Infestation (2009)

I knew it.
Late again, aren't you?
Dad? No, I'm in the elevator.
I might lose you.
- Why'd your number come up "private"?
- Because I blocked it.
I get you a job, which wasn't easy
with that gaping hole in your resume...
There are no hole...
I was working in Mexico, Dad.
Bartending doesn't count
in the real world.
- It's my good name you're smearing.
- Nothing's been smeared.
I'm just glad your poor mother
isn't alive to hear this.
It's been a month. You're not allowed
to use her in our petty arguments.
Dad, can you hear me? Hello?
Jesus Christ!
- Nice of you to join us.
- Oh, yeah.
I think I just met
my future wife, actually.
Yeah, right.
- Hey, Tom.
- Yeah?
That doesn't count.
- Yeah, clinically tested.
- Maureen would like to see you.
- We accept all major credit cards.
- You're not fooling anyone.
- Maureen's been looking for you.
- Did she say why?
No, but I assume
the goodwill train has derailed.
- Yo, Ed.
- What?
- Got ya, I got ya
- This little game?
- Dumb.
- You're right.
Oh, wait, seriously, about yesterday.
- Boss needs these.
- Alright.
Hey, Cooper.
Damn. Another point.
- Just give me five more minutes.
- Maureen, I'm filing. I'm busy.
- We'll talk on Monday.
- Come in.
- I'll be right down, sweetie.
- I'll be waiting.
Sit down.
Quality control emailed me this.
I want
the money-back guarantee.
- Again, I'm not authorised to...
- Are you being smart with me?
No. If I were, I'd simply make
fun of you for buying herbal Viagra.
- Let me speak to your manager.
- Sure. Please hold.
- This is his manager. How can I help?
- That's still you!
- I think I should quit.
- I'm about to fire you.
- I'll still give you two weeks.
- Thanks, but I don't want 'em.
I have an appointment to get to.
You know, I stuck my neck out
because I knew it was a difficult time
for you and your dad.
To repay me, you show up late,
turn away callers,
get everyone playing games
on the floor...
Maureen, it's Cooper.
Hey, Maureen.
Hey. Hi.
- Hello?
- What?
Hi. Hey, everything's...
Everything's gonna be...
It's gonna be OK.
You know,
my watch says it's the 26th,
so I think that means
we've been out since Friday.
- Hey, Ed. Wake up, big guy.
- I don't remember any break-in.
What do these people want?
I got in a fight with a giant, er...
a giant bug.
Yeah. About yea big.
About three feet long.
Oh, jeez.
Yeah, that's... that's normal.
Get that out of there.
- What's happening?
- Where... are we?
In the office.
Er, what's the last thing you remember?
Morning meeting. Er...
Conference call with...
Oh, my God. Sara.
I have a daughter.
I know. I'm really worried
about my family, too.
She's outside in a car.
She was picking me up.
Hey, wait! Maureen,
there could be more things out there!
More what?
Oh, God!
- Oh... Oh, no!
- Maureen, Maureen, Maureen.
Stop, stop, stop. It doesn't feel good
out here. We should go back inside.
- Sara!
- Is that... That's your daughter?
- Yes.
- In that car? OK, alright.
I'll go get her and then
we'll all go back inside together, OK?
I'll be right back.
I'll be right back, OK?
Excuse me.
Hello? Hello?
Hi. Lady.
Hey, come on. We gotta get up.
Hey. Come on.
Come on. OK.
Come here. OK, come here.
We gotta go right now, OK?
Can you walk?
- Oh, my baby!
- No, Maureen. Maureen.
Alright, we gotta get you out of here.
Rip these off. Get 'em off.
- Stop it.
- I'm trying to help you.
- Let me go.
- What have they done to her?
- Mom!
- Come on.
We gotta get out of here right now.
Come on. You gotta get us
inside somewhere right now.
Come on. I can't see.
Slow down. Are they following us?
Oh, my God. I can hear them.
What did you do to them?
- Which building?
- Doesn't matter. Any one.
Ow! God!
- What happened to my mother?
- I wish I knew.
- Is she dead?
- I don't know.
What do you know?
Look, I've been awake
ten minutes longer than you.
What are you doing?
No. I made that mistake already.
Now's not the right time
to be waking people up, OK?
You ever hear of teamwork?
Anything can happen
when you wake somebody up.
