Inferno (1980)

Three Mothers.
I am unaware of which is the
price to pay to have broken
what we them alchemists
call Silent.
The experiment of the life teaches us not to accept
a work without knowing the consequences of them.
Me, Varelli, architect living in London,
I met the Three Mothers, and drew to them
and built three houses. In Rome, in New York
and the third in Freiburg, in Germany .
But I discovered too late
that from these places,
the Three Mothers control the world in the pain,
tears and darkness.
Mater Suspiriorum,
the Mother of the Sighs
and oldest, lives in Freiburg.
MATER Lacrimarum,
the Mother of the Sobs
and most beautiful from the three,
Rome directs.
MATER Tenebrarum, the Mother of Darkness,
young person and cruelest,
New York control.
I built these horrible residences,
agent of these wretched secrecies.
These alleged "Mothers" are in fact malefic,
incompetents to create the life...
The men gave them a name
single and terrifying.
Actually, all three were saeurs
as much as mothers.
But also three Muses, three Graces,
three destinies and three furies.
The ground on which these
residences were builts
could become mortal and pestifr.
So that the neighbourhoods would be touched by it.
This is the first key of the secrecy
of the Three Mothers.
A key of first importance.
The second key of the poisoned secrecy of the Three Saeurs
is hidden in the cellar of their house.
There, you will find the portrait and the name
sur which lives the house.
It is the place where the second key is.
The third key is under the sole of your shoes.
There is the third key..
My dear Marc brother...
The second key is hidden in the cellar.
Good evening.
I would like to speak to you
about this book.
That that you sold to me,
Three Mothers.
You read it ?
This is an invention
or a history drawn from real facts ?
It disturbs you ?
It is not that a book
written by an alchemist .
There are many accounts
on the cursed houses...
The House of the Monsters,
close to Palermo.
The House of Pheasants,
in Brussels.
The Cellender House,
in France.
Certaines people
thinks that these books are a fiction
and others believe each word of it.
the women are generally
the worst readers for these accounts. Or the best, if you prefer.
- They want to believe absolument.
in it - Not really.
the book speaks about an unpleasant odor,
for example.
And here, around,
there is this strange bitter soft odor.
One says that it comes
factory from cakes.
I always knew it.
It disturbs you?
At the end of one moment, one made there,
and one does not notice it even more.
It is not only coincidence.
- When one reads the book...
- There are mysterious passages. But only the true mystery
is that our lives
are controlled by deaths.
Good night.
the second key
is hidden in the cellar.
And here celebrates it ch?ur
Goes pensiero.
Third part...
of Nabucco de Giuseppe Made green.
My dear Marc brother...
As you know it, in New York,
I live an old building...
Excuse me, I want to go elsewhere.
"Via dei Bagni", with number 49.
What a strange odor!
This street empeste.
- A Problem?
- Not.
- You seek something?
- Not... Yes.
- I seek a book ancien.
- Of which book does it act?
Three Mothers...
Yes, Three Mothers.
It must be here,
just behind you.
Thank you.
This book is neither a fiction,
nor the fruit of my imagination.
It partly takes again
the newspaper which I discovered
among the personal businesses
of a friend,
an architect and alchemist recognized
of the name of Varelli.
Varelli disappeared mysteriously
here several years.
This newspaper
could help to clear up
the circumstances of its death.
As it was in Latin,
I decided to publish it just as it is.
Excusez me...
Mister... excuse me.
I do not find the exit.
the other carries.
the book!
Which stage?
the fourth.
can I help you?
I am afraid...
I am afraid to remain alone.
Well, I do not have anything to make
during the hours come.
I can remain with you
if you want.
That you make, Sarah?
You study or you work?
I study the musique.
And you?
I am a sporting commentator
for television.
can I ask you
a strange question?
Strange how?
did you already intend to speak
des Three S?urs?
black singers?
Not, I speak about mythology...
the Trinity.
Attendez, if you speak about phantoms,
I do not believe in it.
- How can you be so sure for it?
- I do not believe in it, it is all.
Not need to philosophize.
And in what do you believe?
In all that I can voir
et touch.
You know without doute.
It is Suits it pensiero of Made green.
Hello, Marc?
I found the letter of your s?ur.
You left it at the University.
You read it?
You must read it, it is important.
Viens quickly at home,
that I tell you what arrived to me.
That does it occur?
I do not know,
perhaps an overpressure.
Where is the fuse box?
In the remise.
the door at the bottom of the corridor.
- do not go there pas.
