Inescapable (2012)

Hey. You need some help
- May I?
- Uh, yeah.
Misspent youth.
Well, he's pissed
that she's a lot smarter than he is.
- Peter!
- Oh, thank God, I caught you!
You didn't hear that from me, though.
- Is everything alright?
- Muna's missing in Damascus.
Excuse me?
I think Muna's gone
missing in Damascus.
I don't understand...
I thought she was in Greece,
I talked to you yesterday.
You said she was on a flight
over from Athens.
She didn't want you to know.
When did you find out she was missing?
About an hour ago
when she wasn't on the plane.
- When was the last time you spoke to her?
- Two days ago, 7 a. m.
- Our time or theirs?
- I'm sorry?
- 7 a. m., our time or theirs?!
- Ours, ours.
- What's she doing there?
- She was doing an assignment in Greece...
- No, what made her go to Damascus?!
Keep up! - To see where you were from.
- I mean, it was so close.
- Christ...
- How... did she get a visa so quickly?
- I don't know.
- Did she take her cellphone?
- Yes.
- And?
- It's off.
- Does anyone else know?
- No, no, no, I came straight here.
- How long has she been there?
- Six days now.
Six days...
I want you to go home and email me
her hotel information
and everything else you have.
Don't do anything else.
Do you understand me?
You did the right thing.
I'll take care of this.
- Hey, hey.
- Uh-huh...
You're late.
Oh, it's been a super tough day.
- You got glasses.
- I finally did it.
They make me feel old.
You look beautiful. Hmm!
Deceptively intellectual.
Hmm! I was thinking of ordering in.
Oh, that's good. Yeah, terrific.
- Thai?
- Sure.
- Leila home?
- In your office.
Hey, Dad.
What's wrong?
How many times have I told you
that Syria is a dangerous country?
Muna? Sorry I didn't tell you.
- I just...
- When was the last time you spoke to her?
A week ago.
What were you two thinking?!
She wanted to see where you came from.
I mean, you never talk about it,
and we've always been curious.
She lied to us. You both did.
Now get out, I need to do some work.
Don't talk to your mom about this
for the time being.
- Greece is beautiful.
- I just finished shooting here.
It'll go really nicely with the
photos I took outside Haifa.
I miss you guys.
Just a couple more sites
and I'll be on my way home.
I love you.
Oh, and Dad, I hope you're reading
that book I got you.
One of these days, you'll be able
to beat me at chess.
Hey. You haven't been to bed.
Are you okay?
Relax, relax.
Keep driving, please. I can't be late.
Get into the next lane.
Into the next lane!
Go, in front!
You give my condolences to Fatima.
Your Arabic...
is terrible.
It's been a while.
Thank you for back there.
You can thank my husband.
He was a decorated major.
The border official who got you in
was an old colleague.
I'm surprised he was willing to do it.
He doesn't know who you are.
He asked me to send you his condolences.
My husband is dead 10 months.
Heart attack. Hassan.
I'm sorry to hear that.
I liked Hassan.
Your hair is different.
- You have a daughter.
- Two, actually.
Muna and Leila.
Twenty years, no word from you!
Nothing to tell me you survived!
I survived.
I can see that.
Alright, I got you to Damascus.
You're welcome.
There's a bus that comes every 30 minutes,
it will take you directly into the city.
Good luck.
- Goodbye.
- Fatima, please...
I was never sure if you were alive!
All these years!
- I knew nothing!
- I emigrated to Canada!
I live in Toronto!
Muna, my eldest, she's a photographer.
Two weeks ago, she's on
assignment in Greece.
And all of a sudden,
she takes a detour to Damascus.
- Without telling you.
- Without telling me.
Nothing's changed here.
We still have 15 separate
secret police agencies.
They can arrest anyone.
Taking the wrong photo,
talking to the wrong people...
You know that.
They're picking up everyone.
And if they pick her up,
they will connect her... to me.
Didn't she know about you?
I need your help.
Adib, Adib...
My daughter, Muna Abdel-Kareem,
was staying here.
I'm sorry, I was on holiday
and I have just returned.
- Well, who is in charge?
- Sir, it is the middle of the night.
Same thing.
I can't find Muna's camera.
She takes it everywhere with her.
Muna was covered?
Of course not.
Why the headscarf?
I don't know.
Shh, shh.
It's very valuable.
Where can you get scotch like this?
Very difficult.
Only the... knockoffs, really.
It's real.
You drink now.
Not as much as I'd like.
Maybe Sayid can help.
Sayid, no, he'll turn you in.
