't show your anger on women.
- Are you ready?
Are you dumb struck?
lf you've guts, come out, let's decide.
What you'll decide.
He's my son. l killed him.
Why are you bothered about it?
- Your son?
Did you carry, deliver and
took care of him?
You'll cry mother, if l stab you.
But you've stabbed a mother's heart now.
You and your brothers know only
about knife wounds.
A women loses her symbols of
marriage on her husband's death.
With death of a son losing everything,
look how a mother is crying.
Can you bring back
the life of her son?
You can't.
But, l'll give her
memories of her son.
What are you watching?
Cone on, go ahead.
My son.
My son.
You may have lost
your son physically.
But his soul remains in
this holy basil plant.
Pour water everyday
and look after it
As the plant grows
remember your growing son,
and he must remember his sins.
You must bow every day
in your life.
lf you allow it
to die in pride.
l'll kill you all 5 brothers.
lf you uproot the plant,
l'll kill you.
Hey, who are you?
Why are you barging into house?
She's not talking to me.
Who are you? Why are you
sitting in this chair? Get up.
This is lndra's chair. We too
never sit in it. Get up.
ls your lndrasena Reddy
such a great man?
Lift your head and
look there.
lndra, you're a walking thunder.
lndra, you've lightning eyes.
You didn't get up on my order.
Now, you've got up
on your own.
Not only she any girl it is state
will et up or seeing lndra.
l am...- Siva Reddy's daughter.
Name is Snehalatha Reddy.
- How did you know?
ls it my resemblance
to my father?
No, looking at your arrogance.
Why did you come here?
l came here to tell you,
l'll marry a man l love.
The man you love in my place
...that too in my house.
Who is he?
What did you like in me?
l liked the courage of walking into
enemy's house like a lion.
l liked your manliness
in threatening my brothers.
Any thing more?
l liked your
leopard like eyes.
l liked your Greek statute body
l liked your walking style.
ln fact l like every
part of your body.
But l must like you, mustn't l?
- What do l lack?
l'll not marry any one
other than you.
Don't put conditions.
You'll remain a spinster.
lf l don't marry you by
coming 5th lunar month.
My name henceforth shall
not be Snehalatha Reddy.
Did you feel like seeing me
again watching my walk?
l wanted to give you a
taste of our traditions.
lt's our tradition to honor any
woman entering our home.
l'll take it as bridal sari
presented by groom.
l'll wear it for our marriage.
l feel they are playing a game
again using a woman.
She has come from
America recently.
She wouldn't have taken
to that family's tradition.
Oh the winter cold is killing me.
Oh! The young man is going
berserk in chill weather.
Your beauty is a symphony.
turning my cheeks red.
...spread a bed of flowers, my dear.
Baiting me with your beauty,
you've incited desires in me.
Vanish like moon
in daytime, oh maiden.
With your laser sharp eyes
piercing through my clothes.
How am l to cope with
a unrepentant heart?
Shall l come in coolly and
turn your nights hot?
Storm the fort of my heart,
oh my dear.
Oh! The young mischievous girl
taken over me
Oh shyness has taken
the back seat.
With your mischief
sneaking into my heart.
lf you lit fire of passion
how am l to douse it?
ln the cot of moonbeam
on the bed of jasmine,
lsn't it tragic to put a
wall between us, dear?
Sneak in stealthily
and break into me.
Give in yourself to me,
Oh my dear.
Give me a comb.
l want to comb my hair.
Oh why did he give
a knife for a comb?
Thank god, l didn't tell him to comb.
He would've taken my head.
This is Rayalaseema
not Konaseema.
Don't they use combs here.
Did you go to any function?
You didn't inform us.
Who is this new relative to call you
leaving your sisters-in-law?
l didn't go to any function
but to lndrasena's house.
Why did you go there?
- To meet the groom.
l went on my own. l love him.
l want to marry him.
He rejected me.
lf it's possible go to him and
make him agree to this marriage.
She should be asking the
head of our father's killer.
You rush for everything
with your minute brain.
Who is she?
Our sister, our blood.
She has got traits
of her maternal aunt.
She'll take revenge; she'll not
share her bed with him.
You were born for people.
Let you be blessed
with long life.
Come out. Why are you
still inside?
We've caught you in whites.
Wait, we'll show you.
Brother lndra
Every one must be happy.
What's this?
People don't have a drop of water
to quench thirst there.
But here pots of water are
going down the drain.
Don't know what's all
the fun is for.
What are you blabbering?
Go and mind your work.
Sir...l unwittingly
passed a comment,
Forgive me sir.
- Nothing wrong in it.
Tell me, why you said that?
What's your problem?
People are finding it
difficult without water.
lt rained heavily recently.
lt's a drought hit region.
Any rain will vaporize like
water on hot pan.
Rainwater should
be stored in a place
Sir, lndrasena Reddy is coming.