These are human beings in cocoons.
We can't leave them like this.
You wake everyone up,
you gotta give an explanation,
and then everyone goes off
on their own tangents.
So I'm thinking
the safest place for these people
is to be in the cocoons.
Oh, sh... Oh, shit!
Oh! Oh, shit!
- Please...
- Oh, God! Oh, God!
Now can we chill the fuck out? Alright?
Get our bearings, form a plan?
What are you doing?
You're really gonna wake people up
after what just happened to you?
- I'm waking everyone in this room.
- What is she?
OK, I know
this is all very confusing.
Cooper and I don't have
many answers for you.
But what we do know
is that there seems to be bugs,
like this dead one on the floor,
crawling all over the place.
And there are flying ones, too.
Whoa. Something's moving out there.
Something just came out
of that storm drain.
- Gross.
- See it? Right over there.
Those are huge, man.
Who's in charge here?
I mean, who do we listen to, you know?
Listen up. I got a truck outside.
It's diesel. Strong as an ox.
Starting an engine could be a bad idea.
They like noise.
We could wait it out, stay here?
Someone more equipped than us
should be working on this.
What if they ain't?
If we woke up
as many people as possible,
we could be too much
for them to control.
They controlled us
or we wouldn't be in this situation.
- He's right. He is.
- How close is your truck?
- Out front.
- Hey, dude. Feel better?
Puking's normal.
You got some on your shirt.
- I understand.
- Did you reach anyone on the radio?
- Let's just all sit tight, everybody.
- Jackass, we're not gonna sit tight.
- Stand down, sir.
- Oh, stand down?
Are you gonna fuckin' shoot me,
tough guy?
- I'm not gonna tell you again, sir!
- I'm not standing down!
Guys! Can we not go all...
... Thunderdome on everybody, yeah?
Look, can you just tell us
if anybody answered the...
No. Nobody is out there.
- I'm leaving.
- Me, too.
- To where?
- To the North End.
Good idea.
My brother and his wife live there.
Fine. Let's move.
It's so quiet.
I hope you know what you're doing.
- Come on.
- OK.
We live just north of here.
You think it's a bad idea, too?
It's your funeral, lady.
Come to Papa.
- Now, that's what I'm talking about.
- Maybe they had a point.
- Goddamn it!
- It's a big truck.
Wait for me!
Come on!
No, son!
You OK? Come on. Oh, shit!
Come on!
Come on, come on. Hurry!
Slow down.
- Hey, did that thing sting you?
- Bastard snuck up on me.
- Stung you? Let me see.
- It's nothing.
Well, then, show me.
- It just missed your spine.
- How do you know what you're doing?
I'm a doctor.
- How do you feel?
- Pissed off!
- Shh! Shh!
- I'm fine.
- What do we do now?
- Perhaps we need some perspective.
- Come on.
- OK.
- Come on.
- Let's go.
- Cindy.
- OK.
It's a fire.
The smoke would be black.
- It's the sunset, then.
- No, that's east. The sun sets over...
- Jesus.
- Oh, God. What is that?
- It's a swarm of them.
- It's headed away from us.
Maybe they think
that they've dealt with this quadrant.
Do we stay here? Do we go somewhere?
What are we doing?
- The government'll do something.
- You wanna wait around for FEMA?
There's an air-force base
in Gibsonton.
Holy shit. My dad's in Berwick.
That's halfway to Gibsonton.
He's got a bomb shelter. OK, it's got,
like, food, water, medical supplies.
- A shortwave radio even.
- Is he some paranoid nutjob?
Pretty much, yeah.
He's retired military, so...
But, anyway, if we walk tomorrow,
we can get there by tomorrow night,
you know, by dark.
Berwick is northeast from here. It's...
That way. Or that way.
- Anyway, it's away from that swarm.
- We got an hour of daylight left.
I say we find a room where we can all...
These things won't quit.
- There's one advantage we have.
- They're blind.
Yeah, well,
maybe we should find out more.
- Looks like a mutant lobster.
- Let's melt some butter and have...
He's not liking this very much.
- OK, so what now?
- We milk it.
Erm, excuse me?
Like a snake. We get it to bite into
a container and I'll examine its venom.
- What are you?
- A student.
- Shiatsu massage.
- I'm gonna pretend that makes sense.
There's a drugstore nearby
with supplies I can use.