Hi, could you direct me
to the Russian embassy, please?
I'm calling from the Canadian embassy.
I'd like to leave a message
for a Mr. Ivanov, first name Detlev.
Would you tell him
that Mr. Adib Abdel-Kareem
is back in Damascus?
Adib... A-D-I-B.
Sure, I'll hold.
No, of course there's no Detlev Ivanov,
but thank you anyway.
Great, yeah, tomorrow, 6 p. m.,
the InterContinental.
It's a pleasure to meet you.
My name's Paul Ridge.
Can I get you something? Water? Tea?
- No, thank you.
- Have a seat, please.
- So, what can I help you with today?
- They didn't tell you?
No, sorry, I've been on the phone
all morning.
My daughter's gone missing here,
in Damascus.
Well, I'm sorry to hear that.
You were travelling together?
No, she was alone.
I arrived last night.
I took the first plane over.
Thank you.
Yes. You should've informed us of this
sooner, before you left home.
Frankly, I didn't think
you'd be able to do very much.
Then why are you here?
In case something happens to me.
- And what passport are you travelling on?
- Canadian.
How were you able to get the visa
so quickly?
I have connections.
- That's gonna need to stay with us.
- No, no.
It won't.
We'll need access to her hotel room.
Soon. Maybe this afternoon?
I'm staying there now.
What... do you think you can do?
Well, we'll contact the Syrian government.
The Ministry of Interior.
If your daughter has been arrested
and she is in custody, we have the
right to be informed immediately.
I can get you some more information
on the country...
...and the judicial system, if you'd like.
- I'm familiar with it.
But then you know what we're up against.
I can make the calls, but...
this is a...
complicated bureaucratic police state
and they are not fond of photographers,
particularly now given
the political climate.
If they're not willing to help us out,
it's gonna be very hard for us
to confirm that she's in custody.
Where can I but scotch?
- Excuse me?
- Scotch.
Good scotch.
- Well, it's... difficult. Why?
- I found some in her room.
Perhaps she brought it with her,
I don't know.
Uh... Okay, well, to begin with...
we'll contact the hospitals
and the doctors.
But I think the best piece of advice
I could give you right now
is just to remain calm.
And... perhaps it would be wisest for you
to return home.
Whatever you do,
you don't want to enflame the situation.
If in fact there is even a situation here
to begin with.
Thank you for your time.
Aha, Mr. Toronto!
This man called for your daughter.
He seemed nervous,
so I ask him first
what his name was before telling
him your daughter was missing.
You're welcome.
You don't recognize me? Adib.
- Abdel-Kareem.
- No, I'm sorry.
My father presided over this mosque
for 30 years. He was your predecessor.
I have no idea who you are
or what you are talking about.
My daughter was here.
No, I don't think so.
You didn't talk to her?
I never saw her.
I'm old and my memory's gone.
You're lying.
Now you are being rude!
Get out.
You and your family have been
nothing but trouble to everyone here.
Your father died alone and humiliated!
Get out.
You don't look well.
I didn't sleep.
Damascus seems...
Let's walk.
- I need to find Detlev.
- Detlev?
He finds you.
Anyway, I doubt he's in Damascus.
A lot has changed.
Can I get one of those?
Do you know that man?
No, I don't know him.
I need you to get me in
to see Sayid.
Sayid... You're crazy.
Time hasn't been too kind to you either,
my friend.
- Ah, such good friends, Adib.
- Look at all these! What is this?
We were like brothers.
What happened?
No letter, no goodbye, no postcard!
I'm hurt!
- So is my mother.
- How is she?
Keeps driving me crazy.
- Please give her my love.
- I will.
So what brings you back?
My daughter has gone missing.
What was she doing here?
Visiting her father's homeland.
I'm surprised, very surprised you're here.
Reckless. You haven't changed.
So where do you...
where do you live now?
- Canada?
- Yes.
- Really?
- Yes.
I remember when we were following that...
Armenian gunrunner through Mount Hermon.
You couldn't stop complaining about the cold.
I got used to it.
Ah, you're a lucky man.
Luck... has nothing to do with it.
Did you visit the Canadian embassy?
First thing I did.
So talk, I'm interested.
Are you happy?
Until recently...
And what do you do in Toronto, Canada?
Yeah, bank.
Operations manager.
A long way from what you used to be.
It is. I may retire soon.
And what on Earth will you do then?
So, uh... who have you seen
since you've been back?
How about our old friend Detlev?
You talk to him recently?
I assumed he returned to Moscow.
Listen, Adib...