Greetings Collector.
- Greetings, please come in.
Come in...sit down.
lf you had sent a message,
l would've come to you.
You took trouble to come here.
l can go anywhere for
people's welfare.
What do you want me to do?
l want a reservoir to be built
here to store rainwater.
Or else we can't put up a dam
to stop the flow of tears.
Government had proposed
it long time back.
But...- Money?
l'll finance it.
People will donate on my call.
Money is not the problem.- Then?
The land for reservoir belongs
to Siva Reddy brothers.
They are refusing.
We tried in all our ways.
They have refused forthrightly.
Govt. is helpless in this issue.
Unable to do anything.
l can do it.
You arrange a meeting
between two villages.
lf they refuse...
Govt. will not rule here.
My power will rule
the roost here.
What's this Mr. Collector?
We are busy people.
You invited us.
We had come.
Where is lndrasena Reddy?
Come on, get up.
Hail lndrasena Reddy!
Sit down.
He'll think we got up
in respect for him.
Hail lndrasena Reddy!
l think this man will make my
brothers-in-law to lose their honor.
Greetings Collector.- Greetings.
Why did you call us?
Nothing sir, it's an issue everyone knows.
For building the reservoir.
We are not ready to offer
our lands a platter to you.
Are they working
for free for us?
Why should we give it
free of cost?
No need to donate
Quote your price.
l'll get it for you.
Govt. is running on credit.
l don't know when it'll sanction.
Will you compensate it?
l will.
Don't break your promise.
Did l ever go back on my word?
Give your 1000 acre orange orchard
for our 1200 acres of land.
How can it be equal?
Yours is barren land
lndra's land is fertile.
This is injustice.
According to govt. rate...
No need of Govt. rates if you
like okay or else we are going.
No sir...- l'll accept their proposal.
Please sit down.
l own 200 acres of the land.
l want your ancestral
house for my share.
You've to give me barites fields
& calcium factories.
l'll sign only then.
l agree to give you.
Now, it's your turn Veerabhadra Reddy.
What did you want?
You warned my father not
to enter this region.
You must leave this region
for my signature.
Please calm down.
- Please calm down.
We are ready to give up
water but not you.
You've given up your wealth.
But you're our wealth.
You shouldn't accept
and leave this place. shouldn't go.
Did you hear them?
lf you've any respect for me.
Please sit down.
l'll go away from here.
But after the completion
of the reservoir
Prepare the documents.
Stop brother
Don't women have a right
in ancestral property?- They have.
Why not? We own 1000 and
you own 200 acres.
You mean, l should also sign
the document, shouldn't l?
Of course yes.
l too have a condition
for my signature.
l don't have any thing left
with me other than my hands.
Those empty hands are enough
to tie the knot with me.
No...lndrasena, l fear
there's treachery in it
Brothers have come with
a sister to out smart you.
Listen to me, don't accept
this proposal.
Yes, sister is right.
As l had promised,
after the completion of reservoir,
l'll marry her and
leave this place.
That like a real man.
Take out the documents.
l'll sign it.
Achieving the grace
of Lord Shiva,
Brining down to earth
the celestial Ganges,
...he consecrated it with
his sweat as the milk.
An edifice that will stand
test of time for generations.
Bringing prosperity to people,
he is on a penance to make
sage Bhagirath look small.
An emperor, he worked
like an ordinary worker
Leaving royal pleasures he marched
stride by stride with poor.
When people's hearts are
bubbling with happiness.
When the salty tears
are turning sweet,
bringing a new life to take
root in people's lives,
...making a drought area
turn into green pasture
There's no stopping
when the people rule the roost.
Stopped the Ganges flowing
into sea,
Checked the flow and impounded
the power of labor.
This dam is witness to our dreams
come true standing for eternity.
Now the barren lands
will turn fertile
Our dreams will come true with
the grace of our leader.
Lit the lives of people
spreading with new hope.
Let there be streams of water
in the drought prone zone.
Hail lndra!
l'll take leave now.
With your grace.
Every poor man living here will
be happy all his life
You've kept your promise.
l think he has forgotten.
He has to keep another promise.
Tell your brothers to arrange
the engagement tomorrow.
Hey Naganna stop
Have you lost your brain?
Sir.- Bloody idiot.
Don't we know to offer
him a seat?
Doesn't' he know where a landlord
and a coolie will sit?
Go and bring the mats,
he'll sit on it.
Do we've to bear
all these insults?
Do you want me to
break a promise?
l feel it's like god visiting
a devil's house.
lndrasena Reddy, please sit down.
Am l wrong?
We are here for an engagement
not for wordy duels.
Fix the marriage.
We are waiting anxiously
for that moment.
Bring my sister.
Come dear.
Sit down.
Why are you thinking?
Do you feel it is insult to
your future husband to sit here?