- I'll get them. You collect the venom?
- Whoa. You want us to do that?
- You'd rather go outside?
- No. We got it.
- Er...
- Hugo.
Come on.
We're... We're doing this?
- I'm spotting you.
- Put your hands on the door.
- We'll use our feet to brace it.
- The floor's slippery, so I thought...
- You know what? I think it'll work.
- OK. Crack it open.
- Oh!
- Push.
- Come on. Come on.
- Hold it.
Yeah, that's right.
I remember bits of the day before
but nothing about the morning
it must have happened.
My mind's Swiss-cheesed,
but I get flashes of things.
Driving to work, you know,
and calling Hugo for lunch.
And you standing above me.
I remember being fired.
And then... a noise,
like, erm, like a high-pitched, er...
like a dog whistle.
- It hurt.
- Yeah, right. Yeah, it hurt. Yeah.
I thought it was a fire alarm,
and then the... person in front of me
in line doubled over,
and then I just fell to the floor.
Erm, it's a sedative,
but it's a protein, too.
- How'd you figure that?
- It kept us sleeping.
And pregnancy tests,
they detect complex proteins.
I just used one of those.
- I never would have thought of that.
- Why keep us alive?
Fresh meat?
Red gas is gathering
on top of the janitor closet.
Like in the sky?
They exhale it,
but I don't know what it is.
Tomorrow, when we go to Cooper's
dad's house, we gotta stop by my place.
- Mama's sick.
- Well, I wanna see my brother.
- OK. We can work that into the plan.
- You know, about the plan.
I've been doing some thinking
about my dad's, and, er...
Forget it. Sorry. Just... I'm tired.
OK. I think it's best
that we start preparing for night.
We'll work out a watch schedule
and rotate every hour.
Ow. It's... It's crazy.
You're not even sweating. It's...
I know it's been only one desk,
but you're a pretty strong guy, huh?
So you hear OK?
With the aids? The hearing aids, yeah?
I had ear infections as a kid.
So I'd lose my hearing, you know,
a couple of weeks at a time.
It wasn't the pain
that bothered me so much as...
It was a little lonely, that's all.
- Hey, what's the hold-up?
- Just feng shui-ing our hideout, man.
On three. One, two, three.
We were looking for bedding in
the employee lounge and I found these.
Er... They're for you, actually.
I noticed you're in heels.
We'll be doing a lot of walking.
Heels are loud.
You get what's happening here, right?
Hey, you want one of these?
I found them in a desk.
I don't even smoke, you know.
I figured, what the hell.
What a day, huh?
Hey, did you come
to our office Christmas party?
- No.
- Are you on match. com?
Sorry. I just keep thinking that I know
you from somewhere. I don't know.
Maybe your mom had your picture
in her office or something.
Can I sleep with you tonight?
I meant near you, OK?
I barely know you.
Suit yourself.
That's really good. I'm OK. I'm OK.
I got this area covered.
Sweet dreams.
That's disgusting.
Oh, Jesus! Oh!
You scared the shit out of me.
Oh, my God. I peed a little.
Well, I couldn't sleep.
I thought maybe I was hungry.
Well, you definitely don't want anything
in here, that's for sure.
I got a protein bar in my jacket.
- Here you go.
- You know, I work at WLBZ.
Oh! Oh, you're the weather lady.
- Oh, that's awesome.
- You know, we could go there.
They're hooked up to communication
satellites all over the world.
- We could see how widespread this is.
- Yeah.
We should bring it up to the group
in the morning.
Well, I mean that... we could go.
Erm... That's...
We can't leave them, though, right?
- I didn't mean...
- That's OK.
I just...
Hey, hey, hey.
Look, erm...
It's gonna be OK, alright?
We're gonna figure this thing out.
- Do you really believe that?
- Yeah.
I am so glad that we found each other.
What are the chances, you know?
I should... focus on lookout.
That's for you.
It's blueberry.
Open the door. Back up.
Is this a good idea?
Watch out!
- What was it doing?
- Calling for help.
It's time to go.
I won't be joining you.
It makes sense that someone remains,
wakes up as many people as possible.
It's what I need to do.
Guess you're kind of a loner, huh?
Me? What, because I'm 20 feet ahead?
That, and you haven't said very much.
What do you wanna hear?
Tell me about your boyfriend.