I appreciate the opportunity to catch up,
but, uh...
I think you shouldn't come back
and visit me again.
Why? Guilt... association.
Well, there is that.
But, uh... I may decide
to have you arrested.
I'm not leaving Syria
without my daughter.
Should've been more forthright
with your family.
Of course you couldn't...
Do you have her passport?
She's beautiful.
- Thank you.
I'll check into it.
A favour for a dear old friend.
If I need to reach you,
I'll do it through the Canadian embassy.
- Who should I talk to?
- Paul... Ridge.
Paul Ridge...
She, uh...
She didn't choose
a very good time to visit, did she.
She didn't.
- So? So?
- He's still obsessed with you.
He proposed, you know?
- After you left.
- And?
And? And? It's none of your business.
I've been waiting here for hours.
We didn't have an appointment.
I thought that we did.
I need to take a look inside of her room.
Were you able to find her camera
or her computer?
Any idea what could've happened or why?
I have a few ideas.
Whatever it is that you're doing here...
I need you to stop.
Let me do my job.
You could be putting yourself
or your daughter at risk.
You're here on an illegal visa
and I already have one missing Canadian.
I can't afford to have two.
Anything else you need?
For your report?
If you do find anything...
will you call me, please?
No, I'm fine.
Everything I can...
No, no, you really don't have to,
I already did that.
I really don't think we should be
talking about this on the phone.
How... how's Leila?
Thank you.
No... No, tell Peter no.
Absolutely not, because...
Make sure he doesn't, if he...
Yeah, I have... I have to go now...
I promise.
Of course.
I love you too.
This tastes good.
How did you meet?
Car accident.
Car accident?
I was driving with a friend
and I hit Emily's car.
Why do Arab men do that?
Marry the first blonde woman
that they meet in the West?
She's a brunette.
- What do you want?
- I... don't want you to go.
- We were supposed to be married.
- I was protecting you.
You didn't protect me.
I know you... my entire life.
- Not even a letter.
- They were watching me.
They would've called you
a collaborator.
You could have sent for me.
It was dangerous.
They could've shot me.
And if you had been with me...
And you haven't commented on my English.
It's good. Why?
I thought you'd send...
I thought you'd send for me!
Does your wife know about me?
Does she know you once had a fiance
back home?
Mr. Toronto?
- Goodbye, Adib.
- Fatima, please...
Mr. Toronto!
Don't go.
Why not?
Because it's my child.
And I need you.
And you're the only one I trust.
Answer the door.
Mr. Toronto...
Your daughter is quite popular.
This just came for her.
- Adib... take it very calm.
- Two minutes.
- Paul.
- Mr. Abdel-Kareem.
- Why the formalities?
- Adib.
- How are you?
- I'm fantastic. Yourself?
Happy to have found you.
- Paul, aren't you gonna introduce us?
- Yes, of course.
- Annie, this is Mr. Abdel-Kareem
- This must be your charming wife.
- Yes.
- Adib. I insist.
- Adib, from Toronto, visiting.
- Hello, hello.
How do you know Paul?
Paul is very close friends
with my daughter.
You've met, surely.
I don't think so.
- No, I don't think so.
- She will be here any minute.
Maybe we can sit together.
- Are you hungry?
- I'm ravenous.
Because the desserts are... amazing.
- Honey, would you like some more coffee?
- Sure.
- We'll be right back.
- Excuse us.
Is Muna really meeting you here?
I'm gonna ruin your life.
I only found out that your daughter
was missing when you stepped into my office!
- You're lying.
- I met Muna at a conference in Haifa
and I'm doing everything in my power
to help you get your daughter back.
You sat there and acted
like you knew nothing!
I am married!
I'll be happy to ruin her life as well.
Don't you dare!
Give me your cellphone.
Who are you?
Give me your other cellphone.
I'm sorry. I... I don't know
what you're talking about.
Oh, Christ, okay!
- Your other cellphone.
- Okay, okay!
Thank you.
You have my daughter?
Your ID.
Ah, Christ.
Why did you have my daughter's phone?
She forgot it in my car.
- You're lying about that too, aren't you?
- No, no!
I tore the phone apart
looking for information.
There's nothing there! Ah, God!
- Who's the other man in this photo?
- He's...
...Mr. Abdul Rai,
he's the Interior Minister.
Did you call him?
Yes. He said that he's looking into it.
I introduced them at a... a benefit dinner that he had.
What else?
It was me that she asked
to get the two bottles of scotch.
And she said she needed access
to the National Archives.