- That goes, I check just the fuses.
Of agreement, but continue to speak
so that I know where you are.
Of agreement.
Carlo... Where are you?
In the remise.
I found the fuse box.
I come. I am afraid. is
Carlo, what there?
It is good, I believe that it is repaired.
Sarah, it is Marc.
the third key is
under the sole of your shoes.
- You know what arrived?
- I do not know. It had already died.
You hear me? It is Marc.
Speaks more extremely, Rose.
I hear you badly.
- You received my letter?
- Yes, but I did not read it yet.
- Why?
- It arrived full with things.
Hello... I do not understand anything.
I do not hear you pas.
Je do not include/understand anything.
That is there, Rose?
- Promise to me to quickly come
- Of course, I will come...
New York
Range that to the usual place.
- Excuse-moi.
- Yes?
I am Marc Elliot,
the brother of Rose.
Oh, yes!
Apartment 45, fourth stage.
If you want to go up,
I have a double of the keys.
You come or not?
Quatrime stages on the left.
It is the brother of Miss Elliot.
He has just arrived from Rome.
Ah, Italy!
It would like to speak to you.
It does that when it wants to say
It is professor Arnold.
He is sick since years.
- And you, whom you make?
- I study... Musicology.
A professor of toxicology.
We know that them...
Non, not of toxicology,
of musicology.
That does not have any relationship with medicine.
Which is this thus, then?
the study of the music.
Your s?ur makes
singular studies too.
Not, she writes poetry.
Yes, an ideal pastime
for the women.
- It was you?
- Yes, I sought Rose.
I saw light
and I thought that it had returned.
Je I am a amie.
live above.
Rose is not rentre.
I am his Marc brother.
How you do that?
Your voice seemed to come from everywhere.
C' is a thing which one discovered
with your s?ur.
It is our small secret.
Regardez by here.
You see this hole in the wall?
There is too
in my apartment.
That joined the piping
of all the apartments.
Quand one speaks inside,
the voice is amplified.
This old building is full
secrecies with this kind.
- Want you to enter?
- Of agreement, but not a long time.
Not, do not close,
somebody will come to seek me.
I am called Elise Delon Van Adler.
That made five years
which I only live here.
My husband travels much
for his work.
I cannot accompany it bus...
I am not very well.
C' is trange.
Rose knew that I came.
I thought that it awaited me.
I do not include/understand why
it did not return yet.
Which kind of people live
in a building like this one?
It does not have many occupants.
there the majority of the apartments are empty.
Y does it have somebody of private individual?
Rose spoke about something
in a letter.
I know that this building belonged
to an old fortunate eccentric.
They condemned it after its death,
then a company
of investment repurchased.
Which is Kazanian?
It sells books and antiquities
in a shop at side.
Rose buys
strange books much there.
And it...
Excuse me.
One requires of you with the telephone, Madam.
Very well, I arrive.
At tomorrow, Marc.
You are wounded?
Not, it is painting,
not blood.
Which is there?
Which is there?
Cursed cats! was
Which the amount, this time?
the first was 250 Mg.
the second of 400 Mg.
It is the maximum amount.
- Must I prepare your bath?
- Thank you.
Of blood...
Your bath is ready, Madam.
Good night, at tomorrow.
Good night, you rest well.
I slipped on blood.
did you notice
that the handle of the door is broken?
Yes, I saw.
be delirious Them of Rose
always worried me.
Its nervousness, its fear of death.
the myth of the Three Mothers.
It is what?
It A has obsession.
Three Latin names.
MATER Suspiriorum,
la Mother of the Sighs.
MATER Lacrimarum,
la Mother of the Tears.
And MATER Tenebrarum,
the Mother of Darkness.
Rose read an old book
on their subject.
It speaks about it
as if it were a true story.
Rose thinks that one of the habitants
de this building...
Non... I can you to it expliquer.
It will speak better only me to you.
These things strange and impossible...
It is convinced that this building
with a bond with these Three Mothers.
It spoke about an architect,
Marelli or Varelli.
an Italian name,
I do not know if there is a report/ratio.
I begin me too
to be disturbed and nervous.
I have the feeling
constantly to be pie.
Sometimes, I feel
like a presence.
Y does it have somebody in the part
with me?
I suppose that the doctor...
- you heard this laughter?
- Which laughter?
I do not know. One would have said...
You were right!
There is blood.
Come to see.
- Where carries out this door?
- With the service entrance.
But nobody uses it.
Somebody made recently,
I will see. You come?