- Got it. Thank you for that.
- Got what?
The final piece
to the kind of guy you are.
Really? Wow. Do tell.
You're shallow. Solipsistic.
Pathologically witty to cope with
family stress. Father issues, obviously.
You consider yourself spiritual,
just so you can meet women.
Feelings weren't honoured in your home,
so you stopped developing them
around 14,
leaving you
severely emotionally retarded.
I prefer "challenged", by the way.
You know, I tended bar
in a little cantina down in Mexico.
- Got good at reading people myself.
- Take your best shot.
You grew up on a farm.
The boys found you quickly.
All those sticky fumblings
in the back of a car.
All the while dreaming of getting out,
getting anywhere, all the way to the...
The FBI. Cute.
- Silence of the Lambs?
- Yep.
You like movies?
I'm gonna walk ahead now.
Fine. I'll just walk by myself.
This is where you live?
- That's right.
- I'm gonna stay outside.
Er, me, too.
I'll keep an eye on things.
What the?
What's wrong?
I think she's dead.
What, from the cocoon?
They, er, they didn't web her,
you know. They...
I don't know. I don't know.
Maybe it's because she was too weak.
Or she'd already died.
You still have those smokes?
Yeah. Yeah, I still got... Yeah.
Hell, yeah, I still got those smokes.
I picked the wrong time to quit.
I'm worried about her.
Yeah. Ugh!
We're done here.
Is that a gun?
I'll... I'll go talk to him.
I'm really sorry, Al,
but, er, the gun, erm...
You know, if you use it,
there's only gonna be more of them.
Yeah, well,
in case we run out of options,
I wanna know it's with me.
He's fine. He's fine.
- Yeah.
- Come on.
I think it's just, you know,
like a safety blanket, you know?
- Right.
- Yeah.
- Like Linus, but with a 12-gauge.
- Yeah.
- Chad! Susan!
- Shh!
It's me! It's Cindy!
- Your brother's family?
- No.
- Neighbours.
- Why are they here?
Why are they all gathered
in a clump together?
Susan? Susan!
It's me.
- Susan.
- Something carried them here?
Or dragged 'em.
Come on. Wake up. Wake up, Susan.
Can you see me?
Don't just stand there. Do something.
Al, don't.
Chad. Chad, it's me!
- You're killing him!
- No shit!
- How bad?
- Oh, I've done worse shaving.
Oh! Oh, yeah, way worse.
- No more. No more.
- You sure?
I'm good. I'm solid.
- What the hell was that thing?
- Some kind of hybrid. Us and them.
Look, I understand them
wanting to eat us,
but how does that fit into their plan?
He was doing a job. Yeah.
Carrying little cocoons around.
Collecting them.
- I mean, that thing's screwed up.
- That "thing" was my brother.
I know. I'm sorry. He seemed nice.
Just shut up.
I've had enough of you people.
Even post-apocalypse,
I'm the drunk asshole.
God! A little warning next time, please.
- That's gonna sting.
- Oh. I get it. That's funny.
Listen, we're gonna go check
the doors and windows,
make sure everything's locked up.
Come on, son.
Listen to me. This is really important.
I need you to do me a favour.
If I ever turn into one of those things
and you're holding a shotgun...
...don't... hurt me.
Just run away.
I used to want something like this to
happen, some kind of cataclysmic event.
It seemed really sexy
for it to come down to, like,
me and a dog and a woman
and a muscle car.
We'd find a cabin in the woods and do
our part to repopulate the planet.
At night we'd, like, tell our feral,
spiky-haired little children
stories of, er, of "the before times".
When I was young,
before I knew it wasn't a real job,
I used to wanna grow up
and be a motorcycle girl.
That's awesome.
Seriously, I could totally
see you doing that.
- I have a confession to make.
- OK.
You are on match. com?
- No.
- Oh. Neither am I.
I'm not a medical doctor.
I have my doctorate. Erm...
Well, I'm getting my doctorate.
In what?
Got it. Thanks for that.
The final piece of the puzzle that tells
me the type of girl you really are.
I stretched the truth
because I don't like to be questioned.
Why not?
OK, you're right. I'm sorry.
That was a question. I get it.
- Hold still.
- Wait.
OK, I gotta know
a few things about you first.
When's your birthday?
I mean, what sign are you?
Are you stalling right now?
- Stalling?