- Why the Archives?
- I don't know!
She was secretive, she said it was personal.
So I introduced her to a woman
that I know...
...who works at a youth group
at the university.
You're really enjoying your posting
in the Middle East, aren't you?
What was she researching?
Stay here. I'll be right back.
- I want to talk to her.
- She won't talk to you.
They think they have a mole in their group.
Three people have gone missing already.
Just... stay here.
She introduced Muna to a receptionist
who works at the Archives.
Apparently, you can trust her
because she's a Communist.
She'll get you in, but only you.
Hey! Hey!
Go! Drive!
Tell me where the photos are.
Where's my daughter?
I want the ones from the cellphone.
There were supposed to be photos
on that cellphone.
When she's safely out of this country,
you can have your precious photos.
Take your hands off me.
Who do you work for, huh?
Who do you work for?!
Take your hands off me
or I will kill you.
- Tell me!
- Argh!
- Oh...
- Oh, Christ!
So now you're following me too?
You're welcome.
He asked me about some photos
on my daughter's phone.
Were there any?
Try telling me the truth this time.
No, there was nothing there.
There were no photos.
- Okay.
- I'm telling you the truth.
There were no photos.
I care about your daughter too.
I wonder... where you find the time.
Hi. Hey...
Hi, sweetheart...
How are you?
I'm sorry, I know.
I know that was a stupid...
It's just a habit, and a bad...
No... No, I don't have her yet...
Emily, please...
Don't cry...
PI... Em...
What are you doing?
Get out of there before I have you arrested!
There's an asshole following me around
asking about photos.
He one of yours?
I have no idea what you're talking about.
If you want me to leave you alone...
...and I know you do...
...I'm gonna need your help.
You and I both know that you don't want
this case reopened. I'm innocent after all.
- No one's going to believe you.
- True.
But they will believe I had help.
And we're old friends...
Everybody knows that.
And I won't stop there.
I'll implicate your wife...
...and... your beloved daughters.
A whole nest of Israeli spies.
I'm not the same man
you chased away all those years ago.
Find... my... daughter.
Sit down.
Give me the photos and we'll let her go.
I wanna talk to her,
make sure she hasn't been hurt.
We've been watching you.
Colonel Sayid Abd Al-Aziz can't help you.
I don't answer to him.
You need to listen to me.
This can still have a happy ending for you,
if you hand over the photos.
I want to talk to Muna.
Give us the photos, Adib!
Do you think you or your family
are safe in Canada?
You need to understand
how important this is.
I understand.
Her death is going to be on your head.
I didn't give you permission to stand!
Do you know who I am?
Put him back in the room.
- My boss has business with him.
- It can wait.
Look, look, look!
Look. Look who I've found for you.
Still in Damascus.
The weather keeps me here.
And... I finally married.
Getting you out the first time
was difficult.
I never got a chance to thank you for that.
It was useful to us, having
that sort of thing over your former friend.
You know Sayid was the... traitor, huh?
Israeli spy.
Ah, we helped him rise to the ranks
after that
but we always kept him
firmly under our thumb.
Detlev... they've taken my child.
Children are always trouble.
That's why I never had any.
Here. Drink up.
They good for the headache, yeah?
I always thought you'd enjoy Canada
more than Tadmor prison anyway.
- Why haven't they arrested me?
- Now that is a very interesting point.
Sayid doesn't want you picked up.
He doesn't want anyone
going into anything...
Kidnapping two Canadians
from the same family
already raises media speculation.
- So?
- Halim...
doesn't work for our old friend Sayid.
Halim works for Ministry of the Interior.
Muna met with the minister.
At some benefit.
And now, he wants to talk to you.
You're lucky I showed up when I did.
You're out of practice, Adib.
Halim keeps asking about photos.
These... photos must be pretty interesting
if a government minister
is personally involved.
What do you know about a journalist,
Ali Homs?
What about him?
He's a mid-level scribe
for the Ministry of Information.
Muna talked to him
but I don't know where he is.
I need your help, Detlev.
I'll find him for you, this Ali Homs.
One last favour for an old friend, huh?
And you're still a beauty.
It's good to see you.
Look after yourself, Adib.
And you can't stay here.
Halim will be back.
Adib! They found her!
They found a body, two days ago.
They matched it to a description
of Muna Abdel-Kareem.
There was a bus accident.
One of the bodies was badly burned.
They didn't connect it with Muna
until I started making inquiries.
They need you to confirm it's her.
I need to see her eyes.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know...
It wasn't her!
Muna had a tattoo.