They are now a poor family.
They have to live on your
mercy from now.
Sit down...dear...
Why are you sitting on ground?
l'll not live in bungalow after
marrying him, will l? a poor hut
there won't be any chairs.
l'll get used to it.
Fix the date & time, priest.
Like aunt like niece.
Priest, select a good time.
lt must help us.
Sir, Friday of 5th lunar Month
at 10.30 am is very auspicious.
He must marry and leave tomorrow
as he had promised.
Fix it tomorrow.
lt'll not suit. Tomorrow is
inauspicious for marriage
lt'll be good for us.
Fix it at 10.30 AM tomorrow.
They are very interested.
Fix it.
One minute
l want to talk to
lndrasena alone.
l've not yet married her,
she's calling me to the room.
Don't worry.
Jumping into decisions is your
family trait not for his family's
He's a man of character.
Now start worrying.
Get lost.
Have you got anything to ask which
your brothers forgot to ask?
What's it?
Your life.
Do you want now?
l want you.
Thinking l'll take your
life like my aunt,
My brothers have fixed
this marriage.
My brothers appeared like gods
when l came here from America.
l thought you were
our family's enemy.
But, you saved my nephew's life,
and my brother killed him.
l understood the difference
between our two families.
l know you agreed to marry
not for me.
But for poor people.
l know that.
l want you.
l want your love.
Show me the at least little affection
which you've for the people.
This is not a drama.
lf you still suspect me,
the invitation...'ll bring us together
in matrimony.
After the marriage,
not as a sister of rich brothers,
you must come as the
wife of a poor man.
Oh my dear, l'm mad about you.
Youthful desires are
troubling me.
Oh! My romantic cook.
Cook up a hot feast for me.
Serve me hot my dear.
Falling to your charm,
l promised to marry you.
Taking me on cloud nine,
the fun has reached a
crescendo, oh my dear.
Oh! He has responded
positively to my call.
When a gentle breeze blew,
l said no.
l'm getting irritated
on seeing jasmine.
With every passing day my desires
are getting boiled up.
today, l'm all fired up.
My hips are wailing with
unfulfilled desires.
When a beauty is
lighting fire in me.
You must become all mine.
But it refused to hear you.
You are our only sister.
lf god asks to make a choice
between you & our family.
We'll select you.
l'll return all the
lndra's property to you.
You & lndrasena needn't go
on exile. We'll go on exile.
My dear sweet little sister.
lt's bad for family
if a girl cries.
Go my dear. Be happy.
...keep smiling.
Why are you all indifferent?
lndrasena had killed our father.
Have you forgotten it?
Killing ourselves is better than giving
our sister in marriage to him.
l'm Siva Reddy's son.
l killed my son for enmity.
My word and my deeds are
two different things
They work individually
on their own.
You just keep watching
the proceedings.
At last l found the best man for you.
Put a dot for him.- ls it?
l'm ready.
- Why to enjoy feast?
l promised to wear this sari
for my marriage.
l agreed to get you married
as per your wish.
Sari doesn't matter.
Brother, bring the documents.
Let all the evil eyes cast on you
be warded off.
lndra, my brothers-in-law
returned these documents
Dog will eat leftovers not man.
- You're right.
My brother-in-law insisted
to bring the groom in Benz car.
No need of it, take it back.
lt's tradition for the
bride's people to send car.
Don't refuse and
hurt their sentiments.
We will go in car. Come let's go.
Where are you going?
You are my best man.
You come along with me.
Offer prayers in temple to bring
down curtains on our enmity
Be happy. Go with her.
Sister...sister! Brother-in-law.
What's it?
What happened?
lndrasena is killing
Siva Reddy's brothers.
Look, how he has turned it
into a graveyard.
Have you understood now
the man you love?
Bring a car immediately to
take brother to hospital.
Nothing is left in me now.
Now, this is an
enmity between people.
l don't know the reaction of
our people for this.
This is not people's enmity,
but my personal enmity.
l'll avenge lndrasena Reddy.
Keeping away from
that gory of blood,
he brought up niece and
nephew in Kasi,
...and was trying to
forget the part.
Such a great man were you living
like an ordinary man amongst us?
Please forgive us if we'd
done anything unwittingly.
Don't be apologetic and
make me a great man.
Allow me to remain normal.
Sankar, you're a great man.
Start the car.
Doctor.- Nandhini.
- She's out of danger.
Unable to bear her marriage
getting stopped she tried...
Stopping of her marriage is not
the reason for her suicide...
...she's pregnant.
Calm down
l committed a grave sin
despite brought up by you.
Allow me to kill.
Kill the fetus of our enemy.
You're wrong dear.
Killing one's own offspring is
their family tradition
Saving the life of an enemy's child
is our family's duty
Calm down - Uncle.