- Yeah.
Why the hell?
No. I just wanna know what time it is.
- Where's the...
- It's time to man up.
No. OK.
Alright. No, wait, no, wait.
I really wanted to tell you something.
I lost my mom recently, too.
I, er... I know it... it feels, er...
I just wish that there was something
more, you know, that I could have done.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
I'm... really sorry.
You're lucky, Mary.
Oh, jeez. Oh!
I thought you heard me.
No. No, I was, erm... somewhere else.
- Cooper OK?
- Erm, yeah.
He passed out early on,
which was probably for the best.
- How you doing?
- Oh, fair to middlin'.
Na zdarovye.
We gotta get the world
back on its feet, Al.
Can't stand warm beer.
The way you took care of him,
you'd do the same for my son, right?
Of course. Why would you ask that?
Never stop being a parent.
My brother wasn't a bad man.
- I just want you to know that.
- Yeah.
Look, we all get that, you know?
I don't care what the others get.
I only care about you.
- Erm...
- Chad...
He looked out for me, you know?
I'm wondering who's gonna do that now.
I'm not... in the same head space... you are, you know?
- Yeah, but I could change that.
- No. No.
No. I don't want you to, OK?
I know some really crazy shit
is going down, you know? Heavy stuff...
Ow! Ow!
Ow! Ow!
- You OK?
- Yeah.
Hey, anyone else think
that plume of smoke could be their nest?
- Hm-hmm.
- Makes sense they'd have a home base.
Seems like some kind
of a focal point for them.
Sara, please stop
staring at the smoke.
If that plume is the nest,
my mom could be there.
Even if we went,
the chances that we would find your mom
and make it out alive, I mean...
If somebody you loved were there,
you'd go.
Well, someone who loves you
might not want you to go.
After your dad's, I'm not going
to Gibsonton. I'm going to the nest.
Just be quiet. They'll pass by.
Go to hell.
All of you can just go to hell.
What are you doing?
- Hey!
- Fuck. Cin... Cindy.
- Here I am! Right here!
- Cindy, please. Cindy.
- Shut your mouth!
- Come and get me!
- Come on.
- Down here! Take me away!
- Oh, God!
- Be quiet.
No! I'm in charge now!
- Here we are! Five of us!
- Cindy.
- God help me if you don't shut up.
- Hold on.
If you don't shut up,
they'll kill all of us.
Good! I want out of this nightmare!
For fuck's sake.
- She wouldn't shut up.
- Run!
Oh, shit.
- Don't let go!
- I won't!
Yo, Dad?
No sign of him?
No, no. He's, erm...
He's in the den.
He's webbed to his exercise bike.
- Don't you think you should go back...
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah, I know. I'm... I'm prepping.
I'm working up to it, OK?
We shouldn't be sitting on these.
They're... They're for looks.
Whatever. It's fine.
- Come!
- Dad! Dad!
Dad, what are you doing? I just told you
that they're sensitive to sound.
Oh, well, I'm sorry. Lucy's gone.
OK, I'm sorry, too, alright? I just...
You can't call for her, OK?
- What if that was you out there?
- It's not me any more.
- No, just your little sister.
- Don't call her that. She's a dog.
- She can take care of herself.
- Like hell she can.
She's got a bow in her hair,
for Christ's sake.
You know, I can't believe this happened.
Just when you were beginning
to get your career off the ground.
I'm gonna go make a meal, OK?
I'm sure you're hungry, too.
Do you have any maps inside, Dad?
In my office.
In... I'm allowed? I can unlock it?
Dad, I'm...
I'm sure she's gonna turn up, OK?
Is that local? What are you doing?
I can't read a goddamn thing
without my glasses.
- Maybe I could look at it first.
- Could you wait for eight seconds?
- Hey, how's the food?
- Mm.
- What?
- How's the food?
Oh, yeah. Good.
Goddamn. I left them in the kitchen.
In the kitchen? Dad, Dad.
Before you go into the kitchen,
can I see the map for a minute, please?
- Without me showing you how? No.
- How to read a map?
Properly, yes.
We're just gonna plot the quickest route
to Gibsonton. That is the original plan?
Well, yeah, the original plan
was that, but now some...
- The objective remains the same.
- There's been unexpected occurrences.
- Cooper, come on.
- Some serious shit has gone down.
Holy shit. Holy shit. Al?