No, she didn't.
Someplace her father would never see it.
Adib, trust me, it wasn't her.
You're gonna hit me?!
- Oh, thank you!
- Oh!
- I told them it was her.
- Thank you.
That buys you 24 hours, at best.
- Thank you.
- Adib!
Adib! You have to go now.
You have to go to the journalist.
You have to go to the journalist.
What did you tell my daughter?
What did you tell Muna?
I had too much to drink.
She brought good scotch.
I told her stories about the past.
I don't remember everything I said.
She was... terribly charming.
- Where are the photos?
- I know nothing about photos.
What did you tell my daughter about me?
She wanted to know if you were innocent.
The truth doesn't matter here;
the accusation was enough!
I thought your daughter understood that.
- What about the Interior Minister?
- Nothing, nothing! I told her nothing!
Please, sir! Please leave my father alone!
Come here...
Look at me. Look out there.
You see?
Streets are crawling with secret police.
Now the longer I stay here the more
likely it is that they will find me.
I told her nothing
about Minister Abdul Rai.
And if they find me here,
they will kill you.
And your daughter!
Please, please, I'm begging you.
Please leave. Please.
I'm not leaving until you tell me
everything you told Muna about Abdul Rai.
Where... is my dau...
I have the photos.
Your daughter is a spy.
You're a spy.
We've seen your file.
I know your daughter was in Haifa
in December.
Who's her contact in the Mossad?
- No one!
- She's a photographer.
Who is her contact in Damascus?
Was it the diplomat she was fucking?
Your daughter is a whore and a traitor.
You must be proud.
Who were her contacts at the university?
I already sent the photos to my friend...
Colonel Sayid Abd Al-Aziz.
Good luck.
I'm sure...
Colonel Abd Al-Aziz.
I know and your friends,
but I have orders to bring him in.
And they come from higher than you.
You made my life very difficult, Adib.
And you and I, we're...
we're not really friends.
I don't know why you've been protecting
a traitor and I don't care.
If you turn over the photos he sent you
and let me take him back...
...I can forget about the rest.
Why did you pick up his daughter?
A foreign photographer talking
to a student activist... taking photos.
When our people discovered
who her father was,
the Prophet himself couldn't have
convinced them she wasn't a spy.
So you want Mr. Adib
to give you her photos.
He says you have the photos now.
One moment, please, huh?
What am I going to do with you, Adib, huh?
You understand, I can't have you
running around Syria, getting arrested.
I know.
What am I going to do with you?
And Fatima.
Pfff... That foolish woman.
I could have given her anything she wanted,
but no...
...her heart was set on you.
Sayid... for God's sakes, stop this.
- What are these photos
I keep hearing about?
They're of Halim's boss,
Minister Abdul Rai,
in a compromising situation with young boys.
Pfff! Really?
And where are those photos now?
They don't exist.
Halim seems to think they do.
There are no photos.
Muna heard these stories from a journalist,
Ali Homs.
And she made up the story of the photos
to keep herself alive.
Who would have thought
you would end up with such a clever child?
And now, you have these so-called photos.
I told Halim I gave them to you.
He knows our history.
If you're right, this will be
the second promotion I owe you.
Get my daughter out.
Use the photos!
You know, I had no choice
but to accuse you before.
And when you showed up in my office,
I was genuinely pleased
to see that it was going so well for you.
I really... I wanted to help.
When Halim picked you up... was too late.
I can't afford the risk.
- It's too late.
He knows about you.
I told Halim all about you in the van.
He knows Detlev can prove it.
I don't believe you, Adib.
Who knew Detlev would marry?
Apparently, he prefers the weather here.
And frankly... I don't blame him.
God damn you, Adib.
You... you wasted my time.
Pfff... Their blood is on your hands.
You know, Adib, you are a lucky man.
Most convicted Israeli spies...
...they're in prison or dead.
And here you are...
I want you and your daughter
to get on a plane.
I never want to see you again.
They dropped them off
and told them to wait here...
No, they told him not to leave...
I just wanna know... Stop!
I just wanna know what's going on,
and no more bullshit answers!
Well then, find me someone who can!
You two, with me!
Adib, stop! Stop.
Right here. I can't have you off the grounds
right now. Just... wait.
Wait for me at the gate.
You're okay now.
I have good news for you.
Your father is here.
I need you to walk
very slowly and calmly
till we get past the gate. Okay?
- I'm so sorry!
- No, no...
I'm sorry.
- I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
- I'm so sorry.
I'm here. I'm here.
And I love you so much.
So, so much.