Till l'm here you or your child
will not get injustice.
lndrasena, you'll come to
Rayalaseema after us.
Not to live but... die in our hands
Hail Brother lndra!
Brother, it seems lndrasena
has come back.
We had done all this
for his return only.
When a man you're
expecting comes,
You must feel happy
why are you surprised?
Did you think l'll not come or
l'll not be able to come.
We expected you'll come.
This is the place where
you killed my father.
This is the place where you
spilled my brothers blood.
You must die here.
That's why l brought you here.
Did you think l've become
ascetic staying in Kasi?
Did you think Varanasi
would've changed me?
The same blood
and the same anger!
Why are you standing &
talking to him? Sit down.
Sitting on throne is right of lndra
in heaven and it's my right here.
What's this? lt thought you'd
come with weapon here.
But you've come
with women.
There's lot of difference between
battle and function.
You're not yet married
and still a virgin.
How can you know
the difference?
l know the difference.
l was all decked up as bride
and expecting the man l love,
When you came to the marriage
knocking off my brothers heads.
How can a woman remain
a woman after that?
l'm not here to tell you why
l did like that and marry you.
lndrasena Reddy isn't married.
Who are you?
His concubine?
One must be lucky to become
lndra's concubine also.
l'm not that lucky.
l'm going after him
just for one glance.
What are you staring at me?
l'm not one to get scared of stares.
l wasn't born elsewhere.
l'm a Rayalaseema native,
Chennakesava Reddy's daughter.
l'm fearless.
Let me put the dot.
lt's lndrasena's niece Nandhini's
baby shower function at 5 Pm today.
Come and bless her.
You're a chaste woman
and she's a chaste wife,
and it's baby shower function.
Should we come & bless her?
lf we refuse to come
Neither famine nor earth quake
will hit Rayalaseema,
The man who must come is...
You cheated me by
lying you're an orphan.
That was your first mistake.
You cheated Nandhini
saying you love her.
That was your second mistake.
Don't commit the third mistake.
You must come and put bangles to
your wife Nandhini at 5 PM.
He'll not come.
He will come.
lf we stop him
lf he doesn't come, l'll kill all
and take him with me.
Are you threatening to
kill me in my own home?
Not only in your own home,
l'll come to any district
of Andhra Pradesh,
any place, any center
any house, l'll come.
Once l start killing l'll not
see who is my enemy.
What are you watching?
Stop him.
You've come without weapon.
Let me see how you can
go out from here.
People like you need weapons.
For me....this is enough.
l'll hack you.
Challenge! - lf it's a challenge,
l'll take your head in a jiffy.
Brother, still 30 minutes only.
One second is enough
to win or lose.
Sharpen your weapons,
pick up your axes.
Start the ritual of sickles.
Today at 5, a 12 year
vengeance will come to an end.
Are you taking him to America
fearing lndrasena?
No, l'm taking him to lndrasena.
ls it my sister who is talking now?
- What happened to you?
l've come to know the truth.
- What's the truth?
You ordered the killing of lndra's
sisters & their husbands.'s a blatant lie.
Who told you?
lt's me.
You left me to die but lndra
saved me before leaving to Kasi.
Are you surprised at my courage?
lndra is in this region.
No one can harm me now.
lf you hadn't killed
his family members,
l wouldn't have lost my husband.
lf you want to leave them also
as widows. Do as you wish.
Sneha, you go.
What happened to women of
this house? l'll kill you.
Though l was born much later
than you. l too was born here.
l too know to kill not only you.
Start the car.
Catch them and kill them.
Start the vehicles.
Come on boys.
Start the vehicle.
He's my man.
lf any one dares to step forward.
He'll not have legs to walk
or hands to eat. Come.
Hack him...hack him.
Why are you carrying sickles?
Kill him...don't spare.
lf we start felling even
forests will vanish.
lf we start killing
man will vanish.
How long we are going
to kill each other?
Let's say no to
revenge and weapons.
Your families must be happy.
Your wives mustn't end up
as young widows.
Rayalaseema must
become a heaven
Till l'm here, this land must
get wet with rain only
...not with blood
Think over it
Why are you still here?
Didn't you go back to Kasi?
l've booked two tickets to Kasi.
l fell in love in Kasi.
l made a vow to get
married also in Kasi.
Do you remember this sari?
You presented it to me.
l promised to wear this
for our marriage.
This is the auspicious thread
you left with me.
lt is waiting to
reach my neck.
lt's easy to solve public issues.
Let him solve his personal problem.
He is in for a shock.
Watch now, whether he gets a shock
or gives other's a shock.
Come, let's go.
Tie the knot.
We'll quit violence
we'll follow you.
Please don't leave us and
go away again.
l'm your man.
l was born for you.
l'll live with you only.
Got a shock of life?
Really great shock!
You want to share it.
Watch there.
! A PuLi - DDR Presentation !