Al, Al, Al!
Al! Please, Al, it's Cooper. Let me go.
Hugo's over there.
Hugo's right over there, Al.
- We're all friends.
- Put him down! Put him down!
Al, Al, remember your wife?
- Remember your wife?
- Mary.
Yeah, Mary. That's right.
He told me to.
I think
we should get out of here.
Those gunshots were loud enough to...
No, Dad, Dad!
Don't fire that gun again, OK?
Fine. I'll Tase his ass.
Wow. It's working.
- Die, you bastard. Die.
- It's really working.
- Goddamn it!
- You got that bad.
I'm OK, really. I didn't really get...
Hey, let's move.
It's not Lucy any more, Dad.
What are you doing?
Lucy. Weenie, Lucy. Weenie.
- It's not gonna work, Dad.
- Weenie. See?
Get the Weenie, Lucy.
Gee, Lucy.
Dad! Dad!
Come on! In the shelter!
Come on! Get your butt down there.
That was meant to be decorative.
Come on!
Hugo! Come on!
- OK.
- OK.
- Good night.
- What?
I'm glad your poor mother
isn't alive to hear this.
It's been a month.
You hear me? Hello?
Jesus Christ!
You could have killed me, lady!
That happens
when you wander blindly into the street.
- Well, I was about to cross.
- Yeah, illegally.
- Illegally. Are you drunk?
- Are you deranged?
God! I am parking.
You can't park in front
of the fire hydrant. You see it?
Wow, nothing gets past you. Alright.
Why don't we just call it even?
People like you, honestly...
Hey, pick a lane!
- Hey.
- You know, you're really...
No, no, no. No, no. Listen, listen.
My number. In case you decide there's
any damage to the front of your vehicle.
Oh, OK. And you just happened
to have it written down?
That's a fantastic question.
No. Mm-mm. No.
I was gonna give it to the girl
that works in my Starbucks.
And I offered it. She said no.
Can I get yours, too,
in case I wanna sue you?
Or ask you to dinner?
How about this... Cooper?
I'll leave it so that I contact you...
if I decide there's damage.
Well, I hope you do.
Even in a crisis, you sleep late.
I made some Joe.
You know,
I tried the shortwave this morning.
A few automated distress signals,
but no live broadcast.
I never heard that before.
- What's this?
- Oh, yeah.
Those hearing aids, they got fried.
The bug juice just toasted 'em.
Now, Hugo and I are gonna be ready
to leave in a second.
Put these on ASAP.
Camo? Dad, the...
the bugs are blind, Dad.
If we move at five miles per hour,
we should make it to Gibsonton
by sundown.
I think I should be involved
in the decision making from now on.
Cooper, come on.
You're here. You made it here.
Well done. Bravo.
Now, just drop your ego.
Let me take over.
Dad, look,
I was thinking last night, you know.
I was gonna say something.
I should have.
- I think I should go to the nest.
- What?
That girl, Sara, might be there
or might not be there, but...
- You have a plan to go to the nest?
- No, I don't, but... Look, I think...
Dad, I've never done anything in my life
that merits, you know...
I'm selfish. In fact, I'm solipsistic.
That's a real word. Look it up
in the dictionary. It's in there.
- I'm aware it's a word.
- OK, well, then...
Look, I don't expect you to go.
But I really think I should go,
and I don't think I can do it by myself.
- I think I need... I need your help.
- I think it's a crazy idea.
Of course you'd say that.
Of course you'd think it was crazy.
Because, you know, feelings
were never honoured in our home.
Let me tell you a little story.
You're an idiot.
Oh, my God. I'm done.
- Always a pissing contest.
- I've no time for this. I'm done.
Alright. So what do you want?
An apology?
If you did,
then what would that be for, huh?
I have no idea. You and your mother
were always the hypersensitive ones.
- I don't have those needs.
- Mom was not hypersensitive, OK?
See what I mean?
Would it kill you
just to admit for one second
that what I've done so far
isn't terrible?
Cooper, you just don't make
good decisions, alright?
Somewhere along the line,
you did not develop good logic skills.
Are you gonna take this innocent
with you on your suicide mission?
Hugo, you're gonna stay with my dad.
Thank you.
You've saved my life a trillion times.
Goddamn it, Coop! He's following you.
Hugo, stay with my dad, OK?
He's still following.