Not, I await ici.
I am afraid.
Marc, where are you?
Marc, answer me.
Open the door, please!
Help me... My c?ur...
It says that it is its c?ur.
Alors it needs a drug
for the c?ur.
this, you Drink will be better.
My s?ur Rose... where is it?
Pourquoi didn't it return?
Let us bring it in the apartment.
Where is it?
Elects, it is Marc
You hear me?
Elects, it is Marc.
Elects, it is Marc.
It is feeling reluctant!
There is dozen of them.
They enter my shop.
Yesterday evening, I was scratched
and a statue of value was broken.
I warn you,
it is the last time.
the next one, I will go to the police force.
Or with the medical inspection.
I do not want to see any more
only one of these cursed cats here.
As you will want, Mr Kazanian.
You seem to better be, Mr. Elliot.
Yes, I do not even remember
the evening of yesterday.
You do not combine bien.
It was your c?ur.
- But I do not have a problme.
- We gave you a remedy.
- Which is this man?
- It is Kazanian, the antique dealer.
- Thank you, for yesterday aussi.
- Of nothing.
Mr Kazanian!
I am called Marc Elliot,
the brother of Rose. You know it?
- It took livres.
to me - You know it well?
Not, why?
for two days and...
- I just sold livres.
to him - Which kind of books has not seen it?
Of old works, this kind of things.
If you do not find it,
made what people usually do.
What, for example?
A ppelez the hospitals, or organizes it.
I already did it and that did not give anything. does
that say something to you?
"the key is under the sole
of your shoes".
is this a riddle?
I do not like the riddles.
Since when are you there?
Since yesterday.
You know what?
There will be a moon eclipse this evening.
Not, I did not know.
That made 46 years that there no was
total eclipse.
I heard that with television
it there not very a long time.
Look at, it will be interesting for it.
- Of agreement, I it ferai.
- You will like.
- Goodbye, Mr. Elliot.
- Goodbye.
Te here!
Nice cat.
Come here!
You do not want to leave?
My crutch!
I have it!
With the assistance!
With the assistance!
Help me!
Help me!
My God!
the rats devour me!
They... They devour me alive!
They devour me alive!
Help me, they devour me alive!
Help me!
Help me!
Come, looks at.
All that!
This bitchy girl of Countess
thought of having hidden them well.
That took 15 minutes well to me
to find them.
- You have bu.
- Not a drop!
- I it sens.
- I said to you that not.
Very well.
Goes up quickly and calls her husband.
Nobody it trouvera
this hour.
Dis that Comtesse
est precipitately left
and carried all its jewels
with it.
- And if this bitchy girl returns?
- No risk, it will return.
How can you be so sure for it?
It could return?
I ensure you that it will not return.
Calls simply her husband.
is in our turn to benefit from it.
We will live
as the Countess Elects...
and all these rich person bastards.
Which is there?
Which is there?
This sentence!
"Under the sole of your shoes".
"the key is under the sole
of your shoes".
I see that you found the passage.
I imagine that you know who I am?
Not, I do not know.
It is a long time,
when I lived in London,
I were made call Varelli.
Today, I use another name,
so that me am forgotten.
does My voice surprise you?
I can speak only with this.
I built the houses of the Three Mothers.
Of the houses which became
their eyes and their ears.
And then I buried myself here
and this building became my body.
Its bricks are my me.
Its corridors, my veins.
And its horror, my c?ur.
My s?ur... Where is my s?ur?
Venez ici.
They should not hear you.
It is cruelest of all...
the Mother of the Shades.
would you Be afraid of a man
who can hardly move?
nearer, than I can murmur.
I am dying,
but that will not change anything.
They do not want that that changes.
I am not the Master,
I am a right... slave.
Which is this?
Who lives in this cursed residence?
- Somebody who waits...
- Which?
One observed you.
For them...
we are only dust.
That burns.
All will burn, like front.
We must leave from here.
You cannot partir.
Your voyage is completed.
all around you will become darkness.
And somebody will take the hand to you.
You will be filled, and not sad.
You will know moments
of an incredible clearness.
You think that it is magic.
Not! I am not magician.
time presses, it remains to us
much to make so that you exchanges.
You sought me,
just like your s?ur.
It is what you wanted,
then I come to take to you!
Say to me who you are!
Three Mres.
didn't you include/understand?
MATER Tenebrarum,
MATER Lacrimarum, MATER Suspiriorum.
But the men
gave us a single name.
a name which terrorizes them all...
They us call...