Hugo, stay with my dad!
- OK?
- Cooper, goddamn it! This is idiocy!
- Unit three to base.
- Go ahead.
- I got one, right in front of me.
- We're ready for him. Bring him in.
- Look, brother...
- Move.
I don't want any trouble, OK? I just...
I gotta be somewhere, OK?
- Is that right?
- Oh, yeah.
I can do you right here.
It makes no difference to me.
Now start walking.
Get going.
- You guys are cops?
- Basically.
Basically, what the hell
do you want with me?
Put you out of your misery, if need be.
Out of my misery? Would you?
Stop pointing that at me, OK?
Hey, hey! No one's talking to you.
Hey, quiet! Look, I'm not gonna have
any plotting on my watch. Is that clear?
Nobody's plotting. Listen, you have to
be stung to become a hybrid, OK?
They'll swoop down behind you
and get you...
- Base, this is Jed.
- Go ahead.
I thought I told you two
to meet me up front.
Yeah, OK.
Well, we had an unexpected arrival.
- Leechee?
- Leechee. S, Leechee. Leechee.
Get on in there!
And shut the fuck up.
- Move it.
- Separate 'em.
Put him in with the new fish.
Put him with the Spaniard.
- You have no idea who I am.
- You're this close to being nobody.
Back up against the wall. Now!
Come on. Get in there.
- Hey.
- Watch it.
Relax. Hey, listen, listen, are you...
Are you the one who's in charge here?
I gotta tell you something important.
There's a really easy way to figure out
who'll become a bug and who won't, OK?
Listen, it's simple.
You just check the lower back, OK?
If you've been stung,
it's just right here.
Just lift up his shirt. And then
we'll all be friends and stop fighting.
Shut the fuck up! Just shut the fuck up.
- OK.
- No, no. I think the kid's right.
Take me first. These goddamn things
are cutting into my wrists.
This isn't rocket surgery here. Come on.
Check us all and then we'll shake hands
and get to the work at hand.
Shut up.
- Go ahead.
- Attaboy.
What the fuck?
- Daddy.
- I'll snap her neck like a twig.
- That's my daughter.
- And that's my son.
Alright, you toss the keys over to him.
- Baby.
- Nice and easy.
It's gonna be OK.
That's my girl. Waste him.
No, no, no!
Baby! Baby!
Oh, fuck.
Goddamn son of a...
There must be a back door here.
Well, come on. It's gonna be
bug-a-palooza here in a second.
- Whoa!
- What?
- Candy.
- No, no, Dad, we have no time.
Maybe we do,
if we're gonna go into that nest.
You wanna do that?
If what happened to Albert's gonna
happen to me, I wanna go out in style.
- I don't think there's anything left.
- Yeah, maybe, maybe.
What are you gonna do,
make a citizen's arrest?
Let's see.
- Dad, we gotta go.
- Yeah, I know.
Well, hello.
Hey, Dad.
Let's use these.
It's faster than walking, right?
And just as quiet.
Hugo and I got about as far
as the end of the street this morning,
we passed this little dachshund,
all webbed up.
I couldn't just leave it,
so I unwrapped it.
Little damn thing
started barking its fool head off.
I was trying to keep its mouth shut when
I felt something drop down behind me.
Damn little dog.
It's pretty funny, actually.
You're enjoying this?
Yeah, sure. I'm in my element.
Haven't had this much fun
since Fallujah.
Fallujah. Am I adopted?
- Tell me about this game.
- What game?
The one Maureen was gonna fire you for.
It's pretty simple, really.
You call out to somebody when
their back's turned, you say their name,
and then, well, when they turn back
around, you pretend like you didn't.
Dad, it's just fun, OK?
Yeah, if you're six.
You know, your mother was proud of you.
No matter how much I argued
about how your life was directionless,
she was always proud.
I'd bitch about how you only had done
three semesters at the college,
but she said you always
had to do things differently.
She was proud that you made
your own way, followed your own path.
Oh! Look out!
I'm sorry.
Well, that's certainly gonna
lower property values.
- What do we once we're in there?
- Find a weak spot.
- The area that'll hurt 'em the most.
- And Sara.
Sure, if we can. Then we plant our bomb
and run like hell.
Oh, God!
Dad? Dad, what's wrong?
- I... My stomach.
- You should sit down.
- No.
- You gotta sit down.
I said... I'm sorry.
What the fuck are you doing?
I'd rather have you hate me
than be dead.
No, no. Dad, no. Dad!
Hu... Hugo! No!
Hugo! Fuck. Dad!
- Dad...
- She's gone.
The chances of Sara being alive
are zero.
- Dad, you can't do this.
- This is for you.
No, Dad. I wanna do this, Dad.
You don't understand.
- The keys.
- Dad...
You get out of here when Hugo wakes up
and you go away as far as you can.
- No, Dad!
- I love you.
Then don't leave me here!
Dad! Goddamn it.
Goddamn it!
Hugo. Damn it.
It's so dark in here. It's pitch black.
I don't know if we can...
We're OK. OK.
Thank you, buddy. Thanks, buddy.
Oh, hey, hey.
It works.
One, two... Oh, wait, wait.
Listen. Hey, listen to me.
I know you can't hear me, but I need
you to understand something.
You don't have to go in there,
but I do, OK? You don't have...
And you're going anyway. That's awesome.
That's fantastic.
Wait for me. It's dark.
Oh, God!
Sara? Sara?
Uh-huh. Yeah.
I'm Ethan. Cooper's dad.
- Oh, my God.
- It's OK. It's OK.
Here, I got it.
Oh, thanks. Now, the way I came in
will take you to the outside.
You take two lefts and a right.
And you be quiet and be quick.
I can't find my mom.
I'm sorry, honey.
I'm sorry. But, please,
you gotta get out of here now.
- She'd want you to.
- You'll be right behind me?
No, no. I'm not leaving.
I'm on a one-way ride.
Well, I'm coming with you, then.
I've seen the queen.
I can take you to her.
You know,
I can see why you two get along.
Hey, if we get Sara...
Oh! God.
Back up. Give me some space.
Go that way.
Hugo. Hugo. Hey. Are you OK?
Holy shit. We gotta get out of here.
We gotta get out of here right now, OK?
Hey, on your shoulder. Your shoulder!
They're biting!
They're biting me! They're biting!
She was here. I swear.
I believe you.
Alright, here.
You're gonna be needing those.
Alright. I want you to get out of here.
And that's an order. No argument.
Oh, God. Ethan!
Hey, Hugo. Hey, come on!
No! We can't let her crush the bomb!
Go on! Go get it!
Come on! Bring it here!
Damn it.
- Dad, come on!
- Come on, Ethan.
No, I can't. My legs are fucked.
- What?
- I'll hold her back.
- Oh, God.
- Shit. See that?
Remember to floss.
Now get out of here. Go! Go.
We're not leaving you.
I love you, Dad.
- Son!
- Yeah?
So that would be a point for me?
Yeah, it's a fun game.
- Cooper!
- Go! I'll meet you outside.
Whoa! Whoa!
Cooper, hurry!
Get him!
- I had the scariest dream.
- Bugs?
No. I was eating
pralines and cream ice cream,
but you told me
it was mint chocolate chip.
You were lying, but it wasn't you,
it was Hugo, Hugo was you.
You sat down and played this wonderful
Chopin piece on the piano for me,
but it sounded more like death metal.
Hmm. Yeah.
Speaking of hearing things,
we need you to hear something.
No buzzing?
Nothing's moved for hours.
That's awesome.
We're... We're like an item, right?
I mean, you know,
I just wanna slap a label on it
before we wake up somebody
far cooler than I am, that's all.
Is that even possible?
- So you're my motorcycle girl?
- Yeah, something like that.
- Whoa.
- Holy shit.
First I'm here
Then I'm there
And I know it's a drag
But I'm here
So let's stress
All the things that I say
All the things that I do
All the things I will tear
All the thoughts I will ruin
If something looks familiar
Looks familiar
Then something is wrong
There is one thing you should know
There's always two ways out
And my eyes
And my arms
And my legs are intact
And my mind, askew
Lost and unpacked
If something looks familiar
Looks familiar
Then something is wrong
There is one thing you should know
There's always two ways out
That's the worth
when the world stops spinning on
Dark times are cut
from different cloth
Are not the threads
that we are made of
That we are made of
As I lay in the grass
Knowing now things will pass
Now I know things will pass
So I glide
On this moment in time
If something looks familiar
Looks familiar
Then something is wrong
There is one thing you should know
There's always two ways out